THE ENBLoN. 'OII.7I:SDA. AUGUST 3, 1882. • re- TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS E..y;A MINE l'Orß LAB4L 1 It will show you the month and year up to which your stibsc.ription is paid. :If your .40,,eriptiou sci t on to expire, please send us Z 4 I . 0 for a rejiewal of once, that we may scud you the paper right along. Send in renewal without delay. —L. A. Wooster is our general agent, solicitor, and colleetor. HERE AND HEREABOUTS. J ac was edoler Tuesday Yes. it is plenty warm enough tor us --- Now is the summer of our discomfort There are 87 initiates now in the Tioga County Poor House. Rather a damp day Wednesday for the Glen Onoko excursionists• John V. Fishier has taken charge of the Fishier house at Wellsburg. • • Frank Hull, of Troy, -has .bnilt a small sail boat for Mountain Lake. Ed. F. Johnsen, of Troy, has invented a new and improved fire grate. The Dtishore Record wants a great big creamery started near that village. Canton has no mosquitoes.—Sentinel Maybe not; but it'has a race track:, C. * II. Cannon has engaged in the manu facture of "small beer".at this place.,:. Fitch receired an invoice of one hundred bushels of-peanuts one day last week. 'fin: , annual parade of the Waverly fire department is to he held September Bth. Towanda flits_ are having a good `•time playing on some shortly cropped heads. The Naiads of Towanda' do good work in time of fire.—Pashore • RecoM. You het. . , . . s q uirrel Nltodting will commence sh'ortly, gently to the delight of some of our sports -‘ - men. The post office at Sayreont and after the :ti t of this month, will ho a ' , money-order t • office Now is the proper time to set out celery plants. It you have not already done so, attend to it at once. . Let us have a steamer.—Tunkhannock Standard. Veiy well. Find an excursion. ,ter and cut outone _ . • The Sylvania House, at .Sylvania, , •,kas been treated to a coat of paint, and other wise improved in appearance-. The Leßay§ville Advertiser wants .the Council of that Borough to make some fm i..-ovements to the Cemetery there. If the I)ushore Record is a reliable taper, the tannery ()only:any at Laporte have lost Ly death twetity -Aye horses this season. . . . The Athens Ginette, reports that quite-a number of children tif . that. Nil have been poisonetl •by wearing colored stock iags. - • Tunkhannock ha's• . t base ball nine.. Ditto .11..ntrese. The tivoinines have met on the lull field. The' two villages are 'in a guar' el hirin has sold nearly a thousand dollars orth of Birch Beer, 044 seasons and the sea son.anly half over. a delightful be- verage Our fat men'say:they suffered mo,re.frOm the oppression of the heat on List Wedne day and Thursday than at-any time during this summer Attend the public, sale of Borough proper ty at the Court House, on Tuesday next, at o'elock, p. m. .A rare ehanv to secure two bits cheap. • ' The pastors of the Baptist and Presby terian churches luive arranged to hold alter `nate services Sunday evenings during the ,trinith of Aubust. 'IA gauze of hall, oil the groundi at East Towantla, Saturday aftenioon was :played by:the Winoxiss and Crickets. The foriner wlti by senre of 2,1 to 11. L. H. Oliver has begun clearing of the ground recently bought of Mrs. Smith, on Canton street Troy, preparatory to putting up a biook for his business. • The second quarterly meeting fur the Le- IZay!wille M. E. Charge, will be held with the SthitqWarren church on Saturday and Sunday peZt, August sth and 6th. See here . ,'Mr. BradtOrd Republican, when you copy items he sure and give' correct creaits--11 - arerly Free Press. James, what are You braying about now I And now some farmers are saying we ure, not going to have any fruit, and the statement does not make any one feel any the cooler, be his hair shaven ever so close. Kellogg-& N,lnurice, of 'Athens;have been awbrileil the contract for building the new in , iihtidge across 'the Wappasening creek, Nich,•ls. They are to receive $2,250 foithe The Athens Guzeite . says that C. *. Kellogg of that place; has purchased a new steain-Imiat. It i, said to be the finest One ever on the Susquehanna this side of Havre 410 ( • game . of ball on the gtounds at East Towanda, on Monday afternoon, between :the Winonas and Crickets, of this place, re-, suited in„favor of the Crickets by f ra score of to la; The residence of H. 'T. June, on. Huston stzvet,*was burglarised on Wednesday night of la 4 week. A small amount of inoni , y and a silver watch was taken • from Mr. June's pockets.' * Lawn Festivitl will be held at the resi Amce , ef Mrs. Helen Salsbury, in Monroe_ ton, on Thursday evening, August . 10. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church. :This is the time for deliberation and ,for n unseemly haste. Those going on a train want to take plenty of time to get to the station, whether they walk or drive, as the poor horse must not be forgotten. If we are having warin r Weather this Week we certainly are having yeantiful moonlight nights, and a fellow can enjoy their► sitting .0a the porch with his own sister almost as muk-h - as with some other fellow's. IL K liurNut, of Canton, received back pay and pension amounting to about $l,OOO on MondaY.. The - ...Sentine/ says he is a de serving man and all the citiaens there are glad that his case has been reached at hist. One result of thenornial, the boys say, is the bringing. pf many pretty girls to Waverjy.—Warer/y 7ilbune. Yes, yes, eonie to think ofTica number of our young ladies did attend the 'gormal :at Waverly. Nate Weller cut ten .acres of heavy wheat-, on - Tuesday, in• six hours • and a quarter. How is that for cutting I—Athena Ga..:ette. Pretty good. Evidently Natiis ''better Inuit" than a good many reaping machines. Fire discovered in the small balding in the rear of N. N. Betts's residence on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Tho fire department was promptly on hand and put out the Iladzes ere much damage, was done. 'e Bohlaer's Mill in Troy, took fir, from the smoke stack, one day last week. The roof caught in, several places, but by the efforts of the workmen the flames were eTtingfdsh ed before any considerable damage was done. The M. E. Sunday School will !pic-nic at Weston's on Friday: Train will leave Court House at 10 o'clOck Q a. in. Tickets') 40 cents. All friends of the school are invited to join; the eiccursion and enjoy - theldny 1. • with diem. The Bradford county.bovs : are kwaid in advertising the annual encampment. It occurs sometime next month. Soldiers, generally, should be preparing themselm to attend and make it a grand success.— Athens Gazette. Joseph Haigh and Horace Chaffee of Pike, wore considerably bruised by being thrown from a wagon one day last week, near Leßaysville. The breaking of a part of the harness frightened their bones and they ran away, overturning the wagon., To the Towanda Republican — the old bank building still reniains ,on its original The old brick foundation been moved to "the south side of street on which it stood.—A Charles, we cheerfully accept you We clip tho following, boa touching epitaph' from an "Hero lies a man by blowing in an 'empty gun.' in the gun be blew than up the ho flew; and met the girl on hea who lit the fire with kerosene." A story having gone abroad that there were rattlesnakes on Pisgah, the - Troy Gazette arises to remark as follows: - "The story has gone abroad that there are rattle snakes on Pisgah. This is not trap as only one specimen has,been killed and that on the southern slope of the mountain.: Says the Canton Sentinel, Trout's build ng, next to post office iS being htted up or a boot and shoo manufactoiy.. Perry Lewis and P. Brigham are,the proprietors, and it is understood that they Will employ several hands and the machinery necessary to turn - out a large amount of work-. The Dushore Review says that Riniley of Wilmot, . was ar' Wednesday of ilast week, upon t tion of Charles Kinsley, Sr., di: with administering poison to C Jr., causing his death. When Justice the.prosecutor abandon ceedings: Says the Leßaysville AdrertiJ week: "A young son of Russet in Pike fell from a cherry tree o day July 19th, striking his picket fence causing a terrible gash near the shoulder. , The wound was promptly dressed, and we are glad to state the lad is improving." • • Green fruit is already fempti and parents should' watch t,ll The medicines used in case stomach attacks after attempti way with green apples and of should be near at hand, as you r never cries out until he Co double up. According to the Waverly P. & N. Y. R. R. CO. have rect i an order charging ten cents baggage, such as trunks, satche maining unclaimed more than Until the charge reaches $l.OO. sum will he - charged for baggag: for from ten to fifteen days. The Hinman Hciuse, at Mon rowly escaped destruction by .t ing last week. A lamp was u of the fileeping'rooms which se, carpet and furniturein the roo efforti extinguished ;the flam vented the destruction of the b The editor of the Waverly his readers: "Did !you eve editor as he walks itito a tiatilq his surplus money , in. cottipan! , merchani.s, plumbers and other r There are none of the airs of 1 bondholder about him, but he 1 : quietly transacts his business a) • The Towanda rifle team hax, the Troy te4m to shoot three a' six men on a side. One at ll.u, at Troy and one at Towanda. offer to shoot twelve men of against, six from Troy and six a One of the challenges - are to and the date will he fixed Register. The teachers, scholars and friends;of the Church of the Messiah Sunday School, to the muuber of a hundred or wore, picniced at the beautiful grove on , the premises of Henry Stevens, in Macedonia, on Thursday last. Everything passe.—d off in the, most de lightful manner, and the party returned home in the evening highly pleased with the days enjoyments. One day last week-a horse 7 uniiin g loose in th& streets of Elmira entered . Herbert Johnson's drug store, walked deliberately down the centre to the rear end, went hind' the counter, trotted uP tt the front and took a. flying leap through large plate glass window to the sidewalk. Ho lay p t his back for a moinent, got .up and Away little-injured. The damage reaches A !circular fiern the Pennsylvania State College, iu Centre county, informs us that students who hold a Senatorial scholarship, in that institution,- to_whichl- appointments are made by 'the Senator Tor each district, are charged nothing ;for tuition or rent of room in the college bUildings. information concerning these scholarships can be ob tained :,from State Senators or from the President of the College. Vennor says of this month: • "I cannot % but think that August Hill be another month of storms and unusual rainfall,, with' ono oi4wo remarkably low curves of tem- , perature. I expect snowfalls will be re-' corded in extreme western and noithern sections; and cold rains at , , more soltheily p F. stations shortly after the 'chile of the month," from which most ple will infer that August will be red hot,' . ' Green Stockings are the atest. It: will hardly be safe for women to f i wear them in the - cOantry, as goats and co ds might mis take them for grass.—priid4rci Republican. Tilust to a Towanda man for knowing the latest thing in woman's Mockings.— Waver ly,•Tribune. -Why certainlY, a• prettily shiPed little foot and a .nelly rounaed— Bdt then, what's,the - use of a further de scription; There is nothing of the kind in Waverl • • • - • - Some owaste," saturate 4 and lighted, was thrown int of the basement of the Eagh day evening, no doubt with of setting fire to the ,building. The burn ing waste was diicovered and extinguished before any considerable vjamage had been done. We learn an attemptwas made to fire-set on the stable of thesame hotel a few evenings ago. There are evidently in cendiaries in our midst. Philips & flouring mill, sitiinta I, about-half Way between SaYre and WaN%e*- Iy, was - entered, on Sunday night, July 23a by burglari. The safe in the office was blown open, and the thieveS were rewarded with the enormous mum of three dollars and a watch; This is the second time the mill has been burglarized, as about a year ago the safe was blown opt? !and . about the same amount of money taken. _ Adam StembFg, en. the island opposite on the trac k. It is understood the town; cleitis" to haire it cabbage which that all were more or less under the infiti! measures five feet across, the top.—Brad- once of fiquoi at the time. They have all ford - Arvtur. - For pure, unadulterated, • been captured; If the assault was as three-ply lying Towanda takes the cake.-- :Keene states it, the gat) , parties should be Warerty Trilnine. We trust our demo- punished to .the utmost eitent of the law. ' cratie neighbor, the, Argus, will be more cautions in its statements. We have ~ ‘7. • on several ..oceasions that our:contemporary has been somewhat ad dicted to exaggeration. ' The officers of the Bradford County Agri cultural Society are making preparations', for one of the largest and beg . . displays at the Fax ever exhibited inthe county. The excellent crops, fruits and fine condition of cattle in the county will no doubt make' the next Fair one of - the largest and best. Per- .. sons should at once get premium lists and begin to make preparation for the • Annual Pair. • • . • Circulars are being sent to soldiers in different sections of the country by western parties, stating that for the sum of $lO one hundred and sixty acres of good land Will be secured withoutthe forikality of occupy ing it for four years—less the time of ser vice in the army, as provided by law. The land commissioner at Washington state that the law remains unchanged, and that thecircularsure for the purpose of decep tion. Soldiers will therefore', take ; w arning. • 1 • cffice has the slime Gazette. r apology tiful and exchange: was won The gr oc ery store of G. L. Morgan - has been closed by creditors. Mr2Morgan was a very industrious and economicil, man and was doing a fair businer; but hq borrowed: money to begin with ]ens than two years since; which he, could not meat , ;, and the haste of one creditor has brought ?them OM down on Mit at once. its stock and ne cotmts, we are informed;' would 'have en abled Mr. Morgan to pay every cent and continue business, had he been able to get an extension of time.—Canton Se'ntincl: No sooner Men stairs , ens green On Saturday morning last. J. B. Judd , .formerly a resident of Owego, but now a conductor on the D. L. a$ W., railroad, while assisting in making- up his freight train in Elmira, had his right tend badly crushed between the butivers l . It is thought the hand will have to he amputa- Md.-Warerly Free A•ess, July 29th.- The accident 'above chronicled happened nearly twO months ago, and Mr. 'Judd has en tirely recovered from it. \Monderful what late news those Waverly papers do 3iirnish. ;'Sirs. ,Chas. rested on I e:in forma irging her The system of having school teachers "board around," has been diScontinued by the following named townships and boroughs of this county: . Townships— Canton, Leßoy, Barclay, MonroO, Albany, Troy, Franklin, Granville, ,Welles, Rome,: Ridgbury, Ulster, Sheshequin, Wysox, i Orwell, Wilmot, Terry, Towanda, Overton.' Boroughs:—Towanda, Troy, Canton, Ath-, ens, 31ennx), Rome, LeßaySville, New Albany, Alba, Sylvania, South Waverly,, Burlington... Independent Districts.—Overd ton, Orwell, Sayre, Carbon Run. • - . Innsley, before the the pro- er of last Coleman, Wedoes- nl on the ng children e l m closely. -of sudden g to make Cher 'truck, g , America l menccs to The announcement that a cold wave has been generated-in Dakota and is rapidly bearing down upon this 4 neighborhood will be ,good new to people who for. several days have been sweltering,.with'r very little intermission, in a temperature of ninety odd degrees. . And, by : the-by, what can have become of those multitudinous and al titudinous icebergs whose presence in the Atlantic early in the summer is alleged to have made the weather unseasonably ehilly i If some of them could be towed in shore it Would be a good thing. ribune, the ntly issued 1 r day for s, &c:, re- 48 houri, The ; latter .unclaimed C. W. Kellogg, of the bridge works 'negotiating for the Williston Island, and it s ' is Vibe hoped that he will secure_it, as it is his intention to thoroughly -fit a portion of it up to be used by pic-nicers and pleasure seekers generally. He will also put a model foot bridge from the shore to the island, making it still furth'er attractive. It is a most delightful place as it is, aniya little work would make it doubly so; ,NVO hope nothing may turn upl to prevent 3lr. Kellogg from securing the property and carrying out his intentions. Athens Gazette. • - •ton, nar- e one ,even , •t in one fire to the Prompt and pro dding. . thane asks notice an to deposit with the ThurSday morning the body of a colored man named Samuel Barton was found on the railroad in tho cut above the passenger station: The head had been severed from the body rnd ono .arm and the " breast was also badly but. Death was instantaneous„ Barton has for years been employed in the care of - race horses at Troy, Elmira and other places in this vicinity, and the sup position is that .ho was trying - to jump a freight truth to go home at 2 o'clock :that morning. Another theory is that he, had been drinking and fell asleep on the track, using the rail for a pillow.—Canton Sen t capitalists the bloated meekly and d retires." o challenged etches with lington, one They also theit club; role Canton. be accepted soon.- Troy The crowd= of young people pouring otit of Sabbath hool rooms on • the Sabbath clothed in Sunday - best, and looking the very pictures of happiness, 'is a sight in itself favoring such an institution. It is, indeed, not only the nursery of the Chris tian Church, but the nursery of all branches of. intellectual t strength and power that gives the world its best men and. women. No school is like it in its far-reaching in fluence, and the religion that ignores,it fails to reeognize. a power. that never fails to work for good. The Hanover Sabbath SchOols are among the most useful agencies of the Church, and so much appreciated that no good Work that promises, to help children forward its overlooked. From present indications we are safe - in saying that the blackberry crop will be an' abundant one—larger than for many years, and consequently prides will be IoW. As cherries have been scarceand some other fruits an uncertainty, we would advise our priidenf houseiviveslto lay ina goOly sup ply for winter use. I Besides canning, jam and jelly, they can be Made into an excel lent Spiced pickle, the receipt for which we give: To siipints of fruit take two and ' one-half pints sugar, one and one-half pints good vinegar, one-half ounce ground cin namon, one-half ounce cloves; one-half ounce allspice, and a little mace imeiren in small pieces, . Boil the 'sugar and vinegar together, with the spices; putting the latter into muslin bags. Then put in thi berries and let ttiem'sctdd. You will find • this a dainty dish. WilliasS H. Havens; of P.andSll; IMont ornery, N. Y., a colored barberja the em ploy efHobert A.' Stewart,, of Athens, com iiitted suicide by throwing hintielf under 'the wheels of Lehigh Valley train number 30; near.the tannery at 11:30 o'clock Satur flay Storning: He hung his vest on a post near the track anden it . wasr ox paper cen t:4nond the Mowing: "Oh, my dear :Susie, may Giod help you.'f The SOsie - to whom he hadreference is a 'colored 'lady residing at Athens, with whom he was deeply in love, but who did not return the attachment. Decetised was about twenty three years age and came to Athens about a month, ago. An inquest was held by S. 8., Hoyt, J. P., and resulted* h verdict of voluntary' suicide and completely esone ratindthe railroad compaily fi‘m with kerosene. the back part Hotel on Sin the intention On Saturday night DeWitt Keene was set upon and severely beatenand rohlSof several dillart Fi?!:10 . ); ' Oar thtf-Stige Line and Sullivan Coal Yard -Keene says that about 11 o'clock he' sterW from near the Third WartgroCery and walked down near the rivelThe was followed by Will Carter, (colored), Dick rmney and Tom' Kennedy. Whpi near the railroad they-as laulted him, poipding and.kicking him in a, shaking manner, stones being freely used lryJthem. insensible trader this treatment, in whir* Condition ho was left List'of letters remaining in the Post Of fice forithe Week ending July 18, 1882: Anderien, W T Mier, Hannah • Buthi, James - Kennedy, Mrs D L Campbell, MniD E Lyneh, Se - 'Decker, Mns D E Leavenworth, Fred Decker, Mri LH Lent,. Hattie D Decker, CeisPir G Nowell, Ern:rut Geary, M J Perr y Emma E Heyhman, Esther Rice, Emilie • 'Haney, W 1 - Richards,'A Iticks,"G 1 Stepp, Frank Heman, Wai Sullivan„-Jno J' Jones, Joe Shiner, Sally Ann Kingsley, Dora Stone, Mrs Emily ' Keefe Katie , Stewart, S Kendall,: Geo V Wolfe, J Bruce Wald, Joseph. Persons calling for any of the above will please say "Advertised," giving date of list. P. Powam, P. M. The Troy Gazette dais enters its protest against the renting of post office boxes: "The sale of past'office boxes to the public is a fraud without docent apology. In all the large cities and' most of the smaller ones free delivery by carriers is the rule: There no cost to - the resident whose let ters 'are trough to him in all sorts • of weather. In the country too, there is no such thing as box rent. But when it comes to villages a burden is added thit; is en tirely out of proportion to the price ren dered, 00 cts. to V, per year Is demanded as the price for the use of a box -which: is paid for over and over again. There is no good reason why the inhabitants of a A ke should be taxed 'for a privilege which is given free to the dwellers in cities and there is no reason why it should not be re moved if a strong protest is sent up. Let thernbe free delivery in all! Ices subject to Presidential appOintmest. Says the Owego Times: "A farmer buys a reaper, and, before ,he has used it :an hour, he is notified that some patent on, it is contested, and rather than have a law suit, he pays the demand. The same game is played on every other kind' of machine. - The claimants under contesting patents do not fight each other in; the courts, but make a much more profitable revenue by fleecing each other's customers. A bill now on its way through Congress, will put an end to this. It compels the owner of patents to se - cure redress from the i'diakers and sellers, 'and not from ,the buy ers, of articles v;hich'infririge tholie patents, enacting that it shall be sufficient defence for the latter to show that they bought the erticle in open market. In view of these tricks, it might ; be well for farmers to take a warantee 'deed guarding themselves against such frauds. Nye, however, have not heard, as yet, of any of these sharpers in this county, but we do' not know how soon we may." j And now the newspaper correspoadentsL have taken up the question of a train , be 7 tween the upper and loWier depots at this place. • The correspondent of the Advertiser at this place says: "The Lehigh Valley might evidence • their desire to accommo date the citizens of r f rovanda by running a train between the depot arid the foOt •of Park street,pnnecting with regular trains. While this train might not bo profitable, it would pay expenses if a -fiye cent. fare were charged,. and would be a great accommodation to the poorer class of our, `community, who j are unable Ito take a hack." The Atheas correspondent of the same paper endorses the above as followa: "We fully concur with the ToWanda cor respondent-of the Advertiser in his item in relation to the Lehigh Valley railroad run ning a train from the depot to the foot of yark street, connecting with regular trains at that 06e, as parties from here have to ride a mfie and a half • through the dust, taking iup :much time, before they can reach a hotel, and •those who do not go to a hotel have the choice of walking or paying twenty-fiVe cents hack fare. Can't some -thing be donel" - To the Athens scribes Concluding question we answer: You coy resondenta mi: lit use a bicycle. ; To be tter comtne date the people iesid ing in the two cities—Waverly and Elmira' --a closed le r bag is now tent ' o Fintica on Lehigh Va ey train 30 at 12 noon. ..The mail closes at 1 . 1:45 a. m.—Warer/y Free Press. For the past eight years train 30 has carried - it "closed letter bag'; betiveen this place and Elmira. - There is a decided prospect that ere long Waverly may be re cobnized as something other tlufn a flag Station.—Towanda Republican. - We pub-1 lislied notice of the; additional ,mail between Waverly -and Elmira, whiCh makis three a day, which was copied verbatim by the Free Press without credit, I and - that was copied- into the Elmira Advertiser , and credited to,. the Free Press. It now ap pears in the Republican also credited to the Free Press.—That's business. We would say that we send ono mail a day niortithan Towanda to Elmhit.—Warerly Advocate. No you don't "send one mail a day more than Towanda to Elmira." There is a mail goes front here to Elmira on trains 12, 30 and 2, and there is now talk of putting a mail on 8 and 32 from this pliteo to El mira in order to accommodate the growing demand for additional mail facilities be; tween the two points. Towanda is a busy, go ahead place. Waverly is nothing but a way station. . , ~ ' rEßsoser.. —Mrs. H. Jacobs is visiting friends at Corry. • ' —Congintulations. Mr. and Mrs. Jolui Dean. Girl. • - —Miss Maggie" Tuttle, of Troi, Y. Y., is visiting friends here. :° —Hrs. D. O. Hollon, of North Towanda, isi visiting in Elmira. It—Mrs. A. S. Newmin, of Troy, has had , • another psthdytic stroke. —Beecher Morgan, of Wysox, has gone on a visit to Minneapolis, Minn. —Mrs. 0. A. Baldwin is at.S.hautnuqua i the guest of the Rev. Dr. Vincent. —Mrs. C. W. Canfield, of Ahem!, is en joying the sea breezes at Cape )Say. —Mr. and Mrs. Eshelman, of Lancaster, Are the guests of the Hen. 11. Mercur. • Jennie MeGeighran, of Brooklyn, N. , Y . . is visiting her parents at Troy. 4ijeci. Marshall, of the: Graded School • Fadulty, is visiting in Clinton enmity. 7 1 -Ned Lewis, of Wysox, has taken a clerkship in Clark's boot and shoo store. I , • -Mrs. Di. Turner is visiting relstivelt cin# friends in Tompkins county, N. ,Y. r -Mrs. -Asa „ . Douglass s visiting , her daughter, Mrs. John Ronny, at Athens. —Mr. and Mn Ben Hale are enjoying the . Cool mountain breezes at Esglearilere. —Ezra Decker,.has Wren the position of book keeper in Decker Bros. clothing store. —Mrs. Nelson Jennings and (*lighter, are Ill4llg friends at Delaware, Water Kingsbury, Esq., has gene to SlatervilleSPrings, for the benefit of health - . . ,Dr. Wm. ,Taylor and wife, of 'Troy, N. are, visiting friends' in , pis Place- • C. B. Porter,•and wife, .and are enjeying.a few weekst soles= at the sea shore. 4r. C.' K. Ladd is enic ' sjimir l a atoll vaestiVa from his professional Ores at . - • —Mrs. Dr. Grerii;stWashisgtark, D: .(7., is visiting at A. J. Esstehropks, Mails —Ed. Lynch, bra taken* position with the Meisrs. irrocerimea at Wilkes-Barre. - • =-dohd W. Mix,!sq - .,:itid wife, and . lifrs, Wm. Milt, return e d i hoMe - from the sea shoro Mat week. Alvord, ctike Review,' returned last week from an extemled,visit to friends in New York State: - . —Cheeks MeCrosam, an old and respect-; ed citizen of Wpm, died of, apoplexy Monday of last week. " —Mrs. James Mrseferhuie, and, daughter Eugenia, are . visiting Mrs. Ws sister, Mrs. E. P. Hananond,at Vernon, Conn. ,—Mr.! anal. Mir. C. P r. fiVeßes returned last week from a pleasant visit- of several weeks-to friends at pxuserrille, N. Y. Woodruff returned home last week from &visit of 'amoral weeks' dura tion to friends in Susquetutrissi county. —The will of the late Hon. C. H. Sey mour, of Mega county, is being contested by his son Frank E. Seymour,l who i. was disenhetited. —Ed.: Decker has resigned hia .clerkship in Mclntyre's hardware store, and has en tered into a partnership. with B. W. Lano in the livery business. —Begins Stevens, of • Stevensville, this county, has purchased a 2 0 00 acres tract of timber land in North tarelina, and Will engage in lumbeiing there. —MO,• Henry Metier, hei many friends will regret to hear, has decided to reinove to her , former•• home, .Davisville, Ducks county.; The' good wishea!of. our entire community will go with her. • Rec. W. Bullard, of Amanita,' was in tows °as day last week. Mr. .Bullard in forms* that hahas practically' , given up pi eachhig and is now engaged wholly in farming.—Welisbore Agitator. . • . —Miss Rosa Dillin, another daughter of Geo. Dillin, is setiontdy sick with diphtheria. Her sister Ida was buried yesterday after noon. It is to be hoped that,' great care will be taken to prevent the spriead l of the disease.—Troy Gazette. —We are happy to announce decided im prOvement'in the condition o f J. Monroe Smith,. whose long illness has igreatlt de pressed his friends. The filatis of a can cer of .the stomach .have been allayed and the prospects are more favorable than of late.—TroiGarette. I ,1 —Rev. B. Brunning leav4 Irma wool4', on a vacation, , well oarn4 bir hard an'd persistentlabor since he canto I here. His people are much united on him es a minister, and will be glad to welcome hiino4 - Ms re turn. He and his wife go to N. Y. State, and take their trip with horse and carriage, going to Broonie county, we underatand.- 7 Athena Gazette. - _ —Mr. and Mrs. Addison Dewey, ok Gaines township, celebrated their silver wedding last Wednesday. Mrs. _Dewey was 'Miss Amy Ripley , of Arniepia Bradford county. There was !a large at tendance of friends at Mr. Deivey's - deuce on Wednesday, .to congratulate the happy couple Oa l reachinz theltwenty-fifth _anniversary of their marrilige;.—Wellsbord . Agitator. ;- - —Mr. Geo. W. Back, who ;for the past five Years haa been tick Redington & Leonard C 0.,. starts forthieago this week to engage in the wholesale dry goods busi • ness with his brother, H. T.' Buck.. While we congratulate Mr. Buck on his Isuccess• in being able to assume th i s , now iposition, we, in common with his !natty friends in Troy, Will be sorry to have ;him go. Troi/ Register. —Miss Lottie Deans of Warren, 'Pa., has accepted a position as teacher . in the. grad ed school in Red Oak, Tort.. Miss Dean is a very worthy,and ' energetic young lady, and 'a moat excellent teacher ? , one who will be missed by her many friends. She has our. best wishes for her success and happiness in the west. We have lost ? and Red Oak_ has secured, an able and successful teacher. —Owego Tinier. • • —Bradford County P. M's are in, luck. A correspondent writing from Asylum, July 24th, informs us that the- Postmaster at that, place, Mr. N. P. Moody, is the hap py father of a bouncing nine pound daugh- ter one week old, whilei the' jovial hearted P. M. at the neighboring; post office of Durell was made glad_three days later by the appearance under his parental roof of a ; little boy stranger. Set thee' up, boys.— DusVore Record. Gooduesi gracious, those babies are to young to "set np.". Fatal deestfriat. con Saturday last, Inez, only child of C. B. Titus of Herrick, came to her death un der the following circumstances: The hired girl Poured l hot water from the tea kettle into a tubfor the purpose of mopping the floor, and then turned her attention to, other work. The little firer year old child came to the tub, and somehow fell into it backwards—scalding herself fearfully. The mother was out in the garde at this tie and hearing the screams of the child; rushed into the house, where she found the girl had taken the little one from thelboilifig water, and was taking off her clothes. All 'was . done that could be to save* child, ' but it was ruled otherwise, and the little sufferer passed to its heavenly horqe Shod Midnight of the same day. This is a fiery sad affair, and falls with almost crushirig weight upon the parents and friends who almost idolized the little one.—Leifaysrilie #drertiser.': PICNIC EXCITRIAIOX To ,_ Taughannock Falls, 'Cayuga Lake, 8 Ithaca,,N. Y., Tuesday, Aug. Bthi. 1882, $1.50, for the round trip. ; , Tickets good for return by any train within two weeks.. A special excursion train will leave Towanda Tuesday, Ang.)Bth about 9:40 a. m., stop ping at all stations as far as East Waverly, and at Ithaca, IC Y., arriving at Tiughan- nook Falls &bait 11 a. m. i It will leavo the Falls for return, about 8 p. , m. Thus :af fording Excurtdonßic-nia parties over, nine hours to enjoy the, magnificent scenery of the two meet •wanderful diens and the highest Falls in the State l ef- New York. Parties who desire to remain over will lie accomodated at the Teuglutnnock house at $1.50 per day. A new Steam YaCht will take partieic out on the liake. For full particulars see small b9ls. iTickets for sale at theitailroad Stations and by J. E. Ward at the I .Telegraph ofthe and C.-S. Fitch's Candy'Store. THE HAT szzarAriox. , 'I'M nevi hat Ilirtatio"u'is too utterly utte, tee intensely intense. !The i following is the coda:_ ,>> Vening the hat:squarelY on the lovehead— yon madly. i i, lipping over thht eer—my little, brother haz got the m es.. Pulling K over the eyes,-you must ,not recognize me. ' Wearing it on the bach - of the head--4a ta • Taking it off and brushing it, the wrong way—my heart is busted. ; Bcddilig it•out in the ',right hand—lend't MO a quarter.' Leaving it with your uncle- 7 4 have been, to a church fair. • _Throwing it at a policenumLl love Tour sister. • . 'Using it 'as a fan—come and seamy aunt. Carrying a,brick in • it-4our cruelty is 'killing me: • , ' • ` ,Iticking it up. stairs His the old man around. ' itreet—i Xicking it acro ss the am I gaged- ' . 6 _ I • 'Hanging it on the left einow—lao;badlY I left. Parting it on the grottn4 and letting on —farewell forever. I The Dog Eine and peg Deoirt., Sirius, commonly called the "Dog Star," . . is now ru li ng -the limier:is,. ,` ; ;astronomically speaking, and is pit down in the abnan a ca for a rtUl of about six weeks.without regard to the fluctuations of tire weather or any thing of that kind. Sirius, it may be re marked, brings, with him the season known as the "Dog Daysi" when out of every hundred dogs you . meet akleast ninety-nine have the hydrophobia, -or are sugpowsi to have it, which amounts to about the same thing as far as the dogs. are concerned. Now is the time when dogs should be care 7 fui not to trot along the streets and high... , ways with their tongues 'lolling out, or to' carry their caudal appendages at a lower angle than at least forty-five degrees. These are the, two infallible signs which tradition has handed down from gene ration to generaticia to indicate that the dogls ' 'respiration, . terd-i perature and pulse are not in a normal condition. ' A dog with - these...signs follow ing him is a dangerous dog, has no rights which anybody ought to' respect, and should be snubbed and shunned, even if you have to mount a store-boy or climb a tree to do it. This is the season also when prudent and thoughtful citizens' Of r Towanda send their dogs into the country to some relative, ostensibly to. prevent the from biting some tore triendi but in reality to' avoid the payment of 'the dog-tax, or license. Dogs don't cost any more in Towanda, even with the ordinance compelling the payment of taxes for,' keeping them, than in the country,, where there\ is no tax imposed, providedyou only know the time the dog tax collector is coming around :and' then make yonr, arrangements for the : . prompt shipment of the dog to the 'country. for a brief period. Besides this, Sirius plays havoc with the small bey, who sneaks clandestinely from home and goes swim ming', by afflicting him with' boils much on the order, it is presumed, of the hind that worried a very worthy gentleman, named Job, several thousand, years ago.. These facts and many more, "tootedious to men tion," go to show• the vicious dilsposition Sirius, and the malevolence which ho en tertains tewards dogs and mankind gene- BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Geo. H. Terry had forgotten thnt,Satur day, July 22d; brought him a year further from his birth in Wyaksing, and a year nearer to a re-union with dear ones gone beforo,2till, coining in from the 'harvest field on the day mentioned, ho found his house filled with brothers and sisters and kind hearted neighbors, who came to congratulate him, and enjoy a friendly visit. He could easily understand and ap preciate the sympathy thus manifested, but the preparations for dinner, which evinced a week or more of.labor, wore not •so well understood. How the good things which - I made up a bountiful repast,„ came together so mysteriously. How the chickens which nmde the pies Me l t their fate souncomplain their head npon; the block with. oat a word of Protest, is lint [known to the ygetter-up of the - surPrise—his wife. But seriously, for-those making the visit, it was lan hour v.-ell spent. The' relaxation from toil l and the social intercourse will strengthen the ties which were: formed around the hearth 'stone of home, and will make the recipient feel that the friendship of his neighbors is something more than a name; and as one after another the birth-day gifts found the& way uPon the table before him, his heart felt , - far more than his lips could{ expirs. Eighteen years ago, and when nineteen years old, he celebrated his`'hirth day in the Sh6nandeah Valley, where, as a member of CampanY 8., Ist, N. Y. Cavalry, he7B helping Sheridan to make out the credentials of Gen. Early, as Minister to the Southern Confederacy, and was- also Present at their delivery in the autumn of that year, when he was sent in such hot haste, on mission that ho never got,htick to the valley again. From the storm of battle which swept- over him he returned unscathed,' and the one who watched over and kept hini there, has blessed him here with home, and friends, to compensate him' for the toil and hardship of camp life. But with all these attachments tender ties are' forming, which drew his heart to the hora where is, no Chore 'parting, -a father, and brother, land brothers' and sisters' children, "Not lost, but' gone befOre," are waiting for the "coming friends from home." • May the good Shepherd: keep in safety, and gather them, "without a wanderer los't," into the fold of everlasting rest ! S. EVERGREEN, .PA.; July: 30, 1882. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. AtISTLNIPfLI..E. D. Fellows, of , spent last Sabbath in this place. 11isibbie Mundy, or Canesaraga, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Carpenter. Mrs. Frank Parson, of Troy, was in town one day recently. Mrs. LundenEudd, and children of El mira, are visiting friends in Olis locality. Leis Ziegler, has returned from a so journ of several weeks in Philadelphia. ; Miss Nettie Austin, and her brother of Elmira, arri ved in town last week ? and in tend'spending some time with friends here Charles SMith an aged man residing in this vicinity is in &very feeble state. 1 Allie Haven; of Vellsboro, is spend ing part of her•sumrner vacation with her aunt ,Mrs. Aspinwall. • , Mrs. Ada li ne Shievti o has gone on an ex tended ,visitto friends in Syracuse, and the, )! Like coun t. illiloKennedy, who. has , been tick for some time prst,- shows no decided improve ! ment. limes Hibbard; and Joel Watkins, start-. ed last week for the Adirondack mountains, in puisuit of health and i•ecreation. July 31st; 102. IZA.ERIED. HALL—VAYBEI SKlHK—MaiTied _by EdJ ward A. Thompson F.sq.,, at his residence in Towanda' tOwnship, July 19th 1882, Charlo M. Hall Esq. of Towanda Pa., to Miss Jennie ' Vanßuskirk; of: Newfield; Tompkins counts, New York.: G.ARD—HORTON.--At the residence of Horton Shores, in Sheshequin, Jelly 26, 1882, by Rev. Chas H. Wright, Mr. .'- Walter Gard Of .Wysox and Miss Myr • ti ll a Horton, of Shesie quin. • WALTMAN—TAYLOR.—At. i the 31. E. Parsonage in Monroeton, July 27, 1882, by Rev. J. Lleyd Jones, Mr. Abram L. Waltman of J'enningliville, Pa., and Miss F. B. Taylor,i'of North Branch, Pa. ' .DIED. RICKIKIIT.—Ai Grover, Tidy 24, ; cli chOli3na infantani, Elsie Ellen, only child} of G. W. and Belle - Rash Rickert, aged ;tine . year and fourmonths. • - AESIGNEE'S , NOTICE. —= It! die matter of the voluntary assignment of B. 8, Teari, and B. 8. Tears & Son: The underaigned Assignee would:give notice that all persons in ' debted to B. B.lTears; - and 8..5. Tears k Son must make immediate payment, and all persona having claims against B. 8. Tears. ;and B. 8. Tears & Son must presentthem j :ly au thenticated for settlement to sac. • ; L. A. WOOSTER, knee. •Leßoy. May 10. 1882., 2m • . NoneF.--To all whom it may itxm cern; take' notice. , that I hereby persons harboring or trusting Lucy L. ihnith;-of Leßoy tn.. et my expense. as I will pay nO bills of her contraCting IMAM this date. • I 1, arum D. omit Pa.; ;lily Gib; 1882., - JOB PRINT OF ALL RINDS GP done at abort notice and reasonable 4tes 'Ube Rim:ma Moo. ' - • , wa BUSINESS LOCALS. 117811 PAM tau= a Wholeade and Detail at Dr. Et: C. Porter & Sou's. wAsrazi. A teacher for first grade of Rome Graded Schools. - A. P.; Yount. —Fresh lake ash and salt water fish at 0. M. Myer's market, Bridge street. May is-tr —L B. Bogen his a large 'itock of Bash Doors and Blinds, idso Moldings, and is selling cheaper than any other establishment in Pennsylvania, Go to Wiwi: owes far wall papers, bor ders- dados, cornice iitc.f He has some of the handsomest wall and ceiling decorations ever brought into Towanda. ' Mn. 0. A. BLACK, Aq'l". Dear Sir:—The "Dii4is" Sewing Machine I bought of • you Some seven years, ago (a second band machine thee) has given per satisfaCtion, doing, all kinds of family sewing without any repair, except a new *Ale justibought. P. ConProx. nista:thin/4x, April - , 22d,1882. It is well known that the most dent diseases,, sMall Pox, scarlet fever; .4iphthe ria, etc., ai , e contagious. If you have sick ness of this sort in your: 'house, the use of Phenol Sodique as 4 disinfectant will pre serve tho health of the the family. For sale by dniggests and general store keepers. See adv. dhcays- Refreshis l o 4 - A delicious odor is impirted by Fklest.on Cologne, which ii always refreshing, no matter how freely used.• , . iArßasu •Taim.r-Having purchased 160 Steam Saw Mill of J. 0. Saxton located in Now Albany Borough on the Sullivan and State Line Railroad, I a&prepared to furnish lumber of every description on short notice. Bill stuff a specialty. Bates reasonable.;' Or ders solicited. , I am also proprietor of the New Albany Ho tel, where all persons desiring accommoda tions can find them at reasonable rates. Good stabling. - J. W . 'New Albany, Jan. M. 1882.—Gm —No charge ter delivering, and .done promptly from C. M. Myer's market, Bridge street. hirt 1t -tf '—(lo to C. M. Blyees Market, Bridge street, ,or tho best cuts of fresh most. May 3.9-tf . Fainut Leaf Hair . Itatorer. ' • tl . m It is entirely different froni li . others. It is as clear as water, and, as i name indi cates, is a fect Vegetable • Restorer. It will imudiately free , the head. from all dandruff, restore. gray hair to its natural color and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does not in any manner affect the health, which Sulpha'', Sugar . of Lead and . Nitrate of Silver preparat ions have done. It will change light or faded hair in a fow "days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask Your druggists for it. Each bottle is warranted. Slum, KLINE & Co., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. CIiI*NTON, New York. 1..6, - 1, 1882. ly. ' The White is the stillest and easiest run ning Sewing Machine in the world. ' M. C. Wm.'s, Sole agent, Toivanda, Pa.-114.3m* Clover . and Timothy Seed. t . VII/CES DEDUCED. Stevens and Lgug have on 'mind a largo a opk Of Clover and Timothy Seed selected f m t e best new crops and warranted,true t na e. They hail) also a full Stock of Gar edSeeds in " Belk" and in packages, select from the crop of 1881. Together with an as i sortmeut always complete of all goods in th'eir "line;" all of which aro offered -at the lowest market prices and Warninted hi give sattsfaction. ' • . -.‘ Mr 23-tf. , TSB r,ArAnziwrs. • TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Corrected every Wednesday STEVENS a vaxg. Genetial, Milers in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE Corner of Wn and Pine Streets: 'TOWANDA. PA. Flour per barre 1....,.. Flour per sack Buckwheat Flour, 1 1 1 100; Corn Meal Chop Feed - Wheat, bushel Rye, " • Corn. " Buckwheat, •• Oats, : •• Beans' Potatoes, " • Apples Dried, V. lb.—. • Peaches " •• , -Raspberries Dried) p 1b . .. 020 Blackberries •• •• Pork. •f barrel • • Mama. tb ••• Lard, '• flutter, in Tubs a Firki4.'' 20022 Batter. in Rolls •'• 184020 1. gs Eg Clover Seed V bushel...'t 214 Timothy seed Ti bushel.. Beeswax, a lb Syracuse Salt ". barrel.., , Michigan Salt •' • • / Ashton Salt " Onions, 'ft bushel.. • (i) NEW FIRM I I ', NEW STORE NEW 000081 , Ed. Mouillesseaux (Forn;erly Ilond9lman;) Jewoiy Store - 1' 3, IN PATTOX'S BLOCK With Swart & Golden's Store, • Stain Street, Towsmda, Pa., /here ho keeps* FULL A1,0114,112111' or Gold & Silver Watches WNISS;AND AMERICAN;- CLoCks; SPECTACLE, ETC. Jor Ufa Stock Is all NEW and of'tha ,FINEST QUALITY, Calland aas for yoluself. - REPAIRING DONE' PROMPTLY.' • E ioliaylNG X EMECIALTY. ASBUR,Y---IPARK 'NEW, JERSEY. ,IiOR'rIIEND HOUSE C. T. surrja, Matiatter, (formerly of the Ward House.) - Tbie hones occuldea the finest location In the Park. Only 200 Prde fro:nth* belch. Full sad anobetrtiqed view pi Wan. ZUanett = PAYING.. EGIGSING. IC 00 ®8 C.O 1 75@211 2 000 200 =ISE 100® tg , • 00®95 55060 S 00@3 25 25 004027-00 17 • - 16 5 40a6 00 2 75@2 80 20@22 2 75®3_00 ■ HAS ORENYD A OF MS OWN J EWELRY, . , , Br. Vati.irr, Bedford Co.; Pa. - . D. Cr :snit Jonsson : A short trial of pony Indian Blood Syrup, has given :no great relief for Itheinnatism. It is tho best Medicine I iver used. , , JOBN,PIINZL. iiii P9wFaiLL:_a- .Cia. I= THIRTY DAYS Ladies Colored Cloth Saeques, Dohnans, Ulsters and Fiehus EMI Presentigea - son and Fall Wear, MANUFACTURERS COST. These goods are all fre.4ll , NEW GOODS, and Were selected with great care DIRECT FRO_ MI THE MANt7FACTUREI3.. .; ' l l llO$E CALLING EARLY - Will find an EXCELLENT . ASSORTMENT to choose from. AGRICULTURAL - MACHINERY R. Al:, , e WELLES, Wholesale and itetall TOWANDA, P.A Just received a car load of superior barrows. Now bi the thine to buy the best harrow you ever saw for.preparing your Buckwheat and Wheat grounds. One will pay for itself in one season. Sulky Spring Tooth- Harrows With and , without' SEEDER ATTACHMENTS. Several of the best kind of these convenient turrows. Would invite particular attention to the Miller and Albion' Sulky Harrows and seeders. ; • Wlo . - , - rc I Chilled .Plow, ),. Teat of all plows. SIDE HILL -PLOWS. . CHURN POWERS, cheap lind good. Send for pekes: kc. ' I , • , Call and see my Whitney Open and Top Dig gies,Ckirton Carryall, and Platform Wagons. , I have wagons as good as you can get made to or. der. and at much less prices. All warranted to be durable " whale:bone" wagons. , -. Juburn Farm 11r6.0.0ns The best Fella. arid Lumber Wagons t n the market. , . Sp e cial , lincements to cash buyers of all, goods in n in° I .. ! • • :...11 Pr load ? of Fresh Cement. Sheathing and!' Buildisig Papers. Vermin Proof Carpet Lining Papers. , PREII.ARED- MIXED pAINTS! MOwing Machineisnd Reaper Repairs. Write for prices and circulars, or mai and see me. • • 11: WELLES.- EE Tcivands, Pa., June M, 18827tf Stevens & Long ' General Dealers in Gitoczruzs, PROVISIONS, L_ COUNTRY PRODUCE REMOVED e To thettnew store, COB• MAIN AND PINE .I,lll'S v IThe old stand of Irox.Stestina &Moroni.). They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stook of :. - ';OhoiCe''NOtoods, which they IMIII have' alwayr on - hand, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRODUCE TRADE And, Club raid Jar Defizable , Kind& Yla; LONO. I • I= .an Blood Syrup - of -the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Skin ions testify try-its efficacy in healing the above ,nri pronounce it to be the Remedy Known to Man: *AGENTS WANTED. - ei: 7 West 3d St., New York City. Druggisis sell it.. Remedy for Rheumatism. , • Will offer for the next The balance of their stock of Suitablc.for the, MEI MI 1 ..." To the ono.. Errzviats. Railrcad Thne.fialblei. BARCLAY R. R. TIME-TABLE. TAKES EFFECT JAW 1, 1882. TRAINS ; NORTH.; 0 4 Way Ac i e' ' Mail., Mon' STATIONS !A.m.T.M (.1.29; 9.20 Ar. Towanda ... Dep.; G. 171 3.15 6.03' 9.05 Dep. .... Monroe.... Az., G. 351 3.30 /6.021 0.41 '.r: i ....Monroe.... Dep.: 6.41 3.31 5,5.4; , Maiontown .• 6.4 i, 3.35. 5.5.3 ; •• ~ G reenwood . . " 6.52; 3.40 5.46! - 43.11 Y •• 7.001. 3.47 *5.39i*46:14+ " " *7.111*3.54 '5.35 '3.35 `• . Larn6ka.... " ! *7.15,*3.56 5.311 N. 31 ." Lipng o VallesJunc . " 7.19', 4.02 5.201 e.lsiDep; . - Foot of. Plane. Ar. ! 7.37! •4.15 • Indicates that trains do not stop. . - F. Fi LYON, 13np't and DWI, 2arolay, Pa. 1 2m rB2 T EHIGH VALLEY & PENNA. AND NEW YORK RAILROADS. ARRANGESSENT OF PASSENGER. TRAM TO TAKE EFFECT JAN. Ist, 1582. EASTWARD. STATIONS lEE diagara Falls Buffalo Rochester ... Lyons . Geneva. • Ithaca Auburn ' ' •• ' Owego • Elmira Waverly •... Sayre Athens. Milan Mater Towanda... Wysauking Standing Stone Rummerlield -Frencbtown Wyalusing • Laceyrille . .. Skinner's Duly—. Moshoppen itehoopany i• Tunkhannock LaGrange • ,Falls.• L k B 4=6iion Wilk-m -Barre , itsucn Chunk Allentown • Bethlehem Easton Philadelphia ' New York ME • ' ' WESTWARD. - - , . 01 OV 3 it '' STATIONS. , 0 1 . . _...........;.__;..._ • 11'.31.'A.X.1A.X. 1 P.1F New Y0rk.....- I 6.30', .... 7.401 3.46 Philadelphia 1. 8.00 i .... 9.00 4.15 i 9 9 .50 .2 Ci .......... 1 1 0 0 . 45 13 6 5..5 1 0 8 Easton • - Bethlehem Allentown .... ... : ........ ..',10.651.... i 10.54 6.24 Mauch Chunk... - .. , 11.05. ~. .111.35 .7.25 Wilkes-Barre... 7 • 1:08 1 7.20! 203 9.45 L A B Junction. , . '1,35, 8.0 8.41 2.25 10.10 Falls ... ..... ...,..;...• ... '. ... ....1 8.27 .... 10.32 LaGrange - Tmlkhannock ...... . ~ 2.16 8.65 , 3.01 10.51 Blehoopany.....;: .... ~.. • • •• • • 94 1 •• • • 11.72 31 .eshoppen ....1. , .... 9.27 3.27 11-.29 Skinner's Eddy.. ': ...... , . ..- 9.43 '. 11.45 ceyville .... 1 3 .0; 9.50' Y. 46 11.50 10.14 1 4.1X1 12 ii 7 Wyalusing ' 1 - Frenchtown - • 10.271 .... 12.17 Rnmtherileld ...-', 10.371 .... 12.24 Standing Stones • . . .... 10.44 .... 12.30 Wysauking -it: - • 10.51 12.37 . Towanda ... ' it:-... uoa r 443 12.46 'Ulster ' A. 11.17 4.53'12:57 Milan •.. . .11.26'. . . 1.06 Athens ' 4.3011.34 6.10 .1.15 Sayre-. 7 4.4011.411 5.20 1.23 .1 _Waverly t 4.45'11.501 5.30 1.30 roniral % • .6.25 1 ,12.40 6.16 .2.15 Owego - 1. 5:30; .... 6.25 .... Auburn .... 9.35 .... , . Ithaca ":' ' i - 6.101 .... 6.40 .... Geneva . 7.411.'... 8.14 .... Lyons,, Rochester ' 9.50 6 . .10 9.40 ...; Buffalo 11.40 8.1012.06 • Niagara rails,. .1., 1.03 1 9.251 1.061 , . 1 P.X. P .X. A.X. • . • No.'32leaves Wyalusing at 6:0006. M., French town 6.14. RnzpmerAeld 6.23,Standing Stone 6.31 Wysanking 6.40. Towanda 6.63, Vlater 7.06, Milan 7:16 Athena 7:25, Sayre *7:40. Waver ly 7:55. arriving atD,Emirs 8:50., A. M. • No. 31 leaves :Emirs 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20. 511lAn 6:30. Mater 6:40, TaWands 6:55, Wyaauldng 7:03. Standing Stone 7.14, Nummerteld 7:22, Frenchtown 7:12. :arriv ing at Wyaltising at 7:45., P. Ll. ' — .Trains 6.,,1nd 15 run daily. Bleeping earl on trains Rand 15 between Niagara Palls and Phila. delphia and - between - Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains and: between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with out change, and through coach to .and from Rochester via Lyons. , WM. STEMNSON, Supt.- Jan. • 1882. Pa. &N.Y.N. R. ^ A. N. NELSON a„,: - el ...... 14 DEALER Di \ WATCHES, 5 CLOCKS. tl FLicill - GOLD AND PLATED ( o bk., .11SSIELER of every variety. and Spectacles. far Particul &tentioa paid to repstrins. Shop in Decker Vonght's Grocery Store, slain Street, Tousnds. Penna. aspo4l DJONE4::4II.F.A.AVCAXPHOR, IS:THE NAME of Ile popular Linament that cam Ithonmstism.- Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffener Joints, Frost Bites, Pain in the pace, Head o, Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains, Burns; Mosquito Sites, Sting or Hite of an insects 'Poison Vinee.l etc., for Man or Haas Always reliable, and - almost instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it le pleasant to apply.' Sold .0 y all druggists Price 25 cts. - D.—This Liniment received a Prise mow at the State Fair.-1879. ASA JONES, Prorr. 319 X. 3d Bt.. Phila.. Pc Jan. 13 * 6-m. roR SALE. One second-hand Eigineand toiler. in good condition.) En-- 'gine 12:20. Tubillar. Boiler. Force Pump; Con nections. etc. Suitable for a saw or grist mill. Flare been running 4 run of- stone with it. Reason for selling is that I sin Jac:testae tbe capacity of my mill. and putting in larger engine. For full particulars call on or address a: A. DAYTON. Tomaadajap. Juno THADIS SOUTH. 3 ; Ace W. tion..l Mall 15 9 ; 1 7.20 .... 10.051.... ,11.05 1 11.05 i.... 1.35 P.N. 7 15 9.20 2.10 9.40 2.30'10.00 1 2.34 1 10.05 1 10.15 ;10.2. 3.00 6043 _' 10.54, 11.10 r _121.10% 3.36 . 11.30 •3.6 7 / 1 1.50 111.53 4.12 12.10 . 112.16 4.35 1.00, 1.10 1.24 5.10 1.45 5.301 2.20 7.3 51 4.60 8.216.53 i 8.45 6.05 2.00 6.40 110.401 8.40 I 9.15 3.45 4.15 1. 4.30 4.34 10461 505 5.13 IEI TEO 1.05 1.35 3.45 I 4.44 5.00 5.30 1 0.55 i 3.051 P.M 8.00 9.40 A.K
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