Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, May 04, 1882, Image 1
1:1 , : c 0318 bz TRACY, Publisiiers. f VOL. VII. Sli3 Bradford Republican 14 t' . uh;i•hcd Every Thursday, AT TOWANDA, PA.; BY 110LOODIB & TRACY. g $1.50 Per An sssss in Adriziare Advertising Rates,-Sta cents a line 1)r Arst *5. , 4iortion, an 1 five cents per line bit all subic. *5 insortipne. Reading notice adverth in; ton cents vcc lino. Eight lines constitute a and twelve lines an inch. i Auditor's s2.r). . Administrator's and :Execnior's nutices $2,00.• Yearly advertisinesLLo.oo per eolilinn T is Iturciixtcau is published in the 3 Lacy. - ,vieore and Nobles Block, at the corner of Slain sd kin'e stroets, ,over Corset's Boot and store. Its circulation is over W. 13. As an l,iccrtisinti medhun it is unexcelled in its ina• BUsiness Dires4:7 ATTOILSEI - 3-47-LAW Pcl.l.l6.:Lt'SD k 7+IcOOVERN, (E. J. Cleettanci V trot. Mc(.overn), Canton; Bradford County. All business entrusted to their care tu Ncl,b tern Brulford will receive prompt attention. 'Q MATH A: Attorneys-at-Law; (Mc over Powell A: Co. • 4 7 -O.LIFF, J. N., Wilco iv.„W ood's Block, south %./ 1 First Sational Bank; up stairs. Juno 12;i8 -------- 1.51111EF....5; SoN ftV C Etsbrea and L. E . /arm.) (Mee in Ilercur:;.Block. Park St. may 14,78 -_ DECK & OVERTON peed Af Peek and D A Over /. tonl. Otllee over Hill's Sisrket 13-'79 - - - r;yr troN & SANDERSOY (E Overton awl Jelin toSenderso n .1 Office in Adams j alys'7B Office over Dayton'a Store aprillt,76 WILI'. J. ANDLiEW. Ofilce in Menu's Block apr 14.16 nAvir.A, CATINOCILkN lc FALL. z Daries. (:arno.thatt, L M Hall.) Of lce. in rear :1 Ward. House. £.llttance oil Poplar, Bf.. 01312,76 ltCllll, RODNEY A. Solleitor of 'Patents; Particular .attention paid to business in Orollans' Court and to the settlement orestates. in ?don tanxe's Block 49-79 A ir c PHERSON .S. YOUNG, (I. .31aliersoci and Vii- W. I. Young.) Mace south side of 51ercur's fel) I ,:zi BM 'NAADILL & KINNEY. Office corner Main and Nue at. Noble's block. second floor front. Co:lce:lou r s promptly attended to. fob I. 79 • TITILLIAIIS, ANGLE tt BUFFINGTON. '(II N 1W Williams, J Angl+ and E D Buffington). west side of Alain street, two door* north _ot Aryns office. ,AU tusiness entrusted to their prompt ittentiou. .oct 26,77 T.IES 11. AND JOIIN W. CODDING, Attar •Jl 'pegs awl Counsellors-at-Law. Office In the Id,!raur Block, over C. T. liirbre Drug Store. • July 3, 'l l O tf. "LrEENEY. J. P. Attorney-at-Law. Office in liontanye'Cilloa, Street. Sept. :5, - - rpIioMPSON, W. H. and E. A., Attorneys-at • Law, Towanda, Pa. (Alice 1n Mercur Block, C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main street, first stair Way north of Post-office. All business promptly attended to. Special atten- - tiou giyeu to claims against the United Ststes or Pensioto+, Bounties, Patents, etc', and to ' ollections and settletueut of decedent's estates. April 21. ly HENRY B. WICEAN7 • STIOIINEY-AT-LAW, TOWA:tv.s., Solicitor of Pat Kits. Government * chims a tended to. - ilfifebbi4 PHYSICANS AN)) SZ7RgEO.NS IfaliNSON. T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. it. C '; Porters's Drug Store. feb12,113 MEWI'ON, .D.N. d: F.U. Office at DwoUing 1 - 11 ,7 -01 1 River Street, corner Weston St. feb LADD, C. K., 11'.D. Oftics Ist door above old bank building, on Main street. door. at ucntion given to: diseases or the throat and inriKs• I ju1y13,78 - - - TKTiAJDI.II7ItN. S. M.D. Ulnae and rall y' v deuce. Main street, north oe3t.E.Chur:ll. 'Medical Examiner for . Pension _ Dresr li tment:. b 22,78 IDAIND. E. D.. 'M.D. Mice over lellntanye's Store. OflicAhoilre fronllo to 12 •.m. and from 2 to 4 P. If. Special attention given to Diseases of the Eye, and Diseased of the Ear . . oct TOWNLit., 11. L., M.P.. MOPATIIIC PIITRICIA/C S SURGEON• lirSidelaCe and office just north of Dr.keorbon's Main street, Athens, Pa. HOTELS HESItY HOUSE. Main st., next corner south of Bridge' street. New house and new, furniture throughout. The proprietor has a.pared neither pains or expense in making his -hotel ilrst-class and respectfully solicits a share 3r Public patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms reaeonahle. Large Stable attached. mar 77 WM.-EMMY. SECRET SOCIETIES TITATKINS POST, NO. 03, G. A. It. Meets VV every Siturday evening, at Military Hall. '• GEO. V. MYER, Commander. J. it. Err - rumaE. Actjutant. fob 7, 59 fIitYSTAL LODGE . No. 57. Sleets at K. of P %.1. Hall every Monday evening at 7: 30 . In enrollee $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver ego manna' cost, 5 years experience, $ll. ' J. B. KITTBIDGE, Reporter.. Etn-e. WAILDELL, Jrc.. Dictator. fob 22-78 RADFORD LODI3E.IsTO.IG7, 1.0.0. F. Meet In Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening ,at 7 o'clock. WAILIIEN HILL, Notts Grand. June 12,75 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING POST, F. E. O. 32 Second street All orders will receive prompt attention. Juno 12,75 EDUCATIONAL SCSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE LNSTITUTE. The , sPRING. TERM will begin Monday, April 3, Is" 2. For,batalogue or other, Juror. D. Mitt's. address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, Pa. aly 1V,74 PLUND ER AND GAS- FITTER (171LL1Ar, EDIVAAD. Practical Plumber VV and as Fittor. Place of business in Bier ctzr Block n xt door to Journal office opposite Public Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair ng Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing romptly attended to. All wanting'work in his 'no should give him a call. Jul) , 27,77 INSURANCE ---- 110178 SELL, 0. 8, General Instirance Agency, LI , Towanda, Pa. (Mice in Whitcomb's Book Store. July 12.76 BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, &c Alfred J. Purvis No. 131 Genessee street, UTXCIA, N. Y All work in. his line done well and promptly at lowa' price. .L - Parties Wiring volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any musing numbers at cost price. , orders given to J. J. Scanlan. Agent for fitradford County will be promptly executed ac ,cbrding to direct ions. aep9-tf, TNIt. JONES' 'DREAM CAMPHOR. IS TOE 1.1 NAME of the popular Linament that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, Pain in the Face, Ilei4 or Spine, Chopped Bands; Beniles, Bprsins , Burns, Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an insect, Poison 'Vines, etc., for Man or Beast Always 'reliable, and almost instantan eous in Itsmellet Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cm. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal at the State Fair. 1879. ASA JONES, Prop'r, 319 N. 34 St., Phila., Pa. Jan. 13, 6-In. • . .. , - . .. . ~ , • • • - , , . „,. . , . . •- ' .M:•.-..'•-!'Z':,';--r'-'.';i3,-t,Ml.,.`,..tA'` :',. -- :... - ,i, .": - .. 4 -.. : ,,'„,; .. .: .. e:::, --...,•-..-,....,:-:.::. - -.--•-:. 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'--..------ --".—".........-....:.-....,.......-...--,-.. Railroad Itlme4ablea. BARCLAY R. B. TIME-TABLE. TAKES EFFECT JAN. 1, IS$2. RAINS i NORTE. I O — 4ll 1 STATIONS 'ay Ace' tioni • lA.m. l p.m 5.201. 11.2 tr dr.. Towanda ... Dep. 0.17i 3.15 4.03 9.os;Dep. - Monroe.... dr. 8.35 3.3() .02 9.1418. r. „Monroe.... Dep., 6.41! 3.31. ~58 8.501 " Masontown 1 G. 471 3.35 .53 a.6tl " Greenwood " 0.52 i 3.40 .46 _8.40j •'....Weston i 7.001 3.47 .39 *8.381 .... Suntudt.... "` ,0 7.11 , 3,,554 .35 *8.35! " ..*. Lamas.— " 1 *7.15 1 *3158 531 8 . 31 " Longlialleyjnno " I 7.191 4202 5.20 8.15 Dep. . Foot of Plane. Ar. 17.37) 4;15 • Inditiateirtluit trains do not stop. P. P. , LYOII, Sup't and Eng's, Barclay, Pa . 2mr32 T. ERROR VALLEY & PENNA. AND 1 - 4 NEW _YORK RAILROADS‘ ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS • TO TARE EFFECT JAN. lit, iss. • EASTWARD. _• , • STATIONS.. . . ,1 5 i !7 I 3 . _______._ ___ 24 _ ; _.____. -TAL1A.. , &.E1. , P.ll. Niagara Falls • • 1 2.051 7.20, 1 7.15 Buffalo • 1 2.50 l 3.25 1 9.20 , Rochester 5.15;10.05 , . , ~ ... Lyons . . 6..5011.115• 1 Geneva - 6.55,11.301 Ithaca ' 8.331 1.00, . ... Auburn 5.15,11.05 1 Owego 8.50 1.35 Elmira 9.10 1.45 9.00, 3.45 Waverly i 9.45 2.10; 9.40 i 4.15 Sayre - 110.10 . 3.30110.00, 4:30 Athens ' • - -1 im 10.15' 2.34'10.051 4.34 Milan . • I 1 - 'lo' .25 'lister L.... 1 1 10 1 Pownnda 10 46 , 3.00,1043; 505 . Wysauking 1 ......110.54 , 5.13 dtauding Stone 1 ... 111.031 Rummerileld ! ..... ...::1.11.101 5.26 Prenchtownl ..... -.111.19 .... Wyalusing • ~....1 3.38 , 11.30,1 6.43 Lacerville ' 111.42 3.57 1 11.501 6.03 Skinner's Eddy-, ...... ..1... . 111.53 1 6.07 I m ea b o pp en . - _ ~„...i 4.12'12.10 1 6.23 ilehoopany• " 112.16 6.23 Tunkhannock . 112.23 4.35, 1.00 7.10 LaGrange - I. 1 1.10 7.20 Valls . ! 1 1 1.24 7:35 11. I.: B Junction .. . .. 1.05' 5.10. 1.43 trios Wia..e.Barre 1.35; 5.301 2.20 8.45 nano/ Chunk.... .. 3.45 7.35: 4.50 11.00 Allentown ' L 4.441 8.29 Bethlehem 5.00' 8.413 6.05112.15 Easton • .5.a0 9.00; 6.40 12.5. Philadelphia ' 6.55 10.40. 8.401 2.20 ,To w York 8.05' 1 9.1 E 3.35 1 ' • Aid. P.M: P. 31. P.ll New York Philadelphia..:... Easton Bethlehem Allentown Nlauch Chunk..... Wilkes-Barre B Junction... Va11e........ LaGrange - Tunkhannock 3leahoppon Skinner's Eddy.. Laceyville Wyaluaing Frenchtown < ts t Rummeilield Standing &mitt.. ~ Wyannking ..... towanda . Ulster NS ilan Athena. Waverly Elmira Owego Ithaca Geneva Lyons Rochester ... Buffalo Slagara Falls No. 32 leaves Wyaluaing at 6:00, A. M.. French town 6.l4,,Rummerfleld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Wvsauking . 6.40. Towanda.G.s3, - Ulster' -7.06, Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25, ayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55. arriving at Elmira 8:50.. A. M. N 0.31 leaves Elmira 5:15 I'. Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15. Athens 6:20, Milan t:3O. Lister 6:40, Towanda 6:55, •Wysanking 7:65. Standing Stone 7.l4, , Rummertield 7:22, Frenebtown 7:32, arriv tng at Wyslusing at 7:45., P. M. Tr,ains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila. delphis and between Lyons and New Ilork anth out changes. Parlor oars on Trains i 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia uith ont change, and through couch to said from Rochester via Lyons. GSM. STEVENSON, Supt. &ant, Pa., Jan. 2, 1882. Pa. & N.T. R. R. AND WESTWARD. STATIONS EH Lafayette House, Corner second and B streets Nortbwes near Pennsylvania AvenneL WASHINGTON, D.C. Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pass near the door to all parts of the city. Conven ient to the depots. This is 'Just the hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the National capital. Booms well furnished, and the cleanest and best beds in the city. Table Stitt class. Rooms and board from $2 to $3 per day, Reduced rates by, the sveek or month. WILLIAM . SA.NDERSON, • ~ Proprietor 12.te,0f the Congressional Hotel. Capitol FM. Jan 1141 'T . El F.; Towanda 5 ct. Store AI - N •wr JEk.Yr , (Nr . .,:Xl' DOOR TO FELCU & 6130 s preparod to offer complete assort ment of `. DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Crokeryt, Glassware, WISTE and BECuItATED Latest dpsigns and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRDCAGES, SATCHELS, &C For the coming Spring Trade, we adbereas heretofore to our established principle—that..a quick sale with a small profit is.better than a slow one with a; large Profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. _ seig-We endeavor to sell the bes article for the least possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. my 1341 ._ .... A. N. NELSON . PP: 10 • DEALER IN • 41 ; , WATCHES , MOCKS . • FINE GOLD AND PLATED JEMMER, of every ratlety.and Spectacles. ger Particul Attention paid to repairing. • Shop In Decker •.' Vought's Grocery Store; Main Street, Towanda, Penna. ' ' 10940 OE Eliscellanecui Asivpitsements. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY IMEZI SOUTH. (Acu p '+%y. in" lion-I Mail R. NI. HARROWS, Unexcelled and unequaled for thorough prepare tion of allplOwed ground for crops. They will cover broadcast grain nearly as well as a drill will put it in; and should precede the grain drill in ptcParation of the soil. It should bo used, by all means, upon fall plowed ground, They aro remarkably adapted to rough and stony, as well as for smooth soils. 'Send for Circulars. TownL ship agents wanted. WIARD• CHILLED PLOWS. These are the very ,boat chilled plows in' the market for general purposee.atid upon all kinds of ground. 1 ask for Pair and thorough test.t.lals for these plows to competition with the other lead.. chilled plows; '!The Wised Plows are warranted tube decidedly the best.and greatly superior to ail other plows for hard and stony ground. I believe nearly every farmer will buy these plows. when he becomes acquainted with their ;real merits. Farmers' Favorite; Champion, and other Grain Drill.. If you want the beet and cheapest Drill, give me a chance. AUBURN FARM AND Mk - •BER WAGONS, • With either thimble skeins and wood axles, or; best whole piece Anchor Brand •. iron axles. well_proportioned, well finished and painted-, 'easy - rinning,,,best in quality, cheapest good Wagons in the market, best brahe,and warranted in every respect. Call and See them. Enterprise Adjustable Track and Other. Iryou want a flrat-clasaChurn Poweradapted to yctir wants I can supply it. Powei a delivered qC any railroad station. ' INPROViD TOMPKINS COUNTY These- eultlintors are unrivaled for convert=: tonce and utility. Are of my manufacture. For gale ,wholesale and retail. .. Buy . the Beira "The Best is the Cheapest." 5.. ',-.`• 1 , . • Ttibulas Smootriii , • Harrows. Achruif .., Harrows. - ii. v 8 1 ; 30 2 jl2 P.ll . 0.30.....1 7.401 3.40 9.001 4.15 94.0. —.110.1E1 5.50 9.501' 10.45 j 5.15 1 10.65: 10.541 6.24 111.01 1 ..,. 11.551 7.25 1.081 7.30. 2.031 9.45 1,3. 8.01, 2.25:10.10 ...1 8,27 : ....'10.32 845 ....10.45 8.55 3.01:10.52 9.20 1 —. 1 11.22 9.27, 3.27111.29 9.43 .... 1 11.45 3.02 1 9.501 3.46111.50 10.14, 4.03 1.2.07 ....110.37 ....112.24 1 10.44' .... 1 12.30 ....110.54 : 1 12.37 3..19;1105' 443 1445 11.17 4.55112.57 .... 1 11.25' Lon 4.30 11.3,1 6.1 e 1.15 These are valuable iniplemetta and obesp • XX Stur Hydritulie Cemet.t, •; By tho barrel or,car-load. Gpod and cheap. - Imported Inlperlid Portland Cement This is stronger than. the best Ainerlran roonts by three to eight times.. For sale In any destrtd (pan titY. IS and Improved Reversiblk Plows; Clipper Chilled, West eouta, and other first•cl'iss ReVersible Plows. CHAMPION. BARBED FENCE • WIRE. The ,atient:ou of farmers is called to this' superior barbed Wire. It is aflicient, yet not dangerous. It recommends itself at sight. Send for specimens and prices, . • BEST PLATFORNI: WAGONS, oprs and TOP BUGGIES, of best styles and make, All 4.10;/1.41' 5.20 4.4511.50 R.BO. 5.25112A0; 6.15 5.31 , ....' 6.25 G. 11! 6.4 0 7.41; ..J.' 8.14 8.40; ....' 8.50 9.50 f 6.10; 9:40 CABIBAGE, PiAPS - frtt'AGON and" BUG- Good and cheap. Easily set. Send for prices. MINED PAINTS. First quality, cheap. war ranted. 1 • LUBRICATING OILS. SEAT'S FOOT OTIS, in any quantity wholesale and retail, good .and cheap. r agon Bolster spriiigs 1 - very desirable. • THRESHING - MAC INERY 8.00 19.49 A.. 34 :11401 8.10'12.05 MO 9.251 1.0 P. 51. P. 31. A.U. Of best and lead.ina kind a. Monitor' Traction Road Steamers, Minor's New Model Vibrating Threshers and Cleaners,. Harder's, Wheeler's and Gray's Horse Powers, Threshers and Clean ers. I would call the attention of threshermen to Gray's machines. - SULKY SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, LEATHER . and RUBBER BELTING and HOSE, COIIK SIIELLERS, FEED CUTTERS, - ' LAWN MOWERS. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEADER • WHEEL RAKE, For either one or tw t p horses and interchange able. These rakes have no suporior„and are adapted to a greater variety. of work than any other. They aro well made, durable, easily hand led, and good in every particular. Warranted to give catisfaotion. N. B.—Will deliver freo of freight the moat of my any railroad station. Call and see my machinery, or send for circu /ars and prices. , R. M. WELLES Towanda, March 22,- 25 CENT DINNERS fr • • EUREKA • MA- . RBLIWORKS rw • ~ • • •••••-•----; VSA.U . KING. PA. , Ell OF BEST AND LEADING MIDS. WELLES ', Wtolegal° and Retail Dealer, TOWANDA, PA. GRAIN DRILLS. Best Churri Powi•rs. CULTIVATORS GY TOPS. Good and very cheap CHAIN PUMPS. And liad One of , His !ME feb2l-Gm GEORGE .OTT, Itus Marble Works located at Depos, near of Piollet's Brick Ettore, and ii preparekto nish as good quality of Marble u there is in the country. 841 manufacture MONUMENTS &TOMBSTONES Grave. Yard Posts, s, And I rell•ilfteen per cent. cheaper than travel ing 'agents do. Good satisfaction guaranteed and all jobs put tip Properly. C2ll firnish all kinds of American and foreign marble. lam enabled to sell vary much cheap• er than any other drat teesuse / do my own work. Those wishing anything in my line are invited to call and see for themselves. GEOhGE - OTT. Feb. -16, 1882 HOTEL FOR SALE.—I offer the AMEribil Hotel properly for sale at a great bargain.. The . Hotel may. be seen on the corner of Bridge and Water Towanda Borough. It is one of the beet and moat central locations in the place. There is a good barn connected with the property. The free bridge and new depot near to it nuke this Betel desirable for amy one wishing to engage in the business. A good active man with a aroma espial can pay for the property in a abort time from the profits. It was papered and painted new last spring and is now in excellent condition. JOSEPH. 0. pATTON. Towanda, Ps., Sept. 22. 1881-tf. ) - • i - : 4 TOVirANDA - BRAI)FORD, OOTINT zorws EMPTY :moms. 9. thoulougiaeut, solitary house, - - White Love , once Call3o and went With joyous cries, 1 , Or lingered Inn% sighing as Summer sighs I When Antundel breath begins her tear to rouse With „fierce miens that shall-wake bare her bough,. Her tender boughs; and alif her beauty's prize Delivered; Aided, to thewit: that rise Andrend her crown from her' honored brows— O Solitary house, thine open door Again shall welcome street Love's winged tread, Ills eyes shall light thee, is they lit of yore, In days when Love and Joy wert newly wed; He shill return, with myrtle rons his head, And nu ',thy balls with music as be re. ' ---14nkise Chandler Moulton. • trairrzzir ON i l azirpp.ffiLtlt. liVitit a glory of Winter sunshine Oeir his locks of gray, • . _ . In-tie old historic mansion, - Hosaton his last birthday, ' With his books and his pleasant pictures, indhis hotsehold and his kin, ' - - 1'; While al gourd as of myriads singing ironi far and tear stole in. It 4uao from his own,fair city, From the prairie's boundless plain, • Fr4nir the Golden Gat, of sunset, And 'the cedar weeds of , L And his heart grow warm within him, And his moistening eyes grew dim. For he kneir that his e.ountri . .'s children Were singing songs of him / _ The liOsvof his life's glad morning, The piahns of his Evening time, Whose echoes shill &bat foreitar :: On the w inds of evOry china All their beautital coiumlations. ' Sent forth like birds Of cheer.; ,Come flocking back to his windows, And mini in the poet's ear. Grateful, but solemn ind - tender, The musk rose and Sell, .1171 th a joy akin to sadness. And a greeting like a farewell: • With s sense of sure, he listened , To the voices, sweet end young; Thelast of. earth and the first of heaven Seemed in the conga they sung. And waiting a little 'Mager Fit, the wonderful change to'come, He beat d the summoning angel Who calls God's children home, ' And to him, in a holior welcome I Was the mystical meaning given; Of the wards of the blessed Master; Of such is the kingdom of heaven. —From the May Wide Awake WATi2II/NO TO YOUNG . WOMEN. t • • - . FLU ulreid I u•;•s very f•mlisli, but if 0 . Woman !ix not trusting toward the Mau 4% • iit t e lovps, where is her love ? In those ;early days, before time and trouble pro . made the . the faded old-young woman that you see; people said I was pretty, :and .I was very, very glad.. Not from 'any we.ik olapiettisli reisons, , or from fondness of _adinfratioti, but simply . 41.1 account of Harry; who liked flie the bet ter, I know, beeanse I. had a. handsome fat 3.. Leoptcie!s urtts luousu to ~src - for him„ awl that I hat' b * etter . hdie. ookcl chewhere; but my. choice -was tmick, awl - though 'my mitt_ cuther " Mid mother shook their heads nt nie and said it was a . taistake, I pleaded so hai.) ou his behalf that they ceased to fad fault, ind so matters wept on I was in service in those days, in a place that my mistress made quite a home for me, and I 'should have been very happy indeed but for my love affair with Harry, his troubles were of course my troubles; when he used to run acroEs 'from the town'twice a week to see .me and tell me about flow har r sh uud father was to . him, I ui31...d to have many a good cry mama account. - 'l'm about the Unluckiest fellow under the sun, Kitty;' he used to . say. I 'Father says I'm •no good, and the sooner I go across the seas the betters' 'Bat, Harry,' I said, 'why not be pa. lientl? Your father is ,old, and has had endless troubles. It makes him peevish and fretful. You should bear with him. Do, pray, for 'ivy sake, try.' 'Try 1 I've tried till I'm sick of 'it. Everything Ilmake in the workshop is. wrong, no matter how it's thine, and the more pains talui the more he gram!: I w'uispere:t.tai4 comfort as I wall; and full' of pity foi the man I loied, I sympathized withfiim' most thoroughly ; thinking that he wtis hardly draft with, but still urging patience and forbearance with those who, : perhaps, were unduly tried. One summer evening I had permis. siou to go out, for Harry was to fetch we and take Lac to his home to tea and to „spend the evening. , I was very much flushed aid excited, for I dreaded meet fug the old people, his father in par ticular, who was always sa stern and harsh navy. . It was a delicious evening, and all seemed so bright aira beautiful as I walked across the -fields with Harry that mine seemed to be quite a new ex istence, awl I laughed meirily when` he turned to me and began tv say that my cheeks were quite flushed and that he was very glad, because, he wanted me to look my best and make a pleasant iin pression upon the old folks. Harry's father was a, carpenter and builder in a small way of business, and a tradesman seemed so high above me as a servant that, as I reached the house, the color faded Ircim 'my cheeks and I grew quite pale, as I felt afire that HSI.- ry's people would think I was not good enough for their son.. ; And so it seemed, when, I entered the sung parlor where tea was iet on and the evening sunshine was making the china and silver spoons gliiten on the jetty black tray. Everything, from the flowers to the furniture, looked so trigbt that for a moment I could do nothing but admire the place.. There ' I was, gazing in a half-shrinking fashion at the stern-looking, gray ,old mawwith such keen blue eyes and at the gentle, sweet-faced old lady who came to meet me at the door.' .; . • They were both very kind and polite to me; but it seemed as if they hardly liked my coming, and were distant and cold. Of course this made me nervous, and I sat there trembling -in 'spite of the rather' boisterous way which Harry . kept on talking and bantering me for being so quiet and dull. "GOVERNMENT OF TEE PEOPLE 4;i e 4 1/1/C*IN*LE AND TOR TEE PEOPLE.". - 4 • !BOUGHT iOFF. -,,' , _ 'Why, mother; be' uald,,,`Abe's gener ally ,es merry ns a erkket, and gees about the hem singlet; like a laik." 'Let the(Yeting weinsn abide, Barry; his lather quietly. 'She's, eating bee meal and behaving- nicely enough. What more do you want?' . 'I don't *anther to be glum as a girl with the toothache.' said Harry, 'and I want you to see her as she really is.' 'We can see plainly eitough, Harry,' said his mother in rather a cold way; and of course all this made me more uncomfortable than I was before, •so that when, twice over. Harry began jokitg and making fun'of me again, I looked at . him so appealingly. silently eking him to leavekiff, that old Mr. Smith noticed it Jl,ll/1.1 frowned; while, au hour later, wheri I was quietly talk ing to Harry's moiher as I sat by her . side 4ctiog some nfiAleaork, Harry was really, BO foolishly bent on making too cliatVr 'and sing or laugh that old Mr. Smith, who was smoking hii pips by .the window, said Eibitrply: - I 'Hurry, lad, I think you ought to try and get soma more 'trains before thou takest a wife.' a . I looked appealingly ' at Harry, but he jumped up in a passion, snatched his cap from a peg in the passage and went out end banged the door. 'Ah,' said! 'old Mr. Smith sharply, that is Harry all _ over, and just what ho wanted—an excuse toga! out.' Mrs. Smith looked sharply at me as tho tears 'gathered in my eyes, and, evidently' on, my account, said quickly: 'Don't be so tiara ou Harry, fa'her.' ' 'Hard I Vi/ho's hard on him'?' he critil angrily; 'isn't he always getting hold of some exenseor another to shirk what he ought to do? He might haye stopped in the night he brought his sweetheart..' 'You're too hard on Lim, father,' says Bits. Smith again. 'Yes--yes•—yes--indeed you are,' cried I indignantly in a passion of weep ing. for I could not bear to hear! him speak of-Harry like that and not sift' a word iii Lis belniff. &You *don't know' him, Mr. Smith, ais I do, forhe's one of the best and truest of men, and if you would - only by a, little kind to him Lam sure 'he woulo try so hard.' ,I saw the old 'map flush with anger, end shrank back iu affright at what I 'had said, and read, as I f though', that Harry's mother also lOoked very much put out. • - • '1 don't behave half hard4nougn him,' said Harry's' father; 'and as to not knowing him, seeing that I nursed him when he was a bairn, and his mother sits there. I think, young wo man, that we ought to know something 'about . -I felt so hurt that I got up and want -idatuitheatz things and go, but • "• lt, hear orit• pod Hairy'd tattieor3 ed —dom,.-_-.... cz !"4 '• is pipe again and me to come and sit by himat the window, and wouldn't let me work soy more, while Harry's mother came init' sat on the- other side and held my band till it was time to get our supper, but still Harry did not come back. • - I •jumped up and helped iMrs. Smith lay the supper table, and Harry's father would net wait, so we bat supper, though I sal so miserable I could bard, ly-eat a bit. nd kept glancing at the old man tu, if to ask pardon for speaking as ;I had. • 'I had to be back at ten, and there were two miler to walk, so Mrs. Smith begged me to stay all night. 'Oh, said, must be back.' .'Well. my dear, pethaps you are right,' she said. 'Father, as Harry hasn't come, will you walk home 'with her ?' • 'I was just going to offer to, mother,' he said gruffly. • 'Oh, no;' I,cried; "I can find my way back qUite right, and.there's nothing to mind,' though all the time I was tremb ling with dread at having to go alone; 'lf the young fellows don't know how to behave theuiselvei the old fel lows do, don't they, mother it ho said in quite a cheery tone. 'No; my dear, I'm not going to let you cross them fields alone, nor leave you till you are safe indoors.' v - • I resisted feebly, but Hurry's mother took her husband's side, and to- my great delight she kissed me warmly and affectionately when I left, while the old man took his stick; 'drew my arm through his, and trudged along by my side, chatting away pleasantly about the &Ines that had taken plies since be was;a boy. He I.ot this on until we were nearly at my - miatress's house, when he stopped speak i ng for a me meat and then begun again, talking in a very firm and :miens tone: . 'We didn't think much of your com ing, my dear—the wife and I—lor Harry's such a flighty fellow that we expect the girl he chose would be, about the same. Bat I• am g:ud you did come, my dear,' and -I - am sorry I spike so hot about Harry.' 'And so am I, sir,' I faltered. 'Then yon needn't be,' - he said quick ly. 'I like you for it. and ,it was very nice; and you're a, good;' brave little woman. Bat, look here, nay dear, don't be in a hurry. lam sorry to Fay it,'but my Harry is -not the man to make a girl like you happy. Now take my advice—don't you be in a hurry.' - • . 'Qh, Mr. -Smith,' I ,sobbed, for his words cut me to the heart. • can't help eaying i. it e my dear; and now good-night, and I God bless you. Ton are a very nice and good:littic girl. He drew me toward him and 'kissed my,icheek very affectionately', just as if I had been his own child. Then be waited till he heard the side door open ed and closed, and as soon as I could I went to my room 10 cried till my heart was ready to break. The months went by and, Harry seemed happier at florae, while, when I took the - old people's part, he grew an gry 'arid reproached me for not caring for him and le r anbig to the other side. Old Mr. Smith came to fetch me home once, and Harry fetched me two or three times, and I medic) -wonder hoi I could have been so miiitalten is pew TRITIISDAYS MAY 4.:::1$82. pie Who seemed to like me better ever time I went. - t know that one day there had bees a terrible upset at home, for, as Mrs. Smith bad told 'me Harry had been neglecting his work terribly and taken to going , to the public house. ' • - Then ti couple of days passed and I heard nothingiwhile the next there was a letter for me wOch seemed at the time as if it:would nearly:drive mOrnad, for'it was; from Harry.; telling me that he could not put sup with their ways any longer, and that he had enlisted the -th Regiment of Foot. . I asked leave to go opt, and went over to thelown to find out that neither Mr. Sohn nor Harry's mother had heard of the etep he had taken, while, when I put the letter in their hands and watched their faces, I threw my ones around Mrs. Smith's neck and we min gled our tears. very hard, very hard,' we heard the old man say. 'I began as a laborer, and I have trorkedi up a nice businesa, of which rui master, and there it is for my own sou whpn I die; but be prefers to be a scarriP.' . ''lt was a miserable night that, and the old man walked home with 'me alraost in silence. ' 'Don't fret about it, my lass,' he said; 'perhaps it's all for the best.' Not fret ? How Could I help fretting. Harry had his faults, I - knew,. but ho was my sweetheart; and who, I asked myself, was perfect ? Are yon surpris ed, then, when I tell you that after six months' service with his regiment, when he kept on sending me letter after letter telling me bow bitterlytbe repented the step he had taken, and bp`w miserable a life he led, that I should listen to his prayers to find the money to buy him off ? ..• , • He knew I had a feW savings,- and I told myself that they were his, and I paid the money willingly, for he told me that he could not' exist away from -me any longer,. and -that did not bay him off he should desert. Yes,ll..paid the moueyy and he came back home to work, on and off, with a little more steadiness, while—ppor weak girl that I was—refused to see how he was changed, and loved birn more than ever. , Then he began to talk Of out being married, and began to talk ()tour tieing married, and though old Mr. : Smith op, posed, Harry's mother was quite eager that we should be wed:. • She thought that, once he was settled dOwn,he would be steady and keep to his work, and I thoUght the same. Just at thattime my mother died—my father had gone years before—and this put off our wedding six months, though it gave me a coMfOrtable, well-furnisheti to offer as'my portion to my htutb,atio. ono a ts iiake, of my po4lou. - Shall I tell y : ou more, or - hide the rest, screening my husband's faultsi? I would,, but that I think ray unhappy life may prove a warning those who might act ns foolishly as 1 did in refus ing to listen to the good advicelreceiv edand in binding myself so thoroughly to the weakness--cf the man was s'o soon to maktony own for life. . For, in opiositionto Mr. Smith's will, we were married, Harty and I. The old niau was not angry with me, but kind throughout. 'No, my dear,' he said, fed as if I should bd doing„ you a wrong if I gave my consent. Yon know Hariy-now as well as I do, and your marrying him will not make him a better Man." • • 'Oh, yes, indeed it will,' I cried. 'God bless you, my dear,' he said,, kissing me tenderly. 'I hope it will, but I won't a party to the match.' 'But you won't be angry ; with us, Mr. Smith ?' I saidimploringljt. 'With you_?;`No, my dear,' he slid. `Nor with Harry ?' 'We've been angry with Harry for five years, my dear, and iliblifilteep on being angry with , him till he drops the public house 'and sticks like a man to his work.' Bo we were wed, an_ imost shame co own it—that day; for the first time,. I saw my husband so heltileasly drunk that, in my agony of mind, I believe that if I could have peen nume.triel then I should have left , him for good. But I was his wife, and he was my huthand, my master, whose willing slave .1 became. working for him when he tie:aid not 7;votk, striving ry:r to win him te , our hoeie, bat striving iu vain. Befcire we had been rum riecl'a year, I was very ill with ailment brought onby grief aud - auxiety, and when our, little one was born and I looked upon its little face as that of .an angel sent, perhaps, to win my husband's love to me and home, that little face was still; the eyes were- closed, for my cLild had never breathed and never saw the light of day. 1 It was a great grief of mine to me, but time passed on, and a couple of yeaO• later I neld our little girl to his lips that he might kiss outochild, and then shrink . away, in ; : misery and despair, .findi out, as I did, that there was something which be loved better than his child andime—thebase indulgence of self. It may seem hard to speak of him ttA I do, but a long career of misery makes me out-spoken. Was I not left alone that he might drink, when oar little one laisick unto death, and hard pressed fotmeney to obtain the the necessaries that might save ? The few pounds my mother had left me had gone long before—every penny spent in, drink=and I bad not; coinplained; only strove on, day after - day, to• win 'inn to my side, where poor old Mrs. Smith would often be watching:; all night long, sometimes by the baby'a cot,. after insisting that I should take some rest. - . It all seems now, in the dim distance, ' like some terrible dream of misery, wherein I see myself with , ; Harry's father and mother, following the lithe girl to' the grave, and they coming weeping bac.k to try and comfort me, for Harry had gone away. , • Where? I never knew; only that he would go away for days. I see, too as in a dram myself grow ing thin and weary, and so ill that , Harry, who was back, now, and very kind,• persuaded: ma to go. away and stay at the seaside with my 'old mis tress. who bad gone down there for her health; end proposed that I should go and wait upon her for a month. Harry's anther joined" in persuading me, and Harry's father said it would be wise, so I went, and at the end of the month returned kw, find that I .had no home, for Harry had sold fdl oar little belonging for a miserable sun), mid the money was all gone in drink. I sat down in the empty room by the bare hearth, upon the little bo?r, that had ,been my companion at the seaside, and asked _myself what I should do. For a Sew moments" ,a lot feeling of indignation came over me, and I recall• ed, too much, for I vowed that I would leave him now, never to return; Silt the 'sext minute the memory of this old love carne back, and my vow to ho his faithful wife, and the cruel thoughts were cast away and I stayed. . . Ten Ay, 15 years are gone, and I stilt drudged on, patiently bearing my lot. A few kind words and a smile are the rewards ' I pray for, but they seldom come now, since he's so much changed. see the change at times; but not often, I for blindly cling to the old memory of oar love, and, come what may, I nightly pray for the Strength that shall make me his patient, forbearing wife 'unto _the' erre. FASHION SUGGESTIONS. The &Wort, Styles, and Fabrics that Well- Dressed Ladies Wear. s Fouipadou 7 styles prevail. Neck ribbons are revived. Now mantles have paniers. Vt.'•sts take the place of fichns. . Scarf mantles are very graceful. Faille is - more stylish than satin. Shirred basques are still•popular. Black braid trims colored dresses. " Lame bows are used on low shoes. Neckerchiefs are tied in large bows. • Berry buttons are used in jet and pearl. Skirts are narrow,- but bustles are larger. . . Su-plice necks are stylish and becom ing. -. Ma i tinee raeques are made of satin surah. New (pokes poke downward in the forehead. - Japanese crimped craps is used for bonnets.- I Ivory white is the fashionable shade of white. - India linen is used for wliika morning dresses. Jvciay cat's arc worn by S01:130 eques tricnues. • 1132,..14.04 acartr. sari% Cif silk inti2llll broidereci, • Shoulder capes cross in front iu snr 7 plice styl6: The, spring wedding season began laSt Tuesday. Diamond shaped openings are on new corsages. Small black Neapolitan bonnets. are fasbionablb.,, Braiding on jackets bids fair tO be, come_, very common. - Veronese green is nn artistic shade for spring dresses. Watering place dresses for,, day and evening _are short. Alpaca or beeline dresses are import ed from London. Smooth English cloths are more s4 l ll. ish than cheviots.' Whit:rose Out is the atylish color for evening dresses. Jersey gloves of black eilj will be worn with spring suits. Z' Soldier-blue is the popular i- Sliscle for cloth jackets and, suits. Worth uses striped- and chsngeable silks iu his richest dresses. Noon and 3 are the, fashionable hours for day weddings. Ostrich.feathers droop over the front edge of large straw hats. a i.—al Jersey jackets are preferred to the masculine English Walking jackal Peisian cloth 'mantles trimmed-with chenille fringe are very faibionable. Basques with skirts of-different fabrics are still popular and are economical.' _' Puffs or ruches are more stylish than pleatings for edging dress skirts. Riding habits' skirts barely' touch the ground when the wearer stands erect. Silk underel.ithrng in silk princesse shapes is worn with the new costumes. —Japanese satiues have heads,.,Nrds, fans, screens; and letters printed upon ' them. _ Brick-red silk stockings with' beck ribbons to match arc, worn with black ys Flannel d . es for seaside and moan- gains are of oldier blue, or mustard color. , Eaibroia red silk-muslin antl, nun's veiling are the finest fabrics for white dresses. ' Gold collar buttons represent a pansy, bird or butterfly, or else they have , a , tnrquoisg, peirl or:diamond in the cen tre. . ' dresses. =I SOMETHING Lemtnio.—A well known Illinois farmer was in Chicago on.busi ness the other day, when' an acquain tance took occasion' to ask: , 'Well, - Farmer Jones, is the wheat a right this spring ?' purfy fair,' was the grad& mg reply. 4_, • 'Good show foi fruit ?' !Well, I guess so.' 'Sell all your potatoes at a big price ?' 'Party big, but I didn% have `raany . .' 'Had any too much rain in your see- tion ?", 'Goias not.' 'Well, then, I don't see as you have anything to complain of. I think yon ought to feel like a young colt.' - 'Wall, I suppose things do look a little bright—just a -- little—but I don't see, any occasion for shouting. Fact is, twenty•one of my ewes had single , lambs when they might ES well have had twins, and / don't look for much of a price on wool this summer.' 04" Use, Short Words The great art in the WO of worde Of° use only those that will clearly pusent our ideas to theininds of other" people. The best words for this end arc short larords,_becanse all classes of persons , know what they, mean and they are easily kept in mind. The late Horatio cynical' says: - 1 The English of our Bible is good. Now and then some long words are ;found, and they always hurt the verses is which you find them. Take that which says, '0 ye genera tion cif vipers, who bath warned you . to dee from the wrath to come?' There is one losg word which ought not to be in it; namely, ...generaticin.' In the old version the old Word 'brood' is used. Read the verse again with this term, and youleel its full , for Ce. '0 ye 'viper's breod, who bath warned you to flee from' the wrath to come?' Ciimo sometimes does not look Llike crime when it isset _before us in the many folds of a long . word. When a man steals and:* call it 'defalcation,' we are at a ioso to know , if it is a blunder or a crime. If he does not tell the truth, and • we are told that it is a case of 'prev - arica-‘ Lion,' it takes us some time to know just what we should think of it. NO man will ever cheat himself into wrong-doing, nor will Ire be at - a loss to judge of others, if he thinks and speaks of acts in clear; crisp terms. • It is a good rule, if one is at aloss to know if an act is right or wrong, to write it down t ia short, straight-on English. What a German Newspaper Says Si'. Jositrit VOLESIILITT Aug. '22.1881. We Germans are . in general not inclined to believe at once in great an nouncements and puffs; Nv,e are rather suspicious, .and often with ,perfeCt right, of exaggerations and humbugs. Our motto is, "What the eye sees the heart believes," and . we therifere desire to see and examine ourselves before we speak about things and praise them, ni This was o' idea when we 'heard and read so muc . about Dr. S. A: Rich mond's justli% - celebrated World's Epi leptic Institute; and we therefore sent a reporter to the building. We are noaLkable to give the best information on the subject_ based end personal re view and examination of the premises. Our reporter found . Dr.. Richmond in his office. The doctor kindly received . him, and not only, answed all his questions; Nit showed' and explained everything- about the place to him. Es office is on the fast • floor =of the building; and its wall are cofered with thousands of photographs of gentlemeu,- and ladies re'stored to health , by the use of Samaritan Nervine, among whom our reviler recognized many of his innumerable certificate of Course' 'and letters in praise of ' this world-famous remedy. ' • r. About ten years ago br: Richmond came to St. Joseph. He was then a poor Young man, with .but little inoney, and no friends to.assist him. He rent ed a mall office on Francs street, and commenced the. struggle for success single-handed and' alone. •He has, achieved Ei grand triumph, in • the face of srubborn opposition on every hand and is to-day one of the wealthiest men in our midst,. . This fact alone is amply sufficient to show the merits of his invaluable preparation, even though there were no other source from which to procure valid and relia ble testimony. But besides the money which this great medicine has,been the means of bringing to the inventor, - the doctor receives daily the blessings of thousands of patients restored to health and hap piness through his instrumentality. These letters are open for inspection. at his office, and it requires two clerks to attend to this branch of the business. Dr. Richmond is a living example to be imitated by all young men who have a disposition to reach eminence in the world by dilligence in the nsS of their own exertions, and besides the enjoy ment of the prosperity which surrounds him, he has the satisfaction to be re garded a human. benefactor. . SPLENDID jOkE oR .Hls Gently_ is'one of the . dryest, jokers in the world, and he had just as soon play a joke on a member of his own family as not. Dave's wife is a friend of his; and so' she is subject to his jokes.' She hates 'lndians, and- always locks the doors . when she sees the beggars who camp around Beaver Dam, coming .toward the. house. Dave knew this, so he hired an Indian to go np to the house with a. pass-key, .and beg a pair of Dave's old "pants of the good wife, which she would gladly ;give to get rid of him, and then offered the Indian half a dollar if he would go right into the parlor and put the pants on. Dsve thought it would be a good joke on ins wife, and he got a drug store man named Griffis_to go with him and watch the fun from-a , distance.' The; Indian got in the house, and . when he asked for a pair of old pants the good lady saw through the joke and she gave him Dave's Sunday pants, and he went in the parlor andwa3 going to put them on. This too Much for her, and she went to the kitchen and got a diPper - of hot water. Nobody knows exactly what occurred;bnt Dave and 'Griffis suddenly sawan Indian come out of the front door, with one leg in - a pair of black doeskin pants and the other pante leg dangling in the air, atd the Indian yelled as though ho was in pain, and he pulled for the camp up the lake about six miles. As he passed the two r gentlemen the Indian said:' "Squaw ' heap spunky. Ugh! Hot water," and he was gone. Dave went borne and asked what the news was, — and , found that he was out of a pair of Sunday. pants in the pocket of which was $l2 in money, and his wife says when he wants to send his friends up to the house for any more pants to do 'so, by all means. She Will be at home.—Beo ,, ver .Dam Argus. MI $1.50 a Testi, laAitrasee. TABLE 'Linn. - .--Every lady- who ;kw sides at u table is 'interested to know - how she can depend upon havieg things come upon.tho table as she 'would like ;' • them. How often aro remarks like ' - this made: 'This is just my fate;:iheri I especially want a nice thing, south- how or other it turns out poor.' , • A lady expects company for tee. :She orders, for instance, biscuits, and they are brought to the table heavy and indi, jestible. How many housekeepere - can : testify to mortification, as well as _ appointment, however, have accursed to them that it is not always the'cook's fault.' Your biscuits, cakes, pot-piet, • puddings, etc., etc., cannot- be raised • .rt with earth or worthless substitutes, ,ansl it becomes your own fault When . you. permit sty 'Baking Power to come into 1 5 - your kitchen about 'which you kmiir absolutely nothing as to its purity or healtbf • =Zi EDUCATIONAL .NorEs.- r f-Fottr of the County Superintendents of Kansas are women. , Taxation for education provides leas than one dollar for each pupil of the public schools of Georgia. It is proposed in Portland, - Me., to give the children in the public schoolis longer summer vacation than they Ingo hitherto enjoyed. • .Three months is `the period fixed upon. Gymnastic teaching in schoyls now being obligatory in Fiance, all the ele mentary' schools have peen provided with a manual designed for boys and girls respectively. Apparatus has been presentedlo all schooli avlying for it; since 1799 more than 600 diplomas of • professor of gymnastics have been grat.ted; and even the midest primary schools have had a number of guns placed at the disposal" of the boys for practice in_shocting—a - preparation for the future military . service. The introduction of attractive reading matter in the I,Soston public schools is reported by Superintendent Seaver. to` have been a , practical success.' Two kinds of books are,used—those contain ing infornaationsollateral to the regular studies and those calculated to cultivate a taste for goodl literature. Nr. Seaver says: "It is delightful, too, to hear the easy, natural and animated tones of the children when reading under.the stimu lus of freshly awakened interests; but admirable above all is the skill of the teacher, who ' can steadily use this stimulons so that easy and natural utterance in reading becomes, in time, a fixed habit with the children.' A NEW TYPE-SETTING Among the numerous nompuies seeking charters this year is one for the manu facture of type-ketting- f -maching. For . several years, in a locked room at Colt's forks. where - only - those having special force of men have been at work under directions of the inventor, completing a wonderful machine, which - is - laid now to have reached perfection. ,It is 'a marvelous piece of "mechaniam, both - for-what it does and for the simplicity _ of its parts. There is a key-board as of a piaua., with the'alphabet andnutner, als, with combinations of letters and short words frequently used. - A word of six or seven letters can be put iu type by a skilled operator in as little time as' an ordinary compositor would take to move his hand froin his stick to his . ease. It sets up this type, arranges them in the shape of - page or ,column, justifies the lines, divides words,,etc., -- with perfect ease.. But more-than thir, no matter how fast the typo may be set - the rachinery is distributing type still more ,rapidly, so that the - cases are never empty. That is to say, the ma chine, under the hands of a' skillful manipulator, does easily the work of three or fouf competitors. So -many machines that have been made for this purpose have primed failures, that it' requires much faith to believe that coin pieta success has at last- been achieved, bnt so the gentle Men interested believei' and most of the type' experts who . are allowed to , inspect the machine seem to be confined The company has al ready orders for machines from some large establishments.—Hartford mares poliOnt Springfield Republican. , Sureitsrrrious.—A certain yoang lady who lives in Smith St. Louis has a mother who happens tobe• a very de. vout Christian. This conscientious" mother whenever her daughter procures a new bat, bonnet or new pair Of shoes, compels her to wear it at church before;- appearing with it in any 'place else in: public. Last week the piing lady "ex pected to procure a new dress . , which she desired to wear at a party next Thursday night. She expected to have it done and wear it to church last Sunday, in order to obtain the right to wear it at , the party. As the dress maker disappointed her however, and failed to finish the dress in time: the poor young,lady - is now in trouble. She has accepted an invitation to attend - the party,-yet the dress- must lie nu t touched until after next Sunday. In this connection it can also be stated 7 that many young ,men, who - have Christian mothers, also believe in o strange superstition. They believe that If they walk out-oil% saloon from the same door at which ' .they entered they will soon be overtaken by bad luck. As some saloons Kaye two doors, a front and back door,, this superstition causes young men J ci great deal of trouble et times, as "they often find it necessary to retire from such places . through a narrow batik yard. When a young man at 1 o'clock in the morning is seen emerging from the month of some dark alley it 14 therefore, safe to include him among those who believe. in the extraordinary superstition.—&. Louis Republiaiii. SKINEY MEN. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor,' cures •Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1 Mr. Bennet'stroubles will take the 't' out of Da Long's troables.—Boston Her ald. RI ME