• • .;. . . • r; . . t 1 , _ . 1 .. . •. .. • .• . 1 1 . . ••-;.. . . .. _ , _ , • . . 4 , -, • _ n . • • -•..• ~ , . • . - ~. . . ' ' l ." ! '••- '; ' .' •I', :- . ,-,n u:...'. - 1 ' . ~ - 1 • . . . . - , .-• . , . • • , . •: ' , . . ' , . - , , • , '''.. , ___ . , • ,i: -P., • , . i • , . - , . • ' 11M 5r .ea l , • , • i t • emoot);„. ...'A . , I: 44111111 :411 - P ' , , IC , . , . . , .._:_..,,,,,...,„,.: ~..)„,.........,....„, , . . ~ . ... , ..„... , , .., .., .._ ••!•••••••••••••mliall.1••••1111MIMINIMMINO , I - , . . • fi -• • • .:°--- ••• . • . . _ . ..., • , , i nit S., Tit.tCY.,' Publisher s , . . - , , . . s ' '‘UOVErtraiENT OF THE ipEOPLE Ht.:THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE." 111.50 a --,.-,...-t•- ••- , ~ . • - .., • • - • ~ - - 1 • i: . , VIII. VOL. • 4 1 tirAN . DA• BRADFORD COUNTY', PA., THURS D AY; SEPTEMBEjt 14.1882. • .4. . -,- . 1 ....., :..,........,,, ,\ .4., . *nett,. t . - • That very evening hiCrent over to the HOW TO WRITE FOR " , 0 I fl i aatts Adverttsements._....._ TIP - . ' i • mil, white house as - Ai_ bill, where, the I , ,Isstraethous so toll? 4sIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF Irmchesters lived, erra-70We Miss Albert= "ilea come for a long . vile 'And soon, stan d:" -. , Ufariligni Itepithlicatt . . l eg hi her pnamewp ; j-k,...oeuder, keyed "I was drivin - gthe nurses with George Then ere P r gii i , ' k h-a w as reta i n t h e it ari ef IA wrong; 11. Racket, Wells Fargo & CO.'s messenger for' the fie' i t , '. - gi.• - - and his bitter ifinppoishsentylif. .. .on the bias beside me," said haver Bank sides o' . - I. i':i'llihr:l Every fliiirsquy 4. If I t were w a y t i - tr i4e. h eia dd e d , e o n , Helm: "There were no passengers: We ate ,' • . • • - bi g the g i l t, w hit o =U spo i o); , i,i I had $lB,OOO in bullion aboard. The stage ,i' • • • • 1 l"row.o: DA, P.A., t , tlYi HOLC DIAB • & TRH CY. _• I) S i II , witoeretairetheinoniumy aniikt 7 40umary+ittui have ,Ivs • ewbeenheiree i d. bethis wae r,s s: dde p ro ped ,olarof ti s o bo tipa n os t iip 7 erin o' a c ipcn lock, d_amm abo ilee n roae t an fiv d e o myrr . , , • represented to you ao Mary, what are you, - - ie - eisi with me?'" point is level and the horses we , $1.50 Per .Itaustm, in A./easier. - . .4 .., , , ~ • v along quietly. Nobody word,' . , "Be your wife,. ingi. nromntl - sow open in hie Mammcith Double Store with • 'aiitLif you ... Aiw a i i,,.."_Ml. ~, '._ '', . 1 . " a robber in such a - place. ' • _., s full, fresh and complete Stock of fashionable , .Itlrci.ii..ing Rates--S'x cents a line for first . Wm answer inui a ' - -,- manstrative tin g sideways in the se ' , •41.-• rain, an I five cents per line for all sub of - one, and I 1611 Eta ut. k ,4110 - 41ur MAL% when a man ran out . ~., lit ii.•er it ins. Reading notice advert!, ilk ' ' s o, w h et , h e h,d - '- ' eirrit It aly * m a- the road and trig ~ rafts 1i r line. Eight lines constitute a, and turned h e r - the t i me ing horse. P fi - ''toW•towira ..i•iare, and twelve Hues au inch. Audifor'sl alig ht , mom in W e village hotetishtch v he now. call- ha t' it mser ~,,,,,.i. ,r2.:e. Administrator's and Eaecutor's " iiicts if t.'•‘ Yearly advertising slto.oo per ' ,ed 4.4 heine, he - felt If* ke ketd. chosen 1 0 11 % t,;.“....n.wiggly, Chosen well, andelfte rc it wet; the , wee TIC MAI' bLICAN is published in the Macy , tally choice possible...6,W • 3'...0ri• and Nol•Ics Block. at the corner p 1 Main lt.Art!*-- desertedr t .T. .0.1 I • Illi• Fire,ts, over J... Corer's Boot ond For.iwkat num - troa nt.'t 5 [ere. its circulation is over 2000. As'an - wcitian whom he loved, and; to who -0.,,,tt.:1.,,,,,,, medium ir it Mnexcelled in iill int t lir iiii betrothed, for the sake of 1130 D, mediate fiel•l. - • , True, there' aro lords of 1 .c•• • reason otherwise. ;And Edam , ... , . was one of nature's uobler ''" - ' ' % , insz i.d Ir-- c. l - r - ,y , • .. ~ .4. 4•..• A JO hi •ir . 414 . . to his sex. - Whoa Edmund I. ... .11TORA ErS-4T-LA W. , . , went to her owr ... ,1 ; ht.% Nil ti: '31. - GoV RN, (E. J. Ores/and the open wir t,_) i p' , N. ~..rern). Canton. Bradford ceuuty tight, ear ea ;ii ;•t...o.css entrusted, t • their care in lA. -.tern er.,tt• , rd will receive prompt attention. •g r . a..... • -- - - Ifalaria once having laid its , % ,„Mll'd .•, fi i 1.1.15, Attorneys- tit -Law; hold upon the human frame, thc. i. - 1 '' ier l• , i... 11. X. Co. • •1414): of the systemis thrown open --- • to nervous discus. ps. The body . ,-• ti li 1..) N., ogles - in Wood's Block, south weak and enfeebled absorbs no V-I .r•t • Ito.oal Ikilii, up stairs. June 12;48 ' nourishment, but Suboisting upon • tl, perhaps-But nO itself, the digestive organs no The School Boir - 1.-IlliLE t. s ,N IN C Eisttree and -L Elsbree; , longer perform their functions : Is absurd, a el therefox It Is bd ." , .2.7 - ii,u, , IS liercurs Block. Park St. suayll.lB theliver becomes torpid. and other I bribed a pollotedan to `.run 0 - Pni-,': ... ~y,- . ?. foN I /I.nj 3( Peek and D A Ob.r. work,speedilybecome disordered, -,, ~.. o.tn, over Hill's Market 0 arid dissolution and death are apt - So p ia L e t t I n a al um,. to ensue. vt. elt)N .N. s A .DEMON (E Overton and j , Am 'Not knowing wh ) ' U,ee.,,„ f. ~,., , t Mice in Adams Illock.julys 'it ' - • ' In addition to being a certain cure I'M liketa poor I , ' IVA Office taut Dayton's Store , . ~ for Malaria and chills and feller, To help me ••T , • i.V.I. april 14,76 . BROWN'S IRO BrrrEas ishighly - nut per'- ;:;, IT I recommended for all diseases requir- T; I s ItilEW. ()Moe in 114:811's Block. Alll,' apt 1.1.7 n ing a certain and efh`cient tonic; es- . re ,- ___ - , peciallyiridigestion,dyspepsia,inter- - 1 ) • la .0 11..4 4 1 i:N.. LiliAN k H ALL, i w T Davies. ---. mutent fevers, want of appetite, loss OW W 11 , .1, .an. L3l 11o11.) Othee in rear of strength, lack of energy, etc. '• : .v.r,!, ii..u. . .:ittrance ou Poplar St. (je12,75 I ' ..••• . ' Enriches the blood, strengthens tl , ,1 - EI: • • I'NEY A. Solicitor' of Patented muscles, and gives new life t ' A- l'.l • war attention paid to business in . nerves. Acts like a char ;.h3:l.,' C.ffirt and to the settlement Of estates. 11., ~ :o M•ditauye's Block 49-79 digestive organs - . It is r „Intl respectable dealer- I IT i I'll illtsl!I .v. - Vots -- (.. -- ( - f a rrift wim •sos ,M. a I‘.. f . li.eng. ) Office south side of Mercer's • , price, $1 per bottle i c::. fob 1.7 n . . . Be sure ar • I T ii-LT •tIS, ANGLE .k . BUFFINGTON. 411 N BROWN' I - . Williams, E J Angle and EI) Buffington).- - Take •- ,0. - e west side of 'Alain street, two doers north ,1 -tr;;l4 ,'ales, An business en trusted' tcetheir re will r , o ive prompt attention. oct 2b,77 1 A NIF- - ; 11, AND .101 IN W. CODDING, Atter ) , o :-. and ; ourtsellors-at-Law, Office in ,the , I. r.. ur Kock. over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. Also a full line o fBhelf and Heavy Hardsfare, julyS, 'BO EL a inn line of - LEN I_ l_ J. P, Attorne)-at-Law. Office in i '• moi.tan,le's Block, Main Street. Carriages, Platform and Lumber , ••• i .t. ,-,, 'el-ti_ . . . • Made by us with skilled wormer I Ili iIIP-aiN, W. 11. and E, A. Attorneys-at in dyer' , particular. ' Law. Towanda. Pa. Office in Mercur Block, s. r C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance !on Main- BEARDSLE' t•••• t. nrst, stairway north of Post-office. All -.- '••••••,•!•••`‘ Premptly attended to. Special attest - . n iiiren to claims against the Unitd, States Troy. April 2 7 • 1 ;' -.2 1.,:.5t0 , s, Bounties, Patents. etc . t iand to idlii non •sT,J, 1 settlement of decedent's es:atti. B LANK r Spr.l•2 t . l-:v _ • IENRY B. IVIMEAN, • ~. AT 1 0 itNEY.-AT-LAW, , ToiVANDA4P3 . - • so i •lA•r ‘ , l Pateti,Bl. (iovernment claims 31. ml• ii tl. (16fetn82 Mt liNfCANS AND SURGEONS. , : , lIINN I ON. 'r.t.,ATIS. Once .771r7ff! t r . P.,rt,rs's Drug Store. - feb 12,78 TIAVTCN, Drs. D. N. A:F.6. Office at Dwelling •ii. I: LI ,r. ,areet, curlier Weston St, feb 12,77 Voll, I'. E . M.D. OiiiC9 lit door ibeye, old :, bal; butldmg, on Main street . SpecTal &te a ti.a given to diseases of the throat and fu1y19,78 _ t •J '`l ) Ll'itN, N. 3f., M.D. Office llnd resi - d-Lce. Main Street, uorth of ACE.Church. e h.-al Lsanamer for i'ension Dreirtment. bb 22,78 • ‘INE, E. D..11.D. office over 31 mtanYe's st,re. Office hours from 10 to 12 A.m. and -:11 2 to 4 P.'sl'. Special attention given to • i.....44..Luf the Eyn. and Diseases of the Ear. • ,oct 20,77 .r.vN ER, H L., 31. D.. li ,, mmoe.er lite PIITAICIAN ft :3011GEON. n 1 letwe and office just north of Dr. Corbon's aul street, Athena. Pa. , ' ` - HOTELS.. - aL\ It HOUSE. MaSn .st. es, corner smith I 41 Bridge street. 'New house and new. Littire throughout. The proprietor has r-d wither pains or expense in making his .t,'. urst-class sad respectfully solicits 4 share P4L!ie patronage, Meals at all hours. Terms ser.4ile. Large Stable attached. r • 77 WM. HENRY. -1 SECRET SOCIETIES. - , . I, .tTEINS POST, NO. - GS, G. A. B.„ Meets ~ , c)-ry Saturday evening, at Military Hall. aro. V. MYER. Commander. 1: Tiirrutour., Adjutant. feb 7, 79 .11'\ - -i,t h A --- L 1. - I.:KIE. NO.-67. Meets at r.. c 1116.1. Ball every Monday evening at 7:30. In railet i 2,0001 Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver r.t..tial cost, 5 years experience. $ll. - , JESSE MYERS, Reporter. I . :l:nig:Dictator. ' feb 22.78 t - I- - ILAN - 1;11D LODGE. N 0.167, I. O. O. F. Meet hi (lid Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening 7 ili lock. WAnnEN HILL, Noble Grand. etn• :2,75 , 1(0 S E AND SIGN PAINTING. 1 Is 7, P. E. No. 32 SeCond street All orders a .I: receive prompt attention., June 12.35 l' ED UC.it T/ONA L.. - ---,---,---- 1 :•0'1:11ANSA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ' Tie sPitING TEESS.NviII begin Monday, rd i, l•sd. For catalogue or other Dina :l, 1.. address or call on the Principal. . EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Y 1 '• 7 • Towanda, Pa. PLU.SIBE'R AND GAS FITTER. I rilii.loll!""i6r=.l4 ll Aln e 1,11,1 Gas Fitter. /lace of business in Mar hl,.. 1: nest door to Journal office opposite 1•';‘: Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair- I'' , :tues of all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing rzptly attended to. All wanting work in his s'-ould give Lim a call. July 27,77 - , INSURANCE. 1 ._. , • . ts ~.„. 2 , . ~- : ~. •,, , ~ , .... .„ • •-9, 0 1 C •-* ..i. - ;1. • .;, .....) Of - --. i ""ef', ) '' ;'*) i. r --,e0:: , 0 (Nl' • 4 ' '''' • 1, ..• •-•- . s. . . Icv%••••`-•--• ' ~... ' t 1,, ,- - ft fl '. ..%:;• 44 - -:- ,r. • ' ''' -4 • t v„,, ..- A- ' ".," G -. 4., . ~i - .-, . . lie liaveAlli • ''• tit Been To n ~ ,i •. aEELEyia . - ~-i ~ ...._ ... .... _....._. -.---„,==. . . 4 . oki - .... - .. -- . , rip . . Itell had One of Eris tr . 4. c • C. S. general Inenrance Agenc.T, TowsLaa, Pa. Office in Whitcomtet Book July 12,76 CENT DINNERS New Adverttsements. Double Store. NOS. 1 AND 2 BRIDGE Sr.. J.K.BESH fa now open in his Mammcith Double Store with `a full, fresh and complete itock of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing, P-ent's F u rnishing Goods, Hits, Caps, Trunks, Travelincr6 6 Bacrs' Umbrellas, Etc. Suits of all- Grades f6r .Men, Boys, Youths and Children: Our rents have been obtained •on the' most favorable terms. and our current expenses re duced to the loWest possible minimum. we pro pose to give our customers the benefit of theme Reductions by putting our prices' at Lower Fig ures than ow other Clothing House in Towanda. We invite!. careful examination of our stock and price., whether wishing to buy or not. t We can satisfy, the closest buyer of the truth of what we say. • WE MEAN BUSINESS. CA] and we will satiety you. • ' • 11R;,liettietriber, Noe' 1 and 2; Bridge Street • J. IC. BUSH. Torinca, Pa., April 10, 1882, . 4 yr I • ROY, PA. We keep on band constantly for builders. LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETLNG PAPER, 'PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ciIESPE= IC N•AIIS 4110 WAGON MAKER'S S UPPLIES 11., Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs, Thins, Poles ' _ Carriage Trimmipgs. Also a tuil line of Shelf and Heavy Ilardafare, and a full line of Carriages, Platform and Lumber Wagons, Made by ns with skilled workmen, and warranted in evers , particular. BEARDSLEY & SPALDIISTO, Hardware- Dealers. Troy. April27.ly B LAN K BOOK MAUFACTITRER AND I .BOOK BINDER, pipgit. RULER, &c Alfred J. Purvis, - 131.-Geht.!-ser Vtiert, UTICA. N. yi •-_ All work in his line done well and!proMPUT at lowest price. }Vile' hiving volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost Price. All orders .given to. J. J. Scanlan; Agent for Bradford County, will be promptly' executed ac cording to directions.. • stp)-tf . 46 4 ii:CO. • ;L.:. .ROSA i • ' . • . ' t • . t. . : • • . Now occupies the Corner Stow!' opposite Dr. H. C. Porter's Drug Store, Main Steen; with a large Mock of , . . . . , , , • aII-1 0C Z. iz , , - n . ..,, , , , . ~ ~. , 'OF THE BEST QUALITY.' , my. Ross has ANOTHER STORE ONTILIDOE Smirk.? J. L. Sohoonover is clerk. The two stores are connected byllelephone. Mr. Hon can now feel satilded thatjhe can give the .. r ... . ' . Ai. , .. , .'i-- .) i , : . BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY , 7.-- - - Ilikexperience enables :him to select the best goodie, whfc be is bound to self at a LOW PRICE. You can alw ays get a bargain if 'You ; 1 . BUY.. YOUR GROCERIES AT pass's. . . 4, ~• All goods delivered in the 'Hormigh FREE. FARMERS will do well to rail with•tbeir Produce and get the CASH. , 1 ; - 2ltapiB:l-Iy. M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, MN - Is still to be found st the OLD STAND -.71L11X-STRI;ET, Next door to Dr. B. C. Porter's Drug Store WITH A FULL LINZ OF FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS W A'R'CHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLikSSES, CLOCKS, FROS THE OHEAPEST TO THE BEST /Or ALL OF WITCH WILL ZE BOLD AT . TEE yEBY LOWEET'PRICES, • • Clocks. Wretches and Jewelry proiiiptl7 'mitered D 7 an experienced mid competent workman. , M. HENDELMAN. septlbtf Miscellaneous Adverttienlents. Double Stock. . .. • 1. Malaria is an almost ipt- describable malady ivlitch - not even the most talented physicians are able to Nth om. - Its cause is most tic- , quently. ascribed to local surroundings, and there is ' very little question; but this opinic t n is substantiated by facts. 'Malaria does not nec essarily mean • chills 'and fever while these troubles 1 usually accompany it •• It, , - often cectsthestiffererwith - ` - general; lassitude, accom. pani9d' by loss of appetite, sleeplssness, a tired feeling and i a high fever; *the per son ...fflicted growing weak- ; _ er i.. I weaker,-loses flesh day ' fter day, until he 7.. b ecomes a mere skeleton, a • . shadow of his former self. ?•falatio: once having laid its hold upon the-human frame, the. • door of the systemds thrown open to nervous disarm. ps. The body weak and enfeebled absorbs no ' nourishment, but rubisisting.upon :itself, the digestivE organs no longer perform their functions the liver becomes torpid, and other organs failing to do their routine work,speedilybecome disordered, and dissolution and death are apt to crauc. In addition to being a certain cure for malaria and chills and feVer, BROWN'S IRON BITTEns is highly " recommended for all diseases requir ing a certain and elli`cient tonic; es peciallyindigestion, dyspepsia, inter- - mittent fevers, want of appetite, loss of strength, lack of energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the ° nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs. It is for sale by 101 l respectable dealers in medicines, price,' $t per bottle '7) -Be sure and-get the genuine BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. . Take no other. NATHAN TIDD, PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE FOOT or PINE EtEltEr; NEAR COURT lIOUSE TOWANDA, PA: • , • The patronage of my old friends and tiO pribl .tnerally is solicited. " • Various Causes— AIM - int:dug years. care, sickneSs, pointnient, and hereditary prediSpiosi; operate to turn the hairlgray;-.. and either of them inclines it td(shed prematurely.; A YEWS H.tnt .VIGOW will: restore faded; or gray. light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softeasand cleanses the scalp, giving it healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. lly its' use ; hairh is checked,. and a.nd\v growth wilt produced in all cases , where the foliiiieS are not de stroyed or the glands 'decayed: Its effects arc heautlibily shown on brashy ; weak; or sickly hair, on which a few applications will, produce the gloss and freshness of youth. harmless and sure it( its results, it is incomparable as a dressing,_ and is especially valued for the soft lustre aud richness of tone it imparts. AYER'S imparts.. Vmon is - . colorless; contains neither oil nor' dye; 'and will not soil or color white cambric ; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keep' it fresh .and. vigoiotis, imparting aa agreeable perfume. , 89r sale by all druggists.' T. INTUIR GROG atIES_ Tile place to sive money b owing chatp Mit Too reapectrally announce tO the public nett ' they have a large ataell'of FLOUR. l'EF f p, MEAL. ORAIN BALT,' MU POttll.and PROVISIONS gtmenly. "I WOODIER WitUE, such is BUTTES TUBS. PIS use. mama. YTO. Jut received,a large stock of' Saganr, Tess, Coffees. Spices, MOTILSOWS PURE SOAP, the best In the market• sad other makes of soap Syrup and Molasses, which they oer at low prices for Cub. ; wet 26 77 'Nothing Short Of; Unmistakable ' Benefits Conferred upon tensl i of thousands of sufferers could originatd and maintain the reputation which AYER'S SAWA.. rAnn.4t enjoys. It is a compound of the r be - At vegetable alteratives, with the lodides of e' Potassium and Iron, —all peiverful, blood-making, blood-cleansing aud life-sustaining- 7 and is the most effectual of all remedies . for scrofu lous, mercurial, or blood disorders. I:rnifonnly successfhl and certain, it prOduces rapid and complete cures of Scrofhla, Sores, Boils, Humors, Pim ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disorders arising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating enhets it always xelleves and often cures Liver complaints, Female Weaknesses. and Irregularities, and is a potent renewer of waning vitality. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores , and preserves the health, and imparts vigor, and energy. For forty years it has bee in extensive use, and is to-flay the , most available medicine for the buffering sick. For sale by all druggists. • -1r 1,1 TOWANDA. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1882. MALARIA , -,,V' (Successor to Ur. McKean.) DEALER IN AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, , sir LOWEST PRICES YOR - CASII. r ig. I I STOP AT FOR AND PROVISIONS.;; flonsei iatn and Fr... Alta Eitirwts . . _ TOWANDA. P 4. • . _ . We nave also added tokrair &toe% i Torte.) , or - , 1 I ' 1 • THE CLERIC OF THE WEATHER: . Such lots of queer stories by people are told; Who mix history and fancies together, i :J That, with your permission, I mean to Mahe bold, And talk of the Clerk Of the Weather. ' 1 i r-- 4 t _ Bea an orphan by birth; an d I'M rather braid No schooling his childlibod attended. (There's no opposition you know in his trade; So I can't see how things can be mended) i • ' tle don't care a straw bow imalt may blow.l Or if ladles can't wear a new bonnet, Though the sun may be shining ho Fives us Some Mow. • And sometimes a downfall upon it. If you wantla'flne day .it Is am to rain nal . % Or than*, hall, sleet, tree te;together; How often Of pleasures we all get dlsbarrd 1 Through•thla obstinate Clerk of the Weather The Idouinaes never with him do agree , — He works by the mien of contrail": 1 I'd buy him an; eyeglass If then he would see , How often these statements do vary. ! I often have wondered;Wherever he lives! And whop this immortal engages! Does lie eat, dunk and sleep? And . whOls ti tUrdatrZirentngthkt smote - Pre asked for his photo', but luut no replg Perhaps, though, my letter m'smrried r His " missus " most. likely could give reason why (That's if the poor beggar is married). One thing Dallis favor I cannot let pass, Because It appears very tunny— Although.he's a rascal, It's as dear as a glass He never comes borrowing money. We may say what we like, but we have to admit! ' When we get to the ehd of our tether, The'elenients quietly seed to submit To the voice of the Clerk of the Weather. An evil exists; but what Is the cute? And how should then ed'elne be taken? I'm quite In a lLt for au.swers,l'm sure Ile ought to be jolly well shaken. The School Boird, perhaps—But no, the Idea; Is absurd, a ut there ore it is banished. I bribed a poilm.raan to ".rnh him In" here ; But the coin and the "peeler , have vaulshei. So I'm lett In a middle, oirather a fog, 'Not linowing which way to be eurning I'm. 11I:eta poor blind man without e'er a dog To help me a thing to be earning. Dot perhaps alter all I am all In the nark, And only a thadow been eh athig ; IndlgOlon I lmethues do sufferbut It isn't brought on by Ught -• I bate to be beaten, and will not say die,- (I'd rather get tight on stewed leather.) I'll purChase post-card and write Win "good. bye; • =MI forgive you, dear Cler} et, the Weather." I - AUNI ELEANOR'S WILL. " And to my nephew; Edmund' Harting n, I give and bequeath the residue of my tate, personal property, stocks, etc. (after e above legacies aro deducted) with the 'le provision that ho marry my niece, , rtha Lang, within one year after my SE9I A rourtunri of surprise went round the Tun as Lawyer Dent folded the formidahle loaking document, and turned his keen, gray eyes upon the ~a.ssembled grofip, who were gathered in the little, plain parlor, .to listen to the reading' of Miss Eleanor Lang's will. • I "That is all," tie remarked, gra4ely, "the List will and testament of our good,. old friend, bliss Lang.". . . " It is infamoua!"eried Edmund Harring ton, springing to , his ;feet, his dark eyes flashing, ; his handornelace full of iuditoa tion.. Rat era decided expression, Mr. Ear r igton,r obseriled the old lawyer. "You right-.¢o. fnrtherl and fare worse than to miry Bertha Lang. , I 'know her, and you have never met her, eh, have you?" And lie glaticed.searching,ly iuto the per turbed fare of the young 'pan. "No,•sir; and what's: more, I do not wish. to. i ! The truth it:, Mr. -Dent, I ism dis appointed ; I shlknot deny it. 'Aura Eleanor repiesented herself to me as my best friend. She it;was wbo reared me frOm my boyhood ; I thank her, and shall alwaYs revere her memory for her kindness to me. Still, if she had never mentioned her inten tion of leaving me her money. I ,would not ti.ve expected it, pr thought,of uefi'a thing. It is very unfair, his and'l -deelMe to have anything . to lc! with " Humph! young man, When you are as old as I am, and have Seen,aa much of the world,' you will not be so . quick to refuse fiftylthoustuad dollars fora Mere whim. Go and call on Miss Bertha Lang. She lives in Lyell avenue, in the city of • Go and See her, my boy, and I% warrant' you will Change your mind in r9ferenee to the mat rimonial project." • ' 1' "1 never will !". Edmund Harririgtoti cried, earnestly. " Listen, Mr. Dent ;I am engaged to be married already." " Ali, indeed ! Well, of course that alters the case," said the•old. lawyer, ,rubbing his white hands together briskly as he spoke, hipxiilters the case, my boy, and I am exceedingly sorry, exceedingly. Who is the •giri ?" added, abruptly. Miss Mary Atherton,'' replied 'Edmund. "`;She also is from It—, and has been visit. itiithe "Winchesters here, friends of mine, yen know. Aild the worst of it, the moat unpardonable part ; is, that Annt Eleanor knew all along how matters were between Miss Atherton and inyself, and seemed any thiirig but "displeased. Though, of course, bad it been otherwise—that being a matter for my own private en gineering—it . would have made no difference to me." . 1 2 0 f course not," said the old lawyer, gri ly. And Edmund began to think what a disagreeable old man Mr. Dent was getting to be. "So you are determined to refuse fifty thousand - dollars for the sake of the other girl, eh, Edmund?" the lawyer ' quer. led, watching the young \ man earnestly, meanwhile from - under his bushy brows " . t is to be hoped that your fair inamorata h j a fortune'of her own, for you, I believe, po seas little, since you madly persist in 'lowing away your aunt's bequest." " I Miss Atherton is as pOor 'as I," returned Edmund, with quiet dignity,, '"but I can take carei,of her; I have •my business, and wiih eneigy and perseverance, will be able, to • increase If. She shall never regret her cboice, if :d can help it, Mr;Dent." . " Ahem !", •-• • • _4 I • 'The old _lawyer seemedlo have in k obstrue= Ilan in his throat which required a great atikount cif coughing to vanquish A And when at length he wa,l restored to quiet, it *ai only in time to receive Ed.', mund's adieu, and there - the other legateed departed,- satisfied with their share. Mies Eleanor Lang, who bad lived "in maiden meditation, fancy free,' and had died at the mature age of seventy Ave, had been the possessor of a considerable fortune, which, with the exception of a few legacies to friends and old servants, was ultimately to become,her nephew's. 11 Ho was a noble,- upright, honorable man, and he , bad entertained no idea of depending upon his' aunt, or his great expectations. He did not believe in waiting for dead men's shOes, or's dead woman's either; so he bad started, in a modest way, as a merchant, and was doing quite well at the time. "of his aunt's death. And then to find the promised fortune , bequeathed to him, but with an uncermfort; able appendage which he had not expected. Besides, he was engaged to the sweetest lit tle woman in the round world. He felt justly indignant, and resolved to have noth ing to do with anything which,had be4iged to Eleanor. Levi, Braker. =1 ■ • That very evening `li went over to the , peal, white house du Ai: bill, where the lirmehesters lived, and ti fete . Ades Athettcn T had come for a long, iiile,: , 'And soon, staid! ! . iilg in her ' presence; ***der, ilaikeyed gal, he was relatieg theetory (if h wrongs, lad his bitter itis m osition4g "If It were only n'tylidt,7 be added, gasp.. in the girl's whitshaudilailutepoke ; '"ig I were the only one , m- - . 04 , /pay, r would not cue much. 'llizt y ~yo n- 4 have been represented to you all . _ _ ,'Xiewe's beir. Mary, what are you, - lod# with me?" si l ins "Be your wife,!:! IOW: ' i promptly, "if.Lif you—want tesie:'= ,- r , Wm answer mei a ' - -,- 4stricmstrative one, and I will net at*gilcielunmota So, when he had 1:00 - 4 siiik Mary .good .tight, and turned his faeeito ws rd the little room in tile village luateCOlch he now call ed his home, he 'felt thik he bad chosen wisely, Chosen well, andliult "Ili the tally choice possible 10 1* . ' ~ • FerAvhel mau - wonlitAidi- deterted the iiiiiiiiii - Whose he laved, a n d to whom he am betrothed, for the sake of money ? . . True, there' are lords of creation ;Who reason otherwise ; . but Edmund Harrington was one of nature's noblemen; and an.honer to his sex. When EdthUnd had gone, Mary AthOrton went to her own room, and sitting down by the open window, gazed out into thb Moon. tight, very thoughtful, very grave.;: " Dear Edmund," she exclaimed, aloud, how noble and good he is.`} God blesshim and reward him, 'and Indeld, I kno7 •Ho will." The next time that, Edmund called ,upon his betrothed, he urged her to appoint the wedding-daq. She was an!orplian andiilono in the world ; she had no one to, consult', and . wa s so it all arranged. i. The wedding-day dawned clear and cloud f tess. " Ibtppy is the bride that the 'sun' shines on," whispered Edmund, as he met Mary in the little village church with . no one present; save the. Wincheisterts, the , old geutlemit!, himself having requested the honor of giv: lug away the bride.}'. , Lawyer Dent was, present also, his ',kind 'old face shining with satisfaction. The ceremony was ended; and Edinntsb Harrington and the woman of his choice: were pronounced man and wife, and, accord ing to custom the newly-wedded pair stepped into the vestry to sign their , names to the register. , Edmund seized the pen and dashed off his signature. Then the bride bent over, the page', and began slowly to truce the hitters of her name, the bridegroom sneansithile leaning over her shoulder, and watching the pen as it wrote : .i;i3ertha Lang." ' - He turned and confronted his wife, white to the Very lips. - ":What does this mean?" be gasped, " tell tne,.winst dOes it *neon?" Shciamiled, but the tears 'shone in her eyes. "It means," she said, softly; "Butt I have deceived you, have won your heart under fnlse pretences. That I am the woman whom good, old Aunt Eleanor desired yon to marry, and I have been forced tf, listen to your anathemas against myself,' And know how you detested my very name .. Edatruad, I am Mary Bertha Ding, ah, you did not ob. sere when• the clergyman spoke my name, It during the ceremony 'just now, and for 1 the sake of proving your worth, and testing your disinterested. nature, • I ;allowed not Eleanor to ,coss me into; using my mother's maiden name of . Atheiinn. Are' you rely angry, my husband ? Yon hove won ;the woman yon love, and Aunt. Eleanor's for. tune, after all." • - He caught her in his .arms'; ho bad no words to utter; only a sincere prayer of gratitude went up from his thankful heart. And.old Lawyer Dent rubbed his fat hands together, and,ebuckled to himself. . Edmund did not'consider him at . all nu..- . pleasant or disagreeable, now, but• a clerer old fellow, for be had been in the secret from the first. I • 7 I And thus, in her eccentric way, bad Aunt Eleanor proved the ring of the true metal, and the reality of,Edmund Har t rington's love for her favorite, niece.-3fra. , E. Buike THE DRUM DOG POUND. 4 I often 'think. as , I wander astound New York, observes the; "Hermit" of the Tro' Times, how little is known of, its curious, nooks and by-platt, of which one only hears by an occasionally; paragraph.: There is, for instance., the deserted market, foot of - EaSt Sixteenth I street, and its- entire precincts, which has so lonely a look , compared with the_general activity of . the Cityl !Close by is the dog pound, a long wooden. structure One story high, and appirently neglected by all but thellog catcher and his *ictims.• On entrance I found myself An a Lallge but shab by office, where a dull-looking /clerk sat; at the desk, his duty being to receive dogs and . pay the prescribed fee. He ' said business was slack; bat I had already ii;ferred this from his listless,' stupid countenance, and he added that qit didn't pay to catch dogs at thirty cents." Noticing a help of stale bread on the floor, I asked its rise. "That's what wst feed the dorgs on," vissi the repli "Rather hard feed," was any, irrepressible remark ".Nell," said he; "After a dorg has been here two days he'll ear anything. Go in and take a look at 'cm," he •added, pointing to a door, -which I opened and stepped into a long apartment with alleytt running its full length, on either side of which were kennels, each containing a dog fastened by a cord. ' "They're dAwndite on 'em now outside," said the attendant, pointing to a door, and passing out ' I saw, two men emptying a huge iron crate which they had jost landed on the dock. It was a dreary scene—no life,' no activity, nothing but the two' men pitching out the dead animals, which are thence) sent to Barren Island and rendered into fertilizini materiaL A LUCKY STEAMSHIP LINE. " Ur. Guiott has made ti mar v elous run of Inch in getting out Hie' Arizona mind 'Alas ka," writes the Buffalo Express 'correspond ent. "His line was confe e sedly running out, when a big shipbaDding film, 1 which was doing nothing at the time, affairs being very dull and prices of material very IoW, offered to build him a passenger ship gruannteed to be faster than any in existence, and likewise guaranteed to carry a certain, •amount ,of freight, sit a price and on terms never offered before. They did &hi l to lump hold of their men tall better timeershoidd come. The Wil roc Hams d; Gaion Line p' , whirl has stocik holders on both sides o flie Water,' &war aged by the dull times the loop! two of their boats within competitively a 'brief pe riod, declined the offer, WherenpoPMr. Gni on is credited with sayipg it thel meeting called to consider the *opwitioP, ' Well, then, ru buy her myself; and the line shall charter and run her: tae (`theirs.' This was done. Soon the Arizona Was the 'pride of the harbor. ' Then the same ,shipird and compiny built the Aktskis; Whose perfor. =noes, as your readers know have eclipsed everything on record, and now; the Gulon Line is altogether the favorite, auf its. for tunes bloom and blasenit."-, i 1 , 1 1 • • A STAGE COACH ;INCIDENT. Driver Hank lllel:tits Stor3ref n'Broslt *hi a Bead Agent. • "I was driving the horses with George M. Hacket, Wells, Fargo & CO.'s messenger, on the box beside me," said .driver Hank Helm. "There were no passengers: We had $lB,OOO in bullion aboard. The stage was stopped about 7 o'clock, about five miles this side of Da Porte and a mile and a half beyond Diamond Springs. - The road at that point is level and the horses were trotting along quietly. Nobody would expect to and a robber in such a place. Hackett ; was sit• ting sideways in the seat, talking with me, whenn man ran out from - the left side of. the road and tried to catch-hold of the lead ing horse. He was a small. man, in size and habit resembling Franiifanning, of Marys ville. He wore a linen duster, and his face was covered' with a big white mask.' As soon as I eaw him t whooped up Unhorses, .withnview to get -past' hint,-but- the; lest horse was frightened and . swung off to the right side of the •road and against the side of the bill, stopping the team. The nian car ried a double-barreled shot-gun. He didn't say a word and didn't raise his gun, but car. ried it in one band ha ging by his side. As soon as Haekett could get his gun ready' he fired. The'iun was loaded with buckshot. The robber then made a motion as if to shoot, but 'didn't seem able to get his gun to his sherdder. He then ran around to the. other side of the leader; and I 'yelled to Hackett to '' sock it to him.' Hackett then fired tbe contents of his second barrel over the heads of the horses; The robber then to •lz to , his heels.- He man down the hill htraight away from the road. Hackett jumped down and ran after him 'a short dis tance.- Hackett • trod a button 4 glove c on his left hand and' bud his cartridges in his left pocket, so that'll° could not: reload his tpln in time to get another shot et the rob r.' When he saw that pursuit ' was hope ess he-came back to the stage.? We picked - the robber's hat iu the road.: It was a ' ft hat, of black felt, very old and weather. katati and full ot.ragged rents. ' It had four fresh buckshot boles in it, with - hair sticking to some of them. The man's hair was light in color, streaked with gray. As he ran down the bill he tore off his mask and I no. ticed that be had a bald spot on the top of; his head. Hackett had' no pistol with him., If he bad had %pistol, he could Pave droP ped the robber easily. He can drop a rab bit at a hundred yards with the big pistol he generally carries. •Thi3 robber was no doubt green at the business.. He never opened his mouth, and instead of covering us with hie gun and singing out, ' Throw up' your hands,' as `an old hand would have done, he just made a tarici of himielf. 'Neither Hackett nor the yobber said a word. The whole thing happened in half a minute."-- MaryrCflle Appt:al. ;THE VIRGINIA ACCENT. The Virginia accent is made fine sport of by moss Northern pens writing of the habits and manners of that class which frequent resorts lie the ;White Sulphur and the" Old Point." It does seem absurd andunshebedic as written. But you cannot write it phone tically— We attempt it. with "Soh". tor 'fair," and with an elision of the final letter. , as in "do" for "door'" They and the like give really no idea of this Southern pro nounciation. I have never met a person who, having , an acquaintance with a Virginia lady or...gentleman of cultivation has not ibeen charmed with the quaint and' sweet faShion of speech' that prevaiih froin the James to the Shenandoah.. tiseen to it on the piazzas and in the parlors or l -this, hotel, where are' gathered . representatives of the best people in the State. They speak slow ly, their voices are low and well attuned, "a" *always broad, and the " r," ing a vowel, is rarely . sounded, It is pro vincial, but doubtless no candid observer bad not rather have even this' provincialism try his eats than . the i high pitched, incisive tones that one hears at any given resort in the North. But ite-trukruls queerly enough as it salutes you when you enter 'the hotel doors, and amuses you whenever you may pass two or three Virginians talking togeth. er. It is as it you were among another pea ple—rather as if you had fallen among a company of foreigoers who have learned, tc speak English 'very perfectly, but cannot rid themselves of f ri strong remembrance of the mother tongue: Then there are the two Shibboleths of the Southern man, or Twoman --" I reckon" and the: "oh "- that seldom fails to prefix an address. " Oh, John 1" Calls the wifeta herhnsband. "Oh, Mare 2" calls out the young girl to her companion in the water. Some °mhos said that it is as impossible for a Southerner ever to Unlearu this habit, as it is for a Frenchman to thor oughly master the English " th." ,He who is born South of Mason and Dixon 4 a line, though he spends his 3-Oath at Northern Schools and his mature life in Northern cities, Must betray his birth at one time or another by this one fashion of speech. But if he of Provence can never be thoroughly Parisian,• what matters it ? Provence is a very good country indeed and there is that in' Paris, outside of its accent, which is neither punt Dor fit to be imitated in Provence. THE BEST TEACHERS. - The best teachers are the aged. To the fold our mouths are always partly closed ; we 'must swallow our obvious retorts and listen. They sit above our heads, on life's 'raised dais, and appeal at once to our respect and pity. A flavor of the old school, a tench of something diffizent in their mannewhich is freer and rounder, if they come otwbat is called a good family, and often more timid and precise if they are of the middle' bes— serves, in thesie' days, to accentuate the dif ference of age and add a distinction I to gray hairs. Bat their superiority is foundmore deeply than by outward marks or - g They are before us in the march o ;man ; they have more or less solved the irking problem ; they have battled through the equinox of life ; in good and evil th'.;,have held their course ; and now, witho ut! open shame, they near the crown and harboi. It may be %relieve been struck with one of fortune's darts;.we can , scarce be civil, so cruelly is our spirit tossed. Yet, long before we were so much as thought upon, the like calamity befell the old man or woman that now, with pleasant humor, rallies us upon our inattention, sitting composed in the holy evening of man's life, in the clear shining after rain. We grow ashamed- of our dis tresses, new and luit and coarse, like vlilain ous roadside brandy ; we see life in aerial perspective, under the heavens of faith, and out of the worst, at the meirp presence of contented age, look forward and take, pa. tience. Fear shrinks before them u like a thing reproved," not:the flitting and hie& fectual fear of death, but the instant, dwell ing tenor of the responsibilities Dud re. vanges of life. Their speech, indeed, is Timid; they report lions in the path ;, they counsel a meticulous footing; _ but their 'serene, round faces are more eloquent and tell another story. Where, they have 'gone, we will go also, not very greatly fearing ; what they have endured unbroken, we also, dal helping us, will malts a ehift to bear. NOW TO WRITE FOR NEWSPAPERS. bestroetleno ow to Armoring Copy for the Painter. There are several reasons why manuscript for the printer should not be written on bath sides of the paper. • The chief one, and a sufficient'one if there were no other, is that it is often necessary, or at least best, partic ularly ht . a newspaper composing or type setting room, for the foreman to divide the ." copy 7 or manuscript into small . portions, called "takes each including not more than a printer's Stickful of matter, and " pay it out," that is, deliver to a number of com positors, or typesetters; in different parts of the mom. A "stick," is an iron gauge set to the width measure of the column to be filled, in which ,competitors set their type. A stickful will fill about two inches in length in the column. - A closely written page of letter paper will mike from one and a half to three stiokfals, or takes ? of such is _its, thitatttele is get : 'lf the page is written on one side only, t i foreman can cut the page into the propel. number of, takes, num bering them es he pays them out to compos itors, so aslo insure the proper arrangement of the matter when it is brought together Again after these different persons have set it in type. Bat, if the manuscript is written on both sides, such division of it into takes,. if not impoSsible, is at least much more' dif ficult, and apt to read to confusion and de lays, or to blunders fl mortifying to writer, editor and print But it is not only the printer who is e mbarrassed; , the proof read. er, who has to read the proofs by copy, is put,to extra trouble. If printers aro every profane, they are apt to betray this weak. ness when they g 0 a piece of copy written On both sides of the paper.' Ch4stian con. tributors 'and all sounds asimlists should bear this M mind. It frequently happens, t the priating offices of the great dailies,. .that, after all , the rest of the paper is in type, several columns of telegrams or other special matter are' sent, in just before the last form is ready-to go to press. To avoid delay, this maltor is divided Into four or five.lino takes and distributed among forty or fifty compllsiters; 'whereas, if such matter came i written on both sides of the paper, such rapid despatch" would be impracticable. • These reasons are sufra cieht - to justify the editorial rule under consideration. any peculiar genius' -.despises' it, let I him reflect that many a fine piece of en mposition . has gono intc, the waste riper basket because this rule was not observell: How many writers have died oiu obscurity. 4 (.. wh might, but for this one shortooming;,, have become immortal there is no sufficientipace here to record.—Chicage luter.Ocault AC'T'ORS AS'AUDITORS. Regarding a recent " filist night" of 'a new play in this city a correspondent of the Boston Herald says I watched this audience of professionals with considerable curiosity, and foundhat they behaved pretty much as other peopte ' do. The typical actress was there with her daubed face, preposterously big,hat, selconsciona air and general offen siveness; btit.she was outnnmbered ten to one by those'who were• ladylike in dress and deportment. Respectful attention was paid . to the performance and the desire to grin at some of the comical." pathos " was usually rapiessed. This was at times difficult:: as when Mrs. Wethersby- oodwin told 'the story of the captive lion • a net. freed, by the nibbling'mouse—she they ,boy waif, representing`the moose, and Ned Thorne as the convict hero, standing 'for the lion. In asinneh as she was .fully as big as he; in height antibreadth, it was, a good lime to snicker when she exclaimed "0, yon great, big lion, let me be your little mousey, won't yoir ?", yet everybody was too polite to . improya the: opportunity. There was 4 latigkiere and there, however, when she came to die. I have a theory that pistols 'suffer from stage fright on first nights, else Why-should they always refuse to go ofri, Whez the time came for one of the assorted vil. lair* to shoot her, :he pulied'the trigger With appropriate demonism of scrowl and gesture, tint there was no explosion. The actress hesitated only for an instant. But' it was impossible to wait forAhe murderer to ,get on another cap. She had already clasped a handful of red paint to her breast, and .the hitherto serupalonsly clean white shirt was all gore. So, being shot right through the heart by a pistol that hadn't been fired, she talked awhile about lights, shadows, angels. and ilOwers, And died to 'slow music.—New York Letter;: _ - A SHARK CAUGHT, BY A CLAM. , . . Among the -dis coveries recently made' in the great Dead. Sea of the West were soine gigantic oyster shells incini than six feet long, each pair of which once contained an animal that the average boy could not lift. To-day the only really large shellfish is of the 'clam family. It is named Tridaena gigaf, a contemisorary tells us, and is found in the Pacific Ocean, the length of his life, being sixty or. seventy years. It' grows bedded in the coral, and is fastened tc the rocks by a cord called the byssns, which is' so tough that it can be cut only with an axe: The shells themselves are six feet long, each valve weighing more than 250 pounds, while the animal part often weighs thirty - or lofty pounds. 'When alive the tridaena lies with its great valves ajar, capturing' any food that' may pass' within its scalloped edges: A shark was once caught in this way. Swim minialong in search of food, he- unwarily_ passed in the door of, the great clam's house, his tail rudely strikingAhe animal. Like a flash tremendous snapped together, min • g the man-eater as if he were in a vise, and rendering him utterly , powerless. As the tide went down the shark's, head ap peared above matter, ''dashing about and churning up the sea. The hubbuh attracted the attention of some natives, who soon cap. tarred both shark and clam. A CONSCIENTIOUS CONSTABLE. In the classic language of the hoodlum, it is never safe to "poke fun at a peeler" es. pecially where the esprit de corps is so strongly developed as in the wilds of Michi gan. A circus pitched itt tent at Marquette the other day and the natives welcomed it, with grimy bands to a hospitable shower of;'' ' halves and quarters. Everything went swim. mingly until, in the act where a circusman disguised as a drunken tramp, falls into the ring, and wants to ride a horse. The ring loader threw the drunkard— out, ' and with 'ranch seeming iqdignationeeked why there Were no policemen .around to keep order. A German policeman' who was standing by, and who knew the man belonged to tlie,cir cirs, felt indignant at hai i ling ,the police abused, so be collared the alleged drunken man, and notwithstanding the circus people tried to explain the - circumstances, •he was tangled off to the lock-tp and thci' act was left out. After the show, the proprietor went to the jail, got the performerout, and gave the policeman a scouring foe being too offici ous. The policetnan listened 'quietly for a While and finally rnmarked: " Vell, a choke was i i choke , . but yen a man zay vere isb de helve, and t ,vy don't' dey arrest dot drunk man, den cleMarquette belie° is in, dot vicin ity, and you forget it, Mr. Circuit, I lied yea." . ' RESOLVE. Build on resolve, and not upon regret, The structure of thy future. Do net I.:I - ripe Among the shadows of old sins - , but let Thine own soul's light shine on the pate' of hope And dissipate tlie darkness. Waste 714 tears Upon the blotted records of lost years, • But turn the leaf, and girdle, oh smile to see The fair white pagesthat remain for thee. . , Prate not of thy repentance.. But believe The spark f.livine dwells In thee; let It grow. That which the upreaching spirit can achleve - The grand and all-creative forceS know. They will as.stst and strengthen, as the light • Lifts up the acorn to the oak tree's height. Thou bast but to resolve, and to I God's whol.; Great universe shall fortify thy soul! :;-Ella Wheeler. • STRAW LUMBER. There can be no question that straw lum ber is admirably adapted to many kinds of fluidic& - work-Ixamel,,_tattle -11041- : counter • _ - counter tops, fine doors, and ornamental work ; and wo are assured that it can be produced and sold in competition with the finer grades of pine orin competition with wide walnut, at about one-half the price of tho latter,. The standard manufacture is in widths of thirty two inches, a length of twelve feet, and A thickness corresponding to that of surfaced boards. These dimensions maybe'varied to suit sach orders as may be given, and em brace any width, length or thickness. Un like lumber, however, narrower widths are t the most costly. The straw lumber may be ripped with the hand saw or the buzz-saw ; may be run through the Sticker for the Man. ufacturo of monlaingai, and takes a nail or screw about as well as oak. It may be fin ished with varnish or with paint, and is sus. ceptible of a high polish. ,It• is practically water and fire proof, being manufactured tmder 500 degrees of beat, and we aro as. eared has beeu boiled for some hours vritli our any apparent .change of structure. Its tensile strength is greater than that of wal nut or oak, and its weight about one-fifth greater than the fermer when dry.. It is made from any kind of straw, including hemp and flax fibre—in fact frcitu any ma terial that will make pulp—and a ton of straw will produce 1,000 feet of, boards. The pulp. is rolled, into thin sheets, a number of which, corresponding with the thickness 1 of the lumber desired, are placed together 3 With : a peculiar cement, which is claimed to be water-proof, and are then rolled under a pressure sufficient to amalgamate them into, a solid mass„which may be worked with a plane if desired. . . When it is remembered that it takes one hundred years to grow a tree to maturity, suiting -it to commercial purposes—and a tree producing 32-inch lumber will _require fully twice that time—while 20,000 'feet per acre is a large yield under the most ,favora. ble Circumstances, it will at once be ,#ealized Lijia.. that where ;,OtH) feet can Atall'en ?froth, an act° of ground for au indefin ber of years, the process which _ enatic such a re, snit to be accomplished, and winch will yield ti really valuable lumber, is one. of cast im portance. We look for valuable reults iu the future in the manufacture of lumber front what is practically .a waste Material, but W t hich will be produced in endless quan tities 'ock long as the United States maintains its character as a giain.producing country.- - ! . American Arglifect. SOLDIERS UNDER Few men, very few men, go into action for the first time without thinking a great deal of the bullets and the danger, and wishing it was all over and they were safe ; the second time they are under fire they re rember the last time whe'n they came out'of , it unhurt, and they think a great deal less of the bullets; and more of the work in hand, l'tlian they did on the former day. - Take an instance from thelate war against the Zulus, where we had mealy young soldiers, with . Only a sprinkling of old ones. There "funk" reigned universal With young and ald. There is no need here to tell tho old tale of thh nightly sca, of the stampedes, of ter. ror which crept over faces when a Zuld; was mentioned. A lancer rides in -wih de spatehes, and the remark flies round the . i.anks—" Look how-he's riding ; lie's_ look ing behind him : the Zulus are after him." These and a thousand other instances were but the natural outcome of ignonincp—look ing forward into the .unknown-with men suddenly called upon.-'t6 face something which existed only in their imagination, and as much was pictured in the blackest colors. Bat at Ulundi; where the Zulus came : rot:lnd the'Little-square in thousands, with the sun shining on theta, 'our men saw that they were only men like themselves after all, and blazed away merrily into the " brown" of them, obeying the words of command just as they used to do at Aldershot with the blank cartridges blowing off in their fiend; faces. Ulundi worked a vast change in their minds. Henceforth they knew that the riflesthey carried werf not. Mere toys tc Make a noise with, and they learned that' if was a useful thing for themselves if they obeyed their officers. They had seen a group of 20 or more Zulus creep into a bush in front of them, and by a well-timed volley disappear, and they remembered it was t e lich officer who had told them to fire thatvolley; without his directing word they , would have potted affray; and the Zulus would have pot ted back, for all they knew, till to-morrow or the day after. And from that itime there were no more scares. So much fOr. the ap, prentimship stage. NOw this Stage once ,over, and the young saldierknows- as much about fighting as the . old one; with all that buoyancy of yOuth spoken of above 'to hack him up ; and so the value of the men is na ,longer equal. SOME WITTY REPLIES. Even clergymen cannot' always hope to meet with the courtesy that draws the line' at sharp rejoinders. "If you . 'can't keep awake," said a Parson to one of his hearers, "when you feel drowsy, why don't you take a, pinch of snuff ?" ' " I think,"- was the shrewd reply, " thci snuff should be put into the sermon."' SOme years ago, we are told, the Isle of Sheppey being an inconsiderable parish, and 'the income not very large, the Vicar came there but once a month. The parishioners.being much displeased at this desired their clerk, who was that year. Church Warden also, to remonstrate with himas to his negligence. The clerk told the Vicar the wishes of the parishioners; and the re ply was :Well, well ; tell them_ if they give me .£l6 a year more, I will come to see theta once a fortnight,. and-be sure to let me know their answer the next time I come." The next time he did come he, accordingly, asked, and the clerk answered " Sir, they say as how if you will excuse them £lO a yeatin their tithes they will dispense with your coining at all!" Members of the cloth are not always above severely criticisiug'one another's failings. It is related of that most eloquent of English clergymen, Robeit Hall, - that he once—disgusted by the egotism and conceit of a preacher who, with a mixture of self complacency and impudence, challenged his admiration of a sermon—was provoked to say: "Yes, there was one very fine pas sage Of your.discourse, Sir." "I ' am re joiced to hear you say so ; which was it ?" "Why, Sir, it WAS the passage tfoth the pal. • pit to the vestry." El ITEMS OF INTEREST. Interesting Farts Called front Altera Asa There. • -,—The. • iiiississipßi cotton milli turn ont 124 varieties of goods. Pittsburg firm is taming "out glass slabs to be used on foraituro instead of mar ble., " H-Dancirig may improve your canine somewhat, but it's no valuable accomplish ment for the horse-,Burlingfon Hawkeye. —A $7,000 diamond was recently. fotmd, in the bed of, a emelc i near Albany, N.- a Other large ones have been, found in- do State: • —" Does your mother play cards?" in quired Billy of his chum. "I don't know," resporided Jimmy, " but she often playa a lone hand on me." —A atone weighing eighty-the mole recently fell at Salina, Icarisaa, and another,. cigar -shaped, four inches in :diameter arid • - • over twelve inches long. • —Six .hundred tows druggists have agreed; in view of the danger of selling alcohOlic drinks, not to Mt physicians' pre• scriPtions for wine, whiskey and the bke. is reported that tho subject of Mor monism 'will be.broizght before the British Parliament, with a view to the prevention of Mormon progelytisrri in Great Britain. --" Total . Depravity " was the subject of the sermon of the Rev. Mr.. McDonald at San Rafael, Cal. —Whil ho was .preaching it a thief 'stole his laprobo freria the baggy in the horseshed. i • —"Vile Republican officeholder's are shaking their heads oreinously,",says a Nevi Tork exchange. The Numblimn officehold• era here in Texas tare afraid to shake , their heads, for fear; they . drop off.— Texas Siftings.' —The English spa:vows: introduced 'nt Salt Lake n-few years; ago luiv6 multiplied to such au extent that they are n iniisance and have theirluibitan in every tree and • housetop in the 31ormiti Zion. • • —Professor Renk, al Musick, has found by experiment that the air in the ground under a house is constantly rising and pass ing into the house- - about as deadly It thing as can happen when the earth' is in a filthy COnditiOP. — i "Johnny," sai the teacher, - " a lie can be acted dS weit s told: Now if your. fatber should, put, sand in hiq' sugar and sell. it he would be acting ix lie and doing very wrong.", "Tharix what mother told - hini,'! said tohnny. 1 ' . 1 7 -A phygician falls into a fit while mak ing a round of viskt.S, and is carried into a drug store; " St / fud for Dr. X—," saga somebody. "No;;' no, not for him," says: the Flying man ready, at the mention of his 1 rival's name ; "if be brought me around it would advertise hin : I prefer to die." _ - —Doilglasi Anti, of Norwich; fell under a moving' train he dLiis attempting to boata When the train passed Douglass arose, un. '-• injured, T with his cigar in his mouth. And 'yet thert..are people who claim smoking to be injurlous.—Danbuiy Nam ri . • ) , —At Birmingham, England, the officers . of the 'Health Department have established. telephonic coniumnication with thR Borough Hospital,, three miles away, in onlr" to les. -_ sen the risk of the ;spread of infection by friend 'visiting ' patients. -They can learn their cdiadition at the health office.. _ MIN —The census of the world according .to its religions has ben' figured out• by some Scotch 'statisticians. Its results tire: Pro.. testanti;l2o,ooo,l l ,os - ; Oriental Christians, 0,000,000; .Roman Catholics, 00,000,000;2 JeWs,"10,000,000 ;* - Mohatainedans, 175,000,- 0001 Pagans, S 0,000,000: i ' —The wine liiasinesS of 'California is no small item in , the resources of that State. . . About 10,000,4)00 gallons of wine are pro- duced annually, and about 2,000,000-gallons' are yearly' sent eastward, ,There it is adorned with forlign labeLs:and igitl as an imported article. The, quality is said to be good, and even some professed connoisseurs . are deceived when California wino is offered them mader the guise or well-known foreign names. a . - —A canary , . be a:aging : to a lady in An buque, on being 'ven its liberty in a room one day-, ,flew to r e mantle, whereupon was a mirror. Thi , k i ng he had found a mate, ho went back to the cage and brought a seed to offer tb.thPstranger. Getting no satin factOry reply, he poured forth his sweetest notes, pausing now and then to watch the effect. ', Finally he went back to 'his perch, and, with his head hanging, remained silent the rest of the day. ' _ —The English arc becoming pretty sick of the - acquisition of thelslancl of Cyprus, which Beaconsfield. accomplished. They had fondly Doped that in case of trouble in the East theist:lnd would serve them" as a base of operations, but that hope- has - van. ished. It would cost too great' a sum 'to render the harbor of Eartrigusta available as a military station, while besides the X90,- 000 paid the Sultan it Costs Great Britain £40,000 a year to hold the; place. There, is no trade an the island and the people are exceedin,g,iy poor..' —Dr. Lawrence A. Ullishington, grand nephew and nearest living relatyfa of him who was' '-friirst in war, first : in 'peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen," died in Dennison, Tens, recently. Thedeceased was.a son of Lawrence Washington, who was the Only brother of the first .President of the United States. Ile.-was born in Win- che4ter, Va., on the sth day of December, 1313, and educated at the Uni"ersity of . Virginia:. He received his medical education at Bush Medical College, Philadelphia. He leaves surviving him a widow and six chil.. dren—three sons and three daughters. —The salmon fisheries`of the Pacific coast have increased more than twenty-fold within ten yecirs, and last year's product was nearly 1,000,009 cases, worth $5,000,000. _ But the result of this . vast business is, that the south erly, and more accessible rivers are becom ing fished out, as the greed of the fishermen has extendecito the capture of the salmon which are on the way to their spawning places. The m Sacramento, and even the seemingly inexhaustible Columbia are Suffer ,. ing from this cause. ;The more distant waters of British Colunibia and Alask4 are still bountiful, but theyt will be ruined in their turn ty such methOds of fishing, A %lummox. or OmcE SEEZELS. —A Washington writer thus describes the office seekers :, We see . sad' sights here in the throng "crowding around the' brink of the great fountain of patronage—funny ones, too, at times ; but more sad than funny: The, very • jumble of strong ;schemers; '.workers' from the wards with claims' based on their dirty work; the widows joi officers and soldiers who fell in the wax ;Oho brazen-faced harlot ; the stripling from tlie country anxious to work for -mother,' or to see something of city life the slender, , deliCalc girl, this fiujiport, of her famlly; the black man, who is a . ;representatitie, of his race; the oily plug-uglies from Lou isiana ; the lank, long-haired Liberals from the South ; the nobby ex-clerks froM the large cities ; the broken down lawyers - , don tor., divines ; : and newspaper men=-one great pushing; 'crowding fighting \masa, strtigglibg for a ctlpful of the mirage -like water, which seems so near and is so far." M ear, In Advania. NO. 16 II EA