Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 22, 1882, Image 2

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JUDSON HOWOldik I 1 4 0ffurroze ,
- - -
IMCHAS. H. ALLEN, Associate Editor.
•'Reasonable tazes,honest eapenditares, com
petent officers' and no stealing." ,- Harpers
Weekly. - - - --- ' -
- - - -
Eatered 3 / 4 a the Past °Mee at Tommie as
',: / tgtiBBDAY, JUNE 22, 1882.
iteptisilican State Ticket,.
, to GovEßsort,
Gim. JAMES A. BEAVER, of Centre Co
• IntrnatANT-0017731N0R,
WILLIAI&T. DAVIES, of Bradford Co.
JUDGE OP Tin surasll2 COURT,
, delphia.
JOHN M. GEFFR, of Butler
'„ f ,Justitte Bradley his 'denial' 1 the iticlics
tien of Reed for writ sof ham cows for,
Gahm:L. i
There are Fire F r idays in Oda month.
Thelast one will probably be at interest to
- The House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Lave imbniitted a report favoring an appro
priation of $50,000 to furniih an American
exhibit at the London fish exhibition in
May, 11§83,
- The total receipts into the Treasury of
, 4 the United States from cusoms and inter
nal revenue for the six business days of
last week was $6,240,172.65. An average
per day , of $1,040,026.77.
' 4l} The President Saturday transmitted to
e House of Representatives a communica
tion from the Secretary of the Interior De
partment asking for an appropriation of
$245,900 to complete the work of the tenth
Commissioner McFarland, of the General
land Office, says that a larger amount 4of
public lands will have been disposed of
&tiring the year ending June 30, 1882, than
during any prieceeding year since the estabT
lishment of the General Land Office. •
Congress has done a sensible thing, and
one which will give general satisfaction, in
providing for the redemption of the trade
dollar. It is hereafter to be exchangeable
for the legal-tender variety at the Federal
- sub-treasuries, and in this way what was
once an anomaly and it nuisance will be re
The labor strikes , in the West have caused
such a falling - Off in the iSilroad business
that the railroad companies are dis Char
ging hands by the hundreds, taking off extra
trains pid doing everything in their power
to. Curtail expenses.. On the Pennsylvaiiii
Railroiurs lines west of Pittsburg 3500 men
have been discharged.
Outside rumors, quite current in Wash.:
ington, are, to the effect that President
- Arthur, Senator Logan, and many Repub
-11«us members Of Congress, recognizing the
.prObability of the defeat of the Republican
party in Peennsylvania in consequence of
party -division, and contemplating the
-effect upon national politics of such a re
sult, have called a halt on Senators Cani
eron and Mitchell, and demand an amicable
settlement of existing difficulties by reason-,
able. conedisions on both cider. As yet it
. Is only rumor :, as no definite steps ; have
become public toward that end.
The bill now before the House for in
creasing the clerical force of the Pension
Bureau, so that it may be ,equal to the
speedy and effective discharge of its duties,
is a bill which ought to become a law. It
is to the interest both of the nation and of,
the pensioners that the outstanding claims.
against the government on account of pen
sions under the Arrears of Pensions act
should be adjudicated and disposed 'of as
quickly as possible, for the longer their
examination is deferred, - the more difficult
the detection of fraud becomes. At present
the Pension Office is hopelessly behind hand
with its work, and unless strongly rein
forced, will be in arrears for a long time to
A more distressing accident than that
which happened one day *ecently near New
York city, on the Harlem Railroad, is very
seldom reported. Five children; of ages
ranging from four to fourteen, were walk
ing on the track when the train came along
and they stepped aside to let it pass. Un
happily another train traveling in the oppo
site dir i ectionlashed up at the same time,
and the bewildered chidren, losing all pres
ence of mind, failed to get out of the way,
and were one and all killed. This sad
tragedy is di.epened by the fact that the
children - were all brothers and sisters, and
that the engine Which caused their death
was driven by a near relative. It, would
nett, be easy to imagine a more harrowing
M. Justice Bradley has decided that the
motion for a writ of habeas corpus must be
denied, as the • argument impugning the
authority of the court below is without
merit, and with that . decision Guiteiqs
last chance is gone. There is no hope for
hicri now. His counsel,• with astonishing
istence and no little ' ingenuitY, has
alienated in his client'S behalf all the re
sourcespf the law, and unless the President
intervenes with a pardon . , than . which noth
ing could lie:more unlucky, the sentence of
death under which Gniteau is lying, will
be'caryied into execution in ten days' time!,
So lan the prisoner has shown considerable
nerve; and has completely falsified the
prediction that he would break down.
Whether he has snfficient courage and
self control to mantain a bold front now
that all hope is gone, remains to be seen. ,
The New York Herald is given to fore
casting the weather, and it .is due to that
lively journal to say that its-predictions
being based on scientific observations and
facts generally prove true. It thinks that
the erplaitation of the. compoitively cool
weather 'ire have had this 'June seems
rather to Ibe that the amount of aqueous
vapor in the atmosphere is unusually large,
and this serves as 'a screen to intercept the
sum's heat rays, than that the sun has not
its usual June fervor. The very heavy
rainfalls , Windy reported abundantly
prove that the aerial currenti are abnor
mally charged with moistures' The country
south of • the , fortieth- parallel has been in
fact screened from the sun's radiation very
much as some of the West. Indian islands,
the vapor laden trade wind shields the son
from the fiercest rays. Even at Barl?adoes,
aboirt twelve degrees fraiii the
Equator, the thermometer as a r u le rises
in summer only to 85, that being the aim.
lute maximum heat 'given in the British
records. If this is the explanatiosi of car
col season it would seem the evaporation
in the tropical seas 14 ;been for some time
in ()Fames, would indicate , that the
sun's energy at ibis period is really greater
than it usually is. In this case we should
naturally expect for some time peke. to the
wanner solstice a backward, wet season, to
be followed by all the hot'weather in July
and August, if not sooner, that:the farmers
can desire for their crops. Judging by the
meteorological conditions of the past aim
weeks this will be the outcome of the pres
ent season.
• 1 Another oil well of three-thowiand-barVel
cilibre has been struck in-Warrei county. }
In the face of this the pi:B'4 oil has fallen
to sl} ients per barrel, and seems - ready to
give the nneqUal conflict entirely. This
sort, of thing is becoming Painfully monot
onous to Bradford producers, says the
Mies, the majority of whom are the
criers of small wells. If no relief comes
during the summer many of, them will go to
the Wall despite their ; most strenuous efforts
to keep their hear above water. The Out
look is gloomy enough to, the most hopeful.
When experienced oil *orators are eager
to pay one thousand dams for an sere of
land and give one-fourth 'of all the off 'pro
duced to the seller the' situation becomOs
one of-peculiar interest; but . when ate
United_Pip eu e u line Company, the most con
servative beet informed institutkin in
the oil count+, makes :,preparation at this
early dayZ T FUIg a production of thirty
thousand of alla day the situation
becomes one I f absolute danger to at per
wag owning small wells.: The end 00 all
I cannot yet be even , • .
The present Independent uprising in
Pennsylvania, is pot, ccinfined entirely
to the Republican paitY., Much of the
sane spirit is found in the Democratic
party. lt , arises out of the same cause
both, and naturally will seek the:
same cure. He who treats it With
total indifference and ridicule will learn
as time progresses and results begin to
be foreshadowed that, there is sufficient
of force in the movement to claim' the
thoughtful consideration of r the wisest
and most patriotic men of the ' party.
It, comes from the substratuni of
politics and is working its way upwards
and just beginning to be seen on the
surface. It is an uprising of the 1
ple who form the base and furnish the
votes that give success; to parties,l and
without which no party can succeed.
The personal popularity of General .
Beaver will greatly strengthen . the
Harrisburg ticket; and the enthusiasm
with which he is everywhere received'
encourages the hope that' the ticket will
succeed in spite of the 'lndependents,
and therefOre the leaders disconrage
and frown 'down all attempts at recon
lei iation. Inside of both camps
find the same defiant attitude, the same
hopeful presentation of their respective
prospects as distinct organizationa l : In
our judgement, there is nothing either
side can hope for, so far ns the respec
tive State tickets are concerned, if the
divided I fight - goei on to the end, except
a disgraceful defeat which will !elleet
deep and lasting,--diVacel) upon the
leaders of both wings of Ithe party.
When the fight is over, they. - can gath
er their shattered forces in their re
spective camps and • survey the lost
field,, trace the lines which they have
followed leading in different directions
to the same point of destruction, and
then deplore the action that has led to
such a result: It , will then be WO late,
and laMentations and wailing w ill `be
of ord4 The ti to 'deal -
out oi ter. _ sme , /eat
present evils is now. We ihalt ,con•
tinue to sound the warning and ttz l , plead
for a settlement of the difficulties on
the basis of party harmony. until we
see there is , no' hope. We consider
this a patriotic political duty. In this
:connection, we beg our Repnblican
'friends in Bradford and in- our Sena
torial and Congressional districts, to
keep the division out of our 'dent poli
, Let ns act together as Republi
and keep our organization intact
'upon our local ticket at least. We
trust there will be no cause for thrust
ing the troublesome.question of lie-,
publican distinctions into our, county'
It is announced with some
that the Democratic campaign
State is to be_a campaign of such
enthusiasm as can be stimulat
brais bands, fireworks and, I brazen
Oratory. But why is it necessary to
formally announce the
.usual. it will
puzzle, many to recall a Demekratic
campaign for important State Officers
in Which noise and vaporings . were '', not
the sum and substance. A Demecra.
tic still hunt is only 4ossible when
victory does not mean a feast of fat
things. The noise of the captains and
the shoutings are already heard, and
the Democratic bosses are already
dividing the spoils of victory before'
the skirmishers have been deployed.
By these tokens we are enabled to
that there is' stiU- a Democratic
Chairman Bogert is retorted, to be
very busy registering the names of
Republicans who haVe concluded to
vote he Democratic ticket. Theee enlist
tents, like charity, have begun I se,Chair
man Bogert's home. Though the, yepub-
Ream have two ticket , ' in f,he,field
neither seems to exactly meet the Views
of the niore fastidious members of the
party in Luzerne. These last!dious
Repulicans are believednby It l fr. Bogert.
to have become so utterly. I disgusted'
with the'divisions of the Party; and, so
satisfied that the party has outlived its
Usefulness, that they are' resolved to
go over in. a 'body to the Democrat's.
This is a cheerful state of affairs from
the Democratic pi,:kint of view. How
it looks from the sland-point ,of these
disgusted R,epublimans we can only
Some twenty yetis ego the ptiopie
of Pennsylvania came to the conclusion
that the democratic party had outlived
its usefulness. It had subsisted on
huckstering its power in the• State for
many years. It had buried beyond
reserrectioion over forty millions Of
money, wrung from the taxpayers in
of the collection of the same, whiob
amounted to the hypOtheeation of State
Avenues for thirty years in advance.
The farmersi i and 'artisans literally
groaned under thnbnrden of , taxation
involved by Democratic ; And' to
add to this Onlnunasment, this leaders
had bonne' and led the old Common
wealth captive in the interest of human
The DemocracY was-not _ . troubled
With - divisions in that - It was
solid for the Mulbooly of slavery and
the forty-thieve_4iiiii..--But the
yoke wwi galling and the burden heavy,
and the yountaielideclaredoff. They
saw that, the aid film - tiled outlived its
time; tti - cy - weiicricor - over to the
Whig party; hut`to .the people, And
the Democratic party in - Pennsylvania
has never elected -a Governor since.
But if it has never elected a Governor
since, it is because it - has done nothing
to indgce any seltrespecting citizen to
I -
go to its aid. During the score of
years of its:exile from power in Penn
zylvrinia iias hung upon the skids of
every new movement, like the body of
cemplollowers it has degenerated into,
always eager to profit by any conten
tion in the ranks of its subjugators,
always ready to trade an uncertain
general opportunity for a certain local
advantage. It' stood ready to derive
party advantage from the invasions of
the State by the 'relids.. - It hastened
to join the revolution inaugurated by
Andrew Johruion. It sought an alliance
with the fiat money party so long as
that motley following ':was worth the
taffy necessary to be expended. But
never in. all these Yeiini of exile has the
Democratic party prolvsed to make
a tinipaign on its nierits.; ' Since it
lacked the merits, hoW could it make a
campeign? l It is always eager , to base
its hopes upon the blunders of the
Republicans. But: what straits is a
party rediced vdien the best it can say
of itself is that hopes to succeed
through the Idundeew of its opponents?
Adversity proves of no advantage to
that party, teaches it nothing, and in
nothing purifies it. Just as it left the
places of power, it stands at the gates
a sturdy beggar, • not having changed
its tags and tatters.--North American,
WA5ar40! . ..13.,,C., June 19, 1682
With the mercurtfip in the nine
ties, it must not be expected that long,
elaborate letters, full of pith and pathos
can be written. 'AIL Washington is
Members of Congress, in contempt .
of the great fans which are run by
steam power to distribute wind through
the hall of the House, bring their • fans
to the House with them and during
session scores of them are seen in
active-play at'the some time. The
astute Pon. Piatt, editor , of the Capi
tol, has: derisively dubbed the House
the-" Cave of the winds," and the 'Sen
ate the "Fog • Bank'." If he were to
look in upon the• House one of these
hot days he would find plenty of wind,
and going to the cave in the subbase
ment where the tremendous fans are
spun round at a speed of 200 revolu
tions a minute, he would discover where
the wind emanated. - •
All Washington is. ! now seeking
cool retreats to egeapg She depressing
effects of the hot season; and sighing
for Vennor's "cool, summer."
'The numerous palace steamers have
resumed their summer rates for cheap
excursions down the Potomac. There
are a half dozen or more of these
steames running from Washington to
different points and return; charging
from fifteen cents to one dollar, accor
ding to distance, tpr 'the round . trip.
From Washington Qutiutico and s
return, .a distance 1.4 :fifty miles, thei
fare is fifty cents. Thous - ands of peo•
pie, men women Od children; daily
avail themselves iof tht opportunity
thus afforded, to enjoy the , cool breezes
wafted up the Potomac from off the
bay, and return refreshed after a ride
of :five or six hours on the river.
within the next three weeks,
Washington will rel4se into its nor;
mal condition' of t suminer dullness,
with none tint the department employes
who do the medal work and. keep
governmental - machine running, to
feed upon. Poor felloWS How they
sigh, "0 1 for a lodge in some , vast
wilderness." It is at best, a humdrum
life, wh4e. - one , ' looses his personal
identity 'among his fellow men, im
mured. Within marble walls, eking out
a miserable existence to become totally
unfit for:any (Air- useful occupation,
and that upon salaries hardly Supient
to keep soul and 'together,
forbidding the 3 en-joyment of any
of the luxuries 'Which may be
secured in other avocations of life.
Such a life'may do for men" advanced
in years, but to young men we say "go
west boys I" go, anywhere, rather than
seek an annual government clerkship
in Washington.
n this
1 - , by
To one who is continually presen
during the seaions,
presents many
,ludicrous phases.
Claims cranks without number drake
their annual piig,rimage to the Ctipitol,
and annoy members of COngress by
besieging their at their rooms, stoPping
them upon the streets, or sending the
messengers to their seats to ply them
with a, history Of their grievances
which have , no foundation other than
such as exists in the imagination of• a .
demented brain. The years come and
go, congress meets and expires, vet 'you
see these same faces about the Capitol
year after year, generally around with
a voluminous pile`of manuscript drawn
up,by themselVes in the form of an
argument in 'their own behalf that
would occupy the time of a member
. an
hour to read. One of, the most noted
of these crank's is Colonol Morris
Pinchovir, who imagines that he has
a claim against. the government 'of
$60,000,000; for urvices and stipples
during the war in the employ of the
late Thomas;.. Scott, for which there
is not a shadow of foundaticin. Yet he
prewies it.with a persistency worthy of
a good cause, but It sleeps •as quietly
as a new-born infant from Congress to
Congross.and is.- never ;;heard from:
The old man_will patiently wait until
a kind PiOvidence removes him from
off the stage of existence, when sonie
other crank will take
.his. place to
annoy Congressmen- with".:„-jionze Other
'equally crazy scheme. -.
has plied Congress i for' years ;forepay
as an Army nurse. But this manly
atipearing female,,in male attire, ) has
met:with so many rebuffs that , sbe ttz , :iO
has beceme cranky, spiteful and cro p,
and berates Congress 4 for its ingratittide
with every epithet ,to be found i her.
vocabulary. At every recurring:_ses
sion for years, .she • appears., in
plug hat, frock coat; nts and boots,
and might have been seen Icnockiag at
the door of the Room ottharommittee
. ~
on War Claims, or wandering in the
corridors of the Capitol with l a huge
bundle of papers in one hand ,and a
rattan 'cane in the. other, the latter of
which she frequently found use for in
repelling 'the insults of rude boys who
made merry over her quaint style of
dress. Her insanity consists more in her
determination to wear clothes fabhiontd
after the style of the sterner sex than
in anything else. , Had she, i likS a
'ensible female, (I,oissed in irtticolits
and other becomi*female attire, , , and
beautified her face/ with a free ippli.
dation of rouge, t4)' - gl - vatter a youthful
appearance, though she ,is a little ad
vanced, she would !With the average
--) •
congressman . been , more successful,
perhaps in her . solicitation for relief.
This thought is suggested. by the cur
rent assertion prevalent here, that a
member Of , Congress, *hen, a lady's
card is brought him in his seat by , a
messenger, always propounds as his
first inquiry: "is she good looking ?"
If the answer is in the .a ffi rmative he
neverfails to respond Ito the call. Dr.
4aryfi has, however, , been appeased.
Seine 'time in January she was giien.
a place in one of the Departments and
is now under pay. She says She
would never, have obtained this. if
Arthur had ' net" become President.
A week ago she was at the Capitol
l eirculating a petition to the t'resident
for the pardon of
• Gulteau. She owes
Guiteau a debt of personal gratitaide
and therefore wants him , paidoned.
But her offorts will ;prove a failure.
The , , . .;
on June 30th are all made, land ' - the
Jack Ketch who is to spring the ',drop
that will launch - the criminal into eter
nity is engaged.
,There will, be n.
habeas corpus, no Presidential pardon
to iSterpose between Guiteau and
I have endeavord to write a non
letter, but in closing, J can
not refrain from reproducing', a little
incident that occurred in the House a
few days since during the debate on
the legislative, executive,' and' judicial
appropriation bill, created much mer.
riment at the expense of the Democratic
side of the House. Mr. COXy of New
York; offered an amendment to the
bill, prohibiting the Republican Con
gressional Committee, and naming
personally each member thereof, from
receiving any money for political ritir
-poses from any employe 'of the govern
ment. Mr. Calkins, of.lndiana, popped
up, and proposed to add to. Mr. Cox's
amendment; the followirig words "nor
to buy- mules in Indiana." This un
expected shot into the Democratic
camp knocked the fulin'y member from
'New York, completely off his balance.
The House broke into 'a roar of laugh
ter, in which Cox himself joined, and
everybody appreciated and enjoyed the
force of the joke as a happy 'hit. • The.
force of the joke will be comprehended
by recalling the history 'of the last
Presidential campaign ib Indiana.
Prior to the State election that, year
Indiana was the centre off; operations
by both parties, in a mighty. effort tc
secure a triumph for the State ticket
in October, as whichever 'party carried
the State then would gain l a prestige
that would tend to success in , the
November election. Barnum, chair
man of the Democratic National Corn-
mittee, kept an agent in tndiana for
the ostensible purpose ig "buying
mules." , Each Democratic mule rep
. $7,000 for election poses.
Just on the eve of the election when
the,DemOcrats' were being pushed to
the last :' '
extremity in every quarter
of the Sf,rite, Barnum telegraphed his
agent in 'lndiana to ."buy seven more
mules," which uncovered, meant liter
ally, we have $70,000 more to e , put in
the contest to gain the election. The
significance of :Calkin's hit was so
palpable that everobody enjoyed it.
Y. H.
L.V. Hansel, editor of the Milton Daily
Argun, has been committed to the insane
asyhun, ' •
Alfred Fairfax, ! formerly a slave, has
been ziominaied by Kansas Republicans for
! •
comma' s.
Daniel Webstor's birthplace is to l Pur
chased by the Webster Memorial Society,
of Boston.
Mrs. Garfield is said to' have decided to
attend tbe commencement exorcisms at
Williams College, where her boys are
studying., '
Colonel Roble, the Republican candidate
for Governor of Maine, graduated , from
Bowdoin College in 1841, and is a. physi
cian by profeSsion.
Senator Brown, of Georgia, gave one
fourth of the $lO,OOO recently raised for
building a parsonage for the' Second Bap
tist Church, Atlanta.
H. Viunierbilt and Motets mar
ried children will soon,be 'living •on :Fifth
slice, New York, in houses • costing
ri'y eight millions of dollars.
Judge Packer, of the United. States
trict Court of Arkansas, `enjoys the distinc
tion of having sentenced more men ;to -be
hanged than any other judge in the `ooan-
• Miss 'Jennie Chamberlain, a :native of
Ohio, who was presented at the ; Queen's
1 0t dr:mini-row; jo said to be the most
bean S4 /1 Mtuoiesn' who ever that
- •
, Should you bin sufferer,froni dyspepsia.
indigestion; inabirik or makings, you
be cured by Brtniiess Iron Bitters.,
C. , o:lonellohn" G.', Nicolay, who is pre
paring with Coloael,Hay a - biography lof
Pretddent.Lincoln, is t,lie , owner of the
original draft of . Lincoln's tiettysbnig
John Bright's head :Teems to grow more
4 . elightfplly level the older he gets. Ho
now says that some day the :United States
ril l be the greatest nation on . the face of
Ex-09vettoi William Dennison,, known
as the War Governor '
of Ohio, died at
'Columbus at 9 o'clock Thursday morning,
aged tsitty-Seven-years. He has been sick
nearly a
Captain Paul: iloyton, who has swam
More than 25 ,0 00 wain, is 14 1=4 4 officially
by the Life-Saving Service to ,have saved
seventy-two persons from &owning in
American waters..
State Senator G. 'IL Chapman, , of
Indiana. died, suddenly in- ,Indianapolis
Friday night. He mute
,commanded the
Third Lidiana Cavalry' during, the war and
was breveted major general. . :
Mr. Blair introduced a bill in the Senate
Saturday to provide for thd erection of a
suitable statue to the inomery of Benjamin
Franklin in one of the public squares in the
'city of Washington -at-a cost not exceeding
$ 20 9 000 .
Surgeon Wood Ward, tr. S. A:, one of the
attending physiiiani on the late PreSident
GirAkid who las been sick with brain
fever lilt Nies, was - imported by his New
York -friends Friday as lying dangerously
ill at last advices, with little hope of recovJ
HiPresentative Ward, of .Chester, while
on his way fromygladelphia to Baltimare
'Ms Friday, was seise4 with acute glaucoma.
Upon reaching BaltiMore Mr. Ward was
taken to the Ate of Dr. George Reuling,
who operated with success, and it is thought
that Mr. Ward will t he able to go to Wash
ington in about a seek. He lost the sight
of the other eye in a-similar way about a
Year' abro•
Mr. Mackay, the millionaire, was men
tioned in a story that went the rounds of
the press some weeks ago as a very un
grateful maz The gist of the story . was
that an old fellow who had befriended
Mackay, the boy, is now-allowed by Mack
ay, the man, to end his days in the : Ulster
County, N. Y., Almhouse. Mr. Mackay
rises to say that he never saw or heard of
the almhouse person, never was in Shank,
aden, as the story has it, and never was
helped to an education. ; When about
twenty-one years of age ha found himself
an uneducated youth at work as a. laborOr
in the mines of Sierra county, California,
and since then his days have been. passed
on the Pacific coast.
Alexander, H. Stephens intimates that
he will stump the State of Georgia in the
event of his nomination-for Governor.
An effort is in progress in Reading to get
the Americus Club of that city to go to the
Democratic State Convention in a body. 6
1. Judge McLean, of Adams county, is de
+eloping considerable local strength for
the Dem4.ratic nomination fir the Supreme
Bench. , ; •
• The Denmeratie press of • the State, 'has ,
revived the boom - for W. 'Hensel for
ICongressman•at-Large, and it meets `•with
great favor.
The name,' of 'Congressman Charles B.
Farwell, of -Illinois, is spoken of as the
probable successor,
.to. David Davis in the
United States Senate.
The Missouri Democratic State Conven
tion, 7ivhich meets at Jefferson City Jidy ,
26, Will consist of 423 delegates, and the
ifistouri iepublican notes with some con
cern that "the number of candidates who
will be Wore it does not exceed 400."
It looks now as though the Independent
boom in Pennsylvania has passed- its, per;
ihelion and was iapidly receeding into thin
space. We have much reason to believe
danger is past, and Republicanism based on
Republican principles will be triumphant.—
Wareity Advocate.
The list of candidates for l ; the Democratic
nomination for Governor is: growinz. It
now includes Judge Tr,unkey, of Venango;
Robert E. Pattison, of Phibidelphia; Eakley
Coace,of Luzerne; James IL Hopkins,
oUPittsburg; Senator Simon P. Woolverton,
of Northumberland; Senator John G. Hall,
of Elk; ex-United' States ;,Senator Charles
R. BuCkalew, of Columbia'; Robert E. Mon
aglow; of Chester, and Senator William
M. Nelson, of Wayne -cohoty. It is re
ported that, Genial Hancock's 'name will
also ,bObroOght before the convention, with
the deifign . of giving him a boom for the
Presidential nomination in 1884.
Senntor Anthony, of Rhode Island,
whose preSent term expires next March,
was last Week re-elected for another full
term of Eiji years, making the fifth con
secutive time that he has been chosen to
represent his State in the United States
Senate. He became a member of that
body in 1859, and he has held his seat con
tinuously ever since. Sterling ability, un
swerving integrity, and staunch ,slevOtion
to the interests alike of his partyv and of
his State, have enabled him to make this
very exceptional record.
(There ii a scarcity of female house help
at "Reading.,
'Small-pe r seems to have ' taken a new
stfirt in Erie.
'The . I.ehigh . Vall ey; Railroad ha's Put
chair carson its through trains. •
A ' feeling after meals; dysfephia,
heartburn, and general ill health relieved
by Brown's Iron Bitters. •
The Workingmen made a grand demon
stration,at Pittsburg on Saturday. Twenty
five thousand men:were in line and present
ed a brilliant pageant.
- South Bethlehem is reported 'to be en
tirely free from the scourge of small-pox.
During the continuance in 'that ill-fated
town there were 350 cases and 119 deaths.
The ninth annual Tri-State picnic of the
Patrol:lst...pi' Husbandry .of
„ Pennsylvania,
Maryland and West Virginia - will bogin at
Williams' Prove, Cumberlao county, Mon
day, Au 21, and continue through the
B. F. enderson, tax collector of East
Donegal township, Lancaster county, was
arrested \Friday on the charge of emhez
zlement committed to prisan. The
amount ofilie- defalcation is said M 'be
about $BOO6. . -
A chicken was - killed in West Chester
Monday wl # ich for' two or three days 61
eltown all the symptoths of hydrophobia
that are exhibited' by a rabid dog. The
supposition is that the disease was contract
ed by eraing grass on which the poiscaious
saliva from the Mouthof a mad dog liluktl
The Tierrisbnig . Telegraph announces
that the oldest deed in America . is said to
be in liesession- (4 a gentleman in that city:
It is dated eighteen years,after the discov
ery of the new world by Columbus, and'
conveys he title of certain Indian chiefs to
Fisher's Idand, near the mouth of the
sound, te John, Cabot, the celebrated navi
The Central/Diooesan Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church tuljurnerl sine
die Thursday afternoon. The question of
dividing the dipeese will settled by an
areement to elect an wistant bishop, hit
after four ballots, which failed te secure a
cludee, the question was deferred until
Weber, when the convention Me nos
stork company to operate the patents
for the manufacture of tiles, eta., out of
furnace'slag, has been formed . under the
title 6f the Lebanon Paving Company, with
a capital of $500,000. The new company
will at, once enlarge the works which have
been in operation at the Warwick 'furnace,
Pottstown. . "
It is roported that-an alligator measuring
aboutlourteen feet in length. has - beim
seen in the Susquehanna river at Wilkes
barre. It is asserted that several of the
saurians which have been forwOrded from
Flojida as curiosities have, been placed in
the river, and this is suppesed to be one of
the number which his succeeded in escar
ink the rigors of a northern climate. It is
said that the appearance.of the monster-leas
had the effect of stopping bathing "in-the
vicinity of where it was seen.
A terrific explosion of gas occurred in
one of the lifts of the Stanton air shisft;
Wfikesharre, Thursday' morning ; , four
hundred feet.from the bottom: Five pen,
who were.descending in a bucket - wits' na
ked lamps upon their heisilseame in _con
tact with the gas; igniting it.'. The eiple
sion hurled one of the men,-;lamed James
Carey, from the bucket mutts fell to the
bottom: He was kfiled, and' four' others,
John Welsh, MichaelLynch e Henry jlnghes
and Edward Finnegan; were badly burned.
It is doubtinl , ?thether they #vill recover.
The ninth annual tri-State picnic and
exhibition of the Patrons of Husbandry of
Pennsylvania, Maryland and WestVirgiisia
will open at Williams' '4crove, Oninberland
county, on the branch of the Cumberland
Valley 'Unread, on Monday August 21, and
continue until the following Saturda)r.
The - display of farm and domestic jmple-
Ments and machinery promises to be large,
and the attendance 'will no doubt be even
greater than that of last year, when more
than thirty thousand farmers, representing
ten different States, were present. Cir
culars giving fuli particulars can be ob
tained by addressing R. H. Thomas, Me
chanicsburg, Pa.
Friday afternoon a Presbyterian clergy
man of 'Baltimore handed to the Colkictor
of Taxes a package containing $3,899.71,
for taxes due the State and nn un
known party from 1877 to 1882 inclusive.
The United States District Court it Fort I
Wayne, Ind.; Judge Gresham- presiding,'
Friday found Dr. Solomon Stough; of
Waterloo, Rd., examining surgeon for
pension claimant's, guilty of issuing false
certificates of disability, and receiving
money to influence his action,. and fined
him $lOOO. •
The President his approved the sentence
in the case of Second Lieutenant Henry G.
Flipper, Tenth -Cavalry, tried by court-mar
tial on charges of embezzlement and con
duct unbecoming an. officer, and sentenced
to dismissal from the service. An order
to that effect will be issued by the
tary of War in a i ?lay or two. , •
Reliable inforimition received from a
number' of counties nn the south side of
Virginia is to the effett that the oats crop
is completely Jained by insects, entailing
heavy losses upon the farmers - . Wheat is
looking splendidly. ,
The first regular shipment wheat
arrived in St. Louis Thursday from south
east Missouri, and graAed NO. 3. Samples
of•flour frOm new _Texas and Tenneessee
wheat were exhibited on 'Change.
There are in America • 43,802 clergymen
or one to every 718 of the population.
A Convention of delegates from all the
Catholic . total-abstinence societies in the
State will be held at Johnstown the latter
part of this month.
The price of meat still continues high,
and the poor man is almost compelled to
forego eating it, in order to make his
wages meet the other demands of living.
• The lait rail on the C&nadian Pacific
Railway between Prince Arthur's Landing
and Winnipeg' was laid :Saturday. • The
road will be open for passengers and freight
traffic on July 1.
George Washington's will is file on in the
office of the Clerk Of Fairfax county, Va.
Hitherto the document - has been ' without
protection,, and curious persons in handling
it have subjected it to a great deal of wear
and tear. Now, however, the will is in a
glass case, whew it- may be seen but not
touithed, It is written on heavy unruled
paper, about notOsize, and • every side is
covered. There are twenty-seven pages,
all of which have Washington's name at.
tached except the twentk.third, which
ended with the words "City 1 . of Washing
ton," and it is supposed that In looking over
it - Washington mistook the words for his
signature and, therefore„failed , to sign the
page. . ••
Nearly the entire business pi;wtion . of the .
town of Welled, Texas, was burned on Sat
urday. Loss $75,000.
Bunker Hill day was obsenred 'at Boston
on Saturday. The most prominent feature
of the day's proceedings was an itamense
Irish demonstration in which the Irish
American societies of Mesiachuietts partici
KANSAS CITY, June - 18.—The City
presented a frightful spectacle this
morning. Not a single square escap
ed the fury of the storm. The streets
in every quarter were strewed with
signs, awnings, hmbs of trees, roofs and
debris of all descriptions. Scarcely an
exposed building -remained. Whole
chimneys were bloWn down, roofs taken
off and in many cases houses were
ruined. Three, sansof an iron bridge,
between this city and Armourdale were
carried away. The - street railroad
stables were damaged to the amount
of $B,OOO to $10,00 0, . and the court
house suffered to the same extent. The
opera house lost its roof, and all the
hotels were damaged. The storm Was
general, rind great- damage was done to
the crops and other property in the
surrounding country.
CHICAGO, • June • 18.—The latest
reports from the lowa cyclone indicate
that forty persons wer killed and a
great many injured. Much , property
was destroyed.
Grurnixi;L, lowa, June 18-4:50 A. r.!.—
The total casualties as far ; as known
to this hour are as folloivs: Deacon
Ford and 'wife; Lewis and wife; Deacon
Clement and two childrer4. Mrs. Eva
Morton, of, Chicago; Henry, Pitman's
two children, and Pitman probably .
fataliy;• Annie Bayer daughter of a
dry goo& merchant, and her mother;
Mrs. Griswold. Mrs. Tolen; ; Mrs.
Cullison and her mother; Mrs. Alexan
der and two children; Mrs. Huff and
child; George Terry's baby, and Terry
is, not is not expected to live; Binham
Burkett, a student; Deacon ittiward.
Eight student's were badly injured,
having been dug out of the ruins. ,The
Chapin house is, turned into a hospital.
[ Charles:l Fry, brakeman, is dead and
his train a wreck north of Grinnell. A
deep roaring sound preceded a funnell
shaped cloud. It was , nom :geatoing
from the southwest to the nortit*est
corner of the town and leveling'' trees
in its pathway and leveling houses and
barns to the ground:. Ritsmates house
was. ()Completely leyeled, burying IPits
man, his wife, three children, his wife's
sister and a baby. The Lewis house
wps next demolished. The storm
pursued a zigzag direction to the north
of the city, when, after wiping out the
residence portion of the city it turned
towards the college and the west build
ing was dumped into 'a Iteap of - lath
plaster; and broken tiknber bnrying
eight students. One , his,: since died.
The east college building irakanroofed,
and fire followed, completing the work
of demolition. There ,is hardly 'sign
of the house in which Miss Agavd lived
near the railroad. h i that vicinity,
out of a block of nine
_houses tall but
one were leveled. In one of', , these
four persons were killed. Henry
Moore, a brakeman. on the Central,
road was badly injured; John Diegnan,
a: conductor of the Rock Island; a
freight tramp from Doiii Moines, a
traveling man, W. .1. Barbour, from
Chicago, were fatally hurt: The scenes
around the ruins were heartrending,
andibmilies wandered over the ruins of
-their homes, dazed. Tke engine house
where, seventeen deadJx?dies are lying
presents a ghastly eight. The number,
of - the injured reaches hundreds.-
Nearly every person in the track of
the tornado,
.complains' of injuries Or
shows marks in bruised' and battered
faces. , .
MALCOM STATION, la., June 18th.
Seven dead bodies have -been , found
here, and the wcunded are; numerous.
Five of the best business houses are
clemolished including the Gazette office.
Both churches atid a 4third of the dwell
ings are levelled or badly damaged.
The cyclone extended as far as we can
hear, destroying and killing, every in
its path. Among the dead are C. A.
_Wheeler, Mrs. Meyers and Mother, and
Mrs. Hall. A man and his son were
blown into a well; the , father climbed
up the pump stock/ and .pushing his
child before him. South of Brooklyn
a barn was destr)yed 'and three .people
DEsMoms, lowa, Jur.e I§.- A tornado
swept through central lowa hat night.
Grinnell was struck by itj and half the
town is in ruins. It is reported that
forty people-were killed and over 100
wounded. A dispatch announcing the
disaster mached here at 1 o'clock this
morning. It requested physicians to be
sent, and stated that the two college
buildings, and half the best residences,
were wrecked. ; A special train with
assistance was. immediately sent.
DESMOINES, la.; June It).—The Cor
nell college buildings at Grinnell are
ruined. Eight Persons were lull4d at
Malcolm, nine 111114 .east of Grinnell,
and several living in farm houses • were
destroyed, •A freight train on the
Rock Island road was caught between
towns in the wind and _badly wrecked.
A freight train - on the J lowa Central
just north of Grinnell,, was derailed.
Brooklyn also suffers. '
MARSHALLTOW ' N,' la . , • June
committee has been orgonized here to
assist the sufferers at Grinnell.
• Cam°, 111., June S. —A - heavy storm
in this section this
,afternoon caused
considerable dathage: At Beach bridge
a negro was killed and his white wife
had her arm broken,-- the house falling
on them. At . Metropolis the steamer
Jennie Walker was , sunk „I;nd roofs
were blown off, etc'..'
lead. Agreeable
to use. ' Apply by the little finger into the no..
trile. On receipt of. sfic e larill mail a package.
Sold by H. C, Porter &Bon, Druggists', Towan
da, Pa.
April 6.
C. T. PS' Manaiceiri
(formerly of the Ward_ House.) ' f. 7
This house occupies the finest location in ail
Park• Only 200 yards from the beach. Full in 4
unobstructed view of ocean,
, 22,)!Luelt .1*
- • •*A. N. NEtEION
- • DEALER 'IN -
of every variOty,and Spectacles: /kr Partici:ll
Mention paid to repairinit. Shop in Decker,
Vonght's Grocery Store. ,Niain Street. -Towanda,
Penna. meD9-8
t !', 3 LQED CLYDE,
Will make the season of 1981, at the farm
of the subscriber one mile west of the village
of East Smith&id. •
Both Sire and Dam imported, bred by Wm.
Crozier, Northport, Long !eland. As wa give
breeders name and address we can assure
patrons that we are not offering the serviceti
or a grade horse. TERMS:—SIS.
W. A. WOOD.)
EAAT SMITHFIELD, PA., , April 6-11M.*
testamentary baring been gran ted; to the
undersigned, under the lastwill and testament
of Donna Maria Montanye. late of . Towanda
borough. deceased, all persons indebted to the
estate of said decedent are hereby notLeed to
make immediate payment, and all having claims
against said estate must present the mupe - duly
eutheatipted to the undersigned for settlement.
' IRA B. 11VMPHREY. Executor.
Towanda. Pc, May 18. 1881.
11 farm of fifty acres, located in the WYsoi
Ley, five minutes drive from Home borongb
for full particulars, address
Towanda Pa.
t ~ i',
I r
, , 111ACHINMY
Tompkins County . Leader Wheel Rake
for one or two horses:, •
DI effectually
les that nasal
?es of Catarrh
trus, causing
ty secretions,
la the mem
from addl
-1 colds, corn
ly heals the
and restores
lease of taste
- are
:ed by a: few
'cations. A
,ugh treatment
cure Catarrh,
'ever, Du-
ed for colds in
Wholesale and Isetall Dealer.
• - ..1".7.r.'
--,... 2 , ::
i....,.::. .._..... ....A... -„,..... 5.. .....:_ s ,. I
) 1 1) ..)
~ • • /
. i • ji•-1.,,i •
•• .- i• ) , .... ,•• - -:- --,--..r
L'oatest Lock Lever Rake for on ,
two 119tottp.
'Surprise Wheel. Rake. Ow one horse
These rakes will snit the farmers in anal*
and price; being adapted to ,every kind Of work
and at prices to meet the views of farmers.
Come and see them by all =mit before buying
any other.
Just received a car load of superior harrows.
Now is the time to buy thabest harrow You ever
saw for preparing your Buckwheat and wheat
grounds. One will pay for itself in ono season.
Sulky Spring Tooth Harrovis.
With and without SEEDER ATTACHMENTS.
Several of the best kind of these convenient
harrows. Would invite particular attention to
the .Miller . and Albion Sulky Harrows and
Osborne Mowers,
Osborne Light, Reapers,
. -
Osborne Self-Bin4ing Reapers
Attention is Invited to these adddrable ma
chines. They are first-aims and, cheap. Os
,borne's Self-Binding Resper is, gitning; the
"Laurels t' everywhere,
11 •
TOinpkins to.
Wiard Chilled Plow ;
The beet of all plows. SIDE HILL PLOWS. ; i ;
CHURN MATHS, cheap and good. Send for
pri.•ea, &c.
. Coil and lee my Whitney Open and Top Bug
gies, Gorton Carryall, and Platform Waious,
have wagons as' good as you can get made to
and at much less prices. • Alt warranted to
be durable " whale;bone" wagons.. -
Aithurn.Farm Wagons
The beet Farm and Lumber Wagonsin the
Special indlicements .to cash buyers of ill
goods In my line T
A car load of Fresh Cement. Sheathing and
Building Papers. Vermin Proof tnrpet Lining
Mowing 3fachine and Reaper Repairs. Write
for prices and circulars, or call and see ino
Towanda, Pa ;June 22, 1882-tf.
Ed. flouillesseaux,
(Fornarly *with Liecairn tu,l
Jewelry Store
OF 1118 OWN
With Swiirts & Gorden Store,
Main4Ssreet, Towanda, Pa.;
Whoro ho 6eps a fIILL ASSORTMENT or
• •
Gold & Silver. Watches
air U 1 Stock is aIINEW and of thO FINEST
QUALITY: Vail and ono for yOurselt
I •
Head Quarters .
11111111E8 P10)1131818,
CASH PAID for Desirable Pro
duce. 'Fine BUJ !VI and' EGGS
a specialty. •
April 29 ly
FOR SALE. • One second-hand
Engine and Boiler, in good conditloh. En ,
gine 12:20.•Tubular Boiler, Force Pump, Con
nections, etc. Suitable for a saw or grist mill.
Have been running 4 run of stone with it.
Reason for selling is that I am increasing the
capacity of my mill. and putting in larger
engine. For full particulars all on or address
G. A. DAYTON, Towanda. M.
Ju . e 25-4 w
matter of tlitvoluntaiy assignment of B. B.
Tears, and B. S. Tears k Son. The undersigned
Assignee would give notice that all persons in
debted to B. 8. Tears, and B. S. Tears k Son
must make immediaterpayment. and all persons
taring claims sealant B 8. Tears, and B. S.
Tears k Son must present them duly au
thenticated for settlement tc ,
L. A. WOOSTER, Assignee,
Leßoy, May 10,1582. . 2m
- , .1.
ft rot-claßs
Heating Stoves
They ere too well known to r'•quire
any commode lion—
We AstilOoo::. hue of CHEAP BABE
BURNERS, t: e twat of ,thiir class in
the market, an welfudapted for sni-
plying a demand for an efficient but in.
expensive heating stove.
A. D. DYE & CO.
Wood Cook Stoves
nine Blank Books
Amateur's. Supplies.
This departme!it of my business ts verftim
piste, and. being a practical sawyer myself I know
the wants of my , patrons. -
1881 '
Crown Jewel.
Sold in Towanda and Vicinity by
Towanda, Oct. Mat. 1881.
realer IA :crc,ll 'Saw G::dz.
constaut4 onjwid, Sir $ 1 . 25 worth of designs
for $l. Send for price lists...
Park street,
Towanda. J's
P. 0. box 1512
Choaver.tban ever at the
• would
call the atten-
tion of FARMERS and
others to his large and complete
assortment of
C.)pe.ti & Top 13iiggit?*
, •all of his
own MANUFACTURE and war
ranted in every par
ticular •
Bryant's Flexible Springs used In all Platform
. Wagons. The eureka and beet In use..
Look at these figures
_ .
Two seated Carnage. from 11150 to 5176
nustons one seated 4 125 to 1:0
Top Bu ggies 125 to ' ile
Open Buggies $o to 100
Democrat Wagons 90 to 110
Remember Mali the above are all billy warrant•
ed. drat-class or no pay.
Repairing promptly +intended to at 25 per Crll I
below last years prices.
Moe and Factory cos. Main and Elizabeth Sta.
A ,
IS THE NAME OF the popular Liniment
that cures IthetunsUim. Neuralgia. Swollen or
Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites.
pain in the Fsee.
Head or Spine, Chapped !said,.. Brnises.ftrai"•'
Burns. liosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in
sect, Poison from common Poison Vines, etc..
for man or "beast. Always reliable, and almost
instantaneous in its relief. Raving an agreeable
odor. it isplessant to apply. Sold by all drug
lists. Price 25 cents.
N. B.—Thin Liniment readied a Price Med al . *
the State Fa1r.1879. • IDIT-21)+7.
AIM, li
• '! The
4 0 1
1 44
l 'ucemil' ,
- 'OA
• hie
- OW
~ 1
. ~
1, -
- ir
3 •