Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, June 01, 1882, Image 1
• - ' tre _ f„. • _ • • - •- - • - . • ~ . - . . , . . . . . . • ~ • - . ' . 7 • . 44a er : • • . . - . _ . . . , • WZ r AA . _ . • • , . _ N 4°. '; via 4; '7l - 'AO- f '• . . -/ , . • • • _ _l, 8 11 MN HOLCOMB & TRACY, Publishers. _ • -THE Bradford Republica 1.1 . Published Everi Thursday, AT TOWANI)A, PA., B HOLCOMB'& TRACY. Pi $1.50 Per Annum, in Alcance Adrertishog Rates--S,tx cents a line for Ant i ertion, au I Ave cents !per line for all 'Oise quent insertians. .Iteading notice \ adverthing ten cents per line. Eight lines constitute a equal), and twelve lines an Inch_ .duditor's notices $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's notices $2.00. Yearly advertising SiGO.OO per column. THE REYDELIOAN is published , in •the 1 &soy. Moore and Nobles Block, st the corner of Main and Pine stroets, over J. F. COrser's Bout and shoe store. Its circulation is over 2000.- AB an advertising medium it is unexcelled in its lin cuediate 7:ur3nda Businiis Dirac:4;ly. , TTOR.IIEYS-AT-LAW CCLEVELAND S 31cGOVEDS, (E. J. Cleveland' W.I. ..iftworerni. Canton, Bradford County , . Pa, all business entrusted to their: care in Western lirsatord will receive prompt attention. 20apr.S.2-ly MITH & SICED. Attorneys-at-Law; °l9c -0 over Powell s: Co. . _ ONLIFF, J. N., Ottico in Wood's Mock, south First Sational Bank, up stairs. June 12,',S --- WLR,DREE SUN (ti Eis6rec and L Eisbrre.) •:;.1 Office. in Ilercur Block. Park St. tuayl4,7B k OVEUTON (Benj s Peck and D A Ootr tnni. Office over Elilre Market 44-'79 - - VERTON E 4ANDERSON (E Overton and Jrhtt O F Sanderson.) °Mee in Adams Block. J ulysls tvi .t.XWELL, M. Office over Dayton's Storq 5pri114,76 TrTILT, J. ANDItEW:JZIface In Mean's flock • apr 14,7 E! DA`." r.A. CARSOCLIAN k HALL. (lY T Daviesi rcrnochan,L °Hien in rear of Ward Eonse. Entrance on Poplar St. (ic12.75 irEitent, RODNEY A.. Solicitor of Patents. /NJ- Particular attention paid to business in Orphans' Court and to the settlement d estates., ctrd.:e in Montanye's Block 49 , 49 ' Mc PHERSON k YOUNG, (f. itel'Aerson and W. 1. Young.) Oftlee eolith side ofiderear'n feb 1.7 n Blo:k - - TrTILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFINGTON. (// N VVaas, E J Angle and E D Buffington). (Mice west side of Main street, two doers north et Argus efllce. Alltusiness entrusted to their care will-rec-ire prompt atton oct 26,77 TAMES IC AND JOHN W. CODDING, Attor e) ue3-6 utia . Counsellore-nt-Law. Ordee in the lercur Block. over C. 'f. Kirby's Drag Moro. july 3, WI tr, KEEN EV, P. A ttorne) (Ace iu Montanyo'b Block, 'Maki Strk, Se,t. IMP.iON, W. and Attorneys-at Law, Towanda. Pa, (Alice in Mercur Block, 1 ., v,r C. T. Kirby's Drug Store,ieutrance on Main Strret. first stairway uorth of Post-ottice. • All business promptly attended to. Special atten tion given to claims against the United States Peusioi.s, Bounties, Patents, etc., and to ellectious and settlement of decedent's es'Mtes. April 21, ly HENRY B. DIMEAN, An ORNEY-AT-LAW. tio:lettor of Patents. Government claims at tended to. 116febS2 PiIiSICANS AND SURGEONS OBSSON, T. 8., M.D. 01Bea over Dr. H. C 3 • Porters's Drug Store. fob 12,7$ NEWTON. Drs. D. N. &F. G. Office et Dwelling on River Striet, corner Weston St. feb 12,77 T ADD, C. K. 4 11. D. mice Ist door aboVe old bank building, on Alain street. Special at. Wntion given to diseades of the throat and Inno. ju1y19,78 WOODBURN, S. M., M.D. Office and .iesi dente. Main street, north ot,M.E.Churah M , dical Examiner for renaion Dtrtrtment. fat, 2h.t'S PYNE, E , D M.D. Office over Mmtanye'a Store. 0111'ce honra from 10 to I/ a.m. and from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to Distages of the Eyo, and' Dise;ses of the . Ear. oct 20.77. NER,O. L., M.D.. T. lIONCROPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Residence stid office Just north of Dr. Corhcin's %tali' etre , Athena, Pa. HOTELS Hk:SltY H I USE. Main at., next corner south of Bridge. street. New house and new furniture throughout. 4, The proprietor has *pared if - either pains or iexpense in making his motel first-class and respectfully solicit* a share Dl vublic patronage. Meals at all hours,: Terms reasonable. Large Stable attached. r , • mar 877 SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, O. 62, G. A. IL Meets every Saturday evening. at Military GEO. V. MIER, Commander. li. Ktrrainoe, Adjutant. fob 7, 79 CRYSTAL LODGE,I:O. 57. Meets at K. of P Hall every Monday-evening at 7:30. In cuarico-$2,i00. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver age annual coat, 5 years experience, $ll. • J. R. KITTRIDGE. Reporter. JElatzE WAIIikELL, Js.. Dictator. tab 22 78 BRADFPUD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet in 044 Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening at 7 &clock. " WARIIEN Hut., Nob/sGrarui.; June 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. POST, F. E. No. 32 Second street AU orders will receive prompt attention. June 12,75 YAL. QUSQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The SPRING TERM Will begin Monday. April S. For catalogue or other tutor. nisti , l. address or call on the Principal. - EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. July 10,78 ' Towanda, Pa. PLUMBER ANI) GAS FITTER WILLIA3I:3,- EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. lisce of business in Mer.. cur lilock next door . .to Journal °Mee opposites Public Square. Pluiubing, Gas Fitting, Repair ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds'of Gearing romptlfattended to. All wanting work in his no should give him a call. . July 27,77 INSVRANCE RUSSELL, O. 8, General Insurance Agency, !Towanda. Pa. Office in • Wlaltcomb's Book July 12,76 Store BLANK BOOK MANUFACTITRER BOOK BINDER, PAPER`RuLIin, Sc Alfred J. Purvis No. 131 Gsnessee street, UTICA, N.. Y All work In his line done well and lowest price. Pirtiestaving volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County. will be promptly executed ac cording to directions. sep9-13 Tit. JONES' CREAM CAIILPHOR, IS TIE IL/ NAME of the popular Linen:Lent that cures ithecillin. Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. Pain in the Face, Head or Silue. Chopped Hand., Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an insect. Poison Vines, etc., for lien or Beast Always reliable, and almost.:instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply; Sold by: all druggists. Price 25 cts. N.B.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal at the State Fib. 1579,- • ASA JONES, Prop'r,l,3l9 N. 3d St., Phila., FS, Jan. 13, 6-m. LETTER HEADS, (BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, he printed In the beat , atile the art at the EXPITELIO•II atm 1 TRAINS :TRAINS NORTH. • • I AIOUTH. TATIONS. 3 t. 3 'ay Acc.'• . lAce !fk'ay all. Von .5 10 auburn • 5.15111.05! Owego - 8.501 1..35,„ ...„ Elmira ' 9.10 1 , 1.45 9:001 3.45 Waverly 9.45j 2.10 9.40, 4 ig Sayre • J10.10'1.3910.001 4.30 Athens • ;10.15 '.2.34 1 10.05 4.34 %Man i - 4..40.15 • Miter 1 . . ; 1 - E .. r. . . 10.251 rowanda 10 46 3.00 ; 1043, 505 Wyaanking .; 110.54' 5.13 Standing Stone 1,....!:":: • .11 1 1 1 : 0 10 3 5.26 Rummerfield . Frenehtown ' • ' i ....111.19,„.... Wyslustng „ 1 3.36:11.30 6.49 Laceyville .1.:.111.42* 3.5711.50 6.03 Skinner . ! Edy ( 11.53 6.07 bleshoppeu' l 4.12112.10 6.23 Mehoopany 1,,....112.16 6.28 ruukhannock :. • '4%23* 4.95 1.00 7.10 Lailrange .. I • I 11.10 7.20 1 • runs• .. • I , I I I 1.21 .7.351 i..k. 11 Junction .. . . ..... , 1.05, 5.10; 135 "8.05 W... , ....e.113rre.... 11.35:5.301 2.20 8.35 ISaucn Chunk .. ........ .'..: 3.15' 7.35' 4.5011.00 illentown !- I 4.44, 8.29 5.3312.00 1 13ethlellom • . 5.00 , 8.45 6.05 12.151 Easton 5.30 9.00. 6.40 12.55 Philadelphia. 1 6.5510.401 8.101 2.20 Now York 8.05 - I 9.15 3.35 • , A.M. P.M. P,ll . P.M. haw ... . . • Philadelphia .L Easton Bethlehem Allentown .... .. . Mauch Chunk... , . ..... .. Wilkes-Barre L & B Junction • Fulls . LaGrange Tunkbannock ....... Sielioopany Meshoppen Akinner's Eddy.. ....... Laceyville • Wyalusing Frenchtown Rummerileld tanding.Stone... Wysauking Towanda Ulster ASH= • Athens .. Sayre Waverly • • Elmira Owego • Auburn Ithaca Geneva • Lyons Rochester Buffalo • Niagara Falls TOWANDA, P. No. 32 leaves Wyaluaing M., French town 6.14, Rammerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6.91 Wysanking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.06, Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:4C, Waver. ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira f4:50., A. M. No.Bl leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:1 5 , Athens 6:20, Milan 6 :70. Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysauldng 7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Eummeriield 7:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arriv ing at Wyalusing at 7:45., I'. M. 'Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping can On trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and. New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and:. between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with; out change, and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyons. Wll. STEVENSON, Supt. Pains, Pa., Jan. 2, 1882. ?a. & N.Y. B. B. EYE ; Railrad Time-Tables. BARCLAY R. R. TIME-TABLE. TAKES EFFECT JAN. 1, 1842. M. A. 41., .20 9.281 Ar. ...Towanda Dep, .03 9.05;Dep.. ....-M0nr00.... .02 8.1.4 r. Monroe.... Dep. . .58 8.591 " Masontown .. B.s4lGreenwood" .46 8.46 ....Weston " .39 *BlB .... Summit.... `. WESTWARD. STATION 8 Lafayette House, Corner Second and B stieete Northwest, near Pennsylvania Avenue. WASHINGTON, D. C. Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pails near the door to all parts of the city. Conven ient to the depots. This is just Ow hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the National Capital. Rooms well furnished, and the clealiest and best beds hi the city. Table first ciao. Rooms and bor.rd from a to $3 per day. Reduced rates by the week or month. WILLIAM SANDERSON; Proprietor Late of the ConifnaZonat Hotel. Capitol Hill. Jan 11•tf • - T H. F. owanda 5 d. Store .A.I N svr II 143 EYlr, (NEXT DOOR TO FELCII & CO s prepared to offer .a complete_ assort menu of DRY AND FANCY COOK- Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CMNA. Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, - BIRD CAGES SATCHELS, &C. For the coming Spring Trade,we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with - a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and, therefore our prices in any line of goods will Compare favorable With the prices of any other house. • • lifitT•We endeavor. to sell the best article for the least possible money. LOEWUS £ FREIMUTH. tarepif A. N: NELSON DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, FIND GOLD AND PLATED •L. - JEWELER of oven outotp.and Speotselac air Particul atoation tabd to repahins. Shop in Decker Poaaa Fought' . s GrooostStore, WAlnllttoet, Towanda, • 1H1P9.80 1 • tscollaneoui -Adiertlaements. M 6.17' 3.15 6.331 3.60 6.411 3.31 6.47 f 3.35 . 6.621•* 3.40 . '7.001 3.47 f 7.111•3.54 These simple faits are well known, - and the -highest medical authorities agree that tiothing 'but iron will -restore the bloOd to, its natural condition ; and alto that All the iron Feparations hitherto :trade blacken the teeth, cause head and are otherwise irrjtsiiotri. .ughly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus drive disease from • any part of the system, and it will ifei blacken the teeth, cause head - ache or constipation. and is' posi , tively not injurious. . Saved his Child. 37 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Feb. 12i 1880. ! ..• Gents:—Upon the recommends• tion of a friend I tried Boomr's laoti Brrroos as a tonic and re storative for my daughter, whom •I was th6roughly convinced was wasting. away with Consumption. • Having lost three daughters by the terrible disease, under the care of eminent physicians, I was loth to believe that anythinge . td arrest the progress of the di.. , but, to . my great surprise, before my daugh- , terhad taken one bottle of Booms's bids Iltrrosts ; she began to mend and ndw is quite restored to former health. A fifth daughter began to show signs of Consumption, and when the physician was consulted ' • he . quickly ; said — Tonics were re. spired i" and when:informed - that ' . the elder sister was taking Boom's loos . Burros, responded "that is agood tonic, take it." Aooeitz S3O ,1, ` 12 16.30:, . .1 9.00' 9.2C 1 9.50! 1104,5; • 10.541 I.OSI 1.30 2.03 1.35 j 8.01 , 2.25, I 8.21 - 2.15, 8.65 3.01. L MUIR& CO.'S 9.'20 0.27';.3.27 3.02; 9.* 3.4 G -.40.14, 4.03 -.40.37' ... .;i1 1 10 511 :1 N 3 Xll.l i 4•155 , ....111.2G 5.10 4.4011.41' 5.20 4.46,11.60! 5.30 5.2:012.40: 6.15 5.39! 6.25 8.30; • •••i 9.361 6.10 j . 1 ..1 8.40! 7.411 .•.•1 8.14 8.401 9.1501 G. 10: 9.40 '11.401 8.10,12.05 1.031 9.251 1.08 P.M. GROCERIES : , 8.00 t 9.40 A.ll The place to ime money b buying amp Is et They. ravaatfally alumina, to - Vas piths &list they have a large stool of • FLOUR, FRED, MEAL. DRAM. SALT. FISH - PORK. and PROVISIONS generally. We twill also added to our stock s satiety of WOODZII WLBB, inch as BUTTER TUBB. VIB Just received a large stock of Sugars,' Teas; Coffees, Spices. 11017LSON'S PURE SOAP, the beat in the , ingest, and other . =atoll of soap Syrup and Molasses , which they offer at low prices for Caah. oct 25 77 And had One of Jib 25 CENT, DINNERS Z fab26433 GEO. L. ROSS Now occupies the Corner Store opposite Dr. B. • C. Porter's Drug Store, Main Steeet, with a large stock of • • Rocznizsy OF , THE BEST QUALITY. • Mr. Ross has Amonika Sivas ON Munoz Syne= J. L. SchoonoVer is clerk. The two stores are connected by Telephone. Mr. Boss can now feel utisSed that he can give the • / BEST GOODS FOB TUE LEAST MONEY BM experience enables him •to select the best goods, which getound to sell at a' LO W PRICK You can always a bargain if you • BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT ROSS'S. • All • goods delivered in the Borough PEEIL FARMERS will do well to call with their Produce and get the CUM 205pr824,y. UOTEL FOR SALE.—loffer the American Hotel property for sale at a great bargain. The Hotel may be teen on the 4 corner of Bridge and Water streete,in Towanda Borough. It is one of the best and most central locations in the plats. There is a good - barn connected with the property. The free bridge and new depot near to it mate Bus Hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the business. A good active man with a small aptal can pay for the property in is short time from the profits. It was papered and painted new . last spring and Is now in escellent condition. RIMINI G. PATTON, Toiands, Ps.. Sept. 22. 11181-tf. 1111 --,......:T . 07i!ir.4 INEZ! PLAIN,_.: i I.: :;-TRUTHS, The blood is the foundation of life, it eirculateithnufh, every part of the body; and unless 'it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If disease has entered; the system the only sure and quick:way to drive it 'out is to purify and enrich the BROWN'S IRON BITTERS effectual ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness and renders the greatest relief and - benefit to persons suffering frtim such wasting diseases as Con sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. ' .. sTor 'AT FOR AND PROVISIONS. flamer Main arid Franklin Strati WWANDA. PA. KM, OHUILNS. ETC PAIN FOR SALE• A hum of fifty arm loaded In the Wrsoz le% Ave eehlutee drive groin Route borough Yor tell particulars, address • • I JAIICES C. FORM. Towanda A. 2NINIM• !ioomentENT or :%BL PEOPLE Br-Tatncalas AND FOB IRE PEOPLE." _ • BRADFORD Cal Tia", PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 1. 1882. =EI darlArowed:dineiter at the rani. • Dear Beioldnot,!thidesiirt sands. pia daughter of the nod hada. Of wags plant. pabylon— O PaPt-elisli thou art to men A 41064necanprAiii0 military I I see sad Hagar in thinaeyes. 'he'opeliske ' the pyramids, Lie Ida benntth,thy drooping Mg. The tawny Nilo ot Moses lies Portrayed iq thy strange people's force And solemn mystery of soriraf.=• , " , -- _ =is buck abundanos Cl thy hair Pallslike some sad twilight of June Above the dying afternoon. And mourns thy peupleg mute ileirpstr. The large solemnity Uf. night : 0 Israel, is in thy sight Then come where stars of freedom , spill - Their splendor, Jewess. In this land, • . The same broad hollow of God's hand . That held you fiver, onthelds And whether you be right or nay, - . I Tis God's, not ,fiusela's here to say. —Joaquin Miller fa &kJ's= Century. .I.II.LOW.CR FOR TSB D 541.116 You placed this tower in her hand, you say ? This pure, pale rose in her band of clay • Methirks could she lift her sealed eyes They would meet your own with a grieved cur. prise. She bas been your wofe for many a year, When clouds hung low and when..skles were clear; At your feet she laid her ice's glad spring. And her summer's glorious blossoming. Her whole heart with the hand you won; U its war, love waned as the years went on. U it chilled in the'grasp of an icy spell. • What was the reason? I pray you tell. Yon cannot? I can and beside her bier • Bitsoul must speak, and your soul must hear, If she was not all that she might have been, Hers was the sorrow—yours the sin Whose was the fanit U she did not grow . Likes retie in the Summer? Do ion know? - Does a lily grow when its leaves are chilled? Does it - Vooni when Us root is winter killed? For ei little while, when you first were wed, Your love was like sunshine round - her shed; Then a somethingi crept between you two, • Yon led.where she could not follow you. With a man't fire tread you went and came; Yon lived for wimith, for-power, for fame: Shut Into her wonien'i week and ways. Sho heard the nation chant your praise, But ah ! you had dropped her hand the while, What time had yoU fora kiss. a smile 1 You two, with the same roof overheed, Weie as Le spans. the sundered dead. ra You in your manhood's strength and prime; qbo—worn and faded before her time, 'Ds s common item This rose you say Yon laid in her pallid hand ,to-day? When did you give her, a flower before All, well ! What nutter, when all is 'o'er 4 Yet stay a moment: you'll wed again; I mean no repros i ch; 'tie the way of mon. , Iluti Dray you tbinl, when some fairer face Shines like a star Prom her wonted. place. • That love will snivve ifit is not fed, That true hearts pray for their daily bread. —Sudaay Afternoca. :1 'A FEARFUL NIGHT. I was invited to a lunch party in one of the inland cities of Pennsylvania not long ago, midi sriiS much impressed by the appearancii, of one of the younger ladies present: I She was not beintiful, but united • the striking characteristics of a brilliant, l fresh complexion, and proinsionof hair, white us snow, which was wound one , the top of her head after the fashion of; Madrozo's "Marquise," belonging to Airs. A. T: Stewart. She Was very merry, a good talker, and, I must confess, I contrived to occupy the largei part of her attention with the tendency toward Monopolizing the best which the moment affords that I am told is often observed by my fumiliais. After bidding adieu to the ladies, I turned todhe lohliging friend who had beeu my user- at these incidental gaities of—H, and casually remarked, after ,talking riomeahat of my new ac quaintance: 'ffy JOve what hair t It accents her whole apppearanee. Wasn't she lucky to achieve it yOung ?' My friend removed his cigar. "That dependti upon Low yon look at it.' • I am inclined to think, consider ing oil things that she was. I doubt, howfiVer, if she wouldn't say to-day iiiat the price was ' rather large. And it was a pretay big prick.. Do you like stories? I'm • minded to tell one, if you Ake, about the white hair you admire so much. We went over to the hotel and some thing like this my frienllioll me: "You have Lai Klea, you city people, he interest we euttntty people take in the courtships of young folks. From the time S l urry Wells began to sidle up to - Marnte Clausen at chinch sack's until their marriage in the First Presby terian '•chuich the entire community gave minute consideration to their af- fairs. Mamio's father, Jolts Clans 4,3 who and is now ti prominent commas sion mereltaitt, was generally considerel wealthy. aii has always lived at least like a man of weans: gatnie was pret- y and dwahing, a. local belle,auti a grea favorite. Harry's people _lived a few miles from town, and they,. too, were pwple.Of reputation in the-conoty. Otd Jack 'Wells represented us a fay times' in the J:iegislature and has accumulated in one way and another, nandsome property. "The marriage was in every way a suitable one. Harry was educated at Princeton, and although he bad at one time the reputation of being wild, he has sobered down, and was at any rate such a frank, manly -young Millar that be was • generally forgiven:, any eiscre- Von.. Asl say, the marriage waa the occa sion of general rejoicing. Mainie's father gave her an unusually good send off, and the'details were sent far and' wide through the State. Harry bad studied law, although be didn't ~ have much -inclination for it, the old man thinking piditical experience might serve Harry in that way, and hadiOt tied into a country- notary, drawing up deeds and dOing up back-work of that sort. They lived about four nifias out of town, an 4 two miles from old 'Tack's.. He had built them a pretty modern cottage On i tdetachad `portion? of b is farm. Hat, , had his office, an orna mental little!structure, a few rods from the house, and thera they lived as hap py as two birds. - • Gradually! Harry picked up business, and, finally through his father he became trustee foil the minor heirs. They -were an odd lot of children, with a half emu mother and no end to coal mines and. mild* falestaiellif%';lt w as ' thing for Harry.: *good it gave a naturally last man _,laktrey_ 'additional ;The worst-04*e that it obliged him to en te - i**,,tint now and then sidle - lie - Motinhx:;Xse" ;Inv imagine that was good deakotviriting at the•house of two tXtchli - pnirular young PeOlde. and four4a l 4 stretch of road Was generally ::1W! 0 9 Warn. When Harry had,,tck 46-7,o!ity Maude would get into hee trbiekeit; , 'iind drive to was; come of towns NO ' th e" n the Youßg Peoide- 1 4'tick`ont and kieg her' oerawry. Wiry, always ; 'braided Hutt site MOO stay, alone.„: , For a law abiding State. itte 111 4 4 eTiiietty rough element infit;inid,,.4hotrigli,we haven't had much to coniplain:of-;here., there is &general films's, of ODOOOI I O I I. ' One Aiming afteroonViam - had an unexpected surntnemi:Clgo to Scranton about a sait - Ooautiotad minor befit:- mace or, their property and had -been Making various collection, which left in his hands about $4,500. When be found hb,had to go off at al few moments' no tide he wrapped up bundle of papers and his money 'and took them into the house. Mamie was making preparation for a pionic they were to go t the next day, and begged hini to wait until . the day after. j ' "Bat, my dearichild, I haveul time even to go to town, and pat these in the bank, so you'll have to take care of t'aece. I'll try and get haek in two days at.the birthed,. meanwhile nobody will know that the money is here." Then he explaieeff to_her the of the papers and - handed her a canvas bag, in which wei r the $4,500 belonging to the minor heir S- ' Will I ke p it, H urry,? Be.. t ween mettress p r ' , Just like a wiman.! No; - Bat I .1( Clare I don't knoW where to tell you. The most insecure place apparently is I ufteu the ,most secure. Any_ place, dear. but between !the mattresses. I leave that to you.' But you. must guard it, if nccessarv, with „VOAi life, fcir re- U:Jiember the money ;is not ours, and at all laniards lam respcinsible. I don't really suppose there is the least danger, for no one knows have it. But one, ought to take proper precautions, and I beg of you not to admit any tramps while I am gone.! Tell Sarah not even to alley; them to stop long enough to eat a biscuit." • "MI right,i dear; we won't let the 'tramps have el drink even, and I'll take care of the money you may be sure." Harry bade hp wife good-bye and Mamie gave up the picnic. At the end of two days she received a telegram from him, saying he had been detaiaed, and telling her to get some one to stay with her for tan days, when. be would be ut home. She drove into_town and one of jier . old friends went-,out with her. At the end of two days she had another telegram, -saying he had been detained until the next day. her friend went home, and in place of Hurry came ,a• third telegram, and so every day for ten days he was expected Some, and every day came a disappointing tele 7 , By this time 'she had become ac eastoined to her charge, which she had set like a bag of seed beans in a corner of a dark ciciset opening trona her room. `-• The afternoon of the tenth day was a hot, murky , afternoon. Mamie had gone up stairs to take a nap and refreah before dressing to meet Harry, who was. expected home after the longest absence 'he hal ever made from her. Aftex a time Sarah came up and told her there was a tramp down Weird who wanted something to eat, and who would' not be driven off. - "You oughtn't to leave him! , minute alone, Sarah. Go , down and ; watch azi4 I will come down and send -him, off." She dressed herself quickly and !went dowii,Mairs, , surprised to find hold late it had growli. When she reached the kitchen She found also a messenger with another telegram which announced another, disappointment, but the next day, without fail, Harry wrote, he would be home.' As Mamie turned into the kitchen she heard the tramp Ad Sarah in evident dispute. "Yea" 'said the- fellow, when i that time comes your mistress will have another ironing.table, helping •iou, in stead, of wearing her Sunday clothes every day." . - - "An' spoilin' everything for inn to do over. I think I - sea her. -I've work enough to do," answered honest &trill, indisposeed to have a chat over her work. Mango found a graceless-looking fel-, low, . : unshaven and ill-dressed ~w ho,; With a certain gentlemanly instinct,' rose as 8110 coin° ' - "I sapisme my girl told-ynit we -had nothing for yon, awl that it will be a greet kilidness if you will leave as soon as possibleil' • e "Yes, she did fast that, madam, but, • I Wok it *pen myself .to lrlievti it wasn't so nrgenti ,The truth . is, I'm very hungry and de ad tired, and I didn't believe but that Lyon would givei me something to eat; at least I've waited to ask you in person." _Women are soft-hearted !creatures. Mamie went and got him something to cat, herself. The daikneas that bad ben increasing for ,some ,time came down rapidly and there burst one of those terrific thunder-atoms that gag er so suddenly and with such force in this country. After its strength was spent,--and- I remember that it was. the most violent of the season—there fell , steady sheets of rain that brought Bock Creek over the bridges before morn ing.' ' , Ma'am, it's no nme in talking. Yon can't mean to send a fellow out in rich a storm; said t he tramp, u the three stood on the p orch watching the storm: sorry, but. I've no place for yon." "What, in a house like this. It's a pitY theca isn't a cranny for & stow away. I was Walking aim' it, wait. ing for the girl, and it seems to be able to bold three p e *Ole "Yon are very impertinent. .1 haw . no r place , for yolk and the storm is al ready breaking aipty." _ Aa she spoke even the rain came down in blinding sheets. end lightnin streaked the heavens. "Welk" he said carelessly, "we don't go mnotcon manner's on the road, but I know I wouldn't , send* dog out such a night as this. I'm not a-partionlar chap, -leastwise not nowadays, - and I'll have to - insist on your giving me some sort of abetter. if it's only your dog kennel.". The = man spoke- with decision. Mamie felt that after all they irsr really in his power, and possibly 'it might be worth while to do civilly , what she would probably have to do at last. "I will kcep you on one condition," she said. "There is a loaft to the house, a sort of a l garret, which is very comfortable. ,Itia closed with a tme door, and yckt margleeP on the lounge there if you will allow us to lock the door on the'ontside." . "Bless my stars and • garters 1" he said, looking at her curiously. "I don't care where you lock the door." They took - him up stairs, and he climbed up the ateePiattris stairs. The women shut the door as he very politely bade them good night, and they fas tened, Oa padlock, hearing hini chuck led toAdmself as be -kicked off his boots. ' • -1 -ra. take the key. mum," raid Sarah. 4 Mamie took the key with her and the two descended to shut up the house. After they had made every thing secure they went back up stairsi "You must sleep in my room to-night,- Sarah," the mistress said, Sarah drag : .gad in bee bedding and made a pallet on the floor, and then, after the custom of wowed - , they examined the cleats; looked under the bed and piled - the chairs against the locked door.' The' rain.lwas still falling, heavily and the tight was black as ink. The miutr i ess and maid went to bed' and, although worried and anxious, ' finally • went t to sleep. About midnight Mamie- found her: self awake_ and a bright light shinieg in the roorn. She ' , tatted up and saw that it was i the moonlight. The storm had cleared away at last. She got up unable to compose herself immediately, and went to the window. •Tile _ moon was indeed shining brightly. , As she stood looking at . the peaceful scene be fore her she saw way down the toad, for it was as bright as day, several horsemen. It 1 was such an unusual sight at this hour that she stood watch ing them is th6y l came nearer. To lier surprise they 'turned up the lane lead ing toward the house, and on reaching the gate came into the yard.. Now, al meat parsdyzed with fear, shri saw that they were masked. A The truth rilmost blinded her. They knew that she was alone, that she had this money and they had come to get it For a mo ment she was paralyzed. She remem bered Harry's- last words: "You must guard it' t with your life if necessary:" She ran to the sleeping, Sarah and awakened her. She got down Harry's rifle, Which he had' loaded and. taught her to use. The sleeping girl was 'soon thoroughly awake, and she explained to her their condition. "It's the tramp that's done it." . '.,The tramp. No, Sarah. the key to the attic." . She flew up the stairs, unlocked the . padlock _and opened the trap. The malt sprang up ut the sound. ‘-aConie, come with me." His own senseri"alert, and hearing the noise of the horses below and• steps about the house, h followed her . with Out a word. At the font of the stairs she stopped. Tr '"I bate a large allM of Money .in the house a nd those men have come to get it, thinking lam alone. It = they kill me that money Mail be guarded." "What, have you !pistols, slictguns ?" .. he whispered, taking in the whole ad nation. i • ' "Here is : m y husband's rifle." -Is it loaded ?• - . • "Hist. Where are they going to break in ?" The s eps came boldly on the piazza to the front door. "Get behind me. I will , fire at the . . first man-that enters. How many bar telaare there ?" :, ' "Six, all loaded.° 1 ~ "Very. well: Keep 'this cane in your band for me in ease I Freed it. "There was no storming ,Of shutters. They heard the key applied to the door softly. It opened and a man Jallowed by two othereconfideutly entered. The first figure walked directly to air stairs. He had taken but• a step when three shots came in, rapid succession. There was a heavy thud; this man dropped and the other two turned and fled. lElatah ran` tothe window, and two , bor sea galloped the lane. "Don't' faint, madam; there's work yet to do," mid the tramp. .. - • :Mamie caught hold of the rail for support and then went into the room. "Get ac . andle, Sarah." „ , They lighted a candle and gave the tramp, who went down stairs, the two women following with brandy and ammonia. The man' bad fallen back- Ward and lay with his face up and head toward the door. , "Raise the mask and give him air first, madam." Mamie ridged the mask and fell back with a wild shriek. ' "Do you want to know, now why her hair is white ?" ho asked. "It yes Harry Wells !" I answered. "It was that smiling, popular young scamp." "It's no use to ask why he did it.--- I don't care. Motives don't matter in, each a case. Bat she; Mamie—Mrs. Wells—she has gray hair. but there boo trace of that midnight tragedy in her face_ ." ; I"! believe. Abe was ill for a long time, answered my friend. "They say small Pos cures one of other diseases. Well, some griefs are like small pox; they cure you of leaser weakqess—tender ness of the heart, for. example. ' This, think., was one of , them." "And the tramp"— , i "He and Sarah were of Coil= the fwititemes at the inquest, The next day' he was off on his journey, and - I have , Doer beard of him atm. 'MITCHELL'S CONTENTION. MISTING OP INDUZICIDENTO AT PHILA.. p The Independents held-their Couven tiOn at Philadelphia on - Wednesday of heat week. Delegates were present from nearly Om county iu the State. Senator Mitchell was elected temporary chairmari by acclamation amid cheers and applause. Mr. Mitchell wade a brief speech in which he - - said he was hetutly in sympathy with the indepen- dent Movement. He trusted that What was done by the convention would be approved and ratified by the people of the commonwealth The work of the convention. was to ',nominate a ticket that would recede the respect and sup port of the republican party. At the conclusion Ilk-Mr. Mitchell's speceh the roll of delegates was called after which the Convention proceeded to elect permanent officers. H. C. Foster of Venango was chosen permanent chairman. Foster made a speech dating which he said the death of Garfield was chargeable to the spoils system. and remarked that political power hat long been regarded as a sort of patrimony, to be handed down from father to soa. The committee on roles reported the platform,' the reading of which was fro. quently interrupted by apPliiuse, which certain planks, and the spoils system' elicited. ' • THE PLATFORM. The platform_ was adopted unanimous ly and it reads as follows: We, l ,:the republicans of Pennsylvania, who will .nott, stur)nder our. political 1 -rights unit r'ho, maintain the exercise of our conscience and judgment con cerning public affairs, having assembled at a state convetion, make tho follow- ing declaration of principles and pur- poses: Resolved, first, We declare attachnient to the principles of £he republiCan party, to freedom, union, nationality, equal rights before the law, the maintenance of the public faith, protection of home industry; and we demand that the record which has been so nobly made shall be nisely and fearlessly perpetuated. Resolved, second,. We declare that the nomination and electiOn of James A. `Gar- field to the presidency' signified to MI the triumph of a true reform in civil service and of enlarged liberty of action for the masses of the republican party in the nomi nation of candidates and in. the conduct of their party affairs, and we deplore the overwhelming evidence prerented to us in -Pennsylvania that the calamity of 'his as sassination has been followed by the over throw of these reforms in the hands of his successor. • Resolved, third, .We denounce the system I which makes " patronage " and " spoils " out of public offices ; we denounce the practice of giving them to' political mana gers for use in advancing personal political ends we denounce the removal of faithful 'and competent officers in the absence of public reason ; we denounce the practice of levying assessments and demanding con tributions for party use from public officio*: we denounce severally and col , lectively the evils and corruptions which accompany the conduct of the government as the spoils system-" and which • are in separable fronasuch a method of admivis istration'' and -we denounce the system of " boas rule " and " machine "control which, when tamely endured, makes lead ers into autderate, and reduces the masses of citizenship' into political bondage. , Resolved, fourth, We declare' our pur pose to take up work which fell when Gar field fell; we demand in place of the "spoils system" a reformation-in the civil service by • law, so that appointive places therein may be freely open to all tit indus trious citizen , and removals therefrom shall be only for good ,and sufficient public cause; sire demand instead of the prostitu tion of the public service to private uses, its recognition on as- a high and honorable trust to be administered for the people's benefit, with efficiency, economy, and integrity; we demand instead of the insolence of pro scription and tyranny, " bossism and " ma chine rule," the free; conscientious exercise of private judgment in political i affairs and the faithful discharge by those silo assume representative trusts of • the expressed • "of the people. Resolved, fifth, We declare in favor of the following party - ' reforms: (L) That del egates to state conventions shall be chosen by the people in the manner in which the candidates for the general assembly are nominated. "(2.) That the representation in the state convention shall be by counties and shall be apportioned according to their rePublican vote. (3.) That the state con ventions shall not be held without at least sixty days notice, nor earlier than the sec pad Wednesday in July, except in:presiden tial years. (4.) That the republiCaris who voted for the republican candidate ter president at the presidential election next preceding, shall be - entitled to join in the choice of delegates to the state and national conventions. The nominations for the state ticket being in order Major Merrick said he desired no place upon the ticket and he nominated for governor ex-chief justice .t new. Doane nominated Senator Stewart Wayne 114oVeagli's name was withdrawn after several delegates hid dtclarcaf that MacVeagh would not accept. r • • Tne - ballot l resulted,. Stewart 139, Agnew 62. The nomination of Stewart was made unanimous: • •./ The following were placed -in nomi nation for- lin:tenant governor: ' Levi Bird Duff, Allegheny; Wm. McMiohml. Philadelphia; . Maj. Merrick, Tioga. Idhas. S. Wolfe, Union, who, asked to 'that hehis risme withdrawn, saying :that he had an unalterable conviction that he could best servo the cause by not having a place on the 'ticket. Mr. MoMicbmis name was also' with. draw. n ''r The ballot stood, fDaff 143, Merrick 41. • The nomination of Duff .was rnde unanimous, Major Merrick was aimed for secre tary of internal affairs, and i nominated by acclathation. The nomination of Cot. William Mc- Michael fir congresszian at large, was alio made by acclamation; amid cheers and applause. George Junkin of Butler, James ' Ludlow, Philadelphia, Thos. K. Fin letter, of Philadelphia, and Judge Ague* were named for supreme judge. An excited discussion ensued as to Whether Ludlowl name should be put before the convention as ho is a demo crat. The chair ilnillysdeeided the nomina tion of Ludlow to be out of order. An appeal was taken and the chair sustain ed. Mr. Agnow's son stated that his hither would not accept the neinina tion. , . Tte chair then annfluneeit that- tae nominees he)ore the convention wee Janitin,avd Maankiii withdrawn. Atter. another recess, Junken -was again placed in nomination fdr supreme judge and Pinletter Was withdrawn. Bir.Junken's nomination was then made unanimous. • Senator Stewartapkared and accept. ed the nomination. Se said 'that, the movement in which they were interest- ea was not what its adversaries termed it, but an honest movement in a. publics way for public ends and for the public approval` . A:resolution, to be inserted in tile plailorm l'ealling upon the legislature to subinit to the popular vote a proposed amendment to the constitution. probibit jug the manufacture and sale of intoxi cating liquors within the commonwealth was adopted by a large majority, - Mr. Wolfe urging such action on the ground that the subject might be safely left to a free people., ' Mr. McKee was chosen chaikman of the new state committee. Mr. Duff, in a appeal aceppti4 the nomination for lieutenant governor, said that he regraded the convention as that of the republican party. By ibe blunder made in Chicago, in giving,jhe minority the vice•presidency andjhe accident of Garfield'tdeath, the minor- ity had obtained the power. of ' govern ment and that, faction was using that power for its own purposes. Mr. Merrick followed, and Mr. Wolfe then proposed that from this time for- ward the independents should 011 themselves the "Garfield Republfean Party of Pennsylvania. , [Cheers.] A few delegate heWeVer, 'opp4sed the proposition, and Ms.: Wolfe ' with drew it. Adjimuned sine ' . IS THE MOON INHABITED Dispatches from the old world an nounce that the eclipse of tho lith'in stant was successfully observed by the astronomers from their several stations • in Asia and Africa.' One important die cov'ery,due to the use of the spectro- scope, is the detection, l 'of an atmosphere on the moon. This will ,again revive the question of its habitability. The theory of life existing ,on the moon has been rejected by the greater number of astronomers, because, reasoning from terrestial facts, they argued that the attenuated atmosphere of the moon, if it has an atmosphere at all, Must be ab solutely incapable of maintaining ani mal_existence. That the Moon presents the same aide to our view is undoubtedly owing to the peculiar shape, which Must be slightly conoid• It revolves around the earth in an orbit nearly a quarter of a million miles away, and consequently dean - Abell a circular path about one million and a half miles _in length, moving over ,it at the rate approaching three thousand miles an hour. The centrifugal force must then be exceedingly great, and as the 'heaviest bodies are thrdwn the great est distance, the heaviest 'side of the Moon must( be at the extreme ;of the radius and therefore its nor-rotation is accounted for. When we see the same deeply-seamed, volcanic face cent:lo usily presented, we must remember that' we really are but Tiewial , the Selenite highlands, reaching far above theden ser atmosphere - that surrounds their base or aide turned from , us, just as our mountain-tops tower above our clouds. The fact that the Moon has an atmos phere is attested by the observations of Father Secehi, Prof. Drew, 'the great Herschel, and many others who have , -seen the crescent during' "new moon" terminating in a gradually decreasing cusp of light, similar tb our ewn twilight, which could only be' produced by the refraction of an attanspbere. " Many years ago the German astrono-, mer Gruithuisen, who made hundreds of observations of the moon. saw and delineated a figure in the northeast quadrant, consisting of a series of par allel walls branching off from .a straight central line, like the backbonepf a her ring, and terminating at - an abutting wall. This remarkable object was at 4 times indistinct, as if obscured by mist, but the fact of its existence was attested by Many European astronomers, among whom were Prince Metternich and Pro limier Schwabe and Schmidt, ail noted for the accuracy of their observations. Its discoverer claimed ,that the figure was artificial and others promiunced it to be a fortification constructed accord ing to the beat; principles of military defethie. Subsequently the fortification disappeared and Professors Beer and Madler, who united in the study ,of the moon, denied its existence - und the charts published by them did' not con. tain a trace of it, as they had determin ed to reject everything not visible through their Berlin telescope. But in 1888 the figure again appeared, not in its original dimensions, nor exactly in [ its first design, but smaller and with modified outlines, one , portion being omitted, as if the defenses_ had been destroyed and were being rebuilt. Beer and Madler'coull not dispute the evi deuce of their own senses stud altered their maps accordingly, showing the figure above the equator, 'northeast of the centre. ' Who built it? Now that the infallible spectroscope has made its revelation, speculation I may indulge in its loftiest flight, and within this century, with other and More powerful instruments, -/ constructed upon improTed principles, a moresatis factory view 4:if our satellite may be ob tained, and we may yet be enabled to seisi our neighborii, or ut least their hab itations and their homes. - The genius who telegraphed that the loss by the Racine fire was $13,000,000, when it was not sl,oookooo, or anything film it. is in the wrong field. He shOuld be president or secretary of a mining company. There,hu could distinguish himself,--Boston'HerUld. He said her hair was dyed, ar.d when she indignantly ,exclaixiied. Via false!' he said he presuMed so.—New York Post. MI • , $1.60 alrear t In Advance. I , \- A Drop Too Meek The following story, which went the rounds twenty4ive leans 'ago, is old enough to be new.- It Wl:Writes the - embarrasment which a glass toio . 'inuch sometimes occasions the best Of men. - There lived in 13leoree says Col." Bra dbury, whom Burton credits with the - narrative, a Circuit Judge by the name of Brown, a'man of ability, of intkixi ble integrity, and beloved and respect ed by all the legal profession. But he had one fault. His social qualities would lead him, despite his judgment, into occasional excesses. In traveling the circuit it was his habit, the night before opening court, to get comfort ably corned,' In &certain county toint one day, a tough citizen was arraigned on a charge of stealing. After the clerk had read the indictment he put the question: 'Gnilo, or not guilty?' 'Guilty, but drunic,.. answered. the prisoner- 'What's that plea''. exclaimed the Jnage, who was half dozing on the bench: 'He pleads guilty, but says be was drunk,' replied the clerk. - 'What's the charge against the man?' 'He is indicted for grand larceny.' 'What's thetase?' • 'May. it please your Honor,' aid the prosecuting attorney,' the man Li rem:dia ry indicted for stealing a large sum from the Columbus • 'He is; hey? and he pleada'— pleads guilty, but drank!' The jadge was now fully aroused.- Aluilty, but drunk 1. That is a moat extraordinary plea. Young tias;,yott are certai n , you were drunk?' ( yes; , - - !Where didyon get your liquor?' 'At Sterritt's, 'Mr. Prosecutor,' said the judge, 'do the favor to enter a nolle prosequi in that man's case. That liquor of Ster ritt's is mean enough to make a man do anytbing dirty. The Court got drunk on it the other night and stole all of &er rata- spoons. Release the prisoner, Mr. Sheriff.. I adjourn' the court. C'rasked Hoofs. A cracked hoof can only , be repaired _ by new growth from the coronet, where the new horn - is secreted. Horn con sists 'of precisely the same elements as hair; and is really a solid, compact form of hair growth; the hair of the skin ends where the growth of the horn be gins, and this 'lmes on downward to re paii the constant wear at the sole of the hoof-crust. Bat a crack in the hoof will always extend -up into new and weak growth because the born is ix panded by the pteinire of the horse's weight upon the foot. To prevent - this the aides of the crack' must be artik . ported and held together - by""sours means. This zits* be done by boaring holes through the born on each aide' of the crack and putting horseshoe nail / s through and drawing the hoof together and clinching the ends of these nails on each side. The top of the crack should then be burned across so u - to obliter ate the opening and form a solid start ing jilace_for the new - growth. The hoof should be kept soft and elastio ? by frequent dressings - of • equal parts of glycerine and water.—. New Pork Times. How to Check a Bone-Spavin. Bone spavin consists of inflammation of the membranes covering•tne bona of the hook joint or of the bones them selves. It may result • frcim oonstitu tionatcauses: from 7eaknetui of the holies' caused by over-feeding upon ' corn, which is in starch and deficient in the phosphates which' go to build up the bony frame; from hard work, or from bad shoeing, which throws the foot out of balance and in-' daces strains of the joints . Of the leg. Spavina i 'are • very common 'becitue these causes are common. The 'win" may be checked best by the application of cold water, by which the infitunation is reduced, and • then by stimulating liniments, which produce abeoiption of - the. products of the inflamation. spavin ends by the formation of a bony. growth about . the parts • affected, and shen - this is completed the joint _be comes cemented together and remains stiff, but' the tenderness and pain ; are lost. Y Care of an old spavin is, there fore out of question. After the cold applications have been tried without result, blistering, firing' and intone under the skin over the part are usually restorted to. . ' How to tell a Good Potato. Take a sound OW*, and paying no attention to its outward appearance, divide it into two pieces with your knife and examine the exposed Surfaces. It there is so lamb water or "jam" that seemingly a slight press* wank( cause it to fall off in drops, you may • be sure it will be 'soggy' after it is boiled. These are the requisite qualities for a good Potato which must appear when one is Cut in two: For color, a yellow ish white; if it is a deep yellow the potato will not cook well; there must be a considerable amount cif, moisture, though not too much; rub the two pieces together and a white froth will appear around the edges And upon the two surfaces; this signifies the presence of starch, and the more star* sad muse quently !froth, the better the potato, while the lesi there is the poorer it win cook.- 7 The strength of the starch ele ment can be tested by releasing the hold ripen one Piece of the potato, and if it still clime to the other. • this' in itself is a very good sign. These are the experiments generally made by e 1 perts,•and they are ordinarily willing to buy on the strength of their turning out well, though these tests are by no means infallible. SICINEY. MEN: "WellellealthEenswirm . nstormtimPli and vigor. muss Dyspepsia bnpotssOk BeitiaiDebili(y. $l. • NO: MEM