Sensations eta Man Who ped. A man in Hagerstown, 'Md., 4sho was sup Posed to have died, but subsequently came to life,'esid in stating his' kper ience: When I died I first felt a sink ing. going, sensation. I knew every thing going on in the room, but I could not speak or move my lips. The next thing I remember was being in a dense darkness seemingly in a tunnel. through which 4 was being pushed. There seemed to be two forms. hue on each "side, pushing me along 'through the tunnel, and I appeared to.move as if. I was nothing, touching nothing above or below. At it appeared to get lighter. as though we were the aid of Otiptiiiigei it grew blighter every ticutwnt, and then I seemed to observe tWii shining, beautiful forms on each Side Of me. I had a feeling of perfect pease and well-being, and beard, as though it were a part of the space I floated the most and delightful music. A Beneficial Action. The worn look and miserable feelings of those closely confined in mills, or at desks or work-tables, are caused by weak Stomach, Kidneys or Baehr, and shows the necessity far some mild tonic to build them up. No one need suffer thus who will' use Parker's Ginger Tonic ;-for without Intl:mica:big it has such a beneficient action on these sluggish organs and so cleanses the poisonous /nat ters from the system, that rosy cheeks and good health and spirits are soon brought back again.-- - Ezpress. See adv. Birl4-4w. A SUNNY IDES or Lirr..—A good many people spend alLtheir life hunt ing for a place in this world that they were never intendecV to fill. They never sitiled doiin to any thing with any sort of restful or contented feeling. What they are doing now is not by any means the . work that is suited to their abilitieg. They have it - sunny idea of a very noble life which they would like to reach, in which their powers would have free scope, and where they could make', a very bright record. , But in their present position they cannot do much of any thing, and there is little use to. try. Their,life is a hnmdrum and a, prosy outline, and they 'can accom plish nothing really worthy and beauti ful. So they go on; discontented with their own lot and sighing for another; and' while they sigh the years glide away, and soon they will coins to the end, to find that they have missed every opportunity of doing any thing worthy of s rational being on the passage to eternity. The truth is, one's vocation t is never some far-off poisibility. It is always the simple round of duties that the 'passing hour bringa., No day is common-place if we onlyilind eyes to see its splendor. There duty that comes to_ our hand butlkings us the poSsibility of kingly servie4. Food for Young andlold. Food and medicine for young and 'old, pre _ pared without fermentation, from Canadian I* lo 9 Malt, Hops. Quinine, Bolt, etc. Malt Bitters-sue warranted more ( Nourishing, Strengthening, Vitalizing and' Parifying. by reason of their richness in 'Bone and Muscle Producing Material than all other, forma of malt or medicine while free from the.objec dons urgd agaiist malt liquors. MrSl4 v. Oil the of January, 1882, a bushman meeting of the Proprietors, Editors and Sifters of this paper was held in the editorial aren at No: 914 - I Congress , avenue. . The . Proprietors, Editors and Sifters were allipresent. In other words, we were b "t4h in attend - ante. Colonel Knox w appointed a committee to draw up t, select assort ment of resolutiens regaiding a Sweai - ing•off platform: The colonel retired, and, after an absence of half an hour, 1 returned accompained b ' the aroma of - a coffee bean, and prese ted the follow ing: Resolved, That we hereby swear off using any siimulat ng beveragis, said swear-ofrto- continn and to be in force for one year froate, with the following exceptions *gtirding time and place: 1. Eolely and- strictly as 4 ) , medicine. 2. When samples ' are sent to the cffice. 3. When aborieg under - rcsense of discouragem nt. 4. When we receive a new knbscii cr. 5. When we feel that we actual' , nted some thing. G. On any spe ial occasion.— Texas Siftings. . "When ;publicly testified that I had been cured of a terrible skin humor by the Cull- - curs Remedies, I did so th others might be eared, and do not regret the time 'given to answering,'- in quiries."—Hem. Wm. 'Taylor, Boston. " Mi9o4w. In well-regulated crockery stores- the clerk is instructed to 4easionally kmash a painted 'dish, wheri:, the master bawls out: 'Charge Smith fifty dollars—cost of dish broken.' The lase struck cus tomers pity Smith, add! gladly pay any sort of price that may l?) Little Edith was terribly sleepy the other night. She begat} her customary prayer upon retiring,- bat when she got 88 far as 'Oar Father,' her eyes closed and her Lead tumbled onto the pillow. 'I teat toy it to-night,'_ she said, 'l'm too s'eepy. He knows the rest of. it.' `BOUGH ON 'RATS." Clears out rata, mice, re , ches, flies, ants, bed•bggs, skunks, chipmn ks, gophers., 15c. Druggists. The 11304 papers ann. uneements are made under the hes. lags, - ` Births,' 'Marriages,' The toney style east. reads, •Cmdle," 'Tomb.' A weatetu paper has the latest amend ments, 'Come,! 'Fixed, 'Gone.' 1 A member of a Lq htanding on the club-h a a gentleinan,eame up t him itthereiwas a gen eye named Walker in t know,' was the answe r name of his other eye' •'BIICHUP Quick, complete' care. Bladder and Uritary D gists. 'there La rattier a de' poems 'with disputed ,e it about tun' • that writing something in Bleep mother' line, an country editorlor ten A scientist tags that tits enough pbospbo • _ make at least 4,000 of . cent packagesoff • peazunees are deceit! realize that a tramp is 'SKINEY I MEN. `•Wells' Health Reneger" restores health and rigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence. Sexual Debility. The judge, severely:' . 'Prisoner. you • have already been cionvieted three - timee.' Prboner, insieuatingly; 'Well - ye-ye yozir bozor,, Iwu reeom- eroded to rutrey i every time.'' Here is Situp) with a light beaver overcoat on.--;He drives s White hor4e and a top buggy, and all or: a Fndden holdups in , the middle of the street and lookalikedly at his bona. In two minutes fifty people line the curbstone. 'What's the matter?' 'Balky!, . A loan steps up to seize the bridle and start the herae,, but the driver shakes his head, and znotillns liinv away. 'l'll bet he's au ugly brute.' 'Of course be is. Look at that wick ed eye of his I' 'The crowd has now been inbreased by -fifty, and several` vehicles = have **Pima 'Any body hurt?' 'No; balky hone.' 'Why doesn't same one whisper in his ear 7' Four men stepped out to give alivice, but they are hastily motioned back, and a livery static man in the crowd ob- serves: 'lf that horse don't kill two or three men here, I shall be mach mistaken.' Three minutes more and' the crowd numbers two hundred. The man with the gray,horse looks up and down the street, braces his feet, takes a'llrm grip on the lines, and softly' nays, 'Come Peter.' And Peter draws his head, dangles bin ears and moves off as slowly and softly as a river of grease. 'What was it?' calls a man who has run four blocks, and is pufiug like a whale. But there is no one to answer him, The crowd has dissolved like a handful of sugar in a barrel of water. It is very mysterious, and the crowd dosn't enjoy the climax at all. THE WORLD'S EPILEPTIC .71(8.17- 2TITE. • While passing through St. Joseph. and having beard a great deal about the World's Epileptic Institute located here, I concluded to pay the celebratO institution a ' short visit. We were met 14 Dr. Richmond, 'the proprietor, who kas gained a reputation as broad as the tan& He is a rather small. yet prepossessing min. of very affable and gentlemanly, manners. He gave us a hearty welcome, and took great pains in showing ue through his palatial and mammoth institu tion. It-is a five story building. 200:180 feet; with basement, and contains over three hun dred rooms, and can accommodate five hun dred patients. and •each and every room is furnished in the most elegant and lavish manner. Hut we will begin at the office. which is a large room , tarnished with rose wood furniture throughoht. In the office are thousands of photographs of those who have been benefited by the Nervine. The walls are elegantly papered. and are profusely decorated with rich and -Costly pictures; re dived hero and there by bests in stone :and bronze of eminent men of this and other countries. In connection with the Institute is a mammoth printing house and bindery,. occupying six or seven large rooms, and score of presses are kept running night and day turning out • work_ for 'the doctor. The cmcv is one of the finestand most complete in the west, and he has the rooms decorated, carpeted and trimmed up with as much care and luxury as is his own private office. the first floor of this mammoth building- is the doctor's private office, the printing de- partment, bindery, ,tank room, packing bot thing and constiltatton rooms, barber shop drug store, etc., aU of which are fitted up te gardless of expense. The second floor has the hotel office, dining, Willard and cooking rooms, many guest chambeis and several par lors. The third and fourth floors are all rooms, all of which are furnished with Brns- sells carpets and the finert furniture. The billiard room has rim tables. all of which are free to the guests of the house awl their friends. The bath room is large and neat, and is also free to guests. The entire build- ing is surrounded on the east and south by an elegant five acre park, in which are lovely trees, beds of rich and rare plants, 'gravel walks and drives, delicious arbors, and a most beautiful summer house. There are also - ii number of fountains that add wonder fully to the beauty of the park, which is truly one of the most lovely and attractive in the western country, and the Institute has no equal for luxury and comfort in the world. Everything is perfection, and the visitor is at once charmed with the entire place and its surroundings. An idea of tlie immensity of the doctor's business may be given . when we say that al' the day we visited the Institute he showed us to his express loom, and we - saw •the expressman take goixls labeled to the following places, to say nothing of hen , dreds of orders from, aUqual,ers of America; Lyons, France; Geneva, Switzerland; fdadri4, Spain; Brussels, Belgium; Cape Town, Africa; Shanghai. China; Yokohama, Japan; Bom bay, India; Melbourne, Australia. The doc tor employs hundreds of men and women in his Institute in the several branches, aside from the immense force required to conduct the hotel. It is worth :a visit, and Dr. Rich mond extends to all a cordial invitation to come and see him. He and his wonderful medical discovery have given to St. Joieph a good name all over the habitable globe.— [Correspondence of the Chicago Times, Aug. 10, 1881. Daring the ninth waltz, Oscar, point ing to . his boots, remarked Felicians: 'You "can't say I bare nopolish,' 'No.' said she, 'but you shine! at the wrong We take great Pressure in calling the at tention of our •friends and !'customers to Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lang Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nau seate , and gives relief almost, instant ly. It matters not how severe your Cough may be, bow many cough medicines you have tried, or how many phlsicians you have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter.leaving them in a healthy con dition; free rpm irritation. and the air pas sages . clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For the positive cure of Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping CeaZh and Lung Fever. we recommend this medicine above all others. Yours truly, CLARE B. Pouzza. June 2-Iy. S. End Ward House Block. !Eldon eh* was aise steps, when • him and asked tma.t with one e club. l l: c don't 'what was the BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER BOOK BINDER, IBA.n unloving Kidney, ileues. $l. Drug Alfred J. Purvis, th ut present of •thorabip. Isn't me fellow wag i I he `Knock me to Eafling it to, a nts and drinks. nit person car- AU work m his Una dire well eud promptly' at. 'meet price. „ - Parties having rooms incomplete iriU be tar nished with any misdng numbers at cost price. AU orders gives to J. J. Scsnlen. Agent for Ursdford County win be promptly executed so. cording to directions. ' I . in his body to e ordinary two .n matches. Ap -14! It is hard to 'worth so mach. CANCERS CURED AT CRANES.: CANCER INFIR- RONDO:DS OP PERSONS from all parts of the world have bees cured of Ude much dreaded disease and are SOW thillg without" that the,' bare been rescued from a terrible and m u = death. Doctors. Minister! and the Poet Free. Write for alNrugaripting fall particular". Address Drs. GAYAGRAZE 11; ROW BROWN Addison. N. Y. L a•PLID.I7I4OPV4eO. The MtlP6n4lmh A Cara AND PAPER RULER, &cl No. 131 Genessee street, UTICA. N. Y MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. Benson's =AWARDtD apt•ine 6 Porous MEDALS., Plaster The Best Knows Reined rihr _ Backache or Lame Back._ -jßheumatism or Lame Joints. Ciramps or Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbeco. Severe Aches or Pains Female Weakness. , Are Savories loon other illasteres .Aretimperter NOM& r k Arc lisperier is lialaseatm Are ilaperlo: to Ohomests or Salver. Are mamba tolileemiellY oettahroalltet They Aet lotmediateli. - They litreigthea. • • They Soothe. - • They Roney° Palle im Osem - • They Positively Can. Desson'sCaptinePotousPlao. CAUTION . = t a rbseo Imitated. your druggist t Do o palm off some other plas ter Ming a efmihr sandlot name. See that the word to C-A-P•c•I-N•IL Pelee !Seta, I% M in iLlp nallewitiott. ti SURE REMEDY AT . LAM• sc. AMEAD'S Mediated CORN *BUNION PLASTER. rtiticur a ,l 4 11 4 04' P k 411 Pu °l .elt esoive.!L OPERATES WITH ENERGY UPON THE KID. NETS, LIVER. BOWELS, - AND PORES OP THE SKIN, NEUTRALIZING, ABSORBING AND E XPELLING SCROFULOUS, CANCEROUS, AND CANKER -HUMORS The cause of most human ills, and cuing when physicians, hospitals, and all other methods and remedies fail, &mobil& or. King's Evil, Glandular Swellings. Ulcers, Old Sores, Milk Leg, Mercurial Affections, Erysipelas. Tumors. - Abscesses, Car -buncles, Boils, BloodP ()bons, Bright's Disease, Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver. Rheumatism, Constipation. Mee t , Dyspepsia , and elkitching and Maly Of the Skin and Scalp.—inch as Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter,RingworM. Barber's Itch,Scald Head, Itching Piles, and other Disfiguring and Torturing Humors, from a pimple to a scrof. tattle ulcer, when assisted by Cirricinis and Cut. tonna Soar, the great Skin Cures. • - - "OUTIU ILA A sweet, unchangeable Medicinal Jelly, clearioff all external evidence of Blood Rimers, eats away Dead Skin and Flesh, instantly allays Itch. ings and Irritations, Softens,Soothes, and Heals. Worth its weight in gold for all Itching Diseases. CIITIOURA. SOAP An - Exquisite Toilet,Bath, and 'Hursery Sanitive. Fragrant with delicious dower odors and healing balsam. Contains in a .modified form all the virtues of Ctrricona. the great Skin Cum - and is indispensable in the treatment ofSkin and Scalp Dummies, and for restoring, preserving and beautifying the complexion and skin. The only Medicinal Baby Soap. diseases of are the only real curatives for diseases of the Skin, t3Wp and Blood. Price: Ctrricrnta Resolves?, $l.OO per bottle; Crites:3a, 500. per box; large boxes, $1.00; Cirn cons hirsoctusz, Teams Soar, 25c. ; Cancans Manicrass. 81/AVESO Soar, Vic. Sold everywhere. Principal Depot; Weeks & Potter, Boston. CAT RAH • • Sanford's Radical Cure. TILE GREAT AMERICAN BALSAMIC DISTILLA TION OP WITCH HAZEL, AMERICAN PINE, CANADIAN PM, MARIGOLD, CLOVER . BLOSSOM. ETC.. Por the Immediate Relief and Permanent Care of every form of Catarrh, from a simple Read Cold or Indiana to the/Loss of Smell, taste, and Bearing, Cough, Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Indorsed by Physicians.Chelnists and Medical Journals throughout the' world, as the oly complete external and internal treat ment.-, One s bottle Radical Cure, ono box Catarrhal Solvent and Sandfort's Inhaler, all in one pack age, of all druggists for $l.OO Ask for autrontes RADICAL MC. MR.RI3 & WPM, Boston. . c ,0t.0 s• ELECTRICITY -...,. G'entle, yet effective, united with healing Balsam, yen. • -it,i, der COLLINS' . VOLTAIO =mac PLASTERS one t / hundred times superior to ~.• e. . . all other plasters for every Pain, Weakness and Indus. = PLA ,,...... 6 3 nation. Price 25 cents; —1 SM`_ Sold everywhere. y' . PATENTS. (11. B. AND FOREIGN. , Frank A. Fonts, Attornepet-Lair, Lock Box, 366 Washington,'D.c. • Mr Ten yeari' experience. I make so cnanox for my services unless a patent be granted. Preliminary examination in the Patent Mee as to the patentability ot an in vention MUM Send sketch or model of the de vice and a repert will be made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. Special attention' given to rejected applies lions lit the hands of others. U. 'S. Senator.: Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davi, and Gen. John A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C. TAMS?. of Miss; Hon. S. 1E; Cullom, Gm of Illinois;' the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro priettir of this paper. Write for circular and instructions, , 3novit ,• CUT THIS OUT! ZIP 13152.40PER' WEEK. We have stores In 15 leading Cities. from which ourfora iftiqiatil l m on ' , (pied i ar i a s = tone,. and M.H.- LOVELL 312 ORANT LacKawanna ON PA /1 . " S.. stl:76/7 , -,Y , olog Fraratt 0; liefreAdng inseam tr.:42041y Delicate and Later. P 4.0?.. 25 ate.; Lhrge Ditties. 7S ate• Sold by dealers la Silvia 14thaury. filpsdisr• stab. amlk Co, lqa. aura? bottle. Jeons at short 3ites and resiwastio rates the- Mervianix NNW- ME A , ' '..'.. : ; - •_,' i :; - : ~: • L'•,:. i V a' ' ':'-':.. -v..;: , '4:-:-.,.j.iz: .-.. :';- . :,..•:: ''. :-....'.•-: ~.........„,,,,:_:._ ~..., • ...._....•• ....., ..... :... FAIL AND WINFER 1 8 1 ATTFSI'ION .18 INVITED ki first-dam 804# . 4;t0* They as too well known to , require any commendation— - " New !kola, Westminster, Crown Jewel. We also have :a line of CHEAP BASE BIIIII4MBA Ulf+ beat .of their Chin in the market, and well .adapted for. sup plying a demand for an efficient but in. expensive besting stove. se -WOOD HEATING STOVES in great variety. 4 1 maa HAPPY THOUGHT _ c ::. Sold in Towanda And Vicinity by A. D.DYEW CO. A 'LARGE STOCK OF Wood Cook Stoves OARRIAGEMAKERS .44+/D BLACiSMITHS' SUPPLIES, AND A GENERAL STOCK. OP HARDWARE-, MAIN ST., TOWANDA. Towanda, Oct. 31st, 1881. NEW FIRM I NEW STORE I NEW BONDS I Ed. Mouillesseaux, (Formerly with Bendsl=23,l HAS OPENED A Jewelry Store OF his OWN IN PATTON'S BLOCK, With Swails & Gorden's Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pa., Where he keeps a FULL Af3BORE4MENT of Gold & Silver Watches SWISS AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, ETC. sar His Stock is ill. NEW and of the FINEST QUALITY. Call and.see for yourself.. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY ENGILAVINg A SPECIALTY. deolc. L a f a y e tt e .H ouse Corner Second and B streets NOrthwest, near Pennsylvania Avenue. WASHINGTON, D. C. Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pan near the door to all parts date city. Conven ient to the depots. Th is is just the hotel for Pennsylunlans visiting the National Capital. Rooms well furnished and the clesapq and • heft-beds in the city. Table first class. Booms and board from $2 to $3 per. day. Reduced rates by the week or mouth. WILLIAM .SANDERSON, Propn - eor. • tote of Congressional Hotelocapitol Jan 11-tf IBA D. V. EIT ED GA Mantifactunx grand Dealer ita HUMAN' A HAIR Pni AS WlO9, BANDEAUX, the Poriblz :Chatelaine STERTTRISO BILONGINGro HAIWZBADE SirSpeentlAttention given toOONISINOs Roots all turned one way. , • SWITCHES from 31 nprixdis. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Povider, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics SiNTisst&milks attention yahl to dremdng ladies Wiest their homes or et my place of temittem on r Huns k 11116retVe store. kort&llM 90 Th e Masers of the fixrearscurr hive Ai arranged so that they are able to over - the P e r"' &WIT IsPer —The Bus SPA /LAD enbeeriber to teeltzewitaiii who me 11E81.— Thefts= s opleadld home paper. Swine= 333111 be seen at thie *See. oe win be mat mad• draft". - Ith*lUM. litoodele. P. H.. L4ing MEE =I GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE GOODS. Vu. D. V. STRDGE. one year to irn,t7 new MI ME LEM SW :i:li ffli 5' ,~.- ffigi 1 8 11.01MIONS, - Apt HAVE REMOVED To Oak now don. COX WIT AND PINE STS., ME (The old stead of Itos.Btavatui ISaesr4 I They invite, attention to their complete assortment and _ very huge'steck of. Choice New Goode, which they have &War , on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ,To the IMI PRODUCE TRADE And Cub Paid for Dixdrable Kinds. M. J. LONG. You need not'Die to Win - IN THE MUTUAL ENDOWMENT AND , ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Of (Bah, N. Y. ... You receive one.half of your insurance, ac cording to the Ameridin Life Table, when two thirds of your life expectancy is finished—for illustration. a man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of age taking a certificate for 112.600, receives $1.211 when a little over 56 years of age, etactly 'the period in life when a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES & ROGERS. june2tf. General Agents for Penn's. NATIONAL BUREAU OF INTENTIONS. EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD KNOW That by . : the Rules of the - Patent Office to procure - PATENTS, Models are not necessary unless specially called for. .. Send drawing specification, upon receipt of which we mate examination at the Patent Once, and advise as to pstentlbwty. FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. Send for PAYPIIIXT of Isurravcimus, free • to any address. - HALSTEAD & • Washington, D. C. Asbloiliers qf lAs Coogrestional Reporter. January, 6, 1882.—tt M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER, Is still to be found at the OLD STAND MAIJV I * STREET, Need door, to Dr. H C. Porter's Drug Store Iw/T8 A FULL LINE OF FINE ,AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER i AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, OLVOICS, 4;Tsi Sir ALL OF WHICH WILL DE SOLO AT THE VERY WOW PRICES, Clods. WaMbes• and jade: prompUy mitred 14 an experienced and competent Workman. M. RENDELttAN. sesutu PARK FOR BALE• A tins of *Mains. located in the Wyoos Tal ky. An lobate* drive !tom Rome borough. For MX gartiaggro.sddress - JAMES C. 101111112. Tomas PR 23Sebtwe ESN ME =I Ell " - The °alp Iwo:lira epecilic liesocili toe Epileptic Fife. 4.. - I • sAmearri ItBBViNB Cures Ipileptio Vita, Spume. Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance, VerUn. Hysterics, Insanity, Apo. ONT. -Parity's% Shemaktiszn, Neuralgia. and sit Nervous Diseases. This irahllilde remedy will posillvely medicate *very species of Nervous Derangement, and drive them away from whence they caine, never to return span. It utterly des. stroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system. and Ilmvoughly e ra dicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. Cares remale`Wealmeis, General Debility. Lem cordite& or Whites. Painful Menstruation. M. mat: m of the Uterus. Internal Hest, Gravel In. fiamation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there is no bettr remeedy. During the change of life no dun* should be without it It quiets the Ner vous System, and gives rest, comfort, • and nature's sweet sleep. Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by fir the worst evils that have eves befallen suffer ing humanity. Thousands -die annually Strom these noxious drugs., The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleas ure of drinking and treating his Mends, little thinking that he is On it. read to ruin. Like the Opium Eater, be lint uses the drug in small quantities so t h e s-antidote. The soothing influence of drug takes strong bold upon n e s ts! victim. , leading him on to his own destruttion. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentiveness, as over-eating Arai inflames the stomach. whieh redoubles its cravings until it paralyses both the stomach and appetite. Bo every drink of liquor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only addirto its fierce Ares, until it consumes the vital 'force and then itself. Like the gluttonous tape-worm. it cries "Oise, givgive r' but never enough until its own rapac ity devours it self. Samaritan Korvin° gives instant relief in all such cases. It produces sleep. quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and re ' stores body and mind to a healthy condition. Cures NervouiLnyspepala, Palpitation of the Heart. Asthma, Bronchitis. Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscretion of ritith, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy. To yen, young, middle-aged, and; old men, who are cov ering your sufferings :as with a mantle by silence, look up you can be saved by timely efforts, and mak e ornaments to society, and jewels in the crown of your maker, if on will. Do - not keep this a secret longer until it saps 'your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted, take Dr. Diamonds Ss merit= Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves. arrest premature decay. and impart tone 'and energy to the whole System, . GEO. STEVENS. Cured my little girl of fits.. She m also deaf and dumb ; but it eland her, She can now talk' and hear as well as anybody. Pima Rosa, Springwater, Wis. Has been the meanti of curing my wife of rhon roatiem. 'J. 11..rzsrense, Fort Collins, Col. Nada a sure cure la cue of Its for my son: \i..E B. BALLII , Iltattiville, Eau ES,: • • • _ Cured rue of veigo, neuralgia and sick bead ache. • M as . s*. Aurora. 111. Was-the means of curing my wife of spasms. Err. J. A. Ents.Beaver, Pa, Cured me of utbms. after spending over SG,OOO with other doctors. B. B. ROBSON, New Albany. bid. irffeetually crated me of agouti's. • - Miss Jams Waaasa. . • 710 West Van Boren Chicago, IC Oared our child .of Ain after Wan up to die by our family physician. it laving over 100 in 21 hours. Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. ALEUT Brifttxtu, Peoria. 111. Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with • other doctors. Cured me perinsnettly of epileptic Its of a stub born chuscter. Cured any;son of tits, after baring bad 2.500 to eighteen months. Mos. E. Forms, West Potsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE. Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Hiss. OaLena Massuatz, - • Granby. Newton Co., Ito This permanettUy cured me of epilepsy of many van standing. Cured me of br3neblele, asthma. and general de Ouvz Mums, Ironton, Ohio. sAuiiirrex trzenNE Ras cored mo of asthma: alsoterofula of Many pars standing. Cured me of Ste. Here been well for ores tour years. Mumma E. Cuuris.Oneile. Douglaee Co.. Minn Cured a friend of Jaine who had dyepepsia very tad/y. Mtcani Q'Cozion. - Itidgway. Pa 84MABITAN NERNINE Hu vermanehtly awed me of epileptic Sta. Diem TIZIOILT, Dee Moines, lowa Coma my witeatepllBlis yam standing 112Lam'Cium, Fairfield, Mich SAMARITAN NZIIVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the heart Claaaste. North Rope, fa, SAMARITAN =MINN Cured my sou of SM. HO has Lot Lad sSt for about four yews. Joss DAM. 'Woodburn, Macoupts C0.,31. !MI is for sale by druggists everywhere, or mai be 'had direct from ne. Those • who wish to obtain further evidence of the' CIIVILUVO proper Us. of Samaritan Neririne will please enclose a Scent postage stamp for a copy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hunureds•of Wilma Dials of cure from persons who hare used the medicine, sad also their pictures phOtographed after their restoration to perfect health.- RVI AHAIUTAN NEkV INE 1: 1 -V riti *kV ri SAMARITAN NERVING &WARMAN NERVINE • r.r7.71 - nm , wmm eAWAIJiN RETIVIS.E. , BA3IABITAN NEIWINE tzrvil;7. 4 ,4o;CiAtlVPl I:r.vri:iNvo.*Zem;llb;il T '". q. I SAMARITAN , NEEVINE Hamm Em, Verdila, Warren Co., Tenn SAMARITAN NERVINE semsurtw NERVINE J, W. Tnolltros, Cisiborsi, Miss SAMARITAN NEIIVINE fl!y..Wit. Maimpri Mftlwdaitown, Md SAILLILITAN 14ERVINE Ir.v&l JACOB SUTI!./1., In. Joseph, Mo SAMARITAN NERVINE two Jawaxx s Covington. Ky BAMRITAN NERYilig SAMABITAS NEUVINE 6AMARI/Al 4 l NEUVINE :iVf.:4 Address DIL S. A. SICIDIOND & CO.; . Virot.l3'm Epileptic Instittite, eapl-ly. ST. JOSEPE4 1E ~`'~LINE'S MARm El CARR°T:4 "L°CIK 41416 Stne h I ;nit W 51.41. :40111::'": - .1V,'; - f,..KLINK, ary a; ILVIOVAD MEAT ; aIECETABR, .•',.,Ilt.i:AP‘MLE'r,;:--, • - . °limns astablisbikt himself fa tbi,alerOU 810at..M4014, nowt soido•weranatismillAria4r7=s'ldill 1 1'13/. onoumer or SQ►TB.-• ensos. FIRE, °MINS IN . DONFESTIII IrXuAr. ay. .61 SprBOLOGISA SAULtOII si specialty. AU or. do's prompUy &divined.. - • U HOWARD A. SNOW, AMERICAN AND /FOREIGN PATENTS. 631 F MEET N. W., WASHINGTON, D. 0., Successor to Gilmore, Smith & Co., a.- Chipman, Boomer k Co.) Patents procured upon the mite plan which use originated end successfully pracUmd hy the etemommetl Arm. *tamp Thmulloblet of sixty pages sent upon ram Ipvel t o . 100 H0R5E 225 ' 5824101 des. f in = Or 11 Or _ nem meson of 11 k Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases. has horses 60 fine engravings showing BOOK. positions better assumed ernick than be taught in any other way. a table showing doses of ill the principal midnes used for the horse as well as their effects and antidotes when a 2131- atm „rison. a Urge tlectniti: for telling the age of s horse. with an engraving showing teeth of with year and a large amount ofother valuable bone information. Hundreds of, horseman , have pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 200.000 sold in about one year before it was[re. vied shows bow popular the book is. The 're. used edition is gam Roth rarmutimma Rath von a CUMMIZAL AGENTS WANTED. Dr. 1. D. Kendall * Co. Eaosburgh Falls, Vermont. • liar 11-1.7 r. • A. BEVERLY MUTH, BOOK BINDER AND. Dealer In Scroll- Saw Goods. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine -Blank Books MT SPECIALTY. Amat,eues Supplies. Thu d.ruunt of my buithess is very com plate. and beings practical sawyer myself I know the sweats of my patrons. WOODS, SAW BLADES. . . , • CLOCK MOVEUVITS, he, constant).* on band. IT 111.14 worth of designs for $l. Send for pricelists. 1 " BEPorens.• DIIIDEBY. Park street, P. O. trcie 1512. Towanda, Pa T. MUIR & CO.'S GROCERIES PROVISIONS. the place to save money b onying cheap is it cilretsi *sin and Trim Win Streets. They teepoottuny announce to the , public tbat they have a large Meek of • FLOUR. PEED. WEAL. GHAIN, SALT, FISH PORK. and PROVISIONS generally. Ws bays also added to ons stock a •arletp of . WOODEN WADE, sash's BUTTZB 1171111. JIB arks, OBUBRII. rro: Just received s large stock of,l3ugars. Tess. Coffees. Spica, MOULSOWS PCBS SOAP. the best in the market, and other mates of soap Syrup and Molasses. which they offer at low prices for Cult. . k Ott 46 77 Sale Bills -1 EMI PRINTED REHM OFFICE. FIRE AND LIFE INSURLNCE GOLLECTIUN AGENCY BRINK & BUCK.Leßalaville, mu write Policies for risks in Firs and UN In surance. Oolleet Calms with cars and promptness. They represent notisbnt FIRST—CLASS dOMPANIESI no molten tbsconadencsand patroniegeSt-thoss ttiMaigbusiness Whale line , and win endeavor tomeritot it. Apply to or addend, ti =Mitt BUCK inilwelllw 11111165.1 Bolidtor of STOP AT FOR AND TOWODA. PA. OM IMI 1 4 AT THE CLAIM AND - - . .•,.r , , • • • ' . . ~,.. ' '••• - #l, ".::::. '.; . 77 la • . 4•1%. -, • 11 ~ ,►. , ~,- : :.; .• „•_ r_ 0.„...- All• . . , G. 41 -0A • N' NOW IS THE GOLDEN OPPORTUN/Ty Styli3k and Reliable Spring 9-armen6' . _ MEN, YOUTHS BOYS AND CHILDREN, AT PRICES WHICH OAN SE SAD AT 240 OTHER HOIISE _ - While mahltsinin4 the uniform standard of quality in excellence of Work and material bT 1 GOOD MANAGEMENT,; f -_ • CAREFUL BU' IlkiG; ;- 4 and EICALL MARGINS, (with which lam content,) I have _ RAISED THE STANDARD AND. LOWERED THE PRICE, VNUL IT 111 ♦ 1081TIVZ PACT THAT THE BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING In this vicinity is now being sold for the least money by - R:ROSENFIELfi, M. FEUMPHREY,..BR,QB::k TRACY,-: MEWS, BOYS, WOMEN'S. KISSES, AND inaLDRErs Boats, -- Shoes, .RObber, &c,, CORNER VAIN - AND ELIZABETHg STREETS, ORNAMENTED Steel-Plate and High C'olorec FOLDING CARDS Beautiful Designs! For Programmes Balt Invitations ! ,Business, Circulars I &c. Call and Examine. Reasonable Rates. "REPUBLICAN" Job Printing Office, To‘anda, 2071 i YEAR•Te r o i rig n inal oan m y sly pe per. The ens trasalan Damn. begins its Soth year. datmary, 1882. Established 1863. Thefts ma Se the oldest and most popular paper of. its class. Every number contains 8 large pages. 40 long columns, with many Comte, Humorous and Attractive EDivravinge. It is crowd _seall of the best Stories, Poetry. Wit. Hume; Fun.-making a paper to amuse and instruct old and young. It exposes Frauds, Swindlers and Chaste and awl lines amusing, instructro es entertainteg. Mr. embody needs it; 60,008 now reed it. end at 60 cents a year, it is by far the best. most yanks paper printed. For TS emits sip sane Whir teaspoons are seat with the Rum= 'One y ear. Fifty ether saperb premiums. Nod ten cents fors months trhil trip. with fall pew sp sm emess S M I te E n . t sS end Bsouwn,, s A ad d V re i s o s l* Tesr. BARNESPIBLISHIXOOO../Illig N. 11. EMI yol TOWANDA., PA. _ - and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of •rtlvy AN - 15 A, VA. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ever dis covered, as it is certain in its effects and dote not blister. Also excellent for human flesh READ PROOF BELOW. Da. B. J. Rxistuair. k Co:—I had s very nltu ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very high. ly, , he bad a large bone spavin on one Joint and a small one on the other which made him very lame; I bad him under the charge of two veteri nary surgeons which failed to cure him. las one illy reading the advertisement of Kendall** Spatial Cure in the Chicago Express. I determin ed at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I took them all and thought I would give it's thorouzh trial, I used it according to directiont sad the fou-th day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. , I used but one bottle and t12,6 - colts limbs are at free froth lumps and as smote. as any horse in the state. He is en tirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two Witham, who-are now using it. Very Respectfully, • aL. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten's Mills. Wasleton co.. N.Y.. Feb.2l.'el. Di. B. J. KIXDALL, Deaf Sir:—The partici:llr case on which I used your Kendall's Spavin Care was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen months standing. I had tried many things, but in rein. Your Spavin Cure put the foot to the ground again, and for the drat time since hurt, in natural position. For a family liniment it ex- cels anything we ever used. Yours truly, EMI FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Yonnistown, Ohl*, May loth, 11,,,0 Pastor of it. E. REP . MP. . Price $l, per bottle, or six bottles for V. All Druggists 'Ave it or-can get it fer you. or it •iil be sent to any address on receipt of Wee by the proprietors, DR. B. J. KENDALL h. CO., Eva. burgh Falls. Vt. Bold at Dr. 11. C: Porters Mug Store, Fat F{':lg ALI 'DAVIS; OA RENEWER. No other Renewer yet Atli , . overt4l does 1..? mak so quickly and sattsf.telority thiA. I! r.-111 tare gray and faded- hair t its (,reielnal beauty ; . it cal immediately prevent the (Jilting out o: the lain it cures dandruff, itching eruptions, and Iseeprthe scalp clean ; it .TFIII cause the hair to grow where it has fallen off and Imparts gloss and freelineW; it softens the, hair when harsh and dry and is en tirely Aee from all, irritating matter; it has do very best reputation and gives universal tango , than. Do not full - to try tt. For sato by all druggists. Price, TS eta. per bottle.. Freparetf Li/ aw+• " For ante by all . 7 . ILENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE r 4 1 C..47, It' re ov s gren . " I t th u f rii enter ants, ' DO= vor Buena. Has no equal for any lameness on, e , beast or man. It has cured hip-joint lameness in a person - who had suf fered 15 years. Also cured !ileums= Um, corns. frost-bites or, sod cruiseseent or lameness. It has no equal for any blemish on limes. Send for illustrated circular giving Posrrivx meow. Price Si. J.X.,i DRUGOD3TB have it or can get tt for yea. Dr. 8..1. Kendall k C 0..• Proprietors, Ituosourth Falls. . Vermont. H. O. Posers; Agent. Towanda. l's. to) 1 12- . ji (s):_11 PICTURE GALLERY IN TONANIM - Gs H. WOOD & O. will open their New &Alert In Patton's Block, on the First Monday of April. Having Attfd u P entirely new, with the - best-of instruments, we ere prepared to make ThitYPef l / 2 4 at 0110 Sittiftg, liti for a fts. in nest envelopes, 10 for 11.00. Copying of 11/ kinds of Yhotographs,and Stereoscopic spd largo Hew work done st thisW4lol7. OiTO nisi call and.we will try and satisfY Y in price and quality. mar ni • - KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURB failure In its effects, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet is penetrating and powenol to reach every deep seated ..psin or to remove al bony growth or other enlargements, inch *Wins. splints curbs, callous. 'Preto' , °" /I : Inv and any lameness and all enlargements 0, the joints or limbs. or for rheumatism in zoss and for Any purpose for which - a liniment la Wed for man or bast. It it now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet tain in its effects. -bend address for Illustrated Circular ehick we think gives positive proof of its virtues. -No remedy his ever met with such unclad& el oc• our knowledge. for beast as wells owl. Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles for $ 41 1 Druliffillts hive It or can get It for yon. or it be sect to any address on reaelpt of price by th e Motors. Da. B. J. svcoa.l. & co . Nrol: Falls.' Vt. 84/14 by all Druggists. RNAMENTAL JOB, PRINTING O 'MUitr st PNVELOPES OF ALL: QUAIL 12 ties mid eine &specialty et the IttPCILICIS Jobnintlag Omar. g Eil a 9 cis, canton, re.. eta and Dealers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers