II _ r THE it t puBLICAN ' THURSDAY. JUNE 8, 1882. - • . .r jo rp TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS .I cll .EXAMINE rpuR!LABEL! It will 6hnw you the month and year up to which your subseription is paid. If yotir sub soriutioil 14 soon to expire, please send us $l5O for a tenewni at dyier, that we. may scud lon paper right along. Bond in .vlth,‘ra, d e l a y. - Wooster is onr gelier.ll agent, a o h e . tot, Mild 031:0,:tOr HERE AND HEREABOUTS, A lady named Mary Alagai-ah Had trouble in lighting the fl-ah The wood being green, She used kerosene— " ! She has gone where the fuel is d6--ah ! Great many people in town last Satuiday A- few eases of spring fever have. been re ported. • Owego will celebrate the "glorious Fourth." .. ,ut into. the Tracy and Water is being Nobles block. Elmira has resolved to celebrate the Fourth of July. They are having. the "German measles" over at Graver. Many a man looks pensive because his wife is expensive: Frank Streby has ,opeped a wagon mak-' jng shop t in Oyerton l • AnotheAriiNi fight with potato. bugs is promised &is season. The Spring term of the :Ulster Fchool Aos,sl on .Fritlay last. There is more than fourteen hours and 4- half of daylight now•. • • . The boy complains that the water is still too cold to gp swimming. - It is now the correct thing; to have small ~.cliildren for. bridesmaids.. The street; of Canton are being- graded. -and otherwise improved. . , Treasurer's sale' of lands' fur taxes, on Nl(intlay next, June 12tit. . . John Campbell, Jr.; lias Opened a hard )4re store at Near Albany. ' ; The Lehigh Valley Railroad used fifty .thousand envelopes a month. As the picnic season is here the, Sitndily Schools are largely attended: . I A Beaver Ciub;rillTbe org,anizedin this place some evening text week. Very many horses in and about Bar &on are suffering from Pmt-eye. Summer seems to be furnished t tis year in small strips, and at odd times. r• James Bothwell has recently very much inn rov.'d his residence iri,Canton. 'Steam power is being added to mill of Lou Lantz at New Albany. . • Th, dwelling houses and business places in South .Waverly are being numberetii. There are five hundred and fifty prison er; confined in thelimira 'Reformatory.' ThatVennor insists that ,we ure..6,have a snow storm the latter part of thisAnonth. • • It is time to prepare for a Fourthf July • celebration if this town intends to have one. The graves of twenty-eight solillifs were :strewn with flowers at. Troy on D ( e`q l l oration Day. The Pittston Gazette' announces 'that it will soon commence the' publication of a DM ..There was to have been a slight advinee iii wages at the Grover t4annery, on the Ist MEM No complaint among the Bradford *county farmers. so far this year, about the dry wratheP It is a hard question to answer Which is the best beerage, Kirby's Soda` or• Kirby's Birch Ber Lark° shipments of mowing machines are being made daily from the Eureka workS in thit place We think Ave can discover in the Offing of the near future, symptoms of a coming political storm. • The State Teachers' Association will hold its annual session at Pottsville, on the sth .0f July next. . in consequence of the absence of the Rector no services were held •at Christ church last Sunday. • It is said ihat the medicines manufactur- IA at Grover, by Mr. Vermilyea, are meet iing with a large sale. . While playing base-ball , at Athens, one (lay iiicently, Charles Palmer, of Waverly, had a thunib broken.. Thitpineapple season now opens and the fi-ait stores are filled with thO fragrance of this delicious fruit.' C. liaverly, who was recently ap pointeil post master tit Overton, has opened a grocery store there. ; The sidewalks in some parts of our vil laire woultl'be greatly improved 'if a little himber was toasted on them. • «o-million five hundred thousand copies oi,tlic revised New Testament are said to hags been sold in America. Any bass stories sent us must be accom 'tallied by samples of the ',fish to secure pro per insertion in these.columns. I r • Rev. Asher Moore, of Easton, P. will preach at the liniVersalist church next Sunday morning and evening. E. V:lngham - will open the Point Breez House, at Fagjesmere, Sullivan county fur the season, tomorrow; Friday. It is suit that two thousand two hundrt, 114f:4.i:ins are registered in this State. i ! Sti the population continues to increase. We observe that it requires'a dozen,ioung :nen to guard the corner near the Citizens Bank these pleasant evenings. . 'rho recent rains have been very bane fical to meadows and there is now a PrOs: petit that the hay crop, wilt-be a large die: • A . VANDERPOOL—AE" tha roridence of son, ?*foses Vanderpool, in Asylum ghip, May 6th, 1882, Abraham Vander- pool, aged 83 years, months anti ~22 dlayg. Vanderpool was ever . an hi. du' trines and hard working 'man-and had reared to nun% , and womanhood a - family of biz children,' two of his sons; Simon an 4 noses Were soldiers ifi the . Union army. Simon losing his life in _the battle :of Spott4lvania Court Home, "react). which he lojed In life did lend Iles hind to bring him to his and; • "- When age and death called for the scam No surfeits were to reckon for." • TUE mAzirars. TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. " Corrected overt Wednesday. , - - —i . - grEvENs k LON 4. _ . .. Genoratilets In OINXIMIES AND PBODI•CE, Comer of Main sad Moo Streets,' .- ; TOWANDA, pA, Flour per harrel..... Flour-per sack Buckwheat Flour; XllOO.. Corn Mal - Chop reed Wheat, 'it bushel 1 X 133 Rye. 85400 Corn. 20(4 Buckwheat, " 75 Oats, - 4A 58460., Beans, 3 25 Itotatoes, 1 MO 0043 1 25 Apples Dried, % rti 6 Peaches " . ... 12415 Raspberries Dried *lb .. 420 Blackberries " " .. 10 Pork. * barrel Hams, *0 1b..... Lard. . Butter, n,Tu . lis a Fitt ns. Butter, in Egg. Clover Seed* bushel Timothy seed 1t Beeswax, *. .. . ... Syracuse Salt * ......... • Michigan Salt .; Ashton, Salt Onions, ji bushel. • New Advertisements. ' CREAM effectually the• nasal of Catarrh causing secreticnis t IB4IOIIIMIOO, I the mem !rem addl. colds, COll2. heals the Id restores 10 of taste tell. &fled milts are by a few Jations. A igh treatment Ise Catarrh. tr. Ac for colds in , acad. Agreeable to rose. Ly the little linger into the nos trils. On receirit of 60c„ will mail a package. Sold by H. C.lporter A Bon, Druggilts, Towsn- . da, Pa. - • . ETAS' CREAM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. AprilA. • . • 4Y-) 2, CLYDESDALE. STAL LION. : - Will make the season of 1882, tat the farm ,of the subscriber one mile west of the village . of Last Smithfield. - - (loth Site and Dam imported, bred by Wm. Crozier, Nortbport, Long Island. As wa•give breeders name and address we can assure patrons that we are not offering the services of _a grade horse: TEIMS:—SIS. EAST SirrrnTram, PA, Wagons &,Ca!!iages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT, would call the atten tion-of FARMERS and other's to his large and complete assortment of Open It Top Buggi©s PLATFORM WAGONS all of hia own MAIstFACTURE and war - ranted in every liar, _ tierdar t Brjant's Flexible Springs, need In all Platform , Wagon'. The easiest and beat In nee: NOW IS YOUR TIME TO - BUY! • Look at these figures Two tleated• Carriages" from .. ...... $l5O to $175 Rhsitoiui. one seated . - 125 to 150 Top Buggies ... -', 125 to 150 Open Buggies . - 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons . - 90 to 110 Remeinber that the above are all hilly warrant-. ed. first-class or no pay. • Repairing promptly atttended to at 25 per cent below last you. prices. - ' Office and,Factory cor. Main and Elisabeth Eta. 24feb82 1 NEW' FIRM 1 NEW -STORE ! NEW GOODS I Ed. Mouillesseaux, (Formerly with liendelrean,) HAS OPENED A Jewelry Store OF 1118 OWN IN PATTON'S •BLO.CK, With - Swarts & Gorden's Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pa., Where he keeps FULL ASSOUE ! MENT 01 Gold sr Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, j*WELRYO SPECTACLES, ETC. Jar Hts Stock is sit NEW and of the FINEST QUALITY. Call and se* for yourself: MI REPAIRING DUNE PRONIPTLIJ ENGRAVIN. CI A SPECIALTY. decl6- z)4DitilifillAMlDEOPi. 15444 JAMS McCABE 11AS ,REMOVEDIIIII GROCERY RINIINESS O THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF MAIN AND BRIDGE EITREEIB, WHIRZ RE HAS REITABIMAND Head Quarters 110:11vOttvoirosKfilio s iow: ..3:-to OHM MUM &c. CASH PAID for Desirable Pro- dupp: - Eno 'BUTTER and EGGS a "speeialtiy. PAM°. linGtio. =7 06@9 GO 11002 '4. 00 @ . 200 23 004425 00 16 12 • 184 . 2064 6 60666 di .1 7503 00 = 2 75(03 MI LORD CLYDE, W. A. WOOD. April C-Cm.• JAl4::BirrAzir. April 39 37