THE REPUBLICAN. JUDSOk HOLCOMB. l rnopurcro r,s CHAS. TRACY,. S- . JUDSON HOLCOMB, Editor. .CHA.S. H. ALLEN, Assoriatc Editor - - - "Reasonable fazes, honest expenaiiures, corn relent ctlieers, and no stealing." Harpers Weekj. W Entered in , the Pod .otllee'st Tonanil• as SECOND CLASS MATTER. THLTRSDAY, APRIL 20, 1882 It is stated t_lt the Chinamen in New York are preparing for a maks meeting to thank -the President for his veto• ' The Crawford Journal, published- at :Meadville, the home of Mr. S. B. Dick,- de clines to support his candidacy for Congress man-at-lante. - • George M. Chileot succeeds Henry M. Teller as United States senator from Colo rad°. He-is a lawyer, and has served sev eral terms in She state legislature. The 'Japanese coveriunent, with that re:oy . adaptation of all useful and 'Valuable inventions and dfseoveries, has sentio this - country for large quantities of --aceine points, - The reports of the damage to the fruit crop in Dela Ware, Maryland and New Jersey are greatly exaggerated. Late ac 7 counts pronounce the damage as very slight.. The Senate on Wednesday of ink wCelt, confined Hon. William B. Chandler ; as Secretary of the Navy, by a vote of 28 to 16. The Senate also confirmed Hon. Wil liam H. Hunt as Minister to Russia., The State of Vermont has a law allow ing women to vote for schocil directors, and to be eleCted to that office, - and yet it is re ported that at the recent elections in that state but five women voted in the. entire state. i te Ant.-llourbon movement in .(ieorgia sc - citis to be gaining ground steadily and surely. Its leaders do not make much noise, but they are quietly at work and succeed in attracting the_ attention of the people. ' Don Piatt, the eccentric editor of the k;,l y Capita/ at Washington, sarcastically burlesques the people of Missouri for lion ising Jesse James, the outlaw, robber and niurjeier. by christening hiiii • ", Saint Jesse." Greenbackisin . 4z.enis to be fast dying out in lowa, notwithstanding the efforts of es- Congressman Weaver tol keep it alive. Only two or three: of the thiay or forty organs of the party that were started in recent years survive. Cut loose from bad leaders and lie Repub licans'from principle. Principle's are int: , mutable. They are as sacred and valuable under bad leadership as under good. Stand by right principles. and deal with bad lead -4s opportunitY is afforded. • Mrs. Garfield has received 'as a present from a Dresden artist a portrait on ponce,_ Lain ofher late husband .. The inscription rends: i ..`James A. Garfield, President of respect and admiration, by L. Sturm.. The :22.0Sth p6rtrait, Dresden." The great iinmigration movement of Ger mans, which is expected even to exceed ,in 1852 the volume it attaineddast sear, seeins to be starting in earnest: ; The steamship Ohio. which reached BaWiner° last week, brought over thirteen hufidred immigrants Most of then started directly for the West It is now announced that an improve- - ment has been made by -which the commu nication through a telephone can be made operative hunAredS cf miles, that a person in Philadelphia could hold converse with one in Chicago with as much ease as they can now a feW miles off. This will indeed, revolutionize the later and telegraph-meth ods of communication. It now; looks us though Berks county could have abundant reason for throwing overboard the Democratic -majorities and monopoly of county offices„ The Prothono tary has been charging fees that the law does not allow, and it last County Treas urer has skipped out with a: .shortage of about ! $50,000 in his'accoants. , The cause of dissensions in the Republican party if any there be, is , chargeable en tirely-to the utivise and arbitrary action of ambitiiius leade - rs. The massbs of.the parks: would be all:right if their leaders would let them. The remedy willbe found in, stand ing by the party and helping it to depose the men who :ire leading to ruin. . The sub•eommittee, of the House Com mittee on Banking to. whieli was referred that portion of the President's message re lating to silver certificates, reported to the 4 full committee Tuesday recommending the passage Of the bill suspending the issue of silver Cortifkates.and limiting tho coinage of standard silver dollars to the requite .inentsof the people. The retiring members of the Maryland Legislature cleaned out the State, House at Annapolis so thoroughly that not even 10 file was left. Some of them wanted to take their desks and chairs and one actual- . walked away with aspittoon. It is un necessary, perhaps, to inform our readers that the "retiring . members" were demo cratic I.y a large majority. • - - • The Democratic organ's Are eloquent over what they call the gerryintinder of Virginia by the Eeadjusters, says thd Tribune, but they say nothing about the inquius gerryman . der in_llississippi. besides , they ignore the fact that the Legislature ivhich redistricted Virginia was chosen art honest majority, while the Democratic Legislature which 'redistricted Mississippi was elected by sup pressing a Republican majority of 30.000. The Democratic organs in the South' are beginning to recognize the importance of the colored element in the politics of that section. They are`-Publishing; numerous articles, the drift of whiCh is l. to try to prove to the colored people the folly of re-_ maining with the Republican party when the Democratic parfyi is disposed to treat 7 them with much more liberality. This' , is one fruit of the Independent movement in the Southern States. , ' Of the twenty-five state senators who hold over, twenty „are republicans and five - are democrats. Of the twenty-five to be elected this year thirteen are republicans and twelve democrats. It would be a very bad managenient that could make the next senate democratic. It js hardly within the bounds ofipossibility,'aftd certainly outside the damaiii of probability. It looks as if the republicans would make a clean sweep of the legislature, Mr. James !Fallen, an influential nde pendent Redublicrufef tills State, has writ ten a letter, in which he refuses to aid in defeating General Beaver if he receives the nomination for Governor. He thinks that the fact that Beaver is well qualified for the office, and that his nonination is evident ly desired by a Majority of the party, should outweigh other consideration's. . hp sacs, "has become a high: art, and the professionals in it shrewd-and wary, and to counteract mischievous work We muse learn their skill rind with it oVerthrow those who do evil. To make Our work efficient, •we roust remain in the party to help purify and elevate it, and not by decrying attempt to destroy. Our Work must not bespasmedic, but with constant vigilance Working togeth er for good." this States will hold elections this year.. Rhode Island leads off next month for Governor and other State offi cers and a Legislature. Oregon elects in June ,Kentucky will elect a clerk of the court of appeals in August, and in the same month Tennessee and Alabama will elect Govern ors and Legislatures. Maine will elect a Governor and Legislature in September, which will have the election' of- a United States Senator in the place of Mr. Frye, now filling Mr. Blaine's unexpired term. In October Ohio and lowa will elect some of theirquinor officers; Colorado will elect a Governor and Legislature, wad West Vir ginia will choose a Legislature; which. will elect a United States Senator to succeed 31. r. Davis. In November Bminecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mich igan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas_ and New York will elect Governors, while Illi nois will elect a successor to David Davis. In a number of the States electing in No veinber other State officers beside Govern:. or will be elected. Pennsylvania Will elect; besides a GoVernory a Lieutenant Govern: or, Secretary of Internal .t\ffairs, a Supreme Judge, a- 'House of Representative:4.' l one half of the 'Senate, and Congressmen. I;DIy'II VALItIGIITS. In polities, our attachments for then ire as nothing, compared .. with the preservation, and promotion of the traditions upon which the Republic, secured by the blood of our revolution ary fathers, was originally established,. The rights of the individual to the ex cruise of - the liberty of conscience; both in respect to religion and politics, in dependent of personal rule or bossism, is one - Of the fundamental principles of our, government. Enunciated in the, Declaration or - Independence, guarah teed by the ConstitUtion, it is the duly 'of the citizen, as well as his right, to see that the ambition of party leaders does not draw us away -from, these first and underlying principles ;of a free government, "by the people, e l f the W pc9ple, : ..and for the people.", ‘N hen the, ambitions and selfish designs of men cruise them to forget the primary, principles of free government, it rests with, thepeople to cry, halt ! and in their primary capacity - ,to bring filch; .leaders back :to _a full recognition of they. rights. This is just what the present . struggle between the people and their political bosses means. The bosses will be wise if they heed the warning in season to ay ea*. taklunit of_ ; _adefeat, \Ve confidenee in the principles of the Republian party, -in their integrity, and propose to stand firmly and squarely by our wells ettled Convictions,: but our •eftorts shall be sternlidevoted to cor recting - themisuse of ipower by partv leaders to the end that success may attend thei party .in holding the political supremacy in the administration of the Government. e GWASHI.NTON I Editorial Correspondence Wnsail:GroN, D. C., Aptil 17, 1882 EMANCIPAt,ION DAY. The 20th anniversary of the . proclamation of emancipation issued by President , Lini:oln falling this year on Sunday, the colored people of the District of Columbia, celebrate their deliverance, front the bondage of slavery on to-day—Monday. These anni versaries have annually been observed by the colored citizens since 1862, with gloater or less display according to the degree of enthusiasm felt by the colored race and the means Iyhich they are able to command. Their preparation for display in theirturn outto-dff is on n grander scale than usual. They maintain in Washington a 'umbel; of civil societies. These will be represented in their parade in their various regalia. Tho processi'on will be undei the directieu of a chief :marshal and his' aids all dreed in uniform and mounted. The music will be furnished by several inStrUMental bands composed entirely of • colored members, and a gala day for the colored people will be en joyed. In the evening there will be speak- Mg at i Lincoln• Hail by lion. Frederick D inglass and Other distinguished colored men. '.President Lincoln, whom the colored people revere as a patron saint, said in closing-his proclamation of emancipation, which resulted in bringing general freedom to all slaves on - January 1, 1863: " To this act, sincerely believed to be an act i 4 justice, warranted by the Con4titution upon military necessity, I invoke the - considerate judgment of 'mankind, and" the • gracious favor of Almighty God." • Twenty years of history has dispeled every doubt of the wisdom of the act of President Lincoln, to the execution of which at the time heap proaChed withthe profoundest convictions of its justice, thOugh he entertained doubts, of its approval by a cilia; of the American people. The artni, - , composed largely. of un disciplined yeomn,nry, fresh fyOm the ranks of 'the people, and inspired by the highest motives of patriotiSva; saw sooner than, the President the necessity of freeing the slaves before the rebellion ;could be brought to - a- final and suecessl'ul, issue. llence, when the proclamation of emanci pation!came, it infused new life, vigor and courage into ,the rank's of the soldiery. be . cause they realizild that the war was being prosecuted for the maintenance Of the in tegrity of the republic upon 'principles of justice to all men, without regard to race, ,color or condition. From that period the success of, the; Union Army and the sup pression of the rebellion was assured. I • The Democratic party show evidence of a lively hbpe of success in 'the next fall elections, based upon apparent dissensions and divisions in the ranks of the Republican party: The Democratic Congreasional Com mittee, having its headquarters here, is or ganizing for active Work. 'Philip P. Thomp son, Secretary of the Committec, has actively canvassed the Democratic side of ,the House within the past week fur contri butions for campaign expenses, and liberal contributions have been made. The pur pose, of the • Committee is to devote every possible effort to carrying all the close Con gressional districts now represented by Re publicans and thus gain the ascendency in - the House, as they -wllthave in the Senate, in the next Congresi. If -the Republican p ar ty would avert :Such a result; it must heal its internal fends and show a united front to the old enemy as of yore. Whether the Republican pally, in' Pennsylvania especially, is •to succeed next fall will de pend much upon-the course of the national Administratiols , If all. federal appoint 'meats are conferred upon the advice of Senator Cameron, on his special favdrites, and the larger and more powerful portion °lithe party:' who do the voting is to be iitiore& and spat upon, there is little hope. of success in Pennsylvania: Senator Mitf.hell is represented by the Washington, correspondent of the New York Tribnge as saying : ' It has been my ambition during the year that have been in this office to convince Mr. 'Cameron of the need of a change in these matters: I have had many plain talks with him. I have wanted to see justice dOne to both wings of the party. I have been waiting 'for • a year in the hope that something could be accomplished, sub mitting-in the meantime to misrepresenta .tion and 'ridicule: It was even telegraphed over the country when I secured Senator. Teller's seat that I did it through the pre science of Senator Cameron. It ~ s eems to be thought that I have no consciousness of my own, no , capacity or mind apart from Senator c;aineron— I hate certain prinei; pies "—and here the Senator 'spoke with great positiveness—" and when Senator Cameron gets in the way of them from-thus time on he must get out of the way. • I have steadily opposed many of the appointments made in Pennsylvania since I came into this office.' Mr. Cameron knows this, and the authorities making these appointments know it." , • When asked if he had formed any plan of action, for the future the Senator said : " Nothing further than to speak my mind in these natters, and give the advide I think proper. I lave no time to spend in organizinc i political inoyements. I could not do •it Avithput neglecting my official duties; -but if there should be-any popular movement by Republicans to carry Out the ideas - I,have expressed I should not hesitate' to join it, for I believe such a movement necessary to the salvation of the Republican party in Pennsylvania." • - - - Such a condition of political affairs do not afford a hopeful outlook for the success of the Republican party in Pennsylvania. In spite of itself, while the attachment of the masses of the party to its doctrines and traditions are as, true as ever, and they would gladly vote to sustain them; the party is likebi, to be offered a sacrifice to the madness of its leaders. The remedy is not to be found .in deserting the standard of Republica l pism and going over to the enemy, but sustaining the party and biding our 'time to correct.existing' evils. White party leaders are engaged in a Kil kenny cat fight to destroy each other, the masses of the party should asstu;iie control, and at' the first opportunity depose the men who arc dragging the Party to ruin, and fill their. places with better and truer men. DEMOCRACY ACTIVE CHINESE nI3IIOItIiTION The Democratic party in - Congress , have determined to oppose further legislation to restrict Chinese immigration. They, be lieve, that as the bill to suspend inimigra tion for tWeniy years ha. - been vetoed by a - RepUblican President, that the policy of no legislation is a political trump. card for I them. ; They expect to hold the Republican party responsible, and be able upon such an issue 4) carry all the Pacific states, and at the Rune time rally all the labor-tinion' elements to their support. They think that ast.lie:Wrey letter forgery helped them in teuePon'tneim•tintibtlagfralf*m - fie* them in 1882. the issue comes they will be likely to have their - past sins held up to view in such a light that They can ilee themselVes as Others see them. i I The protrricted debate on,the; TARIFF COMMISSION BILL. will close early this week, and the bill mill pass the House, though it will be generally opposed by the Democratic members outside of 'Pennsylvania. ".A tariff for revenue only " is theestablished doctrine and policy of the Democratic: party. J. H. • GENERAL GLEANINGS —The Freethinkers' National ConvOitkai will be Watkins Glen, begin ning August t.).3& . . —The New York General Term has rot-, tiered a decision upholding the right ,:4)f a married womad to sue her husband ':for assault —There were produced in this- country' during the year ending ; Tune 30th last, 720,190,000 gallons of spirits, and 57,000 gall Ons were lost by casualties. • . —The Chicago Presbytery '.passed reso utions thanking the President for, Vefoi i ng ho Chinese bill, because it . would prevent he conversion of the Chinese to Christian- —The Breckenridge, Ky.:, News says t Mrs. Mary Board,, now living in Dayies county, is forty years - of age and the - law- Sul mother of forty-three. children, ;the youngest is a babe at the breast. —Charles M. Davenport, one, of the ablest lawyers in Vermont, died yesterday- at Brattleboro, aged fifty-one: He was a prominent Democrat, having twice her the nominee of his patty, for Governor ,' —George W. Morse, of Washington, who holds that he is the Original juventor of 'the modern metallic' caiiidge breech-loading system of firearms, has put in a claim for $200,000 compensation from the gotNrn -1 meat. ; —lt is said • that Secretary Teller *win make. a number of cluanges in the Interior Department, including Assistant Secretary .Bell and Chief Clerk Lockwood. He may also remove Commissioner ' Price, ,of the' Indian Bureau. :s.lassett, a farmer living near Cambridge, Ohio, Wednesday shot his' son, John E. Na..s.sett, and 'then shot *himself through the head, causing instant. death. The eldest Nassett had been violentpward his family for years. —Thal'resident oii the 12th 'nomina ted George Money, of Tennssee, .for Minister and Consiii-lienend to Bolivia; Wm. L. Scruggs, yor Minister to Columbia; and C. C. Andrews, of Minnesota, for Consul-Gdneral to Rio Janerio. •, —Few persons have any idea of the_' amount of horse meat which is annually' consumed in Paris. Last year a report shows that nine thousand horSes were . served up in frica.sse, rligouts' and' steaks: There are forty shops were nothing but horsy meat is sold. —Jellies Isom, who in the war of 1812 carried on the manufacture 'of saltpetre for use in making gunpowder for the American army, died at Richmond, Kentucky, a short time ago, aged 102 years: Ho conducted his business,in a mountain cave so as to evade the danger of discovery. --on Thursday of last week, nine steam=. - ers lauded a total of 6478 immigrants at ,Castle Garden. Nearly all of them -were the well-to-clo'class and the prophytion Of women and children was much la4er than usual. One Derbyshire farmer exchanged' ftt'the money office English gold and liank notes to the amount of '55362 after which he bought tickets and left for Detroit. 1 - —The -highest mine M the United states; and probably in the world, is 'the Present Help, situated on Mount Lincoln, in the main range of the Rocky Mountains, in Park cruty, Colorado. According to PrO i—:..r Hayden, Mount Lincoln has an altitude of 14,297 feet. The Present Relp boarding house, built alongxide of the entrance to the main drift, is about 200 yards away from the , extreme summit of the mountain and 140 feet lower down. 'This 14,157 feet above sea level, and it is undoubtedly the highest inhabited house in the world. fire at- VanEtteriville, Chemung County N. Y. on the 11th instant, destroyed the Methodist church edifice, the residence of the pastor, Rev. C.-, E: Mogg, and a dwelling house owned by Mrs. Mary B. Dressen.. The loss on property . destroyed is estimated at, $.5,000 , and $BOO on the pressen property was all the insurance on any. The fire is supposed to have been in cendiary, hsving originateij, in the wood , shed in the rear of the cluirch. —Washington, a small place in. lowa, had a Federal private.of the war who win; shot 'eight times. Seeking some corapanl , ions, he found a Confederate battery, and . as captain' of , an imaginary company de manded its surrFnder, Obtaining the ,com numder's pistols] and sword. - He tamed over the unarmed squad to General Rosen cram (the story goes), received a compli ment, has long been sick and receives a pension of s'2 a month. THE GUITEAU CASE NV,, , ,,snixerwr, April 12.-1 petition of Mr Scoville, asking'paY for the ao fence in the Gniteau trial was filed yes terday in the petition - 1)oz of the House. In a letter to Congresiman Farwell, Mr. Scoville says that the Gniteun busi ness has nearly.ruined him, and suggests that if Judiciary Committee object to leaving the amnia of compensation to the Attorney-Genetal, they might• limit to the sum - proposed to be paid the experts, twenty-five dollars a day for the time actually given to the case, or even less. Mr. Scoville says that he will probably continue iu the case though it is very hard to stand Guit eau's abuse. He states that Guiteau if again brought intii court will not be p-rmitted to interrupt oe Court. Mr. Scoville will nut argue the case tiNliess Lthe assassin agrees to keep quiet Another Colliery Explosion SUNDERLAND, Eng., April 18.—An ex plosion has occurred in the Black Horse Colliery. It is feared that twenty-thme persons. are killed. Several' have lick rescued badly burned. LATER-TTWR BODIES IffiCOVERED Four:bodies have been recovered fro m the Black Horse colliery., - ;.Fourteen are still missing. STILL LATER TIIIIITPFIVF.r . ITTISONS SUNDERLAND, April Is.--lliilnight. Thiity-iive persons were killbd by the colliery explosion, . . Bill to Pensioti Soldiers. WASHINGTON, April Io.—Among the hills introduced in the House to daj• was one by Mr. De Motte for the relief of soldiers of the war of the re- hellion who were con i fu,,ed 'in rebel prisons. It provides that such soldiers shall be pensioned at the rate of $8 per cases where the term of im prisonment shall have been ninety days and less than .one,year, $1 per month additional for each full month of such imprisonment in excess of , one year, and S 3 perday for 'each and every day's confinement in 'said Confederate prisons, and that said pensions shall .be payable in'the same maim& a's other , pensions are paid.., Violent ,Storm ii Louisiana. • NEI;N: :Inr.BIA, La., April 14.—The storm on We dnesday..night wrought , HouSes'were torn to pieces, the fences, provisions, forage, furniture and every thing previously saved from the floods, were destroyed. Fifteen thousand persons are homeless ; .and without Means of support or shelter. • The storm swept away 'forty houses at Fansse Point, and We corn-cribs floated off with their contents. The cabins On Sanders' plantation were blown down and floated off. Destrgcture' Fire at Tituskitie- TITUVILLE, Pa.,• April The Parshall House burned early this Morn ing. The'Had Brunswick was dam aged: When the flames Were first covered the fire could have been easily suppressed, but the firemen refused to. work under the newly . elected Chief. It was only when the Mayor induced the;:ex Chief Engineer to take charge that they went to. work,. Fireman Hubbard Was fatally hurt by n falling wall. The colored cook in the': Par shall- House is missing. ' . "The loss iti estimated at $300,01:10. The body of The cook has been recover- . ed: The Hotel Brunswick was owned by Senator Roberts. • _ISAN FiAscisco, Arran 15. —Dr Led yard who met Lieutenant Denhover at Irkutsk, learned some details of the los of the Jeannette from him 'which he Ipis communicated to a friend here. 'Frpro 'the first fall,wlien they were caught the ice in trying to reach Herald Islam' they never took comae, but' were held as in the jaws of death. Every timber quivered; the vessel turned this may ind that and was thrown about like a cork. E% ery hour they were in anspeuse, never knowing when the ice would close npou them. _Throughout this strain the dew were well and trying to be cheerful Work ing very hard, for the engine Was bdiely able to make the water act. They shad to _pump a year and a half. On June 11th, 1881, the clisis came. The'ship showed 'greater straining than-., before and it was evident that 'she coup not hell out much longer. The -men pre pared the boats and made a c unip beside the vessel. She lose and turned in her cradle till the yards touched the l ice. Then the rigging' gave way :and ,the masts lay prostrate. At four o'clock in the morning they parted and , all went down. The cry of slain galled all to escape from the crevice, in the ice. It opened just through the captain's tent.' .Then began the retreat. For twerity nine days they struggled southward,. and three hundred •miles of broken ice were then passed over. Four miles a 'Any was thought to be good fortune. After one series of fourteen days they were tweety•seveu miles further north than at first. While working over the ice and dragging three heavy boats, they discovered Bennett Island, to explore which they spent three-weeks ,of their precious slimmer days, and . expended much of 'their limited supply of food. To this •detour those who suivived attribute much of their suffering and the death of their commander with nineteen men. liter three months in this perilous and exhausting work they came to blue water, and then' with fait winds. took a course for the month of the Lena river. Third of a Town Burned. NEW AT•IMAN - DurA,Pa., April 18.—Afire here last night raged _seven hours. 'A third of the . town %%vas •bnrned and several familis are'destiftite, The loss is 825,000. - • - Wonderful Discovery. SIIILNGETELD, April 18,,—Presi dent Linoolon's remains are, reported to be completely petrified, thri form and even the features being preserved. Buy WALL PAPERS at Cross' Store Finest designs at mosiressonable prices. SHERIFF'S SALES • By virtue of sundry writs issued, out of the Court of Common pleas of Bradford County and" to me directed, i will expose to public sale, at the Court Rouse in Tcrrindsßoroago, on FlpllkT, MAY , '5 9 188'2. at 1 o'clock; P. M.; the following describe 4 property, to-Wit :' - - No. I. One let, piece or parcel of land. situate In Towanda birough.,bounded north by lands of Widow Lewii, east by River strut, south by lands of John Sullivan. and west by lands of Elsbree & Davies. and .other lands of B, A.. Chamberlin; being 100 feet front on Blvd , street, running back 100 feet, with 1 framed house, framtd barn, and. a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and . taken into execntioh at the suit of Frederick Mercur; ex ecutor of Sarah A. !demur, vs. Byron Chamber lin and Dennis L. Sweeny. - No. 2. ALSO—Defendant's life estate in a lot of land, situate in Athens township. bounded north by lands of .f A. 31eVaugh (lot No. 5.), Miss Gray (lot -No. n igh' and Hiram and Susan Thomas (lots Nos. 54 and 71); cast by lands of Hiram and Susan Thomas, south by Sayre Land Company and month First !street. and west by Thomas avenue. Excepting and reserving' therefrom lot No. el sold to J. A. Woodward. lo; o, 4 sold to Park - Wolcott: lot No. 5 sold to A. IliVaugh, lot No. 47 sold to Mrs. Anna Tuthill, lot No. 48 sold to--Flynn, lot So. 50 owned by Norman Shaw. lot No. 52 owned by Mrs. Anna Tuthill, - and lot No. 53 owned by Andrew Zeller; being lots and parts of lots No. 1 (emit half). Nos. 2; 44, 45. 46,4'4 . 51. 54, 71, 72. 73, 74, 75, 16,-and 77 according to a plot or survey made. by Z. F. Walker for Thomas de Tierce. June 23, A.D. 1873; all . improved, with 1 two-story framed house thereon. No. 3.. ALSO—Defendant's interest in a lot of land situate in Athens township, bounded north by lands now or late of 811 a. Fotdham; east and south by lands of Bullet, sod west by the Susquehanna river; contains 42 acres, more or less , . about 10 improved; the said land having been contracted by Wm. B. Pierce, U. W. Thomas and Howard Elmer to Elijah Vangorder, by con tract dated Jan. 31.. 1876, with a two-story framed house thereon . Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Hiram Thomas' use vs. Wm. B. Pierce. No. 4. .141..50-LDefendant's interest in s lot of land situntebin Towanda borough, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the south east corner of lands of H. C. Porter in the centre of. the highway; thence westerly' along 'the south line of H. C. Porter's land 3G rods to scorner; thencenoutherly along the lands of Joseph Powell 9. rods more or leas to the corner oflot of the rector vestry and wardens of Christ Church; .thence eastwardly along' the north line of said church lot to west corner of W. 31. Watts' lot; thence northerly along the west line of said Watts' lot to the north corner of said Watts' lot; being 12 feet south from south line of said Porter's land; thence eastwardly 'along the north lino& said Watts' lot to. a cor ner in the centre of said highway; thence along the centre of said highway - 12 feet to the place of beginning; reserving nevertheless the right to 1:1 said W. M. Watts, his heirs and assigns, to use the 12 feet in width betweenhis north lin and said POTter'4 south line from said highwa run ning west to said Watts' lines. an alley. eing same land c onveyed by B. S. Russell an ! wife to Barry Mix and John D. - Slontanye, deed dated October 1,1865, and recorded in Recorder's Oglze for Bradford County, in deed book No.llll page 35, Sm., all improved, no buildings. No, 5. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda borough, bounded and, described as follows: Beginning at a point on' Weston street the northeast corner of a-lot now owned by M. A. Shaw; thence easterly along Weston.street 41feet to a corner:thence souther ly-along lands of .T. V.. Wilcock'. about 55 feet tO ; s corner on land of estate of Mrs. H. C. ward: thencoalong lands belonging to 'estate of Mrs. 11. C. Ward 41 feet to a corner, being southeast corner e pf Si. A. Shaw's land; thence northerly along hinds of M. A. Shaw about 55 feet to place ot beginning; said' lot being 4.1 feet strict measure, on Hub of Weston street and on line of lands of Mrs. H. C. Ward, and about 55 feet deep. Being Bailie piece of land _conveyed by J. Y. Wilcock; and wife to John D. Montanye by deed dated June 2.01573. and recorded in Recorder's Office for Bradford County, in deed book No. 117, page 37..-4:c:,"; all improved, wiell 1' hosed barn therecin. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of William Stevenson's use , vs.- Jno. b. Montanye's administrator, widow rind child. No. 6. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in Athens twp., and being in the' tonthwest cor ner of lot No.'s in South WaVerlyiasdistinguish ed on a map made for Wm. W. shepherd and 'others, commencing in the centre - of Bradford street in the west line of said lot No. 8;,. running north on said west line 80 feet '; thence east and parallel with Uradford street 5u feet and 3 inches; thence south and parallel with the west line of lot No. 8, 80 feet to the centre of Brad ford street; thence west in the centre, of Brad ford street to the place of beginning; be the same more or less. Being the same premises deeded by party of-lirehpart hereto to party of the second part, by deed dated the 12th -day of Atnii, 1877. having a two-story framed dwelling and outhouse thereon; all improved Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Eithel- Brock's use vi. Caroline 1; Decker. .No. 7. ALSO—Ono other lot of laud, situate in orwell township, .bounded north by lands of G. .C. • Friable and Caleb Allen, deceased, east by lands of Caleb Allen, deceased, John Bing ham,- Leander. Maynard and Aurora Robinson. south by landi of Ralph Pickering, John I. East man and S. A. Chaffee, and west by la ms of S. A. Chaffee and Geo. Friable; contatua 133 acres. more or less, about 125, improved, with 2 framed houses, 3 framed barns, sheds, other outbuild- Riga and fruit trees thereon, and being the same land ai'described in deed recorded in Bradford county deed book:0.13, page 23,4 c. Seizd and t.kait intoiererotbio-st -the suit of Ruth AT./1 Mad at the suit of Ruth 'Ann lloyst'fi use vs. David Ford. - N 6. 8. ALSO. One other lot ofdand, situate in ,t 1 L , iTZP. The Jeannette. =I Legal_ 'Adyertisements Monroe borough, bounded north!, by lands of B. B. Holiett, east by Main street,' land eolith and west by lands of Henry Tracy: contai Ile. 3 acres, more or less, all improved, with 1 iramed house. 1 framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon: • No. 9. ALSO—One other lot of laud. situate in Monroe township, bounded north by lands of Dr. Newton, east by the turnpike, south by lauds of Zack Northrup, and we by lands of Joseph Smith: contains 15 acres, more or less. all improved; no buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit -of Rowena S. -Kings bury's use vs. John Daugherty. Also at suit of N. N. Betts' use vs same. No. 10. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate in Canton township, bounded and described as fellows; " Beginning in the centre of the high. way in the east line of Murrey's lands; thence north 36 dogs. west 40 perches to a post; thence north 51 degs. east 8 perchetto_a. post; thence south 3G dep. east 40 perches to the centre of said highway; thence along the centre-of-said highway south -5 4 dogs.: west 8 perches to the place of beginning; contains 2 acres, all im proved, with an orchaid of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken - into 'execution at the stilt of C. C. Manley vs., Wm. N: Gregory. No. 11. ALSO—One other lot of land •I situat e in Canton township; bounded and destbed as follows: Beginning at a post and sto es the northeast coriu.r of a lot of. land now occupied by N Smith; thence south 88 deg& east 45 C-10 rods to a post and stones; thence south 2 degs. west 218 perches to a post on the north bank of Towanda Creek; Atones same course to the cen tre of said creek; thence up the said. creek as it now runs, to the southeast corner of a lot of laud now occupied by 'said N. Smith; thence north 2.degs. east 232 perches to the place of beginning; contains 76 heree, more or leas, all improved, with 3 framed barns, 1 framed - house, other outbuilding'', and au orchard - of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execntiolilat the suit of J. L. Meeker's use vs. J. S. Manley. No. 12. ALSO—One• other lot 'of land, situate in Towanda township, botinded and described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner 'et a lot fomerly owned by G. F. Mason; 'thence north C' dogs, east along the east side of the public highway leading into Towanda 53 feet to a corner; thence south 84.1; degs. east 187. feet to a corner; thence south 6 3.4 (legs. west 63 feet Ito the northeast corner of said G. F. Mason Ist aforesaid:: thence along the line of said lot north 14434 degs. west 187 feet to the place of beginning. with 1 two-Story framed house and several trust trees thereon. - . - ' ' - Nis, 13. ALSO—Ono other lot of land, situate in Towanda, Borough, boundel north by lot of John Griffin. east by Main street, south by lot of Petri& Kennedy; and west by' an alloy running parallel. with Main street; said lot being 50 beet lin width, and having 1 two-story trained dwelling house thereon.' i I ' No. 14. ALSO-000 other lot of *laud, situate in Towanda borough, bounded north by lauds of Geo. McCabe's estate, east by lands now or for merly of Win. - H. Morgan's estate, south by Washington street. and west by lands of John Pine; being 19 feet Ifrout on. said street by 42 feet deep, with one-half of a framed dwelling house thereon. Seized andlaken into execution at the suit of James' T. Hale's use vs. John J. Griffith. ' . No. 15. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in I Orwell, township, bounded north by lands Of Alanson Lung, east by lands of J. W. Park and Lynes Robinson, smith by lands of Lvnea Robin- I son and C. S. Davis, and west by, lands of J. W.. i Parke and A. J. Taylor; contains 140 acres, more, or less; about 115: improved,, with 1, framed' I house,. I framed barn, and 2 orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution 'at the suit of D. II: Coon's use vs. Alexander Keefe and H. L. Parks ' ". • . No. 16. ALSO—One other lot of land,eituato in Smithfield township, bounded north and eset by other lairds of Marshall. Bullock, south by the public highway •running east and west the ough Smithfield Centre, and- west by lands of Mrs. Nancey E. Fivie; contains ..,- of an acre, more or less, with 1 framed - house , I framed store, 1 framed storehonse.and a few fruit trees thereon. Also the right of way from the highway to the storehouses as contained in deed of James H. Webb to D. Bullock, in April, 1877, and being the same property conveyed by said Webb to said Bullock by the aforesaid deed. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ci: JaMes 11, Webb's use Ira. Marshall Bullock. . 1 , ., No. 17 . 1 ALSO—One Other lot 'of laud, situ ;ate in Standing Stone towmihip, bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the. cen tre of the public road leading from Towanda to Wyalusing on the line of Henry Fisher, south 76% degs. west 15 rods on sail road to a stake; thence south 21.1 dgs. west 10 6G-100 rods adjoining lands of Myron Kingsley; thenceltiorth Ili N degs, east 15 rods by the same; thence north 2%, dgs. east 10 66-100 rods along the line of Henry Fisher to the place' of beginning; contains 1 acre, strict measure. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Jonathan Stevens vs. Jared Hart, No. 18. ALSO.—One other lot of land situate In Canton borough, bounded and described as Plows; lie-giuning in the centre of at thenortheast corner of ThomasHori gala's , lands ; thence mirth 81 deg. eastalong the centre ofsaid street 5 4-5 perches to a corner; thence south 3 deg. east 20 5-10 perches to a corner; thence south 81 deg. west 7 perches to. said liorigan's line; thence north 3 deg. east 20 1-1 b perches -to the centre of said Union street, thej place of be ginning, containing 130 square perches of land more or less, with 1 framed hopile, 1 framed barn and fruit trees thereon, and y ing same lot of land as described indeed record / In. Bradford county Deed Book No. 111, page 466 etc. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit, of George E. Bullock vs. Leroy GranteeF. , 1 .' No, 19. ALSO-One other lot ofand, Ciliate 1 In Windham township bounded no lb by lands of B,4:lrby estate east by lands f Lot Shoe maker, sleuth by 'lands of Samue Shoemaker, and west by lands of J. S. Madden, With 4 dwell lug houses, 1 framed burn with eh ds - attached, I wagon house, granery, and afe fruit trees thereon; contains 210 sexes, more r less, about 170 improved. .-.- No. 20. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in Windham township, bounded north and ;rest by lands of Charles Johnson,• east by lands of J.'S. !Sadden,- and south by lands of Milton Johnson; contains 15 acres, - more 'or 'leas, • , tseil and ten into:execution at the anti of JamesH. Codding, iuigneo, and-Poraerog Bros. s. $. D. Madden and d.B. Madden: - WILLIAM T. HORTON. Sheriff. Sheriff's 011 ice. Towanda, April 12,1882. . , • SHERIFFS Stall By virtue of sundry • Write iseut4l out of the Court of 'Common Please of Bradford County and 'to me directed; I will export+ tii public sale , at the Court liouse-in Towatids Borough, on .. . . , • THURSDAY, A . PRIL 27th - 1882, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following described prop *erty, to wit: • • No. 1. Onolot of land, situate in Wysoz town rhip, Bounded and described' as f011owa; Being lots Noll. I end 2 - of ,Morgan lk WOodY's sub division of East Toaratida, as- wil p nore fully ap pear on a map made by Wm. H. s.lnrgali, and re corded in thOnfliee tdr recording deeds in and for said county, in' Deed Book No. 110, page 13: bounded north by let No. 3 sin the name of John. Illilla, apt by ilium Avenue, south by Wyeaulting street, 'tied west by lands of John E. Geiger; being game • lots con tracted to Juo. H. Orcutt on the 28thi day of July, 1875. Seized, and taken Into execution at the suit of Richard Binitin vs. Warren F. and Illary. A. Squires. No. 2. ALSO.-One other lot of land, eituate In Ulster township, bounded north by Hawes' lands east by the Wm. Gibson property, south bydands li of Bridget Meale and Richard Mellale„andavesit by binds of VanDsike and- Bowe; contains fl , acres strict measure. Being land described in deed record in Bradford County deed book No. 113, page 50, Am. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of J. 0. Frost's Sons vs. Michael Mediate. No. :1. Ak.4l--One other lot of lend, situate in Leßoy townit - hip, bounded as fellows: Begin, sung at a corner in' line of land of Edhriain Anable; thence north 79 degs. east along lands :if (1. C. Shoemaker 133 Perches •to a corner; - thence south 15deits.east:48 pernbs to a corner; thence south :11 degs. West 5:1 perches to a stake. 5ee.,..,, _ aud stones for a corner; thence north 87;1 degs. • wes t along lauds of E Utley and Reuben Stone . 115 perches toe steak and Atones for a corner; p thence north 1 de. east 58 perches to place- of : Br beginning; contains GO acres, more or less, with . 2 fumed louses , barn, outhouses , and fruit • , . trees thereon. 'Being the name land ay deeerib- , ed indeed. recorded in Bradford County 'deed ,• C book No. 133, page 575, ke. Seized and taken into . execution at the suit of B. (1., Bullock's use vs. Payne Steelmaker. -. ,_,.. ' No. 4. ALSO-One other lotofland. situate iu l. ' i Athens township; bounded anti described as follow Being lot No. 52 on the east side of ltiver street in the village of Sayre. as described on a map made by Z. r . Walker. gienuary 23, lets, which said map is recorded Billie office for re cording deeds. &c., in and for said county, and is known as the Thomas' ' and Pierce allotment.' P-Peized and Leann Into execution at the suit of Milton C Chapman vs, F. C.-Tothill and Anna Tothill, T. T. . . No. 5. ALSO--One other lot of land, situate in Albany township, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the soot west corner of an original lot conveyed to Daniel Burdick by Cathrine W. Morris; thence by lands of James Ditchbnen and B. Ayers' north tifi degs east 141. perches toe steak the corner of lands of Charles Schmeekeubecker; thence by the same south 79b degs. east 124 perches tp a post; thence by the same north 70.1 degs. east 26 perches to a t post "the southeast corner of lands of the said Bch, ‘meckenbeeker; thence by lands of Thomas Dee gan and Richard Cumnmiskey south 29;‘ degse west 103 perches to Mrle: Bentley's curlier; thence by lands of Mrs. Bentley,' Thomas Bent ley and Russell Miller west 162 perches to the. place of beginning; contains 101 acres and 78 I perches of land. more or less. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of S. D. Eiterigere, ad-- minietrator of Daniel Burdick, deceased, vs. Ralph Stevens. . . 1 No. 6, ALSO-Ono other lot of land, situate iu Burlington borough:bounded and"described as I.' follows: Beginning at the Berwiek Turupihe and 1 running in au easterly o mil) 10 perches to a I , post; thence in. a .southerly •course 4 perches - and 12 feet-to a stake; thence in a - westerly i . course nil perches to sail Turnpike; thehce in a 1 , northerly course 4 perches and 12 feet to the 1 place of beginning-bounded north by laude of ' R REGISTER'S NOTICE. - Notice e.• A. J. Morley, east and south by lands of Mrs. 1 ,is hereby given, that there have been Sled 'Minerva Hill, and west by the Berwick Turnpike. . • in the office of the Itegfatkr 'for' the Probate of Being the same lot deeded by Charles D. Br .1 Wills and granting Letters of Adminislion in and wife to W. H. D. Green Sept. 21. 1670; all -- and for the County of Bradford. State d Penn improved, with 1 framed house. 1 framOd bar n, r /sylvania„ accounts o administration upon the and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized aud to lfn ' t following estates, viz : into execution at the Si. suit of S. . Dickera 'a ; Tho IL E final account Of I. Luther, 'Administra use ••).,(4eo. C. Hill. 1 -. • tar of the estate of Polly Luther. late of But- N 6. 7. ALSO-One other, lot o f laud known P.FI i lington township deceased: , lot 'O. 40 -'according to a map and survey made • , the final account of Allen White and Alice J. by ' . F. latter,. Juno 23, 1573; said dot tieing, i . Mints. now Burlington, Executers of the last i „,, will and testament of t.B. MinWlate of Herrick I , Hags, George . . `,2 19 ilitu red n the south side of Sayre - avenue, betv.eullhomasaveuue and River street; sai d i township, deceased. 1711 2, Barelay--Cmartingham; D. H. ' . $l2 84 • Hiltzimmer. Jacob 20 28 lot tyliSi. t between a lot of the same size sold to , 15: - Elmeelluble and one sold to Gee. IL. Burrows; ; • The final account of • Thomas E . quick, de- 'r . ceasea, Guardian of Viola Winslow (now Hun- 300. • badly, Andrew 39 15 4(5) Ladly.•Peter . , " - Rie 40 said let being 50 feoLfrout on Stayre.r.rol.l)lC - . - and 1' singer) minor child of Allen. Winslow, late of the i badly, Joseph 43 07 , running back at right angles with. said. avenue i 150 feet, and being of the aame width iu the rear • township of Wilmot. deceased, by .his Adminis - 330 ' , traders. J. S. and P. A. (emelt.. . 212 Stuart , Walter • . ` - '27 fB - 34 G 2 as in trout: contains 7,:.ea square feet of land.. • • Seined and taken unto execution at the suit of , The first and final account of George C. Shoe- i 265 , maker and Meylot M. Yanleyke , Administrators 1 „.., 200 Leßoy-Beck, Henry • . - • Stuart, Deborah - ' l9 ;35 Brutes. Frederick . ' 19 5i Payne ez Co. vs. Jas. Ibietron, Jr. -.' ;of - William Rigby, late of Leßoy Township de- '''' No. H. ALSO-One other lit of laud, situate in ceased. - l9l Mohroe-Anderson. Jacob •'', o 16,29 - 5 Ithighury township. hounded north by lands of ; .Tbe final account of G. M. Tozer and Ralph To;! 3" Benner , Jacob Benner, Jacob, Jr :. •'. 32 75 Patrick Cain, east by laude 'of Timothy t rkii month by lands of Michael Driscoll, and west by 2 ' l-- -i • I zer. I::xecuters of the last will and testament of 330 ' 8 i Guy Tozer. • late of Athens township. deceased; ' .:,.. • Castater, Fred; , 6 fol other lands of Daniel Driscoll; contains 55 acres, ' "the final account of J. F. and Efile Whalen, '" • Caetater. Hannan -3 OS more or ices, about, 40 improved. The above de- Cunningham. D. 11... • 3 es Executors of the last will and testament of-John :17 . • 'le ' Gray 'William • a 10 ecribed laud being the . est half of lot No.- 2...• of --; Metal, late of Warren. deceased. • - :•, the Corkin land as surveyed by t n:son Hickey The final account of William H. Rankin. Ad- lig '' Hampton; Peter . 14 n 3 4'37 • . Hampton. Thomas .'. 36 7_ for;II. W.:Patrick, and being ~laud described hi ! Iniuistrator of the estate of S.' S. Halstead, late . ' • 420 , 50 l ' Hopkins: Robert - deethecorded in Bradford. county deed book No, . • of ltidgbury Township, deceased. . 5'37 el,Tage 114, &e. 0 ; Ham Peter . . i The tidal account 'of E. -T. Fox and Gboige ...64 ' 17 03 i ILadly. Samuel • No. 9. ALSO-One other lot of land; situate iu • Stevens, Administratora turn testawnto annexe 2 tr•l , Ridgbury township. 'hounded and described as • '4.adly, Hugh , 14 45 'of the estate o f Joseph 1). Montanye, late of the • 1 72 • . 36 . 29 follows: Beginning at;a white oak tree formerly I borough of Towanda. in Bradford county. Pa. 4 3 i MeAdares, 2 Ephrlsm 33 '6O it,being the southeast corner of J. - li. Evans' , The second and final account of ET, Fox. Ex- 400 Nolth, Peter. farm; thence west along the 4 lirie of said faru 00 i 93 I 4 ~ ecutor ot the last will and testament of Nathaniel _ - N o rth. James f. . 33 50 . • • - perinea to the centre of a Itiehway and a• set- ;Bennett, late of North Towanda, deceased 144 . , i '; Stewart, Walter • - 12 10 - 23 ii 2 ner of lilies Carr's farm; thence eogth along Wallace, Nancy - i The first and final account of Sophronia Smith. - • - . 1 f t ) .: the centre of said highway to a lot of land-known , Admiuistratrix of the. estate of George Smith, • A:Be Wallace, Sa m ue l • 13 - 52 ia . Rose, David . .. • • 633 , as the Stringer lot to a.ppat aud ~_s tones;_ thence t f lute of time towiiship of Monroe. deceased. -' . . Bigger. Robert . 3 6 - I ' 0 ' 602 0 .400 VI baiMti ' llaiL?. t ?R e li.. - MtV a iT . E1..?!."1' 1 x .„ll„meLflest, i apel naiti,4ldecopejariNbi,bieltiAm : 1 :/: 0,, , , ,,,_ D ,._ . n..., 0 01 11. •Sl. - 42 24 I more or less, about 40 improved, withl framed . W. Clark, late. of Canton borough. deceased. 343 Betz, .John 42 24 barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.l -Betz, Joseph 42,24 8 It being the north half of lot No. of, the llavid. The final ac count of A. &Christian, Executor - 343 • of the last will and testament of John N.'•Christ- 343 'Bull tract, and described ,in deed recorded in- fan,. late of Tuscarora towuship, deceased. . 'Betz, James , 42 24 f Bradford couty deed book'NO. 137, page 249. &e. 1... 400 Ihe final aechunt of Chandler W. Brink, Ad- B'3 Dyson. Henry • 49 2 0 • Castater. Harman 44 70 Seized and taken tutu execution at the suit of i minietrator 'of the: estate of'-Benjamin, Brink, Thomas Driecoits use vs. Daniel Driacoll. - 400 - Cooler, Joshua • 49 20 I late of the township of Pike, deceased.' ' 49 Castater, Joseph, • ''49 20 • NC. 10. ALSO-.Ono other lot of land, situate in.: The final account of Dennis O'Brien ,?Adiuluis- 313 Edge, 'Peter • 42 24 Athens Borough, bounded north by lands of! . Mrs. Saltmarsh, east by Slain street , south by a • trator of the estate of Timothy O'Brien, late of 313 Fritz. Samuel • 42 24 ; the township of Athens, deceased. . '3OO ' Hag:). George :hi e 0 street leading from Main street to Chaining 1 The first and final account of ltiohard Bedford, 400 ' liege, Nathan - 49 20 river bridge, and west by lands ofJustin Morley: having about 73 feet front ou Main street by_ Executor.of the last will and testament of the 330 liege, Peter - •41 :13 : 1 estate of Joel Barges, late df the township of 400 ' • Hardy,eSamnel 49 20 about 55 feet deep, with a two-story framed i Overton. deceased. . 1 375 Hardy, James 46.09 dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon. with the right to use the alley on the north side - i I - The fi nal account of I. B. Coburn, Executor of . 223 • Hardy, Henry 27 73 the last will and testament of Wattled. Coburm• • • • 396 of said lot in common with any othei parties, I later of the township of Tueearora,deceased. Harris , Ann, -. • •47 94 ' . •'' Hollingsworth, Stephen .49 20 their 'heirs or assigns, who may have or acquire 400 an interest therein. Seized and taken into exe- 1 • The alert and final account of'E. - T. Fox . 228 ' tor Of the last will and testament of, James 100 • • badly , Hugh • 28 Os cotton at the stilt of Wm. Moore id Vs. 0. al'. 1 Quigley. late of the township of Towanda.-1' 375 - badly, Andrew • 12 30 Moore. George . 45 09 Angier. I deceased 400 ' , Seeley. Peter • - 49 20 No. 11, ALSO-One other lot of land, _situate i Thehrst and final ,account of JASepli Marsh, 19') - Palmer. Thomas ' - 12 . 30 in Canton township. bounded north by lands of I -Administrator of th estate of A. .1. Lloyd, late 400 0. F. Spalding, east by lands of It. 13. ' Li'ley. Seeley, Henry ' . 49 20 south by - lands of•alurray Watts and Worthing- I of Wyalusing. sleceased. , '375 . • The nual a• count of W.A. Wetmore, Adminis- AO . Seeley, Jonathan 46.14 t, Siddens, Andrew - 49 20: ton Wright' and west- by lands of C. Landon estate; contains 72 acres, more or less, -about trator of the estate of Jeremiah, Barnes, late of 400 _ - - -Siddens. George • " 49 2 0 1' the township of Herrick, deceased. f -400 , ' Seeley, Joseph 49 -20 70 improved, with I framed house, premed barn , The final account of W. A. Wetmore,; Adminis- 1 29: 4 Temple, Peter 36 0•I and an orchard of fruit tr -es thereon. 4 Seized trator of the estate of Luke Dolan, late of the 400.,Temple. Samuel . - 49 20 and taken execution at the suit of L. 11. Fitch's township of Herrick, deceased ' ~ 1 .56 • Tuscarora-Field, Henry - 5 21. use vs. John Burritt. The final account of 1.Y. - A. Wetmore, Adminis. 1 100 i ' Hunt, Job ..- • • - 9 30 • No. 12.. ALSO-One other lot of land, Situate in l trator of the estate of Mary . A. Reinhart, late of 33 . • Porter. James 23 Athens borough, bOunded north by lot No. 4. : 'east by lot No. 10 and land of the Px. A: N. Y. ' the township of Herrick, deceased. 5e Wilmot-Allen, John 6'9o ' The final account of W. A. Wetmore Adminis- 7 : 49 ' ' Butler. Polly •- - - 'J 56 ICanal & It. It. Co.. south 'Offish). Company's land trator of, the estate of David Reinhart, late of 75 ,- ' Ifollenback. John , 928 'and lot No. 6, and west ny Main street; being dot No. son a'plot or survey made by• 7.. F. the township' of Herrick,, deceased 97 .. ' Marsh, Samuel ' 11 96 ''' The partial account Of ratharine B. Williston, 2 0 0 :, 3 the Smith Walker, April 11, 1872 (kuowfi 9 ~e. Ely Stowell, C. S. • 21 Cal ono of the adminietrators ef ttiemstmte of Horace 250 and recorded In' Bradford county deed Stowell, D. B. •'-30 74 plot), an Williston; late elf Athens borough, deceased. i 231 Terry-Ross, Elizabeth • 24 31 book No. 117. page 1, and being 225 feet on the I • north, %bent 57 feet on the east, 192 fret on the file final account of George Litaelmiu, Execu- i l 401. Morris, Israel .22 27 tor of the last will and -testament of Jefferson AL I 2 •'' south, and 43 feet on the west, w ith I framed Henr y. 'eahy, John •- - 151 ,y. tete of Most Burlington, deceased. I F Morris, Benjamin ' 444 house,' outbuildings. and fruit „trees thereon. 1 , - And the same will be presented to the Or. , Seized and taken Dail execution at the suit of i phans' Court of Bradto - rd county, at an Orphans' The Bradford Elan and lioniding•Asgociation of 1 Court to be held at Towanda for said county, on Ath l ane Townshtp, -.emias vs. Frank Ca`c and Thursday, the 4th day of day, A. D. 1882, at 2 ,Lauretta Case. ' , ecii:ek p: in.. for confirmation and allowance. , A .• No. 13. LSO-One.othcr lot of land, Situate i in Wysox township, bounded north by lands of i -Register's Office, Towanda, Pa., April 3. 1852. W, 11. Coyket.dall, east by Ompublic highway _ leading from J. E: l'iolet'a to Pend 111114 south I by lands of Chap. J.R.• Martin; aol west by lands of Chas. Wnrtemburg.aud E. G. °WWI; CiT trine 22 acres; more or lees about 20 acres tin.; proved, with' large frame dwelling house, 1 framed barn with 3 Pained sheds attached, • I .frame cider mill building with the fixtures 1 frame granery building. other outbuildings, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon, No. 14. ALSO-One other lot of lend: situate in wysox township; bounded and described as follows: :Beginning . at a corner in the centre of the public' highway leading: from }quiet's to Pond Hill; thence south -21 ~i' dogs, west 45 perches to a corner; thence north :1S?; degs. east 22 perches to a hickory tree'in highway; thence along said highway north 76 degs. east 51 perch es toe corner; thence north 287,i degs. west 354-10 perches to a pine stump corner of V: E. A: J. E. Piolleme thence south 53 (legs. west lie-5-1 110 perches to the place -of beginning; contains. 11• i acres and 26 perches, more or less, nearly all I improved, with I pear and apple orchard, 1. peach orchard, and other fruit trees thereon. , • ' No. 15. ALSO-One otherlot of land, situate hie 1 Wysox township, bounded north by the public ' highway leading from - the farm of Benjamin Knyrendall westerly past the of r: 0. Owen, east by lands nog;: or - late of V. E. $c J. E. Piollet, south by lands now or late of Frammis • J. Allen and 'V. E. & J.. E. Piot:et. and • west by land nosy or late of Francis J. Allen 'and the public highway leading from, J. E. Piollers to 1.01)411111; contains 151; acres, more or leis. ell improved, with 1 framed barn 1• - grape orchard, 1 pear and apple orchard, and other Bull trees thereon. Seized and taker: into 'execution at the suit of A. K. Lent vs J. J.. Webb, adminis trator of 31. B. Owen, decetieed, and F.,11. Owen. . NO. 16.-ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in Athens - borough, bounded north by termite now or late impoisession of N. P. Chaffee, east, by Main street, south by lands - how or late in posSession of Isaiah Potter; and wes t• by Elmira street; Laving a front of 50 feet, more or less, on Main street, and running back to Elmira-st, with a large framed double store and ontbuild lugs thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of The_ Bradford Loan and Building Association . of - Athens ;TOWnship vs. Patrick Curley, , 1 WILLIAM J, HORTON, Sheriff, Sherifra Cffice, To . wanda) April 5, IEIB2. Le head. Agreeable to nee. Apply .hy the little finger into the nos trifi. On receipt of Giar. will mail a package. Sold by 11. C. Porter si Son, Druggists. Towan da, Pa. _ * ELYS' CUCAM BMX. Co., Owego, N. V. Am 118. • DR. JONES' CREAM CAMPHOR, 180 TOE NAME of the popular Linament that cures libenmatisin, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, Pain in the Face,„ilead or Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, alosquito Bites, Sting or. Bite of Jpll insect, Poison Vines, etc., for Man •or Beast AlWays reliable, and almost instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cts. N. B.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal at the State Fair, 1879. _ ASA JONES, rrop'r, 319 N. StiaPult, DOUBLE J. . . - = is now open in 116 Mammoth Double Store with a HI, fresh coniplete stock of fashionable SPRING::, AND SUMMER :CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS., Suits of all Q-ra . des' for Men Boys uths' and Children. .Our rents having been obtained on the most favorable terms; and our current expenses reduced to the lowest possible rmininmm, we propose to give our customers the benefit of these R AN±TIONS by putting our prices at l i owEn FIGURES' than any other Clothing House in Towanda. lye invite a careful examination of our stock and prices, whether Avishing to buy of not. We can satisfy the closest buyer of the TRU L TH of WHAT WE ,SAY. /1/ZAH Cail and we will satisfy, you. Remember, - Nos. 1 and 2, Bridge Street. Towanda, Pa., Atiril . l(), ISS2. yr Now Advertisements. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Bunyan, deceaaed,late of the township of Granville, Bradford county, Pa. Letters of administration having been issued out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county to the undersigned upon the estate of the above named decedent, notice la therefore hereby Riven that all persons; Indebted to the estate above named must male immediate payment, and all persons having :claims against the same must present them dui authenticated - for set tlement to me. • • ANDREW BUNYAN. (EO. L. BUNYAN, • Aprill9, ISr2-Gw* .Admiulatratore r I LEvELms-D S mcGovEnN, (E.. J. Cleveland, lrm. McGovern). Canton, Bradford County. Pa, An business entrusted to their care in Western Bradford will receive prompt attention. I:oapre2-I,y CLTIII:II..I.LE STAL LORD CLYDE, Will make the season of 183.1, at the farm of the snbseriber n:n• of She village of Ea,lt liotli,Sire and DATU imported, bred by Win. Crozier, Northport, 13 , 11)g , Islan...e As W 3 give breeders natile and .adiress we can assure patrons that we are not offering the services of a grade hors~. TERNS:-$l5. W. A. WOOD. E;vr April C-6m.* ; SPECIAL ANNOUNOEDIENt . JAMES McCABE HAS RPIOVEDIIIS GROCERY nufn . ras THE SOUTH-EAST - CORNER OF MAIN • 4ND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE • ' pr. HAS •-ESTA.BLISIIED ;Head Qua*ters' 'FOR EVER3.7I4ING IN THE LINE OF tunitiES nalisioxs, :1 • • C &SET: PA.II) forDesitable Pro-' !? deice. Fine BUTTER and EGGS a. specialty, • . .4W 29 ly LY S ' CREAM L M 'effectually macs the nasal sages of Catarrh virus, causing filthy BeCretiotta, iys inflattanatton, )tects the mem. the from addl. mal colds, cern stelY heals the res and restores 3 sense, of taste id, smell. Benell- Sal results are eallzed a few p`jilic&tions. A borough treatment til cure Catarrh, Fever,,tc. Un- ualtil for colds in OAT.ELeric.FHOotRe I p S ropert E y *for I nl o e ff et e a r g th r z t bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner of Bridge and Water s tree ts,in Towanda Borough. It is one of the best and most central locations in the place. There is a good bona connected with the property. The free bridge and new depot near loft make this Hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the business. A good active man with a small captal can pay, for the proPertya short MO from the profits. It was papered 'and painted new last spring and is now in excellent condition. - JOSEPH G. PATTON, Towanda, Pa., Sept, 22. 1881-U. STORE. Nos. 1 and 2, Bridge Street. K. B TIWN : KS, - TR4.I:VELING.. M TRE &SURER'S SALE OF UN UNSEATED LANDS.—In pursuance of the Acts, of Assembly hiving reference to the assess ment of taxes upon unseated lands in this Com monwealth. and the sale of the same fox nbn payment, there will he exposed to public saltiat the Commissioner's Office in the borough of To wanda, on the SECOND mastomr OF JUNE. A: D.. laB2, being the 12th day of said month, at I o'clock p. m.. the tracts of land assessed' under the following warrantee names. unless prior payment of taxes and costs be made: Warantee Names CM ALBo—There will be exposed,to public sale at the same tithe and place, the' followim.; pieces or parcels of improved or seated lands. situate as hereafter sot forth, for non-plymeta of sundry taxes assessed in the years lollf and 'IMO. as the same have.been duly returned to the County Commissioners by tho Collectors of the several districts: • George . Ompa • a: F. Mason Mary Ann McAllister Iw;9 10. F. Mason L. A. Cane.- estate H. C. ISlnhlenbuig.... ~..... Churchill Strait • Wm. Kinch W. P. Caae W. P'..Case . 1* Raleigh Williams LI. C. Sluhlenbarg LEM QM Sarah A. Dorsey Benny' lialleck.. Henry . Benjamin WEST BURLINGTON Charles Perry - ....... Stephen Taylor Charles Perryt • Stephen Taylor • 11 - /TUN urs.. Robert Stewa LE ROY Reuben McClellan ' (leo!ge Hemminger • BM 1'179 os ISSO 18SO Delainsr Tayler PIKE. Athena Building and Loan Association Henry' Pepper estate Jouithan Dimond Luiti , Dolan estate Patrick It. Quinn Phiness'W.Terry Mrs. J. L. Johnson . Michael Hannahan • 'Martin Mack TONVLXVIA soap Holmes & Kirby I) A. 8. McDonald William Henry George W. Hiatt. (George E. Stedgo .1. J. iavansugh.. W M. Browning. W. W. Browning.. 18.40 James Boyle D. N. Newton Nettie McGill Patrick Sullivan Satterleo & Russell /ernes harp Isaac Lamoreux 0. E. Harris Isaac Lamorens... George Emery , CM .. o ps . Wilson -k Bator: EMI John Owens ,R. F. Rugg 'Gorihen Manning, .Norria k Sri Fargo.., Itierahen Manning.. ... R. F. Rugg John Owena 1 44 1880 Waltman Weir M. H. Limning... Edward Hornet. Owens & Lantz.... 10ella Whalen s John Willie Wm. Hewitt • Gale tt.: -Lewis !Utah A. Keene... 'Thos. Waltman. Jr . B.—Notice is hereby given that an amount sufficient to pay laies and ec.sta I'lll be req ry csse when land is sold at Matt= of sale. and unless these tents are Le w i !Übe again exposed for sale. ed EDEN i n t izi, Tres wul,, In eve Land times Ofce,Aprtl G. 1882, DOUBLE STOCK. E - HATS, .GAPS,. BAGS, UMBRELLAS, ,&C. BUSINESS. LICENSES.—NotiCeis hereby given I_J that applications for hotels. eating - liainiee. and merchant dealers _have been • filed in tu,a office, and will be 'presented on Monday, Mayl, tea, for the constderation . of the Court: BIM TO WHOM ASSESSED In= 1:15219E0 =I ATHENS DOllO EM=I E 113373 REEIIICK I= sotrru * TOWADJ, TWP, lIIOT BOZO SCIICABOIIA N itIL3IOI% °TWOS, r. BB J. K. BUSH. - G. HOTELS. L. Bull, Monroe Borough. ; Morris Kellogg.. Albany herough P. D. Wilcox, Township. ' - James J. Hannan, Overton, Township. H Mal tin Crowley. South' Waverly Borough I'. C. Landmesser, Standing Stone Township James A. Elliott. Itidgbifry Township. , D. S., Kennedy. Wysox Township. James 11.Nonnson, LeMaysville Borbrigh. - J, Morgan Brown, Wyilnsing Township. John It Wright. Wells Township. J. U. Daugherty. Wysol Township. •George Z. Slotry,Mo.nroe ToWnship. Elizabeth Carr, RidNoury Township, Wyo. Henry, Toivanda Borough, lat Ward Charles 11. Seeley, ,do do Asa W. Dimmick, do . do Redmond Caten. • do „ do D.-S. Redfield, South Creek. J. P. Rogers, Sheshequin.. Chas. Rice: Athens Borough, Ist Ward.. • • A. J. Noble. Troy Borough. J. P. Strong. Columbia. Township. Thomas B. Jordan, Towanda Boni., 2nd Ward. J. S. Thomson, Wyalusing Twp., (Camptown) Ornell Kellogg, Towanda Boro., `rid Ward. u. IL P. Disbrow, do Ist Ward S. B. Tidd. do , 2ud Ward: B. W. Ennis. o do Daniel FtrOttl2. Ulster Township, Henry Barrett, Towanda Bore.. Ist Wards John N. Wolfe. Canton Borough. Warren Smith, Columbia Twp.. (Ans!Lville.) EASING ROUSES. Win. Barrett, Towanda Boro. < Ist Ward. John Lists. do do James Finnan, Canton Borough.. A. J.Beers, do • do John N. Wolfe, . do do B. F. Myer. Barclay Township. Washington-Pitcher, Athens Townihip. M. B. Calkins, Burlington Borough. SLEIICRANT DEI.LX3. James Curomiskey, Towandt Borough, Ist ll C. W. Beardsley, Canton Borough. H. W. Noble, - Towanda !Boro., Itnd Ward. John Griffin, do • lit Ward. GEO. W. BLACKMAN, clerk Towanda, Pa., Avril 4, lat 42. -__• INCORPORATION NOTICE. . , NOtice-isdiereby given that' an application will be made under the Act of the Assembly of the Commonwealth of ,Peunsylvania, entitled Aa Act to provide for the incorporation and regull'.. tion of Certain eotTorations.!'ipproved 29th, 1854. and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Independent Fire Company, .o. I. of Cant on Pa. 1.1,0 CK. • J. 0. 110 NAN. • Cant, , Pa., March 22, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'iitate.c.f Jacob DeWitt, lato, cl . .Towanda 1) , :r ough, deceased.. In the Orphan's Court of Bral ford county. ndv Auditor ay The undersigned, an_ Court to dispose of exceptions to the tr:al se count of the: Administrators of said estate. sill attend to the duties of his appointment at Ms office . iu .Towanda borough, in said county. TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, IsS.2, at 10 o'clock a. ca . , when and where all , persons interested m Bald exceptions may attend if they think proper. . J. P. KEENEY, Auditur. Towanda, ra•., March 2% 1t 42. fw : C CD Cr e 67 1 4: 4 *2O . ! . 1 1 4 51 ca 1 I lot • I ~~ .... 1 6? .. i 2 3 4 6: 4( 2 2' it , 1 • ...... . . • . 14 1:01 1 40 2 1. UM 1 :: =I .!3 lots, I 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot , 1 lot. ME 1 lot . e l lot! _I I lot 4 lots 1 lot . .1 1 lotl lots, , Hot : 4 2 lots' 1. 2 lots' 1 lot 100 1 1 84 1.0 1 , 1 4X tO I -04 100, 1 St 100 2Ot • 4001 6IX Ot ec rum Mee ointed by guki ..4. .-:. . 0 i Pi P ! ..j' a' i a 0 , , a K 14 : . K • $ 4 LO 'Ol 1: § 5 0 , .1. l• ME OE 2 '2 3 275 lit , 2 1u',..:: 2 4 5 7 ct 5 50. 5 4 4t; 1 '2 5 1 1, 00 • • 150 Lii 5(1u.0 0 4 145 '1 C 11 , .. 4 71!: 4 7k. 3 •• 1-1)0. 0. 1 •20 , 1 (j.l :••• 10: 3 bi 1(r. 3^_t 1 10 4{ 1 IV II 41 1 55, '2. 'III 16 224 1 `.- pt.; -t...... • • 1 1)1; Is, tllu '2 .. .... Uto 1 ...... • .0.5, 1 tn , : • • 7*2 ...... .• a 8: I I( 1 2! 1 2( it no. 14 St' 3 1:00 3 14, 14 Sl 3 IX 2 7! 1.24 .....--3 3 Oi juo ..... 4 w...... • • 2 tx) ...... • •