Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 27, 1882, Image 1

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1 1 i
)lOLCOMJ { & TRACY, Publishers.
Bradford Republican
1,4 Published Every Thursday,
$1.50 Per Annum, in Advance
Adrergisisig Entro.a--Sli ccuti a lino for first
'Locale!). au i Sve crania per line for all sub-e
-vent inaertians. Raiding notice adverti , lug
till cents per line. tight lines constitute's
square. and pvelve lines sin inch. Auditor's
n,vces $2.54,1 Administrator's and 4eculor'e
notices $2. 11,3 ± - ; Yearly advertising SllO.OO Per
• TUE Beprkttnaw is published in tho ltacy.
Wei; and Nobles Block, at the corner ot -Main
an Pine streets, over J. -F. Corset's Boot and
'Shoe store. Its circulation is over 2000. As an
advertising inctdium it is unexcelled in its int
tuediate field., .!
7:1%1:1.:a Businaza Dirc.c4.:ry
. ..
. ..
GI.F.VELk.S I) & NictiOVEWS, (E. J. Cler, rah 4
iv, .wei;,,errn), Canton, 43radford Coyly! .
Pa. Arr
il business enustoil tiii their care' id
Western lirsdloril will reuelee prpmpt utteuiiii7..
_tai-ril2-ly . c
-,- ________,
t - -
Attorneysist-Law; 01110
t ,7) oc;r• Powell. Co.
CLIFF. J. N., t)thct lu Wood's Muck, south
' Flrrt National Bank, up stairs., , June
EI: 4 I3ItEE A: SON IN C ELsbree and L Elsbree.)
Utllce iu Mercur mock. Park St; may-34,78
PECK OVERTON ilienj..Al Peck a 4.D A 011 , r•
two. office over Mira Market , 411-'7U
OVERIoN SAtiI)EICSON (E Overton and ./(4‘n
/*Sanderson.' ()niacin Adams Illoak.julys is
NIAXWEI.I., W5l. 'Mee over Daytat!'s Store
aprft 14,7 t;
VTILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Migin's Block
i apt 14,76
DAvIES. CARNOCHAN - 1c: HALL; ( W T Davies.
W rernocitan. L M IlaU.) Witco in 'rear
ward HOLISO. Entrance ou (j 12,75
MYdiCCIt. RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents.
particular attention paid to business in
orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates.
office in Mentanye r 's Block 49.79
NNIe PHERSON TOITNYI, (I. -McPherson ; and
I. W. I, I", , qng.) Office south side of Mer4ur's
131.21:. i feb I
VV E 'Angle and lE D Bulfinwten),
odic° west side of Main street; two doors north
of Arius UniCe. Ail husiness en trusted ,to their
care will rec,ive prompt attention: oct 29,77
e) bvys sod counsellors-at-Law. °dice in. the
reui• pluck, over C. T. Kirby's Drug. Store.
July 3, 'BO tf.
, EENEI, J. P. attorney-a:•Law. ()Mee in
'Niontauye's Bloek, , Main Street.
Titomps()N. W. 11... and E. A., Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda, Pa. Otlice $n Mitrcur Block.
ut:et C. T. Kirby's Drug Store; entrance on'Alain
street, tirsi•Stairway north of Post-oil:ice.
irkIbILIVAS promptly ' attended to. Special
to clainis against the (Jutted Stites
or Pensbm.. Bounties, Patents, etc , and to'
oll,tions and settlement of decedent's 'estates.
April 91. ly
:icitor of Patents. tiovertitnent .el
s ints.
.tn ilea to. [l6febb2
TUIINSON, T. D., 51. D. Office foyer Dr. H. C
Perters's.Drug Store. teb 12,78
m LWTON, Drs. D. N.& F. G. office at Dwelliug
luret street, corueiWeatou St. feb 12.11
C. K. (Mice Ist ; door above old
hank on Maia street. Special at
tenti..o given to diseases or the throat and
!lugs. , jitlyl9,7a
WO01411.:ICS, S. It., 31. D. Office and resi
dence. Main street, north of M.E.Chur..ll.
Medical Examiner for Peuslon• IH , Artulent.
tab 22.78 '
kr.NE, E. D.. 51. D. Office over Montatlye's
Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. m. and
from 2 to 4 P. 31. Special attgution given to
Disetsea of the Eye, and; Diseasei of the Ear.
oet 20 77
TOWNER. Jf.D.. , •
Romocorarnic PIMICIAN k StIIGEON.,
lO•aidenee and office just north of Dr. Cornon'a
Main s treet. Athena. Pt.
jor ESItY MOUSE Main At., nett earner south
1--a of Bridge street. New house end• new
furniture throughout. • The proprietor has
spared neither pains or expense in making his
hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share
of public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
tcadollable. Large Stable attached.
mats WM. HENRY.
WATkiNS POST, NO. 04, A. It. Meets
every Saturday evening, at Military Hall.
OEO. V: MYER, Commander.
J. It. Errruitnin. Adjutant— tali 7, 79
CRYSTAL LODGE, NO. $7. Meets at K. of P.
Hall every Monday evening at 7:30: In
surance $2.000. Benefits $3.00 per week. .kver
age annual coat, 5 years experience; $ll.
JESSE MYERS, Reportei.,
It lt. PlEcre. Dictator. feb 21.7ri
BRADFORD Lol)Cir., NO. 167;1. 0. 0.1. Meet
in Odd F6llow's 11111. every Monday evening
'it; o'clock, WARREN HILL, Noble Grand.
June 12,75
P OST. F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders
will receive prompt attention. June 12,75
The SPRING TERM will begin Monday,
April 3. lee?.; For catalogue Or other infcir
inatitai, address or call on the Principal.
Towanda, Pa.
WILLIAM'S, EDWARD. Practical_ Plumber
and o,l4Fitter. Place of business in Met ,
cur knock nett door to Journal care opposite
Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair.
ng Pumps of all kinds, and an kinds of Gearing
rorOptly attended to. ' An wanting work in his
no should give him a Call. pky 27,77
RUSsELL. 0. S. General bummed Agency,
1 . 40 :Towanda. Pa. Glace in Whitcomb's Book
3t0r.3. : July 12,76
And had One of lILa
NOTE HEADS, be. printed in the beat etrle
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Miscellaneous Adviertise*Lents.
That is what a g '
many people are doi
They don't know just NV
is the matter, but they h
a combination of pains
aches, and each month
grow worse. • I
The only sure . rem
yet found . is BRows's Ii
BtrrEßs, and this by ra
and thorotth
with the blood puriMis
1 1
.enriehes , it, and rich, 4 r l
blood flowing to every
of the system repairs
wasted tissues, drives
disease and gives health
This is why I3Ro
kidneT and liver diseases
consumption, rheuniaism,
r neuralgia, dfspepsia‘, Mala
ria, intermittent fevers,' &c.
is not a drink and does
contain whiskey. It IS
only preparation of
that causeS'no injuriou
fects. Get the gen,
Don't be imposed on
mr, LOWEST PUICES FOR, C i SM. '-"a*
ratronaco of nip old Mem s a
*oll'brally is S.,,licited.
Various Causes
Advancing years. care. sick:l'esi ll , disap
point:mein.. and hereditary predisposi
tion—all operate to turn'Thel hair gray,
and either of them inclines iti to shed
prematurel y .: A vE:s Vtuott will
restore failed or gray., light lou red hair
to a rich brown or deep as may .
be desired. It softens and e eanses the
scalp, giving it, a healthy action. It
removes and rare:: (1:1:id rit If and 'humors.
By Its use falling hair is ch l pcked. 'and
a.ucw growth will be , produced in all
cases where the folli,:les are not de-.
stroyed or the glands decayed. Its
effects are beautifully showition brasliy,
wqak, or ,sickly hair, on:Which stew
apNications will produce thb gloss and
frailness of 31buth. Ilarmldss and sure
in its results, it LS. incon plrabli; •as
a: dressing, and is especi. lly valued
for the soft lustre and richness of tone
it imparts.
AYER'S !Imre: - VIGOII isi 'Colork,ss:
contains neither oil nor dye and will
not soil or color white cambric; y-t
.it laitts long, on the liair,Land
it fresh and vigorous, imparting
For sale by all druggiSts.
Dealer in. Sa
rine Blink I3ooki;
. i .
I . •
ikmateur'S - Supplies.
• - I
tms dipartment of my business is very corn
plete, and being a practical 'tauter myself I knew
the wants of my patrons. -
CLOCI( moyratErrs, &c.
constantly on band. Sir $1.25 worth of designs
for $l. Bend for price lists.
P. 0. box 1512
_ •
IS THE NAME OF the popular Liniment
that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Swollen or
Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites, pain in the Face,
Head or Spine.. Chapped hands, I Brniabi,Sprains,
Bairns, Mosquioto Bitea,-Stingor Bite of an in
sect, Poison from common P lson Vines. etc.,
for man or bast. Always reliable, and 'almost
instantaneous in its relief. Hiving an agreeable
odor, it is pleasant to Apply. Sold bSr all drug
lists. Price 2S cents. •
N. a—This Liniment received a Prize Medal a
the State Mav' 201)
of all purgatives ,l'or farii ly nse. They
arc the product of long, aborious, and
successful chemical inve s tigation, and
their extensite use, by. ' physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized na-.
tioni, proves them the best and most
effectual purgative Till 1 that - medical
science can devise. 'Being purely' veg.:
etable no harm can arise from their
Use, and being sugar-coated, they are
pleasant to take.. It intrinsic • value
and curative powers no 'other Pills
can be compared with them; and'everY
person, knowing .their l virtues, . will
employ them, when needed. , They
keep the system in perfect order, and
maintalq in healthy action the whole
machinery of llik.. Mild searctiing_and
effectual, fthey are especially adaptO
to the needs of the digestive apparatus,
derangements -of which! they prevent
and cure, if 'timely taken. They are
the best and safest physic to employ
for o.hikiren and weakened constitu-
I tions, ;Where 'a ,mild but effectual
. i
1 Cathartic is required.
For by all ilia:egg .: •.
203 S. Paca St., Paltimarc.
• Nov. :8, iBBl.
I was a great sufferer, from
Dyspepsia, and / for several
weeks could e:it'nothing and
was: growing weaker ;every
day. I tried Brown'} Iron
Bitters, and am happy to say
I now have a good appetite,
and am getting strongd i r.
'Successor to Mr. McKean
• Psi* street ,
Towanda, Ps
By Universal
-j", ~..
Turning old letters over,
As the twilight begins to fall, ti
The gem of them nil 'discover,
• In a weak, insigniflamt scrawl;
With a clumsy and artless unfolding
Of Infantile thoughts, half a whirl,
And the poor, blotted page still holding
A single soft, colorless curt
Uneven, misspelt, but how tender
And winsome; "Dear papa," I read ;
" Dolly's broke so I never can mend her,
And Pussy's made mamma's hand bleed,"
Printed words intermixed with the written,
But how sweet! And they hasten to say,
" Nuisey's tooth aches, I've tearded my mitten,
Nothing's good now, with papa away."
Only childish prattle on paper,
But how freshly bit off each event,
Formed of this or that fancy or caper •
That made her existence content :
And now on the paper she'll drop a
Bound snip of her prettiest curl,
, Knowing well it:will gladden " poor papa,” .
- ; • Because from hits own little gurl!'
Alt, again and again do I kiss it,
• With her image still fresh in my minffl
And that artless child's love lumv. Imlski it,
Since no more with my life 'Us combiffed,
Sate as Death, the light-footed purlitiner.•
By Love is run down in the end, ,
And as Faith stilt abides to rejoin her ;
Iu the heights she wasßrat to ascend I•
Back, back, with the rest, I return you,
Dear miselic,'lnor , treasured than all!
And again in the past I Warn you, • • •
As the shadow's, deepening, talL
Once more in the casket I set you,
And turning - the key I debut.
No fear that slight or forget•you,
your words ?re engraved in my heart.
—Nathan D. triter.
l an d
Pa 4
1 tli
1 out
.3 They were taking down the gallows in the
jail yard of eld Renalley, one gray October
eitreuitig—thi , ! evening of Friday, which has
been set, apart 1.,r ••••••youtions from time
memorial. =• ' • .
That Morniag there had been the strange
and'awful procsion from the the last
good-byes of jailers and
_keepers; the last
words of the 'condemned - man ; the clergy
man's:prayer ; the terrible end. Amidst it
no woman's sobs, no terrible parting from a
shrieking wife, as happens often in such,
cases. Nobody knew whetherJohnGeduey's
wife was dead or not. He never spoke of
her. But he had Said, just before they put
the black capon his head:
" May God raise up a friend for my little
faith'. Poor little Ruth"! And let her al
ways feel that I die innocent."
Now-a coffin lay in the prison dead-house,
Ind the murderer,. with peaceful white face /
And peaceful crosed hands, awaited btarial';..
and the clergyman, going home across thp
fields thought what a sad, bad, creel wort •t
this is, and remembered, too, 'the dead plata
last Words. .
"Poor little Ruth! I think I'll stop. and
speak to her before go home;". he said.
"The chili knows nothing of which
. has
happaned to her, but it has happened never
And with this the good man turned down
a certain street, passed certain negle,cted cot
, tages. where ducksand dirty children 'pad-
dled together in the puddles before the-doors,
and paused at ono near which a group of
Slatternly gossips had gathered. .
They looked at him as ho approached, and *
there was a little smoothing of aprons and
tveisting, up of hail'. The tongues ceased to
. wag ffir a moment, and the minister heard
from within the voice of a child, lifted .in •
lend, sharp cry, and then the words, " tort
tell a story !" in the same voice, In a
minute more a little • girl, with her bright
hair all about her face; rushed •out of the
door, folloWed by a woman, Who looked half
angry and half terrified.
" Such a: temper !" she said ;
wonder. What can you expect ?"
"Oh Mr. gartin,, she said • papa was a
wicked Mani; a bad man,"' cried the child.
" She said=l don't know what she 'said,
about my papa, Has . papa done anything
like—like'Abh!, I know it's a wicked story."
" What have yon been saying to this child,
Mrs. Challifers?" ask. •.1 the minister.
" Well, 'sir," sail Mrs. Chalmers, "she
shows her temper and I thofight it was My'
d uty to warn her—"
"Against temper .! Very proper, Mrs.
Chalmers,", said the minister. " There is
nothing more dangerous."' . I ;
Tlae woman flushed alittle and was silent.
" Tell thorn my papa is good," cried the,
child. "You 'would sec him ever
:day where he had to gO and live: Tell them.
: Oh Mr. Martin, when is papa coming back?"
"My child," said the minister, yOur
',father will not come back, bat you shall one
[ lron
s cf-
Litho pal
9eep: 8
day him. Not yet, but in God's I tinie.
.A little while ago I was with him."
He looked Arotiini upon the group of
woman. "
‘• We 'were alone. Ho knelt beside me
- and prayed as a ehild might. When We
parted this was what he said:
" May God raise pp :a friend for- little
Huth. Poor little Ruth
. "God '.has 'answered his grayer. Mrs.
Chalmers, get the chihrs hat and such
clothes as she may hive. I will take her'
home with me and keep her there."
"She ought to be very thankful, I'm sure,
sir," said Mrs. Chalmers, - , with very red
face; - "for otherwise, aS ',she - has uo kin, •
she'd go to the poor-honse; and little Andy
shalt bring the elothes to Your house after her.
It's not' much of e, parcel, though I have cut up
two old gowns to make heiaprons, and given
her a 'cape of my little SallY's to keep her
warm." ' , .
~, , 1 , ,
And Mrs. Chalmers looked around at her
neighbors for praise _of her i benevolence, 1
which they gave in nails and hand-liftings ;
and in a moment more the, little Shaker hood
was on the child's head; a nd she was walking
over the fields with her new protector.
The minister's good,' kind wife welcomed
the child heartily, and under their roof she
grew to be heally. and strong and pretty,
her principles were formed; her faiths cor
rected. She was at sixteen as fine and well:
mannered a young girl as could be seen in a
year's journey. .
She loved her adopted father and mother
and honored them, and she was friendly and
kind to all. But malice and' ignorance are
never to be trusted. Although the best peo
ple in Benchley called Ruth a lovely girl, the
gossipti down in the hollow, envious of the
fact that her education and dresS were - better
than their own children's, and that, she walk
ed up the aisle au s at in the u fi nister's pew
every Sunday, was called." my 'hikl"' by his
wife and "Miss" byihis serve ts, were al
ways speaking to each other of the fact that
her father was tiling, and taught the story to
the younger ones, with the additional precept
that such folks' children never came to good
--that the minister would be sorry some day,
and that Ruth Gedney never would turn hut
'well in the end. Unconscious of this, good
Mrs. Martin often sant the young, girl into
that quarter of the town with glasses of jelly
or loaves of nice breed for the poor old wom
en, a little tea and sugar, and_with a charge
t. , ead a chapter before she came back. ' Bath
Geduey accomplished her task, but sometimes
with repugnance. More than once cruel
things were said to her, and once when she
was reading to old Aunty Markham, who had
werunken son and a miserable, puny grand
son who was not quite fullmit'ted, the latter
Coated on the floor before her, calling eat s
"lour father. alp Wag, and you'll come
to be hung - Slue. Ruth.; everybody r.44*
Mrs. Chahnera. ..the very tCtson . who ,
" so," hozeil the boy's; ears and said
something apologetic , but Ruth was too
9 angry-to stay; she went homellorgettiog to •
give old. Annty Markham her meclitine, and
her flashedfiteo and red eyes ifttntetoct the
minister's attention. The good wifo could
not explain it, so 11,ut4 was questioned. Sho
told the truth
"II knew my poor, father met with that
sham4ul death," she said, "but certainly,
oven If ho was guilty, it was not my fault. I
have heard;spiteful things before, but this
time made me furious ;oh! so furious. I
hated the child—l hated Mrs. Chalmers ; I
could have killed them both. 011,1 yes, I was
angry enough for that. And I came away
with the chapter half finished, andl forgot to
leave the powders—forgot until I was half
way home. - Then I would not go back I
never will go down there again."
' " My. child," said the minister, "the first
thing a Christian should' do is to forgive his
enemiesj : You are a p . rofessing i . Christian ;
you must - set an example. Go to your room
and pray, for power to do• this."
4‘ And then," said Mrs.; Martin, " go back
td ho poor old woman's home, read her
. I'. 1 ,1,1):11rough, inuegive her her medicine.
Th uk how much evil SpeechJesna bore, mal
weiare his.. followers." .
. i Muth went to her. room ; when she returned
the study her adopted mother • again `ad
vised her to go I reek to old Aunty ; Markham.
She gA•e lier e jar of jelly to take with lier,
aud..nuth put it, in a little basket on her arm
Ali ! what hitter reason the good woman soon
1 1 had to repent on what she did with the best
and highest motives. .. '
•As Ruth passed onrof the gate the ' old
servant rau 'after her : . -
Please, Miss Ruth,. be you going past
he hardware pan's?" she asked.
"Yes, Phoebe," said•ltUth:' _ • ,
" Then won't you, leave my bread-knite, to
be sharpened?" said Pheehe ; .'it`s getting
gull." . .
Ruth nodded, and took the 'knife in 'her
basket and departed. She was gone a long
:while. The tea-table was set, :the suu 'set
ting in the sky, and Still'no glimpse of her
simple bliAtinuslin and bro shade hat was
seen along the road ; and at last the old ; min=
ister put on his 'hat and declared that 'll6
would go to meet her. The street seemed
very quiet ; ho did not meet the usual People
standing about; but at last he saw then_ all
gathered together in a portion of the: road
that divided the lower town from the
" heights."
On the ".heights" lived the gentry ;, down
M the " hollow " lay the poorer dwciiiings.
A bit of road. led under a great rock, over a
bridge.which crossed a stream which i Made
_boundary line. Hero wits- the Crowd.
With a great foreboding of evil the minister
pressed into its midst, and saw old Aunty
Markham standing uttering curses lend and
deep as.she shook her shriveled fist toward
the sky ; a groUp of woman bending over
Something that lay on the bank.; and, ;stand
ing like one petrified, his own adopted daugh
ter, Ruth Gedney, in -the midst of. ji ride,
insulting crowd. ' • .
"Oh, papa;" • she cried, . when he he saw
him ; and he hurried to her, and_ took her
hand. i
"Don't tremble so, my dear," he said.
"What does this mean ?" -
It was Mrs. Chalmers who arose and with
her strong arms pushed away those Who in
terpose&betweeu the minister and What the
crowd had gathered about. .
"It means that the girl that calls you papa,
the daughter of John Gedney, that Iwe all
know was hanged, has folloWed him to the
gate of the gallows," she said.
And now Mr. Martin saw lying on the
ground a little dead boy, covered wit,b blood,
Staring upward with histerrible drat eyes..
" Who is it ?" he dried. " What does this
``but uo
mean ?"
"It is my poor littleigratulson that she has
killed for telling her the truth," shrieked
'Aunty Markham. > She threatened to do it.
She Said : I could kill you for that !' 'and
off she went. I was looking up the Child for
his supper, and I found him here, rind her,
with her knife, beside hini. I'll hang her!
I'll bang her! Oh ! poor little Sam !"
Uttering a shriek the Old woman fell down
•on her fade in a sort of SI . • -1
"Papa," cried lti L —" oh, papa, I did
say I could ion,' but I was not even
angry when I went out of the house: l I came
down the
_road to cross the bridge, and them
under the bushes I saw poor little Sam lying
dead. I 'shrieked and my basket fell out of
my hand. I could not speak or take a step.
I held by the rails of the bridge and every.
thing was black before me. Then Mrs.
Markham cane, and 'other people. They
said I killed Sam. I—l, oh, papa !"
" They are all mad my child," said the
.poor clergyman ; but what he said and thought
Was of little avail.'
The sheriff appeared upon the scene and
took the poor girl iu custody... Her' adopted
father went with her to jail, and alas ! left
her there aud' went home with the -awful
news to his wife.
He believed Ruth's story, but Ott 1 the
little basket, the knife, the packa g e of meal,
clue had rolled into the pool of blood at the
boy's side. All were bedaubed with it. It
was certain to him That Ruth had fainted and
that she did not know how time bad passed;
but people had seen her go toward the bridge
long before; and evidence was against her .
Tbrco or four swore to her threat tai kill Sam
for his speech, and theis own old servant had
heard her:say that she had felt like killing
bite- •
The poor girl, beside herself with shame,
still never doubted that her innocence could
be pioved. But - the trial came. All the
malice of years and all the indignation that
itlus inspired by the evil deed they really be.
lieved the girl to have committed, had ifs
fall influence.
The young creature, with her blonde hair,
who looked like an angel, was declared guilty
by n jury who thought themselves ,unbiased
by prejudice, but who all remembered that
John Gedney was hung, and the girl was
condemned to death. The flaurder was pre
meditated. She hada knife with her. Vain
ly old Plimbe swore that she never would
have taken it but for her. NO one believed
her. " .
Ruth lay in prison. The dreadful day
drew near. 'But she was strangely calm.
Her adopted parents believed her word
and she asked no more. .--
" I was so afraid," she usedto say, " that
you' might come to think I killed the poor
little boy. But I was wicked to feel so—you
whnare always so i good."
iv's. Martin never left the prison, and was
with the girl day and night. Mr. Martin
came 'often. Their hearts were well nigh
broken. Every effort was being made to ob
tain a pardon, but so far fruitlessly, and, the
end was hard at hand.
"Papa," Ruth said, "I have one comfort
out l et this : I believe my own father was
innocent, too,. and when I meet him in
Heaven I shall be glad. Yon see any one ,
can be hung who is innocent, if I must be."
The poos , clergyman burst into tears, for
the first time, but Ruth soothed him and
kissedld and bade him good night. Oa
the mo m, rrow the dreadful end would come.
. Mr. Martin. willibl out of the pdabn doo r
with his head bent down, but as he would
have passed the prison door a- jaiktr *wed
" There's a man inside dying,"• he said.
"The policeman shothim in self - defence
He wants to see yon (t °minister, yonknow.)
He's got a confession I make?
Mr. Martin turned slowly back, and went
with his heavy heart into the prism again.
The Wounded man lay upon a cot. HO had
been taken in the act of bOrglarly, and .-his
breath was fast leaving him. °
" You don't know me, parson," he gasped.
"You used to years ago. lam Seth Mark.
ham, Granny Markham's son, and the'fother
of little Sam who was' killed. I an i 'gems
fast, and I don't, want to hurt a 01 that has
been good to my old mother, and . that I've
done harm enough to, any way. Let them
all come and' hear ' so es to sweat it. I
Pled Sam myself. He was a • troublesome,
half-Witted brat, and he came in my .way
when I was geeing to doW good trick,-pick a'
pocket, it„yrra - mtuit know—and called 'Dad
dy.' I kicked hiin; but he followame to the
bridge, I arage, and I•alwayshavea
knife bandy ; I cut his throat. Then I ; went
off, and I swear that the police would nevei
haVe got me, if seeing that bloodyllitle face
:over my shoillder, hadn't put in into such a
state.; He's haunted me, that little wr!Veh,
eveCo that. Have I said enough to leer
her Y;1 Yes, there's another thing, too. John
Gechwy—l—ldid the•deed he 'was hung} for
years ago—l sweat' to that. . Is it any good
praying for me ?"
Ho was gohe, and they carried the poor
minister away in a dead , faint. •
But Rut h was saved—Ruth was cleared,
and, moreover, the father who had been her
shani, hApecome a martyr.
• "It was worth it - all ," she often said, with
tears in her Oyes, "wort h all the agony, and
' terror, and disgrace. ft would hare been
Worth dying for if thatiad beeU needful.—
Mari) Kyle Dallis& - If •
The captains at-vessels arriving in Chicago
this Week- report a remarkable occurrence at
Muskegon recently.
,At Midaight there was
an awfnl shock, heard throirghont the whole
city. accompanied by a . bright, sulphuric '
light, N . ,vitich illuminated the entire surround
ingS. :Crews,4 craft in the harbor sprang
from their ; I t unks, and citizens, terribly
idariiii.d, - . rushed to tilt Windows: - Many
-supposed that 'a: severe thunderstorm had
• larr 7 t upon them ; others thOuglit that the
great boilers of some ,of the 1 numerous int;
inetise mills had exploded ; end -note a few ,
' attributed the &afeuing reicrt, to the first,
crash of "the wreck -of matitr and the crush ;
of worlds." When the peoi le ventured ot&
shortly afterward, hoWever, they beheld one,
of the most calm and beautiful mooulight
nights ever,witnlessed.4 The Only explanation
of the mystery is that, a great nerolito fell.
• into Muskegon take; . The foll Owing is from
the . Muskegon Cie rOnicle; "The great
1.• • ; •
inYs tcry is solved by the statement of per.
1 --sons employed in and about the mills in the
lower part of the city. They. say that a
large ballrofifire . fell into Muskegon Kake,
seemingly_ striking its/ surface 300 or 400
feet from the iihol. kiivi Beardsley,
Clarks C. MoUltiiii, and Fred Miller, all of'
whom lodge on Wilsterri avenue, state* that
the buildings inl4thich : they 'have rooms
were shaken by tlll3 . 4ixplosion. Mr. Hugh
Leonard, 14'4 had just retired to his room
on Western livenue, state: •' I, St& the
glare; and it 'seemed 'as il4iugh the. entire
light wits, eoncent4te4 in inbr room. At first
it iippeared as liOngh my Windoir curtains
Nqre wrapt in flames. Where. the aerate.
' struck there was, great commotion; as though
1 - a ton of solid su stance lird fallen into it
i .)
from a' great height.' It lis currently . be.
'laved that gteat meta:Aid stone fell."
Badger cake (which has just been set-,
tled by coinPrordise in Nevi, York)is Very re-'
mitrkable in its chaActei, the facts being' as
follows : Jacohtadger recently died in hisi
70th year. He, vas a rich old bachelor, rind
had for many years been at the head of ,a&op
ulent shipping lion f Oe. Ills hairs proceeded
to divide the property, when a. claim' has
Made by a woman who asserted her dower
right as his widow. For thirty-five year she
and John Baker" had heldcommbial,yela
tiOn4 their home , being in Brooklyn. :"Bak
er" had always conducted himself in an
emplary manner, providing .liberally and,en
jOying th© respect of the neighborhood,
Every day'; . he went to New York and re.
turned-at mght, and, this uniform lifc wag
ohly termnatited by his sudden demise..'lt
was'l:then learned that " John Baker," of
Brooklyn, and Jacob -Badger, of New York,
Were the same, and the ,womao was allowed
a dower of $42,000. New York Contains
Many such instances; which find protection
iii that mantle which a great city thr,ows
jiver society. I Well remember the -fidur
healer, Daniel Angerine, who always-Tassed
for a bachelor. After his' death', hoWever, it
Was learned that he had a family,' , ; which
had only known hini under a false - name. I
was also acqMsinted with another bachelor
business martjthe late IL N. Ferris) -who
kept his resi4ence a secret from even his
Clerks. Evi morning he appeared at the,
Store, and a night ho left, but no one knew'
whither ho went, and his employes became
go accustomed to this mystery that it ceased
to be. a matter of comment. Eventually
Ferris was taken ill and died, and-it was then
discovered that he had a private establish-
Merit in an obscure. street, fig up town..
It. G. Schuyler, formerly the noted railway,
contractor, also pasied-for a bachelor, until
his failure brought out the fact that he lad: -
a wile and fatting tin which he had long been-.
known by the name of Spicer. I could men
tion a man of wealth and of high family who
passes in the Fifth avenue circles as a bach-
Aor, lint his friends have long been con
vinced that ho has a wife somewhere 'in the
I have had miine fun seeing a woman buy
a mirror. What she professed to want was
merely a perfectly true hand-glass—one
that would refect with distortion; but after
watching her I became -convinced
that she was looking for one that would not
only reproduee her face without deteriora
tion, but actually improve it. She was a
medium sort of woman; that is to say, in
age she was just young eubngh to expect
the clerks to address her as " Miss," though
she had'a husband and four children; she
escaped being plain, yet liacin't beauty
enough to make people stare at her; in
slant, she was of a kind to pass unnoticed in
a Crowd. With a' woman who is either pos
itively pretty or possitively ugly the ques
tion. of looks is settled 011C8 and for all and
her mind is cahn on the subject, but with
olio who is about middling there - is ',perpet
ual and litnnuisb/g doubt. One day she is
` raised to hettien by a compliment, the next
day she is lowered to lades by something
that can be construed as a disparagement.
Now she is tolerably well satisfied with her.
self, again she is somewhat disgusted. Al
the time, she is in uncertainty. Saab, no
'doubt, was the woman whoni I saw, going
through a stock of hand-glasses, tr, Ying• he
!ice in one after another and convincing
herself that all of them were. dureiable.—
.N. Y. Leader in Cincinnati Enquirer.
i 1 recent murder trial in New T?rk level:
oped tho elemtint of comedy as' ;impeded
as though " Hamlet " were suddenly to flash
train Harlequin's dress, and burst, head-first
through an isinglass wihdow:
, A reconstructed Alabama politician was on
the witness stand. Ha was a gallant Con
federate Colonel during • the war, and has .
since east his fortunes with the Republican
Party. It was thought, necessary to damage
his testimony. Tho lawyer said :
"Colonel, ~ pardon : : mo ; have you ever
killed a man?"
"Yes, sir ,' Was the quiltly utiembarrassed
" Have you killed two men r
"Yes, sir," was answered, with the same
gentlemanly ab'senee of irritation at so deli
cate ti question. • .
" - Now, Colonel, it is my duty to sal, have
you not killed three men?"
"Yes, sir.; three men." ' • , I
" Might I inquire the circumstances which'
' casioned these unfortunite homicides?"
" Well,sir, the first occurred awing the
ar.; We w'ere in camp during a Ink in w
ive operatiOns. The officer's wives were
allowed to visit their husbands. • A man in- ,
suited my wife. I was the colonel of the
regiment. i went down,' of course, to see
about it. The captain of the min's com
pany said that the man Was under arrest and
the matter won* be investigated.. I said,
`That don't satiffy rne, Captain. The man,
who was stanaiddiaca4,ibrow on me. There
happened to be h knife bandy; and I killed
him..'.A courtiruartial acquitted me after
twenty minutest'l deliberation."
"And what was the occasion Of the sec
ond difficulty ?" asked the lawyer. •
"That happened after the war. I was in
a saloon one night.with a party of gentle
men. Ve were drinking and amusing our
selves by tricks of legerdemain, throwing up
half. dollars and making them disappear,
and so on. A gang of b l ommon fellows en.:
. tere‘h the door and insufted us. Their lead
er drew on us, but I got niy pistol out first
and killed him. The jury. were out in that
case just fifteen Minutes. And I was acquit
By this time the court, including the4jury,
he bench and'the prisoner at the bar were
n a roar at the Alabamian's tang froid and
Well, what did the thir4l gentleman do
to you 9" asked the 'baffled IdWyer. •
!' The third difficulty occUiTed in a little
town in Alabama. I was a Deputy United
States Marshal, and. had gone there to arrest
a man, The day before I get there some
twenty of the citizens had tied- to arrest
man, - but he broke away from them, stood
them off with a revolver, and got away
the swamp. I happened to say that it intuit
be a mighty poor town which couldn't turn
out. twenty men who could capture one. A
getillelan standing on: the ixiTchof . .the
hotel spoke up add said: "Stranger, may.
be yen think you area better man than any
one in this-, town ?" I said I didn't know
about that, but I wouldn't want twenty men
to arrest any man inthe world. If I couldn't
do it myself, 1"d let the mango. - • One word
led to another, a Crowd • gathered ; United
States Marshals were not popular in Ala
bama then ; the gentleman 'drew on me and
I was compelled to:shoot lim.t The juryi ri
that crisis were out just ten minutes and ac
quitted me." r
That ended the; AlabamielOs , testimony.
lie was rf once United States Stahel of Utah,'
and the AttorneYfdeneral held better send'
him back there if the liermons show eign4
of carrying out their threats to slay, turn
and destroy, sooner thrin give up the' fun
they have been having an the shores of, ''Salt
Lake.— The Capital. `i
" I 'do . not beltevo yon."
Ethelbert 34Guire winced as Myrtle
Hathaway spoke these . words=cruel, bitter
words, that seemed to sear his very soul as
'he stood there in the gloaming, the time of
silence and shadows. The sivallowi' were
twittering among the leaves in their noisy
way, the ice cream lairs were casting their
baleful light across the broad thoroughfare,
from which the rattle, the roar, and the
crash of life him great city had but just de
parted- ' -
" YOu cannot moan it, Myrtle," the young
man says, his voice, chocked with emotion.
"You 'surely cannot Aciubt ley word—the
word of one to whom you have plighted
your troth, and in whose life your future is
bonnd np." -
"But Ido mean it," replies the girl. " al
though God knows my woild,be bright
or, better, happier, were it not ;so. ; have
loved you with a,strong, country-buttdr love
that has become a part of my
-v ery existence:
And it is when I have taughtMy heart to
beat responsive to your every word, when I
have come to believe in yon with all the
passionate trustfulnesi of a woman ' snatore,
that you come to, me, and here, on this b4au
tiful June evening; when the heavens ;at c,
panoplied with stars, and the air is balmy
with the perfume - of roses, you say to me
that you'havo never bet on a horse, race—
you tell me, this solemnly and earnestly,
!mowing \ that my heart will not let me judge
harshly any action of yours. No, Ethelbert';
I love you-with a maddening,, oinety-days
oriten-per-oent-off-for-cash trust that is be
yond compare, but I cannot let you atircie
that trust. I am but a girl -4 . sensitive,
passionate, one-bustle-and-a-fornidolkir-bang
girl, but I am not a chump "--- - -and Myrtle
turned to eider the parlor.
"Bat I swear it!" exclaimed Ethelbert
"I swear to yon.that I would not bet four
dollars against ten that Maud 8: could beat
three'minutes." • -
"Yon would not ?"lasked the girl.
"No," was the reply. ," I would not bet
on anything."
"_Then," said the girl,. ; speaking slowly,
and with grave tendero i ass. t, you had bet
ter head for the gate. I can never. place my
happiness and chances for spring bonnets in
the bands of a man who Would let so sure a
iilking as that get away."--Chicago Tribune.
At the time when the Nantucket whaling
trade was at its zenith a sperm whaler from
that port, in the Pacific, bad the misfortune
to lose the black cook. Now, while this im
portant functionary lay on,the 'plank in tho
gangway, shrouded in his canvas cover,
sewed up by the sailmaker ready for burial,
and all the ship's company were mustered
around the ride bier, save the lookout men,
aloft, the Captain engaged with all due
gravity reading the burial service, the ship's
bell solemnly telling, and all the air filled
with the solemnity of the moment, a lofts
man, suddenly discovering the spout of a
whale, sang out lustily : ." sh — e
blows l" Before the lookout had time i f , re
peat the ever-welcome words the now ezci
-ted skipper dropped his boa, Bakal his
glass, and, jumping into the rigging, bound
ed aloft at a fifteen knot rate. His glass
noon proved the tro th of the lookout's , cry,
and from his lo ft y ' perch' the skipper_ bel
lowed out, as only a sailor - can :
• " Kaock'off tolling the bell
• 1 - 01 ear away the boatel')
"Heave that nigger overboard r
they hove him.—. Burlington
Eirawkeye. •
The poet's laurel wreath she (loth not wear,
gine° In her busy life she seldom writes
The poems, that she lives ; yet on the heights
With tinily° sympathy her seal cloth share
The poet's keen delights.
• • .
She neither seas nor gains the worithi acclaims
Tho Ugh rarest gifts are hers of mind and face ;
More proud Is she to till her simple place;
And wear what seeln todier the dearct names
That womanhood'ean grace. I
Her Joy is to guard her lobed from pain,
To takefrom them the burdens hard to btu;
To give her days, her nights,lier life, to edi‘e
For th ose who, loving her, yet entertain
Their angel unaware.
And more than artist's patience she doth give
To tasks of motherhoW, since not alone
High dreams are clothed in color, form or ton:.,
Wrought from the lives that human beings live:.
Is highest beauty known.
On such as she tin; world may not bestow
Its vain applause ; far from all vulgar strife
She dwells content, if .throughher hidden life
Mr loved the Meaning of the name shalt know
Of mother and otwile. ' .
Uncle Jim; Baker, who lives on Snake
River, Wyoming Territory, has a history
not equaled by any living man. Since the
'ear of 1832 ho has Warned the far West,
"always on the
,frontier. He is • widely and
justly celebrated, and his experiences and.
exploits-on the plains and in the* mountains
will be vividly recollected by tho "old in
habitants " who were tenderfeet in the
country when ho ; Was au apparently old
man. He is betureen 60 and 70 years of
ago now, and is in appearance the typicaf
western man, although showing the weight
of years. His king curly hair, which was
once. dark brown, is nowetreaked nith gray,
while his heavy mustache and goatee are ,
almost white. Six feet tall, ho is straight 'a , i•
ran arrow and steps with the sprightliness of
a young man.
When a small boy; Jim 'ran away from,
home, and indentured himself,to the service
of the American Fur Company. He served
hitt time out with them,' and then Went to'
trapping beaver for himself. He'frequently
made $lO a day. He followed the avoca
tion for eight year, and then took part 'iu
the Mormon War.•
About this time Jim relates how the forty
men in his, company got snowed in, in what
is now the Gunnison country, and over half
the number, died of starvation. The mules
were killed and eaten, but Jim says they
were, so . poor that there was not flesh
euough on ono of them to mI I A ke a meal . for
one than. The remnants of t band filially
got sant of the country into Utah.
After the war he spent a number of years
in trapping. He then identified himself
with the Shoshones, and 'after a few years
becathe their chief, leading them in many
battles against ;the Blackfeet, who were
mortal enemies of the Shoshones. For three
yearsdidnever saw a white man. One day
ho beeame angry while in council with the,
sub-c lets, and killed three' of them out
right He then found it too worm for him;
oud he attempted to make his escape out of
the country.' It :is said-by Jim's friends
that the tribe followed him for 700 miles;
and that in . the, fight he killed scores of
them, being wounded several times himself.
Since. that time he has never found it ad,
_visable to go back to them.
' " Did you marry into the 'tribe ?" was
asked. , • -
" Yes, 1 alwayw had a squaw ; sorueti:ixes
two or three," ho said , nomehalautly.
Jim is badly used-lip, owing to the mita
,ber of times he has been shot and accidents
that have occurred to him. A portion of
the right hand is entirely gone. He lost it
while shooting at a target with the late Cap
tain Jack: ofthe! Tites, in 1 tii;•i. Jiff was
then interpreter at the White. Itiver*,ency,
while Maj: Oakes, uov4 of -Denver, was
agent. When. Jim fired, his first_ shot the
carbine exploded, tearing off a piece of the
hand,.,breaking a jaw,.
„and nearly killing
him. 'He was taken up for dead, but after
'many months f suffering he recovered. He
lived with tb lites for several years after
Iu Jim's tide .the , Indian tribes living
farther West werelittle acquanited with fire
arms. In fact, some tribes never s:iw a gun.
She ‘older bucks of the Shoshones remem
berted well when they first laid - eyes upon
them.. Jim relates the story as told him by
one of the Shoshone chiefs. One day a
young buck Was
. prOwling about the coun
try, wlita htuheard the unusual noise of, the
report of Arearins. Getting down on his
hands and knees he crawled through a
clump of bushed, and gun% into the space
beyond 'he beheld a party of white men
shobting at a target. The ; sight paralyzed
him with fear. Ho had never looked upon
a white man before, and ho immediately
came to the conclusion that the men before
him were supernatural beings who had just
dropped down from aboVe, like a flock of
ducks. He hastened buck to his village and
informed his chiefs of what he had. seen—
. .. . . _
I beings who could produce thunder tit their
will. ,Then several of thp foremost tribe
1 1 ,W.enti ' t?, the scene and, sloe enough, what,
the. 'fig buck had told-them proved to be
roe.' 7 E, A, few days i l ifterward the Indians
meq to the•camp of the white in'en under
a flag of . trice, when the use and the 'man
neiof handling the firearms were explained
to them It came very near' proving the
-- destruction of the whole party, for the red
skip coveted . the guns to:such a degiee
tha i l several attempts were made to nabs
sacra the owners to gain ' possessior' of
In Jim's day 'he was noted as one :at the
wildest of sconti.' He was never kunwn tc
lose his caution and an instance cannot be
cited where the Indians ever got- the bettor
of him.
7 Ars: Duff and her husband sailed _from
Jltoston on , the ship New England for Liver
pool on the 401 - Of Ipecember, 1827. Steam
packets were yet lit:known, and at that pe- -
riod of dui fear' it inn' , be imagined that the
voyage was not over pleasant or very speedy,'
After Mr. puff! had taken his, passage, ho
was disturd by a dream in which, he be
held the destruction by i sbipwreck of the
vessel in which be was to :Sal This made
such an impression upon his mind that he
changed his tickets for those on a packet
leave at a later date, in which he and hit;
wife reached-their destination in safety ; but
in Liverpool he learned that; the former ship
had not yet arrived, nor was she ever heard
of again.. The story of this dream has been
converted into quite another shape, add has
been told in print as follows (by the late
'Count Joannes): •
"Mrs. Duff, after her i widowhood, had
t form an engagement of marriage with Mr.
Conway,ay the tragedian, whb soon after sailed
for vannah. A few nights after his depar
ture the apparent ghost of the tragedian rip,
peered to Mrs. Duff hie dream. On awak
ening .she wrote down the circumstances,
date and hour.. Soon news arrived that-Mr.
Conway bad committed seicide by plunging
into the sea off Charleston harbor .1311, the
very night and hour ()t i the strange dream.'
The incorrectness of this version of the story
will be at: once pereeived when it is ranee'.
bered that Mrs. Duff did not become, a wid.
ow until Awl, 1831, and ,that Mr. Conway
lid:Perished in the Spring of 1828, three
yeire'befet*—From ricland's Lift of Afro
ihdt '
The Remarkable Adventure it Man filet
With in Nashville,
"A great many people have a mistaken
idea that the sensations attendaiat npos
hanging are very unpleasant," remarked Dr,
nimble to a representative -of this paper;
"but, on the contrary, it is extremely pleas
I have it from a man who Was hanged,
three times. Of course, those whose neckt
arc broken never know what hurt them; but
it is of the others I : speak. The practical
surgeon knows this fact. Drowning has
long been regarded as an extremelysngreea
ble method of shriffling off th 4 mortal coil,
Find there is no doubt that s nfulation by
ho other method—a hemp ro e—produces
like results. Yon remember tb great Nash.
e sensation in which Ned B ntlinn Agar
ed—no, I reckon not either, fo4that was
way back in the forties,forty-six4 I believe.
Buntline, the sensational writer, ytau know,.
whose real name is Judson, or some such
name, had a rows with a prominent. man
named Porterfield about the later's ' wife.
Porterfield shot at Judson three •lirries, and
was about to fire again _when Judson said ;
'lf you do that again ru put a bullet through
your head.' "Porterfield:paid no attention to
' his remark, but fired tho fourth time, the
last bullet, like the others, going wide of the
mark. Judson raised his elbow to a level
with his face, and resting his pistol upon it,
took good aim and fired. _ The ball penetra
ted Porterfield's brain and he fell dead to the
groand. Then somebody found Porterfield's
1 brother, put a pistol in his hand and told
—Grace 8. Vietls.
him to avenge the murder. He l shotat Jud
son twenty times while the latter was! run.
nizig up the, capitol steps, and missed every
shot. :The mob finally caught! 4ndson and
resolved to lutn'g Lima Taking hiin' to, r,
'louse close: by wlijch was in process of eon
structiou tliey titr4W - a rope over one of tne
rafters"and strung him up. Thrice he was
strung up in succession and cut down under
the impression that he was dead. His leg
was broken by the last fall,. and ho was un
conscious. The mob left him for dead, and
kind freinds took him and succeeded in re—'
storing life. _I saw him afterward at Louis
ville, Ky., some time in 18. P.), and had' a
long talk with him, about the affair. He
told me that. the few moments he hung each
time were the most deliriously delightful of
his whole life. Behutiful lights danced be
fore his,eyes, of all hues and shades, teeny
of them like those grciduced by chemical
burning of `watch-springs. The most gor
geoits panoramas passed in review before
him, each more entrancingly beautiful and
distinct than the last. Exquisite landscapes,
' mountains, green-clad valleys
land spouting springs of:sparkling water fill
ed hint with ecstasy. His whole soul was
-enthralled with rapture. by the beauties
which lay spread out, before his gaze. So l
wrapped up was he iu contemplating these
scenes that he, hated the moment tlfilt rope
was severe :ittd the sweet: E1u5i0,52.4 dispell
etL The pain came afterward,' when :his
throat welled from the of of the rope
upon it, and be was unaille to swolloW.—
MempAis Ltdger.
Mr. 3. r. Butler, formerly c' i.c One
, Hundred and Twentieth .Indiana Regiment
narrates the following ;lucid :
During the eventftil siege of Atlanta and
on the T.Ll'of Jnly, bri : nde was
awaiting orders in full view of tlie enemy's
fortifications and Within a few mile:: of the
city. Heavy •firing could be heard off to the
left, indicating .fiat something unusual was
going. on in that :-..quarter. I'reseutly a
mounted officer galloped uprto our colohel,
gave some orders and rode iLway. Mount
ing•his laorseour commander ordered atten
tion, and the next feW minutes found us
marching rapidly iur the directiOn . whence
•eanie that terrible sound; of deStruction.
The sad hews of General McPherson's death
was soon whispered' throiigh the ranks, and
a white house which we were then passing
was Pointed 'to as the spot,where . our brave
General was at that moment Iv n. cold in
dath. We passed a field hospital at' our
left, and the ambulances homing and going
told us plainly that we were fast approach
ing a battle-field: - The mar of artillery that.
had been rapidly growing louder was now
appallingly near and the rattle of musketry,
like the roll of the drum, could now be heard .
in the distance.' All at once everything was
excitement. The firing, which had been
heavy before, was now - grandly terrific.
Mounted officers and orderlies were hurry
lug here and there and it was evident that
the'enerriy were charging. Hero .we struck
up ti - double-quick, and the eheer'of welcome
received a fen* minutes later as we wheeled
into line was enough to stimulate any body
of men to action. ! • .
But the battle was over and we had ar
rived too late to share in its victory. The
usual keno ,resulting from such, a, struggle,
I need not describe, but curiosity prompted!
me to Open a knapsack left on the field' evil
dentlyliy some poor fellow, and 'as it was
badly besmeared with blood, I had al,desirC
to knoiv to whom it belonged. "CompanY
Eleienth lowa," was written ou the back.
Opening a portfolio that I found' yvithin'
diAcovered a letter with the following ad
dress Miss Oelia Ellsworth, Peoria City,
Ills."' The letter had been written, - but the
poor fellow had probably, been struck down
before he could send it I concluded the
letter must go, so on the face of the euiel
ope wrote the following; , "Found on the
battle-field Of the 22d of July, ner: Atlanta, -
Ga., and respectfully forwarded' by J. E.
Butler, ,principal musician One Hundred and
Twentieth 'Regiment Indiana Volunteers."
And the letter reached its destination, for in
due time I received the thanks of the lady
in a very interesting letter. Slick made ten
der inquiries for the soldier, of whom at the
time I could learn nothing, but was after,
wards informed that he had been wounded
through the body and was taken to the hos
pital. .That he finally recovered and lived
.to return to his fair correspondent is tie
earnest wish of "an ex-drummer boy.!!
May I hope to learn the iequel of ibis litti.
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Boston depend almost solely upon South Car
olina for early . vegetables. Charleston ships
these things many days before Norfolk 'is
ready, and consequently reaps the cash ben
efits. The country all about the City, includ
ing. many of the islands, is a perfect garden,
and the truck trade handles more elean_ cash
than any Man would credit without fi gures
and statements. A million and a of
dollars are represented in the tinek farms,
and that sum is no comparison to what they
paid their owners in the last fifteen, years.
• The number of bar rels of new potatoes ship—
ped North last year exceeded 100,000 bar
rels, and bro4ght $2 per bushel. Hero was
$OO,OOO in this one item. Before the North
sees its lasksleighing-these truck farmers are
planting, and before the New Englanders
have their overcoats off they are gathering
and - selling. From 2,000 to 3,000 perions
find employment in this business around
Charleston, and all earn a good living. Hun
dreds of women and girls who could not
find other employMent earn good_ wages at
this- Hazy of the cotton-planters are also
track-farmers and work both crops.
$1.50n Year, In Advance.
laterembig Facto Culteefriore note and
—tielnds reports 32,087 horses within its -
border, and 158,137 cattle. ,
—Daniel Webster is' to have a $O,OOO
- statue at Concord, N. IL
—ln certain Arkansas towns liquor deal.
ers arc required to. pay 81,000 a year for
their licenses. , ,
—lt is estimated that upward 'of 30,000
lives have peen &greyed by the explosive
products of petroleum.
—The new phicago Directory contain
196,000 names, which are calculated to rep-
resent a population of 580,000.
- - -The.busirms of raising Angora - goats
for their wool and skins is proving to be
quite profitable on the Humboldt, near Hat=
tic Mountain.
—During a late storm in Indiana a water
spout is said to have chased a railroad train
which made, the best One .possible to !get
out elite reach aid succeeded. Had it not,
the re - fult might Iwo been terrible.
7 —Captain Stubbs, of Gainesville, Ark.,
the . Chappion rifle' shot, exhibited his Till`
the other day by breaking a grain of corn
tossed up, shooting a nickle - from the finger _
of a friend and breSking the point of a pen-
a 1,
—The annual interest on the public debt
is now about $1 08 for every inhabitant.
In 1875 it was more than twice this, being
P. 20 per capita, and in 1865 it was as high
Is $4 29. per capita, or $150,979,07, to be
paid by 35,469,000 people
—A dog at Sumter, Ga-., meets guests at
the gate of his master's residence, escorts
them to the house, and then goes to the
yard and. catches chickens for the day's din-i
ner, holding them till the mistress comes_
and'kills them., It would spoil this story to
doubt it.
—Captain Obed Starbnek, one Of Nan•
tneket's oldest whaling captains, died recent.
ly at the age - of eighty-five. In 1810 he Was
captured by pirates off the Chilean coast,
but after the captain of his ship had been
put to death he recaptured the vessel. and
brought her safely home.
—"See here :" ‘ yelled the farmer to the
city chap who had just fired into a flock of
ducks_ on the pond doivn back of the house;
" those are not wild ducks . ; those are do
ducks,. sir." "Can't help it, sir, ll'
they are," answered the city chap, calmly
reloading..:'! They're just as good for my
puFpose, exactly."—L,oweltatizen.
-" What shall I preach about ?" said the
ruinistcr . to Le pastor of a coloresl:flock
which lie WaS about to', addres6. " Well,
mos' uuy subjec' will be 'ceptable," was tho
reply; "only I'd like to - give you one —Word
of caution." "ix : what is that ?" " Well,
cf I was, you, I'd tech very light on the
Eighth Commandment." " Indeed: _ and
why ?" " Oh, cos, I Lib noticed dat it mos',
always hag a•dan.tpnin' effee' bpon dis con
gregation. especially uow, 4o moon . bein'
small au' de fat pullets whot don ,roost too
high—mighty temptin."
."—This is the way they fish in IllonoC01:112-
ty, Cal., according to the Bodie Frit , Press ;
" The enthisiastic fisherman quietly slides
into the hardware store and fills his - pockets
with giant Powder - cartridges, and thence
takes: to' the streams. Once on the of
a trout 'stream it is ht the ; work of a ma
merit for him to blow of t a hundred minors
trout. t Eatisfied with his splended luck, he
returns home and tells the boys all abort his
trip, and how the fish took the hook with
tr ea
eagerness that denoted enthusiasm."
—Hank Blodgett, who for the past twenty .
years has followed sea-otter hunting on the
coast above Gmy's harbor, W. T., says that
he now averages one hundred shots for
every otter obtained. In early times when
an otter was shot it would come ashore, but
the 'animals have . become so shy that tinkle
killed instantly they put out to' sea. They I
cannot be approached now nearer than 600
yards. Blodgett nses a Sharp's rise,. forty
five calibre, carrying 120 grain's of powder.
The fur of the sea.otter sells at from $7O to
$150; and is becoming more : every season.
—lt is respectfully suggested to the Meth.
odisibrotherhood that, in lieu of the leis
month's probation required of converts be- '
fore.accepting them into full - fellowship, the
awakened ones be simply reqter' ed to play
one or two games of croquet. If they come
out of thOordeal with 'unruffled-temper,
with no naughty words neon their lips and
no murder in. their hearts,- then they can
safely be taken into the church as marvels
of grace.. This is not only a much quicker
method than the old one, but it is alsOvastly
more trustworthy. It is a sure teat:—Bos.
ton- Transcript.
—John Robinson's circus was attacked te,
ten employes at Denver recently. The men '
all claim that they were not paid their full
wages and entered claims to the amount of
several hundied dollars) Ono of the circus
men, John: Snelling, the elephant trainer,
, knocked a man down and a constable ;eat
out to the tent to arrest him: While the offi
cer was searching . for. Snelling the latter
walked into the lion's cage and cooly sat
down.: When the officer eppreached Snel
ling invited him in, brit ho refused and left
withont'making thearrerte . —Chicago Tri.
—Now that the law; excl uding the Chinese
has gone into effect, the San Francisco au
thorities are much puziled to know bow
they shall identify outgoing Chinamen, who
have the - fight under the* treaty : to 'return,
and prevent other Celeste*froni coming a in
Under their names. All. Chinfanum look
pretty much alike, and a man who sees one
of them can never be sure he sees_the same
,one againhence the perplexity of the San
Frandsco officers. The simplest way - would
seem to be td take advantage of the system
that is still in vogue in some parts of China
in the signing of documents, of taking an
impression in ink of the thumbs of the per:
sons whom-it is desired to identify. As is
,well known, the lines on tho thumb are not
alike in any two persons, and by taking the
print of any given Chimunan's thumb ripm
; his departure and return, and seeing- that
they correspond, There would seem to be no
chance whatever for fraud in the matter.
Thif was ono of the questions asked a cer.
tain . class - in School No. -3 during mamba.
lion week, and as simple, s the question
pears to be none could answer it. - In the
emergency the Principal, Mr. Brands, was
applied to far a solution,iand he also; with 6 4
good natured Smile, gave, it up, when one of
the teachers determined not to be beaten by
so simple a question hit on the Ida of "end—
ing out a delegation of boys to so= the
neighborhood for a cat. When this idea
was rmbuneed the whole class wanted to
join in the hunt. - Several boys 11/Vlt out
and having been successful awn returned
with a Thomas. A returning board was at
once appointed and the toes counted, when
to the relief of all it was learned that a cat
possesses eighteen toes, ten on the front
feet and eight on the hind feet The board
of Education should feel proud it having in
their employ so deterniined and praetioal a
teacher. After the question . was salved
Thomas was allowed to depart nunili to his
satisfaction.—Paterion Pram
NO. 9