. 1 11303)1111 44 TRACY, Pub Maier% VOL. VIII. -THE-- Bradford Republican IS Pah'Asked Every Thursday, 1 AT rowANDA, PA., lIP 110LCOM.B & TRACY, si.r) Per 'Annum, i,i _ldeal/Am Advertising Rates--Slx cents a line for first insortion, an 1 11Y8 cents per line for all sub,e (tacitt inberti3ns. Reading notice adverthing ten cent& per line. Eight lines constitute a square, and twelve lines an inch:: Auditor's notices $2.50. Administrator's and Eiecnior's notices s2. o a. Yearly advertising . $ poi column. • • Tuz lizpuuttcas is published In the 1 lacy, ,Moore and Nobles Block. et the corner of Slain and Pine streets, over J. F.. Corset's Boot and Shoe store. its circulation is over 2000. As an advertising medium it is unexcelled in its ha mediate Ile! I . , Businers Dipac4:ry. A TTORA EPS-AT-LAW LEVELISU & McCiOV RN, (E. J. Cleveland C .v,.Goecri), canton. Bradford County Pa, All bus oli:ss entrusted their care In Weateru lir ,deird will, receire prompt attention. 2mprei2.ly LIMITIi Attornoya-at-Liw; Offic over Pow,il:t. C!LIEF, i. N.. Office in Wood's Block, south .First x-iti , ,nal Bank, up stairs. • June 12,',a OL , 1111tEk: t S.)N (N' C Elsbree and L Lisbrpe: Odle.: iu Storcur Block. Park St. may 34,78 DECK uVEILTON (Bevy it Peck and DAOw r, timi. Oak° over Hill's 'Market ; 19-'79 TIVERTON A: SANDERSON (E Overton and ✓• An Sand.m.n otlice in Adam, Block. ulys' ivi . AXAVEII. office over May ten'e Store ipr1114,76 W ILT, J. J)REW. Mee, in! ]loan's Block apr 14.76 DAVIES, CAILNYCHAN & HALL, ( W T Davies. Wit Cars L Office, in rear ef Ward ...:ntraace eu Poplar St. 1je14,75 MDNEY, A. Solicitor of Patents. Pa t.mar attention paid to business in pOurt and to the settlement of estates' Wilco in Montanyo's Block 49-79 c PILEILSON YOUNG. (/. McPherson and W . Young.) Office sotithaideorMercuee fob Lin Block -TITILLIiNIS, ANGLE At IndI?FINGTON. (11 N VV Williams, E J Angte and E D Buffington), iiffies week side of Main street, two doors north of A rgui office. All tininess entrusted; to their care will rec , ive prompt attention. oct 26,77 TAMES 11. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Attar ej ueys and counsellors-at-Law. (Mice In the Hercur Block, Over C. T. Kirby's Drug Moro. july 3, 'sO tf. EENEY, J. P. Attorney-at-Law. Office in J- I .3lontsuye's Block, Main litreet: Sept.:. '6l-tf. lIIIIGNIPSON, W. 11. and E. A., Attorneys-at LAW. Towanda, l'a. Moe in Mercur Block, over C. T. Kirby's I)rng Store, entrance on Main street, first stairway north of post-oflice. All business promptly attended - to. Special atten tion given to claims against the United Stater or l'eusim.s, Somalis; Patents, etc , and to °Sections and seiticment of decedent's imitates. April2l. ly HENRY B. DI'KEAN, • ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, • •TOWANDA, PA. solicitor of Pateiits. Government claims at. tended to. fliifebB2 IWYSICANS AND SURGEONS. ' 9 ' TOIINSON. T.' D., 11. D. Office over Dr.f .C. 4 1 Porters's Drug Store. febilt.7B NEATON% Drs.' D. N. &F. G. Office Dwelling 011 River Street. earner Weston St. feb 12,77 T ADD. C. M.D. Office lat door above old bauk ou Main street. Special at tention given to diseases of the throat' and longs. ju1y19.78 • WOODBURN. "S. M.. M.D. ' , Office and resi dence. Main streei. - north pt M.E.Churah. Medical lizanduer Icy Pension Dv v•srtnient. . fib 22.78 PAYNE. E. D.: I.D.S Office over 31•Mtanye's Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M. and from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to I.o4eases of ,the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20,77 T OWNER. U.. 1... 11. D. ., ~ . . lloncsoesinic PHYSICIAN $I BIIIIGION. Residence and office, just north of Dr. Corbon'■ Main street. Athens. Ps. HOTELS H ENRY HOUSE Main P. next corner son) , of Bridge, street. New house and 'n6w furniture throughout. The proprietor ,has spared neither pains or expense in making his L otel first-class and respectfully solicits s share at Public patronage.' Meals at all hours. Terms reasonable. Large Stable attached., • mars WMHENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, O. GS, G. A. R. Meets every Saturday evening. at Military Hall. • OEO. V. SLYER, Commander.. J. KITTUIDOE. Adjutant. . ' feb 7, 79 ftRYSTAL LODGE, O. 57. Meets at K. of P. la Ball every Monday evening at 7:30. In surance 112,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver- age annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. . JESSE MYERS, Reporter. E. Pt E. Dictator. feb.22.78 BRADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. O. F.' Meet in Odd Fellow's Hall. every Mondiy evening at 7 o'clock. WAnaraz Mum. NobkGrand.. ,June 12.75 : 4 > 4IOUSE AND SIGN PAIN T ING P OST, F . E. No. 32 Second street Al! orders will receive prompt Ittention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL - p,,CSQUEEIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. - The, SPRING TERM will begin 3londay, 'April 3. 1862. For catalogue or other infor• Marlon, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, Pa. l a l 7 19.78 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER TETILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber ~I r w and Gas Fitter. Flux, of businees in !Ser ene Block next door to Journal office opposite Public Square. Plnnibing.' Gas Fitting. Repair' ng Pump. of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing rocuptly attended to. All wanting work in his ne should give him a call. ": • ' july 27,77 INSURANCE. . - porssr.x.r.. c. 8, Oeufiral 'Lwrance Agency. 4 . 4 Towanda, Pa. Orrice In Whitconllea Book iture, July 12,76 And bad cine of Ills 25 CENT DINNERS tbbid.cm , , „:, _ _ . ,„, . ,: . i ; : - -..:•-•';'-1 : ' ?.. ... , , • . , .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . ,'•i . . . _ : . . . . . • '•, . , • ' ' .-- . ,• : ..-.-••- . - • . • - , . • c, - .? . . • : . . . . . . i , . . . • - . . .. J , . BRA . . . . : ,: .. ; .. _' " ' i l '' • • . : . . . ... : 7 1111 1 r , . • : . A - ' . . -... \ -- ..: .....• , ~.• .... . ~...'. ....„ , , ;,. . ..DF-', .. • .., . ,;,. ...,... . ._,,. i , ~. l '‘. . Ai l a g*N - iell'i‘r , ~.-is • ilsottA,o*. ' / ' ..--- ' ,: - - ~ ":- ' " 4, : d dr,' )• ; 04 . 10 ,1 tin ' '' . !- - -‘.(' - • . ..1 - •'T.Tg,,, , ,,,,,. i‘, oe 6 ' -, :•- ' '.. , 1 'l . ' , .' H . : , ~ - .' ' if . . • • , , ,i, . '.. . -, _ : . : _ - . . . ' - 1 ~, , i : r:': ,- '• ' . . . • ~, . , . . _ : : - _ - s qlll - As,. - - 11 : - .... ill .-. 1 1 511 , 4 ---ilidiAll --;;;•;;•:"'"!CI. . . . .. . i .• . ~ . • , • I i ' ' . ‘' . .. . . _ .. . . . . .- • ..• . . . I ,' - . - -:. • , . . i.!- ' 1 . • - - • . . New Adverttsiments. Double St:re. NO". 1 AND 2 BRIDGE Sr., J.KBUSH Is now open In his Mammoth Double Store with s full, fresh and complete stock of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods ? Hats, CapsA.m , Tks, Traveling Bags, Umbrellas, Etc.. Suits of all. Grades for Men,' Boys, Youths and Childen. Our rents. have been obtahled on the moat favorable terms. and .our curpent expense. re. duced to the lowest possible minimum. we pro pose to give our customers the benefit of these Reductions by putting our prices at Lower Fig ures than any other Clothing Rouse in Towanda: We invites' careful 1 examination of our stock and prices, whether wishing to buy or not. We can satisfy the closest buyei of the truth .of what we say. _ • WE MEAN BII;i3INESS. Call and we will satisfy you. ca. Remember. Nos. 1 and J.l Towanaa, Pa., April 10, 1882, Lafayette House, et.riter Second and B st eet Northwest. 'near Pennsylvania Avenue. WASHINGTON D. C • Within a square of ,the Capitet Street can pass near the door to all parts of the city. • Conven ient to the depots. This it 'Juott, the hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the National Capital. Rooms well I furnished; andj the cleanest and beat beds in the city. Table lint class. Ito , dma and board from $2 to SS per day; lirdnevil reef; by the week or month. WILLIAM SANpERSON, Proprietor. .1, Capitol Hill. Lite of the congreaalonal Ilot Jan 11-If R L. : llsrti BOOK MAN, BOCK B 1 Alfred J:Rurvis, No. 131 Grlii.p.sijr• sttTet, •I • • All work in his Slue done well and promptly at lowest price. i Parties having volumes incoOplete will be fur. nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J; J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County, will be proMptly executed cording to directions. sep94f OEO* L. ROSS . , Now occupies the Corner Sto re opposite Dr. II C. Porter's. Drug Store, Vain Steeet, with s-large stock of - GROcznizs, OF THE BEST QUALITY. - .Mr. Floss has ANOTHRII Srong o 9 BIUDGZSTIMET J l . L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores ars connected by Telephone. Mr... Boss am uow feel satisfied that he can give the BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY -1 His experience enables b 1 to select the best goods, which he Is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE. You cau always get a bargain if you . • I • BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S All ,good; deliv e red in ttie Borough FREE. FAMIEREI will doliell to call with their Produce and get the CASH., • I 20spr82-Iy. M. HENDE JEW El Ie still to be found at the dIL/11.7V' ST Next door to Dr. H Cs P I , wrru A FULL L FINE AMERICAN JEWI STERLING FINE PLATED SPECTACLES & FROM THE CHEAPEST w ALL OF WHICH WILL , VEST LOWEST Clocks. Watches-and dew by en experienced and cope M. '4IE , eeptl64f Idle St::k. Bridge Street 1 K. BUSH. Yr FACTITRER !Ea DER, PAPER RULE MEM UTICA, N.I I Yi I k- = iiMAN I.ER, OLD STAND LI Er, IZEMEM NE OF ...ND SWISS ES, WATC RY, ER AND WARE, E GLASSES, CLOC 0 THE aprr. EE SOLD AT THE 'ILICES, promptly repaired tent workman. I STDELMAN. TOWANDA. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17. 1882. Miscellaneous Advertiseinents. No Whiskey! BROWN'S;IRON BtTT / 17 RS is one of the very feletOnic medicines that are not posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus' becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promotingi a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS , is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and - it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and i:)ther intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W.. Itic4, editor of the American Cheistian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters; • . . . I Ctn., 0., Nov. t 6, 18SL Gents :—The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of , our people, makes your preparation a necessity ; •id if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperaiou. BROWN'S IRON BITI'ER. has, been thoroughly tested 1 for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness,weakness,debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia,'consumption ; liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c., and it never fails to render speedy and . permanent relief NATHAN- TIDD' ' , • - . (Bm:castor to Mr. MitCoan,) DEALEMIN - PITTSTON, ILKESBA,RE AND LOYAL SOCK 0 0 L FOOT ov PINE STREET. NEAR eA I TIRT HOUSE. 4 - . • TOWASDA, PAI . . . iiir LOWRST PRIGS FOR CASH. 7-as ' e • The i l iatroraufe of my old friends sad the pub! oenerslly is solicited. . esep:i : .. Nothing Short of .Unntistairable . . , Benefits -I Ciinferred upon. tens of thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain the reputation Which Avpis Satts.t t.Atut.La enjoys. It is a Comptinud of . the best vegetable alteratives, with the iodides -of Potassium and Iron, —all powerful, blood-Making, blood-cleansing and, life7sustainingand is the most effectual of all' remedies for scrofu lous, mercurial, -Or blood -disorderS; Uniformly suceessibl and certain,• it. produces rapid and comptete c cures of Scroibla, Sores, Boils; Humtus, Pim ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disorders 'arising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating: effects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a potent renewer of waning vitality. For puriDing the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves • the rl e health,' and - imparts vigor and ene . For forty years it: has been in extensi e use', and is to-day the most availab medicine for the' suffering sick. • For sale by all druggists. '! - _ A. BEVERLY SHIT'', BOOK BINDER A NJ) • Dealer In Scroll Sai • Gouls. • . BOOKBINDING OF ALL FINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. .Fine Blank Books • MY SPECIALTY. Amateur's Supplies. 'TWO department of my business is very corn plate, and being a proctiesl sawyer myself I know We wants of my patrons. ' WOODS, - • I SAW BLADES. - CLOCK MOVEMENTS, constantly on band. $125 worth of designs for $l. Send for price lists. • - "REPOLTER " BINDERY, Park street: _ P. 0. bon 1512. Towanda. -Ps jONES'OREADICAMPHOR Is THE, OP; the* popular Liniment gut Bheumallim, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost • Bites, pain in the Face, Head or Spine. Chapped bands, Brulses,Sprains, Burns. Mosguloto Bites, Sting or Bite of an In. sect, Poison from common Poison Vines, etc.. for man or beast. - Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor, it Is pleasant to apply. Sold by all drug. lists. Price 23 cents, N. IL—This Liniment received a Prize Meda I a the State Fair,ll4l9. Ida, 20 17 By Unit:ersal Acebrii, AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS are the best of all purgatives for family nse:, They are the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use,; , by physiciani in their practice, and brad eivilited Bons, proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Being purely veg 7 •7 etable no harm can arise t,ifom their use, and being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take. In intrinsic value and curative pcnvers i no other Pills can be compared with them ; and every person,. knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in perfect i order, and maintain in healthy action - the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. - They are ,:the best and safest physic to employ ':for children and weakened constitu ilons,._ where a mild but effectual cathartic Is required. For sale by all druggists. • ` , 9:IOVEBNAItiT OF TB PEOPLE PEOPLE BY TitjPEOPLE AND FOB THE .PEOPLE." SELECT POETRY. DESERTED. Bright sea, far flooding all the petibled , tisn4 Flinging thy foamy pearls-tmm stone to stone: Thy lullaby, low-murmured to the strand, Sounds like a lover's tone; And yet I know,elsewhere, tome other shore as tab', Thy waves have kissed, and left It dry aid lone: Bright sunsnlne, gleaming on my cottage wall, Tracing the shadow of an ivy-spray, Bow tenderly thy Golden touches fall • i On common things biklay ! Yet, beneath other skies . Someo land benighted Iles, Deserted by thy glory, cold and pax . . ' Blithe bird, loud-warbling underneath the eaves An eager love-song pasSioiude and My heart is trembling amid Summer lea!" • • With sweet responsive thrill ; .1 Yet for away, dear guest, There is an empty nest Which thou bast left forsaken, void and et= Fair sea, bright sunshine, bird of song &rine, , ./ too may Woo tbo tide, ' the light, the lay; Others may aid the kimi that were Wee, `My night may be their day ; • Yet though the soul may sigh For precious things gone by. I shalt have had my rapture, come what mss —Good Vi'Orla IN 4 111 E TUNNEL. By whaigood chance I cannot tell, We sat so that I faced her, And when the tunnel's shadow tell, I caught her and embraced her, Said she, halt angry, struggling hard; And trying to draw back, "I think you had better call the guaid. Your mouth is off the track!" . But atm I held ber closer Mid called her "sweetheart !^ " sister!' And still she struggled with a win, And still I kissed and kissed her, And as each sweet collision came, I Mimed the swift eclipse . That turned my spirit into name And telescoped our Up& it's all of twenty yeas gone by, The fact that I've related, And my fair tunnel mate and I . Hay% twenty years been mated And she and I are still content, Though we have lohg been lashed, Andstill we bless the accident;' In which we both were "mashed!. --Stantley Huntley. MIScELLAN FMS, AUNT y DCRINDA'S LEGACY. "Little Rine—that is wluit I. have ; alTaYa heard you called. Pray, Miss Blanchfor.d; what is your name'?" A smile an# a dimple, a blush and then a laugh, while six of Miss Blenchford'n adwic •>_rs waited for her answer.. "I am named for my dear. old-feshioned . aunt D..oriuda," she said, addressing ILewaid Llwellyn, who had asked. the question. " Having two•of the name in the family, I, the younger, am'cidled hittici Biu. , It isn't pretty name, or romantic, but very con venient, and so appropriate:"—drawing her self-to-her full graceful height, and making her companions n- .sweeping courtesy; for Miss Blanchford, though not "little;" Was beautiful, and a belle, and masculine homage attended her every footstep. The party were at the Osprey Houle down on Comorant Cape, iu the finest of the fine summer weather; and 'as the young lady spoke, she turned and pointed to:one of the prettiest of the shore Cottages. • "There is 'my aunt .Dorinda's 'summer house," she Said. " Is Mrs. General Blenville your; aunt?" asked Llwellyn, with ari involuntary surprise, rivhile the others politely whistled under their litreatb, and Miss Blancbford nodded, lightly. A moment more and the group had sepa rated, Aubrey Pillars taking Geoffrey Thorne by the arm, andleading him Off to whisper in his car, "Mrs. General Blefiville is very old—very eccentric—but therichest, woman I know; and if Little Biu . , her niece, she -must be an heiress, as , well as a belle and a beauty." -. The others exchanged much the same con fidences. Llwellyu alone said nothing, but walked away thinking. He had often Won dered how a girl could be L as beantifid- as Miss Blanchford and not be spoiled; and now it turned out that she was, in perspec tive, rich, he marveled still more. So gen erous, so unaffected, so simple, so. sweet tempered—and, ho had seen her , temper severely tried by her father. In ; contrast with his sisters—the only women he_ knew well-rshe did not seem to be, likewise, of flesh and" blood. His spirits fell. He' had come to that' quiet place for the summer, much harassed by care, thinking to' see no one he would care for, and yet he believed now that ho bad found _ the one I woman .whom, of all the world, he could' lOve. Of ,late his business losses had been heavy, but -. lthey had not caused him great despondency until this summer, when ho was obliged to realize that he was oomparativelyi a poor maw Ithe offeredhimealf to Little Bin, he certainly believed her father would ,counsel her to reject him. Not that Mr. Cuthbert Blancliford was a 'curmudgeon. On the. con trary, ; he was a man of brilliant parts, socially ; but be was an , opittrit.eatex, and his temper uncertain. At times he was Very tyrannical,- though he certainly Toted his daughter, Who; was his only child, and was very proud of her. 'But they were not wealthy, and be bad; openly avowed his wish to have his daughter marry 3 rich nuns. Certainly Little Itin, with her accomplishments, her lightness and grace, did not teem fitted to be the wife of !a poor man. -Ho had better not dreani of it. But Comorant, Cape, with its filie outlook, its free breezes, its pleasant nooks, mullet& bad lost its satidactikm. He grew restless ; there weal gnawing pain of his heart. It amazed him to find that ho had hoped. , ' The rustle of Miss Blanchford's gray dress upon the piazza aroused . him a fit of despondency. "It is very'naughty to be idle," said a musical voice. "Come and take care of me while I go down on the roCkeand.catr,h some smelts for papa's breakfast. 1 Ho rose from the rustic bench quickly. Miss Blatuhford had a stm-hat with tnrquois blue ribbons tipped over her face, a, fishing rod iu her slender gloved hand.. She addressed him with her usual gay frankness, and led the way . down., upon the -rocks, merrily talking. - "'I love to steal awhile away, don't yen ?' n she quoted. I ,r We haire nice • social times here—the boarders are very agreeable.; but it's so deliciously quiet out here-4t rests one." .1' Ho bad baited her heal and put :the rod into her band. Then held a drooping branch of thee - lit:tee' tree to shelter her face. Then he the' and watched the perfect contour of roseate cheek and dimpled \ chin, while she dropped the hook into the water and quietly waited. Suddenly the lovely eyes, bluercthan the ribbons, looked full up. 'f Hasn't this been a delightful summer lo she said. "It has been tome," he said. Something fbahed from his gray. eyes into • her tine ones; the white lids fen quickly. , • "But it is past," he added after pause. t "Igo home to-morrow." The Moe-ribboned hat brim suddenly tell a little lower. Standing above her,•he could seeonly the dimpled chin now, and could not know that a chill seemed to turrOtonehed the Satin cheek. It Was white as the earling -crests beneath. But her tong had changed when she spoke again : i -- - "I 'appose we, too, WM go before the mouthis oat." • .• • • He felt the change, yet dared alit believe it, and kept. bravely silent; but when a lireesa-' suddenly • blew the concealing bat back upon the graceful shudders, a.face afi pale, grieved, and changed, was shown him. The revelation was to much. "Lot me tell yori n why . the stammer has been so pleasant to_ e t " he said, "because ` the sweetest wonuna have ever known has bean so much my cempanion. And Igo to. morrow, much as I Would like to stay, be. cauie—let me say: I say it without . hope,—l love her.* twenty years they did not meet or commu nieate. Meanwhile aunt had married Gen. end Blenville and grown old; meanwhile . I was born. Thoughpapa had not gratified 1 One little moment all watt still but the clashing of the waters and the thrill cries of the snowy wheeling gulla, Then the bine of the lovely eyes shone out.' .! " Why should you , Dot,:tope, boorakl, *ben oho.ioves you P" tie knelt down, bxdr ince betweell MS trembling bands so that there was no escape for the eyes of blue from his searching gaze. "Does' she love' me r "God bless her!" Then'she spntg, langldtig, from his em knee, for a fish Isms running off with her rod. ; , • Help me, Learald help me !" He laughed, foci, as ho caught glad to be happy, hopeful I 1 !' Let me do yOurfishiug,iLady.bird, while you sit there, ' , like a queen,' and tell me why you love me." She pulled the i ‘oloves leisurely from the white hands and,folded them ou her lap. "Because I trust you; and you suit me," was all she said. ' 1. He c at a in"ple stick, 'and strung the- fish , in silence. , "Your father {will never content," he said at last. r" , . . She tarnel t the rings on her • hands tin: easily. • "My father does not want me to 'marry poor. He likes you, but- ; you are not rich, Lewaki." "N0,.1 am piari" he said, bitterly • "SO am I," she answered. The waves dashed, and the wheeling white galls cried. "Ilvit do not despair.. If Aunt Dorinda forgives paps', I shall be rich." . "I do - not want your] rich," he replied, absently, his brow corrugated:. " Yen must have me rich, if at all," she milled, leaning forward to interpose' her beautiful face hetween his troubled gaze. anti the water. " Let inc tall yon about it. My puidfather was poor, and his children had their fortunes' to carve Out. Dorinda, the *est, was wonderfully! good, bravo, and eifpable. She educated j j herself—taught felooL Of the boys,: who were Uncle Author and my father, sho:imade her favor iti."). She was anxious that ho should 'pre-. pare himself for college she offered to pay, herself, thi collegia" But he did, not care; for, a chissie4 education. He agreed, but wasted his time, took another, cOurse, and bitterly -disapiointe'd her. For his sister, lie admired and respected her.l jj Ho named me for her. is only a few years ago since she'droro,:'one day, in her carriage to call on ,ns .and see inc. Then; she sent me some lOvelY dresses',ltsawls, and jewel& But papa , believitxt that , she has never forgiven him, arid Edo not know. Lewald Llwellyn hear& this story in si lence. There was no pOssitile fortune wait. frig for him. The times were bad and growing worse. His hOporting interest. , had failed; his daily business, as •an art dealer, was hourly becoining less. His partner's letters were daily; more discourag ing. His lease of his store And. art galler3 only kept him still engaged, in the business It had been a congenial o4txpatiou, but of late had become bitterly' iniOviitahle: j He told all this to Mr.'.:Bladdiford that evening. , • "It is a very hopeless' matter, sir, bet I Wife your daughter none, the less." • "I will be frank with 'ion, 11r. Llwcllyu," said Mr. Blanchford, who vas in a serene mood "hike you, huimy'little Rill is not fitted for poverty. , To weft her to it uvula be disastrous. But, since 6he so' evidently loves you, I hope J-perhips in vain—that a egacy from he r aunt may facilitate matters. My sister is very old and failing, and Little Bin will spend the winter With her as soon sis She retards to town." I By the last of October all the birds of my story had- Sown cityward. j Mrs. Bleuville's city residence was kept quiet during the fall, for she was very feeblel and , unable to receive ; but she did not'okject to her niece entertaining her friendi infoimally. Llwellyn came frequently to the greht rich mansion, where rich carpets maimed his steps to soundlessness, and whose wonderfttl pictures haunted his dreams. J :Aubrey Wars' came," too. Ho :was kriown in town, a young m a n of good family, of 'French extraction, not as wealthy as it had been,, but somewhii distinguisha He was handsoine and agreeable, and at Cape Coiaorant Little Bin hid I enjoyed - an• idle , tiOnr with him. But now, ;her heart deepen -4 her.thoughts anotheis, she cared littlef for his visits, and said so tO Liwellyn. " But he cares for yon; I assure' you he ilk iteiiotui," he replied, "and has been sinei you became exalted in his' eyes as thetaiecc i i your aunt. He is,my rival" Little Bin laughed incredulously. But time proved Llwellyn's - Words true. Mr. Bland/ford, unstable, and piesaed for money,, began to complain to his daughter that she ha not preferred Valera Villars is of bettei position than Llweliyn, and has mute'money than the latter will ever have—why are you so foulkih to prefer him?" he said, irritably. "If yea bad fortune it would not matter so much, but my. family are long-lived; sour aunt may live an invalid for a score of years. Let Llwellyn go, and • marry Villirs." i ----, • Shoiked, grieved, distressed, Little' Bin kiew not what to 'reply. But. then com. messed a kuig winter's struggle. The father reProached, expostulated, insisted, Bin, knowing him well, temporized, loping for better times. ' - TlWwinter of 1875 passed. The spring, however, wee equally shrouded in financial dripressiou. Mrs. Dorizidsi pursued the even tenor, of her way, never asking if her brother 'were poor or rich. She was polite when they niet--nothing more. To Bin she was kind andaffectionate. It is not neeessaiy to dviell on the general nehappiness •of till. patties: Suddenly, in the early tommer, viithoutLTecial warning, Mrs. Dorkida BlenVille died. ; ' When Mr. Cuthbert blatichford' met with relatives to hear the will react, he shook like s leaf. Various large bequests to various institu. dons and personal friends, j - and 'then,—" To my brother Cuthbert and his daughter Do. rizala, I bequeath, jointly, the Lttin gram.. nisi: to be found in my library." The yellow old Latin grammar that she bad pressed upon her brother in his , youth when life was all before him,--Lit was a bitter satire. - She had not forgiven him, Rites ; life t too, Was Spoiled. Must she marry fol money ? "Never," she said, and held out bravely; but her: beautiful cheek grew thin.' Her father's hair become. white. He aged fast. And Llwellyn was wretched and helpless as most men in a tkuumial crisis. Wm busi ness was. mined. At one time he offered .Rin'her freedom but the smiled tenderly sad shook her heml. "-Wait," she said. !or what ? Llwellyn had a taste for antiquities. The Latin grammar was -thirty yArs old, sand one day he asked Bin for the privilege of examiningqt. She went for it. "It i has net been opened," she said, handing it to him. liot for long yeara,' certainly,—the yellow leave{{ broke apart stiffly under his hand. He t ur ned pale, paler, as ho continued to turn them. Little Bin came to his side: The volume was filled with bank bills. , - Fifty thousand dollars wero hidden in the obi book. It was not a satire now,—but to Cuthbert Blanchforrs conscience it was a a reproach. • Bat for Lis Willfulness, he aeed not have needed so sorely the bounty of a g sister. He was happy only In MA; isidaYina4l4 it, and for her all the world seas bright, for she could marry the man Of her choice. Three sweet years as his wife, a , wonderful baby son—and I then-r-Llwellyn began to hold his own—the tido turned—and to day ' they are rich as happy—owing to Aunt Bin's 'Legacy, they declare.—Either Berk Ken. netli. I= ,The Lime Kilo CIS& Consider the tines. don. - ' In 'a voice' as full of music as a buzz saw cutting through a sidewalk spike' the Hon. De liar announc e d the subject of his remark■ as above, and continued : • .1 "Philosophers an' writers of all ages have told tis dat de bight of ,human funbishun was to be happy. Pick up a book or newspaper, an' you am confronted by do detiouncement • dat one who am not happy might as Well be dead. We am advised an' talked to an' writ ten to an', urged to be happy! an' it am all nonsense an' has eber hiu so., In de lust place uo one kin be perfeckly happy. When you git possesshun of a great . big ivatermell yon au' sit down in an alley to devour it all • by yerself . yer monf waters, yer back sort' o' humps up an' you fondly emagine ,dat you am- perfeckly happy.. But You ain't. You haven't taken ober two bites befo' you re member dat de ole womaif wants a portai plaster an' do chill'en wants shoes an' de rent will be duo on Saturday. an' a dozen odder hugs cum to mind toitnock yer hap piness higher dau Gilderoy's co'nsheller. It's do suzue when you play poker an win $lO.. Yowfeel'happy fur de minit, an' you donee aroun' on one leg au' chuckle ober yer smartness. Den conies de reasshtm. You remember dat you owe about $5O, and dat de wood am out, de flour barl am empty an' do chill'en have been cryin' for bacon. "In de second place, what's de use of bat , happy ? (Sobs from Elder; Toots.) Happiness dean' increase' de price' of black iu' stoves._ You can't charge - any mo' for whitewashiu'. (Sensation behind the stove. ) Y6u can't git any mo' for beatin' a ca'pet. (Groans of despair.) Hein' happy dean' help our credit at de grocer's or -butcher's. (Sighs.), What dey want is money, not happiness. Show me a happy man who4g any mo' to eat an' w'ai' den an unhappy one. (Distressing coughs from all over r h o . hall.) It has bin said Oat happiness - am bet ter den richee. Doan' let 'eria fool you I (Sensation.) De happy man am sent to jail trite as often 113 de unhappy one., ' In de third place, . happine`e .am not !healthy. It runs into liver complaint, con , gumption an' palpitation of do • h'art. We lam placed heal!, on airth to bet on de loain' hogs; to marry de wrong woman, to catch on to heaps of bad weather an' :deadloans of tribulashnn. Doan' go round lookin' fur a happy:nrun. If you find ono he'll be some*_ body so soft dat dey have to put him on ice. Our greatest au' ties' men am do mos' nn-. happy ones. .Show me a man who has lost 'three wives by yeller fever, six chi Wen by the cholera, three'or four_ honks by fire, an' has, \ himself bin sent to jail on' false testi mony, an' I will show.you a noble Roman. (Cheers.) Thanking yciu fur your parsimo nious imprecaslitms, an' predictin' dat de time am not fur distant when del honor of bein' a member of do Limo Kiln Club will be all'de honor one man kin lug aroun' in hot weather, I now deliberate toward de ini portnnity. of de infringement, an' bid you good night."—Detroit Free Press. • I now began to makedravoc among a col ony of, flies who had apparently spent their lives in obtaining from the window panes some occult flavor which is - not perceptible to our coarser palates. I made three cap- Who - ,Were passed beneath the muslin door of the jar with a little sleight of hand. The appearance of these -flies was my next subject of observation. They each had an individuality which t didenot till ten know that- flies possessed. , Their d artmeat, their figures, their very moral' toile, had .1a distinct stamp ; yet there was an-hirmonions something which united chani4ers so differ ent. The first had a fluffy appearance. his Voly looked sodden, and he behaved in a fat and sensual manlier. He took the Ooss est pbmsdre id waring his ventral 'surface on the side of the jar toward the sun. • He sapped the sweets of life to excess, and had lost' that activity 'a fly ought to' possess. Alas ! his career rendered him unfit to battle iiilthe struggle for existence. He became the spider's first nical. The second fly had but one wing. He Was lean and ill-nurtured; yet he had withal a! chirpy and.; pleasing, 'manner. He had, ir l ither the_ poiOpous bearing of opulence nor the boisterous Ways of rude health He, was sweet-tempeed and amiable fly, and among the local muscre undoubtedly—occu. riled the same'positiowthat Tiny Tim did in 1 1 family. I shonld.have let hinito, only tint I fearpd that, it I did so, I should also rile the third fly, whom my soul loathed. gclw, let me telliyou why that fly was ob. jectionable. He was the only fly left on the i t itidow panes, kind he walked over them Nth the arrogance of a landlord. I sought t .ixttch him, but• each attempt was more fu. tile; than the bit He dodged, he flew away frOm the window, he , calmly floated about thia room; and I followed him, flapping with ink iipcket-handkerchief dill I visibly perspir ed. He was as cunning ,as the fox of Bally. • bogue,,,who, you rememberi used to take : in the newspaper to see where the meets. were to be. My temper overcame me and I swore I would have that fly. , • After a hunt, which brought out all 'my. wont characteristics, I caught him. and de posited him in my_ vivarium, rejoicing to myself that his death agonies would be some compensation' for my pains. As soon as : ; he' got into the jar, 'Mr.‘-FlYdiscovered that' poor little brother in adversity, had - a Taw place where his wing bad been torn off, and ho would follow him front place to• place to put his' ucker on to the sore. It was not the kindliness of the dogs cf Lazarus which led him to lick the wound; He saw that 13m . did not like it, and as he was a nasty, bullying cad, be persisted in his obnoxious perfcrrmances.. I left him disgusted. He was a beast I—From "..Vy Spider," by E T Winter. Popt4ar &ience , ifordh. ;Sf• . . =Li 'DOES HAPPINESS PAY 700 A FLY HUNT. THE rbe, A.eleat.sad libmhass Met ids of eh, The modern dentist is not like the dentiet of long ago.„. The old time dentist did not repair teeth; he simply uprooted those that were decayed. It family of late years that the dentist - bas occupied a rueognbed paid: Lion in the deparments of minor surgery. Some dexterity and considerable muscular strength were the chief qualifications of the (batiste of our childhood. When a patient Sailed on one of them, the dentist would pelt his finger in the patient's mouth, and after feeling around among the stumps and shak ing them one after another until a bowl tram the patient deinrimitaged that ha had hold Of the right one, he would say, laconic ally, o',lt's got to come out." Then ho would go for his instruments: Those me. chankal appliances were of a very primitive, character. They consisted of several pair otF 4 / 2 4liii Wl* =adds : thcri• of theltiqpit size he used on Islas, and the small ones on chihhen. While he was engaged filing the *it Off WS i)struments. the infferer bad time to note the contents of the room. On a shelf was.. is rope, , with which nervous 3 patients were tied in the operating chair; on another chair n basin, and a pitcher with a broken handle, containing water presumably for the pupose of washing away such gory evidences of butchery as the operation might leave ; 'en a broken legged desk, propped up with a;brick, was a skull with ,'cracked jaw bone, Mach was to suggestive to be pleasant or soothing ; in the' window sill the dentist's library, consisting of a copy. of Wedrs Path 'ology of Use Teeth, and a portiOn Of a volume of Moore's melodies ; in front of the opera. tinichak, hanging on the well, was a steel engraving representing Napoleon on the Island of St. Helena. Theldcture was evi dently put there/with the view of distracting the patient's attention from thoughts of the. agony iii Istore for like. While he was won.' dering if Napokimi ever bad -the toothache; and if he/ever burned the inside of his .mouth with crecosOto and oil of cloves in his efforts to deaden the pain ; and while he was• wishing that he could change places with Napoleon for a day or two, the dentist grasp ed Jahn* the hair, threw his head back, iusertedihe can opener in his mouth, and began groping around for the bad tooth. When hc.3found it, his usual plan was to crush it to pieces and dig out the fraginents, one at a time. During the operation the sufferer groaned, and moaned, and yearned for'death. When the dentists got his grap pling irons r around thii root of a 'Amble tooth, and braced himself up with his foot against the wall for long pull, a strong pull,l , aud a pull all together, the patient thought that the end of all things were at hand, that an explosion had occnred in the cellar, and that the heavens were rolling themselves up as a scroll, while the top of his heCd was being broken off, and his var. tebra was being - jammed down Into the hol low of his legs. • When he was calmed with a glass of water he found that the alarming sensations he had experienced were caused, as the dentist put it, by thd extraction of the molar from the alveolar cavity." • 1 The modern dentist is a different kind of an aggravated outrage. He has a Canoga diploma thathe keeps hanging on the wall in a tin case,He usualy has a nicely nished operating room, where he has an ,elaborate chair, working on Orate and 'hinges, that he places the patient in when ,he is pWling his tooth, and another to be used when a tooth is being tilled. He has hundreds of hustnuiaga- 7 diudusthra aug and gouges and scrapers, 'and one vile thing that scents to Midge about seven liondred revolutions a minute, and with which ho bores into the nerve of your tooth until you feel as if your immortal soul was , being •tampered with. But the modern 'dentist 'seldom pulls a tooth.. He prefers to fill it with some gotta perdu) sort of composition, tor with gold. Yon see the filling mill, , in the course of time; : come out s e nd then he gets another job putting it in agalu, whereas, when he pulls out a tooth ilia ends it ; the owner of the tooth seldoia ,cares to have it decorated, or tci scjinindee bullion on it after it is out. ' He tiredly carries it in his vest pocket for two or three days; and then throws it into 6011243 vacant lot. When a man has an aching tooth that tries to push itself into prominence, that seems to swell up and get in the way of everything ho eats, and to take more of his thought and atten. tion than. he cat spare, he can go to the modern dentist, who will fill him up with gas u n til ho imagines he is a balloon, soar. iug up almost as high as the dentist's charge for the Operation, - and hen - ho comes' to earth again, the tooth will be gone and there will be a vacant place in his jaw that will seem to him to be about the',sire, of a town lot. The painless dentistry ofto.day is las exciting than the painful dentistry of the past; but it is otherwise an improvement r.on the old style.— Tqcae lifift(ags. 1 MORRISON HEADY. 111181 . 1 as ailat, Deaf as ;ii s Peet t Yet s P.N. One of the most remarkable products of humanitY known to this generation is Mor rison Heady, of Kentucky. He is blind as a ,bat and deaf as a post, and laboring under such disadvantages that it would be wonder. ful if he could do anything, , or had 'learned anythini; he is a marvel of mechanical dex terity, of inventive genius, and of clear and quick cogitation. One 'seeing him' walking the streets _Of Louisville with head ' erect find s trong, tread, holding a little boy by the hand, would not suspect his disabilities, norA ;watching him at the counter. of a hardware store purchasing a knife, world an observe think anythingof the matter, unless he bap. pened to, note , that the dealer spoke no word, btit only touched the hand of the (ins- . tomer. Among his inventions is .a leather glove, with the letters of the alphabet ' , stinted on it. You can talk ito him as fast as you can touch those letters with the end of your finger. Another of his inventions is a mechanical writing machine, with, which he can write s and others , can transcribe. The machine pricks its way along the paper, and he can read his own writing by the sense of touch. Others can use the machine to write out for him anything not procurable in , blind . type, and he can then read it with, his fingers and indirectly have access to the literary gems • which would otherwise be a sealed book to him. Usually a blind man can hear, but it is useless to' read to Heady. Ells speech is as clear and sharp as that of a num tisf edu cation combhieil with great force of, will and perfect faculties. Since he cannot hear hinuielf speak, the :1'44 a remarkable psy disEce chip punle—for the best of us • ' seen s*cy of proniUtdatkut and • • tr ess of - enunciation, by dint of long , and. study, educating ourselves by the aid of our . , ears and !Test - - Among his other accomiClishinunts man numbers the art of poetry. Several years ago he published a volume of poetry. At every point he is a master. lambic pen. tameter rob" from his ins as elegy as lambic tetrameter rippled from Scott's pen. The reader who has never seen this MAWS poetry will be incredulcms, Ind *seance down a few pigis of hexameter will w ince any Imo that Heady cin • wile my of poetry he liteo.—New Orleans Picayune. REWARDS OF STAGE LIFE, Heroines of the "Anse, Who ppntt G row Rich. There are very few. rich doctors, and fewer rich actors: Jain' Owens was rich.. tie made his money, by saving, and lost it in spectdatkni. Joe Jefferson made a fortune rivvy ring. Ho rarely spends' anything, yet rarely gives. Edwin Booth is coining .; He had much at one time, sank_ it with more belonging to'his friends, went in- . tOrdentptcy, to the grief cif his creditors, imbegin to work and save, and is now hold .,lto every dollar with the grip of amt.- Charles.R. Thorne, through the death orlds wife's father, .will enjoy the income of *handsome estate, about $lOO,OOO, I hear.. Hobson, having found ; -a Maacette in the person of William IL Crane,. Las made and kept a small fortuire,>McKee Rankin and librwife have a solid foundation. Maggie 11111tchell and `Latta;. Crabtree are well off. l'Afterriants of Mary Anikwities ' Money are exaggerated. She - will have a fortune in time, if she sires her cash, bu t . she hasn't it . yet. Lester Wallack would riot cut up very' fat. Now what others are there with mon ey ?. You can't tell them. I certainly. Can.' not. The impecuniosity of literary men is well known, and an editor with a dozen new shirts would be a treat for kire eyes. Act Ors spend their money freely and accept the stern behests of poverty - cheerfully. It is absurdly claimed that they_ are. over-field. That's nonsense.' In the , first place actors don't average *5O a week, and in the next. place they get that only in the season, which ' averages thirty-eight weeks out of the , fifty- two. They really don't get [Oro than $35 or 640 on an average—the liast of 'em. I think they are underpaid. But if they arc overpaid how is it with the women"? They ' get less salary and - have larger outgoes. How so? Why, if an actor has a dress -suit and three or four ordinary costumes he's well equippedfor a season, but tffe,...women have to dreta..each new part: A dress-coat is a dress-coat in one play as well as anoth. er, but en actress can't wear a ball dress, or any other in fact, in two plays. Then, too; men's attire costs less. Women must dress a la mode, and as a ride have a different cos tumein each act. • • The average actor is . 4 - ho g. 1 , .. The average' actress is a mule. i• • Ifoir so ? The avereerictor looks out for himself and cares for no one else. , , The average actress supports from one. to five people. 'Little as I knoW, T conld tell you- stol'es of the rudeness, incivility and thonghtl -i ts selfishness of actors that weal make y n gaps with amazement, and I clnahl tell' you tales of the heroic devotion of-the Foram of the stage that would' make 'you silent , in sympathy-and uproariOus in. admiration. , I chanced tonteet two- welt -known ladies of the stage- last week. Onb has long been' recognized as a bright and beautiful ortua matt of her profession and has held a -lead.: ing position for at least eight or ten years. The other is Younger, but equally well known, bright, charming and full of chic ! The latter I had heard was the solo support of quite en extensive set, biat the other I had thought perfectlyindependent and well off. Chance directed the conversation to Booth's success in-London =Oho expression of a wish on the part of both ladies that they had been able to spend the summer on the other •side. "ilurely,, ' said Ito the elder, ' there is no reason why you should not have gone: You had a fine,position and a big salary a last season. If r you had cared to save any . thing you could have done , 50:".4 Without answering me. directly she turned to her companion and simply said,• " How little ho 'knows the truth." I Subseqttently aseer: tabled that for ten years she . has supported four adults, has educated and clothed two growing girls and to-uay hasn't a dollar be yond the necessities of her enforced idleness until the season opens. • How'sthat ? • —N Y. 444+ in Philadelphia Times. THE CHLORAL HABIT. The coy otensive and . habitual use of se. duCtive drowsy drugs bearing government passOrts—partieularly ehloml—in the unob served tuidereurrents of the domestic lives of oar times is perhaps little generally known, but that is a very extensive 'and daily in-. creasing evil, much eucanraged and greatly_ facilitated by the present condition .of the, medicine r:te.wp and medicine license acts, ist beyond doubt or question, and a custom and habit known to medical men ,a,S the "chloral habit" is thus engendered, eore enslaving and more fraught wi• sail resets than the habits of alcohol drinking or opium-eating. The first dose may perhaps be prescnibed in the ordinary course of a Ifilysiciau's attend ance, and the .prescription is carefully - treas ured; ,more frequently, hoWover, the weary, the wakeful and heavy-laden are allured by temptingoulirertinements of the mime:dims effects orgoiernment-staleped bottles, to be obtained of all grocers and thetnis6, &c. The effect of the first done is I ?pliably charming; anotlibr dose on the sett occa sion is equally Intisf4ctory. No dauf,erons. effects be indieted oil the lite!, ortien: lar danger is euvected;;ancl &glee s "the ,hahitne resorts to it until it becomes a night ly neceselly. After a thr.e the customary result is not experienced. and not snare- 1 que:ntly . in the middle of the night, by famil iarity becomes bold, the habitue, after hours of weary tossing, with trembling hand pours out: another half-teaspoonful or few more drops; as the label directs, and drinks it off. The, desired effect and more is now pro duced; coma mimes for sixteen. twenty, 'or eves more hours, greatly to the - alarm of surrounding friends, and not unfrequently the consequences are such as necessitate the aerviees of the coroner. From the happy ; united4tunily circle of: yesterday ono is absent from the breakfast table the follow ing morning. Sudden change .comes - over the wonted cheerfulness of the home. The bright morning sunlight is dimmed, the tread of every step is' altered and every voice is subdued; and anon the festive chamber of the-house is .converted into a court of inquiry, with all , its solemn and ;sombre paraphenmlhi, andedter a short and tender deliberation the final and soothing verdict of "Misadventure by an overdose of ehroral is entered.—ifacmilian's-Xagazine.: Gaasr Kowa. mss.—At" a meeting of some, colored Methodists in Kentucky it was decided to make a collection. The president passed the hat.himself, and in order to en courage others ho put in a ten cent .piece. After thC collection, during' which every hand had'beeiti in the hat, the president ap r proachA the table, turned the hat .upside down, and not even his own contribution dropped out. He opened his eyes in astonish ment and exclaimed : "Fo' goodneis, but Ize eben lost 'de ten cents 1 started yid 1" Then there was consternation on the faces of th6assembly. Who was the, lucky ? ' That _wali the" question. He couhi not blush or tarn pale, for all was black ins nig,ht. It was evidently a hopeless case, and was summed ap by one . , brother, who rose in his place sand said, solemnly "Dar 'pears to be a greaemond lesson roma' heah somewhin.."—• . liartfordTimes: - $1.50 a-Year, In Adranee. NO. 12 SEA SICKNESS. Mirerent Theoilee of Medical Meer am to ha Cause. Three people ont'of every four, it ie eels eultied, haveionly to go to pea in moderately rough Weather in order to experience the horrors of sea-sickness. The sufferings of the Victims of inal de- mei need r.ot be dilated 'npons their intensity is sufileitullY vouched for . by snot instances es that of Cicero, who, when he took rt . :lnge on .board, a,vessel after his prosers'ptien, suffered so" ' much from sea-sickbesslthat, preferring the fate that awaited him, ou - shote,. ho landed at Gap' ta, 'and there suffered des-apitat ion. The (infs - Con as to whether iife Es worth living is generally answered hi the negative by the sea-sick--a se:nisi - lent which was neatly ex pressed by the Irishimut who told his friend that at first heves afraid the ship would go down, but that afterward he feared she would - not. If farther proof were required of the 'mirrors of this malady it is assuredly to be found in the fact that so many of our - countrymen are prepared, to see a breach made in Britain's sea-wall if only they eau thereby be spared the sickening experience of asp . Channel passage. .The disease is growing with the rapid 'growth of ocean traveling,and the Americans, who are the - greatest travelers of all, and therefore the 'greatest sufferers, have been giving the sub.- jut considerable attention of late. Seel sicktiess has been for some time a popular topic in New York, and Cousin Joonshau has of late been interviewing his chiefmedis- • cal adviers on the question o 1 its preven tion. Something, however, Mast first be told as to its cause. It, is no dotibt duo lit to the motion Of the • vessel; and especially to the botv-and-stern movement known ass' pitching." That it is simply a motion sickness is' proved by the fact that nnmy suscePtible people have it on land. We have known ladies to get " sea.sick " over the rumbling motion of an omnibus on a hilly road, Ind the motion of a.swing, or even of a p assenger lift in a hotel, has with sdme people a similar effect. How the pitching and rolling of a ship acts on. _ the Immaii frame sous to produce the physical : and mental prostration of sea-siekness has and still is, matter of dispute. the my recently started' by Dr. Irwin attributes if to .distnfienice of the fluids in the ben:lick `cdar canals of the ear. The °teaks, -he - . avfm, are washed about by each movement of , this fluid, and the eilke and terminal nerve filaments are , thus irritated and abused. It is ii,snerally recegnizo,l that' irraation of and kind in these carol, produces nausea and vOmiting—the usual ecencomitauts of sea- • sickness_; it is to be remembered, 'however, that similar effects mat arise from very di verse-causes. Dr. Chapman, on the other hand, sees the main prosirwite cause of this disorder in the presence of au midne amount of blood iu the.spinal nervous centres, which renders the nerves proceeding front them unduly active, with the : result of disturbing the action of the orgaes—especially the stomach—whose movements they 'regulate. In favor cf this theory is the fact that, ,re cluced to practice, it has been foind in the prevention of sea-siclmess. The cause being, according to this theory, , an undue . amount of blood in the nervasui centres fikmdtbe back, Dr. Chapman seeks to son this amount by the application of ice, and the consequeit lowering, of the -temper., attire of the spinal 'region. The testimony to the efficacy of ice bags placed along -the spine is too strong to be pains:ad, but the trouble necessarily attending: their applies. Lion is such as to prevent the ice cure from becoming popular in shoit sae voyages- Dr. Carpenter is inclined to attribute seasick ness to the continued action on the brain of a certain set of sensations, .more particularly the sensation of the want of support. - Noth ing is more ' disagreeable than the feeling consequent on the sudden giving way of a prop on which one is leaning, and the . con stant repetition of this sensation every time the vessel makes its downward movement, is suppose(' fo produce the nervous derange- . ment which manifests itself in seasickness. 'On this theory of the malady -being due to certain sensory impressions, the obvious method of prevention would lie in -weaken- - ing as much as possible those impretadons. How thiS may be done was:shown:lately by Dr. Ellis in the Lancet, who states that, he found a complete remedy in carefully attend ing to the motion of the vessel; and accom panying, in his mind even, bye Bright steop ing or pressing -downward 'of the body the sinking down of the; Vessel's deck, Another Medical correspondent States that he found relief by watching the motion of the .vessel` and as slid wits about to descend making an - effort as . though to force her down. 'Mutt mass thus be effected by, conscious effort on ~ the part of the passenger becomes habitnid in the sailor, whose body follows the' move ments of the vessel ' unconsciously, and 'in whom the habit becomes so strong .that a return td terra firma produces at first a • marked unsteadiness in f his gait. There are seamen, however, who never ; , become •gpod `sailors,"-some being - liable to severe nausea, during the first few' days of every _ . voyage, • add. - others during excepticandly tong,h !Weather. England's greatest Ado:Ural— 'Lord Nelson—is said to have been one of those 'who never, got habituated to the "thud" cif-the sea. That the sailor's usual immunity from seassiciness is due to an ac.- "quired faculty of following the movements of the vessel is further shown by the fact that a marked change in the character of those movements is apt to cause seectick. nerds in the most experienced math:ten. Thus, it is well known that old sail* after a long voysge in the Pacific. Ocean; Whera l the seas aro large and regular, -sometimes bdcome sea-sick when crossing such narrows as rho English Channel, where the waves, being short and choppy, produce aft entirely different set of movements. Few huulsmea, however, have the accessory opportunities for the acquiretruint of -:"" aea.lege,". 'aid* the victims of met de mer whose voyegings are mainly confined to crossing oui - channels and firths will be wise in.making as little use . as possible of their nether limbs.. All wri t ers are agreed in recommending the horizon: tal position. A DISTINCTION Wrruovr • DIFIrEgInitCZ.— A clergyman who was sued for debt, replied that if lie considered the debt a moral obliga tion he,would pay it, but he looked upon it as a legal obligation only, that he was worth nothing ; and the amount, $254, could" not be collected. If that clergyman shotild es tablish a now cect; he weald hare 'many^,fol lowers and it would !sive a phenomenal growth that might throw the old sects quite into the background.—Syracuse Journal. . A PIIOIID Dorer.—Jim Webster; an Alli. tin colored voter, returned a few days _ago after an tibsenco of a week in- the country. After begot back, he was asking Uncle Mose how his negro acquaintance were coming on, and among others, what. Torn Knott, who was celebrated for. his lack of-sociability and stiffness, was doing. "Didn't yer meet a funeral as yer was comity' into town ?" "13s, I did, Undo Mose." "Dew was ToniKnott's obsequious, dey was." " WeU, I moat had gnessed hit. Dat ain't de : fast ho - has passed mo on do street widout lettin' on dat he knowed me."—Texas _l4/f -lags. ,