DOIIIILE -, r..-ST.ORE J. 1 K. I B Is now open in his Mammoth Double Store with a full, fresh and complete stock of fashionable SPRING_ AND .-- SUMMER CLOTHING GENT'S FURNISHI N G GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Ti'w Suitb .0f ..,a11,- G rades for Men Boys,YoAtjas and Children. uietly maxi% arrangements Or a vigor- t I . _ Our rents having us4batest for the next House of Reprp n*ives. Their managers and leaders e our current -expense 4 4 to be looking more closely to 2. cara- i . .kfunds than heretofore. Some of the propOse to give our ealtikiest Democrats in the country have nteristed themselves in the matter, and putting our' prices at venal conferences have been 'he'd hero on in Towanda. We 'i . e subject. The Board of Control will, it said, give Democrats generally an oppor prices, whether Avis • tunny to contribute montylor the coming the I canvass." buyer of tn TRUTfi , _ 1 -The last report of , the Agriculturol De partment, according to the Philadelphia Record, shows that the area of wheat culti vation has increased in the South, while,' there is a decrease in the West. There are 24,840,000 acres in wheat, an increase of 500,000 acres, or 2 per cent. upon the acreage of last year. The cotton States show an increase of 800,000 acres of wheat ; the decline in the West being3oo,oooacres. 'Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and a few other ;Western States show a small • decrease of 41" the wheat area, while in Louisiana, Texas DRIFTWOOD - f,5 - •.:Flind Arkansas th'e increase is 75 per cent. . ' plaiiterri-of the Southwest have learned The man Who into an ale ty experience the unwisdom of confining • the cultivation of their fields to a single burst into bitter tierit.—VOSton crop. - cript. • fellow is entre The letter of instructions from the Sec- Call and we will. s 0.-Remember, Towanda, Pa., April 10, 1882. When a real good fellow is entrea t to imbibe when be isn't dry be lo,oks upon himself as a pressed brick. • According to the Boston Transcript, the theology of the man who gots fish ing on Sunday is mainly ichthyology. If Shipherd *ill flpsi JIM Anderson and hitch on to him.' there Will be t , team of the toughest ) liars in Americail bar none. The daughter of J. W. Itlackay who' .is heiress to many`millions, is said to be nineteen, pretty and 'reserved.' ;Won der whom she is reserved for ?—Lowell "ROUGH ON RATS! Clears out rats, triicei roaches,. flies, ,ants, bedbugs. skunks; chipmunks, gophers. 15e. Druggists. Piademoiselle, said a witty and gal lant septuagenarian the other 'day, in his demand for, the baud of a You'lg lady still in her teens. I am seventy and you are seventeen: Will you do and the hon or of becoming my widow.—Funny Folks. . Au innocent looking young seravnt girl kept, her employer's family in a fright for six months, at Nerwich. Coon. by ringing the dour-bell and rapping on the Window at unreasonable hour& They were sure that a ghost was about, and it was only after watching for twelve nights that a detective solved the mys tery. Now that it is time to throw off furs, it is safe to state that a fabric is being manu ' factured in Patterson, N. J., which is said to so closely resemble the genuine sealskin as to deceive even experts. The goal* have a basis of silk, and the process of Man ufacture is entirely different from that of velvet or plush, or anything of the sort. The material will be (rite expensive, it is said, though of course not so much so as real sealskin: rensor on May. The Canadian weather prognosticator writes that the weather will be about as follows during this month: From the Ist to the 6th—Fine but cool weather. 3 Fair weather with cool to cold nights :generally up to the 6th, when a change is likely to be expected. From the 7th to the 13th— Miserable weather, followed :by generally warmer conditions during the week, With storms in some western' sections. There may be • brief intervals of hot weather. Rain again towards thil close of the week, and stormy weather. !From the 14th to the 18th—generally wet 'and stormy. Bleak and fall-like, with ,wet r weather in the majority of sections the middle of the month. Altogether , Very variable weather. 19th and sotll—Probalily, more settled and warmer, with ' , decidedly, hot weather in portions of the United States. From the 21st to the 22d, cold rains again. Change able week, with alternations of sultry, windy and cooler weather. 24th and 25th, strong winds. Severe bail ; thunder and wind storms in the western sections. 26th and 27th, Weather getting rather more un settled and unspmmerhie than otherwise. 28th and 29th, 'cool, bleak and backward weather generallyotith heavy rains, \wind and hail storms over both Canada and the United States. 30th and 31st, considerable injury done to vegetation and crops. SIIOW flurries. 4 Card We take great pleasure in calling the at tention of our friends and customers to )r. Bounko'si Cough and Lung Syrup which is perfectly barnaless,pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost instant ly. It matters not how severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines you have tried, or how many physicians you have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healiug_pro perties of this medicine will loosen - it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel theoffend; fog matter, leaving • them in a healthy con dition, free from irritation, and the air p t ts• sages clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive cure of Consump tion, ooughs,•Colds, Asthma, BronchitikDry Hacking Cough, Lou of Voice,lrritition of the Throat, Soreness of the eaf, Piing in the Lun gs, _ Spitting of Btood, Croup, Lille-, eau, Whooping Cough and Lung Fever, we, recommend this medicine above all others. • Yon trinly, CLAIM B. Poarsn , Jane 2-Iy. 8. End Ward Roue 11lock.1 DL JOHN CORNS m*,lol o WWI: Pak \ MAN AND BEAST. -- Fos Yoisrm—Dr. John Oozes 'Admit of Oils, Nice 10 Nato • oottlo: floging VegototO Om sod OH Wasp. SO mate • bottle; Volfsfable Boiling Bathe sad Backlog lakrafor, cents a son; Iffooli fiend Pola ZookOsly. price 40- cis. You Astoaxo-800550.9 at", Iflri!e, • also Poultry. Dr. Jobsd:lis Iretirtnairi Oil Llninitit Eselk totals oonialse ose-belf ptat.' Price one dollar bottle. Proposed by John Corr Doctor of Ptorrixigyi Toesiedet Ps. Dr. Corr will attend to or Übe -diorite of yr Sleets. chenille cases, Oben rooustoa to do so. 1 reesedlee only need. Masa - - .N(*....l s i . md: . sl,:Bildgi:Bteitt f ',-,,- . ' : TRUNKS, 'TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &C. ~i el MMI2EEOMi ALSQ—There will be exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the following lots, pieces or parcels of improved or seated lands, situate as hereafter sot forth, for non-payment of sundry taxes assessed in the years 140 and 1880, as_ the same have been duly returned to tho County Commissioners by the Collectors of the several districts: , i •._ ___ ___ .< . • al; 1 . ••S' :;.' g• 1 a . • . . •. * . 1 -11 : i: • 6 ..g• 6. • c 9 gH to p.. 0 - I 0, o. • . ~. • .. ..• TO WHOM ASSESSED. ' 1 - tirg 1 4 .4 - o ~4 1 1 1 - V o ... [ sr ' be •• f , • • ;i ‘ : . ; . , ~ . . . 1 • , • ,„ 1 : : , 1 . • . • ........ f ........m........iiim.i...• amm7.e.m. mm 1...... • • I -. .r, • i is 7,, George omps . . ;s 2 80 1 * 4 00;1 5 001._ . ; ... 0. P. Mason ... .. 1 1• 211 - 30i, 4. 313!.,... .. Marylon McAllister . . • i .._ 111 ri 1 35 1 , 1 . .. . . ... NEW ALDANT L. " ~ { t t 1 -11 i 1880 O. F. Mallon , .. , . .0 ,' "... • 16, 1- 81.-- ..... AIDUKNIA. , , i .. I ' 1 1 - 1.87 i L. A.Case estate • . 1 145' 2 07; 2 69; .. H. C. Muhlenburg,...... . ......; 420 6 001 7 80, 1 „.... ..... . .. • ... •••., 2 0 1 171 .. Churchill Strait - -,. ....... .• • ••, .• .. : Win. /Cinch , / • 2 191 285 •• 1 W. P. Cue 4;:,. . 1880 - W. P. Case. I 45 4 5 64.. ___ .. di Raleigh Williams •••• - • ! 150 / 6 0 , 2 25. _...1.! ...... .• • H. C. Mnhlenburg - - . i 8 001 - •6 00 900 ATOWNS DORD, . - ' I - J i - 1879 Sarah A. Dona , . 1 lot! 3 7:i• • ••• • •;...... " 1 " • ATILINS TWV. ' . •• Henry Halleck.. l . l ,_ i •- ! / GS. 1 29`.... . ASSUME. .• , I i - • 1880 Henry Benjamin ••• •• • 1 2 311 1 151 • MST DOBLINOTON. , i. I .., 1 1879 ChsrAll Perry 90' 4 62' . " 43 1 295 .... ' .. Stephen Taylor . - 401 225 3 50 ' 225 '' 47 • 188 Charles Perry „ 90 1 ...:... ••• •- • 295 .......... ••• Stephen Taylor , • 40 1 -1,1 1 1879 Robert Stewart , 5, ~, 41 5 G 35 ...... ...:. .., • •• - LE WV •• Reuben McClellan 241 - 140 120 140 ...... ' •• George llemminger ' 150,_ -, . 2 10' 1 60 •2 10 ;. iumescit. 1880 Delaniargayler , - ' 1 , ...... -4 43 349 . FIND. , t i - 1879 Athens Bnildletand Loan Association.... .. .......... 2 lotsl - 85 ...... 26 ...... .. Henry Popper estate ; 2 451 245 18 1 ~ Jonathan Dimond • ' K 7 88 788 _..,, _ _ stemma awns. • . . Dm - Luke Dolan estate...: ' 4 50; • ••• • • ...... ........... Bourg rNyzazar. . - ~ Patrickll. Quinn - 34 .52 ,••• • • 42 • .•••• Phiness W.Terry . • - J 3 52 42 .... • ; .. Mrs. J. L: Johnson - • ;j781•••• • • 163 .....: _ .. Michael Hatunhan f 74! 163 ~ Martin Mack .. 1 401. •• •• • 2 12 , ......: TOWANDA BOND. I - 1879 Holmes k-Kirby 3 lots 385 560 5 50 1, 4 40; .. A. S. McDonald...a ' 1 lot 88 '1 25 1 251' 1 00 1 _. .. Winter* Henry . ' ' 1 lot 10 5 1501 150. , 2 01• .. Georgei,W. Heath 1 lot 3 soj 5 00; 5 001 4 00: .. Georg.i l E. Stodge • ' 1 lot 1 021 1 451 115; 11 16. .. J. J. Baransugh ... • • ..,—,.. • WW. Browning • ''' • 1 lot 70 1 001 1 00' 80. 1880 NV.-W. Browning... - . . - ~I, l ot 1 05, 12 6 195 11 0 63' TOWANDA TWP, •,, 1 I - I' . . 1 i 18 7 9 James BOyle 1 •-••••-• - 1 lot • • 30! 5 5. 221. .....1 , ..... .. D. N. Newton , 0 _.... , ...„,, 4 lets 5 01 - , 1 15 1 2 85 1--1 ..... .. Nettie McGill " ' 44••,1. ~---,- '" "1 lot - 39 1 ' -5 51 22 ; .... . I , • Patrick Sullivan •• 1 lot; 771 110 1 461 ...... i ..... .. Satterlee & Russell . . /1,• - __ 2 lots ) • 77i 7 1. 1 01 41, . 1 ~ James Harp .1-lotl - 29; '21 14 1; .16;......! .... .. Isaac lAmorertz —i- •1 ' •• .-- " i. lots 4, 391 --- 651 12.2) t•.... . 1 880 O.E. Harris.... l -' t • -, i 2 1 5 4 • 1 1• - •••,„ -1 .... .I — ' • • ... - Isaac Laroorenz ~. . . , lots , 30. , —,, ,21..... i • • •• George Emery " 1 . ' - 1-1 lot 301 . : 31 z 0 12 1••••••` , ITtOT DODO. . •.) I _ 1 ~; 1879 .Wilson A:Baker 11 ' 1 's 96; i `2 -I , ' 1. sis i TINICANORA., . • . ! , . . • .. $4; ' 061 1 NIL.. i !John Owens ' .. ... ...• • •• • • •• I lt. P. Rugg • ....... , 87; 1 00 ' 1 88 1 . .... !1 25 •• IGershert Manning 6 ' • ~..... 85 1 1 201 2 651 • • ••• • 1 . 1880 'Norris & Bri Pavg ll .... , 1r ' . _., 2 8 51 2 90 ; 271 • ._ •• 10ershen Manntng •__ _ 1 50. 105; 190 —•:•• .1.;..• E. P. Rugg • • 1 .... 1 251 ' • 88! 75 • •• John Owens -!, • I' 120 84 1 721 " t . . WiLXO V • • ' • - ' • ; .. I i , IWaltman & Weir / ' 14 50 ; 14; 801 14 50' .... ••' 114. H. Leaning . 1 ..... ; 300 1 300, - 3 00; "•• Edward Hornet ' - ' .....:1 2 73. 2 751 2 751 • ,_., fl 1 oliarrosi, ' . 1 ' 100, 3 :18 - 0 1 • 11 24 ;Owens &Lutz • • • _ 1 .... 1,, •• Odle Whalen , • E.Ol 1 001••••••1 .• -1 -- 80; 1 •• `John Willie . „ 50 ••• Win. Hewitt • , f 100 1 89, 1 3'c ol 'I 3 . •• Gale & Lewis - , -. 100 2 001...,... iso ..... ,6 00 • •• Sarah A. Keene, - • . 1 _ 4001 6 001••• , .. } 480 1 - • •• Thos. Waltman. Jr......... ' ...... ......1 1 OW . ..... 200 , 1 . N. B.—Notice is hereby given that an amount infficien t to pay taxis and coats will be required in every cue when land is sold at thetime of sale, and dole's these terms are complied with , . the land will be again exposed for sale. Treunrees Ortire, April G. 1882 CARltOl_, 131.CPCIi IN MEAT & VEGETABLE ARSES o a more convenient location. sad eetabliabed himself in the to Block. opposits Hotel. is Prepared to coP Ply Ala tetra= with THZ mom= OP 31Z1111. - MEM OTaTZES IN THEIR SIEASO.V. PRIM VEGETABLES. DOUHMO FRUIT, 44, C WHOLOOTM HAIIIIAGE a apiebity. AD m aw% prompUl dalhasee. _U akireart. Warantee Names. Barclay—Ctumbigham. D. H. Hogs. George Htitsimmer, Jacob Ladly. Andrew LIMY, Peter. LIMY. Josepij • Stuart, Walter StuartikOprah Leßoy—Beck. Hii,ao. • Brides, Frederick Monroe—Andersen, Jacob Benner, Jacob Benner, Jacob, Jr Castater, Fred Castater, Harman Cunningham, D. H. Gray William Hampton. Peter Hampton Thomas Hopkins. Robert Hags, Peter Ladly, Samuel Ladly, Hugh McAdams, Ephriam North, Peter North. James Stewart, Walter Wallace, Nancy Wallace., Samuel • Rove. David .. Bigger, Robert KLINE'S NA ' KET.., Mehl Street, 'First Ward. atliN W. - KLINE, IRVING IMMO VIM ma DOVBLE;.,'STOVi I S hst favorable terns , and t possible minimum, we of these REDUCTIONS by iv other Clothing House htion of our istock and can .satisfy the closest HESS. eet 1 J. K. BUSH. MGM 343 Oyerton—Betz, Henry 42 24 343 - Beu, John , . ' 42 24 343 _Betz, Josepb ' 42 24 343 - Betz, James , 42 24 400 . Bison, Henry , 49 20 343 Castater Harman 44 70 400 ~o. Ctiolev. J oshua. - 49 20 400 _Castater,Jciseph ' 49 20 343 343 300 400 336 400 375 225 396 400 400 Seeley, Joseph 298 Temple, Peter 400. Temple, Samuel 56 Tusoarora—Field.4lenr9 100 Runt, Job 35 Porter. James 56 Wilmot—Allen, John 76 Butler. Polly Is Roltailback, John 8 28 ...97 - Marsh; Samuel 11 94 200 ' Stowell; C. S. - . 24 60 230 Stowell, D. B, 30 74 Zit Terry—Ross, Elizaboth 24 31 401 . . Morris, brad 22 27 28 - . -. Lathy. John - 151 SO ::: Morris, Benjamin 4 44 I A. BEVERLY SMITH, BOOK . BINDER, Dealer in Scroll Saw Goods. BOOKBINDING OF - A.1144 KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine. Blank Books Amateur% Buppliet4 This department of my badness is wiry corn 'tete. and being a practical sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons. WOODS. SAW BLADES, •-CLOCK MOVEIDINTS. ho. constantly 'on band. sr $1.25 worth of designs for $l. Send for 'ricottas. "NZPOZTES" DINDERT. Pak street. P. O. boa 1512. • Towanda. Ps Wirrantee;Names. Tajea Edge, Peter - Frita, Samuel Una, George Ilaga, Natant Raga. Peter Flatly, Samuel Hardy, Hardy, lames 46 09 * Bard , . 'Henri • ' 27 73 Harris, dun 1 47 98 HoWneroFth, Stephen, 49 20 /AMY. Hugh j.Adly, Andrew George 4G 09 Seeley, Peter Pahaer4 Thomas Seeley. Henry Jonathan laidan's - TAndre; tiboNe 49 20 36 66 49 20 ' 621 9 30 3 23 690 1 956 EBEIV LILLET, Treasurer AND IfY SPIZIALTY. Otier sOOO Druggists Have:Signed or Endorsed ihe • Following Remarkable • ' - Dosument:-. . • aireasn.' e•abiniotsituison,..isan. lesottie. s ing Oheznistn, 21 Plait St:Mew York Gentlemen: -For the 4 paot few yoara wa have ooid various brands of Porous Floa ter& Physicians and the üblio crefe'r 11exison's Ca Poroits Plaster, to rdl others. We consider theme= of the very few relialdo household remedies worthy oreonfidence. They !aro 'superior to all other 'Ponsas Plasteis or Linixrcento for external use. Lessees b ins Plaster is a Pasmacentical 'product; of the. hiacct, order of merit, and so rocoguizel. Lt physiciausuud druggists. ; 'hen other remedies' 111.11 get: a Ben son's Capcira Plaster. 1 You. will bo disappointed if you noo chap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Elea trk,alMagnetie toys. A 12.13.31113)1( AT LAST. Pri Lf, MEAD'S Medlzatd CORN and BUNION PLASTER. QI 11 924 C ES T TFI EFT:. 72 est4-=` , • • _ _ _ SUPERIOR ZINC ITLF. ;ISE, SVPER / It svasEn Ma LENSES and •• Eitl sat FACILITIES For manufaaarna:. al nadne to give our SPECTA; CLES and kIYpaLA,SSE S a national lapandlan. LOST SIGHT NEVER RETURNS. Do not triev with .your v•Ve.i in taing tlNEltrjr. AUL; 01....%F.5ti. 0.14110911-$ 1•• •• • $ . , P , ;..41!•41 Lmot T11401;11( :•• rt.2__Optimr K, 131 Par:: M . atrl , ... Lantana, 112 'Uinta Pit 4-321n1,frovhIce.1 Ii t: animus, lao pages . . ~ - . .. ... . . ~_,,,_ TA ' ° . ~. ; ,I ; ' ': . . t t 01 I . ' . f ' f ) k , !:.; 1 ; 1 t ~ t; le. " ✓.. , 42 24 42 24 26 20 49 20. 41 93 1 49 20 • • . . • • 1, ; • , •-• • 23 05 12 30 Sanford's Radical Cure. 49 20 12 30 49 20 46 14 THE GREAT AMERICAN BALSAMIC DISTILLA T/ON OF WITCH HAZEL. AMERICAN PINE, CANADIANFIR, MARIGOLD, CLOVER ' BLOSSOM, ETC., 49 20 49 20 For the Immediate Relief and Permanbnt Cure of every form of . ,Catarrh,, from a , simple Head Cold or Influenza to the Lou of Smell, Taste, and Hearing; euugh, pronchitia, and Incipient Consumption. Indorsed by Physielans,Chemists and Medical Journals' throughout the world, as the only complete external and 'internal treat ment. • I One bottle Radical Cure, one lion Catarrhal Solvent and Sandfort's liabaler, all in ono pack. age, of all druggials to r : 51.6.0 Ask foe SANFOitii'si RADICAL ORE. 1 tO L LANs , ELECTRICITY ......_ , Gen tie, yet effective, united ' with healing Balsam. ren - .• 1 tt, der ' COLLINS' VOLTAIC ELECTRIC PLASTERS ,one f / - .linnored times superior to all othet piasters for every Pain, Weakness sudantlani. PLASTERS mation. Price 25 cents. i Bold everywhere. i PATENTS. (U.S. AND FOIMGII. Frank A. Fonts...Attorney-at-Law, Lock Box, 356 Washington, D.C. NO'. Ten Years' experience I make we camas for my services unless a patent be granted. Preliminary examination in the Patent Mice as to the:patentability of an in vention pars. Send sketch or model of the de vice and a report will be made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. Special attention given to rejected .applica tions in the lands of others. U. S. Senators : Hon.' Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont • Hon. David Davis and Oen. John A. Logan: , or ; Hon.. BOW. N. 11W. of Geor. gia; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar. of Miss; Hon: S. M. Cullom. Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro prietor of this paper. Write for circular and instructions. Suoitt .CUT .THIS O.UTI AGENTSa 4a a eArit PER' MAKE 11 AP IA %OW RE K. We have stores In 15 leadini Cities, fwen which oar agents obtain their supp lies quickly. mural an at g r o= 13 2:4 11 (1 Tel M i r Cotausgtto and ATMS tO NM* Adders. El 1 312 Lackawanna Ave Mi LOVElala SCRANTORN.PA. ' 4 ;Mis - '4X: r liricesZA:', , aa.i.W- 0 g n C Fragrant 4; Refreshing of Palma EXtecolttsly Delicate and Ladle,. Price, ctz.: l 'Lsz...-je Battles; 75 eta. Bold by &Alm la Drop & Partaurt7.• Slitogsui of Uhl cox ee Co., 14. T., am every bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every . Famlly• t _ NEVER INTOXICATES. , Aiadefront C in k -tr;litteltu, Mandrake, Stilrmgia, and other orthe best vcgetibk remedies kabwa, • PARKER'S GINGER. TONIC ImS . Mll22lCatl7ll74ed curativepotvers, & isthe greatest Stomach Corm.t. or, Blood FurFier and Liverßegulator ever made & The Best Medicine Yon can: se forßestoring Health &Strength , itim.ence. to set frpna the:first dose, searches out the weak organs, and is - warranted to cure of help all diseases of thc EoaeLs , Stomach,' Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rhesus,. kis= and Drunkenness. •-••• ••al complexion of the lower House , of Col?. is e gress as well its; the , Presidentiei 2 3 ii election, a deep interest' is felt in the salts ()tithe 3 to be he" ritAr* co i tirzynos, t ilarrisit on . AVednesda cleanly, a greeably pettnined and harmless. Par. bees Mir Ilalsant satisfies the most fastidious in these rispeets, field by druggists at Soo. and ss. BESTbusiness now before the public. You can make mony faster at work focus than at anything else. Capitol not needed. Nve will start you. $l2 a day And up wards made et home by the industrious. Men, women. boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ns. [ Now is the time. You can work in glare time only, or give your whole time to the %witless; Iron can live st home and do the work No otherbusluess will pay you nearly as well P4"O owe can fail to make enormous tay by en touring at once. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Motley made fast. easily and honorably., Address, Tann Lc Co.. Augusta,Naine Deo KENDAL L ' S SPAW 1N ,CMIE . Ia tars to cure Spavine. %pants,. Curb. & . It remove* all unnatural enlargeMents. noes no BLIIITEII. Diu no equal for any latneness on beast or man. 'thee cured hip-joint *y lameness in a person who bad suf .. fared 15 years. Also cured rheum*. • tistn, !corns. frost.bites or , and cruises, or lameness. It has no equal for , any, blemish on hmees. Send for illustrated circular giving rostriirs Price SI. AL L . DRUGGISTS have it or an ge tit far yen. be. 8.J.1 -Kendall Co.. Froprietors, Euoeoorgh Vermont • . O. Pontes , Agent, Towanda. Ya. - tft DR. JONES'OREANCABITHORi IS THE NAME OF the popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. pain in the" Face. Head or Spine. Chapped hands, Bruleas,Sprsins, Burns: Mosqinoto Bites, Sting or Bite of an ink sect, Faison from common - Poison Vines. etc., for man or beast.- Always reliable,' and almost instantaneous In its relief. Basinger' agreeable odor, it is pleasant to' apply. Sold br an drug gists. Price 23 cents. t N. a -ma Liniment received a Prise Medal s the State Fair.lB79. ' May 20 ly . • AND euaine IWEEKS k POItEll, Boston. 11744 '4:4 A.-01,t1 I,..SfIO,EII=I:THOrtiItTIL7I - ;" .. . . _ ..._._ .. i.-i..-.00.110-40iiiif0iitcii.j*.14---.liiiii,i...ii,DA .!.,t,..'::::::-.'-::-.,.''..,:::,:,',:.....:•-.-:::',.:,',:-.:, , - you - rsOls - dilliettity• 4 ci*t Of.eetinteturnee:: - R4fr4efirs stoWr.rigliteens aria pions hie. Lite, Jae the :waters:of-fire sea,`fresh , ens only when - it awes 44 toward. heaven. 8 4' 0 00 10 # tg4 ll Y , Qn 6r ,in 4 0ger: for it is like patting , to se:AlinA storm k It is thei`enemy . whor i.tao tio net Fin. pent Who is the nioat'4ngerou - s. - Nohedy,-sliould , ever look anxious ex. °Opt MOO Who have no:anxiety, Life - is - lio L ittort that it is the worst of id I th 'h - • +Step rtres waste an our of .Preserving the health by too ,strier regimen - - a 'lNtlll4sol3le t041:14. li'ochffircaulat Growth' is better than performatice, and permanent growth,,L4 better Italy e GarjteM The Creator bee &feed' the whole nal verse with language, )sit, few are the ' hearts who can. interpret- it. . Instead of ocimplainiog of the thorns among the roses, we silent] be thankiul there are : roses among the thor. s. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds; therefore ; itttliim reasonably water the'one and dpirthe other. If itis your purpose , in make' to ake* your face your future, you cutt,t louk well to it or it wilt turn out to h your misfortune. • 1 -ReeP your prnintse s . to the letter, prompt and t 1110,, and.' it • ' will save . much trouble and care through life,. and win tOrfyou theyespect and trust of. your ifrieuds. As frost rbised to its utmoSt intensity produces the sensation of iire, so any good':_quality, overwrougbiland pushed to excess, turns-into its own eontrari! Jumbo tio3ubi mike a, fit c.impanioo for Gummi. Junibc, ii nttlerstrAyi to bean lull:nueea masraion. "BUCRUPAIRA." Quick, tomplcle cure, allannoving Kidney, Bladder and Drinary- Ditcaei s. EY - Drug- Dr. Miss 'Adt Called in. , . , . . April NEW v'ons; r 25:—erhe Tribune in the morning will publish the follow ing: ' [. .Mzsron, Ohio, Oct: 24,3181 • . Thiser.tiiies that on:ar about Aug. 8, 1881; the late President, -Janie's' A. Garfield, made the following statement to Me in the presence of Mrs. Garfield : viz.: That Dr. J. IL Baxter:had been his *physician Yfor many years, and that he still nonsidered hint as his. physician He. til . s4;),' stated that he had .no knowledge of ever hauing placed himself under the professional care-of . Dr., D. !Bliss, and he . did not believe Dr. Bliss had evilr spoken one word to him upon- the subject. -Mrs..(ilartield stated at the same tiMe - tliaf she iliad never been consulted by Dr. Bliss upon the; subject, ;andliad no knoWledge ? Of the President haiviiTg chosen Dr. his . at; maiwg Nur geoa. . , , S. A 'l3arNrozi.lVl. D Endok.sel MENTon. 0,. Ottc)her 21, 1881. I_ hare read the statement Dr. Boyntori made this day and writ t•ay . tket:it is 'entirt et:rect. .; - • •t~CItETjA Ti' Erm. i s hi s t e ..:ti t nnvy ou th • Guiteau trial November 19; Dr. Blias thut the Secretary of War sent for ' (carildd.was sh:tt and that- the Prt si dent asked. tiro to tako charge .of iii cue; and tl at Mrs. Garth-hi-crab present When the rt:quest wai made,Y; What a German .11 7 e0,01)4,Yer Says Josura VorxsnLArr Ade: 22.1881, : We _German's ore in ;general not inclined to.believe'.at onenin great an 7 nouncementsoud - puffs; we are rather suspicions, and often with perfect right, of exaggeratieri and •huttilings; Our motto is, ''What the eye seen the heart :believes,"- and we ttert fere desire 'to see and 'examine ourselvesl-hi...lord we speak about things aud theul. Thii was our idea when we heard and read so ranch about Dr. A. Rieh-. moneys justly ccilebrated "Werld's ;Epi leptic Institute, and we therefore,:i•Sent a reporter to the We are now able to give the beSt information on the subject, has , 2d'on a Personal re view and examination of thti premises. Our reporter ; found Dr. ithlutiond in his office. The doctor - kindly received hire, and- not only answered all Lis questions, but showei orfl; explained . everything. abbut ui. , Leo. to him. His office is on the first, -flora of the biulding, and its walls . are covered •Aith thousandS of photriiplis of .gentleaien ;and' ladies restored to heattliby the us- . :of F . 34 mar ita Ner rine, tituo how our reporter recoguiz4d . tvant his countrymen, and its glass Cas , 7k centsiu innumerable certificate of coers, , , letters in praise of this u:;_eld-f.:xnotni remedy. About ten years .. .ago Dr. 11)Ubsnnotl came to fit. 'Joseph. He' wa3 then a . poor yOung•man, - with but little nioneyi, and no friends to assist him. lie re:, ed a Small office on Franc's strict, and commenced the strugAlc for sueCe single-handed and alone: -He• h is achieved, a grand trinalph, in .the face , . stubborn 'Opposition on every - I, and is to- d' one of the ilant wealthieSt men`in on't. This'fa-t alone is amply sufficitillt to shOsv the merits of `his invaluable : preparati.m, even:though . there were: n - 1 other soiree from Which to procure Valid and ble testimony. But besides the nt.:nc.:y which this great medicine has bean the mean] of bringing to the inventor, .the doctor receives daily the blessipgs.Of thousands of patients restored to health and thiongh instrumentality. Thilpe Ikters are or. for inspection at 'Lis office, and itycipiiro two clerk& to attend tolfas br;o3ch of the business. Dr. Richmorittle living example to be imitated by all Young men who have a 'disposition to reach eminence in the world bydilligenae in,the use of their 'own exertions, and besides the , enjoy ment, of the prosperity whieb surrounds him, he has the satisfaction to be -re tarded n human benefactor. PILES. • Piles are frequently . preceded by a sense of weight in the Mick, wine and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose ho has some affection of the kidneys or neighbortng organs. At times symptoms of indigestion are present apilatnlency. tweed-. ness of the atemach. etc. A moisture perspiration" producing a very disagreeable itching, particularly si tigt t after getting warm in bed, is a very common attendantt Internal, Fattens! and Itching Piles yield a. once on the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile ltemedy, Which acts directly upon the parts , affeetedabsorbing the Tumors; allaying the Intenseltching, .and affecting permanent cure where all other remedies have failed. Do not delay until the drain on , the system , ptoduees permanent disability, Tbnt try it and be oared. 4'rice,:so cents. Ask your druggist for it, and. hen yon cm - mots:Main it of him, we will send it, prepaid, on recipt of price. . Addrese The Pr. Dosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, Ohio. Sold by Clark D. Porter, S. End War l/ House Block. • - • , . June 2-1 yr .. ~ :-. y~, WITU ENERGY UEO) OPERAISS „ON THE KID NEYS, Thrill. ROWE - LIA iND m4EI3 OF THE SKIN, NECTRALIKING„ ARSORBING.ANDEXPELLINO SCROFULOUS, CANC R EROUS, AND% CANKE • The miss of ihost human Kb, and oaring when plariletans, hospitals, and 411 otherinethods stid •reinelies ail, Scrofula or King's Evil. Glandular Swellings, Meets, Old Sores, Milk Leg, Mercuric Affections, Erysipelas, Tumors, Abscesses, Car buncles,-Boils, Blood} , oblong, Bright's Disease, Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver, libetinastisni, Constipation. Piles, Dyspepsia, and,all itching and Scaly . ----ERUPTIONS Of the Skin and SCalp,—such as Silt Blimusi, Psorissis; Tetter,Eingworm, Barber's Itch,Scald Head, Itching Piles, and other Disfiguring and Torturing Rumors, from a pimple to a ecrof• 'ditto ulcer wlien'usisted by CerricuitA and err lonia SOAP, the great Skin Cures. CIITIOURA , ntl i t a, 4 * edro. A sweet, uncha Lnal Jay, cl6rs o 1 all external evidence;:iid Blood Humors, eats away Dead Skin S a nd *oh, instantly allays ltch , togs and Irritation'. Betena,Soothes„ and Beak Worth its weig' htdu gold tur all Itching Diseases. OUTIOUItA SOAP ---- An Exquisite Toilet. Bath. and 'Nursery genitive. Fragrant with delicious flower odors and healing balsam. Contains in a modified form all the virtues of euricusa,-the great Skin "Cure, and is indispensable in the treatmentinf Skin and Scalp Diseases. and , for restoring,' preserving and beautifying the complexion and skin. The only Medicinal Baby Soap. Cwricuna Idatusanza are the only real curatives `for diseases of the Skin, Einlip and Blood. • Price: Munn& Bigots - 4ns, si.oo per bottle; Cymru, Mk. per' bo4; large boxes,lF 1..; Cert. MIA MEDICISAL TOILET Soar, 2.5 e: ; Duman& Mkpicnixt. SHAVISCI Soar, 15c Sold everywhere. Pamirs! Depot, Weeks & Potter, Boston. hnatomi GINGER TONIC A Super!ativa fteiqh and Strength Restorer.. If you Me a meehank or farmer, - worn out with oreiwork, or a mother run down by family or house. , hold duties try l'attnra',.. Tome. If you arc a lanyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or :inn ions Oates, donor take intoxicating stimulants, buttisn Parker'i Ging& Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Itheurtm tsar, Kidney Complaints, cr any disortier of thelungs, stomach. bowels, blood or nerves..Piatzr.res GINGER- Torn; willcure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Gut and Surest Cough turn Ever And. If you swe'vrasting away from age, dissipation or , any disease or Weak' ncsaand voltam a stimulant take ` Tonic at once ; it will invigorate and build, yciulm from the first close but will never 'intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of films; it marsave yours. CAUTION f—Ttefwa all inhititutes. Parker's Ginger Took Is composed of the belt reniediefogents in tire world, and iseutirely differeat from pryer:Woes °JR inger alone. Send for a@edir ta Men* 3 Cie, N.Y. so:. tit tit ow, at denim Lei arm.. GREAT SAVING BUSING DOLLAR SIZE. - FLORESTON Its rich and Lasting fragrance has made this' delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like It. Insist upon having Flom. you Coto= and look for moat= of • deal, cei SOIL, Any druggist or peritoste; esn supply 'rout 55 and ts cent elset. t. JUDGE SAVING BUYING 134 BUZ COLOGNE. NDALL'S SPAVIN CURE le i sure in its effette, mild in its action as it d o es nOt blister, yet is penetrathig" and powerful to reach - every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth: or other enlargements, Inch se 'epavins, splints curbs, &alone, sprains, swell ings and any lameness and all ehlargernenta of the joints of . limbs, or for "rheumatism in Man and for any purpose for which a liniment is usell for man or beast. It is iniva known, to be the heat liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. ; • Send address for Illustrated Circular whiCh we think gives positive proof of its virtues; No remedy has ever mot with such unqualified tie •cess to our knowledge, for beast as well a.rnari. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles fer'•ss. ell Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on reagipt of price by the proprietora, B, itrAme.u., Co',. Enos• burgh Falls, Vt. •: ' Sold by all Dragiists. rESTADLIEUED iH 1865.1 . ' - HOWARD A.iSiIOW I Solicitor of • • , • ' &NIERI('AN .9.2 . 16 FOREIGN • IP -IL 'l7 . P. IC T 1 .3 C•3l F SraErr N. W. WASIIINGTON, D. C.. (Successor to Gilmore, Smith & Co., at. , Chipman, ilosiner & Co.) • . . Patents procured upon - . the same plan Ichlch was originated and successfully practiced by the above-named firm. Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o stamp. • •, lnoval • NATIONAL BUREAU OF INTENTIONS. • EVERY INVENTOR 'SHOULD KNOW Thai by the Pules of the Patent Ofliee ' to procure • • .PATENTS, -• _ klodels are not 'necessary übless specially - called Co.r:- , Send drawing-and specification, upon receipt pf which-we will make examination at the Patent Office, and advise as to patentability. FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. . Send for PAurnlxr of hisraccrioss, free to any . address, lIAINTEAD k CO" Washington, D. C. Ptf bluhers of theeongrestionatßeporter. tsry. 6. 1882.7-tf You need not Die to Win IN THE • • MUTUAL AND • ANI:3IIT • Of Math, 11. Y. • • You receive one-6 if of your insurance, so cording to the American LIM Table, when two thirds of your life expectancy is finished—for illustration, a man or woman Joining the Asso ciation at 38 years' of age taking a certiflaste for 12,500, receives $1,275 when a little over 56 years of age, exactly the period in life . when a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES & BOGEBS. Juile2tf. General Agents for Penn's. HORSEoger 1;4 1 25 . c elr ts. I li; V a mp ns visa LIM2OIII of Treatise on the gene and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases, has 60 flue engravings showing BOOK rnitiesigiletatesimad" than b, . sick rin be taught in any other way. a table chewing doses of all the prineipal mediMnes used fan the bone as wall- as their effects, and antidotes .when a 25 et,. poison, • large collection of 120 Tammuz =cum rules for telling - the age of s horse. with an engraving showing keep of each year and a large amount of other imitable horse information. nurdreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO.. The fact that' 260,0%) sold in about one year before it was ro. ;toed shciwa bow popular the book Is. The re. slated edition Mucus mons IMIXESTISM. Sun vox scrammas. AGENTS WANTED. -Dr. 1. 11. Sendai & Co., Snoriburgh malls. Vermont. Idsrll4yr. . . " - . i -. .,•;" . " - ', : '-. t - ~ ..; i 7 1. . ' 1.: 4 1 .`; ilt ', Ar- , , - . ,;,..,-..,... 4..--' 1,4 t , :-,,, :.-, -'I • a .---'7" ' c • .0 V , :-' 0, ,,t • i, 4 s - `r I:::' '' '''... -,, , •,- ~f .'"- ' 9 , ,; - ` . ..1 , :.o. 'l ' vt, T .1 _ , - ii. -'147•3 0 ., ... 1 ° ..,.-ii-t er,-____. 1 - i .41, , f ~',-. , -,t. r 1 ? o;-.. t''''' eil!. l , ) ~.., -, : 1,1 :.7 .. 1-7„,.„ , , , t „ t - :',;;::& -- -1 \,.,- . . _ . , 2 14EviElii. i Vitil.S.'! ti 4 ,w....../ ~e- j$ Tho only knowu Spotitic lierceity for Epileptic Pito. - SAMARITAN REWIRE Cures Epileptic Fits, Bps/axis, Convalidons, fie Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Hysterics, limanitr, Apo' pleiy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgis, and all Nervous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positively eradicate every species of Nervous Derangement, and drive them away from Whence they came, never to return again. It utterly de stroyd the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. ' SAIIARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Len. corybces or Whites, - Painful Menstruation, DI. emit' •n of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel In timation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night,. there Is no bottr remmdy. During• the change.l'-of life no female should be Without it It quieti the got,. vou System, and gives rest, comfort • rand nature's sweet sleep. SAMAIUTAti NEBVEiE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the, habit of Opium'Eating. These degrading habits' are by ,far the worst evils that have ever belallen suffer ing humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious flrugi. The drUntard drinks liquor not becanie he likes it, but for the pleas ure of drinking and treating his friend., little thinking that he is on the read to ruin. Like the Opium Eater, he first uses the drug in small quantities as a harmless antidote, Thesoothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading bim on to his own . destruction. The l habita of OpuunEating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentiveness, as over-eating - first inflames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until It paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. .80 every drink of liquor or dose of o ium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its erce fires, until it consumes the ' vital force a d then itself. Like the gluttonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give I" but never enough until its own rapacity devours it self. Earitarttan Eervine gives instant relief in, all each cases. It produces sleep, quiets the, nerves, builds up the. nervous system. and re T stores body and mind to a healthy condition.. SAMARITAN NKIII7NE Cures Nervous oyspepsis, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis.' Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseiutes of the Urinary Organs. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscretion of yOuth, permanently cured by 'the use of this invaluable remsdy. To you. young, middle-aged, 'l.nd old men, who are cov ering. your sufferings as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society; and' jewels in the crown' of your Maker, if you will. Do not keep this a. secret longer until, it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted. take Dr. Itichmonds Ss- Martian !Janine. It will restore' your shattered nerves, arrest premattire decay, and impart tone and energy to the whole System, fIAMARITAS NERVI.NE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but it cured her, She can•noa talk and near as well as anybody. _ .PrrEn. Ross, Springwater, sAmARrrAs NERVINE Ilan been the eneana‘of • oaring my wife of rheu matism. J. B. FLETMIER, 4ort Collluo, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE /!SadJ a cure cure-of a case of fits for-my son: • E • B:Rstus,lliSttsville, Kan • SA3IARIT.AN Curett`ine of vertigo, neuralgia and sick beatlj Mrs. Wm.lisaionssoN,Aurora, Ul. , SAMARATIN NERST,NE. Win uncaps of curing my %rife of iipasms. Itnr. J. e. EWE, Beaver, . Be3tiTaTlN ,NERVIINE Cured me of asthma, after spending oyes SG,OOO with - other doctors. S. It. Honsost, New Albany, Ind. • SAMARITAN' NERVINE. Effectually cured me of Artemis. _ JEtistu Viral:tam, 74 West Van Biiren St., Chicago, SAMARITAN ;;EIII*INE Rutted onr child of fits after given up to die by our family, physician, it having over 100 in 24 botirs. flt Naltn, 'Vestals, Warren Co., Tenn. • SA3I.I.ICITAN iCERVDiE . • '' Cnrcd nits of scrofula after suffering for eight Sears. elaancry SIMPSON. Peoria, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of lite, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Tnorarros. Cialborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE I CuredpenraneLtly of epileptic fits of a stub. born character - . . Ilsv, War. Mauna, Mechanlcatoven, Md. SAII.kRITAN NERVINE Cured my ion of filta, after having had 2,300 to eighteen months. Nue. E. Forms, 'West Xotadam, N. Y. 9A.slAurre2i IiEBNIN E. ME Cured roe of epilepsy of nine years• standing. r " 'ins. ORLZIPA, Illart.suars, Granby, Newton Co., Itlo SAMARITAN •NEIWINE Etas permanently cured me of epilepsy-of many years standing. .14.c0n SETTER, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE enrSd rue of branching, asthinis and general de lathy. Our= StrEns,.lrouton, Ohio. SAMARITAN NKIWINE llas cured mo of asthma: also scrofula .of many years standing. - . 'mac JFarsa..t., Covington, Ky. • I • .; Cured rue or tif3.l /lave been well for overionr yeirs. f Cur:airs E. Cinty..4,oaakia, Donglare. Co., Minn • .a 'NEEVINE - Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very 'badly. O'CoNsou, ltidgvta y, Pa SAMARITAN NEENINE • -. Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. • ' Dario Taratmr, Des Moines, lowa Cum my wife of einem of 3 years standing. ' ti Cured my wife of a nonce:Le' disease of the heart E, OBLUA-11, North Hope, Po, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. He Das not had s fit for about font years. . Jolts DAVia. - - Woodburn, Uscoupin Co. ; lii.- Is los sale by druggists everywhere, or may be bad debt from us. 'Those who wish tsobutin further evidence of the curative propertiav of Samaritan 'Sestina will please encloses 3-cent postage stamp for • copy of out' tilniitrated Journal of ilealth, giving hundreds Of testimo- - niala of cure from persons who Mice used the medicine, mid also their pictures „photographed after their res toratioirto perrecthealth. MI - Address DR..p. - A. RICHiIkiND ATorhrs.EipileVie Institnto, „641-Iy. SA*kRITAN NERrINE BAMAIIIIAX NEUVINE IiZ.NIZY CASK, Fairlield,3LiCh ' SAILIRITAN 14,TEILVINE SAXi=AN NENVIVE ST: JOSEPH MO, _ 4 101 ft -1: 4119:5 NOW IS Tap GOLDEN OPPWATIOnn Stylish and Reliable Spring. Gariw;ntB MEN ) YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, AT. PRICES WHICH CAN BE HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE . While maiuteining the uniform atanderii of quality in excellence of work nil material . GOOD MANAGEMENTS and . 83IALL MARGINS, (with which ram content) I have RAISED THE STANDARD' AND LOWERED THE PRICE, UNTIL. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT THAT THE. BEST STOCK OF CLOTHIN - G tbit vicinity is now being sold for the least money by- E „.. -•-'"•-•' ', 4 /:-. ' .. '.- -: . , • ‘II.tIIII, ), HREy- ; 8.R,0i . 5.& IRA cy, Ilianufacturent and Wholesale Dealers in air siudM of ZEN'S, BOYS, WONEN'S. : MISSiS AND CHILDREN'S Boots, Shoes, CORNER &CAIN AND ELIZABETHi STREETS, ANEW SYSTEM. ATTENTION::,D.E.ALERS! BUY' DIRECT PROM HEADQUARTERS, YOUR • Candies , Fruits, Ciff 6 ars 3 6 Cifrarettes. Farley Groceries, • Tobacco. Wines and Liquors. We employ no traveling Ealemen • NV 1.: - CAN• SAN: E YOU. '.t.': 0 PER C :EN I', By this system. , Write for Pr ee.Li st and compare with present pri,.. Li don't save you. money don't or , el% , .. • .. . • , , A.. 1 - ROTHSC., CO:. •M . . HIL DSz Importers, M4nufact'ne & Commission Merchants, 507. Sixth Avenue, New York. AprJ•3m For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT . ' BOMA CONSUMPTiCH S Disdries of THROAT. Cl • 38. A .. ts m. CONSUMPTION in its Inc pleat and-advancv.l stages;:n ISI zt , It; •• • • • • and LUNGS. butit-has never been so.advantazeougy - RYE. Itssoothiug Balsamic properties afford a. dittusiv:. s•0:.111;ap. system after the cough has been relieved: Quart size but ;..• CAUTION-I . MEDICATE/xartiele--theg. enulne has a Private Die Proprict.:r . • , 4 - permits it to be Sold lir Druggists. Grocers ond •-. • • • • -Aar' WITIIOUT SPECIAL TAX OE The. TOLD ROCK AND RYE Proprietors, 41 STOP AT T. MUIR & CO.'S GRQCERIES ' .- PROVIgION& The Plate to save money b ming cheap is at Coiner. Main and Fraaklin Streets TOWANDA. PA They respectfully announce to the public that ' they have 'a large Ilea Of FLOUR, BRED, 1117. AL, GRAIN. SALT, MU PORR, and PROVISIONS generally. fume also added co our stacks variety of WOODEN WARE, such as BUTT= 11113 D - FIR - . JD* °m ace. tic. Just.recefxed s large stock of Angara. Tits. Coffees. lipi s cel, 7.101)1.601313 PITLIE SOAP; the best in the market, and other makes of soap Syrtip!snd Noluses, which they offer at low prices for Cult. - oat 26 77 ONE MORE PICTURE GALLERY IN iTO f/ANDA. G. H. WOOD .& • CO. *till veil' their New Gallery in ,Pafton's Block, on the First Monday pf April• flaying fitted up entirely new, with the beat of Instruments, we are prepared to make -` lintnami 4 at ono - sittiars„ all for. 50 ets. I In nest onvolozos, 10 for SI.OV. Copying of all - kinds of Photovapha,and Stereoscopic and largo ow work doneat this gallory. you Give us a call and wo will try ini satisfy u in price and quality. 111111: r.a4 MI FARM FOIL SALE. A fazin of fifty acres, located in the Wilma iey,- five minutes drive trout Ratite borough. Tor fall particulars, address JAIIFTWO. FORBTS. Towanda Pa. 23feb4w• rO:3 ROSENFIELD, CYVVAI 4 4I DA, PA. J. I`tIyVAN . EO A., JP.A. All goods.sord .through turmitts wimifow' Lawrence & Martin's .... -- - '•- fi r : - • • , .....,. 7 -t. 4, , • .. , - .Ig,r4r ...: :;;P: --.:... -ia tv.L.g.. N...' • r - 4 , .., .1. ,;y1 ~ -7,4 • ,- • • ay .. ...., , ..- ..., • ~, . 1 ,, -.. : • ram AND OMM'Ut BUYING Rubbers, &c,, .. ' %T . "' VT NC ?"---1"-.;*; • :+- Z:7; 'l-.7•7."-4';'-r :,:rsi ~. T: --.. ar,if tikki....,l l e . .' 6 7 ;411 : 4 ;la ~- . 7 -; -...,4,,m 0 .. A . , ~..„ T:t.,';r4re:r 4.4 , .. TI V; - 1110 ST SUCCESESFVL REMEDY ever U covered, as it is certain in its effects ant Sxs not blister. ' Also. excellent for Lupin !It'll READ PROOF BELOW. FROM 'COL. L. T. FOSTER. Youngstown, Ohio; Slay loth, Du. IL J. KENDALL k. Co:—! had a %erz valua ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very I:Wi ly, he bade large bone sport° on one Infra act a small one on the other which Wade LIP very lame; I had him under the charge of two Neter:- nary surgeons which failed to core him.. I-71 4 one day reading , the advertisement of lieda i n Spm M in Cure in the Chicago Expre,l detirmir , •ed at once to try it, and got our drilggists hen, to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I too= them all and though:l world give its thdrunali trial, I used it according to direct thus aril the fourth day the colt ceasedto be hide, and th) lumps have disappeared. I used but one b.itt:n and :he colts limbs are as free from heul.sci as smooth as any horse in the state. Ile is ea- Melt , cured. The curo was so rilarkablo Oat I let two of my neighbors have the re.ismis two bottits, who are Mier doing it. Very lii.spectfully, L. T. ro , TER. K.endalfs Spawn Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. - Patten's :Milt, Wash'ton co., V.. Feb 21 : '• DR. B. J. Raxuar..l., Dear bir:—The rarti—•lit case on which , l used your Kendall's swirl i`rt was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen 11010..4 standing. I had tried many things. but ,z vsi Your tnpavln Cure Put the toot to the groat again, and for the first time educe. I natural position. for a family liniment it et. eels au% thin , . we ever used. ' - Yours truly, 11EV. M. P . BEI L. Pastor of M. F. Church, fattens 7 . . Price st, per t;ottle, or rtx bottle: , fc4* 11 Druggists taro it or can-got it fer you, or it vLI , be sent to any address on receipt of i,rire br In' proprietors. AR. 23. J. KENV.ALL Et"' burgh Falls. 'Vt. Sold at :4 Dr- IS. C. P str's fig' S!ore, CANCERS CURED A.T."CRANE'S CANCER - - ADDISON, N. Y. HUISDitEioS OF PERSON'S from all parts ct the world have been. cured of this much dreaded disease and are now living witn'essra that they bavp been teacued from a - tearible and not wal -death. Doctors. Alluistera and the POO tttiami Freo. Write fora Circular giving full partimtare• Address Dr.. ow. vItANE k ItUSII DROWN Addison. N. Y. _sept.wasr.oritieb. FIRE AND LIFE IN'SITRANCE CLAIM AND COLLEUTION AGEICI 40' • BRINK. IIIICK; Leßaystille, Pa Will,wrltir Policies for risks in Fire ana 12i* It siarance. Collect Claims with airs end promptness. They represent none bat _ - FIRST—CLASS CO3IPANIEb• , " they solicit theeonildenee and pattorage 01 , t 1.1: Raring tmainess in their line, and 11 111 en"'"'" to merit It: Apply to or address 111.3 BEINgd. BUCK. LealisTal I=ol 1.)