i: -.. L . .. . • _ . , _ .. ~.... . ~ , ~ ............. :.„ . ...- .. ' 1 - —• , .-. . • ... . ..; -: • -• • -.....--. • ..- . . • . . ' ' - -4 ~] . . ,„ ... 1. . . _ ..._. ~, ..•. . ' • • . . . , ~..... . .. i , . . • ,4:, • .. -. • .. t - ! . .'. • • . . ~. ,•- • . " .. -. , - •" Detroit ••Free Press' ArittmeUe. uur , • .. iiii i gi i i ini s . . ip . , ~ I" - * '-NCO -. In one ledihere are four . calves and : NEW . mug ELI .• .LINIRE K m •. •• WEilit ..,., . . i in another two young men with their - •. - 1 hair parted in the centre. How many • _ • , ; % I. . . ,1 i 1 1 /?/ -11 ' • . calves in all? - :_, i . ,•. ~ - ,-,.. , - • , . - .i Mary bought a comb for ten cents, a • . . . ... \v-. s_ . . . , spool of thread for six cents, and a , ' . . - . 1. ..."1 . --•:•: .She • . paper of pins for seven ' cents . . . •• „ , . „LA: 'kt,..• ~. - .. ' • l if ` • (' 1 / ---.,-'-- . - -,- - • - o•'- ~ ••-:-- ,••••.i... •handed the clerk a fivecent piece with a stovepipe hole ..through - the rim. . •A • : - . '''. . .4 ,P .' v`: 4 , o • • • 77', •, 4 ,0 ' -. to ..„ ..,. , 4(1, ,. .. ,: - . .. , How many •cents 'did she receive in . . Iv „ - ',- I • . . ...--4--',- A1e5e5....... doe, --- , . - - - ..4 - ... - . '-' - - :4' , - , ! • -'; '; change ?• . . . A man ordeteda ! fon Of coal and re- c ; .. 3 - , ' f.• :1 ' . -0 6- _,, -, • - .., . v , • • ceived 1,800 pounds. How much more -- ; I. li - •• ....c li •1 , "--. • ,... ......r . -4i ,• Ji..... - % 51,0 was slue him and how did he 'go to . __..., - -........ ` - -..-.....-0-'"" •••• • -- • ~. .: work to get it? - - ;400t )111p...,...., - -I - A woman bought eleven yards of ~i E :- . .;:"..-- : _:- . 1:-... . i - z. - ••.-_,- - ' -- ,_.:• • -__ -_____ . _ , ~_ . _ ~ .....: I, ;,::., ip cloth and paid for . it with butter, giving . ......-- :.:: _ .. --- ----•,-.- ` . ..1‘.. -=- , '. ..'c . __,. _____ _ three pounds ;of butter ' for a yard.' - .4....- • -------- •- . There was a stone weighing five pounds iin the centre of the .crock, and the-•---$.:. , . - Li • - , .L • dealer cheatedher a yard and a half in . .. . measuring the cloth. ic r ht) was ahead . - • . . i. • L.I . . : . .. .. on that trade, and how much ? ; . • ; .1 ' '. - - _. • A farmer's wife has twenty-two hens. • . . '1 • . • WI T H CENTRE - DRAFT - FRONT-CUT. A preacherPomes. to stay over Sunday, • t - ' ; • and she catikaa neck-piece of corn -beef. How many hens has she left ? • Can Mow Back and Forth o n• Same Side of - :- . ._ . - A boy can earn 80 cents a=-day and - . ' . _',, . . - , Field. i • 1 beats the man out of his board at $3 ; • i t ' - . . • —.... . v per week ; How much will he' have - ' I —,... .v. ; ' I ' . • after' the first ,wrand aggregation - of c OVEP , 100 EUREKA'S SOLP•IN BRADFORD couNTr, LAST YEAR gigantic Wonders leaves,town ? - 'WHICH SHOWS WHAT FARMERS AT HOME THINK OF THEM. -! 1 - Albert has nine marble's a nd Aar o n , win cut 'a six-foot swath ais easy is a ablaut Machine Will eat flour feet, and with leas draft. . steals four. How - many are left ?it also leivei the gran in inch condition theta will Mein one-half; the time. and dispense with Aaron drops.a dime from his pocket the Use of .the Hay . Tedda. It is eapeelell7 adapted to the' cla=s o f Green Fodder or En and Albert • swallows ' it. - W hat was Beale.: - A thorough trial ils requested from. all contemplating the ofs mower the owning E season. Send for descriptive circulii,l or Call on' • ITJBEEA 'HOWER CO., Towanda, Pa. Aaron's profit on the whole business . ? B. I. stu•timaam Warrenbam . I H.L. Rim. Taseirois wi l ow. ----,........v..----------- ' The Aare and the Fish. - .O. W. BRSLIGY. Austlnville. M . G. VAN DYKE, East Patton. .• - . ' u‘ TheRIIREEL MOWER is nOw manufactured only at Mounds, Pl.! : 'Tin Company has , , been thoroughly reorganised. comp/Ming men of madame, itdlity and abundant capital. No The hare and the flab, sieving oof,- ears or expense Is spare d to select the very n om materiel and skilled wor k men . Evan 3 t d ,. ~ . rowed tobacco of each other for several CHINE IS FULLY WARRANTED. 1 ' _ • .t- '-• • spay 12 . • mouths, and agreeing perfectly in poli.: __ . tics, set put to make a journey .of the , T REAS'IIBER'S SALE .Or _UN- keres• - Warrantee Names. Taxes, world. The bad not proceeded many HAUT= lANDS.--Ia pursuance of the 343 drerton-Bete.H„ry ' 42 24 ' wiles Wh6l a ,wolfe was discovered in seta of Assembly having reference to the sues& 343 . Bets, John ' • .• '42 24 t .. . . Bent of taxes upon unseetedlands in this Com• 343 Joseph • •• , 7 "2 24 pursuit.. v , ; menwealtls, and the sale of. this same for non. 343 Betz, James "•-' '49 24 ' Tennant. there will be exposed to Fabße sale at . 400 - " Dyson. Henry - • ":i ~ 49 20 The, hare started off at the top_of his the commissioners (Moe M the et To. ' 363 , Cutater. Harman '!- .64 70 wands:on the SECOND MONDAY OF A. gm . Cooler, Joshua. - i 49 20 speed, but the Salk called out: D., 1882, being the 12th day of said month, at 1 to o - __, Castater,Joseph ~ 5 49 20 'Don't leave me thus-I cannot run!' o'clocke,m., the tracts of land assessed under 343 % _ Pee. Peter• . 4 ,. 42 24 . the following warrantee • names. unless prior 343 , Fritz, Samuel 42 26 '2l'. fish who cannot run has no bum- v payment .ot taxes and costs be made: . . Hags. George ••• , 86 90 I.'Faxes. 400 -- Hager , Nathan . ' : 49 20 ness to take a journey , "- stiid the • bare Acre. ... War e s te B arael. . 06 Barclay--Cunningham. D. H. 112 54 936 . Ilails.`Peter .•.41 33 and away he flew to save his bacon. .170 ••52 19 400 : Hardy, Samuel i.• 49 20 il=er, Jacob 20 28 375 . , Hardy, •james • .I. r 48 09 The fish hurried after as` fast as polo al , Andrew 139 15 .„„ 225 ' - • BezdY. Henry ...,,f 27 73 sible, and' both found themselves on 400 7•Peter 104 40 ... • - Huns, Ann _ 47 98 330 Ladly.4oseph - 43 .IYI 409 - ' - Hollingsworth, Stephen 49 90 the bank of a river, while the wolf was, 212 • Stuart, Waller 27 68 229 - Lily, Hugh • i.., , '2B 05 • Stuart, Deborah . 34 62 100. V' raaty, Andrew •. - I 72 so yet a furlong away. The fish at once ?2,71 Leßoy-Beek; Henry , 19 36 375 '• , Moore„ - Geonre •-•- 46 09 rolled into the water and darted away,' 202 Bates, Frederick 19 ss • 400 ' Seeley„Peter ? - 49' 20 •., 191 Monroe-Anderson, Jacob 16 29 100 • . Palmer. Thomas .- : 19 30 but the hare shouted after him: '.. sea . Benner, Jacob •30 35 4 . 99 ,,. . Seeley. Huey ! - .4.i 49 20 ,1 390 Benner, Jacob, Jr 32 75 .),0 - Seeley, Jonathan ; :i . ..,,f 46 14 'Don't leave • me, I cannot. swim!, .. i 78 • Patent, Fred :- - 666 400 - &diens, Andrew f`i.g.f,• • 49_20 Castater, Harman - 308 1 400 . - Bidden'. George fp.;.• 49 - 20 'A hare who cannot . . swim , has' po I N Cimningham, D. H. , 308 ' " • 8 8 4 6 02. Joseph - ' .t.' : ,. 49 90 business to ;make a journey,' and sailed' i r it Gray William •8 10 298 Temple ; Peter i, 80 86 • Hampton, Peter - 14 95 '4OO • - Temple, Samuel - II" 49 90 I • away and left the bare 'to be eaten - pit 437 - Hai pion Thomas 30 79 66 Tuscarora-Field. / 18111 1 r 521 r 50 -. . Hopkins, Robert . , . 4 20 100. . Hunt, Job ' y ' 9so the .half shell. .' i 61 - Haas, Peter 537 35 --- Porter, James 399 . : 203 ' Ladly, Samuel ' 17 03 56 Wilmot - Allen, john 690 , . - • MORAL. . . ' 1 72Lay, Hugh 14 45 78 ' Butler, _Polly 966 An owl who had overheard t McAdams, Ilidiriun • 36 29 • 76 Hollenback, John .9 ts he affair 2 ,32 North, Peter 33 CO 97 Marsh, Samuel 11 96 from his perch. in a • persimmon tree 400 .-618 North. James t . 33 60 200 Stowell, C. 8. •24 60 144 -` - Stewart, - Walter 12 10 250 - Stowell, D. B. '' :30 74 ' drew down his left eye and softly said: 250 . . Wallace, Nancy ' 23 62 231 • Terry-Ross. Elizabeth 24 31 . Wallace. Samuel • 15 52 401 Morris. Israel ' 29 27 'Yon don't knew. Is 'man until you ' ' 1 1: -'1 , Rose, David . 633 28 .•• Lahr. John 161 have traveled with him.' • 437 ! Bigger, Robert 36 68 80 Morris, Benjamin - . 444 ~ ' '. . . Live and Learn I . i . . ni All3C- OS 0 Th es el4 will be p exposed to public l lg e d i s k . t s t ir :me time iteenrdserrotilithl following lot., It is estimated that there are over, two id ee stesdry r - ta ree xee of sad in v" thr years 1879 and ler, L u ta: t eams have been dilly re r ranslil to -tri t e thoy.nod million chickens hatched in the County Commissioners by the Collector, of the several districts: ' " . . I United States every. year. - But not more .4 ' . 1 lel 2 t - t r 1 . TT - -g r than half of these chicks reach the. size ii • .' 4 - 0 sl - . a . . ._ 1 • 1 - .ei 6 o • 12 $ Ici 0. when they are fit toAnarket. The pip, ' • . TO WHOM ASSESSED. . 1 2.1 Z.l ' ,-/- . '-• l i 1 .. 1 8.. 1 ; gapes, cholera, etc., kill tai ll ions of young •,) -, - - ....o - . m. . . . o .a.p. :. I :• I ' , ..chickens every year. - These diseases can • i - 1 '- . . . - o, • be cured by '•the use of) Phenol Sodique.. — , 1- —1 • For sale by druggists Ond general store 1879 cargo Cimp, ! Ammer. . 928094 0 0 '65001 ' • keepers. See adv: . ; .. G. F. Mason • , - 21 .30 30 ...... .. Mary Ann McAllister - • is 15 . l5 ...... . ... •• . -.......- _ . use err • . The Practical in Farming., - 1880 G. F. mason 1 . • , . 16 83 ..., " ' Aingl: . 44 ; ::: 145 S 07 269 . -,• Why is it th at so many men who earn I T if. A e. c l a tt e nierb ta tue ... 4 - W 600 780 ...... :their living by cultivating - farina seem :' r im urc i l i l n in c r l4ll . 91e. 285 .„.., ..... to feel a.pontempt for advice on farming •• 1,117..Pi.ci1t. . . • .37 48 „ 444 ,, ..... 45 45 68 „ ~,' .... . which appears in agricultural or other " ' s .r weigh Williams ; . , 150 1 60 225 ... • A. journals? It is true that this contempt of it. 0. Muhlenburg AT Dos t. • : ' - 600 600 900 ..„1" 1 o. • i has a varnish of : : justification in that sr? Sarah A: Dorsey ' " . : '1 lot 375• • • • •.• ••• •• • 1 - .: ' Amiss sine. I . . , '. I Ibis advice is sometimes not good to be . Henry uslieek,„ ' 1 ' •1 68 1 2 0 ••••••• -4/. followed by every one, but it is - equally 1880 Henry Benjamin Alin. '1 . . „. , i i'l. 2 1 31 116 ...... 4.. i ...7. ' to be shunned so far as plans and.meth- 'weer nuMstorow. , - . ods of farming are concerned. There. 18?.9 Chula . .1 - ' •• ~ •90462 8 83 2 93 ...,.. • ...., - • 40 225 1 50 926 ...1..., ...., , • . •. 90 ...... .: .... 405 „ 4 1 44 , .:::, is oiten too much scorn : expressed by , 13 !! 2s . 1 -, Steplag perry en Taylor .our farmers ler .articles appearing in . 1879 Robert Stewart . ' I, . ' 47 49 56 35 ..4... ... print on the apparent ground of merely . Lenoir 1 - A I•, - 24 140120 • I 40 ...1.-.. ... theoretical character of the device or . -;',..o,,,eurleniaccalik.:l„ -• , „ • 150 210150 0 10 ..4... . 4 .-... plan mentioned. Those who speak thus • • lIIISSLIVIL. : 1680 Delmar Taller 1 •• lightly of the written . advice uften . nazi. .. . . r en he r n w sp e ull pe d r inf at an st d e Loan Aisociation 2 lots - 35 ••••• • 26 .. ..4 ~.. would accept it if it were spoken.. It is 1879 " 246 946 187 ~.... .... ' - too often thought that if a man tenet& -„ . Jona th an temond • - 1 788 788 ...... „L., .... • - STANDING STOIG L . experience through the paper that •he 1880 Luke Dolan estate ' . 5 4GO ..... •• ...... ....... :... is a "book. fanner" only, when the fact„ ratrick it, Quinn !GUTH • WATS:MT. 4 62 is that such a man has a double advert ' : Phlneas W.Terry.... ', ” , . 1.7 .52 21,...„;..1.„. , - „ Mrs. J. L. Johnson... ' •• • tage . over his conceited neighbor, who „ Michael Hantuthan • I ' l. ':• ' • 78 , - - i 40 ' imagines that, nothing is to be learned •• mertinmaCk ' To* A ionct. ; . 21 21, . . from reading ,;but only by getting be- ~8 79 Holmes e Kirby . I 3 lets 385 *5 50 550 4 Doe .4, ' , A. a McDonald - ' . I lot ~ 'BB 12 5 126 1 .'. ; ' . tween the plow handler? . .. - True, prat - . wan= '' , • . 1 lot 1 05, .. 160 150 120 .. 1 lot - 350 BOO 600 '. 4:00 ••, lice is necessary,. , ae no farmer will , :', . =r,,•11, 41 ,th......„ • Henry............... . ..........., 1 lot 102 ' 145 " 146 116'',' ; • . deny, 'but the experience of the farmer, *- •• te•it,'";sron""shg ....,.. 329, 4 70 - 5 70 ...3 60, • • ... 1 lot 70 ,100 , 1 ee• ~ .817; - 1 if properly detailed in the .telling, is as 1880 W. W. Browning' -1 , 1 lot 105 '. 126 105 - 63 1 ;7 : : valuable on many points to his brother 1879 James Boyle .rowasma TIM, , I 10S . 39 5 5 .22 ..,„ 4 .. 4 , „ - ' ' ' 4 lots 601 •7 / 5 286 ...,..: -,. farmer on grain raising , stock breeding. '.. Faill ig iTr i l [ ~. • 1 lot 39 55 22 ......1 4 , : -. etc., as would he 'the actual experience. . Patrick Sullivan - :1 ,. ' I ' ' ' - 1 lot , , 77 110 . 44 . - :„..1 , 4 , 1r• . . • 2 lots 77 /I 10 44 ..ti. ~ ~ We read a short time ago alletterrin ;an ; . r tt : " ' k. -nil ! I s ll . . . 1 _ . . 4 - .1 lot • 29 F4l .16 .i.... 1 - ' . 1 agricultural journal in which the read- ' •• Isaac.=ire"! 1 ' 2 - lots 39 55 22 ~..... •: • ers of the paper were told that a ~young 18 ! ) Isaac Lamoren : x : • • I i loili i3O • 30 . - 1k...;.. ;•- .. George Emery . 1 • • . • 1 lot - t 30 30 •," 12...., , 4 • 4 1 . man - by taking a hint from it acquired 2110 T. BOZO. .., • a competency. If the farmers who are 1879 Wilsonk Baker - I ' X io Bl 224 1 ..... • TITSCAZORA. ; '.4.1 s ucc essful in their different operations ... . John en , ' - 'B4 96 184 ..... I. : R. r Rugg ' .. - 87.100 I Bs * 'l ' ~ • would occasionally give details of their, ~ Genhen manning ' . 1 s; 85 129 203 • • • 285 200 2 71" • • •• • • • " plans it would make them none the 18 r g e t ' re n r ie r ri r g ill ° 1 ! _ --• . - ' • ' ••• •• , 1 25 *BB : I - ...... . 4: poorer and would certainly do much to . . R. II ::, id l e . Deems... „ . . -..- ...... 120 84 . .9. .. 4 . 4 - aid other farmers. Thep do., not be 1- o I ••• 1 '' '.---.-- . I Weir ,,,... ''.°T.' . ~ ...... -Is 60 14 - 50, 44 50 afraid to put on paper what • y,on have . ' Wal tman H Le n ni oil ..... ', •• • - ........ •• - • .... • . - 3 ooi 3 00is 3: .. . . •F tried and found out .true. Do . not ". ' F*sM Hornet- -' hesitate because you do not write very ' e r. Owens I trots. •• . r,, 1 ._ . - .... . . r 751, - 2 751 275 ..... 1 100 180 1124 4 Rene Whalen... t • • • so i sae ...... 'BO l !.... well; or your•hand is a little still. The lJoh n Willie 60 100 ......1 801: work otthat hand, guided byian actiee , ;', Lit; Hewitt , . . 100, 180 ...... I 3 COL__ 1001 200 •...- I 60 , . brain, Will be the best :i..stimony- of the . Rush A. Keene • • ' ' • 401 6 00 1 1 ...... • 4.80 7- • Thos. Waltman, Jr. ..... .." 1 00 1 ...... 2 00 1 8 .... .. - value of your experience, and this will ' be of practical value to the farmer who -v taxes and cost 'arms ere e ' has never yet tried this particular • - method. Experience is valuable both • LILL " = the person 'who . has had it himself , • 1 = and to the one, to whom it is properly ' . V told. The work of the practical farmer t f. __,, . . a I - ' e_ il l is of inestimable value to others when it U 11.4h011iall '. anit '-- • is properly detailed :- Canadian Farm- , A. cr.. 4 1 - A Card We take great pleasure in calling: the at tention of our friends and cestomers to Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost instant ly. It matters not how severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines you have - tried, or how many physicians you have con suited, the tonic; soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter, leaving them in a healthy con dition, free from irritation and the air pas sages clear, besides invigorating and itrengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive cure of Consump ton, Coughs , Colds, - Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Paid in the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping Ceugh, and Lung Fever, we ecommend this medicine!above all others. Yurs truly, CLAnt Poarsu„ June 2-Iy. 8. End Ward llouse•Blonk. tcHooL sir ?WM lipsibm, Saria Tallon. M ilimikeir. Tuns pta Rasta, hay a se Ammo H. ea Carom. emodo, •• rup s =• lol4l - o■6l - Eictrvi.w te . Noilkaga ElimaNkaa sea • • •al PHENOL SODIUM fesplideri: WICI norm a vim I • Is an Invaluelge remedy in DISEASED end IS VRIES of ANIMALS and POULTRY; dadrogni Llcit and other VERMIN. Appliedtpiwatitheitbe fowl 4 roods and netts 'with 1= or the strergith one part Phenol Bod_ toattxdflfteen nevem water. A of the sense . .16°11 pints ilita M. fcg the gapes and OF =m ike all o kindi r motic :d j ::of =h a send ottA v rl ek iboVi===rie,:" . _ room IMateffe MID MEM IIIIIIMIEVERSIE) ' N. B.—Notice Is hereby given that an amount sulacient to pay taus and costs will be required In every cue when land is sold at Abadan of sale, and unless these terms are compiled with the land will be again exposed for sale: , EDEN . I MUM Treasurer. 1 Treasurers Once. April 6.189!.= 1 • 1 L • t TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL PAID fl $125,000 SURPLUS FUND 80.000 This Bank offers unusual facilities for the 'transaction of k general • bulking businees. N. N. BFrre, • 108. Cashier. 1 President 1 lab. 1.'78. - IRS. D. V. EITEDGE; Mdnyfadurer qf and Dealer in HUMAN. HAIR GOODS. I UCH AS WIGS, BANDEAUX, um I Chatelaine Braid. EVERY rum BliLoDiarso To aux 11AIIITIZADE I , Ri r s -13mis o l ni te o n n tlou giveu to Co meiNas swircan from fl upward.. tklao A/m i t for ilnut«ev , nvisittle Fuer! 1 , \laiam/'jerk's Shoulder Brave E►artica. air Pistienlas attention paid to du:oath/1)&41m hair at their homes or at my plat* of business, over Evans h IWO nab's store. aoslB4‘ let. v. Y. STZDOIL • TROT, TA., We keep on band conatintlY for buildirs, HAIR, I IIRICIC, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, • BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PALNTS, OILS, VARNISHES, : CHFApzix NAILS. also WAGON MAKER'S STIPPLIES Fellows, Spokes Hubbs; nulls, Poles Carriage Trmngs. Also a full line of Shelf and ilia . vy Hardware, and a full line of ; , Carriages, Platform _ an d Lumber Wagois, Wade by us With skilled workmen, and warranted in every particular. BEARDSLEY & SPALDING, Hardware Dealers. April 27-ly NATHAN TIDD, tEtneeessoir to Yr. Ileloss,) Ii):JAAA:O6.I PITTSTON, WItIiESSA*RE AND lap*. SOCK 0 A Li, t'OOT or PINE STREET, NEAR eIMINT ROUSE. TOWANDA. PA. .:sr Jowls? PRIM PDX CASH. - 4, The patronage of iny old Meads sad the publi c esaersay is solicited. . 91844:8 Benson's WARDED-- . . I -MEOALL Plaster. The Best Known Rents& Ow Backache ortamellick. Rheumatism or Lame Joints. eraMps or. Sprains. • Neuralgia, or Kidney DiseaseS. Lumbago, Severe Aches or rains Female Weakness. . Are Ilkoperiter allethei Plaseerei Are Boyerler tie Are flasperiler Liehmeste. 1 ' Ave Saperier se Ohiameste se theieee r Aressperier terneeteldty 'sedum's= They Act • TheySisen' They Seethe. , • They Itelleve Pala at Oise. They Peetthrely Cum ; ' - CIIUTIONI BeastheaCapdtelileasartio tan bath bees WOOL Ith oot thloar you * palm al thaw o th er plater lia tin that viagrat thwthaLsaine. ' Ito waif V 941-P•01-N.X. Piles theta. - liAMltaLittiarlii adt. a MIRE 11.11111 EDY! AT LAMM Dim Lie. RUM MOM CORN ail BUNION nAs in. • ir . °EPNI *CO. is z Nt7vii GREAT OPTICIANS, • . , STREETr IX A. -p' _ ' _ 7 4 1• -• ": • , • ••": :"• ' c. t. : si ei.: I .E.ESIgEff lag • 'tilt FACILITIES -•— •••, • t -•.••- taniviourElPEOTA. , . •t: , , a national mitiktari. :"*• ; . 7 i4EVER RETURNS. . . • . rove• IT taking IThilrOTT • ' • :. ' - • • ...„ . • • .•-• —Park •-,- -.t • rprt:3--OrtkSi . - . . ' Lanterns. 11.2 , •• ..ran.ents. =MP* cATARR • Sanford's Radical Curd. THE GREAT AMERICAN BALSAMIC DISTILLA TION OF WITCH HAZEL. AMERICAN PINE. . CANADIAN FIR, MARIGOLD, CLOVER (BLOSSOM. ETC.. For the Immediate Relief and Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh. from a simple Head Cold or Influents to the Loss of Smell. Taste, and Hearing, 'Cough, Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Indorsed by Physicisns.Chemists and Medical Jciurnals throughout the- world, as the only complete external and internal treat men!.- One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catania Solvent and Sandford's Inhaler, all in one pack- age, of all druggists for $l.OO Ask for Sawrosn's Radom. , Cuss. • - • WEEKS & POTTER, Boston. ,o I 8 . Di 01 t; 'I Gentle, yet effective, unite with healing Debate. yen Yl: r der COLLINS' VOLTAI liffeakeroi n . all other platers for every Pain, Weakness and Indam As ...03 nation. Priem 25 cents. 4 DASTIM Sold everywhere:g - ---- PATENTS. - (U. S. AND FOREIGN. Frank A. Fonts. Attornspot-Law. Lock Doi, 856, Washington, D.C. Si - Ten years' experience: I make so mason for my services unless a Patent be granted. Preliminary examination' in the Patent Ogles se to the patentability of en in vention mum;j 4 liend sketch or model of the de. vice and a report 11l be made as to the proba bility a patent: attention given •to rejected applica. Mae in the hinds of others. i4,44...N,1 U. B. fienstere : Hon.- Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vennent • Hon. David Davis and Gen. John A. Logan,of Illinois ; -Hon. Benj. H. Bill, of Geo,. gis; Hon. L. Q.,- C; Lamar, of Miss; Hon. B. Y. • Cullom. Gov. of Illinois; the Bon. Commissioner of Patents and Coma or Examiners and the pro. •• • prietor of this paper: • • Write for circular and instructions. • " • Snovti CUT THIS OUT! . 1111° Ili 15 id 11140 PER* WILZIG -Wehave Stores Inlll leading flea rah oar neat 3=l e i= Ena le quiektr. scaarlea and are n a t r. Er: d tor ad a Tear C IL N. WELL Vol g=" eri r .f§tonColoanc g . ;:t Itzgraut lefrosbing of Perko= Exceedingly. Delicate aid Lasting. . Price, 25 cte.; Large Bottles, T 3 °tat Sold by &des fa• Deep & Pedusay. Ipieas dU Mt I Co., N. T., as nay battle. 1 25 141 so 3 00 .2 75 PARKER'S RINSER TONIC = y6O 200 200 sOO 400 NEVER INTOXICATES. 4 Made from Ginger, Duchn,Mandralte.SolEmils. and other °film be vegetable remedies knows. Pommes Giscas Toxic has remarkably varied aossiM powers, & lithe greatest Stomach Correa. os, Bkod Purifier andLiverßegulaterevermads& Thi B,eat Ige'diobie Ton an Usti forßestoringHealth &Strength iteeettereees to Act from the fist dose. swan eat the wok organs, and is wartaated to cure at heaeysl 5 1f-4#:ries of the Bawds. Stessadi. Moak Liver. IhinamOrpas„ allCanpleists of Weems Nereoutatess, Seepkststess. =Mae. tits and Draikessess. 7 1 7 a bottle te-esy; km* seveyourefis pee!. and es lite* ateedruggists. EvezygestokeeMMe has war signature ea outside snapper, Srooei & Co:, N. Y. large wing* belies St di& Parker s Hall Balsa( JUlitMed. Everybody whose Wit Is or faded has hit the need of a Rah- litestaree and darning that is cleanly, agreeably patented and brimless. Par. tees Harz Balsas satisfies the fasthS' Gas la these Tema% Sold by • at sec. and $l.- KL wrexuntEir CA.REL(YEA ErILOCIr. Main Street, First Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, REMOVID 1118 MEAT &VEGETABLE ivr MIKES' o $ more ' convenient location. and established himself in •the Carol! Block. opposite, *Metre Hotel. is prepared to supply his patrons with THE =Meyer OP lIEATS• n3ll. MITERS IN TEEM SISSON; 1/7=ll VEGETABLES. DOMESTIC PHUIT, kc.. AtrIBOLOGIIA SAUSAGIC.o opOcialty. AU or. dam promptly dollyored. marebl7- ,:ikii - ioi,li-lis;Ow* . ! ...j., Tito Naw Bruluerick Mon, of the 24 bud., relates . the followingf„. -,'The myriads of sparrows that neade. in _the jvy that ;hugs to and alesostio*ers the walls of • Obrist oharch; oceasiouaUf display a surprising amount or intelli gens! in their little acts -of bat: knees to each other. - This was beautifully Must:Med yesterday morning about tea o'clock. From is tree bested about opposite to Northrop% in Church street, a sick or , crippled sparrow fell to the . ground and fluttered alma the sidewalk in vain efforts to rcgain a plebe of safe ty. Several of its little companions gathered wound it and seetned greatly concerned for it, and by their incessant chirping Ottsicted a swarm of the little winged ocOrerta from the church malls. Etats - were then made by several kof the flambee to lift the help , less bird by _ catching its wings in their bislui r but there seemed to be a difficulty hi getting started together and the effort was futile, and the chat iering increased Perceptibly,- as if the e was a general ,scolding going on. Presently, several of the birds flew away, one shortly idolising with a twig about four inches i long and au inch thick. This was drdpped before the sick one, and each end was picked up by a spar row and held up so that 'the sick bird was enabled to catch the - centre of the twig in its het* and with the' aid of.the other two lilair over the fence into the churchyard, and !roil tombstone tO tombstone mill thechurch waareached, i when they disappeared in tia ivy, fol. lowed all along by the i ksmarm of their compitdons, chirping as it id great joy. The whole affair lasted about Ave min utes, and Iris viewed by several specta tors, who loOked at each other in the greatest surprise. - • A Chimer Complexion Can be Lad' by every lady who . w il l use Parker's Ginger . Tonic. Regulating the internal organs and purifying the blood it quickly removes pimples and givets healthy bloom tolls cheek. Read about it in other column. • - Married Folks Would be Happier. If home trials were sent told to neighbor& If they kissed and made up atter a quarrel. • If the honeehold expenses were pro portioned to receipts. It they tried to be agree•►ble as in courtship days. . If each would try and he a euppor and comfort to the other. If each remembered, the other was a human being, not an angel.. If fuel and provisions were laid in during the high tide of , summer. It bhth 'parttei remembered that they were married for worse as well as for bolter, it there were iewer silk and velvet streetteostames add n* plain,. tidy house dresses. If there very tower "plcave darlinipe in public and more common manners in private. If wives ind husbands • would •take !oil° pleasure u they go along, and not degenerate into mere toiling ma- Ohm% Recreation is necessary to keep the heart to place, and to get along -without it is a big mistake. • Society Belies Are " loud .in their praise of , Cologne on account of its renuirliialdy deli este . lasting fragrance• 2m,rmirvz=3 Alarm, which bad been run down and left to the undisputed occupancy of Catada thistles and cots% igrass for years, had one very bad field Of fifteen acres, which was cleared of these pests_ by an enterprising farmer in the follow. ing manner: He knew plowing several times - was to expensive, and Could nut be relied upon as effectual. He, therefore. got a set of broad steel plated!, coulters at the foundry and fixed them to his • cultivator, so . that they wouldl cover the whole ground. With tbie btoad share set to cut , oue inch deep,he could go over the ground six ti t mesOt the coat of plowing once. He bad the field plowed once, and when these pests pushed up again, went at them with his broad share. ,After fi ve re petitions of this treatment, at inter vals, there were no more thistles nor couch grass, though the groSnd lay for weeks in - the Fall without j being dis turbed. This farmer says the ,trne theory of killing thistles is tolet thaw spriug'up and exhaust the` roots' by pashingbut leaves, before cuttitig their; and this prat:vie repeated three or four times; effectually kills the roots, where na ploughing down when' the stalks first appear, will leave the roots full I vital power. & great nutsber orb watching this field to see how it will oame out next May. . AnsiOgeneee Prevented Gray hain are honorable but their prema- . ture amearance is annoying. Parker's Hair I3alsamprevents the annoyance by restoring the youthful color. There is dt ep significance in silence. Were- a man forced for - a length of time but to bold his peace. it were in most eases an incalcuable benefit to his insight .Thoughts work' in silence. so does virtue. -What lolly -would one avoid did the tongue be ; h quiet till the mind - had finished and Was calling for utterance. , I - "BUCHUPAIRA.n Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, • ftdder and Urinary Diseases. $l. Drag gists. Our . patien c e is quite as much a measure of oar. wisdom as oar enter prise; nay, what folly stamps every en turo which is not begun In the pat . muceilhichroan bear delays as well as in the courage that canldare risks. F' ROUGH ON , kAirso _ Clean out rats , roaches, flies, ants, bed.bugs, skunks; chipmunks; gophers. 150. Druggists. • Our influence is uninsured and express ed by our example. We can lead others nof farther' than we can go ourselves. , ' PIZZA, Piles are frequently Tweeted bye sense of weight in the back kilns d lower part of the abdomen, causing the i patient to suppose he has some affection .of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At.times symptoms of indigestion are present as flatulency. nnessi mess ot the stomach. etc. A moisture like perspiration, producing a vary disagreeable itcbiug, particularly at Witt t after gettliig warm ID bed. is a very coonskin attendantt Internal; Eatenial and Itchhig Piles yield a. once on the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parte affected absorbing the Tum o r . allaying. the I intense tching. and affecting a permiment cure where ail other remedies hare tailed. Do not delay until the drain on the system psoduces permaneitt disability, .but try it and be cured. Price 80 cents. Ask your druggist for it, - aind, when yoit cannot obtain it of him, we will send it, .said, on recipe 'of price. Aildresi The Dr. Medicine. Co., Piqua. ()hied Bold by k B. Porter, S. End of Ward House Block.? Jane 2-ITh • • • - OPERATES - WITH IgNERGY UPON TUE MD. NE N, LIVER. BOWELS. AND POEM OP TEE SUN, NEUTEALIETN__&AENOBBINCND EXPELLING SCROFULOUS. OANCILsoUII. AND CATntR -11MIOR8----- • The cease of most human and curing when physicians. hospitals. and all other:Sifted' and 11111211i11111 Mal, Scrofula or Klitire Glandular Swellings. Ulcers. Old Gores. Milk Lei. Meecurial Affections. Krysi_ palm. Tumors. Abscesses. Ow blaarall, MU., 133004 P Moons, Mail Disuses, Wasting of the Kidneys end Liver. Khemmatietn. Constipation. Pike, Dispepelsould all itching and Sealy • -ERUPTIONS-- Of the akin end Ocalp.—ench as Salt • Rh_ ,tnam Psoriasis, latter,Bingtrorm. Barbers Moh.fluild Mead, Itching Mai. and other.Oisilmiring and Torturing Humors. from a pimple to a - sem! , Witte ulosr. when assisted by Ovum= and Col- Mimi Boar, the great Skin Cures. A !Meet. unchangeahho Medicinal Jelly. clears of an idiom* evidence of Blood Humors. eats away Deed Skin and Flesh, instantly Ways Itch ing!" and Irritations, Softene,Soothes, and Heals. Worth its weight in gold for all Itching Diseases. WTI CUBA SOAP: -= An Exquisite Toilet Math. and Nursery Sazdtive. Praglant with delicious Sower odors and heallbg balsam, Contains In • modified form all the virtues of Iluncosa, the great Skin Cure. and Is indispensable in the treatment of Skin and Scalp Meuse, and for restoring. preserving and beautifying the complexion and akin. The only Medicinal Baby Soap. COMmnia Ilmininza are the only real curatives for dineeme of the Skin, Scalp and Blood. Prins: Concona Bassommar, $l.OO per bottle; CVTICIIIPA, 60c. per box; large boxes, 11.04 Con. avaatltantorrat Tom= Soap. 2543. ; 001101711 A Min , wmiut. Ream= Soap, Ibo. Sold everywhere. Principal Depot, Weeks k Potter, Boston. gliGEßT ß afie ; A kirWive NanudSttealth Ridwer: If you are a mechanic or farmer wom out with overwork. or a mother ru n down by m il y= house. hold duties try PARKEI; S C MG/. it Toxic. If yoware a lawyer, minister or business man mr. hausted by mental swam or anxious ca . res. do not take intoxicatingstimulants,butuse Parker sGingerfonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, b Rheuma in, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach. bowels, blood or naves. PA I , K ZINGER 1..014 C will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Aid (hi Best and Serest Cool* Core . Um Used. If yo}i , are ... wasting away firm age, trwaipation or any di .•+: or weakness and require a stimulant take GumaalToNic at once; it will Invigorate and build you up Pun the first dale but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it May, save yours. CAUSI . ONI—Rofs4 all rattstitutes. Parker's Clara Task Is emptied of:ths bad nratsdaal stoats friths world, sad Issolirody difforest rims prepatatious of ginger sloe.. feud for I:bedsit* Micas e Co.; 24. Y. We. &el alsn. dealers to drugs. GGEAtSAVING lIVTING DOLLAR SIZE FLORESTON Its - rich and lasting fragrance has - made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. Than lit nothing Me It. Insist u pon . having rums. sox Cowan" and 'Golub, signature of . .. • . . jL . 2AC 4 2 2 C Y'at'• retni ; •en .1. 7 MULL Jury Samba et Solar Is as amply ye& Waal IS filli dam' ' , UWE SAVING strrnto ?Sc, SIZL COLOGNE. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE Is sure in its affects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yetis penetrating and powerful to reach every deep, seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other • enlargements, such as opaline. splints curb., callous,sprains, swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of the: joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beset. It is now known to be the best liniment for man overused, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think give' positive proof of its virtues. , No remedy Las ever met, with such unqtudiked Cella to our knowledge. for beast as well a man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles tor $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you. or it will be sent to antsddreas on reseipt.of price by the proprietors. Di. B. J. Kamm* & Co.. burgh Falls. Vt. Sold by all Druggists. Isis., • HOWARD A. SNOW, " Solicitor of • cio AMERICAN ANR FOREIGN ' 3EPA,INENTS. 631 P STREET N. W.. WARRINGTON; D. C.. (Successor to Gilmore, Smith k Co., as.- Cidpman, Roemer k Co .) , Patents procured upon the same lan which was originated and ,suceessfully p by the above-named firm. • , Pamphlet of sixty pages sent uponXeceip t o stamp. InovBl BEVER- TO LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD: . MAXIM, BUT .NOT ALWAYS TRUE: his better to follow H. JACOBS The old and Reliable Dealer in • Ready-Made ClOthing From his old stand. (No. 2: Patton's Block) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and commodins store. No. 123, Main Street, formerly occupied by M. E. Sollomon & Son, (one door north of Felch & C 0..) where he is now open with a fall and . Complete Stock of Fashionable._ RAINS AND SIIIIINER READY-SLADE CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S. FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, triIBRELLAVANES, &C. MEN'S; BOY'S YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S fall andi, complete snits of all grades and .prices. While he aims to lead the trade, be eats his old friendsond everybody else to follow him to his new location, where he.will fit them out in the highest style of, art at the lowest prices. Come N. JACOBS. . Towanda, Pa., April 6, 1882 PLATFORDI WAGONS. TOP' AND OPEN BUGGIES for isle at decided bae A arse number of enpeslor make sad huh. C. L. TRACY: • HEM svarina. Toirandik April 2741 A 108 PRINTING OF ALL KINDS u dons at short seam sad rausaahls, rata tLa itiraataaaa cam • 7 : h 1:100: t CIMES. AND RVI The only kUown !politic Remedy for Epileptic Tito. i M ;1a ! C pl ures Zpileptio Fits, Booms. convulsions, St. Vitas Damn. Vertigo.' Hysterics, Insanity. Apo. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. and ail Nervous Diseases. This infallible remedy wilt positively &realest. every species of Ferrous Derangement, and drive them away from twhence they came.never to return again. It utterly de stroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the heretlitl e tiint or poison in the system, and &bor troyon* eradicates the disease, and Utterly dess cacw. sAmanrnN IiERVINE Cures Female Weaknesg, General Debillty, Len contuse or Whites. Pahrtal Ilenstrnation. cerstmn of the Utertis. Internal Heat, Gravel In d smation of the . Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there is no bettr renredy. During the change of hfe no female should be without it (.It quiets the Ba you Wiritem, and giver rest, comfort, and nature's . sweet sleep. iIiMAMTAN NEitVINE Cures alcoholism. Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen Buffer ing htimatity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but fo , the pleas ure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that be is on tLii road to ruin. Like the Opium Eater, he first uses the drug in small quantities se a harmless antidote, The soothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on to. his min destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to allinentiveness, as over-eating first Inflames the stomach, whit h redoubles its cravings until it paralyses both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then' itself. Like the gluttonous taps-worm. it cries "Give, give, give I" but never enough until its own rapacity devours it self. Samaritan liervine gives instant relief in all such eases.. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system. and re stores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAI,IMITTAN IDEA` L*tE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Asthma, Bronchitis.. Scrofula, Syphilis. diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscretion of youth, permanent ly . cured by the use of this invaluable remeTo you, young,'eniddleeged, and old men, itho are cov ering your sufferings as with a mantle by silence, look up. • you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, ant Jewels - fn the crown. Of your maker, if you wilt; Do not keep this secret longer until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus alleged, take Dr. Richmond§ Sa maritan Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature decay, and impart tone and energy to the whole System. SAMARITA*NEAVINE Cured my little girt of AM She was slap deaf and dumb, but it cured bar, She can now talk and hear as well u anybody. Pest Ross, Springwater, Wis. 8/AUUITAIi NERVLIE Ilse been the means of curing my wife of rhea =Um. J. B. Fierciree, Fort Collins, Col. Made a lure cure of • case of fits for my son. . E. B. Raw. Illattaville, Kan SAMAB.ITAX- NERVINE Cured sue of vertigo, murales and sick bead ache. - Man. W. Ibuinsasox. Aurora, SAMARA:I'IN NERVLNE Weithe means of curing my wife of spasms. Rev. J. A. ENZ. BAITS!, Pa, BLMAULTU NERVINE Cured me of utluna, after .pending over $6,000 with other doctors. 8. U. HOBSON, New Albany, Ind. EIAMARaTAN NEavn;E kffectually cured me of spume; Mee Julius WArtunn. - 740 West Vau Buren St., Chicago, 11l EMI SAILLILITAN NEBVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by oururs faintly physielan. it having over 100 in 21 ho. Ingmar Hans, Vervilla, Warren Co., Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. AissrriEtEnrson, Peoria, 111. • EILITARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. after spending $2,400 with other doctors, J. W. Taos:now. Claiborn. Miss. tovtiowV.l-4;IAAvo;t4 Cured me pentammtly of epileptic llti'mf a stub born character. Bar. Wu. lissrrne. Mechanicatown, Md. SAMARITAN NERVDIE Cured my son of fits, after baring had 2.300 in eighteen )months. ]ism. E. Posts. West Potsdam. N. T. NEAME. Cored me of *Aim of nine pars' standing. • Ulm Mums IllaaanAii. Granby. Newton Co.. Uo SAMARITAN NERVIRE His peranneutly =tied me of epilepsy of many years standing. MMABITAN NERVINE Cured me of Inane/lilts, uttuni. and general de Ourzt Yuma, Ironton, Ohio. t:111,1 1Y IFJ:i:VwII Has cured Ms of uthms: also scrofula of tun* pan standing. Issac Jurnia., Covington. Ky. . - fiAM.6IITAN NEW= v i Cured me of fits. Have been veil for over four yeses. . . • 0 CUM= E. Cams, Osikts. Douglass Co.. Minn SAMLBITAN NEUVINE Cured a friend of Mine who bad dyspepsia very SAMARITAN NERNINE Hu permanently cared me of epileptic Ins. Duro Tummy. Des Moines, lowa. SAMARIIAN-NERNIN. E Cures ray wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing l', Cared my vire of a nervous dame of the heart. ' & OwfAtr. North Hope,Pa. fLtlll/1111TAN Cured iny son of Ate. We bail net Lade fit for about four year". Joan DAVIS. Woodburn, Ilfacoupts Co., 111. is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be bad direct from lA. Those who wish to obtain farther evidence of the curative properties of lismaritan Merrier will please encloses scent: postsge stamp for a copy of our Illustrated Janrualof Health. giving hundreds Of teatime- Dials of curs from persons who have used the medicine. and also their pictures pbotogrsphed after their restoration to perfect health. Address DR: S. A. BICILIOND & CO., •World's' Epileptic Listitute. 6apl-ly *ST. - JOSIIPH MQ. Ucos Sutra, Bt. dosciph, Mo Mionazz. O'Cioaaros. Ridgway, Pa REMY! q.Aaw, Fairfield, Mich ; y } IiAILtEITAN NERVIVE CLOTHING. 4 O,, NOW IS TEEE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Stylish and Reliable; Spring Garment MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AT PRICES WHICH CAN BE'HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE. • While maintain ing the uniform standard of quality in excellence of work alai material by • , - GOOD • MANAGEMENT,„_ , - CAREFUL BUYING, and SMALL MARGINS, (with which I im conteet,) I have RAISED THE STANDARD AND 'LOWERED THE PRICE, UNTIL IT I 8 A POSITITH PACT-THAT THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING In this . vicinity iinow.being sold for.tbe lead money by E. PSENFIEtIi, M HUMPHREY BROS.& TRACY, Matitthi3birers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of MEN'S, nOYS, WOMEN'S:, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S Boots, shoes;.RubbOro,&c CORNER_ MAIN 7 AND ELIZABETH 2 STREETS, • Use Lawrence & Martin's \ _lt o ‘ 1 11 11 , • t % \OGSNI.K - - For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, !': MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT, CHEST AHD Li);.: • pp Has always been one of the tisoat 1,,:- weapons wielded by the MEDICAL F.' against the encroachments of co t - •,1 BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. SORE TI CONS I in its Inc pleat and vanced stages, and all diseases of tile THROAT. , .; • and LUNGS , but It has never been so advantageously compounded as In. the TOLL', 1:11(..;:„ ..• RYE. Its soothing Balsamloproperties afford a diffusive stimulant and tonic to hui ~ • system after the cough has been relieved. Qaart size bottles, Price SI.GO. r o x t befedblcitl?Pal •SAUTIOI , I , fn of our Ilt, NIIICII Is the lOATED article—the' eaninebas a Private Die proprietary Stamp on each wit' , 'PL leli permits it to be Sold by DrnggLfl. Grocers and-Pam Evesywbere. , 80Y- 1112 1 11002 1 EMU& TAX OE LICENSE. The TOLD, ROCK AND. RYE 004:Proprietors, 412iver St., Chicago, M. Fs ' irk 7 7 . 6T: 7 T - q PICTURE GALLERY IN TO WAiDA. G. H. WOOD & CO. will open their lieW Gallery in Patton's .Block, • on the First Monday of April. 'Having fitted uP entirely new, with the best of instruments, we are prepared to make Tintypes, 4 at one sifting, all for 50 cts. in nest envelopes, 10 for 111.0 u. Copying of all kinds of Photogrsphs,snd Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give to a otll and we VG try and satisfy you in price and quality. mar 28 KENDALL'S: SPAM CURE Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints, Curb, he. It removes all unnatural enlargements, D 01413 NOT BLISSIB. Has no equal for any lameness' on •V, beast or man. It haa cured alp-joint • 1• lameness in a person who bad suf fered 15 years. Also cured rheuma tism, corns. frost-bites or and uruises, znt or lameness. It has no. equal for any blemish• on hoteel. Send for illustrated circular giving posrrivz Pll:nr. Price sl. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can gel it for yan. Dr. D.J. Kendall .11 Co.. Proprietors, Eucuiourgh Falls, Vermont. H. C, POUSI4I, Agent. Towanda. Ps, DR. JONES'OREAMCADEPHOR IS TUE NAME OF the popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia,- Swollen or Stiffeuql Joints, Frcist Bites. pain In the Face, Head br Spine. Chapped bands, Bruises,Sprains, Burns.lilosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc.. for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous Wits relief. Having an agreeable odor, it is pleasant to , -apply. Sold by all drug tists. Price 25 cents. • N. B.—This Liniment received a Prise Media a the State Fair.lB79. . • May '2017 BESTbusilles.. now Delo.° the public. You can make many faster at work for us than at' anything aloe. Capitol not 'needed. , We will skirt you. $l2 a day and up wards made at home! by the, industrious. Men, women, toys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ua. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to thel business. You can live at home and do , the work ! No other business will pay you,nearlyas No one can fail to make enormous pay by en gaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free.— bfoneymade fast,-easilyand honorably. , • address.' Titus et Co., Augusta, Maine. Deo 15-,,lyr You need not Die to Win • • _l., IN THE • MUTUAL ENDOWMENT • . , AND • • A.0013111' ASSOCIATIOX • • Of {Batt, N. T. • You receive one-half of your insurance, ac cording to thekAmerican Lila Table, when two. thirds of your life expectancy is Ilnished—for illustration, &Man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 36 jeers of age taking a certificate for $2,500, receives $1,275 whet a little over 56 years of age, ezactit the period to life when a little Anancial help is generally more' needed than at Any other time. BLADES & ROGERS. june2tf. General Agents for Penn's. NATIONAL BUREAU OF INTENTIONS. EVERY INVENTOR' SHOULD KNOW That by the.. Rules of Patent (Vice to procure PATENTS, Models are not neiessary unless;secially called for. ' Bend drawing and ) apeciflcation. noon receipt of which we win make examination at the Patent 011ice;`and advise as to patentability. FEE PAYABLE on ALI 4 OWANOE of PATENT. Sand for PAWPICLIM of taws lA.. oin, tree to itn7 address. 1 lIAISTIKAD i OIL. Warhington, D. C. Publaskers of Oa Congrational Riptiftir January, 5, 1882.—tf POD--- CONVA.INT 13 A, PA. _ -.r Tow - A - NroA, .rzAk THE MOST BIICCEERFUL REMEDY ever Ms covered, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Also excellent for human flesh READ PROOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T.-FOSTER. Youngstown, Ohio, May 10th, Viso. Du. B. J. KENDALL k Co:—I had a very valua ble llambletonian colt which I prized very high ly, he Midi& large bone ~ spavin on one joint and a small one on tho other which made him very lame; I had him under the charge of two Torten. "- nary surgeons which failed to cure him.. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express, I determin ed at once to try it, and got our druggists here • to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough trial, I used it according to directions and the fou•th day the colt ceased to- be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts limbs are as free from, lumps and , - as)mooth as any horse in the state, Be is en tirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very Respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendali's Spavin .Cure - ON HUMAN FLESH. . . _ - Patten's Millc, Wuh'ton co.. Feb.2l,'a. , Dn. B. J. KENDALL, Dear-Sir:—The particular case on which I used your Kendall's Spavin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen months standing. I had tried many things, but in vain. Your Spavin Cure put - the foot to the ground again, and for the tirst--,lnae since hurt, in a natural position. For a family liniment it ex. eels anything we ever used. • Yours truly. • REV. . BELL,' Pastor of M. E. Church, Fattens Mills, Price $l, per bottle, or tdz bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it fer you, Or it sill be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, DR. D. J. KENDAI.L. k CO, Ellull• burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at • Dr. H. C. P tutee's Ding Store, CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S CANCER INFO , MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. HUNDREDS OF PEDSONS from all parts .01 the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witnesses that they have been rescued from • terrible and Witiniell death. Doctors, Ministers and the Poor treated Free,. Write fora circular giving full particulars. Address Drs. GU). CRANE It, RUSH BRoWN Addison. N. F. , icpt.3o,lyr.GpDaco. - Maiciarik. 'all 0,1=111:Mitil CL.UII AND COLLEGTIUN AGENCY BRINK & BUCK, Leßaysville, Pa. Will write Policies-for risks it{ Fire Ind •Lifs Is snrance. Collect Claims with due and promptness. They represent nohe but " 1 ' FIRST—CLASS COMPANIES ! They solicit theconfidence and patronage of those having business in their line. and will endeavor to merit it. Apply to or address - lass tf BBD K& BUCK. Leßaysville, Ts. HORSE o fttst:t r d 25 c eatzenetsy lo ts; s t ump o tannos . of t.A Treatise on the Horse 111 his Diseases." It gives thei best .treatment for all diseases. has CO fine engraVings showinr BOOK Kositiesonabita:rtuteaned thantnsic.)lfe ata taught-in any other way. a table showing doses of all the principal medicines used for the horse as well -as their effects and antidotes when 25 at.A. am poison, a liege collection of • viaana6 ascitirs, rules tot - telling the age ,of a horse. with an engra , i 4 showing teeth °reach year and a large =noun' of other valuable hone information. Hardreds of horsemen hive pronounced it worth mon than bookccosting $5 and $lO. The fact that 200.000 sold In about one year before it was is. tised,shows how popular the book is. The re vised editioh is imcw woes 12.172131711 M. ,S 11 : 51) 70E A CALMAR. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. J.ll. Kendall h Cu.. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont, Mar 11-Iyr. ti DR. JOHN CORR'S VEGETABLE MEDICINES FOR MAN. AND BEAST. Fos DASILIND—Dr. John Con's Liniment 0 1 Oils, price 50 vents a bottle; Healing vegetabli Gum and.oll Balsam, 50 cents a bottle; Vegetable Healing Satre and Sticking Plaster, We cent. roll; Speedy Relief or Pain Remedy, price 44) ct 44 Foci Astreaut-illorses,C4ttle, Sheep, swine, silo Poultry. Dr. JobnCorr's Veterinary Oil Liniment Each bottle contains one-halt pint. Price Ot 4 dollar 4 bottle. p ad by John Corr Doctor of Pbakmany. Towanda pa. Dr. Corr will attend to or take dirge ?; thelte. especially chronic cases. when requolo" do so. Vegetable remedies only used. tibiae =I a,~ a ,~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers