Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, August 10, 1882, Image 1

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    HOLCOMB & TBACY4 - Petthsbe.ra.
. . . .
Bradford Republican
Is Published Kfery- Thukilay,
54.50 Per Annum. in Adraiim
Adrertisinp Rates-Six cents a line for first
insertion, ant five cents per line fcir aU
quint insertions. -Reading notice advertitioß
ten cents per line; light lines constitute a
spare. and twelve lines an inch. Auditor's
notices $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's
notices 52.00. Yearly advertising $1!;0.00 per
Tax Itierrestcas is published in the 2 lacy, -
sloore and Nobles Block. at the corner et Bahl
and Pine streets. over J. ' F.—Oorsiew . Boot and
Sboe store. Its circalstkm is over 2000. As an
advertising medium it is unexcelled in its im -
modiste Sell
T:vianda Busbies: rdrec 4 c,ry .
O •
LEvELvin mcGovEits, (E. J. Cleveland
Wilt. McGoveris), Outten. Bradford County
r, All business entrusted t.) their care in
Western Bradford will receise prompt attention.
SITU t I.IILLLS, Attorneya-st-Law; Odle
.0 over Powell ac Co.
OA.LIFF, J. N., Office In WoOd'i Block, south
First National Bauk, up stairs. juzifil2;,s
ELABREE k SON (N C Elsbree and L Elsbree.:
* °dice to Mercur Block. P a rk St. mayl4.lls
PECE k OVERTON (Benj if Peck, and /3 A ()err P .
. teal. Office over ma's Market 0-'79
(AVE:ELTON k SANDERSObi. j &Overton and - Jbrtie
F Sanderson.) Office in Adams Block. 76
MAXWELL, W*. Office over Dayton's Bier!
WILi% a. 'ANDREW; Office In Mein's' Block
apt 14.76
nA.VIES, CAUSOCHAE & HALL. ( W . 7-Daries.
W H Came:Ass. L Y Hall.) Mee in rear
cf Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. (.1.312.75
ikiERCUR, RO R NET A. Solicitor of Patents.
111111ParticuLtr attention paid to business in
Orphans' Court and to tbeaettlement of estates .
Office in Moptanye's Slunk . 49-79
Mc PIIER..:SON k YOtlgO, (/. .McAerson and
W. I. Young.) Office south aide of Marmara
Block,. feb 1,78
Williams, R J Angle and E D Buffington).
Office west side of. Main street, two deers north
of Argus office. Alltusinesc entrusted to their ;
care will receive prompt attention. ; oct 26,77
neys and Counsellore-st•lnw. Office in
, the
!demur Block, over C. T. Kirby'. Drug Store.
July 3, 't.o3
KEESEIr, J. P. Attorney-ft-Law. Ofltie in
Montanye's Block, Main Street.
• - Sep :5, 'ml-tf.
TuomPsoN, w. II; and E. A., Attorneys- l i.
Law, Towanda, Pa, Office in Mercur Block
over C. T. Eirby's Drug Store; entrance on Main
street, first stairway north of Post-office. AB
business promptly'attended to. Special atten
tion given to claims against the United States
or PensloLs, Bounties, Patent*. etc., and to
ollections and settlement of decedent's estates.
April 21.. ly
Solicitor of Patent's. Government claims at.
tended to. . • • [ll;febis2
'MUNSON. I'. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. H. C
Porters'■ Drug Store. feb 12,78
MEWTON. Drs. D. 5. &F.°. Glace at Dwelling
4A on Itiv r Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77
1 - - ADD, C. S., ki.D. Mee Ist door above old
bank building, on Main streot. Special at
tention given to diseases of-tbs throat and
lunge. jrilyl9.7B
WuOLASURS. 8. M., M.D. Office and reg.
deuce. Main street. north of M..E.Church.
Medical Elam:Liner for Penstnn DtvArtment.
fib 22.78
DAYNE, E. D.. M.D. Office over hi•intanye's
store : Office hours from 10 to 12 4.x. and
frock 2 to 4 P. x. Special attention given to,
Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Esr.'
oct 20.17 \
TOWNER, H. L.. M.D..
HOXMOPAT/lIC Pinot-taw k 81711.03t02Z.
firaidence and office Just north of Dr. Cern°fi
%fain street. Athens. Pa.
110 TELS
S= 110IISE. Main it., next corner soutp
. 1 - 1 . of Bridge street. New house and noir'
furniture throughout. The proprietor tuii
spared neither pains or expense in making td:
hotel first...class and respectfully solicits a shim
Dr public patronage. Meals at all hours. TerMs
reasonable. Large Stable attached: • I
Mar ti WM. HENRY:
iNrATKINS POST, NO. 68, G. A. k. Meets
every Saturday evening, at Military
6EO. V. MYEB. Commander.
J. R. Eirrninat, 44istant. feb 7, 79
CRYSTAL LODOE4 Sb. 57., Meets at H. of P.
Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In
, anrance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver
age annual cost, 5 yeirs experience. $ll.
" JESSE MYERS, Reporter.
eter.cs, Dictator. , • fob 22.78
BRADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet
in Odd Fellow's Mll, every Monday evening
at 7 o'clock. Wanner HILL, Noble Grand.
' tine 12,75 i
P, rill F. 1. o. 3.2 Second street All orders
will reeire prompt attention. June 12,75
kJ The SPRING TERM will begin Monday,
April 3. Ise2. For catalogue or other infor
mation, addras or call on the Principal.
Towanda. Pa.
Inly 19.78
WILLIAMS. EDWARD. Practical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mer.
cur Block next door to Journal office cpposite,
Public Square. Plumbing. Gas Fitting ; Repair.
ng Pumps' of all kinds, and all kinds of ,'Gearing
rumptty attended to. All wanting work in his
ue a Gould give him a call. July 27.77
1 -
- - i-t
R •
USSELL. 4:1. 8. General Inanranee Agency.
Towanda, Pa. Office in Silittomb's Book
3tore, July 12.16
And had One of His
-{ „ g y . 0„„ 4 .0 . 6.- ;V 4 ' -4,4- --' - ' '''''•
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Miscellaneou's Adverttem.ents.
•• • IRON
will cure dyspepsia,heanburn, male- -
ria, kidney dic.'w, liver complaint,
• and other wasting flic , •-itesi
enriches the blood 'lnd patifies the
system; cures weakness, lack of
energy.: etc. Try a bottle.
IRO". r.
,- L '
is the only 16 - rt. preparation.- that
does not color the teeth, and will not
cause headache or constipation, as
other Inin preparatiOns
1 . .
1 -
Ladiei and all sufferers from nen
ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com
plaints, will find it without an equal.
A t 2 '
The patronage of my old trice& and the pnbl
oenerally is solicited. . - 9aep. 8
- .
RE,'"EWilt IS ; a scientific tombination
ofiome of the most,,Poweiful restore
tiv i vagents in the vegqtable kingdom.
I Crestores gray hair' to its original
It makes the scalp white • and
clean. It cures dandruff and humors,
end falling-out of the hair.' It , fUrniihis
.he nutritive principle by which the
hair is nourished and supported. It
makes - the hair-moist, soft, and glossy,
and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing.
It is the most economical preparation
ever offered to the public,! as its effects
remain a long; time, 'making only an
occasional application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
medical men, and officially endorsed by
the State Assayer or Massachusetts.
The popularity of Hall's lair Renewer
has increased with the test' of many
years, both in this country and in
l)reign lands, and it is now known and
used in all the ,civilized countries of
the world.
For sale by all dealers. l
Dealer in [Scroll Saw Goads.
Fine Blank Books
4mateues-, .Supplies.
This department of my business Is very cm
piste, and being a practical sawyer myself I know;
the wants of my patrons. ; I
WDS, i - r
constantly on bind.' W $126 worth of designs
for $l. Bend fot price lists. I
P. 0..b0z 1512
IS THE SAME OF the popular Liniment ,
that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,. Swollen or{
Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain ;in the Face,;
Head or Spine. Chapped hands; Bruises,Bprains,
Burns. Mosqnioto Bites, Sting; or Bite of an in-
Sack Poison from common Poison- Vines, etc.,
for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost
instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable
odor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all d •
;chile. Price 2S cents.
. B.—This Liniment received *Prize If • a
the State Fair.lB79. • Mai I,ly
Advancing years', care, siekness, &rap
pointment, and hereditary predisposi
tion—all operate to turn the hair gray.
and either of them inclines it to shed
prematurely. AYEIeS Han Prom% will
restore faded or gray, light or red hair
to a rich brown or deep black, as may
be desired. It softcn4 and cleanses the
scalp, giving it a hdaltlry action. 'lt
removes and cures dandruff and humors.
By Its use falling hair IS checked, and ,
'growth will be produced in all
cases where the follicles are not de
stroyed or the glands !decayed. Its
effects are beautifully shown on brushy,
weak, or. sickly !hair, on which a few
applications will produce the gloss and
freshness of ybigh. Harmless and sure
In its results, it is incomparable as
a dressing, and is especialiy •valued
for the soft lustre and richness of tone
it imparts..
Aun'S Vroon is colorless;
contains neither oil ;nor! dye; and will
not soil •or color white! cambric; yet
It lasts long on the hair, and keeps
it fresh • and vigorous,' imparting an
agreeable perfume.
For sale by all druggists.
(Sitccessor to Mt'. iiicKan,);
Park street,.
Towanda, Ps
Various Causes—
Climb into toy llttlestrl, little OM
Since pm ielmfatlY-gazing stand;
Climb into my lap oltray old pine.—
Lay Hold of my he ripen hand.
A wooderrul 'rift, little girl, little girt,
We will take In a wonderful way s
Frcan' the wonderful earth toward the wonderful
On thla wonderful authmer's day. -
Softly, and slowly, at V, stir,
As the idly, wild creatures pass,
Scarce bending the tops a the clover blooms,
Or moving the feathery gram,
Then up—up—up—where the blosscnn-elouds
Shut close 'round the rubla's nest. . . )
Peep quick Can you see the deep blue eggs .
She hides 'neath her sort, warm bread?
Now you can tell why the bobolink
When tmiti the meadow-grass he springs;
Carols with joy as he-feels the air
Pass underMs outspread wings!
down—doarnwn—wlth a sinking swoop
Thstmaites your Walt MUM .
Look up-;at the etching iMple-boughSt
And out—at the distant hill I '
It may be, the trout with the Sell-same sigh
Mops down to the depths'et the pool,
Leaving the stn-bright ripples above
For the shadoWs sate and cool
A bird or a flab or a butterfly, -
Or a bee to a bed.ot thyme—
Ton-ishall know all their joys, little girl, Uttla
girl, ,
it into my la p , you'll climb i
—Mrs. Caroline IL Harris, in St. Nicho l a s ' ;
A'Siory Foinided . ea Fact.
' The prairie,schooner went slowly
the deep sand,' drawn :by its team of mules._
By their -side trudged the driver wearily,
peaking now load then to wipe away the
drops of perspiration frcina his forehead and
to glance behind him over the long track cut
by the
,wheels the snow-white; . alkali.
covered desert.. Far away to the west the
great mountains lifted their heads into the
clear sky, sanding like sentinels guarding
the approach to a promised land. Seated
on the front seat of the 'wagon was a l , girl
about, twenty, dressed in & cotton gown,
with a great sun bonnet on her head. ?The
utter plainness of her surroundings and her
apparel could not disguise her beauty, and
in spite of her long ride through clouds of
alkali dust; she somehow continued to look
' )8 " Allie s " said the man, at last, " ge
there 'bout five I reckon:" -
"I hope so, father, 'cause the animals are
'bout worn out, an' I expect you taint so
peart as yeti might be."
" That ar's a fact. This yer's • bin the
West day -yet, 'cordin' to my way of
lookin' at it."
"Never mind, daddy, it'll all be right
when we once get across the mountains.
What's that ? Over yonder, I mean;"
pointing as she, spoke to the figure of a
horse and his rider just on top of one of , the
small hills.
The man trica.long look, and then said:
It's a white man; I think, and he's corn
in' this way. Allis, reach mo down_ s myrifla
cm them hooks."
The' girl ; did as she was told, and , the
father examined the weapon to see that it
was all right. Then placing it on his
shoulder he trudged along once more. The
solitary rider approached the wagon much
faster than they had at first thought he
world, and in about twenty minutes he was
dose enough to hail.
"Her on, stranger s" sung, out the old
man. "Who. are you, an' what's yout
. "My name's James . Burton, and' l'm a
scout and mountain man. What's yours,
an' whar did you come from ?" was the reply,
in frank clear tones, as the stranger drew
his horse to a stop..
"1"m John Duncan,' late of 'Pike county,
an' bound for Califoruy. This yer's my
daughter Ailie." A
Berton bowed somewhat awkwardly in rs.
spouts to the blunt intrcdtaction,; . and seeing
the old man drop his rifle into gm, hollow of
his arm; rode termini. Strangers, when
you A i re once assured pf their geod faith, are
far hie seldom met isith in the desert .to
permit of all partieg being anything but
cordial. In half an hour after Burton had
jointed old Duncan and his daughter, to hear
them talk one would= hive supposed they
were old friends. An eager interchange . of
news between them restlted, by the time.
they reached the water hole,'in making each
one acquainted with the history of the other.
When they camPid ter the night the young
man assisted the eldeiin releasing the mules
from their heavy harness, and In. gathering
[net from the scanty greasswood . bushes for
the fire. He cut the bacon in slices for
Alice to fry, and coutributaas his share of
the supper a leg of venison he had hanging
from his saddle, having shot the deer to
which it had belonged, as he told the girl,
'the day before, in the park, as all small,
valleys walled in by mountains are Called in ,
the West. After supper the two men sat:by
the fire, smoking and talking, and when the
girl climbed into her bed in the wagon, and'
the men had rolled themselves up in their
blankets and lain on the ground, she could
still hear the hum of their yokes
.until she
fell asleep.
The next day they started out bright and
early, and by night had reached the foot of
tic 'long ascent 'which led to the pass
through the mountains. The day following
thi4 they, by *Wall, had got into the pass
Asa 'Here; at the base of an enormous
peak, they camped. By this time yoimg
Burton and Alice Duncan bad become very
intimate. He thought her one of the mod
delightful and fascinating girls-he ever ,saw,
-an.l she had Some to the conclusion that she
bad never met quite so splendid a man.
;That evening after sapper the old man an.
:Mxmced That he watt very tired and proposed
' l to turn in at once. ' .
Burton and the girl made up their minds
to sit' up for' a while and talk. Soon the
lougdrawu snores of the sleeper told them
that they were practAlly alone, and the
conversation between them became inter.
spersed with longer'and longer pauses.
" Alice," said Jim ; and paused;
" Yes," said Alice, timidly.
" It seems to me as least I , mean
that—Do you know—it's -pesky •1 hard
thros this' yer pass."
"Is it t" said Alice, in is siiigularly ember.
sassed tone.
"Yes," =timed .11m. "It's kinder
tough. An' it's sorter dangerous, ',too.
Boad-agents round bark yor. loitror."
There Was a panse, end then Alice said :
• "Oh I"
Tim cleared his throat vigorously. •
"Don't you kinder think I could sorter,
as it were—well, you know what I . mean."
"Not very well, Mr. Burton."
"No? Well, I don't wonder much.
What I mean is; don't you tbink—at least
couldn't I—Aliee, I loie you I 4 he broke Out
n desperation. "Will you love me?"
The qnesticni was , asked at last, and' as
Jim turned eagerly towards the girl to bear
her answer he got one look , in her eyes by
the bright moonlight. Whatever 40 ea*
there, it was "Went to tell him an be
wanted to bane vitt' tout Wny work Ija
took her hand and drew her towards him.
-1 '
- • • -7 .1A •
' A ' A 1.-31.40-;
• da)‘*l
" "
Just at tbAt Manna me desPirold -#OOll
the ups' Yellow dog belonging. to olt. pan
Duncra4 daft! the Jim i llastar
Wised the r 4hi, and then rekishvg he;
stretelnd his hand out for his den
is it, Juice r be atilug, is a itnr
tonal •
"I don't knoor. Sae sees , os, /opts
Ilia dig hail risen end waked it; the }end
of ths yam whore ho tdixd fool* d
Hadn't yen betbsi 'wake y o ur father,
Allie P " said raw
"Nof If it's abything, 13osalrill do tlat.!
As die spoke the doe turned to where
Duncan vas lying, sad seising pis shoulder,
shook him. The (Miami sat ip hi a mo.
"What is it, Barton!" he asked.
"I don't know yet," responded -Jim.
' The dog sees something, but I have not
servos heard—, " . _ •
- • tidos Is whigond Atkin.
"Mites," said Tun, after &Pulse.
shod; too," he added, as a click of metal
upon stone struck his ear. - • '
Duneantot up Imstily-and took - Lids rifle.
With a movement of his foot he scattered
he fire, and the two menthen crept forweid
few penis iiwilfne the trail took asharp
tarn. Here,'lOoking around the edge oi.thb
rock, they s aw a"party of Ave men riding
slowly up Mirmirthem. The wide eomkr.
roe; the leggin with bright ether buttons
down the side; th&shOrt •jaeltets with the
glistening gold mats in place of buttons,
told the watchers that a party of .Mezicatui
were Uteri) them. Ditzma gazed .long at
en 3e
the leader, or rather the horse he
The > mamlight was bright enough' to lo
him to see as if it _ were day, and •as e
watched the horse—a wattle* with a
white tar on the forehead, , and four white
tamed toßurton and laid ; "MA's
Not a man:lived upon theborder in those
days but what had heard of Jose CO=lez,
the Mexican bandit A man who seemed to
revel in bloodshed and crime; who . never
spared man, woman or child ; who had cm-
milted more murders than he was - months
old; for whoseheslllt ek were rewards of.
fered in four or five his own State,
Chihuahua Northern Mexico, being. one."
When Jim reepgnizedlim, or rather his
famous horse, he felt that thrill which all
brave men feel when brought face to WO
before a great danger.
" we do, aim?".asked Duncan, hi
a whisper.
"We kin shoot from here; they'll be in
range in a'minute or two ; - cyr we can go back
an' hide, an' treat to luck. They may not
see Its."
" Guess we abetter shoot. There's ANN
you knoir."
"I know; tint they may pass •=7 not see
"All right. We'll hide, then'
140 sooner said than the two men went
back to the wagon. - While they were rimy,
Mice bad put'. out the sticks from thetre.
•The wagon had-been drawn up dose to the
rock, and; was, . fly,- in • tirel. deep
ehadow,. As is always the case',willi moon;
light in 'the mountains, the shadows , are• al
deep as the blackest night. . dim. . drove the
mules mid his hors* into a little rift, in the
rocks in which they could stand, and then
placing Alice behind a boulder, he Welt his
station atone end of the wagon while Dun
can stool:at - the other. • - ,
The waiting men !could hear. the Mexicans
coming, up the trail, one of them singing a
Spanish•lo've song. As they .`rounded the
corner from which'the two had seen them.
Tim braced himself for the possible . fight.
Nearer and nearer came Jcise, riding in
iota, and the two, men in the shadow fairly
held theitbreath as he passed.r Following
him came his four men. All had passed in
safety, except one, when one of the mules
in the , nit squtaied. The bandits' stopped
int:tautly. and as they did so DDuncan saw
two of them in line in the moonlight • To'
level his long rifle and fire was the work of a
second, and the two Mexicans fell froth'
their horses, one shot through the breast
and the other with his head torn fairly open
by the imaging hullet. A second after; Bar
ton, the younger man, fired and another of
the bandits fell. Jose and his
tbdower threw themselves from their horses
and took refitge behind some large stones.'
They were at a terrible disadvantage ' for
while they were in the bright light their
enemies were in the shadow. 'For all that
Jose fired in the direction - of the first shot he
bad seen, and a Duncan bad not taken the
precaution of moving as soon , as he shot,
the bullet from the bandit's rifle struck him.
He sank to the ground with a moan of pain.
At that moment, Jose's companion raised his
head over . the rock, And rim fired ending
that Mexican's troubles for; ever. This: left
'Tice and . Jim,, each unhurt and each one
thoroughly trained in All of the expedients
of border warfare. Once morn Jose • tried
firing at the pktce where he bad ha seen
the flash of a rifle, but as Tim bad moved
tiinstantly, he only succeeded in sending a
'bullet through the wagon. As be fired, Jim •
'Shot at him, but only
,eucceeded in wound-:
'lng him in the shoulder.. Then there was a
long pause, each one trying to see the Other
without himself being seen. At' last, rim,
slowly andtptietly, worked his way up the
trail to a pointwhere he could see -behind
the rock where Jose . was. Gazing carefully :
he saw the Mexican's legs only, and aiming,
fired. The bell struck the bandit In the
hip, wounding -him, alit afterwaAls turned
out; fatally. Then, for the first !tfine, Jim,
felt at Woo , to look after the colctuan.
Going to 'where he' was, he found him
lying in a pool of blood, insensible. Raising
him in hitt arms, be carried him , to where
the girl had been placed, and hastily telling
her what was the matter. left Onnean there
and went after a canteen of water., CWittg
the dog be made him lie down in front of
the wagon; as he knew that any attempt on
Jose's put to attack them would be noticed
by Boa.
Returning to Duncan and Alice. he found
the old man bad regained 03=101211000L
Giving the water to Alice, Jim made a fire,
by the light of which be began to examine
the wounded man. Duncan had been shot
through the right breast, and be wan evi
dentfy 'bleeding internally: He could not
speak, but when run examined the wound
the old man shook his held * showing his
can perfect knowledge - of his des iants
state. Then he looked =dowdy from Mile
to run. ; , - .
"'lt's a bad wound, • old man," said Jim.
Duncan nodded impatiemtb' sod'
• again at Arum "!told ha tonight darn
this thing tegtm, 4 said, Jim answering the
look, "A,* flayed hei,- an' If she'll have
me, an' I reckon she will, Yin grin' to
many her fast sbanco I get.*
The old man looted at' Ids daughter in.
guido)*, and she, path:Cher heed - down
on his shoulder, said : • ' , - • •
"Tee, father." •
The ntimeehnt ef Dungen% faO• *Mid
to one of intenie adiabletkii. Then IN*
he took Alice's!hand his; and with the
other reached ant ant garo
MI band at on* apt: the - aft Void
.77'-F: - -;7T 3
ta• tin.- Theih=ll . _
bowed bind; hit - * * it* #RI liten
thieber. Ths - n-Aiitiata**4 - ,'
-Before kitties the eitottlinViefammig
Sinitiont to erhereiroChitillWr 'Hitelte
*mod the Medan bail Vet *Allioth from
iktriconlik' , -ritiodranr , 11#44w0 • book
o il
Liebe* the sad Ilia rig see at,
the feet of the rOok, ia. - . *Need the
body of the old. rims;,-cat _cattle* - tole; atone
' ..', Haab& aka:44434
__ JI!PEPai . las.
once more stutter the InlINIFIRF.::soil tiro
.4 5 13 11 . ' afterirds.-. 11 a040 1 1,4* Kenai
Here the chaplain . made Ant Alice, has
ten:ll and wife, nor ail gm' bare close
tO regret het aoicit.ii*! ' - I •
.' •- • ''''''. --,- . : - - ,.. 4 1 _4-- , -
A CON ,iii; BUTE *Mpg , - :
'' hash P.'netiMiem; 4 11- .4 6,4 0 1 1. "11 *`"er 1,
-.' - 'I" • Easivitii :flA, l - ::: . ' _
1 § 1 4 6,
' 'idol& it there tiT;Tiiii! '''iiiii'il4,
tamiliiiiitikiiieeOttgr4( - " " the
liiit'Odibrilitlenot . pre illitr - ci
reer . of Judah P. Benjamin.- •••..In inquiring
for his Chambers I learned from a . Middle
Temple barrister that . lir. Benjamin was
regarded tadaysta theireatest the
English bar.: HiOs in and silday till-four
o'clock in the afientocai thee-41a ball-past
seven o'clock pve.i.vea the solicitors in his
oluunheen. Aiteithis he goes home to dine
at his club in the West End. .. His only leis.
are is on Sunday and occasional evenings-
Short of "stature, thick: set, With a strong,
bright eye, he is a man of simple, natural '
manners, relating his :adventures, reverses j
and Successes!with the charming ease, grace . '
and natnralnees, mingled with a subtle play. 1
-fulness of a - raconteur. Ho said, in talking
of his adventures after the fall nf Richmond 1
-that the Confederate government left i Rich
mond in a body. ' He and Mr. Davie were
together on their way to thit transMiesissip
pi clCpartment, and Mr..llavis lefethet party
to meet his wife ea route andlit Was in her
.camp he aqui captured.. The Peden& 'did
not know that Mr. Davis wait in the wagon
train Which was tnnugiorting Mrs. Davis and
friend, and cmly approached curiously to see
whit it meant. k. Benjamin continued
his journey Slone, and hearing of the cap.
We of Mr. Davis gave away his 'saddle, and
bridle!, and of length reached the Gulf coast.
Here he took s - small boat, and coasting
around until, arriving at a point near Key
Wait, he embarked in a small sailboat, open
and without deck. for Nassau. Here the
entail, quaint looking, - black and bright eyes
glistened as this remarkable map related
hew, when tie Gulf stream almost carried
them oat into the open sea; when ;battling
against a head wind and but of . sight of`
lurid (for 100 miles was the distance), and
with "one beard of raw sweet potatoes - to
feed threw men ;" When, almost without '
hope, at the lest, moment the wind Clanged,
tilled their small sail, carried them Within
sight of the lighthoture, and enabled them to'
effect a landing just at the extreme northern
point of the Bahama* He landed in Eng
land in September, 1865. In June, 1860, ,
be was admitted to practice in. the English'
Bar';.' his admission ens i granted by the'
Numbers of t ilt:wok's but in sii months
instead of tbrfli years, as th e Salo EtaaerallY
iwitdve. - 01.the_sTriumitbra:- he !aim. im old
meMberef the Bar of a **try governed
Meier the iyateni o! the common law , and
tho tact that_ he was political exile. He
published his "Benjamin on Sales " in 1868,
having in the intervening years supported
himself end his family by writing leading
articles for the newspapers. - The first • year
ha made about £300; thslneit year about
£4OO and in the fourth year, he said, "my
Lucerne was £l,OOO. It rapidly increased,
after. that." At the present rate of Mr.
Benjamin's income, ' he will, in a few years;
if he is not , now, be the possessor of vast
wealth. "MY books gave me my practice,"
and now, '-wonderful ex relate, "I. have,"
said he, „ upon looking' cver. my cases
yteterday,tjustSoneialf of the cases from
the realm e., the whole of England,
Scotland and Ireland) before the House of
Lerds son the . appeal." Mr. Benjamin's
daughter has married a French officer of the
staff, and his wife and daughter live in Paris.
—London LiSnkito Atinsta Condit*
Cbasuos Causel' by CI
Some years ymmg may, who was
Anxiously a • the coming of hei hue.
baid-elect, received & letter conveying the
saff tidings of his shipwreck Sid death., She
inskunly fell to the ground insensible, ' and
so remained for Ore haus On the follow
ing* hersis' ter Sawshatikerhair, which had
been 031 H, ionsdinf rich *Mira Mot',
beeome as ;bite im s cambric handkerchief,
her_eyebroie and eyelashes 'retaining their
natural color. After a while the whitened
hair fell off, and was succeeded by a new
growth of gray. ;
„Staff Surgeon Parry, While serving in
India during the mutiny, Raw a strange
sight. Among the prisoners taken in a
skirmish M I Cbamda was i a Sepoy of the
Bengal army.; He - was hr.:eight. before the
authorities and put to thejqnestion. Fully
alive to bin position, pie Bengatee stood
a4most stuPelled with fehr, trembling great ; .
0 , , with horror and de+tir plainly depicted
on his anutknence. While the examine
lion was proceoiii,w,lhebistatidera ware star
tled by the Sergeant ill Charge of the prig;
war exclaiming; ' "He Mining' . gray!".
Ail; eyeti' were kilted on the unforttmato
Man, watching with! Wondering interest
the change' coming uPo* . his splendid,
glossy, jet-black locks. in half an hour
they wele . of smipunt galosh hue.
When the Bmo.o Ileopold was about
to make his grand era* into Vienna, the
old sexton of St. 'Joseph's Cathedral was
much troubled hi his min' Upon each oc
casions it bad been hisaudom to take hiistand
on the pinnacle of the tower and wave a Sag
as the imperial pageant 'passed by, but ho
felt that age bad so weakened his nerve that
he' dared not "gala; atternpt , the perilous
perfostninee. After thinking the matter
over, he came to the conclusion that he
must find a substitute ; and knowing . his
pretty daughter heAlPlentj? of 'stalwart
tors, the Old fellow publicly announced that
the man who could ikuall place successfully
should be' his - Son•ingairi To his intetusf3
disgust, the offer was at, once accepted by
'Gabriel - Petersham ids aversion and the
special favorite .of the ; girl, who saw not
with her father's. eytea. - On tha appointed
'flab Irienna opelyd t wit" to , the :'new:`
wade zoipeoF3 L ' ot - t.ttiwaS evening CM. n ea r
upon evening, when the young - flag-hearer
wsloomed the lao(aurs:'ilni . from' St. Joieph's
Hi task Performed,Pthrifel would
here descended from the aiy height, but
found hie way barred:; " Tiro 'wretches had
done the imam:ma a:lonia:bidding, and
dosed the trapikni, of the. %Nati stairway,
leaving the blare Jot 4 to clloolie belsl44n
precipitating on We I Pivemeor, below, or
`clinging the cold "night - throng!' to the.
"lender spho,' with bat ten inches of foot.
;bold: its chose pciialle life: to Certain
dna ; bat
_Then rem= 'canal with the
Witorebst4 his eyes were sunken end dim, Ids
,erteeelts yellow and Wriedded, his .emly.locks
is wain tlettriel Petendeeim
'iron Lis bride lAA teed* catto—Ohamberoi
, Imago
- 401*** to ipitolvits!
_ _ _ • .
' l jittrZ":ll 4 lMtliST - ifiu.:: 1882.4-
~~~ ~:
The ireimahr aDam: itad Kobus es
. They was sitting. on -the , mauls Sites
when the man with .a- -the,
begin to
tell it. - . . .
- • .
"By the. way,"'ltir said, "I hand, a good
thing in 611 "X 1" _
"Walit very ararin In sown r'rumed the
'roma:l'4o stays id hoom.
He aimed her that it wee, and went on :
—"I nut Jack Bollina—"' 14 • .
"What, little Jade" ftele*d the old
gentlemen. • "Why, I rem -*ha when
Jack% father bat game to Mickleton:TA*
long 'fore he married Hnlda-Latql was a
Smith, you know. eta Billy Smith); darter.
Ole Billy wean emus chap.. Did Ij ever tell
yer 'boat that serape me and him got inter
hi the winter of 4 86—n0, 'twos 'lit—yes---no.
Well, I disremember etactlY • whieh ; but k anr.
Moir, BMY and Met 114—n
we sit shoat If, Us*
was Ming, I met Jack Rollins, and he aid
I thought we'd go dosin to the hooch sior
have a swim—" -
"You aro getting on inrimmingly
observed the retailer of second-hand puns.
"well, as 1 .was • saying," resumed the
man with a storylack and I went down to -
s l o
the beach, and '
"You bad a ' bath," said the woman
who interrupts. • i 1 '
"No, I didn " sharply answered the
man with a , "yon_see, the tide—".
- "Oh, thatretnds the of a finny thing
that happemed a lot of us fellows when
we were in the army!" exclaimed i the war
veteran. "It was just after the second Bull
Bun, and the major—" - , , • , ' .
The war veteran was reminded - of this
"funny thing" invariably seven evenings a
week, and though he always' told it from
beginning to end, nobody ever listened to
It. It is not - necessexy, therefore, to repeat
it here. -
• After he had finished, however, the man
with the story began again.. "The tide,
you' see, was' way out, and Jack said we
might as well giup to the hotel—" •
"Oh, tell ns 1, again interrupted the re.
taller of second class puns. • .
The man with a story frowned On the
_punster and continued :---" Go up to the ho
tel and see who was there. -' Charley
SPraliue• = l - "
"Is Charley one a' 'Squire Sprague's
boys" queried the old gentleman. "The
'Squire and me—" ._.., • '
"No, Charley isn't one of the squire's
boysi. - Tnchs Ben," . was the rather , peevish
. rjoiber of the man with. a story. "Char
/27—" i
Do you remember 'what a 'time we had
that night it rained so i" suddenly asked the
young lady with the erratic mind.
" It's awful dry," remarked the amateur
agriculturist; "if we don't have rain soon I
guess my potatoes won't amount to much."
" What a horrid dress that Boston woman
had on today P" said the young lady in the
"Wo had a belly; time on the river to.
day," interjected the boy in the flannel
yo go to the maintains hanrft.
yotkretnria r asked the young gentlema4
who WAS doiig the agreeable to the young
billy with the low forehead. - •
ThSman with a story saw it was no ale.
floatiove it up in despair and walked sad.
ly away, leaving the others to , chatter at
their' own skeet will
pat, mark you, he will tell that story to
erry one of then% setuwatilyftbefore
week is out, end prdolgy two Orthree time
to niost of them. They 3 will come to the
conclusion finally that it 'would have been
much better for them to let the man with •
story tell it at once and have dons with
Baton Transcript:
I , entered London with a feeling of aw - j,k as
if it was covered with the dust of ages, the
sepulchre of pre-historic times, and loOked
upon the poorest-Briton with respect as the
heir, to all these historic associations, but
bitie come to think he would gladly ex
change all these honored memories for a
quarter section of American land. Still
Loudon is dear to the American heart, par
, ticnlarly itsdiotels, where you have to pip
double the amount you •do in Now York
(even at the Windsor), with half the' coat. ?
forts. imagine a large gloomy room, with
stately windows where the sunlight never
dared intrude, furnished in the style of a
hundred year ago ; the beds (for there ,are
always two) - draped in funeral hangings and
closed around with heavy curtains ; a quaint
old-fashioned dressing table, with silver
candlesticks and wax candles, which lighted
only' made the darkearners more weird and
shadowy. There ,vitas too much gloom
turned loose there foe me, there than I had
ever seen before. I wan not comfortable;
wanted change of scene—More comfort and!
less oppressive grandeur. I find my
can blood needs very little of this
spiring magnificence: I .am modern, and
not early English, and require the comforts
of civilization—spring . mattresses; bright
whirs and gas—and above 'dislike to pay
one potind a day for all this majestic gloom.
In truth, I. felt like exclaiming with Mark
Tan in when he was shown the shadowy
cloisters of Westminster, "My dear Mend,
dci you think this is healthy r—Correspond
.. enee Louisville Courier4ournal.
slli Dr
"Derrick Dodd," in the San Francisco
Post,- says that John' S. , Clarke, the come.
dian, once told him that so entirely enthused;
so absorbed in body and mind hOdhebecome
with his art, that onlyhis stage life appeared
to him to be real, and the daily routine of
practical existence a -most tedious and ill
done bit of acting' imaginable. NO
where he happened to be—in whose com.
pany, or under what, circumstances—he was
alwaya diligently, mentally, practicbgland ,
rehearsing emotions and sensations he
wished to perfect himself in Rortraying. To
one person he strove to appear,: in all seri.
cameos, a consistent miser, to another a
giggling fool, to turether a reckless libertine.
He would persistently affect the most extra.
Ordinary and opposite traits of character, to
observe how his impersonation impressed
the beholder in real life. When his sister,
whom he loved very tenderly, died, be at.
;acted the moat' reckless indifference, and
shocked the other mourners by joking et
the funeral. This was simply because he
was studying the :part of a heartless eon for
a new play. One day at the Girard House,
in Philadelphia, and before Clarke had -per
marumtly h3ft the heavy villain line for the
comic, he greatly terrified an old gentleman,
who eat opposite at th? table, by regarding
him with a stealthy, murderous stare, and by
occasionally whetting a carving knife on the
edge of his chair. The old party finally fled
to the 'office in a fright, mad complained that
there yes:a:maniac up stairs who wanted to
murder, him. When this was repeated to
Clarke he said, much delighted: "Yes, yes;
he is quite right. I wanted to impress him
as a maniac, not as a simple desperado that
wanted to kill him. What a pity, too, that
can't do it--just in the way of dimly,"
The manager of a matebnonial agency in
this city =lbw= hinwelf to a command.
ant of the Thetford 2'imace an follows : "Ton
may not have any trouble in getting mar
rie4" said my German blend, with a com•
plimentazy smile, "but no one not in
basin' ens knows how many persons who mint
to get married do not succeed without just
such judicious aid as our long oreperienece
enables us to give. For instance, a Mai
many men do not-know the kind of wife
they ought to propose for 'and consequently
when they do ask a lady in Marriage they
are refused. and it they do get married it
does not turn out a•haplY match. Perhaps
Yon would not believe that I could tell you
the kind of a wife you want better than you
can ,yourself." I moat , decidedly did not be.
lieve anythlig of the kind, but I said "of
Amuse" and smiled assent; "Then there
ire the yenning," ha weed cea, ."who are
too timid to, make sbrifivitipteintrlies "oe
hurl. I biotin applicalkak kit *ask Min
a ezitl-beaVer i pit board a Government vessel
which was to leave for Australia in twodays.
He-had just come-back from a three years'
voyage to find his wife dead and his !On
chßdren living on' the charity of neighbors.
His vessel was only in post three 'days, but
he bad to find a wife in that time who would
take care of his children for the next three
years. He came here, told us what he want
ed, and we fixed him out the next morning
with a very respectable woman, whose only
defect we s found out afterward was an occa
sional fitef insanitY. She was sane when
she married tfie sailor,- - however, and he
went off happy. A gold many' men are
"employed in places.where there are no Wm.'
- en within fifty miles,end have no time to
go away4or a wife.].- Hen is a letter from •ft
man whe bas a herd of 2,000 hogs in Cola
redo, who wants a wife sent C. 0. D., that
is to saY, he will take her if she suite when
she gets out there, :or, cetuni her, carriage
and expenses paid, both ways. We sent
him a dozen assorted photographs yesterday
from a girl who has played Circassian beau
ty in a Bowery museum for the last twenty
years, to a negreas weighing 290 pounds,
and cross-eyed atthat. He will make, se
',Won and send ns the for • the r ailroad
•es out there. The chances are that he
take whatever we send him, for many
dperiments Would.cost too much money:
Besides those who have no time or chance to
go courtingthemselves, there is a clan of
foreigners who do not know enough English
to propose marriage, and want to marry an
American wife soi as to learn the language.,"
A Deeeti NetwireiCaetlee la Wane That Leek
Like Wert etAire.
We proceed on to the end of the track, ,
which is about seven miles. west of Devil ,
River, Texas, and one bnndied and ninety
two miles from San Antonio. The first
three or four miles the tingle followed about
the base of hills, in its "Shape resembling
much the trail of a serpent. Several canons
were crossed; which were from thirty to for
ty feet deep. The very strange formations
here are a source of the greatest interest to
every one. and mono the mod miens ire
what the' railroaders *a the
castles." These consist ',of a *Man fir More
atoneformations nuudng up to a height of
froni sixty to a , hundred ',feet. They stand
independently of the neighboring mountain,
and in forui so'nearly perfect models of what
they,resemble that one feels puzzled in his
mental struggles to conceive how theylcame
to derive their shape, how- long they have
stood,. eta, One can alarm among the
number almost any . design of ancient_! tower
and parapet, while upon' one of the{ more
perfect of theni is a perfect battlement, as if '
carved by the hand of the artisan and Placed
in position by the skilled mechanic. 1 1 They
are aged and gray—indeed are lead4olored
and moss-grown from the Wear and Work of
untiring Father Time.
The painted caves of this region are among
its greatest curiosities„ In company with
Mr. Darling, one of Colonel Andrew's assist.
ant engineers, . your cerre -pendent visited
two . of these caves. They were located near
a spring in'the side of*,mountain, and their
last lute had been for camp purposes by the
railroaders, who bad, by smoke and smear.
ing, destroyed much of their orighed inter.,
eat. , Still there were remaining marks of
the artistic red men, who had 'Wi l ted in red
and yellow the fi gures of warriors and horse
men and of their chiefs.—Dezil River 14.
ter in the Houston Post . -
• ,
Sul4parim Citizen Trim *Bali Not t 'ilind Did
Net, Netve es Juror. •
Yesterday afterioon an effort was made in
Department No. 1 of the Police Court to i 143.
cure a jury to try Peter Beck, one of the fif..
teen hundred arrested several months ago
for violation of, the Sunday law... Of the
sixty citizens summoned, • out of which to
find an unprejudiced and 'competent jury,
twenty-eight were excused by the Court for
good reason, and the thirty-two others were"
examined by the attorneys engaged in,. the
case.; twenty-three were excused for actual
bias, and seven were peremptorily chal
lenged. The twenty-fourth citizen examined
,was simply asked his name and business,
and counsel on each side announced himself
as satisfied to accept the gentleman as a
"I object," said the citizen, glancing from
the Court to the attorneys.
" What do you object to ?' asked ,tire
"Why, Year Ironer, I object to serving
p Oil the jury, eel am not on the amassment
' rolL"
" Pii not` take advantage of ,thatp",aaid the
attorney for the people. ' ' .
"Neither will Oounael for the da.
"In that aws,"..ssid the Judge to the
zen, "it counsel will not take advantage' et
this disqUalification, I cannot mese you."
"Bit," continued the citizen, :1 1 1ill tha
other gentlemen have been asked questions
as to their qualifications, and I, Want to be
asked some questions." ,
"I have none to ask," said -the Prams
ting Attorney.
"Neither have I," said the defendant's
"But," continued :the citizen, who ap
paared exceedingly anxious to be excused,
"Pm not fit to serve in this case, as I can't
give the ddendant a fair trial."
"We *hat you OW," maid the lawyers,
rlf soone•1 are satisfied with you, you
will base to bo sworn to try tho earutS," said
the Judge.
The clerk then requested the citizen to rise
and be sworn, and he woreeded to adminis
ter the following oath :
"Ton do solemnly swear that you will
wen and truly try the cause now at issue,
and a true rennet render according to the
etidenie and law as given to, you by the
Cour,L i t
I sir," !Wady answered the citizen.
" I Tlat is your reason for refusing to take
the war asked the dodge • ,
"-Because," said the citizen, !"I could not
render ntrtie idiot neeanrmg to the law
and erkkrnes."
By eetwpmt tbp titian Wee then emus&
—Aes Oirmitetwo Cha.
1 I
ST 783 SSA: ".
Ily bluneyed pet withgolden' hair
Is sitting an my knee, •
And gazes ealParly afar ~ -
Across the beach, beyond the bar,
Where rolls the metiers twa.
Elbe Fits her little hand in mine,-
Ana laughs with ebiklish glee,
To lee the foaming billows splash,
- *ff on the shore they ileitelY dash.
Then glide back ellently.
But while she laughs so merrily,
heart is tar array; -
And, as I look upon the shore, '
Where loud and long the breakers mai .
Ily sad soul seems to nay:
The sea is like a brunet'
It breaks upon the shore
Ot Time, with a restless might, ' •
And, when the goal Is just in sight,
toieo—to return nomore.
“And aII along the shore of Time;
Fun bum a wreck cloth lie :
The palm nt many a mad carouse,
- Of blasted popes and broken vows,'
4 NPAPP7 asirPg 43llo Ur.”
irtdietokiioiiumwOutid snood,
• ' And gaze upcm theses,
Kr blameled pet with golden hair,
Whole heart ban never known a care,
!kind% upon my knee.
Tier head Is resting tm my breast— ' •
titer eyes In slumber deep ;
The same rough sea whose breakers '
And madly, nesi, , ely lash shore, '
Bah lulled 12Webild to sleep.
T. B. Cluistal. In Norristown
Brother Gardner.' of the Lime Kiln Clalt o
• Describer the Prevaricatitr.
" Who am a liar?" asked the old man, as
he rose up in his usual place and glared a.
round him. _
Pickles Smith, Trustee Pullback, Samuel
Shin and Evergreen Jones started and (turn
ed pale, and there was a deathlike silence as
Brother Gardner continued
" An' what shall we do wid him—wid do
liar en' de liars ? •Do liar am wid us an' of us
an' among us. Be gite up wid us in do
mawnin" an' he lies down
. wid us at night.
Go to de grocery, arid de grocer smiles an'
nods are lies. Go to de dry &oda man, an'
he' hair it welcome an' 'a lie. De tailor prom
ises a snit when ho knows he can't finish it.
De - shoemaker promises a pair of hates for
Saturday when hO has three days' work on
de nez' week De ice man charges us wid
h - renty.five pounds an' delivers sixteen. Our
carpets am warranted an yet dey 'fade. De
plumber plumbs an' lies. De .painter paints
an' lies. De carpenter . planes an' saws an'
cheats: Do dressmaker not only lies, but
steels de cloth. We all lie like trooper§ fifty
times a day, and de man who won't lie doa'n
stanlany show.
lt An' yet, my frens, whar' will• we bring
up in de eared? , When Waydown Bebee axes
molar de loan of a dollar till Saturday, ho
lies. He knows he can't pay it back ender
fo' weeks. I know he lmows it an' I lie. I
teliim jist paid out Ile last shillin' fur a .
wash-bo'd an' can't possibly raise no mo'
If -I as Judge Hcoltetter Jackson to sign a
bank note wid met he lies when he says he
promised his dyiz' gran'muder nebber to do
so. We lie wheniwo w'rsr better doze , dm
we kin afford--wien we put on airs above
us—when we put on our backs what orte.r be
souder nai our bLUMMOUS... Th, has becuszte n
red hot, go-ahead, dust-aroun' naihtm, but
we his also become a nashun of liars, cheats
and false pretenders. . We_ adulterate our
goods, cheat in weight, swindle in Measure,
and put on broadcloth coats to hide do ab
sence of dollar shirts. Our society- am full
algae pretenders, our religion furtiislies
cloak for hypocrites, an' our charity am but
• high-soundite name for nankin' A dollar
being back ten 'shillings. We lie are. we'
knoir we lie. We play de hypocrite, w(
cheat an' deceive, an' yet we want do world
to pick us out as shinin' examples of virtue,
an' we expect our tombstones to bear eulo-
Oti gorgeous %tuff fur angels Gentlemen, .
let u kick each odder into loin' better:
Let•de kickin' begin jnstwhere it happens,
fur we can't kit anybody who doan need
it 1" Detroit Free Preice.
The Everyday Life of I ccle Saw 9 a Wraith.
Wales Elop oyes.
Thelgovertnn cmt and it; employes bear a
relation to our city somewhat similar to that
of a college and its students to the little
New England village where it is located.
There are enough officeholders who are res
idents of Washington to make a good sized
city of themselves. In the - Carious depart
ments the work goes on the same from one
year's end to another, and one would scarce
ly realize how great the 'number of employes
in the various departments is. The num
ber is about ten thousand. This is' exclu
sive of the Capitol; city Post Office and Dis
trict government nffices. This body of
government employes forms not only a large
but a very intelligent, and agreeable - element
of the population' of Washington. t large
proportion of theth 'aro people of "thought,
education and refinement, and their pres
ence would be an, acqUisition to any com
munity. The remuneration of the employes
in the departments varies- somewhat, but
generally the salaries range from' $,900 to
$2,000 for clerical fro t; the btter being
giien to those who- oectipy responsible or
particularly important positions, and the
first generally to copyists, a great many of
whom are ladies. The latter are hard
worked and they work well and receive the
smallest remuneration, but the wolf' is kept
from the door of many a ftimily by their
earnest endeavors. A great many .of them
once belonged to families of wealth, but re.
verses came and they Are glad to be able to
work fora living. In the Treasury' Depart
merit there - are over five hundred lady clerks
and in the Bureau of Engraving and Print
ing as many more. In the Traasuty and
Interior Departments changes are most ire.
Tient, 'and it is in thesetnostly that women
are ertiployed, and every naw anti tben
there are rumors of , pending changes which
set their hearts fluttering with dread until
the danger is Over. A position in the State
Department is considered a permanent
thing. It is run on a plan similar to our
army and navy. When some one dies, pro.
motions take place, and' there is a chance
for an appointment In the War and Nary
departments also changes do not often occut; -
and many a clerk whose hair is now white
entered the service when a yoting Man.
Employes perform their labors in a remark
ably satisfactory manner.- In fact it is ap.
parent that the government clers, taken on
the average, has greatly improved in' many
respects within the last dozen years.—
Wasltington Stir.
in Lyman, Maine, aged . ninety-eight „years,
was engaged to be married to a. respectable
young man and was making isredding dirs.
Her father entered the room and forbade.the
marriage. She answered, " Well, father,
yott will have to maintain me as long as I
Wm" She stuck her needle into the unfin
ished dress, arose and put it into the , drawer,
Idiom it has remained ever since, eighty-five
yeses. By the kinduess of the lady 4;)f,,.. the
house we had the privilege of see ing the
dress. It is a white canibrie. The skirt
was enished, , eicept a.-ru fi le to go around
the bottom, cm which she was at work whip
bid aside. ' .
$l4O a Year, la Abase&
V; -
In the year 800 after. quint what was the .
state of Europe ? The Goths, the Venda*
the Pranks, ' r the Huns, the Normans, the
Turks, and other 'barbarian hordes had in
vaded and overthrown the lio=lll Empire,
and had established various
.kingdoms upon
its ruins; These hordes of serape ,had de-
stroyel not only all the worksof
but civilization itself. Ignorant as they -
were of everythingkhat distinguishes and ,
elevates human =titre, they broke up the
schools, ruined the: mounments,:abolished "
arts and numufactines, preyented commerce,
and reduced the conquered nations to their , '
own condition, inaugurating in . the ann
pletest manner the reign of tents' force and
mental darimess.- Hthey afterwardesPoueed
'Christianity,. tbey !nodded it to their own
savage superstiaon,:till at last . :might, was
left'of theArine disperusalion• but its name
to cover the moat degrading.*llidry and .
demonism. At,tbe time we begin our sps-
I cito
I caned Christina •- • -
1. There existed tao Once wcethY of the
name, no schools whatever. Beadin g, writ
ing; and_elphslrin' g were leverets and „die
tinearades. The masses, the nobility, the
pbor =dila(' rich, were wholly unacquainted
with the mysteries of the alphabet and
pen. A few men; known as clerks, .ibo -
generally belonged to the priesthood, mo
"nopolized them as a special class of artists.
They taught their business' only to their
seminarists, apprentices; and beyond them- -
selves and. their few . pupils no one kneW how
to read and - write, nor was it expected of the
generality any more than it would be nowa
days that everybody should be a shoemaker
or a lawyer. Rings did not even know haw
to sign their . names, so 'that when they
wanted to subscribe . to s written contract,
law, or treaty, which some clerk had drawn
up for.them, they would smear their right
hand in ink, and slap it down upon, the
parchnient saying, " Witness my hand.*
At a late date some genius devised the sub
stitute of the seal, which was impressed in
of' the band, but oftener halides the
hind. Every gentleman had a seal with:t .
peculiar device thereon. Hence the' Beare
mental words in use, " Witneds my band and •
seal," allied to modern deeds, verve at least
the purpose of •reminding us of the ignorance
of the 31iddle Ages. —From " The Book-
Men,"'by T. Wharton. Colima, In 'Popular
Science Monthly.
A Few Directions as to Pressing lied Was.
Ina Piania.
July' and August - is the most favorable
time for gathering ferns, as they are then-at--
their pest. In pressing, the indispensable
. 4
requisites to a good result are a sufficient
quantity of paper, a perfectly oven pressure
and a proper degree of weight. Me paper
should be of a soft, porous . nature and in 2,
glazed Blotting paper is considered best,
but newspaper will do • very welL - Books
are most convenient if they can he found of
sufficient size and ungia7P.l If paper is
used, 'fold it to the desired size and be care
ful to make the edges perfectly even. Place
the first paper upon a level surface, then a
layer of ferns face down, then about fifteen
sheets of paper and so Continue till the pack- '
age is completed. Cover with u smooth bit
of hoard of the smile size and place a heavy
weight upon it, rocking itin every-direction
-until the feriae aro perfectly smooth. Be
move the heavy weight and suhstitute one of
perhaps ten or twelve pounds. Bo sure
that the pressure is exactly equal, for if the
package tilts in the lea - st the ferns will- be
spoiled. If the weight is too heavy or too
little paper is used they will turn , brown : if
the weight is not heavy enough they will be
rough, and if there -is any inequality they
will be smooth in some places and rough in
others. Three or four weeks will be re
quired , for the drying unless they • are
changed to fresh papers. If this is done
the; must not be exposed to the - air a inh
ment or they will curl' past recovery. If
perfectly dry they will remain smooth.
The only fault of ferns is their itendency
to curl from changes of , atmosphere This
may be remedied, in a great measure at
least, by waxing after they are dried. This
is a process of some difficulty. Lay the fern
face down mum p.par ; rub a bit of yellow
beeswax over the face of. a flat -bon just
warm enough to melt it; pass this very
qoickly over the fern: Of course the - was
Must be made to cover it. If the iron is too
hot, or if the movement is. not sufficiently
rapid, the fern will adhere to the. iron.
Methods of arrangeMent are so numerous
and familiar that it is hardly needful to
mention them. A handful in a fern glass is
alizays desirable and for those who lack pie..
. somethiag'very pretty may be made
s in _that shape from ferns and antpmn leaves,
t---Frorn Outing. - •
4 Boy %ilia Saw a Murder Committed Mays
NothLax Ationt It.
Mr. -D. G. Owen, of Ghent, Ky., was in
Madison, hat, recently: A correspondent
received an introduction to him and express.
ed tho wish that tho - .venerable- gentleman's
visit here might be a pleasant one, when he
replied :—" My visits to Madison are always
pleasant, for 'I was brought up here—went
to school with Isom Ross, Jim Hunt and
many other boys of this city. I know - every
foot of ground in this valley, although there
bavo been great changes." sBpeaking furth
er about Madisoh, Mr. Owen said t?.-'-" I
never come here but I recall a herniae hag
- edy-rthe murder of White by Sheets—s case
that created more excitement, perhaps, than
any murder ever committed in these parts.
it was along in 1827, I think, that it occur
red. I. was the only eya witness to the
bloody deed, and I kept it a profound secret
for thirty-five years , !"
".Remarkable !"
"Yes, sir ; I didn't tell a living soil that I
saw the murder 7or that length of time; and
Bohn Sheets, the murderer, was the first one
I told it I was a boy, and I was
around down near 'the south end of Mr&
ber7 street, just after dark. I saw White
come out of an 'alley with a Yankee Yoke on
his shoulders, carrying two buckets bf wa
ter. Sheets came 'Wong just then, and be
=White. with a cane ; several times.
snatched the cane from Sheets aid
struck him' several• whacks over the '•head
with it. Sheets jerked out his knife and
'plunged it into White near the heart. White
then staggered off a few steps, gasping. I
am a dead num,' fell upon his face and
died in two minutes. r can remember the
heartrendini screams of White's poor wife,
when she learned of his death. . -
"Now, here's the reason I didn't tell what
I saw :-31y brother-in-law, Will Cementer,
was prosecuting attorney and I knew if I
appeared as u witneo--the'only witness who
saw the mixrder—Sheets and all who favored
his acquittal would say that Carpenter had
gotten his little boy brother-in-law to swear
to made np testimony. Sheets was-tried.
but' the . circumstantial evidence Wag not
strong enough to convict him. When
told Sheets about my knowledge of the al•
fair thirty-five years afterward and convino.
ed him of it by 04..w.cribing the encounter he
almost fell in higtracks and exebkimo 4
Gad, Greene, your evidence would have
hung me I"—Loarville Courer aroma,