lIIISQUAWKEE INDIANS IN lOWA. Yusterday a Party of sir, including the ed itor of the Fame City Iterate:. Mr. 0. can pterplia, "a -citizen of Toledo, - loira, and the Writer, drove out to the Indian Agency. The llusquawkee trite purchased some years ago a tract of land : , comprising. 700 acres, and ' hem* it is not called a reservation, brit the, Sac and For Agency. The colony riumberi M redskins, and the popliation neither in creases nor diminishes. The tribe or4inally rune from the St. Lawrence. They receive an annuity of $ll,OOO, whizh is little enough, considethig the poornals of the soil. Efforts have been made to educate them, but the r erun has not been very flattering. They oh _ ject to formal education, 'urging that if their children era, trained like the white man's' it makes rascals of the Indian - boy& They ! prefer to bring up the offspring as good lii diens who will observe the traditions and fol low the customs of their grandfathers, - and theurt are wn on civilization. Ouly t three men hi the '' p are able to read, but in learning j ro geberally apt. They are opposed to adopting the mechanical appliances of civ ilization, preferring to do their work in their own way. They have, however, taken a great fancy to the sewing machine, and are fond of sewing with it. ' lam unable to learn whether the piano shares any of their favor. This tribe is not helpless and dependent upon Government aid as many are farther west. They buy their own clothing, and support themselves, live without police or jails, _and -the agent assured me that during a three years' residence among them he lad heard no quarrels, seen no fights, and all was peace and harmony. pate, wholesome distillation of witch hazel, American . pine, Canada fir, marigold, clever blossoms, etc., fragrant with the heeling essences of beds= and ping. Such is - Sanford's. Radical Cure for Catarrh. -Complete treatment for $l . MTIRIMMICI •SCIIMPTCIIB.-11Th4tliCeSi are often related of the crooked tir:d twisted manner in which very little children give expression to their thoughts, and hero is one told by the teacher of the infant class of the Prospect Street Methodist Episcocal Sunday school which is too good to be lost. - It 'seems that the children aro every Sunday each given a ticket containing a short Scrip ture passage to be recited on the following Sabbath. In this instance a little ono was given a card on the familiar verse "I am thelbread of life." On the foliowing Sunday, with all of the confidence in the world,' she repeated it thus: "I am the loaf of bread." —Paterson Press. Parents who allow their childreuco grow up with scrofulous humors bursting from every' pore are guilty of a great wrong. Think of them pointed out as branded with o loathsome disease, and you will readily procure them the Cuticuri Remedies. Boom TO. UM Sourramo.—Lienera Gran/ used-to tell a story of a blacksmith iris started ont to, make a " clevis " out of a piece of iron. Grant continued that the blacksmith !simmered away till he discov ered he didn't know hoi to make the instra menCnamed. tie then said: "•I'll make a horselhoe." He failed. "Then I'll make a horseihoe nail." He failed again. Then in laii• wrath, plunging the red-hot shapeless main of iron into the blacksmith's water bucket, he cu. Aimed : " I'll make a darn big fizz of you, anyhow."—Anon. A raried Performance. Many wonder how Parkers' Ginger Tonic ,can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence of ginger, when in fact it is made from many,valuable mediciness which act geneficiallYon every diseased organ. DukiPmentscr.:—;." No, sir,o:." reinarked the old resident, "hiy wife didu't bring me II cent. But it was all my fault. I wouldn't love it. The morning of the day wo' were uuuried, I says to her, says I; Maria, how much mbney have yo got ?' Says she: 'John, I've got just 25 cents.' - Then, says CoMO with ma,' and ri.ook her down to the canal and had her throw that quarter into the drink I wasn't goin' to have no woman twitting .me about spreadin' around on her monev.”—Lowell Citizen. SR IN Et 311:N ' Hes1:11 Tient:wee restores licnith and vigor, ,cures Dyiipep-- ' --f , enee Bound - Armours or Eorpr.—" Maw," drawled oat a lovesick society maiden,. mavi, I would like to , spend a few• weeks In Egypt." '"Why, my dear girl,"- replied her mother; "what put such a silly Idea in your hpad 7" " Well, the reason I want to'go is. because the papers state there are so many nice fellahs in that vicinity, and you know very well there are none here."—. X. IY. Commercial Advertiser. ' 6 ItOUGH ON RATS' I. Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers... 15c. Druggists. . . NEW FIRM NEW. STORE NEW GOODS 1 S Ed.Mouillesseaux, (Formerly with Hendelman.) . 1 • • HAS OPF. : I%IED A . je elrystore OF lIIS OWN IN PATTON'S BLOCK With. Swarts & Gorden's Stare, Main Street, Towapda, Where he keeps a FULL ASSORIIIIENT or Gold & Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, - J EWELRY, ti •SPECTACLES, ETC. 'Aar Ma Stock la all NEW and of the FINEST QUALITY: Call and see for yourself. - REPAIR:ING DONE PROMPTLY ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY declG• QUMNIER CHOT)) OF ELOCUTION i Fir Petals Sitakera, testlers, Teebert ab 4 'inn* vir t. Wetics. Jut? J to Angian H. at Ilrobourr. l `4 ,, edel4 °P.attP i t r Z . f C ri ' . •" a:a111 1!L15 Cbattatit Strett.. 1'5..4.11 r P 11: AMBLE 001111DITIC REEDY! 1 4 . • OL SODIQUE. murex aILPROPRirroRS: No Family Shags= a warm MM. No Factory Stg Without It! No Workshol. 6 ° Without it! • t o N ev ft a rtild bellithout It! No Phishvan Should bald 60 . _Without It! No Veterinarian ShoulAtr a ,„„ ft „ i f a I No Plantation Should beV"v"` No Stock -Raiser Shouldt with l it ' ft! rot ILLE Irt MIMS luio Gum. CANCERS CUREb At CRANE'S CANCER INFIR MARY, ADDISON , NI Y. 1 HUNDREDS OF PERSONS front parts of 'the world have been cured of this mach dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they ~ , have been rescued from a terrible end untimely death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated Free. Write fora Circolargiving ftin particulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE & RUSH BROWN Addison. N. Y. Sept.3o,lyr.OPliaco. ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING s specialty at tsii arrosucas oaks. - , •,-- -.-," - • - -. ... Iteinedy . . Kilo ivit — to . - 31- -a - u - - ' .. . ,• , . 4. Di-AGENTS WANTED.'6II 177 West 3d SL, New York City. Druggists sell it. . I:ernetly - for Rhettptatism. -' --- -.'' • ''' •• . . . •. 1 - . BuicesTALLut, Bedford coo .1.4 . : int..t LAM: dormsou : A short trial of your Indian -Blood Syrup. haa given magma& relief for libetuuatisin. -It is the best sziedicine I ever used. . • JOBB 112024 - • 0 63 CLOTHING. S NOW IS..THE GOLDEN OPPORT;MkrT Stylish and Relia,ble . Spring Garments Mgt YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AT PRICES WHICH CAN BE HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE • the uniform stautiorcl of qualify in excellence orwork and material by GOOD 'MANAGEMENT,, ' CAREFUL BUYING, and SWAMI MARG INS, (with whichliam content,) I hive RAISED THE STANDARD AND LOWERED THE PRIDE, um": IT Is A rearms, TACT THAT THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING this vicinity is now being sold for the least nioneyilay - i - I'. • i • •- !. , i; FOR. , i ! -. • ' . .:4 . • .• .. • • : Mills..-! Threshers, - Mowers,, Churn - - Powers Mills -' • - 17' • Sewing Machines, - &c. .., I. ,- - .1...3 . . . r . i• -, . • , -, BY 'THE PINT, ;.QUART, ~...... • . . 1 ,.. . '''• '... GALLON or BARREL, • . .. . 1 „ -w.,. .- Spei!ial prigs in, 5 and-10 gallons and bbl. 10t5..: - 1 , -, - ' • • •- 1 .'• 4 the old reliable 'Cash . Drug Stiore„• , • , : o t 131' . . H. 6 1; Gl 3— O ' rter ,&...•Son: !.-, - 4 • 4 c• . - I': , .-- . - • i F. . • . Coiner Main 'and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa..] . , HUMPHREY Matra faetnrerS and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Rxtt MEN'S, BOYS , WO M EN'S. MISSES AND CDEELD S Boots-;•Shoes,.,Rol)tieril , .&c ,• ;, • - CORNER M , 1 i ir DR. JON CREAM CAIdPIIOII I , IS THE NAME of the popular Linament that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffener Joints, Frost Bites, .Pain in the k, ace, Bead o, Spine, Chopped Hand., Bruises, Sprains, Bums, Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an insect Poison . Vines. etc., for Ilan or Beast 'Always reliable, and Almost instantan eous in its relief. Basing an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. Sold y all druggists Price :15 eta. . N. 11.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal at the State lair. 1879. ASA JONES, Prop'r. 319 N. 3d St. PhiLi:, Pa.. Jen:. 13 r.-m • • • A. NI NELSON DEALER IS :4* -14 . *ATOMS , oLOcirs; • - E GOLD AND PLATED • JEWELER of eeerVrartetr.eri Sise•-taciee. W Partici:l tention paid to repairing Shop in Decker Vought . rt Grocery Stor e. Mein Street Towanda, , Tenon. ; • • • aep9.4 -- . • - LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS NOTE MAW fie. printed in theheat atrle of the art at the narclunas tem. - an Blood Sykup of the Stomach. rLiver, :;Bowels, Kidneys Skin ions testify to its efficacy in healittg- the shove :nd pronounce it to,t)e the • , - EI3 growAlNin'A.. PA. BROS. &..TRAQ,Y, , ... e I Ifg AND „E LIZA BETH STREETS, PA. I4 ASBURY PARKi NEW 'JERSEY: NORTH END HOUSE C. T. SMITH, Manager. Aromasly of the Ward House.) This house occupies the finest loCation in the Part• Only Wo yards from the beach. Full and unobstructed view of ocean, 22Juneit rOE SALE.-- One second-hand Engine andDoiler, in good' condition. En gine 12 1 20, Tubular Boner, Force Pump Con nections, etc. Suitable for a sew or gr ist mill. here been running 4 run of stone with it. Reason for selling is thitql am Increasing the capacity of my mill. and putting in larger engine. For full particulars call on or address • G. A. DAYTON, Towanda, Pa. June 2S -4w JOB - PRINTING OF ALL RINDS LP done et abort ngtke sad reasanable rates • atibilltuvazios Mice. TINICAND Theft film* difterenna in the world iiilaaPeAT;ll, 4o- 11 01 the , *lle demo, tiecrodetkpiaritsir the befforageo.t• went bars, the , is aliejitt at in* and When tea is . :demanded the boiling poured . aT,ei ple n tiful =nay af-tlia /elves , . s nd 11*" . bet W a g e randy on the instant.. In England either the supply* leavei is niggardly er tho infusion is left to stand niatillt decoctitm" ns indigestiblews it **palatable.' - Mora. over, the charge( omennonly made is out of proportion to the mil cost. 'Every ,house. 'keeper knows that a cup of tea cannot cost sixpence, ;oven if the water is boiled for the purpose and the supply of leaves is lavish in , ,the eyes of the frugal housewife. . In Lou. iba- clubs, where nothing is sold at coat price or near it, a plain cup of tea, especially made its in own pot, is usually charged four pence. At nfrcslueent bars half as much again is charged for a villainous brew drawn from a vast urn in which - leaves and water have been kept at boiling point for: hours. This is certainly not bovem4e able to "encounter ahoholie drink in a fair field, and to throw it in fair fight." But the tea as it might be—tea made ou the instant with a liberal hand in the caddy and a quick supply of water freshly boiled--is, not only capable of encountering aleohol, but has at ready largely zucountered and - vanquished it in English 'homes. Jf a, tithe of the en ergy, enterprise and intelligence now de. . voted by our public caterers to the supply of alcoholic drinks were devoted to the supply of palatable and well made tea at a charge properly proportioned to its real cost, we should not despair of seeing tea rapidly take the position chunked for it by Mr Gladstone, of a powerful an intim% invincible chem.' pion in the National struggle with internper. ance.—Londen. Tinge& Walnut Leaf hair Heatorer. - It is entirely different from all others. It is as clear as•watet, and, asits - name indi cates, is a perfect Vegetable ' Hair 'Restorer. It will immediately free; ,the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does not in any manner affect the health, twhich Pnlpher, Sugar of Lead and Nitrate of Silver preparations 'have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days to a' beautiful, glossy brown. Ask your druggists for it. Each bottle is warranted. Surru, & Co., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. Carrrimos, New York. • June, 1, 1882. .Iy. ; .•5 CONCERNING CHURCH ORGANISTS The "Hermit" of the "Troy Timis liwca., sleazily attends' church f end in his last letter from this City says :. " Organists and choirs ' rare hired by the year, and the latter usually ;begins in Hay. During the present season of closing, however, a number of improve-. ments will be made, and when the churches reopen more thin one congregation will be gratified by the change. • Some churches, however, am hardly holding their own in this important speciality. There was a time, for instance, when St Stephen's ranked all other. Roman Cath'olic churches in music, but such is not the case at present. The fact is St. Stephen's is in debt, - and economy has been necessary. The organist liaS- been • reduced to $BOO and other items have been cut (lowa, but of course this can only' be One at the expense of musical excellence. Churches are generally disposed to economize in Mu.. sic,' and each has a fixed sum appropriated to this purpose, which is often too small to encourage a high order of excellence. St. _Thomas, which is now the'most elite of all the Episcopal etiurcbes, is not as noted for its music as Grace, whoseorgauist is the well known Professor Warren. His Illstinction in the professiim insures him a liberal salary ($1,500), and in addition to this he has a large number of pupils. Nyarren probably makes more than any other organist in the city, and his income is estimated at $B,OOO. He has an assistant and also a well, trained choir; and the electric metbod enables him to play two organs at the Same time, the one being in the ' loft I and the other near the pulpit. This'adds much to the fullness of that volume'of music *bleb so admiraldy fills the church." rl NE ,1 . , 1-4 , ; By calling at' C. B. Porter's. Ward House drug store, you can get a sample bottle of Dr. Boardiko's Cough and Lung Syrup which will relieve the most obstinate Cough or Cold, and show you what the regular 50 cent size will do. When troubled with Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry, Hacking Cough; Pains in the Chest, and all diseases of the Thrclat and Lungs, try a sample bottle Hof this medicine. july27l y• ; i French women, often stigniatized• asthe . most.frivolous of theirrkind, are in realitrthe mo t:thrifty—a virtue that frequently degen., era s into absolute parsimony, I saw a striking instance of making the best of mire, garded trifles the other day when dining with one who certainly has a reputation for prudence. 'A cherry pie had been on the table, and the Mistress gave strict, and, as I thought, unnecessary injunctions -that all the - .stones ' were - to bc - -,scraped from the; plates and placed in her store room. After i retiring to the drawing room I ventured to i askthe reason :why this injunction had beeni given, and was told , that not only rherry,l bin plum, peach, and all manner of stones, whether cooked or raw, Were invariable; saved, gently dried in the oven, and kept.iii a great jar. "Then," said Madame, "inl the Winter, when the fire burns clear and' bright in the evening, I fetch a handful andl throw them among the glowing coals. They crack and splutter for a moment; send up a brilliant flame, and the whole room is fill ed with a delicious odor." This was not at, all a bad idea, and I mean to try it, far it is inexpensive, and I think it is charming for the — atmosphere around you to smell sweet—Correipondence Newark Adver. riser. - ! gaick, complete cure, allannoying Kidney Bladder and Urinary Diseases. El. .Drug pieta. • WHEN A MAN GETS DEMORALIZED: A man may be cool as an icicle under ex, iraordinary circumstances of danger or ex ; L I citement ; he may even be cabn while facing a sis-gun battery : he may preserve an even mind when a ghost comes into his room at' midnight ; • he may keep a level head when the hotel is on fire ; be may assume cam= mend and act nobly and well vrhen the ship is sinking. But let that man, let any man, upset his ink-stand and he springs to his feet, makes a desperate grasp at the ink stand and knocks it , half way across ti. l 3 table, claws after his papers and swoops them through the gable puddle to save theni, tears his white silk handkerchief from his pocket and mops up the • ink with it, and after he has smeared the tabl, his hernia and his lavender trowsers with ink, as far as it could be made to go,_discur'ers that early in the engagement he 'mocked the ink-s*d clear off the table, and - it has been draining its life ink away all that time in the center of the only light figure in the pattern of the carpet. Then he wonders why ,a. man always makes a fool of himself when he up sits a bottle of ink. He doesn't know why. Nobody knows why. But every time it is so. If you don't believe it try it.—Buriing fon Hatckeye. 1t is estimated that there are over two thousand million chicloms hittehed in the United States every : year. But not more then hall' of these chicks reach the size when they are fit to market. The pip, gapes, cholera, etc., kill millions of young chickens every year. '.These diseUses can be cured by the - Use of Phenol SodiqUe, For sole by druggists and general stare keepers. See adv. • , 1. == FREE OP COST. FRENCH ECONOMY. "DUCIIIIPAIBA.' S Live and Learnt p - - _ ME F,_". ti4,..,...,,..,;1,....,_.7:.,....:. ...,.i.,...._ _ = HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthlessimitations. The Public are cautioned wind buy. ing Plasters having similar sound. ing names. See that the_ word CA-P-C-I-N-B is correctly. spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement over made in, pastas. i One 13 worth more them edam of any other kind. positivaly cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Prico 25 cents. • Dram of cheap Madero; made with lead poisons« , BEABURY £ JOHNSON. • If sitlesitariat Chemists. Now Talt. BURG UMEDY AT LAST. PrimMlA ig READS Ilimileatud CORN sad wooN MUM. QUEEN Ikoo.' • THE GREAT OPTICIANS .1 924 CHESTNUT STREETI , - SUPERIOR muwkuriuE, • • .. EITPEIIIOU SHILL. . . 14 ; SUPERIOR LRINTSEf(and SUPERIOR FACILITIES For manufactarlng. all combine to give our EMMA; CUES awiEYE-GLASSESs &kiwi teptidatton. ;LOST SIGHT NEVER RETURNS. poikot time-n-Ith your (Tel taking , trESTTIT ; ABLE ci.Assns. • • ra t ehe t giica s ii=7;:;!!. n ::ST7:!•t: e llZs t ili nstrnmentA.Do; ; Laaterusal9 411011. part 4--Phikriao.lual. lAtsixiaiteta.:4,lo.lpdges S°Nst • Sanford's Radical Curd. A single dose instantly relieves the most vio lent Sneezing or Bead Colds, clears the head as by magic, stops watery discharges' from the nose and eyes, prevents ringing noises in the bead, mites Nervous Headache and • subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh B. cleanses theTassl passages of foul' mucus, restores the sena)) of smell, taste and hearing when affected, frees the head, throat and bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens 'and purifies the breath, stops the cough And arrests' the prog ress of catarrh towards coteumptiota: . One bottle Radical Cute, one • boz Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one pack age, of all druggists for $l.• Ask for Sanford's Radical Core. WEEKS ft:, POTTER, Boston. - • . . . or l teLLI .- a .' 1,1 1:,„ "a 2 anyellorereoplasteer 1 ' electric battery for psi* s, and weskneas of the Lung l 4l $ . Liver, Vdnoye and Tlrinaryi 1 • organs. Partial. Paralysis.! ' t;•••.., lllummetism.Venrelgia, ..., - -t Hysteria . Female Week..,l ... ness. Nervous .Paine and! 'At.i • _a. Weekneises. Maier% - end i ASTE.Wov. , Fever end Ague. .Frice2e4;! Sold everywhere. . ~ PATENTS. (13, B. AND FOREIGN. • ' I Frank A . Fonts . - Attornepait-Law, Lodi Box, 356, 1 Washington, D.O. • 1 • W Ten years' exPerlexice• I make so • maws for my services unless 'a patent be granted. Preliminary examinationii n k the Patent Ofdee as to the patentability of an, - vention rasa. Send sketch or model of the a; vice and a report will be made as to the *obi. batty of obtaining a patent. ' • Special attention given to rejected applies. , tlons in - the bomb of others. ; I 8117Z1131:SCEa : S. Senators : Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, of, Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and! Gen. John A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor., gia; Hon. L. Q. C. LaMar. of Miss; Hon. 8: H. Cullom, Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Commissioner •of Patents and Corps of Examiners and tie pro!. prletor of this paper. Write for circular and instruction!. • abovtf .OUT THIS OUT! it' MA N 76 ACE S 15 SUP WEEK. :We , MAKE e hive stores In 15 leading Citleb; 4rota which ont• s agria atain e n 6 d r e i qu ial a , ~ c or v ie i rgi t atu d our p for Pri :New CaasZine and , :terms to agents Adams Ma .N:LOVELL 312 Lackawanna Ave SCRANTOII..PA. plriliPtiMnlilNkil in 4 k3c.ic Main Street, Firsirtir4rd. . JOHN . W I KLINE, . , • . - IitEgOVED 1118 • 1 • MEAT&,VEGETAB!.E per Amtsrasi o a more convenient location. and established himself in the *my°ll Block. opposite Seely... Hotel. is prepared to supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. FlBll. OYSTERS IN' THEIR SEASON, - - ,FRESH VEGETABLES. 1 • DOMESTIC &c., • • sirBoLoGNA SAUSAGE.% spec • specialty. All or dere promptly delivered. , u imarcitl7. Ai HORSE e ta: tt - " iPt onen F i for these 1,213=1 =Moss Of Treatise an the Horse and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has GO line engravings showing BOOKpositions assumed by sick horses better than can be tanitt in any other way. I table showing doses of the principal medicines used for the horse as well air their effects and antidotes When a 25 cts poison, I Clarice; collection of vatuantit era, rules , for telling the age of a horse, with lan engraving showing teeth of each year and a large amount of other valuable horse Information. Hundreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth mere than books costing $5 mid $lO. The fact that 200,000 sold In about one year before it was re. vised *how, how popular Ithe boot Is. The Ire. vised edition ia woos NONE mreiutertwo Finn son a animas. AHEM. WANTED. Dr. '.14 D. E.:laden k Co.. Ibiosburgir'lralls. Vermont . . afar 114 yr. , • , ' -1 FIRE AIFD LIFE ittEIIJR#NCE CLAM AND COLLECTION AGENCY BBINK ai BUCK, Leßayeville, Pa. Will write policies for risks in Fire and Lag In snrance. Collect _Claims with etre • and promptness. They represent none bat 1 MST—CLASS COMP,AINLESI Theysolleit thsconildenetiend patronage of those having basiness in their line. andwill endeavor to merit it. Ap to or address U RUM. leinlystille. Pg, • .11114311iPIRICIM AIFTECTIOSSii: jAz the vodd Mr"' War' th, prices of miny of its good : flange seems' to aim= Bentge beefssenk 'terrapin, champagne and seal-skin mares have gone clean out of the reach of- about irterybOdy but Star . Route . contoseters- or beak 'cashiers; bat it , has generally been intpposed that ordinary human affections 1 rare feted at about 1 the average .. price - one 1 yeem with another. The *mg. num wink iMs just listened to the blissful mama tient the lips of Mit fair inamorata _wouldn't take million for his happiness at . the, time, hut 3 iter a few years of prosaic matrimony theie _himself taking alsnit the average view of t the worth of these rose-colored expectationl43 Ihtt it's the penile who there been Premised , happiness and then seen somenther charmer, Come 'between them and their coveted eho set:the highest:price upon this article, ehicli they thick they ought . to have, but somewlailed to obtain. And the price of this hind of blasted happiness- has been booming along up lately at - the rate that aronkl astonieh the most bullish operator in street.._.fall 1 In the good old days What the world re: gowned case of Bardell vs. Pickwick tingled the British bosom '41,500 were considered even bythe plaintiff's attorneys to be heavy damages fors cam of aggravated rinfaith hdpese. But mark the contrast Amteeen matter-of fact days and our high pressure , time& A few days ago a. Miss Mary Mice Alniont tivingstone appeared hells° the Brigs County Court in Brooklyn Mid-alleged that her maiden affections had *ea injured to the amount of $75,000 by one Henry Fleming, and that he ought tol, feer . thankftd to get off as cheap as that, con. alibiing the proclaim natant of the feelings , he had trifled - with. As if to shoat that this' is not an isolated, case,' which some high-1' toned damsel had set up to attain notoriety;;' Miss Hattio'A.E.ngly, Of Providence; It.; 1., appeared last week before &magistrate in' that city and caused the arrest of one Dr. Levi;'Wilson, of Uxbridge, Mass., for breach Of premise of marriage, and claimed $50,. 1 . 000 is the least cent that would heal herd lwounded and outraged sensibilities. And now l comes Edward Schnell, of Brooklin,, and claim; $50,000 of his uncle, Fiederieh Bkflun, for stealing away from him the ten !der glances of his own pretty wife. • NOS These are all recent occurrences, luippen.l ling within a week, and all telidintr to slum ;that it is entire.) , , unsafe in this high-F=4l lags to trifle with the` affectionii of lovely: wontan unless the trifler is, possessed of plethoric bank account. It is rather to ; be hoped that judges and juries will take this Sialted view of the case, too, and fur. nick to the publio a few awful examples of the terrible misrules attending this- kind of of trilling.---/ydladelphis Timm. . . Piles are grequettiy preceded by a sense I of 'weight. in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose he has 1 some affection of the kidneys or neighbog organs. At times, 8)10': .toms of in digestion are present, as flatuency, uneasiness of the'stomach, etc. A moistnre, like perspiration; producing a very disa megble itching, particularly at night after getting warm in bed, is a, very common l f4- tendant. Internal, External and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bcaartko's Pile Remedy, which acts direCtly upon the parts affected, absorbing the 'Tu mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure whet all Other remedies have failed. Do not le - lay until the drain on the sistem produces perma nent disability, but try it and be cured. Pride, 50 cents. Asleyonr druggist for it, and' when you can not obtain it of him, we wilisend it, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address The Dr.' Bosanko Medicine Co: Piqua, Ohio. Sold by C. B. Porter, *ani House Drug Store. july27lt.' BEWARE, of .POLITICIANS. livelier Guiltier's Advice to Me i -Members of the tame KIN Club. " . "Bower' of do pollYtishun If he am Slack, go outer ye.r way to shun him. If he im white, lock Yet doabs an' load yer shot; guns." . . "Doewthe chair refer to a white man named Seeker Jackson ?" -"Yes, de cha'r refers to dat worry pri son," replied the president. . "Fur de 11M; fo' weeks he has been de plague 4,g life understan' dat tie kalkerlates fur State Senator nex' fall; and he am now tryin' to make hisself solid wid do can element: an' I finder npderstan' dat he has petishrumd dis dub fur membership, an' dat he am bni. in' rattle-boies, tin whistles an' month-or. waut, fur call babies, in order to, gain de est+m of deir parients: dern'leu; I det• siak -2--- " • , • _ At that moment the sounds of a wrangle were heard in the ante-rootn, a; struggle took place, had the:voice of Seeken Jackson was head crying out: E 'Let go of my , car or rli tali the pollee! My platform is : Tbreedollars liirwrel for flour, six hoops ona barrel, and a horse and carriage to take the laboring man to his daily ton I' " At a signal titan Brother Gardner, Samuel Shin and Givendant Jones passed out, and in Itwo or three seconds after there were sounds of breakind glass, a bump! bump! °Oho stairs, and then a voice floated up from the dark alley, saying': . i‘ ton can throw rue'-down stairs every night in the week* you want to All I ask is that you vote solid for Seeker. Jackson on election day." i l ‘ Pollyticks," softly observed -the Presi dent, "means stea li n', .cheithe, swin. dlire. It means degradashun. It means knife -ct, self respect. It means whiskey, drithenness;*fightint, stabbire and rollin' in de mud. I Keep out of polyticks. Beep away !rem pollytishuns. If dill Seeker Jackion attempts to enter the sacred portals of die ball laghi de keeper of de password am heah-by authoriZed to pulverize him an' 'sell de pave:Mash* to de mg man at two cent a pound."•!—Deirvit Ave Prem. • , coirsumrirox 1 It is *4'50,000 people die annually in the United States alone from this disease. In some section's of the country one death in every three is -from Consumption. This can be, and should be avoided;• our people are too carelessabout an ordinary cough or ccild, and other symptoms of throat and ling affections that lead "to this disease. You should arrest it while it is in the germ. Two or three dose's of .Dr. l3osanko's•aurgh and Lung Syrup . wlil ; relieve an ordinary cough or cold. It does not dry up a cough like many preparations on the market and leave the.disease , bel4nd it, bat acts directly on the throat and bronchial tubes, remov ing all the phlegm and morbid , matter that accumulates in the throat and 'lungs. It allays all irritation, -and renders the voice clear and distinct. " Sold by C. B. Porter's Ward House Drug Store. july27ly. SHE WAS SO SYMPATHETIC. Mrs. Gardner] .Folsom has no particular ase for Colonel Folsom, with whom she always fighting, and is one of the most heartless women . in - the City of Austin. Her husband ; vas, reading the morning paper yesterday at, the breakfast table, when he misdated in a horrified tone of voice : . " What a terribleinistortane r " What is it—somebody got married r she asked is an indiffeAnt manner. "No, but a ,married war= in New fork in 'a flt of rage, threw a coffee cup at her husband. The cup vas shivered into bagments, and one of them cutting, his i jugular artery be died on the spot. 'The reporter says the grief of the unfortunite Iworami irairobeadful to witness. She was fr&U.e with remorse, and wide several ;attempts t o put an end* to her existence." " Po& creatare," said Mrs. Salaam, with sigh,' " I reckon the broken cup must have, belonged to her new China set!"—Texas Bittinfl& . v ' ,n os .'_-",•'_•••,., ..•••• -. • •.; ...,..... - ...• ... . '.-.-,- •••. ..• .. • • :.' ... tN . . x00 , - . -- i re, - , -)11 1 .- •. ...:--7::). ),: A -,:,,,-,. , . ...,., %;ockt : m v.. ...,_ ~_..„ :,:.. - • Albert Kingsbury. Neese. M. IL, troub led Sith bsd humor on bands and nech. caused by 1 lead poisoning. • (Re's it Water.: At times ft would bleak out, crack open. and the skin WU. ate from the flesh in large pieces, suffering vast continual itching and stiurng- PincUsed your remedies; tailed Cuticurs Resolvent Mete pally, and Cuticura Soap externally. and lb less than titres months effecters complete cure, and hes not been troubled sines. cnrroboratod by Cullard h. Foster; Druggists; Keene, N. H. MOTHER DIED FROM IT: 7. W. Aestne,l , ftwark,Ohin, say.: •• ethicurs Remedies are the,greatest medicinea on tarth. - , Had the worst caw salt rhuem in this'country. My mother bad it twenty years, and in fact died from It. • I believe Cuticurs would bare saved her life. My. arms. breast and head were cov ered for three years. which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Cuticurs Resolvent (blood purider) Internally, and"Cuticurs and Cutlet:lra Soap externllly. PSORIASIS. • . H. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by the Catlett:a Resolvent internally, and Cuticura and on ticura Soap externally. themost wonderful case on record. Cure certi fied/to before a Justice of the peace and promi nent citizen.. All afflicted with itching and ;lady discuss should seed to ns for this testi monial in full. • - • SALT RHEUM. • • those who have experienced the torments of Salt Rheum can appreciate the agony I endured for years, until cured by the Catiente Resolvent innalialti. and CutiCure Soap externally. Mae- teat. lituintros. Sinaloa, Wis. 1 = , CIITICURA ! • , . . • . and Cuticula asp exUrnally and Cutients Re solvent late:welly will positively' cure every species of 'Ranter. from a Common Pimple to 'Scrofula. - Price of Caliente. small boxes, 30c ; large boxes. SI. enamel Resolvent, fl per bottle Caliente Soap. 23c. Caticnrs Shaving Soap. Mc. Bold by all druggists. Depot, WEEKS st POTTER. Boston, Mass. 2 • • PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A triperiativs Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with arerworh. or a mother run down b y family or house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER Tonic. If yon me a lawyer, ' minister or bu,i t iess man cx. baustedhy mental strain or ansious cares, donut take iitoxicatingsumulants,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic Ifyoi have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Itheuma, ism, Kidney Complaints, or any thsorder of thelungs, stomach. blood Of AtIVCS, tI E GINGCR TONi - C will cure you. ItistheGreetest Blood Purifier lad the Hest and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. Ifiouare wasting away from age, dissipation or raw di‘6.e or weakness and revue a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build 'you up turn the Est dose but will never intoximte. s. It has red hundreds of lives; it may lave yours. CAUTIONI—ItstotaII substitutes. Patter's darer Welt Is ecoaposedor the best nhal wins iatLasrorld,and Issnlinly different from prepanttons of & f ee One. Send for circular to /11seoz Y. 110 e. l 41 ens, at dialers In drop. GREAT' SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZL ME rLORESTON Its rich and lastuts fragrance has nude this delightful p&nme exceedingly popular. - There Is totals, Ilke It: Insist iipott i tiaving nous. Tot Cowart and lock for lug:mute of de - A;SCO> 2" 1 as retry bold& Any demist or auks lo perfumery cm supply you: 15 sere 75 seat sins. LAncr, SAYING OUTING lk. COLOGNE. • KENDALL'S I SPAVIN' 'CURE Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet is penetrating and powerfatto reach every deep seated pain, or to remove any bony growth' or other enlargements, such as . spavins,•splints. curbs, callous, sprain., swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of the .joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any puipode for which it!liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the lbest, liniment for roan ever used, acting mild and yet Often init. effect.. . Sedd address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues, 1.10 remedy has ever met with such unqualified lac ers to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. _ price $1 pei bottle. or six bottles for $5. All Deuggists have it or ckn -get It for you, or it will be' sent to any address on reaelpt of• price by the proprietots,'lns. ii. J. s;mum. Sr.. Co.. EMS-, bdrgh Falls. Vt. • • Sio l l4 by nit Druggists. ' IEBTABI.I4 ' FIED IN 186...'.1.] }IOWARib A. iNOW, AitERICAN - AND FOUEION PA•rEN•rs. 631 P srutrr WASHINGTON, D. C (ftimeeisor m Gilmore, Smith A: Co., at.. Chipman,'lloemer k Co.) • Patents produred upon the flame plan ithich was originated and."auceeaarmily practiced by the above-named firm. pamphlet of sixty pages: set upon receip t o lnovill - - • • BETTER T ,LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD .MAXIM, BUT NOT ALWAYS-TRUE.. Itr is.betfer to follow H. JACOBS The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, From his old stand. (No. 2. Patton's Block.) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and eommodins . store. No. 123, Main Street, formerly occupied by M. E. Solomon &7•Son, (one door north of Felob & Co.;) where he is now open with fnll and Complete Stock of Fashionable ; • ORIN% AND SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C. MEN'S, B 0 _Y'S YOIJTH'S and OfiLDREN'S full and Wmplete suits of all grades and prices. While ba; aims to lead the trade, be asks his old' friends and everybody else to follow him to his pew location, where hewill fit :them out in the highest style of , art at the lowest prices: - Come early. .4, N. JACOBS. -)da, Pa., April 6, I&.'i.l&.'i. I A -PLATFORM WAGONS, TOP" AND I. OPEN BROOMS for sale st decided bargains A jails number of superior make and dash. O. L. TRACY. HENRY STEMMER. Towanda, April 27.1 m Solicitor of ME Er we Le w en!. & NI o \tAt i Sk lf ti\k‘, % _ For CoUCHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIC,.# I . - 37 , • 'MOMA CONSUMPTION, Diseasee of THROAT, CM£3l - i- I; " • - • Has slur ys - been cm; c.; ' - BIAS 4 QIFI • ASTRA., IA , ;I• . • ' CON BIPTIO. in Its ism p ent and vowed, and all dinewes of thc TI:J!: ••.• and LUNGS. bat it has neves been so advan y compounded as fr. t:!.. . ;7 - .; , . • IINE. Its soothing Babamie prapesties stinstve stimulant arid t , system alter the cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles, Price Stu/. otT Pll7:llbeje:3lll"ldObiltetigiliMl to MEDI E li te enti oru d i i ro se ow l= ne i =Die'l44=Lary Stamp on each bct.u. l . permits It to WSW* b 7 EVerYwilere. Er Wl'!'u.O U IPSICLILL TAN IMMICIDISIL The TOW, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St r ehicapo - ts)railiTi(l): l a - 1 PICTURE GALLERY IN TOWANDA. G.H.WOOD & CO. will open their ilew Gallery _id Patton's Blook, on, the First Monday of April. Mating fitted up entirely new. with.. the beat of inatrumente, we are prepared to make Tintype% 4 at one 'sitting; all' for 50 cti. in neat envelopes, 10 for SLOP. Copying of all kinds of Photographs lad Stereoscopic andlarge view work done at this gallery.• ' Give its a caU and we will try and satisfy you in price and q,uslity. - . mar 2ti* • . , KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is sure to cure Sparta.. Splints, b, kc.. It removes all unnatural • - enlargements. - DOLS NOT lILISTSII4 • , Has no eqUal for any lameness on 4 or man. It hsi cured hip -joint 3 • lameness ins person who , had:suf ' fared 15 years. Also cured rheums , . Ram , corns. frost-bites or and .:41, or lameness. It has no equal for any blemish on bootees. Send for illustrated circular giving posmsos par-A , . Price' $l. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can ge tit for you. Dr. B.J. Kendall 5: Co.; Proprietors, Euosourgb Falls, 'Vermont. 11. G. POSTER, Agent, Towanda. Pa. business now Del 2 C•ro the public. You BEsTestuthanmaa:eanmyotranfug else. Ca pitol woprlitof notus needed. We wiU start you. $l2 a day wards:roads at home by the industrious. Man, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ne. Now is the time., You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to to e business, you can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as werl. NO . one can fail to make enormous pay oy en. gazing at occe. • Costly. Outfit and terms free.— Motley made fast, easily and honorably. . Address, . Taus Augusta; Marne. Dec You need not Die tOlVin - - IN THE • • • MUTUAL - ENDOW3IE?iT .1 AND . • • AC:1:11NT ASSOCIATIOII' Of (Bath, N. T. , Yon receive one-half of your insurance. ac cording to the American Life Table, when two thirds of your life expectancy is Anished—for illustration, a man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of age taking a certificate for 32.500, receives 51,275 when a little over 56 years of age, exactly the period in life' when a little financial help is generally more heeded than at any other time. • BLADES k ROGEBS. June2tf. General Agents for Penn's. Stevens k Long General Dealers in GRocznizs, E PROVISIONS, I _ COUNTRY PRODUCE HAVE REMOVED To their now stare, 00R. MAIN .AND PINE .STS (The old stand of Fox, Stevens &11 They invite attention to their complete athortment and very large 41thek of • • I Choice New Goode, which' Ithey have alwayo lma. , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRODUCE TRADE Ana CAA Paigi . for Desirxiile If. I. LONG. MI SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT HA* RLIP'"ED 1118 ()MOEDA" .DrSiNF:Si Head Quarters GIOCERIES, PHYIBIOIIB, duce. Fine ttthrtiß and EGGS a iipecialty. BEI ON To M. 43E0. JAMES McCA BE T!IE SW . TII 7 IUST CORSER . O: MAIN' AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE UE XIAS ESTABLISHED FOR VirERYTIIDIG IN THE LLNE OF kc. • &c. CASH PAlti, for Deini 111 , 1 e Prc Wagons &Carriages ,Cbeaper3h.sp ever at the • t'•'• OLD zarAszzsArm.pirT JAMES 41PLYANT, would call the atten- tion of FAIPIERSI and others to his large and ',e0n:1)1.04 assortment of Open Sr, Top 113ugg,i e •: 6E3 PLATFORM WAGOkS all of his own MANUFACTURE ant wnr • ranted in every par. ticula-r. ittryant's Fleilbie Syringe need In all Piatf, , ,L, Wagon.. The wiliest and beat in Id.. - NOW LS:YOUR TDIE TO BUY! Look It these figures Two seated. Carriages trona ..... to fl" 5 Photons. one seated • 123 to ILO Top Buggies 123 . t0 Open Buggies _ io to 1.041 Democrat Wagons - 0 0 to Remember that the above are all fully warrant. ed, first-class or no pay, Repairing promptly &Mewled to at 25 per coat below last years prices, Officeand Factory cor. Main and Elizabeth Sts. J'AS BRYANT . • • 2tiebB2* • T 1.71' manda scf. SION s rr.ft NEXT DOOR TO FELCII s prepared to offer p. complete Assort MCIIt 1.. f. DRY AND FANCY GOODS: Lrockery, Glassware, iVIIIT - E'and DEC 0141'1E - 1p 610 A Latest deign and.patterus of MAJOLICA' . WARE, • BIRD CAGES, - SATCHELS, &C. The comin g • Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to oar established principle—that a quick sale with a - small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line: -of _goods will compare favorable-with the prices .of any other louse. '. • - 110 - We endeavor to sell the article for. the least posSibTe money.' my6-ti • LOEWUS &, FREIMUTH. THE MOST SIICCESSFUL• REMEDY ever.dit corere&lis it is certain in 'its effects and dois not blister. Also excellent for human flee) BEAD PROOF BELOW. • PROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Youngstown. Ohio. Slay lOtb, 17* , 0. Du. B.J.KM , IDALL St Cot—l had a weryrallut blellambletonian colt which I prized very high. ly, be bad &large bone ipavin on one Joint and a,small one on the other which inade.him very lame; I had him under the charge of two veteri nary surgeons which failed to cure him. IWU one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin-Cure in the Chicago Express, I determin ed at once to try it, and got our druggists herr to send for it. they ordered three bottles; I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough triel,l used it according to' directions and tie day the ,colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts limbs are free from lumps am' as smooth as any hone in the state, Ile is en tileiralree,,The cure was so remarkable test I let two of my neighbors ban the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. " . Very Respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Ke dalfs Spavin Cure ; ON HUMAN FLESH. . . Patten's Mills, Wasteton Co., 'N.Y.. Feh.'ll.% l . Da. B. J. KVADALL, Dear girt—The particular case on srhtch I used your Kendall's Spain Cure Was yi malignant inkle spriln of sixteen months 'standing. I had tried many things, but in vain. tour fipavin Cure put the foot to the ground Spin. and for the tint time since hurt. in a natural position. For a family es- Cele anything we ever used. Yours truly. .. - FIEF. M. P. BELL. . ' Pastor of M.E. Calash, - Fattens Mills, N.l Price 'Si. per bottle„or 612 bottles for $ 5 . , A ll Druggists have it or canget it fer you, or it sill be sent to any address on receipt of price by tili Proprietors. Dll. B. J. KENDALL k CO.. Ex''''' burgh Falls. Yt. Bold at Dr. H. C. ' C. "Porter's Thug Store' Jy .