111 THE REPUBLICAN. JUDSON HOLCO3IB, I CH&B. L. TRLOY, J • JUDSON HOLCOMB, Editor. CRAB. H. ALLEY, Associate Editor. "Reasonable tcrisphonestezpendiittres, com- Pelent .officers, and no stealing." Harpers Weekly. • , I 'dr! Entered in I the Post 011ee at Towanda as SIEEO I ND CLASS MITTEL THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1882. Repuutican Mate Ticket. *la oommon, GYN. JAMES::. BEAVER, of Centre Co. . . LIEtriZNANT - 00VMINOR, WILLIAM T. DAVIES, of Bradford Co nun OP Tas strranoc count, WIT,LTAIS, HENRY RAWLE, of Ma+ • delphia. sE6srear or ErnraNAL A/TALES, JOHN M. GREER, of Butler Co • CONGRESSIIAN-AT-E, WRIOTT. BROSIIIS, a`llancaster The Lancaster Examiner thinks it must give Jefferson Davis a vivid recollection of an episode in his own career, to read how a Brooklyn man charged with burglary donned his i mother's nightgown and made a bold dash for liberty. Ralph Waldo Emerson said : " The man who has a thowsuld friends hasinot a friend `to spare." ".But," says the . Boston Ibst, " Ralph never was a newspaper man sup -posed to be absolutely staggering under a load of circus tickets. , - - , The terrific violence of the tornado by which Boone county, lowa, was lately swept can be imagined from the fact that the value of the property destroyed by the storm will, it is estimated, not be much less than three, million dollars. This is a very large sum of money to be lost by a single county in the course of a few hours, and it is no lvonder that the unfortunate people upon whom the loss 411 are asking _their fellow-ciiizens for 'help. siouri banishes oleo Margarine from her borders. The Legislature passed a bill for bidding the sale or manufacture in the State of-any imitation of butter, no matter whether‘repreiented to be genuine or not. The olematgarin e interest made a desper ate fight in a test case, carrying it to the Court of _Appeals on the question of the law's validity. The decision is that the law is constitutional, and several factories at St. Louis will have to cease the manufac ture of the compound. The Port Allegany Reporter and Wil liamsport Gazette and Bulletin favor the orga4ization of a northwestern Pennsylva nia editorial assosiation, to be composed of editors in the counties of Warren, Craw ford, Mercer, Venango, Forest, McKean, • Elk, Cameron, Potter, Clinton, Lyconimg and Tioga. The : reasons given are that ; - the remoteness of these counties from the lest of the State renders it difficult' for the editors residing there to attend the meet c!" ing of the State association, and- that the 'latter is controlled by boSse s who; run things summarily. " Nothing but money keeps the Republi can party in power," remarks the Boston ;Past. To which assertion the Philadelphia. News makes the following truthful rtaq joinder:' " Money is certainly one of the 'Republican part Y's strong holds. The peo ple who . have money and want to keep it; the people who have a little and want more, and the people who have none but want some—all march under The Republican banner, for on it is inscribed: " Loyalty to American institutions and protection to • American industry." . Upon the request of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the Secretary of the Treasury appoihted a committee, consisting of 'Messrs. DeLand, Clapp and Stiles, to verify the stamp account in the Internal Revenue Bureau. These gentlemen have just completed their labors, fifty' persons hiving lieen employed as counters and packers under their supervision. It was found that the total receipts of stamps from October 4, 1877, to June 10, 1882, inclusive, was 2,544, 344,345; value of same, $711,- 180, 178.63; number on hand, :163,188,694; value, 1Z2`_',°06,594.17. • • The Bradford Reporter of last week devote 4 a column to demonstrating that the, Independents in this county have lost their influence, and that the movement he.re is dead.: We must be pardoned for suggestingthat while the editor of ' that paper has made many : visits to this county of late, recent events, show that he was engaged in a business entirely inconsistent' with the t acquisition of correct political information,and there is little , probobility that he knows anything about the matter whereof he assumes to speak.—lVellsboro Gaiette. Our advice to the 'Gazette man is, to get ready his biggest guns. We have an idea there is going to be war. Judge Trunkey, upon whom the hopes of many Democrats were fixed, as a nominee for Governor of this State on their ticket, forwarded his modest but peremptory de- clination of that honor . to the Democratic Convention, in session at Franklin, Pa., on Tuesday last. The Judge is •emineiitly wise in his resolution and would be con spicuously foolish if he' had abandoned his present usefulness on the supreme bench, which lasts for a period of years, for the uncertain glory that would :follow his no for Governor. Even if elected he , could gain nothing, and •if defeated he would be consigned to that limbo of unsuc cessful candidates from Which. few ever after emerge. • There is a wideand just complaint among the more dependent at the high prices of bread and . flour, entirely disproportionate with the ... price of wheat. The cause for this state of things is directly attributed to the prevailing curse of speculation rampant in the large, cities, as there is a large sur plus of last years' crop still on hand, and no foreign demand whatever 'at this time. We are a bread-eating as well as a bread producing nation. There is probably, per capita, more broad consumed. in the United States than by any other: people in the world. Onr abundance of wheat has , made it common, and, as the rule, cheap. Hence, the exception to this rule is .felt as a priva tion and hardship. The Londe papers have discrissed elt much length the results of revaccin a ti ons as exhibited in the case of between 10;000 and 11;000 persons permanently erapliyed in the postal service, all of whom' were re • I quired•to undergo revaccination on admis sion to the service, unless that operation had bv.22 performed within seven years previo&y. Among these persons, accord ing to the data now officially published, there has not occurred 'a single fatal case of small-pox, and in Only ten ,rases non fatal attacks, all of these being of s very slight character.° On the other band, it ap - pears that in the telegraph department, where i the enforcement of revaccination was not carried , out with the same cow pteteness, twelve ; cases occurred in the ; same period, among a staff averaging about 1,500; eight of these attacks were of personi not revaccinated, and one proved fatal, while the rernairrin . g four were of ve vaothrated persons, kvho all perfectly re: covered without pitting. _ We are led to infer from the Reporter's article of last week, headed" Bolting and Success," that that paper seeks a Contro versy with us. We have alined - tci, avoid any controversy with that paper under the new management, hoping that we could con sider our interests mutual. But thei l article of last week referred to, is conteMplible, .malicious, libelous and deftuiudory, not only as regards ourself, but alai another prominent Republican and highly respected citizen of our county. Besides, the article is unprovoked and voluntary. Radio in its premises, and worse than false in its con clusions. If not retracted, we have no, re course but self defense, and in mating it some past political history will bet repro duced that may not be pleasant The pe6ple of Pennsylvania, nuiribering -4,282,891 souls, consist of 8,695,0 e *lves; and 587,829 foreign born. The increase ofs last.decade is almost wholly in our, native population, as in 1870 the latter numbered 2,976,642, while the foreign L bork were 545,309. Our white population is 4,197,-- 016. In 1870 it wail 3,841,153.' Oar (sn ored populations is 85,585 against 49,504 in 1870. Of our native popabiion 3,320,12 white and 55,281 • colored were bora Pennsylvania. - Of other States Neir York has given us .400* of our preedittresi dents, New Jersey 44,843; 'Virginia, has given 10,101 colored, and biaryland 8,918 colored and 29,911 whites. Of our foreign born, 236,505 came from Ireland; 198;426 from Ger Many, 80,102 fioni Engliad, 29,447 from Wales, 20,7351tr0m SCotlann, and 10,528 from Canada. The receipts into the Treasury Of the United States from internal revenue and customs for the six business days ‘of list week were as follows : . Monday . . $1,570;42244 'Tuesday... 849;716 Ti Wednesday 1,376,232 61 Thursday • 1 229 249 05 Friday Saturday.t. $7,284,427 62 ''.0:12 average per day of $1,214,071 27. Acing the, receipts of the week Bast as the weekly over -average of- receipts t for a full year 'and we have a total for the ' yearof $378,790,286 24. The annual current ex penses of the government per year for or dinary expenies is but little over $200,000,- 000, leaving a surplus of over $150;000,000 GO be applied to the payment of interest on the national debt, the_ redemption !of ma tured-bonds, and other extraordinary" ex penses. Such a showing is rcoavincing proof that internal taxation may with safety be considerably reduced. !! RIVER AND HARBOR -4PPROPRI • . Philadelphia Timer occasion. ally says something, not in the, ine of polities, we can approve. The follow ing extract from its issue,',,of the 19th instant; on the subject of the extrava gant appropriations for river'and har bor jobs, accords with our own judg- L• merit or! that subject. We give also an extract from the ,Philadelphia' Press of 'the litkiast, prior to the passage of the bill by the House, .taking] mach the same vie vk. i • We are happy to note that ow.mem ber, Mr. Jadwin, recorded his vote in the negative, and would not give his sanction to' the plunder.. The Times says: "The river and harbor bill which passed 'the House on Saturday is a very suggestive ' bit of legislation. 'lt is the joint prOdu t ct of six months of log-rolling, engaged in by a host of conflicting interests,' which are harmonious only in one thing, the desire,to get all'the money out of the Treasury possible for local and spec ial interests. It recognizes in' thirty five;out of the thirty-eight States inlets, creeks ; oyster bays, trout streams and frog ponds which demand improyement at the expense of the public Treasury, and the 'members from the several Scates have pooled their issues in the grab and propose to push it through. The bill , calls for $17,350,000, in round numbers, and the House has beenmaking a great show of virtue by refusing to amend it to allow , 'any in crease of the amounts ' recommended by the committee. But any one conver sant with. past legislation upon this subject, :together with the nature of a large share of the proposed improve ments contemplated in this bill, will not be misled by the sham show of economy made by the House. A comparison of the amounts appro priated in former years and .the rapid increase of these demands will do much to reveal the size and enormity of the I job. In 1869-70 the amount appro priated in this bill was less than $4,-. 000,000; in 1870-71 it as $4,400,- 000; in• 1871-72, $5,588,000; in 1872 -73 it was $5,193,000. During the Forty-fourth Congress it was only $5,- 015,000 for two years, while last year it had swelled to 811,000,000 and this year it foots up over $17,000,000. At the present rate of increase it will re-' quire $26,000,000 next year to satisfy the demands of the members mrho de sire to raise the waters' in their respec tive districts sufficiently to float them back into their present seat", ;A strik ing feature of these improvement schemes is the fact that when once work is commenced the demands in cress at a fearful rate. Portland last year had s2o,ooo;:this year $110,009; Baltimore last year $150,000, now s9oo,ooo;,charleston last year $175,- 000, now $750,000; New HaVen last year $60.000, now 200,0001 iOumber ! • land Sound last year $lOO,OOO, now $500,000; Michigan City last y'ear $45,1 000, now $170,000; YelloWsto'ne river last year $20,000, now , $lOO,OOO. The Improvements pix)posedj are in many instances entirely of a local and special nature and have no ' national significance whatever, and why the go4ernment should spend millions of dollars to make impwvementsiwhich at best can benefit but a few indiViduals is what people would like to under stand. The reasons offered jy Mr. Horr and others for this gigantic expenditure of money are not at sll satisfactory. To say the people do net want a reduc 'r • I tion'ottaixes and tlieletore the money must be reterned to then in! the :form: of liberal appropriations for i • hat will be of little permanent benefit is simply to offer an insult .to their '`bon-' esti and intelligence If-our Congress=' men. and Senators studied genuine statesmanship more and selfish jobbery less they would find a way to lighten the people's burdens and economize in the government expenditnre.s which would be infinitely more to-their credit than :,.any such sham excuses , for wasteful extravagance." . Says the Press: "The annual river and harbor steal came up yesterday in the House.- It appropriates $1:7,000,- 000 distributed among a few worthy objecti of Natfonal importance and a hundred trout streams an mountain thich it is' propOsed Ito render navi,gable for push boats and cat fish at the Nation's expense, in _order, as of Michigan, .magniloquently ,obseried,.that they. imay -."carry joy 'anl i lovelnd gladness tip' to the that* made endurable and habita- ble by our aPpropriation.r The task of damming, up dtreams until I they will "carry joy' to . ' the hills!' isj eXpensive and 'one. with which Congress . bas properly nothing.to do. The biggest Part of the seventeen niiUiois is; for just such objects, and is so distributed as to prothote the reelection of those very members who .have succeeded in getting an interest ie the. 'steal. These are, always a majority, and we:despair, therefore, of seeing the huge log-rolling swindle detente& CON , GREBB AND SILVER I= The House passed on Monday a very sensible resolution,which we hope the Si ., nate will iee its way clear to concur i irnmediately. It' provides for the a lition of the trade dollar nuisance b the ,simple process of having the S cretary of the Treasury receive them ir exchange for Bland _dollars. We l ave a large supply of the latter dollars tiln hand; and we might as well utilize 't in part for the purpose of getting ut of circuiatien the nonlegal-tender wade dollar. What the Government Will do with the latter is not clear; int in 'respect to silver'bullion will 1 • the gainer by the achange, • and 1,219,099 07 1,039,701 01 me old trade dollars, will demand no ore storage room or Fare than the standard: dollars for, whf . ch they are exchanged. : The Government might melt down the trade dollars and recoin them into the legal-tendeT variety but for the necessitly of Purchasing, $2,000 000 of silver bullion a month,. by which we are already 'supplied with a super fluity of 80-cent dollars. : Congress would - confer- upon the country u still greater boon if before atuotirnment it passes the pending Silver Coinage Suspension bill. This bill was long ago,reposted fovorabty by' the Houge; committee . on - . Banking and Currency, but, unfortunately, it is; not likely to be reached.: It provides that furrther issue "ofsilver certificates, shall be suspended. and that only such number of stand4d silver dollars !•be coined as may be required to 'Supply he. demand fpr actual circulation. As there is no such demand at present, or likelylo be for some time to cOmmthe effect of the bill, if adopted, would be to suspend. in this country the coinage of silver dollars indefinitely. On the Ist of June the:Treasury held over $116,000,000 in silver, being chiefly Bland dollars. A little More than one-half of this is represented in circu lation by silver certificates. The re mainder is; pure dead weight, ; of no use, and a tonstantly increasing clanger. The first-sign of tightness in gold, the first jfiint the Governiret may have to meet its current obligations in silver irisfead of gold, 80-ceni instead of 100-cent dollars, will at once involve us in a commercial crisis of the first magnitude. Drouths, strikes and the Silver Coinage act are three concurrent menaces to oir business prosperity. The . latter complicates the situation and • embarrasses all business calcula- Lions, Yet, with criminal apathy, Congress showsno intention of Mi§ing its and at this' session to relieve. the coun i try of this silver danger.—Rhila. Tie re-assembled convention which met at-liarrisburg on Wednesday last improved to chances for the election of the regular ticket. First by making a good nomina tion for Congressman-at-large, and • second By the passage 'of a resolution instructing tbe State.COnsmittee . to take all honorable IL`'easures for the adjustment of arty diff erence4with a view to harmony,end party success. We give elsewhere the proceed ings' of the convention. Mr. Brosius, of Lancaster, the nominee, is an able' lawyer, who stands at the' head of the Lancaster bar. He was a gallant soldier in the vol unteer army of the' P&L*, 'and beam upon his person, the scam of battle. We look hopefully for such action as will practically harmonize the divisia:;.of the party before November, and leave 'but one ticket in the field claiming Republican support. If such shall be the case there l ean be no doubt of a sweeping victory. Hitt if both tickets re main in the field, and Rpublicans are forced to determine on vvhick."side they will stand, we see little to hdpe forlso far as our State ticket is concerned. We can judge better Of the true situation after we see what: the Democrats,, who meet in convention to=day to nominate a State ticket, have done. The lines otbatile Can then be distinctly drawn. We can, when we know the ticket, point out what may be expected as the result of so voting as to give victory to the enemy. We shall also hope for a pronounced reaction in Republican sentiment that may make Success certain. . Strikes are the order of the day in all the labor centres, and in almost every trade and occupation. • Millions of dollars , in wages have, during the last few weeks, been lost either by Voluntary er . enforced idleness, which it will take years of increas 7 ed pay to make up, and this makes it a problem whether strikes do the workmen any' good. Labor is like very other com modity and the demand and supply as, well as the quality must regulate the priCe. The leaders do - not-seem to realise that foreign labor is an important factor in thequestio: n, but the immense number arriving and their eUeet on wages is apparent to every onswho studies the labor question. Malian', Germans, Jews Irish .French, indeed from almost every nation under the sun, except Clihui r lei immigrants leek our shores. In other wards, the Simplilt in creasing more rapidly than- our, neeessifies require; hence the - wages do not rise in prcportion ' our • increased buskiess--- capitiklists - eitunet.regninto Prier any more that' the men can regulate waiw; the p duction aia consumption does that in, spite of them, and these two ruts makes the labor , problemlkoth,an,interesthig and an intricate one. K. Aldrich; of .We Mass., has written ‘Ei ycluird Upon;" The Ray of our Siyiour's brucifixion," in which he ohne to` Show, crucifixion -oc curred en Thursday, not Friday.. .Thisview is in 'word 'with that of , the Eastern ChOrch; but runs counter to that' of toast Roman Catholic and ProtestantChristi - ims. It 4s,fiowever, aecepted by some very em inent, theologians; and ha* some. very obvious:advantages in that, if true it makes the crucifixion to have occurred: on the fourteenth of,Nisen, the day; on which the paschal lamb was killed; it makes Christ to have h - three *its in the grave, and, consequently,- to have risen on the third day; accounts forroi. Nottheioi use of the plural Sabbathslr makes the triumphal entry into Jerusalem to have been' on Sell : . day; accounts for the occupation of the several i days of the i Passien Week, and re moves the concealment which hangs over Wednesday; and reconciles the discrepan cies between John and the 'other evOngel iste, 'and the apporent discrepan cies .. in Christ's own-statements. ' EOETQBIAI, COARESPONDECE. _ . WAinucrioit, D. O , June 24, The libia.3 has at last fixed a day for, • sursrAmouarsitrarr. A resolution passed on Saturday - names July 10. It is not expected that the Senate will agree to this,,but put the time a week later. The House has passed all of the annual apprzpriation bills, except the sundry civil and naval. These will be passed within the coming week. - • - The following 'appropriation hills, .some of which have been in the Senate a. week, are yet to-be acted upon by that 'body: The deficiency, postal, Army, legiOative executive and judicial, and the river and harbor. , When the other two are sent over • from the House, there will be seven, all of which will elicet lengthy debate. An ad journment therefore may not be looked 'for before July 17th.' • . 1 THE, RIVER AND HARBOR BILL, Which, as passed by 'the House, appropri- 1 atee over $17,000,000, will be yet largely increased by the amendments put on by the Senate, and may get so heavily liden with jobs that the craft Will • sink between the two houses. Of the Republicans of the Pennsylvania delegation five voted in favor of the bill, as follows: Messrs Bayne, Har mer, Celley, O'Neill and ; Watson, all of whorn:gnt a slice for their districts, .and five vote d against it viz: Messrs . Campbell, Godshalk, Jadwin, A. Herr Smith, and Walker:l The following who: would have voted are, were paired with members who would if present vote ("no,"): Mr, Bingham Mr. Errett and Mr. Ward. • Mr. Scranton was absent without a pair. Messrs Barr, and Miller, were.paired „with Members who if present would have voted ("aye,").. The bill was passed in the House by the most persistent log-rolling. The members whose districts were to get a sop combing. with those who were to get nothing, with outrespect to party, and thus the bill loaded down as it was got through • the CONTESTED SEATS It is not bleb. that any more contests for seats will be settled this season: Some of the facts brought to light in the contests which the House has had before it,. t are sufficient to open the eyes of all honest Men to the infamous methods practiced by the Democratic party in the Southern States to secure the return of men not elected to Congress in order to. mantain the" ascen r . dency in the lower House. Here &sped:: men, broagheto light in the case of Lowe vs. Wheeler, in the eighth district of Ala bama. The following secret circular was sent on the eve of election, by the Dem+ erotic committee to the Democratic inspec tors at each poll in the district: DEAR Stu: ,As soon .as the polls are closed; infornuthe inspectors of the election that the Lowe tiekets with Hancock electors on them are illegal.. They contain the figure's Ist, 2d, &c., designating the districts. These are marks or figures which are pro hibited ty the eleckion laws; see acts '1878 . - 79, page 72; and all such tickets should be rejected when the votes are counted, aftor the polls are closed: [To be shown. wily to very discreet friends .j Mr. Lowe ran as' an independent. The following is the form of the, ballot:1 [Form, of rejected ballot] FOR ELECTORS FOR PREt3ID I F.NT AND VICE- PRESIDENT STAIE AT LARGE. 1 JAS: 4 III. PICKENS. II OLIVER S: BFFTC. i IM3ro(6lllsoo4)Nitplzil Ist District—C. P. McCALL. 2d District 7 —J. B. TOWNEND. 341 District—A. B. GRIFFIN. " 4th District—HlLLA_RDX. JUDGE. sth District—THEODOßE NUNN. 6th Distriet—J. B. SHIELDS. 7th District—H. R. litcCOY. Bth District—JAllES H; COWAN. FOR CONGRESS-EIGIITII . DISTRICT. WM. M. LOWE A sufficient number'of these ballots were thrown out after the• polls closed to defeat Mr. Lowe. Such action being in direst conflict with the Constitution of the United States, the House gave Mr. Lowe the beno flt of these ballots and awarded hirnat i e seat "WhichlhonestlY belonged i THZ NEXT HOENE. Nothing short of the most foolish ions in the Republican ranks in Tennsyl-. vania, New York and other Republican States can prevent the next House being Republican by a large majority. We hale it from high and, the Most reliable Dana . cmtic authority—a southern member _of Congress, • that the Democrats will locSe heavily in Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and perhaPs Kentucky: The recent _Democratic nomi nations in Tennessee, are of such an unpoto- War character that tlfla party is dividCd and the-entire" congressional delegation:is likely to he Republican. The case is much the same in; North Carolina and • Virginia.. The better political elements are asserting themselves and Bourbonism is going under.. GrITEAV'S DEATH *ARRANT' Withintwo days of a year from , the day on which Guitean fired the fatal shot that robbed the nation of a beloved Chief Magi's trate, he will expiate his crime - on the gallows. The death warrant was made out and delivered to the Warden of the jail this morning and is as follows: i In the Supreme Court of the District of Columbit, May 22d, 1882: • I United States agt. Charles .1. Guiteau-H No. 14,056—murder. • • - The President of thelJnited States. _ . To the warden of the United States 'jtiil of the District - of Columbia. Greeting: Whereas, Charles J. Guitean has been in- • dieted of felony and murder by him diMe and committed, and has been thereupon arraigned, and upon such arraignment his pleaded not guilty, and has been lawfully convicted thereof; and whereas judgment of said court has been given that the said Charles J. Gultean shall be banged by the neck until he be dead, therefore you are hen by commanded that upon . Friday.sthe thir tieth (80th) -day ot June, im the year of our Lord, one, thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, (A: len), between the bouri of twelve (12) o'clock meridian and two (3). o'clock put meridian of,the same day, him, the odd ChM* J. 'Oulteau, now being in Par.:Utedody in the,- ocialmen jail ni the '"istriOl:OU,Columl, you - Convey: the Place Prepared-for 4e execution, within the walls of the said jail''Of the District of Columbia, and that you!causi execution to be done upon thOsaul Charles J. Guiteau, ih ymir Custody, so being in aft things a& orcling to Said judgment, and this you are by nemeses to omit, at your peril; and do you return this writ unto the clerk's office Of said court, m endorsed as to show ',bow: You have obeyed the mine. Witness: D. K. Cutter, Chief Justice of said court ,J. Meige, Clerk. - - A - cow:Otte° of - bhilimthropists in con junctionxith /dr, Reed, Guiteau's attorney have persistently besought the President for days past to grant a,• reprieve to the culprit fora short time, in order' that sci ence might demonstrate.that ho is insane. At a cabinet meeting on Friday their peti tion was refused and the death warrant .!li!sqltA't,• , ,pplApßApkis, Ex-Senator Dorsey proposes to bring suits for libel aminst bur) number .'of , news papers. lie will, elaim over $l,OOOOO damages. • • ' Hon. W. W. Corcoran, the Washington philanthropist; has so far recovered . from his recent_seVereAless as to be considered oat of danger`. Don Raman Criado; a citizen of the United States, who died recently in Har Yana, bequeathed $400,000 with which 'to found a college in New York for the child ren of poor - Cubans; He owned large sugar estates in the J*arodistriit of Cuba. HoM George P. Marsh, 'Minister to Italy, has the honor of beingthe senior diplomat in the United States service by consecutive years of duty at one 2 post. He was com- missioned inFilarch, 1881, and has held the office ever since, and during 'that time has not eien i asked for a temporary leave of absence. POLITICAL PORTS, Judge J. H. Berry, the Democratic can didate 'for Governor of Arkansas, is a One leggo ,ex-Confederate. • 'The Binghamton Monthly News , urges the democrats'of Pennsylvania.to nominate Robert Asa Packer for Governor and Raley 8., eose for Congressuian-atdarge.i , They nimbi Makea strong team; but where the News over got the idea that the • demo cratic party, would nominate any man under 89 'years of age is what surprises this hisOnian.--Conion The Republican 'Rtate ,Convention' of Vermont met at Montpieler,. Wednesday of last week. , Mr. Redfield Proctor was elec ted president of the convention. John L. Barstow, of Shellnirne e was nominated for Governor by acclaination. L. S. kerigree for Lieutenant, Governor and W. H.- Eiubois for Treasurer were then nominated. After the adoption of a series of resolutions the convention adjourned sine i die. It has been pretty generally circulated in ibis section by the opposers of Gen. Beav,er, the rion,inea for Governor, to the effect that li t a4oted against his instructions at the Chicago National Conventioni in 1881. S. H. Bails, ',Esq., of ouibornugh interviewed the General at Towanda last week` on the, subject, and learned from his own lips that the'statement was not true, and further, that he carried out his instructions to the hitter. This , is one of the_ many political lies put in circulation by the few soreheads in, this locality.—Leßaysrille Acirertiser. • The protracted and bitter opposition of the Democrats in Congress to _the, passage of the pending bill to authorize the eaten den of the charters of the existing nationa banks ought tobe noticed by all sound busi ness men. • Even though' the measure should become a litw, it is trite certain that this desperate hostility has been the cause of very serious endmirassznj i nt to the banks, the business men and to ell inter ested'in American finance.—North Ameri- 63/ "Of the making of books 'there igno end," said Job, ages • ago. He would have said the same of political articles in newepapets, if there had been any in existence in his day. It id.marvlous'what an amount of political literature is scattered b i a road-cst over the country; and publishedi by . the press during the campaign, mid inltho liminary skirmishes.. Politicians I are like' the old Scottish clans, they ' may fight among themselves inside their party, but unite to repel the common enemyjof oppo 'site political opinions. In the prege , nt cam paign the Independents are 'guerillas, and are as energetiC as the Dernosrats; in show ing that the Republican State Committee had no authority to reconvene the State Convention to nominate a Congressman -at- Large, vacant through the declination of Mr. Marshall. Solidlargument rind com mon, sense are in 'favor of the' regulars meeting, and this all the sophistry of the Independent and Democratic press cannot change. The nominee of Wednesday's Convention will be the party candidate for porigressman-at-Large, as fully US if he had been nominatetpit the first Convention, and ho will be electedlwitli the rest of • the ticket in November. — This assertion imay seem strong in face of. the Independpnt movement; but it is based uponithe exp4ri ence of termer campaigns With similar foikes at work.—Delaware epublican.° PENNSYLVANIA PARAGRAPHS. - - York county farmers are haying. Some young men of Lewisburg are about to start on a 2800 miles walk on June $O. ' . , The conflagrltion in the Diamond col: fiery at Wilke.sharre still continues unaba ted.. At Pittston the Pennsylvania goal con tetniautve given their employes ten , per cent 'f,rtuse A Wilkesbarre dispatch states that Par ish itiCo. will advance the wages s ot their miners tett per cent July Ist. ThO window-glee's factory of Phillips & Brothers, Pittsburg, was• destroyed by fire Wednesday evening of last week. , Bloomsburg, Columbia county, is to have a woolen mill with an annual• production valued at $20.0,000. The ground for the mill was donated by a resident ot . that place. Mrs. Nagle, widow of the late Genial James Nagle,. of Pottsville, received 'pen sion draft on Tuesday for $6557. This is said to'be the largest amount in accrued pension received by anyone in Schuylkill county. Ale a special court held at Wilkesbarre lasi week, before Judge Elwell, of Blooms bag, the motion for a new I,trial in the libel imse, of W. W. Scranton against A. A. Chaim,. editor of the Seriinton Times, was prikned, and was refused. This leaves the verdict of 04142 stindizig against Chase, and if not paid he will have to go to prison. A tarkey l hen belonging to Ti4vid McAfee, of Nantmeal, Chester county, gave unmis takable evidence of being affected with hydrophobia last Week. She not only frothed'at the mouth and rolled around in .a mad way, but pounced on her brood of twelve little turkeys • and Pecked and 4ampled theme all to death befo l she was !gilled by her owner. A resident. of Chester )county, found a oogper penny a few' days ago, - tuid'on re moving the dirt . WllB gratified to find that it bars . the Chita of 18W But; twelve of theie.tOini were strut i n that year, and thhi is the -Only one of thei number" that conld not twi ',Accounted to? . .A tieniium hae::'-been _ o f fered -for it, iand the lucky finder has refused one hundred dollars offered bit & "Collector for the coveted cop- Per- A .strange contagion has broken out among the cattle:of Centre county: The victims become stupid, stop eating, the milk drics up. and death follows in about five days. A. post-mortem examination shows the windpipe inlituned, the Inns filled . with corruption and the kidneys enlarged, and -an accumulation of iater in • the bovirels. Earrners in the Bald Eagle - Valley are anxious to discover the name of the disease and a remedy for it. , • • l A collision occurred Wednesday afternoon of last week on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Rock Cut, near Mount Caramel, between &gavial train an. 'excursion train con taining officials of the Lehigh Valley; New York Central and Northern central-Rail roads and others. The paisangers all ,escaped with slight bruises. • Conday Dris col, a brakeman, was seriously scalded, and the 'engineer engineer 'and fi reman of the gravel train were slightly hurt. Both engines were badly wrecked. D. F. Henderson, the defaulting tax col lector of Eeast Donegal township, Lancaster county, was taken before the County Com- Ira *nners last week in obedience to the warrant - of . the County Treasurer. The total amount of the defalcation is reported to be $1817.87. The Sheriff has levied on fleaderson's property, and the Commission era directed him to sell. 'Henderson was remanded to jail, but an agraeinent will piobal:dy be uuule in a few days for his re lease from custody. William, Whipple, Abram Whipple and William Forest, who belonged to an organ ized gang which has - committed a number of robberies and ,other crimes in the vicinity ef.Sunhury recently, have b4en arrested. FOrreseWas found in his bonsai at Sunbury, and made a desperate resists: e. He drew a revolVer, and climbing on the roof of his house, defied' the officers. He was finally captured, but escaped by jnmbing through a window in the magistiate's office. He was afterward recaptured and lodged in jail. The 'Whipple brothers were foetid near Montandtm, eight miles from Sunbury. One: of them leaped through - a window, and after archase of half a mile through the fields was shot in the back. BOth were then lodged in jail GENERAL GLEANINGS. Small-pox ,is breaking out alarming] among the Creek Indiana in the Indian ter ritory. . The Treasury commission r eports that pleuro-pneunionia still prevails among cat tle•in Baltimore county, Maryland. Nursing mothers kain strength by using Brown's Iron Bittetls. It acts like a charm in resteringlto health and strength iwer-. ' strained nature. • Halloway, the defaulting teller of the Poughkeepsie national bank, was yesterday Sentenced to six years imprisonment in the Erie county penitentiarY. Halloway seem ed dazed and his face branched. Another terrific storm visited Malcolpi, lowa, on Thursday. Further loss of life, buildings and gooda resztied from Satur day's storm is reported. The . hurricane also did considerable - damage 9,t Pleasant ville.. The army worm is making Oightful - rav ages in Pennsylvania, Maryland, De*wain , New Jersey.. Perfect droves of . theris are on the rampage and it is feared that an in finite amount of damage' may result from their trail through the country.. . A boiler explosion occurred Wednesday of last Week at Williamsfield, Ohio, which wrecked a saw-mill; instantly killed Thomai Thonspiim and Charles Dunham,. ,and so wounded Almond D. Brooks and: Frank Chamberlin Omit they died soon afterward. A Galveston dispatch of the 21st says : " At 2:30 yesterday the final splice.of the , Mexican cable was made by the steamship International off Brazos, Santiago, placing Galveston. in direct communication with Vera Cruz, and telegraphic communication with the whole of South America. The sensation at Providence; R. 1., now is the mysterious disapperrance ofk Frank R. Madding, m bookeepeer in the National Bank of North America, who - hag not been seen 'sine° the Bth inst. It is believed that he was demented, and has wandered among strangers or-committedsuicide. . 1 Qn Tuesday afternoon, of-last week; William Robasf, Lewis Salemrin and Bartp , Gantemeyer were killed, and Jacob Baker and Frank Patterson were seriously injured by the falling of a bank of earth and stone at Mount Vernon Cotton Mills in Baltimoi'v county, Md. hill to were grading a• hi preparatory to the erection Of a repair shop for the mills. Thursday afternoon, during a thunder storm, the confederate monument on the State House grounds, at Columbus, S. C.; was struck by lightning, and th,e life-size marble figure of the soldier surmaunting it was dashed to the ground. head 14 the soldier was cut off, and: the mass of the handsomest piece 'c i f monument sculpture in the' country is utterly , wrecked. , • F. B. Thingerford, of Corning, has in vented an iron tie for railroads. It is so simple and effective that competent railroad men pronounce it practicable. and desirable. The inventor has been assured by a number of railroadPoffi,cials that they will use this tie as soon and as fast as they can get 'them, and Mr. H. is organizing a company to build a rolling mil for their manufac ture. Superintendent Fairman, of the New York Insurance Department, has reported Western New York Life Insurance Coin piny of Batavia to the Attorney-General for failure to pay in an impairment of cap ital. The poicy-holders are .ftilly protected by tile funds held in the how:lnce' Depart ment 7/ The superintendent insists that the company should be closed in order, that the policy-holders may receive the amount dap them without delay. • The following estimate is nunici, of the cbminge done-by the cyclone inihe various counties of Iowa: Boone, $20,000 ; Story, $30,000 . ; Jasper, $50,000 ; Poweshick, $10,000; Keokuk, $100,000; Henry, $l,- 200,000; Pocehontas,,,slo,ooo. The Chica go and Bock Island Bail Way Company lose in merchandise and property $41,000, and the lowa Central Railway Company $lO,- 000. The total lost is estimated at from 61,500,000 to $3,000,000. . It is reported that .the talk-weavers of Macclesfield, Ensland, despairing of any improvement in their languishing trade, are preparing to leave their country to try if they planet mend ' their- fortunes in the United States. That is prthabiy the most sensible thing that they could . , do. Owing to French competition, the business of manufacturing silk in Great Britain has long been in a bad way, and it •is rapidly going from bad to worse, Whereas the pl 7 dtistry in the United States is every year growing in 'proprtions and, in prosyierity. British sllk-weavers are, tolerably sureto mend their condition by crossing the Atlan tic, while there.is little or ne hepe,thaf they will ever bc4etter off than they are now so long as they'stay in England. THE CONVENTION! HARRISIYOUG, June 21.—The dele gates to the recalled Republican, COn ve.ntion were early. on the, ground this morning, and by ten o'clock about one hundred and eighty bad called on the chairman of the State Committee for tickets of admission. The delphia delegation held a caucus at 11- 30, and the letter of Mr. John Wane maker was readi but no plan of action was decided upon pending the,i-general ,caucus, TR El: CAUCUS • Af4:45 the delegares assembled in the library to discuss the situation, and were called to order by Aleiander P. Brown. Judge Fetterman was chosen permanent Chaitman of the •caucus. Judge Jessup then presented a"resolu tion as follows: That the State E utive Committee, when organized, be requested to issue a call for a new convention, under the new rules, to complete the State ticket, and with . full Rower to take such action on the ticket I 'already nominated as shall be for the ; best interest of the Republican Fitly of the State. lle supporced this in a Strong speech and was followed by Mr. Samuel B. Huey, of Philadelphia;. Mr. Gilkinson. of.Bticks; Mr._ Isaiah H. Brown and JUdge Bunn, of Philadelphia. General McCleary, of Erie, then offered a substitkite to the, effect that the convention proceed to complete the ticket, and that the State Committee use all honorable means to harmonize the party so as to secure the election of the Republican ticket. After some little confusion and a speech by Colonel Norris, • 'of Philadelphia, Mr. BpAus, of Lancaster, spoke in sopport of ,the substitute. Judge Jessup desired to offer at amendment to the latter part of the . suostitute, 'but as it did not meet witk--fevor. witOrew it, and the substitute was adepted. It was then decided to make Colonel David Taggart of Northumberland, chairman of the convention = and the_eacuiadjourned. . THE CONVENTION At 1.30 P. M. the Convention as sembled in .the Opera House. Colonel Taggart on taking the chair made a brief and humorous speech, and then the roll was called.' Upon the conclu• Rion of the roll-call it . was announced. that ‘i• 27 out of the '251. delegates were pre4nt. Mr. Brosias then offered the resolu tion approved in caucus, directing the nomination of a candidate . for Congress. man at'llarge and referring to the State Committee the question of adopting . methods of harmonizing the party. -It was adopted without dissent. Nominations for Congressman-at large were then made as follows: Gen erat.Wm. LiHY, of Carbon county; Marriott , Brosius, of 'Lancaster; General Lemuel Todd; of Cumberland; Howard T. Jacobs, of Berke county; C-ralusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna. William S. Bunn, - of Philacielpia. wanted to knoW if Dr. Bressler had been nominated. Bressler belongs in York county, and had been distributing hand bills among delegates, asking for the nominntion•as a - vindication because he was nominated at the last conven tion. . • - - A Philadelphia _delegate ',nominated Mr. Bunn, and Mr.'Bunn, amid ter, withdiew his name. • From Galitsha A. Grow a letter that had been Written to Mr.Hain Nesbit of Blair county, was read. The letter was written in - reply to an inquiry.froni Mr. Nesbit, and said that the writer Was nog a candidate for any public ()Mee, anti had retired from politics. Mr. Brosius declined- to run ti - S - a' candidate, saying that . the very • beSC man obtainable -should. b 3 named .for the place; and he felt that he was not the man for the position: - A delegate desired to ask-Mr. Brosius whether he would accept the nomination if tendered him. , . : • - Mr. Brosius did not . reply, but a Lancaster. delegate, • speaking for him promised that if nominated he would not only accept, but would add strength to the ticket. The nominations than closed and a ballot proceeded with, resulting as follows: Lilly, 25; Brosius, 161; Todd, 17; Jacobs, The - nomination of, Mr. Brosius was, on motion, made unanimous. response to demands for a speech the nominee' mane a brief address, in which he said that a • distinguished Frenchman - who had- been nominated to. a high office had said that he felt that, it was a prenionitiob of an early death, and that Frenchtnap had died within a week. [Laughter.] A f ter i referyin g. to his experience as a soldierAhe speaker. said that he had, as thought, unalter ably made up his mind not to let hi , : - name be used in the Convention, but as he saw the swelling vote of the delegates 'it was to,him the old call again, 'come to the front, and - eauld only silt' that he placed 'himself .at the dispostil `of his party and would accept the honor. After the band in the gallery had play 'ed Rally 'Round the Flag", the Conyen don adopted the resolutions 'reported from the caucus - empowering the State Committee to till vacancies on the - ticket - and - then adjourned TUE ' CANDIDATE. Marriott Brosiiis, Esq...was born in Coleraine township, Lancaster county, in 18receiving 7 13' and after c'ominon school - education, entered the. P r lw University at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Before completing his course, the ,war broke out, add young Brosius enlisted. in 1861 as a private in 'the Ninety seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, serv ing g allantly •as a soldier. At the battle of Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, he was ;shot in the right shpulder„ and is yet partly disabled. After his discharge from the army Mr. 11'rosiii entered the i law Ake of I .lon. Thomas E: Frankliii,of Lancaster. and was subsequently admitted...to the bar of that county. From early life he has been identified with the temperance cause, delivering' many 'lecturec and addresses on that subject. He is an orator of fine ability, and was honored by, being selected to deliver the oration at the unveiling .of: the monument at Antietjm two years " ago. He has never held office except that , of Notary Public 'and school director, being at present a member of the Lancaster School Board. Rose Cold mid Ray Fever. slessrs. White & Burdick, Druggists, Ithaca, N. Y.—l can redommend Ely's Cream Balm to relieve all persons suffering from Rose Cold ,and Hay Fever. have been a great sufferer from• the complaints; by 'using the Balm have had great relief. I -have recommended fetomany'tf my friends for Catarrh, and in all cases where they lariVe used the Balm freely have been cured. Dry Goods Merchant, Ithaca, N, Y. Messrs, Wm. Rust & Sons, Drliggista) New Brunswick, N. J. Since boyhood I have.been-troubled with Catarrh and Hay Fever, and have ,been unable to obtain permanent relief until T used Ely's ,Cream Balm, which has cured me. After - a few days' use I could sleep all night, E. L. Cummiza, New Brunswick, N. J. Brit .50 cents. Apply into nostrils with lithe Anger. . • . AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY R. M. WELLES, Wholeaale and Retail Dealer. TOW A N D PA Tompilas Cinnity Leader 'Wheel Rake for one or two horses. Coates , Lock Lever 'Rake for 0111 , i E horsok ' • Surprise!illleel Rake rifr4blie horse Theao rakes.wilt snit the farmers in axiality and price; being adapted to every kind of work and at prices to meet the views of. farmers. Come and see them by all means before buying any other. ' . Spring Tooth Harrows Just received a car load of superior harrows. Now is the time to bny thebest harrow you ever saw for preparing your 13uckwlisat and Wheat grounds, One will . pay for itself in one season. Sulky Spring Tooth harrows With and without SEEDER ATTACHMENTS. Several of the beet kind of these convenient harrows. Would invite particular attention to the Miller and Albion Sulky' Harrows and seeders!. Osborne Mowers, Osborne Light Reapers, Osborne Self-Bindin;i Reapers Attention is invited to these admirable ma chines. They are first-class and .cheap." .os horne'sjaelt-Binding Reaper is gaining , the .` Laurel's P,' everywhere.. . . . CULTtI'ATORS IN V. 4 PIETY. 4 . . ~. , . . • .'-- ' - -: - .-7.; 7 . ,. :.''--,, , • - 1 . . •...;, ,- • 't. l . • • t\ • : : - A• 0. -4 IP% , . . • _.„._ ...-- 1 .. s ,_,,e. 'ME BELIABLE - To Akins Co. , ' 1 Cultivator Also HORSE HOES, 'MILL CULTIVATORS THE ' Wiard Plow. The - beat of all plows. SIDE HILL PLOWS CHURN POWERS, cheap and good. Send for pri.•cs, 4c. Call and see . my WhitneY Open and Top Bug gies, Gorton Carryall, and P s latform Wagons. I have wagons as good as you-can get made to.or , der, and at much less prices. All warranted to be durable whale - bune "'wagons. Auburn Farm, Ytragon's. The best Farm and. Lumber Wagons to the market. -ppecial inducemetits to cash bnyere of a goods in my line !. A car load of Fresh Cerh.ut.• Sheathing and Building Pape'rs. Vt!rmin Proof carpet Lining Papers. EiU RED - 311. ED IU.LYTS? Mowing Machine.and Reaper Repairs. Write for prices and circulars, orscall and see rue R. M. 11 ELLES. ' Towanda. ra Juno : 22, 1564-tf. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY NORTII END HOUSE SMITH, .11n na.v.er (formerly of the Ward House.) 7- This house occupies the finest location in the Park • Only 200 yards' from tho beach. Fulland unobstructed view of ocean, 22juno4t T . Emerson's °mat • . Musical Institute for with a full binird of first-class instru. tors, will be held at WAVERLY., N. Y,.. com mencing July 10th, and continue- four WOOllll. For, circulars containing full particulars apply to E. F. GOFF, Waverly, N. Y., or to L. 0. En. ERSON, FrinCipal; Hyde Park, Mane. CAR TRUST COUPON BONDS For Pale at par. Interest aix per cent, payable quartertyl" Scud address by poatal, for Orenlar giving par - tieufars. E• W. CLARK & CO., PHIL'D'A • . . • (7L. •YDES DA E S TAL !IIk LORD CLYDE, Will rake the V;1802 of 1882. at; the farm of the sublieriber one unite treat of the villige of Eal4Bmithrieltl. .. 1 Both Sire awl Dun iniporteil, bred by Win, Crozier,. Itiorthpqri, Lour Island. Aks : wo give breeders ninny and ad lives wo..can assure patrons the, we , arenot Offering i the services Of a grade berm:. Tgans:—.M - •W. A. WOOD; EA.T SHITIIFIELIZ, PA., April G--t;rri.s 1 FXECUTOR'S .NOTICE. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned. under the last will and testament of Donna Maria Montauye. 'late' of Towanda berough, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent aro hereby notified to ,make immediate payment. add all having claims against said estate mint present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. IRA H. HUMPHREY, Executor. Towanda.;Pa., May 18, 1882. . rJran.. JONES' CREAM CAMPHORAS Till NAME of the popular t.thament that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, liwollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. Pain in the Face, Head or Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite. of an insect. Poison Vines, etc.,i for 4 Man or Beast Always reliable, and almost instantan eous in its relief. Baying au agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. '• Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cts. N.. B.—This Liniment'received a Prize Medal at the State Fair. 18;9.' - ASA JONES, Pr0p'r.. . 419 N. 3d St. Phila., l's. Jan. 13, 0 ADIVINISTR. .'OR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Babyan: deceased, late hf the township of Granville,! Bradford county; Pa. Letters of administration having been issued out of the Orphatre Cdurt.of Bradford county to the undersigned upon "theilestate of the , above named decedent, notice is therefore hereby given that all persona indebted rn the estate above named must Mahe ,itumedLite payment, and all persons having claims against the same must present them drily authenticated for set tlement to me. 5 • ANDUEW BUNYAN, GEO. L. BUNYAN„ April 19, iset•rm* • Administrators, F OR . SALE. -I- C second-hand Engine and Boiler. in . good condition. En gine 111x20, Tubular Boiler, Force Pump, 'Con nections, etc. Suitable for a saw or grist mill. Have 'been running 4 run :of stone with it. Reason for selling is That I am increasing the capacity of my milt 'and putting in larger engine. For full partidulars call on or address O. .1.4 DAYTON, Towanda, Pa.., Juno 25-4 w Rifircad Tfrie.Tablez. BARCLAY R. R. TIME-TABLE. ..mgvi EFFECT JAN. Y, 1882 TILAINS. Null.lll. 10 ;4 . way Ace' - MaiLi tion• firAtIONS r.M.(4 , 1.31. • - • A.Sf. P. u 6.2.1)1 r. ... Towanda ... Dep. , fs.l7 3.15 GAO; 9.0 Dep. Ar, G. 3 5. 6.0 9.04:Ar. ....Moriroe.... Dep. G. 41 3.31 5 . 5;41 8.59 , Masontown G(7 3.3 S 5.531 rya• .. Greenwood " 5.52 3x/ 17.45; 8.15 " —Weston( „.. •• 7.04 3A7 *5.371 , *F1.35' " • 7.11 * 3:4 0 5.351*5.35; " " *7.15•314 311 8.31 " LongVineydune • ' 7 . 19 4.02 5.20! r.lslDep. ...Foot of ?Jana. Ar.! 7.37 4.15 * ibdicstes that trains do aot,stop. ' F. F. LYON, Flute t and Eng'r, Inirclay,p& 2mr62. I EHIGH VALLEY & PENNA. AND /LA NEW YORK RAILROADS. ARRANGEIf ENT OF PASSENGER TRAINB 'TO TAKE EFFECT JAN. Ist, 18S2. EASTWARD. STATIONS 1 2.051 ...1 2.501 .1 5.15 1 6.40 i 6.55, 8.33 1 5.15' 8.501 9.16; ..1 9.451 7.20 ; 7 If, 8.25 2.20 1 10.05' 1,11.05 11.35' 1.00 ..... .... . " 1.35; .. 1.45; 2.00' 345 ; 2.10' 9.40 , 4 15 2.3010.00' 4.30 2.34:10.05 . ; 4.34 10.15 ..... ;10.25 ... . . 1 3.001043 505 1 10.54'. 5.13 -.111.10 ; 5.24 "._111.12 3.30 . 11.30 . 5.43. 3.67;11.50' GU' • . 1 .....011.53 G.V. 4./212.101 G. 23 112.1 r. G. 14 ....112.241 4.35: 1.0•.)! ; • . ; 10: - -; • ta gars Falls - Buffalo ' • . Rochester Lyons . Geneva • - Ithaca auburn • Owogo El Wave r 'r e ly Sayre Athens Allan Mater ['Orland* WYsatiking • Standing 1it0n5..'.... Etnannertleld. Fronchtown - Wyslusing Laceyville Skinner's Eddy blesbopsien ilehoopany - Entiklusnnock • LaGrange Falls t. 4 B Janctton RI; •Barre Mauch Chink ... Allen tawn - Bethlehem Easton New York.... .z... 1 ..... 1046 1 ..... 1..... i ; 1.21' , ;.3S ..I 1.051 830' 1-.41; tub ~„! 1.351 5.30: 2.20; ii„:4". '..,.., . ...1 3.45 7.35' 4.50 . 11.00 -. ..I 4.44 , 8.29' 5.53 12.M4 ....1 5.00' 8.45' 6.0512.15 :-... 5.30, 9.00: 6.40 12.51 I ',: ....! ... 6.55 : 10.40: 6.40, 2.4 ..:. ....., - 8.051 ! 9.15: 3.35 • A.M. P.M. P.M ..Y.M, WESTWARD. 0 EITATIONB .P.ll. A.ll. A.X.3 Elf . 6.39 ...., 7.40 :mu 8.00 9.00 4.15 1 9.24, -.10.15. 1.50 .i 9.50 . '10.45 , t3.n . , ;,,,'10.541 6.24 . Lozi, • 11.55. ;1•.'.:5 1 1.08: 2:25' 03' 4 15- .. . 1,35 8.01 'lO.lO ..1 8.27 ...." 8.45 .... 10.40 2.15 8.55 3.01,10.53 1 9 . 20 •• • • 9.27: 3.27;11.39 9.43, ....'11.45 .1 3.02' 9.50 3.46 11.50 4.03 13.07 110.27' 12:1; J 10.37 ....'1321 X 10.5 4. 12 37, ,1105 443 12.46 '11.17 4.55 , 1:.5'. 11.26 1..6 ,4.30 11.3. 5.10 1:15' .14.40 14.41 5.20 1.23 14.45 11.50, 5.3u1 1.24 5.25:12.40, 6.15 3.15 ..i5.39 6.25 6.10 6.40 • 7.41, ..:. 8.14 .... :.;./ 8.40. ...: 8.50' • 9.50 6.1 9.40 : ti.ro 12.05,8.00 • 1.03. 9.25 4.08, 9.4 u Y. 31. P. 31. A.31.4;11 Sew York Philadelphia Easton Bethlehem Allentown . . ... Mauch Chunk....... ilkes-Darre. Junction.... Falls LaGrange Tunkhannock Meshoppen Skinner's Eddy. Laceyville .. Wyalusing. • Frenchtown ....... Rummerfield Standing Stone...:. Wysauking ...... Towanda • Ulster r....... Milan. &thong Sayre.. . Waverly, Elmira Owego . ...... Auburn ... Ithaca Geneva Lyons Roches ter Buffalo, • Niagara Falls 11101 No. 32 leaves Wyaluaing at 6:00, - A. M.. French. town 6.14, Rummerfteld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Wysauking 6.40. - Towanda G. 53, Ulster 7.06, Sillau 7;16, Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:4e, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 3:50., A. U. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. 31., Waverly 6:lu, Sayre 6:15, Athens '6:20, Milan 6.30, Ulster 6:4u, Towanda 6:55, Wysanking 7:03, standing Stone 7.14, Rummerfield 7:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arrive. ing at Wyalusirig at 7:45., P. M. 'lrainB 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New Toik with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains . 2 and '9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia mah out change, and' through coach to and from Rochester via Lyons. _ WM. STEVENSON, Snpt. SsTug, ht.. Jan.:, 18S2. Ps. & N. Y. 4.3 WagOtCajriqes Cheaper than eier at the OLD ESTABLISEfMEN.T JAMES. BRYANT, ---- would - . call the atten '‘tion of FARMERS and others to his large and complete assortment of Open Sr, Top lEtitg,triem PLATFORM WAGONS E 'all of his own MANUFACTURE and war ranted in every par; ,tioular - • Bryant's Flexiblo fiprings need In 111 Platform Wagons. r'ibo easiest and beat in use. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Look st these illiiires Two Seated Carriages troni - $l5O to 51 75 Pittston'', one seated . • i 123 to li l a Top Buggies .... 1 - 125 to- Thi Open Buggies ' No to WO , Democrat Wagons 90 to 110 Remember that the above are all tally warrant. ed, flrat•class or no pay. ' , Repairing promptly 'attended to at 25 per con t lielow last years prices. ~ Office and Factory oor. Main slid Elizabeth ,Sts; JAS.• BEY ANT. ^UebS2• A. PEVERLY SMITII, BOOR BINDER AND te.aler Scrcll Saw .oc:dz. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLN Pine Blank _Books Isnr SPECIALTY, Amateur's Supplies. This department of my bigness a very emu. Weft., and beings prattles' sawyer myself I know tho wants of my patrons. WOODS. • SAW BLADES, • • CIA)CK MOVEMENTS, At'. conetantiy on /And- ST $1.25 worth of draigb for .$l. Send for price lists. : .I " REVOLTER ". BINDERY. Pnrk street. P. 0..b05. 1512. - Towanda. Ps • jONES'CREAMCANPHOR IS TIM NAME - OF the popular LiniMent that cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain in the Face. Read or Spine. Chapped hands, Brnisea,Spiaius. Burns. Mosquloto Bites, Sting or Bite of an iu smt, Poison from common Poison vines, etc.. for =woe beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor, it if pleasant to apply. Sold by all drug ! lists. Price 25 cents. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal a the State Esit.lB79. May 2.0 I y LETTER READS, BILL HEADS NOTE HEADS; Ac, printed In the best style ' the art at the RERunucals office. SOUTH, • • Acct' • port. Man I 15 9 ' 7 ME I E,30 2 MEN I - -,i • -4- FM