ITEMS OF INTEREST. Coining« (resit Ilrre nuts 'There liu Entrrlaiu Anitifte. -Texas 'Nilll have an available school fund of $906,000 thii year. ±-AKentucky man has for clock weights two,piut bottles filled With ivhisk , y. • . —,A warriect woluac':; fof&r.tee a as one of the fittntetions at a Metlicalist picnic . near Berlin, Wis. . —A 'physicin* says alcohol -has killed more people than yellow fever. tor, more people have token it. • " —" Mean !" she cried. "My husband is the meanest wretch intlie world. lie won't give me the least extiuse for complaining " --An Arkansas britlegrcxim caught. the bride in nis arms; at the conclusion of the ceremony, and dislocated two of her fibs with a violent hag. • —Professor Schiff,• the vivisector of Flor ence, has used np more than 14,000 dogs in his experiments, and in}order to silence their complaints always begins work by cutting their. vocal cords. • Chicago the other day a policeman sa.4, en infant fall from the third story of s house. Running quickly to the spot he caught the child in his arms and restored it safe to its careless mother, who had left it to play at the window. —The number of schools in Franco where the system of a savings bank had been adopted was 16,494 at the close of last year, against 14,372 at the beginning. The aver age number of depositors was twenty-one per school, against`seventeen the year be fore. •---A minister who had just married a couple felt indignant when the bridegroom gave him a fee of only half - a dollar, but smiled grimly and. said " Never mind ; you'll only have to pay a lawyer $lO for =- doing what t have done." —As'ad, strange _accident lately betel a man in La Grange, Fla. Charles Heard had shot a water turkey, and not knowing , the vicious character of the fowl when wou nded, went for his game. It showed fight, and .plucked out one of Mr. Heard's eyes in the encounter. —The Concord, N. IL, Monitor tells of a clergyman in Nashua who has attended,' during the past two years and a half, over eighty funerals, and adds that "more :than half of them were members of hfs church." Mighty queer church that, whose member. ship is composed of funerals. . —A jeweler has long dunned a lady of fashion for the amount of his big bill, but in vain. When ho rings the bell the fOotman says politely, but firmly, " Sir, the Countess receives only on Tuesdays." I don't care when she receives;" thunders the irate and kmgsufforing creditor, , " what I want to know is tho day that she pays on,"—From . the French. _ Parents who allow their childrento grow up.with scrofulous humors bursting from every pore are guilty of u great wrong. Think of them pointed out as branded with a loathsome disease, and you will readily procure them the Caticura Remedies. —While sitting in the crotch of a tree sawing of a limb; William Hardey, of Sag inaw; Ala., met with singular accident. Just as the limb - fell, the crotch split _and Hardey fell into the opeaing, where he was damped as if in a vise. His ribs , were broken, and he was released with great. diffi culty. —A Clerormanodwelt in a quiet rand dis trict, where laziness is apt to grow Upon a man. One day, his excelldat spouse re marked to him at breakfas , t, ";Minister, there's a bit of butter on your neckcloth.". "Wee!, wee!, Janet, my dear," slowly re ' sponded the worthy paStor,: " when I get up it'll fa' aff." —" My wife," said Wigglesworth, " is one of the most economical women I ever saw. Whenever I smoke a cigar in the house she makes me blow the smoke on her plants tc . kill the bugs, and stands ready to catch the ashes which she uses ' for booth powder, while the stub that is left she soaks in water and treats the flower pots to Ft Turkish bath with it." —The male inhabitants of New South Wales appear to' be . in a sad condition. - A treat number ot them find , it tabe physiCally impossible to procure wives. According to a report recently issued ou the population of that colony, no less than 79,0(X) women are required to equaliie the sexes. The other Australian colonies require about the same limber, in proportion to their population. —Mount Allison College, in Sabi:Ville, New Brunswick; on one of the most charm ing sites in tho lower provinces; is the first: Canadian College to:confer the degree A. B. on a woman. Harriet Starr Stewart is th,n; fortunate graduate, and she delivered• the best oration of - commencement day, arrayed in cap and gown. The college is under the control of the Wesleyan Methodists, and is a worthy institution of learning. gbam county, Va., has a some 'what curis industry. Within au area of ten or fifteen miles there are about forty dis ' tilleries engaged in fnanufacturing oil from sassafras root. Each mill gives employ ment ; to three bands. They use On an aver- age 24000 pounds of root per day for; each . mill; and turn out ono to ono and a half gal- - . lons df oil weighing ten pounds to the gal: lon. So that forty distilleries consume daily 80,000 pounds of sassafras root, make about fifty gallons of oil,. worth about $4.50 a gallon, and thus earn $.2:15 per day. —Twenty-seven years ago Mr. David Eiler, who lived near. Keezletown, Va., built a dairy and placed in it two yellow suckers as pets. Mr. Eller has been dead for a number of years, but Aunt Harriet, his aid ow, still lives, and during all these years she has carefully fed and eared for her pet fish. One of them died severaryears and the last one gave up the ghost only a low days ago, after having lived in the dairy: twenty. seven years. The fish was about' ,eighteen inches long, and had become so tame that it Wits not the least frightened by the ap. preach of its mistress with its food. SUMBIFER ta.ool. oF ELOCUTIGVI ionsimmaazia armrszsgsszen Tor 1.40 , 11 c Speaker% Readcrt, 'reactors. acti Stactedts. Terci e utz. Woo La. Jerly 3 to auenet 11. ro . Calsoarse..Crueadre. ea I.aLe 411atsirls. Pant mot Ifeeren.l. set& I for ee ra J• 111. -,11111 . 1, Peer. Nati,r44.l •• :. ... 1 • :": 4,4. 441444 44ad CL:zit.ut THE INVAUIABLE DOMENTICLRINEOT! L SODIQUE. PROPRIETORS: -•ns WHIT!.. Phila. PEEN maws No Family Should be Without It! No Factory Should be Without It! No Workshop Should be Without It! No Hospital Should be. Without It! No Physician Should : be Without It! No Veterinarian Should be Without It! No Pkustertion Should be Without ft! No Stock -Raiser Should be Without it! FOR SALE IT DIUGIDSTS AND SEVERAL MERCHANDISE DEALERS. tint Anal §ault, TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND 80.000 t This Bank offers untisital facilities for the transaction of a general banking business, N. N I . BEM. Ctiebter. ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING a specialty at the Itzstasucee office. 1.. THE RAT'S GUNNING. A few nights ago a man who 'resides at No. 61 North Main.stret, while sitting chat. tiug with a , friend, observed a birgeratmakt. .its appearance throuSh a hole leading from under a sink. The rat, finding that the room was not deserted, ran across the floor into a small bedroom where there are no holes when the door is shut throtigh whinh it could escape. The men feeling sure that the rat was cornered, shut the &kir of the room and with sticks insituated 4 vigorous search. • Although everythhigcmovable Was turned upside down,' the rat could not be found, so the search was relinquished till morning. During the night the rat tried to gnaw its way out badly defaciug the frame work on both sides of the door. Search was renewed next Morning, with the assistance of a dog, and everything iigirras waSdispbiced without discovering his ratship. I The dog suddenly stopped prowling under the bed and persisted in remaining at the window sill. This attracted the attention iof one •of the amateur. rat-catchers,, who, noon looking out; discovered the rat sitting on the extreme edge of the stonework ohtsido the window. It had forced a bole through the Screen net- Slim and , while the two men_were searching inside the room it was sitting 'quietly on. the outside. As soon as 'the rat observed that its retreat was discovered by one Of the men, quick as a flash it re-entered through tho Email hole it had made iu the screens • and Semi furiously at-its persecutor, seizing him between the thumb and first ,finger of the 601. bind. The dog 'made a spring and caughtthe rat by: the body, killing it in staitly.--Proridatce Journal. I \' Delicate rensatei. 1. i The exactions of society. added to the cares of maternity and the household, have tested beyond endurance the frail 'constitu tions which have been granted the majority of *women. To combat this tendency to premature decline, no remedy in the world possesses the nourishing and, strengthening properties of Malt Bitters. They, enrich the blood, perfect digestion.. stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak ness, and purify and vitalize every (Unction I • of the female system. I , A ROMANCE OF CASTLE GARDEN. Caste Garden, the leading place of at New York', is among Caller things a great employment bureau. A turner from Germantown, Pa., came "Wednesday to Cas. tle Garden in search of a young married couple to take' into his service. His name was Amos Mil , lerand ho was of a jolly and benevolent temperament. He was wil'ing to give $25 a month and board; to a man and his wife who would accompany him to his home. Unfortithately there happened at the time to be no couples at the Garden who - were desirous of obtaining Eiuch a situa- lion as ho offered. Not to be discouraged, however, he set about finding' two single young persons of opposite sex i ivho .might not be aveise to uniting their lives and their lack. - He first accosted a number, of men who looked like honest, amiable!ellpw,s, and among them _discovered one whose fancy Was taken by the picture which 1 13. e 'held up to him of a Cosy, rastic hone ' and' a good natured young wife to keep it, all td be ac. quired by a single and very simPlef transac tion. This negotiation settled,l ho' sought fo - 7 a damsel to match the willing swain, and rwas not long before he succeeded in &- taming from such a one her shy, ceusent to, change her social condition. He immediate !: brought the future husband and wife together in spite of their sudde)l clnnfusiou and assumed reluctance. OnCe . presented m each other, they found no difficulty what ever in making an acquaintance, through the medium of their ilative tongue; the Ger man. She was Rosi6 Ilaeffrier, 19 years of age, and he was Adam' Horner t 25. The Rev. Mr. Serkemeier; was summoned, and in the employment office he united them by theelime-honored tie that man , is solemnly forbidden to sunder. A matron and offi cer attached to the Department of Emigra tion served as bridesmaid and best man. The couple embraced with hemty satisfac tion and went away leaving sthiling faces k'elend them. It is entirely different from all others. It is as clear as water; and; as its name indi cates, is a . perfect Vegetable _ Hair Restorer. It will immediately free the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural color, and produce a new , growth where it has ellen off. It does not in any manner . affect the health, which Sulplier, Sugar of Lead and Nitrate of Silveri preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days to a beautiful glOssY brown. Ask your druggists for it. Each bottle is warranted. Surro, KLINE & CO" Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. CarrrEsvos, New York. .! June, 1, 1882. ly There is a gospel tent at the corner of Michigan avenue and Fourth street, and of a Sunday evening there is a considerable passing in and out on the part of pedestri ans. Last Sunday evening a boy of four teen, wilco had just left the tent, encountered a stranger, who stopped him and inquired : "Sai, bub, what sort of a performance is going on in there ?" • "Putty good thing," was the reply. "I'd kinder like to see the fat woman and the living skeleton and the Albino children once more, but I'm purty near strapped. Is there any way I kin work in ?" , "Us boys crawl under the canvas." "Anybody around to knock You stiff ?" • "Never saw anybody. I'll show you where to gO raider." "By hokey, ru try it! It's no use to throw 4 quarter when, you kin beat a s'ffe show." The boy took him' around behind the tent and saw him safe wider, irsl then crossed the street and sat down. He waited just exactly three minutes, and then the stranger came out of the tent by the door. Ho looked up and down the street,. closely scanned every youngster about him, and finally said to a bootblack : t j• "Bub, looking fora yOuth about two heath taller than you—peaked nose—brown 'straw hat—hair cut short ! I want to see him so awful bad for about 2 a minute that I'll give you half a dollar if you can find him around here."—Detroit Free Pres& 1111 By calling at C. B. Porter's Ward House drug store, you can get a sample bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough. and Lung Syrn which willrelieve the most obstinate Cough or Cold, and show you what the regular 50 cent ,size will do. - When troubled with ASthma, Bronchitis, Dry, Hacking Cough, Paink in the Chest, and all 'diseases of the -Throiitand LAngs, try a sample, bottle of this Medici - ad ! ' I july27ly., . s 777 FISMISO INA COLli is a teuacre field wW•:11 is simply a sabre?. rumen lake covered with soil about eighteen inches deep. On the soil ;is cultivated Ir k field of corn which ; produces thirty bushels to the acre If anyone will ;rake the trouble to dt a hole to the depth of a spade Limn he will find that it:will fill With water, and by using hook and line tisli four and five inches long may be caught. ; The fish hero neither scales nor eyes, and are pe:ch-like in shape. The ground is a j black marl in imfure, and in all probability at one time an open body of water, on which accu mulated vegetable matter, which has been increased from timo to 'time, until now it has a trust sufficiently strong and rich to produce corn, although it halt tnbe,cultivated by hand, as it is not strong enough to bear the weight of a horse. Nyhile the hands catch, great strings of fish by making a hole through the Barth.. A person rising on his heel and coming down sudden ly can Sec the growing corn shake all around him.. . Jos. TOWLL. President rob. 1.'7R.- Ladieswho appreciate elegance and puritY are using 'Parker's Hair Balsam. It is the best Otiple,sold for restoring gray hair to its orieinal . color, beauty axkd lustre. . Walnut Leaf • Hair Restorer. THE BOY HE WANTED. FREE OF COST. Elegance and Pur ity :K JOINS~ON'S an Blood. Syrup' of -,the Stomach, Liver,' Bowels, Kidneys Skin ion's• testify to its efficaCy in healing the above tnd pronounce it to be the Remedy Known to Man. • lAGENTB WANTED.'OI 7 West 3d St., New YOrk City. Druggists sell it, Remedy for Rheumatism. Brad's Vista's, Bedford Co. Ps. Dn. etas Jonssos •A We trial of your Indian Blood Syrup has given me great re lief for Rheumatism. It Is the bestedictrie I ever used. , • JOHN MEL. Va' ag 'CL THING.* NOW IS TICE c OLDEN tl OPPORTUNITY Stylish and Re able Spring Garments 4t MEN ,YOUTHS I - • BOYS AND - CHILDREN, AT PRICES WHICH CAN BE;HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE. While maintaining the uniform standp l rd of quality . in , qicellence of work and material by _ GOOD MANAGEMENT. CAREFUL BUYING. and SMALL' MARGINS, (with which I am content,) I have RAISED THE - STANDARD AND LOWERED . THE PRICE,' THE BEST STOCI. OF CLO,THINGI In this vicinity is now beiug sold for the least money by Y.::ROSENFIELD M. NM / . - i . . , . . :;:: THE . 11ERY ! BEST - MACHINE 111. i . ii; 1 Y. -..-.• . 1 I , , . • . . I , ' .-. FOR - i e : . 1 M i lls, Threshersowers, : Churn. Pow e rs it • • , _ -M 5i . , • i - •- • . Sewing Machines , &c. • ', ' 1 . • ' l ..(, BY THE PINT; QUART, - l i ' -.; . 7 ' . . . . .: GALLON or 13ARTIEL. s 1 Speci a l, sEr. Spacial. prices in 5 and 10 gallons and bbl. lots. . ~ .. :- . .: At the old reliable Cash Drug Store, .. o - • . •., Dr. M. C. Porter &-, son l - f - • ', Corner Main and Pine Si:reets,- 'Towanda, Pa: j • - - • . . • If ;Ft U P H.RE Y BR( & TRACY. • - Mauntaetniers and Wholesale Dealers. in all kinds of • :1 4 • • • KEN'S, BOYS, WOMEN ' S. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S • Boots Shoes Rubbers - &c.. I - CORNER MAIN AND . ELIZ A STREETS,', . , _ 4 r()WA . INT 1 -" ;‘. 11 • A. D. DYE. & CO. HAYING HARVESTING --- .TOOO. SCYTHES AND SNATHS, SCYTHE STONES, HAY FORKS, • HAND REAPERS, REVOLVING HORSE RAKES. GRINDSTONES AND , FIXTURES, MOUNTED GRINDSTONES, GRAIN CRADLES, CRADLE SCYTHES, MOWING MACHINE SECTIONS, RIVETS AND GUARDS. - . Call carly.and make.selections while our stack is large and • complete.. Our iee Cream Freezers and Water Coolers Carriage Makers and Blaeksniiths Supplies was never scilarge as at present. MAIN STRtET. .TOMffi' CREAM CAMPHOR, IS THE .1,./ NAME of the popular/Anament that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Swollen or Stiffener Joints. Frost Bites, Pain In the u, act Head o Spine. Chopped Hands, Braises, Sprains. Burns' Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an' insect Poison Vines, etc., for Man or Beas t AlWays reliable,' and almost instantan eous In its telieL Having an agreeable odor it Is pleasant to apply. Sold y all druggists Price 25 cts. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal. at the State Pair. 18i9. ASA JOIMS, Prop's, 319 N. 3d StjaFtildg., A. N. NEiBON DEAL= VI WATCHES; mocks, -- / FINE GOLD AND PLATED • •• JEWELER of every variety, and Spectacles. sir Patti col Ideation pad to waning. Shop in Decker vonght's GroceryStors, MMn Street, Towanda, Nona. , san94 LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS ROTE BEADS, le. printed in the best style • the est at the Brzoataassi °Mee. • luccu, IT IS A POSITIVE FAST THAT I. FrowA.NEIA., PA AND are going off rapidly. Our stock fes EMI TOWANDA, PA. ASBURY FA RIB, NEW JERSEY. NORTH - END HOUSE Manager, (former]; of the Ward Borne.) Thin h c Ze 2 = d P r ies s fineet location in the the beach, Full Full sad vinobatrncted view of o cean , rr°ll2 rOR SALE. One second-hand Engine and Boiler. in good condition. En gine 12r..V, Tubular Boiler, Force , saw or t mill. FIT . s Con nections. etc. Suitable for a Have been running 4 run of atone th it. Reason for selling is that lam inc Mg the capacity of my mill, and putting in larger engine. For full particulars call on or ddress • Juno 25-4 w G. A. DAYTON, Towsm Ps. JOB PRINTING OF ALL' KINDS done et ehort notice and reasonable .tates atthe Itcrtrustcasi Mee. Bensons AWARDED=' , . 1 84 " 1 1 .., ' - ' f '-,- ,• .. , .O ~,,, a cme i , t • , Plaster The pest Known Roiled for. Backache; orjLamo Back. Filicurnatiam or Lama Joints. Cramps or Sprains. . Nouralgia or ICidnoy.Diaeases. Lumbago. Salvor() Achost or Pains Forgolo Woalccoss. Are Superior t miner Piasters. Aro Superior In Pads. . • Aro Superior tisl.ininseuts.' Are Superiar to Ointments:or Salver. Aro superior Orgaiviabna They Act Immediately. They Strengthen. - They Soothe. , , They lieliere Pala at Once.. They yositirely Care., , • = IleasantaCa Perm:orb/b. CAUTIQN toes batewbeeslll69- imitated. Do palm Id mime other plaster navuog din sVidl: sounding name. See that the word is spelled 04.P-04-NIL Price 23 eta. satsußy JOHN, Ol~tor>G anufacturnm a, runny.. ew plitlltlC REMED Al' LST. krice Ur: MEAD'S Medicated and G U N ION PLASTEL • • THE GREAT OPTICIANS, 924. CHESTNUT STREET • .--:-------: " • SEPEltitilt 1,% , ( ' AV I. E1)1:14 . • Stil'L 1! IC. •••,;• .1; iI.L. • 1TR:1'10i: LENSES and vAciumrlEs For ruali.ufa. t.irin.' , ,altrombinetogiteour SPECTA CLES and I:YE4LASSIS a palms! reOrtatte.l. LOST StIONT - NEVER.RETURNS •.%•nor I.‘" tr.king',ENSllTC .,t t.`,f'.‘3l7S. : Ostak4 rt.... ••• • •8 %.”• Part 1 , --• 1,, t ! r t Intitratt,ent4. •.- en. I'.rt *-3-11wi.fLanterna,112 *rpm. t lurtrumluta. Minas lIMI :•-• , •• ~,,,,, , . ' . l , * ( - 41 11 - . jill • t 1 , • .‘,„ .. :_t c•- \ • •• - ,•,, .. V` ~. - - 1... ..:4.......i 1 ," -- . '%' 0 1.. '. - '''. 7 -S::: . ; ‘ 11,,.' ; ~ . ,• , Sanford s Radical Cure.. A single dose instantly relieves the. magi vio., lent Sneezing or Head Colds, clears the held Gal by mimic, stops watery dfacharges from tbe, nose and eyes, prevents ringing !noises in the; head, cures Nervous Headache and subdues; Chills and Fever. In Chronic Walsh it cleanse" the nasal passages of foul mucus, restores the sense of smell, taste and hearing when affected; frees the head, throat and bronchial tubes of offensive Matter,' sweetens and purifies the breath, stops the cough and !arrests the pritgl reels of catarrh towards consumption. ' I One bottle Radical Care, one I box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanfordii Inhaler', AU In one pack age. of all druggists for $l. Ask for Sanford's Radical Care. WEEKS' A, POTTEII, Boston. 100 time. more effectual CAL I _ei w i -then any other plaster or -....„ . 7trio battery for - pain ....k. a weeknees of the Lungs. ver, Kidneys and Urinary ir aliens. Partial Paralysis, Rheumatism, Hint elite. • ih . Hysteria, Female Weak . • nets, Nervous reins and c. Wesimussell.l liabiria! and . AL AsT SSW Fever end Ague. rib:enc. Sold everywhere. PATENTS. Frank A. Fonts, Attorney-at-Lair. Lock Boa. 356 Washington, D. Q. Sir Ten Pare az/40mm . I make so mu' Raz for my undue TWOS' a patent be granted. Preliminary examination, in the Patent Once as to the patentability of an In- vention rus. Send sketch or model of the de. vice and a report will be made u to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. ' ' • - Special attention given to - rejected aPPllcs tions in the hands of others. U. S. Senators : Hon. Geo. IP. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davie And Gen. Jelin A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. HIM of Hain - Ria; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mist; Hon.' 8. IL Chilom. Gov. of Illinois ; the Hon. Commialioner Patents and Corps of-Ezmniners and the pro prietor of this paper. Write for circular and instruction. lnovtf ; . CUT THIS'OUT! AGENTS si ll s B 94 0 MAKEW EE PER' , K. Wehavestoresinls feeding Cities. from war P *id& oar PM Tr a MP? Catio sicitclalsze md tomato Wrote Addram Me N. LOVELL - am"'"'" KLINE'S MARKET. CA.R.FL(.3I4 EIL.CICI*7 JOHN W. KLINE, MEAT &VEGEiABLE A.ItIKET o a more convenient location, and established himself in the Carroll Block. Opposite fieelrs Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. • FIBS, OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES. - . DOMESTIC IRIIIT, kc.. of RirBOLOGNA SAUSAGE.,6 specialty. AU or.' den promptly Selvaged. 1 I tl Ren tem HORSEor d rebcy for *ld then VIEW Lannon ofA.A Treatise on, the Horse •• • • his Diseases." It gives the best treatment f r all diseases, has 60 fine engtavings showing BO horses OK positions aseumed by aiek better th an an taught in any other way. a table showing of all the principal medicines used for the ho as well as their effects and antidotes wh a poison, a large collection lel -25 omits a luvanut niccurrs„ rules for telling the age of:a horse, with an engraving showing teeth of each year" and! !a large •aniount of other valuable horse information. Hundreds .of horsemen have pronounced* worth more than books costing $5 and -The act that 200.600 sold in about one year Wore it was re. vised shows how popular the book is. The re. wised edition is =at wan argazatina. Ram lon • oriumati. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. I. E. kendsU k Co., Huosburgh Falls,' Vermont. • afar 11-Iyr. f~S: `;:pl)fS DII~ COLLECTION iGENG BRINK & BUCK, Leßvinille, Pa. Will write Policies for risksin Pire and Life In sumacs. Collect Claims with care end promptness. They reproyent nonetait • FIRST—CLASS (*MIRAN] :f..SI They solicit thruonfidenessaa patronsgeof those having business in their lino. and wili endeavor to merit it. A to or address bred tt B R INIt BUCHiLslisysillis, Pg. -MEDALS. _ ' (U.S. AND FOREIGN. lueszaszcts Main Street, FirstpVard. CLAIM 011 E,) prism. • Piles are frequently preceded by a sense .of weightt:iulhei back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to ap pose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighbor . ing iFgans. At times, symp tom of imbrue are present, as itatuency, thiamine= e the Wallach : etc. A moisture, Mre'perspiration; producing a very disa greeable itching,' particularly at night after getting warrnin bed, .is a very common at tendant.' 1;4=4, External,and Itching Wes "Yield'at'once to.the ,application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, iwhich ads directly epen, the parts affected, absorbing the Tu mors, allaytng, the intense itching, and ef =lot permanent cure ,where all other have failed. Do not delay until the &silt on the system produces ,perma tient trat try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Asir your druggist for it, and when' you can not obtain it of him, we will send it, pr d, _ on receipt of price. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, Ohio, - Sold by C. B. Porter, Ward House Drug'rStere. THEY ' WHY T ARE "'SO CHEAP." ' ,ft los:tor at the house of a friend iu this city uoticel one day that the three youngest children of the family, and also , the nurse, bad a pem'iar affection of- the eyes, which were noticeably swollen and bloodshot. He inquired the cause bid the women did 'not know—thought it was it little thing, which would soon pass off. The visitor's curiosity was excited, howeier, and being ota logical and investigative turn of mind, he, came to the'conclusiou,tlmt the cause of the trouble must be something in the nursery and prob. ably fit the bathing armngcmcnni. Upon looking farther he found one of these _ _ bi _ _ leached sponges. He asked the tuother where she got it, and the. reply was that. it was a great bargain, and lead been picked, ap at a five-cent counter. That was enough to explain the whole Wetter. :If you will take the trouble to' smell of ono of these •I ages, you will, And that, there is an odor of chloride of lime. The chloride of lime is used to disinfect :them. They need disin fecting, because they have been used in hos. pitais, for washing out wounds and in other ways imaginable and then thrown away, perhaps to be picked up, bleached, and sold to economical persons who wish to get a great bargain. —New York Mail and Ea , fn'ess• ' CONSUMPtION. It is said the% 50,000 people die lannuall in the United States alone from this disease. In some sections of the country One death in every three is from Consumption. This can beond shciuld be avoided; our people are too careless about an ordinary cough or cold, and other symptoms - of throat and lung affections that lead to this disease'. You should arrest it while it is in the germ. Two or three doses of Dr. Bosanko's cough and Lung Syrup will relieve an ordinary cough or cold. 'lt does not dry'up a cough like many preparations on the market and leave the disease behind it, but acts directly on the 'throat and bronchial tubes, retriev ing all the phlegm and morbid mattor that accumulates in the throat and _lungs. It allays all irritation, and renders the voice clear and. distinct. Sold by C. B. Porter's Ward House Drug Store. • july27ly. • gems° AT Manammax. treturt bons boughs of the waving trees were nilniug down shadows that fell cool and fair upon Lurline Perkins' beautiful face as ebd stood silent and aloud. near the woodshed. The murmurous_ sighing of the summer' breeze was borne to - her by the tranced air, and ever and anon there came up from -,the meadows the sound of the farmer's axe as he felled the sturdy asparagus that was soon to delight the palates - of the rich people in the city who could pay for it. Away to -the eastward, mirroring back the azure dome of the sky, lay the lake and the Amen of its silver foam but served to Maki the silence deeper. The girl stood for several minutes , as if entranced bithesceUe. Then, turning sadly away, she exolaiMed. in' low,' bitter tones t "I suppose I I shall have to milk that dratted cow and the sooner I 00 at it the butter."—Chicago Tribune. A pure, wholesome distillationnf-witch hazel, American pine, Canada fir, marigold, clover blossoms, etc., fragrant - with the heeling essences of ba lsam and pine. Such is ' Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrh. Complete treatment for $1: Hz ACTED Pea AHConvinri.—The latest case of conscience-money is reported from Baltimore. A Presbyterian preacher in that city recently handed $3,899 to the tax col lector, with the explanation that the sum due to the State for past taxes, payment of which had been, illegally avoided: In jus tice to the preacher, it is proper to x . plain that he acted iu.this case not for himself but for a recent convert in his church. And now it is proposed ti) dismiss all the taxpay ers and employ Presbyterian clergymen in their stead.—Peoria Transcript. di' Varied Performance. Many wonder how Parkers' Ginger Tonic can perfOrm such varied cures, thinking it essenci s of ginger, when in fact it-is _made from many valuable f mediciness which act beneficuilly on every_ diseased organ. • • fltrwr MAIIIIII:D.—They were raised here in 'Austin, but she did not kuow much about Ipirdening ; at the same time, She did not mire to expose her ignorancito her husband. They had only been married a short time, when he said : "'I notice the asparagnS is • .utiripe---clon't you want : to go out into the garden and get some '.er She VeiOlied : " I'll tell you What we will do. We will go oat together. You climb up and shake .:the tree, and I'll catch then: in my apron as boy fat"— 7'exas Siftings. • .7, MI "Wells' .Health Renewer" resiores health and vigor; cures Dyspepsi.. Sexual Debility. How ;lux Boss Baoxz Tut Connsxn tizens.—‘• Once there was'a revival of lid gion in the town where Mister Gipple kop glasware store and everybody was going wild with good. .one day there was a feller ' tendin store for Mister Gipple, and amighty good woman . she cum with, a bible and said young man du you keep the commandments? The feller, who haled from. Sacrymento and, didn't know what them was, said yes mum, wo do but the beb was a settin 'em one side 'yistenlay and fill and broke every one. WO shall have soma more and better fines, froni Firisco in a few days comein next week,' mum."—" /Ads Johnny" iA the San Fran cisco Argonaut. Quiet, complete care. aUannilrlog Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Dyfeasefl, !El. Drag• gists. How Tar O.IIIIGNX ras Burros.—lt is reported by one of our reliable exchanges, says the Salt . lake City Tribune, that a stranger in Bodine, in eating a plate of hash at a restaurant, being very hungry, unguard edly neglected to chow it well, and swollow ad a large coat button. They doctored him tor pneumonia for three days before he was able to expinin. They then fed him With a .big button-hide tied to a string, and fished it out in no time. Noir he screens all his hash carefully through a cane-bottomed chair be fore eating, and has found several dog-col ims in the operation. MAINE *6 ROIYOH ON RATS." Clean out rats; mice, roaches, flies, ;tuts, bed-haw... Minks. chipmunks. gophers. 15c. Draggiats:.‘, NNOTICE.--To all whom it may COD; Been, take notice. that I hereby forbid all personalutrborthg or trusting Lucy L. Smith, of Leßoy tap., at my expeuse. am I pay no bills f. her ocatireetlng after this date. CURTIS D. Leßoy, Pi., July 61.11, IEB2. =1 =1:1 SKINEY MEN. •'IIVCHUPAIBA:" • rut le 11 rA I ..,- q tit ) - ' '' '' l‘3' ' 0 k Nt - ixfo, uo i l , eidite-: ' Mr. Albert Kingsbury, Keene, N. If.. troubled with bad humor on bands and neck. caused by lead poisoning. (lie's a painter.; At times it would break out crack open, and the skin separ ate from the Gelb in large yieceli, suffering great continual itching and stinging. Purchased your imisiedieet used Cu ilenre 'Resolvent inter nally, and (..nticnra Soap exterbilly. and in lean tban Rase months effect ed} complete cure, and has not been troubled onto. Corroborated by Cunard h Poster. Druggists, Keene, N. 11. MOTHER DIED FROM IT. J. W. Adams ; Newark, Obit.. says: Cuticuis Remedies are tbe greatest medicines on earth. Ilad the worst case salt ritnem in this country. My mother had it twenty years, and in fact died from it. I believe Catkins would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head were coy. end for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until I" used the -Cuticura Resolvent' (blood purifier) internally, and Cuticura and Cuticurs Soap externally. ... PSORIASIS. • H. E. Carpenter. Esq., Henderson, N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing. by the Calicoes Resolvent internally. and Oakum and Cuticura Soap externally. the most wonderful case on record. Cure certi fied to before a justice of the peace and proud nent citizen'. .All afflicted with itching and Maly diseases should send to ns for this testi monial in tali. SALT RHEUM. Those whe lave eiperienced the torments of Salt Rheum cell appreciate the agony I endured for years, until cured by the Cuticura ReiolyeAt internally. and Cuticnra Soap externally. • Mas.llx. PILLLINGTOM. Sbarion. Wis. - TICURA - and Cuticura Soap externally end Cl:Henn Be solvent internally will positively cure every species of. Humor, from a Common Pimple to Scrofula. Price cf Cuticurs, small boxes. 30c-; large boxes. 11. Cuticura Resolvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticurs Sbap. 23c. Cuticura Slaving Boap.l3c. Sold by all druggists. .Depot ; WEEKS & POTTER. Boston, Mass. GINGERTONIC R A Sapestabot NuIA aullitnasth Restore% Ityo* are *mechanic as fanner, warn Out with overwork. or *mother run down by family or house. hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. ' . If you aro a lawyer. minister ,) . r business man ex haustedmentatxtrlin or anxious cares, do not take latoxicatuigstimulants,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Prpepsia, Rheumn. Kkney Complautts„ or anYdrsorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, bleod or nerves. PA t: BleS Grimes Tomc will true you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier *1 Rest and Sorest Coop Coo Ever Used. a re wasting away from age, , dissipation or any d' or weakness and require a stimulant take Gotham TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION I—Relaseall substitutes. Parker's Ginger Tonle Is composed of the best remedial genii In tbsurorldousd entirely different (mon meparatkoss of doter alone. Send to clendar to I_ is Co.. N.Y. Six. & i sins, at deafen In &sp. GREAT SATING LIMING DOLLAR SIZE. FLORE.STON • Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightfulperfume exceedingly popuLm' Mani Is - nothing like It. Insist upon having Flom: Toss Cotormis and look for nom= of &n 51st War ea bevy Wile. , Any —est or Abler b pertamay CID iapply you. TS and 76 rest duo. LARGE SAVING BUTING bel COLOCNE. KENDALL'S SPAWN' CURE IA ante in its effects, mild in its action as It does not blister, yet is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep Nested pain or to remove any , bony- growth or other enlargements, such as spaying, ,splints . curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and anf lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, of for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment Is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used,acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circialar which we think gives positive proof of its Virtues. Ro remedy has ever met with such unqualified uc cum to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have It or can got it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, Dn. B. J. HIPIDALL tr. C 0..; Enos 7 burgh Palls, Vt. . , Soi l by all Druggists. • , I I J'rnuns= is 1865.1 HOWARD A..SNOW, ' Solicitor of 1 . . . . • AMERICAN AND FOREIGN 1 1): TENTS. 631 P STREET N. WASUINOTON, 1). C.. (Swicessor to Gilmore. Smith k Co., Chipman, llosmer & Co;) 1 • Patents procured upon the same Plan which 'was originated and successfully practiced by the above-named firm. Pamphlet of sixty pigTo sent upon receip t o stamp. . .2 lnovel " BETTER' TO LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A, GOOD MAXIM, BUT NOT ALWAYS 'TRUE. It is bettOr to follow H. JACOBS Vhe ; old and &Habit' Deailnr in Ready-Made Clothincr- From - bis , old 'Man& (No. 2. Patton's Block,) to his . NEW LOCATION in the large and commodius store, No. 123, Main Street, fortherly occupied by M. Sollon3on & Son. (one door north o Felch & Cu..) where be-is now opPti with a full awl Complete Stock of Fashionable SPRING. AND SIMMER READ'-MADE CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS, GENTS PGRNIWNG GOODS, TRAVELING -BAGS, / - UMBRELLAS, CANES, 840. MEN'S; B OV'S YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S full and complete suits of all grades and prices. While be aims to lead the trade, he asks his old friends and everybody else 'to follow him to his new location, where lie will fit them - out in the highest style of art at ttie lowest' prices. Come early. H. JACOBS. Towanda, Pa.,'Aptil 6. 1862. , PLATFORM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES for Sale at decided bargains A urge ntiniber r ot superim. zone sna nnish. 0. L TRACT. HENRY STRREITE.R. wounds, April 71.1 m . . . For COUGHS. COLDS SOREVROAT EIRONCHITId:::CY 4. 777 1-.. st j ) ' • MONIA CONSUMPTION, Dlftases of THROAT;CtiEn'i t.fir, Ix; ~ r i gli a re 'T i l r. 2 .4,3 „. 7: i' of 1 - : ' -I` ,: - ( Ti C i f ,? .in is Inc ant and vended stages , and all disewes of 1!)49 i!‘).. 'I fl .'I ''. II and LUNGS. bait has UMW beaks° advantageously compounded us in ilit, T 01,,•, .; EYE Its soothing Balaande rumiifthn afford a diffusive stimulant and t., 1,1,, ... . system atter the cough has been relieved. Quart laze bottles, Price sl.ou. . l c UTI ASM/ I I I r rat e b ° a d Ott! e lO b lefi e fa i ir I rNITI7I J MI2I, " gli.y:l;,: permits ............_.,. by aniz seso bas sp i l eiss rate D i tt e Prt=A z ttr e lp o w n s : e ach:Ant- -, , .., ab 4U la. 1 7 "1 air 111111100? lIIIINWIL TAX Olt LICENSE. if - The TOW, ROCK AND RYE CO.; Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicago,:ii i ONE MORE PICTURE GALLERY IN TO WANDA. G. H. WOOD will opeu their New gallery in Block, Patton's B • on t he First hlonday of April. Having fitted up entirely neworith the best of instruments, we are prepareaVto guars I Tintypes, 4 at one sitting, all for i 0 cts. in neat envolonea, 10 for 11.0 u. Copying of all. kinds of Photograpkg sad Stereoacwic and large view work done at Gas gallery: Give na a call and we inn try and satisfy_ you 4 in price and quality. • ; mar 28 • RENIiALL'S SPAVIN CURE is sure to cure Spavins, Splints, rb, .tc. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Doss DTOT zurrita. • • lisalio equal for any lameness on * # beast or man. It has cured hip-joint lameness in a person who bad auf ‘fered 15 years. Also cured rheuma tism, corns, frostbites or and zat or lameness. It has no equal for say blemish on times*. Send for illustrated circular giving rusimyz, Pavltl. Price $l. ; ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can ge tlt far you. Dr. 83. Kendall k Co., Proprietors, Eirosourgh Vermont. H. C. Posses, Agent, Towanda, Pa. • B . b .tr ea k ,n m o o w at tri for, e t r i z p w . o b r i rio ,..... g else.! Capitol not needed. We will , start y0n.A.,512 a day and tip warda made at home by theilfridtuttrious. Men, women; boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us.. Now is the time. Yorfcsu workin spare time only or give your whole time to rue business. You can live at bome and do the work No other business will pay you nearly as we11.,- No 'one can fail to make enormous pay •oy en gaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Money made fast, easily sad hononibly. Address, Tung di Co., Augusta, Mame. . Dec IG--iyr ~ • - - You need not Die; to Win • _ , IN THE • • MUTUAL, ENDOWMENT. AND • • ACCIO3NT..ASSOCIkTION • , • Of (B ath, N. Y. You receive, one-half of your' insurance, ac cording to the American Life Table, when two thirds of your.. life expectancy is finished—for illustration, a man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of age taking a certificatefor $2,500, receives $1,275 when I little over 56 years of age, exactly the period in' Life when.a little financial help is generally moic. needed 'than at any other time. BLADES & ROGERS, june2tf. General Agents fox Penn's. Stevens & Long / General Dealers in GROcznizs, PROVISIONS, ~ At.? COUNTRY PRODUCE HAVE REMOVED ro inotrnew Ml*, 00R. IAIN AND PINE STS (The old stand ot Fox. Stoyenate Iterene.). They invite attention to their completo assortment and very large atoek:uf Choice New Goode, which they have always on hand, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ;PRODUCE TRADE And Caal? Paid Deeirable Kinth. U. J. LONG. Lawrence &,11111artin 7 s 4 4 `, 4 z . c . .. ,i ~ , f . : . , :.: 1 _ . z 47 ' ' 4 .11 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES. MCCABE HAS RE3iOVED 1118 GROCERY BUSINESS (.) Head: . Quarters EX FOR IiFFIJIYTIIDIG IN THE LINE OF NORIO, MINIM dive. Fine BUTTER and EGGS • a specialty. Wagons &Earflaps To .the . A OZO. STEVEN& THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF MAIN &ND BRIDGE STREETS. TIE HAS ZATABLIWED &c., &%-c. - CASH PAIDfor Deeizabie Pro, Cheaper than aver t at th's OLD ESTABLISHMENT JAMES BRYANT, , wotad call the alley- _don bIEc.RAMEIS and . others to his large and Complete assortment of pen ,Sr. Top . Buggies IZI PLATFORM WAGONS all of his own MANUFACTURE and war ranted iii every par ticular • pryant's Flexible Springs need in ill Platform Wagons. The easiest and best in use. NOW IS. YOUR TIME TO BUY! _ . Took at these figures. Trio limited Carriages trem l ' $l5O to sll's PhMtons, oun seated ..'.., 125 to 150 TOp Buggies i A . 125 to 150 Open Buggies' ' SO to 100 . Democrat Wagons 90 to • 110 Remember that the above are all fully warrant ed. llrst-clans or no pay. Repairing promptly *Mended to at-1S per cent below last years prices. Office and Factory car. Rain and Elizabeth Rts: • JAS BRYANT. • • 241ebti20 T IVO owan!la scf. Store MAIN t~TRET, NEXT DOOR TO FELCEI & Co s prepared to offer a complete assort ment of DRY AND FANCY 'GOODS, Crockery, Glassware; and DECORATED CHINA Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE • • BIRD CAGES, • SATCHELS, &C. For. the i coming Spring Trade, we adh4e as heretofore to - our established princi,ple—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than) a slow one with a, large profit—and thcrfore our prices in any line of goods ill compare favorable with the prices of "any other house. s®°-We endeavor to sell the best article for the least possible Money. m,641 LOEWUS & FREIMUTIL THE mon gIICCESSFEL REMEDY ever die covered. as it is certain in its effects and does not blister .i Also excellent for Inman flesh BEADJ'HOOF BELOW. -- .t" FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Youngstown. Ohio, May 10th, Du. 11.1. KENDALL - a; ,had • very rains 'ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very high /7, he bad a large bone sports on one joint and - Ca small ontron tho other which made hiniverl lame; I bad him under the charge of two cetera• nary surgeons which failed to cure him. 1 was one day reading the advertisement of liendatl's -, Spayin Cure in the Chicago Express. I deterutin• ed at once to try it, and got our druggieto her e ' to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I toot' thsm all and thought I would give it • thorough • trial, I used it according to directions and the - foneth day , the colt ceased to be lame.'and the lumps have disappeared. I used-but one bottle and the colts limbs are at free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the .state, Ile is-en tirelycured. The mire was to remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. - Very Itespectfully, . - L T: FOSTER. , Kendall's . Spam- Cure ON HUMAN FLESH., Patten's Mile. Washh'ton co.. N.Y.. Feb.9l,'Sl. - Da. B. J. lEaranax.L, Dear Flirt—The particular case on which I naiad your Sendal's Spavin ( < 11 " was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen months standing. I had tried many things, but in rain. Yotir Epavin Cure put the toot to the ground again, and for , the drat time shire hurt, in a natural - position. Por a family liniment it in• eel* anything we ever used. Yours truly, • REV. M. P. BELL. Pastor of M. E. enurch, Patter's balls, N.l • Price $l. per bottle. or six,bottlee•for 11 5 . / 1 / 410 Druggist* bare it or ant fer you. or it be sent to any address on receipt of price by the propr h i F eto alls., rs B DR. 13old . J. at ICJENDALL k CO.. Da burg Vt. Dr. 11. C. porter's Drug Store, WUERE April 7J: 1y