Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, May 04, 1882, Image 2

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•L; JUDSON HOLCOMB. I p m:m=7om
CHAS. H. ALLEN, Associate Editor.
"Reasonable taxes, honest fypenlitures„ com
petent officers, and 'no stealing.' 4 Harpers
sir Entered In the Post . Odiee at Towanda as
THURSDAY, MAY 4. 1882.
Exceptions were filed Friday evening on
behalf of the Commonwealth to the decision
of the Court at Harrisburg in the Standard•
Oil Company's tax case.
True bills of indictment Or conspiracy
were found by the Grand ( Jury Friday
-against the officers of the late State Capital
Mutual Insurance Company of Harrisburg.
According to the Harrisburg Telegraph,
a general strike in thalroa trade of Penn
sylvania is regarded as imminent, which, if
realised, will be fearftilly disastrous ti; all
-'- With one hundred thousalid people land
ing on our shot' edery . month, ,and the
natural increase; from fifty millions, we
must,. nt an early day rank as the first
nation \ influence end wealth
on the face.,of the globe.
The West Chester Republican its of the
opinion r that ninety-five thousand dollars is
rather Anexpensive doctor bill for Uncle
Sam to - pay to set physicians for attendance
on his late distinguished patient. This is
at the rate otssoo a visit. '
- The United Siatei revenue steamer Cor
win left for the Actic regions on Monday
last, terescu e the crew of the burned
steamer Rodgers. The name of the steamer
that will be sent to rescue the crew of the
Corwin will be announced in the future.
The Reading Timrs criticises our public
school system, stating that the method of
appointment of teachers and the selection
of school controllers and school books is
hopelessly defective from the fact that
politicianS have too much voice in the mat
ter. •
An exchange says the wonder now is,
what would the doctors have charged if
their care, skill and devotion had saved•the
life of Garfield We do not know what
the doctors would have charged, but we do
know that they would have received the
heartfelt thanks of fifty millions of people.
An exchange says that no :doubt the
subsciiption for the benefit of Mrs. Jesse
James will probably be a very pleasant
thing. The people of Missouri will carry
thisaff 4 air through unaided, strangers who
-forme. y passed through the State having
subscribed long enpugh'for the support of
the family.
- "E want 4) adkitirn," said Mr Benedict,
'a Democratic member of the New York;
,Assembly, the other day, "before my party,
the 'grand old Democratic party, commits
. one : of its proverbial mistakes." The• as-
seMbly continued in: session notwithstand
ing the gentieraan's anxiety, and of course
his fears were `realized, the mistake was
made. " -
A census bulletin just issued gives a !pm.
posed Pli e for the subdivision of the Staies
and Territories for statistical
Tha ninamition to dirLie Jka irs--tnts
North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Northern
Central and Western divisions, instead
of New England, Riddle, Southern and
Western Stites.
There are now on the table; of the Lower
House of Congress no less than 'two ' hun
dred bills awaiting the action of that body
which have already been passed by the
Senate. The delay on the : part of the
House is occasioned by a systematically or
ganized plan on the part of the Democratic
members to defeat certain legislation; by
delay, that is advocated by the Republicans.
Notwithstanding the vast numbers of
foreign emigrants arriving at Now York,
applications are received by the authorities
in charge there for more laborers from all
parts of the country than Can by any poisi
bility be supplied. Theso are largely from
industrial concerns but a very considerable
number are asked for by the farmers in the
western States, where farm labor is always
scarce and in demand.
The struggle for the admittance of Dakota
as a State, has become, as might have been
expected, one of the most exciting issues of
the present Congress. As its admittance
would add two Republican Senators to the
Senate and two Republican Electors to the
Electorial CoUege, the Democratic Con
gressmen are, solid against its admittance.
It goes for nothing with them that the
Territory wants to become. a State, and is
entitled to become one.
it is announced that the Sub-Committee
on Banking and COriency has decided to
recommend the suspension of silver coinage,
which is now compulsory under, the terms
of the Bland bill. The laying , llOwn of a
luid and fast rule that so; riaani dollars
shall, regardless of circumstances or conse
quences, be coined every month is:in itself
indiscretn, and as the accumulated
supply of \ Bland dollars is already very
much in excess of the demand, there seems
to be every reason why the operation of
the law which makes its production com
,pulsiry should be suspended in compliance
with Secretary 'olger's suggestion.
I - -
The , people of this country regard the
coal mining bufiness of Pennsylvania, •both
anthracite and bib:min' °nil . ; is something
really wonderful, and yet, when we compare
it with tbe English trade- in coals, ours
dwindles into 'comparative insignificance.
The out-put of the English mines, as the
official report shows, for . the year 1881 ag
gregated the enormous quantity of 154,-
• 182,300 tons,' while the Pennsylvania pro
' • 'duct, including both varieties, was only
43,083,838; of this amount 27,545,781 tons
was anthracite and 15,540,057 was bitum
' inous. • The whole number of employes iri
and about the English mines was 493,477,
and in the Pennsylvania mines 100,093.
Time otit of mind New York City, has
..been identified hi the public thought with
an Irish Colony. This nationality it is
generally believed, are a majority of the
voters, not the inhabitants, yet the
recent mums tables reveal the surprising
fact that 'of tbo 1,`:00,000. or 1,300,000
people making up .the city's poptdatk7n,
hardly a good sixth are. Irish. The figures
are: Native born, 727,629; Irish, 198.595;
German, 153,4E*;, English, . Italian and
French coming a long, way after, with
'67;12,223; ' The native born citi
ten ludds his own it will be seep, in the
generally conceded, most cososoditan city
in the Video, aid the cont melt'; put upon
foreign rule will have to be &Ore by the
native Americans.
Up to April 22d there were 45,000 Ims4
offices fn the United States., The increase .
during the past month is 250, and it is
anticipated that the increase this - year' wilt
be 3,000. - The average yearly increase for,
several years past has been 150.
Patties are too closely balanced in this
State to adMit of division: It is well for
Republicans to advocate their special favor
ites, • but unless undivided action shall
sanction the seleCtion, of worthy 'and well
considered nominees, there remains the
possibility of defeat.
Harvard College persists' in its -determi
nation-not to educge women in its medi
cal schools. Thi pressure in favor of
such an innovation was strong 'and persis
tent, but failed in convincing the leading
.and controlling minds of that honored ' : and
venerable institution.
The receipts into the Tieasury of the
United States for each business days Kist
week from customs and internal revenue,
were as follows:
Monday $1,270,117.89
Tuesday • 076,168.11
Wednesday .1,016,630.37
Thursday • 1,10.1,917.09
Friday v 91,103.89
Saturday c 1,15 ,979.05
-• Total.:. , 2:11,40 9 ,906:40
Ex-Governor Curtin,' who i is now in
Congress as a Democrat, was brought to
grief one day last week through superser
viceable devotion to his new love. He
declared that the Democrats shad been as
loyaLas the Republicans through the re
bellion, and that all had been loyal in Penn
sylvania, when Bruman of Schuylkill '
ministered a stunner by questioning , the
Governor whether he had not sent troops
into Schuylkill county in .1863 to put , ' down
the "Fishing Creek Rebellion;" and Mr..
Miller reminded him of the fact, that when
the rebel,army was invading Pennsylinnia
a Democratic Convention at ,Earrisi' nrig
was declaring the war a failure and ad
vising a cessation of hostilities on any terms.
The Governor evidently realized that his
memory is bad and subsided. Since 'the
Governor deserted the Republican party he
seems never to essay a--,movement in .:poli
tics that he does not "put his foot in it."
There is a vast difference between
political, leadership and political dicta
torship. To be an 'accepted Political
leader a man should be poismied of
such recognized eminent ability for . states
manship that the people will delight to
acknowledge him as their representative
and leader. Such a man will have n' com
mendable pride in "responding to and re
specting the wishes of his constituents. A
mutual confidence will ever be maintained
andyed between them.
jo • r
A man with a modicum of brains, t h rough
the power of money and other fortunate
surroundings, can be a manipulator of
political Undercurrents - and by "Ways that
are dark and tricks that are vain," gather
to his support a set; of trained lieutenants
distributed•over his State, and become 'for a
time, a political dictator with an established
'dynasty, without the first elements of states
manship or qualities that fit him for leader
ship. Such a man may maintain his hold
and control his party for a time, but an in-
teUigent•constituency tires of this kind of
dictatorship and refuses to follow it. Just
this latter condition is what is the matter
with. the Republican politics in Pennsylva
nia at the present time. The: majority of
the party desire a leader and not a dictator.
111 IT. twirr ?
'Elsewhere in this issue we give the
proceedings, briefly, of, the Conference
had between committees r4oresentip_g
cans, held at
,the Continental Hotel, in
Philadelphia, on Saturday and Monday
last; and the full text of the report of
the - Conference as unanimously adopt
ed. - The late hour at which the report
reached us precludes our speaking of it
this week at that length which we de
sire to do. But, in common with all
true RepubliCans, we sincerely hope
that the labors of the . Conference may
not have ,been in vain; but thak its ef
forts to restore united action to the
party, and harmony within its organi
zation, may prove eminently su:lceisful.
We have faith to believe that Stich will
be the 'fruits of its labors. That we
are iot:alone in this faith is evidenced
by the following. article taken froinAhe
Philadelphia Press :of Tuesday morn-
ing :
" The Peace Conference is a success.
It has reached a practield and gratify
ing conclusion. It does not in itself
secure peace, but it opens the door and
points the pathway. With sagacious
action following these wise counsels, we
have the oppbrtunity fora united and
triumphant party. • -
"The unanimous agreement of the
Stalwart and Independent Committees
upon the Independent principles is in it
self an immense gain. It carries moral
power and will harvest practical' fruits.
The measures which the State-Conven
tion is , asked and expected to adopt as
the permanett rules of , party govern
ment lie at the very foundation of Pop
ular Rule and Free Representation.
Their establishment secures delegates
directqrom the people the'masters of,
party action. The declarations prd
posed for the platform emphasize this
march cf progress, and carry us still
further toward a party redeetnEd, re
generated and disenthralled:
"The Conference wisely dealt with
principles and not with men. Its
chart for the course of the Republican
ship of state is safe. and satisfactory.
Everything now depends upon the
spirit and fidelity with which it is fol
lowed. if the.Harrisburg_ Convention
shall freely and unreservedly accept it;
if it shall make a ticket which will
signalizelhis, higher purpoi.e; if its can
didates shall satisfy the people -that
they . will be the' people's faithful rep
resentatives.; and if the spirit of this
agreement shall be carried out in pod
faith through all the party administra
tion, then the union will : -be sealed in
real harmony and triumph.' If not, the,
Independents of the State will still
hold their reserve power. _
The members of. the Conference
have acted with discretion and puttiot
isrr(and with fidelity to tha' interests
.confided to their hands.; Their agree
ment on the preliminaries of 'peace
-shows that the representatives of the
two"elements seek harmony upon hon
orable terms. It will be hailed by
patriotic Republicans'' of all shades
throughout he State, and only lament
oil by those!who seek to distract and
dikrupt the Republican party.
WAmusarox, D. C.-Arty tic 18g.
hrominent ladies, representing-all sections
of the cicaintry, have organized a Memorial
Tea Party to be held in thadlotunda of the
Capitol on Saturday, Mafoth, in slider the
propsted Garfield _Memorial Hospital to . be
established in the city of Washington. The
details of all tia arrangements were &im
itated to an Executive Committee com
posed mainly of the wives and daughters of
Senators; and members of the llouse of
Representative's. All the States and Terri
tories are to be representedlry tables, sev
eral States beimr, grouped together and rep.
resented at the Stunts- table. The !several
tables will be presided over by committees
of ladies appointed by the Executive Com
mittee representing the States and Terri-•
tories respectively which the- table repre
sents. Elaboiate preparations are made
and it is anticipated that the receipts to
the memorial hospital fund will be large.
'Tea, coffee and cakes wall_be served, and
bequets of &were, photographsand souven
irs of the tragic events associated with - the
death of the deeply laniented martyr
.resident nriff - hesold at the several tables.
jae appal:aching event is anticipated with
*lively interest. The arrangements wall
be complete at aboUt two o'clock p. in.
iphen the Rotunda will be thrown open to
visitors and the Party - wall continue until
late in the evening. Excellent music, both
vocal and instrumental, will be 'provided
for the occasion. - A small admission fee
will be as to make sure of a'small
contribution from all who attend whether
they patronize the tables or not.
THE CHILI PE iNvEsnoAsiog.
The centre of interest during several days
of last week was :in - the investigation in
prOgress by the Committee on Foreign
Affairs of tore House, of the ro i latiimi of the
State Department under the illlaine diplo
matic administration as Secretary of State,
with a ff airs in Chili and Peru'. 'lt is iim
possible to give; in the limited space of a
short letter any, adequate statement of the
underlying ca+isthat led to this investi
gation. . •:.
, ' l , ,
The result, Will demonstrate that 1 there
was no cause fPt. the prolonged iinvestiga
tion of the Useless fabrications ol a set of
fraudulent speculators who clainfed to have
purchased; large interests 'in these' two
South AMericeri *publics, and known- as h
the Ceche* sad Liindrean claimi These
protenderii attempted to involve the State
Departinctit in:,an official recognition of
their clahns as Subjects of diplomatic, con
sideratiors„orithe part of our Government
through General Hurlburt, then:. Minister
at Peru., j Having been kicked out of the
State Department by • &ennui Blaine,
their repfeseutative or attorney, the, noto
rious Shiliherd,'put in circulation rumors
prejudicial to the Secretary of itate and
the then Minister at Peru. These lies were
seized upon by political enemies 'of ex-Sec
retary 14ineand so magnified as , to be
thought* proper subject of investigation.
Prelimin4ry to this, a resolution• passed by
the. House' called upon the State Depart
ment—Mr. Frelinghnysen Secretary of.
State, for copies of . all correspondence ,
between that Department and our . Minis-:
ters in Chili and Peru, relating to diplomatic
affairs between the 'United States' .and
these republics. The Secretary of 'State
forwarded the papers in response to the
resolution, but stated that certain letters
were missing from the tiles of the Department'
and could not be furnished. The subject
was then referred to - the Committee on
Foreign. Affairs for investigation. An 4 -
pression was sought to be made that pl
these papers could be, found they. would
support the allegations of the enemies Of
Blaine that he sought to involve this court. ;
ta'NjU PulvAsseVitzatil' - end tinat 'lie Ceuta'
share in the profits which, would eventuate
to these fraudulent claimants. As prelimi;
nary to this, it should be remembered, that
upon the advent of lir. FrelinghuYS'en to
the Secretaryship of State, there was a I
reversal by the administration of the:Blaine
diplomatic policy. It was supposed that
missing papers, in the nature of instruc
tion, to our Ministers in Chili ' anid , Peru,
would shed some light upon the causes that i
led to this reversal of policy. To this point
the scope of the investigation has been
directed. Afterthe testimony of the uoto- I
\ - •
rious fraud, Shipherd, was closed, in which
he convinced the committee that his stories
were sherelabrications entirely unsupport
ed by official data; Mr: Blaine by his own
request, was summoned before the ,Com
mittee last week to testify in relation to
the case. By his evidence, supported by
official papers, the whole theory of his ene
mies was"upset, and they were confounded
:by the uncovering of si most infamous
conspiracy to do injustice to, the ex-Secre
tary of the Garfield Administration. The
purport of the missing papers reached , the
donimittee through ministers Morton and
Hurlbut, and established the very contrary
'of what was sought by the instigators of
the calumny. Perry Belmont, a Democrat
ic member of the Ciiimmittee,, representing
the First Distriet_of Nek • York, exercised
his privilege as a member o e Committee 1 t
to interrogate. Mr. Blaine in t e most ,in
i, i4t
sulking and insolent manner. The theory
of his whole line of questions was directed'
to support the view of the case as paraded
in the Democratic press of ' the country,
false in fact, and malicious in conception
in the highest possible degree. • „
The indignation of Mr. Blaine at being'
thus insulted by an upstart • without intel
ligent knowledge of foreign affairs—a young'
Democratic lawyer, diminutive in size and
but about thirty years of age, whose 'only
recommendation to consideration; is the
wealth of his father, August Belmont,.
the American agent of the Rothchilds, may
well be imagined. He sat down upon the
pretentious upstart in such a manner that
the Democratic 'pigmy retired from , the
conflict with the intellectual giant with:the
condemnation of. his colleague of the com
mittee, branded by everybody as the cow ,
temptible, but weak instrument of . more
designing,political intriguers whose machin
ations he attempted to support. After the
disclosures before the committee, it is not
difficult to conjecture for What purpose the
missing Papers were absent firom the De
partment files. The evidence shows con
clusively, that the protectionnt the Garfield
Administration and of exrSeretary Blaine,
lay in the fair presentation of the whole
case as presented by the entire official pa
, pers, so it could not be that their absence
, "Was due to any wish oirhis part to prevent
public 'knowledge of any official transaction
of his. The reason why they did not tip;
pear, Will probably never be more satis
factorily answered. The report of the com
mittee, when made, cannot fall to . fully
and entirely exonerate ex-Secretary Blaine
from any and every charge sought to be
established by the instigators of the attack
made upon his administration of the State -
Department, and will go far to strengthen
his eminent reputation as a statesman. ''
The first of the numerous cases of con
tested elections pending in the House, Was
decidedia,favor of the contestant on Sat
urday. This was the case of Lynch, ccdor
ed, against Chalmers, of the sixth district,
Missitua — ppi, popularly known as the 'shoe
stririg' district. The district embraces
twelve counties, - and is strung out along
the Mississippi River for hundreds of miles,
hence tlice name "shoestarre distrie' t. The
itpuluniseso'Atari of tit statps'gitarleA
these counties together in gerryMandering
the State, hccausethey Ontigis a mulatkai
Wring a large;colored - :imijoritp The ve
suit or Abe eleition as Murmur by the in
specters gave Lynch s largo Majority, :but
the commissioners , oVetection threw , out
about 5,000 of Lynch's votes .en, aCcount
of printer's dashes on the tickets, and • thus
certified Chalmers election. But the !Re-.
publican majority of the House afters care
ful investigation of all the facts gave Lynch
the seat and turned Chalmers out. The
speech of Mr. Lynch in his own defense be
fore the House was able and frequently .
elicited ; applatis . 0, from the Itepublkint side.
He is the oulY colintil member no* • yin
either branch of Congress. J. H.
wholesale dealer in meat , who has been
interrogated upon the subject by the übi
quitons reporter, says. the Philadelphia
North American, is authority for the state
ment that the price of the important com
mditY. in which he deals basin all Oka-
bility_nearly, if not quite; reached its niaii-,
mans. There ;ire' few people to whom this
will not be a most welcome piece of intelli
gence. For the last few weeks the price
of butchers' menthes been rising at a rater
which threatened to place it at no' distant,
period among the Juxuries which only the
richican afford to buy, and permits of mod
erate means have been compelled. to . Con
sider the feasibility; for the time being., "of
disliensizig with the juicy steak and the
succulent sirloin, and Of , supporting life
' upon lesi expensive viaids. This depress
ing state of things_ is no doubt duo in part
to..the'.scarcity caused by, last year's
drone:d i but We expect that if tho truth
were known, it would appeal; that prices
have been artificially enhanced by specu
lative combinations. Fortunately the sum
mer season isat hand, cind then the meat
butcher, whOlow seennito have everything
his own way, will be aless potential person
,The measure of fable by which public
men are to be estimated,istheir intellectual
capacitY to render eminent public service.
This involves integrity, indepen
dence or character,lntelleetual capaCity
and breadth of information that qualifies
them for useful public service industrious
application,t6 duty, a p atriotic purpose ? a
well balanCed mind atiil a trained lOcal
thinker. Of such material statesmen are
made. By force of , t4ir inherent talent
'they are barn leadertAvhom the teople de
light to follow. The'late lamentCd martyr
Presidents, both Lincoln and Garfield, were
men of,this character ,
ter, 'ln this' eateOry
welnrry also place' Blaine, Edmunds, and
Sumner, who despite all the calumnies of
mercenary'enemies maintain their standing
for: eminent ability as statesmen of the
highest quality, never wanting in patriotic
devotion to public duty.
Before the . Ways and Simms ;Comniitteo
pf the House last week, Professor L. B.
,Arnold of Rochester, made - argument
against the bill to tax. oleomargarine. He
holds that the article is a - pure and, whol
some substitute for butter; is preferable to
paor butter; and that it serves to keep the
',price of butter within reasonable limits.
The New ;York Central, Erie, Pennsyl
vania and Baltimore and' Ohio Railroads in`
New York;pave withdrawn all authority
from scalpets to sell tickets over their lines.
ThiS actionlr taken in confOrmity with the
; _ponal 'code of NeW York, taking cffet May
.Ist. '
The suicidal mania seems to be epideinic
all over the country, and the worst filature
of it is that it is so frequently acgimpa
by a disposition on the part of thl, criminalto kill some one else beforejsai Z7‘
" , ','". , :runt of the public debt dttrk i , s .,
the pastit.en months Arms .$128,74,000, the
largest .On record for the same length of
time. The reduction of the present year is
likely to reach $145,000,000.
The average increase in the number of
post offices in the country for several
' Years
preceedinglBB2, has, been about 150 per
year, but it is IMieved that it will reach
fully 3,000 this year.
The sales of postage stamps at twenty-five
of-the largest post-offices in the country for
the quarter 'ending with April, show an in
crease of fifteen per cent, over ',the same
period of last year.
. "The contimull reliance noon ; techni
calitiis by the Star-route t '. conspirators,"
says the Albany Ealprcss, "is a confession
of small faith in the t !nerits of their defenee."
The Garfield club of New York on Sat
urd&y sent to Washington a petition for
the pardon of Sergeant Mason over n mile
long. It contains 175,000 signatures.
A minister in Washington prayed with
Guiteau on Saturday. The ascaqsin was
Much affected. It is thought that he is be
ginning to Talize his position. ,
It is beginning to be manifesl that the
RepubliCan party is not . going to ftill to
pieces in. Pennsylvania so easily as some gf
its enemies e.v.pected: . ,
..We have been unable to discover any
truth in the Peruvian Claims sinvestigaion
save that Shipherd is an awful liar.
The National debt was reduced $14,415,- .
823.74 during the month of April. •
David Davis is now Called tho sturnl3O of
the Senate. '
Rear Adtidrable Thomas H,r "10th will be placed on the retired lift °tithe "10th
of May next.
Minister Sergeant, who healkeerk visiting
relatives in New England, will eiabark for
Germany in a few days.
Fs-Governor- Stanford, of California, is
farining a vineyard of two thousand acres
near ChiEti-in that State.
John 41ms:ell 'Voting. last ,week married
Miss Coleman, a niece of Governor Jewell
Of Consiecticut. General , Grant - was
Oscar Wilde is reported to have failed in
making his expenses. in Wetitern Limns.
He lectured one evening to thirty people in
Master Chifips Eteckeam, aged twelve
years, of Bardstown, By., has been ap
pointed an aide do camp, with the rank of
colonel to Governor Blackburn.
Hon. Wm. M. EvartS,, who is increasing
the size of his Vermont farm, is the ex-
Secretark of State who; when asked by it
friend for something from . his pen, sent the
gentleman a fine young porker.
The wife of _ the Chinese Minister, at
Washington occasionally takes a drive
appears at the window, and those ladies who
have been favored with a glimpse of her
face sai that she is very beautiful.
Her ion Eisendecher, at present German
Minister at Tokia, will probably be trans
ferred to Washington as successor to Baron
von Schloeier, who luis juit been gazetted
as Prussian Ambassador to the Vatican.
Sergeant' Mason has been secured .by a
Chicago clothing house at a salary of $l5OO
per year, and it is, announced that another
firm in the same city has offered lira Ma
son a situation as clerk at a aviary of $125
a month.
The Ohineese Minister at Wishimrton
wears at official receptions in a. garment
of plum-colored satin with collar of ; bhi
velvet worn over's robe of white. silk -bro
caded with circles and dragons, and the
. ,
blitekiatin cap atm* worn Indoors., -He funds.— It is said impartruit arrests are to
keePtilililiandslidden,in UM folds of: his' t,be made in a few days, Bail was offered
great , skates, .. and' . = surveys _ the crowd in the sum of $al,OW if Dundoro would
through hie spwirieleti withT:tut_ impassive 4 a'nake statement for publication showing
aid.beiity- digidty. ''." ' ' .. • what: disposition ho made of the funds am.
Ei-Senator Thurman lias lieen. engaged *Pi° d from: the state , and. Comity, but he'
as,ociuntel far twenty Yeats in'a case which -ref used and still remains in prfsein.
has just ; been canal in .;a OMinibus_ Court'. t. rive hundred and thirtPeight,persons
An*Diapartiet in the =it except tersbilled on the railroads in this State
'one aridead, but the trial dregs on like ourinir the Past• . year.- - . :Of, this ' number
Jaimdice and deunWee. thirty-five were passengers, ono hundred
I Ri.a cwornor w w hh oro, of Wi scons i n • and seventy-five employes and three bun- .
whiff had been given uP bY his PhYsiebum: dred and's* -trespassers on the tracks and
has:been getting better at the Hot Springs. °aim ' - : : i
'His brother, Elihu B. iWashburn, i who him II
A. company of gentlemen have purcuasect
suffered - from diest troubles,: has, gone to , a lot of land in Williamsport, and will erect
tlm. same place'rel ief. ; - fee.. - _ - 1 a commodious planing mill at once, which
L xis. Chose ' th e: % _ if6 . 6
f th e-
e new will add very materia ll y to the business in.
I l t. Wrests of that enterprising city. The
Secretary of the Navy is a delicatebut hand
_ with:a Aim, and refined face fnembei . e , of ,_ the firm are . _ practical .. mechan
racticany assured.
lighted bylirge black eyes and framed- in lea, "a t he ir success is P
heavy black locks. ' -tier' ' and her Enoch S. Mathias, late Clerk of the Court
- .. of quarter Sessions of Emirs county, was
manner are full of dignity. i -
• , arrested-on the charge of havingeonspired
It is stated that Senatcir Ben Hill's family w ith •A. M. mindere, the defaulting ex
despair of his perinanent improvement. It Treasurer, to defraud the Stato t of , $3OOO
is reported that his physician has told him on January 1, 1882. Mathias entered bail
that the most he can promise is that he can f or his tuisW
appearance at court to er the
Braid: months. I', The diSease has developed charge.
into an active cancer of._; the_ most-virulent
John Irey, eighteen years of age, residin' g
form. -
The estate of the late William& O'Brien, at Lawrenceville, Chester county, was
severely bitten by' a rabid dog about four
-the California bonal‘isa bin, has been months ago, and although ho received
audited by the. court.. More than . five, prompt medical attendance at the time, he
I Millions are distributed among the heirs, to began ••i. show symptoms of an attack of
I'say nothing of an odd 42,00,000 in - Gov- the dreadful malady on Sunday; from the .
I ernment bonds; which are, held by the ox- effects of which he died on Monday.
°caters to satisfy any ineidental chums that About fifteen hundred acres of valuable
may arise. O'Brien dleitworth $7,328P2,-
14$ timber land on the Welch mountains were
burned last week. • The fire is said to have
Mrs. Garfield bas direeted anumber of' been caused by a Man burning brush, the
improvements to the .farm buildings at flames communicating with the leaves and
Mentor, 'and mon are \iow at work there. getting beyond his control. It began , at a
Her fine span of bays have been removed po i n t, n e ar Mount Ai r y; Several houses
from Washington to q&rters on the farm. and barns in die vicinity narrowly escaped
She will pass most of the Snminer there d es t ruc ti on . ( ~
with her children, and will receive only her Captainlßlomner, a veteran of the war of
1 most intinuite -friends. ~ NL
1 - t . 1 _ 1812, died at Hawley, Wayne county,
Mrs. Sarah Holstein' 'dow,ef the late Thursday morning. There is an insurance
Major Mathias llolsteil died at her home of $90,000 on his life by graveyard 'war
in Norristown on Sunday, in the ninety- ance speculators, who have paid over $3OOO
first year of her, age
_',One of her last re- in assessments, and who will receive no re
.cirteste was to the effect that none of ,her turn on account pf the kcrnipanies ha ring
female relatives should be allowed to attend recently been closed by Attorney-General
herinneral. She will be buried to-day in Palmer. •
. .
accordance with her singular request. Pike county is threatened with a very
American literature his sustained anoth- 'bad attack of the oil fever. A gang of men
or heavy loss by the death of Ralph Waldo have been at work leveling the streets of
Emerson. There are many who regard Milford, and Saturday in excavating near
Mr. Emerson as the' greatest thinker- that the residence of Jacob Kleinhans an oily
this country has 'yet puced, and, com- fluid, which is now pronounced to bo crude
parisons apart, he was unquestionably an petroleum, commenced trickling from the
_intellectual star of the rst magnitude ,_ by ground. All who have •examin d the
whose light the world o thought will long greasy fluid- think it is oil, and d velop-
be illumined. meats are anxiously awaited.
A man, evidently a cattle' drove , who
had papers on his person bearing th name
of C. L. Walmsley, was found Wednislity
morning of last week 'lying in a horribly
mangled condition near the track of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, l above the Juniata
bridge. He was unable to give- any ac
count of himself, and he died a. few hours
later. He had cousiberable Money about
his person, as well as a railroad ticket from
St. Louis to Baltimore. Itkis supposed that
he fell froth the fast lino during thenight.
A number of Grand Army men from
different parts of the State met atillarris
burg on Wednesday of last, week to confer
With the State Department in refer,ence to
the admission of soldiers' orphans to the
public schools who could not be received on
account of a lack of funds for their support.
The object of the convention was practically
secured, and Simerintendent Higbee will
admit many of the orphans new awaiting
admission,. provided the principals of tho
schools will wait 'for any deficiency that
, ,
may aecrue. ~ t
. Bret#l • cast upon the waters by 'John
Potts, 'tillage blacksmith of Brcioklyn, this
state, has been found by him after thirty
years. He_took into his family a poor and
homeless young girl, loved her, cared - 16r
her and educated her.' - For many years he
has not known whore she was, but a few
days ago Mrs. James Rutlege, - wife of a
Pittsburg millionaire, made herself known
to him as the waif of thirty years ago;
took him to her home and gave him $50,000
in United States bonds. At least this is the
romantic' story whfcli the Mauch Chunk
Coal Gazette tells. -
J. - 11. 'Andrews, who ~is well-known
throughout the country as •` Professor "
Andrews, the " lightning calculator," mur
dered his wife ,at their residence near
, Chester county, on Monday
night of last week, while insane. He has
manifested a tendency to insanity : -for
Vtillifigera -- harP l rceigian't watch upon
him. On Monday night while Mrs. An
drews was in her sitting-room, her 'husband,
who had been left unrarded for a moment
in an adjoining room, seized a rolling-pin,
and quietly stealing up behind her, dealt
her a terrific blow on the head. She fell to
the floor insensible, while the attendant,
returning just at this moment, seized An
drews and summoned meilical aid. There
was no hope, however, and Mrs. Andrews
died at four o'clock the following morning
without recovering consciousness: Sho was
about fifty years of age.
The Greenbaekers of lowa are to take
two days for their state convention this
The Clinton Republican hears that Hon.
Heister Clymer would • accept the Demo
cratic nomination foil Governor.
Speaking of Congressmen-at-large, ;the
Boston. Post thinks too inany of them are; at
large already: , ' ,-
There is a movement in lowa to elect 'ex-
Secretary Kirkwood to Congress from(the
fifth district of that state.
The story that Second-assistant
master-General R. A..' Elmer, of. Waverly,
is to resign, seems to have been made out of
a whole piece of cloth., •
The Republican Convention of Bedford
county last week selected delegates to the
State Convention, and instructed them to
support Beaver for Governor.
Ex Senator Butler B. Strang, Tioga,
has found-Dakota on personal inspection so
unattractive to him that he has .decided to
decline the United States Ittarsnalship of
the Territory, and has retired to his home
in Wellsboro.
In order to have a Perfect representation
of the party the Wellsboro AgiNtor thinks
that "hereafter there shall be no so-called
Senatorial delegates, and , that the, repre
sentation from each county shall be in pro
portion tiiits Republican vote."
Judge Elwell seems to have a pretty fair
backing for the. Democratic Gubornational
nomination. The delegates of Bradford
and Columbia counties are instructed for
him. Judge: Elwell has a solid reputation;
he is a man of greit ability, and stand's
among the first of the CoMmon. Pleas
Judges of the state.—Phdadelphia Times,
1 , Therelt; an imrression among_the__Maine
Republicans thaM;l6;n;" , ention unpkdged
befillitlittL * La o 7, 6 4 , ernor. This method
will, it is thoriknr,present jealousies arid
i aid in consolidating the :party. The feel
mg prevalent through the State is that per
sonal difference must be laid aside, and
,having nominated the strongest man for
[ 'Governor the party must give one strong
pull to elect lam.
The' Democratic members of Congress
from Pennsylvania are said, • in the COM`
mercial Gazelle of Pittsburg, to be strongly
in favor of nominating Judge Trunkey for
'Governor, Judge Ludlow. for Supreme
Judge, and James H. Hopkins for Con
gressman -at-large. Ex-Speaker DindaU is
the only one of tho delegation who does-not
support this ticket. J. Simpson Africa
will probably have little,
if any, opposition
for the nomination for Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs, while nobody seems: to be asly )
ing for the LieutenantGovernorShip.
The Itepublican party 'of Ohio, having
taken a stand in favor of spbriety and
orderly Sabbaths, feels that it , , can consis
tently call upon the religiOus elnniene in the
State to aid it. Mr. Warner IL...Bateman,
of Cincinatti, is reported iii t_The -Corrimer
eicil of that city as saying in'
that it will depend largely upon the' relig
ious community whether the 'Republicans
carry the Cincinnati Congressional Dis
tricts this fall. 'lf," said lie, "they can
show their appreciation of what has been
done by active political work we can carry
both districts easily, 'but itthev fail to act
as they should I think the result is extreme
ly doubtful." ,
The Boston Journal, an earnest Republi
can organ, says: The present political
period is one of!transitiop, of uncertainty,
of expectancy. It is a period of growing
independence of thought, and of more ex
acting demands. It lies within the possi
bilities of the Republican party to respond
to these, new tendencies, to affiliate itself
with whatever is broadest and Bost pru
gressive, and to rid itself of objectionable
methods and leadership. Whether disinte
gration is. to culminitte in dissolution, or
whether the Republi4an party is to take on
fresh life .and activity, will depend crery
largely upon the wisdom with which it is
directed, and upon the question, whether it
is prepared to face now issues and responsi
sibties with the courage, the patriotism;and
the devotion to principle which have marked
its attitude toward the old." •
' 3
State Superintendent Higbeet is in falipr
of music being taught in the public-oschoes.
Fierce forest fires are burning, on Pocono
Mountains, in the, western part of Monroe
c I
The chljf of Pace in Pittsburg has
ordered the arrest' of ell tramps found.with
in the city limits.
The Seven ;Valley Mutual Aid AssOciation,
of Seven Valleys,' York county, has gone
into the hinds of an assignee.,
Arthur Bassett, of Pittsburg : publishes a
challenge to run a foot race with. any man
in Pennsylvania. except Smithl for from
$lOO to $5OO a side.
Lumber is increasing in pridc to such an
extent in Philadelphia as to stop the com
pletion of hundreds of buildings noWf in
course of erection.
The Norristown Register pleadi for :the
whippihg-post - to punish rowdies on the
streetslof Bridgeport, who are guilty of
sulting people as they pass.
A tfartisburg young lady, in the absence
of aldred girl, assumed the role of servant
herself. She' baked a batch of biscuit and
used Epsom salts for the leven.
Itis stated that for the first time sine() the
opening of the; Bradford oil 'field the,wells
being abandoned'` are greater in number
than the wells drilling and rigs building.
The test oil well in Wayne county has
'reached 'a depth of nearly 1,800 feet, with
no more encouraging, prospects. this still
escapes from the mouth of the 'ivelliFriphe
stockholders are confident. - -
John Craft; of Carrs Rock, st4ed ,at.
the Delaware House in Port Aervis one night'
last week, and i on retiring to bed blew Out
the gas. In the morning he was folind
by the-porter in his room dead.
The Berks County Commissioners, at a
meeting at Reading last week, instructed
their attorney to prosecute any and all
pdrties who may have been implicated with
Adam 31., Maniere,. ex-Treasurer, in the
criminal inisappropmatio n of the public
To avoid an injunction 300. feet of :rail
road track was laid by 300 men in thirteen
minutes, at Burlington, la., recently.
Physmians testify that Jennie Cramer
was violated shoetly previous 'to her death,
and they do not believe she died of drown
The Republicans of Tennessee met in
State Convention at Nashville ThirSdaY
and after adopting a strong platform, re
nominated Gov. Hawkins by acclamation: ,
The boiler in the Dalton Pail Conpany's
manufactory at DaltAin, N. Y., explcided .
Friday , afternoon, killing Newell Olnoy
and Frank Baker. the proprietors, and
injuring several other persons.
Charles Athons, of Decatur, 111. , was
stricken with paralysis a few days ago,'and
was believed to be dead. After . hiti body
bad been. prepared. for burial he regained
consciousness, and will no doubt recover.
Dr. Lamson was hanged at London
Thursday morning at nine o'oclock. He
was calm and composed at first, but at last,
had to be supported on his feet by two at
tendants. He died almost without a strug
• There was exhibited at Cincinnati yester
day, a sample of spring wheat grown on or
dinary land near Americlis, Ga: It was
sown November 20, 1881, harvested April
7, 1882, and thrashed April 21. It averaged
twenty bushels to the acre, and is of good
The lawyer who has charge of the Mal
ley casein Connecticut, won't have anything
but blonde Men on the jury; gifing as a
reason thatidark haired, dark eyed peoples
are quick tempered, suspicious and un
reasonable 'in their conclusions. Now
every man is saying that his mjfe is a bru
nette. -
Throughout most of the southern part of
Iflanesoty the soil is dry enough for agri
cultural operations, and seeding 'for wheat
is generally going on. The same is true of
the northern part of the State, and of Da
kota, except in those sections visited by the
late spring rains and floods, which have
somewhat delayed seeding operations. -
A Texas firmer made a wager four years
ago that he would make the proceeds of
one opposnm hunt net bim $10,600 in less
than ten years. Having sold the meat and
paltry of this hunt for $95, he invested the
money in twelve calves, and as the herd
has now increased to several hundred, valu
ed at $4,000 his 'success is assured, 'barring
all, accidents.
The New 'York Times devoted thirty
columns and a-half of Thursday's issue to a
report of the condition of the principal
crops in every State and Territory in the
Union. Grain appears to bo . doing well,
and to have geneially increased its acreage
verywhere; ; tobacco, cotton and 1 sugar
cane are doing well; and bay and halt are
the only crops which have suffered widely
from frost and flood.
, The Forestry Convention met at Cincin
neti last week, with a large and influential
attendance. George E. Loring. of. Wash
ington, was chosen president A constitu
tion was adopted, providing that the name
shall be the American Forestry Congress,
and the object top,encourage the protection
and planting of forest and ornamental trees,
and to promote forest culture.- Among.the
vice-presidents chosen was Thomas Meehan,
of Pennsylvania.
The State Superintendent of Insurance of
Misioiri has refused to renew - the authority
of the 'Hartford Life and .Annuity Insurance
Company to do business in that state, an
henceforth the company will not be allow •
to werate in Mis' spuri." The company, has
lAtten asking an investigatipn, pending
which, however, they must go out of busi
ness at St. Louis. , One of the grounds of
the action by the Superintendent is that -
$500,000 of assets is reported invested in
Southern Kansas lands.
HELPiNG TO 1,411MC1P14112,e.
-7.1)%g INDBPSNAENTS :/1q11)
/ • azarkAlts. - '
A comrsomrsv.ErrsorND.
The Conference, of Regular and Ind&
pendertt Republicanl called, as a result
of the recent Mitchelk -conference, with
a view of healing this; differences exist
ing in the State organization,lnet, Sat
urdaY in the Continental Hotel, Phila
delphia, and,. after an informal discus
sion lasting until midnight, adjourned
to Meet again at 4 o'clock Monday
afternoon! The five Regulars, under
the chairmanship of Matthew IS. Quay,
presented a series of. , resoltdionS, or
propidtions, and the fiVe Independents,
led by Charles S. Wolfe, submitted a
declaration of principles. Neitlferidiku-
meitt . wa.s acted on, and the Conference
adjOurtied without 'agreeing on the'
recommendation to tii6 State' , Conven
tion that promises to be the result of
its deliberations. The Regulars were
represented in the Conference by M. S.
Quay, Chris Magee, Thos A Cochran,
John F. Hartranft, Howard J: Reeder.
The Independents by ,Charles S. Wolfe,
I. D. McKee, J, NV. Lee“ Wharton
Barker, Francis B. Reeves. -7
The Conference re-convened on on
day aftehoon. and was in session° ntil
about II o'clOckin the evening. The
report of Messrs. Quay and Wolfe, the
chairman of the Regular ardlndepend •
eat elements trpectively,i'i to whom
were referred the two paper, the Inde
pendents' -"Declaration_ of Principles"
and the Regulars recommendation for
the 'future government of ,_delegate
elections and changing the time,,of
holding State conventions was present
ed. These papers were woven together
as one whole and were submitted. to
the conference through Mr. Quay with
a • favorable recothrnendation. The
secretary read them and after;consider
able time occupied in their dismssion
they were adopted unanimously. by the
Conference and signed by all the mem
bers. ' • i
The repcirt as 'submitted and adopted is as
\, The committee of five appointed by Sen•
ator Mitchell to confer. with a committee of
the same number appointed by Mr. Cooper,
chairman of the Republican central com
mittee, present their views as follows: 1
This committee lay no claim to the right 1
of making nominations Init believe , that
nominations of- candidates: should proceed
freely from the body of the part*, and that
a ticket dictated by a self-perpetuating
leadership long in . advance of 'the party's
consideration of the subject, and then im
posed upon it by the methods commonly
known as those'of the machine, is justly re
'garded as offensive by intelligent Republi
cans, who value their rights , as,citizens, and
that , submissionto such methods, rewarding
such usurpations and 'thereby encouraging
their repetition is necessarily an act of un
faithfulness to the form of,,'}government
under which we live. ' l ' - , ~, ,- .
A. State-Convention-intended, to give the
cover of partY endors44ent to such a ticket,
and largely composcid .of delegates not
1 directly chosen by the people, or chosen at
a time distant from the meeting . of. the
State Convention, or otherwise so chosen as
not to be representatives of tire party's
*Sent mind, is also highly objectionable.
The Independent Republicans will claim
the right to formulate . the fundamental
principles which they are Commonly knOwn
to hold, to present them' to and advocate
their adoption by the State Convention,
and to maketheir acceptance a condition of
indorsement of any candidate for their
suffrages; • and, on the other hand, they wig
reserve the .:ght to reject any candidate
who will no .unequivocally: . and cordially
indorse the . . . ' •.. . , ~
They will demand that the candidates of
din nartv 5ha111%. , 4
associations ~an antecedents shall be in
themselves an unquestioned guarantee that
their office NVill be adMinistered solelyin
the interests of the people at large, and of a
pure government entirely free froin per
sonal and factional influences. hh
They will insist that, id defereece to a
Strong and grolVing public sentiment, it will
be unwise and inipolitic to nominate a ticket
which had previously been determined upon
by party managers, and which has not the
indorsement of the people:
In the opinion of the committee these are
the views of ~a majority of the Republican
voters, repiessed hitherto in their express
ion only by considerations of party fealty.
Further disregard of these sentiments can
no longer be tolerated. A manly and in
dependent spirit, without w, 'eh parties de
generate into more instruui nts of oppres
sion and corruption, requires that they be
If the action of the convention of May 10
is such as to evince a sincere purpose to
meet the higher aspirations of the party, as
above indicated, this, committee will be
pleased to recommend to the convention of
MaY 24 its ratification and thus to aid in
the work of securing enduring harmony
upon a Consistent and honorable basis.
Standing upon the. above platform, this
committee recommend to the conference
that they adopt the following resolutions, to
be submitted to the Republican State Con
vention and :recommended for their
adoption. CAARLES S. WOLFE,
1.. D. McKEE, •
J. W. LEE.
TUE nrsoumoss
The following are the resolutions that
were appended to the above document :
Resolved, That we" recommend the adop
tion of the following principles and meth
ods by the Republican State Convention of
Bray 10:
1. That we unequivocally condemn the
use of patronage to promote personal politi
cal ends, and require that all offices be
stowed within the party shall be upon the
side basis of fitness.
2. That competent and faithful officers
should not ho removed except for cause,
3: That the 'non-elective minor offices
should be filed in accordance with trules
established by law.
4. That the ascertained popular will shall
be faithfully carried out in State and Nation
al Conventions and by those holding office
by the favor of the party.
5. That we condemn compulsory assess
ments for political purposes and proscrip
tion for failure to respond either to such
assessments or to requests for voluntary
contributions, and that any policy of po
litical proscription is unjust and calculated
to disturb party harmony.
6. That public office constitutes a high
trust to be, administered solely for the peo
ple, whose'ifiterest must be paramount to
those of pcirsons or parties, and that - it
should be invariably conducted with the
same efficiency-, .economy and integrity - , as
are expected m the execution of . private
trusts. . , •
. .
That the State ticket should be such
as by the impartiality of its co nstitution
and the high character and acknowledged
fitness of the nominees Will justly - commend
itself to the support of the united Republi
can party 4
Resolved, That we also t recommend the
adoption of the following permanent rules;
for the holding of State Conventions and
the conduct of the party:
1. That delegates to State Conventions
shall be chosen in the manner in which
candidates for the General Assembly are
nominated, except in Senatorial districts
composed of more than one county, in
which conferees for tha selection of Sena
torial delegates shall be chosen in the man
ner aforesaid, and ,the representation of
each county shall be .based upon its Repub
lican vote, cast at the Pinsidential election
next preceCding the convention.
2. Hereafter the State Convention -of the
Republican party shall be held on the sec
and Wednesday of July, except in the peal
of the Presidential election, when it shall
be held not more thin thirt y days previous
to the day fixed for the National Conven
tion, and at least sixty days' notice shall be
given of the date of the State- Convention.
8. That every person wh6 voted the Re
:publican electorial ticket at the last Pntsi
dential election next preceeding any State
Convention shall be permitted to partici
pate in Lite elaction of delegates to State
and National Convention; and we recant
-mend to the county organizations that in
theirrules,they allow the largest freedom
in the getteitd participation in the prima
,ries consistent with the preservation of
'the party. organization.
M. S. QUAY, F. Itairrnanir, TIIONAS
4k. CocwuN, HOWARD J. Briton,
C. I.; Maxim, On the part of the Re
' publican State Committee, appointed
by Chairman Cowper.
Mumma S. Wom, I. D. Kam, FRAY
cis B. — RErrEs, Wasicron BARKER,
J. W. Us, On the part of Senator
• Mitchell's Independent •Republican
Committee. '
The following reiolution was adopted by
the joint , conference:
Roared, That we disclaim any authority
to speak or act for other persons than Our
selves, and simply make these suggestions
as in our opinion essential to the promotkm
of-harmony and unity.
Death of Ralik Waldo Emerson•
Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose
condition had for-some days' 'pastheen a
source of anxiety to his friends and the
public, ditd Concord Thursday even
ing. He was born at Boston on the
25th of May,, 1803, and was con.
sequently at the time of his death, near
ing his seventy- ninth year.. He gradu
ated from Harvard Coll* in 18'11'
without having won any notable eolleg
tate- distinetion, and for five years . after
leaving college was engaged in keeping
school. Ire accordance with his - father's
wish hesprepared himself for the'minia
ry,-and' in -Mara, 1829, was ordained
co-pastor with Henry Ware, of the
Second Unitarian Church •of Boston,
being the eighth in succession of a direct
family line Of ministers. -Three years
later his independence of thought beam!'
to show itself. His views of Lord'a
supper did not agree-with , those
p f his
congregation, and he asked to be
ed from his charge'. Soon, afterward
he sailed for Europe, and returning
after a year's absence began. his - career
as a lecturer,' by— which during the
next seven years he was very actively '
-and successfully occupied. The pub
lication of
."The - Deal' was, begun in
the year 1840, and during the last two ]
years, of its existence was :under Mr.
Enierson's editorial management In
1841 the first series of his 'Essays'-
peare,d, and wiis.folowed by. the second
series three years later. , Hisi Essays
on Representative Men ins-published in
1850, and the: .'Memoirs. of lilargaret
Fuller Ossoli' in. 1852 Other ';of '
works appeared as follows: 'English
Traits" in 1856; 'The Conduct of tife
in 1860, 'May Day and Other 'Pieces,,
a a nd
of. poems in 1867 and Society
and Solitude in 'lB7O. . He has also
been a frequent contribiitorto the-Atlan,
-tic, Monthly down'ta . a, late day. • Mr'.
Etherson has long been. recognixedas
the most ;original - ii and: 'profound 'of
American thinkers; and there. is no. one
to. - t•fill his place. , • ,
• Another River Disaster.
• L •
Couninta, S. C.' April!2S.—A special
to the Daily Register from. King
S. C. says: 'The steamer -Marioniem.
ployed on the Wateree river, explOed
one of her, boilers'littween eleveri',and'
twelve oteloek to-day. She had -on
board a picnic paity, thirty-five orforty
in number. Miss ilinine:Henry was
instantly killed Misses Mattie , and .
Natalie Henry arc' missing, and 'ate
suppoSed to have been drowned; Miss
Lizzie Henry was badly hurt,. tend
is not expected to recover; .
Trimble was' badly scalded Miss Minnie
Bates had an arm broken' and sustain:.
edlithei skrious . injuries;.Arvell Stiles
iassing, , •and , is supposed to have
-:eta drowned; Tom Richardson colored
onc the drew, was . drowned;
Williams, another of the ' as
badly'hurt.l •
Disastrous Fire at Ithaca.
The Nyashington glass works at
Ithsea were totally destroyed by '\ fire
Sunday night. The fire originated
in the rolling and packing room, it_ is
thought from a, spark from the furnitee.
The loss on the establishment is es
timated at upwards of $50,000. There
was, an insurance of $20,000. Oyer
one' hundred operatives - are thrown "out
of employment.
,There is a, prospect
of an immediate rebuilding of the,works
and a resumption within .thirty days.
This is the largest and most disastrous
fire that has visited Ithae I, since the
great tire of 1872. j:
On Saturday two packages were
mailed in New York addressed
respectively to William H. Vanderbilt,
450 Fifth avenue; and Cyrus W. 'Field
Lexington, avenue and Thirty-third
street. While being conveyed up town
on the.elevated railroad, an .explosion
was heard from the mail-bag, followed
by fird and sthoke. The burning bag
was hastily transferred from the post=
office station at . Twtnty-ninth street
and Third avenue, and Postmaster
Pearson - was summoned. The exploded
package was the one addressed to Mr
Vanderbilt, and the other. being similar
in appearance, was at once soaked in
water. It was then examined, arid
'found to be a pateboard box,. decorat
ed and having a small drawer with a
loose string. It contained a tin canister
with about half a Found of powder and
a liquid.: These will be subjected to
,The utmost efforts will be.
made to discover the 'diabolical authors
of the attempted outrage.
' A Negro Lynched,. .
CICINNATI, April 30.—Frank Fisher
the negro who, was charged with
having Outinged Barbara Settia,„ aged
thirteen years, near Galion, this state
was lynched this afternoon by a mob
of 200 Men.. Fisher was captured
',yesterday and incareereed in the Salem
Jail. This afternoon a crowd gathered
at the prison, broke open the doors,
overpowered the officials and dragged
Fisherout. He was taken to the house
of the ; . girl, whz, identified him, .and
then was conveyed to the scene of the
crime. : He begged for time to pray
and was given five minutes, which he
occupied in Praying-and declaring his
innocent.e.! Fisher was. thin hanged
to thelimb of a tree. The lynchers
are wc i ll known citizens. . .
Terrible Boiler Explosion.
Gouisnono, N. C., April 28.—A
boiler in Illy man's saw mill exploded
to-day, blowing the mill into fragments
and throwing the manager and six men
from thirty to forty-feet through the
air. Sam Mabrey, the fireman - when
found; wag scalded , and reduced almostto a jelly, and .soon, d ed. ;Simile!
Spruell, Li_wis Simmons and Frank
Jones wure fatally ,hurt. Two others
were badly scalded and bruised.
The Lehigh Valley Tar.
• Hamusnuno, May I.—The county
court to-day decided against the right
of the state the Lehigh Valley
road, $136,000 taxes on its loans and
- bounded indebtedness for 1880 and
1881. Numerous other corporations
interested in the state will appeal. The
court overruled all the commonwealths,
objections to the decision in the suit
againit the Standard oil company.
DEPEun. Wie., April 23.—Shay
'ings •-including thirty-two badness
bowies, burned here this morning. Loss
$120,000, /OSMIUM $43,000. Links
a drunken teamster, perished,
By virtue of sundry writs • issued out of it.
Court crf Common Pleas of Bradford County and
to me directed, 1 will expose to public ssie at
the Court House in Towanda Borungo, on
FRIDAY, MAY, 5, 1.882.
st 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described
property, to•wit
Bto. 3, one sot, piece or Parcel of land, situate
in Towanda borough. bounded north by Inn 4 of
Widow Lewis. cast byjilver street, south by
lands of John Snilivati and, west by 1 311 4,,
lasbree Davies and other lands_ of B . A.
Chamberlin; being 100 feet - front on Bi",
street, running back 100 feet, with I framed
house, framed barn, sod a few !colt
tress thereon. Seized and taken int o
ezecutioh it the suit of Frederick Meteor, ex•
tient*? of Sarah A. - Idercur. vs. Byron Chamber.
lin'and Dennis L. itweeny.
No. 2. ALSO—Defendant's life estate in a
lot of land, situate in Athens township,
bounded north by lands of A. McVangh
( l o t No. ). Miss' Gray (lot 7 No, 0.
and Hiram and Susan Thomas (lots Nos. ti and
71)4 east by linds of Hiram and Susan Thomas, -
south by 144yre Land Company and -tooth. Firs t
st r eet, andiwest by Thomas avenue. E t i e pu zlg
and reserving therefrom lot NO. 8 sold to J.. A.
Woodward, lot No. 4 sold to Park Wolcott. lot
.No. 5 sold to A. MoVaugh, lot No. 47 sold to
Mrs. AnzuTuthill, lot No. 48 sold to—llyns.
lot No. 50 owned by Normin Shaw. lot No.
owned by Ws. Anna Tuthill. and lot No. r,3
owned by Andrew Zeller; being lots sod pasta of
10t5: 4 40.1 (eut half), Nos. 2, 46, 45, 4.1,4), !,T .
71, 72:73, 74,15, 75, and 77 according to a plot or
'survey made by Z. F. Walker for Thomas
Pierce, June 23, A.D. 1873; all ,improved', I.ltl,
1 two-story framed house thereon,
No. 3. ALSO—Defendant's interest in a lot
of bind situate in Athens township, bounded
north by lands now of -late of Alias Fordham,
east and south by lands of Bullet, and west by
the Susquehanna river; contains 42acres, more
-or less, about 10 improved; the said land having
been contracted by Win. B. Pierce, If. W. Thomas
nd Howard Elmer to Elijah Vangorder, by con.
tract dated Jiin. 31, 1870,1 with a 'two-atory '
framed house thereon. Seised And taken- into
execution at the suit of Hirer Thomas' use vs.
Win. B. Pierce. -
No. 4. ALSO—Defendant's interest tin a lot c;f
land situate in Towanda borringh, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at the south.
-east corner of lands .of U. C. Porter in th e
centre, of the highway; thence westerly along
the south line of H. C. Porter's-gaud ar: rods to
acomer; thence southerly along the lands of
Joseph Powell 9 rods more oideas to the corner
of lot of the rector vestryAand wardens ef
Christ Church; thence eastwardly along th e •
north line of said church lot to , west corner of
W. lili Watts' let t, thence •northerly along te e
west, line of said Watts' lot to the north corner
;of said Watts' lot; being 12 feet south from south
line eeitalelyorter's land; thence eastwirdiv
along the north line of said Watts' lot to a tor.
Der in the centre of said highway; thence along
the centre of ssid highway 12 feet to the place of •
beginning; reserving nevertheless the right to
said W. 31: Watts, his heirs and assigns, to use
the 12 feet in width betw,een•his north ha& aaa
said Porter's south line from said highway run.
ning west to said Watts' 'line as an alley. Being
agUla land conveyed by -B. 8. Russell and wife
to Barry Mix and John .D. Montanye : deed .
dated October I, 1869, and recorded in Recorder's
Office for Bradford County, in deed book:No.111
page 35, kc., all improved, no buildings.
' No, 5. ALSO—One other lot, piece br parcel of
land situate In Towanda borough; bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at
,a point—o n
Weston street th e nor th east cerper ors-lot now
owned by 31. A. Shaw; thence easterly along
Weston street 4lfeet to scoktieetitheneo , souther.
ly along, lands of .1. V. Wilcockiraboul 55 feet to
s corner on land of estate of aire.. H. C. wird:
thencealouglands belonging to estate of 31n:
H. C. Ward 41 feet to a corner, being. southeast
corner of B. A. Shaw'. land:. thence northerly'
along lands of 3S, A. Shaw about 35 feet to place
of beginning; said lot being 41 feet strict
measure, on line of . Weston street and on hue of
lands of Mrs. IL C. Ward, and about 55 feet (leen.
Being same piece of land conveyed by J. v.
Wilcocka and wife to John D. Mon tanye by deed
dated June 24, 1173, and recorded in Recorder's
Office for Bradford County, in deed book No. ir.
page 37, &c.,; all improved, with 1 board bare
thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the
, suit of William Stevenson's use ill Jno. D.
Moetanye's administrator, widow and child.
No. G. ALSO—One other lot of hind, situate in .
Athens twp.,.and being in the_ southwest cot ,
ner of lot No. X ill South Waverly, as die tlegnish.
ed on a map made for Wm. W. shepherd and
others, commencing in the centre cf Bradford
street in the west line of said lot No. e. running
north on said west line e 0 feet; thence east and
parallel with Pradford street 50 -feet and a
inches; thence south and parallel with the west
-line of lot No. 8, e 0 feet to the centre of Brad
ford street.; thence west in the centre of Brao.
ford street to the 'place of beginning; he, the
same more or less. Being the seine premises
deeded by party of Seat part hereto to party of
• the second part, by deed dated the 12th day of
April, 1877. having a ctwo-story frsnied Awelling
and, outhouse thereon; all - improved: Se‘z4.4l , -
and taken Into execution at the suit of .1.:;:thel"
I Brock's trio vs. Caroline E. Deckei.
No. I. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In
Orwell township, bounded north by lands ct G.
C. Friable and Caleb Allen„ '.dieeased,
1 east by 'indeed Caleb Allen, deceased, John Bing:
„ham Leander Maynard and . Aurora ..r.obinsot,
south!by lands of Ralph Pickering, John I. East.
man and S; A. Chaffee, and west by lands of S. A,
• Chaffeo and Geo. Friable; contains 133 acres,
more or less. stheiut•l2s. improved, with 2 framed
ebonite', 3 framed herns; -- th - eds. other outbuil,l
- and fruit trees thereon, and being the same
:land as described In deed recorded in Bradford
county deed . book No: e 3, page 23, kc. 'Seized and
taken into execution at the lull of Ruth Ann. .
Royst's use vs: David Ford and Cleo. W. For!.
Also at the. suit of Ruth Ann !loyal?. use is.
DarldFord. - ' • ,
No. 8 , ALSO. One - othei.7lot of land , ettelte in
Monroe iforough, bounded north by Larkin of B.
B. Hollett, east by Main street, and south and .
west bilands of Henry Tracy; contains 3 acres,'
more or Jess, all improved, with 1 framed house,
1 f rarr ,,:s;Le.ei., fear exult trees thereon.
No. 9. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate inf
Monroe township, bounded. north by Janos of..
Dr. Newton , east by-the turnpike, south by
lands of Zack Northrup, and west by hinds of
Joseph Smith: contains 15 acres, more or less.
all improved; no buildings. Seized and• taken
into execution at the Suit of Bowen' Kings.
bury: use vs.! John Daugherty. Also it snit of
N. N. Betts' use vs Barge.
Nci. 10. ALSO—One either lot of land, situate
in Canton township; bounded and described ac
fellows: " Beginning in the centre of the high
way in the east line of Murrey's lands thence
north 3G degs. west 40 perches to a post; thence
north 54degs. east 8 perches to - a post; thence
south 36 degs. rut 40 perches to the centre of
said high Way; thence along: the centre of said
highway south 51 degs. west 8 perches to the
place of beginning ,• contains 2 acres, all
proved, with an orchard fruit tries-thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C.
C. Manley vs. Wrn..lsl. Gregory.
No. 11. ALSO—One otherlot ,of land;
Canton gape.
in township, bounded and describe st
follows: Beginning at a poet and stones the
northeast corner of a lot of land now occupied.,
by N Smith; thence south 141 degs.. east 45 , Mu.
rcdslo I post and atonal; thanes south 2,legs.
west 218 perches to a post on the north bank or
Towanda Creek; ttence same course to the Cen
tre of said creek; thence up the said creek as it
now runs to the southeast corner of a lot of
land now occupied by said N. Smith; thence
north 2. degs. east 232 :perches to the place of
beginning; contains 75 acres, - more or less• all
improved, with 3 framed barns, 1 framed house,
other outbuildings and an orchard of fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken into execution at' he
snit or J. L. Meeker's use vs. J. S. Manley. -
No. 12. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
- in Towanda township, bounded and described as.
follows: Beginning at the northwest corner 01 a
lot formerly owned by 0; F. Maion; thenco
north 514 degs. east along the east side cf the
public highway leading into Towanda 53 feet to
a corner; thence south 841; degs. east - le7 feet
to a corner; thence south 5 • degs. west 5.1 feet
to the northeast corner of said G. F. "Jason le;
aforesaid; thence along the line of said lot north
$43; degs. west 187 feet to the place of beginning,.
with 1 two.story fumed house and several pun'
trees thereon, .
ia. ALSO—One other lot of land. citrate
in Towanda Borough, boundel north by Int of
John Britilit, east by Main street, south by lot of
Patrick Kennedy, and west by an alley running
parallel with thin street said lot being 50 ieet
du width, and having 1 two-story framed dwelling
house thereon.,
No. 14 ALSO—One other lot of laud, situate
In Towanda borough. bounded north by lands of
Oeo4MeCabe's estate, east by lands now or tor.
nicely of Wtn. H. Morgan's estate, month by
Washington street. and west by lands of .Iclin
Pine; being 19 feet front on - said street by 42
feet deep, With one-half of • framed dwelling
hove thereon. Seized and taken into eieentku
at the suit of dames T: Hale's use vs. John J. -
No. 15. ALSO—Ono other lot of land, situate to
Orwell township, bounded north by lands of
Manson Luna, east by lands of J. W. Park and
Lynes Robinson, south by; lands of Lynes Robin
son and C. is. Davis, and west by lands of J. W.
Parks and A. J. Taylor ; 'chit - tains 140 acres, more
-or less; abant 115 improved, with 1 framed
house. 1. framed barn, and 2 orchards of *fruit
trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution .
at the stilt df D. H. Coon's use ye. Alexander
Keefe and H. L. Parks.
No 11f.- ALSO One other lot of land.situa to in,
Smithfield town.thip,boun led north and east by ,
other lands 01 Marshall Bullock, south by the
public highway. attuning east and west thr on> h.
Smithfield Centre, and 'test by lands of 31rs.
Nsncoy E. Ririe; contains 4 of an acre, more
or less, with 1 trained house, 1 framed store. '
trained storehouse.and a few fruit trees thereon.
Also the right of way from the highway to the •
storehouse, as contained in deed of James li.
:Webb to D.' Bullock, In April, 1877, and being
the same property conveyed by said NVebb to
said Bullock by the aforesaid deed. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of Jillies
Webb'. use vs. Marshall Bullock. •
- No. 17. , ALSO—One other lot of land, pan
ate in Standing Stone township, bounded and -
described es tulluws: Begintriug iu the et..: -
tie of the public road leading front To wands
to; on the lib° of Henry Fisher,
south 763; degs. west 15 rods on eai I sos Ito
a slake; tuanee south 23; dgs. west 10 61.1-10)
rods a•li , ining lands of Mean n Kings!, %;
thence north 7634: doge. emit 15 , rods b.• the
same; then north 23; dgo, eat tlO 66%100 r.kls
along the line of Henry Fisher to the place .of
beginning; cuut4ins 1 acre, strict measure_
Seize acd taken into execution at the s arl
ufJonathan Stevens vs. Jared Hart.
No. 18. ALSO.—One ether' lat of laud s..oetet ,
in Canton borough, bounded and dear:OKA se ,
follows: Beginning in the centre of •Uiiio.l,st at
the northeast corner of Thomu Holism's Lair :
thence north 51 dm. out along the vark&re of asku
street 5 4-5 perches: 0i a C. - diner; thence ;tenth
deg, east 20 5-10 perches to a comet ; thence
south SI deg. west 7 perches to sold llorigarN
Ilnel thence north 3 deg. east 1-10tpe cher to
the centre of said Union atreet, the place of hit•
ginning, containing 130 square perches' of !add
more or less, with I framed house, I trained
barn and fruit trees thereon, and being same lot
of land as described in deed recorded in Brad*
county Deedliook No. 141. page 466, etc. Seized
and taken unto execution at the snit of George .E
Bullock ye. Leroy Granteer.
No. 19, ALSO—One other lot (gland, situate
in Wiudham township bounded north by lands
of 8, Kirby estate, east by lands ofllvt. Shoe
maker, south by lands' of Samuel i lthoernaker
and west by lands of.). S. Madden, with 4 dwell,
big houses, 'framed barn with sheds -attache.r.
1 wagon house, greater,, and a few fruit trees
thereon; contains 210 acres, more or less, about
170 improved.
No, 20. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate
in Willdalim towbsb l o, bounded north And west
by lands of Charles Johnson. east by lands of
J.B. Madden, and south by lands of Milton
Johnson; eel:Rains IS sores more or less,
Biased and Saha Into essouticui at the snit ef
James IL Coddlnir, assignee. and Pomertfy 11 : 98 -
1111 . 8. D. Madden and J. S. Madden.
Sheriff% WILLLIK T. HORTON. Sheriff.
QS:e t Towards, April 12,1882.