II N 1 =I ■ 'III.tCY, i'at►iishera. v() L, VIII ME Republican I'..*; •Ited bur...day, E- ( - 1 • -•••, D I••• oz, TRA C • • $1.5 0 .:1111111 ' 111. it! .Idomac.• .Idr...rtising Rates—Sit Ceuta a line for firAt rt..;11. au I five cents per liue f,r all sub e- q mat t• in Iteadinn notice advor,k hlq ;co ccate pe r liar. Sight ]lies constital.: a ,tare. Ina twelve lines. all inch, Auditor's no c;es Administrator's and Ekeetcor'i y , Yes 1y advertising $1;.0.00 r cr Tas lil:ctomce4l.3 imi.disited in o t c ‘ c.ote at tb.o corner of #.141 11:a fitl'..l . tS. over J. Cureer's hoot and She, et.:e. cit ) culatioa is over Ills an Mtert:silm 111'411111a it is unetioelied in it a int e.,metn f,. I'. • , I ... f •Tr k o c r,. y _ _ _ .4 I' Tini.'t El.q-A T•l..tlt' .•.\.V., , C;()V liN, (E. J. 0rr . .. 1.1 r . f .; J iv,. Ca)itoti..l.Sradrz - 11 . .1 comlly Pa, Ali' nA , orfitruste.l to 'their care in Wvbttrtilit , .:t •rd attu'ati •.:-Iy Ittorneys-it-T.aw; 0111 t 0:1111 '7 4 1, ti T, ();Iree - iVeiOirei liatiL, up stairs. june N C aid L Ehbrie; “,:cur f..loeY. Part: St:, mnyll,7, i:J I +DD . j JI I'.ci: clad 1).; Or. r t.,11. , otlice ~yrr Hill 31krkrt 4'1."7:. /N (E Overton alti '.n , ):SeoinAd3nls B,1nok•1a1} : -..;r 0V 1.;7:.."1:: ovs , r Day! Stor ; • •, 0:11:e avr ski ... ..;..••,..:7; , r..:trAN 11. , . (11' T Dat,s. it • , 31 Ball.) 4) 1, e.in rear - :I:trance en Poplar St. I te.1•2,.7:,. psi's so:kit of 'nf Pateu 31 I'.l t:: nttpution 00.1 to -I,tlmilleAs or;.!.a:. and t , tin) SC Wei - nen t or rotat.•g. • . tt. ' - I%r 1 - 017Nfr:. (I. McPherson and 1-V1 I. Office south side of Nlerour's . fe:l 1.7-4 wrirm vas, ANGLE LIITC ii:CON (11 1 " , Wi.'l laws. E J and w,;t side ,f Main street. two doors north =MM=I:M : Ir,, 17.71. iVt% proript attention T M Es; \ OdigN CDDDING, Attor• •J led( ounsellors-tt-Law. thlico in the srcur ver C. Kirloy'f. Drug Store.' TCLENi .1. 1' ttnrit, I , ut myt•'s Street Tiiwg.,.;,x, W. H. and E. A., At.torney.3-at Law, fo,to.la, ()Mee iu M..rciir Block, t•. T. Kirby'.4 I lrug Store, entrant... on Ilain t•ttrway - north of 1'01it.0211.4 , ... All proinptly Attended 'to. Special :at 1,..n to Cr . : Wait; against- t tinited State/ 41,1.•. pato:lts. rintl.tc an-1 r...Y.1..10citt of dect,doil*.4...,::alt ril 8; 7 1411E.A-N, iT7aIRNEY—AT - ;.%I'.a.:~:r.CoVC ;11;feb-.2 1 1 . .1 ' e rrr I'SIOA NS Asn S nGE, ONs ToIINSON.. T. 11— :r D. 01 :Ice over Dr. 11. e I'ort,r,'s Drug Store. :el) !!!.7s 01toe ai Dwelling / 1 r Ntr,•27.,,:orner WtstoliSt. 12.77 , ov• L' e. M.ll. °lnes Ist door abo L bOii:hOg on 'Alain Parent. special at glven dise-aF,s of the throat and - ju1y19.7-1 8. M.., :11.D.' ota,-(• and real- I 5tr,....q. north 01 M.E.Chur:ll,. ‘1,•IiI.: t'ims;oit Do•lrtment. , f? 1,22.7., _ - L. .M.ll. Office covi - r :i iniau2."4i'd ()awe r•ains fr om 1Q to Se A.>t. and !7" to 4 e. :4. Special attention given to th. lye, ana i-ases of the Ear. oct '2J,77 1.;;;V \::I:. if. 1.. Z.!.D.. 11 , .v,z1r.cen and on't,•,=, kart north of Dr. Coriin'ta qtroet. Ithetrv,•Pa. 110TEL.7 Hol - SE Main at.. next corner - south " ot Lridge street. ..New house and new throughout. • —The • proprietor has itlfor pains ur 'expense in making his tel first-clans and respectfully sclicitk a share rd , ...l.bire patronage. Meals at all hours: Terms masonable. Largo Stable attsched. r.:ar s 77 w t. irExl:Y. SECRET SOCIETIES ---- WATKINs POST, NO. CS, G. A.. R. Meets every Saturday evening, at Military Hall. GEO. V. MYER, Commander. R. Farradnov., Adjutant. • feb 7, 79 rilll'STAL LODGE. NO. 57. Meets at K. of P. Ball every Monday evening at 7:30. In 100x3ce $2.600. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver t.;•• e,•nt, 5 years experience, $ll. • .1 EASE MYERS. Rogorte'r. • F., ..1.• lot ato r. fob 22.78 "Du.u)FoRD . L01)0 F., NO. 167, 1. 0. O.F. Meet a In odd Fellow's 'loll, every Monday evening 7 o'clwk. WAnIZEN HILL, Noble Grand. juLe -; HOUSE ANASIGN PAINTING po - cr. F. E. , No. 32 Second street All orders will receive prompt attention. June 12,7 a EDUCATIONAL ;11':1071:HANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. II 'SITING TERM will Ugiu MOnday, April • For catalogue or. other info:. zatkin. aallress pr call on the Principal. - - EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda. I'a. , 1Y1).7, , 1 PLUMBER AND C.' A S FITTER TITILLIAMS, EDW:1111i. Practical Plumber TT and Gas - Fitter. Hace of. business in Mer cur Mock next door to Jeurnal officio opposite Pl:MlL:Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair /La Pumps ~ 13,11 kinds, and all kinds of Gearing remptly attended to. All wanting . work in his n= should give biin_a call. July 27,77 INS CR.4 XCE ME • Pr ,6 F..r.T.,. C. s, ral Insurance Agency. Towan , la, ra. Whi tcornb's Book itore. jnly 12,7 t; • Y Ind li;t 01:t. of llis 25 CENT DINNERS teb2:.tra ~ . . .. . . . . .......,,.•.-.... . . . , . . . . . .- . , . . . ~ _. . ... ... , , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . • . . . .- • . . . , ... . , , . . . _ • . ~ . , . ' .. , . . . .Y k. . - .. .., . . . . ~..., - . . .... ~ . •.. . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . --- .. . - . ' . - '. '`'''. • ' . . .. . . . . ... . .... . .. - . . . - IA . . , . -1 • ... _ ~:, i-. .- i• - - —.., . ~ ~ _ •.... . . .. , , . . .. . . ..i • , . ..... . . .. • ... . _ .. . . . . . -:.,- , ',- . - z.: 0 1 1p ...',,,.. ' 7 . 5' , ...4.W . " w•-• - lir''...'' , .' '' -, ^ , 41i- . . .. . . . .. .... ~,.....,..„,,,,,.,....„....,.. ...)- . .„r,._ "Ir. v -' ' . i .41L... 1 • . . . . . . . . . . - - - . .., . • .. . . „ ... 11. 7 / 1 -11 " " •- s . ' • - . . . . . .. 1. . . . i . . . . , . . . . . . . . i .. 4•-,._.. . . . , .. .. . . . . _.. .. . . ‘ 'i! • . , _ . . . - . . • ... . , - _ . . . . . • . - • Double , StOre. Double Stock. NOS. I ;AND 2 111:IDOE J.K.BUSH le now open in his Mammoth Double store with a full, fresh anil completea tzar of fashionable Spring find_ Sur rimer Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, - Traveling Bags, Umbrellas, Ete. r r Suits of all Grades for Men, Boys, 'Youths and Children.. Our rents have been obtained on the moat favorable terms, and our current 'expenses re- - dueed . , to the lowest possible minimum, we pro pose to give our customers the benefit of these Reductions by putting our prices at LoWer Fig ures than any other Clothing House In Towanda. Wo incite a tareful examination of our shtick and: pricek, vthether wishing to buy or pot.. We can`satisfy . , the closest buyer of the truth of what we B:w.f. e.l!itildf we u 111 satisfy Remember, Nos-3 'awl 2, Bridge street. •;7. K. BUSH. .Tor4n , ta, I a., April 10,115i42. yr 'TROY; PA'. . • • keep on hand cops4ittly foi builders, BRICK, LATH, • SHINGLES SASH, DOORS, - BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, • - CItESPEAK- NAILS. Use• WAGON NAKER i S SIIPTLIES ,yenow - s, Spokes, yhilli; Poles Carriage Tripaning4l oct Aiso a full line et Shelf andlre - iry Hardware, and a full linq . 4f' s , • r ~, C'arriage's, Platform atallLumbor Wagons, Made by ns w; ill skilled wo.rmen, a nOarranted in every particular. jtays, •gin t 4 On.C3 in Troy, April _7-1y !ILA NK BopK: MAN UF.4TORER BOOK •BINbiR; TO W.l N D.l; l'A Alfred ).!Pur:vis, t All work. In his lino done well and promptly at lowest price. Parties baying volumes incomplete will he fur. Mailed with any missing number at cost price. All. orders ,given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for Bradford County. will be Promptly executed ac cording to directions. I sep9.tf 0 It.'o.S . . , t. . „ • Now'Occupici the Corner StOre oppOsite Dr. H. *C. Porter's Drug Store, Main Steeet, with a large stock of ) Vs - . . . . ' • • • OF THE BEST ,QUALITY. Mr. IWEIS bag ANOTHER STORE, ON BRIDGE STREET J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores arc connected by Telephone. Mti 'Boas can now feel satisfied that he can give th0,,l r. . . REST GOODS ,cOrt Till: LEAST MONEY HisCaxperkidice enables hint to select the beat goods. which he is botind to sell at a LOW _PRICE. You can always get a bargain it you _ . BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. All goods Aelfvered In the Borough FREE. .P.tiItMERS - will do well to call with their Produce and get the CASH. 20apr31.17. MAIENDELIVIAN JEW EIIER, Iu Btill to be found. at ale OLD STAND Next door to Dr. li. C. Porter's Drug 1 .57 ore FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS jIIWE'L,.RY, STEItLJNG • SILVER AND • r • SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, PECII TILE CIIEAPEST TO THE BEST • sir ALL OF WHIM WI iT.'EE SOLD AT TUE VERY LOWEST PRICE& pocks. Watches and Jewellipromptl y repaired by an experienced and competent wo kkman. , M. HENDELMAN. • eeptlG.o - New Acivertizements; WE MEAN BUSINESS. BEA_RpS LEY & §PA,I4ISING, Harilwitre Dealers. AND P:11'1 7 ,1 tIriLEIII,:&C N. 1:11 Gutitz:--sre strvt-t, iiiiiSl .IL4/A" STREET, WITH. A FULL LINE OF IV ATCI3iES, FINE PLATED WARE, CLOCKS:, TOWANDA. Aa3FORD COUNTY, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 - ..1882. blltcellancout Advertisements. MALARIA Malaria is an alinost in- ' 'describable .malady which not even the most talente , physicians are able to fatl - om. Its cause is most fr - quently ascribed , to loc 1 ~ surroundings, and there is I very little question, but this. opinion opinion is substantiated by -- facts. Malatia . does notnec- essarily mean chills an 4: ! fever while these troubles ~ - usually accompany it ,It -, often affects the sufferer with general lassitude, acconi- -, _ panied by loss of appetite, sleeplessness, a tired feeling - and a high' fever, theper- i son a f fl icted growing weak-, i er quid' weaker, loses fl esh ! r i day after &Sy, until he be-. ' i : comes a mere skeletoni a • shadow of his former self. Malaria once having laid its boll upon the human frame, the . ..h.ior of the system is thrown open to nervous diseases. The• body.. ',mak and enfeebled absorbs no, nourishment; but subsisting, upon itself, the diglistive organs ito longer perform their functions ; tht liver becomes torpid, and other organs failing to do their routine work speedily become disordered, • and dissolution and death arc apt , • • to ensue. , • - In addition to being a certain cure for malaria and chills and fevei, BROWN'S IRON Byrvots is highly recommended for all diseases requir- k • ing a certain and efficient tonic; cs 1, peciallyindigestion,dyspepsia,inter mittent fevers; want of appetite,loss. of strength lack of energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs. It is for sale by -• all-respectable dealers in medicines, price, Sr per bottle, ' Be sure and get .the : genuine BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. Take no other. NATHAN TIDO;L (SoccOasor to Mr. 2itcgoani) ' DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKESBA.RRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, FOOT or PINE STREET, NEAR COURT 110E3E. ' • TOWANDA, PA. sir- LOWEST PRICES FOR ,The ilatronarie of my old friends ind the nub' Is solicited. 9aep;:t By 'UniVersnl Accord; CATHARTIC Pitts are the nest. of all pprgatives., for 'fan - lily use. They are the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their .;extensive 'use, by. physicians' in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, proves them the best aui4 most effectual purgative, Pill, that 14ediql clence can devise. Being purer* ve , - stable no harm can arise from their lose, and being. sugar-coated, th'iye 'pleasant to take. In intrinsici valtie 'and curative powers no other Pills .can be compared with them; a`nd every persOn, , knowing their virtu* will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, and maintain in healthy action • the I whore machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they -are especially' allapted to the needs of the digestive app ratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely, taken.: They are the best and safest physic to employ -far children and weakened constitu tions, where a mild but effectual ,cathartic is required. For sale by all druggists. • STOP AT ti T:ITIJ I ll & CO.'S EilM G ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 1:4 .• The plafe to save money b onying cheap IS at Corner Main end Frsatlin ,84eets TOWANDA; PA Tuey respoetfully annerulce to the ynblle teat they have a large stock of FLOUR.' FEED. MEAL, GRAIN. SALT, FISH PORE. and PROVISIONS generally. We have also added to our stock a variety of WOODEN WADE. aach as BUTTED TUBE, FIR MB. CHURNS, rrii; Just received r large stock of Sugar•. Teis, Coffees . , Spica, MOULSON'S PURE SOAP. the hest In the mortal,, sad othor mates of soap Syrup sud Kobus", which they offer at lop prices for Cub. I . . oat 261 In the Whole History of 4 9, Medicine , No preparation has ever perfcirmed such marvellous cures, or maintained so Wide a reputation, MS AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, 'which is recognized as- the world's remedy for all diseases of the. throat' nini ' Its. long-continued series of wotiderild cures in all cli mates has - made it universally known as - a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always re lieving suffering, and often saving life.' . The .protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and ,chest disorders, makes it an ' invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No persciu can afford to be without it, and those who. have once - used it never will: From . their 'knowledge of its composition and operation, physicians nse the CHERRY PEcron.u. extensively in their practice, and clergymen recom= mend it. It is absolutely certain in its healing effects, and will always . cure where cures are possible. . For sale - by all druggists. • 1 , • - _ ..uoNTRNmENT OP' THE PEOPLE BY THE pEOPLE AND FOB TEE PEOFT.E." POETRY. , . . , 5 4 CHANGES. .; • •. ! Whom t welove, you know, we seldom wed. Time; 'ea us all. And Life, Indeed Is not ; The t gwe planned It out ere hope wag dent And then, ire women cannot choose our lot.' ....-- Much must ISe borne which it Is hard (bear: Much given 'away which it were sweet to keep. Clod help us all I 'who need, indeed, His care. And yet, rknow, the Shepherd loves His sheep. -‘. My little boy begins to babble now 11 Upon my knee his earliest infant rayer. He has his father's eager eyes, I knout • 1 . And, they say too, his mother's sunny hair. .. But when he sleeps and, smiles upon isy knee; ,_ And I can feel his light breath wine and go; I think of one (Heaven help and. pity me!) I Who loved Inc and whom I loved long ago. ' I Who might have been • • • • ab, - Hitt I. dare not think! 1 We all are changel; G ' trod j ‘ for us best. God help us 10 our duty and not rink • And trust in heavenziaurnbi3r f r, the rest. , 1 , - But blame us women not, if sem Appear • Too cold at times and some gak and light. ',Some griefs gnaw deep. Some %toed are hard tt • bear. , 1 1 ... Who knows, the Post? and who can Judge us I right? • I • Ali, were we Judged by what we might have been • And not by what we are too apt to fall 1 My little child -he sleeps and smileibetween These tfioughts_,and me. In heaven we shall - know•-all. . I I •I. —Lord Lytton (Owen metenttn). _ miscELLANEops, THE PSALM OF 11FE.':`,3 Several young men, recently frOm 'college, fall of new opinions, new beliefs and 'new ideas, weie riding' together over a far West aru road. • With them in the stage were two farmers' wives upon a shopping excursion, and a flue-looking elderly man 1 ! , whose dress and manner denoted that ho ;w accustomed to society. The young people 1 havo spoken, of were not restrained from fr e exprenion 9f their sentiments by the presence of an tutllence, and the farmers' wives gradrudly grew stiff with horror as they listened., 1 ; The elderly gentleman liined also, 'as those listen who are used to discussions, aid are interested in - than oven .w en they are . crude. I -'-- ; I Finally, after a certain.youic unbeliever had ventilated his opinions ve thoroughly, ~ he spoke: "Young gentlemen," he said, "you . ro. mind me of myself at your agel I held your sentiments when I left college, and was even more certain that they were; the right ones. than you ura, ' - I- 1 " I do not Propese to argue with you now, but I would like to tell you i how my ideas were changed. I married very early, a sweet, beautiful girl, ivho was tt very devout believer in all holy things. When sho dis covered what my opinions were 'it grieved her greatly, and she strooe to cluing° them. Without success, as you may imagine. : A man win? is particularly proud of his adruic ,ed views, is' ot likely to alte l r them even , for ' the sale of the sweetest girl in the world. .'Yon kill come to 'my opinisu some day when ion aro older, little one; I used to say ; and she would shake her golden head and aniarer : - • -.. ! ' "No, no, Jerome 1 I shall Only grow - ~ stronger in my faith as I grow older.' "I did not strive to alter her views. 'No man ever yet desired any woman be leVed ' to be an infidel, a free-thinker. I rusted Nellie just as she was—pure, sweet and:de vout as a little nun. , . , "Now ice used to talk about growing 'older. Neither of us dreamed that for her there would be no old age. ' "We had just a year of the happiest life that. two people" ever spent together, and then all was over. • " Ono night the' Death Angel crossed ,our ,threshold. An hour of terror for InN of igony for her,' and I knew that he had come. 'A Mlle, longer, and my precious wife lay lead upon her pillow, with a babe; who had drawn but one long, shivering . breath upon her aria. But before her soul passed from her pure body she had .time; to say this to . f me: . H ""Jerome, la m going to die. We both knoW it, and I have.only a little.breath left. Bo calm, awl let me say what LI want to 'say while I can. Ido not know. what I shall lilt see in the other world, or how I shall find myself; but, however it i may be I will try to come back to you, if only for ti merit. Perhaps I shall bo taken a long way off, but before I go, I shall ask some good angel to let - me say good-by to you. I want you to know what I know now—that we shall meet again in Heaven. So, darling, promise me that, after I die, ' the first e4en ing—perhaps it may be this that is coming go into the little library, and sit down thero in your i old chair, awl wait for ma. Ido not know what I ehall be able to do, but I will do-something to let yon knoW lam near you. Promise me, Jerome.' ; " What could Ido but promise ? It was only to make her happy, for at that time had no - doubt that the soul died with the body. This to me was the end between :W. I promised to do as she asked, and, of course, I intended to do it, but I had no idea that anything would come from it taut !a deeper realization of my irreparable loss. "My darling died that night. She was lying in her coffin as the twilight fell next evening, and I was alone. I wandered about the house with miserable puiposeless uess. Now I sat slon,e where we had so often been together. Nowj I climbed the stairs, and opened the door'; of •••die nom where she lay, and stood and looked at her, and saw that it was no kinger - her upon whom I looked, only the body in thicl„ she , had lived. • • '" I called her by name.. I prayed - her to return to me. And then I felt that, scoffer as I was, I had - recognized unintentionally the fact that the soul was not part of the body. I "'Come back!' I sighed. Yet that lay before me which I had said was all. I . " Is she right ? Mn I wrong ?' I asked Miself. And now with my intention to keep,my promise mingled a I certain degree of hope which I combated with that double self of which we are all conscious, which waken ithciirible torus to hold an inward argument. "However, as the hour which Nellie had fixed drew on I entered the library. I seat ed myself, as she hid directed, in ray own Chair. Hers was opposite it. On the cush ion, where she had cast it down the night before she lied, was a little bet& of poemiq a gift I had brought home that evening„ a "irony volume with a verse and an illustra tions on each page. "How well kremtmibered just when she dropped it there, intending Ito return in s ' a few, moments.- She never returned.. Do I say never? Assuredly her fair earthly 'tau never re-entered that room, • bat as , I,:sat there looking'at the book I saw it suddebly fall open. Its pages fluttered and then were quiet ; the book, wide Open as thmigh a hand held it so, revealed' one verse of poeni and its illustration. ' , " 'lt is a singular thing," - I said to myself, 'but doubtless there is some natural cam for it Otomemovement of nine hag moved the light rocking.chair, and 'so opened _the book.' But despito my rembning I tel a straige -thrill in over, nerve, , and bent for. ward to see what the open page contained MEI =EI It was this verso of the feet I,ongfel: low's Psalm of Life : we is rein Lusk earnest! And Magma( Is not Its Oa - Dust thou art, to dust returaest, • - Was no, spoken of the Bata! "My wife had ma this poalot. to me be fore the laid the book down. It was recent ly written, and I had,never seen it •befdro. I had admired-it as a poem, but . refused to accept- its religkins signification—the ono she put upon I at least. "Could it be that she -was: reading it to me, now that I • Death had taught her morn i • • Than this melancholy World Things greater than all lore'i --- "If I could - have smiled at l that moment, I should have smiled at wadi_ for this thought. . " Even angnishlilte this shall not drive m© mad.' I said; and doing the book, 'placed it'upon a table. I conk' nut, how. ever, refrain from gazing at "Yong men, - yin may think me' a dreamer, - but u I looked, I _swam to ychl that I saw that book once more cipen and at the very.page where it Was opened befoie—al that particular verse of the Psalm of Life. ' • - "There was no movement to Ammit fin it this time. • The solid table lAN not been .liakett in the least. Yet there the book was, open once more, held open, its it seem ed, by unseen fingers.. ' This is not chance,' I cried: "I tobk the book in my hand and tested its covers. They were stiff with the stiff neas of neiv binding, and it was I impossible for me to open the leaves and cause them to ienhain open as the book lay upon. the tahle without holding them with my-fingers. - .• "I was now in a state of excitement past description. "Again I closed the book. This time I stood bending over it. , - i . "And once more the. pages Opened—once more I read the words : ' • • 'Dust thou on, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the souL' • " And now I knew that it waF l , in this way. that Nellie had returned to ruethat *thus she spoke to me from the • worl d to, which , her son! had flown. . RIZ liiilM " My lore, my ilarling,'• I cried. 'Slieak to mu. Let me seo yon. Arch! yen here? Where are you ?' r "The oily !Macro; nras the closing of the . book: • . r "From that hour to this I hare had ne other Fign to tell me that my wife; still exists, .but I know it' as well as I know • that . I am 'here. ' • t IWO had my proof that• the sol d exists and retains its identity, and I am' as confid ent of meeting my wife when I die as I should be if I bad seen' and spoken to her yesterday. "It was as I have tokl you that my belief in Heaven was given me. Each must have his own proof, and this is not a Story that I tell often, but tho talk of ypu young people interested me. This is my stopping-place. 3ood.day, young gentlemen." The stage,stoppednnd higot "I my," said one of the young men to tho driver, who had descended from his perch to , see to the elderly gentleman's valise, "I say, who was that ?" " That !" said the driver "Why, don't you know &nator X. ? The smartest man about this plate, 1 toll you."—Mary Ityk Dallas. . InToklo there a large government pa per.makiug and money-printing; establish ment, where hundreds of laborerg and oper atives are engaged.. In connection with the works there is an eating-heuse, where food is supplied to all who desire to; obtain their meals on the premises. The scale of-Prices for a meal is from oriel and one-half cents to six -- cents. The lowest wages Paid is ;ten. cents a day. It will be seen that the laborer working for the smallest stipend can get, all the food required for a small proportion ; of his earnings. - operatives in . .this es tablishment are good specimens of what Japanese fOod will do in the'way of sustain. ing strength and robust health., No more healthy set of men and women or youths can bh seen in any. part of the world ; gone more capable of enduring the strain and drift upon the system that continuous labor en. tails. Your correspondent has taken the trouble to ascertain the measurement of the lower limbs of a number of the draught coolies in Yokohama, and he is able to assure you Oat, by actual measurement,,very many of these . chaps have a calf to their leg meas nring,,seventeen inches and even larger, the bight of the men being not over five feet and four to five inches. It teltes good strong food 'to put such muscle into the frame of the human being, and that of the Japanese does it. . - Doubtless had not the . long htnries of seclusion from the outside world' l. compelled the Japanese to Marry and intermarry among - themselves es they have, i ithey would show a much taller race than they now do. Every species of animal life is (Warred from' the same cause of interbreeding. 1 The cattle are small, and the horses are enrich smaller than the California mustang; in fact, they can only be called ponies. There may, per. haps, be yet another cause for the short stature of the race: Their internecine want hive destroyed the lives of myriads of the fighting population. It is kncium that the wars f Napolepu served to - shorten' the stet of thet French people very materially, and do btless'the destruction of life cawed un t by war has effected the same result here. The lapanesnaren warble race, and when they fight they fight to kill, using the most effective, edged tools ever made ,for•the trade of war.—San Francisco Chronicl e & • -.... 4 . . ! PLEOEIA . Np PATRICIANS. Writing from Mexico the correspodent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat says: "It is a ciientry of castes. \ ;A broad' in4 marked distinction in costume and custom marks the different classes. The peons or lower dailies, wear sandals, common White cotton shirts, and panty that are girded to the waist by colored sashes in which they seem to 141 a pride, and nearly all sport a shawl two. or three yea& in length and a yard wide, that is exactly like so much rag carpet. But i the hat is the special pride of the men. ;, All have Some sort z of trimming on their broad sombreros, some of them elaberately worked with gilt and silver trimming end quite' ex pensive. The women wear no bats or lam nets, but shawls in which theyl hoed their heads and faces in true oriental' style. The upper classes dress with as much elegance and taste as in any part of the United States. Dress coats and silk plugs rare plentiful; their ladies—senoras and senoritas—wearing shawls of elegance in lien of I:n4as:or bonnets. These are people of a fairer skin; clear and beautiful complexions, the menlfine looking, ithe ladies handsome, and all with intelligent 'casts of countenance,. They are, generous and friendly, and while they have, been im. posed upon by the' Amerietm border ruffian and oily tongued adventurers enough to make them question every corner's character, yet all who deport themselves as gentlemen will receive a kindly welcome, and their attachmentit once formed are heart l and durable.": . LIFE IN JAPAN AM ERA OP PARRICIDES* The conviction of a boy twelve years old of murdering his father in Missouri recall's rather fOrmidable list of parricides this year, and it further raises the questicin of the pro. priety of hanging a child. Pomeroy, the youthful Boston fiend, escaped the gallows narrowly on account of, his years, but as , there was little doubt in his case that be was a brute fn human form, a freak of nature that could hardly be called human without straining language,* isn't clear that there ' Was any reason for exempting him. Wire were realty more animal than human, as those who pleaded for his life claimed, the tact was rather treason for treating,him him a mad dog than for extending unusual clam encylo him. pie Missouri parricide is also represented to ton so peculiarly bad that ho ought not to be' hanged; but if ho is so much more diabolical than 'other very bad bOys it is evident that he is not the sort of youth to raise.' Conviction in - thin case has followed quick* on the crimi. On the 6th af Juli Guy Smiths boy of twelve years of age of Kirkwood, Mo., having been 'Fin ished by his father for fighting with` his brother, got a revolver and shot his father, Iffilton Smith. He la's just beep tried and convicted of - murder. A few weeks ago the Times gave a list of serious crimes, many of which werimurders, which had been Com mitted by children during the previous three months. In those cases the *Wien were sot related to the criminals. There have been several c s of.the most deliberate and cold-blooded rricides in some, of which cases the criminals were of tender years, , 'lough in molt they just reached itemi:ma amity at least In January last a protracted quarrel between a man named. Smith, in Rictunond,' Ind„ and his wife and two sons culminated in his being shot by his son Dan aged nineteen, after which Dan and another brother threw the body Into the well. The wife and mother was a party .to the ' , affair and locked nil the smaller children to that they would be out of the way when the crime was Vommitted. The son who did the shooting got a life sentence in the Peni tentiary. All the criminals were very hard ened, and ce4it-4one weroreadily extracted from them. !) ..'.lbriiary Solomon Richer:hi, of Charlhm, Mass., was shot and killed, by his 'son, a young married mare The mur derer claimed that his father • had abused his mother There was Some evidence that ho shot his father to get possession of , the farm. the 17th of the month James 'G. Allison waa hanged at Indiana, Pa., for the delibemtenitirder of his father two years be fore. The father and mother were on ban terms, and the son sided with his mother, and had• long entertained a bitter, hatred against his father on his own account. He was thirty when executed. Laterin the: month Charles! B. Gillem, aged seventeen. shot his invalid mother in her bed.., HaVing had a dispute with her, he went intoanother room, got a pistol and killed her, and when arrested manifested no. remorse. ;Odd oc curred in Macomb county, Ohio.. .In the same month—February was productive of parricides—John Lanaha, who lived twelve milei from Dock Rapids, lowa, was shot by his daughter, aged twenty. The girl's lover, to whom the father objected, furnished her with the pistol,. and her mother and young er sister were in the plot. They bad been intending to John since last November; but neither thi, Wife nor the younger &ugh could muster up courage to do it, so they t for the older girl, who, was rway, to come home and do the bloody work' The family complained that John Tamale was cross and did not provide for his family. A soniiiwhat similar crime occurred in May, in theiia m e State, near Muscatine. In this case a man na t mod McMenomon was shot by his young sen c ,:bis two daughters, both young, being parties to the crime. They said they wanted to have things their own wayat home, and they could not's° long .as the father lived. They . planned that the youngest sister shorild confess that she killed her father, their idea being that her sex and age would - shield her from severe punish. went, and "so all would escape, But the' plot fell . through. On the 4th of July Frank Dagon, of Harwinton, Conn., pushed his father backward, breaking his neck, be ' cause ho Intl not allowed to take a horse and' go to ride. It is worth noticing thatall• these parricides occurred in the rural 4 41 is: Wets, and, 'Ath l one or two exception; among farming peciile:—Chicago Times. PAII!'EtED JUDGES. Says a,Washiugton letter to the Phflnil4 phia Press:, For high-toned perquisites, privileges and luxuries, the jolly old owls on the Supremo Court bench would lake thi3 premium at the world's fair—they would take the cake, the oven,°the baker and the farmei's wheat field. In the first place every one of the Judges has a -loom in his house furnished by the government lexuri ously—it perfect library' in itself. The walls are covered with book cases filled with lair books of great value and usefulness, the floors are richly enrpeted,',a great, massive desk oecupl4 the center of the room, ma rocco lounges and easy chairs invite you to repose, and the body servant is just withouf the door awaiting the tinkle of the silver bell f These, including the body servant, are paid ont of Uncle Sam's pouch. If you go to dine with it, judge, or a secretary, On assistant secretary, or an assistant anything, or a Senator, behind your chair you will probably find a waiter, paid for by the goy - (Aliment as a menger or a laborer. Fmk judge has his J3wn man. The Supreme, Court has more officers and men than ani similar institution* tho world thrice over. One thing the judges have not, except on days of ceremony, and that is, 'esexiages. Many , indeed nearly all of them, drive their, own private i t iriages„ but in all Othef re each' they areahout late Cabinet officers except more so. IWith $lO,OOO a year and pension when they retire ; with a librar3r, .a body servant, thrlie or six months' vacation every sear, and the moped of all mankind, the Supreme Court Judge' can walk alcqig the flowery paths leading to old age with the jolly idea that they are lucky as well as CENTURY PLANTS 111 CALIFORNIA' Quite a number of century plants in va. rions parts of the State are throwing up stalks preparatory to blooming. One upon a ranch in Sonoma Valley, on the west side near the foothills, grew - six feet in eight days, or three-quarters of an inch per hour, which is a fair sample of the rapidity of fiower-stem development in these interesting plants. At Petaluma two plants ,are about to bloom and will be in their prime _ next week. A mammoth century plant has been for year` on a &i farm in the lk t briel Valley, will blossom soon. The spreads aver a,circle forty-five feet in cir cumfereace. The flower stem is expected to become forty or more feet high before it completes its' growth. Eight or ten other cases are reported in other parts of the State. The century plant will, in Califor nia, bloom in . eight or ten years after being planted. Thealexicans make an intoxica ting drink, pulque, from the sap, and its manufacture is said 'to be very profitable. Prom the leaves a hemtblie fibre is obtained. —Ban Francisco Chronicle. DEAD RELATIVES 111 CHINA. Greet indeed are the expenses entailed on the living by the dead. In no land can the loss of a Human IMmore seriously felt. To begin with, there are heavy funeral aspen. sea. The body must be dressed in fine new clothes, and another good suit must be burnt, as also his boots and shoes, 'Most , of his wardrobe, his bed and bedding, and the thingirmost essential to his. comfort ;when living, for he is supposed to require al these in the unseen world ; and though paper rep .resentations are useful later, the real articles are needed for the tiriginal outfit. Then a handsome coffin is essential, and the priests must be largely paid for funeral services at the houle of the damaged, and again for their services, in ascertaining the kicky day ' fo burial, whiles professor of fling ilia must also be paid, to choose the exact spot where they may safely prepare the grave so that the dead nay bo shielded from the will lam enceserhich proceed, from the north, , and encompassed by all the good which breathes flow the south. From 'the tenth to- the seventeenth day after death, the prieeite, whether Taoist or Buddhist, hold services in the house, to protect the living from-the in roads of hosts of spirits Who are supposed to crowd In, in the wake of their new friend, and as all.relatives and friends of the family must be entertained, as well as the priests, this branother heavy item of expense. In short; many families are often permanently impoverished by tho drain to which they are thus subjected, and which, in the form of masses for the departed and offerings at his grave or before his tibia; are certain' to recur again and again. • To omit them would be to incur the anger of the spiteful dead, who are now in a position to avenge them selves 'on the living, by inflicting all manner of sickness and suffering. Besides, if the priests know that there is any possibility of extracting money froina family by playing t i on their feelings, theypretend to have had revelations, rem the irit, world, showing the unfortunate dead be tortured in per. gatory, and that the only means by . which lie,can be extricated isliy a fresh course of costly services falba house. The price to be paid for theseis fixed at-the highest sum which they judge is possible to extract, say $l,OOO, and though the family may remon strate and endeavor to make a better ber g+, it tenerally ends in their raising every possible coin, and even selling their jewels to procure the necessary 'Brun which shall free their dead from suffering, and also se. cure his protection and good will. The sums thus expended connection with the worship of the deed are almost incredible. I heard a calculation once made by one well entitled to know what he spoke of, 'to the effect that fully $30,000,000 are annually expended in China l at the three great festi vals in honor of the dead; while, in addition to the above, by calculating the average ex penditure of each family at $1.50 a year, he computed that fully $150,000,000 are:annu ally spent in quieting the spirits.—The eau PQISONOUS LEAVES. , . Some of °lir most admired flowers, which we should lemit willingly banish from culti vation, are associated with green leaves of,a very poisononi; character. The narrow long, leaves of the daffodil Sit as an irritant poison; the delicate compound leaves of laburnum have a' narcotic and acrid juice which causes . purging, voiniting and has not nnfrequently led to death, The ' narrow leaves of the meadow saffron or Autumn crocus give rise to the utmost irritation of the throat, thirst, dilated pupils, with vomiting and purging. The dangerous character of aconite; or monk shood leaves, is doubtless well known, but e> each generation of children requires instruc tion' t to av" above all things those large palm -sha pe leaves, dark green on the upper surface. yes of coarse weeds provide an abundant qnota• of danger, but frequently their strong scent and ' bitter. or' nauseous taste give timely warning against.their being consumed.' Of all aur British orders of plants perhaps the umbelliferons order con tributes the rankest and the most widespread elements of danger. The till hemldck is everywhere known to be pciisbnous, and it is one of the' most abundant 'occupants of the hedge. A pecnriar " mous3y " odor can gen erally. be recognized on 'squeezing* leaves, which are deep green in- color 'and .trebly compound, the small lobes being lanceolate and deeply cut. It is said that the mousey • t-- smell ran be detected in water containing' not more than a fifty -thousandth part of the juice. Hemlock is both an irritant to any sore place and a general narcotic poison, producing headache, imperfect :vision, loss of power to swidkiw and extreme droweirsisic with complete pamlysis of voluntary mus- Cks and muscles of respiration. .The water dropwort,, too, a fl ourishing ditch plant ; the water hemlock, fool's parsley, must be rank ed among our most dangerous poisonous plants, belonging to the umbelliferous order. The fool's parsley' leaves are sometimes mis taken for genuine paisley, but theirnanseous odor and darker leaves' should prevent this. The nightshade odor is another, with dan gerous and often extremely pelsonowi leaves. Indeed, no nightshade can be regarded as safe ; while the deadly nightshade; with its oval, uncut leaves, soft, smooth and stalked, are in the highest degree to be avoided. Henbane and thormipple, again, - with their _large and much indented leaves, are con spicuous; members of the "dangerous class, es." Holly leaves contain a juice which iii, both narcotic and acrid, causing vomiting,: pain and purging. • Even elder leaves and privet leaves may produce active and injuri mui irritation when eaten. With regard to treatihent in cases of poisoning by leaves, if no dheter is at hated, produce vomiting, till all offending matter, is expelled , and .when conic erable sleepin6 ,or 'drowsiness has coma on.- give strong tea or coffee, and again bring on vomiting'; then stimulate and solute the brain in every possible Mode.— bled and Water. EVERYTHING FROZEN SOLID. The markets of Irkutsk are an interesting sight is the 'Winter time, for everything on sale is frozen solid. Fish are piled up in stacks like's° much cord wood, and meat likewise. All kinds of fowl are similarly frozen and piled up, many of - them being stuck up in corners in fanciful attitudes. Some animals brought into the market whole are propped up on their legs and have the appearance of being actually •alive, and as yen go throtigh the market you seem to be surrounded by living pigs, sheep, oxen and fowls standing up and watching you as though you were a visitor •to the barn-yard. Ton can scarcely realize that they are dead, so naturalend life-like do they appear. But stranger yet even 'the liquids are. frozen solid and sold in blocks. Milk is . frozen into a block in this way, with a string or a stick frozen into or projecting from it. This is for dui convenience of the purchaser who can take his milk by the string or stick and carry it home, swung across the rshoulder.' There is no need for milk calls or pails to take to market in Irkutsk. Other liquids are sold in the ?same way, and so in ; a double. sense such as is unknown in other corm tries,:a wan ,pau buy- his drink "with a stick is it."4Bastom , Commercial Bulletin, • DANDELION.. ' A Dandelion In a meadow grew, • Amobg the waving grass and csawallps yello w ; ' Dining on stuistdne, breakfasting on dew, no was a right contented little folk's , . Each morn his golden head be Uftettstraigh t, To catch the first Infect breath of coming day; Bach evening .closed his sleepy eyes, to wait ' Until the long, cool night bad passed away. One afternoon, In sad, unquiet mood, I paused beside this tiny, bright-faced Bower, And begged that lie.yroultl tell me, if he could, The secret of his JO through amend shower, • Be looked at me with "open eyes, and said 44 1 know the sun Is somewhere, stardn' g clear, And when I cannot see him overhaul,' • • lU7to be a little sun, right here r • W. IL Allen, in St. Nicholas. WATCHING THE TIME -BALL DROP. The Scene at Napa Allow the Western Mahal Buildhig—tjave the Masai is Operated. Those who pass along Broadway and Park Row a little before noon must' frequently wonder at, the concourse of people they see a,7lgentbled at the prOw of the Post Office and on the steps about the entrance to'Rednut's pharmacy.' 'A little . closer inspection in creases the wonder, for most .of these per sons bear a watch in one hand and a watch key in the other and are apparently gaiing at vacancy in a proposeless and. inexplicable' manner.. Appearances in this case, how. ever, are deceptive. The watch-bearers have stayed their daily progress down Broad. Way only for a purpose at once definite and nsefuL It is the time-ball on the metal staff at the top of the Western Uniim Telegraph Company's building that attracts their atten tion and' causes -them to liriger around. ;Raving seen it drop and having regulated their watches accordingly the tilted necks are set straight and the crowds join the throngs andmave away. At 11.55 the ball may be seen slowly ascending the mast, and when it swiftly falls it is .exactly 12 accord ing to the havens. The stroke-bell of the neighboring church clock has then usually sounded five times: 1 • The ball is worked 'under the, direction: ; Mr. intlett, ;of the Western Union Telegraph Company, who causes it to rise' and fall by. means of a simple electrical apparatus con trolled from his room, which is several floors below. Accurate time is assured by the use of the finest chtonometers, which are con stantly examined and corrected astronomi cally. The value of a faithful chronograph Is known and appreciated by all, but es. pecially is a knowlldge of the correct time valuable to a telegraph company. At the falling of the ball all iinployees of the 'com pany are required t immediately notify their collaborators at the other end of the Wires, and the variations in time betWein places being known and unehangeable,:they may add or deduct the difference, thus cor. recting their time from a central source. In England this operation takes place at 10 L. all telegraphists befog enjoined to post pone whatever they are engaged upon to at tend to this important duty. The time signal of the 'Western - Union Telegraph Company, of New' York, corres ponds to the.timi'isignal of Sir-John Ben nett, Cheapside, London. cTlmt also is a ball awl, is worked by electric*. from tho British Itoyaobservatary, Greenwich, dis tantnearly ten miles from Cheapside. It falls at 12 o'clock and is always noticed by a large and expectant crowd, who (take 'advan tage of the information afforded Ito regulate their watches. But on facade of Sir John Bennett's establishment may also be seen large dials showing, the mean time at New York, Paris, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Vienna, Constantinople and other capitals. When this fact was mentioned recently to an official of the Western Union Telegraph Company he remarked that his employers contemplated at no very distant date furnish. lag information of the same kind td fthe citi zens of New York, but that for the'. present they must be content with the information afforded them by the accurate fixtire of the Inidday-hotir—information which, in his opinion, was much needed and widely akr, DOM SOUTHERN BEAUTIES. doll,' They Difer Prom Miele Good -Look. harNorthern Sisters. Southern girls mature much more rapidly than do Northern girls, writes a correspond. ant from °White Sulphur Springs. The Northern girl, at ` sixteen, is scrawny and still at school when the'Southern girl is planning her wedding clothes. There could 'be no such sight at a Northern watering place, where a pretty young girl undertaking 'the serious business of dancing flirting and go- . ing through the preliminary steps to matri mony is an isolated creature ; ;the others, if . there be others of her kind, are still under, the eyes of mammas, governesses, ;maid,. and go to bed - - at ten o'clock. Tlie_type of beauty is quite as unusual. Coming from the sea shore, where the girls - are is the breakers every day, with their heads- tied up in turbans and their , arms and faces bared, to sun and, wind have long since ceased to have complexions, .these dainty, lily-like matures seem - only fit to be put under glass eases and admired. One would like to usher into the great parlor here a group' of Newport girls fresh fret') a hunt, with burn ed noses and cheeks not yet peeled off from 'the last meet. There is no question but that they would be eyed with great conster nation and it would be difficult to persuade the guests at the'White that these could in any way repreaent any great height of fash ion. Yet there are people who would see in New York girls . a certain wholesomeness euggestivepf beauty, and, like the prisoner in Piociola, see in these delicatecomplexions and willowy forms only my supplied tuns and pinched diaphragms. Not so my elder- . ly friend who calls heaven's vengeance down on the man who invented bats for women. "The sun never shone on my wife's face in her life," he says with emphasis. "She wears a sun bonnet." The sun bonnet is the great.author and conserver of the South ern complexion. It is one of the great, sectional distinctions between the North and Smith, never having lost character like the" slouch hat. It ibis its fashions. Women exchange patterns' with their friends _and jealously guard them from their enemies, and certain varieties at times rage like the yellow fever. But it is always a sun bonnet, whether of the primitive kind made of calico and fortified by pasteboard' slats • or of corded muslin transmitting a faint bluah of pink or whatever color bests suits the wearer's beauty. In Georgia is the rarest type of beauty in this country, and it is said to have descended from a settlement of Irish - in col. onial times, who, brought thither the pearly tints, blue eyes and black hair which are still to be found. A confiding Georgian who knobs how to appreciate these mercies and strives to perpetuate them; says when the sun beats too fiercely she haw a green veil over her soh bonnet, and at all hazards she can have recourse to bread', and milk Many people believe in a simple diet as good for the complexion, but the efficacy of bread and milk lies in its outward application in the form of a poultice for the face and hands on going to' bed. The • poultice,: says my' Georgian, — is somewhat =pleasant, as U inclines to stiffen before morning, but no Georgia girl minds a little Wig like eat. $1.50 a Year, to Advance. ITEMS OR INTERRST. letereetlag Facts Celled ft. Here sad There. —Some line Arabian horses were recently sold at section in London. ,A- stallion brought $2,6.?5, and brood mares averaged eGOO each. —A man and his -wife changed cars at Pe oria, Ik, the other day, and had reached Pekin before it bad occurred to than ' that 'the blessed baby had' been leff\behind. They Awned in. time to relieve • Peoria depot officials of a great ern !,. • t. —An lowa man tied one end of a long . cord to an aching tooth. and the , tlier to a heavi weight and let the weigh fall from a fourthAtory window. Two men were take n:: to a-hospital in an ambulance—one with a` broken jaw and ono with.a broken —lt isn't often that a couple is married in three languages, but at a wedding in Clain!. land, Ohio, one day last week, the Justice performed the ceremony in English and Getman, the bride respcinded in Bobeerdase, and the groom answered in German. —When love is• concerned women are often,„:7nore• determined than men. The marriage of -Mr. McOarnaban and *is Burnham was forbidden by the girl's father, at Paris, 111. She escaped from the house in the night, wanted eight miles, to a tele graph office and sent a message to her lover to come to her. But he, less resolute, had' . Committed suicide. —New England fun.—Some . girls think themselves just good enough to 'eat simply because they are in , their sauce age. This, dear readers, is a play upon the word sau sage, which is { _ of course, good enough to eat. With a little study the beautiesof this parapraph lie' unfolded, and probably you never saw sage prouder of a pun than the writer is of this.-rßo.ston TrTsseripf r voluntary contribution.—" How did you come to et in jail ?" asked a gentleman of a negro he w.behind the bars. "Dey put me in he 4 for horryin! money from` friend." Why, they caul do tEat ; it's no crime to horrovi money.", "Yes, boss, but yer see I had ter knock him down widaclub several times *foie he would loan it ter me, an' den I had ter tale it oaten his pocket myself." That was what • Hubbell would call a voluntary contribution.—Texas inga.: —At Krupp's works, in Essen, there has quite recently been arranged a special din-- ing room for those' official who will not ab , sent themselves at noon, but stay through until five o'clock P. M. The concern ad winces the money, furnishes a dinner con sisting of soup, two kinds of meat, vegeta bles and, dessert at a price of 'only forty ptennige (ten cents 'United States curreneiy. The unmarried workmen have, for a long time past, - had a goocl, substantial meal Omit them at a still lower price. —There was a marriage in colored high life in Austin not long ago. A colored yid' . -ow, Mrs. Snowball, who has a grown- bid unmarried daughter, was joined in the holy . bonds of matrimony with an old friend of the family. After the ceremony was over the -colored preacher, Parson Bledso, said to Miss Snowball : "Allow mo ter-to congrat ulate yer, Miss Snowball, dat yer madder and yer fodder has done got married.- What do Lord hub joined together l** no , man put asunder."—Texas Siftings.. • I should lllre to - know - something about this EgyEtitin oneotion, dad," said a young New Haven midget at tea last erven ing. " What are they firing at • Alei=dria for? :Because it: is great ?" "Yes, •my child ; I suppose so." " And who is Arabi Bey' and Dervish Pacha and Ismael—" "They are all foreigners, my son; you can have no possible interest in them. Eat your supper and keep' quiet." This 'is the way some parents have of withholding informs lion they ha.,3ren't got from their children. ---That love and law can defy locksmiths, and that a woman twenty-one years of age has the right to, marry' whom she pleases, bas been demonstrated in Missouri within a • few days. The father of Luna Hobbs, aged twenty-seven, attempted to hold her to con tinned service in the paternal home by lock ing her up ina room when she. had made a verbal contract to become the wife of George W. Bishop. A writ of • habeas corpus =- locked the door, and the marriage took plaeri spito of the father's objections. —Just at dusk, two ladies were harrying along the street to catch a car. One re marked that they would be very fortunate if they should meet one with a Sag on as that especial car would carry 'them nearer their destination., At that moment 'a man staggered along. He had been having a time of it. The ono word ," nag " reached • his ear and roused all his patriotic instincts. " he began to shout; "'rah, "'rah, . for American fIaER" and as the ladies board. ell the car the last - they saw of him he was standing on the corner still loudly "'rah . ' —Proof positive.—" I widerstand, Undo knos,lthat you have quit preaching," said the Secretary of State to an old colored maxi - who for years has had charge of a church in Littlo Dock. 1 " Yes, boss, Pse stepped aside." - " Why did you quit . ?" " Wall, dar was ntimrerous pressures brought ter. bar agin do old mica, pa cbarged mo.vrid steal in' a ham for one thing and ' , lied me ter e quit. ' "Why, they couldn't prove that you stole the ham, could they ?" " No, sah, da couldn't; an'-ef I hadn't Inowledged it da - rieber hab prubed it." " Why did youacknowlOdge it ?" ".Case da found da ham under my bed, sah."—Arkanaas TraV. .Prefully prepared statistics talanuary, 18,6, - Scow that as the result of about 21 years pi missionary labor, during the first 10' of -gvhich it was impossible publicly to conduct evangelistic , work, there are now in Japan 35 mission stations, 14 wholly self. supporting churches, 58 partially self sup. porting churches,"3,4oB baptised adults, 3,- 734 tunday school scholars, 37 native pas. tors and 29 native Bible women; two years' contributions toward the support of the Goa. pel amount to (yen) $8,534 ; number of Bcriptures,sold during the same time, 115,. 000; the proceeds' of which sum up (yeni 8116, 000; number of Protestant mission. Aries, 136 ; single ladies, 40. - SOUTHERN TOWNS IN ,KENTUCKY. The couirtry betweefi Nashville and Mont. gomery is not the finest' in the world, and while it is not as bad as some there is room 'for improvement. The farm houses, barns and farms show the need of a' thrifty band from the poor, stone-clad‘ farms of Maine ; and the little towns along the way have a worn out, tired, look, which makes a kind hearted woman want to get• out of the train and put a prop under them and a plaster in the small of their backs to brace them up. A southern town in Kentucky has jest enough southern in it to make it an ideal loafing place of easy comfortable quiet, fried chick. ea t , hot biscuits, good bitter aid milk, and *IL alimentary blisaftdicss ; while the southern towns of this section are, ass cies* to much dejected, out.at.tbo.seat-of-We• pants, sun-dried and dusty, to be at all Ideal. Keutdcky is the best Southern State in the Union, anyhow, I don't care where you go to find the other one.—Correspnukues Louisville Courier-JOurnaL 11 SE B NO. 15