Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 13, 1882, Image 1

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    iitii.i!,,illl TRACY, Pub Haters.
Bradford Republican
Published Every 'Thursday,
AT TowANDer, PA., RY
54.50 Per .4nnuni. iw _ldrance
Advertising Rates-8 1 4 ctnt a line for &rat
niertion, ant five cents per line for all sub,e
quent Iteadiag notice advertitinz
A. ten cents per line. Eight lines constitute a
square. and twelve. Unee an inch. Annitfeet
uotlc4es $2.56: Administrator's and . Executor's
totices $2.5 10 . Yearly' advertising $lO.OO per
Tux lixrues.ican .is published in the Lacs.
Moore and Nobles Block. st the corner of
and Pine streets. over J.. F. parson' Boot and
shoe store. Its eirculation is over 2000. -As ari
advertising medium it is unexcelled in fts im
ci dist° fiel4.
vranda Business Zirev:ry.
' ATTORA E - YS-.4 T-L A W
C • c
LEVEL kND 31 - cGoVERN. I E. l J. Clew:and
dia;brerAO. Canton, Bradford County
busineils entrusted to 'Weir care in
Western Bridford.will receive prpwpt attention.
0.11.1"..1; °ince in Wood's Block, south
Prat Sativnal Bank. up stairs. June 12,.s
L7I 4 BREE s sVti IN C Elsbree and L Eltbree:
. I •Li Other in Ilercur Block. Park St. may 14,78-
DECK .1.: uVERTON (Beni X Peck and 1) A Ore r•
tun'. Office over Hill's Market
rIVERTON A: SANDERSON (E Overton and J , tat
FSanderson.) Office in Adams Block. j ray 'te
AXWELL, WM. Office over Dayton's Stort
spril 14;76
—-- - -
V7ILT, J. ANDREW. Orace in 31,..wes Block
Apr 14,7 i;
nAvIES. C.4.IOIOCHAN & HALL. ( W r Lanes.
tf fl Cdrak:Aan. L flail.) oils;* in rear
f w.ed 11.,use. Entrance on Poplar St. (je12,75
Mterß, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents.
Particular attention paid to business in
lir - 112ns' Court and to the settlement of estates.
in Moutanye's Block 49-79
c 'PHERSON t YOCNG. (I. MePhersox, and
itl• W. /. ruling.) °face mouth aide of Mercur's
feb 1,7 n
VV E J Angle Iliad E D Buffington).
west side of Main street, two doors north
of Argus office.. Ali Lust:less entrusted to their
care will revive prompt attention. oct 26,77
sj Loy* Ind Counsellorsat-Law. Office in the'
Ilvr , ..ur WO:A. over C. T. Kirby's Druz Store.
jnly 3, U.
KEENLY. J. P. ttorue) °D ice in
Jah- Nlonianye's Block; Main Street.
13'. 11. and Y._ A.. -Attorneys-at
Alas'. Towanda, Pa. Office in 3iercur Block,
T. EiKby's Drug - Store, entrance on Main
street. first stairway north of Post-office. All
t,c,iinc,l promptly attended to. - Special atten
o•ai elv.o to claims against the United States
.r Bounties, Patents. etc., and to
• ollections and settlement of decedent's ci itea.
April sl. ly
solicitor of Patents. Government charia at•
tended to. I:l6lebet
TuaNSON. T. D.. M.D. Office. over Dr. K. C
1 , Porten 's Drug Store. feb 12,78
',oak:A - TON, Drs. D. N. &F. G. Mice at Dwelling
on Ricer Street, corner Weston St. feb 1:2,77
TALL), C.. 11.. 11. D. Ofiles jut door above old
bank building, on . ..Main street. ,Speoal at
tention oven to diseases of the throat and
'dugs. • • ju1y19.70
WOoDBURN, S. M.. 31. D ., &lice and rest
deuce. Main street, porth of 11.E.Chur:11.
Ite11:2.1 Examiner fcr Pension
PVNE, E. D.. M.D. Office over 31 intanye'a
store. Office hours from l 0 to It •. X. and
from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to
Dia,seep of the Eye, and Diseas, of the Ear.
oct 20;i7
TURNER, H. L.. Al .D..
E.:F.:fence and °face just ilorth, of Dr. Corbou'a
Vain street, Athena. Pa.
HENLY IiOLSE. Main st., next corner south
of Bridge street. New 'house and• new
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
'pared neither pains or expeuee in tusking his
krat.class and 'respeettaily-solicits a share
•:,1 public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
t”aai.nable. Large Stable attached.
par 77 WM. HENRY.
sEcREr SOClints
every Saturday evening. at Military Hall.
OEO. V. SLYER, Coatautader.
J. It. Eirriunca. Adjutant. feb 7, 79
Citys - rAt LODGE. NO. 57. Meets at K. of P
Ball every Monday evening at ::30. In
4urauce $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week . .Aver
age annual cost. 5 years experience. $ll.
L. IS. PiEncs. Dictator. feb T 2.18
BRADFORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet
in Odd Fellow's Hall. every Monday evening
s": Wannsw HILL, Nols/e Grand,
;one 12,75
DST. F. E. No. 32 Second street All orden
.1.• will receive prompt attention. ,jane 12;73
. The :WILING TERM will begin Monday,
.kpr.l 3. 1K•2.. For catalogue or other' Win
raat.tou. address or call:on the Principal.
July 19.78
W,iJi Awl. EDWARD. Practical number
and Gas Fitter. Place of tinsinesii in Mer•
;cur Block neat door to Journal office! opposite
Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting. Repair
,ag Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
rot:aptly attended to. -All wanting 'work in his
' no should give him s call. July 27.77
DpUSSELL. 0. 8, General insurance Agency,
A.O Towanda, Pa. Office In Whitcomb's Book
July 12,76
And had One of His
A farm of fifty ac rev, located In the Wyeoz val
ley, Eve 'ninnies drive from ROl2O borough
kor fall partici:am, address
.. , •
• _ • .. •-; - • - , - -- -; " ,•-- • • • •
. . • , • - 1--441100
": •
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„ .
_.• - I
111 • D
;. •
A I • •
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• ...
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. ,
,• .
Tom Ps.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
That's a common cxpres-
lion and has a xoifd of r
meaning. How much suf
fering is summed 'up, in it.
The singular thing about
it is, that pain in tire 'back
is occasioned by so many
things.. May be caused by
kidney disease, Infer corn
- plaint, consumption, cold,
- rhea ,
work, nervous debility; &c.
. •1; ;
Whatever the caUse;don't
, .
qeglect it. Something is
*rong and needs prompt'
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered,' that
will so quickly and surely
cure such dismises as
it does this by commencing
at the foundation, and mak,
ing the blood pure; and rich.
, .
Lopmport. Ind. Dec. a„ :SU
For a J iang time II have been a
sufferer :fit= stornacir and kidney
disease. blyappetile was very poor
and the Very small amount I did eat
disagreed with me. I was annoyed
very much from non-retention of
urine. I used many remedies pith
no success, until I taut Brown's
!ion Bitters. Since I used that my
stomach does not bother as any
71y appetite is simply inUntlile. Dly
kidney trouble is no. more, and my
gener:..l is such , that I feel
like a new - neon. After the use of
I:rown's Iron Bitters for one =oath,
I have gained twenty pounds in
wcight. 0. B. Saar..ora
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and ircom
mend Bnows'i IRON BIT.•
TERs. It has cured others
suffering as you are r and.,it
will cure you.
iSuccessor to Mr. McEetn,)
DEtt • fl .
' ,
C. O A'Ll.
I i
ir!LOWEST PR/OrS /pH .. C 4317. lie
Ttio patronage of my of
.snerally is solicited.
.• By tnlver• =I Acord, • ,
of all pnrgatives .for'fainily use. They'
are the ,product of long, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, . and
their extensive Use, physicians' in .
their practice, and by
,all civilized na
tious, proves them the best and most
effectual purgative Pill that • medical,
science can devise. Being purely veg
etable no harm can arise from their
nse, and being sugar-Coated,' they are
pleasant to take.' In intrinsic value
and curative powers no other Pills
can be compared with them;. and every
person, • knowing their virtues, . will
employ them, When needed.. They
keep the system in' perfect order, and
maintain in healthy action the Avhole
machinery of life. searchini , and.
effectual, they are l' especially adapted
to the needs of the digestive apparatus,
derangements of which they prevent
and cure, if timely, taken. They are
the best and safest physic to employ
for children and weakened. • constitu
tions, • where. a mild but effectual
cathartic is required. I •
For sale by all drugiists, •
..nealer in Scr.lll ,Saw . Cvls.
Fine Blank Books
Amateur's ; Supplies.
This departinent of nly Imalnitss Ia cery corn
plate. and being &prettied sawyer .myself I know
the wants of my patrons. I •
• CLOCKlifinTacwrg,
constantly on band. Sir $1.25 worth of design's
for $l. Send for price lists.
Park street,
- 1
P. 0. boa 1512. Towanda. Ys
IS THE NAME OF :the' popular IJnimen
that cures Ithetunatism, Neuralgia. Swollen or
Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites, pain in the Face,
Head or Spinet Chapped bands, Bruisehl3prains.
Burns. llosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in•
sect. Poison. from common Poison - Vines, etc.,
for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost
instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable
odor, it Is pleasant fto apply. Sold by all drug.
lists. Price 25 cents. •1 •
N. - B.—This Liniment received s Prise Medal a
the State Fair.le79. Ma's 20 17
Various Causes—
Advancing years, care. sickness, disap
pointmeut, and hereditary predisposi
tion—all operate to turn the hair gray.
and either of them inclines it to shed
prematurely. AvEn'S Haul Vtoon will
restore 'faded or gray, light or red hair
to a rich brown or deep 'black; as may
be desired: It softens and cleanses the
scalp, giving it a healthy action. It
removes and cures dandruff and humors.
By, its use falling hair is checked. and
anew growth will be produced in all
cases where the follicles are not -de
stroyed or the glands - decayed. Its
effects are beautifully shown on brashy,
weak, or sickly hair; on which a few
applications will produce the gloss and
freshness of youth. Harmless and sure
in its results, incomparable as
a dressing, and is especially valued
for the soft lustre, and richness of tone
it imparts.
ANXIeS Haul VIGOR is colorl e ss;
contains neither oil nor dye; and will
not soil Or color white cambric; yet
it lasts long on the hair, and keeps
it fresh and ,vigorons, imPariltig an
agreeable perfume.
Far sale by: all druggists: '';
"You have howl; said a youth to Ms Sweet
heart, who stood
While he sat On a normal* at dallistit's dro ,
.64 You haverheinl ot the Danish boy's Whlsthe Ot
I wish that Danish bore whistle into mine."
'!And what would you do with Tell me," she
add, •
While= arch smile played over her banditti
"I iambi blow It," he answered, Ind then my
fair maid
Wool¢ lIT to my side and would there take bee
"Is Wit all you wish tare Wby , that , par be
Witissit any ma& in the tat maiden cried; i.
1 . "411 War IM) &slit onelagood =Sure swam!
And She plaguilyamate4 basset tar h aide. r
nI weal blow ft again; said,' the, youth, " and
the sheens ,
Noold vote so Mat sot CM mcdeetrs cheek
WoOld be able to imp Mom my Beck 'tut !MOW
Abe sod Siestalit Ur melte aka WWI Ws
, • 4 =4/ -
"Yet once zoisel Grosso bliter;satemes'SOMlSto
sine •
Would bring roe aMK time an excdatte tabs—
Aull would lay your fair cheek to ttil; brown one
ot mine
Ana your Ups stealing pail it raga give mcra
kits." . - •
The maiden laughed out in her innocentglee—
" What a fool of yourself with the whio n you'd
maim !
For only consider how ally 'twonid be
Xo 'sit there§ and whistle for what you. migh
Rachel Railway looked very prettvindeed
as she came down the narrow wooden Mir-
ease of the little brawn farm-house, that af
ternoon, dressed in a white muslin dress,
strewn all over with tiny pink rosebuds, and
a fresh lace frill around her neck, tied with
pink ribbon, wine her pretty feet were but
toned into a new pair of boots, with high',
French heels, ancl her hair was curled in
loose, glossy coils of shining bronze.
"Eh 1" said ecanny Ramsay, looking up
rom her everlasting t knitting-worl l / 4 over
which she was half4sleep : " goin' to t!APd:::,
1" It isn't Sunday, grandma," explained
the. girl, laughing and - coloring. " Poi go
ing to the Totier, to see Miss Callumn. She
has often invited me there---shti and Mee
" Pshaw !". said Granny Ramsay, who wa s .
one of those vettemblo people priviliged to
srtk their minds on all occasions ; " what
du the fina city ladies at the Tower want of
iqartuer's daughter like you r
But. grandma,,therve invited me !"
I' It reminds me," said gisndma, shrewd
y, "of the old story of the iron pot and the
china pot swimming down stream together,
and they didn't nowise suit."
Rachel said no more, but escaped oat inta
the shady lane, where the maples were be
ginning to turn pale yellow in the 'first Sep
tember froSts. •
" Grandma ie always Criticising every
body," she thought. "I ;know the ladies
at 'the Tower will be glad to see me. 351
Alice wants. to sketch my head for 'Elaine,'
and Miss I . lell'asked me to, sing duets with
her. She said I had a voice like a lark.
And perhaps Mr. Harold Hap:Admix milli be
there For I know he often visits at the
hi l eseis and the publ
9 seP: g
And Rachel smiled to herself, as she
(ironed the rustic_ bridge and went through
the woods to the Timer, a fantastic wooden
cottage with a semi-circular front, which .
was let far the summer, the oWner. thereof
preferring to live in a square brick structure
in the village. -
The little side door was open and Rachel
went In. From the left of the paisage-way,
a door opened into the kitchen, and there,
to, her infmite amazement, she saw kris
Alice Calhoun ha-self, in
_an msthetio dress
of pale sage-green, and roses in her hair,
contemplating a pair of decapitated fowls
which lay on the table.
‘qlisslAlice I" she exclaimed: • -
"Is I!..Lat you,. Rachel ?" Cried the city
young 'pouncing on her, as a drowning
man pounces on the nearest floating straw.
" Oh, I never was so glad to see anybody in
all my life ! These, horrid beta! Bridget
has gone away in a rake because I presumed
to find fault with the coffee this morning,
and we have company to . dinner, and I
haven't an idea - how to get the feathers off
these creatures. But now that you are here,
everything will be right!" -
And she took oft the big bib-apron, and
stepped back, with a sign of relief.
Rachel looked perplexed. She had come
there, not to enact the roll of the kitchen
maid, but Yo . visit Miss C.aihoun,AO sit in her
Irawing-rooin and enjoy the conversation of
her guests, and she • did not exactly relish
this summary distaissid to the , kitchen. •
"There -is soup stock," went on Me
Alice, " and a salad, and a delicate piece of
halibut, and with the fowls roasted, and a
pie or pudding, or something which I dare
say you can make, we shall do very nicely.
Pm particularly._ anxious about the dinner,
because we We to have company.. You'll
excuse me now, because I have to dress."
And away tripped Wise Alice, selfish and
smiling as ever was Queen Clevarit's self.
Poor Rachel! She stood a minute in the
hot kitchen, the tears Ininging to her eyes,
a pang of disappointment at her heart. She
knew all about it. Harold Haroldson and
Mr. Dallas were to dine there that day, and
she-,,she vas to be cook, waitress, maid all.werk-Lwhat signified il< what she called
herself ? She remembered what - grandma
bad old, and for qnft- • in her life gave that
venerable lady cr edi t for discrimination.
There was no help for it, however. She
tied on the tulrapron, tacked the curls back
of her ears, and meta to work to prepare the
chickens for the oiasting pan, now and then
parsing to brush away the round, bright
ttears which rolled down her cheeks.
These young ladies evidently intended to
make her useful. She might have known
that they did, beforehand. Shp hear
the snit sound of Bea Callsom's .guitar ; the
sweet, subdued tinkle of Alice's laughtert
the deep, monotonous undercurrent of gin.
tlemen's voice* , ; and then' she glanced dower
at her pretty muslin dress and bows of pink
ribber; and began to think that Mar Cal.
him had taken an unfair advantage of her.
If she could only have heard the rapid and
energetic colloquy which taumpired beteieen
the two sisters in their dressing-room - when
first Alice came up stairs, she would per.
baps have better comprehended the drift of
things. -
"Good news!" Miss - Calhoun bad cried,
wiring her scented pockethandkerehief in
the air. "r,e get a girl in the late-hen ri
" No V' said Kos Bell, a fair-haired cream.
complexioned damsel, with pale blue eyes
and a perpetual smile. 1 -
"Rachel Brunsayimmookled "dal
up here; in her best bib and • tacker, to
"Pend the daY. Of muse, 1 consented her
at move." .
- -
"The bold,' pushing thing!" 'add Ben,
.With a disdainful gesture.
"tae's a deal to pretty to bring into the
drawing room for. Haroklson and Amine
Dallas to dirt with," added Miss Moe, know.
ugly. "And I don't see any way that I
could have avoided it, if it had not been foe
this, lucky chickens, and Ittidget'S Ine
briate It of temper: Make bast% now.
They'll be heswin,a Minute. AM I know
Stile Build is a first-clast . cook, for
been there to tea." • _
So the young has of the Tower were en
joying the foist of reasonand the flow of
soul in their cool ., *Whoa*
new•gatherM roses and bilisowemed
tars, while poor Rachel Ramsay was I broil.
ing in the kitchen over peach tarts and Neu'
*its' n ereams.'
She bad forgotten her disappektMent
but, artist-De, she had thrown herself into
her occupation with engrossing intemit, and
she was stirring the creams - vith a :quick
energetic hand, when a step crossed the
"Here me some fresh bout, Bridget, so
surprise -your mistress," said a dear i voice.
And, to her infinite ; amazement, Harald
Harokison stood before her, in his hinting
asitume, with a fishingrid lightly biti*ed
on .his shoulder.. - •
siMstin' stirring on. "
"Hiss Ramsay 1" he exclaimed, lifting biS
cap. "How in the mime of, all that is won
derful come you here?" '
And then, not without humor, Rachel
detailed the manner and incidents of bet
" I am the maid.otall-work,,if you please."
she said; with a cotuteay. •
"Then let we help you," said Mr. Har t
own, briskly tying s' second bib apron
around'hia snit. "I used to be a
pretty good , bind at vider and gridiron
when I caved oat on, Lake Capuiptic, up
in Blaine." ,
"But you're not engaged," said Rachel,
half-pleased, half-frightened.
" I can volunteer," observed the young
man. "Give me the oil anCvinegar,
and, you will see what a dressing, ala
inaymnaise,i can provide for that salad of
And if ever a pair of cooks spent It de
lightful; unconventional sort of morning in
the kitchen this pair did.
They laughed they Made innocent jokes,
they behaved two school-children.
And at last, when Rachel run out into the
garden to gather some Water-cusses to deck
the newly roasted fowls.' Mr. Hatoldson
heard the voice of Mita Bell. Calhoun icidruig
down - the stairway
"Rachel! Rachel: you may serve the
dinner.. Every one is here bat that tiresome
Haroldson I"
- And he's here, too," calmly responded
that gentleman, who was washing his hands
at thepump.
" What !" cried Bell, shrilly.
"The cook and butler are expected to take
their meals in the kitchen," said Mr. Bar
oldson; with commendable gravity. I." And
I've no objection to that arrangement."
And nothing could indmio Harold Harold
son to come up to the dining roam. He
and Rachel " together ate their picnicing
sort of repast, 'and washed the cliches—al
though the matter somewhat lost i its spice
when the Misses Calhoun and their em
ptily all adjourned, en masse, tothe kitchen,
and persisted in joining their minks.
And when the purple mu:wet / earn° dream.
by „down over the dark cedars that overhung
the brawling stream, and the ifkll Pesti had
-ail . departed, • Alice and Bell Caliicam pied
dubiously at each other,
" Was ever anything so provoking;" said
"He has actually gone . home with her,"
said Alice, bursting into angry tears j j
"And after all the pains we took to - keep
them apart !". sighed Bell. • - '
"It was all yoir fault!" petulantly
clai'med !Alice. ",Noticing that farmer's
daughter, and dragging her ont of her sphere
in that sort of way:" '
'"But it was you that plumed yourself on
getting her into the kitchen !" scolded
"And a nice mesa you've made of it!"
"But how were we to tell that it was go.
ing to end sot" groaned poor 'Alice.
• • • • •-• •
"Well; Rachel," said Granny Ramsay,'
when the girl camel in, just as the lamps
were lighted, 6 . what sort of a day did you
'haver . .
I 'Humph!" grunted Granny. " That's a
queer way of entertaining visitors • But
pimps that's city manners.
"Perhapi it iajr Said Rachel, dq.murely:
" Who was it came home with you,"
asked Granny, who , was not trite deaf or
blind as yet, "and left you at the garden
ie ?
TOne of the other servants," said Rachel
"Well, I never,"' said Granny. "Where's
all your pride, Rachel Ramsay?" ,
"I never was prouder in all my life than
I am to-night I" RacheL "Linen,
grandma, for I have so . much 44 tell you.
Mr. Harold Harollson, of New Yea, walked
home with me; and I've Met him ever in
many time before this summer, at picnics,
and archery parties, and such places,, but I
never knew that he cared for me. And tip
night he asked me >`o. marry him, land he lig
to come here to-Morrow morning to see
'father." I
"Doyen love },gun?" said Graihty Bata
say, huskily. 1
Ana Rachel answered: • 1
1 9 ( eg;
"The God blesS you, my child, and give
rou be long and happy life V" said th e e
old lady, softly smoothing the girl's bright
And every one
_was satisfied, - except the
ladies at the Tower.!--Heleu Forrest Gravk
A father, talking to his careless daugl
said: "I want to Speak to yonof yourzoottr
er. It may be that you. have noticed a care:
worn look upon her face lately. Of amen
it hat not been bnught there by any set' of
yours, still it is your to close it sway.
I want you to gel! up months
and get breakfast; when your mothercomed
and begins to dress her surprise, go right
upto her slid kiss her in the, mouth. You
can't imagine how it will brightm her dear
face _ Besides yen owe her a kiss or two.
Away back when you were a little girl she
kissed you when no one else was tempted
by _your fevertainted breath and men
face. You were not as attractive.then' as
you are now. And through these -years' of
• • sunshine tad shad*s she wail•
ways ready to cure bir the angle of a moth
er's kiss. the little, dirty, etethby hands,
whenever they were injured; in those first
skirmishes with the sough old world. And
• -• • the !alibied kiss with 'which she rout
, •
no many bad dramas as she lesned above
• •• restless pillow, have all been on inter.
these long, long years. Of course she is
tso pretty and lianas as you are, but if
• bad done your share of work daringthe
• ten year; -the 'contrast would not be so
•• - • Her face has more irrioldas than
•••• far morei s end yet if you were sick
• face would appear mon handful then
=gets 'as it havered; over you, watehing
opixennityto minister to' your eon
fort, and every One of those wielder; worthl
, seem to be wavelets of brig' nrshine di&
: • ?as Drenuanna. --Weep ladts upthe rutl
eaed Oiellte of 0111), bid she lets the lass=
Closet of povettre pants hike pre at Ito
Mae Beeketst. r . .
_ - .
-1:1111 PIECES OP
its Th"riesiemietbilgusilial=litaisks,lll47lllll:llllb
If we Seek for the ....y. r ,%•-"milf invention,
clouded as all invtntierertilik watery,' we
invariably tuns to the soVil may . "of
the Es* and thereof/OW splendernd
luxury of the Esbyloola*lore Alava' the
first indication_ of .thiV***7 Of -clocks.
This was the parpepalla* l iltiff •41N , pillar
which was sop ieced that kil,ffitneet - it• cest - a
shadow equal, to 12 feet,_' 11#111enee tem
tinted by , the length 441, shadow •So
supper-time eras Called atitei:ksir ofa 10-foot
shadow, slid the hour at thi - hath, in' Mier
reaNdir Wee the time at! i::4badfOr 6 feet
Inn& AnY rely Ireellrehi* oll or Of,
time was, of course, hataleltdri'moder this
method, ore In* °Oit ;
4as ealled, the Brut • Of:the '
dial, referred to te
ettridteeliett: l3 #eiht : thSH*Or : - # 4° !!l
4 4 1._ •
l ir-4W • d lid*, 44
the Polos, Which was. the forahadmiring Of
the niter stui•Siial,.and which. was like a sha
le* basin,
in the centre of which - an upright
oiar was fixed, the days and hours being .
Marked upon the basin with lines. Little as
there is in either of these methods akin to
our own, there wan equally Mb in the
water-clock, as it is, called, which was cer
tainly in common Use in Greece in the days
cif Aristoplumes, fir he computed the time
Consumed in a lucent. by reference to it..
It is a little difficult to ;cognise exactly.
'What class of tinia.piece intended when
reference is made therein by ended histor
iUs; for thoisordhorokie covers them all,
or rather, the , Greek Chord from which horol
ogy is derived, is used for scui.did, water.
dock, min-glass, of wooden clock:indiscrim
inately. The water-dock was a curious con
trivance, and-a very uncertain one, and sec
the first of which we, have any record as
measuring time by mechaniml means. Some,
writers think that it was in use in Chins,
,Chald • ea, and Egypt before the general know 7
dge of the sun-dial, but whether that was>
the case or not,- it was very ingenious in its
'way. It consisted of a hollow ball, flattened
a littleat the top to. the .shape of a poppy
head, from whence •it derived - its Greek
name. There was an opening at the top
where the Water was poured in, and this was
kept dosed with a stopper, so that the - water
was not liable to be spilled over, and various
small holes-on the opposite side allowed it'to
trickle out* if through a filter. Time was
tompnt,ml by the gradual diminution of the
water in the vessel. The rachestones
been of stone, but later on, after the -inven
tiou of glass, transparent walls were used,
and the 'water, was supposed to ran dry every
hoar. No reliance hoWever, could be Owed
upon it, for theiflow of the water fluctuated
under climatic and atmospheric conditions,
and the Greeks and ItoManiean badly have
been " pnechat to the minute" if they
relied upon the clep4i, as thelwater-clock
was called. It 'likely that these
mechanical docks wme in use in the, houses
or court'of the bonsts, while in all public
places, satires, 'or mi monumental buildings
son-dials were universally used. In hirma
ions families a slave was kept on purpose to
watch the =Aid and Aratezclock sod to
report the time, :andj we all 'remember the
stupid Tremalcldo, who bad a time-piece in
his room and a slave, beside it whose duty it
was toi, tell him each time an hour had
Ow& A wonderful water block is on In
sera some centuries later when Hamm Al'
itaschid sent Charlemagne a striking ckock
tegulated by water. in which, as 12 hours
' were completed, 12 doors on the face cr t dial
open 4 and 12 men on horseback rode ~ out
and returned, closing the doors behindthim.
After water-clocks male satutiglaasel, !ex
isting in our midst as egg timers; and Still
known as hour-elfwvos, although they seldom
exceed three-or four minutes in operation.
There, were in greater favor in Western
Europe than water-clocks ever became, anti
the best time-kulicator of which we have
definite knowledge is , the amdle-clOck of
King Alfred, and his ingenious adaptation of
transparent horn to keep the draughts from
burning his candles curtvenly.
"Myrtle, dear V'
"Yes, Gem" what is it ?" replied the
girl, glancing shyly upward. •
The radiant glory of a summer moon shone
don up:6 the earth this June night, bath
ing in all its mellow splendor the leafy
brandies of the sturdy: olitoaks that had for
centuries shaded*the entrance to Castle Mc
Murtry and hughed'defiance to the fierce
gales that every winter came howling 'down
in all their cruel force and- fury from the
moorlands lying to the ;westward of the cas
tle. On the edge of the broad demense that
stretched away' to the south stood a large
brirle cow, and as the moonlight: flecked
with siliery lustre her starboard ribs she
seemed to Myrtle a perfect picture of sweet
content and ahnosf, holy calm. .
"Is it not a beautiful night, ,dearest r
murmured the girL " See 'bow the moon- -
beams flutter' down tinunghithe - trees, mak
ing strange lights and shii&nrs that Sit
among the shrubs and flowers in such a
weird, ghost-like fashion. . The dell is indeed
clothed in loveliness tonight, sieethiart."
"Yes," said George W. Simpson, "ibis is
tie bom dell "—and then, lodking down into
the pure., innocent face that was rifted to his,
he took in his own broad; third-base palm
the little hand that erstwhile held up Myrtle's
polonaise. As they stood there silently in
the bosky glade George passed his , arm sil
ently but firmly around Myrtle's waist.
The noble girl did not sby. -
"Do youlove me, sweetheart?'! he asked
in accents that were tremulous with tread
Myrtles heed was doming now, and the
rosy blushes Of Calumet avenue innocence
Were chasing each othei across her peachy
I ch
George drew her more closely to him. U
I a mosquito had tried to• pass between them
then it would have been bad—for the mos
quito. •
" Can rat dotbt me, darling ?" he whis.
pered. "You surely mad know that I love
yea with a wild. Oasionate, whea-Emine
love:that can never die. Do 'ou love me a
little in return r •
For an instant the girl did not speak. -
George heard the whisking of the brindle
cow's tail tweak in rudely upon the so
stillness of the night, and ever and anon
came the dull thtul of the bullfrog as he
jumped into the, neighboring pond. - Pres.
tautly Myrtle placed her arms about his neck,
and with uristtal, bebris.tme-the-efeinP
look in her sweet tan, ahe said to him : "I
love you,, Gloria. with a &and= devotion
thativrM eventually keep you broke.° AM
with thew bridal yenta she adjusted her
sued bang and feadrody let the may to
an imerasza leir.--;Chicrwe Tribune.
SCRAKOLZD Mains Eacws.--Seraraf Baffin
saturalath' s and their WA= the other day
breakfasted on iscrambkd eggs made of
snakes' eggs. Tlnsq i disli bad whitish ap
pearance, . not it la# ti ti mo slastre tested sons&
what like mashed . The eggs wow
laid by one at the ha:gas:lakes In the Zaa.
Win= palm at'• •
?id SPOOL colvoi
Ifew the people AM -
wren to alabitagasi Nessaware
Right here it may be staled that there hi
Oftiple of gen Did CODOWIIOan the
imagist heti so saw& trouble landrodneing
to the pub& as • new variety et spool cot
ton. The ammo woman will Dot be sever.
ed from her ophaket that there it DO NMI*
Gahm so good as the kind she Istrts, sod
which her mother used hetorw bet Wing
enough to try a new kind it mass or
glows, she sticks with pew tenacity to
the thread of her mother. Ocamegnently,
the establedted thread-makers have is her an
IL which Omits them to bid delimits: 10
Slake= Quit say IMO Wan groat, U
a ldad of protection that ths gosonwsost
gin thick aid thstlegidatcescsuoot
mum. pixiphp this' with tho enonooss
• • twin esistiogsad the thaws Of
sonipitdios from 11060 Of far m s
' • • $11.41104kt.
sidetittgly, :no 'donliC bid al oertibt
111014017 :as any that aside in America.
'Many American and foreign Quad roam.
fedoras have found the stramitti of this
people monopoly to their Amanda ow
row. Even Zthey present to the consumer
a thread of equal or auperio' r strength, finish,
or color, and at a leas price they find that
the customer can rarely be induced to try it,
much less to purchase it. The threads that
are protected by this self-Made Monopoly
are those known as Coats, "0. N. T.,"
"Mileoend," and Willimantic. The three
. former UM thread at ( English . introduction
and Partisiil!y, pezhaps,` of Engel' manufac
ture, wlule the latter is easentiafly an Ameri
can thread. The manufacturers or sellers of '
these braids have, as a natter Of. =toil
protection and profit, an understanding
equivalent to'a combination by which they .
fix iho market price of thread, and to that
price they' Strictly adhere, and not only bind
themselvei to sell only at a died Price -55
' cents per, dozen spools Of 200 yards each, for
either white or colored--but bind the job
bars, to whom; of course, discoontsnre made
st an agreed rate, not to sell to he trade at
less than 55 cents a dozen. To the jobber
who abides by this rule Of the Combination, l
' , and no one who does not sign an agreement
to do so can purchase the thread, there is a
set-beck of about 4 per cent. on the total
amount of his pnrchases paid: back at the
end of the year, provided he has been a par.
chaser of over 2,000 dozen spools. The
smaller manufacturers who :are not of this
combination of coarse sell in the ,market
"wild-cat,", as it is termed, that is, at "such
prices as they can get. And their prices de.
pend entirely upon the quality, color, and
attractive appearance of their thread, as well
=as the quality contained on a , spool, for the
"warranted 200 yang " oil the label is, as a
rule, no more evidence of the fact that diem
are 200 yards on the spool than is the "war
ranted pure" label an evidence
.that the
.whiskey contained in a bottle ii anything
bit the vilest chemical coampowsi t Let a
tread manufacturer one gethis goods well
before the public and a &Mend. established,
and all he has to do besides supplying the
demand is. to sit in his aloe. smoke Reins
Victories, and clip coupons in the intervah
between his sips of champagne and bite
I frog delicate macaroons. His goods ael:
theirithes, bit, like his Reins Victories, the
'standanrof quality must be 'maintained, and
thathe looks out for much more keenkr that
does the - tolacconist—N. Y. Tian
Just before, Western ---- -bound train left flo
(nion depot yesterday morning, a , mashes
with his, .little grip.sack 'slid around to a
woman staudiiig near the ticket office and
remarked •f 4
I " ;Excuse me, but can I be of any assmt.
sncci in purchasing your ticket?"
' •' No, sir !^ was the short reply.
"Beg pardon, but I shall be glad to • see
that your trunk . is
. properly checked," be
-Auttinued. '
"It has been checked, sir."
" Yes—ahem—you go West, I presume
" I do."
•_• Going as for as MicaOr
" Yes, air." ..
" Ah—yes—to Chi?sigO. I also take the
pain for
. Chicago. Beg your pardon, but.
•liidn't I meet you in Buffalo last fall?"
4 •
"Ah! Than it was in Symcinse r
"No sir :^ • .
"No? I wonder where I have seen you
before ?"
"You saw me enter the depot about five
Minutes ago with my husband, I presume !"
"Now husband?"
“Yes, sir, and if you'll only stay around
here three minutes longer you'll , make the
fifth fellow of your kind that he has turned
over to the coroner this numthl”
Some mashers wordd a bllTO made a run for
it, but this 1,163 didn't. / He went off on the
gal op, and as he wanted to so light he left
his gripsiek and a ton of brain behind him.
—Detroit Fri Pros. ,
Bow tie Ilimodreds or Letters Addressed to
tie President are filiesseii
Several hundred letters - are received every
day at the Write House. They are deliver
ed by a special messenger. :The 'tiorespon
decree &takeout to the President is not
opened by him, and it is very tare that he
reads one of the 1 thousand! of letters ad
dressed to him. All of 'his letters are first
opened by his privatesecretary. The majori
ty of them are. simply referred elsewhere,
and never in any form come to the attention.
of the Piesiaent..,lt makes no difference
how "persona l , private; or cr),nlidential"an
envelope may be marked, it does not go by
the desk of the private "secretary unopened.
- Letters from relatives or intimate friends are
sent to the President just as received, but all
other letters of a character worthy of being
called to his attentron aro simply "briefed,"
'• so that the President can see at a gla n ce
what is wanted. Applicant, for office who
write to the White Horse areaways referred
to the departments. It bas been the custom
of late years to send out to every such ap:
'plicant a polite formals, saying that the ar ;
pricatiot• bas been raterred to such and such
• department.' Some the simple minded
correspondents of the ezecuthro, construe the
receipt of this fermi:dlr.' as one of the mod
important steps bathe way of securing the
desired diem — Otertem Man - who recent.
ly received enact thee, tetrads, R ;te in'
reply Sothis gratitude over the 'eta
the same was "as big as an *latent., H.
.then added that when he sbouldget his place
his gratitude would be " ash* se trio Sko
tents." This formula of dower is in tedity
lie tuff of encouragement as the traitor's
rite "rejected with theadle," — eetit leader
old with pile le returner mamtkript.
But no amount oft pl sum=.bas say die.
couraghig effect upon the 1 people who.write
to the, President for' tutormetion, *id*.
niosierce. Meer - 01tret the 150,000,900
people in this country there is 'Warps daffy
number who Better themsettes datum' me
not wasting good piper, peni sad ink by
writing to the Dodd s% ,
THE suestiss spanotif!
r oDo sot cheat, ihybest re atl tan ber -
• willpeoa
Rope Os taker Wean
hog On% aO4Krin
Tdlher.ifTatwlQt atmiaow
Need mecum la rata;
Tril her that the lemma tollgiltallt
Tar oetoelghe *OWL -
Rather ma bye go torah brace. •
Rag ISO *lager greet,—
Not is Nei with gest sad buckler,
. Bat as dear Mena meet; .
ela ber with a strong eissrphokl bte
ay aer avow
Llistadmr for the anumund bluing
Sonar always bring:
11/"wtfaCaei a l slate Menses
were gairtili 0 4 11 NI ;DellgraCtillitof
hen is no . liiped far which Use ' old •lir.'
saes Ot tb SOU)" lltsb,
teaslietidie'.**"..lll4 t his Taney'
a nits abundant_
tatty Med To 41
fact, it i s stated that
the pressen, Year—uL i
Daly *nee bete were . tem so
many. Ia
the fields a fewthe city , a we "
miles belo w
or two "ag3), thousands of them conlilbe seen.
They followed the plowman along the furrow
and were almost as tame as chickens.
Wherever there was a newly plowed field,
there you could gee the gull, and as fast as a
furrow was turned up the birds would fly
behind the plowman and commence devour
ing the insects which were ' thus exposed to ,
sight. They seemed perfectly fearless. And
they have gaid reason to be fearlesi here,
for the farmer looks upon them as hisfriend,'
and they seem to understand fully that ha
holds'them in that light. They fly all about
him, within three or fog. feet, and while
perhaps unwilling to submit to being caught,
they will allow any other familiarity that can
be practiced, for they themselves take a
great many good.natu red liberties. They
will not touch .- grain, or anything that the
fawner desires- should remain, untouched;
they only eat the worms and insects which
are injurious to the soil and to crops. Years
ago a law was passarmaking it an offence to
kill one otthese birds. The kiw is probably
yet on the statute books, but, is literally a
dead letter, because there heel been no earn-
Rion to call the law into life. .; hi farmer—in
Leek any person acquainted with the habits
of the sai-gull-would almost think of wan
tonly killing one of his own chickens as of
intentionally hartulug one of these queer
birds. As before stated, a law was passed
by the Legislature 'making it an offence to
kill a seagull: it was passed for this reason:
In thetsecond year after the pioneers had
arrived here—in 1848—the large black
crick4ts common to these mountainous re.;
gional made their appearance in this and
some other valleys in clouds- T figaratively
speaking, They did not fly, but came hop
ping amen the mountain aides in myriads.
So vast were their. numbers the mountains
were black, and seemed literally alive with
the great big, Mart, ugly things, each' one,
about the size of a large man's thumb. It
was at a time when the crops were proinis
ine; everything looked green; - the future
outliiok seemed bright, and the heart of the
sun-burned and toilworn pioneer grew
lighter as the prospects of a plentiful hawed
and greater comforts -- grew more and more
tangible with each dare gruwili of the
healthy grain. But blacker than the clouds
of C oa l blackcrickets nrhic' h came bopping
dawn the mountain slopes in countless nom
hers, leaving barrenness and ambition in
their wake, were the clouds of despair which
filled the heart of the weary husbandman as
this new and unlocked for curse came skively
but surely toward the pride, the joy, and the
promise of the, ealiy , settler—his fields of
waving corn and grain. The - foe was utterly
unconquerable so far as human efforts , were
concerned ; there was nothing the heart-sick
farmer could do but stand idly by and see
the labor of the season destroyed. Children
gazed with wonder and terror; women look.
ed with eyes full of tears, and strong mew
watched with hearts of despair. It was an
awful hour. But 10l a wonder I The sky is
filled with large birds ; they fly toward the
scene of the disaster, and they slight in the
fields'wherellie crickets hold suprette inray.
Then comes a change. At once the flocks of
birds begin to cat the crickets. From more
till night they continue; never ceasing:
When filled until they can hold no mare they
vomit up the black mass, and again continue
to est the crickets. This is kept up day
after day until not one of the devouring host
is seen; the craps are saved, and the birds
fly away:, This bird was the one which
could recentlii be seen in the fields, and
which was then more abundant than at any
time since the event above mentioned. It
was not surprising that the pioneers should
return thanks to Cod for - his enema, and that
-forever after the seaWl should be looked
upon as a dear friend, to be protected and
etaxAiraged.—Salt .Lake (Utah) Herald.
don't_believe there is any region on earth
where roses grow in such abundance,variety;
beauty - siul sweetness as they do in the Nen
Orkinas country. A Irealseippi gentleman;
to whom I have been indebted for implant
tiou on various, subjects, tells me that there
is growing and in bloom at his• home this
momenta Lamarque rose vine eighty' fed
low. The stem is eight inches through in
the thickest part. It was planted seventeen
isighteen years ago. - It is twined, around
sitmuida, and its gorgeous clusters of creme
tinted roses are splendid to behold. At New ,
Orleans the Narwhal Niel roses came. the
Noitheeter to stare in speeehless wonder. I
saw one of the pleats that must have been
fifty feet.leug. I-Imasto- seen vines of the
same rose that long in the North, but they
riereaciaggy rind lean loolnag and in the
ilinisin‘ greenhouses. At New Orleans they
rum rrild and revel Isle a midsummer' night's
drenn.' The blossoms grow in gOrgeous
diadem of halt s &rfzei or more, and the
thavereare so large that they would more
than eaves the top of s brge.aired coffee
dip. A single one of the pale gold beauties,
will AU a teem with Perfume. ! They are as
plenty down here "white top" in a
Northern meadow. And they sell for el ,a
bud up North- In some of the private citi
tens' yelps in New Orleans there are as many
M a hundmd different kinds of ruses all in
bloom at once. They do not require pro.
teams from eolld at any time. They all
stand out doors in the open ground, and
many varieties' bloom more or km all the
winter through. The wee is a &write flow
eret New, Otiaans. At the / Jockey Clah
Wei we mew downs of Imadsomely dressed
bags witb , esgnisite bonahes of rosebuds at
Theis belts, and elsewhere in their dresses—
** inneti lovely lower that nature made,
none of ' your aboMinattle, artiffeial things.
The rose the French inialaitents of Weir ()e
-lms are fondest of for diesnotio' n k celled
the "Gold of °phis." *dims florists
harelt; bat it L riot common., The bad is
ispeebilly prised for its buggy. It is $
smallish rose, of s very pale pink, shading
toisrds the heut in s 'deep, rich gold
IMAM = faint streaks of aims* touch the
,fir petals. It is cot of the loveliest roses
ever saw. —Pew 04mi Cbatsiereial.
it .. e~~
i1; - '
... . - .:i . ' ,. :.1V
,yi t , ,2;
41 - -inTinapsTaTe Doc& •
oppip•- - ,Appos iptp4pfugs& Tipplers iireere
?bete Seer.
v ikii iti M bitt ..dogs in c li ned 1 .
r ,:, trrem a r e to IDA 1
'llo.l*lmaa is unknown . to many who hohl
:ifitialiadghosthaatkai, but such isthefact;
;fib bon' alai *kr dada; Ht. Sim
Agytitoorho keeps Us saloon an Ninth and
IRO* own a, Urge WWI; which is al
I &mint& - He has got so addict.
,iitliatMaing that ha reacUts to an sorts of
...itts get beer, and sameth'ttes shows
011itlin!lng in getting adtibkid his favor-
The fact bad become metal.
il:titistn; and scrotal gentlemen date:mined
:le** id* Hrery'lnotning Hr. Wyman
tinptied beer kegs out on the side
awake:tor, and leaves the bung
;. ~ '..
bethg, ahm. /imam or Ima beer al .
ir. of each keg. As soon `as. the
!awe set down and the proptietor gone
the gibbon, the dog aproachal Inns ;
r P gout :,
=r T f"'"'*V'ticvli
trimbdiesi the most beer, and, "puttin' g one of
his paws against it, pushed the keg over.
Re.than pomade& to push the keg' until it
got close to the edge of the earldom ; and
turning the bung dean, got out into the
street, and as the beer ma out eagerly
lapped it up. The process was repeated
rmtff every keg had been drained, and, after
licking the edge of the kegs, the dog trotted
off, evidently not having gotten enough.
This proms! the -deg repeats , every day, and
sometimes more beer is left in the keg for
his benefit, and he gets ibesistly drunk.
Dringing„ however seems to agreewith him,
as he is very fat a nd sleepy looking.
This instance brings to mind another case
of a dog in IndOinapolis which was very
inuelmuldicted to/ drinking.. Th., dog was
known as "Old .lack," and was considered a
member of the fide department, as he always .
staid at the.en house • and went to every
fire, riding on the-‘ t
of the engine. Next
to the (wine home was eal!xm, where he
used to get beer in the same manner as the
dog in this city, and also used to get drunk.
About a year ago he went out one day, and
there happened to be more beer than usual
in the kegs, and he accordingly got drunk.
While he was drinking an alarm was turned
in, and,the engine pawed him. lie attempt
ed to jump on the seat in front, but was too
drunk, and, falling beneath the wheels, was
crushed to death.—Louisville Courier-Jour
A palanquin for a sick person is a box in
which abed can be made.. One aide is open
when the person is laid in, and is closed
again and fastened. The %ox has a roof and
a window, sometimes one at each end, for
light and ventilation: It is fastened to two
poles, which project both in t front andrearof
the box, and between theta ',projecting poles
at each end a mule is made to walk, to whose
saddle the poles are attached. The mule in
front can see well enough, tint the one be
hind has a hard time, because hit face is
dose to the rear of the box, and only the
best / and most sure-footed animals are select
ed for that ffifficidt position. Even then he
is liable to stumble a good deal, to bruise
his legs, and what is worse, to shake , and
jar 'the sick person. The sick man would
roll from side to side; which would cause
the palanquit' to turn so that often two men,
and always one, bad to walk by the side of
the box to keep , it steady. Sometimes it
- would ' strike, a projecting rock or the
branches of a ree anti be almost upset. The
path, which was an natudly good one for
Syria. often went along the edge of a precipice
with ragged rock above, and the wady, now
beccnnes a frightful gorge, hundreds of feet
beneath. What if the mules should make a
misstep here Such Was always my
thought as I watched the palanquin iind the
man steadying it while passing those - danger
ous places. We were, however, > providen
eally spared from any such accident and ;its
consequent calaniity. We stopped but once
during the night, except to give our friend
water, and that Was only for twenty or thir
ty minutes, in a narrow place, to let a long
processionof camels and mules pass. The
mom was bright, and giant hills, and masiive
rocks, and deep, dark gorges with the water
rushing at the &tom, dense patches of
okender . along the banks of the stream, With
bean and there the fic3 of a Bedouin encamp
ment, made Op the scenery along the route
of oar night:march, until we reached the
Jordan at 6: SO in the morning. It bad
been a long anxious: night. 7 —East of the
• ,
' is the onions combination of names
volved ins scandal at Buffalo. Brown is
'son of a wealthy wholesale druggist,
I ... . a salesman formerly connected with
Dunn and Brown became very intirrlOP,
• • is that brown had pretended to take a
' to him, and that having a pretty good
owledge of poisions Brown was constantly
• him about them and their :effeats.
He alangot for Brown a pair of burglars'
- Trpers-tor turning door keys, and some
. • • whiskers. Then Brawn proposed to.
Dann to help him murder hie . lathe* theold
man Brown, and to poison off by degrees all
the heirs to the estate. Muni Lbrank frier
the crime, was arrested lmprisoned.
Brown's relatives visited Dunn, offering him'
a large s u m to leave the country, which be
refused.' Soddenly be was released • Stu!
1;000 given him. 110 was taken ill, baton
sued Brown for $50,000 fed' darn
ages.. 'Brown, in the meanwhile, bad poi.
to Europe, his wife having separated from
him and retuned to Clevelazid. Brown's
story le that Dunn is a deep designiOg 'vil
lain who has been too fond of Brown's wife ;
that he proposed to !hewn the poisoning of
the' elder Brown, but 4 Brown "shrank it
horror* from it, especially since it would be
uselesk for his step-mother had induced the
old gentleinan to disinherit young Brown.
The scheme was abandoned until the will
Could be destroyed, Dunn in the meanwhile
amusing himself in the company of Brown's
wife. A third version is -that the Lockwoods,
relatives of Brown by marriage, were so
, winrdalised by the conduct of Donn had
Mrs. Moen that they btsisted on Brain's
prosecuting the guilty couple. But he re
fused and then confessed to his proposed at
tempt on the life of his father and ids other
relatbres: Under these circumstances they
were quite , willing to let Dunn go and eat
Brawn off from the family altogether. The
Brew= are alleged to be of considerable im
parlance in Buffala.-=Defroit Free Prix- ,
Soma an Awrmaren To.—Scientists used
to sat that tho sun wai 93,000,000 miles
from the earth, while' they now claim that
its 93,100,000 miles. This cliffeeencesbould
Waxed, in the intennit of the ,Boston Pad
man, who thinks " 100,000 miles mike a
gnat deal of di ferencie to a man who iigcr
bit ,to jump
PiP l
-1 - -'',
.;'. :-::: A ..'; . ...:: -:... "Z :2
SV4O a Tar, fa Unice.
ITEMS. Or INTEgigry..
bitertOiar *acts: 0444 *ie line
—Wimp there's a will there's a way—ta
contest it. -
—A business that isnlwari Picking DP"'
mg-picking. • " •
cbicaHin OA are 13,128 iudnstrial
establishments; employing i3l,4l9,peraons.
—Bits of coat that, poor children" pick up
user public scale: sre gatherings by the
girl - has, beat iitratal in Kamm City
-ceart* with the ;maims in a funeral
4.o — thiler4 '7 -
—A young gentled& and a young lady of
Tanana were wedded a they came out of
the haP — the .
man Del* kiets ao ae a mAthanded
`stlahl wheilisiiitoldilly theithotagraph.
Cr tdirrolik - AW.77 •
ars to be
—Why :nag the perisive riitde
upon tip susceptible to pathetic
Because .he oecasienally dreg! male-teat
—"Haven't - you got cheek?' VAS the 're
sponse of a fonr-yearokl boy when his
teacher at hia first day in school asked' lama
he coqld read. ~
—One dry goods deale:r. in Chairman pays
more taxes into the city treasury than the
eighteen brewers and the 2,000 saloon keep.
en of the city.
—A taste for ' mtusie; when exhibited by
young persons, is certainly. commendable,
and should be cultivated, but don't start them
off with a drum.
—A redwood tree nineteen feet in- diame
-ter was recently felled near Guerneville,
Cal, and when it struch the earth it rattled
the dishes in houses a mile away,
—Ain't that a lovely critter, John," - said
'Jerturba, as they stopped opposite the leop
ard's cage. " Waal, yes," said John, " - but
he's drew:Milli , freckled, ain't he ?"
—The lakes and ponds of California, ac
cording to a recent census bulletin, cover - an
area of 1,900 square miles. Tulare Lace is
the largest body of water lying whoa) , within
the limits of the United States. .
—car wheels, pails, washbowls and even
.bricks are made of paper. Now, why don't
Some one go to work and make leather out
of boarding house pie-crust. It Wouldn't
require a practice of tanning.
—Some years ago William'Francis Henri
etta left Huntington Landing, Conn., where
he owned property, and was not heard from
. for years, Ho died recently in Brazil, leas".
ing $lOO,OOO to relatives in the North.
Mamma, do you know what the largest
species of ants are ? You shake your head.
Well, I'll tell you—they are elephants," and
the little fellow• turned a summersault and
shouted : " whoop, rilarninn, I'm 110 slouch.
you know."
—" What possible harm can there , be in
tolling a hell?" asks a villagephilosopher.
We heard of a young man who told , a belle
something, and it cost him five thousand doL
len; because - he didn't do what he told the
belle he would.
—A newly married man . complains of the
high price of "ducks." He says hiswife
'cently paid for three of them—a , duck of s
bonnet, a dock of a draw, and a duck of 's
- parasol. He says such "dealings in Pod
try" will rain him. ' _
--An biliortus farmer believes that a fam.•
km is near at hmad, and for several years has
refused to sell'any of his large :wheat crop.
The grain -fills nearly all the Ind:Whig! on ,
the fann, including the residence, and much
of it has spoiled.
'--A•Tankee pctperhas the 'following:: "A
Man, who is owing us a little bill, said he
would call lastcweek and pay us, if he was
alive.' He stall appears in the street, but as.
he did not call, it is naturally supposed that
he is dead,- and walking around to save
funeral expenses."
-Ancient. bric-a-brac is being manufac.
tared and planted at the 'South. A boil or
dish was recently unearthed near Chattahoo.
' In quality- and color it resembles
hard burned brick, and on its bottom is in.
scrfbed " Deso, 1540."
• —"Pa, what is ensilage?" "
ensilage, my son, is—im--ensilage
something like mucilage ; used to stick .
things together, you ° know. There, run
away to play, and don't disturb me now."
Aud that boy thinks his pa is a very envy- _
elopedin of wiridoni. -
—A . Montpelier man, failing to bring
down a fox with his littlegun, determined to
resort to more - deadly Means, so he divested .
himself of his lapoto and most of his clothing
and give chase. After an exciting little ran
he Overhauled lleyruird and caught him ley .
the hind legs. -
-The Jewish colony which was ,founded
in Louisiana a few months since has proved .
& failure, it is said. Of. 142 persona who .
settled there only seventeen remain. They
dialled the climate.. Most of the Russian
Jews now on the way to this country will
settle in New Jersey.
—A colonel of a regiment which served
during the late war for a short time met one
of his men in the streets a few days since,
and after talking over camp-life the former
pirn' lie, said: "I tell you what it is, Colonel,
the boys used to grumble about you, but
they were ungrateful fellows ; they ought to
,he thitaliful to you, for you always kept
them out of danger, ColoneL"
—Me mutations of time affect even the
Sipe are *nit, for of. the bench twenty
years ego not a single judge remains —all :
deed. Olair two judges of the bench twelve
years preennsin—nsinely,Miller and Field ;
al/ *anthers are dead, except Davis, now in
tlisullenate, and Swayne, retired.
—Major General John S. Bowen,` a Ccur
federate soldier of prominence, was buried
in a grove near Raymond, Miss:, two days
before the surrender of Vicksburg. 13j his
side, not long afterward,, tbaremain,' of Col.'
Desninke, of Arkawas, Were intesred Gen.
Bawsn's friends wish to remove la hones,.
-bat do not know his grave from' that, of
Colonel Datmultee.
Tnz Marroracurnot cur Wizeszs.—Very
. few pens= estimate the amount of work
there is in a watch of Modern maanfacture:
Nearly a thousand pmcrars are in use in
, completing them: _ There are 15 distinctly
different kinds, and as many as 150 varieties
of Shish, number of joirels, construction of
balances, de., and independent of cases and
their varieties. Women aro largely em•
ployed in the work of watch-making, eve._ Switzerland; but since the year 1850'
the Ads process has undergone immense
change by the substitution of machinery for
hand work, which originated with Mr. Der•
ninon and EdwarAltowael, of Dalton, who
,established the OA masinfaetory of watches .
at Roxbury, Mass., whearire it riajrnunred, in
IU4, to Waltham, 'Am the Charier River!
Each separate ' portion of the watch is made
ca a =dim specially constructed
. for the
purpose, and . the gauges eropk)yed are so
accurate that the ono•seventeeshurtdredth
part of an midi ran be aware& Som e of
the portions
.vied in making a witch lie .o
minute that it take 160,000 of them tg
weigh ono pound.-
NO. 7