Sl!tile Remedies nor 15iNtmit,4 Very few 'young mothers are ablti to control their nervosa° eomptet.ely as to keep from, being startled when confron ted with a cat finger with 'dripping blood and the loud cries which, an. - nuance a catastrophe. - Sometimes she binnot collect her thoughts sufficiently fo re call any good remedies with which shells aNuaioted. One way to avoid 1 this is to write out a list of help in trouble and tack it upon the door o • .your room, after the manner of hotel regulations. There is nothing better fur a cut than powdered rosin. Got a . :few cents worth of rosin, pound it until tt is fine, and put it into '- - au empty, cleanipenptr Of spice box with perf4r atedinp; thin you eau easily rift it out on the out; Nit a soft cloth around the injured member and Wet, it with , cold water once in:a while. It will prevent intiMulation, and soreness:—ln doing up a burn, the main point is to keep the air from it. If sweet oil and cot ton are not at handetkiEtt ,A cloth .and • spread dry flour over it, and wrap , the burned part left. It is always well to have some simple remedies intim house where your get them without a mo ment's losisof time; a little bottle' of peppermint, in case of colic, chlorate of potash.for sore throat, and pepsin for indigestion. .Have them arranged' so that you could gu to them in the dark and reach the. right remedy, but be sure you never do it, even if you know "they have not been disturbedi always light Limpor the gas and be , sure you have what yob are after. Beniember that pistols are always loaded, xnd that poison may be put in place of ,pepper mint. The Mild Professor. Avery good story is told of . ab emi nent Oxfordlpriifessor who at one time hail very considerable influence over the minds of mail) , of the young men of the university, and was supposed to pursue a Socratic method in eliciting the dor 'mant' powers of the young men. . He knew how to be talent, and also how to talk, especially in the saloons of the great and a ealthy: One day be invited a promising undergraduate of the great intellectual college; to ,take a Walk with him. The young gentleman was slight. ly flustrated with the honor of the invi tation, and was prepared to pick up any golden grains of , truth which might! be let fall on his account. They walked out as far - as Iffly, but to his great sur prise !a stolid silence was consistently maintainial by the mighty being whom he was to accept as his guide, philoso. pher, and friend. At:last, as they turn ed back from :Tilly, Lock Ale. under graduate ventured to observe: "A fine i day, Professor.' The professor vouch safed no -reply, but strode back !silent into Quod, and the young fellow did not have strength of mind to renew his at tempt. As !they entered beneath the archway the professor fixed his keen philosophic glance upon him, and mild. ly said:. ! "I did not think much of that remark of yours."---(London Society. ~ The Homes of Dead Authors. John id. Courtenay, the former pro- . prietor of Idlewild,l made minx im provements on that interesting place, and now that he is fiend it is'agsin in the market. Idleivild will long be re 7 membered as the former home of Willis, who there studied nature and found her influence mote healthy than the excitement of fashionable society. Here he passed what really were his Lest days, and visitors to Cornwall are always attracted to this-spot by his memory. Fifty miles further down the Hudson is Sunnyside. the former resi dence of Washington' Irving. It still remains in the family, but in common with all that vicinity, it ^ suffers from malaria. In oil times the ailment war; unknown. The Hudson River railroad however, has impaired the drainage of the country to such a degree during the last thirty years that the damage seems irreparable. The "cottage," as Irving familiarly termed it, is near the bank of• the river, of which it hada fine view. The grounds include a dozeilacres, and the !hole place is in care of Robert, the gardener, who has been in the family service more than a third of a century. Irving's nieces occupy the cottage as a summer residence, but spend their win ters in New York. Bryant's former residence at Roslyn still remains in the family's possession, bat will be sold,as soon as a satisfactory price can be kit taiued. The place has suffered froin - makina which, indeed, is so great a scourge that any one who will produce an assured preventive will .be accounted a public benefactor and would also reap an immense fortune. A Card We take great, pleasure in calling the at tention of our friends and customers to Dr. liosanko's Cough Lung Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost Instant ly. Itniatters not how severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines you have tried, or how many ph3sicians you have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will looien it and as. shit the Throat and Lungs to expel the encod ing Matter. leaving them in a healthy° con dition, free from irritation, and the ait pas sages clear, besides invigorating and itrengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive cure of Consump - ton, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, BrOrichitia.Dry Hacking Cough , Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in the Lungs, Spitting of Blood. Croup, Influ enza, Whooping Cough and Lung Fever, we ecommend this medicine above all others. Yurs truly, Ct.laz B. Perna, June 2-17. 8. End Ward House Block. 'Won't yon allow woman even a grain of seam?' said.a young miss to an old bachelor. 'Yes,' was the reply. 'a cross grain.' A. BEVERLY 8311TH; BOOK BINDER AND Dealer In Scroll Saw Good:. 1 BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, N,EATLY. and CHEAPLY. Fine Bhudg Books MIT SPUTUM. Amateur's Supplies. ispartiaant of sky boatman Is wry eon pists. ant being a practical amp: inysalt 1 snow the slants of my patrons. WOODS. SAW BUD" CLOCK constantly on ssad. W UZI worth of designs for $1: nand for pries lists. " 311:POIX101" Park!lnst. ,r Towanda, Ps P. 0. box 1512. NEW:.4MODEL, EUREKAI:MOWER • - WITH CENTRE-DRAYT FRONT-CUT. Can Mow Back and Forth on., Same Side of Field. OVER 100 EUREKA'S SOLD IN. BRADFORD COUNTY' LAST YEAR WHICH SHOWS WHAT FARMERS AT HOME ,THINK OF THEM-. Will cut a six-foot swath as easy as a side-cut machine will cut four feat, and with less draft. It also leaves the grass in such condition thatlt will cure in one-half the time, and dispense with the use of the Ray Tedder. It is especially adapted to the cutting of Green Fodder or •En silage. A thorough trial L rsqueitsd from all contemplating the,purchase of "'mower the coming . season. Send for descriptive circuits, or call on EUREKA MOWER CO., Towanda. B. L. BILLEDELEE. Warrenbam. •IL L. RUGG, Tuscarora Valley. ; • O. W. BESLEY. Austlavllle. E. G. VAN DIRE, East Canto The EUREKA MOWER is now manufactured only at Mowanda, Pa. ',The Company bas been thoVeughly reorganized, comprising men of experience. ability and abundant capital. No cars or expense le spared to select • the very best urteriel and ekilled workmen. EVERY MA. CHINE IS WILLY WARRANTED. g nay ! , . II BEASUREE'S SALE _:,: OF . - res. UNSEATED LANDS.—In pursuance of ilip Acts of Assembly baring reference to the maw Blest of taxes upon unseated 'midi in this Com monwealth, and the sale of the same for non payment, there will be exposed to public phi at the Commissioners Oillft tin the borough of To wanda; on the SECOND MONDAY. OF JUNE, A. D.,1881. being the 12th day of said =Oath. at, 1 o'clock p. m., the tracts of land assessed under the following warrantee names, unless prior payment of taxes and costs be made: - Acres. 1 Warantee Names. 96 Barclay—Cunningham, D. H. 170 Rigs. George - 153 Hiltaimmer, Jacob 390 ',--, Dully. Andrew 400 110 1 17, Peter Ladly, Joseph 212 " Stuart, Waller '. 265 - Stuart, Deborah . 200 Leltor—Beck. Henry 202 •::: ' Britten; Tredeiick 191 MOnroe—Anderson, Jacob 361 1 Benner, Jacob ' 390 .• Benner, Jacob, Jr 78 p Cantata?, Fred 37 • Quieter. Harman 371 1 Cunningham. D. H. 92 , , Gray William 178 Hampton, Peter 437 Hampton, Thomas 50 ' Hopkins, Robert 66 Haga, Peter 2 03 D La ul lydV., Samuel 172 ' Hugh 4 92 - McAdams, Ephrians 4 00 North, Peter 4 00 ' North, James 1 44 i - Stewart, Walter 2 80 , Wallace, Nancy 1 85 i . '" Wallace, Samuel 75 '. Bose, David 437 1 Bigger, Robert • ALSO—There will be exposed to pubic sale at the 'same time .and place, the ,following lots, pieces or parcels-of improved or seated lands, situate as hereafter set forth, for non•pryment of sundry taxes assessed in the years Wig and 1880, as , the same have been duly returned to the County Commissioners by the - Collectors of the several districts: • • .4.- , - 4 , . 4 0 2 " g - S I : g - I --f--1 - it • 1 4 a ° 4 v 4 pm : 2, . 0 . n C. 1 , 0 ra: . , TO WHOM ASSESSED. V 41. V I' V 1, ...- 2.. V V 1 V M s• se . i. - g • r • • • i I • . .. 1 2,• ' it! • . • . . , ALBANY. 1879 George (haps 1 2 8015 4 00. $5 00 •• G. F. Mason ' 21 301 30 .... L .. •• Mary Ann McAllister 1 Ti 15 15 „.., _.. NEW AWL= 1880 O. F. Mason - :r r • ~ . ..... I__ 16 83 . I AMNESIA. , 1079 L. A. Cale estate ' , 743 207 269 ...... , •• H. o.Muldenbsug • 4,20 600 780 ...;_ •• ChurchillStralt... ... 4 ................ ...... ... 90 . 117 .. _ •• Was. Kinch i , 2 19 .2 85 ...... „ •• W. Itt-Cue . 37 48 ...... ism W. ,p:' case , . 45 45 68 •• Raleigh Williams ~ i..... 150 1.60 225_-. _ . • •• U. IN Mublenbnrg • 18 00 600 900 ;,.... ... t• . ATHENS 11050. 1879 Sarah A. Dorsey__ 1 lot 375••• • • • •••• • • ..5... . 1 ATHENS TWP. ••' Henry Halleck ` ...... 1"68 120 ...... ...... ASYLUM. , 1880 Henry Benjimin 231 ~,i 1 / 5 , .......... .. VEST DIMILINGTON. 1879 Charles - Perry ' 1 • 90 462 • ^ •••• 295 ...:. •• Stephen. Taylor 40 225 1 50 24 188 Charles Perry - '90.. . ... •••• •• 2 2 95 . ' •• Stephen Taylor 40...,,..-. • • . • rautsums. , 1879 Robert Stewart i 57 49 66 35 . I •• Reuben McClellan LT ROT z 21 140 120 140 - - I. George Hemnsinger - e 1. 150 210 1 -50 210 .... _ . lIEINICN. . . 1880 Delamar,Tayler 443 349 ...... ..„ MM. - 1879 Athens Building and Loan Aalociation.... .. .......... 2 lots i 5 .... .. 26 .... _ „ Henry Pepper estate 245 245 181 ...... ... „ Jonathan Dimond ' 7 88 1 785 ...... . .... . _ STANDING STONE. ' 1880 Luke Dolan estate... ' ... z, , 450 •••• •• . ..... .. . ..... ' SOIITH WAVEHLT. , •... Patrick/1. Onins .. •. • rek 42 ...... ._ -1 Phlness W.Terry , .... ' • )4 52i ••••• 42 ...... ' .. Mrs. J. L. Johnson... .4 28 1 163 ...... „ Michael Hannah= - ' „ Martin Mack , 140•• • • • • 212 ...... . 1879' Holmes k Kirby TOWANDA 8080. 3 lute 385 550 5 501 4 40, .. .A. S. McDonald • I lot 88 125 1 231 1 001:: • • • ~ William Henry 1 1101105 '1 50 150 1 20 1 ''.. ' George W. Roth ' 1 lot 350 -5 00 500 4 00, ~George E. Stodge . . -1 lot 102 1 4 5 145 110 „ J. J. Kavanaugh . ....... .. r ......... ...... 329 4.70 470 3 601 • ~ WW. -Browning • ......t...... ... 1 lot 70 100 - 1 00 70, 1280 Browning . z I lot I. 105 1 26 las ss+ ii:. 13 7 0 ADIOS yle TOWANDA TWIN 39 7 5 5 22 •. D. N. Newton . .. ; 4 I lot lots 501 l5 286 ...... Nettie McGill ' ' z 1 lot 39 55 22 ...... I - ~ Patrick Sullivan .''' 1 lot 77' 110 44 , .. Batteries & Russell.'.. ..1, • 2 lots 77! I`lo , 44....... .. James Harp • 1 lot ... 291 41 1 16 1 . .. Isaac Lamoreux 2 lots 391 55 ' TI ...:-;. 1880 O.E. Harris... .. .. ...... '. 1•• f• • • 5 441." • • ..... ••+ 0g , BMW Dimoreux... •••. -2 lots 30 30! - 721.... ~ George Emery... • ; 1 lot 30 , 301 12 1 .....„ 1 • TROT LIMO. I ' : i os i 2 2 / 1 1 87, 7870 Wilson & Baker I . • TESCADONA. ' f •••• • • .. John Owens , 841 961 . 1 84 1 ' , •• - R. F. Rugg ' • . ,-.. t • ••• • . B. 100 , 7 381 _. 1 25 ..• Gershon Manning ' .. 8 5 1 201 2 051:.... .... 1880 Norris & Hiri Fargo 28 5 3 ,001 2 711_ _ : .. Gershen,Manning 150 105 1 90! • f g R. F. Bugg ..4. • a 125 88, 751 .. John OWens..' __ . 7 20. 84 1 721: ........ —• • • .. " •! , WILMOT. ' 1 i 'Waltman & Weir.-- • 14 50 14 501 14 50 1 1 ..... ...... 14 50 •• IM. H. Tanning ~ . .... 3 001 300 ,' 300' - 300 .. Edward Hornet - ...... 2 75 1 2 75' • 2 75 1. •'''' • 224 rI I - ;Owens k • oy.zoroN. ----. 4 1 . p. ;Owens & Lantz __,,.. • 1 11X), 180 .:....1 124 __ 3io 'N . loells Whalen 1,••• • .. • • • 1 sol 100'...... 80 ' 260 ‘. John Willie i t!..• . •1, 1 60 100 .2.... 80 .. 2 00 .• Wm. Hewitt 1 .100 180 .... • • 360) 380 •• ..Wm. & Lewis .), • 100 200 ......1 OP • 400 •• 'Sarah A. Keene I 1 4001 '6001.••••• 4 801 ITbos. Waltman. Jr 1 . - I . . B.—Notice is hereby given that an amount, sufficient to pay taxes and costa will be requiied ry ease when land is sold at thetime of sale, and unless these terms are complied -with the beards' exposed for sale. - • uteri's °Moe. Apra 6.1882, in eve land tint fational lank? TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS :FUND 80.000 This Bank offers unusual facilities for the trinsaction of a general banking business. N. N. BETTS. • JOB. FOWELL, • Cambia. . President fob. 1.'78. IRS. D. .V El! E E, Manufacturer gr and Dialer in ,HUMAN HAIR GOODS, tar As WIGS, BANDEAUX, the popular .Chatelaine itnitaliTlMPlO =LONGO* to ein HAIR TRADE Roo sicrtainittion glum to COMBINGS SWlTCaliii from ;1 'minutia. Also Aiwa for Hunter's Invisible Pace Pouder, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. . fa - Particular attention paid to deesidn a West their bonus or at my of of business. ore avails ltilaretb's Store. noT/S4ai Mu. D. V. 13141.)DE. Warrantee Names tz 343 liverton . —Bets, Henry 343 , Be, John 343 Betz, Joseph 343 Betz, James 400 ~ " 6- Dyson, Henry 363 , Castater, Hannan ~ 44 70 Cooler, Joihns stater, Joseph 343 Edge, Peter 42 24 343 Frits, Samuel . i 42 24 300 Hags, George ' NO 90 400 Hags, Nathan . - 49 20 036 HMIs. Peter • 41 33 400 ' Hardy, Samuel 49 20 Taxes. $l2 B 4 22 19 375 Hardy, James , . , • 46 09 225 Hardy. Henry. ' 27 73 396 Harris, Ann ' ' , 47 98 400 - H O /Shireirerth Stephen 49 20 2028 39 15 UK 40 43 07 27 68 34 62 19 35 19 68 16 29 728 Lad l 7. Hugh 100 . A ndrew Moore. George Seeley, Peter- 49 20 Palmer: Thorns 12 30 400 r Seeley. Hent7 375 See l ey. Jonathan • • 3035 a 2 73 6 56 308 3 08 111 10 Andrew i 2 20 Siddens. cieome Seeley. Joseph 1 Temple, Peter . ~ .' Tani)le, Samuel - G 49 20 56 Tuscarora—Field. Henry ~. i 521 100 E Hunt , Job' - 9 so It 35 - Porter, James ' 3 23 56 Wilmot—Allen, John ' 690 78 Butler Polly . - 956 75 1 Hollenback, John ' 928 97 Marsh. Samuel , 11 96 200 • Stowell, C. S. 24 ea 250 • Stowell, D. B. i 30 74 271 Terry—Boss, Elizabeth i 24 31 401 '• :, Morris, Israel ' ''' 22 27 28' . %Leahy, John 1 51 80' , Morris, Benjamin 444 m 36 79 420 6 37 17 03 14 45 36 29 33 GO 33 60 1216 23 52 15 52 6 33 36 68 4 , ! 1 - TROY, PA. We keep on bawd conitently.for builders," LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, - SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, SHEETING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, OHESPEAK NAILS. wo WAGON DEMME'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spoke's Hhbbs, Thills, Poles Carrii4e Tsimmings: . , Also a tail line of Shelf and Harry Hardware, and a fall line of earriage, s, Platform and Lumbei Wagons, Made by us with skilled workmen, aid warranted in every particular. - • • BEARDSLEY' & SPALDING, Hardware Dealers. Troy. April 27-1, NATHAN TIDD, (I.3ncoessor to PITTSTONI- WIL,KESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK • 0A t, • FOOT ON PINE MULCT. NEAR COURT DOUSE. TOWANDA, PA. • Lowssr i/tIC74 FOR . • --__. Th. piUoos of mf oldbleado sad Will woostsw somtod. 9649,1 11l EMI Taxes. 42 24 42 26 42 24 42 24 49 20 49 20 49 20 28 05 1930 40 09 49 20 46 14 49 20 49 20 1 36 G 6 EBEN LILLEY, Treuurer : • • 0111:111. .11•1011111.1111111111111111111111011101 r • apcine -MEDALS.- Plaster, The Best Known Rome . fel. Backache or Lante Back.- Rheumatism or Lame Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbago, Severe Aches or Pains Female Weakness. Are &merles to Plastere. Are Illaperter a Pale. Are hepatic. to Lletesestaa ' Are thiperter a 011etmects cr Salves. *mammies to reetrldry sr edsudeas They Act Limmelletety. They fltremedies. - . • "Boy Dawdle. They genera Pals at Ocee. They Padded, Ceire. DsaaCapehdPortml- CAUTION . ren landed. Do paha off maim other plaster Ma th : g ird e diGr memiltm_aanis. Sae that the weed la menet C-A-P-C-1-1148. %tee It eh. . SW= new mak. SlONtig 1 - L .. . 01 I 117 . V s Ee'l,'l' 4 $c CO. , THE gRE&T OPTICIANS, 9r-14 , : - ;:i.:•;:7::7F , :trr STREET, --.1„...... A . r....E.1-ii.A.. . ..- - - ..---- _ 11,, .... __ -_ . • -1-- _ . _ ',---.: -. 41 , ,..": 4 7 , .4-1.,- •••:•: *t • •• *: I'vt:E, •:-.4 .*e' •:I•'we ..:1.1... : _ 1:,:c LINSES and -.. 1... A; :f)l2. FACILITIES F • • ~ • •,1 ;Do :0 r.'i ve our SPECTA fI- -. ; . ....-•*!.• ts',..` Ss. witionsi reptititica. r .- '' ' ''.7 -r : N;IVER RETURNS. f• n•-r , O , Pr t..tking MUTT ' ' • ... . T... c,% i. . ' • . • '. v '.'. i•• -- T Y.".7. - •%.•111 , • - ~ .....I.4.leXipazto CATARRH • • . - ' , • - Sanford's Radical Curd. THE GREAT AMERICAN BALSAMIC DIBTILLA TION OP WITCH HAZEL. AMERICAN PINE. ' CANADIAN FIE, MARIGOLD, CLOVEN 'BLOSSOM. ETC.. For the Immediate Relief and Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh ; from a simple Head Cold or Influenza to the Lou of Smell, Ms* and Hearing, Cough, Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Indorsed by Physiciaris,Chemists and Medical Journals throughout the world, se the only complete external and internal treat• went. One botde Radical Cure, ono box Catarrkal Solvent and Sandford's Inhaler, all in one pack age; of alllizaggiata for $l.OO 'Ask for lixaTono's RADICAL Coax. WEEKS & POTSEB, Boston GOl. 1 1 8 . ELBCTRICITY Gentle, yet effective, united • with healing Relearn, rein• v. der • COLLIE S' VOLTAIC ELECTRIC PLASTERS one • %; hundred times superior to all other plasters for every • ' -.Pain, Weakness and Winn . M nation. Price 25 cents. Ili PIO I SFr', Sold everywhere. PATENTS. (11. 8. AND FOItED33I. Frank A. Fonts. littOrnepatilw, Lock Box. 35G Washington, D.C. 'ilEr Ten years' experience. I make so mutton for my services unless a utent be granted. Pelminary examination in the Patent Office as to t h e ' patentability of an in vention MM. Send sketch or model of the de-; vice and a report will be made u to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. - Special attention given to rejected applies. lions in the hands of others. • zmrzazncirs C. S. Senators: Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. Divid Davi, and Gen. John A. Logan. of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Miss; Hon. S. Cullom. Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Commisatoner of Patents and Corps of F.zaminers i and the•pro prietor of this paper. Write for circular and instructions. anovil CWIRTHIS OUT! MAKtIS Lo S 40 PER' WEEK. We have stores In 15 leading Cities Wen which oar n i ts obtain Meg stalks quickli e. Pa. for mg. CataiZe az iad Wins to agents Addis nufl 1 312LadrawannaAve n s UMW. lICRANTON..PA. Prize,' 23 eti: Late Battles, 7 ct 3. 5014 . 1 r, &Wail& prerp & Pert. Apoton *Mir aox & Co., N. T., an every bottle. PARKER'S'OINOER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. '4 Aladefrom Ginger, Ductl, Mandrake, &Uremia' . and other ofthc best vegetabli remedies known, PARTUIR'S'GINCCIt TONIC has rematikabyvaried ettrativepowers, & is the 'greatest Stomach Comxt. or, Blood Porificrantl Liver Regulator even:Lade& The Be . st kedichie Vow= Use for RentoringHealth dsStrength Iteammencesto act from the first 'dose, searches eta the weak organs, and a warranted to cure or I=l diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, Blood. Liver, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of Wanes, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Itionsan• thin and .Drunkenneu. . Ta bottle to-clay; it may yourlfe. so et. ands sizes atalldruggists. Everyman)" eWiWa has onr sigma= on outside wrapper, Kist= & Co., N. Y. Large savizyi is buying MI sits Parker s Hatt 'Balsam Just What la Wanted. Everybody whose tudr is gray at aided has felt the need of a Haig Rawer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably paternal and Liman& Par. ken's Hair Balsam gasifies the most fats:Woos is thine respects: - Sold by dm • •at son. and Ss. KLINE'S MARKET. CA.1t12.01, ni,cocu. r Main Street s Mat Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, HAVING IitOVID 818 MEAT &VEGETABLE ALRKET o a more convenient location. and established himself in the Carroll Bloch. opposite ileely's Hotel. hrprepared to supply his patrons with THE =now OP MEATS. FISH. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES. DOMESTIC =MT, Av.. Esi-BOI;OONA SAIMAGIis upsdati: AU or , dem prozipUy deny/wed. - marehlZ• • MORAL Olt tlieivettt higher.than Aow ezapple is ! the best etlmor, 111 'lced!' sap itith nn evil ill! - • /gtfl inerlithe hite4 Itet not the tnipsee. ' taTiit troths ern otton Paid in Rental A meet oatpl tleet, tr:t bo kept A-relined tool is wore ft,ol,tl thal i a u ignoniut 'me ignorsut ti:atti de. esif,if:ti Gibp and in owl's eyes. Man cannot lure exclusively by iutel ligenee and • LoVol is &severe critic. Hate ole pa- don more than lout: Meniory records serviCos with a p• injuries with a g raver. " It is a good rule to b. wle•ti a slanderer hi gins to talk. Character is the dianilaid that scratches every ether eton,i. Nothing so buttresses. character as a great vickwy over a great foe. -Neter Anything can come amiss whin simpleness and.duty tender it. The,gredest art of in able man is to km* how to conceal his ability. Toe less we parade/ our misfortunes the nforc.sympathy we command. People believe that life is hap-hazard therefore-their health is hap-hazard. 'Neture never hurries; titem by uto t o. ttle'by little Abe ueltievei her work. ."..Life;, le like the waters of the eva; fresh only wilco it ascends toward heaven. _ .We ought to he eanteuteil with what we have; but nevsr with what we are. Abg. r and jealquatcan no more bear to !Ow aigbt of their object than love. The law of inertia is the strongest law upon the sick. tberefore rest fre quently. There is no malady or sickness time severe than not to be content with one's lot. • . There is a past which is gone forever, but there is a future ' wWeb is still , oar own. • Economy is half ,the battle of life; it is not ao bard to earn money as to spetd 't A Clear Complexion '. Can be had by every lady' who will use Parker's Ginger Tonic. Regulating the internal organs and purifying the blood it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom to the cheek.' ReiLd about itiri other column. Cheating in Cards. • Dr. Gaye, a leading physician at .I"an, a municipal - councilor and..ti knight of the legion of honor, has been tried for cheating it cards. Elia method's are said to' have been 'three in cumber. When lie foundbe buds good hend, he Would secretly increase • his original stakes_ by lidding coin that . had becu concealed iu the palm of his hand. Again. he would place a gold coin under a silver IMP. 'anti oul:v uncover it when he. had won.' Thirdly, he had a way:of withdrawing a part of stake if the game went -itguiest him.. When these doings were first learned the doctor's friends would not believe his accusers.. Aisatch was then set Upon himi , andlbS swindling was proved; to the satuduciion of ir!l. }'rom the club he was forthwith his'expelled, tame was Liken from the legion of honor list, and the .. pUblic. prosecutor secured' a sentence against him of two months in jail'andu fine of forty dollar'. Society Belles Are, loud in their praise of .Floriston Cologne . on account of its remarkably deli cate and lasting fragrance. . - Blissirig a Train. A school boy in Boston went oat of ,town one, Monday morning to visit a youthful friend, and was strictly enjoin ed to return the following Saturday evening. He bad—to queite from one of his letters .to his family—" time," and when Saturday came ironod he packed up his, trunk with - great re luctance and amid loud expressions of regret from his friend that ho must de. part so soon. He 'had to drive about three miles Ito catch the and a'. though co%cientiously using _all the speed he 4uld, he arrived at the at i tion about five minutes after the care had departed. He accordingly went to the hearest , telegraph office, and. to allay the anxiety which his non-appearan. might occasion nt home, compiled and dispatched the following me age : "Missed the trait will he back next Thursday." This is considered by his family the Worst case of being "left" on record. .' :Annoyance Prevented. . : • 1 . Gray hairs are honorable but their prema ture appearance is annoying. , Parker's. Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by restoring the youthful color. A western woman named her girl baby'after a noted lady, and wrote' to her about it. The lady sent a thick, heavily•acided envelope - 'net to opened mail ,the babe's thirtieth birth day.' It was a_ terrible. revenge to time. Philairlphir !Jests. ' "RUCH I,IPAIIiA.” 'QniCk. complete care, allannoving Kidney Bladder ar•d Urinary Digetiees. $l. prim eds.: It was Longfellow who slily described the la3y as wearing flowers 'on the con gregation side of her bonnet.'—Spring field Itepublitian. A law against swearing went into . effect in New York city on the first inst. ) This but blow at independent journal ism, and if *strictly enforced will pay off the debt of the city during the present year.—Norristown ••ROUGH ON RATS." • - Clean out rats, mice, roaches, Hick ants, bed-brigs. skunks, chipmunks, gopber4. 15c. Druggists. There never wii.4a law in New ,Eug• land forbidding wing' to hies his wife on Sunday. Itiirobably- never . was needed.—Boaton 'ranseript. PILEB. Pilei are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the nick, loins and lower part of the abdomen, 'causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the • kidneys or nelFhtionng organs. At times symptoms of indigestion are present as flatulency. nneasi nen ot the stomach. etc.- -A moisture like perspiration, producing a eery disagreeable itching. particularly at night after getting warm in bed. hi a -very common attendants Internal, External and Itching Piles yield a. once OD the application of Dr. Besankoli Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intenseltching. and affecting a permanent cure where all other remedies have failed. Do not delay until the drain, on the system pioduces permanent disability. but try it and be cured. Price, 50 cents. Ask your druggist for it, and when you cannot obtain it of him, we will send it, preload, on reeipt of price. Address The* Dr. Ilosanko Medicine' Co.. Piqua. Ohio. Sold by Clark B. Porter , 8.-End of Ward Bonn Block. June 2-ivr. JC }tie ' `flog ... ..„, ~.. . b' 1 ,, u %•Ni ~ i r Il - ' • tVif OPERAI'ES WIEII „MEE, UPON TILE KID. NE e, I IVER.I3OW . : , ow palms OF TUE SEIIEI NEUTRALIZING. AnionelNoAND ZIP/ale: 0 SCROFULOUS, CANCEROUS, AND :- , , CANKER . HMKORS- • The cause Of most Leman ills, and airing when physicians. bospitals, and_all other methods and remelts* fall, Scrofula or km; Glandular Swellings, Ulcers, Old Acres, Ilk Leg, Mercurial Affections, Erysipelas, 'Tumors, Abscesses, Car buncles, Boils, Blood P °ISMS, Bright's Disease, Wasting of the Kidneys andXlver, Bleumattem, catipation. Piles, Dyspisals, and all itching dcaly 1 !‘ ERUPTIONS Of the Skin and Scalp :-7anclk as Silt Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter,RingWorm. Berber's lteh,Resid Read, s licking Pile.. and other Disfiguring and Torturing Rumors, from a pimple. to • a scrof. Witte ulcer, when assisted by Cancun& and CIM gamut thug, the great Skineures. • 3.. • A sweet, unchangeable Medicinal Jelly, clears Ca' all external evidence of Blood Humors, eats away Dead Skin and Flesh, instantly allays Itch ing, and Irritations, Softens,Boothes, and Heals. Worth its weight in geld for all Itching Diseases. CIITICURA SOAP' --- An Exquisite Tollet,liath. and Nursery Sanitise. Fragrant with delicious dower odors and healing balsam. Contain. in a modided form ;all the virtues of Cue:conk the grist Skin Cure, and is indispensable in the treatment of Skive and Scalp Diseases. and for • -restoring, preserving and beautifying the complexion and akin. The only Medicinal. Baby Soap.; Mumma Itertrauss are the only real curatives for diseases of the Skin, &alp andDlood. Price: Crivcvnts atioLvrarr, $l.OO per bottle; Cnutnyna. 00c. per box; large boxes; $1.00; evil- MIA 'ldrmictist. TOILET Soap, .250 ; COTIcDEa Minims!, Sn.tvrsa SOAP, 15c. Sold everywhere. Principal Depot, Weeks k Potter, Boston. PAP,IiiER S S GI n ism G tit.H TONIC A Superiatlve Health sied Strength:Raz torer. If you are a mechanic a/ farmer, worn out wIlb• overwork. cr a mother run down family or house. hold duties try Piatunn's easona Tr mo. IC you are a lawyer,. mini:tter f,trsiitess man ex- Vaunt racnta I It:Tr.:nor anxious carer, do net take intoalcatin g stimulant:4lu t use Parker's Ginger Toaic If you have (*castnupt:on, Dyipr Itheuma- Ism, I.7.iilnei.Complaints, or any disorder of the longs, stomach. buwell, blooilor nerves:l'n KIICS • TONIC wiil i cure you. It is the Ct catast Blood Purifier And the Best and Serest Cough Cure Eva... Used: If ton are wasting away from age, dissipation or any alma 4,,0r weakpcss and o quh c a stimulant take GINGER TCSNIC at rrwe .• if twig, rune and build you up (min the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lit es; it may save yours. CAUTIONI—Ttefe.e ell aub:t;iniet. Farber'. Ginifer'rente is eonrponntel the beat rentiNlinl.VVllts in the werl..l,and bemire)? dls.lrest frem reperntions of einerr abut, Send for eircalatto &linens a Co.. N. b et ran, nt dealers In drop. ' CLEAT SAVING' LI:TING DOUAI: SIZE. F T _ _ _ _9,N Its ti h . nt.d lactuig fr.vgtunce has made this delightful perfame esceedi,slV,,poptdar. :There Is nothi ng ilko it. Insist Iron having nowt*. TON COLOGNE and Ickok Far slgnature •deuc.c on every bottle. Any gingeltt or dealer to pritiato; . can supply !ma. t and 15 cent ekes.' LARGE SAVING .11E:XING 75c. SIZE. • C N KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is sure !nits effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet la penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove, any bony) growth or other enlargements, such as &paving, splints curbs, - callous, twain', swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man ,and.for any purpose fqr which a liniment is used for man or beast. at is now known to be the best liniment for *an overused, acting mild and yet. certain in its effects. 3 Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. :So remedy has ever suet with such unqualified uc. eel's to our knowledge, for beast as well a man; • Price $1 per bottle. or sir bottles tor ss.'call Druggists have it or can get it for you,' or it will be sent to any address ortreoeiptof *price by the proprietors, DB. B. J. INVDALL & CO EROS burgh Palls, Vt. • Sold by all Ilruggists. I itiITABiII+IIILD IN lb,G!s.] HOWARD A. SNOW, 'Solicitor of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PAT 691 P ST N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C., • (Succesior to Gilmore, Smith & Co., at..., Homer & • , I • Patents procured upon tbe 'same plan which was originated - and succesathUy practiced by the above-named firm • Pamphlet of sixty 'pages sent upon receipt stamp. ' lnovel " BETTER TO . LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD MAXIM, BUT NOT ALWAYS TRUE. It is better to follow H. JACOBS The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing ; From his old stand. (No. 2, Patton's Block,) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and coMmodius store, No. 123, Main Street, formerly occupied by M. E. Sollpmon & Son, (one door north of Felch & C 0.,) where be is now open with . a full and Complete Stock of Fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS AND' CAPS, GENT'S IID'RNISIIING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, lIIRBRELLAS, CANES, IC. MEN'S, BOY 'S YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S full and complete suits of all grades and prices. While he aims to lead the trade, be &skalds old friends and everybody else to follow him to his new,location, where he will fit theta out in the highest Style of art at the lowest prices. Come early. , N. JACOBS. Towanda, Pa„ April 6. 1862. DLATFORM WAGONS, TOP AND I OPEN BUGGIES for sale st decided bargains A lugs number of superior make - and finish. L: TRACT. BIOME STREETEEt. Towsuds l April-27-1m JOB - PRINTING O 1 ALL KINDS done, at shoat Deities and reasons/Vs rates the Rircaucas Moe. • - : : , : , ,i -, tii, t i ..., :,% 1. , ... - " 7 - • if r i i - -,,:,:....,,-,-.....,..,....--:.;..,"•,.. '''' 11in &UO S • . 1 1:,..:..:4..f.. , ...74‘. • . 4 _, .. , 2.- - -.. rii A. 9.. t l4 . •et z: i r t kip goo. 4 :. iv..... - !....,..z.,...:,,,„ A.,,D ,,,_ k t avEß "ERVIIIP Ths only known Specific Remedy for Epileptic Fit.. • SAMARITAN IiERVINE ' • • • _ Cure* ipueptic Fits, Alums, Convulsions, Ht. Vitus Deice, Vertigo, Hysterics, Insanity, Apo - Waxy. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Nen:alga, and all Nervous. Diseases. This infallible remedy will positively eradicate every species of Nervous Derangement, and drive themaway from whence they cam, , never to return again. It utterly de stroys the germs of disease by neutralizing th • heritsry taint or : -poison in the system, an ' thoroughly eradicates the disease, and- utterly "destroys he cause. EI33IABITAN NERVINE Cifres Female Weakness, dozers! Debility, Le& corrlices or Whites. Painful Menstruation, M. cerstsan of the Maros, Internal Beat, Gravel In 'Lunation of the Bladder, Irritability of *he Bladder. For Wakef :dues. at night. , - there Is no bettr remady. Daring the change of life no female ehould be without it -It quiets the Ner vous System, and gives . rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. ,ELLMARITAN NERVINE Curis Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading -habits are by far the worst evils that bare ever befallen suffer ing humanity. Thousands die annually from these ,noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor, not because he likes it, but for the pleas ure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on the read to ruin. Like the Opium Eater, he firstor the -drug in small quantities as a harmless an dote, The soothing influence of the drug takes strong bold upon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction, The tabits of Opiuni Eating and Liquor Drinking are pberisely what eating is to alimentiveness, as ovikeiting first inflames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. • So every drink of liquor or - dose of opium,• instead of *unifying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it- consumes the vital force and then itself. Like the gluttonous tape-worm. it cries " Give, give, give !" but clever enough until its -own rapacity devours it self. Samaritan , I Nervine gives instant relief In all such Cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves. b uilds up the - nervous system, and re stores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVECE I • • Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitatios of the Heart, ' Asthma, Bronchitis. Scrofula, ',Syphilis, diseases of the. Kidney., and all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscretionbf youth, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy. .{To you, young, middle -aged, and old men, whb are cov ering your sufferings as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved 'by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and jewels in the Crown of your maker, if you will. Do not keep this a secret longer • until it saps 46ur vitals, and destroys Both body and soul. you are theta afflicted, take Dr. Richmond@ SaL msrltan Bettina. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature decay, and impart tons and energy to the whole Spasm. BA/11.111Tpi NERVINE Cured toy little girl of tits. She was ciao deaf and dumb, but it cured her, ' She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Printlßoas; Springwater, Whi. SAMARITAN NEIIVINE • Has been the means of Miring pay ; wife of rhen mallow. J. It. FLETCUIR, Fort Collins, Col. BASEARITAIi . NEENIE Rade s sure 'cure of o csie ' of fits for my son.. E. B. RALLs,loattsville, Kan SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured meet vertigo, neuralgia and sick hese' actor. Mae. W. HIOND2RRON, Aurora, 111. SAIIARATIN NERVLNE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms - . ' Hwy. J. A. Ems.lleaver;Pa, • - BAMANATIN Cured me of asthma, after spending over 86,000 with other doitors. 8. B. BOESON, New Albany. Ind. SAMARATAIONERVINE - ' • Effectuaily cured me of spasms. • Miss Jams wAsREN. 710 West Vau-Ituren St., Mileage, 111 SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured Our child , of fits after given, up to die'by our family phynician , it having wins 100 in 24 hones: Hzaar Eska, Vorvllla , Warret(Co., Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE I Cured the of scrofula 'after suffer - lag for eigh yours:lanerr Sturtung Peoria, 111. 1 SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my on of .fita. aftei spending $2,400 with other doctors. • ' • J. W. THonnrros. Claiborn. Hiaa SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me pern•.anectly of epileptic Sts of a stub. born character. Bxr. Wu. 314nTm. Iteclutnicatown. aid. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cimed my son of fits, after' having bad 2,500 in eighteen months. Mac E. FOWLS, West Potsdam, E. Y. • . : semsurrAN NEEVLNE. • Cured me of frilepay.of nine years' standing. 'Mits. CaLaws Mansastz„ Granby, Newton Co.. Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE flu permanently cured me of ?Repay of many years sanding. Jacos MITZI; Fp. Joseph, Mo. . SAMARITAN NERVINE • Cured' toe of branchills, utlans. and general de bility. Warr* /dirties, Ironton, Ohio. SAMARITAN 'SERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many yours standing. •• 10a.,,c-Jzwria., Covington. KY SAMARITAN NERTINE Cured me of Me. 'Have been well for over four YeaFil• Cummins E. Cewrze.Oaakia. Douglass Co:; Minn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured s friend of mine who had dyafiepsfa very badly. 1 O'Cosioa, Ridgway, Pa NERNINE fits permanently cured Me of epileptic eta. Daum TUMIDLY. Des Moines, lowa SANIABIIAN NERVINE Curers Day Wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing Hinr. Manz, Mich BAIitARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous; disease of the heart. E. Osamu. North Hope, Pa. t SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my eon of Sta. He Las net bad aAt for about four,years. JOHN DAVI% Woodburn, Macoupin Co., Dl. SAMARITAN MERVIVE Is for rale by druggists everywhere, or mai, be bad direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of 'the entative properties of Samaritan Herein° will please encloses postage stamp, for a copy of our Illustrated Journalof Health, giving hundreds Of testimo nials of cure from persons who have used the medicine, and also their pictures photographed after their restoration to perfect health. MI Address DR. S. A.- RICHMOND & CO., World's Epileptic Institute, thipl-ly ST. JOSEPH MO, ;,~• CLOTHING. NOW XS THE. GOLDEN OPPORT Stylish and Reliable Spflug Garments MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILD AT PRICES WHICH - CAN EL; HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE White tueintaininq the uniform tittiochr.l of quality in excellence of work tnaoerial by . GOOD IIANAGESI6T, '--- • CAR UL BUYING, and S3IALL 'AIABGLNS, ;(with which am cootent,) I have RAISED THE STANDARD AND ,LOWERED THE PRICE, UNTIL. IT IS A POSITIVE PACT THAT THE ,BEST STOCK. OF CLOTHING In this vicinity is now , being soh] for the lout motley by M. K HUMPOR,EY . 8R05..&., TRAC fdannfuetnrers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of, MEN'S,'BOYS, WOMEN'S: MISSES AND CHILDREN'S' ' Bootp . ii. - 84000 1 , , ,:Rubbors, &c, CORNER , . RAIN AND, ELIZABETH, STREETS, Use Lawrence & Martin's W341.N For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHrA, : • MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT, CHEST it:io I-;; ' , . t a i rr a is i t t i h a jr: e Il i ' e r ti n a bi l t i n i c e t e n o i f d s o l t .: 1 p , Itr; -. 1 4V , .. , : : :, • B CONS 10. in Its Inc pleat and vaneed stages, and all diseases of the Tii I:4 ).1'1% . 1 and LUNGS, but it has never been so advantageo uslyy compounded as in. the 101.1 - , t:o. EYE. Its soothing Balsamic propertieci WI a diffusive stimulant and tonic to Liiiht i... system after the cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles, Price sl.oc. pAUTION I PeligebtleruirveLbaltravhATTlV.qlVTehl':,Kl,ll;,. .EDICATF:D articie—the entdrielits a Private Die Preiprietary'Stamp on each 'Law., '1 , !..;e3 ', ' permits it to be Bold b Grocers sad Dealers Eves7where. - e. .. STEM= SPROUL?. TAX OR LICENSE; The TOW, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proplietors, 41 River St., Chicago, III::' ONE MORE PICTURE GALLERY FAN TO NANDA. G. H. WOOD i i t,, et will open their New Gallery la • Patton's Block on the First Monday of April. llavir4 fitted up, entirely flier, With the best of Instruments, we are prepared to make ' • Tintypes 4 at one sitting, all for 50 cts. in neat enveloces, 10 for $l.OO. Copying of all kinds of Photographs,anOtereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give us si call and we will. Ally an I satisfy you in price and quality. ; s : . mar 2S KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is ens° to cure Spaying, Splints, t • rb, Etc. It renioves all unnatural enlargements. Dogs NOT itLISTICH. fr Has no equal for any lameness ou # 7? beast or man. It has cured hip• Joint • ' •t , laineness in a person -who had suf fered 15 years. Aso cured rheum': than, corns, frost-bites or and rubes, cut or lameness. It has no equal for any blemigh on hmser. . Send for' Illustrated circular giving roams. PIa.C9P. Price SI. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can ge t It /or you. Dr. D.J. Kendall k Co.. Proprietors, hawsourgh Vermont. IL D. PORTER, Agent. Towanda. Pa. DR. JORTS'OREADICANPROR IS THE NAME OF the popilar LiCiment, that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain in UM Face. Head or Spine. Chapped hands, Bruises,Sprains, Burns. Mosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc.. for man or beast. Always. reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief.. Having an agreeable odor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all drpg -Price 25 cents, ' • . N. B.—This Liniment received s Prizo Medal a the State Fair.lB79. • May 20-1 y BESTbusiness now oefore the public. Yon can make mony faster at work for us than at • anything else. Capitol not needed. We will start you. $l2 a day and up. wards made-at home by the industrious. .Men; women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business.' You cap live at home and do the work No other business will pay you nearly., well No one can fail to make enormous pay by en gaging at once. -costly Outfit and terms free.,- Money made fast.lessily and honorably.: Address. - Vane & Co., Augusta, Maine.. Dec 16-Iyr . Yon need not Die to Win • IN THE • MUTUAL ENDOAVMENT • • • AND , ACCIpIiNT ASSOCIATION . . Of'(Bitth, N. Y: You receive one-half of your insurance, ac cording to-the Alnericin Life Table, when two thirds of your life expectancy is ilnisbed—for illustration, a man or .woman - joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of age taking a cortitlcate for $. 500 . receives SIMS when a little over 66 years of age, exactly, the period in life 'wllen a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES '& ROGERS, junektf. • ' - Geueral Agents for Penn's. NATIONAL BUREAU 00 INXENTIONS. EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD KNOW That by the 'Rules of the Patent Office • to procure • - PATENTt.: Models are not, necessary unless specially called for.. Send drawing and specification, upon receipt of which we will make examination at the Patent OMes, and advise as to patentability, FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. • Send for Patirruer of INersocrtolos, free to any addreu• RJ.I.STICAD CO.. • , Washington, D. C. !tstotttilers qr Ms Comm:storied Reporter. January, 0, 1592.-,-tf, En ROSENFIELD 'POIVAINTEIA, PA. ToIvANDA, YA , 41,35 KEN - At: DALL'S) : , ~... - -. ..--, ...z--.. , .00:‘,. .1 . ...,34 - --,,, . -......t..t ...- ~,----... _<,..< . le i .. , ' 427 , -z twi t .m...,d- -- , , , r---, - --- ..,..- -,y-., •.-..., . 0 64' • 7r * • ;.......,wry::o. • A fr .,..., "_•„ ....... ~....... mi , , _ A N . 4 - -'' r-,.. • ..., TIM MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ever klir - 1, " covered, as it is certain in its e ff ect& and' dot' "„ ~., not blister. Also excellent for human flesh .., READ PROOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. -- .A , Youngstown; Ohio, May 10th, IMO. • ^': Du. B. J. KENDALL & CO:—I had a very vain'..`, - ;. , ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very high . -_-;‘, ly, he bad a large bone rpsvin on one joint anl -,.....-; a small one on the other which made him very 7--..,, lame; I bad hlm under the charge of two veter.- , 7*W., , , nary surgeons which failed to care him. Ivu one d ay, reading the adiertisement of Kendall'. :Pr* . Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determiat: 4, 1 . ed at once to try it, and got our druggists here e 1 4„ ,- to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I tool : 1,- them all and thought I would give it a thorou,gt trial, I according to directions and the •-„' °4 , - 0 fotwth day the colt deemed to be lame, and the pel lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle : rtea. and the colts limbs are as free from lumps and ~..V as, smooth as any horse in the state, He is en- n. tirely, cured. The cure was so remarkable that ~W, I let two of my neighbors have the remaining - two bottles, who are now using it. i k ..ger - very seppermuny, - . L. T. FOSTER. 1 44 Kendall's Spavin Cure - ON HUMAN FLESH. • 1, - ; 1',.! ; Patten's Mille. Waphlon co., N.Y., Feb:2l.'nl. • ~'•'. Dig. B. J. KENDAL, Dear*Sir:—The particular case on which I used your Kendall's Spavin Cure- ' , . - fg,f was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen mouth" ~!fh. standing. I had tried many things, but in vain. - . pfi, Your Spavirk Cure put the foot to the ground - Ti fie, again, and for the tirst time since hurt, fa a c,,,-,,,,, natural position. For a family liniment it es- eels anything we ever kneed. Yours truly, . - _ REV. M. P . BELL, • Fastoeof M. E. Church, Patten. 311111. N I -_,,,,..; i ; 4 6 _ ... fries $l, per battle , or six bottles for 35: k 3 Druggists have It of can getit fer you. or it 113 - :-.t . 42. be een; to any address on receipt of price by ilal ::' propriltors, - Dit. B. 'I.'KENDALL k CO., Lac*. -7:-!. burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at . . -,te' • -- -..,"• Dr. H. C. r el tees Drug Store, ,-• .-.5 • AT CRANES CANCEIt INFO MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all Farts ei the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witneaseit that they ":Ft . bare be in en tenoned from a terrible and nntrely death. Doctors. Ministen and the Poor treated Free. _Write for'a Circular giving full particular". Address Drs. GEO. CRANE & Luis!' intow! Addison. N. Y. Belit.3o3yr:e3Pllacd. FIRE AND LIFt INSURANCE . COLLECTION AGENCY BRINK dc BUCK, Leßaysville, Will write Policies for risks in Fire and 'Lift Is snrance. ' Collect Claims with are and promptness. Theyropresent none but FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES! rbey solicit theconfidence and . patronage of those, having business in their, line. and will endeavor - , to merit it. Apply to or address BILLIE& BUCK. Lenalsvilli". Pis lass tt . HORSErc d tirTen e c t Pfo ili r li tre n g *: VIAXD 1:D111031 of '"A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all 'diseases. has CO fine engravings showing •. BOOK Volguerbetagired b t y nt ' n s taught in any other way a table showing duel of sU the princii* . l medicines used for the horse as well as their effecti and antidotes when,' 25 atp oison % • Urge collection S vu.ninz.z ascurrig. ivies for • telling the age of ' a 3:terse, with en engraving showing loath of each year and a large =out of other 'valuable horse information.'-Hundred' 1,0 of horsemen have pronounced it worth atoll than books costing $5 and $lO. The fset this 2,t5 . 4 260.000 sold in about one year before it wu re. Used shows bow popular the book is. The re- Used edition is Kcal mots ravatermgo. Ft•s• "L ron a AGENTS WANTED. Dr. J. li- Kendall k Co.. Enosburgh Falls. Vermont. ktaFll-Iyr. DR. JOHN CORR'S VEGETABLE_ MEDICINES 1;21 Fon bleigiown—Dr. Jobn Corr's Liniment et Oils, price so cents a bottle; Healing Vegetable, Gum and Oil Balsam, 60 cents a bottle: Veget a l''' Healing Salve and Sticking Plaster, I2N caw . roll; Speedy Relief or Pain Remedy, price to co. Fon Awrissue—liorma,C stele, Sheep, Swine, alee, Poultry, Dr. JobnCorra Veterinary on Liniment Each bottle contains one-half pint. Price me dollar a bottle. Prepared. by John Corr Dodd of Pharmacy, Towanda* Pa. Dr. Con will attend to or take charge of Pa"._. Deals. chronic cases, when requeaW do so. eget& Is remedies only Used . [tblo lo - i ERS CURED CAN CLAIM AND FOR MAN AND BEAST. 0 % '. ME t ~. r.,.,. -t'o ..J