TyACY, Publbihers. VOL. VII I. -THE Bradford Republican Vololi,hetl Every thursday, AT TOWAND., PA., BY .E/OLC3 IB & TRACY, !:, $4.50 Prr .4 as, in Advance. .1 :Idrecrising Rates--S'x cents a line for first n; , ertinn, ant five cents per line for all sub•o- ins, , rtims. Beading notice advertiting cents per line. Eight lines constitute 1 and twelve lines an inch. 'Auditor's ootices $2.55. Administrator's and Executor's no tkes $2.41. Yearly advertising • Stra.co per Tux ItEroutaesis is published in the 1 iner, 3loore Mud Ikol•les Block, nt the corner of Bain and litiiistreets. over J. t. Corser's Boot snit Shoe store. Its circulation is over 2000. As al 'advertlstnsr medial:nit is unexcelled_ la ',mediate '::wan:ia Business Zira:4,:ry. ATTOR3Ers-AT-L-4 W. rII.I:VCLICNI) k. NicGOVERN. (E. J. Clem,.!arid LI Wei. McGorern), canton, Bradford County Pa, Ali business eutrustod t..) their care in Wehterti itritlford will recei%e prompt attention, Tll N PULLS, Attorueys-at-T—sw; 0111 Z. user Powell N: Co. _ 1 si.IFF, J. N., (M11e..) in Wood's Block .soutb Cl'lrst Sstional Bank, up,stairs. jute 0 r ,..8 i wi. , 4DREE & SON IN c' Elsbret and L Elibrre. : .—I odi.. , is Mercur Mock. Park St. insyl 1.71., x.oVERTON (lleaj 31 Peck and P A'On , r J. toni. Wheel over 11131's Market KitToN ,t - S.NR DESON Overton and J. an 0 4'..i.ziefersen.) Office inAdatnsßlock.julys"it .I.N.VELL. wSt. Office ovnr Dayton's Stor, , "" . apri114.76 Tr 7 [LT. J. ItEW. Otlico In Mean's Block apr 14,76 DNvir.s. AI s. & HALL. fir r Davies. IY 11 earnochan.L . Al Hall.) Office in real I %Vara !louse. Entrance 011 Poplar St. C1e1 . t,7:, L I T k t 7 it. IP iIINEY A. Solicitor of Patents. iY Particular attention paid to tinniness in Court and to the acttlement of entates. 111,. in Montanye's Block • 49-79 Mc h.: YOUNG. (1. McPhcrson and 4 tV. /. rung.) Office nouns aide ofMorcur's fob 1,7 e ATTILLIAMS, ANGLE k BUFFINGTON. (II .1V VV Williams. E J Angie and E I) Buffington). (nlloo west side 'lf Muhl street, twn doors north of Atglig office. All Lustness entrusted to their ear,. will reeeive prompt attention, net 211,i7 TAMES AND JOll5 W. CODDING, Attor• v . ; neyA and Counsellors-at-Law. Office in the Mt reur Block. over C. T. Kirby's Drug fitore • July 3, 'ttO lisirEENl•ll% J. I'. Attorne)-M-Law. °Mee in M‘intanye's Mock, Main Street. s,•;.t. ;7, 7 rrllß - C.111•SON. W. It. and IE. A.. Attorneys-at Towanda, pa, mike in . llercur Block, 0. T. Kirby's Brut; Store, entrance on Maiu street. tir.t stairway north of Post-office. .kAll business promptly attended to. Special atten tion given to claims against the United Stites or Betisio...., Bounties. Patents; etc., and to oßectil!us and settlement of decedent's es:ates. April ly' • HENRY - 11. M'KEAN, • ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, - - • .3 . nolicto r of l'atrntr.• Governmoit - chirus :t•• tetitiv.l to. I.lc.fetts2 PII7'SICANS AND SURGEONS JoIINSON. T. 'D., M.D. l'.rters's Drug Store NT Kit - TON. Dra . D. N. S: F. G. °nicest Dwelling .1.`4 ou lure: Street, curuer Weston St. feb.12,77 LI i.D, K.. I.D. N let door above old hank building, on Main street. Special at. given to , discases of the throat and I jtilylif,7B • O‘PDBURS, S. M . .. M.D. Oil!co l and reef- VV dyne . Nlaiu KtrePl, nortitot M.E.Chur:ll. lfrdiral Examther for recision Dr , -srtment. 6 t?.b22.:8 IDAYSE. E. D.. M.D. °Mee over IN intanye's •L Store. (Ake hours from 10 to 'l2 A. m. and s tr,.p tO. 4r. Y. Special attention given to Diseases of the Eye. and Diseases of the Ear oct 20.7 i • T D oWNE. 51. D.. liummorArtitc PIITSICLUN .VA4IIIIGEON. Itesidoice and olHw just north of Dr. Carbon's %lain street. Athens. P. HOTELS HESItY HOUSE. Main lit., next corner sent.' street. New house and ne furniture throughout. The proprietor ha ',pared neither pains or expense in making hi , 114.t,1 fi rst-class and respectfully solicits a shar ; IA Public hatronage.• Meals at all hours. Term reasonable. Largo Stable attached. MESE SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, O. GS, O. A. 11. 'Sleets Saturday evening. at Military Hall. • GEO. V. MICE% commander. J. 1: lirrre.inon, Agjutant. feb 7, 79 • CItYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at R. of P. Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In surance $2.000,. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver. aga annual coat, 5 years experience, $ll. 1, JESSE MYERS, Reporter, feb 22.78 I:. B. 1' I EItCE, Dictator, BRADFORD LODGE. N0.167,'1. 0. O. F. Mee ln`Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening at 7 o'clock. WAIIRLN Iluz, Nobie Grata. June 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING POST, F. E. 32 Second street AU orders will receive prompt attention. Jane 12,75 EDUCATIONAL raUsQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The s I'IIING TERM will begin Monday, April 3. For catalogue or 'other infor. r..it ion. address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN. A. M. Towanda. Pa. .laly , 9,78 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER TXTILLIANIS. EDWARD. Practical Pluinbei 'vv and Gas Fitter. Flace of business in kleri cnr Block next door to : Diurnal office opposite Public Square.. Plumbing, Gas Fitting; Repair. jig Pumps of all kinds. ind all kinds of Gearinie rowptly attended tb. All wanting work in his ellOlll3 give him a call. iulc 27.71 INSURANCE . uporssELL. C. 8, General lnauhinee Agency, . 1 . 1 . Towanda; Pa. °ince in Whiteoniles Book :tore. • July 12.76 And had One ni ilis 25 CENT DINNERS feb 2 , ; -Cu, FARM FOR SALE. f t of fifty acres; located in the borough Fur, st.. ft‘e minutts drive from Rondo borough For, lu 1 particulars, address f AMES O. MIMES. Towanda .C. btfa• _ • • •- • ! OR . -- • • . : • : 1 T 0 17. , • - 4 - AL— • _ • oCk 1.1.6-Aw-c - • i • f %Jo -1 111:cellanecus Adverttiemeiats. TOWANDA, PA Mite over Dr. H. C 7 feb12,78 Wbl. HENRY MI SUFFER no longer from pyspep sia, Indigestion want of Appetite,lossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Favers, &c. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. _ Boston, NoveMber :6,1684 ' Ihrown Calmat. Co. ; Gentlemen : For Years I bare , beenagmat suffererf - mm. .--. h .ll449mitiatillortOkK l ihntiVA;: = everything whic nisi rottimitird- ' 7l-4 ed) until, acting on the advice of* friend, who had been benefited by. BROWN'S box Bursas„ I tried a battle, with most surprtttog results. Previous to taking owres lame Bursas, everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered - gmatly fnam a burning sensation in the 'stomach, which was unbearable. Since talc - ing Baown's IRON Errnms, all any troubles are at lan end. Cin eat any • time without any disagreeable tr. • sults. I am ' , practically another person. Mrs. W. J. FLYNN," 3o Maverick St., E. Boston. BROWN'S IFON BIT TERS acts like a.charm on the digestive O rgans, removing all d yspeptic symptoms, such .as tast ing the food, Belching, 'Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. 1 The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth- or give headache. Sold by all Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimored. S_e that all Iron Fitters are ;made by known Chemical Co.. BaltimOrc. and have crossed red lines and trade- - mark ou wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS NATHAN+ TIDD, t§occ,essor to Mr. McEer,) DEALER IN 1' r- - ' TjTTSTON, W ILKESBARRE • I AN•D LOYAL SOCK • QUAL I YOOT or PINE MTREEL NEAR (X)ERT HOUSE PA. xr LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. The patronage of my old friends and - Shop:Ad Enormity ts,aolicited - : j - 94811'8 In the Whide history of Medicine • No preparation has ever performed such 'marvellous cures, or maintained -so wide a reputation, as AvEOCREnny PI:CTOIZAI., which is recognized ,as the world's remedy for ail diseases , - of the throat :111(1 lungs. , Its long-continued series'. ol' wonderful cures;. in all ch. .nites Iris made it univerSalfY known as la safe and reliable agent to employ: -Againsf7'ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely. always; re ! lieving suffering, and, often csavi_ng life. The protection affords, by its. timely use in throat' and chest! disorders, makes it an' invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No person can atord to be without it, and those who live once used it never will. From their- knowledge of its composition and operation'', physicians use the CinatuvPyrronAL! extensive!) . in their practice, and clergymen recoth 7 mend it. It 14-absolutely certain 4n its healing effects, and *ill always cure where cures are pdssible. For sale by all (druggists.' i A. BEVERLY smtrrit, BOQIc. BINDER 1 - AND ,; , bealer Scroll Saw Go:O.' BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY Fine Blank Books MY SPECIALTY. I ilmateurvs Supplies. This departrant of my business Is very com pletc, and being a practical sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons. WCOD3 SAW BLADES. ". 1 • ! CLOCK' #TOPPAIEND3, 3 / 4 c, ~ constantly on hand: S ir St °2l r!orth of designs foi $l. Send for price lists. - 1 • 1 "IMPORTER" lITSDPIRY, Park street, j Towsndi, Ps P. O. bor. 1511 DR. JONES'CRE4ICAMPHoR IS THE SAME OF the •popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain in the Face, Head or Spine. Chapped bands, Bruises,Sprains, Burns. Mosquloto Bites. Sting or Bite of airin sect. Poison from common Poison Vines. etc., foi man or beast.. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold twall drug. lists: Price 2. 'cents. .• N. 13.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal a he State Fatr.lB79. May 20'17 Trzetincr: HAIR EXEWER is ai scientific combination f some of the most powerful . restorer live agents in the vegetable' kingdom. It • restores gray hair to its orig,bial v, • color. It makes the scalp white and. clean. It cures dandrufriand :humors, and falliug-out of the hair..! - It furnishes . the nutritive principle by which the hair is' nourished and supported. It 'Takes the' hair moist, soft and glossy, and is nusurPassed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical. preparation ever offered to the public, 'as itaieffects remain a long time, making only an occasional application necessary.. It is recommended ,and used by eminent medical. men, and officially endorsed by the State , Assayer of Massachusetts. The popularity of Ilall's hair Renewer, has increased- with the test of - mink , . years, , both in this country- and in foreign lands, and It is nOw known and used in all the sivilizedi countries 01 the world. . For sale by all dealersi SELECT POETRY, Do mole slander your good name About the church or mart or town, And carry Mas on wings of lathe? ' Just five it down. Do you aye humbly live discreet, While villains' bask in high renown, • - Who pace the earth with Waning feet? Why, live them down. Are - You within the world's r . Joei Yet' wandering poor 'math fortune's frown? rut on a smiling cheerful fade And live it dOwn. Do you toil dagglig up the bm, While Men o'er your head have flowni Your godare heart with mange nil And Ilve It down- When yelping curs with mouthing rage The voice fat reason In you drown, In patient:eye& till double assuage, And lire than ilonsk Do pinto Mak yoar keartts weak 72BroatwArd leathers meat ,Y - 1 ". 11 2/M 2 .40 s , Be nit is world's bell-like mart Fighting a noble Christian part. Yet sinning creature seeming tut; You'll reach the highest heights you could on earth, and yet wear heaven's crown,! It but with god llkfcheart you should 1 Live all things down. .L-Omicron, MISCELLAN EOPS. JACK AND TOM. r When Mrs. Hudson's little baby was born nll the neighbors were very sorry for, herr left in.that cold and cruel way, with a child to bring up ! But Mrs. Hudson, a , fine-looking young woman of six.and-twenty years, was, like the rest of..them, able „to take care of berself. She had a relative "or two in a distant State, and she was known as reliable and honest. The letters she wrote brought her certain 10ans, with which she started a small .shop, for millinery and trimmings. She had good taste in the opinion of the neighborhood, and when she sold the ribbon and Sowers tar a bonnet she trimmed it for nothing. Whp she sold a dress she gave in apattern t& make it by. These things cost her nothing but time, and she' was in. clastrions. They diew custom. In time the store was enlarged,. all the loans were paid, little Tom was kept at school as well dressed as any child there, and Mrs. Hudson went to church of a• Sun day M a black silk dress that rustled with richness. No one ended her her good for tune, especially as it did not' make her proud. .. She bad a tamper but, she bad too much policy to offend her , customers. lyks, she tad a temper. • That was what sent Jack away ; she• had boxed his ears. He luid a habit of chewing tobacco, and had spit upon her clean :scoured hearth, and there bad been a quarrel, and the blow fell. "I never lifted my hand against you, Sal. ly," said Jack. " But this rn say, ru bear no more. You'll never see me again." Ho had walked out of the house unll bad shipped on a vessel bound for China. Sally hadbelieved he only meant to fright en her and would come back.; Six months afterward their baby came into the world, but Jack bad never been heard of since. She cried over it still in secret, for . ahe had been very niucli in love with, Jack and had thought him very fon;I of her. And film was proud of Tom, and fonder of 'him fOr look ing like his father. She scolded him when he needed -scolding, but his home wits hap py for all that. Only when he grew old enough to leave school did any serious con flict of opinion take place between the boy and his mother. It was on—a 'Saturday night, after the shutkeis were put up that it began. "The business is so big now, Tom," said Mrs. Hudson, " that it will take us lxhh. teach you all about it at once, and when you are twenty.one rll take _you regularly isto.,partnership. It will be yours after me and I've no doubt," said the mother, with a forecast' ofof maternal jealousy in her eye, " that some day your wife'wit be behind the eagh desk-.hero." Tam,,! who was dutifully casting up his mOtlier's weekly accounts for - her, laid'down his petrand looked her. "It's no use talkihg that way, mother," he said.. "The shop Will be yours, and not mine, to the end. I won't keep it. I don't mean to stand behind a counter. I don't call that man's work." My goodness, Tom, what notions have you got into your head?" cried Mrs. Hull. , "Man's wort; indeed! . : Why 4 there's more men than women in stores ; aid you can bo cashier and buyer, .and take Stock, and all that. Lizzie, the girl .helps Me now ; and I could ;let o regular salesman or sales ,woman." . "Mother," said Tom, "I won't go into business of this sort at all. I shall go to sea and get to be a captain in time, I hope. What I'd like is the navy, it 'I had a chance; but anyhow the sea." 1. • • "You couldn't be anything but a common sailor, Toin," said the poor woman. "Think of your education." "Such as it is, I . do," said Toni; "and very thankful I am . for it,lbnt a sailor's life is the life for me. No ship . is.; I know it." "It's a store; • it's a go6d business. I've Made it what it is," cried Mrs. 'Mudson, "and you despise it." - " I don't. You're thei smartest womanl know, mother," said Tom ; "but I won't keep shop;--or store. I won't sell bonnets. ' It's absurd to think of itj" . =I "golf of it is dry goodit. sobbed Mrs. Hudson. -1 • But the trouble had begun. It went with her to church on Sunday, after_keeping her wide awake all night. Arguments began. The mother at last no longer implored; she asserted her authority. Tom was not of age and at last Tom was not so respectful es he should have been, and there was a regular quarrel, and Mrs.: Hudson boxed her son's The next morning she went down to her liWe dining-rocim very early. The. geay Own-was in the sky,- but a shutter had been left open; "very carelessly: l as she said to herself, and by the light - thatlell through it she saw a letter lying on the,thble. She took it up. It had no postmark ; but it was formally addressed to 'her—to Mrs. Sarah Hudson. "If it should be Jack come back anus au," she thought and tore it open. Within, on a sheet of paper were these words : " Mother; Pm - off. I won't have my ears boxed ; I won't be treated like a child. I shall ship at once. Home` has grown too hot to hold me ti Tom. SI The boy had his father's temperas well as his father's face. I The poor woman hinted, giddy and stag gered to a seat, and hioliher face for a while. - She had lived for Toni. Ho was her idcd. Her fixed idea of having him in the Imainsea came only of her longing that they should not be partefl, and now he was gone ; hs had left her like this; left her as his father had bdorihim, and for the same anima. TOWANDA. BRADFORD COIJNTx, PA., LIVE IT DOWN. Why, live It down. - f!tioMtliftiF f Nir OF THE PEOP , I2, BY TH*PEOPLE AND FOB ' A little' while after .this, the sammt Susan, coming slowly druid the stank tyipg her apron as she Mme, saw to her horror the neat figure Of her mistress, in its ,trim black cashmere, -lying prone! upon the &Kir; She held a letter crushed in j her hand, and was quite insensible. • Torn was a sailor, at least on the'way be one. He had shipped aim of the crew .of an ocean, .steamer, and ; for the time he slept in the ciircded room of a sailor's &aid ing house. It ivas well with little cots,' and it was close, and not'loo clean. Smile of the 'then were intoxicated, some'were talking;to each.otber in the dark, others swearing them for disturbingiluim at that hour. ;It was two o'clock. Tom had been in New York four days; and his life' had not been a . pleasant one. ' 1 • ,Now as he lay in the dark• and :thought, , the boy of sixteen years grew soit:heartad, and his pillow was wet with tests. • - _ "Young chap," said a voice at his ear: "Well?" said Tom, starting. • " po “Yes,“ said the !oleo.. Andn big mary whom he had noticedin the nexteot,roseaid • sat down Jon' the edge of i his bed.' ".rye been watching you for a couple of days, and I see as there's something; on your mita. If freeing it would -help you, why, I'm Old enough to be your father, and I feela kind o' ,hankering to know more of you. You look 'like a little brother o' mine that, died when ho was a little chap like You. Don't mind me. rye done it myself. You're crying." "It isn't like a man, I know," said Tom; who had never been alone in the woildibe. fore. " I'm ashamed of it. But, you see, I ran away from mother. She's been good to me—too good ; but . she Wanted, me to' go into the rag shop—dry goods, they call it— end .I didn't like the idea, and something happened that made me angry, and here I 'am, I'm. thinking of poor mother. I—l'm sorry now., I—but it's no use,". "You can write to her, penitent-like," said the man. "But 'I • Abe Our Jut I won', use,', you see. She'. miss me ht meals and at night. I think I've been vivo - 6g. Anyhow, it's rough on . pool 'mother, so good as she's been to me." , " We're apt to be; rough to the women that love us," said the man, speaking softly in the darlf. " What's your name, lad l" "Tom Hudson," said the boy. • The sailor gave a start. , "You speak of your father," sai d he. "Ii your mother a widow-1" Despite himself, the boy began to weep again. " Hang it That's the worst/ of. it," he said. "My father—and a precious scoun drel he must have been—ran off and.left my mother before I Was born. She' the smart. est woman that • ever lived, She's kept us both and made money. Al lady, mother;is, and a good woman. I take after my con-, - founded father, I expect—to leave. her, after all, like that." • .- "Your father's name was Jack, I guess," said the' ' • or.:, He lived at a place called fil m Wharf To ." :,- "Yes. Did you know hind" asked Tom. " Knew him well," said the man, "A 'darned fool he was to leave I your mother. And she hasn't married ?" ..' l .l. ' "She says she never would, because; , she might not be a widow," said , Toro. "LaW gives her the right, but she wouldn't take it., , 1 She's had offers—good ones—but I'm proud to sayishe's very strict abeutdnty. Besides, she's fand of that rascal of a father of Mine to this day. A pair ofUs—we deserve to be hanged." "Yon do," replied the old sailor. ‘+` But look here, lad, don't tell , me there, warn't any particular reason for your going; off as you did. Didn't something happen of a particular nature ? liJarn't nothing said or done more than usual ?" ; , "Welk mother boxectuiy cars,"said Tom. "I thought so,"'said the sailor. "Look here,lshe boxed your father's before he cut his Stick- There's that excuse for him. However : you like to go home-to your mother again, and at least leave home Square 041 fair and decent r "Ab, it's too late now," said Tom. "Too late " • - • i" No, lad," said the man, taking his hind is his. "No, lad, riot too late. You're under age, and your father can break your agreenient with any captain. I'm your ; fa ther, . Tom. I'm Jack Hudson. I • didn't /Mow you Were on • the face of the earth, Tom ; and I'd have gone I back to Sally long ago Only what I had done set her free, and I"was afraid she'd take the advantage the law gives her and marry, and I'd only upset cierything. go back to your .mother, And l'in • going too. If she wants me to stay, I'll stay; if. not, I'll be (:tff again. I don't deserve forgiveness." " No, , neither of us do," said " Neither of us." - J de" 4i• Susan stood behind the counter of 'the store. Since her son's departure. Mrs. Had son . had not showed her face. She jwas heart-broken ; she sat with herliead on her hands, and refused to see every one. Susan told all tho story to the customers, who sym pathized and were indignant. Such ti moth er—such a woman to be so used I " He's an Ungrateful wretch v." said one matron, as she walked away with the piece of tape which had been' her excuse for com ing in. " Tom Hudson is an . ungrateful wretch I" "So he ia,t3lrs. Morely,h said a voice. And she turned stud gm Tom standing in the door—Tom and a sailor of some &s -and-forty years, burly andbroad:shouldered. but, a handsome fellow. too. "I meant it, Tom," j she said, looked at the 'sailor, turned pale, and ran away shiver ing. "Wan it a ghost," she said to herself, "or am *.crazy?' - •Heanwhile , Ta , shriek from Susan bad brought Hailhidson "into the store: She stood all pale Kith grid and illness, and with her usual • neat dreis disorderss% and looked at her son. Then she' opened her arms. - Tom thohght it was to take NM in them and rushed toward her, but she 'passed him and threw them! around his father's neck. "Jack ! Jack !" she trips'. -"I kneW you'd come back at last. I knew you'd? never leavayour Sally for good and alli-inever, nerd, never!" Tom goes to sea now. He is seccind mate already, and he loyal; the life as' most; sailors do. _lt is Jack who stays home and is part. Dee 41 the business. "He's a great deal more trouble than be is good, bless him r says' his *HO Sally ; but he &emit know it, ;and I shain't, tell him." Tom comes home very often, bat he is not his mother's first ohjeet in life any, more. Jack is that.---Mary Ks* Dada.. Cleirrum.—Tho man== who attempts to follow all the directions given by writers of popular medical works upon food, mid triM to measure the quantities of Maine, &tine, benzine, and so forth, - will die, liks ladship* man Easy'sfatheir; of mar i air* ment.—N. Y. Comm- , Advertiser. 111 APACHE lIAITg emiscoirr. A Famous Frontiersman , * lug War Upon die Matthew Johnston - ; ; this city frOm Fait Hualapai yesterday` iked . ta-day will leave for his old home la"kw, - York State,' there to spend his nmadnirit , 'days. Several years ago he was living'withlds wife and sevehd children near One early morning, while the father was absent at the military post; the band - of Maim Indians of which Dekihay wad chief at eat the ranch, outraged the mother- amt alloleured her and the three children to death.' , ' ;When Johnson returned, his cabin was la , llunes and the blood of his dying family tip warm. Al: most crazed, he went back fort with out evenwaltin to inter tldii4eznaimr of his wife and children andbriailOola': the swim tragedy. Within fifteen-, zailiutea detaCh olonL of 11 =Plow" of *nth Canby were mounted, under eoiniitim" ot . Cisionel Masao, and on the trail fit tbli ea devils, Johnson going i 1 ' ' 'fiKti the ineridiui . , . .... . b3rs 'of the Verdi - 44er, the &die td the irna - Apache Mojave. That "evening ".canip *as made near the Verdi and' a scouting party further followed the trail, which appeared to be -only a few -hours old; Ina 1311192 clump of cottonwoods - and near a Marshy portion of the river the smoke of the Indian Area was diseovered. It was too late to at tack', the Indians, as the darkness would afford them an escape. They had apparent ly located with the intention of remaining l few- days and hunting; so the assault was deferred until the morning, the cavalry COM• ing 'np, hoWever, and putting out scull. nela. On one of the posts Johnson stood keeping vigil through the night. In the morning the' cavalry swept down upon them. Surprised in their stronghold, and with their arms scattered carelessly about, the Indians ivuld do nothing better Slangy; and Ay they did towards the river, the iol diers picking, them off .one by one in the tease. Debi/ay was more cunning and self. possessed than his followers, making up the river through the thick. cottonwood. The six Indians *ere killed, before one of . them bad reached the stream, but Delshay, the seventh, luul such a start that the cavalry almost gave up all hope -of overtaking him. : TheYspread out, however, and made a elk. mash through the cottonwood ! forest. ' ! When they brought up in a little- glade up the stream ti couple of miles i they , Were as tonished to'bnd Johnson leaning over the ,dead hody of the Indian, chief, ,hacking and cutting it with a huge bewie.knife in insane frenzy. Thor body lay upon the river' bank as if it bad .been pulled On after the laic.' lion of they death wound. The heid was; nearly severed by a stroke of , the knife and Johnson bad, scalped it. It was many min utes !before his fury had spent itself, the soldiers never interfering with the horrible malefaction which the widowed husband,and childless father was taking for his' wrongs. Finally, when he bad grown calm enough to explain, fie told how he hid seen the In dian;making up the river, and resolved that none should escape, be followed at belt he migig. Winn* he got through the timber he found the trail, and although itwas done 'Mime& difiloalty he liummled *tracing It to the river bank.' There it became lost and; knowing' that the ladies' could not have emend the stream without having been seen on the opposite side, which was open eaddenuded of trees and underbrush; he concluded that the Indian was secreted in the bank. While walking down the bank a head was 'pretended from a pool near the shore. It Was Delshay taking air. Stealthi ly Johnson approached and before the In. dian could realize that the avenger :was nigh borax grasPed by th'e hair and his throat weitslit from ear to ear. 1 - ... NV h en the fort was eatelted Johnson re. quested to he employed'a the scouting ger. 4. vice and was engaged; - e became the bloodiest and Most relela of the border scouts and figured prondnently: in all the exunpaigns against the Apaches up to the - recent one which General Crkr led, earning the, title of " Apache klatt."—Deneer Try. c - bum. ' • . A MOCK MARRIAGES Wby Samuel Pelee, of tie Pacific Slope, Carrles a Cameo In Ms Vest Pocket: • Sam Price was last night .the victim of a most ridiculous practical joke. It seems that the festive Samuel,. who is only about 45 years old, became enamored of s, 'pretty young girl who occupies. the poSift of chainbermaid at the Richmond House, which fact was well known among the boarders of the caravansary. The girl, Lon account of the difference in their agesand social position, did not reciprocate his manly affection, but allowed him to continue his devotions. Last ' night au effeminate=looking waiter named Jasper,•who•works is the house, was dresses _ in a nest4itting: lady's coattnne,' and when Price made his usual evening call presented himself in the place of the Chambermaid. Price did not notice ' the deception — in- the partially darkened room and was overjoyed when, on pressing his suit as usual, 'the sup• posed chaMbermaid consented to their mar riage. • Price, being a MAD of business; wanted the nuptials consummated immedi ately, to which "ahe " also consented. James Woods, . a driver in _•the Oregon Transportation Company's employ, who had previously dressed in female attire,- acted , as bridesmaid; James Hall, an` old Cahfornian, was palmed off as a Justice of • the peace, while James Johnston, the originator of the sell, was best Man and master of ceremonies. The rite was performed in Room 21, with dpe solemnity, every one engaged in it play lag his part so well as , to completely dupe the overjoyed Samuel. :After the sealing kiss and subsequent congratulations the bride rf►ninto the hall screaming, and as bad been planned brought.a crowd of probably forty • *pie td the rooni, , who set Samuel :Com pletely wild with their jeers and yells. Pike did not My much, but was seen a shOrt time . after with four revolvers, two breech -loading double-aCting lilies and a renown in his vest pocket. j QUI ING Among the , hes of a Western Asylum is is man who is often perfectly seta: Bade, 'and when accosted atsuch times causes visitors to wonder why he is confined there. This inmate entered into aniversation• the other day within caller whose dress proclaim. ed him tt clergyman. Said the inalman : "It was too bad, was it not, tho Willow of Grant at ~Chicago?" , "It` was," raid the minister, who followed the accepted cistbm of assenting to the statements of lunatics for peasse's 'sake. ' " Hayes was assassinated at Gincinneti, was he not ?" again asked the lunatic.l"ltes," replied I the clergyman. "And was not Omen Victoria murdered in her pa*or To this query from the mad. men the clerical visitor once more answered in the aillrmative, The lunatic' named one after isiotlse4 a,deren.rerd personages, .* l l of whore the clef en was lod toadmit were put out nf 64, ira 3 i,. intabling aitechum. the mati- mans turned the clergyman and iimacicat: Tour dress wcitdd show you to be azoiniater,. but you are the. worst liar ever met." THURSDAY, JULY 20. 1882. ANARINO RUSSIAN GSNERAL.' for ilres• 1%) neckties as/ Ilellnest MI lleur EsPlals Sr SkstelelL Thcinp,li two Austrian detectlies havebeen Ordered to watch General Robe'sB until hi ;eaves Vienna for fit. Petersburg, it Is given out with, special-Aileen that his recent fiery speech was not delivered serif:windy, but was born of too much chanitiagne. In connection lei* Cieneral likobeleff the London Pail Mall fildritte reproduces some interesting renimistiCtice . sof hie career. The story of his exploits in the Bulgarian Cam paign includes all that was most exciting in. the war which brought the' Russian armr ; in sight of the. is of Stamboul. From the day when, "trishoW the stuff he was Cade of," he swam his horse :scree' the Danube .while General . Diagominoff was forcing the mop at . Sinanitta to the .time when hp 'could with difficulty be restrained from marching into'Cl_co_imstiu*nople as soon as the British fleet entered th4Sea of Mar iners he was the most prOmitsit actor in the drama. '''' Ile became the legendary Lera. - - .4 Vae.ealipihignOilit-leadidikiteff, 4111 Common 'people he almost monopolize d its glories. He was always in thelore front or the hottest bailee ; four horses were shot under him in ten dap, = but he was only wounded once, and after Axing fit constant I expeetation.of death - for months lie ! returned. home safe and sound. His white , llmiform was to, his soldiers as the white' plume of Henri Quatro at the battle. of IVry. "I• have heard the soldiers speak of lain," says Lieutenant Green, ," as a general under. whom they would rather fight.and die than fight and live under lenother.. They had often to die—sometimes fifty per cent of his command perished—but he spared-no exer. tioutt . :_,_ minister to their wants and supply thei. Ills division was, the best fed' . the best clothed and the best ' mined in the army. He was always with. Qom in the most exposed positions in the fight, sleeping with them in the trenches and looking after all their necessities in the camp. In short," says tientenaat Green, "he suoceeded so thoroughly in making himself one with his division that his men responded to his thoughts as readily as the, muscles obey the will. I doubt it amore thoroughly ideal .relation between a general, and his men has existed since the days of romwell." i. ; His custom of wearing white; al ,if to court the bullets of his enemies; hie, 'reck less personal bravery. and the strange cue. tom of his always "going into battle in his cleanest uniform and fresh underclothing, covered with perfume' and wearing)a dia mond hilted sword, in order that, as he said, "he might die with his Lest clothes on," gained him the reputation of a wild dare devil, which somewhat obscured his capac ity as a general. 1.11 reality' they only show ed how' thoroughly he lied divined that secret of power which lies in fascinating the imagination as as of appealing to the reason ef inen. When he was sent to take Geok Tepe and subdue the Tekkes many shook their heads and predicted that hil impetuosity would be his rain.' So: tat from that being the case he displayed,- the utmost caution, acted with the greatest deb liberation,' refused to 'move from :lily to December, until he had made all his prepa rations, and after he bad carried on camels" to the trenches no fewer than 1,575,000 rounds of ounmultion, to say nothing of se*. end thousands of heavy shot and shell, he laid siege-to Geok Tepe awl captuml that iitherto impregiudde stronghold. qa had 10,000 troops against 40,000 Asiatics, 'end he achieved thi3 conquest of the Akhal .Tekke country with a loss of 07 men. Only once in that earotatign did fikobeleff display his usual recklessness. After the fortress ,had fallen he was 'riding through - the country. With his escort when ho met, several Tekkes. He asked who they were. . 4 " They answer ed,- "Friendly Tekkes." "How can I 'be. reie your word?" he askedagain." Tekkes never lie," wastheir confident response. " Well,"roplied likobeleff, "if that is the ono I will send my eacort home and lantern act; cempanied by you." He, was as good as his word, and his Oast in the Word of the an. made was not misplaced. i day the eav- MASTER OF THE SITUATION. • , • How di Sentinel Made Ills Commandlas Ex. Governor Whie, who had Veen made a brigadier general by 'President Davis, arrived at this timo in Staunton, as imele for the Hetutwha "Valley. His arrival was the remote cause of W very lubricous incident which came very near opening our campaign with an unpleasant tragedy. Lieutenant Colonel Crenshaw, who had glue with me to pay our respects to Governor Wise on the' even ing of his arrival, invited his staff surgeon, Dr.'-l'eter Lyons, to: accompany us to our camp, with a promiSe of sardines, cigars and other comforts with which he was provided. We reached , camp about nine o'clock, and were halted by the first sentinel .we ap. pro:ached, who ordered one of us to advance' and give . the countersign . Unfortunately, although having the envelope containing the countersign, which had . been handed us by the adjutant, we had not opened it and it was too dark to read it then—We replied : " Commanding arca. without the counter aign ; call the sergeant of the guard." "Mit won't' do," said the SentineL "Now; nark time I them's my orders." Wo remonstrat ed against the indignity to which he contem ‘ plated subjected his field officers in thepro" ence of a stranger as well as against the ex ercise involved in •the execution of his corn. mend on a hot slimmer night, but he was inflexible. "Mark ante I" he replied, "or 1 will certainly shoot] you," and rafting the action of the. word, cocked his' musket. and leveled it at us. We tried threats, but be was, _unreasonable ; he- knew nothing and would neither permit us to advance or retire, insisting upon " doing, Ida duty," which was to shoot us if We did , not -" mark time.l. He was master oche situation, and as we looked down the musket barrel we "marked time" until the trerspinition rolled from , our firreheada. We were 'relieved by the ser geant of the guard, who relieved the - sena• nel, but not until we had -whetted our apps. tiles for the expected repast by abundant exercise. I ,suppQsed the man was a kilo° and sent for his company officers to snake, inquiries. It turned out that he had been instructed at Camp Lee by cadets of the - Military Institute, who required all who, faded to lave' tho countersign to "mark time" for their amusement until the guard officer appeared.-4kier General,Tallaferre (a the Philadelphia Weekly Timer. llns - amines Parr airtm Farm.— Near Dayton ,1 Nev., tl4e body of John Bait ine, a Swim, was found a few days ago. He bad evidently been deed some time, and . a part of his face bad been eaten by - coyotes. Tha attention• of a passing Chinaman was sttmcted to the 'place where • he was , lying by the barking elm small dog that belonged to the dead The little , fellow had kepi sentinel over dead master, and bad enr daivervd to .!' : otteakm of passem.by, as was renumbered by several who passed and-th Ought nothing of the dog's barking. aniline ldt,Dayton with a beaVy ,lood, and it is supposed: tint he sank dip*. tram ex haustion and died.- 1 -Terriforiai /Fn* rprias PEOPLE." °Meer 'S Mark Time." BUT ONE. The rear has but one June, dear Mead The year baatut one June; And when that petted month loth end, The robin% song, though long, though loud, Seems Bever quite In hale. • The rose, thoughstill its blushing face BY bee end bird is seen, - Nay yet have lost thatsubtUe grace— That nameless spell the winds know well— . Which makes its gardens green. Life's perfect June, love* red, red rose, Have boned and bloomed for me. Though still youth's summer sunlight Though thou art kind, dear friend, I And I have no heart for thee. cumous. INDIAN CUSTOMS. %Kollar Lsiws That Goveirs Properiy-71)1s. phorable Goodldeal of Ike Senecas. "Among the Seneca ,Indians exist many curious tribal laws or customs, two or three • of which t will !mention. There is no way of transmitting he property of the father to • the children; for .the .Indian himself ' of 02 4iii.fliTetorld4 01 grir mime, and through her draw an annuity and bold property. If a- squaw marries a white, ruin, their children are entitled to all the Privileges of a full blooded Indian ; but if an Indian man marries a white woman, their children are in no manner recogniza by the nations, and havhig Indian blood in • their veins they cannot become citizens, th - erefore are placed in an unenviable position. If a squaw diesthd children are divided among he? relatives and are by law their o children thereafter. The property is divided among the relatives who l take the children, and the father begins over 1 agdin. If an Indian .dies the squaw may ! take-a 'proxy husband, which she has liberty to clulnge as often as she Chooses and go on raising the family and drawing annuities on each head or " expec. teflon " so long •as nature will permit. If both father and ; mother die, the property is "Oven to the administrator to keep for the children, and mi there is no law to compel 'Aim to give it up, he 'uses it for his own pui. `pose and lets the children whistle. It would be an easy task to fill many cola4n3 de. scribing various customs of ; the semil r barbar. ..ous people, but the above will suffice for this, occasion. As long as the Indians were' held in check by their old pagan ideas of right, wrong and honor, these customs work. ed no great harm ; but since they liav,e be come partially ".civilized" they greatly, lower them in the state of morality 'every' year. They have no objects in life ;' no way. of obtaining any rights or privileges. If they should clear the laud, build a home and accumulate stock and property, their 'entail. ment lavis might deprive them of the labor of _years, and give the property tosoprechief who had aptly learned his lesson from his white brotheri They live in a truly deploi able state, and it is nolwonder to us,. who see them every day arid are conversant with their condition, that the Indian always wears awoe-begone, discontented and miser. !able look. It is a great wrong to keep this people in that condition, : and the attention of our legislators cannot be turned. to them any too quickly. They are not brought to this condition because they inherit vice in their race,,but because the present laws of the State and nation force them into it and • bar the avenues of !escape. When the In_ Sianieellotted his land .in seieralty, given the privileges and rights the whites have, permitted to protect himself against the sharks that at* continually leechhig) givenithe chance to make himself a-Irme-- then his cendition will begin to improve, his women will becorae s virtnous, end his lands bloom - and blossom with well tilled fields of grain.—Buffalo Courier. A NTRANSBURGH BEER GARDEN. • • I Queer Mlitiree of Languages aiul aseee. Doing as the Alsatians do, I resorted one evening to the beer halls, or brasseries, - where the highly , esteemed Strassbnrg beer is dispensed, and where, if one wishes it, , the wines of Frans or Germany may be or dered at will to wash down pates de foie gras—a luxury.that had its origin and still .has its cheeped, inert fin this " 'sunder scluene stadt "—most beautiful city: Such crowds as filled the halls, the approaches to them—the very sidewalks in front of them I ,I In the Leer halls there was the game pres sure at all. The Tav,erne Alsacienne, timinet rhea, Znrn Felsenkeller, Muen chener Hindi, §tiidt Munchen (Munich it always glorified; for its beer), Daher and Tivoli were all thronged. Men and women, in about equal numbers ; young couples, timily 'parties, assemblages of friends— ivungsters, bachelors, old women and old men; a few soldiers, fewer officers—but such ' :Jowls of smoke, such oceans of beer, such over-worked,' fagged.clut kellners Seats were at a premium ; places at tables an en viable comfort ; every passage way filled and the waiters—mw of them girls—paragons of dexterity in carrying beer glasses. With arms uplifted, the whiteraproned human fig ures had a semblance to trees, with beer mugs as the fruit of each finger—batunia like clusters of beiirinags—not of the "pony" kind, but honest half-litres; capacious al most as quart medures. The pewter tops and buttons glistened, and set off mottoes of good fellowship in quaint German text. Beer mugs coming and going by the thous and and yet so bard to get that 'customers were obliged to wait before they could be served. Failing to receive the beer which, though abundant, was long st-ooming be. cause of the immense demand which inter cepted the supply, some contented them sclvei in bargaining With a mercurial trinket trader in a long white blouse of the Jean Crapand style. Thengh understanding Ger pan he discoursed always in French. H 6 was the only one that did so among the groups where the Senator and I found *dr selves. At some tables a conversation begun in French would break over into' German*, and relapse again into French. Again a dir4 cusskin between a party of friends I wonld be conducted partly in one language and per* in another. Questions asked in German would be answered rig French, a bi4ingual wrap and woof of 'wards that gave piquancy to the table talk. It mist be that Salvia' and Bond, the actors, ciught the idea of reuderingheir ;dais in two tongues by a visit to SriesbUrg. The "newspapers are partly in s Freh and partly in , Geri:nen. Theme lettering in the shop windows are the sa.• —A hermit who has lived for Many years near Salmon Bay, W. T., and who has kept all intruders from his hut by . . threats of shooting • waft captured recently by ' the Sheriff. He was wandering in the woods and was surprised and seised. It wasfound, upon seakching the old man's hut, that_ Itc hed nothing to eat except skmik_ cabbpge, and said that this constituted theca:lly allele of his diet for some time. He Was taken to Seattle and served. with a bountiful mod and provided with clothes: He was a for- Sorakooking object when taken. He wore tattered green blanket, fastened about his waist by i•Rieeeof_hayro,pe, &pair of over patched all over, and shoes oat at all :aides and corners. %.„.- EliIR A BURGLARS'S OARING WORK. Stealth" PrenertilWidle the Owner "Looked It a pleasant thing for a woman to awaken 3n the night ' and see` a masked Itnul* standing over her with a pistol in his kind. Yet such an occurrence, happen- , or to hiss Noy &Men, of Springwells. Mina &often is a lady well known in Detroit, andshe is the ono woman who .did not, up to the titne mentioned, believe in either gbosta or burglars. So much faith had the 124 iniwr kind that she failed to use tho burglar own door, and re• tired ki rest -withont a misgiving. - To a reptileutatift of this paper sheaaid : "I-never for- a moment. had thought of burglaingetting into the howw, and when I aunkipsd And beard the chain of the door sum Posed it was r mouse ; then _I .40,1idliboard creak, but thought that was Bat-la a sanest: a man lt 4til6ol44liiiitarglainfliitibittribilowsi Pc**s4*fit*.o.44liithfojecoeitith* .bitatliebtatrij4lo6.o**4:44.*: ri)gaa• your head off I' "I didn't move." • "What,were your sensations at that mo ment, Miss &Wen ?" "I had none ; I think [must have been partially stunned. The man repeated the same. threat over to • me, and as his eye caught the basket of silver Mt the chair, he snatched l it up and' hurried out. Then I sprang from the led and shut the . door, while I screamed loud enough to awaken the whole house. My brother opened the door, and I called to him not to come out—that there were three armed burglars in the house and they had taken the silver?" "And did he, try to stop them ?" 'No ; ho said,. `Let them have it; they are weteome to it. I hope they'll get it all and leave us in peace.'" —Elle Wheeler. Miss Bcotfen expreSses herself in kindly, Christian wordS about the Men who take their own lives in their hands Miser than work and earn en honest • but it is safe to say thatthe good lady will never for get the midnight intender, nor the menacing pistol he leveled ather.—Defroit Free Press. low Tiler Are Made and by Wiliam Titer Are Used. An important branch of tho jewelry bud nese in the city is the manufacture of pen cils and pencil cases. ITbe largest interest of the kind in the country is in this city. More than a half million pencils are manufactured ' every year. These are the pencils that are made of gold or rolled plate, with various devices for propelling the lead-holder from its cane and for returning it to it. The Oen calaare mane ir:about one hundred and fifty styles and vary from two dollars per dozen to twenty-five dollars and more. From the increase in appliances for writers it would appear that the gold pencil would be in less demand, but such .is not the case. Gold pencils aro practically useless for hard labor and are not employed, but for light scratch ing, for ladies' memoranda, they are con venient and elegant accompaniments. Some "are provided with rings at the east that the owner may be tied 'to them like the boy , to the mittens.. Yew sterling gold pencils - are Miele. -The rolled plate answers its purpose as the paste diamond serves its purpose. Gold pens are made here and are in ex.' tensive use.:. Pens are made of pure metaL Metals of the baser sort will not serve the pur pose., The careful writer finds economy in a gold pen, but , the careless scribbler deserves nothing better than a steel point. There are Men who have used one pen, with point perhaps renewed several tithes, ler five or more years. The stylograpl* pen has come into general use by ready writers who have too much to do to go into the shading and ornament business, which is one of ink w'asting. Some have discarded the 'stylo• gr;►phic pen, because it was not Clumps ready for business, as- they thought, simply be, cause the art of holding it had not been a* quired.—Providence Journal: • now Two Torsi Wellies Disposed Differ ' ently of Seven Oysters Dub. Fried oysters are sisore trial to the ethe. rial girl who sits down to them with her ad: mirer after a late theatrical performance. It has been five or six, hours since dinner and she is as hungry as a bear that has lived on his paws all_winter., But a big appetite is disenchanting in a maiden. Them is a risk in the matter that no skill can wholly slim hate. The best role is to put on an expres sion of very mild disdain at each mouthful, as though you took it under, protest. Don't Overdo this and look'as though sickened, but just elevate the brows a trifle, smile faintly and try to give the impression that you tolerate a fried oyster, but do not Link er after it. I watched s slender, graceful, angel-faced creature-in a fashionable oyster-house the other and Haw that by neglecting her deportment she was shocking the fellow WWII the table. Perhaps she didn't care whether he adored her or not. Anyhow, she vas putting the oysters into her mouth by halves, chewing them with" undisguised gusto, swallowing plenty of bread and cut cabbage along with them, tind taking no pains whatever to disguise the . fact that she was enjoying them mightily. - At the next table seta thicker and older woman, who practiced theart of oyster eat ing as I have inclimood it: Her facial ex premien was clever. She slipped in the food in big pieces when her escort wasn't looking And nibbled them whenhe was look ing. She got away with a' hearty meal with out appearing:to have taken anything to speak of, and it, was only the empty plates that revealed. the fact. She was not less skillful in drinking het half Af - a quart of champagne. The glass was , lifted to her lips Qs the hand of a queen to kiss; her mouth shut over barely an inch of the brim; there was no slopping or gurgling; the wine trickled neatly down her throat, but wiAlr quite sufficient celerity. —New York letter in the Cincinneti irneeirer.- , An interestin&incident, which seems to furnish a hatful morals to anyone who is in search. otsuch turtieles, occurred at- One of the Boston depots% ,on a recent stormy day. A gentleman who had no umbrella, and who had just come into. town on a local train, perceived bktfore him, as he stepped into the street, a pritson whom he took to be an acquirintance !Ind who , had a fine new umbrella hoisted over his head. Running up to him, therefore, he clapped him on the shoulder, saying as he did so, by way of a joke. . "I'll take that umbrella, if you please." The individual thus addressed looked around and discovered a perfect stranger, but before the other could apologize he said hurriedly. "Oh, it's yours, is it? Well, Idid l let know that. Here, you can have it," and broke away, leaving the utensil •in the hands of the first party to the conversation: • The narrative, which is strictly true, af fords& vuhuible hint to persons who Clay be caught. out without protection from the wain. OR-A W• 01211 1 ,11 • 114 GOLD PENCILS AND PENS. THE ART OR EATING. A STOLEN UMBRELLA. $1.56 a Tear, la Advisee. TR&COW.AR.BUTPOW. . , Somehow you always seem too 1101a11 "TO ritthoY At the buthwhole ; 0 pearly disk, you rack my soul When downlnto my shoes you felL I lose yon twenty times a week, And rind you when 1 think you last. Wben hunting you on mono; of husk ' What adepts of peace I spuds. „: . You wandei coldly down rule*. And O'er the carpet nimbly Mel underneath the bureau toll. -- And settle In the furthest creek. - ITEMS OF INTIREST. pitamdas Fiume Odle' fr BIM mid —A wit being askeVon the tennis Of • bank. " Were yin upset r replied "No I only lost my balance —At Staple Put, UL, • _fifteen yeas old • . by,.rateel Reuben her just maul his Irentbeere widow; eirerwbesrktidttdrty._ . - Am s. - " woularr* - en reified: sold zafik for you to drink . *hear a baby, and >< haven't got my pay Yet." - - —Yale Ofiktge seems to be running the , Government of the Sandwich Islands.' Tint - Judges of the Supreme Gond, the SaPerin., tendent of Schools, the Attorney General and some minor officers are imitates of the New- Haven institution.' —The German oil wells lately discovered _ do not turn out so well "as -was expected. The refined oil proves to be unsuited for - lamination and smokes so badly that it can. _ not be used in dwellings. The, export of American oil to Germany will therefore' con. tinue. —ln the schools of Utah the Mormon Bible and the Mormon Catechism are used as text books despite the law. Teachers cannot obtain situations unless they are memberti of the Mormon. Church. The " Prophet Seer," Taylor, is the Superintend. eat of Public Instruction. —New South Wales should be a perfect El Dorado for servant girls andday laborers. The Sydney. Mail says that laborers am_ much wanted in that country. A ship brought out GOO lately, and on her .`arrival all were engaged at good wages.' There There were twenty, mistresses to every maid, sad & dozen employers for every man that irrived. _ —That is not a pleasant picture for . Eng lishmen to contemplate which the Pan Mali Gazette piesents when it says : "There must be something,Wrong- when therm* of unemployed working men of London- have to solicit the Lord Mayor to assist theta in emigrating to Canada, while scores of farms ere lying unlet and =tilled at home.l —Near Winslow, in the Suriset Mormtains,-, a cave has been discovered , which is one of the greatest wonders of Arizona Territory.; IL is of unknown proportions, having never been explored, and the phenomenon - con nected with it causing the wonder of behold. ers is the fact that a strong current of • ait rushes into the cave of sufficient force to drair down into the Plutonlan depths ail light ar. tides placed near the entrance. The roar. ing of the winds into the cavern may be heard two hundred yards away from the opening. '—Whoever heard of a dog with the tooth. ache? Well, Augusta, Me., can boast of the novelty. The poor old fellow has been howling for a freekwith neuralgia of the - Jaw, and whet. his master, a thOughtful and . considerate surgeon as well as an artist, dia. covered the cause of the canine's grief, he sat to work to extract a whole-row otdxay ea teeth in the dog's mouth. Now, this may seem absurd to some very ignorant people, but it iaall trite, aud the poor dog held his month open and eat, perfectly quiet while the teeth were-tieing drawn. And yet some" people think al dog has no -appreciation. A QUAKER'S SUCCESSFUL RUSE. Saved from •Seitlytag-Kmbres by a 'Set of False Teeth. • Seme timing° a Philadeiphia' Quaker, be longing to an Indian delegation, was cross. ing a , wide plain'.hostile country. The driver of the Ambulance called his - attention to four Indians on horse-back, who soon arr. rounded the. vehicle. A young brave made unmistakable demonstrations of- hoietility._ The interpreter; toldthem they were peace men and medicine men. Be replied that they must prove themselves medicine men ; of peace men they bad enough already to steal their land anti, have soldiers kili them. - "Be quick.", said. he ;_ ." show us some wonderful medicine work, or. 1,9- will kill you," puttingaction to the words by handling their rifles and tomahawks. - • . Hero was a dilemma pointing to the old eat one, a fine-looking quaker six-feet in his stockings, with white hair, who hadbeen the first talker of the party, he furiously ges ticulated and.eried out : "Medieino man Any ! Medicine man abow :" 4.16 inspiration seized him. He bad a double set of false teeth on plates of flesh colored material, and pointing to his teeth with his finger and then tapping them with ; much grimace and correctness, he motioned for. allthe braves to come in sight, and when all were intent upon 14m he deliberately took out first the upper set and then the lower set of the teeth, and made a motion toward his neck an if about to separate his head from it, when the braves wheeled their horses and rode', furicoudy 'away, and the party of peacemakers_ tamed th* horses' heads and , - ambulance fort-ward, rejoiced at their strategical deliveranco.---CAkopo Inter-Ocean sfrxEcTING THE JOSS UAL The Novel - Cetemosy Performed. by • Chinese in a 1410Vinila Town. The last agony of China New Years oecur• red yesterday. Their windup was the se. section Of a new man for their " Joss" house for the ensuing year. This is a grand . event among them. This functionary must be a very important lean, from 7 u religious point of view. or else " there's millions" in his office. The way they conducted their_ elec tion is as follows : Competitors from the two companies, about twenty-four in -num ber, were ranged opposite each other for the contest. Thirteen cylizuhical bombs were brought on, one at a time and espial ' ed. From each bomb Tas shot into the air a ring. The fight, friendly but rough, as in ( our football game,. was to get hold of this ring and carry it in triumph to a spot select ed a few yards off. The rings were number ed from one to thirteen, and the man who captured number one was to be chief. The strife was very lively and incessant, as a fresh bomb would be bed off before thc ring final the preceding bomb had been carried in. The liar, whose numbers-were unknown to thi amtedaats (candlales), were taken and given over to a' cannon of arbitrators, who, after the battle, was to name the winning man. A large crowd of whites and a sprinkling of Walls were present and enjoyed the novel show very much. We have not yet leaned the name of the honored- irig4sit -"be Is to run the "Jobs'! house for tho art 9hiname yeasdi Eureka &Wad. NO. 8