Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 08, 1882, Image 1
noLcoilt & TRACY, Publishers. VOL. VIII. ---THE Braioni Republican I'S Published Esery Thursday, AT TOWANDA, PA., 'BT HOLCOMB & TRACY. $1.5 0 Per Annum, in Advance • •5 Adrerthang Itates—Stx cents • line for first . 5 i : uhertion, an a five cents per line for ill autw!,. 5 quent insertions. Reading notice advertising 5. ten cents per' line. Eight lines constitute • squzre, and twelve llnes en inch. Auditor's ttotices $2.50,..--Administrator's and s:reenter's , o tices $2.00 Yearly advertising $150.00 . per column. • , THE Rxrcuk.icart is published in the ltacy. Moore and Nobles mock, at the cornerof Main and Pine streets, over J. F. Corser'i Root and Shoe stOrb. ft* circulation Is over3oo. - ,- As as hdvertiaing medium it is unexcelled im mediste field 7:warida Business Direedry. TTORA EYS-A2-LAW LECELANI) S AIcOOVERN, (E: J. Clerelond CWni. AlcGorern?, canton,! Bradford County, Pa, All Vtisiness • eutruatodt to their care' in 'Western 13ridforti will receive prompt attentlUn. I:oaprs2-ly 4,2111n1 :v. HILLIS, Attorpeys-at-Liiir; offic 1 ,71 over.rowell s Co. rtALIFF, J. N. Otlico in Wood's Block, south %./ First National Bank, up stairs. June 12,78 pL , 4But:E (t (N C Elsbree and L Elsbree.) .-11 °dice in Mercur Block. Park St. may 14.78 - DECK .4.: OVERTON (Beaj M Peek and I) A Oen , L. °Mee over Mira Market '-• 4V79 nVERTON & SANDERSON -(i? Overton' and Jena F Sanderson.) Office in Adams Block. j ulyr; id , MAXWELL, WM. omce over Dayton' o s Store aprill4,'76 WILIV.J. ANDREW. °lnce ]Sean's Block spr 14,76 • . . AVIE.S, CARNOCHAN & HALL, (W T Daetis. D W H Carno:kan, LAI Hall,) Office to rear tl Ward (louse. Entrance on Poplar St. 0e12,1%5 ATM:CCP.: RODNEY .A. Solicitor of 'Patents. Particular attention paid to business in Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. culloe in Niontanye'aßlobk . 41949 c PHERSON A: YOUNG. (I. McPherson and W• I. Young.) Office south side of Mercur's feb Lin IMIZI WILLIAIIS, ANGLE & BUFFINGTON. (II N E J Angle and E D Ihigngton). taco, west side of Main street, two doors north of Ai'gus once. All business entrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. oct 26,77 T ANIES M. AND JOHN W. COMM:sal, Attor• t) ueys Counsellors-sit-Law. Omco In the Ilereuy Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. July 3,180 tf„ . IirEENt:Y, J. P. Attorne)-at-Law.. Office in .1-16 Moutanyc'e Block, Main Street. Grp Y. 15, 'RI-U. rpIl) W. H. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law. Towanda, Pa, Ottico in Mercur: Block, 4 :ioN'er C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main str,et. first stairway north of Post-odi6e. An business - promptly attende.. to. Special atten tiou given •to claims against the United States Peusioi..., Bounties, Patents. etc., and to ollections and settlement of decedent's esWes. April ly HENRY B.: 117 KEAN, ATIOM.:EY-A.T-LAW, Soltcltor A of Patents. Government claims a tended to. 116febti2 PIIYSICAN3 AND SORGEOIM. 4 l'cirNSON. T. D., M.D. Office over Dr. H. C "1.1 Porters'e Drug Store. - feb 12,78 NEWN,Dre. D. N. & F. G. 'Office et Dwelling TO on Ricer Street. corner Weston St. feb 12,11 LAUD, C. K.. M.D. Office Ist door above old bank building, on ]lain street. Special at lentiuu given to diseases of the throat and langs. ju1y19,78 ~,W001)131:113N, M. Office and real Junco. Main street, north ot 3l.E.Church Medical'. Examiner for Peeidon .13wartment. tab 22,78, PAI'NE, E. D..11.D. ' O ffi ce over 11.3ntanye's Store. Office, hours from 10 to 12 A.M. and frilm ;1 , to 4 P. x: Special attention given to biseakes of the Eye, and Disease@ of the Ear. ',l oct 20,77 - , , TOWER, ff. L. M.D.. • .I.I.OIIOEOPATRIC PHYRICIATI & SURGEON. SesideßCe and office just north of Dr. Corbon'a Main street, Athena, Pa. ' HOTELS HENRY HOUSE. Main st., next corner south of Lilridge street. New house and new urniture throughout. The proprietor has spared neither pains or expense in making his hotel lirit,class and respectfully solicits a share Di publl4 patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms rt•aeonable. Large Stable attached. mar e - WM. HENRY.' SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, O. GS. G. A. IL • Meeta every Saturday evening, at Military lialL GEO. V. MYEll,,Catataander. J. It. ErrratnuE,'ALljutant. - 1 feb 7, 79 CIIYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57.. Meets 14t of P. Hall every Monday evening at. 7:30. In surance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver . age apnual cost; 5 years experience, 01. J. It. ELTTHIDGE, Reporter. J WALD ELL, AR., Dictator. feb 22.78 BRADFORD LODGE, N 0.167, I. O. O. I.`-, Meet in (hid Felloti's Hall, every Mondareventng at 7 o'clock. • Wenams Rim., Noble Grand. pine 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING -1100 ST. F. E, No. 32 Secona street All orders r trill receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL QUSQUEIIANI 4 iA COLLEGIATE . INSTITUTE. kJ The SPRING TERM will begin 'Monday. April a. 1552. For - catalogue or other tutor. address or call 'ori the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN. A. M: Towanda, Pa. July 19.7 H PLITMRER AND GAS FITTER WILLIAMS; EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Oas Fitter. Place of business in Iler vur Muck neat door to Journal office opposite Public Square. Plumbing. Oas Fitting, Repair. ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kind, of clearing romptly attended to. All wanting work in his n e should give him a call. July 27.11 URAiVCR USSELL. "0..8, General Insurance Agency, Towauda;Pa. °Bice in Whitcomb's Book Store. July 12,74 I.)L,AK BOOK MANUFACTITRER 1.) . BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER, &a. Alfred J., Purvis e Np. 131 Geu4see street, UTICA. iN. Y All work im his line done "tell and promptly $t loueet price. Parties having volumes incomplete will be fur. aillied with any missing atUnbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County. will be promptly executed ae -eoraing to directions. sep94l JONES' CREAM CAMPHOR. IS THE N.tME of the popular Litu.ment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, Pain in the Face, - Head or Spine, chopped Hands, Bruises. Sprains, Bum". Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an insect. Poison 'Vines, etc., for Man or Beast Always reliable, and instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply.- Sold by all druggists. Price 25 eta. • N: Liniment rece' ived • Prize Medal It Cat , Stato Fair. 11179. • AS JONES, Prop' 319 T. 3d IR., PIMA.. Pa. _ Jan. 13. 6-m. ITTTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, A NOTE HEADS, iv. printed in the best style the art at the ittrustacin once. ..B- . ~ • R .: i , ~.:. . . . ' ~ D . . ~.. • • ...,,.-...'............,..: .. .....-;:. _, -, ...... .. .... . . .. .• • .... .. ._.. ... I •. ... D ....: . . . • . , ...,.. . _ ~,r:,.,. .. .. „d ..• rk .. i . , . d , , . . ~.,. , i .f..i.... , 5.t..,.,-.c ~. . . . ...._ . ...• ... • .. . ..... .. .. 1A ....:...t::,:i5,.........,:,,........ • .'.- . : -•.-..- .. .-. : y. :. . :. ~ .. : y : :-.- .: . ~,,-1,.., , - ~.. . 1, _ . -_ ., , , .. ~,•... , . . , . ..:... ~!, •, • , .-_ .;.-: -, - • _ - -. ' :. '.-. , .. . . ..... N 1 i •. ..46 - . ...... ' •- -- - ~ t8g...:-7.,,,,,,xa5, - . s '- \ ''..''• * • . 11)1110. / ...mi ill% „,• . . - .. .. . - .. . .• - Alk r ilk : - * AfV"." 1.1...-Ar-/:441, ....: -, , 1 k..., . :. r . ~, ~. • *.,•.„ , ..,_, ~ ..,, . ' -,. .• , , • , , ... -•., - . ..-• .- - - . ). . ~, ....... • . . ,• .. .. . •-- , - - .. . , , • ,• . - • - ..- .., , .., . , • - • - • . . .... .- - . • _, . • . " • -- . . , . • BARCLAY R. R. TIME-TABLE. TRAINS NORTMi . 10 4 , Way Ace' Mail. Mon t • P.M. A.B.{ 6.20 9.20 Ar. Towanda DAP. 6.03 9.05 1 Dep. Monroe...". Ar. 6.02, 9.04 1 Ar.....M0ur00. Dep. 5.581 8.591 Maiontowx;.. A3l 8.51 " Greenwood .46 , 8.46 " .39 *8.38, .... Summit.... " .35 *8.351 " , Lamoks.... " .31 8.311 " LoinVaileguno " .20 B.lslDep. . Foot of Plane. As. * Indicates that trains do not stop. F. F. LYON, Burt sad Zug% Barohiy. Pa. 2turB2 LEHIGH VALLEY £ PENNA. AND ' l -'d NEW YORK RAILROADS. AIIRANGENENT OY PAESI:Naga 'TRAMS.. , TOVAir 111100 T EAST WARD. . STAT/ONS. 15 9 1 7 i. 3. ,1m.•.• ../..• 1.4.• .rift...• . . P.M.,A.,P.M. bison FaUs 2.051 7.20...... 7 15 Buffalo ' • 2.601 8.251 9.20 Rochester 5.15110.05, Lyons 6.40,11.054_ .1. 00128711 • 6.55111.305..... Ithaca 8.33 1.00; ..... Auburn • 5.15 11.05 , ..... ..... Owego. 8.50 1.35 . Elmira 9.10 1.45 9.00 3.45 Wavirly 9.45 2.10 9.40 1 415 ' Sayre 10.10 2.30'10.001 4.30 Athens . 10.15 2.34 1 .10.05 4.34 Milan• 110.15 • Meter ;10:25 formed*lo 46 3.00'1043 50$ Wysauking , ..... ..... 10.54 5.13 Standing Stone ''i, ..... 11.03 .. . Etummerfleld 11.10 5.26 Frenchtown 11.19 ~. .. Wialusing, 3.36,11.30 '5.43 Lacerille 11.42 3.57 1 11.50 6.03 Skinners Eddy ....... . . ... ... . 111.53 6:07 bleaboppen 4.1219.10 6.23 • . llehoopany '12.16 6.28 Tunkhanuock ' 12.23 4.35 1.00 7.10 LaGrange 1.10 7.20 Fa115:,1.24' 7.35 1-* B Junction :. . ....... 1.05 5.10, 1.45 8.05 MA .4.l3arre 1.35: 5.30' 2.20 8.35 Itasca Chunk 3.45 7.351 4.6011.00 Allentown 4.44 j 8.29, 5.13 12.00 Bethlehem .., 5.0 0 • 8.45, 6.05 12.15 Esaton '' ' 5.30: 9.00' 6.40 12.55 PhUadelphis., 8.5510.40 8.40 2.20 New York 8.05: 9.16 3.35 A.M. P,31, P.M. P.M. -,- ' : • WESTWARD. ' STATIONS.' ' I S 130 1 2 1 12 ;P.M.IA.M.;A.M. P.M. New York - ; 6.301 ..:.I 7.40; 3.40 Philadelphia-- . , ....... .. 1 8.00;....1 9.00; 4.16 Easton -1 , ' 1 9.2C' r...)10.151 5.50 Bethlehem- q ._. 9.50 ....'10.45 6.15 Allentown • ' ;10.55 ..,.10.54 6.24 Mauch Chunk.....-... 11.05 ....'11.55 7.25 Wilkes• Barre. L & R . Janctiou . 1.35 8.01 , 2.25 10.10 Palls 1 8.271 .....10.32 LaGrange ' ' I 8.45' -.110.46 Tuukhannock - . 12.15' 8155 3.01:10.52 Mehoppany.... ... ' ........ -1 --I 9.20 i ..„ : 111.22 Slesheppen • ..„.., 9.27; 3.2711.29 Skinner's Eddy:. i .... .. .; 9.43' -111.45 Laceyville - •, 9,50! i.46;11.50 Wyilusing • • ... '10.14 4.0312.67 , ', , Franchtown , 1....,10.27; _112.17 Rnmmerfield ' 1....'10.371 .... 12.24 Standing Stone ! .. , ..;10.44. .... 12.30 Wysanking ' • I 110.541 • 112.37 Towanda ' - I 3 5911105: 4 43:12.46 Ulster I, !11.17: 4.55 12:57 Milan ..., . -.31.26 ...,. 1.06 Athens ' ' ' 4.3041.31; 5.10 1.15 . Sayru.. . • ' - 4:40111.41' $.20 1.23 Wav4rly 4.45;11.50', 5.30 1.30 Elmira , 5.'25'12.40' 6.15 2.15 0weg0...„,„ ' - -, ' .. 5.391 .... 6.25 ..... urn , n. 30 .... 9.35 ..;,. Ithaca , . 6.10 .... 6.40 ... Geneva - ' 7.41 .. '.... Lyons 8.40 ... -.1 8.50 ... Rochester . 9.50 6.10; 9.40 .;, Buffalo - .. , 11.401 8.10 12.05 8 Niagara Falls Il.Cri , 9.25; 1.08 ' i' P.M..P.M. A.M.' TOWANDA., sP.L No. 32 leaves Wyaltising a 6:00, A. M., French "own 6.14, Rumccierfteld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Wvsauking 6.40.• Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.06, Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25. Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 8:50.. A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20, Milan 'a:3o. Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55,', Wysauking 7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Rummerdeld 7:22, Frenchtoam 7:32, arriv ing at Wyliinsing at 7:45., P. M. Trains Sand; 15 run daily.: ,. ' Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains - 2 , and 9 between Niagara Palls and Philadelphia with out change, and through coach to and from Rocheater via Lyons. WM. STEVENSON, Supt. &YEE, PA., Jan. 2.1882. . Pa. 1t N.Y. U. E. AND MEI Railroad Time-Tables. TAKES EFFECT JAN.-1, 1882.. lafalte House, Corner Second and B sheep Northwest, near Pennsylvania Avenue. WASHINGTON, D. 0: Within amours of the Capitol. Street ears pus near the door to all parts of the city. Conven ient to' the depots. This is just the hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the Nationst Capital. Rooms well furnished, and the deadest and best beds in the city.- Table fiat Iloomi and hoard from $2 to $3 per day. Reduced rate, by the week or pont 14- EWII:LIAM SANDERSON • Proprietor. Late of the Congressional Hotel, Capitol Hill. Jan 11.:tf • • THEM 1 1 Towanda 5 d. Stare MAIN srri-i.urr, ANEXT DOOll TO FELCII & CO Is preparcd to .offer a complete assor 0- merit of DRY AND FANCY 800.DS, I Crockery, _Glass re WHITE - and DECORATED .C H I NA. Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established prinCiple—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our-prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. • We endeavor to sell the best article for tbe, least possible money. LOEW,IIB 1 FREIMUTIL .: A. N. NELSON „,, DEALER Li Pi WATgEIES, PINE GOLD Asp PLATED. ._ aEwErss of arm Irstisty. sad Spectacles. air Mama Attention paid to repairing'. atop ia Deokimr Vooptit's Groom Stars. Pmts. !Macellaneous Advartimmonts. TRAINS BOUTS. 3•1 Ace t a ay Sion. 16111 The Secret of the universal Success - of • _ Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever , made; is compounded on thoroughly ?. scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and does just what is claimed for it—no more and rio less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, michcs ewfajt uoflth tahe, 7 and strengthening. c,om =ming at the foundation it builds up and re-goitres lost health—in no other Way can , lasting benefit be obtained. BROWN'S IRON . BITTERS, does not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. - It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion heartburn, sleep lessnes , dizziness,. nervous debili weakness, &c., Use only Brollies boa Macs ride Brown Ch cal Co., Badmen. C ass fed lion trade-a,rlc oa mapper. T. MUIR& CO. ' S GROCERIES AND 8.00 19.40 It..M The place to save money to owing clasp Is at Two respectfully announce to tb* pabun tat him i Wan stook of FLOOR. PEED. NUL; OWN. SALT. I FISH PORK. and PROVISIONS genevally. : Re have slap added ea our stock a varlel7 of WOOD= WAR!, each as BUTTZIi TUBS. FIB KIM CETUS. ITO. Just received a large-stock of Sugars, 'Teak COffees. flyless, 110IIISOWS PORE SOAP. the best in the market, sad other maim of way Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at low yams for Cash. oot 26 7.1 And had One of His 26 CENT DINNERS Iftb264m OHO. L. ROSS Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. R. D. Porter's Drug Store.,Main Sheet, , with a large stook of OF THE BEST QUALITY: lir. Rosi kas Amami Sro On }Mums S=ass= J. L. Schoonover is clerk. The two stores ari connected by Telephone. Mr.. goes can now feel satisfied that he Can give the • BEST GOODS , roll THE J.F. OFT MONEY BU experience enables him to select the best goods, which he is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE. You can always get a bargain it you" BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. All goods delivered in the Borough FIE 2. PAIIKERS will do well to call with their Produce and get the CAUL 20apr8247. nom, FOR BALE.—I offer the lA-. American Hotel property for sale at s Vest bargain. Tho Hotel may be seen on the corner of Bridge and Water streete,th Towanda Donna.' It is ono of the best and most central 'asthma in the Ohm; There is a good barn connected with the property. The tree brtdge and new depot near to it make tins Hotel desirable for any one Wishing to some in the basin's*. A good active man with a mail cepa' can pay for the property in s short time from the prods. It imp papered Mid psiated sew last spring eta is now ft osoollant condition. JOIILPIVO. PA TON, Tovasialitftt &Pt si. E II 7) Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nov. y. I have been a peat sufferer from • very weak stomach. heartburn, and dyspepsia in its worst form. Neatly ern-jibing I its gave me distress, and 1 could eat but little. I have tried everythingreconunendid,baye , taken the prescriptions of a dotete physicians, but got no relief until I tool Brown's Iron' Bitten. I' feel erne of the old troubles, and am new man. I am getting much stronger. and feel Ant•rate. lam • railroad engineer, and now make my trips regularly. I can Dot say . too much in praise of your wonder. Al medicine. D. C. Usr.r.. STOP, ' AT FOR PROVISIONS. Oonsr Vas an 4 Fmklla Eltreikin TOWANDA._ pa: , 71111 FOB, SALE. . A tizax " 15117Aates, located fa *ell= law eve -abates elm trona tom For OM particulars, Manse ZAKIS S~bIMToWis: ANDA. BRADFORD COUNTYiA., TO wrir A PAWED PLOWER. This 4tu• blossom from afar Bath - coma from other lands to thins ;- For, ones, its whits and dropping star Gould its shadow In ths . Perchance sots* talr.tudred German 'mild Bath plucked one from the solMante stalk And numbered over. bait anal& Its petals in. her amiss walk. - • one loves me, loves axe not r she mho; •01,1elover me more than earth or heaven P' And then glad Man bare Ailed her eyes To and the number use uneven. And thou must count its Debits well, pecans. it Is a gift train sae. Anit the last one of all shall tell flomethlns I've often told to thee. But here at home, where - We were born, ?heti wilt and flowers Just u true, Down-benaing every summer morn With freshness of New thillooil dew. ' Per Nettles, ever ktid to love, - • Bath panted them the alma meet tonna. Wham with Carmen skim above Or here oil just* rode among, • ALWAIII 1 RIFU TO 0.108/14 There's always a river to cross; - • . Always'ad effort to m ite If then's anything good to win,. Any r lob prise to take. Yonder's the fruit we crave, Yonder the charming scene; But deep and wide. with a troubled tide, Is the river that Iles between. For the treasures of precious worth We must patiently dig and dive; For the places we long to fill We mast push and straggle and drive; And always and everywhere We'll findsin our Onward. course ,Thorns for the feet and trial. to meet, And a diftl6lt 'river to crow, TM roma= the may that we take, ; The stouter the heart and the nerve. The stones in our path we break. e'er from our impulse swerve. Pot the glory we hope to win One labors,we count no loss; - 'Tis folly to pause and murmur because Of tho river we have to cross. - So, ready to do and to dare. Should vein our places stand, FulfiWng the Illuterl will, • , Fulfilling the soul's demand; • For though u thomountalve high The billows may rear and toes. • They'll not overwhelm if the Lord'. at the helm IVhen . the difficult river we cross. . 1 4 A PRACTICAL LESSON. "Georgia 1 I fear you must put off going to-Brighton for the present, unlebu you will gu with the ehildien without we. ANT all, why should you not do that. and take the governess with you ?" Mrs. Elandereou raised her large han4- same eyes to ber husbatall's face, an 4 stopped in the act of filling her break fast cups. "What can you mean, Walter ?" she said slowly. "I do-not quite understand. Why must Igo to Brighton. without you ?" "Because, my dear. I must ran down to Scotland instead. My mOther wants me." "0, your mother !" ind •a slight clund came over her unusually calm fade. She had not met with any dbl. - appointments in her married life as yet, and she bad been looking forward j for some time to this visit to Brighton.,: "Yes; she Writes that she wonhiSke ' me to go e ldown as soon as I can." "Is ab ill, or what ?" Does she give no reason ?" "Well, no; I can't , pay she does; but I imagine somehow it something about Clare." "Clare I dare say it, is. What is she dOing now ? Of course, you kpow, Walter, that I never iiiterfere in your private family concerns; but in my op inion, yon should strongly advise your mother just to give her her own way. A very short time of nursing in an in &Mary would completely cure her of that whim. She is not at all the kind of girl for that sort of thing, brought up as she has been; every one yielding to her, and running wild all over your father's estate followed• by half a dozen dOgs, and getting her own way in every thing. I believe it would do her a great ,deal of good to go ai a nurse to an in iirmary.". "I have no , doubt you areitight; but lam certain my mother' would never agree to it. Let me see.. This is Thursday. I could 'go down 'on gator dar, and be back again by Wednesday morning early.. That wuSld• - give me three clear days there, and _bring „me home in time to take yoir to Brighton on therTbursday. . That was the day you intended going, at anyrate." And so it was arranged. Mr. San derson traveled down to Scotland the, following Saturday, in' obedience to his' mother's summons. He had already decided that some new freak of his sister was at the bottom of the whole thing, and therefore, though annoying to his mother, not likely to at all difficult to manage. 'A "It all comes, fromiirle being brought up at home. If they could go to public schools like boYe, and get all. the non sense taken out of them, it would be a thousand times better. • A girl like Clara, living constantly; at 'home with her mother and governess, is sure to take the bt into tier own keeping. and rule over everybody. 1 I have Lalf a. mind to br:ng here back with me, and keep her until she falls in love with some one.. That would be the best tonic for her restlessness." When thhi long railway journey was ended, be found himself standing on the platform of the dreg little side station, being bugged ind'embratied in the most affectionste,ausd open manner by his sister, a tall handsome girl, who utterly disregarded the presence of a country woman, who, setting down the largest of her many weds and bun dles, stood looking on with undisguised cariosity at this manifestation of affec tion amongst the "quality." "You darling old buy I I'm so aw ful* glad to see you," said. Clare. "It is too like of you to run down and see us in this way. Come along. i Mamma will be in II fevei until we pt batik again; for I am, driving Frisky and Bolter to dap We'll be at 'home in no time. Mamma wished to send the carriage; but I would not hear of it. Is your luggage all right P 0, have yen st pence fur the boy who has been holding their hook?, Frightened little animal 'AGO ricamwr OF TEE PEOPLE BY TEIII44=I,AED FOR TEE PEOPLE.“ razzmil. . , he looks, doesn't be ? .o,:Yeti - we are all well. How are you aol;4lWirgie and the children ? You should b*brotight them with you. Why. '4lllltet'yon 1 Itowever, it is too deliciou4tikiVe you it all to ourselves." , -- Y 4, -.:, ' An unceasing flow of ,liearted, affectionate, talk convicted :, Sander;. son that he had - been doin g slater a great wrong in looking nixii*ris the cause of his hurried journept_end *be regarded her sitting be Idm so bright and happy, driving . i kofv, mad lit. tie ponies with reckless spited up hill and down dale, over stonekVid round corners, !naking the bleikAleor ring with, her. reeding hinghtiet*tenevei they entiountered a we* "burnt)" than usual, be idmost feltiOiletririst apologize to lie: forliavingjlikamed such athought to enter his mimffi -- , :' "Walter I- , I do believe' ',".", are not c t 'alitiatifir: • i , ?. ''.. , Ont r lifii Revco you beard - what I *aid. ' I was saying we must have long rides every day while you are here. Shan't we ?" "I fear, Ohne, there cannot be many days of it. I must be in London again early-on Wednesday morning." • , "On Wednesday I I never heard of such an idea I What in the world brought you down, if you cannot stay longer than that ?" What in the world brought him down ? —that was just the question be was asking hitnself. There- was noth ing wrong with Clare—that was per fectly evident; not a hidden - 'corner or thought. even in her chameleon natnrii all was open as day. If it was only, about expired leases and back rents,' etc., it would have beau as well as if f his mother had writ•en frankly, AA allowed him to judge whether • such a journey and loss of time were necessary. Bat he was careful -to keep these thoughts to himself, judicial training having suc cessfully ova car the natural frank ness of- his ahartte,er. He was saved the necessity of making any reply to her last speech_by the sadden up of the ponies at the hall door. "Take care !" laughed Clare, as she saw him almost , overbalanced by the extreme sharpness of the' jerk.' "All ! there's mother. Have' not brought him home in good time, mother? Just twenty-five minutts irbrui the sta tion, and the ponies going like lambs. No, Walter; I am - nut coming in at present; I always drive - them round to the stables myself." And off she drove, leaving lier brother folded in the alms of his mother. J' 'lam so glad to see you. dear Wal ter. I WAS so thankful to get your lei ter this morning. It will be all right, now . yen are come." And she led-the way, across the hall into the small room generally used - by her and Clue when they were alone. ". "Has Clare said anything to you ? Dear boy ! lUp so axious that I CM think of nothing else. Did Clue tell ' you anything ?" "Clare !" replied he. "Then it is Clare, after all ! Is it some new whim?" "0, Walter. worse than any of her other whimi. She says she is going to marry—to marry a horrid man, a vul gar, low kirid of person I" "Whew I' This is anew whim with a venrgelince I I, thought she bad for. sworn matrimopy." . " 0, don't make fun, Walter; it's too serious, and; lam se, anxious. The more I say to her abeut it the firgiershe seems to be." ,J . "Who is the mail Tell me atl, about it, and do not tragic, you dear old meter. At all events itis_a_ step in the right direction. IA married life lino more in her line than a raster hood would have been. But who id the man ?" " "He is a cousin of Mrs. Monkton i and a missionary in some mining village: Clare met him there last year, , when those revival meetings were going on. I find out now that it was he who put that nonsense into her bead about join ing a sisterhood, and devoting her life to nursing, etc. He was down -Vera lately, and I noticed that a great utfny letters passed between them after he leftl but I. never for a moment thought of si ything further. And then, a NW nig is ago, she told mo she had quite !giviisisp all idea of infirmary work for , a mueb more useful and extended life had been offered to her. And then it turned out. that when Mr. Mofftit was down 'here he bad got her to enter'into a half engagement with him." - "0, only a half engagement 1 We can easily settle' a half-engagement. I'm thankful it is no Worse." 11 "But it is worse ! That wathonlY,git first. She told me be had givenler a fortnight to make up her mind. - t' pi course, he is marrying. her for ler money.". .. "We will let him know that she most entirely dependent on you, and that you won't give her a farthing be, yond the sem my father left her, if she marries without your consent. That win bring him to reason, little doubt." "Yes, but the difficulty will be with her; she will not give him up: The worse and more unsuitable such a mar- ridge would be the greater, I verily be neve, would be, the attraction for-her. When` will you speak to her about this ?" ."I would rather that Clara ; should open the subject oi.her own, accord to me.' I will get her to wine with mil when I smoke my , cigar after dinner, and see what I can make her'. - ! • On nulling himself, after dinner, &Ilene with his sister in the smoking rooM, Walter began to realize the diffi culty of beginning a subject *bleb she seemed to have no intention of intro ducing. "Clare," he suddenly began, "do you know you have improved very much of late ? You are rather a good-looking pang person now. I 'am inclined to be proud of you." ! , "Thank you, Walter.: Wail so Teri _plain before ?" she , torte& saucily, with a light laugh. "No; Ido not mean "at. Yoti trge always handsome enough; but Nome• bow you strike me as being different THURSDAY, JUNE S. 1882. thbt . time. It wily be your style of dressing, or thel way .you wear your hair; but,there i l" a differenee, Tm 'cer tain. You bad . better Some back with me for little. London is thi place for a girl like you, ad Gargle would enjoy taking you about. Poor 2 girll. she is konely enough at times, now that Xan to longer a bristle". barrister. Will yOu come t" • ,"You are a good fellow, Walter, and I love you dearly; but Iwilt not - go to London --with you. London . life would 101 suit ms. • But I believe you whe" Oa tell sne-1, have improved, at any rate sidospo -- me 14 autumn; for I was tinh"pliy mid ti then." "About what; detid"liiiiked in his gentlest totr,;. - "Wol1;404:10*.-tirfaktiat* become a Pan4 - iaill,*44=*llkikat hew Of is. ad title 44104/Ciii;life I lead t lffilirMirikeibli-41. brie together too dull." "0 'a,• not that I Bat ills so utterly useless, and thorn is much to be, done and so much that ladies can do better than any one else." "But yon are not useless here. You have your Sendai elan, and the choir to train, and your poor folks to look after.. I think, yciu are wonderfully. use ful for so young a girl." "Yes; that is just it; ,I am too young. I require guidance, Walter; and I can not get it from mamma." "Olare !" "I "ken, that although mamma is as kind a possible to the poor, and gives them food andwine and clothes too, yet persobatly, she takes very little,- in terest-sr theni, and 1 cannot get he to come with me ou my rounds. It would be so much better Belle would, because, you see, some of the peop:e do not pay much attention to me when I give Wpm advice, just because I am ,so Young and have no one to support me." "I can imagine that it is difficult for you, certainly ; But is !theie no one, else you could get to join with you r "Yes, :Willer"—and a faint blush spread over her face —."and that is why lan much unproved, is you ray I am. My mind is quite at ease; for now I see my • duty quite clearly. I thought mamma would tell you all about it so-morrow; but I should like to speak to you first, for she !is very much against it, and I count upon your hetlp to bring her round. I think it providential that you have come down here at this time, of ,yonr_own accord, too 1 lam engaged .to a gentleman who will be able to help 'me, aild who will take me to a place where there is far more need of me than there is here; for, do you - know, Walter. thouglo I have been working hard with all my heart all -these months, I do net Bee one bit, of improvement amongst the people." - "Engaged to be married, Chire 1 Who , is the gentleman'? You sly puss And so so it is 'first love' which hart improved you ?" "O, no, Walter. lam not 'in lobe, as you suppose; and neither is he; but we esteem and like each other; and we cab do more for those poor people if we were married than it we were Single. Ho says he needs a ladito help him." "Bat who is he, dear ? Yon have not told me that." "He is a cousin; of Mrs. ilankton's, and is a very hard working ' clergyman ina large and neglected mining village. . 110 name is Moffat. He was , here a good deal last year at the time 1 - of the revival meetings, and I got to. know him then, but without any idea of marrying him; that has only been ar ranged a few days ago." "You take away my. breath. Clara. That is the very last kind of marriage I shduld have expected a girl like you to make." "Ab, because you thought - 1 me vain and frivolous. But, dear Walter, promise me that pin will talk to my mother, and make her see what a noble and Useful life is waiting for me." "A 'noble and nodal enough life; Clare. But before I can make any promises, I- must think it over. lam not prepared to give my sister up to th 6 first map who asks her. Tell me about Mr. Moffat. What is he like ? Is -be young.? And has he private means that he thinks of, a wife like you ?" "I do not know w i bether be 0 very rich or not I neverithought of "asking him. But we should not want to be very, rich; beciduie. in . the life we ,have planaed. we should have no time for visiting or going much into society; , and you . know, Walter, I have never been so fond of going to balls and parties as some girlit are." - "Well, Clare, I'll sleep on it, as the saying goes; and to-morrow I will have a talkwith you again. ; Be sure that I will do my best for your happiness. And now, let us say good night." Next morning. Clue came early into the breakflist room; but her brother evinced rio . ,corresponding activity; and when. he did make hir appearitnce, the presence her 'bother prevented all renewal of ibir last night's conversa tion. Nor was any private interview possible until far on in the afternoon. "I thought mamma- was never going to leave us alone to-day, Walter. And yet, how bad forme to talk in that way; for of course shale as glad to ' :be with you as I am. Poor motherl" "Yes, Clara—:poor mother 1 You are preparing a bitter pill for her 'to siral low. How do you think she will like your burying yourself alive in a dirty, smoky, miningvillage?" "Oh, then, dearest of old boys, you have come around to my way of think ing I I felt sure you would 1 You lead such iAlusy„ . useful life ycnirectlF., that I knew you would understand my feelings." - • - "Stop a little, Clam. Not quite so fast.' I certainly desire to see yon hap py, and I truly believe a. well-assorted marriage is the happiest , state on earth; but--" "Ob. no 'bre,' Walter." ' , You milt' hear me out. Before I eau speak toffy mother with any egoet I most see Mr. Afogetti . mur EMI urge the advantages of VW marrhige with a oleo who's. I him Amer , even . seen! Everythtug 'ilk a cue .this depends upon the individual - IdonseU. Ina worldly Point. ot view, it is a wretched marlaire tor you; but there may be qtuditien and gifts in the'min himself which oeithebnee all that, and soaks him more than your equal. Do you undOshind.?" Cl e tOrinited "Yee," and.; het lbrother grist on: "Now. I think,it would never do to write Ando& himlo wine =here for my inspection. ;I bive been studying my this =di discover I can lane this *mu Ivy , the eight o'clock - train to-morvew at his place,,,Beektcnt, about naid-day. spend au hour.or two - witikhim, and be back hereby the evening tribrici' tit* ditiatr; What du 'yOu'uog to 'that/ Thtit-I,can Wk with se me zessin tccipy inipressed, I may aft bring him back with me. Or stay I Suppose you come with me ! Why not ? I think that a splendid idea! You would introduce me and smooth away any little awk wardness there might he in my going all alone; and having to introduce my self. It would be a delighttal, surprise to him. What do you say ? Will you t!! ) r - "Row good you are, Walter ? Of course I'll go. It will be simply de lightful. But how about mamma?" "o.leave my mother to me; make it all right with her." Clare gave her brother's arm dgrat&L fut and affectionate squeeze. "And Walter, we must send off a - telegram from the station to-morrow, and then he will be waiting at the elation there for, us." • - "No; we will -not telegraph, dear. In the first place I d'On't wan't any here to know wherd, we are going; land then Mr. Moffatt would be making all sorts of -elaborate preparations for us; and neither"you nor I would like t 4 give him any trouble by our *fait— would- we ?" "No, of.course not. . Bali he would like tir givens lunch, you know. How ever, as you say, the people here would talk; and we can make up our minds to take just ~a liatever his housekeeper can give us on short notice." And so the visit was thus , arranged and carried .out. .The morigna train took them off; and in due time; after some changes and delays, landed theth at Reekton; a singularly well named 'place, Waltei thought, but refrained from saying; for he did not wish 'to prejudice his sister in any degree. A The fine bright morning had been gradially becoming more and More overcast, and had 110111 , fairly;settled_into one-of thote, still wet days - which are to some tem peraments peculiarly depressing. Ex cept the station• master and a boy, nUt a soul was to •be seen; any loungers that might otherwise have been 'there being kept away by the double event of a steady rain and of its being the din ner honr.' "Ask if this is Reekton, Walter; per haps we have made a mistake." Walter obeyed, and came back, say - tog: "That village-there at the end of the lane is Reekton. It is unfortunate that it has . turned out such a wet day. Shall I send the boy down to the inn and see if we can get .a cab or convey ance of some sort?" "Yes, do, Walter, while I remain under the shed here," In minute or twO her-brother came back with the intelligence that there was nocab or conveyance to be. *ad. `There had been a wedding in the Vil lage a few nights before, and the only chaise it possessed had been nearly bro ken-to pieces in the course of the 'fes tivities. There was nothing for -it but to walk, and the station-master direct ed them how to find Mr. Moffat's house which was right in the middle of the village, two doors beyond the King's Arms. r „,,, 'What, ,a wretched day,' exclaimed the girk'witb a shiver as she — spoke. 'Yea; we do not see Beekton for the first time under favorable circumstances. could have forseen a day like this after so bright a morning! , Are you cold?' 'Yes; no—a little, I think.' Shall dgo into the inn as we pass, and tell them to have a chop or eome thing reedy for us; in case Mr. , Moffat may be from home?' . "That would be the finishing stroke to our bad hick! Very likely we shall find he is away.' _ However,, it seemedr as if fate meat to be kind after all, for on knocking at the deor of the helm pointed tout to them.'s stout, severe-looking person, informed them that Mr. Moffat ' , was at home. "I'm not sure if be is down yet; but just step in here," said she, open ing, as sheLspoke, a door on the left aide of the little square passage; "he's mostly bile ,on the Mondays'—and ush ered them into a room where break fast was laid ter one person. On a side-table was lying a it!range mixture of books and pamphleh6iipes in great variety, tins of tobacco, match boxes and a dirty-looking smoking-cap and on the . floor a japanned spittoon. The window had evidently not been opened that day, and an of from lut'night.'s tobacco atillpievaded every corner.. A. greasy sarm.r-Ohair stood on one side of the fireplace, 'and near it a pair of walking boots ready for their owner; under the chair a Pair .of :very much worn green -and-white Berlin work slippers. , The servant never thought Of asking their names, an omission which secretly please 4 Walter 'very much, and she had left, Che door of tlie room in which they were, open, so they had the gratification of hearing het go across the passage and up the narrow stairs, and knock at a door ap parently right over them. "You're wanted in the parlor," said the severe-looking person. "Who is it?" came front a she voice. dinna ken them," she replied, more than half-way down stairs. evidently. Walter carefully avoided lookixiii at kis data a t e a aortal* mottled thumping, azinouneed the approach .of some one: who evidently had no shoes on his feet; but he f u rtively glanced at, his watch sail saw that it was almost 1 o'clock. then I the door was pushed open, end be saw a abort, thickset man, with • highland shining forehead and general sit of untidineas, enter, and suddenly stand as if petiiiied, A feis deoperate l awkward seconds passed. At Web. Walter came forward. "We inn* apologize for invading your pen is this manner Mr. Moffat, amti introduce me." • Olaf. °minted to mutter a few words and held out Ida hand, which he telt washy co means cordially. grasped by hil l host; but he continued: "My eider andl only thought of. this little viitlike. last, night, and so -t we couldn't kiaw it." Choi *ad Mr. Moffat had . silently solttnxitieh the ceremony of abating upeotty 'Abe whole morning's exper ience, was glad to take( the - nearest chair.' which happened to be the arm- chair under which Mr. ,Moirates alip- pera weielying. so that- that unfortu nate man--as if to keep him- at a still greater disadvantage; was forced to en tertain his guests with no other cover- ing to,his large and badly shaped feet than that afforded by coarse home-spuu stockings. In vain Walter essayed his most gen ial manner; nothing could make the visit other than a wretchedly awkward ono Clara seemed unable !to utter za syallable. and averted her eyes carefill- ly from the man's unialipper , Ofeet and unshaven fice. It length, seeing that her powers \ of endurance were being tried to the uttermo s t by various un happy attenipta On Mr. Moffat's part to assume the tone ,of an accepted lover, Walter suggested that they shOuld leave Mr. Molt° eat his breakfamt in peace, while th .would go back to..the inn for the lunch which must be await ing them, and invited Mn - Moffat to join them there as soon as was conven ient for , him, and spend the rest of the time with them until the train was due by which they were to return. On getting out into the street, Clare convulsively clasped her brother's arm. "Walter, could we not get a train soon er than three o'clock?" • "I am afraid not. Bat do you know it is almost two o'clock now?—the time will soon pass. It is this, wretched weather that makes everything loot s ; so miserable." Clara shivered, and wished she were away. On reaching the intzlbey found their lunch waiting for them; but the- chops were tough, and had been burned in the process of cooking, and Clara at least found it impossible to eat.. A large party of convivial miners were in the next room, which was. only separated from theiri by a thin wooden partition. and they had the benefit of the jokes, oaths and squabbles that passed among them. Mr. Moffat was some time in making his appearance, but when be did, be was much more presentable, more like the man Clara , had :seen and believed in, at het own home. But his shaven face and correct clerical costume nails too late, and he was sensible enough to see the matter in its true light. Nothing could re-establish him again on the pinnacle to which Clara, in herunourbed imagination and secret love of excitement under any form, had raised him. On getting home Walter explained to his mother that she had no longer-'any thing to fear; and next day wrote to Mr. Moffat, by his sister's desire, break ing off all further connection, and then telephoned to his wife to expect him and his mother and sister the following day. 1 George remained' under the impres sion% at her mother-in-law's. state of health eqnired a change.: Not even to her did altei ever divulge the severe practical lessons towhich he bad ' sub jected his,sister; nqt even when he had the gratification of 'seeing ,her make la suitable and happy marriage s within a year or two from the time when her self-will and self-ignorance had so nearly wrecked her life.—Chambers' Journal Tho Inquisitive Woman. 'The other day on the Amherst Rail way I sat next` to, a coarse voiced woman with nose and eyes, which , looked as if made expressly fora . prying • into other people's business, and a form that indi cated that she had fount thb business a thriving one. Opposite us Isat a hand some young lady in _an elaborate sage green ; with an elegant volume of Mid dlemarch on her lap. The sharp - voiced woman stared at her very hard, figited a good deal,and leaning over commenced a conversation in this way: 'Book agent, I see! Have 'good luck?' ;'Yon are mistaken, madams; I am no agent,' (muchastonished!) 'No,' (looking out of the window). 'You go to school per'aps?' , 'No,' (with a smile). 'Oh, you don't ? Thought per'aps you did, with a long respiration. and looking her over as if she thouglOvshe was not making progress, she spied a heavy gold ring on her third finger of the left hand and commenced again: 'Married?' - • 'Yes.' . 'Bride per'aps?' °cos,' (with a glance at a tall gentle man who stood at the rear end of the car, talking with the conductor.)' 'Ohl and thew are your weddin' fix ings. I might have known it,' running her eyes from the jaunty hat down the multitudinous folds . and ruffles to the dainty French kid boots. 'Husband forehanded?' 'My husband has the same number of hands as other people, madam,Very sharply) and Making the best of her way to a vacant seat at the other end of the ear while the inquittitive woman settled back, as if she. was wronged at not having met with her usual A 11001318., He who seeks to please the gods most labor. as far as in him, lies„ to resemble them. • • $1.50 a Year; hi Advai.iet.l 120ILiL BEDS. Rest ss4afted with doing well, and leave ott4ra lo say of you _what _They . Please. - Truth is se related and correlated that no departmen.t. of - her realm is wholly isolated. ' If we had no faults, we should not take so much pleasure in noticing them iwothers. It W man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows that be is a citizen of the world. Riches will never take wings and fly , away, if you sprinkle thesalt" of econ omy on its tail. Oftentimes uncertaintiet sof the next world have less terrors than the cerMin ties of this. _ . Man cannot dream himself. into noble character; he mint achieve it by diligent effort. , Esigindliskkhavinoa-thilmaiKQ"- t • meld. It fins if ail had its punish- meat insonled upon it. • There is icdelicione sarcasm in the old proverb, .:•Grod help the rich,, be cause the poor can beg." - The best description we ever .heard of a alow!man was that be was too slow to get out of his own way. One'e self-satisfaction is an. untaxed kind of property which it is very un pleasant to find depreciated. There are persons Who do not know how to waste their time alone, and hence become the scourge of busy peo ple. , - Every human being has a work to ; carry on within, duties to perform ' abrpad, influences to exert, but his own can tea9L•.- - . - Strive to impress on your - children that the only disgrace - attaching to hon est work is the disgrace of doing it badly. Could our enemies only know how much we have forborne toward 'them, how would their hatred be ;penetrated by remorse, Colton:must have had a isad exper ience, for he said: 'Marriage is a ban quet where the grace is sometimes bet ter than the feast' ; Any one may do a casual act of good nature, but continuation of such , :acts shows in part the temperament' of the individual: 7 The number of great thinkeis in , the world is very small, but the number - men who think they are great thinkers is very large. - Said the wise old lady,- with solemn truthfulness: 'lf we could once. see our lives as God sees 'em it would steer us 'most to death.' A child is eager for the beautiful; let its 'assion grOw up with it. There ui in . Stich,sentizllent a politer superior to all onr bad inclinatioti. Some Remarkon the Barber. The barber, children, is of an ektinct -species. The hair-dresser and tonso rial artist of the present day are sup posed, however, to be descendants- of the barber in direct line. ' The barber is a treacherous creature: ge is never to be depended .upon. He • 'has been kniiwn to cut his best friends. He is remarkably sharp in a business transaction, and he will shave you if you give . him ,a • chance' In fact, shaving may be said to be his business. . The barber is a strapping fellow, and is ever ready to razor row. I have freqtrentli teen him take a man by the new without the least provocation. He always wants his hone way, and is already fora brush. • He has his shortcom(b)ings, to be sure, and is ipt to stir up your dander; but be has a very smooths tongue, and knows how to lay on the lather. - 4 can't say ; that. he was ever chatted with murder, bat thousands of people dye in his shop - yearly. - Formerly the barber was a surgeon • also, and used to be paid for bleeding his customers. Nowadays he draws blood without extra charge. The barber sees &great many affect ing scenes.. There is a great, deal - of parting going on every day inisis shop. I suspect children are -afraid of -the barber; at all events they never call at - his shop, hen their mothers send them out after shavings. The barberis atrue homcepath. He believes in e 'doctrine of like cures like. When he would remove. the bris tles from a man's face ho always rubs t bristles on-to it. - The barber is a very secretive fellow. You will find locks. eyerywhere about , his place. He has little recreation. Curling is his chief amusement. He always stands well in his .profes sion. Yote,will generally find hini at the head. - He never makes game of his work, unless hair dressing May be considered a rare bit of pleasantry; The barber has to st4nd algreat deal from his customers. Ile does not'care, however, how, much Cheek, they dis play in his establishmig, and the more chin_ they give him the bettor he likes it. The barbei's wife goes shOpping, just like other women, though she ought to be able to get hir•snte at her husband's establishment. - She probably prefers to whisker around elsewhere. Though, the barber may have no children to 'receive his inheritance, there are.always many hairs apparent, at his shop.' The barber'l motto is soap on, soap over. I: There are m'pny more things I might tell you of the barbeqehildern; but he is a great oonversatinrialist and. imply able to speak for himself.--Boston 2Vanscript • • • To be healthy and complete, we must live alternately—now with our fellows and the world, now.with,ourselves and the universe. If principles grow in the soil of solicitude Retie= ripen in, the air of society. SKINEY MEN. "Wells' Health likaewee miens health sad rigor... cares Dyspepsia """coenee. Serail ability. fl. NO. 2 El