Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, July 06, 1882, Image 1

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1119;.1:4141t ssi.
Bradford Republican
Published Every Thursday,
Pcr A nnuni. 7e Adritiare
..4drer ' g Ratex—Six cells a line for tir6t
usertfou, awl nye cents per. line fur all anb-e
-quent itmertbns: ' Reading notice adveiti , ing
tell cents per line. Eight lines constitute a
square, an 3 twelve; lines au inch. Auditor's
uotices $3. dl. Administrator's and ixe'Citior's
notices .12. 041 . Yearly advertising Strq.oo per
THE NEM ULICAN is published in the Itaci.t.
Moore aud Nol?les Block, at the corner of Main
sod Pine stroets. our -J. F., Corset's Bootnrak.
Shoe store. Its circulation is over 2090. As an
advertising medium it is unexcelled in its im
mediate tlel4
7:1.q3r..•!3 Buzinesz Dinl.,i;ry
LEVELAN McGoVERN, lE. J. Cireriami
Afraor.rn), Canton. Bradford Court ty
Pa,. All business entrusted t. their care
Western Bridford will receive Promptatteulinti.
Attorney.-at-Law; Odic
over POwell :v. Co.
nu.IFF. J. N.. 01lico in-Wood's Block. south
%a First Sational Bank, up stairs. Juno 12.'.8
WI.4I.IREE SON (ti C Eybree and L Elsbree;
Unice Mercur Block. Park St. uiayl4.7B
DECIi OVERTON (Benj l'rek ana: D A Oo'
Otlke over Hill's Market ' 49-'79
rSanderson.) Office in Adams Block. j ulys
ikiTAXIVELL, oVee over Daytou'e Store
sprit 14,7 G
WILT, J. ANDREW. Office it Nteau's Block
.apr 14,71.
Wli CarnorAan, L Hall.) Office in rear
rf Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. 1ie12,75
;,"titi,;ulltrattLA . o. 8 ;a l l i , c 1 " o r b o lls In 'a e t s e s n t i g n .
Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates:
Office lu Muntanye's Block - 4949
. •
Me eBEBSON Mello,rson and
L Young.) Office aouth side of Mercur's
1114. ck.• febl,7S
V V WlUiums. E J Angle and E I) Buffingto>l).
ottee west side of Main street, two doors north
Argnivottice. MI tusiness entrust4to theiri;'
care will rect ive prompt attention. oct 26,77 j
F . ) ney, an.l.counsellors-atA,aw. Onlee in the
31ereur Mock, over C.'l'. Kirby's Drug Store.
july3so tf.
. ..
ELNEV. d. P. Attorney -at-Law.
_Office in
NlontAnye's Block, Main Street.
rrlll4 )Ml'Sit.N, W. 11. and .E. A_ Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda, Pa. °thee iu Mercur Block,
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on. Main
street. first stairway "north of Post-etlieb. ~All
blisiness promptly attended to. - Special atten
tion given to claims 'against the United Statei
Or Penstoi..., Bounties, Patents, etc , and to
ollections and settletuentof ! i letedent's esiatep.
April i!d, ty; 1
, ,
so:lcitur of Patents . Government claims at
ttmicd to. l tliffebs2
JOHNSON. T. D.. M.D. Office over Dr. H. C.
u Porter Drug Store: - feb 1.2,.$
NEWTON, Drs. D.\. A: P.O. Office at Dwelling
on ttivo Street, corner Weston St. feb 1241
T ADD, C. K., L.D.N 'Offn let door above old
baut;builditig.,oll Main t.trect. Special at
telittob givcp to disease:6 of the throat and
woi ildieltX, S. M., M.D. (Mice and rest.
:UAW street, north ot
Medical Examiner fc,r .Penalon •Dcesrtment.
AYNE. L. D.. M.D. Office over mixtures
st. , r,!. 'Mike Lours from 10 to 12 a.m. and
from I! to 4 P. Y. iip - ectal attention given to
loseasis of the Eye: and Diseases of the Ear.
oet 20.77
T o WNER; H; L., M.D.. ;
11,u.lonee and (Men just north of Dr. Carbon's
Matti strtet, Athens; Pi.
110 TELS
TIESICI HOUSE Slain at., next corner south
4 --L;of . Bridge street. New house and new
t;lrniturt, throughout. The `proprietor has
Kpared neither pains or expense in making his
h.•tel tirst•class and respectfully solicits a share
public Patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
•.tscgiabfe. Large Stable attached.
WM. HEN lit
WATKINS POST, NO. 6s. 0. 3leeta
.revery Saturday evening. at Military Hall.
GEO. V. JIVER, Coraniander,
J. It. Krrritipar., Adjutant. , feb 7, 79
CIII'STAL LODGE. 310. 57; 'Meets 'at K. tit I'
Bali 'every Monday evening at' 7:30. In
anrauce $l,OOO. Benefits $3.00 per week. :Aver
aF vinual cost, I years experience; $ll.
4. R. KurritiDa4, firporeer;
Dictator. ; i fob 22.78
• •
B .
• -____. _ ..-
RADFOII.I) LODGE. No. 1(7, I. b;;',o, F. Meet
in Odd Fellow'a Hall, every . ?londay evening.
at 7Wriodr. WAnnEt HILL, gale Grand:
jiine '1'2,75
. -
P OST • F.- E. ;co. 32 Second street orders
will receive prompt attention. June 12.75
The SPItING TEIINI w•t11 begin Monday,
April 3, IS-2. For catalogue or Other iU(or•
tEatton, address or call on the Principal.
Towanda, Pa.
!alb' 11,74
WILE.IIIIS, EDWARLi. Practical rillniber
olati Gas Fitter. I lace of business in Iler
cur Block next door to Journal race opposite
Public Square. Plnrubing, Gas Fitting. Repair.
ng Pumps of alLkinds, and all kinds of Gearing
romutiv attended to. All wanting work in his
o ne should give him a call.. July 27.17
R .
8, Ostlers! Insurance Agency,
L' Towanda, Pa. Office in Whitcomb' hook
July 12,76
And had One of llis
rt. 52* -4-:u
Lozu of fifty acres, located In the Wysolral
fire minutes driro from Route borough
Pur full particulars, address
I &MES C. F01t8 , ..
TOtiabda Ps.
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Miscellanecu: AdVertisethents.
Lt.: PresidentPf the National Phar
tztaccotidal Association of the United,
:;tatci, says :.••
"Ilrolve's Iron Zittcrs has a
•t cavy salg, is coneedertfo be a fine ,
• ; the charactci or. The mane,
,cturers is a youcher •far Its purity
sad medicinal cscellence."-
lialtinaore Pharnisticatiesd
Golitic,z, says: 1 , 6i
;._... ‘„
The ratronice Of tni old friends and the publ
oonerally is solicited. Osep: $
1 ,
In the Whole History of
• Medicine
No•preparation has ever performed such
marvellous cdres, orj maintained - . so
-:wide a reputation, as AYER'S CHERRY
;PECTORAL, Which is rccognized as the
-world's remedy for all diseases Af the
throat and lungs. 144 long-continued
series of wonderful cures in ally cll
.-mates has made it universally known
as a safe and;rellable agent to employ.
Against ordinary coldS, which are the
forerunners of more serious disorders,
it acts speedily and surely, always re
lieving suffering, and ! often .saving life.
The protection it affords, by its timely
use iu throat and !chest disorders,
makes it . au invaluable remedy to• be
kept always on hand in every home.
No person can afford !to be withont it,
and those rho ha . ve once Used it iiexer
will From their knowledge OCits
composition and operation. phySicians
use the CtlEl:l:V . •l'Ecrottm. extensively
in-their practice, and clergymen recom
mend it. It is absolutely certain in
its .healing effects, and 'will alWays
cure Where cures arel possilih!.
For sale by all tlingttist.,
A. BEVERLY smtv,
Dealer in Scroll Saw ric:ds.l
1 ;:r
rine Blank:Books .
Amateur's 1 Supplies.
This departmey4 of nip business is very corn
plate, and being a practiml sawyer myself I know
the wants of my patrons.)'
• oe,l
constantly on hand. a worth of designs
for $l. Send for price lists.''
P. 0. box 1512
IS THE NAME OF the popular Liniment
that cures Itheumatim, Neuralgia, Swollen or
Stiffened Joints, Frps • Bite., pain in the Face.
Head or Spine, Chapped hands, Bruises;Sprathe.
Burns. Mosguloto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in
sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc..
for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost
instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable
odor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all drug
lists, Price 25 cents. !I 1
N.. 8.-This Linbient received a Prize Medal a
the State Fair,ls79. Afar 20 ly
:Nothing Short of Unmistakable
Benefits :
Conferred upon tens of thousand's of
suffeiers could originate and maiutitu
the reputation , ,
.which AYER'S
PARILLA enjoys. Iti is a compound of
the best vegetable alteratives, With the
rodhles of Potassitim and Ircin, —all
powerful, blood-making, blood-clpansing
and life-sustainhig, j- t • and) is most
effectual of all remedies for scroth
lous, mercurial; or blood disorders.
Citifottmly successful and certain, it
prixluces rapid and complete cures of
Scrofhla, Sores, Boils, Iluniors, Pim
ples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all
disorders arising ftota impurity of the
blood. By its invigorating e ff ects ft
always relieves and often cures Liver
Complaints, Female Weaknesses and
Irregularities, and is a potent renewer
of waning vitality.: For purifying the
blood it kas no equal.' It tones up the
system, restores 'and preserves the
health, and imparts vigor and energy.
For forty years it has been in extensive
use, and is to-day She most available
medicine for the suffering sick. •
For sale Iby all druggists.
".1 indorse it U a fine medicine;
rclis6lo as a_streastilanint tonic,
.6vr tium slcolwii~. jwiwr,- ~.
D., Professor of Pla.Umacy, Balti
more l'harmaceutical College, says:
" Brown's iron Bitters is a safe'
• rnd reliable medicine, positively
free front alcoholic poisons, and can
Le recomm6ded as a tonic for use
among thosC who opiahe:
Secretaryßaltimore GAlege of Phat
macy, says ..t
indorse it is an excellent
tr.edicin"e, a good digestive agent,
end anim-intoxicarit in the fullest
one of I34ltimore's oldest and most
relialAe•llysicians, says; '
I • .
" All who have use d It praise Ita
• • stthidard viand, I and the well.
known character of the house which i .l
makes it is a sufficient guarantee
f its being all that is claimed, for,
they are men who could-not be
&iced to otter anything else but
reliable medicine for public use."
A Druggist Cured.
Boonsboro, Itfd.,Det. ta. te/kt
Gentlemen-: )317 - Danes loon Bit
:ten cured me of a bad attack of
Indigestion and fullness in the stem
• 'ach. • Having tested it, I take pleas.
• 'ure in recommending it to my cos .
• touters, and am glatt to say it gives
entire satisfaction to all."
CAto"..W. lloPrsutv; Druggist.
Ask your Druggist . for 131tows's
PArrEns, and take no other.
One trial will convince you that it
kist what you need.
(Successor to Mr..lMcK.esti,)
.0 4 • ,
MY siEciAthjr
.L I
Park street.
Towanda, Pa
Sweet tangled banks, where ox-eyeddatsies grow
And scarlet poppies gleam ;
Sweet changing lights, that ever come and go
Up the quiet stream! •
once more I see the flash or splendid wings,
As dragon-flies lilt by ;
Once more for me the small sedge-warbler sings
Beneath a sapphire sky.
Once more I feel the simple, fresh content
I found In stream and soil
When golden summers Molly came and went
Mid mine was all the spolL
I find amid the honeysuckle flowers,
And shy torget-me-not,
Old boyish memories of lonely hours
Passeati this silent spot.
O God or nature, how thy kindness keepS
Some changeless things on earth
And he who roams tar offend toils and Weeps
Cornea home to learn their worth.
'Gay visions 'a worldly schetnes MAY tai,
-1- Hopeproverignidletareilni ' . " 44
But still the blossom nourish, red and pale, . *
Beside my natlye stream.
• —The Sunday Mats
". Good-bye, Ethel. It is fo ver 1 • i
He took my hand in a fare ell clasp,' his
brown eyei full of sadness. I could Inot
speak ; I had no power Co utter a'word.; I
was only conscious of one truth—one sad,
dreary, heart-breaking truth—that John
Audeureid and I loved each other, and it
was 'all in vain.
We were going to part—we expbcted to
meet no more. I, to go back -to the old,
dreary life in the great bustling city—the
monotonous existence of .a teacherwhile
John (it was Fate's decree—how could he
help it ?) must return to his home to pre
pare for his approaching marriage. , •
It had been a family arrangement; r one of
those fashionable alliances, where ' , 4&,17 1 1,
sacrificed on the shrine of Mammon, and
true love is nofionsidered. Gertrude Ware
was a weak-minded, insipid school-girl, pos
sessed of neither wit, nor beauty—hitt then
she had Wealth, that 'which in these day ti in
which the golden calf is worshiped, ts cljn
sidered superior to all else. . I
I was only Ethel Gray, an orphan—alone
in' the 'world—and a poor school-teacher.
What possible comparison could there be b&
tween the heiress and the poor teacher ?1 I
had-come to`the seaside for a vacatioi,
lug lo bring the roses back to .my cheeks,
faded 'through gxcess of bard work and
close confinement in the dreary schoolOom
''---my head throbbing with pain, my - de'art
' i shrinkingj with dread from the `Here" can
itask befo me of "teaching the young idea
}.how to shoot." I detested it all, but Ahrown
iupon ; , my own resources, it was
,either that
or starvation. .
When I Came . to Seaside and hfcatx(l as
with John Audenreid 4 . found a
new life—something to live
.for—there Were
brighter sunshine ; bluer skies, the birds
sang, sweeter, the great foamy sea seemed
full of strange, weird inusle,, and . the morn
ing' stara sang together . It was Paradise
over again—but, in every Paradise the ser
pent must intrude: .
And so, at last, one evening—strolling at
thy side along the shining, silvery beach,
the glory of " % the setting sun all about us—
john 'Audeirreid had, forgotten that he , was
"in honor bound," aliti had confessed that
he had learned to love me with all his , heart
—she; first real love of-his life. It was dAdt,-
ter,wrong—,his confession --I knew it and I
could not refrain from saying so. Ills face
flushed hotly and his eyes drooped for atOn•
stant; then he stopped short, and faced me,
there on the silvery beach,
Ethel," he said, his voice hoarse leith
suppresSed passion and excitement, :,*-`de
spise me if yon will. I deserve it all, = , but I
cannot help' loving yon. I never loved
Gertrude; the engagement was all a foolish
mistakeanarrangement between her fami
ly and mine—into which we entered passive
ly, having little option in the matter. I can
se:: the horror of it now, now that I have
met a woman whom I can and do i loi•e. I
cannot marry Gertrude Ware I" ' *,
"John I" ;
I folded my arms upon : my breast, and
stood like a statue on the sand before him as
• 1 .
I continued:,
"I c6.e1.1 L ueVer accept your .sacrifice of
wealth to love. That I hivelearnetkto care
for you it is useless to• deny, but it is the
source of sincere' regret: I shall never
'wrong that other woman. Yon are bound
- to marry her—be as happy as, you can.
" Happy !" .
The word dropped front his pale -lips like
a stone.
"And you counsel this, Ethel ?"Rh o asked
harshly and abruptly. " You ttskind to for.
get ?"
"Yes," I forded my lips to jitter,. "for.
Then I fled away up the white . path, .and
back to the bola! Once within the shelter
of my own Mom I hiid it all out with my;
self. I fought battle ; more, I came off
,The next day . I went back to' the city,
b4k to my weary 'work, and so: my drown
was over and 1 . was awake to re a lity. .
Two months I afterwards I read in" the
aewspapera an announcement of the mar
riage of John Audenreid to' Gertrude Ware,
and I had strength to pray • God that they
might bo happy.
I took up my burden of toil—Low heavy
Ind weary it had become ! The days . pasa.
,rd in a ceaseless round of work, and so four
years slipped by.
It was in the summer, the golden summer
time, and my vacation. I decided to visit
Seaside fora few weeks. My strength v.-as
ftiiling, and the physicians advised me to
try 'the salt sea Lair.
It was the eening after my airivnr. I
was strolling along the 'shining sands very
nearthe spot Where John and I had parted,
when% little child came bounding towards
me--L lovely little fairy . with, great brown
eyeN'and cloudi of-golden hair floating over
her shoulders, both hands' clutching frantic
ally huge bunch of Wild-flowers. ' She
came 'straight to my ..Side, her innocent faoe
raised smilingly to my own.
"See my piity flowers?" she exclaimed,
in her baby faShion, slipping one little band
into minn !confidingly.
'With 1"v-iniddeu tremor gnawing at my
heart,.l gazed [into the child's face. Surely
1 had seen eyed like those before.
• I salt down ou a great rock, and lifted-he!
to my knee, .1 '
"Whit is your name, my dear I asked,
my heart pausing involuntarily, as though
listening for the answer. ;
"Bessie," she answered, gleefully. "=llenr
si Attdenreid I"
t" Do you live hexer - was my nett ques,
Lion. . ,
Oh, no. Mamma brings me hero fel
air." This with a *manly 'dignity quits
amusing in the wee woman. "My papa's
dead, you know."
"Dead I"
Clod! Could it' be possible f- 1 lelt, its
though every thing had groin and
dark. This was John's chile- then—and
John was dead: and I loved him Lk A wild
cry otanguish arose in •my heart, "au ox.
ceedinC bitter cry." For notwithstanding
the lapse of time, notwithstanding the cir
cumstances of our separation, the heart
which had learned to look up to John An.
denreid with intense devotion had nei - er for.
gotten him. And "the heart which once
Lilly loves never forgets."
I pat the child down upon th'o sand. • The
world had grown suddenly blank to me. I
stretched oat' my : hands, groping in the
darkness which ha& come upon me; am spy
heart scarcely' pulsated, so fearful was the
shock. • '
Little Bessie, with the volatile spirits of
childhood, began to dance up and down the
"There's my mammal" she cried sudden
" She's lookin' for me, I 'sped !"
*pop sofa„ 13us !sitOs3o popuuok aqs up_
gill Or 4 l B ** l n ig gir l 4 ol3lB l ll l 4l 4l o2 l ,
DUVAL i(Cuis4q ou aaq RElnov pug on) oauj
( PIMP `4l o2 dir Irmo in .toq Atom wogs
I pun nel I ;uq, ,
owl s ‘ utior lam SOAOU puq
•qotraq eq; aono Amor 2npuoo noiqq - m'
andig mils cep tqun e.o; sa.So Inc potun; I 4 1
darkly, beautifully blue." I bowed as coi.
dially as I could.
"My name is. Gray!" I began, "Miss
Ethel Grey; and you are Mrs. Andenreid
; She smiled a sweet; Sad smile, and extend
ed one fair hand. "Any I rest here ft
while?" she asked. "You seem ,to have a
comfortable seat, Miss Gray ; "
She pressed my hand warmly, and seated
herself at My side. Ere an'hour had passed
we had become quite well acquainted and I
found, to my intense surprise, that a kindly
even tender—feeling had sprung up in my,
heart for' the fair young widow.
All at once she glanced down the beach,
where a tall, manly figure was coming in our
direction. Her flute lighted up with a smile
of satisfaction.
"There comer Johu," she exclaimed.
"John PI,
• The_ name fell from my lips , without any
volition., I half rose from my gent and then
sank back again. On came the tall straight
figure. My. God! could it ibe, pOssible?
was John! Andenreid—alive and. well. lie
came forWaKd rapidly ; then stopped short;
and his face grew ashen white.
" Etliel!!" 'he cried. "Thank God, wd t
meet agai o ." - , .
I sat Were, pallid and panting, unable to
- speak. Ile glanced from Mrs. Audenreid
back to me again.
"This is my brother's wife, Miss Gray,"
he said gently. "My poor brother Philip,
who was lost at sea." • - •
"Your,brother's wife !'!I repeated, blank.
ly. "I thought this lady waif your wife,
and that child yours!".
He looked. grave.
"My viiia is dead, Ethel," he , returned,
quietly. '" She had - consumption, when we
were married, and did not survive but a few
months. i She died in France, we
were then journeying. This little fairy"
laying hiS hand gently on Bessie's golden
head ÷" is Philip's child. Come,' pet."
He lifted Bessie up to his shoulder, and
she sat there like a demure elf, scattering
her withered flowers about.
And'so weall went' back to the hotel.
That very night
.everything was explained.
How I John had been delayed in foreign
lands by busineis matters ; and how he i had
written to me and he letters had been inter
cepted by a false friend ; and hoivJohu bid
found it all out, and had followed me to
Seaside, "to claim; ihis . wife."--so said.
He loved me truly ; time had not changed
either of us ; and so, when another summer
came in all ''the glory of green and gold, I
stood at the altar with John Audenried, and
vowed" to love; honor and _ ehen'sh, until
death us do "part."—Mrs. IC. Burke Colline.
lam told "by foreign tourists that while
many of our fences are reflected in those of
other lands, the ceunterpait of the zigzag
fence is to be seen in no other • country. It
is typical of Yankceland.
It is known as the BLtakepr Virginia fence,
and is the relic of a lavish. era of unlimited
forestry. history does not chronicle the
name of its inventor, Lut I have long since
learned to cherish a profound respect for
the Memory of this unknown individual. It
is ;hard for me to imagine in the person of
this primitive rail-splitter the picture of an
untutored backwoodsman, and I -never fol
low the coarse of one of these fences with
out'feeling a certain consciousness that its
original builder must have seen his work
through eyes artistic as well as practical.
1 careless'abandon of its , lines—a repe
titio of form in whibh absolute repetition is
contt fully defied . by 'the capricious convo
lutions of the, grain, for there are no two
rails made in the same mould—and their
gray satin sheen, their weather-beatenstains
of moss and lichen, and the ever changing
play of lights and shadows from their waving
weeds and vines, make the old rail fence
truly an object of real beauty ip.our land
scape. Often have I lingered in its angles,
and a hundred times have I thought of the
host of . . pictured and reminiscences which
might fill a book'to the glory of a fence cor.:
, • 1
Moreoven this peculiarity of conformal
Con Pandere to most worthy and blessed
sliftlessnes happily latent in the bones of
almost every farmer ; for while - the plow
. share creeps clotie along the' blow Of the old
stone wall, and the direct course of most
other fences offers . a free soope for the mow
er's.,scyllie or the reapers blade, the outward
corners of the zigzEig fence, dodge beyond
its reach and thui escape. *How often, too,
are these recesses the convenient storage
quarters for the stones and Stubble of the
field, and as such receive Owide berth from
the newly whetted Scythe or Oradle.
'Thus does the old rail fence bedeck itself
abundantly With wreathes aud garlands.
The refuse stone_piles
. clothe themselves in
tangles of creeping - dew-berry,
- and ground-ivy; and the round leavei of the
creeping.mallows conspire to hide their nak
edness. Tall:brambles rise and yield their
snowy blossoms to the rifling bees, or later
hang their purple fruit in tempting clusters
to the troop of boys in their!eager scrambles
among the raili There are no black rasp- -
berries so forge and lusciais, no lemel-nuts
bo full and brown, and no filberts so tante
_lizing beneath their prickly pods, as 'those
that grow up under the protection of the old
rail fence. Here the rich green beds of
_sweet-fern . give out their aromatic savor to
the wise old simpler, the eager small boy or
even to the Squirrel quest of th 6 nutty
kernels amongits seed bohi. The dull red
blossomi of the glycine tell of sweet tubers
beneath the ground, and the bright =dow
ers or tall artichoime invade the old-time
is among their roote.—/tarper's Mat
wehie. .
km:6 To BEAT.--An Austin ma; who is
in the clothing business, refuses to believe
thiclthe Jews have been =Articled in Russia.
If they really have been beaten, he says they
Must be a different kind from those in this
country, as he has never been able to beat a
Jew yet, although he has tri e d it freque*
—Tenn Sifting&
• •
The !leanly of Spank& Wenten—'rheir lifur
veletas GimeoliVlO the Fan.
Never shall I forget 'our walk around the
.city walls that first afteriumn in Toledo. -A
broad thoronglafare tddrta the' disused de.
fences on the south* west, running at
first along the sheer - descent to - the river,
and a beetling: height 14:tixiint -which houses,
shops and chnrches Ste crammed confused
ly. I noticed one smithy with a wide dark
mouth revealing the - tiiked rock on which
walltend ,roof abutted, and other houses
into the faces of wide!' had been wrought
large granite projecticira of the hill. After
this the way led theme &gate of peculiar,
tstrength and simpelinear y carrying up arches
of granite and red brick to a considerable
'height—a stout relic of the proud Moorish
dominion so long mairiff*edhere : and then
l oin
when we had ram aborat a church of -
Santiago lower down, g through some
streets irregular ' s paha, .where over a
merit Of, the owner's - mace. "I iurt - tten
Sanchez. l'792"—we came to the Wisps,.
the country gate. This menacing, double
towered mediaeval; so that a few
steps had carried us from Mohammedan
Alimaymon. to the Emperor Charlea .. V.
Just outside of it again is the Alatneda, the
medertt garden promenade, where the beau
ty and the idleness of Toledo - congregate on
Sunday: eves to the soft compulsion of
strains from the military academical baud.
Thin runnels of vi : uter- murmur along through
the hedges andembowered trees, explaining
by their presence how this refreshing pleas
ure-ground was conjured into being ; for on
the slope, a few feet below the green hedges
you still see the sun-parched soil• just as it
once spread over the whole area. The con
trast suggests Eden blossoming on a crater
At the :open-air soirees of the Alameda ,
may 'be seen excellent examples 4f `Spanish
beauty. •:The national type of woman
pears . here in good preservation, and not too
much hampered by • foreign airs. Doubt.
less one finds it too, in -Burgos and Madrid,
and in fact everywhere;• and the grace of
the women in other places is rather fonder
of setting itself off by a fan used for parasol
purposes in thwstreet than iu Toledo. But
on the paseo, and alameda all Spanish ladies
carry fans, and it is something marvelous to
see how they manage • them. Not for a mo
ment is the subtle instrument .at rest ; • it
,nutters, wavers idly, is opened and shut in
the space of a second, falk to the side, and
again" rises to take its part in the • conversetion almost like a third person—all without
effort; with merely a turn of the supple
finger; or wrist, and contributing au added
charm - to the bearer. The type of face
which beams, with more or• less similarity
above every. fan in Spain is difficult to de
scribe, and at first, difficult even to appro
. bend. Ono has heard so Much about its
, beauty that in the beginning it seems to fall
short ; gradually its spell seizes on the
mind, becntning stronger and stronger.
The tint viiies from tawny rose or olive to
white.; Lilies , of 114;1144 caste, from . their
night life and rare exposure to the sun, V
quire a deathly pallor, which;is unfortunate
ly too often imitated with powder. Chestnut
or lighter hair is seen a good. deal in the
south and east, bat deep black is the pre
valent hue. And the eyes I—it is impossi
ble to more than suggbst the luminous,
dreamy medium in which they swim, so
large, dark and vivid. But above An, there
k 'ombined with' a certain child-liko 'frank•
nese a freedow and force, 'a quick mobility
in the linen of tile face, equalled only
American women. To these elements you
must add a strong arching eyebrow. and .a
pervading richness and fire of nature in the
features, which it would be hard to parallel
at all, especially mheti the whole is framed
in the seductiVe folds of,thellack mantilla,
like a drifting - night cloud enchancinq the
sparkle of a star. --Geo. P. Lathrop, is
Harpers- Magazine. 1.
The most desperate, yet generally success
ful and popular achiefements have been
those knowtvas "cutting out " that . is,
attacks by open boats upon an enemy's slitps
in an enemy's harbor, and I may cite one as
among the most brilliant and picturesque of
these exploits. The: small British frigate
Seahorse was blockading another frigate at
Porto Caballo, on the. Spanish main. The
idea of "cutting,out" the frigate from under
the Spanish batteries by means of his small
open boats, manned with only - 100 meu, in
spired Capt. Hamilton, and, when commun- •
ieated to his crew, was received -with three
hearty cheers: The Goats, :commanded by,
the Captain himself, left thdc frigate at night'
and made for -the harbor ; not unobserved,
however, by a Spanish launch " rowing
guard" at the entrance. This did not' deter
the gallant assailants. Two boats, proceeded
to cut the cables, the others attempted to
board at different points, two only out of
the six succeeding .'at first. The Spanish
crew, numbetling 365, retired before the
headlong attack of pmtlably not 89 assailants,
and two boats' crews remained to tow the
enemy out if captured. For some minutes
theissue was doubtful? but while the deadly
strugglet 'proceeded below our lithesome sail
ors sprang aloft like a flight of night-birds;
the l gaskets were cat, the sails dropped-Ciii
tain-like from the yea's, the.ship gained life,
and floated out like a Summer cloud c:1.•
-vision amid the roar of gurus from the at
tory, the continued ifire of musketry; the
loud curses of the Spaniards, and to meas.
tired splash of-the oars. When the struggle
ended outside the harbor 119 of the enemy
lay stiff did stark, '7''Viere wounded, while
the loss of the victors was trifling 1 This
brilliantly successfnd exploit was of the irreg
ular and desperate kind to which the, well
known saying, !' Cat magnyique, twat re
n'eBt pas /a guerre," would apply; and it
showS that in war not only' the- chances of
success, but the Object to be gained, must
decide. Readers of naval history know that
there were special reasons why at all hazards
the Hermoine should have been captured,, or
rather recaptured-r—The Nineteenth Cen
tury. • IJ.
A literary Sststt.Vitsii.—Saturday even.
ing a party of retired sea captains were seat
ed around the stove in a down-town„grocery
spinning yarns. Many wonderful stories of
sealing and whaling adventures were told,
some of which were more thrilling than
truthfuL At last one of the younger mar.
iners startled his hearers by telling about a
sperin whale he once saw, so small that it .
could be carried under hilt arm. This was
too, mach for the old salts to swallow, and
the l yimmediately brdia ground for a home
cruise, but not until one old . grayhaired, son
of liepttme remarked that " that's n mighty
stdall whale but an awful big lie yOu're ;giv.
14 us, abipmate."--Bfoniseon Mirror.
• .
rROPTIS Tfl C STAGE.—It Wu' ( excite the
4vyOf our Western Texas stage robbers to
ktim that Booth has made several thoneand
dollarsiby Onstage. Tooth, however, made
14s money on the stage, while the robbers
make their little pittances off the stage.—
Taxis Sif inga. , r
Modern Civilization the Product of the
Last Three Hundred Years.
Meats used to be brought in on the spits,
just as they were cooked, and the carver
held the meat in one band, while he cut od
huge chunks with a razor Shaped knife, held
in the other, each guest helping himself
:with his fingers, and eating whathe desired,
'throwing the remainder, with the bones,
under the "board," for
. the dogs and cats.
Knives were but little used, even as late as
the times of Henry, tho. Eighth, and fortis
came in la whole century.later, having been
borrowed from Venice during the reign of
James the First. A writer of those days
described the fork as "an instrument to
hold meat, provided for each person at din
ner, it being considered by the refined ill-mannered to touch the viands
with' the fingers." For hundreds of years
the simple convenience of plates for' eating
on was totally unknown to our ancestors.
' ",. :iimedisaitt'Aceirsompa
, _
which the meat and-. gravy . were :placed,
while other.bread was supplied for eating
with the meat. After each one had finished,
he. ate his plate, or "trencher" as it was
then called, if ho chose, and if not, it was
put, with all the remuauts of the meal, into
the acms-basket; and Sant out to-the poor,
who were always waiting at the gate for
,their share of the repast. • The poor were
never forgotten by our Saxon 'ancestors, and
our very word "lady" ;comes * to us , from
the Saxon " laffdak," which means "bread
giver," because the mistress of a manor
used, in those days, to distribute, with, her
own hands, bread and * ether necessaries to
the poor in her domain. Gradually these
" trenchers" of bread were exchanged for
real plates—made of sillier fc;g• rich people,
and of wood or pewter for the poor, until
the introduction of crockery: 'Even fruits
and flowers were rare and costly luxuries,
scantily enjoyed by the wealthy, and almost
unknown among those of moderate means.
Apples were introduced from Syria in 1925 ;
strawberries, from Flanders in 1530; goose
berries, from the same country a few / years
later;, currants, from Corinth in 1533 . ;
pears, from China and continental Europe
in 1590; plums, from Damascus in 1596,
and walnuts from America in.' 1629. Most
of our garden flowers were taken to Eng
land from various lauds during the reign of
Henry the Eighth and his three children,
'and thence have been subsequent) x import.
.61 to our own countrk. Cabbages and
salads - *ere introduced from Flanders as late
as .1520, and cauliflowers a century and a
half later, were considered too rare and
exl)ensive to be sold in the markets. At
tlio beginning of the seventeenth century,
few people even knew the taste of beaus,
peas, or lettuce; and'a great proportion of
our ordinary dishes were in England un
heard of delicacies, till fifteen hundred years
after the commencement of the Christian
era. Yeast for bread was not brought into
requisition until the year 1631 ;, atel previ
ous to the reign of Jam es the First, the
ordinity bread of the country was a coarse
unleavened, black mass ofbarley meal that
in our day would scarcely be tolerated by
the very poorest. England bid her -first
carriage in 1553, her first hackney-coach in
1650, her first mail-coach in 1784, and her
first watch in 1658, while. it was only in the
year 1611 or 1658, respectively, that tea and
coffee came into genera! use, by our Eng-,
lish ancestors.
Gas-lights were the growth of a century,
and a half of later progress. The inventor
was a Frenchman, an engineer of roads and
bridges, by 'muneWive Le Bon, who in
1785, adopted the idea of using, for pur
poses of illamination,, the gas generated
during the combustion of wood. He labor
ed for a long time in the offort to perfect his
crude invention, and it was not until the
year 1800 that he took out a patent. In the
year 1816 the first use in London was made
of gas, and in 1818 this invention, really of
French origin,
came to be applied in France.
Thus we see (hat with our-English ancestors,
the age of comfort, the golden age of refined
civilization, had its birth about the beginning
of the sixteenth century as the • fifteenth
gave us the priceless invention of, printing.
Since then, so rapid have been the growth
and development of these three or four hun
dred years, that the home comfort and refin
recut of the English has passed into a prov
erb rind we hear, even from the lips -of for
eigners, that iu no other language, and by
no other people of the wide 'world, is the
word , comfort so thoroughly understood as
by the English doubtless because no other
nation has been so truly Christian in its law*
and institutions. - " Them that honor me, j
will honor," says the Supreme Ruler;, anid
we find countries and indiir'iduals,
progressive and happy, just in proportion
as they reverence and obey God's holy com
The Sort of People Reporters Come In Con.:
tact Wills.
The reporter saw two horses dashing down
the street with a few pieces of the harness
left, and also a portion of the running gear,
of the carriage. Re made directly' for the.
spot where the horses had left the carriage; ,
and by following the track of .spokes, hubs
and fragments of the carriage, soon reached,
the wreck. There Was a man standing by
looking at it with some interest.
"How'd this happen?" asked the scribe.
"Dum fino," rejoined the man, " horse
kind of run away, I guess."
"Can you give mo any-particulars?"
" Well, no, I did not See the first of it.,
Guess didn't amount to anything, anyhow.!
Got scared at something:l s'posn,."
" Anybody hurt ?" '
" Well nove, stranger, I couldn't' say.
'Pears to me somebody did mention it, but I
forgot. now 'Who 'twos. . Ain't much\ ac
quainted in the ward anyhow."
"_Do you know anybody that does know?"
";Ottess the horses got-skeered somehow"
The reporter calls on eight or ten eye wit
nesses of the scene and none have sufficient
intelligence to give any account of the acci
dent, which happened right under, their noses.
All seem to labor under the impression that
they will be arrested and sentenced to ten
years' hard labor in the Penitentiary if they
impart a single scrap of information. In
side of ten minutes the man first interviewed
reaches home and his memory begins to
liven np. He tells his wife all about it.
"I tell you, .Sal, I never saw such an all
fired runaway as I Env jus t a while ago.
Billy Brown's two horse team ran , - away;
threw Mrs. Brown and two children out and
knocked old Brawn senselesi - - I was right
there and helped carry him over to Thomp
son's. J• The buggy struck a tree and smashed
the daylights out of it. Guess Brown will
die, they say his leg was broke, left leg, just
below the knee and Mrs: Brown's jaw was
'smashed. The children, Betsy and Clara,-
wasn't hurt so much." ' -
"I suppose it'll be in the paper in the
"Bet you don't see a line there ; reporters
'are too cussed lazy to hunt an item anyhow,
and"then they never get it right" •
- In the morning the man looks , la his paper
and cusses it for not giving fuller particulars.
—Salt Lake Tribune.
The farmer smiled to see his bursting barns,
Ills fields yet ripening in ',the summer's sun,
And cried with pride upswelling from his heart.
" Lo, what the toll of my two hands have done:"
A sweet voice whispered from thq rustling wheat
"To God who givetti increase, praise is meet."
" Them Is not room within these little alias
To store from loss and the# my yellow grain ;
So will I build me greater, that I may
Rejoice and cheer my soul with this my gain."
Still pleaded that angel whisper, low and sWeet—
"Rive to the poor who have no , rood to eat."
"Cease troubling met Why should I not be glad?
For hard bath been my toll, and long the strife;
wil et . laugh and nu my heart with joy,
And ll right merrily the rest of life."
" 0 fool,' the angel whispered with a sigh,
"Repent, for Mini - ; this very night shall die."'
Mutt tt New Y.zk !lack •Driver Said a
. " Seein' as yea are not suck a bad finale?
e lCUlatt went on, as be took apuiffit
a grunt of satisfaction, "I'll tell you
thing for your own benefit. When you hire
ti cab make a bargain before you start, and
it will be money in your pocket Any - drir
er who don't keep up the dignity of the pro
fession by charging every cent he thinks he
can get
.onght, to have his license revoked.
I ain't got no sympathy with them hackmen
as don't'take a good thing when they can
get it. Wo are allowed to charge $1 an
hour, and it's a cold day when I can't make
an hour bring me in $2. No, passengers
don't pretestHthey kick. I always like to
see a man kick!. I blow I've got him, su re,
and besides, a little kicking at the end breaks
the monotony of the tri p —kinder Warms a
man up, you know. I never know [thicker
that didn't pay before ho finished. A man
who looks up amazed-like when I kick him
double, but pays and glances at - ruy numper, fecr uneasy: ,
I", Past women and fast men patronize us
mod than any other class. The balk of our
business is after nightfall. . We do 3 good
yleal, though, in the afternoon. Down town
is where all the Inisines.ssis found during the
latter part of the day while the light lasts.
the brokers and basiness men make up the
rade. Can't beat them!' Oh, no! They
are too cute.,,,. Why we have to carry theiti
under the price—for 50 and 75 cents. We
can't stop, any place around Wall street i as
there is no . stand. ' The policemen keep us
moving and the brokers hail us. They know
how it is. . Countrymen don't hire hacks to
any extent. A countryman is a bonanza
when we can get him to ride; As a general
thing a horse car or an elevated train is go,od
enbugh,for him. Bet after dark, if a driver
has good luck, ho can stuff and drink and
smoke and is sure of 'good pay Unless the
passenger's money runs out before he settles
for his ride. We see high life and low life'
.—more of the latter. , A luxclunan can tell
you more about the sins of New York than
Talmage. He sees a great many things
every, night that the Brooklyn preacher
didn't ihell he took in the sights. 1
"A 4 we ever beaten out of pay? We
get stilck once in• a while. A driver that
lets any one-beat him ain't fit to hold the
ribbons. :When' a man gets drunk he gen
; erelly wants to ride, and he never wants to
pay. If he don't square up, I take his over.
coat off his lack and hold ou to-it until he
does. Some men have tha t habit of going
into a price to get a drink and forget to!
come out again. They slide out through 'a
back &kir, and that is 'the last that is seen ofi
them. If a hackman is wise, he wont lose
sight of a customer - until he is paid. The
better part of our business we catch at the
shows, the dance halls, and the beer gardens,
and the night winds up about three o'clock.
Thieves don't .hire our hacks. The lights
, give 'em away. They obtain a carriage at a
livery stable r that don't carry lights. Actors
and actresses?' No. Most of them take
horse or,elevated cars. ' Most of ,ern , dance
in spangles and go home in pretty Seedy
clothes. You don't find !ern spending their
money for hacks. :
"Do we - find lost articles left in - our 'car.
lieges? I' should _say we did: . Everthin4
from a toothpick to a gold watch. People
leave gloves, umbrellas, canes, packages and
sometimes their pocketbooks, in hacks.
Once in a while, an overcoat, a cloak'or a
shawl,will be found. I'd like to know what
they 'are thinging of when they forget these
things. Some folks don't seem to be think
ing of anything, and they forget to pay too.
They get out and walk off like Machines and
I guesi they could get along just as well
without heads. Do we give the things back 7
Well, yes, if people' come after them. ' If'
they go off and leave 'em we ain't going to
hunt-'em up. We can't afford to run all
over the city to find absent-minded people.
I've , got more right-handed and left-handed
gloves than yon could wear in a life-time,
bnt,none to match. I never buy umbrellas.
This overcoat a gentleman left in my cab.
My wife is wearing a pair of shoes that a la
dy went out purposely to o buy and forgot to
take out of the carriage. - Drunken
men generally manage to leave about every
thing they. have on the floor of the carriage,
except their clothes, and they would proba
bly take those off if they contd. One man
stuck the 'lining full of bills one night and
hung Ins watch on the kubb of the door.
He hail a high time. I ptit his stuff in his
pockets when I left him at the hotel.' I
would ' l 't rob a drunken man, but when so;
ber ° ' ple leave things they ought to lose
era. L. . 1.. Times.
, •
A young man, named Folsom Bowser,
applied to a wealthy Austin stoeknian for a
Position on his staff—to go west and herd
sheep at $lO a month, but &he stockman
said he was not hiring anybody ,to herd
" Have you all the shepherds you require ?"
asked Folsom Bowser.
"No, I am needing several, but Pm going
to wait till the President has.. made his ap.
pointments." •
"What's that got to do with herding
sheep ?"
"It has a great deal to do with. it. As
soon as Arthur has intide his appointments,
I can have my pick of disappointed appli.
cants who will be willing to hire for nothing
but their grab, just to get cut into the
The sheep industry of Westera Texas is
suffering from the • tardiness of the Presi•
deaf Tera.v
—Memorial Hall, which formed the Cen
tennial Art Building, at Philadelphia, is in a
state of dilapidation and decay. The wind has
torn pff portions of the galvanized iron-cov
erings, and the dome is in 991 a leaky con- .
ditiqi that the tapestries, bronzes, Chinese
enamels and other articles collected by the .
Pennsylvania Mu.seum and School of Indui
trial Art, which has possession of the edifice,
are in great danger of damage from 'water.
Two years ago the large Statue of America,
which crowned the dorue,'had to be taken
down, as it was crumbling to pieces and lia
ble to collapse and crush through ;to the
ground. The whole building, which cost
$1,500,000, is in a bad why; and in constant
need of repair
AIHAP mar Sue Her Husband for Damage,
• far Assault nod Battery.
)•`-- The geneial term of the -supremo court
lias decided that a woman can 'me her hus
band for damages for assault and battery.
The question was before,the general term
upon an appeal from a •chambers order de
nying a motion to vacate an order of arrest
obtained by Theresa Shultz against her hus
tOrd, Theodore Shultz: . Judge Brady
dote the opinion Sustaining the order, and
/ridge Daniels, concurred in it. Presiding
Judge Noah Datia concurred ha the :Sergi-
Mental grounds of the opinion, but dissent
ed from the construction of the law express
ed% J:edge 'Brady beide that, by the
144 1850'relittinuto the rights of mar
t* womenthe legishdare intended to, and
did, change - the common law Me Mita wife
*MR ri
not sae her,hshaMi . saki*: "To
• •
1141! the right (to main enaction of 'thin
manntburee idiltike. language.
harmony by enlarging the rights of marrtZ
women and increasing the obligations •of
husbands, by affording greater. protection
to the !ohne; and by enfoining greater
restraint upon the latter in the indulgence
of their evil passions. The declaration of
stich a rule 4, not against the policy of the
law.. It is in harmony with it, and calculi.
ted to preserve peace and, in a great moral
are, prevent barbarous acts, acts : of cruelty,
regarded by mankind' as , inexcusable, con
temptible, detestable. It is neither tot . ;
early nor too late to promulgate the doc
trine that if La husband commits an assault
and battery upon his wife he may'be held
responsible civilly and criminally for the act
which is no only , comillitted in violation of
•the lirws of - Pod and man, but in direct an
tagonism to the contract of marriage, its
obligations, duties, responsibilities, and the
very basis on which it rests. The rules of
the common law on this subject haye been
dispelled; :rooted, and justly so, by the acts
of 1860 and 1869. They are things of the
past which.have succtunbed to more liberal'and lnst Views, liko many other doctrines
of thif - rbmmon law which could(not stand
the st•r4my and analysis of modern eivilizir
tioni 1 •
Presiding Judge Davis . consithrs that the
tyljudications which have here ofore been l i
made in the supreme court against the
right of a, wife to sue leer husband for as
sault and' battery or shinder should be ac.
cepted until
.reversed - by the court of
p9als. He says: I heartily concur in the
unbounded cletestatiori of wife beaters,
'Which my brother ~Brady has so forcibly•
expressed ; and I think the legislature might
well provide a carefully , prepared statute
giving direct personal remedies by suit in
all sachicases ; but the courts Lye decided
that that has not yet -been done, and the
doctrine stare dicitds requires us to leave_
to tht.t court of appeals or to the 'legislature
lhe . gallant duty of setting the law free to
redress by civil actionff all -the domdstic dis
putes of husband and wife, whether com
mitted by unbridled tongues or iagryblows.
Their- rights, , however, to such redress
ought, I think, to be mutual,, to have due
regard to the fact that many rk,ats, words
and things that would be assaulti; and_ bal.
teries and slanders between cAher persons
have no such character between. husbands
wives. And perhaps some provisions
alruid i be made allowing reasonable oppor
tunities for tha restoration of domestic
peace by amicable settlements free from the
lines,of litigious attorneys. ' I must, there
fore, in the present state of things, dissent
from the conclusion of my brethren."—.N.
P. Times. '
People WLo Go There Only to Get a Chroa4
Ic Cold.
So far as the weather goes, wintering in.
the south is too often a disappointment and
delusion. A chilly sun may shine fitfully ;
the winds may t blow violently and bitterly;
the.rain occasionally comes down in torrents,
or when it does " hold up " yon take your
walks abroad under leaden skies, which are
singularly depressing. The houses are in
differently. built ; the _architectural arrange
ments of the best hotels are directed rather
againSt heat than cold, while the stoves and'
grates: would leave much to desire even
were they not supplied with an insreaciency
of inferior-fuel. No doubt both man and
nature manage matters better in the Riviera;
but we are writing al "present of Solthena
Europe. We never remember to have suf
fered so severely from cold at Christmas
time as on the banks of the Guadalquivir in
"sunny" Andalusia; and, at a time of life
iwhen we were by no' means addicted to low
spirits, we have found atmospheric influ
ences get the mastery of us altogether" be,
fore the close 'of a Romtii season. Going to
Southern Italy fOr the winter, you rit into
a lottery, in which you may po'ssibly draw a
prize, but will probably draw ti blank. The
temperature in Rome seldom sinks excessive
ly low, but the atmosphere is apt to be raw
and depressing. There are mouldy odors in
the air in - the more venerable quarters of the
city;. and the gaunt 'imiklings cast
dismal shadows over'piazzas where 'there is
a melancholy plash of fountains, while yel
low fogs; with a disagreeable suspiclim of
malaria, wreathe themselves upitird of a
morning from the low bed of the Tiber, dissi
pating themselves slowly in the Itipetla
and the adjacent streets. The sculpture
galleries strike cold as so many charnel
houses; the picture galleries, in desolate or
half inhabited palaces, are only a few de
grees more genial;, and even of an after
noon, when the 'chill should have been -
fairly taken off the day, 'there will be ' blue
noses and bloodless cheeks among the mtif
fled promenaders on the drives of the
clan. we say, may happen in very
normal conditions of the climate, nor is
Rome, with its very peculiar parents and
its formidable distances, a place.that invites
the stronger to . pedestrian exercises. You
quickly catch a cold, and it clings to lon
like the enchanted robe of a Centaur; or you
awaken latent symptonis of neuralgia . or
rheumatism,, which, growing - steadily more
sensitive to' the temperature - of the ithor
oughfares, tend decidedly to become ehion
ie.—London Saturday 11,eview.
A LEGAL Commix op Ennoits. —A recent
survey of some lands in Miller county,
which were in litigation and surveyed by or
der of the Court, has, brought to light a
curious and complei state of affairs respect
ing a ntunber of lots of lands in a certain
district in that county. I. am informed
that no less than two hundred and fifty , lota
of land are embraced in this "Comedy of
Errors," and as many owners find that they
are claining the wrong lot or the right lot
with the wrong " numbee. Indeed, every
man has just . discovered the remarkable and
unsatisfactory fact that be owns somebody
else's lot, and his neighbor is in the same
dilemma. Another feature in the case is
.that Miller county has been claiming part of
Baker's territory, and by this recent survey
a strip of land extending along the northern
'limits of Miller will henceforth hive to take
f ite ilgitimate plaee in Baker county.—Atlan
ta Constitutivn."
$1.50 a Year, in Advent*.
Row Animals Carry Thin Abeat—l
•f Lissievlty.
Animals contribute largely to the dletri:
bution of seeds by conveying them in their
woo/, fur or feathers. Berries and drupes
devoured by birds and centaining indi
gestible seeds, which are voided without
having lest their vitality, and in the matter,
partially eecoent for the numerous rasp
berry plaits and other shrubs found growing
by the side and in the angles of fences. In-
stances ofithe longevity of seeds are given by
numerous authors, but none-is moreretiark
able than that related by Di, Lindley.- He
says : "I have before me three plants of
the raspberry raised, from seeds taken from
the stomaeh of a man whose skeleton was
felted tit* feet below the surface of the
earth.. "lie had been buriedwith some coins
of the Emperor Hadrian, and it he, therefore
'probable that they were; over 1,.56) . yew
ice'"': Several years ago tbs &Mc at
Mane some men ine , ijoiltioreew
below the surface and placed it by itself. is
few weeks aftenvW . some shrubs sprang up
from the sand, which grew And produced
fruit. The akenes or Miele of the herb
bipemi and several ether general plants bear
two rigid aunts! which are barbed 'down
ward; they are Commonly called Spaniel"
needles or beggar ticks, because they ad.
here to every one - that passes by them. Sev
eral species are armed with ' delicate hook.ri,
evidently for the same purpose, by means of
which they readily attach themselves to men
or animals that come in contact with - them.
The most troublesome of thiS class is per
haps the Lippe (burdock). Tlilr plant af
fords a striking instance of design_ in the
dissemination of seeds, such as cannot be
mistaken. The scales of the inirolucre - all
end in a minute firm hook which seizes
hold of everything that passes by. Thus
men and animals are - made the ' -unwilling
agents of scattering widely the seeds of this
unsightly but interesting plant.
In more recent times the development of
the mining industries of, the country hae
powerfully affected both the grOwth and de
cay of towns. Comparing in this respect
the maps with these of 150 or-200
years ago, we cannot but be suck with the
remarkable changes that have taken place is
the interval. Some places which were- then
of but minor importance have now advanc
ed to the first rank, while others that were
'among the chief towns of the %realm have
either hardly advanced at all , or have . posi r
tively declined. If now we tura to a, geo
logical mapove find that in almost all .macs
the growth has taken place within or near
'to some important mineral field, while the
decadenee,occurs :in tracts where. there are
no workable minerals. Look, for example,
at the prodigious increase of such - towns as
• glasgpv, biverpool, Manchester, Newcastle,
lirminglniza; and Middlesborough. Each'_
df these owes its advance in population and _
wealth to its position in the midst of,- or
close to, ficlds of coal and iron. Contrast,
on the other hand, the sleepy, quiet, unpro
gressive content, and even. sometimes un
mistakable 'decay, of not a few country towns
in our agricultural dishicts..l Closely con
nected with this subject is the remarkable
transference of population which for the last
generation or two' has been in such rapid
progress among us. The large inanufactur
ing towns are increasing at the expense - of
the rural - districts. The general distribution
of the population is changing, and the
change is obviously underlaid by a getilini
cal cause. , People are drawn td the dis
tricts where they can obtain most employ
ment and best pay; and these districts are
necessarily those where coal•and.iron can be
obtained, without which no branch of our
manufacturing industry could exist. —Mae-'
millan's 'Magazine. , -
Dreams are night thoughts, unchecked •by
the judgment and uncontrolled by the will.
It - is not true that we do not reason in
dreams,. that eierciseof the judgment is
wholly suspended, and that the will is "entire
ly powerless or ceases to - act. These facul
ties are not altogether in abeyince, but they
doze while the subordinate powers of the
mind—those t which play the part of picture
carriers- and record finders,rankack the
treasares-of memory and mingle together in
the direst confusion old things and the
new. Imagination is not active, but it re
niains..just long
_enough awake to supply the .
connecting-links which give seeming conti
nuity to thoi3o
,parts of the phantasmagoria
which we chance to'remember on recovering.
perfect selt:conscionsuess, and. which, being
remembered, we call "dreams." No one
remembers more_ than one dream, unless he
has been aroused trcin sleep more than .
once. This bui led-to the inference that
dreamsolly occur at the moment or in the
act of awaking.
,There, are dreams which i
take place in the process of returning to con
sciousness—for example, those instantan
eous scenes and spectacles which aro ;sug
gested by the sound or feeling which rouses
the dreamer; but as the result of a long and
close study of the subject with a view to
discover the nature of dreams and the laws
of dreaming, for medical purposes, in con
nection with the treatment of sleeplessness,
lam persuaded ;that dreams occur in-,the
course of sleep and are ' wholly forgotten.
That they do not and cannot take &air'
deep sleep is probable, because deep sleep
is general sleep, and when this state prevails
the subordinate faculties are sleeping, and
the pictures and records Which compose
dretims are not disturbed. To understand
dreams we must understand - sleep, and it is
because the two phenomena have not hith
erto been studied together . that so little is
generally known-about either.
A tew days ago a middle-aged gentleman,
who formerly lived in - this city, returned
after an absence of two years, and as in duty
bound called upon a number of his former
acquaintances. - He stepped into the, store
of a well-known trader and was -familiarly.
and cordially greeted, and after a short chat
he said " I have met with a sad bereave
lately." Indeed ! what has been your
trouble ?" asked the • trader. "I have lost
my wife," replied the poor man ; "itte died
about ten days ago: Here is an obitnaw
.which the editOr of the Blank wrote," and
he pulled from; his pocket a newspaper, and
unfolding it, peinted to averitable obituary.
" I added a few lines myr,,elf," he continued,
"for she was a gond woman, and Smith's
obituary does her no more than justice." "I
presume yon• are right," said the hider,
" and 'the loss of one's wife is indeed a
bereavement. You have the sympathy, un
doubtedly, of all your triads." "Yes, but
it is pobr consolation, after all," said the
widower, with a solemn visage. Finally the
subject was changed to one of a more cheerful
character, and after s.. a "moment ' s talk the
trader said. "But what, may I ask, has
brought you back to Lowell ?" The strang
er didn't answer heartily ; but after a mo
ment he'replied, "Well, to tell the truth,
friend, I'am kinder looking round for mottles
wife 1"—Lowell Mail.
NO. 6