Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 06, 1882, Image 2

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JUDSON HOLCOMB, t p ßommas .
CHAS. 11. ALL EN; 'Associate Editor.
-- - -
"Reasonable tazes,honestiapenditures, coin
peleat, and no stealing,;' ,-. Harpers
Week:y. .
Entered In the I Post. Omce at Tolland* an
TH1T1181): ' , JULY G . , 1882.
Republican State Ticket.
GEL. JAMES A. BEAVER, of Centre Co.
• ixet4iNalirr-oovkasoa,
WILLI a 1 T. DAVIES, - of Bradford Co
• dolphin.
JOYIN M. GREER, of Butler Co
The Republican national policy with re
gard to the management of the public debt
has been so wise, so statesiumlilre,xo sound,
so honest to the national 'creditors; yet I so
little burdeusopie to the people, that all the
Republican States of the north and west
have imitated it in the 'management of
their - own State debt, and have thus heen ,
enabled to pay off and reduce . both 'the
principal and interest of their debts with
out, increasing the burdens of taxation.
Says the North American: "It is ill wind
that blows no one any good. Owing to the
political disturbance by which it has been
agitated," and,to the still unsettled condi
tion of the country, Egypt this year will
not Wive so much wheat ..and cotton to
spare for: British use as heretofore, and
this will have the effect of increasing the
demand 'for the American products. Ac
cording to the latest crop reports, the de
mand is one, which there will be -no diffi
culty in supplying."
At the Democratic State Conventiory at
Harrisburg last week,' the following ticket
was placed in nomination: Robt. •E. Pat
tison, forGOvernor; Ch..uaCey F. Black, of
York, for Lieutenant Governor; Silas M.
Clark for Supreme ' Judge; J Simpson
Africa, Secretary of Internal Affairs;
Montimer F. Elliot; for Congressman-at
Lrrge. Owing to the crowd of other mat
ter we are unable to give the proceedings
or platform this week, but will speak of
both in {► subsequent issue.
The ifnportant.que4ion as to the corona
tion of fhe Russian Czar appears to. tie - ; re
marks the Philadelphia North American,
k. -
whethe:r the anticipated attempt at - the
assassination of the Emperor shall precede,
, .
accompany or follow the act of coronation.
Fo 'it seems t 9i t
o' be tolerably clear that the
spimtors meditating these attempts aro
pOwerful enough to defy the government;
andlthat no actual discovery has yet been
i--made of the machinery or participate in
t. ,
i the conspiracy;• which latter in fact is now
s .. recognized asi being a distinct element;
fully organized, self-sustaining and in pos
session of abundant resources.
Five years ago, the United States Fish
Conimissionsent shad eggs to California,
and hatched them in the Sacramento River.
Shad have - been caught in small numbers in .
Monterey, - SanFrancisco` and Humboldt
Bays. Two years ago two were caught in
the Columbia river, Oregon, and last year
quite a numberlwere taken. Now comes
alOng the Olympia Transcript, Of Washing
ton Territory, Which says two • shad were
caught away_up in the head waters of
Puget Sound. Would it not be,singular, if
that million of shad eggs taken from the
hatchery at Port Deposit, at the mouth of
the Susquehanna River, Thadthe
Pacific coast rivers with Susquelianna'shad.
The world "do move."
Now that Guiteau is hanged and the
hanging written up, it is to be hoped that
he and all the rest of the Guiteau family
will be allowed to drop out of 'sight. The
public mind has been sated for a year with
the blasphemeous utterances Of the vilest
criminal this country ever prOduced. The
laws delays have been vexatious. The peo
ple feared that 'the assassin would escape
,justice. But they now know that, justice
i,tliough . slow, is nevertheless sure'. We
never believed in the insanity theory:,
Our.own conviction, which we think is'
founded in reason, is that in his insatiate
desire to obtain an office, which ho failed
to get from the Garfield Administration,
he conceived the idea that by killing Gar
field and making Authur President, he
would place him and his political friends
under such strong obligations to him, ‘ that
Arthur would - not only protect him in his
crime, but would give him the office he
wanted. He deliberately planned and ex.:
ecuted his purpose. His Whole conduct
shows this. The sentences of his - dying
prayer, in which he implores the vengeance
fof the Aliiiglity upon Arthur because he
did tint pardon him shows this: No, he was
not ifisarie, bnt most maliciously wicked
and :devilish.. The world is the better off
to be rid of, such a monster.
Th6j'affort for Republican union
which . i demanded by the earnest
Republican masses throughout the
State ilia length taking practical shape.
The Regular candidates and the Regu
lar State Committee are moving for
ward together in this direction.
The conference of General Beaver
and his associates yesterday was of the
highest significance and importance.
The second Republican Convention :at
Harrisburg directed the Seate Coinmit
tee to take measures towards harmony.
THE said the day after that the
Committee would naturally be expect
ed to act in concurrence with the can
, 3lidatti. Indeed; it was plain that, the
candidates must really take the initia
tive and the responsibility.' In the
confere,,nce of yesterday they met this
• obligation in a manly and, patriotic
spirit. '-They have determined to join
in a letter which skall open the ques
t' tion of an understanding with the
Independent Republicans Uy which the
union of the two elements of the party
can be effected.
We have had faith. that when the
right time should come General Beaver
would prove his honest devotion to the
true interests of the Republican party
by responding to the Ball for all reason
able efforts to promote its unity and
harmony. He has justified this confi
- deuce by the honorable and chivalrous
spirit which be manifests in the prssent
movement, and his action deseri-es
cordial recognition . His associates
have cooperated with him, and while
this is only the first step there is much
to encourage the hope os an adjustment
which will lead t) Republican success.
--Phi/a. Press. July Ist.
We hail _with pleasure this evidence
of a patriotic spirit on the part of the
candidates nominated on the Rep-
Republican ticket in taking
the initiative steps toward an amicable
adjuitment of the existing divieion ,in
the 'Republican party. The ticket
nominated by the Democrati let Har-
risburg on 1 June 28th, tho4h much
stronger than any they have, for many
years past presented, can'_ easily be
defeated by a united Republican party-
The nominees representing the re-
I tspeetive wings of the party, h j ve it in
ofpower by the, exercise, mutually
of a patriotic devotion to the principles
of the Republican party, to bring about
a cordial union of the partyjorces and
insure success in the State. T i lie Regu
lars have taken the initiative under the
lead of General Beaver who lieadS the
ticket, and he is seconded by his col
leagues. This movement is . ' highly
commendable and evinces an unselfish
devotion to the princiPliiii of. Repub
licanism. It will be seconded by every
Republican in the State whose attach
ment to principles is stronger than his
devotion to men. , The p positions ,
to be submitted as a , basis of union
should be so eminently just l and fait,
and square, that there will be no ground
left for the cavillier to stand upon.
The people will not fail to distinguish
betwixt the mere captious cavillier and
the earnest, sincere temper of a
genuine' proposition for harm!
rejection by either wing of
of an honest and reasonably
harmony will greatly weaken ]
rejecting it.
The RzeuntaceN of June Ist. our
reaeers will bear witness, Said 'We sub
mit a proposition to all the candidates on
both tickets viz: That they 'meet to-.
gether and settle the Conflict 'independ
ent of dictation from any quarter)
They are all intelligent men. and if
they .are imbued with that unselfish
devotion to the cause of 'Republicanism
they profess, they can lead the Repub
licans of the State to al successful and s
satisfactory solution of the whole diffi;
calty. Dont - step to ask Cameron or
Mitchell, Quay or Wolfe; Cooper
McKee, what you shall do, but at once'
what the duty of the hour demands of
you.. Follow Marshall's • example and
decline and demand that,a union con
vention be. held under the !new rules
and have party reform, now. If the
candidates will adopt these snggestions
they will be wiser tan the bosses and
wiser than the conventions which
placed them in nomination.': :
Our mind is unchanged in this regard
and we therefore hail with :,sincere
joieing•miy inoi;ement that Books to the
restoration of party unity in our
State. r
WAsanioToist. D. C.. drily 3, 1882.
In a letter of reasonable length, it is not
possible to give a detailed-report of that
transpired at the Jail of the District of
Columbia on Friday st connected With the
execution of the man who one year. ago
assassinated President James A. Garfield.
I must therefore content myself yAth,
some of the most notable incidents.
The-mock heroism displayed by this great
criminal through all his confinement, did
not desert him in the final hour. ' , '
The efforts of his attorney; to prevail
upon President Arthur to grant him" a . re
prieve for a short period were not entirely
abandoned until nithinless than a, week of
the day set for the execution. - Five days
prior to that 414 , he was informed that - the .
last hopowas gone. This information, j to
all outward appearance, produced no
change in the mental or physieal conductor
appearunce.of the', prisoner. 'Up to the
last night prior to his execution, he ate and:
slept well. But the - Jest night prior to, the
dread ordeal he tossed restlessly on his
couch until morning. ;After Ipintaking of
his, last breakfast, he was escorted by . his
watches Ito the bath and he enjoyed his. last
bath. Re said but little, and I appeared as
though in deep meditation. The day prior
and during the early morning of Friday 1 he
employed his time in writing, land composed
the prayer, which he read upon'the scaffold
and which for the purpose of , reserving it,
we reproduce in connection * 1
th the ac
count of his execution: - The first sign. of
emotion was at 12 o'clock, T . when the
guard of soldiers marched into the corridor
and brought their muskets to the floor. As
the sound struck his 'ear, he Ifor the • mo-
ment became tremulous with lemotion. He
soon recovered _ himself,
"under the reas
suring words of the Rev. Hicks, his spirit
ual adviser who remained in `his cell all
the morning and accompanied him to' the
scaffold. At a few minutes after 12 o'clock
Warden Crocker appeared atlthe door of his
cell and read to him the . death warrant,
which the Warden preedtld with some
remarks reciting the events _ the year.
.Guitoati cut him short by sayings- "I want
to hear no mpre I Lspit upon that docu
ment ! • You will all go to hell who take,
part in killing me:" • Immediately after the
reading of the document the arras Of the
prisoner were pinioned and - 1
began, formed as follows:
Gen. CroChet, the. warden with Mr.
Robert Strong:" C -
- Rev. W. W. Hicki, of the Tabernacle
Church, (Congregational.) .1
• 1 . The prisoner with Messrs Woodward and
Mewls. John 11. Jones and V. W. !And
rn• -. •
` Messrs. W. C. Crocker and . T. John
As the prisoner stepped but into--:the
corridor, he gave one look backward into
his cell, placed himself between the', guards .
and moved forward. The l i seenes ', ail this
moment were deeply impressive. A crowd
of about 250 persons wen 3. inside the jail
inclosure, watching every Movement and
pressing forward to get 'a glimpse of the'
doomed criminal. Outside of the jail yard
stood a crowd of sevenl thousand people
who could not• gain admittance, waiting in
brethless silence to catch the; first word that
Guiteau was dead. Thedistance from the
prisoner's cell to the , gallowtk was more than,
fifty yards, through the corridors of the
prison, As the nAassin, iimnecliately he-,
hind the warden, emerged fom the gate at,
the end of the long corridor, his eyes were
restless and he appeared .under great . ex
citement. pie° muscles about his mouth
twitched and his face grew deathly pale as
he advanced toward the gallows. It was a
moment of profound silenCe, broken only
by the tread of the procession. Guiteau
walked on withoht
falterinT and ascended
the steps of the ',' sca ff old. He stopped . a
moment as he reached the last step as if ex
hausted, but was soon helped n E 4 and then
stood on the platform behind the drop
i facing the spectators. '
, 1 ,
i I
The crowd at this moment began Jost'
ling each other to get - in full view,. wh i ch
attracted the attention of the prisoner,
and for a moment he' scanned the noisy
flushing crowd below. He then surveyed
the frame-work of the gallows above him,
and was looking from the kalllows to the
crowd when, on a motion from the warden,
all hats were removed and the religious ex
ercises began. This consisted of a prayer
by the minister. Guiteau meanwhile stand
ing with bowed head. Br) Hicks • then
ihe Bible, and the p ' •
opened t der, with a
i rt
strop e oice, read a selection -from the 10th ,
chapte l of Matthew, from the 28th to the
41st veise, inclusive, beginning with: "And
fear n 4, them which kill the Body, but are
not able to _kill the soul, butt rather fear ,
him which is able to destroy ;both soul and
body in hell:?' - '
Then follinved the prisoners priyer,
which he read from manuscript, the minis-
inter holding it for him while he read. No
tremor was notiPeable in his voice, but a
decided emphasis when allusion was made
to President Arthur and the future destiny
of the nation.' 1,
After closing his prayer, he was' allowed
to read a foolish little, poem, which wits the
merest drivel and nonsense, after which
the attendants qukkly pinioned his legs,
placed the noose around his neck, and drew
the black cap over his head and face, and
the assassin stood ready for the final launch
into eternity. j
AS 100 n as the cap was drawn down
Gniteau shouted in a loud voice, "Ready !
Glory ! Glory !". at the same time dropping
a piece of paper, Which was to be a signal
that he was ready, and the drop fell, and
the tragic scene was ended. Thafe was
hardly a perc:eivable motion of the body;
and after half an hour it [was cut down and
mny. The
the .patty
:.,basis of
placed in the- coffin. 1 .
AS soon as the crowd outside the jail ,got
the word that G9iteau was hanged, they
rent the air with shduts of rejoicing. Per
sons came many hundred miles to be pres
ent at the execution of the most . execrated
criminal in American history, but failed 'of
the opportunity -of witnessing . It. A very
general expression Of relief is heard 'on all
hands-that his miserable life is ended.
Yesterday, July 24, was the.anniversary
of the woundiiig of President Garfield. The
',Vermont Avenue Christian Church (Dis
-ciples) where he •worshipped, of which de
nomination he was a member, made •it the
occasion for laying the . corner stone of the
a handsome brick edifice now in process of
construction:: The ceremonies were of
special :interest. A general invitation was
extended .to members of the Christian
church throughout the country. The cere
mony of laying the corner . stone took place
at 6 - o'clock p. in. President •Tringdale, of,
Hiram College, Ohio, delivered the address,]
and 'gave an interesting history of the rise;
progress, and present membership of the
denomination known as Disciples or Chris
tians. Hon. A. S. Willis, of Kentucky, and
Hon. A. H. Pettit:lone, of Tennessee, who
were students at Hifi= College, delivered
addresses, Rev. Dr. Butler;of the Lutheran
Church, Verinont Avenue; made the open
.,ing prayer, and Rev. F. D. Power, pastor
of the church; Chaplain .of the House of
'RepreeentatiVes pronounced the benedic-'
tion. The allusions to the lifd history of
the late. President Garfield and, the tragic
ending of his useful life were touching in
the txtreme. The whole ceremonies at
tendant upon the occasion were of a highly
interestiqgccharacter. It is expected !that
the new church structure will be ready for
occupancy by the congregation, which now
numbers about 400, by December next.
J. H.
The. Salem Lutheran Church, Bethlehem,
was broken into one night recently, and
the two contribution boxes robbed of their
contents. There is no clue to the robbers.
At a recent sale of old coins in Norris-.
town a copper cent of 1792 was bought by
a Boston collector for $3OO, and two otlier
rare spe - ciinens of the same date brought
$290 and $l2O raspectively. • A number ;of
other coins were sold at prices far above
its face value.:
the Anchorl oil well at Cherry Grove has
been burning for 'a week, during which
time 15000 barrels of oil have been burned
as it reached the top of the casing. It .is
described as a monstrous lamp with a wick
six inches thick and 1600 feet long, and an
unknown supply of oil at the bottom. An
offer of $3OOO has been made for qnench
ing the flames. A number of attempts
have , be made , but at last accounts none
And proven successful.
Ississippi, with a population of 1,131,000,
has but 9,209 foreign-bOrn citizens.
A billas been introduced in the Naticiu
al. House of Representative providing for
the transfer of three counties of California
to the State of Nevada.
At Huntington, Long Island, last week,
Rebecca Scudder, the owner of $28,000
worth of property, died of starvation. She
had refused tti. take . food . for. twenty-four
An attempt was made on Tuesday night
of last week, to blow up the jail at Moitht
Grove, Mo. 'Two kegs of gunpowder were
placed under it, but the strength of the
building withstood the shock. There is no
clue to the perpetrators.
The Prussian Government has selected
Aiken, S. C., as one of the stations for the
obserlation of the transit of Venus in De
cember next, and the members of 'the ex ;
pedition from the -Royal Observatory in
Berlin are expected to ,arrive there about
the end of October. •
'A French photographer,at Tangiers has
received an interresting order from the
Sultan of Morocco. He is to photograph the
30.4 wives of the polygamous ixitentate,'
who, it will'be seen, has a wife 'for; every
day in the year but one, Their pictures
are to be placed in an album for the Sul
tan's exclusive Use.,
An experienced miner, with'
some asso
ciates, has taken up a quartz claiin within
the limits of San Francisco city, near the
Industurial School. The lode is claimed to
be over 600 feet wide, and to be traceable
two miles. 1, jA tunnel has been begun.
Assays. of Olt rock run from a trace of
gold'and silier to over $l2 per ton.
A picnic party in the Concordia Ceinetry,
at Chicago, on 'Sunday, quarreled over
their beer and a battle royal ensued, ,in
which heads without number. were broken
with pickets torn from the fence. The
women watched the fight from a platform,
which finally broke down, injuring a num
ber and breaking several tombstones.
The fact that a quart of pins, hair pins
and needles ivere - fotind in a mouse nest at
Newton Lowell Falls, in pulling down the
piazza of an old hotel, may not be a fact of
importance in itself. Nevertheless, a par
tial solution of the puzzle of generations as
to what becoines of the pins, is fn_ rnished
by this 3logq!#ctiusetts mouse. _
• .The vitality.of the Presbyterian Church
hi the United States is strikingly attested
by theinergy with which it carries on the
great work preaching the gospel to the
heathen world. During the past thirty
years it has spent more than ten million
dolaS in supporting missionaries in foreign
lands and upwards of six hundred thousand
dollars has been appropriated for the main
tenance of its missions for the next twelve
months. If the material strength and
spiritual earnestness of a church are in
proportion, to its missionary enterprise,
Presbyterianism must be in- a healthy and
vigorous condition. • f
Dies Withouta',"
He Reads a Poem and a
tud Mooti4 Meath Un.
WAtimsGTON,Jur.e 30. Gultoau was
yesterday visited by his broth'er, sisters
and her . daughter. The 'interview, et)
which the warden and . deputy we re
present, lasted , fifteen minutes. The
prisoner became excited and vehemently
abused the president and': others,
and pointing to Warden Crocker and 1
the deputy. cried - "And you too,
you will both be sent; to hell., " He
soon became calm and said he was
ready to die. At parting .he said,
" Let me kiss 'my sister through the
grated bars, and let it'so go on reco d."
After kissing his sister and niec , 7 ille
turned to his brother and handing him
adi said : " Here is ten cents (1 1 e a
washe' omen. I guess you had' bett,Fr
settle that balance toklay."
, 1 1 Mrs.
Scoville and her brother :then depaited,
At four. o'clock Cruiteau was perfectly
composed and apparently in deep hledi
, . Guiteau's dictation, yesterday:
afterno)n, Mr. Reed' wrote the kisiln
ees will. .The document was as
Warm=Tex. D. C., June :2;f, 'lBB2.
—To the Rev. Dr. William W. Hic6 :
I, Charles Guiteau, of the city Of
Washington, in the district•of Colum
bia, now i under. sentence of death,
which is to be carried into effect he
tween the hours of twelve and to
o'clock on the 30th day of June, A. IS.,
1882, insthe United States jail, in said
district, do hereby give arid grarit to
you my body after such execution,
provided however, that it shall not be
used for any mercenary purposes:; and
I hereby, for 'good and 'sufficient con
siderations, give, deliver and transfer
to said Dr. Hicks my book entitled
" The Truth and Removal," and the
copyright thereof, to be used by him iin
writing a - truthful history of my life
and execution, and I direct that such
history be entitled "The'Life and
Work of Cha'rles Guiteau." And I '
hereby solemnly proclaim and annouilice
to, all the world 'that no , persori or per
-sons shall ever in any manner use my
body for any - Mercenary purpose what
, soever. And if at any time hereater
any person orl persons shall Tdesirel to
honor my remains, they can do it iby
erecting a monument whereon shalt be
inscribed these words : " Here lies the
body of Charles Guiteau, a patriot Una
Christian. 'llis.soul is in glury "
Witnesses :
*WASEEPNGTON, June 30. Oyerfift
h cdred people yesterday, • yie
G iteau's coffin .at the , undertakt
Hicks took to the
.white loins
let r from the assassin to the' pr'
dent.. The letter called on the pr
dent very pereniptorily for . a i*Esi
answer instead of "'evasions',,
silence, appealed to Tim consciepti
ness, and sternly addresses hiin
" now Arthur." Several bridal cou
appeared at .the jail: yesterday
seemed to enjoy the visit.
WASHINGTON, June 30, 9:45 a. 3
Guiteau was very restless during
of the latter "part of 'the' night,• inot
sleeping more than twenty-. Minutes.
Towards morning , he fell Into a sounder
sleep from sheer exhatistiOn. He roSe
a few minutes after 5," o'clock and
brielrfasteo:l hettily at 6:30, eating
steak,' eggs; '.potatoes and 'other '
'When the cook took his breakfast in
• ,
the cell Guiteau told him to bring din
ner at 11,O'c4ock. Hicks..who.remaineil
.at the jail all night, called in at the cel
soon, after the prisoner rose ...and held a
conversation on religious subjqts'wity
him. At eight Hicks saw the prisoner
again. The latter made a request fOr
a bath, and aSked•Hicks to, go and see
the scaffold. Guiteau desired ! him td
arrange with the wardepito have tlie
trap sprung
. as 'soon atter twelve
possible. . • • -` -
. Flutist; -AN Aecti:NT. • . I
_ I
He - alas • expressed / Considerahlp
anxiety lest, some accid , ntl oceur,'.'and
insisted that nicks see that : the%Seaffola
and appurtenances were all in a . prgicer
and safe condition. After Guit'au dis-
posed of these matters he read a poem
composed by himself, which he calls
." Simplicity, or religious b-thy talk"
after reading it aloud he attempted to
sing it, bUt broke dovin in the, effort,
which would have appeared ridiculous
if the occasion were . less solemn.
Guiteau then talked about his future.
He remarked that his heart-was tender.
." Don't think," said. he, that I can't
go through this ordeal without Weeping,
not because of -any great weakness, for
. in ''meis strong but because
lam nearer the other world. I hold
the idea that God inspired me.
Guiteau. subsequently asked that in
his books Al. complithentary remarks
about President Arthur and hisl admin
istration be . eliminated: Then he
presented to Hicks the bookS that have
been his companions during lonely
hours. He told Hicks he would-like to
have him offer the first, prayo on tlje
scaffold, saying that (Guiteati) would
then read his favorite...scripture paXsage,.
the tenth chaptei.of . ,John, and offer a
prayer on . his own eccounti then he
intended, he said, to. read his poem,
Simplicity." He desired to have the
.execution so arranged that ju4 as he
uttered the . last • word- the drop , be
sprung. John W. Guiteau arrivelt,at
9 o'clock and was followed a few
minutes later. by , . Warden . .Crocker.
These two with Dr. Hicks bad a con
sultation as to • the. disposition Of the
At 9:15 the prisOne•• carne into the
corridor and exercised fteen minutes.
He walked , very briskly, making it
rather•difficult for the ,guards to keep
pace with him.
At 10 o'clock G&teau expressed a
desire to take:a, bath. A large tub
was taken into the cell and at this hour
no one but the death watch was with
him i . Guite4u nervously disrobed and
plunged MO the path. It was quite
evident, and the guard closely watching
his every movement,,• that his' object
for asking f6r a bath was to si7nply,
hive solie employment which .might
distract his thoughts from the contem
plation of approaching death. He
evidenced' =increased nervousness and
his uncertain movements and the mark-
id tremor his tones when he at
tempted to speak, impressE4=the guard
with the belief that, be : Was rapidly
weakening. '
At 10 o'clock seventy policemen, un
der Captain Vernon and; Lieutenant
Boteler, Guy and • Austin :arrived and
were posted along the road outside of
the.building. landditidn t' the regu
.lar jail guards and all available men,
battery C, Second,United Statea artil
lery, commanded by - Lieutenant: Craw
fold, i-4 now on duty inside. the jail.
WASHINOTONi June 30; 11:30 A. M.-
Stprtly before l eleven Guiteau called for
some paper, and for twenty minutes
busied himself making a copy of his
prayer to be read
.upon the scaffold.
As his hands `;will be pinioned Hicks
will hold the manuscript while Guiteau
reads. NOW l that he is employed, he
appears much calm r, and is rapidly
completing the work of writing in a
large, round, legible hand. At 11
o'clock contrary to the general expecta
tion, Mrs. Scoville, arrived at the jail
and;sought admission. She appeared
to be laboring under great excitement.
Crocker declined to admit her unless
the prisoner ',specially requested it.
J. W. i Guiteau, in . the rotunda,, 'was
_that his sister was outside,
and at first started to go to her, but
after, a moment's hesitation decided not
to interfere, haying, " I will leave-the
whole matter with Crocleer." Guiteau
was informed of his sister's presence.
It is believed that he would not desire to
haVe her present. 'His ,great. - desire
now seems to' be that there shall be no
scene, and his program carried out
without interruption or incident to de
tract from th'e heroic picture hAelieves
he is about to pres.ent.,;
A large crowd of newsimper corres
pondents loitered about the gate lead
ing into Gniteau's' corridor. They
could see noOling 'except the wooden
door which screens Guiteau's cell from
!Now and' then a guard'appeared
at the door and sent a message to the
warden A Such times_ those at the
gate sot a iew of the table in the
corridor and the chair on which the
death watch at. • -
After Giuteati had fl.nished copying
his prayer be; began to arrange his.
dress, puttini' on a pair of navy blue
.trousers. At HIM.- the guard came
out of-the dcior and said, " Heis ready
for the doctor, now, and wants the
flowers to clinic.' Another guard took
a uicssage . and hurried off,' and soon
returned with Dr. Hicks, who went in
to the cell. Guitead• was then appar
ently very .coraposed. Atter a short
conference with the warden, John W.
Giiiteau went outside the
.jeilto see his
sister: He found - her in: great excite
ment, bordering on hysterics, but -lie
soon calmefl her and dissuaded her
from any attempt to gain admissi6n.
She aeknowledged the propriety of such
- a course, but said she 'could nit
bly remain in the city during aIL the
Wretched hours of the morning.. She
brought with her the flowers Giiiteaa
asked for, and they were taken to the
priloner. Sfrs. . Scoville also brought
a handsome floral cross and anchor.
She will beepertnitted to view the re
mains and place a. 14.10 - offering upon
the coffin. .
• itfr.. LAST MEAL. '
.-• , 'Wesm.Noirox June 30 ; - 11:15, I
'While Hicks, was in thecell Giiite.iii
madel some i regnests as to the execu;
ti4fi, and having copied the prayer, and
other writings, tore up the originals.
He sent ford the jail bootblack arid gave
his. shoes to shine for the last time.
Dinner was brought and he ate with
much relishi The dinner consisted of .a
prinndqof broiled steak, fried potatoes,
four slices of toast; a quart of . coffee! ' of
which very,)ittle Was left. Hicks,
when he came out:of his cell, said; the
prisoner had not the slightest fear. 'We
have had a pleasant religious talk. 'Be
feels now that his . preparation is
finished, and he is 'ready for the last
formality.commitS himself to God
with confid :nee. I think he will show
some emotion, because the nervous
strain is so Igreat.- .
Shoitly before Guit‘au seemed to
break dowricompletely, and burst 'into
tears and sobbed hysterically. Hicks
fanned and tried to calm . him: At
half-past eleven preparations began to
be made for the execution. - At 11:50
a detachment of artillery '.wris '.formed
• . on' the east side of . the rotunda and
brought their muskets to parade rest,
At that tine -there were .about 250
people in the rotunda. HickS was with
the prisoner l engaged in prayer.--
Vruiteau show'ed great. ,nerydusness
and appeared greatly startled when he
heard -the rattle of inusxets on the stone
floor, ;of the rotunda. i From that
moment 'iteau appc,,red to' be
thoroughly g oyercOme with • emotion.
He wept freely and seemed: to - Ile in
gteat anguish. An autopsy will be
performed at .2 o'clock in the chapel of
the jail: , The scene on the rotunda
while waiting for the prisoner was one
long tc.le remembered ; soldiers were
drawn ity.oe one, side end, a ton ;;line
of speetatdre opposite them on the
After the death warrant had been
read, the prisoner became much more,
composed, and ,turning away began' o
brush his hair with his old apparent
swaggering_ sang froid. ,
At 12:25 the stea d whistle was
blown at -,the work-houSe near the jail.
TwO minutes after the iron gates at the
end Of the corridor . clicked, and the
warden appeared, and a moment later
Guiteau with , face paled. The mus.
cles -of his , mouttr moved about ner
vously. There wis itIO signs of falter.-
ing.,-. The procession moved quickly to
the scaffold.- Guiteau ascended the
twelve somewhat steep steps with as
a te
much steadiness as - could be e. eted
from a man whose arms were , ightly
pinioned behind-Wm. At the,l t step
he faltered a moment but *as assisted'
by two / officers. Gulteau; was placed
immediately behind the drop with his
face to the front of the scaffold. Cap
tain Coleman stood upon, his right.
Robert Strong on his left and Wood
ward . behind' him: ' Jones took -lis
position on the north side. . .
Warden Crocker tcok his position
the southeast corner of the structure.
There was a slight delay while 250 or
more spectators were pushing through
the door from_the rotunda to the corri
dor, at-the lower end of which the gal
lows was pl4ced, Guiteau gazed on
the crowd .spid looked on the - beam
overhead and quickly surveyek-all the
dread paraphernalia.
Father, out .Of the depths we cry to Thee.
Hear Thou our.supplicatiim, for the sake of
Jesus Christ the Saviour, who has made'full
propitiation for us Behold this, Thy ser-
vent. No: humbly pray theist Thou will
deliver him at this -suprememoment of his
life. Let Thy: li4ht descend ! upon him.
Liberate his • soul from prison. May he
appear before Thee, absolved by ThY•great
mercy. Froni , blo(xlguiltiness deliver him
and us. God have merey; : onris. Christ
have:, mercy on,--us. Lamb of God that
takest . away the _pai n s of the world, have
mercy on us. Amen and amen:
During thl prayer . Guiteau stood
With bowed Ittad. At its conclusidn
fir. Hicks opened the Bible and Guiteau
in firm to; tri, 'aid, ‘• I gill rad a
selection from the tenth .chapte!r of
Mathew, 'froni the_ twenty- eighth to the
forty first verse,
_inclusive." - i f le then
reaa in. a clear, Strong. v.oict., and with
gool . : intonation, showing little; if any
nervousness. A)r. Hicks then produced
the manuscript which was prepared by
the prisPner this morning, and held it
befoiel, him while Guiteau read. While
;Or. Hicks was arranging
~ t he manu
script Guiteau exhibited:a ner
*oustie3: 8 and
,movea several ti mes from
one foot to the other. He soon - re - -
covered - his ccimposure, - looked over the
sea of upturned faces , and said : "1 am
now going ' to. read you my )anti i dying
prayer." He then reacLin a ! loud tone
and with distinct and deliberate empha
sis, the lollowing •
• Father, now Igo to Thee. and the Saviour.
I have finished the work Thou gayest me to
do and I am . only too. bappy to go to Thee.
Thu world does not appreciate my mission ;
but Thou knowest it. .. Thou knowest Thou
didst inspire Garfield's removal, and only
good has come from it This •is the. best
evidence that the• inspiration came from
Thee, and haye, sat •it forth . in: my book
that all men fluty read and knoWi that Thou
Fathei, didst inspire! the act ter which I
am now murdered. This Government and
Nation by this act I know will, incur Thy
eternal enmity as did the Jews by killing
Thy Man, my Saviour. The retribution in*
that ease came quick and sharp, and I know
Thy 'divine law of retribution will strike
this nation and my murderers in the same
way. The diabolical spirit , of this Nation,
its Government and its newspaperS, toward.
me will justify Thee in cursing them, ,and
I know that Thy divine law of retribution
is inexorable. I therefore -predict that this.
Nation «ill go down in blood and that my
murderers; from the Executive, to the
hangman, will go to hell, Thy laws are in
exorable, Oh, Thou Supreme: Judge. Woe
unto the men that violate Thy ; laws ± Only
weeping and gnashing of teethnwaits theni.
The American press has a large bill to settle
with thee Righteous Father for their vindic-,
tiveness in this matter. Nothing but blood
will' satisfy them, and now my blood be
on'them and this nation and its officials
Arthur,.the President, is a toward. and all'
ingrate, 'His ingratitude t 4 the man that,
made him and saved his party'. and land
from overthrow has no parallel in history,
but Thou, Righeous Father, will judge
him. Father, Thou - knowest me, but the
world bath not knoy‘'m me ; and: now
i to Thee and the Savymr without the slight
-estill will • towards: human being. Fare
well, ye men of. earth.
HOW • THH P14:1171t WAS Itt AD.
At several poitits
. ..,the assassin half,
paused and'endeavored to impart in-'
creased- emphasis his words by It_
peculiar facial e4ression i SO often
noticed during , . the trial -when he was
angered at snmething.. Thi2i peculiarity'
was noticeable • when he alluded JO
A rthur and when hedeclared the nation,
would go - down When' hel
finished reading,he again surveyed the,
crowd, and said in a firth voice ` - .I am
now going, to read some yerses intended
to-indicate my feelings at the moment
of leaving the world, If set to Music
.they may be rendered effective. the
ide t - is, that of is ehild7;lbabh:ing, his
mamma, and ;his papa.: I wrote them
this morning hbout 10 o'elock.''.
then commeueed to chant these verses
in a sad .doleful style :
1 am,going to the Lorily, I, am so glad
I am the Lordy, I am so glad.
Pam going to the Lordy ; glory hilielujah, glory
• hallUlnjah -
I am going to the Lordyj
I love the Lordy with all my aoul; glory
And that islhe reason I am going to the Lord.
Glory hallelujah, glory - hallelujab;_l am whin; to
; •
- Here Guiteau's.• voice failed, and lie;
bowed his head and brokei'intb sobs.
But he rallied 3. little and went.on with
I saved inT party and my land, glary hallelujah.
But they have murdered me for it, and.. that is
tIM reason I lint going to the Leidy, -
Glory hallelnjih, glory hallelujah, 1 am' going to
the Lordy.
. •
Here again . his feelings oVereatne
him and he. leaned his .head
. oti the
shoulder of Mr. Hicks and sobbed piti
fully. Still he went,on.
I wonder what I will do when I 'get tb the
Lordy. . . ! ! 3 , • ,
guess that I will weep no more.'wlicargid to
the Loral.
dory hallolujah."
Pere there was another intertuption
caused by sobs And emotimi which he
was unable to repress. oe wept bit-t•
terly. With quiVcringlius and mourns
ful tones, he went on to finish his ditty';,
I wonder what I Will see, when I get to the Lordy.,
I expect to ate, moat splendid thing's beyond all ,
I , earthly cOncepti?n,l
When I am with the Lordy, Glory hallelujah,
( - Raising his ,voice to the high it
pitch he could command.) •
Glory hallelujah I ani..7ith the Lord. •
Thus closed the'cha, and then R -+ .I
Dr. : Hicks gave to Guiteau his final
benediCtion. .
Guiteau when het' came into the ro
tunda from his cell ,looked calm 'and
colleet4d, but very pale. - His arias
were pinioned behind and he held his
head erect. lie•gdted upon the crowd
without flinching. .He wore a black'
suit, and instead of a collar had ahaird
kerchief thrown loosely about his neck.
Those expecting distressing scenes-.w6•e
disappointed. Guiteau walked firmly
through the rotunda and crowd. s He
stumbled on one of the steps ,of the
scaffold, but recovered at once. When
he began to read his voice .was loud
rand firm. He gave the ' words now
and then a sort of singing inflection,
like a preacher reading a Ifyinn.
After Dr. _Hicks bad pronounced the
benediction, Old Bob Strong came for.
ward in his grizzly personality and tied
Guiteau's legs, spending it seemed; a
needless long time at it, for the sus
pense was terrible. Thei Strong ad
justed the rope about ;,he n, ck, Guiteau•
bending his head and stooPing lo per
mit it to be-done with' greater ease.
The knot was carefully placed behind
the.' left er, Guiteau flinching no more
than a statute% Then Old -Bob took,
from'his grizzly coat' the horrible black
cap and pulled it .over the - murderer's
'head, the .latter shooting " glory,"
" glory,''" glory."
A more perfect picture of -resi& - rnation
could not be imagined'' than `Guiteau
waiting for his legs to be tied. He
stepped i forward, so as to get to the
centre of the trap, stood erect as an
Indian, and, • with his head !well
Indanced, shut his eyes; Not a feature
gave way or showed any weakness. At
last. everything was ready. No.thing
more remained to be dime. The atten
dants had stepped off the trap.
The condemned .man stood alone On
the frail bridge separating this world
from eternity. The vulgar crowd
looked up expectant. -- Nature is hashetl
the sun shines calmly through the win
dows, bright with warmth and joy.s ,
The warden 'bows his head ; the
preacher turns. his back from the spei`t
tacle and kneels at he rail, his Bibleini
his hand. The guards half turn away.
From under the black cap comes the
word, strong, and !distinct, " ready."
The criminal at the same; time drops a
piece of - white paper . froin his hand;
the executioner from his blind cell
looks through a little - - We in the cur
tain. He hears the . word. He sacs
the signal. quick pull at the rope
within WI hand, the bolts arc slipped
.from their places, the trap falls like
lightning, and the end is at hand. Then
a shout -vent up most joyously, as
though some great victory had been
won. • The.prisoners• locked up in their
cells joined in the - char, and clanked
their tin cups sad plates against the
iron gratings - ,of their pens.
.This was echoed outside by the
voices of aj thou Sand or more peopli
who hurrahed lustily. There Was a
general onslaught by the populace upon
the door, which
..was so powerful that
the officerikwere , unable to withstand it.
Hundredslif people crowded into the
office and ,t ere was 'a terrible crush at
the doors.'
i' • •
For at least forty seconds after the
drop fell the body hung motionless,
then there_ was a slight motion of the
shoulders and legs, due to muscular .
contraction.. Three minutes after the
trap fell. the body was lowered to be
examined, by - the physicians., There ,
-was a decided action of the' hart for
,fully.fourteen. minutes, and the pulse
Iluttere& two minutes longer. When
the body
,had hung with the
.feet just
touching the groudd for over, half an
hour it was lowered into the coffin,
Which was waiting for it under the scaf
fold. - When the : body was lowered the
black cap was removes and the face
exposed; .The fatureS were pallid and
compressed. .About
.the mouth' there
was considerable moisture. '
After the body had been arranged in
the Warden Crocker ascended
the steps of 'the scaffold, and, addre.stiing
the crowd which was kept back' froth
the scaffold by a line of offieers,.stld
those who 'desired could pass along the
side of thOseaffold and view the licitly.
Then the crowd of siketators was
- formed info" line, and, passing between
the scaffold and the wall of the jail ;
viewed the dead face. Some jail oil'
cers, two or three physicians and Dr.
Hicks stood pbout the coffin. John W.
Guiteaujoined this . company and tuf,netl
his dead' bfother's face to keep away
; the flies. .When liberty was given to
the crowd t.. view the remains the seat-,
fold was at Once filled with people who
-curiously examined every joint and bolt.
At •• 1;40 MI, the! lid of the coffin.
was Rut in place, qui the body was
borne 'to the chapel, where the
physicians who were to- make the
autopsy: were assembled. •
Dr. Blig§ arrived at the jail. at. :1:30
in the afternoon, .ant joined, the Physi
eianS making the autopsy;. The brain
was found:in a normal condition and
weighed forty-nine ()tikes. The heart
weighed a little over mine ounces and
Was litaithy, as "were all the other
internal organs.; The surgeon's report
*ill probably not be -ready for publica
tion- bef ire, next Wednesday.
'WAStu.s4TOx, Jnly body of
Guiteau was buried this :thermion in
the nOrtlieut corridor of the jail. The
only per:',.ong present were John W.
Griteau, Rev: Mr.- Hicks,- :Warden
. and son, and undertaker,
several: jail officers :and the six .prison
ers who acted as. pall:" bearers. Mrs.
Scoville came to -the jail in the aft.:4--
n6on and importtivfed the waden to,be
allowed to witness the butial,' but Gen.
Crocker remained firm in :his ,:deter
mination not "to accede to her request,
and she returned to the city. After
the l .Op of the grave had been leveled
oil • ]John W. !Oliiteau placed' at its
head a 'e r rown -of white ifinortelles.
Not„a word was.spoken,:nOka tear was
President' Arthur was given the degree
of LL. D. at Union College Thursday."
Miss AnnieLougo eery has IN';p restored
to health, I;nt has not recovered the use • of
her voice. Ht r'• physicins sa3,. 'Ole must
nOtatteMpt to sing again .for a }liar::
James W.. Crandall, fifteen , year , ,:of age,
is the youngest pensioner in tily'v 'United
States. He Was shipped as a b 4, in .the
navy, lost his hearing by typligiii fever,
and will draw- thirtemi dollars, a month,
while he lives;: , '
It is saitP,that Prince Charles of 6etinany,
br'other of thiy Emperor, constuni!s daily
from eighte,en twenty ;our. Hava
nastron segari. fie smokes three at a time, in
a tripple-barrelled
.holder made according
to his own des n. •
Lord Rosebei:ry has offered the Hike of.
ontinillion sterling for th&island
of . i .rran, ox which Hamilton' Palace is
situhted, but,the Duke declines to 5e11.., We
know of a half dozen islands Lord Rosebery
can buy „for" - :. a much less sum - a
James Russell Lowell treats the Minter
ens applications made for his autograph in
a decidedly summary manner. He drops
the enclosed stamps into his stamp and
consigns the letters to the waste paper
basket. That's just . what we . I do with
anonymous communications.
Miss Jese Green, of New Orleans, La.,
daughter of Protestant Episcopal parents,
embraced the, and was married
to Mr. Isaac peitel, n _Hebrew, in that "city
on the 14th ult. Shortly befOre her ,public
declaration of tier change of faith they
were married - by civil magistrate, after
it 'they were united by the Jewish rabbi.,
General William Rayiripml Lee;
Boston ; carries in hiS pocketbo6k a littte
slip of paper bearing the single word
e'Death the ballot he ttreW When a
prisoner of war in a rebel jail at Illehmond,
when he and wo"others Were cluisen by lot
to bp hanged, fin retaliation. for flit% sentenc
ing to death of certain confederate officers
convieted : of piracy. The sentence of the
pirates was, .happily, coininuted, and Gen
eral Lee and his comrade, were stiliseqUent
ly "exchanged. -
Every.indication points toward the elec
tion of the Republican State ,ticker, and a
majority of the members of Congress at the
'next elOtipn, in North Carolina,' Tennessee
anti Virginia. This will add `tln•ee 'south
ern States to the'Republican column.
• What supreme, folly for the Republicans
to remain divided in Pennsylvania, and
throW success to the Democrats ! Especially
win view of the Prospect of Republican
suesess in the States above) mentioned.
We know whereof we speak with referene?
the political situation in the South.
'The Independents may have something
to contend for within the party,' concedes .
the 'Beaver :twins and Racifeal, some
advance position to urge: some faults to.
corrector some grievances to bo redressed
but they cannot have, as Republieans, any
excuse for defeating their party. To do so
is to teach diSrespect for proper authority;
to raise the stiadard of revolt because they
happened to be in the minority; to secede
because they could not rtile.. -
Julia wants to know' what a platform is?
Well, a platform, Julia, is. one p:eamble
and twenty Tesolutions, strong in _ noti•cs
sentials, vague in i:Klentinis; i.onnif the
bush on tariff and rOliigh as thunder on .the
Mormons; clamoromi for civil service reform
with a.reserved definition C f civil service
reform; down on, curruption, lOud in its
praise of purity, and deterthined to have it if
it takes every cent . the. party • cam raise.
The platform, you tinderannd, Julia,' is a
legitimate and mce:rary part of the campaign
pomp and circuinstanc; - it goes along °with
the. banners, transparences, and torches
and when the cainpaisn is over—well, it
is: stored away in the cellar or garret, along
with Oi s e rest of the uniforms 'and torches.
A campaign platfOrm is very muc:li'like the
campaign toreh; indeed; it gives outja great
deal of smell and smoke with a very; tiiicer
Eye. I
There is a gibed deal or wit' wasted over
'Flanigan, of Texas. trim wanted to know
o th4,,Nationalponvention of 1850, "What
are,we here for, 'anyhow," yet aspiraticni
for ofliccare . conSidered laudable when felt
by some , people. It vas not considered
wrong for Mr. i Whartim Barker to urge
his claims to be Secretary of. the Treasury
'on account of what he had. dope tO,.nomi
nate Mr. Gar field at Chicago, lend it was a
laudable ambition en the part'of Mr. Rob
ertson to want to be ,4ollector of the Pori
of r New York in return -for .what he had
• • r
done to secure the sieress of Mr; Garfield.
It. was even a laudable ambition that pro
moted Mr. Pinkerton It;. - Sire to be Bank
Appraiser or Itiotary 'Public for past favors
he had done the givers of the office but for
an ordinrry individual,'•who does not be
lieve in defeating the party this: fall just
because he wants to get even, with Cameron,
to feel an ambiticin for an office is a sinful
and pure case of the disgusting irggrivated
spoils system. Then. is no doubt that the
worst thing, nne eases out of ten, that etin
happen to a young man is to give him an
(nee, but still we are net pYepared to admit
that what is a laMlable ambition in an hide
pendent is a proof of total depravity in an
other man.—lf 7 M Citi lrr Rt;c,),-(1.. •
Nyliolesale and ketail
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for prices aid eirenlars,-or call and sec me.
- I\l.
Towanda. Pa ..tune 1- , 2-tf. • :
CA It rii - f S 'i` •Cotf P 0 N
For rale: at par. ii= per eon:. layablo
Send addreh s a by pemtal, for cireu4r giving par- .ti ulars.
14`0 , 1?, , - :SA LE. flub seeontl-ha nd
Engine a ira Boiler. in good condition. En
gine P2x2o, Tubular Bviler , - Fore o Punip, Con
nections, etc.. 'suitable for a Paw' or grist Mill.
Have been running 4 run of stone with it.
Iteasenlor selling is that I am increasing the
Opacity of my mill. and putting in larger
engic.e. For full 'particulars call on or address
A'. DAYTON. Towanda. Pa.
Juno =i-4w
•tlr.CPs"i TII€
N 1 thepopularOnt cures
Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened
Joints, Frost
.flites, Pain in time Eaee, ilead or
Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, SP rains, Burns,
'Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an. insect,
Poison Vines, etc., for. Man or 'Beast
Always , reliable, and almost instautin
eons in its relief. Ilaving , an agreeable ntlor it
is pleasant to apply. Sold by all druggists.
Price 2, cis.
N. 11.—Thi4 Liniment received a Prize Medal
at the State Fair. 1879.
ASA JONES, PrKO% 319 \.':td St.. Phlia., Pa.
-Jan. 13. 6-n2
RO , 4
American in'.oo
property B I
sale e fta.ter - h
bargain. The llotel may be seen on the corner
of Bridge and Water streets.ln Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and moat central locations
in the place. There is a good barn connected
with the property. The-free bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for
any one wishing to engage in the business. A
gond active man with a small captal can pay for
the property in a short time .from the profits.
It was papered and painted new last spring and
is - now ill excellent condition. •
Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22. 1881-tf.
1 1:1 8
A , f
,4,1ng.k!'141,4t:; •
I" fr,-;;4
Jy I.PC.
1 arid
i7.fqj b y 3
ang,h reati-„:
C , lrct
I . .!yer, 'T.;
to U. 'Ai,pl7 by the finger-lata
trilar. On rece:pt of fiec., nail a paei l " , '
tiold,by if. C. Porter. San. Druggait!,
di, Pa.
Erxi. , ,7 CUE iM BALM' CO., r,rw ei , , , L
Aptil6, '
d t ewelryStore
With S warts GOTUen's Stf..,ft;
• 1..
• •
y,:ll,orc_he keeps a FULL ASSUI:', - -)IENT .:y
Gold & Silver Watcll6.
j ENV .g
ELRY . I, A*.
) ..,,, , .„, 1 7, 0 , z
''' : .ox ;
e:-:.' , •- '"
.f d
.....- i
...., , ...,.. 0
,) .
.., a f a
.f,-14 .12 1;
~ , a-
;... 10. 1
:F 1 51.4
.40.,i.' c
- - .
'tIT P 4S.
- ? • -, „;?, - " ,,, i• 1
TXKES EFFECT JAN. !. 1 ,, 2. 1 0 , ,, ,; ;
1 -,--,;,, p„
--- . -- 4 iV i. : . ?
TE.IIN:. .
.2 ,
!.., , i ". i: ''' ' ' ,ll ',' 4
- 1 , -2-e.
3 9 :' , ::, 4 .: - .:
- 1, -' v....... , - .'!.l
tvA3 mi.:. 4 -':-.),1.7::
inc. sto c k is all NEV atikl
- Call 411 , 1 sec. cor yourself.
R.l l O l-'...k MING 1.30Nt PROMP*I
10 -4
Way A cc'
A. 11 . --
6:_i) r.
9.115 Lc
. 6.02 !I.! .fir.
'r Indica:tea that traits do notst,7l..
Sdp 't and Eug'r, liar . ..lay, la
E 88319
Staeara Fair;....
.... .• .
Ithaca • ...
Anburn.... o
Owego •
Athens ..
Mater '
Standing Stone:.
Sk toner's May.
B Jtmet. ton .
• wi.;t:-s.--Ilarra
:11:tueu Chunk
• Ph ilatre
New York....
New York
Mauch Chunk.,.
L ISJunctiou
Lailrange .
.puntharqwek .
3lehoupany.. : .
Laceyville .
W yr:it:sing"
Standing Stone
l'ouandi .
[lister. ....
Milan.... ..
Elmira '
Atiburn •
ra Falls
No. 32 teases Wyalusini'4 at 4:00, A. M.. Fr , L•
itninuiertield :1.2:1, Standing Sto:,
40. Towanda L,3, Ulster' 7 •
71.1 g: Athens Sayre 7:40.; W.Ort.
ly 7:37, at Madras: 50.. A. )1.
N 0.31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M.. Waverli
Sayre 6:15. Athens - r,ail. 3111 an 6::t0. Piet ,
Towanda Wysanking 7:05. Standing
7•41: Ruminertivla. 7 Frcuchtuwu rm•
nig at W'alnsing a: 7:45.. P. M. •
s and 15 run daily. Sleeping caritot
trains s a;:4l,l:.l)ev.iecti Niagara Falls-31 ,1
deiphia and between Lyons and New wit
'Out changes. Parlor cars on Trait 2 - and
betweeu - Niagara Falls and Philadelphia •Ait l, ••'
awl change. and throeh coach to.
Rochester via Lyons.
sTEXENst N. Slipe.
B.tirm, PA., .lau. '2, & N. Y. 1:. 11
4 .
~ - •
1- t."•`.'; ..f-\ 4l
1 • L I DN. .
Lf)1:11 (*(.171 -
~...,4. 1 . , -
Will make tho (A IRil at to -;
of the sabactiLer mi.: mile w,,t of O. %:: , •± T
' ISofli Sire'anil atni
NOrthpOrt, vat; ' -
Ureolers nama and nalre4
patranii that we art. aut dfreria4 the ,
ut a grade borsiL Ttcw.s:l-il5.
11'..1. WoOD'r SMITllF11:1,1 , , ,
RXECUTOR . S . NOT I.etctti .
testamentary having been. granted t ttc
undersigned. under the last will a,d stanen : .
of Donna Maria .Moutanyc_ late of T o ws:; , :i
borough, deceased, all persons indcbted
estate of said decedent aro hereby not •"I
make immediate payment, and all hiving
against said estate must present the safee.
authenticated to the undersigned fur settleuicc : .
• -
IRA 11. HUMPHREY, Executor.
Towanda. Pa., May IS, 1.4":32.
done-at short' notice and reasonable tato
the •Itzpintzscazt
(Vortrwriy with riendo;tu/2,
li!=Street, Towanda, l'a
. .
. i .
Towanda Pep. Monroe; Ar'
.... ti roe. Lcp. 6.4
•••":I:uruit... A
. root of Ylaue.
13 - 9 7
P.M.• A.M. A.M. P.M , -..,..*:
. 2.05 7.20 ....•"..::..,.."•'
..".". ..... : 2.50 8.25 ...... 9....... , ,"•
...:.. i ..... ;.1310.0 ,
• ••• ';ii - .." .
G.. 40,11.0; \
.". ~' _ 6.55C11.3,..... ,
..... • m. 3 3 ,, 1.i.,4; ..... ..... - /- - -
5 1i 05 '
..... . . . . .
...... _
.. —I, . 1I
' , - , 'J.I; I 1.45 9.1..- 3.4" I •
- i i - 9.45 : 2.1 u ~ 1.4., 41" 2 3- 4 •-
. 10.1 U 2.30 D.i..0 4... ;...., •
...... ........1.0.15 . 1.14 10.(.:', 4.,.; 4 .-" '
10X,.... I!' ~. •
1046 3.001043 305
/1• 42 3.5 . ; •.;
••• , 11.Z3 4 '
- 4.12.1'411 ,
1211 , ;
; 12.23 4.:;:, 7..;
1.05 5.10 1 •. :
1.55 5.'.11 , "
.5.45 7.55 1! •
5.50 11.1.) 6141. 11;
6.35 10.1 U S.lO
.05 ..... .1f ;
eS 30 i:
P.l. A.m. P
. 6.30 . :.4
II') ,
1,3:: r.u!.~L.Y71~~.!
.... IT
110:, 1:3:=•:
4.45 I
..... 5.'25
1.39 .•••
6.41 , ...
8.10 ..:: ..•.
9.50 C.. 10 9.19
....'il.lo 8.101 , 2.05
. th.:ls I.(•.
3.~ 1..+
, 41- 4 ; ,*