Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 29, 1882, Image 1

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;1 OLi '0 lilt N. nibljshers.
()L. VIII.
ideal Republican
I Pa'dished - tvery Thursday,
$1.50 Per Annum. iii _idennee
. ,
..ftlrertising Rates—Six. cents a line for first
insertiou.'antfivecents per line for all ettiv.e.
quoit insertions. Reading notice advertiting
ttn cents per line. VOA lines constitute a
iquare. 'and twelve lines an . inch. Auditor's
notices £2.50. Administrator's and Executor's
notices V 2.64. l'eirly advertising 8 1t.0.09 per
column. •
Tim Rare uticar- tk published - -in the limy.
Moore and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main
and Pine streets, ovei- - 47. lr. COrser's Boot and
Shoo store. Its *444°n : tsprir 2:q4 as.
sdrertising medium I.o4l,•,,iuiatenliee In • iti
ouNilatp ficl4. -
7:wanda Business Directory.
rtI.EVEL!..ICI) S NIci:OVERN, (E. J.
Wet. Mc Gown). Canton. Bradford County
f'a.• , business entrusted to their car in
Western Bradford will receice:prompl attention.
$ 73 over l'o , keß;N: Co
I - IMAF% J Mee in Wood's Mock, south
Firs National Bank, up atairs:, Juno 12:48
E Lqi
, C
P /,
VERTON SAIThEitSON (E Overton and John
Sanderson.) Office in Adimi Block .julys'7B
MAXWELL, WM. Opus over Daytona Store
sprit 14,76
- -
WILT, J. ANDILEVr. Office in Mean's Block
apr 141,76
W /team:olam, L M hall.) Office in *ear
ut, Ward llSuse. Entrance ori , Poplar St. 0e12,75
- -
MERCCR, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patenta.
Particular attention paid to businesi in
Orphans' Court and to the Bettlenient of estates.
office in litontanye'm Block. . 49.79
M -
c PUERSON & YOUNG, (/. McPherson and
W. /. young.) Office south side °Maus's
piO4*. feb 1rc,78
iyiniams, E J Angte-aril E•D BufAngten).
iiffi(e west side ot• Main street. two doors north
el Argns office. Ali t,usiness entrusted to their
care will receive prompt attention. oct 23;17 .
vey!: and counsellors-at-Law. °Mee in the
Stet, ur .11lock, over C. 'l'. Kirby's Drug Store.
july 3, WI If.
. _
TrEENEV. J. P. Attorue)-tt.Latv. Office In
31ontatiye's Bkoek, slain Street.
Sept: :5, •
MHOMPSON, W. H. and E. A.. Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda. Pa. Office in Moroni' Block.
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. entrance on Main
street. first stairway north of I'ost•otfce. All
Misimas promptly attended to. Special atten
tion given to claims against the United States
or Perisiotoi. Bounties, Patents, etc., and to
ollections and settlenaent of decedent's estates.
April 21. ly
, Soileitor of Patents.
_tios s ernment chains at
tended to. - 1.16feb42
ToiISSON. T. 8., M.D. °Mee over D. H. C
Porturee Drug Store. fell 1'1,78
.Wf ENVTON, Drs. D. N. F. G. Office at Dwelling
VII on River Street, corner Weston St. feb }2.11
A DD. c. M.D. Miles Ist door shore' old
ban building. on Main street. Special at
tention ccn to diseases of the throat and
longs. Ju1y19,78
1170.)1)DURN. .S. M.. M.D. °Mee and real
Y. v deuce. Main street..north of M.E.Chur2l
Medical Examiner for .Ponsion Drriatment.
AYNE, E. D.. 31. D. Office over 310titauye'a
St re. Ofhco hours froth 10 to 12 A. and
'rote 2 to• 4 Y. u. Special attention given to
1 , "1 easii of the Eye, and Diseases; of the Ear.
oct 20,77.
' It.sidenee and:oftce just north of Di. Corbon's
%lain street, Athens. Ps.
HOUSE. --Main at., nett corner south
11 of'liridgevltreet. .I:ew house and uew
fornititre throughout. The 'proprietor, has
.paced neither pains or expense in making his
Loci first-class and respectfully solicits a share
:A public patronage. Meals at all hours: Terms
riasonatre. Large Stable attached.
-!eir WM. EMMY.
"IcicrATKINS POST, NO. GS, G. A. R. 3loett
every Saturday evening, at Military Hall.
OEO. Y. MIER, Commander.
J. R. FarriaDur, Adjutant. feb 7, 79
ritsTAL LODGE. NO. 57. Meets 'at of P
lall evert Monday evening at 7:30. In
;uraiice $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver
sire annual cost, 5 years experience.. $ll. .
J. B. RITTRIDOP., Reporter.
J ri•E WAIIDELT I . .la., Dictator. feta 22.78
B .
RADFORD LODGE, N 0.167, 'I. 0. 0. IL Meet
in Odd Fellow's Hall. every Monday evening
at 7 o'clock. WinitEig Flux, Noble Grand.
Juue 1%75 -
POST. F. E. No. 32 Sccona street All orders
will receive protiapt attentiJn. June 12,75
The SPRING TERM will begin Monday,
! , Awil 3. For catalogue Or other infor.
-i:lr t Stit,, address or call on the Principal.
Towanda, Pa.
duly IJ,7s
.\T7ILLI. MB.:EDWARD. Practical Plumber
VY and Gas Fitter. }lace of 'business In Mer.
cur Block next door to Journal . Oface opposite
Public Square. Plumbing. Gas Fitting. Repair.
tig Pumps of all kinds. and all,kinds of Gearing
rom.ptly attended to. All wanting work In his
ne should give him a call. only 27.7 i
RURSE.I.I.. 0. S, General Insurance Agency,
' Towanda, Pa. °Ma; in Whitcorialfe Book
Ktore. Al,' 12,7 G,
And had One of His
VlllO 1) ;T:
A farm of fifty ac rem, located In tho Wysoa val
ley. five minutes drive front Ilona° borough
Tor tat particulars, address
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Xttorneym-at-Law; 'OMc
The best show oer here.—Pittsburg Daily. Leader, May 23:
...- ~.- - ,(1
,_ 1 4., , 'ii,
- ."---'i.„ 7_,,,,.•.5 „...,.....„..„..„, ..,,,,... .
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Ex - position of LivinglAT OD der s
~ ..
Positively Pealing, and wiU exhibit in all its vast entirety at ,
, . .
. .
1 .
. .
. I
OWA ilk ' ''
, MONDAY. - ' ,111111 - ,-
I ' .. .
: 7
greatests of all
featuree—`-sls,6oo.the_ first and o nly genuine ."
Lien Slayer," the only animal of its kind ever on Exhi
bitionit in this or any (itliM. country. You wilksee the great
. •
lANNYSSA . 11 . : - I IBAB IR OtT SS
• I
An animal hover before exhibited in America. The first and only
• • .
NIL Cb i
•'I : .
I‘ls • -
You will see the Simiam Col sus, Cyuocephalti , the five-ton .perforining Black Rhi noceros, an Arctic Aquarium of Polar Mammoths.
- Yoii will sees featureS never before NS4lies*ed with any.other exhibition on earth. ,
" •
Elks driven Tamlem , in the
Streets. ~• PerforMing Arabian
Dromedaries, Zeliras trained tv
Perform. Incredible Feats. Lap
land/ •
Hurdle _Racing _Reindeer,
a Gigantic Riding Cynoceplialus,..,
Performing Dells . of ;Hyenas,. a z
School • ; t cif Learned Seals;[ Per
forming, Den of .•
and' Lviiii4iAs
.• • ,
A Pair of African Elands.' .
Cavalcade of Fourteen Perform
ing Kentucky - TlarbughbredS,
The largest number 14 tlie.3ll
Beautiful and Best Trat
Horses in 'the :World,( and •...._
than a whole ' show<alone. - 31
! -
ARABIAN ! C 401179.
complete and' . e4atis ti 'e ri)l
lection of
Lim 4' .
. •
. • •_,, •
Do .
ge7 i
. 6 kIOA.
`` -FRED AvrKAFt.”
The Low CoMedy Rear, i . " BRUNO." I Steam Air-Ship in operation outside, free to all..
Sheik's Return Irian. ConqueSt. A Quarter of 'a 'Million Street; Parade. Three SU]
- Martial MusiOal Brig.deS.. The Neiv Leviathan Steam 'Band, a 20-Voiced Jubilee Chi
always Exhibiting Just What it Advertises.
Owl Ticket , Admits to all Advertised - Show'
Children_ Uncial. Nine Years Half Price.
It controls Millions, backed by Millions more, and
• so far as it is concerned, no other show ezists.
t-" • .
- • •
W . AV ERL_Y, JULY sth.
Its Like May Never _Again be Seen.
Of nil Amusement OmanizationsiPanoplied in
N.ENV,k I t7IN 17nr) isioNsTEw.
Ever exhibited citi this continent
Zoological Wonders
;101l will see Willis Cobb's origiLl arid only Minature Circus of •
• I •
-Goats. and nkeys.
Led by the Great'aild-Only « ORRIN
Whose salary, eiFeeds that of any five so-called,chainpions on this continent.
1.• •
C tEE.. WNS •• •10
4... . .• .•
. .
w. .
.i,..Ti- , .... .
_,,, --,11„7,,i.:-,r.,v,•:,..:•,,.......,........ 4'
.. ..
.`. rj_
"S i - ~
~ ~~
Headed by tho King Laugh-maker,
7. Enormous Metropolitan - Manageries--
ited. 40 Blazoned Cages of Wild 13easits.
itively the largest collection of extremely
e Wfld Animals with any exhibition on
continent, The largest fisting WHITE
'ILE HIPPOPOTAMUS ever imported—a.
.3e shambling river horse the terror of all
Lurians--claimed by many Theologians and
.00graphers to be identical with the Behemoth
the Bible. A pair of MAJESTIC GI
.AFI4', broken in harness and drawing Ro
m chariots. $lOO,OOO invested in more than
tons of educated flesh. A monster all-rep
mting herd of '
aiding twice the largest animal known'to
'mist,- the famous - old India war elephant,
XERXES," several inches taller and the
wiestanimal ever on this continent ; said to
over 200 years of age. - Also the Midget
_ -
rice the smallest full mum elephant ever
The. only genuine
the great Pironate and Somersault
Champion of tho World.
ireatest living Horse-woman on Earth.
The Only and Inimitable
krial Bicyclists ofl the Nineteenth Century,
lose Wonderful Performances" -on the In
.-4e Wire,_ 00 feet in the air, holds Thou
of People in Breathless Awe.
e World Famed Four and Six. Horse
Rider. " •
Champion Artists of the Tripple Bar.
Equestrkin Bowiuet. Illustrious by
To eonntaney. a thoneend fatnifsta Tattled;
To Constant% a thousand eoplitne eau;
The virtue honored. ohennhea and meted._ •
Theme for the old. and gold ,to tempt the
SUR are we taught. use feneleall,e ono ale,
Filth. Rope and Lim abide is Clonstaney.:, •
Yet irhO that gem gtmuner's golden moon, .1
' But longs for Autumn's uoft papiatio gram
Who reveals in thilavishwealth of Jeans,
Nor siglM to thinitit:AMlTillit
.Who tirad e glare, tint turns to the warm gloom,
Where the great pile log glimmer in the room?
way, without change, a 'int raiilaidatiPeu down;
♦ pasaimewrong would ridden to A bate;
A Wes Would wither 'math annsgef
And rash vow take all the strength of fate;
Where Constancy might daken,vnrse, estrange,
Fair fall the sunny power of harpy . change
Let Tan's soft saikle war sway *Wrath. -
And iPattenee do her perfect wait at hit,
And II ope so laughing blossoine pi Oafs* •
That will out-bloom the ,ntsbtli adonis of the
isat; . • •
TM al; that tole and anoints to wide
36,7 1 44“ taineVei
• ' " '
-AU the rear Rosa.'
At aix—l well remember when—
I fancied aU folks old at ten. •
84 when Pd tame& my first decade,
Ffisee appeared more truly staid. •
But when the fifteenth mina I'd run;
I thought none Olt till twenty-0ne..1
Thom; oddly, wheit - I'd roach that sae,
I bold that thirty rude folks sago.,
But when my. thirtieth year was told,
I said: o'"At twoecore men grow old !"
fat twoacore came and found me thrifty.
And so I drew the line at fifty. •
But when I reached that age. I weft)
None could be old until threescore t
And hen I am at sixty now, .
As young as wben at six; I bow !
'Tie true, in hair Is Fornorhat gray
And the& ; ase a cane taday.
"TM true, these rogues about my knee .
Say "Grandiial" when they speak tome;
But bless your sold, I'm young as 4iiin
I thought all people old at ten !
Perhaps a little wiser grown— *y,
Perhaparsonte old illusions town,.
But we:Wring still, while vein blif*rotted
R hen Is it that a man' grows old t
• '' —Vandal:a Erown.
*Like the bnzzing of bu - mtle'bees on
the hottest daiin August.'
'Like Monkey Jim exercising the
trombone in his individual style."
'LiklPat McGinnis' accompaniment
tp his wood-sawing.'
4 LiaWolf, snarling over a bone.'
'Girls, stop!' Poor mamma was
brouglit to the last Verge of ; desperation
between our language and the cause of
it. The cause of it was Cousin Cicely
(who was making her autumnal visit).
performing her Sunday chat in the par
lor across the ball. .
Cousin Cicely wbs A large, angular
person, with it big, .intellectual bead,
and gray straggling i curls ranging' up and
down on each site of her face. She
was papa's cousin,•lnd a great religious
devotee. A great' portion of Sunday
was reserve& for this exercise, for which
we exert the inventive genitmeof the
united family in seeking comparisons.:
Cousin Cicely bad never been able to
sing, but nevertheless, she wished to'
I 'Praise the Lord by.note,' and literally
by note it was. She took her place be
fore the instrument. opened the church
hymnal at one . - particular liytitn, Land
hammered the alto on the piano; with
all the startlingness of the single , digit
action, without the remotest reference
to time; ' accompanying these thumps by
a deep, pectoral, 'sustained tone of voice
—if tone• it must be called, which bore
no more resemblance to What common•
ly coineatindei.that term, than the re
sonange which might be .'eff r ected by - a
creatuike strangling in a large cylinder
7 -the VA:dee:always at pleasing variance
with t . into. This ear-torture,' some
perso4,OrliersonS were Subject to every
Sandi/ in the cah3ndar year. Always
the istpittlijr i nt, in always the i?iame.way
—but then, , Ctifislu Cicely had always
been seeentrr.
We sensed our harangue when we
found mamma tired,' anti asked the ques
tion we , had asked, every year, during
Cousin Cindy's visit, us far back as we
'What akes Cousin Cieely so peon
' liaam a?" and received the usual
know, children; she was al
Then we diverged into general-family
matters; , and mamma told us a little in-
eident, in connection with her , teen
,when she used to have lovers.
Far onr ' mothers rued to have more
lovers than girls have now. The hero
oflthe story was a eettsin Captain Neal
F nnow, 'bozo she bad met while en
joying a gay visit at W--. The young
officers rowed over from Fort I—el
m-int 4Tery, evening, and mamma, I
{aunt have been quite 'a belle
among Ahem.
`Thniigh it was evident that I was
honoted with his preference, I did not
feel Neal Fannow's an exceptional ca n e,'
said mamma., 'And fully aware that he
ear iithers equally favored 'my society,
and pat I treated all impartially, I con
tinued my friendship with him unsus
pectingly and gayly, and, was quite un-!
*paten for the proposal of marriage
iiihich he suddenly made: Ile had a,
singularly controlled manner, and that
had deceived me; for, he showed him
self so intensely in love with me, that
haill not met your father previously,
an felt my heait belonged to him, I
should doubtless haveyielded to * such
entreaties.. As it has, he acted very
gentlemanly throughout, and.. when he
found the 'COO, waslopeless, left me. I
'have always thought Of him as a,- noble
man, and have wept many times ' when
recalling the desolate expression he.
wore when' we parted.' --
!Did he' have mournful eyes Y . How
did he look, mamma asked Della Little
goose that was aliays her first ques
.tioi, as if Apollo. were as thick now as
in the time of Alexander the Great.
I said: .
I'll tell you; Della. Ile had a pugi
listio jaw and looked bulky—those mili
bry men shwa do—el squat nose and
staring black eyea.'
?lamina tried Opilook at me lever*.
_ .
es she always -did trken•l:talked non-'
'sense,•tat - gave wear, es d hcipelmanate;
al she also 'generally did. •
bad -steady, - • dark bine 'eyes;
Delle,',said mamma. • 'He was tall, and
dist,ingne, and i graoefol, hnt !id Aridly
handsome.' _ •
yoii waver see bite again 2"
'No; I afterwardi'heard that bazaq
ritd 'young lady who nursed , 111 0 ;
While he*as suffer ing ' from wounds re
reiii4 at a battle "
, '
Mexico is theyefar
of '45.'
B Mummie,' bail taken - lier ow.U.'c.ute
way to make us forget.X3ousin
who presently ceased her lugubrious
performance. , • .
'How many more Einndaya ltnm will
she stay ?" '
'Two,' we groaned i abort", ail finale
to the preCeding eke Y
The next'sftialsoiitin Central
14 0 1 444944#00 1 4 116 ** ': 40 1 4 0
feedingsome awans„llPtillea off one of
my gloves. I did not replace it imme
diately, and after I bad walked intricate
ly,over enough ground to make it imps-
Bible for me to accurately retrace my
steps, discovered I hid drAPped it.
'Well,! I laughed, 'l've given some
body iny,mitten,' and never, °hewed
until alMost home, that in pulling it off
I bad taken with it It little , ruby ring f
wore. The stone was of some value, in
in old-time style of setting,i for it had
belonged to my Aunt Agatha, who was
now dead, and for whom I was named.
She had giy,en it to me, 'and I valued it
above I hid. For she bad
heen.our favorite stint. and , we loved
her next to mamma.
• •Advertise•fOr a nurse, immediately,
mummie, Agatha would slo'ue her eyes
out, if .nature hadn't, bequeathed her
unusually tightioakefs to prevent their
wobbling off while ilia is looking for
Mildred was oldest, and provokingly
superior when she tried to be, and mer
ciless upcin my heedlessness.
advertise,for the ring,' I said.
'Nonsense,' Raid Mildred: 'You'll
never see it again.'
'Were there many people about ?'
asked mamma. •
'Yes,' I sighed.
Papa clinched the decision, 'The only
way you can recover it will be by bdver
tiaing the full }aloe of the ring as
ward. • I'll itusgrt an advertisement in
to-morrow's issue.'
So the advertisement appeared in due
time and form:
liost.l Near the—Lake, Central
_ , Park, a lady's ring inside of glove, with
small ruby in s old-fashioned setting.
The finder will be rewarded with full
value of ring ily returning to 26 NV--
Qf course I watched • from the win
dows, and listened .for the door-bell
with rapt attention all the day following,
and part of the next. My vigilance
was rewarded the'next day, by the ap
pearance of one individual. Now there
was a remarkably low tete-a-tete in the
reception-room,' with a remarkably
feeble set of springs in possession. We
kept it in a corner-sad • did not banish
it entirely, because really it was a COM
fort to such of us' fetninines as did not
chance to be very 'ample or- lengthy.
But - I will notdeny that.we petite femi
nines were aware certain individuals were
victimized for our reference. An awk
ward person invariably finds.his way to
a remote corner—and awkward persons
showed to least advantage on that sofa.
It had beeotne a Private=a very priiate
—source of amasement l to me to watch
the expressionOf the vie, ire's face, as he
gradually sank
.' into . its deceptive em
brace, until thcplast atom of the upper
and more.important pareof the human
structure was lost to view. - -
This afternoon, then,, -after quickly
observing that no prominent occupiable
seat presented the expected human
presence; I was not' unprepared to find
my visitor entrapped, and making fran
tic struggles to emerge as I advanced.
The -first impression I received, was
what a remarkable length of limb the
person presented below the knee; for I
bad accustomed myself to measure the
height of the individual by.this snare,
and either that person was remarkably
short above the knees, or had dropped
suddenly to sleep. My first impression
was correct.- The person cfma remark-,
ably brief above the hips, and present
ed, when he finally got himself erect, a
very ambitions pair of shoulders, topped
by a flat cloaely shaven, whose
eyes and 'forehead seemed subservient
inn very pronounced red Moustache.
extending along the line of a straight
expanse of month. Altogether he eery
ed very well my idea of a Chatham
street rogue. . •
He allowed me a ring 'with a large
ruby stone of quite modern setting.
said: •
'That is not my rang,' and wished
'mamma would come in, as not
like the aspect of my visitor, and if he
did itot leave me now I should be afraid
of hun.
Aliity, ain't it yonrn ? Found it, 'm
near the-- lake.' • .
'Mine has an old-fashioned setting—
this is uew. Hesides, it is too large.'
Tine ring') 'm l ; rubbing it on his
trousers, and scanning me the while.
No reply. •
I Nalteble ring, 'looking at the
ormolu clock on the mantle piece.
1 shivered. 'Mahe he's a thief,':
thought. Mamma entered at this lune
tare. and this man began the same rig
marole. She glanced, at the man and
the ring, cleared her throat, and out
.rim short, saying:
'That is not the ring for
,' irbich we
advertised, I believe that is all that is
necessary.' -
He looked at her, took up his bat and
advanced' to the • door, propelling his
heavy shoulders as if they were distinct
from his body.
'Hell enter the house. this week with
another villain, and steal the silver,' I
said to alumna, when the door hid
closed on him. 'I saw thief stamped
all over his mustache; and where his
eyes ought to be.'
'He has a rather suggestive appear
ance,' laughed she. -
'::'We shall i*,24pierid in nt!Tb94s!
. said Mildred; when we 'told her. . . ..
" I shall ask papa for a 'pistol.' saia
bellel wbcierijoyedpivateritoriesi:
• 'Weil, girls,' . ode' Part,' at =Flier'
thae,, ali send, home au alarm. and en;
Ragas squad of police' at onee,? -:when;'
:Mildred again distinguished liersiilf . hy
,ggest 4 l 3 o Plat we is,birlilr engage cb:peitr
Cioely's services for Pectoral concerts,
t . 'At ten o'clOCk the ,'neit moriiiiii:
'mamma . ":wad I Amended to attend anotheigeriron - in waiting: ' This tithe
it was a gentlema n, dignified, 'quiet lila
'fine looking. 'Moreover he , tuid - broriglit t :
isii ring. I observedthat,. matatba's
face wore a rather surptisod and , puz..
zled exprestdoii when, her ;law* fell
upon oar visitor, who was quite yeniig,,
,and might have hemi an elegant-Ofthe:
firet society, if one jodgedlrbiiihii ease
of'manner - 'or in very plioiiiiit "Pircuni-c
, „, . ..,
my Property, and "said, t .' -- -
'I did not notice the advertisement
-until too late last eirening to return the
ring, which I had imagined. in my pos
eession till then. - When 4-picked up
the little glove"—hera he- slightly col
lured as though he bad .; made use of a
'phrase be hadn't intenied—'l did not
think there was anything more vaintibia
inside of it. But I. immediately
searched it on reading the adver
and Maud the ring.' Here,
again, before saying the last words he
half paused.. .
Though there was .nothing abrupt
about him, he did not hesitate after ex
plaining, but quietly rose to depart. I
could see mamma was for onceat a toss.
The bearing of the man made it a deli
cate' matter to make mentain\ of the
stipulated rewardLindeed, almost for
bade it. However, mamma was begin
ning to make reference to that part of
the business. in her own lady like than
rier;-when , he quietly' iaterrupted her
with a light ease which seemed to come
very naturally to him.
'Pardon roe ; madam; but allow me
in this instance, if you please, the privi 7
lege of forestalling your reference. Be
lieve me, to 'be able to restore your
daughter that which she values so high
ly, gives me great ples4re:' ) ' ->
'May I inquire then,' said ' maiiima.
'to whom she is so greatly indebted for
this courtesy ?' ~,..
Ho presented his card. .
... Mamma started. 'lf cannot be pos
sible I' she murmured. --, 'Excuse me,
but this is
„certainly curious. Your
name is the name of an old friend of my
youth, and I hava been puzzling over
the resemblance yhur face bears to his
ever since you came in." i
. 'lndeed,' said the young Man, 'I
have my`father's,. aine."/ - ,
Mamma passed me the card. II re
membered the name, 'Neal Fannow,'
which I read. , '
,4'My father was colonel of the - 7-th
' regiment, and wenil through the_ war
with Mexico. He-diell crime yeara ago,'
he added with a sigh. , • '
'I knew captain Neal ,Fannow at Fort
I—, where he was' stationed in 183,,'
replied mamma grayely. -
'Then it wasbe,laimed the young
man delighted. , 1 7 was stationed -
there'. at that time; and yob ?' with a
quick light uplifting/of the eyebrows.
'I was Adele "Ward. ''l regret 'that
your father is 4pad. and that be should
have died so early.' •
'His death wai / sudden—of heart dis
ease. 0, b.., was i a grand man,' etelaim
'ed the young ofan, with enthusiasm.
'He spoke of yds& once to me; and "can
not say how - charmed I am to meet yoti,
madam.' -
'I marri e
edAr. Nelson Crail, whom I
think yortr 14ther would remember,'
said mamma, flushing slightly. , 'I bad
. knoin) him • a long time. This'. is my
daughter -Agatha, who's() heedlessness
has, fikr oilee, resulted very pleasantly.
Will yoh., tell me of your family ?' said
peamma r ,,i, 1 -,
They 'care living in Broolilyn, Mr.
Fannow tOld ime—his mother, ; and
hrother, t married sieter—and they
would be delighted to meet mamma.,
We parted aitle.eordial invitations on
'both iides„, / , 'r _ - 1
'M ate. you ought tope 'pat in a
novel—sueli a' romance,' \ said Della.
'S'posing Mrsi:.Fannow had died. and
papa bad died when we-were all infanta;
then colonel 'Fannow and you might
'have met end, got married—wouldn't
that have been, nice ?'
'Nice ! Very .' said I. 'For the
sake of that novel of yours—which you'll
never write if you dou't revise your in
tellectuals—nice.! to have had _ us' all
made orphans. You must prize papa;
to be. wishing for another one in, his
pique?.' ,
'Papa's a kip g . But -we might have
had to be the other man's children, it
it hadn t been , ,fosmuminie.'
Aftl4-.., which original, and brilliant
observatiOn, we were advised' by -the
subject of our discussion to retire to
our rea Live occupatio
, I ,
ns. ,-,; 4
Springpame on apace. Brothor'Hess
came home from school—Russel for a
short vacation from Chicago. Mildred's
'lntended',, , irae on band,' and as our ao
quaistance:with-the Farinows had pro
gressed, we joi ned s forces, and went to
1 onrifavorite resort down (on the New
Jersey cost. One day was appointed
for a visit to an old light house. We
rowed a mile to the point, climbed a
half mile.of sand and rock, and an alti
tude Of one hundred and fifty feet and
found ourselves' at the base ef the
crumbling - old tOwer. ‘
T could never remember just bow it
happened, bat the spiral steps le,ading
to what had once •formed the' great.
bright beacon, were, tottering and worn
in place, and great care required in the
ascent, I was whaVold ladies Call pry,'
and my agility bad made me heedless,
I suppose, for [ lost my 'foothold and
fell, striking in the deseent to a land
ing below, I thought I was Only bruis
led and stunned, but in attempting to
move; a sickening pain shot' through
one of my arms, .and I became uncon
scious.. seal Fannow bad been assist
ing me; and frequently extending his
hand. which I-in my willfulness as con-
: f4ol-1111;: '
f* ;
id. 'll .4ifed - off.: V 4 were . tho hist.iik irliateVniellgh'irriltift*ddi - inteeen 112 ' -
x . = : .1 11 - f,-kor Neil had . lient ' ine lei. specialtjr - fittaingis the- aeeption, not ---
edtiilie was apt to dc)---iind - we had the rule. some man, is for instance
qui tlpir, resting-place On,. the rocks Col. Dalrywnle. of hfinneaota, take up .
booraisii•*3 others bad
.been. ppc , a aingle cereal. They:grow this ,exten- ,
IffitiAipugh •to i reach tke : . I .sivebr and. nothing - else. Dalrymple 1 -
haiiiiiir4lieare- esclaination, a i. 4 l3he , has c_._hei_ t
_ 0 eitirinewhest; • 4e has ' produced
1000Wiutd'the . nest, instant ho was 6 °._2°°°..., ,1 x: 6 ktishebi, a in - -ii 12 lie swum n , ' -
II - ptil - adt Itile inhis :arms and 'looking t'ut""ahlmPle l o l ed; and even ' i i 'he
2 _,,...,„,,„
....... wit h ii . pairk . ,tayomi my never - had failed, it cannot be said that
AU "' F t ! , V.lllll. for a vast wheat- fi eld offers any of the at- '
oWn itofferiffrin - :kihrowtrrl , 'Then,
tbeillitlirthrie, I 'knew' Neal Finnow tractions of a home.'
mirdifiliiiLLtilit "'cert ain things . which Some men ruin their land „growing
iii i rvaiii 0 7 40 me: for a I s * weeks; tAiteco oieern, or: eatiLlor Jotatiws,
ffliiitinillle r tlain: But the pleasure I and notifig else. '
#11:::, .:! ' , "et :ft disceve29, could not Farming is one of the noblest and
, • .):,.., :. th e effect of the physical Rif- moat independent occupations en earth - .
t i ~ i t :
~,t. ! ,Jainted as he lifted me. I when it is carried on aii it ought to be.
~ ,i.... ,
~: :i. , i iiiiii i the top of the light, The farmer and hie : family , have , their
ili9 iiihid blowing wildly abeitt living, and never think to reckon that
,ENE6: 4o l 4lrAti k i ,sheeh'ec faces Wateh-: .in among ...their. -Profits- -. The city
Jig , #o ll4 Bn i ataiiioi;
,;.,,,„ ~, ~ ~r , i limesikanis earning 63. per :day ja ire. - ,
" 140 60111 " 8 . 1004 . 1 e 4 1 40 0.4 .., ,
~. oiTio4N4lolmills, e -., .;: -
thelsettuunpi. fsiWhst's thematter with uteetW'tneebanie beep eltier the ni;('''"
my urns? . ~'' - • - , ing of.himself and faintly; he has troth. t
, They told me it was broken.: ing left. ,
.'I suppose we ahouldn't bees likely The.farmer begins by' getting his -
to find a, professional surgeon among living, and as - before" said; never eau
the feathered inhabitants of this eheer- merates,that in his profits. ' .
fill dwellinguil iprofessional singer, 'so If tho j .farmer grows a little field of
hadra we better go home r - , all the different kinds of grain, raises a
_ . _
• Neal carried me down to the beach,
and I managed to divert my bompan
ions by.a repetition of my first weak
ness twice before we had reached home.
My arm.was "set,' and I became con•
valescent as rapidly and decidedly .as
healthy young persons are apt to. -
Neal sat by me for the first time after
the accident.. He took the hand , that
wore the ring he had found, and said:
'Agatha, you know you are very
' much like your mother ?'
'Do you think so ?' I exclaimed in
surprise. 'Nobody ever said so before.
Mamma is so good and pati ent; I fear I
can never resemble her in t hose particu
lars.' _ • -
'But you know yon look like her, and
Save the same warmth of temperament
t i
and generosity. The • patience will
Ihe added,
I felt a little unain about the 'pro
perness' of his ho ling my hand, calling
me 'Agatha,' and talking in that admir
ing style. I flashed slightly and tried
to withdraw my hand. - But he held it,
and said:
'Don't please. Listen. My father
once 614 me of his friendship for your
mother: 'Adele Ward was an exeep-,
tionally sweet woman. If you succeed,
Neal, in °getting a wife half as good,
you will be a fortunate* man.' Near
Agathe÷-you love me, ,do you not, dear
one ?' and- as I raised my eyes with
what trOt have been full assent in them,
he bent and kissed me. 'I wished so
much at e this moment that my father
were . living — how : happy. it would
make • him, could he know I have
won the child - of her he loved and lost
so long ago.' , , -
'Bat Neal, we are all vixens compared
to mamma, and I am one of the worst.'
'Should I believe your own erroneous
taalertion, and conclude that yoti were
'the most spiteful of little things, ' l ,l. fear
I should still love you, my darlings' -
'KV V A:4) ( 34W!‘11 il1111.,1:4 , ; i 8:11
Fifty to sixty y a ago. every farm,
howeier small, bad its 'ttle flock of
sheep; to 'supply the finnily wool and
the Material for - knitting the family
_ .
stookiage. In almost evezy fazzn-honse
the humiaing of the big wool-wheel.
wbich manufactured the yarn, could be
heard,' at som e distance from th e . house;
and everyw here stockings were being
knitted, for family use. They were not
very but they • were thick and
warm arid wore two or three times as
long as the present lachinemade arti
cles, This flock of sheep 'FRS always
the' pets of the 'farm. Their feed coot
next to ,pothingi.- Pasture-fields which
cattle could no longer graze, *ere just
what the sheep-preferred. Every, hole
and corner they nipped clear of grass;
and in , the winter the poorest hay and
a little silt kept them in a good' condi
tion, while the lambs not only kept 'up
the stock - but furnished all the mutton
requirc& in the family. - Tie knitting
machine had not yet msde its appear
ance, a id each family which could not
afford tb supply its . wants from the
costly foreign manufactured' articles'
were thus to provide for itself.
The little girls in a familywere taught
to knit as soon as they were able to
handle the needles, and hence 'the cost
of the supply of stockings for the family
was quite Inconsiderable—in fact; it
took no ready cash from the farmer's
Now, the keeping of , sheep is exten
sively Pursuid. _espee:taly on large ,
farms. where portions orY the land is
hilly. rocky and unfit for cultivation,
Here sheep thrive finely. and where
systematically managed they are the,
most profitable branch of the entire'
farm. The best breeds " are used, or
ought to be-;that is, for_ both wuol and
carcass; and we may add that just as
sheep-husbandry„ better and better
understood, the mitre extensively will
it be „introduced. 'Our - western and
northwestern farmers, where this branch
is rapidly increasing beyond other sec
tions are abundantly satisflea that in
many , respects the flock of sheep is' , the.
best helper, not only 'in filling the
purse, but in keeping up the .conditiou
of the land, without really any actual
expense. that is within reach of the,
hustmuidnian. Ono thing shohld, there
fore, be remembered by farmers who
have cnitable land at their command;
that they make a very great mistake and
submit to an annual loss of more "im
portance than they imagine in the
absence, of a good and beautiful flock'
of improrl sheep browsing Upon their
hills.—Cantoic Telegram: • •
It often happens that iu Mercantile
life immente fortunes are madik; out of
specialties, and pursuing this einne idea
quite a number of persons in 'mien' of
the Statia have tried to make; a , success
out of specialties in farming. Bat the
laws regulating commerce and. trade do
not govern agricultural indusftly and it
11 It'
$1.50 a Tear, In Advisee.
field of hay, puts out orcheras sod a
good garden, keeps a good bit of all the
various kinds of stock, bees and-poultry
included, makes cheeie and butter, etc.;
ho will not only have something- ever
year to sell for money, but he will live
well awl be one of the toast independ
ent men on earth: — Raised' not -care -
one wit whether panics come or not, so -
long as the seasons favor him. His
crops and his - herds arelds dependence, -
and if they are diversified 01 of hi 3 sup
ports cannot fail the same year. .
The pmduction of eggs is, a thing ,
desired by - every ; poultryma n, and is
one of the most profitable branches of
the poultry bushiesi: Ordinarily every
hen will lay h certain amount of eggs in
the year, but with proper food and
care they will lay more than liireglect?,
ed,and forcedio search for thOr own
living. The production of eggs is a
great drain on the hen. Darinf laying
time• from one any a half to twill ounces
of_ highly concentrated food is secreted
I ttirough-the tissues every day ot every
other day. Four ounces of solid food
is the average amount consumed daily,
which shows almost an equal amount
needed for egg production and toy sup
ply nourishment'and wastes of the body.
To the thinking mind this is well known,
and few persans, keeping poultry, whO
have a-live fdr their feathered flocks,
and desirous of gaining Some things by
their keeping, but do feed and care for
them well, obtain the best . results.
A desirable food for lasing bens must
consist 'of grain in variety, wheat, grass
seeds, oats, barleY, corn and buckwheat
wheat and buckwheat being best. But
to keep up flesh, muscles and heat, oats,
barley and corn are necessary to keep
them thrifty at all times. Corn should
be used sparingly, particularly in sum
mer, as it is too healthy and. drying to
blood and tisanes, but with other grain
in cold Weaiber-it is desirable and cheap,
and fowli i i like it much better than other
grain: ;Vegetables. 'and calcateoug
matter absolutely essential to egg
production, and fresh moats occasional..
ly helps to keep up the•'shelling out."
—Poultry Monitor: • -
These pesti of the garden are at Tork.l.
again, and as they are very indnatrious.l.
those who expect to save their fruit and
bashes must meet them in the onset
and destroy them—a"*.riteiin the Fritif -
Recorder says a dash" of strong soap -
suds will destroy them'. Ashes , or tine
earth sprinkled over the bushes while
wet will stop them iota - time, but if
you want kill them use powdered white
hellebore. Sprinkle on the bushes, in -
the morning when the dear is on, and
repeat as often as may be necessary—
do not stop as soon as the fruit is gone,
but persevere until they
are all killed it
you would savalhe bushaa The fruit
shoold be washed well bef e using. -
Severed By Fate.
• "Good-bO,
"Bon soir. Ethel,' replied tall,
stately youth. Whose _ panbi flapped dis
many in the soft dune zephyein
about' three 'inches abovb his sumptons
"Will yon come again Saturday night;
pet?"- asked Ethel Redingote, -coyly
placing her hand on Reginald 3fglealleys
-Shoulder.- ! -
"I. cannot, was the! reply in
suppressed tones. _
"Why not?' asked the girl, a look of
pain flitting at a single flit over, her
epuituelle features. -, -
"Becausez-said Reginald, deftly kiss
ing her while shelept watch for the
old man. I have an engage ment to
heat three aces for a man that evening.
The girl 1°44 at him again -as he
stoodthere in all his beantY and Strength. ,
?And would you leave -me for • three
aces?' - she asked in low, tear-atained -
tones. • ,
"Yes,' replied Reginald,' "I certain
ly. wotdd.,
For an instant - neither spoke. -
1 Presently the dog came up the garden'
i walk and bit. Reginald on first base.-Re
turned, went. slowly away, and' never
h showed up again. ',
We should be-more satisfied with _OUT
prayers if we worked a little harder_ to
help the Lord to answer them.
A inpatient is - bura - brier and fleeting
passage, yet how often arevastinteresta
secured or lost in the circle of them
As pure and treeh country air - gives
vigor to the system, so do pure suit
fresh thoughts tend to invigorate the
Crimes lead Into one another. They
who are capable. of being forgers are
Capable of being incendiaries. , .
"Wells' Health Renewer" ,restoras health
and vigor. cures, DyspepslP. X,saltatence,
Sexual Debility. -
T ~.
, 3
- ,i '
NO. 5
..,_ I