••• 1 • I . . , , . .„ DOUBLET STORE, DOUB LE . Nos. 1 and 2P Bridge Street. .1 ; , 1 1 ' -1. - 1 a'lK. 1 . 1 1 1 , i • , . ' Is now . open in Ins Mammoth Double Store with a full 7 fresh and complete stock of fashionable ' , • , THING, SPRING • AND SUMMER CLO ~ , ,1 GENT'SFURNISHING GOODS , HATS , CAPS 1 4 .. TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &C: 7 . - ad , . • Sill big Of all Gr for Men• 1 Bo s Youths acid II _ . . Our rents hay , been obtained on the •Most favorable terms , and . b i our current expenses reduce to the' loweSt possibleminimum I we propose to. g ig e our custom, rs 'the' benefit of these REDUCTIONS by putting our prices at LOWER IGURES than any Clothing other House in Towanda. We invite a careful examination of our stock and prices, whether wishing to buy or hot. 'We can satisfy the closest buyer of the TRUTH of WHAT, WE SAY. . , , . WZ M Z AN 13USIIIZSS ' ._. , Call and we will satisfy you. _•_, , Remember, Nos. .1 and 2, Bridge Street. Bridge Tovfanda, Pa., April 10, I$EO2. yr . ,___ 1 1 1 DRIFT IVOOD ! gyp REASURER'S SALE OF UN- Acres. Warrantee NaineS, Taxes. 1 Elk/SEATED lANDS. I -In pursuance of the _ 343 Overton -11( tz i Henry 42 24 Acts of Assembly having reference to the assess. . 343 Betz, John 42 21 ni m o en nw t o o l i t t ze an s n d pe t li o n e nr e t o a r tn e d e s om in e tl f 2 0 1: . C n o o m n: 343 `1.31.1% the moon beautiful this even- Betz, Joseph 42 24 343 Metz, James - 42 24 jug?' said Alonzo, as he snuggled his payment, there will be exposed :Lrri i c i , :p r at, 1 400 _ B yaon. Henry 49 20 the Commiss io ner ' s 081 e n 44 70 arm joist as close upon her 's as he could. SECOND Be MONDAY OF h SUNK. A. 4 003 Casta,ter. Harman Coole-, Joshua 49 20 'Y-yes, but I know another moon that D ''4V• being the 12th day of said month. at 11 400 Castsiter, Joseph 49 20 o'clock l p. m.. the tracts of land assessed under 343 Edge, Peter 42 24 i 3 perfectly ecstatic in its loveliness.' the following warrantee names. unless prior 343 Fritz, Samuel 42 24 payment of taxes and costa be made :' 300 'Do ybu? What moon is that, duchy?' Raga, George 36 00 Acres. Warantee Names. Taxes. 400 Raga, Nathan 49 20 qt's the • honey-moon, Alonzo, and , j c Barclay--crittninsham, H. IL $l2 54 336 - Maga, Peter 41 33 don't you think it is about time to have Ir., Hags. George 1 Hiltzimmer, JaeolY 1/2 49 400 ^0 23 Hardy, &sructel 49 20 375 Hardy, James 46 09 Hardy, Henry 27 73 one?' The cards are out. 300 Ladly, Andrew 3'3 15 ,7 0"4- 409 , Ladly, Peter 104 40 ..:394 Harris, Ann 47 9 3 330 Ladly, Joseph 43 07 400 Hollingsworth, Stephen 49 20 28 or. The story is told - of a canny S co t . :212 i La La d d l l Y i, H An u d gh rew 12 30 Stuart, Walter 27 68 2 . 28 265 Stuart, Deborah 34 62 ..,21? who, having lost his' wife, received the :•.643 Leßoy-Beck, Henry I 19 35 •'" ‘ Moore. George 46 09 202 Brutes, Frederick 19 58 400 L Seeley, Peter 49 20 -commiserations of a friend. 'You have Ist Monroe-Anderson, Jacob - 16 29 100 Palmer. Thomas 12 30 10 35 450 Seeley, Henry 49 20 a great trial, Mr. Campbell. es, sir, ',2 Benner, Jacob Benner, Jacob, Jr 3271 375 Seeley, Jonathan 40 II you may as x . ‘ll say that,' was the re- 74 •Cas tater, Fred 636 400 Siddens, Andrew, 49 20 3. Castater , Harman 3OS 400 Siddens. George 49 20 ,ply.' 'And then, pausing, - with a shake 37 Cunningham, D. IL &WU, Joseph 49 20 Gray William ', 8 3 0 16 4 19 7 4 Temple, Peter :16 66 Temple, Samuel 49 20 of the head: ' Not only was it a great 3;,2 Hampton, l'oter t 14'. 91 4 , -••- , trial, but, let me tell you, a matter of 437 Hampton, Thomas 3679 56 Tuscarora-Field. Henn' 521 00 Hopkins, Robert 420 100 Hunt, Job 930 very considerable expense.' st Liege, Peter 637 35 Porter, James 323 201 Ladly, Samuel , 17 03 So Wilmot-Allen, John ' 690 172 Ladly, Hugh " 14 45 78 Butler. Polly - 95 G , "DUCH UPAIII4.” 432 'McAdams, Ephrism 30 29 75 • Hollenback, John 928 400 North, Peter , 33 60 07 Marsh, Samuel 11 96 — North. James 33 GO 200 Stowell. C. Si 24 60 - Quieli, complete care, all annOying KiduLy, 1 (1° 44 Stewart, Walter 12 10 250 Stowell, D. 11. 30 74 Bladder and Urthary Diseases. $l. Drug- 2eo Wallace, Nancy 21-52 231 Terry-Ross, Elizabeth 24 31 Ihi Wallace, Samuel 15 52 401 - Morris. Israel • 22 27 gist.. 71 Ro4e, David 633 2, , , Leahy, John 151 4:7 -Bigger, Robert 34 68 80 Morris, Benjamin 444 -4 Beneficial Action. , • The worn luck and miserable feelings of ALSO-There will be exposed to public sale at the isice timer and place, the following lots, those closel, confined in mills, or at dcsk:, or Pieces or parcels of improved or seated lands, situate as hereafter set forth, for note-payment Iy f Countysun d taxes Commissioners assesse d byinthtehecoyelrols7o9fatzdo several have been duly returned to the worL-tables, are caused by weak ston.acti,la h t s dis the r s ict e : Ridue:es or Bowels, and shows the necessit y far some mild tome to build them all. No 5: I , ~.,. (••, i i ‘,. w c 1- .1. 1 o 0 -, w , - A 1 - a IP one need suffer thus who will use Parker's " ,°m i I= l = , ~,; ,-.., e " -3 I.i Ginger Tonic ; for• without intoxicating it leas TO WHOM ASSESSED:, .;-,. ' ;co 1.4 e 4 i 1p V , °' such a beuegcient action on thew sluggish 1 \ , c.:.„. e, . 1 *i e. se ic9 i : organs alid so cleanses the poisonous mat- , . • 0 : 1 '• 1 • • 1 ters from the system, that rosy cheeks and . 3 _ _ .._......_,_-I_____ _ good health and spirits are SOO!, brought back ALBANY. , i I - again. -Er See adv. Mrl•l4w. 1879 George Omps $ 2 801$ 4 00,s soe ...... .... .• • G. F. Mason • - .. • • ......I 21 1 001 30,...... -.• 'Mary Ann McAllister ' 111 751 15'... ; ,. •.. NEW ALBANY Ai young no bl eman in a frightful i sm -o.r Mason 1 1 , 1 1 lbj 8.1 ..., _ ,„, , ,L 1 ,_ , ailway accident missed 1114 vale!. One • . D. , 7 , 1.. A. Case estate ` AItIiENIA • i 4 .51 2 071 2 6111...... of the guard , crime up to him, an- I :: thri c iet i rl u a b it ui g 4 201 600 7 801 _ _ .._ .......... ........... •••••• -- •1 110 I 17r, ...... .... slid, 'My Lord, we have found your . Wni • Kineh k ' 219 2 85; .. 3: 4e1:: .. ::: :: servant. but lie is cut in two."Aw, is . iti ,," o 7,,•• • l ;; . c c r e .. 45 45 Cot .. .... he?' said'the young man, with a Dun- " Raleigh Williams ................... ......... .......... z 1....... 1 60 1 1 50 1 2 25 , ,,,,,, .... --•• IL C. Mulnenburg... 6 ot y 600 900 dreary drawl, but with a trace of aux- , ' ATHENS DODO. • I 1 -I I 13'9 Sarah A. Dorsey 1 tot 371 ••• ." .. ~,,..„ ~,, iety depite.hed on his countenance, ' AMIENS TWP. I ! - 'Will you be kind - enough to see in " ' Henry lisilecle i ASYLUM. 1 rl ) 1 wlits:h half ho has got the key to Icy fsso ihtenry Benjamin -•-• 31 1 ,1. , I% EST DPIILINGTON. I I ', ) carpet bag?' 1879 ,Charles Perry , 90 462 ‘ 1 r 3 2'9i' ~,,,, , -, . 'Stephen Taylor ` 40 221 1 501 2 '11.5 . • • •• - ---- -- 188 Charles Perry -' 90 I 1 295 SliIlll.l.lY MEN. •• Stephen Taylor 40 ......1......" 2251 ...- •• k inal:lll.lti. ..1 1 „I •• ' "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health 1879 Robert Stewart 5,1 49 1 591 35, •• • f LE Eov and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, •• Reuben McClellan 24 1 40 1 1 20; 1 40 ~,,,,„. ... Sexual Debility. SI. •• George Ilemminger ... 1 150 210 1 50 ' 210 ...... ... 1 =am ok. 1 I , 1 I 4 .. ... Altogether to fat for a star. --- Dar- IsBo Delainar Tayler 43' 3 Dar- i PIEE. • „ i 43 1 ling, she whispered softly, as they sat . it ," !!thews Building and Loan Association 2 lots! 351_ ._ ... 26 1 .. _ - Henry Pepper e state 1 2 401 245 1 81 1.....: ••.: locked in a fond embrace gazing at the • „. Jonathan i Dimond 781 7 83 1; ..... i ...... STANDING STONE. stars, 'I have been told that each star 'Ego 'Luke Dolan estate •• • iu the heavens is a bright, pure, noble 21 Pat r i c k H. Quinn ""1:1 WAVEitt.T. !.; 1 6'2 _lil • • ' SOUL. Is it so, dearest ?'' 'Yes, I've Phineas W.Terry 1, 521 ••• • • i 42 ...... ... . .. Mrs J. L. Johnson ••.;' 78 1 Gil ~...,,,,,, heard SO,' he r e plied, pressing a ki , s .. Michael Ilannahan ... . 78 1 ••••••1 la. ....',,, 140 • ... • • 2 12i • 011 her lips. 'And do •you, darling,' ' . Martin Mack Ir ow 4241 D k DODO. ' SIP,' emitinued, 'do you—do you think I isTs Hotmesia Kirby 3 lots 3 511 .. 550 5 501 4 40',,, . A. S. McDonald 1 lot se 123 126 100 shall become a star when I die?' 'Oh, 4. 'mut= Henry 1 lot 1 051 2 soI 110 I 20:,,;' 1 1 lot' 3 601 5 o(-1; 100 1 , 4CO _ Ps':an ! Yon aro too fat to become a •," ,George W. Heath ••, , 1 lot' l 021 1 45 , 1 451 116 _ star.' lie protests that he said it with- " J. J. Kavanaur.,h 3 29, 470 4 701 3GO , ' .. WW. Browning... , . _ 1 loti 70 1 1 001 1 0 0 , 80 .••• out thinking, but she refuses to accept 4,.,,0 w • W.Hrwwwllllg 1 ,1 101 1 . 05' 1 21; I'o3 l .tht ~ TOWANDA ?Wl', I his apology, anti the eugagemeat is off ' 347 . 1 James Boyle .1 1 lot) 39' 5 22, ..... ~„ ... She is ruling horsehack to get down to .. ID. N. New ton - 4 lots 15 01 7/5 2 s6 I • • i Nettie McGill 1 1 lot! 331 55 22 star weight. .. IPatrick Snllivan - .‘, 1 101 l 771 11 0 441.-- :.. - •. 'James k Russell -....4. . 12 'obi, •77 1 1 0 ; 44 ..... - --.. Ilames lisrp ~. 1 1 lot! 29 411 ICl__ Food for Young and Old. C , !Isaac Lamoreux... 2 lots onl 55 2 , 2 ',..... ' • rood and medicine for young and old, pre- 1880 10. E. Harris .. ..... -,...... .7 44 •••• • . 1 • .1..-1:: •• Isaac Lamoreux...., . 2 lots JO 30, 121.. : .. 1,, part. 1 without ftrinciitation, from Canadian .. 'George Emery.. - . .1 1 lot 30 , 30; 12`......1 Barley Malt, Hops, Quinine, Bark, etc. Malt 1 ,, I • :3 • • TILOY DOILO. I i • 1 1 . OS 2 2i l 1 87 1 .. ; ' Bitters are warranted more - Nourishing, -- .‘‘ ilsan 1- Baker t ..,,,,,,,,,,,. i 1 .." I - 6trengthciiing, Vitalizing and •Purifying, by •• John Owens T ...... 1 tq l ur. i ist F 5,...... :Lamm of their richness in Bone and Muscle 1 :• U. F. h ltug4 in ...... H. 100- ,'1 1 • Mt i 20t 2 09 1 : — ".;• • Producing Material than all other forms of 1 _ 4 6s o , 4 1 , :t e )r r ini el /: ire a l n lCrf. ' •••• • . •••• 2 55•2 OW 2 )7 1 , ••• ' milt or medicine, While free from the objet. 1- •• tie:alien Manning , .... II 1 501 1 091 1 90.••• —• 1•• 11003 urged against malt liquors. Mr3llw. l I •• U. F. Rugg •• 1 1 •_•:. 8.. , ', 75 •-.1 1 20 , 84 7 2 i•'• • •i• I• ' 1 '. John Owens ./ ........ . ...... --- , 1 " 1 WILSIOT. I 1 I ...... ~. I Waltman k Weir...... .... ... 4 .. ii 50' 14 .70 1 14 tut . 'M. H. Canning ••••' - "I• ..... 3 oe, 000,,3 WI . 'Edward Hemet •• • ...... 2 75, 2 752 73 2 0..Er.T0.14., I i I Owens S. Lantz 100 IsO • ••• • 124 •` Della Whalen.. 50 1 00 1 .... •• SO'' •• John Willie ............ ... ..... ~. .... . ... 60 IWI 1 50,,., ••IWro. Hewitt 1001 ISW .... - 3GO ..... Gale & Lewis 1001 2 001•••• .1 1 601 I •• Sarah A, Keene 400, 600 •••• • • 4 80 • The, . Waltman, Jr-- 1 The one thing which onght not to be required of us is self criticism. We, can find _ faiilt With others, and even take delight in bt, but to be found fatilt with, especially when there is justice in the fault fiutliti l g is uniadurable. 'Don't go there to live,' said' a sensible woman to her friendi 'the climate is very un healthy.' 'lndeed,' WWI the reply; 'why, I thought the climate was pecu liarly healthy, on the other hand.' Oli no, it can't be, for poor John died there, you know, only last year,' was the star tled cry of the mourner.. 'Well, I must think' of that,' said the friend, thought fully; 'but what did your dear John die of ?"Well,' was the' sad answer, 'lie died of delirium tremens.' A Card We take great pleasure in :calling the at tention of our friends and customers to Dr. L'osanko's Cough and Long Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost instant ly. it matters not how severe your Cough may he,,how many cough medicines you have tried, or how many physicians you have 'con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter. leaving them in a healthy con dition, free from irritation. and the air pas sages clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive care 'of Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in the Lungs, Spitting of , Blood, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping ceugh, and Lung Fever, wo recommend this thedicine above all others. Yours truly, Cutua B. Pourah_ June 2-ly. S. Bud Ward House Block. N. 11.—Noticeiis hereby g'iven that an amount sufficient to'pay taxes and emits will be required in every case when.land fs•sold at thetinao of sale, and unless these terms are complied with the land will be again emptied for sale. BEEN LlLLEY,lTreasurer.. Treasurer's Office. April 6, ISB2 KLINE'S MARKET. CA-Ititol. 13140 C Main §treet, First Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, lIIVENG REMOVED RID MEAT & VEGETABLE .A.RIKErr, o s More convenient location. and established himself in the Carroll Block. opposite Seely's gotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. • mu, orSTERs IN THEIR SEASON.' FRESH VEGETABLES, • • DOMESTIC FRUIT, Ac.. .a sarBoLoGNA SAUSAGE a specialty. MI or den promptly delivered. BEVERLY I • BOOK BINDER Zealer in Scroll Saw Gocds. BOOKBINDING OF ALL ,KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine_ Blank Books 4!tinateur's Supplies. c • This departnierit of nu bisiineas la very coin 'pieta, and beings practical *sayer myself I know the wants of my patrons. WOODS, , • SAW BLADES, " , ' ... ' CLOCK MOVEMENTS, Az, constantly on hand. ilir $1;25 worth of designs for $l. ,fiendloi• pricellats. i .' • P. 0. box 151 i. zoarchl7- AND MY SPECIALTY. 0 REPORTER•• BINDERY. I • Park street. Towanda, Ps Beware Fraud • ~ BENSON'S '..'. ‘---- '. CAPcINE - PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED; And their excellent reputation in- jured by worthlessiraitatiors. The Public are cautioned against buy- . ing Plasters laving similar sodnd ins names. Boo: that the. word CA-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Pmus Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Price 25 cents. - Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. L SEABURY & JOHNSON• ~~ WIRE RE" :DY LAST, Price Sets. A MEAD'S Moileated CORN ud BUNION PLASTER. THE GREAT OPTICIANS, . 924 CHESTNUT STREET / . • • _ - = ` • SUPEUTOR FLNOSITEEDGE. , SLFEItIOR SKILL. SUPERIOR., LIOLSES mid SUPERIOU FACILITIES For manufacturing. all combine tog's° our SPECTA CLES and EYE-GLASSES a national reputation. LOST - SIGHT NEVER RETURNS.. Do Tilt trtie with your eyeg by taking MOTT AP.LE GLASSES. cotal.g.,.a a, fnitors 6•nt or, appliration . : -rut a- Tlatbematiral Intitrumentv. narea. Part:l—Optical Instruments, Is mites. Part r.--ltlat.tie Lanterns, lIS val.-es. Part 4—Philosophical Inatnunenta.l6opagea. ftr fit- _ mr! in 6-, E 7- , • ,_ vi---: —-- '..::---,'<• , • -- . , '1 4 f...c. - 4. - . • --..?,_ ._---- v: . - , ••••-i" -.."' "-:-.. Sanford's Radical Cure. THE GREAT AMERICAN HALSAMIC DISTILLS TIONOF WITCH HAZEL, AMERICAN PINE, •rCANADIAN FIR, MARIGOLD, CLOVER BLOSSOM, ETC., ,; For the Immediate Relief and Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh, from a simple Head Cold or Influenza to the Lose of SmelL-Taste. and Hearing, Congh,•Brenchitis, and Inbiplent Consumption—lndorsed by Physicians,Chemista and Medical Journals throughout the world, as the only complete external and, internal treat ment. One bottle 'Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sdndford's Inhaler, all in one, pack age, of all druggists for $l.OO Ask for SAtivontem RADICAI. CURE. • lIWEEKt3 & POTTER; Boston ,01.1.11va , . ELECTRICITY . ..- \ tr/ I : ! 1 ,y g effective, - der, COLLIN_ VOLTAIC ELECTRIC PLASTERS, one ' ' , „7 ''-`' . `hundred times superior to .-:- all other plasters tor every , , • . Pain, Wesknessand Inflam. A,AST 4 ET% --- . e,s metSol lon. d everywhere. Price 25 cents. PATENTS. (U. S. AND FOREIGN Frank A. Fouts, Attorney-at-taw, Lock Box, 33C - Washington, like. .tom Ten yelp's' experience. I Make so erIAhGE for my 'services unless a patent be granted.- Preliminary examination in the Patent.Otric. se to the patentability of - an in vention mtg.' Send sketch or model of the de vice and a renort will , be made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. Special attention given to rejected applica tions in the bands of others. - U. S. Senators Hon. Geo: F. Edmunds, of Vermont Hoh. David Davh and Gen. John k Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. If, Hill, oLGoor gia; lion. L Q. C. Lamar. of Miss; Hon: S. M. Cullom. Gov. of Min ; tbo Hon. Commissioner Of Patents and Corps of Examiners and•the pro prietor of this paper. Write for circular and inatructiOns 3novtf CUT THIS OUT! A MU? •S sfsiS4o PER WEEK. Wehavestoresinls leading Cities, from which opr sweats obtain their 'cupplia3 quickly. Our Factories aud /Principal MIMS aru at Cries Pa. Send for caw New Catalogue and terms to agents Adams. MI Ili I.OVEII 312Lackawannakie 6CRANTON..PA. n•,;` n : ,t3fogn e ?rag:. tZt tefie , 4ilil of Peilustes Excecdincly Delicate and LaStillf: ::ice 27.3 etz.;.Lama Bc,ttlez, 75 - eta. - E,ld by dealers in limp k Pirtinmery.' Signature of Me cca Zr. Co., N. Y., cn ercr . tiettle. PARKER'S . GINGER TONIC . The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. • ; Made from G in ge r, I luchio landrake, Stillingia, and other of the best vegetable remedies kacrom, PARSZEp.'S Gincr.u. Tovic has remarkably vane I curative powers, is the greatest Stornach Correct or, Enid Purifier and Liver Regidator ever made & The Best Medicine Yon can - Use forßestoring Health& Strength Itco erices to act f rmn.the S rst dose, searches out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or help all diseases of the .gowels, Stomach, Blixml, Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rhensum. Wm and Drunkenness. . • Try a bottle to-day :it may save yourlife. ; soot. and $t sizes atalldruggists. Every genuitiebottle has our si ;mature on. taiteido wrapper, Hieeor Es Ca, N. Y. Large saving in buying 4.t size. T 3 14 50 3 00 Parker's Hait-Balsam 3 CO 2 CO 1 200 I 4 00 Just What is Wanted. Everybody whose hair is g ray or faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless.' Par. ker's hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in these respects. Sold by druggists at som• and $l. BESTbusiness 'now oefore the public. 'You can make mony faster at work for us than at anything else. Capitol not needed. We 'will start you. 512 a day and up wards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. NowAs, the time.' You can Work in Spare time only or.givo your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work No other business -wilt psy you nearly as No otn, e can' fail to make enormous tay by en gaging at *tee. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Money made fast, easily and honorably. _Address, _ Tann it Co., Augusta, Mame. Deo 15-Iyr KENIIALLI SP4 VIN . CURE In sure to cure SPartni, Splints, Curb, &c. It removes all unnatural • ! < enlargements, von Nos stunts. •• • Bas no .equal ,for any lameness -on beast or man. It has cured hip-joint ' A ',lameness in a person who bad au!- ' Vtereil 15 years. Also cured 'rbeuma. thin, corns, frost-bites or and cut or haleness. It has no equal for any blemish' on hmees. Bend for illustrated circular giving menus PaC9e. Price Et. ALL DRUGGIETB bare It or can get t ycn. Dr. B.J. Kendall, di Co., Proprietors, &iosourglk . Pally Vermont, Lt. D. Poway., Agent. Towanda. Pat DR. giONES'oREADICAREPROIi IS Tag. NAME . OF the popnlar Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, . Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain in the Face, Head or Spine. Chapped bands. Britises,Sprains, Burns. lilosuuloto Bites. Sting or Bite of an in sect, Potion from common Poison Vines. etc., for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief.. Having an agreeable odor. it is pleasantto apply. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. N. B.—This LiniMent:received a Prize Medal a the State Fair.lo79. . • • • May 29 27 ODDP Aga ) ENDS. A', MILL* . i'/i. _lintrausins. tits Ilzaz—llireii ihioneandtattligrante .ar _ rived to , day 0 the Garden. _ The• Weal= dentOf the L'bor.Bureau mid to the Ledger 'correspondept . , this afterriston: 'Just now there is aierY urgent demard for Wan - rtg ej labor, stilled and unskill ed. • :Wears iiindingmen there out to farmers all oiier the country._ We are having applpationi. also from 'cigar- , maksr, • e.a l tpenters, cabwetnnikere; blacksmiths! and - other meehanies.F , Sinee Monday . mo-ning nearly one thousand persons have obtained etia ployment through the Bureau, moat of them being Germans, Irish and Eng lish. This mornieg we sent off a lot of bands to Cleveland, Ohio, where' th , y will get $22 per month. Farm help in i New Jersey receive $l2 to ql6 per, month. Massachusetts is 'as'king for blacksmiths,' locksmiths, ate. Women are, in demand also. Girls need not leave New York oily, as plenty of Fitua lions are already waiting for them, at from $lO to $l4 a :.month, Germans. Irish, English and Fretch hive the preference. Very few Italian women find eniploynikit- berg; in servants. The egent of the Lilian Steamship Line Attyb: 'Look out for a liillion Of immigrants th;s ylar. Think of it. 13y the City of Rome, City of Riehmond and City of firtissles, ;over 5,000 have tidied with us in a wefilt. The first two left Queerstowe lastytiiiiy, the former with 2.600 and the latter 1,300. ... A vmtehmaker of . Middleburg, Vt.,. has eonittructed u . ourietis clock, with ; automaton figures repv.sfintiri the- as- SlissinatiOu : of President, Guldeid, in eluding the ,iecntion of the assaistn. It is a coninfon cuckoo_ cidek with : _ a miniature rifiroad depotiat the -base. There is a mail' selling tickets, ithe:tele graph operator is buey at' his/ in strument, and truokmen,' porters train despatchers, are all flying around as natitral as life. At . the end - of each hour, when the cuckoo has announced' thd fuel,. President Garfield appears on • the \ platform *accompanied by .. Mr. Blaine, Guiteau is icon to follow him, bating just alighted - from a truck wagon, and as be fires at the President the hatter falls. Just then a. train of ears comes dashing in, and in the,confusieu all the principal actors era carried into the depot out of sight. : After the train despatcher has given the signal and the train has gone, a small door , at the left op/:,ns 'and ti! priest appears, book in Laud, in the act of reading a funeral service, while at the same,time.unother door at the right opens and Guiteau appear's on the gallows., The' priest retires, and shortly after the gallows disappears with Guiteau. and the doors close.. This i., acted ent-at the end of ~ :each hour, and takes about three um:: ute:s. - _ . "Whytt I publiely•teetified that I hadl.e . en curetFof a - terrible shin humor by the Ciitt eNra Iteutedi6b; I did 8o that other. might be dived, and do. bot regret the time given Jo it.noveritig quiries."—lion. Wm. Taylor, 13e4i0n.; . . 411/304w. `•ROUGH ON R ' Clears dut rate, mice, roaches, flies, ante, beokbugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Well Merrite4 Sieccess. 4 gentlemdp once . asked iiiStin vished dispensing drirg,gist to explain the secret of almost , univer:al de mand for Dr. RichmUnd's Samaritan Nei vine. He said that; it . *us in fact .a genuine :medicine—such a compound as- ( very good physician wenld prescribe for the disease which it was ,advertised to cure. Of .course it costs less than any druggist would Chargé for the - same article supplied on a physiciau's , , pre :script:on, and besidee, titer..was a sav ing of the doctor's fee in addition; Moreover,, by buying the drugs in such mentions quantities, and having a' per fect apparatus for compounding the mixture,lie was not only enabled to get bifltter, articles ,in the first place, bit also to present ti.e medicine in better form and _at less price the same prep:qitz lion to?Id be possibly obtaiuea fr t ita any_ other source. !Dr. Richmond' has devoted all hisenergies to the allevia 7 don o brunan suffering.... With this eud 'in view, and with his whole heart in his cleat labor for t:116 :benefit of the altiict, ho has aphievril mark6l am) merit ed i•There can be. no rt'al success without true merit.. That his success is real is evidenced by tie fact that his reputation as .a man and p4Sician does not deteriorate, and the fact that there i 13 steady iue'reasing demand fo• his Samaritan Nervine proves that it is no nostrum, hut r.. re liable remedy. - He has rape itedly In form7Cd the public that it i. 9 no patent medicine, and no patent had ever: been asked for or Obtained. Neither does he advertise it: as a • eure.-all. hundreds of'diaeases that he acknowl edge s it will not cure.. It May be urge that some of theSpdh-eases are so widely different th:it i> seems absurd to pre scribe the sumo remedy. They may . differ in El trO am 8, yet in character be precisely a milaf; and_ then we must take into eonsidetation the fact that remedies niay post-ea various proper ties. Thus, some medicines are ' both tunic and Alturative;,others may be topic and laxatife, the properties difOttring, according to the quantity Utleninisteri d and the time and: circumEtancei which -demand its' employment. In the manufacture of pharma ceutical preparation the purity- and Strength of the materials used, and the requisite machinery to lie- employLikl,, are among the chief essentials. The first is insured by purchasing the in gredients in large , qtrantities, whereby the exercise of greater care in selecting the materials can be afforded; and . the second can only be `accomplished where the business is sufficiently extensive to Warrant alarge outlay of capital in - pin miring chewiest apparatus . . These facts apply with especial force to our medicines, their quillty, basing been vastly improved since the demand. has become . so• groat tis! to 'require their manufacture in very large quantities. , These ideas are not uteri+ speculatiie remarks to mislead the reader, •'or to im• bue hini with false fviews of the gaper iority of our medicine& Wbileiuspeet ing Dr. Ricbtuona's est.i*lisbment you would be surprised to see the admirable faculties, both cheraicAl and mechani cal, which he employs in the prosecu tion of his business. Everything is ar ranged in the most perfectly systematic order, and wbile to the general observer there appears to be no room for im provemeut, yet new. apparatus and me- ohm:deal ippliances,aio constantly be ing ppocured tor the establishment. , _ et el rfk , ,; , , e 1 §4O..Nv. •• " -4,0 ....": ...1 e ... , ~,, rr,-...-..-z OPFSATES WITH ENERGY UPON THE 'NETS, LIVER. DOWELS, AND PORES OF THE SHIN, - NEUTRALIZINO. AHRORBING,AND IMPELLING , SCROFULOUS. CANCEROUS. AND CANKER lIIIMORS--- The e:suss of most human in., and-curing when physicians, hospitals, and all other methods and remedies fill, Scrofula or King's tvil. Glandular Swellings, Ulcers, Old Sores, Milk Leg, Mercurial Affections, Erysipelas. Tumors, Abscesses, Car buncles, Boils, BloodP 01101111, Bright's. Disease, -Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver, Rheumatism, Constipation. Piles, Dyspepsia, and •1l itching and Scaly ERUPTIONS. : Of the Skitiend Scalp.-such as Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter,Ringworm, Barber's Itch,Scald Head; Itching Piles , ' and other Diseguring and Torturing Humors, from a pimple to a, scrof. ulitic nicer, when assisted by Curictrusand Cerr- ICIIILA Scar, the great Skin Cures. . CIITIC• A sweet, unchangeable M i sdlcinal Jelly, clears off all external" evidence of! Blood Humors, cats away Dead Skin and Flesh, instantly allays Itch ing, and Irritations, Softens,Soothos, and Heals. Worth fts weight in gold , for all Itching Diseases. OUTICURA 'SOAP An Exquisite Toilet,Bath. anliEursery Sonitive. Pragrent with delicious ildwe oder& and healing balsam. Contains in a modtied form all the virtues of (Armco:ls, the grea Skin Cure, and is indispensable in the treatment of Skin and Scalp Diseases, and for restoring, preserving and beautifying the complexion and akin. The only Medicinal Baby Soap. . .Ctrricirms ItEssztaxs ate the only real curatives for dikesses of the Skin,Scalp and Blood. • Pries: CUTICIIIIA ilitsoxvgarr, $l.OO per bottle; Oxman*, We, per box; Dirge boxes, $1.00; CUTI, 01711a!MtDICINAL TOILYT SOAP, 'll5O. ; Ainmprgat. Bu.svir6 Soxr, 15c. Sold everywhere. Principal Depot, Weeks 6: Potter, Boston. PARKER. 9 S • Id alway-s lo Grey ciVadzit ;Lair tind im r:Ill.:mu:I to prck.:nt cithchna . 1-, rnuve, 11:zc,:ocez o , 5Cc. drag et:14.1 r.••••:'• ..• G N Ttn Lan a tS Rt Superlative lisalth VrEr3;l: If i , att area mechanic or fr:ruivr. Ns ma 0zz...v..c., overwork. or a rrinther ran I oz. ditties try 2'Anr:l='s • If 3ott rre a lawyer, ra;nrar or busiot, my. erz liatmt..•cl mentalsuamorm intoxicating ti.-r.ti!auts,:art us If you have Cca - Suripti:n, 1,1 Kicinc ) :Complaints, or o-nyerr t!.. stomach. howc.ls, blood or TECT,..:, I . • Toutc wilt cure you. It is the c.zt, -t 111... i Anil,the nest and Surest Corr): Cure.Cva? Ityou' are -asting, away fram rr.c. rr 'I atty,disch%T. or weal:r.cv: anti . . Goa;sit TON lc at c.nce it trli! you rroin t!ic , first ilorc bat ;it j,; „ It has saveci.h:indreds of 111.;:i.; it n,.y .CAtiTION !—Ttent.e:4ll tub, tau:. ;.fat'.., , t • : compard of tbif I,:tretnerlisltgo.t.: t!,. do!:1,•st from prtpdraiol.. of for • I3LcoY .!o CO., %. Y. SCr, a el att.,. ftt GTZEAY SAYINT: BUYING • F L aftri:E37 - . . • Its rich and lasung frZyg rnuco has delightful,perfume exceedingly popular. . There 4 - Is nothing like it. Insist upon bzwinc; TOY COLOGNE and look for signature cf dd e.:4 • , „ 1: en every bottle. Any dru;:ti:t or pe,lnlryr7 cap rupply yon. nn.l 75. rent tire. LARGE 6.1V-ttffl 'C , 0 v‘i e'• - • KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. Is mire in its effects, mild in ite action;as it does not blister, yet i 3 . penetrating and pbwerful to reach every deep seated pain or, to remove any. bony growth or other enlargements, suchau spavins, splints curbs, callous, sprains, swell; bags and any lkmeness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It, is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used,acting mild and yet certain in.its effects. Send address for Illustrated• Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues; No remedy has ever met with such unqualified uc cess •to our knowledge, for beast as well a man.. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles :or $5 4 All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address orirenelpt of price by the proprietors. tin. D. J. Er' DALL St - Co., Enos burgh Falls. Vt. . Sold by all Druggists EIVIABLISIILD IN 1865.1 ONSI A D A. 311 0 VI, Solicitor of . - AMERICAN AND FOREIGN I PATIENT . G3ir EirREET WASHINGTON, D. C.. (Sucecither to Gilmore, Smith A: Co., al.- ,• • Chipman, Ilosmer k Co.) • Patents procured upon the samo plan which was originated and successfully practiced by the above-named firth, Pamphlet 1.1 sizty pages sent upon receipt stamp. Inova NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVENTIONS. EVERY INVENTOR I : SHOULD KNOW Tleul b the BulesV The Patent QUice to ii.ocure PATENTS, Models are not necessary unless specially called for. . • Send ,drawing and sp6cification, upon receipt of whiCh we will male eFimination tt tild Patent Office, and advise as to *patentability, FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. Send for PAMPULET of Isrwrievorioss, free to any • address. • HALSTEAD & • ' Washington, D. C. Pubtuhers of the Conrestional Reporter. January, 5, DiSl—tf • You need not Die to o • • IN THE y. 11.1UTITAL END Vi • -AND • • ACCIOIINT - ASSOCIATION • Of (Gatti, N. T You 4 receive one-half of your insurance, he cording to the - American Life -Table; when. two thirds of your life expectancy is Abished—for illustration; a man or woman joining the _Asso ciation at 3G years of age taking a es:tit:testator $2,500, receives $1,2i5 when a little over -56 years of age, exactly the period in life when a-little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. • I • BLADES k ROGERS, lune2tf. General Agents for Penn's. • HORSEoSer n c d n r 2 r s e n c e t y ll for s tre n g TURD ISDITION of Treatise on the Hone and his Diseases." it gives the best treatment for all -diseases, has CO fine engravings showing BOOK c a n it e :i n i e4l t ll e v r enn i ti n by sick -dD be taught in any other way, a table showing doses of all the principal medicines useu for the hone as well ite their effects and antidotes when • .25 'at _polson, a large collection of vALtrAiu.r. RECEIPTS, rules for telling the age of a horse, with, an engraving showing teeth of each year and ilarge amount of other valuable horse information. Hundreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and -$lO The fact that 200,000 sold in atiout, one yea before it was re. vised shows bow popular the book is. The re. Tallied edition is arum nom tAt ClUMuse Rim ron a ontcereAn. AUE.viTB WANTED. Dr. J.. B. Kendall & Co.. Enosburgh Falls, Vermont: Mar 11-Iyr. • vAILe. wg The only known Specific Rontedy- for Epileptic Fite. • Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dsnce, Vertigo. Hysterics Insanity, Apo plexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all Nervous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positively eradicate every species of Nervous Derangement, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. - Tt utterly de stroys the germs of disease by neutralising the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the dilease, and utterly destroys the cause. - /USJIM. , This elejant drestir.g prererrcd by these holm ve =edit; to hr.y ni:ar imic:c, en lie , ;Lint cf its supori , r4 Itanliness and ,ivanty,. com2ii , s tiLlt a re benzfl,.;,l the. sealp:and b.& r :• ME =I IMM : .. ._.....,,.. ...,--: tin,;;;lti..:a.l:;;V:i,r; ;•61-s' • . - _. : !- - _ , iiith ~ ..: E. 1 .. - ..•- - , :i!''..::':., 14 ! , :-11,--.a A i ..,:.:,,..... S I VALiTLITAN NEUVINE SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility. Len corrlicea or Whites, Painful Menstruation. 111. cerati .n of the Uterus, Internal Beat, Gravel In ilamstion of the Bladder,_ Irritability of she Bladder. For Wakefidness at night, there is no bettr. , :rencstly. -During the change of life no feznale should be withunt it It quiets the Nor vows Cistern, and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. BAMARI'TA:N .NERVrsTE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evil: that have ever befallen suffer ing humanity. Theusande die annually from these noxious rugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not becauiie he likes it, but for the pleas ure of drinking ind treating his friends, little thinking that hats on the read to ruin. ~ Like the Opium F_ater4 he first uses the drug in small quantities u a harmless antidote, The soothing influence of the rug takes strong bold upon its victim, leadin g him op to hie own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentiveness , as over.eating first infhimea the stomach, which redoubles Its cravings thin it,paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, -- instead of eatiafying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it cotusumes the vital force and then itself; Like the gluttonous tape-worm. it cries "Give, gi*.e, !give !" but never enough until its own rapacity devours it self. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in all such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system. and re stores bbdy and mind to a healthy condition.' SAMARITAN XERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma ' I : Bronchitis. Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases of the Eldheys, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs! Nervohs Debility, caused .by the indiscretion'of youth. permanently cured by the use of this ; invaluable' renDdy. To you, young, middle-aged, and old men, who are cov ering your' sufferinis as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make' ornaments to society, and jewels in the crown of yourmaker, if yowl:rill. Do not keep this 'a secret longer until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus affi cted, take Dr. Richmond. Sa maritanlt Nervine It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest p emature decay, and impart tone and energy to the; whole Sylitem.. 1 , . . . . • . SAMARITAN NEItVINE Cured_ my little giri,ot fits. Sbe ccae also deaf and dumb, but it cured ber, Sbe can now talk and Sear as urell.aa anybody. PETtas Ross, Springwater, Wis. • S&MARITAN NERVINE Has been the Means of curing my wife of rheu matism. J. B. •Ft.rrcUEß, - Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE • Mao;la a sure curo of a case offing for my son. E. B. Rams, thattaville, Kan SAMARITAX NEAVINE Cared 'meet' vertigo • neuralgia and sick head ache. • Mn. 6 W3l. HEISDERSON, Aurora, m. SAMARATIN SERVINE Was tio.rucans of curing nay Wife of spasms. 'lnv. J. A. Enrr..Beaver, Pa, : SA3IAIIATIN NERVINE. Cured me of asthma, .after spending over $6,000 with other doctors. llonsmr,:liew Albany, Ind. SAMAR ATAN NERVINE Effectually cured rue of spasms. • WARREN, 740 West Vaulluren St., Chicago, 11l SAMARITAN E Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician, it havipg over 100 in 21 hours. • r llSanv Ems, Vervilla, Warrin Co., Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured- inc of scrofula after sulYering for•eight ALbErr SLIIPtipN, l'eoria. t ECM • ' 4 .BALMAIqTAN NE/IVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with :o..tbeldoctors. . J. W. TuonsTotc, Claiborn, Miss. SAMARUXN NERVINE Cared me pertr.ana.tlyef epileptic flta of a stub born character. . • REV. War. Maim; Meehanicatown, Md. 11 48A31ARITAN NERVINE Cured my son .of fits, after having had 2.500 in eighteen months. - • .lilns. E. FOIIES, West Potsdam. N. Y. SAMARITAN NEBVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Mns. OALENA MARS4IIAILL. Or=by, Newton Co., Mo. • • SABIAICITAN NERVDIE Rag permanently cured me . of epilepsy of many years standing. .lacon SUTETL, St: Joseph, 3fo SAMARITAN NERNEN.IE Cured me of br.inehitie, asthma and generai r do Witty. ' ()myna dlYxlts . Ironton. Ohio. SAMARITAN 2:zERVINE Has elated me of asthma: alio - scrofula' of many, years, standing. ' ISAAC JEWELL, Covington, Ey. gAIILiIRiTAN ISERYINE eared me of fits: Ilavo been well •for over four , years. CuAuu E. CURTIS, 0113k111; D 01103113 CO.. Minn SAIIAMTAN - NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who bad dyspepsia very badly. O'eoaitoa. • IiA.MARITAN IiERNINE • Ilas permanently cured me of epileptic fitB. DAVLD TIMXIILY, Des Moines, lowa SAMARI/ AN 141ERVINE Curet, my wife of epilepsy of 35 years standing MINDY CLarac, Fairfield, Web. 13.-VddIIITAN IiERFINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the heart E. OILMAN. North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NEILVINE Curod my sou of nta. He has vet had a flt for about four `ye4lll; JOHN .DAVIS, Woodburn, Macoupin Co., )11. SAIIABITAN SERNIVE Is for sale by druggiate ereryirhere, or may be had direct from us. • Those who wish to obtain further evidence of the curative properties of Eamaritaii Nervine will please enclose a 8-cent postage i stamp for a copy of pus - Illustrated Journal of flealth, giving hundreds Of testimo nials of cure from persons who have used the medicine, aed also their pictures photographed after their restoration to perfect health. Addremi r- DR. S. A. RICHMOND & CO., World's _Epileptic Institute, tiapl-ly ST. JOSEPH MO. -oss.'CLOT - H_ING - 5 4 .04- NOW IS TEM EMDEN OP PORTUNITy Stylish and Reliable Sprig Garments MEN YOUTHS, AT PRICES WHICH CAN BE HAD . AT i3O OTHER HOUSE While maintaining the uniform' ktandard of quality in excellence of work ud material by , GOOD MANAGEMENT; CAREFUL BUYING, and SMALL MARGINS; .(with which I ion content,) I have RAISED THE STANDARD AND' LOWERED THE PRICE, TINTIIi IT IS A POSITIVE PACT THAT THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING In this vicinity is now being sold for tbe,least money by E. M. , • -.- „ • • ,(. .. - • ..--- HUMPHREY:BROS& TRACY,. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealerain a!1 iducis of MI MEN'S, BOYS. WOMEN'S. MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S Bboto: l Sh..poB,.Rubbertc,&o., CORNER NIMN AND ,EI.IZABETIId STREETS, NEW SYSTEM. A ATTENTION DEALERS: BUY DIRECT FR i 1111 - HEADQUARTERS,. l'Oll,R . . . .. • . Candies,- Fruits,' . . ' - Cigars, Cigars.lfe.; ! '-' Fancy .Groceries, - - .Toltiiecos, . .• . _ • _ Wines and -Liquors: • ,A, - • ...H . • .v , employ no traveling salesmen. All goo s.b , 1 through_ price 0ye:...-. _ & . 1. : : era KNOW 'r - .WE CAN SAYE 'YOU r'2•Co . - air,rt, cr-.1N4, •, . it 21' By this - system: - • Write for Price List and compare . l#ll.present priqs. 1f 7 .. 0 don't save you-money don't order. • - . `; 2 4 "e• . - .. , . ' 1 A. M. ROTHSCHILb &. .CO: • •-• --,- .., ~ . , ~ . Importers, Manufact'rs Sz , Comm ion Meroh4riats,, 507-'Sixth 'Avenue - IA-. York•: •••• 1,4 apr6.3m Use Lawrence & 1111 0 For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTt:7: - .?: MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT,CHEST II !: i't _ Blom cF TQLII Has alwars been one• r t 0, ,- 1 'weapons vile:dal 1w 1.1;n :!Ii Dz. ~ against the encroachnel,' BRONCHITIS, AST,, i IM ' A. :t ,, :, eOIN a 3 in ts in c plent and vanced stages, and all dtseo.s . c,i t il- llf Li . • and LUNGS, but it has never been so advantageously compounded ali in the 1 , ):.; IIYE. Its soothing Balsamle properties afford a diffusive stimulantlnnd tow,- 1,, 1 , - , , f system after the cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles, Price 0.00. CAUTION I Pno place ile o 1 e CTi i r ve 4 l o b a e lit r z s t vh Vgs?l P A ln „ i l o il f l i''11. : e‘ i :11:,';'( 1 1 . 1 MEDICATED article—the/pm:line has &Private Die Proprietary Stamp on tacn 1., ,ti , -. If- permits it to be Sold by Druggists, armee& and Dealers Everyw peke. .. I . air WITHOUT SPECIAL TAX OR LIORNSE. ' 1: I The TOLD, ROCK AND RYE roprietors, 41 Rive r - St., •r r-St Chicatpl PI ) 1 ; C0.,8P l; STOW. AT - t T. MUIR & CO.'S OM GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. The place to save money b onyiug cheap s is at Garner Main and Braliklin Streets TOWAND& PA They respectfully announce to the pubile that - thoy bare a large stock of FLOUB,• FEED, MEAL, GUAIN, SALT, FISH PORE, and PEOVISIONg genorall We have also added co our stocks Tie!, of WOOD= WA.UE, ouch as BUT ,Ipt TUBS. • FLU me. onuaxs, ric. Jut received s largo stock of Sugars, Taus; Coffees, Spices, 24077LSON'S PURE SOAP, the best in the market, and other makeo* of soap Syrup said kfolasses, which they offer at low prices for Cast. • oct 20 77 ONE, MORE PICTURE CALLER)! IN TOWANDA. G. H. WOOD & co. will open their New Gallery in ,Patton's Block, on the First Monday of April. Having fitted up entirely new, with' i. the best of instruments, we are prepared to mat) Tintypes, 4 at one sitting / nil for 50 cts. • - in neat envelopes. / 0 for Sloe. Copying of all kinds of Photographs,and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give us a call and we will try and satisfy you in price and . qual4Y • mu 28 , • • FARM FOR SALE. - .A farm of fiftyieres. ideated in the Wysox val ley. Ave minutes drive • from " Rome borough. For full.paitietdars. address • ; JAMES C. FORBES.• • • 23febewe - Towanda Ps. EMU BOYS AND ROSK\rFIELI). r W t TST . DP CHILDREN, IMI 0128) II . I . .• 4.1 - • . like " 7_4 , 1 - nvpisc. „-• i• • - • ' Eli THE MOST SECCES.SFEL REMEDY eler dilsc„ coveredois it is certain in its effects arid &est not blister. Also Ocellent fort - bun:al ties! HEAD "Took' s BELqwf , r ' _ PROM 4014 L. T. rOSTER. . • Youngstawn Ohio; May I otbil --o. Dn. D. J. EENDAI.4 do:---I had a very valui ble Hambletoulanv t which-I prized very di-o iit d ly, be bad alarge b oa apavin on one joint and a small one on thb other aladeh made lam V. ry_ lame; I had him urriii4r thelharge of two veteri-.•• nary surgeons whicVfailed to cure him. I was ' one day reading the vertisoment of Kent:3 I's i d aid Spavin, Cure in the C icago'Eapress, I e :rum. ea at once to try it, a id get. our druggists 1., , r, to send for it, they otdered three bottles; I them all and thoughtl would give it a th..roa.:ll trial, Fused it accordjng to -directions all l tic fou*th daylhe colt teased to be lame, and :le lumps have disappear° r. I Used but ono 1,,,tt:•- a.nd :Locoing limbs are as free from infltds - 11 / 1 ' as smooth as any horse in the state. Wl4 c:- tirelv cured. The cure was so r, !mutable that . I let two, of my neighbors have the renisialn - r . • two betties, who aro now using it. Very itaspectfully, L.T.FOSTI:i.t. . • 1 Kendalfs . Spavin Cure • ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten's Mint. WastVtou col Feb: ll .'7 l - Da. ii . J. KENDALL. Dear Sir:—The partknia: ease on which I used your Kendall's Spavin was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen 111011 V, standing. I had tried many things, but in ra:n. Your epavin Cure put the foot to the ground again, aud• for the first time since hurt. in 1 natural position. For a family liniment it ei cell anythinawe ever used. Yours truly, • REV. M. I'. BELL. Pastor of SI. E, Church, Fattens Mills, Price $l, per bottle, or ' is bottles for $5. MI. Druggists bive it or can get it fer you, or it 161' be sent to any address on receipt of price b) c:, proprietors,•Dlt. B. J. KENDALL & Co., Erli)Y. burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at - ' " . . . . Dr. H. C. Pti.es thug Stofe, CANCERS CURED `AT 'CRANE'S CANCER .INFIR- MARY, A.DDISON, N. N.Y. KONDREDS OF PERSONS from all Psri4 cf the world have been cored of thi .2 much dresde , i disease and are now living witnesses that tkeY have been :elicited from a torrible.and nut melf death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated Frei% Write fora Circular giving ipll particulars. 'Address Drs. OW. CRANE /t HUSH BROWN Addison. N. Y. . Sopt.3o,lyr.opßaco. FIRE - AND LIFE INSURANCE CLAIII AND COLLECTION AGENCY 1311 . D1K & BUCK, Leßiiiisicille, Pa: . . • Will write policies for risks in Fire and LiS In aurarice. Collect • Claims with care and promptness. They represent none brit FIRST—CLASS COMPANIES !_ rhey solicit theconAdence and patronage of these having business in their Line, and will ondes*or .to merit it. Apply to or address lus3 - Butoricksuoi,Leltsittine. rs• 11111