CURIOUS WAY OF COURTING:: I . • - - . The two thousand Choctaws still, liv ing in their ancestral homes in Ifftisiss- • ippi retain in their pristine vigor many of the usages of their anoestore. Among these are tho methods employed in con ducting a courtship and the marriage ceremony. When a young Choctifir, of Kemper or Neshoba ,county, 'sees a maiden NV b o pleases his fancy, he. watches his opportunity until he findt her alone. He then approaches within , a few yards of her and gently cams a pebble toward her, so that it mail fall at_her feet. He may have to tid i \ !phis tiroor three times before he to the maiden's attention; If this pebble thrOwing is agreezble, she noon makes it Manifest: if otherwise, a sedinful look nal a dicided ' "ekwah" indicate Mathis suit is in vain. When i'marriage is agreed upon/ the - lovets appoint a time and place .fox ti i e ceremony. On the marriage dartAtt'e friends and relatiies of the prosp titre :couple meet at their respective h rises, 'or villages and thence march w ar d e a ch other. When they arrive ti the marriage ground—generally intermedi ate space betwpen the two villages— they halt within about a hundred yards of each other. 'Vie brothers of the woman then go across to the opposite party and bring forward the man and set him down on a blanket spread upon the marriage ground, The man's sis ters then do likewiM by going over and bringing forward the woman and seat ing her by the side of the man. Some times, to fninish a little merriment' fo the occasion , the woman h! expected break loose and-run. Of Course she, yyy' pursued,' captured and brought back. , Ap parties assemble around .the ex pectant couple. A bag 'of bread is brdught forward by the woman's rela tives and deposited near her. _ In like manner the man's relatives bring -for woad a bay of meat and deposit bear him. The man's friends and relatives' now begin to throw presents upon 'the head and shoulders of the woman. These presents are of any kitul:that the }. donors.choose to give, as ,articles of clothing, money, trinkets; gibbons, eta. As soon' as thrown • they. / are quickly snatched off by the woman's relatives 1 and distributed among themselves. During all this time the couple sit very quietly and demurely, not a' word spoken by either. When all the pres ents have been thrown and distributed the couple, now man and wife, arise, the provisions - from the bags are spread and, just as in civilized life, the cere mony is rounded off with a festival. The festival over, the'company disperse andile gallant grooM conducts his bride to his home, where - they enter t, upon the toils and responsibilities of the. future. Parents who allow their children to grow up with scrofulous humors bursting from every pore are guilty of a great wrong.. Think of th - ein pointed out as branded with \ea loathsome disease, and you will readily procure them the Cuticura Remedies. When grassboppers are so plenty as to make the- pastures poor, gobblers grow fat. - He who waits to do a greut deal a once will never do anything, A pure, wholesome Instillation of witch hazel, American pine, Vtuutda fir, marigold, clover blossoms, etc., ,fragrant with 'the heeling essences of halstnn and pine. ; Such is Sanford's Radical Cure for Ctitarrh. Complete - treatment for $l. Benaitive people wish to be loved; vain people wish only to be preferred. He who proposes to 'be an author should first be a student. 6 ‘BUCH[JPAIBAP' __ • , Quick, complete care, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. 31. Drug gists. _ . A politician once laid on the ahelt ehould never be taken down again. ' . An evil speaker differs from an evil doer only in the want of opportunity. Better bend the neck promptly than to bruise the forehead. Society Belles Are loud in their' praise of poreston Cologne on account of its .remarkably deli cate and lasting fragrance. It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow•it. Experience is a school, where a man learns' what a bigifool he has been. ' Lire and Learn ! It is estimated that there are over two •, thousand million chickens hatched in ' the United States every* year. . But not more than ;., f of these chicks reach the size when y are fit to market. The pip, gapes 4 cholera, etc., kill millions of young chickens every year. These diseases can be cured by the Use of Phenol Sodique.' For sale by druggists and geneial store '',.. keepers. See adv. . 'ken have sight.. women insight. t Theitoutest heart loses hope under re thes' ted defeat. si Wit is a merchandise that is sold bu :Fan never be bought. 'SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES McCABE P, 'RAS REMOVED AM GROCERY BIISMESB 1 , THE SOUTH-EAST cosi= OP Jun; AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE RE nes Earsßum= Head Qttarters; FOR EVERYTHING IN THE LLNIC OF , WIEUES, MMUS, &c. CASH PAID for Deshable Prc- dace. Fine BUTTER and •EGGS lipecialty. SUMMER SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Vie Puede nemdares. leadirs. Tiddises. and Ikaneata Tent IN= week*, July Ito awed U. at Cedinninn. Canada. ea Lakii Oetarlo. del and Dialthlrt. Iten4 for eircu'ar a. Ii Neektal . neey. aeltaal of I:llaertioa salt Oratory, MS Cbastaut Ivan. rrx.aos...r.. vtr4 '• PHENOL SODIAVE **A.: um nit= toned& makiptie.' Is an invaluable remedy in DISEASES and IN RUUD:- of ANIMALS and 'POULTRY ; destroying LICE and other VERMIN. 'Applied try washing the . fowls, their roosts and rots with a solzulon of the • strength of ty one part Phenol &dive to about fifteen , or twen parts A solution- f e same . strength is reeozo water. mended._given in o ternal th ly, for the gapes and other DIMAS OF CHICKENS. - For all kinds of HURTS. GALLS, and other DI& EASES OF ANIMALS:4I4i as Mem Daytime. • chick Odder, Ea. Naar,' Calus-nykso. •Thsf - Est. and /bpi cad South Diva" aaniesa. Cit. NI WA IT MGM OD au= IlEttlininf 0111133, Miscellaneous Advertisciptt. STRENGTH' to vigorously pus!) a business, strength to study a profession ) strength to regulate a household,' strength to do a day's labormith out physical pain. All this repro sents what is wanted, In the often heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy,' or feel as if life was hardly worth Ikv ing, you can be relievedi and _re• stored to robust health aad Strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT-, TERS, which ik a true tonic-, medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. Fa N. Fremont St.;Baltimors During the war I wai l in jured lathe stomachbyaOem of a shell, and have suffered from it ever since. Aboutfour yFarsagoitbroughlonpu_stly sts, which kept me in bed 14 , months, and the bat doctors in, the city said I could not" - live. I sufferedfearfullyfrcan indigestion, and for over two years coul d eat solid food and for a large portion of the; time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment.,l tried Brown's Iron Bitters ad now after taking two 'bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Dzczza. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Is a complete and sure remedy for . Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcohOlic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. tint fational TOWA4DA ' ' CAPITAL PAID IN $ SURPLUS FUND This Bank offers unusual facilities for the transaction of _ general , banking business. Jas. Fo 11 • PrOikii. ent - 41. 1..78. N.N. BETTS, Cashier. MRS. D. V. TE,DI Maitufaclurerebf ai►d Deal HUMAN H ;C8 AS WIGS, BANDEAUX, the popular Chatelaine .131 r EVERYTIUNG BILOIiGING TO Tax Ant MADE Special Attention given to CO miNas Boota all turned one way. SWITCHES from $1 upwards. Also Agent for Rentals . Invisible Face Poader, Madam Clark's Corsets; Viand Shoulder Brace 1 Elastics. . • NI-Partin. attention ped to clreeeing ladies hair at their homes or'at my place of busioese, eve r Emig t Ifiloiretb's store. - not 18-6, Was. D. V. STEDGE. ' - STOP AT • (... T. MUIR & )O.'S GROCERIES , PROVISiONS. I, The place to Sr" money b buying chesp is at Oorner *sin' and Pisa* T qw.utoa. . I r, . They respsettilly announce to tps i public that , piiiy have - i -la stitek Of " FUME. NEED. MEAL, RAIN, SALT, PURI PORE, and PROVINTNB generally. r. L:P We have also added to o itoek a variety of WOODEN WARE, such as ['Trill TM*. FIR Just received a large a4ck of Nagar,. Nisi, Oolfsee. Spices, MODLSON'II PURE SOAP,- the best in the market, and other mates pf soap Syrup and Molasses. which they- offer at low prices for Cash. Oct 26 77 NEW WITH CENTRE-DRAFT FRONT-CUT: Can Mow Back a#4 Forth on Same Side of Field. I April 29 ly OVER 100 EVREKA'S SOLD IN BRADFORD COVNTI* LAST YEAR WHICHBHOVVS WHAT.FARMERS AT HOME'THINK. OF THEM. ••- - . • Will cut a six-ibOt swath em easy as s'sids . cnt machine will cut four - feet, and with lesi draft. It also leaves the gisas in such condition that it will cure ip one-hau• the time, and dispense with .thit use of the Riy Tedder. it lm j especially adapted - to the cutting of ,'Green Fodder or En silage. A thoron4li trialla requested frozo all contemPlating the purchase'of a mower the coming mason. *Mud for descriptive circular, o all EUREKA 'ROWER CO., Towanda, PI. R. L. BE4tDSLEE, I WartentistaV u. L. RUGG, Tuscarora Ville,. I 0. W. filiiiLEY. Austinrille. 'E.G. VAN DYER, East Canton. -11131. The RUBEL& ROWER is tk iow manufactured only at Nowanda4Ps. The Company bas been thoroughly rsorgooLsed. compiiStpg men of experience, abUity and - abundant capital. ' No care or expenrie la spared to; select, the:-tety best materiel and 'skilled workmen— EVERY MA CRIME 18 FULLY PARROTED. i• AT' ° -• may 'l2 Eal 'a: . , . 'N F- ad, 1.25,000 80.000. G E, IR COODB. Fait AND I MOIL EUREKA - MOWER =I Stevens & Long MO General .Dealers in Oil Wu:mu= El PROVISIONS, MC COUNTRY PRODUCE HAVE REMOVED 1 A I ( 1 1 I TO their iteT store. / Ik 00R• RAM AND PINE STS (The old stand of Vox, Stevens &Mown.) EMI They invite attention to their eoniplete .;?‘ assortment and very large stock of Choice New Coolie, which they have alwaye on hand. —II • =I Z. , " SPEOIAL ATTE NTION GIVEN To the 1 PRODUCE TRADE And Cash Paid for Desirable Kinds U. J. ORO. r, : ‘ THE Toia!lila 5 ct. Store MAIN pir•rritEvarr,' . (NEXT DOOR TO FELCH 4 CO preparcd to o ff er a.complete ' assor • • ment.of DRY AND FANCY 'GOODS, Crockery, Glafssware WHITE and DECORATED ClllNA:rt Latest degigns,and patterns of.! MAJOLICA WARE,' BIRD CAGES 4, SATCHELS, For the coming Spring Trade,"we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale witk a small profit is better than a slow one With a large profit—and therefore pip. prices in any line of . goods will compare favorable with the prices "of any other house ' endeavor to' sell the best article fer the least possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. myfi4t. i ~ -i IRII= I eware Frtud BENSON'S - CAPCINE =I ' . __HAVE BEEN IMITATED,' • d their : excel Milt reputation in tired by worthless imitations./ The Public aref l cautioned against buy ing ,Plasters having similar sound ing names. Soo that the word eA-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dawn of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not oven relieve. Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap ,Plasters made . with lead poisons. SEABURY £ JOHNSON; Manufacturing Chemists. Now Ire t! AURA BEMEDYAT LAST. Fria Ede: MEAD'S Mediated CORN sad BUNION ?MEL • „ . on, • ....S., 11 Ut 4PC • THE GREAT OPTICIANS, 924 CHESTNUT STREET, 1 1! ISI.7I'IIIC LOU 1011) SX LEDGE, SUPT: It Tali. TUL. SUPInt MP. LENSES and 2kr,PERIOII. 4 FACILITIEKI fior man uf 4 , ttirithr. ) 411 combine to give our SPECTA • CLES una 11114:44.ASSES a national reputattim. OST 'SIGHT „NEVER 'RETURNS. „ "yr4ii eyes by taUnq 'UNSLTT ABLE -GLASSES. CallaV/lIIS /.IN., ..2./ on arid i eat Inn : Part 1-- Matherriat frit Inv trnmo tnureg.. Part 2-oPtled instrunientA. )0:;,0(14. Part 3-11wric Lanterns, 112 4-I'lll.o-9 , 111c* Instnuuente,lllo mem CAT t 4 _ Sanford's Radical Cure. A eingledose instantly relieves the most vio lent Sneezing or Read Colds, clears the head as by magic, stops watery discharges from the nose and eyes. prevents ringing noises in the headl, cures Nerveul I headache . and subdues Chills and Fever. In chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of foul mucus, restores the sense or emelt, taste and bearing when affected. frees the head, throat and bronchial tubes 'of offensive matter, sweetens and • purifies the breath, stops the Cough. and arrests the prog ress of catarrh towards consumption - . One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one pack age, of all druggists for $l. Ask for Sanford's Radical Cure. wpics k POTTER, Boston. 091 amILU PATENTS. Frank A. Fouts. Attainey-at-Law. Lock Box. 256 Washington, D.C. W Ten. years' experience. I make so munogefor my services unless a patent be granted. ' Preliminary examination in the Patent Oflice as to..the patentability of an in vention nos. Send sketch or model of the'de vice and a "report willeba made as to the proba bility of olitaining a patent.. Special attention given to rejected applida tions in the hands of others. ME U. S. Senators : Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and Gep. John A. Logan, of Illinois'; Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C.. Lamar, of ➢liar. Hon. M. Cullom, Gov. of Illinois; 'the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro . prietor of this paper. -"` Write for circular and instructions. 3novtf • CUT THIS OUT! AGENTS PER' • MAKE 515 1.9840 : w E EK. We have stores Inls leading Cities; Irons which our intents obtain their supplies quickly. Our Factories and , es Mares aro .at Erie. pa. Send for our New Casanova, and terms to agents Address M. N. IMIELL $ 12 Lackawinna Ave . SCRANTON.IPA. ;Ft, •pi „ 600 . . 41LL", • . . logn c .1" - :avant k Befreat4 of Perk= Exceadiney Delicate and Lasti loe, 25 cts.;- Large Bottles, 75 eta. Sold by dealt . xs la Drugs Perfumery. Sigasture - of Hlr cosh Co, N.Y.. ea every bottle., PARKER'S RINGER TONIC ..The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Madefrom Ginger, Ituchu, Mandrake, Stillingia, and other of the best. vezetable!remediea known, PArinert's GINGER TONIC has remarkably varied curativepowers, gt isthe greatest Stomach Correct or, Blood Puri fi er and Liver Regulator ever made & , - The Best Medicine You can Use for Restoting Health & Strength' . hon.ees to act from the first dose, searches out the weak organs, and is +warranted to cure or help all diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, Blood. Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Bhenmer Slant and Drunkenness. Tryn bottle today ; i t may save yourlife. soct. ) smd St sizes atalldruggists. Every genuinebotde has our signature on outside snapper; Hiscoz & C 0... N. Y. Large saving in buying $z Ala Parkers Hail-Balsam Just What Is Wanted. ' Everybody whose:hair Is gray or faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed surd harmless. Par• her's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in these respects. Sold by drirtgist3 at Soc. milt's- KLINE'S MARKET. CA. - RU.Ola sr_,,cici-K. Main Street, FirstpVard. JOHN W. ICLINE, HASENG REMOVED HIS MEAT VEGETABLE A.RIEET , v o s more conirepient location; end estahlished himself in the Carroll Elock. opposite Beely's lintel, is prepared to supply,his patrons with ..._ THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. ..; ,'FISH. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES, ' DOMESTIC FRUIT, &c., o _ ,BOLOGNA BM:SAGS...a specialty. - All or dorit promptly dellrolod. tl . r PLASTERS ARRH 100 times more effectual than any other plastei or electric battery for pain and weakness of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary organs, Partial Paralyids, Rheumatism, N en r a l g is, Hysteria, Female Weak ness, Nervous Pains and Weaknesses, Malaria and Fever and Anne. Price 2fc, Sold everywhere. INS' (ti. 8. AN FOREIGN. U:II%iiICMCF.S . A PIIZZGED_ BOARD : . OF .EDUCA• TIO N. At an examination of a public school on Staten Island, one of the - scholars failed in a problem. The teaohef said 'Ladies and , gentlemen, I shall invite a gentlemari. of the, audience to_work out the snm on the board. John Smith open tbe book and read that question, . The . seholar obeyed and read i out: Add fifteen-sixteenths and elevenths.' 'how; Directbr: Butler, Will:you step to ,the blaekboara`und work it out. The director hesitated then slid ear taittly, and stiTaneed a step.. but,paused and asked the teacher. . , • 'ls it fair to Put ~to the .ehildren:ie diffitult's problem?' -; - 'Oh never. replied the 'teeelteri . 4114 will be (4161 • .'Very well, said the director, 'go on' The bOy.tegan 'the question: Add fit een-siztientbss— 'No, NO' said the director, will not be a party to overtaxing the chit dren's brain's. - I have concientiima scruples against / It. This forcing ays kin is ruining the rising generation, 'and be gave back the chalk, ank-left the room. 1 ' .• 'Well, l Judge Castleton, will yon favor us?' asked the teacher, ten lering be obali. would do so with pleasure,' replied be judge, but Itave a ease conVing on my,court in a minute or two,' end be eft. 'Director Middloton, we mast , fall on you,' said the tediher smiling. Ob, said the director, 'I pass—l,meari 'decline favcirof Director Jefferson;' 'Well, that will do, replied the,teach. er; 'Mr.Jeffer'son, (will you favor us?! 'I would certainly—that is—of course replied Mr. Jefferson, lbut--abezil I think it should be!referreil to a commit —Why, bless me! I'll never catch it. Good-by. Some other time. And be 'I know Judge. Sonthfield 'will not refuse, said the t eacher ,, and the - judge stepped promily .up to the blackboard amidst the round of applause from the audience. ,The scholar again began to read the sum. Odd fifteen-sixteenths-' A dozen hands went up as the judge made the first figures. 'Well, what is it ?' ; asked the teacher.' 'He's got the denominator On top of the line cried the boys,• in chorus. 'Very good, boys, very good; I. see you are attentive,' said the judge, as lie rubbed out the ,figures, turned red, and began again, i ; but was interrupted by the, class calling out: l'Now he's got the numerator and de nominator under i the line !' • 'Alia ! you young rogues ! You're sharp,. I see,' said the' judge, jocosely. and, again commenced. 'That ain't'a fraction at all 1 It's one thouiand five hundred and. sixteen !' watkifie cry that, hailed the judge's new conlibiptiOn of figuires::l • • *ally, Mr: Tr acher,' (•jaonluted the judge, must compliment you on the wonderful proficiency of your scholars in algebra I . won't tire their paticace any more. 'i t • 'oh, go on, go on,' said the teacher; a again the judge wrote some figures in nal;off-handmanner. • 'T at ain't a fradtion 1 It's six thous- / s dd a 3 hundred and fifty•oneT yelled • th© clop. 'Ur. Teacher,' said the judge. 'it wonld be ungenerous on 'my part: and Imply an unworthy " suspicion as to To efficiency, to put these ,extraordi uat\.ly bright children to additional tests; twfAtild not,' I could not. Oh, excuse ine . sll There's Brown I. Pie important tittalness with him. Sheriff, I want to .aee i `ifilu,' and he left. Some days afterward a boy was brought before. Justice Southfield for thrOwing,stones in the street: 'John,' said the judge sternly, 'were yovi the boy that laughed iu rcliool on I Monday while I was working p pot a '- blem ? •Yea, sir,' was the reply.. John got thirty days. ' 4 I A ClOar Complexion ° Can le had by every lady who will use Parker's Ginger ,Tonic. Itegtilating the internal organs ;and purifying the blood it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom to the cheek. :Read about it in other 'column. When you find an unkind feeling to- Ward another person! rising in. your heart, that is the time . not to suet* to a fellow being. With the idea that labor is the basis of progress goes the ' truth !that labor must be free.. • We do not judg.i men by ; wbiit they, are in theniselVex,' but by what they ate relatively to us. Annoyance Prcrented: - Gray hairs are'honOrable but thei 'prema ture appearance is .annoying. I Parker's flair: Balsam prevents-the; annoyance r , by restoring the youthful color. - . - Wit is sometimes like a sword. ) keen and ernel, sometimes like' a snohesm, bright and genial. Most \ young people set as id they thought' their, parents t woe borti the same day twit thff wts e. • a A niau cannot good or evil to others without doing good ,Or Evil to himself. •' • . `•ROUGH ON !LATS.', Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, be4-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. . . , Nature ne*er sends a grant` man into the world without confiding "the secret to another soul. . Statesmanship cons i ists rather in re moving the cerise than in pushiiig or 1.1 evading results. 1 y., . N: In striving to fashion a nice puiTet, many mothers have forgotten to make a man. - ; , • Says Victor Ilogo: "GOd created the cocinette as scion as he had-haade the _ ' • 4 . ' ATHAN- - ,.T.J p:D • iSnoceisor to Mr. McKean,) DEALER IN ' PITTSTON, WII,KESBAII,Ri AND LOYAL SOCK _%O A FOOT or PthE STREET, NEAR 1 1011 RT HOUSE. TONVAIT4, PA. ZdIVE - ET EWES k CASE. -es The patronage of my old friende and the publi c generally is solicited. - 9sep: 8 ; _ (ilticur 4 kNt *lO4 uwofik esolVent air eihert.Kingsimry, Keene, N. 11., troubled withibad humor on, hands' and neck, caused by lead poisoning, (Hies a painter., at times it would break out, crack open, and the skin separ ate from the flesh In large pieces, suffering great continual itching and stinging. Purchased yourromedies; used Cuticura Resolvent inter nally, and Cuticurs Soap externally, and in less than three Months effected seem:opiate cure, and has not been troubled . since. Corroborated by Cunard & roster, Druggists, Keene, N. H. Fr • NOTHEIt DIED - PROM IT., .3. %V. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says: .• Cullman Remedies are the greatest • medicines on (firth_ Had the worst case salt rhuem in this country. My mother had it twenty years, end in tact died from it. I believe Claim* would have saved tier life. Hy arms, breast and head were coy. erect for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Onticura Resolvent' (blood purifier) internally, and Cuticura and Outicina Soap externally. PSORIASIS. H. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. 14., cured of Psoriasis or LeprOsy, of twenty yeaW standing. by the Caliente Resolvent intornellY. and Cutioura and Cuticura, Soap externally. the most wonderful case on record. Cure certi fied to before a justice of. the peace and promi nent -citizens. All afflicted with itching• and scaly dhieases should send. to us for this testi tattnial in full. SALT RHEUM. , Thosa who have experienced the torments of Salt Rheum can appreciate the agony I endured for 'years, until cured by.the Cuticura Resolvent internally, and Caticura Soap externally. ' ihm.lllll. Pxls.nioros, Sharlon, Win CIITIOURA and Onticurs Soap externally' and Cuticurs Re solvent ilternally will poittively cure every spcciewof Humor. from • Common Pimple to Scrofula: Price of Cuticurs, small boxes, Mc ; 'aro boxes. SI. Cuticura Resolvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticurs Soap. 25c. Cuticurs 'Shaving Soap. lsc. Sold by an druggists. Depot, WEEKS X: POTTER, Boston, Mass. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC • • A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you area mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork. or a mother rim down by familyer house. hold cliic& try PARIMIL'S CINGIM TONIC. ' IT you, itre a lawyer, tninister or business man ex. hausted ymeneal strain or anxious tares, do not take intoxicating Stimulants,but use Parker's Ginger libnie • If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Itheuma. Ism, Kidney Complaints, or r ny,disorder of the lungs, stornach.bowels, bleed or nerves. PAUXER'S GINGER TONIC Will cure you. it is the Greatest 'flood Purifier And the Best and - Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you arc wasting away front age, dissipation or say disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GIN ER TONIC at mice; it uildenvigorate and build you up from the first:close but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of liven; it may save yours. CAUTION !411rfo,e al! is:loth ate's. Parker's Glazer Teak Is composed of th loit remd dial steals IA atevrorld, and Issalliely different from prt paratiosu o f ¢lnfer alone. fiend for eiml ar t. ) & Co., N. Y. Lfc. & I I sues, sit dealers In drugs.. ?GREAT SAVIS;G LUYINZ DOLLAR SIZE, FLORESTON ltcrich and lasting frigrance has made this delightful Petitune exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it. insist upon having aortas. TON COLGGGR and look for signature of wat ,. • on every Lotde. Any aruggiit or "dealer In perfume; can awl,' Nt.e. 5 and 75 arra she.. • LARGE S Vl'(.: GUYING 'Me. SIZE. COI_OGNE. IKENDALL'S SPAWN CURE . Is, sure in its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet is pePetrating and powerful to resch every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as sprit's, splint' curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of the Joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for'any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, actingmild and yet certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified !lc- CM to our knowledge, for beastas well a - man. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles for st. MI Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on roaefpt of, price by the proprietors, Dn. 13. J. EVNDALL d; Co Eno& burgh Falls, Vt. • Sold by all Druggists ESTABLUHED iN,1.865.1 HOWARD A. SNOW, Silicitor of I AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. L.I " 631 F STREET N.-W.. WASHINGTON, D. . (Succlssor to Gilmot!o, Smith k Cm, AL ,. Chitimsn, Homer k Co.): . • Patents procured upon the same plan which was originated and successfully practiced by the above-named firm. Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon reeelp,t o stamp. InovBl , " BETTER TO LEAD THAN' FOLLOW!" A GOOD MAXIM, • BUT NOT ALWAYS TRUE. It is better to follow H. JACOBS The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing l Fxom his old stand.. (No. 2, Patton's Block,) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and commodius store, No. 123, Main Street, formerly occupied by M. E. Sollomon & Son, (one door north of Fetch & C 0.,). where he is now , open with a full and Complete Stock of Fashionable SPRING AND .SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING - HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C. MEN'S, BOY 'S YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S fall and complete suits of all grades and.prices.. While he aims to lead the - trade, be asks his 91d friendg and everybody else to follow him to his new location, where he will lit them out in th e highest style of art at the lowest' prices. Come early. H.. JACOBS. Towanda, Pa., April 6,1862. PLATFORM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES foe sale' at decided bargains A large number of superior mike and tittiab. C. L. TRACY. HENRY STREUSEL Towanda; April 2r-lixi jOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS done at abort .notice and reasonable rsUs the. Enryns7ct.t.4 office. New Advertisements. Doable Store. NOS. :I AND 2 BRIDGE Sr.,. J.K.BUSH Is now open in his Mammoth Double Store with a full, fresh and complete stock of fashionable Spring, and Summer -Clothing, Gent's Furnishing, Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Umbrellas, Etc. Suits of all Grades for Men; Boys : , Youths and hildren. Our rents, have been obtained on the moat favorable tenni, and our current erpenaes re duced to the lowest Possible minimum, we pro pose to give onr customers (the benefit of these Reductions by putting our prices at Lower Fig ures than any other,Clothing House in Towanda. We Invite acareful examination of our stock and prices, Whether wishing to buy or not.' We can satisfy the , ,blosest buyer of the truth of whatwe say. - ICINI WE - MEAN BUSINESS. • Csll sua we will aatisfy yen. Remember, Nos. 1 and 2. Bridge Street J. K. BUSH. Towana, - , Pa., April 10, 18$2, yr • M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER Is still to be found at the OLD STAND STREET, Next doors is Dr. 11. C.:Porter's Drug Store WITH A FULL LINE ibl? FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS :. WATCHEs,r. - J. E.,,,,W .E.L . ,i .Y , 1, • STERLIN(4 'SILVER AND • / , FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST itAi• ALL . OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE ' VERY LOWEST PRICES. ...._ • . . I Clocks. Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. • I •eptld-tf GEOt 'L-ROSA Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. II - C.l'orter's Drug Store. Slain Steeet, with largo stock of anoznizs, OF THE 'BEST QUALITY. Mr. ROSS has ANOTHER. STOUR OXBRIDGE STREET J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. , Boss can now feel Whined that he can give the ' BEST GOODS FOR mi LEAST MONEY Ilia experience (Tables him to select the best goods. which ho is bound tamell at a LOW PRICE. You can always get a bargain, !you BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S All goods delivered iix the Borough Fh . FARMERS will do well•to call with their Pro and get the CASH. 2011082- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER •pid‘ :.; BOOK BtriN'D ER , PAM, RULER. bt, Alfred, J. :Ptirvis, NO: 131 Genessee street., AU work in his line doue well and promptly at lowest ptice. / • Parties having /volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders , given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County, will •be promptly executed ac cording to directions. sep9-tf Lafayette Corner Second and B Pawl; Nortßwest, near Pennsylvania Avenue. - WASHINGTON, D. C. • Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pnss near the door to all-parta of the city. Conven ient to the depots. This is juit the hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the National Capital. Rooms well furnished.' and We cleanest and best beds in the city. Table first class. Rooms sod board from $2 to $3 per day, Itedgeed.ratea by the week or month. • . 1 ) • WILLIAM SANDERSON,' •. • . Proprietor. Late of the Congressional Hotel, Capitol Hill. Jan 11-tf TROY, PA. • We keep on band constantly for builders. LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH; spaNGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, • • ' CIiESPEAK NAILS. also WAGON -MAKER'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs, Thins, Poles Carriage Trimmings.. Alan a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, and a fall line of Carriages, Platform and Lumber Wagons, I Made by us with skilled workmen, and warranted in every partictilar. BEARDSLF.X & SPALDING, Harthiare Dealrs.4. Troy, April 7i-ly Dadle atcciii: CL'OCKS, M. HENDELMAN tTICA, N. yi House, so* CLOTECING. 4.4 NOW IS THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIA Stylish and Reliable Spring Garments MEN,' YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AT PRICES WHICILCAN BE HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE . While maintaining the uniform standard of quality in excellence of work and material by 2 ' GOOD MANAGEMENT, --- CAREFUL BUYING, and SMALL MARGINS, (with which I am content,) I have RAISED "1112 E STANDARD AND . LOWERED_ THE PRICE, BEST. : :, -STOCK OF CLOTHING In this vicinity if 4 now tieing: Efold. if:t the least money -by THE M. E. ROSENFIELD, tiumpimu • Ros. 4:TRACY; Biannfaetnrers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of MEN'S, BOYS. WOMEN'S; MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BO*, atioeFigbbersAbi, • CORNER WAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, • c - • ----- usif.l - ;-, a.vvronee 4& 1 1 -41artin , s e' -. -,•,-,, •,..:57 • • .., 1 • ... '4, ,•: E- , _ . fatioi -:. -..,,,,,,..;•• - r •-- \ 0 , -,,,„,• 4-..,:. -, : 1 , ,,, , . -4. , •1ii„ ;L :,.,...,-•-, • •„::,::::„...› f , ':* , . -J"... \ •,r, r.-..-,,. • 1! v, •••••;,..,!..:,.., 7.71 1 :•.;• -, : , =A I ,. \--,.) 1 ..,.., . , Ni. 4 .•,;:.:•:? Vc• ,, ,1 , ,,)r, \1:z.,11,5 ,. .\ 4. 41 \,s• . \ \ 9; \. ' , ... . ..._,&.......c.--- . ..:,. ~,,, •,...• 4;) '.L. '.. '. kf ..1 7)1 . ::. , \ . 1•y"...: 1.;!.: ::::: "'WV Crariettiia::.:.Z.74:::::::•.4:-_, dr. ...... • -1. - - 1 1 FG r CC.3.f Ct ;4:7. CC t. :f :-.7. . l'.. . !... ~...: 7 .-, ~.i (,) A:7 ' ' •• ~. ('-': ' f q f CI ,A •,''l .7i, . li; r- - . TA -- - 7 1. i . l',:. '.',.• • ~,,• r. 4 6 s ,t. tr_!l_l:-. - I, e , _ !. i ~:„. ~,i :.,... ..,ita,....piriniel,•.L,, o • k ......- 1:.-. :._ i::: . c•rsson-ipiN laic; ia(.4.lyt a.i(i'a0.....::.•-•.1 st. • , and LUNGS, but It 11.1•11•(••••••• oen so adv:•:...aLT-0 .. I: 1:1:. Its s(lottling II::1•,...:.1 , : -: - :;;•i•(.ie-s ....t,, , a. a •: .. syst( at after tau cutOt lais bv...: Edievil. Qua: Z. !..,„ CALITION 1 I,',"' , : til;c,..4',‘',v(:;l::Yl'_,,, MEDICATED article—theftelillilll3 I:as a /.': - Iva'. • !,' - I:, ,:( );(,u' ...:. ••••• • permits IL to bo Sold by Druggists; Gris,:erl. :.&:.: ...,:.,-: ._ WITHOUT 5P2. 4 C1AL.17_•.1:7. 0:::. 7....;::. • The TOLD, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprletorr.,'4'i ',1:....:_ r , , [IR, 2 0 k y ) (I) PICTURE CARRY IN TO WANDA. G. H. WOOD & CO. will open their New Patton's Block, on the First Monday of April. 'laving fitted up entirely new, with the best of instruments, we are prepared to [Waite Tintypes, 4 at one sitting, all for .50 el's: - .. in neat envelozes, 10 for sl.ou. Copying or all kinds of PhOtographs.and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give na a call and we will try ant satiety yon in price and quality. , mar :18 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE . *ls sure to cure Spavlns; Splints, . urb, &c. It removes all unnatural • 6 enlargements, DOES NOT mirrEn. Bas no equal for any lameness ou ..:„1 beast or man. It has cured hip-joint 44 . ft lamenesain a person whO .had suf 'Arid 15 years. Also cured rheuma tism, corns, frost-bites or and_ uruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal'for. blemish on hoteee. Send for illustrated circular giving ebsrrivs PaCnr. Price $l.. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can get It f^r yen. Dr. 8.J.• Kendall & Co., Proprietors.' Euosourgh Falls, Vermont. 11. 0, PCiIITER. Agent. Towanda. Pa. BEE. luce BESTbusiness now before the-public.. You can make molly faster at work for us than at anything else. Capitol not needed. We will start you,. $l2 a day and up wards made at home by the Isdustrions. Men, women, hoys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us, 7,N.;0w is the time. You can work in spare time only or.give your whole Wild to the business. You can live at home and d the work No other business will psy you near! as well.— \o• One i can fail to make enormous ay cu gaging at -once. Costly 'Outfit and to ms free'.— Money made fast, easily and honorably. Addresli, Taut Zt, CO., Augusta, Maine.. Dec 15-Iyr : . . You need tint Die to Win MUTUAL ;,,E.N0W31.17,NT AC:I:3NT ASSOCIATION Of tilath,‘li. Y . a You receive one-hilt of .your fnenrance, c cording . to the American Life Table, when two thirds of your life expectancy is finished—for illustration, a man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 311 years, of ago taking a cortificatefor $2,1100, receives $1,275 when a little over 56 years of age, exactly the period in life When a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time; , „ . • jnno2tf NATIONAL 111:HEAE 'OE INVENTION :S. • EVERY INVENTOR SIIOI*D. *NOW That by the Rufas i of the, _Potent • Office_ to procure PATENTS, - Models are not necessary unless specially called for. Send draWing and specification, upon receipt of whicliwe will make examination at the Talent Office, and to patentability. FEE PAYABLE on'ALLOWANCE of PATENT. • Send for PAIIPIILLT Of IthiTUCCTIONN, treo to. y address. HALSTEAD k CO 'Washington; t. C. Pubiuhers of the emigres:fond Reiporkr. --7 January, 5, 1882.—tf HOTEL FOR SALE.—I - offer the American Hotel property for ule at a great bargain. The Hotel may be seen og.the corner of Bridge and Water streets, in Towanda Borough. It is one of the beet Ind most central - locations itethe place. - There is a good barn 'connected with the property. The tree bridge and new depot near to it Make this Hotel desirable foy ,any one wishing toiengsge in the 'business. A good active man with a small captal can pay for the property in' a short time from, the profits. It was papered and painted tie* last 'spring and is now in excellent condition. • JOSEPII 4};:=PATTON, Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22. 1881-tf. rim UNTIL IT IS A POSITIVE FACT TILT "I ... GOWAN PA, '.r(7 W-ANTI.A, PA.! IN THE AND • BLADES & RaGEBS. General Agents for Peon's'. llli Mil covered. as it is certain in its effects and dcel not blister. Also excellent. for human flegh READ PROOF BELOW. • FROM..COL. L. T. FOSTER Youngstown, Obin, May 10t14.1-0 Dn. It. J. Kminata. S Co:—! had a very valua ble Ilambletonian colt *litchi prized very high ly-41e had a large bone spavin on one Joint ant a small ono on the other which made him very lame; I had 'him under the charge•of two veten• nary surgeons which failed to cure him. I wai one day reading the advertisement of Kends pirein Cure in the Chicago Express; I determi:• eo at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I tout them all and thought I would give it a thoroimh trial. I used it according to directions and fourth day tbe colt ceased to 'be lame, and the dumps have„disappeared. I used but Dna bottle and the colts limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as:any horse in the State. He is en tirely cured.' The cure 'was so remarkable tiat I let two of my neighbors have the remainuc: two betties, who are now using it. Very Respectfully, • L. T. FOSTER. . , Kendalfs Spavin Cu're ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten'ki Mille, Wash . ton co.. N.Y4 FCb.21,',1 Un. ii. J, KENDALL, Dear Sir:—The particular care on whiclil used your Kendall's Spavin Cure was 2 malignant ankle sprain of sixteen months, standing. I had tried many things, but in vain. Your 6pavin. Cure put the-foot to the-ground again, and for, the' iirst time since hurt, in 5 natural . position. For a family liniment it em- SeLs anything we ever used. - bowl truly, REV. M. P. BELL. Pastor of M. E. Church, Patten', 311118. Price $l, per bottle. or di bottles tar $7 , All ! Druggists hayeit or can get it you, or it ',hall be sent to annDldress on receipt of price by the 'proprietors, DR. B. J. KENDALL k CO., En,..e. burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at Dr. IL C. P otter':. Drug Store, CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S CANCER INFIR MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. . HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all parts et the world have beim cured of this much it reided - disease find aro now living witnesses that they, have been rescued from a terrible and unt , mell death. Doctors. - Ministers and the Poor treated Freo. WriteforaCirculargningtullparticulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE 1: RUSH BROWN Addison. N. Y. Sept.:lo,lyr.GPßaco.-- FIRE Amy LIFE - INSURANCE . - - CLAIM AND ~ . • . ' . . • • - GOLLi I ItIION AG EN CI i • • , 1 1 BRINK A: BUJK Lelltiy ille,:l',. • Will write Policies for risks is Fire and Li:.. IL snrsnee. Cpileet Cl.sil•with care and , promptness. They rep. sent none but-. I . FIRST—CLASS CU MPANIES ! they solicit theconfldence and patronage of, hiving business In their line. and will.endeave r . to merit it. Apply to or address I - WC, tf BliEilLt BUCK. Lellaysville, Fs. ..:_. • HORSESend 25 cte. in stamp or currency fur theta VISED unrrtow of "A Treatise btn -the Horse St.; hie Diseases." It gives the best treatment for • all diseases,' has CO' fine engravings showira BOOKpositions assumed by eta °rites better than can to taught in , any other way, a table ehowing,dose , of all the principal medicines used for the bait as well as_ their effects and antidotes when 25 cts poison, a large coileciNn ct VALVAVLE BECTIPTri t riles t~'r telling .the age of a horse, with an etigrattas phowiug teeth of each year' Ind a-large ,itrotits 3 of other valuable hone information. Llardmis of horttenien have pronounced it worth wad' than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact ast 20.000 sold in about one year before•ittwds ~ vised shows how popular the boOk is. The rr vised edition is lICCEI YORY niTRUESTII.3.' "a-""- Non a AGENTS WANTED., Dr. J. B. I liendall•k Co., Ealosburgh Falls) Vermont; ' 'star 11-Iyr. DR. JOHN CORE'S VEGETABLE MEDICINES FOR- MAN AND" BEAST. , Fon Msatinve—Di. John Corr's Liniment. of Oils, price tO cents a bottle; Healing Vcizetabl , Gum and Oil Dalsam. 10 cents a bottle; Vef , o b! ' Hialing Salvo and Sticking Plaster, 12. k, crnts roll; Speedy Relief or Pain Remedy. price 4k, Fon MilllALs—Horses.o attle, Sheep, Swine, C.- :Poultry, Dr. JohnCutr's Veterinaty Oil LinimeLl Each bottle contains one-half pint. Price dollar a bottle. Prepared by John Corr Docief cif Pharmacy. Towanet• Is. Dr. Corr will attend to or take charge of r 3, lien% •especially cbroidrasses, when requestol - • dd so. Vegetable remedies only used. lfh l6 ° • - -MEW •