BAWLER Bratosnre.—l_ have always won. dered why. people aro so anxious to become baronets. A peerage secures a seat in the upper House, and dig, one can imagine, is an object of ambition to some. The knight. bood of an order is a personal distinction. Bat what can it benefit anyone to know that his son and grandson will be called •" This title, if there is no.wealth to support it, is an encumbrance, and not unfrequeufly an absurdity. The Into Sir Henry Wraxall, Bart.,- was a pauper in the Wands Worth . tic asylum, and the present baronet was edu cated at a workhouse school, and is appren a pawnbroker. If baronetcies are to be con tinneuk it might be well to allow their sale. The ,Sir* is of no we to the pawnbroker's aski*, but if he were permitted to put it up at .4netiikin many a vulgar idiot of my acquaint ' Anne would be ready to pay several thousand pounds for it.—Loackm, Truth. A Varied Performsanee. Many wonder how Packers' Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence of ginger, when in fact it 1 made frvim many valuable medicines which act benefi64lly on every diseased organ. 14. • Brria.ti AIR) Hat. Timmy Tallboy was fit New York one day last week, and as he strolled down Wall street Tailboy, Sr., no• Wed that be glanced nervously al2out at intervals. " Wind's the matter, Jimmy ?" inquired 'he old gentleman. "Pm looking out for the balls and bears, dad, yon law." "young man," saiditsis father earnestly, "when you see a man with his coat flung span vide, his hat an angle of forty-live de grees and an expression of expectant joy spread thick on his Countenance, that is a %saki' sad when you see a man with his teeth shut together and a growling expres sion all along the line that's a bear.' " " What a bear you mist be, dad muttered Jimmy, as he teased for Ave cents to buy two bananas and didn't get them. —New Haven Register. . Parents who allow their children to grow up with:,scrofulous humors bursting from every Ore are guilty, of a great , wrong. Think of them pointed out as branded with a loathsome disease, and you will readily -procure them the Cuticura Remedies. NOT Br BILZAD Area Z.—They have ]cep. track of 400 Vassar College girls who have married oft in the !last fifteen years, and thirty of them are reported to have married knsbands worth over $2,000 each., fora comfort re tarn from his work and have'his little wife meet him at the gatOn four languages and $ buyisoape.—Detroal Free Prete. e. A pure, wholesonie - distillation of witch hazel, American - pine; Canada fir, marigold, clover blossonin; etc., ; fragrant with the heeling essences of balsam and pine. 'Such is' Sanford's Radios' Cure for Catarrh. Complete treatment for $l. ii.: . A. N. NELSON • DEALER IN (4* WATCHES, '.114 • CLOCKS, ME GOLD AND PLATED ,1 1,„ ' • JEWELER Of every variety. and Spectacles. Sr Parttcul &tendon paid to repairing: " - Shop In Decker Voaglit's Grocery Store. Main Street, Towanda, Penna. - eep94 tint National §attb, TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND 80,000 This Bank offers unusual facilities for :the transaction of a general banking business. JOS.:POWELL, President • tab. It '7B. N. N. BETTS, Cashier. NEW FIRM I . NEW STORE I NEW GOODS 1 Ed. Mouillesseaux, (Formerly with Headelmant,) HAS OPENED A Jewelry Store OP Ms OWN IN PATTON'S BLOCK, With Swans dc Gorden's Store, Main Street, - Towanda, Pa., WWI* he keerie FULL ASSORE.MENT or Gold & Silver Watches SYV I ISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, - J EWELRY, SPECTACLES, ETC. ar Els Stock to all NEW and of tho FINEST QUALITY. Call and aft for yourself. =I REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. /INGILILVING A 13PECLILTT. dad& . t ' - Uor MELOMCLEROACHOOL . NOMMIII.IIIII.III tee Public Proslseri. liceacts. Talstbril, abel Iltimiests, Tens et Ni Week/1.414y fir August 11. at Cobierr, Cased*, Oa Lake Oultimlos..tisol mit fisattligArt. need ter Ctorsoar I. J. 11. 114nehtet s Ses% 1148114smal 1 11 .144.1 of rlonalsai sail 444.4.444-ry. WS Clossumt Stmt. Ati5'...44,44.44.. r.. L i""aj • NOL - SODIAVE. ?widen: UM' nouns s METI. remtita Is an invaluable remedy In DISEASES and IN SIMI R 3 of ANIMALS and POULTRY; desholinit LICE and other VERMIN. Ared Wm/ 4 AI Ow bests, their roosts and nests th a Minn o the strangthef one part Phenol &Nikon to about fifteen ar twenty parts water. A solo - Ron of the same strength is also reecanmended, riven internally, for the gapes and other DISEASER Op CHICKENS. Far all kinds of HURTS, GALlA r and other DM- W OF ANIMALS. each as Ums, Eruptions, gnQuillty. JIM. Maw. Olttie-nphein Jbot-Ect . bat and Mouth Dim" arrateace, du. lot MS If OtUW I AIID lammt. UMW= MULL JONtr CRUX CAMPHOR. IS THE RAMS of the popular Lituunent that cures B h s Um. Resnais* Swollen or Stiffened &tate, Fran Bites. Pala in the Face, Bout or I =M R ilU ds ui p or Bie " of In ri t Poison ; • Vines, eta.. for Nan; or Beast Aiwa* reliable, sad almost instantan eous Latta nits!. Having an agreeable odor It is garesaat to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 35 sta. Ifahnent received a Prise Medal at tke State lair. Iffl9. ASA JOHYS, Prop% 319 N. 3d St. Phila.. Pa. isia. 13, 6-nt. J OB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS dose al short sloth* stol reasonable rates Itennatour oma. THE VERY Mills, Threshei Sewi BY THE PrbT, ftgr. Special prices At the old reliable Dr. H. C HUNIF'HREY BROS. & TRACY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of MEN'S, BOYS, WOMEN'S. MISSES AND OBILDBEWIeiI Boots, Sh9es Rubbers i&C 'CORNER i U EpEIF'TS AND E SCHOOL DISTRICT deem Llish on bind as per last settle State appropriation From comity Treastiiir on sea Amount recolvediqom A. D. A , , John A. ad Received of A: Wickham, Colle„ " from the Universalist " of H. L §t3cott, Assign Salary to A. D. 4 Albert, Principal;.. " E. Spaulding, Teacher..'..... Geo. M. Marshall, Teacher Sue Hillis, Teacber ' 1 0 Ads Chamberlin: Tea Char 0 Hattie Bogart. Teacher' Clara Lewis, Teacher. " Eliza McKean, Teacher,.. " Anna Kinney, Teacher ' ' • " EU C. Friable, Teaehei E. L.Hillis, Treasurer ' - S. W.Alvord, Secretiry; for last quarter of 'BO and 1881.. Beni.ild. Peck, Secretary Morgan Waters, Janitor, June Ito Sept. 1, 1881 - Geo. W. Armstrong, 'Janitor, Sent 1, 1881; to Jane 1, 1882 Interest-to Mrs. Mary Macfarlane on $5OOO bond '. ', H. H. Mat* on $4OOO bond Cyntha Chubbuck on $5OO bond , Trustees of Lodge No. 167, I. O. 0. F., on $5OO bond " " Jas. H. CO 2 2ing.lTrustee, on $5OO bond :.. ' 0 " Jae Hillis on $5OO bon d - 0 0 E.aL. Mills, Guardian of Anna Hillis on $5OO Repairs to - echo of building and furniture Fencing school lot 1 W. M. Mallory, coal 1. - ' Printing [ I ' Miscellaneous ezpenses Interest to N. N. Betts, Mizi Hammond bona. i Total expenditures.... Cult iri trautur, I - IReal estate and buildings ... • School furniture Due from A. Wickham, ColleCtor, on duplicate of lss i t and ISS2 Cash in treasury.... Total usetti ... . ......... Bonds drawing 5 per cent inti4eat .1_ ! Total liabilities . • BRADFORD COMM, ea :1 r . • ' acs counts . We, the undersigned Awditors of Towanda borough. certify that wo hare examined the act counts of the Towanda Borough School District and find the same as here set forth correct. i . IL L. LAMOREAUX,I P. E. JAYNE. Auditors. C. M. IifYER.• , • Tc.wunds. July 5, 1892. CLOTHING. 4 O4 NOW IS T Stylish MEN, YOU,THS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AT PRICES WHICH CAN BE HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE. While maintaining the uniform standard of quality in int:Melina of work and material by • LI GOOD= and SMAI RAISED THE THE BE', 111 this vi 11l E. ;~. BEST MACIIINE OIL FOR q Mowers, Churn "Powers g Alacliines; &c. QUA RT, GALLON or BARREL. n 5 and 10 gallons and . bbl. lots. -h Drug Store,, rorter.& Son er Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa Co IN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, wANTroA., FDA: PENDITURES OF TOWANDA. BOROUGH sy 31, 1881, to June 5;1882. j. ,RECEIPTS, . f 0 0 51,303 30 .. , . ced lands— .',..,. 793 62 • ' !bell for tuition' 47 29 ;Codding, fines 161 67 7 GO ' au; fines 0 ictor, on duplicate for 1880 and 188. t " 0 964 10 33 • • j 1881 and 1382 • 6,850 00 church and Society, for Church lot ...... ... ..... 1 .616 80 I 'ee' of iliasOn & -Co • 78 88 ' . . sxprstirrtrnrs. ME {er~«~«erg+:E GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY nd Reliable Spring Wrments MEET, CAREFUL BUYING, - MARGINS, (with which I am content,) I have TANDARD AND LOWERED THE PRICE, iIINTII. IT IS A POSTITV2 FACT =AT • T STOCK . OF CLOTHING n!ity is now being sold for the least money by ROSEHOELD 71 1 CONVA.*DA, PA. I I r....., ...... 360 00 360 00 360 00 360 00 ...... ..* 360 00 360 00 260 00 360 00 34000 100 00 12 60 60 00 ...... 00 00 ME=I 20* 00 , 25 00 112 60 12 50 12 50 12 50 •)2267 238 06 279 47 79 55 105 62 1&) 00 ME MEM Oil . 7,292 87 ... 27,100 00 . • 1, 740 75 383 213 • ••• • • 8.539 40 ' 12.800 00 •••• • 12,600 0 - . ti:s4o, er Dmgapts Physicians H3V3 Signed or. Endorsed the Following Remarkable Documont : No=ro.Sonbury &.7ohnion, litinurostur• ChonniSts e. gl Platt St., Now York : • Oz.-nth:num tho pastfow years we • we sold 4Srions brands of Porous Plwa- I:::.i'lly . ziarts and the Public prefer Ca ino POSiIII6 Plfuster to all others. We consider thcrocogo of the very recir rollablo household =goodies worthy otconfidenea The* aro superior to all ithor 'Porous Piasters or Linthients for .a.---ternal use. i• Itoru is a genuine Pormaceutic4l product, of the highest order of mar% sad:so recomised by physicians said druggists. When other remedies tail stet a. Ben son's Capable Plaster. 'ran will bo disappointed if you rue cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads co Idea tricallitagnatio toys. aa SURE REMEDY AT IJUWP. Flit:afar**. Cl MEWS Medicated CORN sod BUNION PIASTER. . , 0 ;._----. ..., . i .„.„ • THE GREAT .OPTICIANS • ' ..' D.:2‘ . ; eisiESTM'UT STREIETt. :T.?1ii.T. , .. , .:::::1-.7. , --1-11.A.... . . • . ,17-5'. - ,.=-' • 4'1,.. - -44' , yf---..-A-t , ..., : :: , ' •. ' , ' - i - i",, - f - ,...=.7: - .-- - SUPPJLIOU 1 -4 :1 4 61t - LEnar., • • • . SUPEILICAL , iIC.ILL. SUPRI ICU. LENSES and • . . SITFURIOR FACILITIES For man nfa , inri n , ... all corn bine to give onr SPEOTA. C1.V.8 and EYE-GLA. , _ES a national avntatioa. LOST SIGHT EVER RETURNS. Do ti of vriPt with your eye.; by taking' DEM:MT ' AMD GLASSES. ortarosows as follows on appTienthm : —Part 1— tbetnaticallnstrimont=. 162 pt , wq. Part 2—Optical trtunenta. tee TrUICII.' Part a—Masric Lantarnaill9 %gm Part4TPiiilosophical Inammanta,/601allaa , . :6 4 , r...,..... ..„. ~ ' ... „.. - , ,T;,.7 . . .;-.i. -/ :,\ . . 1 : - ...• . : --1 ‘,. j , ' . :' .. i . , , 2 ...-,- L • ~_.: (--- - .-= • - . " %1x ... .4 - .:. -' , ...4... - ...z ~.; • ' ' ' .L. , ..:i. ••. . . Sanford's Radital Cul-6i- A single dose instantly relieves the most vio fineezingmr Read Colds, clears the bead as by magic, stops watery discharges , from the nose and eyes, prevents ringing noises In the head,l, cures Nervous Headache and subdues Chilli and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of, foal mucus, restores the sense of amen, taste and bearing.when affected. frees the head, throat and bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies the breath. stops the cough and arrests the prog ress of catarrh towards consumption.. One bottle Radical' Cure. one box Catarrhal Solveni and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one pack age, of all druggists forsl. Ask for Ranford's Radical Cure. WEEKS k POTTER, Boston. tOL -I .;•100 times more effectual I S - than any other plaster or electric battery for pain and weakness of the Lungs, ° Liver, Kidneys and Urinary organs, Partial Paralysis, / Rheumatism, N en r a lg is, , [ , Hysteria, Female Weak. . • ' nese. Merton§ 'Pains and itt-i.--, . a Weaknesses. Malaria and ASTENt.° 'Fever and Ague. Price 25c; Sold everywhere. PATENTS. (U.S. AND FOREIGN. Frank A. Fonts, Attorney-at-Law. Lock Box, 356 Washington, D.O. SIT Ten years' experience. I make so =tenor. for my services unless a patent be granted. preliminary examination in the Patent Office as taltho patentability of an in vention razz. : Send sketch or model of the de. vice and a report will bo made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. Special attention Riven to rejected applica tions in the bands of others. • . ' U. 8: Senstom: Hon. Geo, F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Bon., David Dsvis and Gen. John A. Logan, of Dildois ; lion. Benj. 11. Hill, of Geor fticalon• L. Q.' C. Lamar, of Miss; Zion. B. Cullom, GO. of Illinois • the Bon. Commissioner of Patents and Cots of Examiners and the pro prietor of this paper, Write for circular and instructions. Stiortf CUT THIS OUT! "filiff? Sl5 1.9 840 PE". WEEK. We have stores In 18 leading Cities. from whirl our agents Main their supplies quietly. Qin Factories and Prftcipal sutures arc at :rola. Said for a our hew Catalogue and 3iaLackawannaAve 11. N. LOVELL SCRANTOW.PA. 10,632 31 MOO 00 KLINE'S MARKET. C A.111E1.014 BLOCK 270 00 250 00 Main Street, First'Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, 3439 4 il !VINO REMOVED Sib MEAT & VEGETABLE 32:1113 SS MARKET o s woe e convenient ideation. and established himself in the Oirroll 'Block, opposite Seely's Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons With • THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. FELL OYSTERS IN Tuna SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES. • , DOMESTIC FRUIT, &c., 0 r BOLOGNA SKOBAGELa specialty._;4l.l or. dam prompUr deUvaired.u =quirt . HORSE r en or d2s c u r r ency ets. & ta r ' Tea m : nun =mop of Treatise on. the Horse and his Diseases.” It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has GO fine engravings showing BOOKpositions sunned by sick horses better than ' can be taught in any other way, a table showing doses ,of all the principal medicines used for the horse as well as their effects and antidotes when a 25 et ...poison, a large collection of var.vavzs armarrii, rules for tell age of a horse. with so oilitrav showing With of each year and a large timoill of other valuable horse information. Hurdreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and -$lO. The fact that 200,000 sold in about one year before it was re. vised shows how popular the book Is. The re. ..vised edition is alma moan muumuu° Sans won A cowman. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. 3. B. Kendall & Co.. Eamsburgh Vermont, Mar 11.1 yr. .. laic )IF: kfti 1 4 1 41 1 ): .tfeJal COLLECTION AGENCY BRINK & BUCK; Leßaysville, Pa. Will writs Policies for risks in Fire and Life In durance. Collect . - Claims with cue and prozapin as. They represent none but • FIRST-CILA,S3 COXPANIES! klurrsolleit thseantdenee and patronage of thou baring business in their line. snd,will endeavor to merit IL apps to or address Imo tt 88>3itdc sum whiyintue. 1 AND CLAIM AND SIELNEt "Wells' geslth, Iteneiter" restores health sod rigor, cores Dyapepri• en co. Soria! AeDWty. ' TEXAS BAT CAVEEir . . . [ , The bat caves of Texts have been known to bear bunters : and turkey huntiirs and oth -er adventurous persons a long time. They are numerous in the mountains or semi mountainone regions of the limestone dia. tricts. I-dare say, tif any one should tarn out to ltrini, them they would be . found by humlreds, Whenever you find a considera ble cave with an, opening there you will to quite sure 'tit find bate by the million. The Only one 'f, ever ventured to explore was either in Medina County or Benders, They 4. are not very comfortable places to go to, is ore is continually haunted by tho f of I lettlocetkeir, she bears with cubs, spa r the ariger ,-. of, falling into .unlmown abysses. ;Besides,' the great , hordes of bats' flitting iroundyourlight, hitting you in the face and becoming entangle-Iln her hair, is an tin. ,'comfortable feature, - ' producing , a sort; Of creeping feeling in a fellow. Then there in the ever present danger of your light becom ing extinguished, leaving' yOu, 4 in darkiteas .blackar than pitch, from which you aright never emerge. However ardent an explorer be may be who ventures into lone of these things, and however inter ested with what he sees, he is Oontinually wishing that ha. were out of it. j They are regular witch holes. If t tore be witches in the world, there you will dud them. , I should:l2a I explored that one in Bandar& or Medina, several hundred yardii, as I judged, ,until I came to a fine creek rushing and roaring throngh it. Be yond the creek I could see another opening.. leading, no doubt, to still deeper and darker . depths ; but I had got enough of it ° and re. fused to venture any further. In this out I encountered the bat &um immediately - on entering, and it, continued a great distitnce. I could not judge how thick the deposit was, bet it was certainly many feet. There could not have beer". less - than several thousand tons of it, and it was accumulating with great rapidity. I should not be 'surprised now to learn that the cave has been so com plaiely filled up by the deposits that the bats canito longer go into it. One can scarcely conceive of the great multitude of bats there are in the *orld until he has gone nto one of these bat elves. ' They not only co-er the 4ivtills and roots completely, several tiers deep, apparently, but they actually bang from tht roof in 'enormous bunches. ) When you stit up one of these great pendant buncho of bate there is a squeaking and fluttering, to bo sure. The substance cast down by these bats is rich in 'nitrate of potash. For the manufacture of thatisalt no other substance inthe world can compare with it. I saw , any quantity of it in the- l3anders or Medina Cave, which by some mineral process ' had been converted into pure saltpetre appar ently. It would undoubtedly make a, very strong fertilizer, besides furnishing gunpow der,.cte., but whether the raw stuff is worth $6O a ton or not I cannot say. If it is worth anything like that figure,' should Say that a Texas bat cave is hatter than a gold mine.— I tialveston News. ` 4 ROUGH ON RATS.'" C:ears out rate, mice; roadies, pies, until, bed•bugs, skunks, Oipmunks, goOhers. 13c Druggists.. POISON IN ROOK COVERS. The use of poisonous dyes, to color the covers of books is happily not a common practice. Yet book publishers are occasion ally careless about the materials used-in coloring their bOOks. Lately in Troy it child, while playing with some water-color paints, lOoked about fok . akalette, and seized a small hook, 'attracted b , "the bright green color of its cover. Ile nand the paints on the cover of the book for i:otne time. Then he - was suddenly taken lwith convulsions. Physi cians, who werelastily summoned, delued that he had been*sone& They', adil tered antidotes, hut the child went into, con vulsion after conndsion, and was lonly after three days' incessant labor that the physicians saved Ais life. The child's . wealthy parents afterwards had the Physi cians' investigate the . i manner of its being poisoned. They discovered that the, dye' with 'Which the brightly -colored book was covered contained the poison. In wetting. the paints on the book cover the . child bad innocently wet also the dye; and soon tratisj ferred some of the poison to its own[ lips. There was a cOmical , side to the invistiga. tion, although it was no consolation to the parentathe book was found,to be a report of the Society:for the Pevention of Cruelty to' Children.-=Albany Press, " “!*TCHUPAISA.“ .••• Quick, complete cure, allannoylng Sidney, Bladder and lErrinttr7 Diseases. El.' LDrug gists: , ; FACTS ABOUT PEANUTS Who Ifni them In Geornln—Pecullnrltleo of the Trade. . i "How many goobers do you sell ti, day INGtry?" was asked of Atlanta's well knoivin confectioner. "Oh, I don't; know. Same dayS I. sell a half I?ushel and some days a bushet r Bat there are stands in town that sell more i pea nuts than we do. You see, we don't PaY much attention to them. In fact :I had rather not bundle them. They don't 'het Off a pretty stand like mine.”- "I thought yoruld sell more than a bnahel a day." • , ' • "Well, I don't sell over a bushel, but wheo you put what passers-by take froM the boxes to what I sell it will make, nearly twice as much." • "To whoni do you mostly?" "To darkies. They all like peanuts, and when they pals the stand end catch , the aro ma arising from a bag of'liot peanuts they are sure to feel fora nickel , Then 'sell lots to business men who don't 10 home to din ner, and who won't go td a bar for beer and lunch. Why, there is one gentleman, a lawyar, who hasn't been. home to , dinner a haltdozen times in as many; 1 yeas, and ho always buys a pint of peanuts about twelve o'clock: :Bo regular is he in the purchase of this cheap Meal that I reallyi miss him when he fails to come." "Do 'saki; like goobers?" • "Oh, yes,,but they don't like for it to be known. They walk inside tho store and ask for a ' nickel's worth of peatitits in a paper bag mid then go home and eid. Little chil dren are fond of them, and Batch many a five cent piece from a boy or girl whO goes away happy. munching his peanuts." "What'dei your customericall them?" "Oh, different games. Young ladies ask for peanuts' in a bag. Darkies ask for ground peati and sometimes' goobers, while the school girls always say goobers." "What! do school girls cat goobers.r "Oh, go away. I - shout tell on them. They are good customers. They buy them selves and thdn make the boys buy for them, too," and Off she went to dish up box of two candies,—Atlanta Colutitution. . Delicate Females. The exactions of society, added to the cares of maternity and the household, have tested beyond endurance the frail emstitu tions whichlhave been granted the majority of women. To - combat this tendency to premature ; decline, no remedy in the world possesses the nourishing and strengthening properties of Malt Bitters. They enrich the blocsl, perfect digestion, stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak? ness, and, purify and vitalize every function of the feinale system. r • OR SALE:, One second-hand Engine and Boiler, in good condition. Ett gine 12'20. Tubular Boiler, Force Pump,. Con. nections. etc. Suitable for a saw or grist Mill. Hare been running 4 run of stone with: it. Reason for selling is ant I am increasing the capacity of my mill. d putting in larger engine. For Mil particulars call on or addreits ' • June 911-4 w • Q. A. DAYTON. Towanda, Pa. • ~ . . ... c . , i i te a -tiata.. 44. • ._...... .... !..), :. li . kif N.oo' rIPII . kt ,0, n c 4 ' - q v , los o f i re • i •.--0- • Mr. Albert Kingsbury, Hoene, N. H., troubled with humor on hands and neck, used by lead P Unu f ca oisoning. (He's I painter., At times it would.break out, crack open, and the skin Repay ate from the flesh in largo pieces, suffering great continual itching and stinging. Purchased your remedies; used Cancun Resolvent inter nally, and Cuticura Soap eztergally, and in less than three months effected a complete cure and hasnot been troubled since. Corroborate d . by Culhird al Poster, Diuggists, Neone, N. K. MOTHER DIED FROM IT. J. N. Atems, Newark, ()Mc., says: .‘ CtlpePti Remedies are the greatest medicines 'on earth. Lied the - worst cue salt rimeni in this country. My mother bad it twenty years, and in Ladled from it. I believe Cuticura would hive saved her life. My arms, breast and bead were cov ered for three years; which nothing relieved or cured .until I used the Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally, and Cuticurs ,and Cuticura Soap externally. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, - of twenty Ifwri . standing, by the Cliticura Resolvent internally, and Catkins and Cuticura Soap • ezternaUy. the Inost'stronderful case on record. Cure certi lied to before a justice of the peace and promi nent citizens. AR afflicted with itching and scaly diseases. should send to us for this testi rup. SALT 11,11.F.,1111. ' Those who 'have.experienced the torments of Salt I,Chettm can appreciate the agony I endured :tor pears, until cared by the Catkins Itesolvent internally, and Cuticnra Soap externally. MRS Wit. PILLINGTON. *Mario, Wis.' OUTWURA . and Cnticnra Soap externally and Cutionni Be• solvent internally win 'positively cure - .every species of Rumor, flow a Common Pimple to Scrofula. Price of Cnticurs, small boxes, 500 ; large boxes. $l. Outlaws Resolvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticurs Soap, 250. Cuticula Shoving Soap.lsc. Sold by an druggists!. Depot, WEEKS k POTTER: Boston, Mass. - • .4 Fir: *V"11.1 A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or tirmer, worn out wlth ' overwork. or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try. PAR.ItEIeS GINGCU Toxic.' If you - are a lawyer; : Minister' or business man ex hausted by mental str ain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants,butuse Parker's CidgerTonic If you have Consumption, DyskAin„, ltheuma, ism, Kidney Contplaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach; boweLs,l l blood or nerves. PA F run's C fIS:GBE TONIC will clue rm.. It iitbeGreatest Blood PUriller Ali the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. if you are wasting away' from age, dissipation or any disi-wv or weakness and require a,stimulant take Guinan Toxic at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It his saved hundreds of lives; it may' save yours. CAUTION t•-•ftelkte altsubititates. Patter's Ginger Tonle la nosed of the bee Ili 'rethink . like It. Insist upon having FLO - ARS. Tom CoLootB end look for stgnattire of - 96 a . oe eery bottle. Any &nest or dealer In pert tap aupply you. 45 and 15 cent elm. LARGE SAVING DRYING 75e. Sat . . C 0:1,':0 - ...C.i •-NI ~-,: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CITRE • . Is sure in its effe cts; mild in its action as it does not blister, yet is penetrating and powerftd to reach everytfeeP seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spaying., splints. curbs, callous, sprain., swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of ,the joint. or limbs, or for rheumatism in man 'and forany purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Bend address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy hak ever met with such unqualified uc cess to out knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price $1 perbottle. or six bottles for $5: All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on reaelpt of 'price tqf the proprietors, Du. B. Kiractuu. & ;Co.. 'Enos burgh Falls, Vt. Sold by all Dnigglats. I TEATAIILIMED uc 1865.1 . . H °WAR-11'A slow, Solicitor of t • AMERICAN AND FOREIGN 1 1 11. .lENT I SIe 631 F STREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C.. (Successor to Gilmore. Smith it. CO., at... Chipman, Rosner k Co.) Patents procured upon the same plan which was originated and aucceasfhlly practiced by the abate-named firm. ' Pamphlet of sixty pages stint upon receipt o stamp. y lnovSl " BETTER TO LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" RE A GOOD MAXIM, BUT NOT ALWAYS 1 It is' better to follow 4 JAZ OBS .The old and Reliable Dealer in =Ready-Made Clgthmo• From his old stand, (No. 2, Patton's . Block,) to•his NEW LOCATION in the large and commodins store, No. 123, Main Street, formerly occupied by M. , E. Sol!onion &. Son, (one door ,north of Fele!' & C 0.,) where he is now open with a fall and Complete • Stock of Fashionable i SPRING AND SUMMER READY -MADE CLOTHING HATS - AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS; TRAVELING BAGS, lIMERELIAS, CANES MEN'S, 'BOY'S ; YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S full and complete 'suits of all grades and prices. While he aims to lead the trade, be asks his old friends and everybody else to follow him to his now location, where he will lit them out in the highest style of art at the lowest prices. Come early. N. JACOBS. Towanda, 6,;18C2.; PLATFORM WAGONS,. TOP AND OPEN BUOCOPS for sale si decided bowl no A Urgelinber of 101116110, Make and alllllll.. 5, C. L. TRACY. Towanda, April 274 m IMElir STUMM. ' • New Advertieercgds. Double atore. NOEL 1 4ND 3;IIRIDGE J.K.BIJSII Is now open In biliMananoth Doable Store with ► fa t fresh and complete,. took of fashionable Spring, and Summer Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, TravelinF Bags, Umbrellas, Etc. Suits of all Grades for Men, Boys. Youths and ,Children. Our rents have been obtained on the most favorable terms. sod 'Guy current expenses rd's duced to the lowest ~bib minimum. we Pro mote to give our customers the benefit of thou Reductions by putting our prices at Lower Pig. mres than any other Clothing House in Towanda. We invite a careful examination of our stock and prices. whether wishing to buy or not. We can utisfy the closest. buyer of the truth of what we say. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Call and we Will satisfy yop. ga. Itemember. Nos. 1 and 2, Bridge Street. J. K. BUSH. Towanaa, Pa., April 10. 1882, yr M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, • • • Iw still to be found at the OLD STAND •, M.11.N: ! STRE El; , . Next door to Dr. H C. porter's Drug &ore WITH' A FULL LINE OF FINE AMERICAN AMY-SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY STERLING :SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE. GLASSES, CLOCKS, FROM TnE CHEAPEST To THE BEST. Sir ALL OF WHICH WILL EE BOLD AT THE YLSY LOWEST PHICES, Clocks, Watches and Jewitry promPtll , repaired kr on experienced and competent workman. M, HENDELMAN. soptlo4f ElO. L..NOSS Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. a. C. Porter's Drug Store, Main,Steeet, with a large stock of • •,, oil ' ' • OF,- THE BEST QUALITY. Sir. Ross has .KNOTLIVISTOat osßninok fitassr J. L. Schoonover •is clerk. The twoi stores sire connected by Telephone. Mr. Boss dan now feel satisded that he can give the BEST GOODS FOI Tag LEAST MONEY . • - Ms experience enables him to select the best goods, which he la bound to sell at a LOW PRICE. You can always gets bargain if you • BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. All goods delivered in the Borough PBEE. FARMERB will do well to call with their Produce and get the CASE. , 20apr82-Iy. BL4NK BOOK MANUFACTURER 1 ANTS BOOK BINDER, I= PAPER RULER, &o Alfr'd J. Puivis, No. 131 Genessee street, FTICA, N. • _ All wor k 1n his line done Well and promptly at lowest pike:, Lt Parties haviiig volumes incomplete win be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost pries. All orders given to J. J.Beanlan, .Agent for Bradford County, will be promptly executed ac cording to directions, f' tafatell( loug Cornera"Second and B anew& , Nor th west, near Pennsylvania Avenue. AMEINGTON, D. C. Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pass sear be door to all parts of the city. Covent. lent i l, the depots. This is. just the hotel for Penn ylianians visiting the National Capital. Roo II well furnished, and the cleanest and best beds in the city. Table Stitches. Rooms and board from $2 to 43 per day;, Reduced isles by the week or month. WILLIAM- SANDERSON. Proprietor. Late of the Congresslobs! Hotel, Capitol Hill. Jan 11-tf { TROY,. PA. We keep on band constantly for builders. LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS; OILS, VARNISHES, CHESPEAK NAILS. Also 1„ WAGON MAXEWEISUPPLIEB Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs, Tluils, Poles Carriag Trimmings: Also a fall ilia °WIWI' and Haan Hirdwala. 112'4 a tall line at Carriages, Platform and Lumber %gone, Abdo by., no with skilled vostmen, end parizated In every gartitmlay. - BEARDSLEY & WALLOW, 21 MObran) Dealers. - Troy, April .17 Double stock. Fur COUCH& COLDS SORE THROAT DROWCHrf It; _ ' ' ' MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases*? THP.OAT, f"..' ''-- • F ir ' x i i ! e a.;: p rl n l n s . Z.:-I I ; ; ; e1 1 , :( ; : ti :1 1. ff: .. - : .• .F . :. • _. al M F.ToLungtrilt t Ire clieroz.4.::::, ~ •. , r .-e, ItILONCIIITIS.-;',11 — ..‘,. • • GONE I. in lts inc plent and advanced stages, and ail disea... - . c; ~• • . and LUNGS, but it has never been sp advantageously cempounilei: :.:;. i:i i '. • ItICE. Its soothing Balsamic properties afford a diffusive stliiiiii:iiit :1 - ,,.. .. , , system alter tue cough bus been relieved. Quart size bottles, Price $l.„. Riyiri9N i rn.),lrbeolzvfloobaltiezhAvirtyr!.;:l , :; • . 1)1 • E'D Artie e—thegenuine has a Private Die Proprietary Sta:ni, , :, ,;;;,, permits it In bo field by Drasaista t Growls and Dealers Every t. i,, r,‘, Air 'WITUMIT SPXCIAL TAX On LICENSI - 1, - - The TOW, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St, Chica PICTURE GALLERY G. H. WOOD & CO. en the First Monday of April. !laving fitted up entirely new s with the best of Instruments, : we are prepared to make • Tintypes, 4 at one sitting, all for so cts. In neat, envelopes, 10 for SIAM. Copying of nll kinds a of Photograpba,and Stereoscopic and large_ view Work done at this gallery. • Clive us a call and we will try an'i satisfyyou in price and quality. mar 28 . KENDALL'S: !RAVIN CURE pia_ tip sure to cure ' Spaying . Splints. enlar&c. It removes all- unnatural gements. Dora war DIXITZZ. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip-joint lameneas In a person who had aid - feted IIS years. Also cured rheum*. un. cores frost- an bruises. qnPor th lameness . . /t hasb ites no e qu al for d any hien/fah on houses. Send for, illustrated cacqlar giving POMIVIC liliti'MP, Price $l. ALL DIttIOGISTI3 bare it or can ge tit for you. Dr.B.J. Kendall & Co.. Proprietors, Euosourgh Palls„ Vermont. 11. C. Powrza, Agent, Tliwanda. Pa.' 1 • BESTbusineas now before the public. Yon can make mony faster at work for na than at anything else, Capitol not nestled. We will start y0n. A ,412 a day and up. wards mad. at home by thew.ndnstrions. Nice, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. - You can work in spare time only or give "your'whole time to to e btuitness. Yon can live at home and do the-work No other business will pay you 'nearly as wel No one can fail to make enormous pay oy Ming at once. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address, Tana ft Co.. Augusta, Name. Yon need not Die to-Win - IN THE' ' _ . I 1 i• MUTUAL ENDOWMENT AND • - ACCIOIINT ASSOCIATION ii Of (Bath,. N. T. - You rocelve one-half of your insurace, ac cording to the American Life Table, when two thirds of your life expectancy is finishad—for illustration. a Stan or woman joining the Use elation at 36 years of age taking a GertitleAte !Or $2,500, receives $1,275 when a little Over 56 years of age, exactly the period in life when's little financial help is generally morn needed than at any other time. BLADES & ROGERS, june2tf. General Agents for Penn's. NATIONAL BEREAU OF INTENTION EVERY INVENTOR' SHOULD KNOW, That by the Rules of Me. PUieut p j ji c e to procurd I • PATENTB 4 ..' , Models ars not.nrSteskary unless specially called fur. Send drawing and specification, upon receipt of which we will make examinatiot at the Patent Office, and Wise as to prftentability. • . FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE Of PATENT. Send for PADIPIILIV,ot horror:lomm% free to. a.y .addresa. HALSTEAD k CO.. Washington ; D. C. Publuhers.of the Congrerrionat Rtporter. January, 5, 1992.--ff N . IUIR 4 CO.'S GROCERIES The pled to ease !coney b onyieg cheep to at MEI They reapeothtlly announce to the public that they love a large stock of; • FLOUR, FEED. MEAL, °Burr. EfiLT, FISH • r rout. and PROVISIONS genasll7. ' Wr have abgi:addid co oiu stock a vßriety of WOODEN WARE, inch as BUTTER TUBS. FIB BINS. CHURNS. r _ :net mewed a kris stock of Sugars. - Tme, • Cioffeße. Spices. MOULSON'S PURE SOAP, the best in the market, and other maim of soap Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at ICr prices for Cale cot 26 77 HUMAN • HAIR UCH. AS Wigs BANDEAUX, the poplr • ChE4O Value Druid, EVEHTTRINI3 I BEIINGENG To Ts HAIR MADE seritippetst Attention giveu jo COMBINGS Hoots all turned one was. SWITCHES frgnt $1 upwards. Abm Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Madam Clark'a Cora*, and , ' , Shoulder Brace Elastics. sirPirticular attention paid to itreseing lad iMs limiest their booms or at my place of businesS. awry Daum h liildestb's store. • , , nor 1841 P lu. -R. V. BTEDOE. CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S CANCER INFIR , MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. • MIND RIDS by PERSONS from parts of the world lave been cured of this much dreaded disease and ere now Hiring witnesses that they , hare beta rescued from s terrible and untimely death. Doctors. Ministers sad the Poor treated Free. Write fors Circular giving fullpartlialars. Address Drs. GED. CRANE k 111348 BROWN Addison. N. Y. B ept.3o3yr.OPßaco. • ~a ONE MORE IN TO WANDA. will open tbair New Gallery la Patton's Block, , STOP AT, " FOR AND PROVISIONS. Oorser Main 'rid Fraakll4 tittesis TOWAND.A. PA. - ~E ., I lIR 13. D. V. STEDGE, Manufacturer of and Deater zn COMIC , . ...awrence & Martin 2 s- -- --3 1 . • -,-..te, ,, -: , ..- - ~,,, , ±,--,---- , .f.:-;.: e . • - •4110 - 6-,. . --:.-....--' - '- ,..-- .;- . .. : ::,;: .! ,-J .-- -T';'''' i -',.' .__ 't . ,",-'' : , .. , "I' l ..' - . : "-% r-- 4 4 0 . i. 7 .. i ' ..... '.? 7 t • OtINV4 7 : SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 'JAMES MCCAPE HAS REMOVED W 8 OBOCEU BUSINESS u TUE SOUTH-WIT O19111;;ER OP UM; AND DrtIDGE STILEETfI, MCP.RE Head Quartiss =MR LITIWTHeig DT THE LINE OP nunatomisillk CASH PAID for. Desil4le, dace. Fine BUTTER and EGGS a'specialty. Wagons &Earflaps OLD ESTABLISHMtNT JAMES IitYANT, - ' would ; . - call the atten tion of FARMERS__and others to his'large and completF assortment of Open& Top Buggi PLATFORM wAgo: - all Of his - ' own MANUFACTURE and war .ranted in every Par-. • • ticular Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all Platicat Wagons. The easiest and best In use.f:.% NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY Look st these kitties Tire Seitedaearritges rut .". .. . ... 1150 to ill Photons, ono aerated .. ..., 125 to 19 Top Buggies ... . • 125 to U 4 Open Buggies " 80 to 13 Democrat 'Rligons 90 to Ili Bernal:fiber that the aboveere all fully WAITE'. ad, Arst-elass op nci pay. ,•• / Repairing promptly atteendad to at 25 per ce:: below last years Prices * . Ofliceand Factory coy. Main and Elizsbetb-99 JAS lIRYANT.I 2tiebB2* Towanda SEI: SIN ME AIN 5.P.11.V.E.7 7, .. - ' 'NEXT DOOll. TO FkLen k ,' , - 7f/. - , - • ',T,'" rr',-4- - 1 • ~' .',..:..:"'; Is prepared to offerra compkte assort • merit td) ' 1 - I. I :..,:,1 DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Ar T lIE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ever covered, as ft is certain in its effects and not blister. Also excellent for 'human fof READ PROOF' BELOW. FROM COL,.L. T. FOSTER Youngstown, Ohio. May Loth( l!'!' • Dn. 11. J. Examar.a. Co:—I had a %111 hie Hambletonian colt which I prized vet/ 115% pa bads large bone spawiti on one Joir t `" a small one on the other which made bin ten. , lame; I had him under the charge of two Tem' nary surgeons - which failed to cure him. 111 .,, one day reading the advertisement of Beak . ; Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express,' Mat' ed at once to try it, and got our druggt oo l to send for it, they ordered three bottles: I ' them all and thought I would give it sahor o 7 . l trial; I used it according to dinetipus• fourth day the colt ceased to be aloe, car ' humps have disappeared. I used but r' sod the epliitrintbs Pre as free from as smoott as any horse in' the state. Wel, cured. The cure was so rema: I let two of toy neighbors have the two bottles; who are now using,it. Very Respectfully. . L. 7. .ICeindalfs spavin ON HUIVIAId FLESH. Psileri's Xille. Wash'ton co., N.Y.. Fel Dn. 8..1. Itunziais. Dear Sir:—The p. case mil/bleb I used your Kendall's Spar was • malignant ankle sprain of sixteer standing. I had tried "many things, Lai Your hpavin Cure put the foot to the again, sod for the tint time since 11 naturalposition. For • family liatme cells anything we ever used. Yours truly. lay. If. P. ar Paiitor of 11. K. Cauigh, Patti')" Price El, per bottle. or six boities toy Druggists bare ft or can get it fer yon. be sent to any address on receipt of pri , proprietors.' VU. B. J. KENDALL tiargh Vt. Bold at ' •Dr. U. C. Porter's Drug 11E HAS ,IsraidsuiD c. , &.c. Aprl! 7.1 1y Cheaper thatf l ever at the E I F. 2