1101.0)Mit TRACY / rubUsill;rs. OL. --TILE dlord Republican is P►d►lished Every •Ttu►rsday, TO\Vi\NDA..P.I.., BY OLCOMB & TRACY. $1.5 0 i'cr Annum. lila .14tIveisiee :erlistaig Bates—Six cents a line tor first lton, an t five cents per line for all sub , e• it inserting. Beading notice advertising cents per line. Eight lines constitute a and twelve lines an inch., Auditor's ,ces $2.50. ••Administrator's and Executor's Ices s2. o a. Yearly advertising $1:0.00 per llsrouticas ie published in the 1 'soy, end Nobles Block, at the corner of Slatu Pine streets, over J. F. Corner ' s Boot and store. Its cireulation is over 20(10.. As as :rtising medium it is unexcelled in its im iate ,:wanda Business Direc,i :ry ATTORAEYS-AT-LAW .EVEL.I..):I) S McGill, ERN. (E. J. Clevelandi McGorern). Canton, Bradford County AU business entrusted to their care in stern BrtdfordAvill receive prompt attention. , :nprr2-1 y • ITII k Attorneys-at-Law; Offiel over Powell L Co. .CLIFF, .1. N., Office in Wood's Block, south Frnt National Bauk, up stain. June 12,18 ,13REE 'soS (X-C Eistorce and L Elsbree.) Marc= Block. Park St. mak) 4.78 CK OVERTON (Benj Peck and D A Ov , r fr.nl. Office over Hill's Market 0-111 :ETON ts SANDERSON (E Overton and Ann FSanderton.) Mee in Adams Block. julys-Yb AXWELL, WTI. Office over Dayton's Store apri114,76 T. J. ANDREW. Otlico in Mean's Block apr 1,1,76 AVIES, CAW:QM:IAN k HALL. (W T Dark,. W earnozhan, Lll Hall.) Office in rear Want Honse.Entyance on Poplar St. 0012,75 'WEIL RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents Particular attention paid to business itr haus' Court and to the settlement oCoststes. in Moutany - e's Block 49-79 (-I.IIERAON &: YOUNG. (I. McPherson and W W. I. Young.) Office email side of Mercnr's feb 1,7 n LIAMS, ANGLE k BUFFINGTO.N. (// Angle and E D west sitf(i of Main street, two doors north' rglis °Oleo. All business entrusted to their will roc ice prompt attentloni oct 26,77 AMES 11. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Attor; neys and counsellors-at-Law.- Office in the rcur Block. over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. july3, 'BO A.:NEY. J. P. Attorney-at-Law. Cam ,in Moutanye'g Block, Main Street. .pt. ,4)MPSoN, W. 11. and E. A., Attorneys-at aw.,.Towanda, Pa. Office in Idercur Block, C. T. liirby'a Drug Store, entrance.on Main firat stairway north of Post-office. All sines' promptly attended to. Special atter'. given' to claims against the „United States • l'ensioi.r. Bounties, Patents. - etb., and to tiections and settlement of decedent's neater. •.ri121.!. ly • RY B. M'ICEAN, ATTORNEY-ST-LAW, iaiicitor. of Patents. GoTernment 'claims at nth.,l to. i fl6febB2 PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS IINSON. T. 13., M.D. Wilco ovat Dr. H. C. l'orteri'e Drug Store. feb 12,78 WiTON, Dm. D. N. F.O. Office nt'Dweillog on River Street, corner Weston St. i feb 12,77 Nothing Sliort of Unmistakable Benefits ; Conferred upon tens of thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain the reputation which AYEn's SARSA PARILLA enjoys. It is a compound of the best vegetable alteratiVes,-with the lodides of Potassium and Iron, —all poweribl, blood-making, bid:l'd-cleansing and life-sustsdning and is the most effectual of. all "remediesl for scrofu lous, mercurial, or blood disorders. Uniformly: successful and' certain, it produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils, HUmors, Pim ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disorders arising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating effects it always relieves and ott4n ,cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a. potent renewer of waning vitality. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and lieserves the health, and impaits vigor land energy. For forty years it -has 'been in extensive use, and is to-clay the Anost available Imedicine for the suffering] For sale by all druggists. -9 1 • ISTAL LODGE, SO. 57. Moots at E. of P. I A. BEVERLY S .ki.l): C. .6..-11.0; Wiles Ist door above old bent building, on Main street. Special at• don given to diseases of the throat and julpl9.iB oplitTfiN. S. M.D. Office-and reef deneo. Main street, north of Nl.E.Church. ical Examiner for Pension Drrartment. lab 22.78 AYNE, E. D.. M.D. Office over Mi3ntanyo's Store. Office boors from . 10 to 12 a. at. and on 2 to 4 r. M. Special attention given to ,eases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. Oct 20,77 IWNF.R. H. L., M.D.. • llllouccorsTutc PirrstutmtF StawkioN. ,idrnre and office just north of Di: eorbon's in street, Athens, Ps. ' • HOTELS :Sill' HOUSE Main st., next corner south of Bridge street. New house ;and new aiture throughout. The proprietor has irpd ueitheF pains or expense in making his , tel firet-clais and respectfully solicits a share public patronage. Meala at all hours. Terms isonable. Layge Stable attached. • s 77 WM. 'HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES KINS POST,- NO. GS, G. A. 8.. Meets every. Saturday evening, at Military Hall. OEO. V. MITH, Commander. Kurrarrar. Adjutant. teb 7, 79 Hall every. Monday evening at 7:30. In ,rance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per w.eok. Aver. 0 annual cost, 5 years experience, $11: - JESSE MYERS, Reporter. • Pitmen, Dictator. ! fob 22.78 DFORD LODGE. NO.IO, I. 0. 0. F. Meet In odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening 7 o'clock, WannEs Hizr.. Ntipie Grand. june 12,75 . • e - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. ST, F. E. No. 32 Second street 11 orders will receive prompt attention. • June 12.75 EDUCATIONAL 'SQUEIIANNA 'COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The SPRING TERM will begin Monday, it 3, BY:. For catalogue or other tnfor• ',ton, address or call on the Principal. . EDWIN_ E. QgniLAN, A. M. Towanda, Pa. Is 1.1.7 s PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER LLIAII3. EDWARD. 'practical Plumber and Oaa Fitter. Piece of businesi in lifer. :Meek next door to Journal office opposite ablic Square. Plumbing. Gas kitting, Repair. 1g rumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing r ,, eeptly attended to. All wanting work in his ne should give him a call. July 27,77 f - INSURANCE 881.:LI., 0. 8, 6encral Insurance Agency, Towanda, Pa. Office In W hitcomb'. Book ere. ,July 12,74 9 1 4 .1 1: And had One of His 25 CENT DINNERS E'FTER HEADS, SILL HEADS 2 :4 NOTE IIEADS,Ie, printed in the bent style the art at the ittrinn.Mrit -office. : --- . 1 t 1f , ,.. ' " , `.. ,:.,....z : . . ~. -,. ; , - _; ,-- ' 4 .i.R.T...... -- 1, -. . -.,,. • . - . - • . - - -. --- f" - ' - . ---- 1 - --- -- - - --' - '-' --- •';---- ' .. 7 i '--..--••• ... .:,,,-: - ' ~, - - . . - -,-, . - ' - - 1 • - --.; ---,-;',---''' - . . I ~. . . . - 5. • . , ~.. . .. .. F . ..., . ..... ....„.„,........,.., • ••• • : . . ..,. ... _. , . .- . .._ ..,....._,....,.........0‘ , ~,,,,...r....„,,.... ~/. ‘•,- ---,. ,•.--, - , , . .. . . .. :„....... ~....,.., ~ . . . . ..:,.... ::___,......._ ._ .. .. . . , ...A..._ . ' . . . 4 1 - .. Cep - • • I 0 . . • • '. ' . ea f - N ' \•••1iitiv,14 ...e .2.,-.!;,..pPr- - - .01 - k , .. iLar'-,_".••• 4 3 01 ,1 .....' . - ra. - z,.".5.- .-- ' - • . .. ..- •I . . . . . - . . - ' - I . 1, . • Miscellaneous •Advertlsements. is given by using Biomes IRON IhrrEßs. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches theiblood and conquers disease;`in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive in lie Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. Ili no, way can disease be • so iiitely pieverktedlasAty , •. keepipg the system in per fect' ondition. BROWN'S Birraits ensures per— fect " health through the . changing seasons ; it disarms the; !danger from im pure water, and miasmatic air, and it : prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liv r Dis ease, "&c. H. S,lBerlin, Esq. of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin SrCo„ Attom s, Le Droit Building, W hing ton; D. C., writes,,D c. sth, 1881: The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. NATHAN TIDD, PITTSTON, WILKESBOR, FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR r OUm HOUSE. 1 7 . 0 WANDA. PA. TOWANDA, PA sir LOWEST' PRICES FORICASH. The patronage of nly.old trien2 .ezlerslly is solicited. BOOK AND Dealer in Scroll Sal i3OOKBINDING OF I DONE, NEATLY and Fine Blank Amateur's Supplies. This department of my business is very corn plate, and being a practical saner myself I know the wants of my patrons. 1 - WOODS. SAW BLADES, CLOCK MOyEKENTS, constantly on band. - air $1.25 worth of designs for ill. Send for price lists. "IMPOSTER" BINDERY, Park street, Ttrwands, Pa P. O. bin. 1512 DR. JONES'CREAIROAMPILOR. IS THE NAME OF the ,p6pular Liniment that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Swollen or Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites. pain in the.ltce. Head or Spine. Chapped bands, Brnisee,Sprains. Burns. Moaquioto Bites. Sting !or Bite of .an in. Sect, Poison from common Poiscin Vines. etc:. for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost •instantaneous in its relief. Having= agreeable odor, it is pleasant to. apply. Sold by alldrug. lists. Price 25 cents. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal a the Stale Fair.ls79. . . mar 2017 In the Whole History of Medicine' No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Air En's CHERRY PEcron.u., which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures In all cli mates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to:4 employ. Against4rdinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely; aisiays lieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and chtst disorders, makes ‘it an invaluable remedy to be kept Ways on hand in every home. No person can , afford toi be without it. and those who have once used it never wilL From their knolledge of its composition and operation, physicians use the CHERRY rxiguntAt. extensively in their practice, and clergymen recom mend it. It is absolutely certain in its healing effects. and will always cure where cures are possible. For sale by all druggists ; - Lini New Life Gesithmen: rtake pleas mein stating that I have used Brown'S Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervoustroubles, caused tby overwork, • with excellent results • Beware of imitations. Ask for BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, and insist on having it. • Don't be imposed on with -- sotnething recom mended is "just 4c.s; good." (Successor to Mr. McKean,) • j . AND LOYAL SOCK 0.0 MY - SPECIAL SELE POETRY. TEE SPIDER WEB. - Who but a fain Mrer lived In a house s° airy? ' A bit of clout!' tied fast, as it were, And framed of the finest gossamer, • A wonderful, shining, silky house, Swaying here in the sweet•briar boughs, Sprite of some idnd, queen of the air, Must needs be the one for a home so fair. Does she, I wonder, - Stand these pale-pink blossoms under, ' Dressed in a sklit of vaptey blue, All spangled over with drops of dew lb Does she wear a crown, and in her hand Carry aloft a long gold wand? Ras she wings to fly with', gauzy, green ? And where are the folk she toles as queen I look and linger, And touch the web with careful linger, • Wben—in an eager, crafty way-- -Out leaps a little gnome in gray! The tiniest ogre that ever ate And watched for prey at his castle gate, His eight king anna. SO strong and bold • With whlebto seize and strangle and bold ittittit s airintaltie" /- dmirtnins' it creature passing orr— A bee'or fly ou tired Careless and fond of loitering, I wonder if a mimic ruar - Would reach its ears from out its door? Fe, it, fo, fum ! te. u, to, Mail • I will have some I will have some _ —Youth's Companion. MISCELLANEOUS. THE INVALID - CLERK. It was the twilight of a crisp, cold winter day. Qui side, the awing of a flock if be, kited crows made sorrowful music, as !their wings were outlined against the deepening orange of the suns,:it; while-in the cozy farm kitchen the huip was already Heated, and 'Mrs. Flint was bustling about preparing the evening meal, while . Marnh, her niece, sat and sewed With flying fingers on the house- - hold linen. " I should like it so much, aunt," said the girl, lifting her eyes wistfully. to.:•the old lady's face. "But, Marah,r- said Mrs. Flint, setting the earthenware teapot where its fragrant leaves could steep slowly, on the back of the stove. "I don't see that I can spare you, my dear. There's so much to 41.) now that' grandma is feeble, and yodr uncle •has to hire two men for the woad 'cutting, and theT've got to be boarded here; and your cousin Louisa is coming here with her child ren until spring." . ' • Marsh sighed softly. Was it always to be her lot to be sacrificed for the general goOd of others ? "I navel...earned any money for myself, aunt," she said. " And this is such an_ e z • tellent opportunity to get a place in Mr. Marchland's store Sue Nellie has written to me that there' will be a vacancy in the fancy department very soon, and—" "John Itaichkind is a sort of distant re. • laden ofpnrs;too," said Mrs. - Flint. "Though I've never seen him,,l knew his mother well. And I dare say he would give you a good place and be kind to r you, if you entered his store. It would be an excellent chance for you to'see the , world; too. For .I know Wan dull life here, my dear, but I don't see any help for it ! Perhaps in c n year or two .we can spare you better." So Marah Flint was compelled to give np .the'little plan over which she, had-dre:iuned so many pleasant - dranis. For Marah was only eighteen, and she had always lived in the backwoods, and worn her aunt's old dres4 made over, and _mailed meekly on grandina and Uncle Abner. ' • Mr.' Marchiand himself 'Was, perhaps, a little disappointed, when Miss Nellie, the forewoman, whose father owned the next and the pnbl . 9sap: 8. farm to Abner Flint's aske:clhim if she should promote .one of the packing-girls to the va cant plaCe in the fancy department. " But I thought you Wei() going' to write to that little unknown i'obb:in of mine ?" said - ! • 1 "8o I did," said A NTics, gellis ; "but they can't spare her frunt nouie;, it seems. It's a clear case of Cinderella among the ashes. exci Eihejs the sweetest. . ost unselfish girl I ever saw ; bat, all the o it's a shame that she should be buried live ;in that sort of way ( l" { - . . . "Very,' well," said Mr. „Xarchland, "1 supiose she understands heir, own business best. Put Julia Finch in the place." The next day, Upcle Abner Flint, - to his infinite. amazement, received a brief note from Marchlands & Co„. asking if it Wotild bemonvenient for bun to receive, as a board er for a few weeks, a young man from the store, wiles° health required change and. rest. DER "I will be responsible 'for his Istard," , wrote Mr. Marchland. "He has only hid own exertions to depend on, and I ant sure I may so far presume on our distant rely tionship as to trust that yon will receive him kindly." t - " Marsh," said Mrs. hint, in some per-i plexity, " what are we to do?" " Why; take the poor fellow, of course," w ac:ds. LL KINDS said Memh. • • "But it will Make More work," said Mrs. Flint. • "Never mind the , work," said cheery Micah. "I dap say we can manage it t)o tweak es." .8 CHEAPLY ooks " Marsh always did look; on t,ho sunny tide of things," said Uncle Abner who se renely left the domestic administration to his womenkind. ' . " ye`don't want no boardets here," said Cousin Louisa, a low-spirited young matron, who talked through her nose, and cried and sniffed a good deal . over her troubles. "There's only just room for the ,dear child ren, and me now that the wood-cutters have the north bedroom." "There's the little room with the sloping roof close to the cbinmey," suggested Marsh, "where we keep the chests of linen, and herbs, and seed corm We might fit that up nicely. I coulefput down'a breadth of new tag-carpet beside the bed, and make cur. tains out Of the worn-out sheets ; and, I dare, lay, the young man won't be particular." "Bat he's a mere clerk—a porter, for, all we know," , whined Cousin Louisa; whose deceased husband had been bar-tender in a railway's:doom . "I guess it won't hurt us to associate with him," said Uncle Abner, dryly; "and I tell you wind, mother, if our Marah 'luta all the eztra work and care, she shall have the board money, oil" "Of -course she shall," said Mrs. Flint.. • And Cousin 'Louisa sighed deeply, and remarked "that some folks allays bud all ; the luck and slid never got no chance to !earn Intwey The young man from the store arrived--a mild, unassuming *person, who was very quiet and made very little trouble. walked in the pine woods,—for his 'health, he add,—and helped the stal*ert wood.cnt ters now and then. Ho sat by the fire and read. He answered trade Abner's,qUestions about the house of ktarehland it CO. with great frankness. Yes; he liked the business. Ho hoped in time to work his way up in it. Marchland was very I kind to hint. He aid not consider Mr. Marchhind a haughty iser (this in reply to Cousin Louisa). Mr. prpbably bad his faults, but. it not his place to criticise Ids employee: • f TQNP/iN . I)A.,- . ,:l3llD*;qkpl.:coTTN, F rri,*4 -. : . THURSDAY, --AUGU S T" 3. 1.882.-. ducriPEENlP A tli*, OF TEE .PEOPLE . 1rX:14191._ PEOPLE AND FOB THFePEOPLI.." . , "Poor fellow " said bonein LiOtliek 19tien helutd gone out with Uncle Abnee o . ripe with the DX team into the wood& "I deal s'Pose he gets six do*: a .week, to by hie . talk. I thouglit :night be induced to cluing° my ,widowed'eondition,llf . be was if likely fellow, with a good income. But I guess I shan't waste nous of my atten tions on him!" . • " He seems sexy quiet and pleasant," odd Munk. • "And he steps about awful spry for a sick man," remarked grandma, Who sat knitting in the chimney-corner. • " Oh," said,Dlrs t Flint, "he isn't real sick, He's only a little down, with malaria end over-work. Ho'll be till right by spring; yen just see if ho won't l" At the end of the first week, wheal he offered to pay his board, Mrs. Flint gave it back to him. . . . " You needn't mention it to your employ er, Mr.tJohnron," Said she (John 4ohnson: wastlinnaine on the bmirder's valise). "But we was tltinkin7;lne and-MaMN that you wasfil very weltoff:. and 'So. we'd make you a present of the board." - "You are vi s ery kind,", said the, young man, with a slightly flushed face, " Marsh's present, not mine," added .. Mrs. Flint, bluntly.• "We told her id' o should have the money for. the board.. = But she thinks you need it more'n she does." "I do not know how I shall ever thank her," said the boarder, fervently. But he did not argue the point any further. i j And Mrs. Flint confidentially inforined her niece that "she believed the beard money was quite an obtitm to Mr. Jol•ol , rn, poor fellow." While Cousin Ditties elevated , her Bahian nose and remarked that "she ( didn't. Lake much Stock in paupers. If folks couthet . support themselves decently," she thought,. " they'd Ought to go to the poorlonses.r • Marsh, however, had all her sympathies thoroughly enlisted in behalf of the silent young guest. She mended his stocking on the sly,—she RIM Oat his linen was kept in good order,Ahe made little daintiels to tempt his rather feeble appetite, from time to time. "You are very good to 'Me," he said,, ono day, as he saw her swift .needle gliding in and put of a pocket-Handkerchief of his, which had got torn among' the bushes from which ho had been gathering ,scarlet, berries, She smiled. i . "We are both solitary and alone hi the world," site said. "Only that yoU are friendless, and I have my good nuclei' and aunt to rely On." "I am not so friendless as I was a few weeks ago," said he. "For 1 veriturel now to count you among the list of my friends. -' I have even dared to hope-" I " What? " she asked, without looking up, while the color deepened on her cheek,l anti her eyes were intently fixed on the gleaming progress of her 'needle. "That if I can provide a hombre hokio in, New York on my return you will not disdain ta.7share it with me. Tell me, Marah, 'do yr think you could -care for me ?" • The tears, sparkled into Marsh's eye. k" Have I betrayed :myself ?" she j said. "Have I allowed you to discover how dear. ly I lova you ?" • - 4 " And I loved you, Mundt," he I mid, gravely, "when first I rl looked npon your face." So Marah Flint promised to be the m i ac of the young man from the store. 1 Mrs.' Flint sighed and shook her head, and said she didn't know how ever she should manage without Marah. Grandma express. ed herself to the . effect that Mandl would make the best little wifein the world.] Un cle Abner said "he s'posed gals would get, Married, and theychuldn't expect toteep her forever." Cousin touisa said " she thought, the gal was crazy, eo uutrry a poor elCrling fellow like that 1" The young man smiled as- he sat heside Marah, in the light of the huge hurtling logs which crackled upon the, evening hearth. `" I don't call myself a! second Itothschild,"• said he, "and I am certainly conversant with all the duties pertaining to a Clerk's office.' But, after all, perhaps I am not Ode a candidate for'the almshouse. .For I have not claimed all the names in this house to which lam entitled. lam John ltlohn soh, it is true, but lota also John Johnson Marchland, the head of the firm of March- land Sc _ Cos And lam Marah's third-cousin into the, bargain." • I " Je—rnsalem 1" exclaimed honest old Un cle. Abner . " And what brought you here t" " Well," - said Mr. 3larehlaud, "I - had heard Miss Nellie speak of my cousin Mandl, and I felt a sort of curiosity to see her just as she was. r had been sufficiently tlii3g,ust ed by the airs and graces of city yon4g la dies to wish for a genuine wild-wood blossom, so I came-to the old Connecticut ,fann, and hero . I have snceeaded in finding my ideal." "Bless me 1" cried Mrs. Flint. "SO our little Matnh will.be a rich lady after all, and ,wear a silk frock every day, and keep a hired girl to dO the kitchen work!" I , . , -She deserves it all," said grandma; • "Laws-aanassy 1" saidConsin Louisa. ' While silent little Marsh was perhaps the most astonished of all. She felt like the a i n heroine of airy tales, whose sober, brown. coated pe tamer is turned suddenly into the beardif 1 -young prince, all sparki sg with diamonds. \ • _ , Bat she was very happy. , Ar.:l a was as , grawlma said: she had deserved it.---8/er A Wrrimis 'Wrrn EAns.—ln an assault and battery case before ii,Wayne county Justice the other day the prosecution intro duced a blind man, who had to be led to the witness box. "Is this a legal trial •or a farce?" demanded the, lawyer for the de fense, as , be sprang up: . "This is a legal trial," replied the other laWyer. " Mid you want a blind man sworn to • tell what he saw, do you?" .! "I don't claim that, I . saw the fight," replied the witness sas he': turned around.; "Then what do yon know about it ?" "Well, sir, I'm going on the ; stand to swear ,to what heard. I've been., blind and lame and had corns and boils ,for ithe last fifteen years, but when I hear the splin ters fiy from a rail fence, I don't want any eyes to tell are whether' the plaintiff hit :the top rail with his bead or feet. 1 heard the 'kerchug' of the blow and when the I plain-, tiff came down and hollered 'Oh, land's, but I'm a licked man !' I knew by the Way he hang his words that he'd lost half his front teeth. I'm ready, your honor.—betrait Free Press. • • • A PniAema's Josrs,'. 7 -IVbeu. Mr. Chapin Was dining at a hotel he' was served' with • what was called barley soup on the bill of f are.s , ` That is not barley soup," said he to the waiter ; o it is. barely - soup." On =- Other occasion, .while traveling in the South with his wife,'whO was uncommonly dark comple;ionell. he addressed an old Colored man as: "uncle." "How happens it," said his wifkroguishly, "that that colored, num . is your "uncle r "'Fe is My uncle 'by mar riage, I supper." XBO once . ask . ‘l his' ' daughter, who was din a pronounced inn natio and very small,' "Marion,. why . ',ere you like a certain Ilostcm 'book publishing house ?" "I give it up, father," said she " Because you are little and brawn," was tlielkOwer.—Wis(f4 1 - - E En 11limits - :Fuels beiiititi sit Wei 66 That tiler seifi Oigo Few. Pee Pie h 4 ,_ ..,.,...,ve. .1 1 . 2 3 ? Ideßef the tremendotis elAWlLiiiiklag B o y's IgeWa" r tiOrtat-liteivitare."; thei . .ir' : Was a . time wen there was so UMW „'juvenile feral. ing, britit ie for exceeded 'amount amount by vsac which . _ exerts 'en iiiktettairjor bad: Tbti manager of the llnkinindk - Mews CompanY says The'weekVifirit of the boy's papers dis' tributed - bilhossy's district is about 10,000 cow part of which pa( to the Isity.(4 . 100innitithere are between 150 inta.l7s 4: ° *M's who supply the rising generation with Ilitkind of Men tal stimulus. It is - One eirWebeat Paling things that we deal ill: amt#l ls a ttralling business. There Ica ggr94944.,g t eritiorefia., ing demand for 4210.14 1 / 2 cera seek, h.at story Pa", pensforboys are. .* " ' "are a l days the- FPekli-anti*: .. t ' ' to Sa K a Akli ;t ' t inter &ens. n rot a_ • ; VA; filly as many men and women. The men who get these papers tip are till making a fortune every ,yesr. 'There is Munro, who issues half a dozen boy's publications, with the largest printing house in New York, and the rest of the men in the business are very little behind him. They. always keep their editions two or three weeks ahead. I have been in their establishments tnid seen the paperwpiled up in great rooMs ready- for distribution, stacks on stacks', enough, it looked like, to supply every Man, woman, and child in the United States With a copy. " What kind of 'stories tAlqt the best ?" queried the reporter. • "I think detective storieSia6 liked about as well as anything.' At ono time six of these boy's papers had detective stories run 'ling, and all under the generic same of SlcUth. -. Just now, however, the James boys, have risen in favor, and are in great demand; More stories about their life and adientures have been sold during the last three montl4 than anything else." • The greater part of these titles appeal di rectly to the sympathies of young America; they are striking, and having to do with boys, they attract him at once.- As the read er will also observe, most of them are im piobable if not impossible on their , face. rh.eSe papers, being gotten tiv i with great rapidity, aro very poor specimens of typog raphy, printed with wretched smeary ink on worse paper, enough to ruin the eyes, if not the minds, of theii readers. Whenever a new story is to appear,- flaming pliteariti in blue, and red are posted up in conspicuous places and distributed among the news paper dealers. Copying from one handed the reporter on the street thei, - read : "The Great Sea Story.: Five Years on the Grassy Sea." Then follows a picture 'of a raft mid-ocean, one man praying, another dying of starvation, and two others in the fore groundfighting with long, gory knives, be low which it continues : " Just commenced in No. 253 of the Boys' Hifalutin Weekly. So much for the papers themselves; -now as to the peculiar methods of the story paper dealers. With great business sagacity, they always locate their shops near the '.localities where the rising generation most do congre gata—that is, •in the neighborhood of the publifs selmols. The boys, their customers, watch these places with the greattat Wien lion; keeping in mind the stories an half a dozen different papers at once, and noticing the appearance' of each new one with un bounded joy. _ They form little clubs in which each boy buys a paper and *melanges with the rest, widch, when it hag been read by all, is sold to some lea aristocratic cotter& 'for four cents ; from thence it is passed dqiin for three cents, then for two, until at his . t.' it :becomes undecipherable from much fixfOr- Ina talk With a prominent public- school superintendent hew asked the qnestion;: f‘ Have :you ever had any experienoe of the evil . effects frlarn this juvenile sensational literature ?" • .;" It is the worst thing we have to contend. with. When a boy begins to read, it, hit! mind becomes . vitiated, totally unfit for anything more solid than highly seasoned trash. We sometimes call these little paper stores which always. spring .tip around the schools, op position- educational, institutesi, which train up the youth in the way he shouldn't go. In very few cases do the boys :ran away from home to imitate their impos sible heroes; generally they are poisoned! intellectually. On one occasion ono of my teachers sent a boy down to me whom dm had twice discovered with &dime novel open iu his book-in class. I gave him a lectFe and sent him back. On' the very next day he was caught at his old tricks, and I ex pelled him, not so mph m a punishment as merely to remove an evil influence from the other scholars. The boy had already been two years in the grade; and at the rats,he was progressing he would not have got out of it until ho was 4f years old. Frequently fitments. coma to me and want to know what is to be done to prevent their children secur ing such trash; not there is ho remedy eept to provide good books. Even the Pub lic Library is well stocked with such worth less stuff, and no discrimination is exercised in the giving out of backs, any book being given to whoever 'calls for it."—Oineinnaill Gazette. - - BOMB FACTS ABOUT QUICKSILVER. • : DEPRAVED W T '#TtDll. In an elaborate report on the quicksilver trade .of the world, Consul-General Vogeler, of Frazdtfort-on-the.libin, ins that' of late years. California has supplied more than half of the quicksilver consumed in the world. Only two Countries of Europe pro duce quicksilver in sufficient quantities to deserve mention in. q . a commercial repott--- Spain'and Austria. . _ The Spanish mines are foisted near the, town of Almaden, province of Mancha, emir Were formerly owned and operated, by the' Spanish Government ' They n$ now, h""1 over, held and operated by ,the greatllrm of .Rothschild Brother; of london4England, as security for a loan made, by them to the Spanish Government ;' indeed, they seem to be, to all intents and.purposes, the property of that flnu 7 _These mines yield about four. fifths of the entire' production of Europe, while the Anstriati mines, , located near ,and the minor mines . Mentioned, pro. liice the other .one-fifth. As a consequence London, to which place .almost the entire lirodnet of the Annadeui mince is. shipped, tho' controllink -market - of Europe, and flothschild fixes the piles of the metal, apt in so far as.Califomia, which produces more; quicksilver than Spain and Austria combined, may undertake to become a die. turbind element in that direction. Quicksilver is carried and shipped-- in WrzAight iron -puska pf 2+5 pounds,. contain. leg 75 pounds of metal. Prices throughout Europe are always given in English . money, s:lathe quotations invnrinbly refer' to 'the fiasics described. - • ,2 The consitniptiCiu of quicksilver in the OOrld was esti*derl in the year 1.876 to amount to. about 80,001) fitt'sks per year; . in 1877 it reached 160,000 flasks ; and Bilioo then it hiiinveraged 133,000 asks s year. Thelprincipal uses to which quicksilver is applied are : Meteozoksgical and other scientific instruments, chanted PrePagb. thuia, looking-glasses and mirrors, _ - AN ARTILLERTUAIpS *AS A North Cannes Turkey riAt. Ended • tiomewbat Eleraere Y. " ,atliaal After we had 'been drive:anvil) , from about Newberne, N. 04,'by the Federal gunboats we tell back to altpoint near Tarboro,N. C., whore we had not long been encam ped be. fore the boats followed ns, causing the great.. Est consternationamorig tke inhabitants .of the, region. North Carolinians bad the re• petition of being groat lovers of the Union, and did not fight until it was' positively essential; but alum they did fight 'they fought with a will. They had ,an abiding hope of accomplishing a peace one way 'or other, but I incline to think they . preferred it to come' rather by treaty than by hard fighting. Our battery hall:not been in our new position long before the largest flock of wild turkeys I ever saw flew down among us sad gave our men -a lively, reminiscenceof Thanksgiving dinner; and Christmas jollity. IlanyAkmfeflenttai stated out in the war Mined With.liliatgt* hillrjgg Uti arm at hand,. and - my piece , T bad kept with me. • After leaking with . 1 admiration for a few -minutes at the beautiful fowls hastily get ting away from sight among • the pines around us, ,I darted for my piece, which was in my tent. las quickly flew out of the tent and, in doing so, caught one foot in a rope of its fly and was thrown some fifteen feet. Recovering, 'made rapid choke for an excellent gobbler, which had the start of me by fifty yards at least. Before I could cover him with my charge he bounced over, a pins log. If I could get tothe log quickly my din. ner was secure, and, with the stride and wind Of an ostrich anti the appetite of a first-Class Virginia veteran, I moved forward after the manner of electricity, with a purpose to mount the kig and from that stand to fire upon the tempting bird. But I had not correctly. calculated the velocity of my Movements nor the magnitude of my disposition for a tur key dinner, .and, alas I I cleared the log,' instead Of placing myself on it, and my heels came dcedu upon the , spinal column of a .private °fa North Carolinaregiinent. With out a murmur as to'. the injury I had done, him or the circumstances that had preduced such a sudden, intrusion upon his privacy. he turned tome and asked : "Mister, do you'uns 'hear any talk of peace where you come-frem 7" I could give him no, encouraging news, an4left him in his supposed security. frum gunboats.—Philadelphia Press; WALL SREET AND INSANITY. Considering the small amount of brains necessary to a successful Wall street -specu lator, it is a wonder thilt under. the constant nervous excitementcotiseptent upon - rapid losses and gains all day, more brains do not give way in Wall street. Added to this is the habit of grog-sipping during the day to "keep tip steam;" as the Wall street men call it, and the extravagant dissipation when they make a lucky turn. Specialists hitio already given a name to the disturkance, cling it the gambler's melancholy. The sympton visible to friends and acquaint. awes is that the patent becomes tilled wi th y dreams of the mist extravagant, charac fir. He will sit for hours meditating upon the fortunes he. would have made bad ho done this or that. An intense longing for a fortune like Vanderbilt's take§ possession of the brain, the mind constantly harping upon what could be , done with such a. fortune. Longing fora fortune, it may be said, is not uncommon enough to be called a,' disease, but for' a broker who was once fullof energy, auiniil - spirits and a ceaseless mental and bodily activity to sit all day longing for a fortune is a serious sign and is recognizeil as such in Vall street offices. The intention of making a big fortune by a happy turn of the wheel is so' constantly in the mind of the speculator' that no wonder it assumes the form of a mania sooner , or later. Profess ional gamblers are sometimes affected in a similar way, sitting all day ,shuffling the Cards in a corner and dealing themselves hands' with which.; they' could break the banks. But, as this speCialist pointed out, the professional gainbler lup . a an interval of comparative mental quiet between each'game. He knows when heigoes to bedhow much he has made or hou;., much he has lost ; ha lmows where he stiuds. The.stock gambler never knows that. He may go to bed rich and wake up poor. I know a broker who imprudently went fishing one day, believing the market entirely stagnant. It got a going in his absence, and the four miserable trout he eaught cost him $3,000 apiece. When a speculator goes down town he never knows what will be the result, and that this con. stunt life of eicitement, stimulated by whiskey, leads to insanity can 'surprise no one.—Correvoneknee Hartford' Times.' • When cholera and its attendant quaran. tine forced us to abandon the trip to Bag dad, we lost a chance of seeing the pearl fisheries of the Persian Gulf. Here again, in Ceylon, we were fated to miss the same co , Seted sight. The location of the pearl banks is the Buy of Condateby, less ti4u2 159 miles north of Colombo. Despite tbe magnitude of this interest, which is a Sta‘e monopoly, no town of any extent marks the favored vicinity, and the surrounding land. snipe is parched, fiat, and inhospitable. Yet when it is announced, after as official inspection, that .fishing will be permitted during certain ` ; months, usually in the Spring, the lifeless place becomes all ani mation. A great fleet of boats gathers from the neighboring coasts, and a multitude of natives come from the interior. At a given signal, that all may fare equally well, the exciting work begins. Hundreds of dliers, ready With their irtaking stones, ropes. kand baskets, instantly plunge into the ism ' 1 In a moment they reappear, breathless from the long immersion,.with their baskets full of the peculiar mollusks which bear the pre cious gems: Then another set descend into the depths w each craft having several, and so on till the beats are laden. The divers are sometimes attacked by sharks and obliged to use their knives in defence. When the oys ters are landed a division "is made. The boatmen receive either a third •or a fourth as their stare (ram in doubt which), while the Government generously takes the re mainder. Those belonging to the colony are at once disposed of,by auction in lots of a thousand. The result of theie sales is of course an assured revenue. Bat such is not the position of the buyer. ' His purchase is distinctly a speculation: There is no Cu:- tainty that it will yield in pearls enough to exceed the amount of his outlay. He could bid for unclaimed express packages with 'equal hope of profit. 'A hundred oysters may not contain a solitary pearl, and yet two or three might be found in one shelL The mollusks are allowed to putrefy in the burning sun, and are then carefully washed, to extract the dainty jewels from the foul dross. Daring this odorous process the owner must be ever vigilant, or his work. . men will relieve him of the choicest tinw ares. In truth, pearl fishing,l like mining for diamonds arulgokl, is for ill concerned a precarious occupation.—Cortisporulexce of Philadelpiia atty a. PEARL FISHING IN CEYLON. A MEETING. Quite chrelessly tutted the newsy sheet: A song . 1 4 1 1 .14 Mi many - a year ago 'finned ap it me. 4. in a crowded street )no nits stnitts a friend he used to Know. So full II wee .ample little song— Of all the bop. Inctrenepert, and the truth Which to the Impetuous mown of life belong, That once again I seemed to grasp my youth. SOUS' It was of that sweet fancied pain We woo aae ehenala etowe meet wltu woe, I Lett as one wno bears a plaintive strain Ms mother sang lam la the long ago. Up from (heir grate. the years that lay between. Thatsont 9 tarthdity and my stern present, cairn_ Ltpe qua tom tcrinh, and swept across the scene,. Bearing my broken dreams of love and fame. Fair 114.4 s acd bright ambitions that I iMEMr. In that old time, with their Ideal grace, Shone for one moment, then were lost to slew Behind the dull clouds of the ,commonplace. With %teething natidsl put the sheet away. Ab, little tong : the sad and hopeless truth Struck like air arrow.when Ivo met that dar— VY 11M has missed the promise of its youth. Wheeler. THROW UP TO tilt HANOR.. "Gentleinek will please throw up their hands." Such is Ms polite manner in w14c1 3 / 4 - a Missouri train robber usually addresses a carload of passengers as he appears at the door, playfully covering them with a revol ver extended in each hand. Perhap s there is a party engaged hi a game of euchre or ; old sledge; they promptly throw', up their hands without a murmur, Bo matter how interesting a crisis there may be in the game. Men partially paralyzed in their arms have betM known to throw up their him& at - this summons _ with an alacrity surprising to Ih eMselves and everybody else. - • "Throw np my hands !"- said a man, ~rho was relating au experience with train rob bers that he had .been through. " I bad $lO,OOO in la belt around my body, all that I kad made in six years of mining life in Cali fornia, and when Lheard the command and realized hOw useless resistance was, as the . gang surrounding the car was armed to the teeth, I not only throw np my hands, but the thought of losing my money made me so sickle that I nearly threw hp my hoots." - The situation doesn't admit Of a moment's hesitation, and every man know's it. A movement in the direction ‘ ofift weapon would not escape the alert eye'of tlla robber, and it would be the immediate signal for shot Brave men think and bmggaOs bo t of 'what they would do under such - stances, but when suddenly Confronted by Cocked -revolver and the stern command that signifies surrender, the hands are very apt to go up, though the situation be a humiliating one. Such , attacks are generally made at night, while most of the passengers ?ro asleep and off gnard, and then there is the uncertainty as to the number of the gang. Jesse James once said . the bravest man hef ever knew be eutOuntered in an.attempt to rob a passenger train.i The fellow stood on the platform of a carand coolly exchanged fix or eight shots with the gang. Admiring his bravery, Jesse shouted to him to cease firing and they wouldn't molest his car. . 4, ru bet you won't," said he, :" while Pm here." The robber captain said he would have given $5,000 . to tiavo had that man be. z come a member of his band. But he did - not consider that a 11. an, brave as a lion oil the side of right, -might prove the veriest 'coward in advancing the standard of via lence and wrong.—Cincinnati Saturday Nicht. • JAY GOULD'S FLOWER GARDEN. A reporter visited Jay Gould'a conserva tory at' Irvington, on th 9 Hudson, which was built to replace the ones -destroyed by; fire over a year ago. Mr. Oonld's hobby is hor ticulture, and, with limitless means at, his command, he pursues it with the same en thusiasm that other men bestow on fast hors es. llgist winter a list of pew plants, cover ing almost every : variety Pt' vegetation, was made out, and thisprii4; an enormous col lection was imported' ItY,is Mr. Genii's in tention to 'have at least :one specimen of every variety Of flowering plant known. The main huildlng is 100 feet long. It has' several wings eighty feet long, and the whole is divided into sixteen sections, the tempera ture 'in eaell'of which can be regulated inde pendently of the adjOining sections. By this means fruits and grapes can be insured all the year round, 'as the vine Can be kept in different stages of development. The conservatory contains over 4,00? varieties of plants. There is room for twice that num ber. The gardener estimates that there are from 0,000 to - 8,000 plants in - the conserve tory and on the grounds, which are 500 acres in extent. The majority of the plants have been brought from the European. conserva tories, especially from Belgium. In one room there are 100 Baarieties of doable gem . - plums in full bloorn. Ono section eighty feet long is devoted to roses, of which there are 400 Varieties. .There are 400 varieties of palms, '3OO of them from Ecuador and .100 from' Asia. Some of the specimens cost $250. There are forty varieties of th'e pitcher plant,- from Madagascar. There are 100 varieties of crotons from the Fiji Islands, 500 varieties of foliage plants front Central America and the East Indies. A collection of ferns from Central and South America and the East Indies numbers 300 varieties. Bing summer, many of the plants were in beds outside the conservatory. The flower garden comprises three acres and the Vege table garden four acres. There is also ' a vineyard of two acres and a large orchard containing some 400 .applei trees) and 500 pear trees. There are any qnniatity of straw berry vines, gooseberry bushes, etc. An importation of rare plants from Central Af rica is expected to arrive soon. -Mr. Gould will expend this year $lOO,OOO in the drain age of his place, and millions have already beetilipent to make the place what it is.—, New York, Wor/d. 'SUPERSTITIONS OF FISHERMAN. The old belief in lucky and al:lucky sailing days is said to be dying out among the Glou cester fishermen, a fact said to be due, in a degree at least, to the sharp competition that has sprungup. It is not an unusual sight, when a finelsridageomes after a spell of bad weather, to see a large fleet spread sail and depart.for the fishing grounds. -A belief in! "Jonahs" prevails among fishermen. A- Jonah may be something animate or inani mate, or even the result of the actions or ac cidents of persons; infect, almost everything that is supposed to bring ill luck is called a Jonah. A vessel regarded as unfortunate is thus said to' be a Jonah ; it is often diffienit to obtain a crew of good men for her,' if men are scarce, although she may be well adapted ' for the business. Equal trouble is also some times experienced by expert fisher Men in seenring a berth aboard a vessel; because they have the 'reputation of being Jonahs. The belief in Jonahs fortunately often meets with rebuff so severe as to hinder it from becoming anything like a general one. Ono skipper once inquired of another, nodding his head in the direction of a man at work on the vessel "Are you going to carry that man 2" Receiving an atfirmatiVereply, he continued "Yon Won't get any fish, then. He's a regular Jonah." The reply was: ajonah or no Jonah, be goes this trip anyway." The trip in question. proved a successful; one, and nothing more was heard of the man beintot Jonah.. 1 , • IN _~~~~ ~i~s,r i';' . :?Z l '; 1 --. ..:; , ..:::'4•Z -Y4, .; . -';'" - ',.. .-....r.i.,:,..,,,1.,„eiy,....., MOE ' r ••1-11 Is CHINATOWN. , ltalv.llbikilltoagoliaasLiie la Sae Francisco Day Seam,. - • I , • I i'Alltii` - '43nay to determine the, exact en ..'..C*Phittese in San Francisco.: They a floating population. It • •'•,, for the most^imact census •, ~..I,,datuber them. It would be. a fair Vstill*spAy that they number 30,000 in nlilint*Val.4o,o6o winter. The ;entire ' P 0 1 444,„ of; the city is in round numbers 245,0 K, #4.4li3Wparison with this the Chi insaiPtiplatiork .does not seem- largo ;but whinitta oonaidered that the dhinese are Illiiigylidato4,ll4 - tubtt4t there are about three(adidt 3 Marren to every. Ilya white m0 4 ,431kbe soap that they . forth: a very ini*l*lihetorin the industries, the boii. assiisOfitilia'Welfaro of the-city. lon haws thinatoirn" to - be:s2ow;ly. ii*fieCikakttlie-ltitir, 'Covered with poor • -• shsutira,...irkarernnOrmistahen. It. I. in ..:0144.i g 0f - the ;city. It ;bat stvi, formerly occupied by Amerieani business housea. The Chinamen commenced here by renting a few stores; white men in the vicinity moved and other Chinatnen came and rented: until step by step, th'e Chinese have exclusive possession of ten blocks in the heart of the oldest and finest part of the city., In this comparatively small district are gathered nearly all'thehinese ,in San 'Francisco. Those engaged as domestics or otherwise in distant parts of the city come hero at night to play tan, attend theatres, smoke opinni, and to sleep. Here the new srrivals.are at once taken. The Other night I saw nearly two thousand new , comers go quietly, almost stealthily it seemed, from the boats through the streets into the Chi nesequarter, there to' be stowed away by the six companies '@•••• I could. hardly wonder that to the old resident, to whim such sights were frequent,' and who had seen' the Chi nese advance from one street to another and occupy block after bkick, it all seemed " too much like an invasion." Pass along the streets of " Chinatown" at any time of the day or evening and you -find them literally swarming everywhere. It is a city-within a city. 'Except f4ir the American look about the buildings, you may imagine yourself in Hong Kong. l3ere are Chinese Joss houses and theatres, Chinese , markets, stores, and shops of every kind. Every nook and cor ner, every cellar mid garret is full. There is little disorder in the streets, no drunken ness, no tumult,, except the continuous jab •r of the thronging crowds. Every even ing,- even until midnight, yon-will ,see hun dreds of the Moro industrious still at work. Oilier thousands are on the streets,,smoking cigt.rettes and loafing ; other thousands are in their cellars or hidden resorts playing f' tan." Step; into either of the three Chinese theatres, and you will find still other thous•••' ands enjoying with evident relish the hideous performances. 'You wonder where all these crowds can sleep. And this is, indeed, the most wonderful thing about Chinese life. They are fairly packed along the floors' and on narrow shelves, lying one over the other clear to the ceiling. The darker. the cellar and closer the room, the more Chinamen get into it. They lie in their bunks, smoke opium and go to sleep. To say that the minus and atmosphere' where they live and eat and sleep are foul is putting it mildly. No ordi nary American could stay in tthese places twenty-four hours and survive, Bat the celestial scams to thrive best in the most dismal cellars and the foulest tdr, and comes Out of it all with a physical endurance that is in arvellnit - BURYING , THE DEAD IN . AFRICA. Barbarous Cu'stows That Are 'Followed b, ' the Natives. • • A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press writes from West Africa as follows : "There are social distinctions heto of rich Ind poor, higher and lower classes, just as here are and always will be all over the world communism to the contrary notwithstanding. And 'these distinctions follow the subjects to their grave, just as,,,irs our own civilization, one is laid in the sculptured 'cemetery and another in the Potter's Field. The burial grounds are mostly in the forest, in the low lying gremid and tangled thickets along the banks of rivers. , sites are reserved .for villages and plants- Cons. If a traveller, in journeying alon4 the main - river of. the country, observes long reaches of uncleared.thickets he will prob- - ably be correct in suspecting these are burial grounds. His native crew will 'be slow to inform him of the fact or to converse on" the subject unless to object to going ashore. Some of the interior tribes bury all their dead under the clay floors of their houses. 'The living are thus daily . actually 'treading, , DU and cooking their foixl over the graves of 'their relations'. 'This distinction is reseried, in the case of coast tribes, for only- a veil few of their hOnored chiefs. Most} general • ly the location Sor burial as before mentioned is in the forest. Over or near the, graves of the rich are built little honseswhere Are laid the common articles used by them in thei. Life, pieces of crockery, - I knives, sometimes table, mirrors and othei goods. obtained in foreign trade. 'Only recently, in ascending this Ogove River, I observed tied on the branches of a large tree extending over the stream frora the top of the bank a wonder made chest, five pitchers and mugs, and sew. eral, fathoms of calico prints.r I was inform ed that the grave of a lately deceased chief was near, and that those *licks were signs of his wealth, and were intended as contrib utions to spirits to induce them to draw trade to the villages of his people._ A notice able fact about these gifts to the spirits is that hoWever great a thief a man may be, ho will not steal from a grave: The covered mirror will lay there and waste in - tho rain, and the valuable garment will flap -itself. to rags'in the wind, but bun= hands will not" touch them. Actual interment is, therefore, given to all who in life were regarded as at all worthy of respect. The implements for ex cavating being few and, the making of a grave is quite a twat, and it is made no deeper than' is actually- snfficient for covering the corpse. This, according to the greatness of the dead or the wealth of the family, is variously encased. Sometithes it is actually placed in a coffin made of the ends of a canoe, far from boards cut out of an old canoe, or even so expensively as to Use two - trade boiegt, making one long one, by knocking out an end froth each and telescoping them. l i t Ilsnrra os EtEru.twrii.--Thick es is •an ephant's skin, •no living creature suffers ore - from flies, mosquitoes, , leeches, and O her vermin than he. ' The poz7ni are very large, and gadflies and mosquitoes, ac., worm theniselves into the hollow and suck to repletion. Thus: . the whole day long, elePhants . are constantly throwing ,up dirt, squirting saliva or.water to get rid of these pests, to the great annoyance of their ri d ers.r. They snore a good deal when asleep, and I have often seen them resting their heads 'on ail outstretched foot when lying - down. They int very lininan-like in many of their ways. They get - a piece of wood and- use it as a tpothpiek, They scratch themielves with the tip of their proboscis, and if they cannot reach the place with . that they take np . a branch and use that. Natives say they plug up bullet holes with clay, but I never know an instance of it'myaelf.—Lonckm. Field 11101 =I slAil a Teii t hi Mast*. NO. - 10 rnni*; : 'or latneelasal Marts: Claw fr.. Hero as' There. —Alligator fat is now med for cooking pnrposoa in some parts of Florida. —A mum= of Oonfedange relies is to - bt anal:Mahal in italeigh, N. O. —Marnwnimitsiaaarl are were in Kew lucky, and 13 converts were lately baptised in Grayson wanly. " . ‘ —The gale call telegraph operallo!a: elec tric sputa But they ahrays melee then without being "hocked. —Fred Slack has been seat to ti Oa torahs State Men tar two yaere-tali-. ning away With a.glituncler blentalPelt The friends et George Washiniton leis aMe eneoungrd. ,'the BON* iftei 4 a4 yaw; bavo raised isKocomeot to lirgoo • • • =-;"*Opesi poclitelhOds" is dos assiip nabs events tbs. dos orgasms' Wieconain: ihogs velbsi'dsismsdnitisis ht, the iggisloss Sit ' —The Japanese governmomt has 164 fork eigners in ifs employ, inclmEng 73 Eneisb, men, 32 Germans, 21 American" and la Frenchmen. —A Philadelphia policeman was jiltedand took revenge by arresting the girl on a trumped-up charge of disorderly conduct. Now she sues him for $5,000. • —The famous Dalrymple farm of Debts is to be divided, Mr. George! Howe, out oil prince of Pennsylvania, having bought Sq,= 000 acres of it for $BO,OOO. • —Yellow fever has visited the counts) 3ixty-tive times. The last iiisitation,in 1878, cansedloo,ooo cases, max, deaths and cost in direct and indirect losses $100,000,000. , -Onoi, of the many curious facts to -be found in the census reports is that the num be, r of working oxen in use on farms in 'the United States has decreased 25 per cent. sines 6370. - —The growth . Of tea cultivation in India is steady and progressive. Some 6,000 acres more are devoted to tea gardens every year.. last year's crop is estimated at 40,. 000,000 pounds. extensive coal mine, 'Comprising shout 3,000' acres, has been disiovered in Arise county, , Texas.- It is said io be of sm • pular quality. The coal bed is - from two to three feet in thickrieis.- —There ;its an - apricot tree in Freemo county, Cat, that measures sixty.inches around' the trunk; three feet from the ground; It is thought there is not less than a ton Of,frilit on the tree. —Alabaina has over 10,000 square miles of bituminous coal fields. The business of mining is rapidly increasing. In 1872 but 10,000 tons were taken-out, while last year the amount was 400,000 tons. - -A colored student at the Hampton Nor. mal Sciiool being asked to illustrate the 4iif. ference - between the prefixes "pro". and . "con" gravely offered the two words "pro. grass" and "congress." Who now darer Say that the colored people Imosi nothing of what is going on ? ^ - —The estate of the late George It. Heidi of Wilcox county, Georgia, which was alit. ded among eleven heirs a, fee , days ago, comprised- 10,000 -acres of land, newly 5,000 sheep and about : 2,4)oo head of cattle. The heirs diided the land and stock with. out incurring the expenses of a sale. - —The living skeleton of a Sari- l'nuacisoo side show went out for a walk on a raffecied track. A locomotive lmockedhim down end ran overiiim: • 'He arose and continued his walk. The four inched between the cow catcher and the ties had been sufficient for hhic thinness. He was incidentally well ad. vertised, but paid for it in - bruises an 4 scratches. I ,—A - negro living in Jefferson county, Florida, went to clrerch recently and listened to a sermon from the text which advises the plucking out of the eye - and cutting off of the hand when Offensive, and upon going home attempted to literally obey the scriptural in junction br using a razor on his hand and plucking out his - eye. —A Kentucky negro, who was sentenced to the Penitentiary for three years for steal ing copper Worth $25 when asked by the Judge if he had anyt hing to say, remarked that he had not, but only regretted that he hadn't stolen a drove of cattle instead if that piece of copper. The joke lay in the fact that a mut had just . been sentenced for one year for stealing eighteen- head of cattle. —Poor Petthecker, his joke " Why, my dear;" said poor little Mr. Penhecker, with a ghastly smile, "why would the world with. - out woman, lovely woman, be° like a blank sheet of paper ?" Mrs. P., 7 41t0 - had just been giving the little man " of her mind," smiled and "conkin't th ink." "Why, because; don't you see, love," said the long. - suffering one, "It wouldn't even be ruled." —Daniel Webster made' a profound im pression upon Carlyle, who said of him to an American : "The most lemarkable man in appearance I ever saw- , -:great, shaggy, ' taciturn, having the . gift of silence, yet knowing how to talh.-it greatithing that, to know when to hold your tonkate--evidently of gretit reserve power. I shouldn't hie to fall into his claws when he li f e:vita" —The question as to whether the moon is Inhabited will probably never be settled to the satisfaction of all minds, but - =my minds will take satildaation in its discursion. Mr. Helmuth Dneberg, of Berlin, has been studyingit, and has come to the coneksion • that the 'side of the moon which is continu ally 'turned frum the earth possesses sir, water and life. Ma ides, is that in the ab sence of any centrifugal force due to rota. tion on her own axis the- only centrifugal foree acting upon the moon. mast be that rending from her, own motion round the - earth. This would tend to throw the moon's Mr and water to the side opposite to that which is always toward the earth. - CATS COMPARED WITH NM.; The cat is quite the equal of the dog in intelligence. True, she is not taught to per. form as the dog is, but the reason is that she is superior to such. nonsense, and her spirit is' too floe for such servility. .Al to the matter of affection, the dog overdoes the_ fawning and slavishness; the cat mingles with human beings as an atuil, without fawning or seriility; asking no more than she gives. ' There is some force in the sag. liesticm that dogs attach themselves to man because. they cannot live without man's- sup. port, while cats'are independent, and their attachinent to the htiman family is purely from sbmpathyl - . -t With no heart to speak it of the dog, the ;comparison is taken up be- Cause they who:' declare their disdain (cc esti invariably sot elf against it their for dogs, as if this discrimination were s credit to them. The dog's manners lack dettarey; the cat is always reined. The . 4Nr.Whea not eating or roving for bad mow*, Bes in yawning Hakim= or else whop. His has no mental resources. His mind. kso vacant and his spirit so poor that W. .'chief communing with man is to fawn ma- wed his tail tor a notice. On the °the:bead, the cat is a picture of aublime patience, comps* cire andilioughtfulnees. - -Her eslassain bee a soothing inflnoice on the bone ode, tending to prevent Ears .— PMfiiie t . . Trameriet. 0 Ii II I