{ . Parents who allow their children to'grow up With scrofulous humors bursting • from every pore are guilty of a hwcat " wrong.. Think of them pointed out ! as branded with' a loathsome disease, and you will readily procure them the Cuticura Remedies. f BEAUTIFUL RED HAIR. In cutting up an oak tree in Blaine a lock of red hair was found far inside the - tree that it is estimated the hair was put in the tree 240 years ago. It was probably cut off and put in there by a sensitive girl when red hair was out of style, and a red-haired girl was laughed at and twitted about the ,sau grrinary color of her head covering. We are, not 240 years old, but can remember when a red-headed girl was a burden to herself, because her hair gave her away. A. young man had to have a good deal of indepen deuce who would escort a red-haired girl anyvlirre, and the girls invariably became old" maids! It would have been a picnic to those girls 'if they could ha-e lived about these; days, when a girl with bentiful red hair is considered about the sweetest flower in nature's garden. Now that we remember it, the red-haired girls aldrays were good looking, and smarter than chain lightning, and it is a con ended shame they didn't. some into style years ago. They are me. cutting off their \ hair and- burying it now days.—Peek's Sun. _ A pure, wholesome distillation of !Fitch hazel, American pine, Canada fir, marigold, clover blossoMs, ete., fragiiiit with the heeling essences of batsman and pine. Such is Sanford's Radical Cure for Calarrh. Complete treatment for $l. Taxa Too Iducn.—A small lawn on. Sen. bea .sire . t. Moo—Noon. Personages—A parrot sunning . itself.on a porch beside its open cage an strange dog _wandering upon the lawn. rho 'parrot speaks first "Sick!Sick! Sick him!" The dog, with ears mid tail erect, looks about for some thing upon which to charge; he spies the parrbt and an exciting scene ears. From out the confused mass of dog hair and par T 'rot feathers comes the shrill cry i -- " Git out! D— you, git out !" Dog breaks for street. Parrot, after looking at, hers - elf from head to foot, graiely, exclaims : "Polly, you talk too much !"—Cleveland Voice. CONS 11731PrION. It is said that 50,000 people die annually in theUnitAid States alone from this disease. In some sections of the country one death in every three is from Consumption. Thi can be,. and should be avoided; our people are too careless about an ordinary -cough or -Cold,: and other symptoms' of throat and lung affections that' lead to this disease. You should arrest it while it is in the germ. Two or three doses of Dr. BosankO's cough and Lung Syrtip will 'relieve an ordinary cough or cold. It does not dry up a cough like many preparations on the market and. leave the disease!behind it, but acts directly on the throat and,bronchial tubes, remov ing all the phlegm andmorbid matter that aC s tumulates in the throat and lungs. It allays all irritation, and renders the voice clear and distinct. Sold by C. B. Porter's Ward House Drug Store. july27ly. • Socxery Irmr..--Young Hostetter McGin.. nis, ono of the fashionable young bloods of Austin, took a young lady to church last Sunday evening. As he hid been up quite late the night before, he was very sleepy, consequently ho did not flirt with the fash ionable young lady, as h; had heretofore been in the habit of doing in church. the matter with you ?" she asked in a whisper. " I'm not I feeling well," ho whispered back.. " ton wake Up and giggle a little anyhow. If we don't misbehave _ourselves in 'church, .people will think we are married and I want yon to understand I've got a reputation to sustain." After that Hostetter McGinnis and the young lady •icted; so improperly that the sexton had to go and whisper to them to keep quiet. Texas Siftings.. .I'ILES kites are fiequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part '• of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose he has some affection of the kidneys or.,neighboring organs. At. times, symp toms of indigestion are present, as flatuency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like. perspiration, produ:cing a very disa .. 1 greeable itching, particujarly at night after getting warm in bed, is a very commou;at • tendant. Internal, External arid Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. 'Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly 'upon the parts.affectcd, absorbing the Tu mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef fecting a perrmuient, cure where all other remedies have failed., Do not delay :until the drain on the"system produces perma nent disability, but try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your druggist for it, - and when. Yon can not obtain it of him, we will send it,f prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Tile Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, Ohio, Sold by C.. 13. Porter, Ward House Drug Store. • ' HE ASCMITAINED.—" I hAVO ' mashed my finger," 'howled a boy running into the room where, his mother was sitting. "Which finger?'! asked the mother. ”I have for got," said the child, as ho stopped crying. "Wait till Igo back rand ! find out," When he " found out " ho went back into the house and yelled foihalf au hour, and She pooz mother didn't have sense enouglv_ to thrash. him. —A rkti &cm Traveler: FREE OF C,OST. By calling at C. B.. Porter's Ward House drug store, you can get a sample bottle of Dr. Bosauko's Cough and Lung Syrup which will relieve the most obstinate Cough or Cold, and show you what the "regular 50 cent size 'will do. When troubled with Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry. Hacking Cough, Pains in the Chest, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, try a szunple bottle of this medicine. . july27ly. Nor Too MUM BUT JUST ENocou.—" I don't know how it is," said Jack Dumb. thump, "everybody is forever quoting that -' ignorance is bliss,' and yet Pm not happy." "That's because you've just got enough sense to know what a fool you are," con. miseratingly replied a sarcastic 'neighbor.— Andrews' Queen. Elegance and Purity Ladies who appreCiate elegance and purity two:, using Parker's Hair Balsam. It is the best article sold for restoring gray hair to its original color, beauty and lustre. • AW a7mil A t\-, thL I V OF CLOCUTM% 1. Tar Puhlte Aptinulnes, Cotsdar... St•ott c.... T. -- A of *I Week{ July Ito ACCUtt S:ldnkiddhotartno Cool and Hoeft* col. o , 1••1 •.- • to. J. U.l3te6lel.Fce'y, Niktlnnul • ••• • • • " Ondard, Lltl Chmtuet ti;trect... TIER INTALIARLE DOSENTIC REIM It PHENOL SODIQUE. Itoni!Lsri. ELM WEIRS & In an invaluable remedy in DISEASES and IN JURIES of ANIMALS and POULTRY ; destroying LICE and other VERMIN. Applied by washing the fowls, their roosts and nests with a solution of the strength of one part PUnol Sodiquetoabout fifteen or twenty parts water. A solution of the mune strength is also recommended. given internally, for the gapes and other DISEASES OF CHICKENS. . For all kinds of HURTS, GALLS, and other DIS EASES OF ANIMALS, such as Ulcers, - .Eruptions, Crack, Quitter, itch. Ncrage, CUM , -nphas, ibot-Jklt. and Prat and AfoutA Diseases, Scra g, etc FOR ELI IT DRUGGISTS AND GENERAL VERCHANDISE DEALERS. tirot fational Vault TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL PAID IN SURPLUS FUND.. This Bank offers unusual facilitiesior the transaction of a- general banking business. N. N. RE= Cashier. THE VERY BEST MORE OIL Mills, Threshers, Sevin: BY ;TAE PINT, - Sir §pecialprice.s.in At the old reliable • Cash Dr. H. C. HU,MPURE I= Boots„ Sh RECEIPTS AND ,EXPENDITURES OF TOWANDA BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT from May 31, 1881, to Jane 5,1882. Cash on hand as per last settlement. • • State appropriation From county Treasurer on seated labile Amount received from A. D. Albert for tuition 0 John A. Codding, fines " • C, M. Hall, fines Received of A. Wickham, Collector, - bn duplicate for 1880 and 1881... . " " 1881 and 1882.. " from the Universalist church and Society. for Church lot " of H. L. Scott, Assignee of Mason k Co • • Salary to A. D. Albert, Principal.... " E. Spaulding. Teacher , " Geo. H. Marshall. Teacher • " Sue Hillis, Teacher -" Ada Chamberlin. Teacher l• Hattie Bdgart. Teacher " 'Clara Lewis, Teacher " Eliza McKean,' Teacher " Anna Kinney, Teacher " Ella C. Friable, Teacher c E. Treasurer .5. W.Alvord, SeCretery, foriaat quarter of 'BO and 1881... " Benj: M. Peck, Secretary,::. l Morgan Waters, Janitor. Juno 1 to Sept. 1, 1831 Geo. W. Armstrong, Janitor, Sept. 1, 1881, to June 1, 1882 Interest to Mrs. Mary Macfarlane on $5600 bond " H. H. Mace on $4OOO bond • Cyntha Chubbuck on $5OO bond Trustees of Lodge No. 167, I. 0, O. F., on $5OO bond Jas. H. Codding, Trustee, on $5OO bond Jne Halls on $5OO bon 4 " " ELL. Mils. Guardian of Repairs to echo 01 building and tarn , Fencing school lot W. M. Mallory, coal Printing Miscellaneous expenses Interest to N. N. Botts, Eliza Hams ToMI expenditures • 14 4. ~; ~:. Real estate and building's ... School furniture Due from A. Wickham, Collector, on Cash in treasury Bonds drawing 6 per cent intercet Total liabilities BRADFORD orRETIVIT, sr We, the undersigned Auditors counts of the Towanda Borough Sc • j B B s Cla I THING 4 . 4 Frilvii*fr ;)2-I,lall22.ilLL6Lelahol= MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, . AT PRICES WHICH CAN BE HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE. ' While maintaining the uniform standard of quality in excellence of work and material by ~,,,,, • ' . l GOOD MANAGEMENT,• CAREFUL BUYING, ' and SMALT4MARGINSI(with which I am content,) I have ,t RAISED THE STANDARD AND LOWERED THE PRICE, lIHT,Ii. IT IS A POSITIVE PACT THAT ' THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTELI.NG , ,_ .In this vicinity ifi, pow being sold for the least money by - •. .... $125,000 . . 80.000 i / r JOEL 10WELL, Presiden • , feb. 1.'78: - • Corner ■ EN Manafticturiirs NEWS, BOYS. WO, . , CORNER IiAIN En Cish in treasury Total mulatto - . . Tcwands:.inly 5, 1852. Stylish ancl Reliable Spring Garnints K .'.'IIOSENYIELD-, rr(Jw.ttri)A..,-TD.lk. ! I FOR - Mowers, 7 'Churn Powers Ma *he &c. DART,: GALLON pr 'BAR REL. A and 10 allon Drug .Store, Porte ain and Pin, BROS. 4i.z.TRXCY-, d Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Mrr es, Rubbers, &.c AND ELIZABETH STREiiTS, ANT) A., F° A.O RECEIPTS. ExpENDrrtrari. Anna Ilillia on $5OO -* 'Mayo and bond NE d4pliesta of 1831 and 1582 f Towanda borough; certify , that we have examined - tho ac 00l District and ilaid the same as here sot forth correct. • 11. L. LAMOILEAUX, • . F. E. JAYbiF, Auditors.' C. M. MYER, =II UM and bbt: 108. Bt)ri, Streets, Towanda, Pa. Mil ~ "`g; $1,303 30 .. . 793 62 47 29 161 67 7 50 10 00 964 35 , 5,850 00 1.616 80 • .. ; 78 88 MEI 1,100 00 360 00 • 360 00 ... .. 360 00 360 00 ...... 360'00 360 00 360 00 ' 360 00 310 00 100 00 12 60 50 64 ... . . , 90 00 270 00 ' 250 00 200 00 25 00 112 GO 12 60 12 GO 12 50 92267 282' or. 279 47 79 55 105 62 150 00 EGSMMiI 1, ' r 27,100 00 1, 383 20 740 76 9,539 40 • .... 12.500 00 12,600 0 ... .. _ , ,:•. a . , . . • , . . . , . .- • POSMVELY 'CURED BT Benson's Capcine Porous Maori limos* Wlai_they are Preferred to Mt Otba !orals IPlosteri or External Bona I - rine. • trans they posseis all the merit- of the , and contain in ad didli=lrinlincAurscorered powerftdalid: aMrewstetatie combination which acts with twi creased conata rnbefacient, esdattre and intent effect.. 0 Second., Beeson they ens genuine phenesondkat prep nation, sad se mortised by -the endemics. • This& Become they ire the caly Oteters Sun name pate at one. Ikesnie thiwr i O il m :nivel:, cue diseouies which • ' Fifth. • Swum er uooo and dmitsto that they aremperlartoan :1 11 4 1 = or medicines for %demi uso„ _ Seems the naanfaeterers have **tilted the °WY End& ewer= far Polo" Plaavt% • .1 1 r "ii, mo.flaw 'IIIEASURY - 4JOHNSON,,. manntaetunngchenthu.N., York. " : • :4,. 1.1 . . . ~ 1 . . ... . ..0 • , cp!•4444..zirp. TuEntrA,,npyieitte 1 ..: • .... ,:1.r..1,...•... ._. I P 24 ? - .CITEST:7'.7 7j : : STREETr .--. - ''''' "74, - -' - - . A' - ?-..7 .--- - ":-4, 7 1. 7 - . ::- , 4=- ,- - • . - .1! f,ii.UPERIfiIt.I4NOWLI;DaE, 'fr' • t! .. SlETr.itit R . ::, i:. I.LL. . . . . -:-..ijr:.:1:131.: LEN I SES atiik . . I st - rEr.toit rAcaLrfiEs For nruinN. t , •••! , ;--. all comi 4no to rive our SFECTA --f CLES sud F-YEI4iLASSFSA natioualreputatial. LOST SlilliT itiEVER RETURNS; Do 11.;t trit , .... v - 01 yoUr ,uye. hr tins UNSUIT ' ewe, : •rio•-• (.47-..; • v • • •• II • , ,' • r ' • , ..- rnrt 1— Matherai ie•1; lusty , t,:eli r....'.2 i .:.-,,... Pen 2-0 1: iscd. tw i t rl ,,,,,ap, t...:: -, .•. .... ,`- . t t ^-3::: 1' * 1.....a....m...11•1 11 120. 1 . ra..rt 4--1.1,.--..rtii..llll.4ramettts.lt7.l4ww. 7 1 ) I II • .1 7 ) ziff • 45441„v. as rad ical_ Curd. A single dose instantly relfeves the most 110- lent Sneezing or Head Colds,- clears the bead as, by magic, stops ,Watery discharges from the nose and eyes, prgventa ringing noises in the head, cures Nervous, Headache and subdued ea l.n Chills and, Fever. • Chronic Coltarrh it cleanses the Dug Plesag Of foul mucus , restores the sense of smell,' ta ' teand bearing when affected. frees the bead, throat and bronchial tubes of offensive matter 'sweetens and purifies the breath, stops thb cough and arrests the prog 7 ress of catarrh towards consumption. One bottle Radical Cure, ono box Catarrhal Solvent and Safford's Inhaler, all in ono pack; age, of all druggists for $l. ' Ask for Sanford's Radical Cure. ! WEEKS k. POTTER, Boston. 1 1 • toi 't ~.. 100 times more effectual 5 .. 1 a.- than any other piaster of electric 'battery for pain ' and weakness of the Lungg. IV . ' Liver , Kidneys and Urinary .. t : organs, Partial Paralysis. ~ i ---..... Rheumatism; N eu r a 1 g la. . It ? r , I Ar--Ifysteria , Female Weak. ~ i ness. Nervous' Pains and A. Weaknesses, Malaria and 6-4•STf* Fever and Ague. Price 21. . Sold everywhere. PATENTS. ,- (11, S. AND FOREIGN. , Frank A. Fonts. Attcirney.at-Law, Lock Box, 3M Washington, D.C. ,_ i ' • Sir Ten years' experience. . . I make so mutat for my services unlesa a patent be granted.• Preliminary examination in the Patent Office as to the patentability of an in vention FIUM. Send sketch or model of the de vice and a report will be made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. Special attantio given ' to - rejected applica tions in the hands of others. - U. S. Senators t Hon. Geo. P. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and Gen. John A. Logan, of Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. Lamar, of Bias; Hon. S. M. Cullom, Oov . of Ill inois ; the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro prietor of this paper. ' • Write for circular and instructions, snovti. •. t CUTTIUS OUT I. MAKB 4, SIS re,..540 - PER' , WEEK. Wehavestoreilinio - leading Cities., flan which oar agents obtain their Sim dice quickly. Our Factories and Principol Offices aro at Erie. Pa; Send for oar New Catalogue and tarrusloagents Addreas - • 10,832 31 Ms Ns: LOYELL 312 Lackawanna Ave SCRANTQN. .PA.. KLINE'S MARKET. C.A.R, Maiir Street, .'''irstiWard. JOHN W. KLINE, 11,1VING =MOVED MS MEAT &VEGETABLE AfLiVICEIr 7,292 8,7 1. 3,539 14 32,763 33 o a more Convenient location, and establisbed himself in the . Carroll Block, oppOsite Seelre Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON, FRESH VROETAIILES. DOMESTIC ratrrr, &0., : o ;- SirBOLOONA SAMGE:esePecialty. AU Or den promptly delivered. U; 1 msrchl7- 1 nonsE .l3renedu"2sncu forts.in visa) norms of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases."' It gives the best treatment for all diseases, . ' has CO lino engravings. showing BOOKpositions assumed , by sick horses better 'than can 'be taught in any'other way. a table showing doses of sU the principal medicines used for the horse as well as their effects and antidotes when !a poison, aZge oo rs i , le ru ctio es n fi i ) 3 r f 25 ets telling the age of a horse, 'with an engraving showing teetb of each year and a large amount of other valmible horse information. Hundreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 200.000 sold-in about one year before it was re. vised shows how popular the book is. The .re. vised edition is moon moan INTIBEBTING. RIM) Iron a CUICULAR. AGENTS WANTED.' Dr. I. Kendall k Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. . • Mar 11,1 yr. 8 :i4:144 0 111bila:1 1 1:f11;(111 COLLECTION AGERY BRINK ic BUCK, Will ' irrite Policies or risks in *- _ for _ /re and WA It mance. Collect Claims With aim and promptness. They represents:ions but • ; , - FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES), rhey solicit theconlidence and 'patronage of those baring business in their line. and will endeae,or to merit it. Apply to or address - In*l tf 11.11144 BUCK. Leßaystrille; `-= • ' , •.- • . .1 Fourth.' s..•r . ,tI winnler. funiqarkers' Gingor Tonic tan * porfosnekvaried mare s; : ' . Oinking` it M'enea ottii)4err in-tact = it la made from Many _ vakable Meatiness not beneficiallion'er_erk 4 i ll o . ll Sed 'organ:. wYoMINO Aoxsce. In answer ton fonner article Mania'. to the dearth Of, moanin-here, we aro now•-ro. ceiving tvni ta•flee letters per day from an. riouv.Pe and styles of young, middle aged and 'old wonmikwho desire, to come to Wyoining. Some of theta would like, to; : come here;:tn work and ciiitnin an homiat. livelihood : a nd some 4 them desire,to comelerei, and me:. ' l 7 cattle IgAztgs• A reeentletter , froOnehigau, written iii lead pencil; and evidently daring hours when the writer shonki, hriVe been learning her geography lessoo;is Ively enthasiastie over the prospect of coining 'ont'lMri, Wliere one girl can haVe lover 'for °Very day in the yeek.. shi) signs herself Ilosalinde with a stead r, and-adds•in =a posiseript that she "means baSiness.'i . • . Yes, ltosidiude,that's what we are afraid uf: We had a kind of _vague fear ,that you meant busines, SO we did,not reply id your letter, Wymiund already has women enough who write with a lead pencil. , We. nre also , pretty welt provided with poor spellers and we do not desire : to ransack Michigan for af 7 fectionate but sanheaded girls, • . Stay in >Michigan t Rosalinde, until tire write to you; au4one Of these :days, when you have been a mOther 8 or . 9 times and as .you stand lithe- golden haze in the back -yard, 'hanging out damp' shirts on an uncer tain litiekvi•hile your ripe and.dewy month is_ ttretched across a. basswood 'clOthespin; you wil4lumk us fur this atlvice, : . DO 11$ . 4eipair, iteittprideo.' . 12lome• day. _ man, with a eat,. warm, ` , heart and a. pair of red - sfeers will see you 04:1 love yoli, nal he will take you: iwhis strangsarms and ,?rotect you frem the Michigan Clitaate, just is devotedlt as any of our people here can. We do not Wish to be misunderstood in ibis matter. It is not as a lover . .that we have said so much on the girl question, bittin the domestic aid,tptutmon a long 1etter,,',,..;;. , 'a Young_ girl .0 ea slate vend and reads 'Oujda behiude" , ber atlas, we el like goine,over there to Michigan with a trunk strap -and doing' . a little missionary work—Laramie Boomer. SKI.NEY MEN. 'Wenn' Health Dcriiwir" restores health and vigor., enres Dispepri., rainntenco. Sexual Debility.,'.; A RIB•BREAKING HUG. own. Mon Serioindy,; lijured . 111. Grand mother While Nnibraelnig ner. There is a "case" on the ',ti ctic° book of a well-know physieian- of West Oakland which ouglit.lo constant° a warning. Some months ago a young man arrived in Oakland from Montana. He Proceeded at once to, the house of his parents:- The door was opened by, the young man's giandmether, then nearly 70 years of age, and for whom` be entertained a most commendable affec tion. The young Man was a great favorite with the Old lady. 'But the old lady - ,failed to realize that her favorite was no longer a buddinggtrippling. 'pe full-grown,beard ed man before her, , with brawn on s shape ly limbs and toil - toughened muscle ou his sinewy arms was .thirty pounds heavier and' more than a little stronger than the 'boy whom. she bad leased and sent to bed for the last time -eight years before.. And on his part the' young Mail did not realize that " gran'ma" was no longer the vigorou.s lady whom he bad played with rompingly as a merry schoolboy in their fat.off Eastein bottle. To his glad,• .grateful, grand, filial lir , est he caught her aged forth -and hugged her tight, with the warm, impulsiveness of irepetuotts youth.' Had she been the usual sweetheart there might have been no worse result than a fractured section 4f the whale-' bent or a momentary cessaticnx of not too necessary inspliatiou, As it waS, .the old lady said; simply,'" Oh, my I" and sank back, upon his shoulder in a "dead faint." . When she recovered from that she com -1 Vaned of a grievous pain in her right Bide. A physician Was sent 'for and .hisl examina tion showed that three ribs had been disloca ted by the " grand filial hug" and that 'the. situationLwas a critical one, main . gito the old lady's eztremo ago and to the fact that ,she was rather portly and bandagbig would, therefore, be deprived of much °flats' effect. iveness. , The old lady,has been under med ical treatment ever since and isnot at press ent suffering much pain. Her, disconsolate mut-unreasonably sclf-reproachini, grandson is her most devoted attesulant.4-San Fran. • disco Chronicle. `bROUGII ON BATS." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies,. ants, b.ed-bugsl, skunks; chipmunks, goplurs. 15c. Druggists. - . • Our Ai Finer Bass :—A young couple on Prairie avenue had conversed ; long , , and earnestly one night, last week about the weather and other thrilling subjets, and at, 10.30, Llewelleu grabbed his soapidish castor from the 875 hat rack and prep+ed to go home. In the hall were some rare exotics, among them a young century. plant, only a year old. " They are a curious flower," said Mud. "They are that," replied Llewellen. " How I would like to see one in. bloom." " Would yon, truly ?" inquired Maud, with a radiant, .artless.laok iu her soft brown eyes. " Indeed I would,", said Llewellen, a wild bone springing up in his experienced heart. As they stood in the doorway beneath the warm, bright stars of June, and he held her ,mow-white, jeweled hand in--lis'n—Mand asked him to call again. Llewellen ventured to squeeze the tiny, . unresisting hand. " Yes, call," she said softly, and sweetly, and tenderly, " call again, Llewellen—when the century plant.blossoms."—Cheek. " . BUCIIIIPAIBA.') Quick, complete curo, Kidney, Bladder and *Urinary, Diseasei. $l. Drug . POWER OF MODERN WI 0.1 WTILES. How many persons have ever considered what theActualeffeet of the 'Projectiles Which can be fired . by the ,Injiaribte would be, They weigh 1,109 pounds each, and they leave the muzzle of the gun with iv velocity of about 1,600 feet; 'that is, nearly a third of a mile per second. -Even at a range of 1,000 yards, after having lost 100 feet of their muzzle velocity,' they would penetrate about 234 inches of. solid 'wrought iron. The common shells. contain GO pounds of powder and the charge of the gnu is no less than 4:10. pounds of prismatic powder. f !It is all very well to stand' quietly at Shoebury riess and watch the effect of each a pvojeo tile as this on a target, but it is quite ahoth er bnsiness to stand in front of the gun which 'fires itMld attempt to conliwief'serv ing your own - guns. tt great deal has been said oft Late on the subject of the inferiority of English naval ordnance,' but there Is only one navy iu the world, and there we only two ships in that navy—the Duilie and the Daiutolo—which marry ordnance match the 80-ton guns of the Inflexible. pelicate Females. The exactions of society, added to the' cares of maternity and the household, have tested beyond endurance the frail constitu tions which have been granted the majority of women: To 'combat this tendency to prematun'decline, no , remedy in-the world possesses the nourishing and strengthening properties of Malt 'Bitters. They enrich' the blood, perfect digestion.' stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak ness, and purify and vitalize every function of the female system.. JOB. PRINTING OF ALL KINDS done at short notice end reasonable rates *Ube Itarvatansx office. 11l 11 11.1 b. ' k'*-". r''' iv. N ..\.,90 . ..: , , ~iirsi t,- . tvv .. s . im„ . . ~, i felrit , c._ °so _ Kr. Albeit 'Kingsbury'. Keene. N. U., troubled with bad humor op bands and neck, caused lrY lead poisoning. .(ffe7s I' painter.; At times it would break out,' crack open, and the akin eepar• ate from the fl esh' in large pieces. suffering great conthfusi itchibi l and stinging. Rurassed your remedies; need . Cuticula Itesolvent inter. flatly, and Cullen:a Soap externally. and in less than thrise months effected a complete cure, and has not been troubled _since. Corroborated by Collard A • Foster, Druggists. Keene, N. B. ' MOTHER 'KED. FROM IT. , , J. W. Adams. NeWslek, Ohio,- uys: , .` Cutieura Remedies are the gift, telt . medicines on earth. Had the worst csse telt rhuent in this country. -My motherthad it twanty years, and in fact died from it. I helleVe..Ctiticura would have eared hernia. My arinsi'buast and bead were cov ered for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until 1 used the Cuticula Resolvent (blood purifier) internally, and Cullen= 'and Cutienra Soap externally. • • PSORIASIS. . . H. E.. Carpenter, Esq., ilendenon; N. Y., egret of Psoriasis or l i wproey, of twenty Pliny atandl4g. by tho entienta Resolvent internally, *ruticurs and. Claim's Soap externally. tnost wonderful cue on record . tigre testi- MU before a justice of the peace and promi nent. citizens. An 'Mete& with itching and lady diseases ahatild send to tut forithls testi- MOoial in full. ' • SALLT - RILEIIIL ---- ----------. --. Those who have experienced the torments of Salt Rheum can appreciate the agony I endured for yeirs; until cured by theCuticura Resolvent internally, and Cuticurs Soap , externally. Mae. Rat. Pexunorox. Marion. WM. CIITICURA and Cntlours Soap externally and Cuticura Re solvent internally will positively mire every species of Rumor. from , a COMmon Pimple to Scrofula. Price of catkins. Mall boxes, 800 ; large bores. $l. Cuticuri Resolvent, per bottle. Cuticurs Soap. Cuticurs Shaving Soap. He. Sold by all druggists. Depot, WEEKS & POWER, Boston, slam PARKER'S • " 1 I. warrantcd to prevent &Ding° the lui2 and to-te: move dandruff:a:di:thing. .Hts Cox &Cir. N.Y : - Or» sad 41 Our, at dealer to &cgs and true4lclat!. 'PAIDIER 9 B .GINGERIONIC A lapalativa Beats u Strength Restorer. If ytiu are a mechanic or fanner, worn out with. overwork or a mother run down by family or house. hold duties try PAnstax's Gu:outr ,Terac, , Ifyou.nre a lawyer, minister or business maxi ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicatin g stimulants,but use I'aiker's Ginger Tonic If you have. Consumption, Dyspepsia, kheuma. ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder °Me lungs, stornaCh, bowels, blood Ofllerves. GINGIM Tort= will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Aid the Best and Surest Ceuph Cure Ever Used. . If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any or weakness and requite a stimulant take Gnmart TONIC at once ; it will invigorate .and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save your. CAUTION t-zltefo•ii all substitutes. Parkees Mosier Tonle ta eomposed of the beet remedial agents the world, sad iseattrely diffrrest from prilmratioas of ;zinger alone. Send for circulate Maui& Co.. N. Y. Sec. & $1 alai, at dieslefi b dm*. GREAT SAVING ELItING DOLLAR SIZE. FLOR'ESTON Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing liko It. Insist imoti beim g Fumes. sou Cotowss and look for signature of ' ( 2 7 "ile.Civei t'afr. an envy tonic. Any dranitt or deal.r to perfolap can supply yea. 23 soil 75 Lett .Be.. - LARGE SAVING DRYING 7,5 e, ,STEE. '7!CQ-'_4 - ' 7 (5 --. . N E s'. . KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is Buie in its effects, mild in its &ellen as it does not blister, yet is penetrating - and powerful to reach .every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other' enlargements, such as sparing, splints, Pewits, callous; sprains, swell ings and any lameness', and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Bend address for Mustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with each unqualified uc .cess to our knowledge, for beset as well a man; Price sl,per bottle. or six bottles for .$5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on reoeipt of price by the proprietors, Dn. 13...1. Es.upALL & Co., Enos burgh Falls. Vt. Sold by all Dragglata. • (ESTABLISHED 12118G50. HOWARD .A.. SNOW, Solicitor of - AMERICAN AND FOHEIGN' zir T'S • -631 F STREET N. W.. WASHINGT :\ 4N, D. C.. (Successor to Ciiimore,SMith at,- Chipman, Hosmor k C 0 .,) Patents-procured upon the ,Wain o plan which was originated and .succossfully practiced by the abovonamed firm. stam Pamphlet of sixty pages ,scnt upon recoip t o .. Inov9l " BETTER' TO THAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD MAXIM, BUT :KOT ALWAYS TRUE. It is better to follow hIA,COI3S H. The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, From hia old,,vtand, (No. 2, Patton's Bloek,) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and commodius store, No. 123, Main Street, formerly occupied by M. E. Sollomon 'A Son, (one door lnorth of - Felch &• C 0.,) where he is now open with a frill and Complete Stock of Fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER READY 9IADE CLOTHING AND CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, lIMBROLLAS, CANES, &C. MEN'S, BOY 'S YOIOH'S And CHILDREN'S full and complete suits of all grades and prices. While he aims to lead the trade, be asks his old friends and everybody else to follOw him to his new location, where be will fit them out in the highest style of art at the - lowest prices. Come parly..l 1 JACOBS. Towanda, Pa., April '6, IE.G2. FOR SALE. -- One second-band Engine and Boner, in good condition. Mu gino-12r..10, Tubular Boller, Force Pump, Con. nectiona, etc. Suitable for a saw or grist mill. Have been- running 4 run of atone with - it. Reason for selling is that I am increasing the capacity - of my mill, and putting in larger engine. For full particulars can on or address O. A.' 'DAYTON,{ Towanda. Pa. Juno 25-4 w .-, - ,NOirE..,ldiorttylso**ti . Double Store. NO& '1 ANDS BRIDGE ST.. J.K.BUSH lam, open in his Mammoth Doable Stow with a Sall, fresh sad completa stook of lashioaabie Spring and - Sukune ClOthing t Gent's "Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Trayepng Bag 4, Umbivilas, Etc. Silts of all Grades for Men, Boa Youths and unildren. Oni,rents have been' obtained on the most favorable terms. and . ope current , espousal re duced to the lowest Possible minimum, we pro: pose to ggive our customer, the bensit of these Reductions by putting our prices at Lower Fig urge than any other Clothing House in Towanda. We invites careful go:gemination of our stock and prices. whether wishing to buy or not. We can satisfy': the. closest buyer of the; .trutb- of wluitwe say. ' ; WE arEAN . BUSINESS. Caßiad Oro will satisfy . you. 13.Naptsmber. Nos. 1 and 7, Bridge Streat.; , • J. K. BUSHi ' ' Tolman., Pa., APpl 10. 1877. 7T - 'f= JEWELLER, L still to be found at the OLD STAND MAIN STREET Next door to Dr. H. C. Porter's .Drug Store • wrra` A PULL LINE OF FINE. AMERICAN AND SWISS ;WATCHES, J E,W, E .L.R.Y, STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, CLOCKS,.' PEON THE CHEAPEST TOI THE BEST. : I W ALL OF WRIER WILL EE SOLD AT 'TILE ~~;~•iTil" ~y:~r3~~i~1~ _ Watcbuiand Jewelry promptlyrepaLred by an experienced and competent workman. • M. HENDELMAIC GEO. L. KOSS • Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dri H. C. Porter's Drug Store; Main Steeet, . • with a large stock of • • an.ocErtizs OF THE BEST QUALITY. • • Mr. Ross haa ANOTIII:11 STOII2 OS Barna*. BTUS= L.Echoonover is clerk. The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. Ross can now feel satisfied that he can give the • BEST GOODS von TIIE IYAST MONEY • ills experience enables him to select the best goods, which he is bound M sell at a LOW PRICE. You can always get a bargEn if you • • BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. • All goods 'delivered in the Borough FRES. FARMEES will do well to call with their Produce and get the CASH. - 20apr82-Iy. BLANK BOOK -MANUFACTURER BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER, &a Alfred J. Purvis, No. 131 Qenessee street, UTICA, N. YI All work in his line done well and promptly at lowest price. • Parties having volumes incomplete will be tar nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. 3. Scanlan; Agent for . Bradford County, will be promptly assented so. cording to directions. • sepsMf , p • Corner Second and B sittiets Northwest, near Pennsylvania Ate:tub. WASHINGTON, D. C. 'mail..s q uire of thaethi. Street ears pass near the door to all of the city. Conven ient to the depots. is just the hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the National Capital. Booms well furnished, and the cleanest and beat beds in the city. Table Ant class. Rooms and board from $2 to $3 per day. Reduced rates by the week or month. - WILLIAM SANDERSON, Proprietor. to of the Congressloual Rotel, Capitol Rill, r Jan MU 111 We keep on band constantly for builders. LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, ROOM, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CHESPEAK NAILS. WAGON MAKER'S SUPPLIES Fellows; Spokes, Rubio, Tlulls, Poles • ' puThwe Trimmings. Also a ftill line of Shelf and Haan Hardware, sal • full Una of , . Carriage, Platform and 1 , . punber Wpgons; Made by ma withakilled wor*o nu, sadwsrrantad thievery particular. Trors*litil 274 y Double Steck. in neat anvelopeo; 10 for Sl.Ou. Copying'. of all 'dodo of Photohl l ‘oll W 4 Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. us a call and we will try and satisfy you • AND TROY, PA.' &leo • & SPALDING, Hardware Dealers. , Use Lawrence .---- 1 • . &,1111artin7s , „ ..,••••.., -., . .; ...A.-- ~ - • et . . •, - ~... c ,•,,.„--.. , : 1 ' ' r dilik'S ~• % ' : ' - . ' I , Fcr COUCHS. coLvtl sonE THROAT. SRC} t` ," - PAOPHA CONSUitiPT/C:i, Ofseasov, of i•!: Ti .::-" - . - 13 . i r iu mt, .., .., . 1 Lu.,iiiiiii;l:a--.. , .i-4.- .‘: . . ii, co, r 10. In its inctitlent and tnureed - st:1••• , .•4. :- „! : • .:-. and LUNGS. bin It has never been so adsfanta i v.,•, , :;,. r•.:!:, .. .: „ nit. Iti, mailing lintsninte pnwertifts afford .3 d ill, .- ~ ~. : ~, .. system after Lie cough his been relieyett. Qua; L t...ie to,tt:i.f-:. ;`. : • ~. CAUTIORI I Vi°l,lrolef,gtrve4VV.if - . 1!1}ri:'!:?,:. , `,.-,.1r lIEDICATItIr artiele,-thogenutne has a Private Die Propiiii::. - 1:i . :.: - :, , : peranta it to be Sold by Itraggista. Gsreerri nod Droi,l I"! i r.l; , .:•t , • 4% . 11712710177 SP7CIP2, ^'•" 0-4 tIP , r•Tir" ' , := 4— • I The ,TOLD, ROCK ANC RYE CO.. Pec!,:f: , . , : 1.,.. ,-.., •-' 7 . ....; , :, i - :,• ONE MORE PICTURE CAMY l IN'TOATIUML G. H. WOOD & CO. wOl open their New .Gallery jir rattOn's*Block , . on the First Monday of April. flaring fitted dp 'entirely new. with the best of instruments, we are prepared to make • Tintypes, 4 at one sitting, all for 60 etri. ICENDAILL'S CURE -Ia sure to cure Stairlns, Splints, • rb, &c. It removes all unnatural ' enlargements. non nor BLISTIB. iq Has no equal for any lameneis on # . 1 . beast or man. It has cured hip oint lameness in a person who hadi suf 'fared 15 years. Also cured rheums than, corns, frost-bites or and cruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal . for any lamb& on hones. Send for illustrated circular giving POSMIE PICO/. Price $l. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can ge t I t for yen. Dr. B.J. Kendall k Co.. Proprietors. .F.uosonrgh Falls, Vermont, R. C. Poirrin, Agent•Vowarida• Pa. BESTbusiness now before the public. You can make mony faster at work for us than at anything else. Capitol not needed. We will start you. Ab g 12 a day and up wards made at home by thew.ndustrigus. Men, women, boys and , girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time.; Yon can workin spare time only or give your whole time 'to toe business. You can live at home and do the work No other business will pay you nearly.. well.— No one can fail to make enormous pay oy en gaging at once. Costly-Outfit and-ten= free.— Money made fast, eaaily l and honorably. Address. Taus & Co.. Augusts, Maine. Dec 15-Iyr , ' • You need not Die to Win IN THE l• • 1 ;-, • MUTUAL ENDOWMENT • • • • - AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Of Math, N. Y. • Yon receive ono-half of your insurance, ac cording to the American Lite Table, when two thirds of your • life expectancy is finished—for illustration, a malt or woman joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of age takings certificate for $2.500, receives $1,275 when a little over 50 years of age, exactly the period in life _whenh little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES k ROGERS. i nne2tf. General Agents for Penn's. NATIONAL BUREAU OF IVENTIONS - • !. • EVERY INVENTOR • • SHOULD KNOW - That by the' Rules if the: Patent Office to procure ' PATENTS, Models are not necessary unless specially called for. • Send drawing and specification', upon receipt of which we will make examination at the Patent Office, and advise as to patentability. • FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. fiend for PampuLgx,pf INirrr.ccrtoss, free to:l.y address. HALSTEAD •k CO.. Washington,-D. C. ' s PubluAers of the Coop:es:tonal Reporter. January, 5, 1882.—tf • • STOP AT T. MUIR & CWS MB GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. The piece to save money b Guying .cheap at Carter Stain andFruitlin Streeta. TOWANDA. PA liii They reepeetfolly sanottnoe to the public that they have • largo stock of FLOUR. mem, - MEAL. GRAIN, SALT. EISII PORK. and PROVISIONS generally. - We hays also added colro stock a variety of WOODEN WANE. sucks. SUTTEE TUBB, FIE 011IIIINS, ETO. • just received a large stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices; OT/LSON% Pl7l/18 SOAP, the best in the market, and , other makes of soap Syrup and Missies, *pick . they offer at low mica for Cash. Oct 28 77 . _ MRS. D. Vl':3 T E D.(l E, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HUMAN HAIR COODS. UCH Aft MIMS, BANDEAUX, the popular . Chatelaine - Braid. EVERYTHING BELONGING To Tux HAIR TRADE aers a rsiettenuon given to,Comilies Hoots turned one wsy. ?WITCHES tram $1 upwards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Pol:der, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. WParticsdar attention paid to (greasing ladies Ulna their homes or at my place of business. over Evans k liildrettes store. • novlB-8r• Was. U. V. STEDOE.' CANCERS CURED T CRANE'S CANCER INFIR MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. HUNDREDS OF. PERSONS from all parts - of the world have been Armed of this much dreaded diseale and are now living witnesses that they have been rescued from a terrible and Untimely death. Doctors. lilinisterkand the Poor treated Free. Write fora Circular gtpll particulars. Address Drs. - ORO. OIfANE k RUSH BROWN Addison. N. Y. Sept.3o.lyr.OPßaco. w in:7e I\l. PVL94:Ms SPECIAL AIi7`OIINCENENI JAMES WCABE 11AS REMOVEI) 1118 Glt i ocEalt Brstsem 80611-EAST &MINES 0? :Lux AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE- Head Quarters 73;POR',EITERYTIIING TN TEE LINE OP 11111010, ROHM CASH PAID for DesintiAt, Pf 4 :duce. :Fine pII,TTER anal" EGG a s. tatoCarriaps ESTABLYSIIMENT JAMES BRYANT, Lion of FiIiRMERS and others to his large and comp}F•tr ()pen A. Top Etug,giei: PL AN FORM WAGONS all of- hia . owu MANUFACTURE anti war. 3 ranted,in 'every par . _ Bryant's Flexible Springs. titled in all I . lstfk Wagons. The easiest and best in nee. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BIT Look at theie limes Two Seated Carriages nom $l3O to Sil Rigatoni' ono seated .. jt 123 to I:. . 'Fop Buggies ' 123 to IN' Open , Buggies' SO to Le Democrat Wagons Ot.w to I:. ' Remember that the above are all folly irartszt• ed, ilrst-class or no pay. Repairing promptly atttended to at 23 per az; below last years prices. o 1 Officeand Factory car. Main and Elizabeth Su. 2110)82* JAG BRYANT. Towanda 5 cf. Sir NE A.-I_,;"T. - • .• I s prepared to kilter a Z!omplete'as,k,rt `DRY AND FANCY GOODS,'i Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA Latest de: THE MOST SUCCESSFUL RE3IF.DY ever 'dle covered, as it is certain in its effects sod das not ;Mister. Also excellent for human Ilea BEAD PROOF BELOW. . MOM COL. L. T. POSTER• F Youngstown, Ohio, May 10th, 1 , ":"). Dn: 11. J. KENDALL CO :—I had a very vain. hie Ilambletonian colt which I prized very high' ly, he bad ..large bone spavin on one joints:a a small ono on the other which made lain re* lame f I had him under the charge of tvre'vetert nary surgeons which failed to cure him.' I"' - one day reading the.advertisement of Eeedsil'i Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determ:z . ed at once to try it, and got our druggists 101 to send for it; they ordered three bottles, I tocl them all and thonghtl would give it a thprec , :h trial, J. used it according to directions and fourth day the dolt ceased So be lame, and e';' lumps have disaPpeared. I used but one bottle and the colts limbs are as free from lut6Pa as smooth as auy hers° in the state, lie if , tirely cured. The cure was so remarkable tid. I let-two of niyineighbors. have the runiiiii , " 4 two bottles, who axe now using it. V ery ResPec"u Y:T. FO4TE ' Kendalfs Spavin . Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten's 31111 s. _Wash'tod co.. N.Y., Fe1>. 2 . 1 ..' 1- (Dn. D. 3. KENDALL, Dear Sir:.--The liartialt r tame on which I used your Sondairs Sr.sviu (No was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen matt' standing. I had tried many things, but iu vso• Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the gron:A again, and for the first time - Stave _lvart, natural position. - Fgr a family' litiliftat it 0* cols anything we ever used. Yours truly. • I/EV. 31. P. Pastor of out E. Church, I'attens,lllll6, . • , .. ,n: Price $1; per bottle , or six bottles fbr 5 5 . "..; brume:lda havo it or can got it ferlou; or it v• - • be sent tcrany address on ruceipt of pfig b...." 1 ' 4 ! . proprietors. - DB. B. J.'KENDALL & 1,V.: 13 " burgh Fans. Vt. Sold at - Dr....H. C. Porter% DrilrglOrei =I ; lIE 11A8 ESTLISLISIIED &,..c., &c. `' Ar.ri! .3 1~ Ch - eaYer :tutu ever at - the - would call the atten- assortnient of LAD , :I' I-I F 1 NEST DOOR TO rani k Co ra€Lt vi