Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 29, 1882, Image 3

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THURSDAY. NNE .29. 1882
. It will 1411 , M yon thr ,ninth anti-year up to
w hich youir stilmeription of iltia. It your, anb
,,riution 1 ., -oun to esniro. ple,p , e send tie
ft rat r"r a renewal a! mice, that are map
semi von the paper right along. Send In
rvuew , l without delay. . .
L. A . W. - ...At..r 0. our : , :erier:4l , tg.• , 11, 4011 e,, maid 1....i1e`010r .
Kirby's Birch Beer is a delicious beverage
Try it
. There will be a big crowd in town 'next
Monday. I.
t tneireliants did a large business Satur
la y last. - •
• •
But wai4n't it hot on Saturday and SuU-
Jay last • .
There were o'great ninny people in town
un 4 Satnrday.• •-
strawberries have come down to twelve
rents per basket.
Where is not going to be any FOurth of
July in This lilacs this Year. ,
Spring chickens are slew' in making their
appearance in our market.
A number of cows have recently died
from milk fever, in
The Graded School Closed on Friday last
for the usual summer vacation.
_Wire worms are malting sad havoc with
the growing corn in Wilmot township. • -
Dish water and slap suds are useful' on
the :zarden beds in Helping vegetation.
'The School boardLor South Waverly has
voted m retain all the old Leachers.
• The mowing, machine agent is the busiest
a. , eut in. all this regiotrjust at present.
Springfield will celebrate the Fourth
Hey. J. B. French, of Troy, will orate.
Elijah Munn-has recently completed one
“f the finest barns in Litchfield township.
C. W. Mitchell, of Snedekers, this county,
s.own $135 worth of 'union seed this sea-
. It is said that Perkins Pct, G. A. R., of
Atlietis, is rapidly increasing in member-
• •
An exchange says that ;eats have,m4 fixed
p..liti al belief. They .are,tisuallirtt, the
- tin a clear day Riau Can see the bottom of
,t ma -berry box from - ,411.4 [bp . ' without
-• Vegetntiiin is growing rapidly now, and
prol;ecfs '.for large crops were never
1). ii. Lindley, at East . Canton, has jus,
completed one of the finest barns hi that
section. •
A number of tomato plants were stolen
from the garden of J. F. Corser, the other
Li. eiling
A wind storm blew. down lake a large
nutillwr of shade trees at Troy one da3
last week*.
liarrett's show, that exhibits hero on
Monday next, is said to be one of the best
on the road.
I):ai't bet on any of the "little games"
next Monday. - If you do you will lose
your money
The school directors have retained the
present corps of Graded school teachers for
another •ear.
An M. E. Sunday school has , bccin or•
gaiiiied at Big Pond, with, W. Soper as
Superintendent. .;
The Jackson. TiOga county, school board
have S6SO in . their treasury, and .no debts.
happy 'Jackson. • ,
rraugements are being perfected for a
mateh between the _Rifle Club of this place
and the Trov Club.
Melt Stevens, night Policeman,' has moV
el into the dwelling pdrt of the Borough
building on Park street.
Edward Withey, of Litchfiel4,l cut his
fOotyer!„' badly, 'oue .day recently, while
engaged in pealing 'bark.
• -The editor of the 'Waverly Free Press
va:Aght" a weasel one day last week, and
.n ! ,w has the animal Caged. -
„i dark red parasol for general wear, •a_
white. parasol` for dress, and a black one for
use are the popular choice. -
The Troy 'Graded School building is sup
plie,l throughout :with water from the mains
of the Troy scat er companY.
Ilev. •11;' 7 Aldrich, of Northlooni
field, N. Y.. will preach a&the Universalist
church. next Sunday, "July-2d.
There are some indications of :an early
decline in hie price of beef and that it will
!..o,in touch a- reasonable figure.
there were eight person i s baptized at the
V; IT Baptist Church, at East Troy, on the
11th instant, liy Rev. IL PdYne.
Mallory's 're.rtliineeis being paMt-
Nvii/ red trimmings. It
will prt444-ii a very. neatiappeamnce. •
... The N - ' - ail Works now thannfacture front
- :!1H!t0 . !3 . 25 kegs . of nails Per day, and 'yet
tlwy cannot keep iip with their orders. .
The people of Forksville, Sullivan counts',
have nuoJe. extensive preparations for a
proper celebration of the Fourth of
that place. '
About tweet'-five, members of Oasis
Le,bze. K.:of H. of Elmira, will pay a visit
to * crystal Lodge of this place, on Monday .
e rming :fiext.
The ladies of the Baptist church will give::
a Strawberry and - lee Cream Festival at.;
the . Church, oti the afternoon and evening
of July Fourth.
Frank Grleen. of Troy, has purchnsol, a
tra,t of timbered Lycoming county,
containing . .6oo arras. _ It is known as the
"Kirby tract.- •
The girls now all wear clocks on their
st ,- )cking.s, and . 'they go, t00. 7 -IVareely
_ Kinney, bear in iniinfthat you
are an old man
suuday school pic-nies and church' fair
boverag e will be made this summer by
throwink a piece of • lemon peel into four
lgirrels of water.
A hezivy hail storm visited a portion of
the western part of Troy township, one day
last week, doing considerable daniti l ke to
the growing crops.
Etitton-hole boquets r --- ur3mtning quite
oniniou: the "lady-411M" young man is not
at all dressed unless he has one of them at
t.:l.l.A to his coat flap.
Beware of games of all kinds on Monday
next., The shadier follow•eth tho circus,
a'ml the swindler goeth wheie the Mend'
gerie giveth its eihibition. -
Juddik s,n7, of J. G. Beasley, of Wysox,
was quite badly injured bji being kicked
by a horse, as ha was passing bY its stall in
the Wm: one day last week..
Parulytie heart - disease, and kid
tiry affections, prevented, by the use of
Irowns Iron Bitters. •
A little boy at . Athens' last week caught
a black bass that weighed threClind-a-half
pounds. Little boys at Athens catch the
fish and the men, tell the fish stories.
Geo. Arnot, of Litchfield, a' man aged
about seventy years, had - both of his arms
broken, one day recently,....from the kick
of a horse he was leading 'to pasture. '
Robert Cameron, of OwegO, offers to
give a valuable building lot and five thous
and dollars toward the building'', of • a bait
and, shoe manufactory in that village.
IL M. 'Willies has a new adyertisement
of Agricultural Implements. Mr, W. has
an. immense stock of these articles on, hand
and is offering their' at bottom figures.
Ex-Chief of Police • Baas has removed
from are , rooms in the Borough (building on
Park street, and now occupies former resi-'
dencf; of the late W. A. Rockwell. on River
An exchange says that the new pasta'
card that is to be d6ubled so that the Met
sage °n it may not be read, is meeting with
much opposition from postmasters and lady
,For a basket of the largest, finest straw
berries ever brought to this Market, the
"associate" or the 4EPIMILICAN. tenders
thanks to Rundell, the market man. They
were beauties, indeed. -
The Terinecdsceans had a fair house at the
Baptist church on Friday evening. In our
judgment they are not as good singers as
the Cabin Singers i who sang iniMercur Hall
two evenings last week. ,
An excursion train will be run over the
State Line and Sullivan Railroad on Mon-
Ally next, for the accommodation of people
living along its line who desire to attend the
Circus in this place on that day',
There is talk of °Alluding the ; Boirough
of Dushore. If that !busy little i town keeps
up its present i•apirgro wth, iti will not be
many years ere it will want a eity.charte"r,
a horse 'railway and an opera house.
The Leßaysville Advertiser says that
Samuel Buck, Esq., of Pike, weighed the
wOo I sheared from one sheep iii his flock
last week, and it tipped ti t e scales at
twelve pounds and ten ounces, and was of
an extra quality. _
Barrets show at Catawissa Tuesday
was very largely patronized. Tlie street
parade in the foren. was an imposing af
fair and we have no doubt,but that all who,
attended were highly deliglited.—B/ooms
, .•
burg Republican.
Attention is directed to the new Adver
tisement of A. D. Dye . f.SE Co., in this issue.
Any one desiring anything in their line,
will do well to call at their store, as they
linve I•
one`of the largest stocks of goods ever
1 • -
brought to this place.
.As the l i , Glorious Fourth occurs next
week, it heed not he wondero at if the
i#PI.7IILICAN should be a day late in niaking,_
its appearance. The boys have got to cele
brate and recuperate after celebrating,, and
it takes time to do either.
There area Munber'of boys in• this vil
lage., who if they don't . alter! then. Ways,
will inks in the next world. a !well strung;
harp and a pair of golden
bor'o Gazette. There are a nuniber of . th
same class of boys 'in this! place. ,
We are glad to be able to tumounce that
Miss Jessie Mann, of SunbUry; Pa., a dis
tinguished pianist, will be present at the
evening entertainment at Rome, Pa., on
July 4th, and 'will render valuable assistance
in Making the occasion . interesting. .
Information is wanted of Sergeant Wil
H. Bailey, company E; 1924 regi
ment, Pen asylvania !volunteers ; who p left
home at sixteen years of age, and has,never
been heard from since. Address, :"W,7
cure Post and Camp, Philadelphia.
Neit Monday the circus will show in this
borough, and the watchful 'Observer will
see more than one instance Where rft will
require from three to a half dozen adult
persons to induce one small child to go Un
der the canvas to•"see the animals."
regular meeting of Bradford
county. Medical Society, wzlli 13e held in,
Towanda oti Wednesday, July sth, at 1:36_
p. m:, at the office of Dr. D. N. Newton.
E. D. PAS SF.,
A Bicycle Club was organized at Can.ton,
last week with the followin4• officers and
members: •Bresident—Edgar L. Daven
port; Treasurer-- , Arthur W. Cook; Mem
ber)—Hurry B. EiaveripOrt,'[Ernest New-.
man. Robert E. Yansycle, Fr d S. Black..
In some parts of this State a weed,
known cis "Long John," three feet high,
with a small yellow flower and resembling
a mustard plant, is giving i the; farmers
trouble. Cattle are fond e?f it, and ; tlie:milk
of rows feeding on it is irendered worth
less. • . •
JUdge Hart, of Washingt.tair, Fa. , deckles I
that- apothecaries may sell liqto for "mediL t 1
cal purposes" on Sunday Without the. praa
cription of a physician. It is a,viulation. of
law only :when that Which! inlebriates is
bought and sold and swallowed. "as a
Says,the . Troy Gazette: The carriage
making business at Leona, is:growing rapid
ly Eighteen men* . are now employed, and
turn out from seven to ten wagons each
week: Therti is an increasing demand " for
these wagons in Westein Bradford and
Tioga eounty."
. The Tunkhannock. Standard is our auth
ority for the statement that cucumbers, to
be crisp, brittle and "nice" Should be soak
ed in cold salt water half an hour • before
they',,Eire served., This process extracts the
alleged poison in the vegetable and removes
the elements of Cramp.
The Presbyterian Church Isucceydeill last
Sunchly in raising by subscription enough
t:?? pay off its debt,..and it enters on a now .
yyikri with encumbrance! Rev. S. L.
COmje, the pastor o generously donated $2OO
'ion his, salary toward raising the debt.
not* /?ep tebtican .1
4-1 4110 Tioga -Agitator says . l that the build
ings'. in Bush's Park, at - Tioga; in that
connt.V., are soon tci...betoria down and con
verted into dwelling-houses in the borough.
The pictures dishes and other divessories
will I.'! sold at auction; and the par' itself
will be turned into i a sheet; Ipasture.
At ameeting of the officeis and cOminit 7
tee'nen of the Wyoming . County Veteran
A4ocinti4 Ktld June "10th,1 it w‘s decided
to hoht - the next, reunion on Wednesday,
Thursday and - Friday, August 23, 24 and
25, ISB2i oiirthe di ound. of the Wyoming
Agricultural Society, at Tiinkhannock. .
- • Beef continues so high that men are, at -
tempted t 6 raise their hatslevery time tM.y
pass a Cow.—Wel4buro Gazette. ac t . -
opaintruice:of our says his hat. was. raised
to , a: cow the other day. ''The , crow did tho
raising, however, i; and he himself accom
panied the hat in its upward movement.
Gangs of trak,nien are at work at
several points 'on the Valley rail
road, between' Snyre and Tunkharmock,
straightening as for as practicable acid
double-tracking Itlie rood. '1 The new parts
are built upprincipally* : 'of,T steno,. and far
durability and clern4+ss 'are unexcelled.
It is expected that shortening the ;curl*,
which will shorten .-the"road many. mile's,
and double- tracking will be completed' ere
the close of the present year. The road
will then be one of the best trunk lines in
the country.
The Waverly .
.Free Press - - states it, as IS
positive fact, that when a Certain. "man in
that village was recently asked to subscribe
something towaids paying for the chanda - -
liers recently put in the M. E-Church, ho
wanted to know why they .p n, rchaaed ' such
things, as no - One in town kneve lbw to play
on them. • • '
is said that,from the broad.and beauti
ful soles about the chailming village of
Wyoming, near Wilkes-Barre, there will
this ,season be picked more than ono thous-
and bushels of luscious straw berries.. A
quantity sufficient to furnish the ",inai•ds'.!
for sikteen thousand. • strawberry' •shoA
cakes.. Yum tuba I `him I
It's the Troy. Register that is responsible
for the following: "Frank W. 110, had
On exlibiticin last week two black! Snakes,.
killed . bye Will gluamon
_while plowing.
Qne snake was six .foot and three inches
Ong and the other five feet
a six inches, ,
Shannon livos about two miles frOm • irtiy
an the road to Columbia X Roads." .
Powell & Co., are offering great induce
ments to buyers in all of the Departments
of their mammoth establishment. Their
adiertisement in another column, l tells the
story of what the "specialties" are at pres
ent. This firm are careful, close buyers,
and never fail to take . advantage of the
market when bargains are to be had.
The people who a few weeks ago were,
complaining about the unseasonable chilli.
ness of the weather, and . were expressing
fears that we were nut going to ihave any
summer this year must: be coivinbiul by
this time that their appreheruOims were
improvident, And must feel that: like so
many More they did) not _know . :when they
were well off. • _
At Leona, on
,Wednesday, of last week,
as Samuel Salisbury's little 'girl, who is
about three years old, was playing abort
watering trough, she in .soiree way fell .in,
and when discovered vas found to be near
ly drowned: but after the appliance of the
usuayreinedies in such cases, for two or
three hours, returned te • consciousness and
it is thought will now recover...
The big cornet about which astronomers
have been fwen talking a good deal lately,
and which they promised would be one Octlie
brighteSt to the naked eye ever seen; rerehed
its nearest point -to the earth and is now!,l
whirling away again, but very few persons
saw it as it could only ,be; seen after.mici-*
night, and even then indlstinctly. So the
astronomers were wrong for once. .
Mrs. G. B. Werner and Mrs. C.
r -
Soul.- are introducing a very useful aril
instructive work, in this county, i entitled
"Decorum." They have been 'in town
about a, week and haye taken 75 orders.
They have the exclusive right of the county,
and wish to obtain agents: ;Any one desir,
ing to engage iii a pleasant and profitable
employment can apply to them at Towanda.
:A, young man from this village attended,
the :! lawn festival of Spalding Hose, at
Waverly, the other evening, and treated a
WaVerly young woman to ice cream. 'He
was heard to repeat the following as he
arose from the table:
"Tell me not in mournful numbers
Laois but an empty .dream, ' • 1 !
When a girl -who weighs one hundred
Gets outside three pints of cream.;'
An exchange says that the following
errors in butter-making sensible dairy-we
t:mil will admit - ..t0 be fatal •to Saeceiss:
General uncleanliness; impurity in the air
of the butter-room: too much acid' in the
cream; too much buttermilk in a decom
posed state not Carefully worked out; too
much friction in churning and working the
butter; bad salt and tooknuch of it; foul
milking-stable; impure water.
For, the . accommodation of the people
of loth ends of the long, nankow village of
Athens, says the - Adertiser,Postoffice bexes
have been placed at convenient points.
.Heretore people were obliged to go to the
postoffice, which was a great inconvenience.
It makes more work for H. C. Hayes, the
courteous postmaster, but he is willing' to
dO it to acc*modate the people. It, was
mainly through his efforts that the nevi
innovation was inaugurated. .
The pdato beetles will probably be as
numerous and destructive as ever this sea
ion, and if the following from . an exchange
is true, a harmless
an inexpensive remedy
can be used in place of an expensive And
,dangerous poison) . It is the -statement of
a farmer that he uses only coal; gas tar to
prevent the ravages of the potato beetle.
He puts a gallon of tar in a: tub, over which
he pours boiling Water, which is allowed 'to
settle and cool. This is sprinkled over the
vines with au ordinary sprinkler. A..
gallon of tar suffices for 'several acres of
The watermelon„says an exchange, "con
tains ninety-five per cent. of the purest
water, and a trace of pure sugar, and noth
ing has yet been discovered that furnishes
so perfect and Oeedy a cure for sununer
complaint as watermelon and
,nothing else.
Dien when, (liarrlicea has been kept up by
eating of 'orilibary food until the disease
has becOmo chronic, this deliCious beverage
—for it is little more—watermelon, taken
'freely, two dr three tunes a day, has again'
and again, been known to work wonders,!
and to "curer when all the usual, remedies!
had . •
. ----.- • • :
Pat Colum; from Towanda, got. off of
Valley 15 Monday evening, taking with hint
a satchel belonging to Frank Jertline. Be
fore • reaching 'Sayre Mr. J.,. missed the
satchel ' ; and . making complaint he, was
Drought tuck helte on an engine, , 'vhere he
notified; policeman Davenport, who soon
found the culprit in bed at, the Bradford
House, at. the examination Wednesday
morningle -claimed -to kayo taken it by
mistake havingleft his'.,ownin Elmira. The
case was therefore held , over until evening,
when Sufficieneevidende had been obtained
to warrant the justice l in' sending hint to
OWego, for fifty 'days.l.Brarer/y Tribune.
An accident of a very painful if not fatal
nature occurred on the Rummerfield Creek,
tilyiut a mile; north of Rummerfield, last
Week Wednesday., It was caused by the
fulling of a bridge into the creek, a dePth of
about fifteen feet. John Hutchinson, a
tearnster . of ießaysville, was on the bridge
with a team : of horsei and loaded wagon at
the time, and all were precipitated to the
bed of the creek.' Mr. Hutchinson's 'shoul
der was dislocated, and feared that he
is very badly injured internally. The horses
alld wagon were considerably injured: The
loss, providing "Hutchinson recdvers,
will be about $5OO, although the rebuilding
Of the bridge will cost but $lOO. •
Mr. I. N: Hutchinson of Pike, was work
ing in his gardon ou'p Friday last, and . ob
served-his dog stepping upon some . of the
tender plants, ordered' him away, at the
same time hitting him
,lightly.;with a small
stick, when the dog pitched "at him, biting
and tearing his left' arm terribly. Mrs.
John Hutchinscin who was near by beat the
animal with.a ;hoe handle to - drive him
'away, when the dog turned and bit her a
few times slightly; and then resumed hiii
attack upon Mr. Autehinson until driven
:off by the Use -of,:clubs. It is needless to
say that the dog:was shot on the following
day. Dr. Dusenbury was called, and
- dressed the wounds, 'and on his rett&n home
- With his wifo who accompanied him, the
buggy 'axle brace and in the, accident, his
wife received injariei from which she' is
confined to her room. --Leßayscille Adver
tiser 22d.
11;11. , Warner 'and Mrs. .C.
Johnson, are canvassing our village- for'l
work entitled "Decorum." This is a INA
that should be' n the pmeassion and, Care
fully read and studied by every youngiman
and woman in our village. Asa a t!*ilise
on good behavior and what constitnteS and
comprises good manners, the work _has: no
equal: It is well printed and substiatially
bound, and we have no iloubt !he ladies
will sell Many copies in our town. .
List of letters remaining in the Post Of
go for the week ending June 28, 1882: , '
Adruns, - G - Pearsall, Martin'
Archer, Q Madison Royce, C C
Blodgett, Mrs Geo E Sdiith, Jas B -
Murk ; Libbie Smith, D Eugene (2) ,
Ely, C H • Schoonover, Mrs B
Gorham lkirsJ B Smith, J H . ;
Hawkins, Ettio , Lihez, Fred -
Jackson, J H - ' Taylor, Carrie
Murray, Bridget Talkuly; Frank
Macaully Wm (2) ' Wooly, James
McDanels, Jim . Walker, Z T -
McNamara, Thos Wolfe, Naomi. j
Persons ealling,for any of the aboVe will
please say "advertised," giving date of list.
P. Poww, P. IM. •
Those- who are, much in the hot sun
should, avoid drinking, large quantities of
COI water; it is better, if possible to take
small draughts at frequent intervaie. If
some of -the cold water is poured upen the
templei, the temperature of the body will
be rapidly reduced, and with better effect
upon the system thou if taken internally. A
light, white hat,l is far more comfortable
than a black, heavy oue, and if it has ra, wet
cloth or oven a fresh cabbage-leaf, L placed
in the crown, it Will be all the'more cool
and comfortable. A.. light handkerchief
tied loosely about the neck will protect it
frOm the burning sun.. A bath at night is
very refreshing, but should not be pro
longed. ,
The Atlrcrtiser's correspondent gives the,
following particulars of the ;killing i of a
young man at Athens on - Friday mornipg
last: "Charles Holmes, of Athens, a YOuag
mau of eighteeni years, attempted to board
a moving tibia 'near the depot Friday
morning, but slipped' and fell under the
wheels. This 'wag not strange, for if was
if coal, train; but the consequence was Irlisas
torous to young Hohnes.. Ho fell la the
worst possible position{, so that the bntire
train passe d , over one of his legs, from lil - p
toe, Crushing and•mangling it frightfully.
o was l taken home Dr. Brown was man ,
<Med, and the leg had to be:Mnputatd.
ut tho result was, that v.iflcin fifteen
i Mutes after the operation llolmes died,
.1 was released froin,his sufferings tit .4:30
- clock p. m. It seems like a terrible les
sa to other young man in the habit of
arding moving trains; yet probabl few
f them wiltheed it." .
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Thomas Ai • Edi
n, and Marle',.3l. Pomeroy were ,all, at
me period- of their boyhood, amateur
ditors; and it is a well-known fact that a
. umber of the successful journalists•Of the
ountry began, their editorial experience as
ys with little two-penny newspapers of
their own., Since the invention of the
cheap Band presSes, the issue of these
mmateur.jcnirrials has become one Of • the
ost poular recreations of youngpeople.,
The Jily St. 2F,ielaohrs will have a fully
illustrated article', by Harlan 'H. Ballard,
ea Ama;.eur Npwspapers, giving .a history
of the rise and development of this new in.
d'ustry for young folks, and a sketch of the
"National Amatetn,Press Association."
Frank R. Stockton and Noah Books will
be among the• storylWriters of this number.,
and there is said to be an 'unusually br
liant list of artists.. • .
The Sugar . Hill, correspondent of - the
Tunkhamiock Republican furnishes that
paper vrith . the following' -lamentation;
`"The Sabbath school last Sabbath proved a
failure. This is the third time we have
tried to organize a Sunday school, but it
seems - that no one is,• willing to take ttr .
active pa r t or to pay money for-the supportt
of this or any other, religious society. Even
the minister declines to preach here because
-so few attend the service. _lu this school
district there are over $1247,000 worth of
real estate, yet we cannot raise $lO for the
support of the gospel.. We ought to have
both preaching and Sabbath school, so that
the young might be trained in the way
they shotald go andiaot depart from it when
they are Old. "If that -correspondent tells the
truth, Sitgar Hill, needs regenerating badly;
and we regretfully chronicle the fact that
Sugardiill is Ideated in Wilmot township,
I this ceqnty
SayS the Elmira - Adreiliser: "A grand
excursion from this city to Mauch Chunk
and Glen Onoko will take place the easy
'part of August. A special Lehigh- Valley
train will bp"Atted up in magnificent style
and run'for the occasion. The 'LaFrance
Band of:this_ city has been engisged to furnish
th 4 mtge. Glen Onoko is one of the finest
summer resorts in the, country, one of its
chief ilttine tions being its grand dancing
pavillion t which will be used by the excur,
sionists. l The, fare . from this city and re
tuin,.gola..l•for four days, on any regular
train, be. $3.50, with a sliding scale
from intermediate points: This is -the
cheapest rates ever given over _the road.
The .road over which the excursion will
pass is that 'Part of the Lehigh Valley
known as the "Switierland of America,"
and Which for beautiful scenery is unsur
passeltthe world ove9. • The affair-is in the
hand4rstation agent Kintner of Wyalus
ing, ate old experienced excursion mann
ger,t4d baggage master Sigifried,' also well
qualited ilr to manage such affairs. j The ex
cursicii.i*eing in the competent hands of
the ;above 'named. gentlemen' is sufficient
gnaraniee of a trip of unalloyed, pleasure."
—Felfth Woodruff is visiting in ?i,iontrose.
—Miss Hila Noble is home from * boarding
• —Ex..Sheritt 4. Monroe Smith, 1 is quite
ill - again. I
—Misi Hattie Rodgers is clerking hi the
Canton Bank. '
—Miss Cora .fwend the
summer at Montrose. ,
—Prof. J. Babcock, h4s taicen charge
of the Episcopal choir.
—Miss Sarah Balm is visiting ;friends in
Wilmington, Delaware.
—Mrs. 11. M. Myer, of Philadelphia,, !is
Visiting friends itahis place:, !
—llev. C. T. Halt:well .has ";gone fisli
ini" out in Sullivan county.. I '
—Mrs. Beecher Morgan, of :Pirysor, is
visiting friends inliitinatertit.
—Mrs. David Craft, Of Wyalusing, is
visiting friends in New York.
—Elmer Kennedy, of Leona, has , return
ed froM an extended western
—Miss Kate Morgan, of Rochester. N.'
Y., is the guest of Miss Belle Pratt.
-;-John MeGrern, and family, are en
joying IA brief visit' te the sea shere.
—Sdnator John I. Mitchell is at his home
in Wellsboro, ill with malarial fever.
-Fred Wilcox, of:the Arvud has gone
tb Caie May to spend the heated term.
—Miss Baxter, of Louisville, ky., is the
guest of Mattie Mallory, Chestniet street.
—Dr. Johnson, and :family, are visiting
the Doctor's parents at Port Jervis, N. Y.
• —Mr. and MM. Eire . ' Potter, !of Athens,
are visiting friends at Rammondeport,N. J.
—C. S. Lafferty, aridfamily Of `Nimble
ing, have • ;•.ine on a Wasure !trip to the
West. -•••• •
—Minnie and Bessielefaxtleld, of Wilkes-
Barre, are visiting *Atives in this phice and
—Mrs. Rosseel is visiting her daughters
in -this place; 11,11 . . Hamiticil.and
-4001:eil, of Porter's Drag Store, en 4
joyiug s visit to friends in .Pittsburg and
Cleveland. - - . '
H. Parsons, of Troll who ba4 had
a severe attack of, intermittent' fever, is
S. C. Naglee, of Greenwood, has
gone on a visit to her ding,hters at Sagi-
flaw, Michigan.
L. Coo and daughter, of Cath
rine, N. , Y., are the guests of Mrs; 4's
sister,' Mrs. J. H. Nevins. _ ;
an4l Mrs. R: A: Pricker, of Sayre,
have gone to Cresson, where they will so
jOurn .for'several weeks.. I .
Fetch and fanilly, have taken
botird.for the summer months 'with A.
Smith, in North Towanda.'
. ,—Mrs: W. S. Vincent mid .children, of
Erie, are visiting Mrs. rpJ; parents, IftJ.
and Mrs. Frank Watts, in this Place.
—Mrs. E. E. Eaten, ;of' Einghfiniton,
visited her mother, Mrs. Ei 0. Goodrich, at
the Ward House, this place, for several
days past.
' has been ill "
Mrs. E. E. M yer, who . . at
York for several weeks pat, ;has so far re
cOvered as to be able to re*lk to her hom e
at Myersburg. • .: I ) L
—T, P.. Patch, of COraink, formerly of
this place; suffered a 'stroke
few days ago, and is now: in
rious condition. 1
—The Troy Registei,Fii•
LaMent ha.l entirely rect;W:
stroke of paralysis from alai ,
some weeks, ago.
-E. T. Noble, of theililm
Co., received the MA Weill!
day of last week; of the delftt
at, Lock Haven. !. "
—Maggie Sullivan, of tiberty Corners,
this county, has taken the White Veil, and
entered St. Mary's Convent, at,Wilkes
Barre, RS a novice. .
--Miss Ida Neal, who has
! been in New
Hampshire and Ate t tssachusettis,,- for nearly
two years, returned to her' hcinie en Hollon
Hill, on Friday last. •
—Mrs. Dr: Stanley, and .daiighter May,
of Athens, who have Been! , visiting in
Waterloo, R. Y., for some time past, re
turned home last week.
V. E. Piollet celebrated his itst
birth-day,. on Saturday last, by entertain
ing quite a goodly uwuber of his friends at
his hospitable mansion in Wysox.
Kingsley, one of - Bradford
county's munnisidoners, was. 'ri• town on
Saturday on business connected with his
office.-Tionock Rejntb/kan. •
—Miss Franc Tears, ho has; been pur
suing studies in oil paininting at the Wo
mn's Saiool'of Design in Philadelphia, re
turned to her home in Troy last week... •
—John C. Phelan, a student at the
Ge(Wgetown, D. C., College, is spending the
summer vacation with his auat, Mrs. T. R.
Jordan, at the. Ward' House, this place.
T: Hull is receiving letters from all
over the!State, inviting him to deliver his
Odd Fellows' lecture. It is strange what a
small event, in the lives of some men; will
make theni i famoui.—Athens Gazette. - *
—Owing to the general satisfaction which
has been given by Prof. J. T. M4CoUom,
and his corps of able assistants in our Grad
ed School th{., directors have decided to re
taim them all for the coming year.—Troy
—Miss, M. Louise Plummer and -. her
brother Harry L. returned home yesterday.
Miss Plummer is a teacher in the Western ,
roma, Institute at Mt: Pleasant and her
brother a student in said institution. —
Athens •Gaze4e. ' 1 • •
,Finch, for many years Prothono
tary of - Sullivan county, died• at his -resi
dence in Laporte, on Sunday- last, of con
sumption. 4 He was about 5l years of age,
and was one of the most highly esteemed
gentlemen in qullivan county. :
--Editor Hooker, and wife, of the Troy
Gdzette, visited Lima, N.Y.,"
where `Mr.H. delivered the poem at tha
semi-centennial exercises of :the
Literary Association of the institution at
that phice. It is the- oltleitc`scsoeiation
that kind in the state. , • •
L. • ChM:, a mining engineer, of
New -York city, is visiting Frank Green.
He left this 'section when sixteen , years of
age for the: West and has never been back
since until the present. He has been away
twenty-nine veins: .Mr. Green
ied hiM when he went away first,: - 'staying
or five" Years and then returning.
Mr. 'Clark has been' -engaged -in mining
operations in the west, having made the
trip from New York to the Pacific states
fourteen times in the past few years.—Troy
:Register. . .
-Says the Elmira Aileertiso• of . Tdes
day : • "J. B. 'Judd, the; .conductor of the
Lackawanna construction train, who re
ceived serious injuries at. West Junction
.abbut two months ago, 4s now nearly well,
and in a few days will again be able to be
out." "Charlie Park the unfortunate
deaf boy who was strack a.. Lackawanna.
engine about four Week. ago,, and it • was
feared fatally injured, is l i mpidly recover
ing. He is now able to walk about, and
the attending physicinii think that by
Saturday next le can be remo:Cd to his
home, at Franklin, Pa,"
—A correspondent of ,
Republican, in writing of
niencement exercises a 9
thus refers to two gr.
county: "Following .fr'
Ben. Landon, of Herrick
Pa. He had - a carefUlly
salutatory and uttered i
in a manner., which shoWed his thorough
knowledge of the language in which, it wits
written, and he receivedj, at its clwe l iwell.
merited applause." `Miis Fran R.
Landon's essay, entitled "You Ametlicans
have no . Childhood," was' one of the ilea - of
many good things of the day. She! is . a
young lady of many and varied talents and
we may look for something from her 04tic
pen 'which will make her name iminortaly
for to her has truly been given that rarest
of gifts, Poesy." '1
—Mrs: J. L. Grant, and youngest two
children, of Stevensville, who have been
visiting in Fall River; Mass., .since 'about
the middle of April last; arrive&hozne last
, •
week. "They.' were accompanied by Mr.
Grant's father, of whom the Daily News of
that city speaks as„ follows: "Rev.' Elihu
Grant, for'a number
,of years head
jj book
keeper for L. Nichols Co:; is abOut to
close his connection with that _firm, Ito as
sist his eldest , son in the 'lumber business,
in Pennsylvania. Mi. Grant has be j en one
of the most zealous and faithful tempjerance
workers in this vicinity, awl bis supplied
feeble churches in the neighboring towns,
often at his own inconvenience. His
labors have been of Special blessing to the
church in North Westport, and: many
friends in that congregation will feel sad at
his departure. Ho will probably remain away
for Several years. •, His Post Office eildress
will be Stevensville, Bradford count4,lPa.
. , ;
On the 12th of June, Mrs. Abigail Ely
Hannon died at the residence }of her
daughter', (in Frenchtown), she waS one of
the old residents of our county, rind de
serves some notice as life passes along. She
was, born in Lynn, Conn., in 1843, and
emilrat from there in 1816, first settled
at Bath, N. Y., but soon came to French
town. She was 'married about 180, her
husband died a number of years ago. She
was the* mother of 7 children, 6 girls and
1 boy. All Are living, all were with her
of paralysis , ►
a. very Fees-
that ' 1). ' A
from the
h he suffered
of Powell &
ence Wednes
. of his sister
i.= Ta kluinneck
the recent:
ngston Seminary,
tiates from this
Race came Mr:
Bradford county,
prepared Latin
musical periods
when she died; - She was a . member of ; the
0.. S. Baptist chtuvli, and lived conaistcti.ttlY,
dying in the full asguranco of' hope
Dr. f . loverdale is her daughter.
% - ;—Died in Columbia, this eqtuity;- Oil the
22nd - instant, Sophia Ballard; Wife 'of the
late Hon. Myron Ballard. - The . decilised
waaa very highly respected lady of over
pail of rge. Her late husband, Myron
Bollard,_ was well-known daring Ids
throughout the 'county, was one of the
County Commissioners.for three years; ‘Vas
elected in 1838, and also elected and of . the
Associate Judges under the Umenled con
stitution in' 1851, which position be•-• held
for-five . years:. The deceaied wash daugh
ter, of Deacon Hoses, CidkinF, one of the
first settleri of what is now Wear; Burling
ion previous to the year'l797. .
- G. S. Davis, an old and
. highlsrl respected
resident of Wells, Pa., for'many'years and
whOiesiaed with his son-in-law, C.F. New
ton, in.thiS pity for the past thiee years,
'died FridaY at 11:30 in the morning, His
'death was very sudden having been ill but
a few hours: He was seventy-five years
of age.. At the Ug,e of fifty-five 'in" Coin
pany his seven sons ho went in the
army and - was iu "several 'prominenten
gageteents. Himself and three of ' the
boys teturned leaving ,four of the original
manlier on southern battle fields. Two-of
the gins returned were severely, Wounded;
one of them is now in the regular army.
One son has drawn a pension, but' the old
man', whose constitution was badly broken
down by exposure and malaria and, who
for several yearti past was. Ain invalid by
reason of it, repeatedly petitioned for a
pension, but as often "met-with disappoint-
Mant, owing to the fact that he - was a poor
man and also that it deinonstrated that
even epublies are ungrateful. The funeral
too place from his late residence Sunday
afterUoiin, and the remains were taken to
Gillette, Pa., for interment.—Elmira :I(lrer
• '
This newest as well as most colossal of
all amusement enterprises will positively
exhibit at !Towanda, on Monday, July lid,
It is the best advertised show that has
ever been announced here. Not only are
its bright and costly pictorials•displayed_on
every side, for similes and miles around, and
its illustrated newspaper, and programmes
scattered like snow-flakes, but there is a
solid emphatic'style in its manner of pre
senting its claims which commands at
and begets confidence. It is conspicu
ous 7 for not indulging • the stale, dishorieSt
"aggregation," "a ' ice," "combination''
and "twelve shows'4 n-one" clap-trap, which
has always proved a delusion and a snare
and_involves such preposterous • claims as
to utterly discredit - isself with all except
the greenest o fools. - , On the contrary, it
assumes only to be 'one new and great
show, which is the best of reasons for bel
hewing it to be so. Neither does it resort
to manufactured- names and purposely
mixed and vague generalities and figures,
in Order to convey the swindling impression
that it has rare attractions, which, in fact
have no honest existence. _ ; -
Its attractions are multifarious as well as
novel, and-it is a matter of surprise how
many strictly 'new features Can be crowded
in a single exhibition. Zebras broken to
perform incredible feats, hurdle-leaping
reindeers, giraff i s, harnessed to Rotuan
racing btinriots, arriman's steam nir:sliip
in operk4n, a man-sized riding cynocerdi
alas, elWharneSsed tandr, ten funny
clowns in simUltaneous rivalry, high and
long-distance ( double somersault leapers,
peerless explo!ta in the gymnflsittin, extra
ordinarily-trained thoroughbred horses,
';comical scktootOf 'monkey comedians, 411on
ster living •'t `kite Nile Hippopotamus,,` ex
traorditiaryjaits -of h rculean strength,
deeds of `masculine ai d feminine, intre
pidity, and, in fact,:so great, an array of
noveltieh ard surprises that it would tran
scend the Ihnits,46f a newspaper notice • to
give them even ! the brief* mention. The
street parade is, commensurate
.in magiii
ttide and grandeur with the exhibition, and
introduces', among other attractions, .thirty
ArabituLtamels; deccrtated , in the richest
and most enstly trappings and mounted by
native Mahoinedans. ' - -
• . Fourti 'Quarterly Netting. -
The Fourt4°Quarterly Meeting, will bo
held in the M. F.. Church, next.. Sunday
evening, July .2d; 1882. Dr. Wilbor, will
preach at 7:30.
.LUve Feast at .6.30. 'Com
munion after se r vice. Quarterly Confer-I
once, Monday moiiiing at 9 o'cloCk.
CHAS. H. l lyluairr; Pastor.
Employment foci tadtes
The Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing and in
troducing, their new StoCking Supporters
for Lrulies and Children, and their. Un
equaled Skirt Suspenders for Ladies.
None should be without them; our leading
. physicians . rocommend ‘ them, and are loud
in their praise. These goods are manufac
tured by ladies who have made the wants of
ladies and children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable and ener-.
getic lady to introduce them in this county,
and we certainly think that an earnest
solicitation in every household Would 'meet
with a ready response, and that a deter
mine& woman ' could make a handsome
salary and have the exclusive agency for
this colinty. • We advise some lady . who is
in need of employmentsto 'send. to the - Coin- ;
pany her name and address, and' mention
this paper:. Address Queen City Suspender
Company, No. 179 Main Street, Cinciniati,
Ohio.' =•-
The farmer who has not seen a ,good
Spring Tooth Harrow at work has very
little idea of its real value. No doubt many
have thought my claims in its I?ehaff as
extravagant. The attention. Of Such is
called to the following 'copy of a letter
written by Hon. Georg©j Landon to Mr.
Biles of Lime Hill, who is selling the bar
rows in Wyalusiug and Fferrick.
HERRICK, May 6th, 1882;
L: D. Birt.Es, Esq.
Dear Sir:—l rgiugesay to you that the
harrow, which you left with me, surpasses
far and far away anything of the kind that
I ever . saw. Of course I keep it. Would
not kbow how to do. with Out it. 1I •make
this statement unsolicited by any One, and
make it as a matter , of simple jus tice and
truth. Inclosed find check for $2 5.00..
Yours Truly,
=47. • „ • GEO.
All users of' these harrows are 'as enthu-
siastic in their #raise - as Mr. Landon.:,
The sprifig t ooth harrow, is an imple
ment of such surpassing excellence iirithe
preptFation aii kinds of ground for crops,
thatilsoon it will be considered indispensable
by every farmer. It is unequaled for new
and stony land' and upon all hard ' laud on
inverted sad; It is nearly equal to the
grain drill for covering seed grains.
.have a supply of the Improved
(1882),: Haliumtzpo Adjustable Tooth Har
rows, and urge fanners to try , them in the
preparation of their; Buckwheat fields and
putting in their grbin. Sold upon 'liberal
terms of warranty and payment.
• .J . R.ll. WP.LES
TOWANDA, Juno 2y4h.
the Tompkins County 'Sealer.' It is a A
Nes, 1, For either, one or two horses.
Also, -for... sale Coates' Lock Lever. Rakes,
for one and two horses, and Surprise
Rakes for one horse. ti All good and cheap.
For gale by R. WEu.Es.
• Local noes; hie gliding' by:-,on every
breeze. •
Lcait-Wednftulay some boys broke into .
Mr., Judson Blacizaan's. house, they yere
driven out so quick.. they had not time to
do much damage.. They have not yet 'been
. .
Mr. James. H. Lewin us 1 4dhlid, a large
addition to his house; he finished laying the
floor last Friday, and just to see if it was
solid"the young ;calks had a hop in the even- .
ing:. It provNIT satisfactory.
Mr. Enos Harris, our merchant is build
ing an addition to his house. He will soon
have his steam saw mill in running order.
Ono of onr young ladies was "spliced"
to the young man of her choice, last
Wednesday.' It is a curious fact, that
after being "`spliced" she is. no longer than
The weather is "awful hot."
John Teeter while working in the NVoods
near here last WednesAay - ciune near being
bitten by a rattlesnake. • He took hold of n
bush and was about to cut it off' with his
axe,: when the *take sprang
. and , fastened
Ulna his shirt sleeve near the wriAt-hai#l.,.
lops look as good ,as could be expected
considering the kind of weather we have
had. • Jost! BILLINGS, JR.
airs. Adam Inns, who has been an in-.
valid for a longtime, but for a few months
pasthas been hopefully better, is at present
not' . as well as usual,: being again nearly,
helpless. .:.
'Mrs. C. J. E. Johnson, whos'e health has
been poor ffir -sOme. s tinai, though not ma
terially worse, iS very feeble.
Valentine Saxton. is not .yet well, but is
so, us to be around and see to his business,
attend church 'and visit his friends. • ,
Our farmers facies as well as their erois
are looking better since the past few days
of warm weather. Winter. wheat in our
town was badly . killed out last winter and
• •pring;censequently it will be a very light
crop. "Crass that withstood the drouth,
grubs; . cold weather and spring, is doing
well. Spring wheat and oats are looking ;
tine. , Some pieces of corn are • nearly
ruined by the cut worms, .wire worms and
•cold„wet weather, yet as. a general thing it
is loOking quite proraising. , Potatoes as a
general thing are loOking extremely well,
and,l by the by, Orlando Taylor , and his
family are how feasting every day on new
potatoes, (and nice ones to,) groWn ou their
own farm. They dug their first Mess h►st
Saturday morning, (June 24,) not from a
fi3* hills that had been carefully nursed in
a warm corner of the garden, but, from a
patch of half an acre, so that they have
plenty for themselves and some for their
friends when they call.
Is‘low we small-fisted farmers up here in
the little town of Granville do notexpect
to keep pace with our brothers along the
river flats, yet many are there along
the iTowancla Valley that can beat this
Speak up brother. . ; • " ANON.
Delicate Females
• -
• The : exactions of society, added to the
cares of maternity and the household, have
tested beyond endurance the frail constitu
tions-Which have been granted the.majority
of Iwomen. To .comliat this tendency to
premature dealirie, no remedy in-:the world
possesses the nourishing and strengthening
properties of Malt Bitters. They enrich
the blood, perfect digestiOn, stithulato the
liver and kidneys, arrest. ulcerative weak
'leis; and purify and vitalize every function
of the female system. '
HARPOON HAY Foux.—tiellis' Harpoon
Forks, arid Sprouts' single and double Har
poon Horse Forks: • For sale cheap by
.—Fresh lake fish and salt water fish. a
. .
C. M. Myer's market, Bridge street.
May 19-tf
.—L. B. Rogers lota a large etoek of Sash
Doora and Blinds, • also Moldings„ and: is
selling cheaper than any other establiahment .
in Pennsylvania. • .
OSBORNE No. 4. Ounr 3lowEa.—The at
tention of all farn*rs . needing mowing ma
chin 4 is called to this excellent mower
It isisOld by , , R. M. WELLES.
GO to Wurrconn's for wall papers, bor
ders ilados, cornice' &c. ' He has some of.
the luindsomest w4ll and ceiling ileeorations
ever brought into Toranda. i
t 1
.AIK: 0. A. BLACK, 7.4.CiiT.
Dear Sir:—The "Mavis" Sewing Machine
I bought of you some seven years agoqa
second hand machin© then) has given Tex
feet satisfaction, tieing all kinds of 4 family
sewing without an)r repair, , except a . new
just bought;: P. Comrrox.
.EnAsKumiALE,Titpril 22d, 1882,
Clover ai!if - Timothy Seed.
Stevens and Loug 'have on hand a large
stock of Clover aMl,l,Timothy Seed selected
from the best new .rops,and warranted true
to name. They hays also a full Stook of Gar
den Seeds and in packages, select
ed froni.theProp - oi 1881. Together with an
ashortrnent always complete of all goods in
their "line; 4 '.all of which are offered at the
loweSt marVit,priee's and Warranted to give
satisfaction. • - 23—tf.
TlllB splendid jmeehine• is winning "lie
Laurels" in evrry trial Over' all'of the best
competing self-bindinz harvesters. It .is
simple, *liable and easily managed. The
only pe*t self-binding. harvester in the
market. •t 'Misses ,no bundles, wastes , no
min:. Sold by , 12. M. WiLt.Es. •
sErWEAD Trus.---fiaving purchased
the Steam Saw Mill of .7.'0. Saxton, located
in New Albany Beronghpn the Sullivan and
State Line Railroad, Lam prepared to furnish
lumber of every deserittion on short notice.
Bill stuff a specialty. k 3 es reasonable. Or
ders solicited. '‘,
-I am also proprietor p 'tile New Albany no- I
tel, where all persouairing accommoda-!
tions can find them at reasonablerates. Good'
stabling. - . J. W. Wacox..
New Albany, Jan. 30. 1882.-6 m
is unrivaled in all the qualities combined
and needed in a first-class reaper. Come
and see it. Sold by. , B. M. W •
Will make the. season of ISO, at bis owners
stable in Milan, Bradford Co., Pal.
TERMS-EIS to insure mare with foal; insur
ance indney due April tat,
At a test of the qualities of ligavy , horses
made ice N. Y. City, in Aug. 1881, the said
teat by request of the western breeders be.
fore the following named 'committee, the
Norman French horse far excelled the Clysles- .
dale or any other large horse, on act of feet,
action, endurance; ease of keeping, &c., &c.,
land bring in the marked from $5O to $lOO
more than the Clyde. Farmers were advised
to breed nothing but Normans. "Signed by"
J. 11. Dahlma4 A. bf. *ion, N. Y. City; H.
Newman, 8.. Richards, Brooklyn, N. Y; F. J.
Berry, J. D. Decker, M. Newgass, 'Jas. Lamb,
Chicago, 111. •
"Gambetta" itia dapple gray eight. years
old, 16 bands high and weighs 1450 lbs.; with
fine style and action. His 'colts aro in good
demand at big prices. Ho is owned by •
Mr3o-3m. -
chargo for delivering, and done
promptly from C. Pd.lyer's market, Bridge
street. May 19-tt
—Co to C. M. MYer's market, Bridge street
or the best cuts of fresh meat. May 19-t
Witt - offer for ttie next. . •
Ladies Colored •'
Cloth Saeques,
Doimams, Msters
f in
and rielius
„ _ i•
These - goods.are all fresh NEW GOODS, and were elected” with
greca , cor . rifftECT, FROM 'THE MANUFACTURER.]
Will find nu-EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT to rhoo~e from.
It IS unrivalled in all the qualities combined
and needed in a first class reaper. Come
and' see it. Sold by •
It is entirely different from all others: It
is'as , 6l4ar as water, and, 'as its name indi
cate R a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer.
.It,Wilitgunediately- - free the head front 'all
dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural
cotori and produce a new, .growth where it'
has fallen off. It does not' in any. manner
affect ill() health, which 'Sulpher, Sugar id'
Lead and Nitrate of •Silver.. preparations
havedone. It will change light or faded
hair in a few dayi to a beautiful- glossy
brown.., Ask your druggists for. it. Each
bottle is warranted. Sum, KLINE & Co.,
Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and .C. N.
CurrrE3rros, New York.
1 c :7 0 , 1, 1852. ly.
ENE No. •
7Limn' NloWEß.—The he at
tentiop of , ; 1111 farmers needing mowing ma
chines: is' called to this excellent mower.
It'is Old by R. IL W.k.u.Es. •
, .
PO • '
. This steam power mounted on wheels is
portable and may bo easily hauled with a
team to any desired point. It is adapted to
the propulsion of TIIIIESILING ItacnvrEs,
wood sawing, feed cutters, portable saw
mills, or any other light machinery. It is of
simple. construction. durable and easily
managed. Manufactured by Charles Perrigo
.t Co., Groton, Tompkins County„N.37:
. , .
General Agent.
Ulster, Pa., July'2l-w .
The White is the stillest and easiest , run
ning Sewing Machine in the world. M. C.
WELLS, Sole Agent, Towanda, Pa:2514.3m*
WANTED. - 50 girls to: knit and crochet.
Good wages ; - pay weekly: Light, steady
work given out to be made at home. Work
called for and delivered free by exprevs.
167 South Street,'
- - Boiton Macs.
LIIMN*R—JAGGER—At the . residence of
tho'brides father on Wednesday June 21,
1882 ,by.the Rev. J. D. Blooxlgood,- Mr.
Porter H. Limner M. D. of Lime Mill
Briutord county, and Miss Lottie E.
Jeanie :Of Hornets Ferry,Rradford
' 3
• ParnOringe Monroeton, by Rev. J: Lloyd
JeuniOune - 14th, 1882, Mr. George C.
Wright of Towanda, and Miss Mary - A.
Pawling; of Wilmington, 111,
dence of the brides brother-in-law, by
Rein C. T. Hallowell, Juno 7th,.
Westbrook and Maria Mattocks, both of
' Springfield.
There will be a Fourth of July party at the
Valley Howie, Sh - eshequin, Pa.. on July 3, 1882.
Two dancing halls.' Music—Smith's Band_ of
Owego. All aro cordially invited.
• • J. P-,,_IIOGERS, Proprietor.
matter of the voluntary assignment of R. 13,
Tears, and B. S. Tears & Bea.' The undersigged
Assignee would give notice that all persons in
debted to B. S. Tears. and B. S. Tears & Scin
must make immediate payment, and all peretms
having clainwl'.4ptinst B. S. Tears, .and B. S.
-Tears & Son meat preient them duly au
thenticated toeietnement to me.
. L. A. WOOSTER. Aisignee.
Leßoy, May 10, 1882. 2m
• •
testamentary having been granted to the
undersigned, under•the last will and testament
of C. Et: Bingham, late of Smithfield tthrnship,
deceased, all persons , indebted - to the estate of
said decedent are. hereby notified to make im
medisie.payment, and all having claim' against
said estate must present the same duly, aithen -
Heated to theendenigned for settlement.
GEORGE T. BEACH, Executor,
sm tbneld. Pa., June 1,1882. . tw •.
11. S. Ennis
Milan, ra.
lone at short notice and reasonable rates
the ,‘Rirtnaucan office.
The ialaiice of their, stock of
Present Season and,Fall Wear, t
*abaut Leaf /fair Restorer.
Suitable . for the
Corner at Main and Pine Street*, • -
Flour per barrel.
Flour per sack...
Buckwheat Flour, 'l.lOO
Corn Meal
Chop Feed-
Wheat, - 0 bushel
Rye. „,,,‘
Oats; . ...
- Potatoes. " -
Apples Dried, "R 1b.....
Peaches "
Raspberries Dried .
Blackberries "
Pork. R barrel
Han*. "R Ib. i.......
Lard, " •
Butter, in Tubs a Firkins: 20@22
Butter, in Rolls - 18420
Eggs 204
Clover Seed
Timothy seed ' bnehel
Beeswax, it lb
Syracuse Salt F 1 barrel
Michigan Salt - N . 4'
Ashton Salt "
Onions, "B bushel
..... : L x. NELSO-11
4.- DEALER IN.: .
0 ,
.ri - ' , • WATCHE ...., ,
,*:---J-- ~ .... FINE GOLD AND PLATED
'. JEWELER • - '
of every variety, sod Spectacles. sir Particul
Atention paid - to repairing. Shop in Decker
n'ought's Grocery Store, Vain Street, Towanda,
Penns:. - - aep9-s
Ed. billesseaux,
Jewelry Store
With Swaqs & Gorden's Store,. 't
phorei he keeps* POLL A 1199144 KENT or
Gold & Silver -Watche.g
W Ills Stock is all NEW stiff of the FINEST
QUALITY. Csll siid see for yourself.
Corrected, every, Wednesday
1 3cra 1 35
90Cio •
3 oog3 25
1 30@1 40
2u C 122
(Formerly tlth Hendelinzi3,l
Main Street, Towanda, Pa.,
$7 0060.G0
1 15®2
2 000
25 0041127 On
L 50a6 50.
3 73( - 1.3 00
2 75@3 00