1101.4.0411 iv. TRACY, Publisherk VOL. VIII. _.--TIIE=- Bradford Ilepublicau Is Published Every . Thursday, AT ,TOWANDX,' PA., ,BY HOLCOMB Bz,ITRACY. 31.50 Per Annuni, in Advance. Advertising hates—Six cents a lino for first insertion, ant five cents per ,line for all sut34.e. quest insertions. Beading notice adverih tug ten cents per line. Eight lines constitute 's square, and twelve lines an inch. Auditor's notices $/50.. Administrators and Executor's noticei s2.m. yearly advertising $150.01 per column. Tux P.Ernamicas iv published in the 'flimsy. Moore and 'Nobles illocit, at the corner of Main and Pine streets. Orer J. F. Corner's Boot and Shoe 'store. Its circulation is over WOO. As an advertising medium it is unexcelled in its im• mediate gen. Towanda Badness Direci ory,, ATTOILNEYS-AT-LAW nLEVELAND & McGOVERN, (E. J. Cleieland W. McGovern). Canton, Bradford County Pa, All business entrusted to their care in 'Western Bradford will melee prompt attention. •-01pr82-1y Attorneys-at-Law: 0121 c `)IITH Hulas, over Powell S.; Co C',LIFT', J. N.. °lnce in Wood's mock, sou th First tiatioual'llank, up stairs. Jane 12;i8 MILEIBREet SON IN C -Eierree and L Etsbree4 J Orrice in Marcus Block. I , "ark - St, tuayl 4.78 DECK k. OVERTON (Beni it Peck and D d Over r ton!. Office over Hairs Market 49-r79 VERTON SLIIDEBSON (S Overton and Jr 0 F Sanderson.) Office in Adams Block. j nlyrr 711. MAXWELL, WM. Office over Dayton's Store aprill4.7a' WILT, J. ANDREW. Office, in ISlcan'n Block ' spr 14,7 G nAVIES, CARNOCHAN & HALL, (W T Davits. WII Carno,Aan, Ldf Hail.) Office in rear et Ward Wine. Entrance on ,Poplar St. tie/2.7S MERCIIII, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention paid to business in Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. Office in Montanye's Bloch. • 4949 c MEMO'S YOUNG, (I. McPherson and LILL W. I. Young.) Office south side onforcur's Block.fob 1.7 n WILLIAMS; ANGLE b BINFIN6TOI4. (II N Williams, E J Angie and E 1) Buffington). taco west side of Main street, two doors north of arum °ince. An tininess entrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. Oct 26,77 TAMES ANII 301 IN W. CODDING; Attor pep; and counsellors-at-Law. Odic° In the Ilercur illock;--over..C. T. Kirby's Drag Store. . , July 3, 'SO tf. ITEENEI - ",1 7 :4: Attorney - at-Laic, Office In 11 Montanie's Block, Main Street. SeP :5. '4,4f. 11111031PSdk, W. , IL and E. A.. Attorneys-at 11 Law, Tolkanda,' Pa: (Mice in Mercur Block, over C. T,Eirby's Drug Store, entrance on 3lain street. first stair north of Post-Wilco. All business promptly attended to. Special atten tion given,to claims against-the United States ur Pensicitis, Bounties, Patents, etc.. and to - 4,llectionitand settlenient of decedent's estates. ' * April 21. ly HENRY B. MICEAN ATIORNEY-AT-LM, • Solicitor of Potent.; Government claims a► ten4ol to. ~, Rtifebti2 piirsica,vsAYD SURGi'ONS 311MNSON. 'T. 8 ., M.D. Moo over Dr. Porters'i Drug Store. fob 12.78 NtiWTON. Drs. D. N. &F. G. Officb at Dwelling d" 104 River Street, corner Westou Rt. teb 12,77 LLD, C. 8., M.D. Office lst door above old bauk building, on Main street.! Special at tention given to diseases pf the throat and lungs.jnly l9 . ll4 • T 00DBURN, S. id.. M.D: 0111. ca and real dance, Main street, msrth of :Sl.E.Chnrch. lietlical Examiner for Pension DoArtment. • 13b 22,11 Y.NE, E. b.. M.D. Office over' M mtanye's P Store. °Oleo hours from 10 to 12 A.M. and front 2 tr.' 4 r. x. Special attention given to Diseases of the Eyo: and DiScases of tho ,Ear. oct 0.77 -----.- . . rpowsEß, IL L., M.D.... i - ~ q 4 . HOMCLOPATII4C PHTSICTAN & 15M:M0 .1 ... t ' Residence and officaluat north of Dr. Corbon'a main street. ithons. Pa. i 110 TELS. HENRY lIOUSE. Main ht.; next corner month ." 1 . of Bridge street. New house and now j urniture throughout. The prbprictor has . spared neither pains or expense in making his Mite' first-class and respectfully solicits a share et public patronage. Ideals at all hours. Terms reasonable. Largo Stable attached. !mar 8 77 - WM. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES , . TETATKINS POST: O. 68. G. A. R. ' Bleats VV every Saturday evening. at Military 11111. CEO. V. MIER, Cpmmander. I J. R. EirrainuF. Adjutant. feb 7; 79 riIIYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57.. Meets at. N. of P. 11 - all every Monday evening at 7:30. In surance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per weok. Aver age annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. is It. B.ITTRIDGII. Reporter, JESsE WAITELL. JR.. Dictator. feb 22.78 -011,11)1 , 01ID LODGE, N 0.167, I. 0. 0:F. Meet In Odd Fellow's Hall, ev'eryllonclay evening at 7 o'clock. WARIILIII RILL, Noble Grand. ,June 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING POST, F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders will receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL. • e QUSQUEIiAIiNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE k- 1 The SPRING TERM will begin Monday April 3, 1542. For catalogue or other Infer thation, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. July 19,78 Towanda. Pa. PLUMBER AND GAB FITTER lETELLIAMS; EDWARD. Praitical Plumber v v and Gas Fitter. Place of In:wines% in Bier cur Block next door to Journal office opposite• Public Square. Plumbing. Gas Pitting, - Repiir.. ng Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing romptly attended to. All wanting work In his no should give him w call. july 27,11 / ',S URA NCR RaIiSELL., 0. 8, (fieneral Insurance Agency, : Towanda. P. Office in Whitcomb's Book jn1y,..12.76• store And isadMne of His ' 25 CENT DINNERS feb23-Cm FARM FOR SALE• A farm of fifty acres, loafed in the Wyson val• Icy. aye minutes drive from Borne borough For full particulars. address . 3 ewr.• . - r ~ . , ''..,,,,:;„ , , - , - _. - - ,- , ..: ' - -. • • -- ' - ' ''- - -'' ' ' ' ' ' .-; ••- ; -'.1..: , = -4 ii . it-k• • ! -2. -- ', ', '' ' 'l jv. Zr-fll' -• ', • ...- '..'i •-• Ir . • . 1 . • I ' o , - ' . D , _.. _..,... _ ..„.... .... , „ 3t',:t " ' 1 79. 1 1 , 1•‘ iikcs,,{llVazija"\7l:-,7*lft___ll--,.. ..- ,:-.,..--- • ~, m -6n.J. - -,-- z , -..._' ' -- - :: 6 ......,, - 41 4""--,,'- - - - - . - . _Y ►- - 4,1, . -- , - . ... , .. • 6 _ a . • B . .... .. . . . r ... _ , , ~._.,,, The best show ever here.—Pittsburg Daily Leader, May 23. ../(`: GRAND; CELEBRATION AT TOWANDA, JULY '3RD MAMMOTH MONARCH RAILROAD • Eltposition of Living" Wonders Endtmous Metropolitan . Menageries— inked. 40 Blazoned Cages of Wild Beasts. Positiiely the largest collection of extremely Rare Wild Annimaht with any exhibition on. the continent The largest living WHITE NILE' HIPPOPOTAMUS ever imported—a tige shambling river horse the terror of all aurians—claimed 'by many Theologians and Zoogrephers to be identical with the Behemoth of the Bible. A pair of 'MAJESTIC GI RAFFES, broken in harnesS and drawing Ro nan etariots c -- N , $lOO,OOO invested in more than tons-of educated flesh. A monster all-rep tsenting herd of PERFORMING ELEPHANTS winding twice the largest animal known to Ist, the famous old India war- elephant, XEILYF_S," / several inches taller • and the Waviest animal ever on this continents; said to over 200 years of age. - AlSo the Midget "LITTLE DOTT twice the smallest full grown elephant over , yen. . sls,ooo—the greateSts of nil fcature—sls'oo the first and only genuine " Lion Slayer," the Only mama] of its kind ever on Exhi 4 =itition in this or as o th ercountry. You W ill see the great 1 - .1q ABYSSINIAN BABIRPUSSA_, IT ()Oil-p. - 0 i-- ( - ) .- Tl, - Nt - t3 8 • •• • - :11E 1 731[: w ilLrli4l!!4lllL You will see the Sirrliam ColoSsus, Cynocepha the rive ton performing Me . k Rhinocieros, an Arctic Polar Mammoths. 'lYou will see features never before witnessed 'with other exhibition on earth., TOWANDA, PA Elks driven . Tandem in the . Streets; • _Performing I .Axabian 2.1...%t •i›, s , Dromedaries, Zebras trained to .4i',li•'': Perform' .bierriiihle Feats, Lap,- '.',; . ,‘z,,4 )N„ land _Hurdle Racing ReindZier; .'4-4 . i-.W..'; \ ' a Gtiintie Riding Cynocephalus.l - ,::•.,:-.V*,_* , Performing Dens of Hyenas, a;' ~„,, . .N , ,, ; ,.‘ Selii,6l of Learned Seals,.... Per- .—:'..,-', zT'.. , ki-.).''' ''' - 4. •N.it,,, \ forming Den of • _ ` ~='t... \ ~':'-41 . . .: -:,„ i • ..x \, • . N \ Tigers LiOnS i *. „,, , ,g \k„. , , \` , .N . :,..,.... 1 • - ..' • Zn • - I •*4 - \ .:. ' -,,,,, and Leopards. : $.:.- -•--, #. .4,1, .J,l ids,. A 4 ,,,,,,,,,,, , ' • 'erform- * . !; . ,4,''' .4,.. - ~ ' ghbriids.'AL' il,, 7 '''' :he Most '-...,..- *jigrf.' l i Trained yam = , .{ ' nd more -- - 7-_74-17- 7 7)10:' - iNi me. 30 ,---- - - f. A Pair of African Ela Cavalcade - of narteen log ' Kentucky Thorou, The largest - number of t Beautiful and, Best Horses in the World, at than a whole show alO ARABIAN CA 11 -A complete andimns i lection of Dogs, JAMES c: Fours. • Towidsds Ps MI i S NCORManceOrVionirlallagAgaLUa OWANDA, MONDAY, JILT 3, MEE Li etal io,.r HeadefLby the King Laugh-maker, " wart.w.ro ,lorma.a.rt s py • The Low Comedy Bear, 1` BRUNO. - Steam Air-Ship in . openition 'outside free to all. The Sheik's Return from. Conquest. A Quarter of a Million Street Parade. 'Three Superb Martial Musical Brigades The New Leviathan Stearn , Band, ii . .,4-Woieed Jubilee Chords; always Exhibiting Just "krlukt, it Advertises. • Excursion Cheap TO THE GREATEST " WORLD'S` EXPOSITION. Ow Ti c ket Admits, to all Advertised Shows. Children Undart Nine Years Half Price. TWO GRAND EXHI.I3ITIONS DAILY. It controb Million's,- backed by pio ns nunv, and so far as it ! is concerned, no other show ertists. IiNT-A..:iVEBTi - V; '-..,-JITLY --,":sth, Ii - ! Its 'Like May Never Again be Seen_ AND GIGANTIC COLOSSUS Of all Amusement Organmati9ns, Panoplied in BARRETT & " $ - NICINSTEIRP Positively Coining, and will exhibit, in allits vast' entirety at An animal never before exhibited in Amei•iea. The first and onV D.-or exhibitetton this continent. The only genuine EIE i .. .- , mg Zo ologicall . lirondertl You will see Willis Cobb's original and only Ilinaiure Circus of Goats CIRCUS COMPANIES. COMBINED. PLETE EMPLOYING OVER ONE HUNDRED CHAMPIONS. Led by the great Pironate and Somersault Rider, MR. ORRIN HOLLIS Champion . of the World, HARLES EWERS, World Famed Four and Six Horse Rider. NO AND DUNBAR, Champion Artists of the Tripple Bar. SS J , ENNIE EWERS Equestrian Bouquet. Illustrious by' decent. REAPERS, Led by the Great and Only " ORRIN 7 7I Wboqe salary exceeds that of an five so-called champions cm this continent • Rides TOWANDA. BRADFORD COUNTY, ,THURSDAYSJUNE THE . MIGHTY 6.470.:' Monkeys. 6 - , op all: Railroads. WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT CO.'S SHOWS I =l=l==iiiiiMl VIOLA• RIVERS, Freatest living .Horne-wqman on Earth, The Only and Inimitable ALETTA AND WALLACE, 1. Bicyclists of the Nineteenth Cgutury, Wondeiful Performances on thein- Wire, 60!eet in the air, holds Thou of Peuplean Breathless Awe. , • "(10* Di OF 171 E PEOPLE.EY 'TEE PEOPLE AND FOE THE'PEOPLIA." ME 20 10 ~ ; I SHALL inpriVALlPll . . ' I %bait n(q. wait in desists nig Thou spnrelini Thy tibleier 711:yebild; While gram, in sieniunsteetidestingindi, Through earth and bee*deserver ton), I shil sot want; my dlifteitutithe Thy lotto eons aballfilrettitlisbt; • WhiMprmasso asowid* Wm. Mid cheer me with dlvinit*fmos... 1 otOill not tint;.rigiktoonsiteso • - -1 lir mil Mail olothiorlikelorions dams. bloodAmohmd robe slialbe more Mir Tian 6srmollts I,lMis of dear. . , .. I obeli not want; wltategefli good, Of deny bread or angeljhod i , .' . Shall to my hither% eldld*ianre So long se earth of heanitdadaro. . . -Bee. -144Dfafa,P:...P. coiravaszArr 'Ur It wrong to Mot" Of On shimmering trugh But go answer &Nisi A roundelay gay as She aaked the sun, bar, 811 saucy nice from the And kissed her cheeks #ll tleay air" bUllleaV . end a tear of resattorfdliamed tier eye, . . , She uted the wind as it earniqroni ths south The selfsame queation. Fora zephyr sprang up Ind kissed bier mouth . And ruby red Ups tali Unpin's:wed allanze. • She asked a youth wholsol ciplinead *long. And the moral question sailiorired in a tees; For he answered: "0, matdeir;it may be wont, But"—here ho proved it—"ll4 very nice V It the sea and SUL and soft sonth wind Kissed unmelested by boll* ban Where the heart is eager, and lips and mind Artenot reluctant; why shonitlal man! A. DAY IN ATHENS. ONE OF tHE PIUrrTE TOO= OP BRADFORD COUNTY.-AN EILPORTOIT POINT IN INDIAN TIDIES, AND A NAME THAT NEVER .SHOULD BAYS {BEEN, CHANGED -- DISTINGUISHED MEN OF ATHENS, AND '- FUTURE PROSPECTS. kipeelsl Correspondenco of, Philsilephis Press ATHENS, PA., May 25:1—Juat now a ride over the Lehigh Valley . Rai!toad, particularly that Porting'. which altirta the north branch. of the,Busquehaona and passes-through ' the highly-cultivat- ed'and pole - anus county of Brritord;. is exceedingly plieuieet: . .Many very pret- ty and thrifty little towns are passed; and the wal-ketot farms show that' their owners are industrious agriculturists. One of the most attractive* towns on the northern border of the cunnty, within few hundred yards of ' ! ‘the New York line, is Athena, and as it has a history of more than ordinary interest, let us "stop oil" for _a day so that we.may learn voincthing about' the important events Which transpired , here and the distinguished men who once dwelt within its horded: i t • Athens issituated at _ Vonfinence of the Sn , quehanna and Tioga, or Oho .mung, iivers, *id in the , early pad of the century - the spot Was known as Tioga Point, Which - means the meeting of the Waters.' +a far back as 1737, the celebrated inteiproter and Indian agent, Conrad Weiser, *lade his first visit to the Six Nations. ftie Indian town at the point then being,.called Diahoga,' Which was the most extensive aboriginal set tlement in the State of Pennsylvania, north of Shamokin. Here the ipaths diverged, that to Genesee and Niagara folloWing u., the Tioga, while that to Ohrindaga followed for some distance further, up the Susquehanna. The first white man who settled here was named John Record, and hey came early in the summer of 1778. It was at this place in that year that Butler, and t perhaps Brandt, with their English and:lndians, came together f'r the purpOse mak ing their descent on Wyoming, and hither they returned after theihassacre. In 1778, Colonel Hartley, with a force of four hundred men, came as far North as ibis, place and burned Tioga and Qneen, Esther's palace and towns ,In the following year, during the first ex pedition against the Indians, General Sullivan made Tioga _the base of his. operations. He ascended the river, ar riving here with 3,500 men on the 11th of August, and erected block houses and a stockade extending across the penin sula from river to river. called Fort Sullivan. General Clinton pushed across the country from Albany to Otsego Lake , with 1,0 men, and float ed down the Snsquefianna, uniting his forces with Sullivan. , The whole army lay herb until the' 27th, when it went on its march, of devastation, leaving Tioga a military station whence Sullivan 'de. rived hisimpplies and to which he sent his wounded. The expedition returned here victorious; and on the 4th of October the fort w.s demolished and the unny went down the river to Wyom . WO. THE TOWNSHIP OF ATUENt In 1783. white adventurers and •pio-. neera crept up the river as ler ae Tioga Point and settled. In 1785, Mathias Hollenback, of Wilkes-Barre, opened a trading-hem here for the purpose of trading with the Indians. In May, 1786, the Susquehanna Company isstied'y a grant for a township to be called Athens, and in May and June of that year, it was sur veyed, and the village plat laid out by CelOnel Johti Jenkins, Colonel John Franklin and - Colonel Elinlis Satterlee. The site cif the village was granted by Perinsylvanin,'MaY, 174785, to Josiah Lockhart, of tincairter. the land being embraced; _within the purchase from the Indhmsfof October, 1784, hut the first settlements Wire made under the title by gew England peo ple. A few settlers now came in and established themselves here. Colonel' Franklin built a house in 1787, and was intending to settle here, but the same year he was arrested for high treason against the State Of Pennsylvania,' and continued in irons in Philadelphia. It was alleged by. the Connecticut sealers. of -whom he mu the recognhsed leader, that he wits about to erect a new State in Northern Pennsylvania, with. Frank-. lin as Governor. Vs was detained in prison nearly two years, and !remedial tit' after his release 1789, returned and settle& permanently :in Athens. Many of . the cWiginal aettlai were the most Prominent among the early , . users, and they bad' all served in' Os war, and were in Wyoming during the Yankee and . Pennamits troubts, sad had also visited the place with General From this tillift fortkilhe settlement grew steadily but aldsrly. Atheniwai incorporated .as a IMinugh 4(18324 and now has a population of nearly two thousand. The village is a pretty on, and contains a number of idiom° residences, and is welkaup plied with • churches and schools. A SAXE THAT :SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN CHANGED. • • The name of Tioga Point 0001: never I,lave given Owe to; that of ... 1 4.tbens. The feistier), nature of the miming= lugs and geograptuleal , posltier test against such a aininA its* add - general ap pearance and character of the place. The children of the forest exercised far more common sense and practical wis dom in tbeapplication of DUMB to rivers and hications, than man of education and advanced civilization. Campbell opuld haveaupplemented his imniortnl poem on the beauties of Wyoming with stanzas quite as expressive of natural grandeur. wiser and sublimity, .Lad he familiarized himself with this charming locality, second to none in this roman tic portion portion of William Penn's dominions. Nature was indeed genet:- one of her gifts when she reared these stately mountains,, foimed these wind ing streams and fruitful grounds. No wonder snob a favored spot became an object of desire and a source of context , tion at an early period in the history of Northern Pennsylvania, and that the Indian was reluctant to yield up his hunting,ground, while the whites were quite as anxious -to place it under culti vation to make it a home for themselves and . their descendents. Yoars before Elmira was settled this was recognized as a prominent trading point for miles around, supplying the people with: oods in exchange for pro duce. John Arnot, while gave =Loh life and character to _Elmira, proving in strumental in starting that city on the highway to positive growth and a self sustaining series of industries that now give support and comfort to an active, enterprising, industrious people; first bleated at Tioga Point, With the inten- tion of making it his perniabent home, Unfortunately, however, for Athens, failing to' receive, that sympathy aa heasty co-opeiatioa in'his contemplated projects designed to develop° the re sources of the sountry-hy enlarging its business influence; be removed to . Et= mire. where his labors- have been sin permanent and beneficial in their re- Low often a trival event and alight misunderstanding carries_with it far-reaching infhiences affecting the en-, tire life of individuals, and communities.' Impressed with its advantages, however, as a trading station, Mathias Holten back, a man indentifled with the com mercial interests ,of northern Pennsyl vania and southein New York, reaching from Wilkes• Barre to dsego, made this an importan9ease of operations, and fo r d years the **aback store was a noted institution, thl; iuhabitanta for . miles around seeking., its marketable resoni c, He was suceisafill in - his business . , /m undertakings, arnashig, a large fortune, - proving the Astor of thin valley, gather iug at alrseasons and from ;all classes; devasting wars, failure of :crops and disarrangement of those agencies that 'work for goodo appeared to only aug-- went his resources, and to-day-the name of Hollenback is synomomons with the name of one whom earthly p ossessions are substantial and abundant: Mathias Hollenback was a p r ominent man in business circles, securing for himeelf in fluence and reputation throughout, the country. So , favorably was he kniman that John Jacob Astor urged • him to become a partner in the fur trade, an enterprise that laid the foundation , of that man's immense wealth, Mr. Hol ‘• • lenback assigned' as a reason for not making the venture with one so well qualified to succeed in any great under taking, that his . operations along the Susquehanna required ail his time and careful attention. TIMATY WITS THE INDIANS. A treaty with the Indians, comprising representatives from the Six Nations, the Senecas, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Chippewati and Stockbridge tribes, was concluded 'at this , point in 1790, affording an interesting chapter in It local history. and so important in its results as to materially affect ;the welfare of this entire 'portion of•the country. Recitals of this event take the place of Arabian Night tales and • their extravagant imaginings. Such a gather ing was well calculated to excite the youthful mind, impressing upon the Memory in' durable outlines, the Indian braves attired in fantastic wrappings and headgear, with gleaming spears, tomahawks and arrows, making their desires known more clearly by actions than verbal expressions. Such sights were novel and impressive, as the move ments of the plumed knights of the for est, with painted • faces and gaudy trap pings, were, calculated to inspire a' and veneration. Atter this treaty the white settler was relieved in a great measure from appre hensions of sadden danger. Bed Jacket was it prominent -• chief, exerting a powerful influence ever his savage sub jects, and was the leading spirit in the negotiations between the settlers and the Indians. During tie closing years of the , last centuryend early years of the present, Athena wak noted for its distillerim, no less than sit being' busily engaged in converting the products of the soil into whisky. At that, time it was not con sidered a disreputable business, and persons of Character were tke pripcipal parties engaged in its mannhicture., Its pernicious effects. however, were forth coming, many of the sons of those men acquired intemperate habits that ruined their constitutions and, made them cnrsettither than a blaming. [Public A =AMMO POINT. centime" it is gratilyingto know. bar nada a radical: change. and the article lave lOnger reccipaised among its pm,. auctions. purrntounoritn strix cu. smuts. , Hon. Joshua B. Giddings:lh° :dirk} zignished advocate of aptkt*TOTTEfli timents, who stood among- the Ae t, 4 l : the halls of Congreie„ battling • o abolition of slavery, was s native citthiir place, haying been bombe:l3 getobeikl 1795. Ilia paints; homiconw,4l4 oife ,1 to Ohio when het was a child, -11.044 was there that he gained potation; mail log the 1 1 7estein Baserre col dhitrict noted , for its *Hy , to Publican principl e s 'that the Ntwoessof Lidoold Die* General 01111balvliNiribes00*01- aorof Witt distingiaished abojitipii.,447k` ode, gained no little prestige and in thence while representing that diliticti Athens is proud of such a eon. - Edward Herrick, far twenty ars President Judge of ,this district, made Athens his home. He was well read in his profession, bringing to the bench a mind well stored _ with legal knowledge, and during all three years proved an honest, judicious auc worthy official, all those seeking protection re ceiving full consideration at his hand when giving official weight and author- ity to decrees of the court. Relived to an advanced age. Judge Herrick was one, of the best appearing men of his day. - His courtly . address, dignified manner and graceful' appearance when at home, upon the bench or on the street, all contributed to' complete a character worthy to adorn any society or station. Hon. William'Etwell, the sale law yer, distinguished jurist and pure mind ed citizen, was a native of Athens, and gained his first laure,la at the bar while yet a young man. ' He .was associated with the late Judge Williston, of this place, for years; after. which he remov- ed to Towanda, retraining there anti bis elevation to the benoll'in Columbia County. "Judg? Elwell is recognized as ono of the soundest judges in the com monwealth,' anti his opinions id many important easesatre regarded as models of legal knowledge. and they have been rarely set aside by the Supreme Court. Of late, his name has been mentioned in connection with the Clovertio . rship of the State, hie nomination 14ing urged by the coining DemooratiefiState Con vention. caw= DISTEgatakEED , MIN- Judga Williston ranked among the ablest lawyers of Northern Pennsylva nia, occupying at one time the office of Judge... He wee a person of Alevont piety anizealons as a Christian worker. His memory is firmly held in the l he arta of many who= recall his -- -virtues as,n citizen . ;and ability as . aa advocate and judge. i Among the original settlers o ' this valley, who accomplished so much in restoring law and order throughout the' country, the names of Colonel Franklin; Colonel Satterlee, Spalding and otheral • stand fi l ,the foreground. Those who early ariede this valley their home were of NewlEnglaud origin, bringing iiith them those'elements of thrift and enter prise so essential, in the development and growth of a new country. • The people anticipated great results upon . the completinn of =tin North Branch banal, a IMblic improvement that cost milliontoi dollars, and should , have proved a permanent benefit. Its history, however, comprises nut one chapter, and, that one is filled 'lib recital*. of disappointed, 'hopes land large pecuoiary losses toindividualaand the Commonwealth at largel The for ' mer in their failure to receive saran ' tages cotinted upon and the latter in the prodigal outlay of 'large sums of money. • The, new impulse given by the loca tion of important Works oonstructepaY the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company at Sayre,. a porticin \ of old Atka4nsi promities great results, and it is not considered h'azardons in the least to el 5 pert of a "City on the Plains" in the near futnre,with its dimensions on the' North only limited)by the dividing line between the . Em irs find KeystOne States. Were it not for the artifidial boundary, the flourishing borough of Waverly, New. York, ' would long ago have united its' interests with Athens under the same laws and regulations. Robert A. yacker, eon of the late Asa Packer, has a palatial, home , at Sayre, and makes thiii a principal point in hit line of business. A/Located amid fruitful fields, with induidrial interests rapidly increasing,' and ample facilities to reach the greater cities, Athens hopes an epects 'to become an inland city, se6ond to none in Northern Pennsyl vania or Southern New 'York. Abun dance of rich territory surrounds her, and as the pecple 4 of Bradford county are noted for their intelliience as well I as thrift, there is tio 1 - ' - ;"sian why the ex pectations of these mOdern Athenians should not be realized' , before many • more decades roll sway. 1 . 410161 4W LANOMITER. we • - Lots of, Dm in Him. • - One of the members', of the Methodist Conference held in Detroit was out; kir walk at an early hour one morning, and encountered a strapping big fellow wfr) was drawings wagon to a blacksmith shop. ," "Catch hold here and help me down to the shop with. this wagon; and I'll buy the whisky," called the big fellow. "Ivaever drink," r: solemnly replied • the good man. • • • you can take a cigar." "I toyer smoke." The man dropped the Wagon • tongue, looked hard et the member, and asked: .:. 4 .l)on'tyottokew V'? "No, sir,". wat decided reply. "TO must ' get mighty lonesome," mused the tainister,.; •"I guess alli( light. I feel that rate." - , • ORME =MME ==Mill 'ol.onev,fuoo4.l-,edu PeT You Pa ritiksov-esialbittosinatei., ' ieliOtbetit! , Eatist ,;! t Coiaer . 6o l 4 4 PAW IR% tut up a little." tlrfil • 1 4 A l nalj-ktlji r toduviselit other divan for itrokaiikge att 111114WIMI4lieltriiiertiOTV, - : replie4 , 7 +• 4V104 410 4 51 11 441111161 00 664 tele F t i7d :9d I.; al "Bast :14 'ff Viciiii l V E regified the teanutter,aabe . edgetoff. 'Tiber's. the mie In lying andnaying yon didn't bave "toy fun in'you,-wben your chnek full of O'L? You wanted, to break my back, didn't you ?"—De,troit Free Press. The Matchless Lisir of Chicago. "You do not doubt me; Myrtle'?" "Never t" exclaimed the girl, put ting on her invisible net; as she spoke and placing her bandoline bottle where she would be sure to see it in the morn ing. The sun had glared down fiercely all day upon the parched earth, and now that night had come fife _ heat was even more pppressive than ever, because the cool Wind that had been wafted . from the lake during the day had died away. It was a dreamy, sensuous, one-gauze undershirt-and-no-vest evening, such as one often notices while traveling in Palestine. "Yon have groat-faith in me, have yon not, little one ?" Vivian McCarthy said, taking the girl's off hand in his. "Yes," replied Myrtle, -1 I- believe in you with a child-like faith akin to that which enables a boy to bite a - pie in the dark, and I lope you with a deep tender ness and fair loyalty that can never die." "Ltd would you believe anything -I told you 2" Vivian murmured, _kissing the'dimpled hand that lay in his.. —Looking at him with her. Starry eyes, in which - there gleamed a holy love light, the girl replied, slowly, and with infinite pathos: "I would believe you every word, no matter "what you told me." "Then,'tEtaid Vivian, while a baleful light shot from his .near eye, "there-is no fie cream in Chicago." For an. instant, dazed by the shock, ifyrtle did net speak. Bat presently the ,voice, of her heart found echo in Words. "I can never leave you now, she whispered. "There cannot be another such liar in all the wide, wide, world." —Chicago Tribune. , All Talk and no Ice. ream. 'Do you Jove me, Rupert?' The soft' rays of the evening sun were limning the rocking treetops with a, hallow of golden splendor; the zepbyrs of the night were kissing into somno lence the flowers thiit by day hademiled in•the meadows; the doves nestled their downy heads under their wings, little wotting that the halcyon days of pot pies would soon be present;, while the fold man had the bull-dog out in the earn putting a wire edge on his teeth. Such is the chromo that presents itself 'to the rapidly dying reader; Esmezel 'da W. Pike was not handsome, but her manner bad that Blythe fullvete about it peculiar to boarding-hottee gravy. As she stood there. Underneath the lindens, diessed in a filmy costume of fly-On-the-butter silk, ' her • lily-white hand toying with Thipert Simpson's - mustache.-one must needs look- lizice to see whUt it was. • yon love me?' the girl asked again, choking back. a sob that was welling up from the last glass - of soda - - water she had taken. Rupert did not speak for some time. He was trying to frame a reply, but could not find a 'frame' to suit him. After a moment hie answer came in slow, dactylic cadence, with . accent on 'the ante-penult: • _ 'How Can you ask me this question, Esmereldn? My whole life, as you must know, is a bright tin-pan which reflects your every humor. My very eiistance depends on eating liberally, (sleeping prodigally, and seeing you between '.Without you what UM • Thegirl gave it up. !Yee,. darling,' continued. Rupert, 'if we can only put up a job on the old' man, we will speed away to parts „nu... known. Once in the open country-L.', At this point the dog's' chain broke. Let us draw a veil - over the victure.-- thicago Tribune.. , PRACTICAL HINTS. A German paper says that a roof can be made fireproof by covering it'with a mixture of litne, salt and weed ashes, I adding ti,little lampblack to give it a dark _color. This not only guards against fire, it i 3 claimed, but also in ar measure prev ‘ ents,decay. The clippings of sole leather in New England shoe factories, - which were formerly considered worthless, are now converted• into buttons for clothes and fancy tack-heads fur upholstering, and the sursoundidg country is. relieied of the peculiar and inpleasant odor foi• merly Sneed by burning the scrape. To clean Marble, mix . one:quarter of a pound oi soft soap with the same of pounded whiting, one ounce of soda, and a piece of atone blue the size of a walnut; boil thesei together for fifteen, minutes, and t then. -while , hot, rub it over the marble with a 'piece of ,flannel andleave it on for - twenty-four hours; then wash it Oft with clean water, and polish the marble with o piece. of coarse flannel, or, what is better, a piece , of an old hat: • - • Tha following formula for the' manu lactate of luminous paint is given in Haney'a Journal: "Tatesorater shells and clean them with warm water; put ERE at theAk,i l 4 dr.. 2 44; fiat( vikavtb9PF , . the end of that ticap take thearoak.aad let them cool. When !tape cool *wind the*.4o.- and 41 1 0,46rAty, IMO parts, as they ara of: ack, age:. Pat , 11 9991ra0r in. a .thileitder :.altanattei isomerof.,sophrg. ~rat -911 ~the lidmul cement wittsimmtraideiiato ti , - a at#! paiteinth Nei.: When dry, put inmate-Ikb and: - hehi - (!torlsPdhour:: , Welt .the Aprodsovettitlst tr r ip. Ni 1':) ~. ~ ~ .~'~. 'if lt'.wltl gam Witter, t thin applications are hetes:. 'plan one thick one.: . This will give a paint -that will remain luminous far into , the night, provided it is exposed to the light dar ing the day: I ' . • Does a gunsmith who eredit charge it? •I'll absike you for the quinine.' said the ague to the vietim.---Lowell Citizen. An old' whalesman being asked if he liked the" harp,- said yes, if it was a harpoon : It takes a girl about four hours longer" to wash the frontyindows of the hduse than the back windows.—Newmrt , 111 4.0 ' : .. -~; IWaO a Tear, hi, Athale& ME ALLEGED w - 4. thought, a deeire may shoot through The heart, scorching it as much as any deefi of wrong-doing, Though nci eyes:ever saw the mark it left,' an . evil thought, making one dumb While oth ers sing. , 'Look here,' said an indignant Austin tenant to his lanllord, "there's a eat in the cistern of that house you rented me.' 'ls it-dead?' 'Yes.' Then it will ° not - disturb you at night, so I will hava to raise your rent fire dollars ,on that oeconnt.—Texas Siftings. . ' The composer Hellmsberger, of Vi enna, one noticed a well-knt.wn dra matic author laughing du - ring one of his performance's, after the concert he met him and asked: 'Why did laugh white I played? Did yon' ` ever see me laugh at your come-dies!'—Boer son 6onriei. ' • , "I ~ r, : .. Wryer' pretend to' know" n thing that I do , not," remarkea7 Brown. "Wh I don't know a thing ij. 64- at once, ..i"I don't know." "A "but pro per cOurse," said - Fogg; "'but "how monotonous your , conversation, must be."—Boston Transcript. One of the eolored pupils at Hampton (Va.) institnteAllustrated the opposite _ meanings of ',pro" and "con" by giv- - ing as examples progress and congresi. He had evidently been reading the pro-- eeedings of the present sessicin.—[De - - troit Free Press. The way we live old cbapPle, 'what die the doctor say?' 1 0h, said I was to give up tea and take Planty of rest, and all that. Mean to.' 'But what die he say about big cigm; and brandies and sodas in the , morning, and an 'Ob,, didn't' mention it. Fact hr—never asked himr—ranch. - When they lit up the new, Eddy stone, the other day; and of course banqueted, the Duke' o Edinbiirg, a sly dog, who will have his joke, pro posed as a. toste, !The American Navy.'. NOW let some other Pritishei piopose a toast to 'The . American Merchant Marine,' and Uncle_ Sam will come -pretty nigh getting fighting mad. This twitting oni facts 'isn't patlicularly relishable.-Chioago Tithes. -In vain, alaal . in vain: 3liss Spinks (fishing, and expecting the obvious reply)—'Ab, Mr. Poodlesby, they say - That beauty was the role among the . Greeks, while with tuft is an exception.' Poodlesby(thinking of Poodlesby)—'Ah —really, now, I defy any one to look round this room and - say that ugliness is not tie exception,' Miss S. [casting agckiri]-11. hope you do • not consider me one of the exceptions4Mr. Poodlesby?' P. ' [absently]—Ah, eueptioni prove the rule, you know; prod the rule-- _- provti the rule,'—lfitivard Lampoon. - Uncle _lke was one day riding a mule, had a negro boy bebitid him: "Tell yen what, Ung Ike, 'possum mighty good thing," said the boy. _"Yas, lis," said Uncle Ike, as the mule struck a brisk trot .'"SRecially when you got_ lots o' gravy wid him." Uncle Ike was silent, but seemed restless. "An' when you got some rOssta'taters to sop in de gravy," said boy, 'Uncle Ikaused his switch with nervous enerm'and the mule increased his speed to a gallop. "Yes, Ung Ike, when de 'possum right brown; an' ile gravy dreamt!' out an'-=" "Yen abet youi mouf, you little fool ! You'll make die mule ran off an' kilt na boat.''—Little Rock Gazette: - AN EYE-TO .EVELVEES. A _ stranger, who had been making . some purchases in Moses Sehambrivg's emporium - on Austin avenue, left his umbielli in the store, whereupon one of the clerks, who bad only been in ~the store a feW days, picked up the umbrella and Nis about to ran after the stranger and return it to him. 'Let, me see dot nmprella, said hlcise, whereupon itwas handed to him. abimminy gracious, dot. vas _a silk umbrella: Chug put dat avay per hind de calicos yore nopody sill stum ble over it and preak his neck. _ - But 1 want to give •it back' to - the owner,' Vemonstratedibe clerk. 'Mine Godt, does you vent to make a stranger susbect dot Austin merchants have got no pisliness cabaeity. If you gives hini7dot nmpreila pskik he wonld ose all'confidenee in our pishness ea-, Texas Siftings. • SKINEY MEN. "Wells' Health-Renewer" iestores health and. 'vigor, curei Distlepoo• jr^^uNnce, Debility.S Jilt 11 1 - I -,, 13 1111 OREM ME =il nil tolls h gun on