Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, April 13, 1882, Image 2

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JUDSON HOLOONS. l nonurrozz .
-- - -
✓i/DSOX HOLCOMB. Editor.
MO. M. ALLEN, Atimoists Editor.
- -
"Reasonable ltsses,honest apendilteray.vom
petent officers; and no stealing." Harper*
Weekly. _ _ _ -
w EatarM to tits Past Mee it Towards as
SECOND CURS 11A711111.
TifintSDAY. APIM 18. 1888.
The,' national debt was reduced ;16,
462,946 75, during the month of March.
George F. Huff, of fireensburg, de
clines to be a candidate' for the Repub
lican nomination for GOvernor.
The New York Sun indorses Mr.
Arthur's veto of the Chinese bill, and
says portions of it ought to be written
in letters of gold.
Thnmas Armstrong, editor of the
Pittsbvrg Labor Tribune, will be pre
sented to the . Greenback-Labor State
Convention as a candidate for Govern
or. •
It is stated that the President will
remit so much of Fitz John Porter's
sentence as disqualifies him from hold
ing office, and leave further remedy to
The senate sustains the veto, but the
people don't.—Ehnira Free Press. It
is quite evident that our neighbor does
not readily "catch on" to the drift .of
public sentiment.
-By order of General Bartranft all
discharges of enlisted men from inde
pendent companies of the National
Guard must be approved hereafter by
the Brigade commander.
The active measuree instituted by
Attorney-General Brewster looking to
the punishment of the ballot-box stuf
fers .of South Carolina, has brought
forth a howl from the whole democratic
The first Assistant Poettnaater Clss
eral, replying to an inquiry,, of the post
master at Cmcionati, states that post
office employes may hold municipal
offices and acthely participate in
tics, provided they do not neglect their
regular duties:,
The Post-Office Department has is
sued an order to prevent private par
ties from renting boxes to others for
delivery of mail, by private messengers.
This system prevails in some;: of the
large cities and results in a decreise
of the government revenue.
Dr. W. B. Roberts, of Titusville, is
about to enter the field as a candidate
for Congressmanat-Large on the Re
publican ticket. This will give Craw
ford county three candidates for that
nomination, in the e
17. persons of Col. S. B,
The debate in the. Lower House of
Congress on the Tariff Commission has
evidently nearly reached an end, and it
is expected that a vote will be reached
this week. There is but little doubt of
the passage of the bill, -unless there
should be a substitution of the Senate
bill for the house bill, so as to make
the action concurrent and final.
The survivors of_ the- fumous old
Pennsylvania Reserves will hold their
annual reunion at Bellefonte this year,
the home of Ex-Governor Curtin, who
is President of the Association. The
time for the reunion and the, -arrange
ments therefor will be announced in a
short time. The citizens of Bellefonte,
and especially the ladies, are making
active preparations to give the veterans
of the Reserve Corps a hearty welcome.
Judge Simonton, at Harrisburg Sat-;
urday; filed an opinion in the suit of
the Commonwealth against the Stand
ard Oil Company for the recovery of
back taxes due deciding that the state
is entitled to receive $33,277 —taxes in—
terest, penalties and Attorney eneral's
commission. Judgment for the amount
was directed to be entered unless excep
tions be filled within the time prescrided
by law. I.
It has been discovered that the ac
counts of :Adam , M. Dundore, ex-
County Treasurer of Berks county, are
short about $30,000, of•which amount
$25,000 is due. the State for tavern
and mercantile licences, and $5,200 i
due the county" sot taxes. W hen Dun
dore retired from office his defalcation
amounted to $50,000, but $20,000 was
returned to cover a portion of the
deficit in the 'county accounts. His
• three bondsmen have been notified and
- will pay t4►e-loss, Dundore having con
fessed judgmencto them for $15,000
and to his wife fors2soo. The defi;
ciency , was discovered by counsel for
the County Commissioners. Dundore
has heretofore borne a good reputation.
`; The cause assigned for the defalcation
is general speculation. „ _ ' ,
It is all' very well no doubt, tO.
speak nothing but good of the dead;
but when it comes to having grand,
funeral pageants and eulogistic sermons
at the interment of a red-handed mur
dee like the late Jesse James, of Mis
souri, it strikes us that it is at least a
somewhat flagrant violation of pro
priety, at least. With the North
American, we believe that if ever
there was a man, who ought to have
been buried jn silence, this, red-handed,
outlaw was the man, and if ever a ref-'
erence to the joys of heaven was out of
place, it was out of place in . eonneetion
with his internient. Here is a red
headed murderer and 'ruffian who `was
cut down with all his sins upon his head,
and , yet the minister by *ham the
funeisl services were conducted did
not think it inappropriate to talk about
the greatness of Divine mercy, and the
dead Mae chances of salvation. The
reverend g entleman's remarks ,were no
doubt well meant, but they showed, to
say the least, a singular deficiency of
good judgment.
The time for holding•the Republican
State Convention is less than a month
away. We hope that thei delegates
chosen to represent the people in Con
vention will remember that the first
and paramount duty will be to quell
and quiet all factious strife: Tire lin
portance of satisfying the masses of
the Republican party that the proceed
ings were characterized by a spirit of
liberality and fairness—with mutual
concessions for the sake of harmony, is
of the highest consideration. The
question whether,this or that leader,
or this, that or the other faction, shall
rule the convention, must •tie dropped
out of sight, if the party expects to
elect its nominees in November next.
The convention will have to shoulder
the blame if there are "kiesers" against
the ticket. Every true Republican
should devote his best energies from
this time up to the convention for the
cultivation aria promcition of a spirit of
harmony. It will depencl entirely upon
the wisdom of the convention whether
we are to succeed next fall in electing
out State ticket. Impuflent and fac
tious spirit manifest in the convention
will also greatly endanger several of
the close congressional districts now
represented by Republicans.
The consequence which will result
from defeat are too. important to be
trifled with by political factions. The
party l is not ready to be' offered a sac
ifice,to the madness of 'its leaders.
The bill of exceptions in the Guiteau
case, . have bten signed by Judge Cox,
and made thirty-nine' printed pages.
Mr. Scoville; Guiteau's` attorney, files
the bill, containing thirty-two excep
tions as to matters occurring up to the
time the case was givin to the jury,
and exceptions as to the ruling of the
court in denying anew trial and over
ruling the !lotion in arrest of judg
ment. •
The case will be heath early in May
by the Supreme Court of the United
States for the District of Columbia, in
full Bench, ' upon the , exceptions. I
the decision of the court below is sus
tained, it is , expected that the sentence_!
will be executed early in June by the
hanging of Guiteau. If the Supreme
court should find that the Court below,
was in error as to the ruling by - Judge
Cox, which is not probable, a new trial
will be granted. In such case no one
can predict when the case will end.
There is hoivever, little room to doubt
that Guiteau will be executed early in
In the case of sergeant Mason, now
in prison at Albany N. Y. under
sentence of eight Years for shooting .
into Guiteau's cell, the Secretary of
War is understood to have recommend.
ed to the President a, mitigation of the
months confinement in the guard-house
with forfeiture of all pay and to be
dishonorably discharged ' from the ser
vice for insubordination' to Army disci
pline. The rresident will give the
case his serious attention should the
petition for a writ of habeas corpus be
refused by the Supreme Court. Should
the recommendition of the. Secretary of
War be adapted, Mason can retire
after four months on an.ample compe
Chauncy M. Depew, attorney, and
President Jewett, of the Erie Railwak
were before the special committee of
the Senate on "corners" in produce, on
Saturday last, and both stated that the
practice of cornering in the great sta
ples was injurous and unjust to the
consumer. \ They thought it a demor
alizing species of gambling that should
be prohibited by legislation.
Mere politics, inspired by mercenary
motives, at the sacrifice of principle is
not the kind of politics to be cultivated.
The ruling purpose , in politics should
be the promotion of the material inter
est of the country by a just course of
action, integrity of ptirpose, aiming
always to act from upright and defen
sible motives, "
Hon. Thomas Allen, a member of
the national House of Representitives
from Missouri, died in Washington on
Friday last. Messrs Hatch, Frost,
Robinson, Gunter; Chalmers, Mills and
Aldrich, were apPOinted on Saturday,
a committee on the part of. the House
to superintend the funeral..
The latest English politicsl-Jum
boism,—Er. We haven't the.islightest
idea what Jumboism is, but 411 lay a
small Wager that it will be a leading
plank in the Democratic platform in
1884, and the platform' will insist that
Jumboism shall be levied' for revenue
The House Committee on Education
favors an appropriation of ten millions,
to be expended throughout the United
'States for educational purposes, and
will soon report a bill for the purpose
to the Houle. It will probably meet
with Democratic oppoSition.
General Sherman has telegraphed to
a Mend u yiashington that he rejoices
over the passage of the" bill for Compul
sory refimment of army officers at the
age of eixty-two, and on no account does .
ha desire any exception made m his in
tenet. •
The Elmira Free Press says: The
Pacific coast is lost to the Republican
party. On of these' days the Free
Press man will sit mown and wonder
how he could have been so-mistaken.
From the tomb of au almost forgot
ten past there comet a voice: Cassius
M. Clay cries Out for 'Tilden and Re
Judge Wylie, of the.criminal court
for the District of . Colombia, on Mai,
day last, overruhid the motion to quash'
the indictments in -the Stir Route cases.
_Dorsey, Brady, and the rest of -the ii
dieted «inspimtors'iii the Star Route
and straw bond frauds, have now no
recourse but to plead to the indictment.
Some of our Demde'ratic contempora
ries that have been making merry over
their hope that the indictitients.would
be quashed and the prosecutions
will now be proportionately unhappy.
The Comptroller of the Currency 101
irith the approval of the Secretary of the
Treasury, decided to issue five-dollar na
tional bank notes upon a new plate. the
principal featdie of which will be an on 7
graved bead of ithe late President Gar
field with the iew charter numbers in
various portions of the.note and partio
ularly in the border so that the identi
ty of the note may be easily ascertained
from any . fragmect. The other denomi
nations of :national bank notes of the
series of 1882 will also be changed 'so
that they can be readily distinguished
from former issues
The evidence given by Shipherd, the
guano speculator and fraud generally,
allows - that he quoted ex-Secretary
Blaine as encouraging his Penivian
scheme without warrant, as he did a
score of other prominent men in public
and private life, with a wanton and
-reckless disregard of truth. It needs
no other evidence than that of Shipherd
himself to prove that he is a fraud , of
the first !water.
The rumored death of the Emperor
of China, which was telegraphed from
San Francisco on Saturday, is denied
at the Chinese Legation in Washing
ton. The Embassy are in direct tele
graphic communication with the Imper
ial Court at Perkin, and late dispatches
pronounce the Emperor in excellent
The President on Friday last sent to
the Senate the nomination of Wm. E.
Chandler of New Himpidiire AS Secre
tary of the Navy. and Hnry M:Teller, •
of Colorado , aa Secretary fuf the Interior.
Mr. Teller's nomination was at once
confirmed, and . Mr. Chandler's has
been reportedlavoiably from committee
and win probably be confirmed to
The Anti-Chinese bill is lost beyond
redemption. for. the Senate has refused
by a vote of 29 to 21. to - piss it over the
President's-veto. By taking this notion
it fulfils the general expectation, and
assumes en attitude ip which it will
be sustained by enlightened public
Charles R. Bneklew doseu't want to
be a candidate , for GovPrnor. Charles
has been there:
Efforts are being made to secure for
Pittston a city charter.
At Linesville, Crawford cou n ty, on
the 23d, "a fifteen year old girl was
wedded to an !ishteen year old boy.
Beltzhoover died at her home in , Car
lisle at six o'clock Saturday evening.
In Pittsburg, on Tuesday, a china
man filed his declaration of intention
to become a', citizen of the United
The Pennsylvania state
, firetnen's
association is to meet in Bradford this
year. The date has been fixed for the
second Tuesday in September.
President Roberts emphatically de
nieit the statement that he intends re-
signing from the Presidency of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company the Ist
of May.
An 'establishment for the manufac
ture of ladies' and misses' underwear
and children's robes has been located in
Wilkesbarre, from which the peqple
draw great hope.
Cof rode and Saylor, the Pottstown
bridge builders, have beeri awarded a
contract for an iron bridge over the
Monongahela, seven miles fromk 'Pitts
burg, Which will be one mile long.
Jos. Hampton, . of Loirer Merlon,
Montgomery county, had a tooth pulled
on Saturday night. In the operation
an artcry was ruptured and bled so
profusely that before , the hemorrhage
could be stopped it was feared that be
would die.
The mine inspector of Wilkesbarre
district Friday caused the arrest of S.
Griffith, the fire boss. at No. 2 Iluift of
the Susquehanna Coal Company, at
Nanticoke. Griffith will be held to
answer for the death of the three men
who were suffocated at this mine a few
weeks ago; also for hiving violated the
mine ventilation law.
it is stated that there are about 1700
brick layers idle in Philadelphia, owing
mainly .to the refusal of the masters to
give the wages demanded-13.50 per
rday. The latter 'say they are willing
- to have a graded price list, but will
not pay ,sll classes the sum asken for.
They claim that, as a result of the de
mands of the men, many building con.
tracts will be "welled. , •
A family of five persons in Lancas
ter county were poisoned a. few days
ago by eating bacon . purchashed at a
grocery store in , New Rolland. One
of the number is notexpected to live.
From the fact that others have used
meat from the same lot without suffer
ing any - inconvenience, it is presumed
that these parties ate it raw or without
being sufficiently. cooked..
A well on the Stelwart !arm, Win
field township, Butler county i which
was drilled fOr oil on Thursday, struck'
at a depth of 800 feet one of the most
powerful veins of gas ever encountered
in the Oil region. The volume of gas
is so great that the roaring noise made
by its escape' c.,n_ be distinitly heard
five mile; away. It is owned by Pitts
burg parties, who place its value at a
very high figure, as they expect to real
ize a large sum out of it by laying pipes
to Pittsburg, where it will be utilized
for fuel in the rolling mills.
St. Xavier's Rom Catholic. Church,
on Sycamore street, Oucinnati, was
destroyed by fire Friday murning.
The building and contents'aist nearly
$150,000; insurance, about $20,000.
The church belonged to the Society of
Jessie: i"
The four and a hid per cent. ten
thirty bonds, 'issued to adjust the old
State debt of Minnesota, about which
there btui been so much controversy;
having , been declared legal by the
Supreme Gimp hive now,seenred
lic confidence, find the State itself haS
invested $1,200,000 in them - -and Fill
soon take more. ,
Williaa Wertenbacker, Who was air
pointed by Thonras lefferson as sme
ary of the faculty and librarian of the
University of Virginia in the year 1895,
and who has filled the office ever since,
died on Thursday night at Charlotte
villei Virginia, in the 85th year of his
age. ; His appointment to office began
in the year pf the establishment of the
university by 'Mr. Jefferson and he
filled the position with great fidelity
and universal satisfaction.
The fall of an immense metoric stone
is reported from Montana. It was observ.
ed from Fort Assiniboine and by ealeula
don from the time it was seen to strike
and the hearing of the report, it is sup-
posed to have landed 'fully fifty miles
from that point, yet' the ground was
Shaken and a noisi3 like the report
d a cannon was distintly
beard. A careful ' ; search is being made,
but at last accounts the aerial stranger
bad not been found. _ - -
- At the session 'of the New York
Conference of the M. E. Church at
New York Friday, Rev. James M
King and Layman John D. Cornell
were appointed a committee to confer
with the Central Committee for a cen
tennial meeting of_ the representatives
of all the. Methodist churches in 1884
Early on-Saturday morking a fire
destroyed' Debruin's variety store,
Beach's clothing store, Vandennullin's°
hardware store, Forsyth's drug - store,
and RoeliZeen's bakery at Pella, lovia.
Loss; $20,000.
Agent Miles, of the Cheyenne and
Arajiahoe Agency, in the Indian Terri
iti rY. states that it will be very aialcult
to prevent an outbreak if the rations of
the Indians are reduced: He says the
crops of the In•lians last year failed, and
to shut them up on the reserved on with
km than half rations may- result in an
outbreak which w ill cost the government
ten timea the amount necessary to pp:).
vide for an issue of rations. ,
The officers of the Central Bank ;at
Indianapollis have d'scovered that the
defalcation by- the .abseeonding teller
Arthur Mueller is 830.000.inatead of 825-
00 us first supposed, end the directors
on Stturday closed the bank until order
ed by the stockholders to rebottle. The
capital stock of the bank is 8100,000,aud
the amount of deposits 8105,000,
A north-bound train on the Gulf Col
orudo and Santa Fe Railroad was board
ed by =liked robbers,near Cleburne on
Friday night. and the passengers were
all robbed. The thieves thou jumped
from tbe train and escaped
- On Friday a passenger train for the
Gulf, Colorado and Sento Fe Railroad
was boarded near Blum station Hill
county; Texas, and the passengers
robbed by five unmasked men
-,....Zeser-A.-stliarterthist the revenues for
the last qtiarter of 1881 were 810.620. -
000 and the expenditures 89,941.976
This is the first quarter since the war
that th. revenues have exceeded the ex-'
penditurett .The receipts have increased
in a much greater ratio than the expend
EAST SAGISAW, April . 7—At
o'clock last evenieg a tornado swept
over the territory' northeast of Midland
Village, twenty miles west of here,
doing considerable damage. The
residence of a farmer named E. E.
Wilton was lifted up and capsized,
tearing it into pieces. The wreck took
tire from the stove and was burned
up. The hired man had his shoulder
broken, and a child had its arm broken.
The barn was torn into atoms: - Other
property in the neighborhood was dam
aged. The house of a man named
Wood, living on Sturgeon . creek, was
blown &wn, and Wood was' severely
CHICAGO, April 7.—A special to =the
Evening Journal says a terrific tornado
swept through the township of Kalamo,
Eaton county, Mich., last-night, doing
an immense amonnt of damage and
killing a large (paucity of live stock.
Several lives are reported lost, 4and
Many peisons are said tc have been
injured. The place is remote from
travel and the telegraph.
Liter advices say that at Oakland
county, Lafayette Minden, his sister
and little boy; and Mrs. Henry Tyler
were killed._ A little daughter of Tyler
' had her arm so badly crushed that am
putation was found necessary. Miss
Cora Ward was also injured. The
debris of the house, bad the 'a ppearance
of having been torn up by an explo
sion, everythirg being ground to atoms.
A horse was blown out of a barn and
found afterward in a distant field coy.
ered with mud. An idiot sister of
Horace ; Sherman, of Kahimo; was
killed, his aunt's leg was broken, ' his
wife's jaw was dislocated, and the
whole family were carried; a distance
of fifty rods by,,the storm and thtown
into swamp, badily bruised.,
KEOKUK* lowa, April 7.—A special
dispatch from Keosauqua, the county
seat of Van Buren county, states, that
the hurricane of yesterday morning
wrecked a great deal of- property' and
played much havoc throughou - .the
lower Des Moina valley. At -IC ail
qua, a large new house in which a loco.
-motive was kept was demolished. A
fireman was pretty badly injured.l Two
or three brick houses were partly " de
molished, Heavy sections of the side
walk were torn up and borne away by
the wind. The wind tore up trees and
blew down fences iri all directions.
azimr,Tyro BOTTLE.
Messrs. Johnson, Halloway . Co.,whole
sale druggists of. }Wadelplas, Pa., report
that some time ago a gentleman handed
them a dollar, with a request, to send a good
catarrh care to two army officers in Arisona.
Recently the same gentleman told; them
that both the officers and the wife of Gen.
John' C. Fremont, GOV. of Arizona, had
been cared of catarrh by the two bottles of
F2y's Cream Balm. •
Cage/irk, Cold in the head and Hay
Fever. We bear from saw customers the
mostilattering reports of )2Pky's Cream Arnim;
believe it is anartiel' eof real merit, Smith,
Mine & Ca, Wholesale Droggitts, Philadel•
OK Pik spill 27
• lieniy Ward Beeches. denies the re
port th4',,he conteniplates retiring frOlit
the nihdbtry in Jane, when he will en
ter his seventieth year. 'Ells father
continued to preach until he was eighty.
rim aufiniurris.
6rn - cii)d ivory Wednes4s7
Conies a Kan aa4 Me Streets.
-.-,. . . • Pewiso. Elaraxso.
Roue pa:barrel par ... .... ..'. i . $1 00
621508 Oa
Ph= sack 1 . 15
Buckwheat Flour, 9 100..
Cora Seal - ~.
Chop Peed
Wheat, *buena' 1 25611. 30
Bye. 1 • -'lsml
,0 0nl . o.'' - Wiwi
11 ** We •
Oats. iso
Beaus. ** ... 3 0063 33
Potatoes. 11 , 1 0061 10
A Apples G
Preeis ried. i* 9 bushel.. 1 0061 15
pples lb - • a
Peaches ** •• - 126915
B Rasp lackberriesberries Dried V R..
10 620
Pork. V barrel 2100629 00
Rams. lit tb - !4
Lard. *. .4
Batter, inTnba • Firkins: 3/05 8
Batter, in Rolle • 32(33
16® 5 750625
orer SeedV. bushel
Tiinetby seed V
Beeves; 206342
bushel.. 3 0001 75
it lb
Syracuse Bal lt t 1 15 barrel...
• ichigan Sa ...
Ash ione ton . b ushel. • 900 - 1
00 • 2 73033 09
Legal Advertisements.
By ♦trtue of sundry writs issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County and
to me directed. 1 will expose to public sale. at
the Court House inTowanda 'Wrong°, on
FRIDAY, NAY, 6, 1882.
at 1 o'cloCk. P. IL, the following described
property. to-wit :
No. 1. One lot, piece or parM)l ofland, situate
in. Towanda borough. bounded north by lands of
Widow Lewis. east by River street, south by
lands of John Sullivan. and west by lands of
Elsbree & Davies and other lands. of B. A.
Chamberlin; being 100 feet front on River
street, running back 100 feet, with framed;
house, framed barn,: and a . few, fruit
trees thereon. Seized and taken into
executioh at the snit of. Frederick Meteor, ex
ecutor of Sarah A. Menus, vs. Byon Chamber
lin and Dennis L. Sweeny.
No. 2. ALSO—Defendant's life estate in a
lot of land, situate in Athens township.
bounded north by lands of A. tlicV lo3 B l3
(lot No. s. ) ,Miss Gray (lot No. 43),
and Hiram anflusan Thomas (lots Nos. 51 and
71); cut by binds of Hiram and Bolan Thomas.
south by Sayre Land Company and -south First
street, end west by Thomas avenue. Excepting
and reserving therefrom lot No. 8 sold to J. A.
Woodward, lot No. 4 sold to Park Wolcott. lot
No. 5 sold to A. bloiran,gb, .lot No. 47 sold. to
Mrs. Anna TuthW, lot No. 48 sold to-r - --Flynn,
lot No. 60 owned by Norman Shaw, tot No. 52
owned by Mrs. Anna' , Tuthill. and -lot No; 59
owned by Andrew Zeller; being lots and parts of
lots NM 1 (east half). Nos. 2. 44, 45, 46, 49, 51, At
71, 72.78, It, 7 5 , 76, and 'l7 according to a plot or
survey made by Z. F. Walker for Thomas A
Nom, Juno 23, A.D. NM all laspiroverel,
1 5....-•itirrasancruottse thereon.
No. S. ALSO—Defendant's interest in a , lot
of land situate in Athena township, bounded
north by lands now or late of Silas Fordhani,
east and south by lands of Bullet, and :west by
the Susquehanna river; contains 42 scree, more
or less, about 10 imprOved ;, the said land having
beemcontracted by Wni. B. Pierce. H. W. Thomas
and Howard Elmer to Elijah Vangorder. by eon
tract dated- Jan. 31, 1870, with a two-story
teamed house thereon. Seized and taken •into
execution at the snit of Ilium Thomas' use vs.
Wm. B. Pierce. ,
No. 4. ALSO—Defendant's interest in a lot of
land situate in Towanda borough, bounded and
deuribed as follows: Beginning at' the south
east corner of lands of H. C. Porter in the
centre of the highway; thence westerly along
the south line of 11 C. Porter's land 33 rods to
a corner; thence southerly along the lands of
Joseph Powell I) rods more or less to the corner
of lot of the rector vestry and wardens of
Christ Church; thence eastwardly along the
north line of said church lot to west corner of
W. M. Watts' lot; thence northerly along th e
west line of said Watts' lot to the north corner
of said Watts' lot; being 12 Diet south from south
line of said Porter's land; thence eutwardly
along the north line of said Watts' lot to a cor
ner in the centre of said highway; thence along
the centre of said highway 12 feet to the place of
beginning; reserving_nevertholess the right to
said W.-M. Watts, his heirs and assigns, to use
0612 feet in width between•tds north line and
said Potter's south line front said highway run
ning west , to said Watts' lineal -an alley. Being
same land conveyed by D.' 13; Smelt and wife
to Harry Mix and John It. Montanye, deed
dated October 1. 1 5 65. 1 and recorded in Recorder's
'OM.m for Bradford County, in deed book NO,III
page 35, buildings.
described as follows: Beginning ,at a point on
Weston street the nor th east conies of a lot now
owned by M. A. Shaw; thence easterly along
Weston street 41feet to scorner; Mimeo souther-
ly along lands .if J. V. WUcocica about 55 feet to
a corner on land of estate of lire. H. C. Ward;
thencealong lands belonging to estate of Mrs.
H. C. Ward 41 feet to a corner, being southeast'
corner of M. A. Shaw's land; thence northerly
along lands of 11. A. Shaw about 65 feet to place
of beginning; said lot being 41 ifeet strict
measure, on line of Weston street and on line of
lands of XIV. H. C. Ward, and about 55 feet deep.
Being same piece of lend conveyed' by J. V.
WUcocka and wife to John D. Montanye by deed
dated June 24, 1873, and recorded in Recorder's
Office for Bradford County, in deed book No. 117;
page 37, dic.,;,111 improved, with 1 board barn
thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the
suit of William Stevenson's use , vs. Jno. D.
Montanye'e administrator, widow and child.
No. 8. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Athens twp., and being in the southwest cor
ner of lot No. N in South Waverly, as distingurah
ed on a map made for Win. W. Shepherd and
others, commencing in the centre of Bradford.
street in the west line of said lot No. 8, running
north on said west line 80 feet; thence out and
Wallet with Bradford street 50 feet !and 3
inches; thence south and parallel with the west
line of lot No. 8. 60 feet to the centre of Brad
ford street; thence west in the centre of, Brad
ford street to the place of beginning; be the
same more or less. Being the same - .premises
deeded by party of pest pert hereto to party of
the second part, by deed dated ithe 12th day of
April, 1877. having a two-story trained dwelling
and outhouse thereont.all improved. Seised
and taken into execution at the suit of Bethel
Brock's use vs. Caroline E. Decker.
No. 7. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate in
Orwell township. bounded north by lands of O.
C. Feeble and Caleb - Allen, deceased,
east by lends of Celiffi Allen, decessed.Jobsi Bing
ham, Leinder Maynard and Aurora Robinson,
smith by lands of Ralph Pickering. John I. Rest
min and S. A. Chaffee and west by lands of S. A.
Chaffee and Geo: Friable; contains 133 acres.
more or less, about 125, improved. with 2 framed'
hoturas,.3 framed barn; sheds, other outbnalvd-
Inge and trait trees thereon, and being the same
land an described in deed recorded in Bradford
county deed hook No. 83, page 23, Ac. Seised and
taken into execution . At the snit of Ruth Ann
Dept's nu vs. David Ford and Geo. W., Ford.
Also at the snit of Rath Ann Boyars use vs:
David Ford. , _
• No. 8. ALSO. One other lot of land, situate in
Monroe borough, bounded north by , Lads of B.
B. Monett, east by Msin street, and south and
west by lands i?filenry Tracy; =Mains 3 acres,
more or leas, i ll improved , with I framed bowie;
1 framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon.
No. 9. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate in
Monroe township, bounded north - by lanai of
Dr. Newton. east Iby the turnpike, south by
lands of Zack Northrup. and west by lands of
Joseph. Smith: contains 15 acres. more or less. .
all improved; no buildings. Seised and taken
into execution at the snit of Rowena S. Kings
bur re use vs. John Daugherty. Also at suit of
N. N. Betts' use vs same..
No. 10. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Canton township, bounded and described as
follows: " Beginning 1n the centre of the high.
way in the east lino of Marrero, lands ; thence
north 38 dep. west to perches to a post; thence
north 84 dep. east 8 perches to' • post; thence
south 88 dep. east 4° perches to the centre of
said highway thence along the centre of said
highway south 114 degs. west 0 perches to the
place of beginning; contains 2 sores, all
withen orchard of , fruit- trees thereon.
and taken into execution at the snit of C.
C. Manley vs. Wm. N. Gregory.
No. 11. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate
in Canton township, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a post and stones the
northeast corner of a lot of land now occupied
by N Smith; thence south 118 dege. east 46 6.10
rods to a post and stones; thence south' 2 dep.
west 218 perches to a post on the north bank of
Towanda Creek; tunes same course to thoicesi.
!re of said creek; thence up the said creek as it
sow runs to the southeast corner of a lot of
land now occupied by said N. Smith; thsnee
north 2 dells. test 238 perches to the place of
beginning; cont ins 78 scrim; more °sleek all
improved. with 3 framed barns. 1 flamed house.
other outbuildings and an orchard of fruit trees
thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the
snit of J. L. Meeker's use vs. J. 8. limply.
No. 19. ALBO-One other lot of land, situate
in Towanda township, bounded and described as
Movie: Beginning at the northwest corner of a
lot formerly owned by O. P. Mason; thence
north 5% dogs: east along the east side of the
publics highway leading into Towanda 63 feet to
a corner; Mince I - Muth 84% Amts. east .187 feet
to a corner; thence south 6 )4 dep. west 53 feet
to the northeast corner of said G. P. Mason let
aloreuld; thencellong thei line of said lot north
84% dogs. west 187 feet to the place of beginning.
with 1 two4tory framed house and several fruit
trees thereon, : -
No. VI. ALIO-41se other lot of land. situate
in Towanda Borough, boundel north by lot or
John RAM. east by Halo street, south by lot of
Patrick Kennedy, and west by an alley running
walla with. Hain street; said' lot being 50- Mt
in widtl‘stidlAving 1 tiro-story testneddwelling
hone* therein: • -
I 110,14. 4180.-Ma other lot of lend,
in Towanda borough. bounded north bY Mai of
Geo. Metkibe's ch ate. east by lands now or for
miry of Wm. H. Morgan's estate, .south 'by'
Mehingion street, and west , by lands cit John
Pine; belt* 19 feet !front on said stmet by-48
feel deep I - with one.balf of a framed dwelling
hone* thereon. Seized and taken int* execution
at the snit of James T. Bale's use vs.-John J.
No. 15. ALSO-Ons otherlot of lan.L athlete in
Orwell township, bounded north by lands of
Alamos Lung. east by lands of J. W. Path and
Lynes Robinson, south by lands of Lynes Robin
son and C. U. Davis, and west by lends of J. W.
Pasts end TWO; 1 1 0 1 1 181 1111 acres, more
less; Mont 118 improved. with 1 framed
hones. 1 famed tarp, and 2 or-horde of fruit
trees thereon. Seised and taken into execution
at the suit 14 D. U. Coon's use vs. Alexander
Mele and R. L. Parks.
. No. 18. Al,BO-ODe other lot of laud,sltuate in
ihnithileild township, bounded north Owl *sat by
other land* of Marsha Bullock south by the
public highway running east and west through
- Centre. rand west. by lands- of Ms;
Downy E. Fide: contains 16 f an acre, more
'or late.vith 1 froced house,* framed store, 1
honed storeheustand a few Dalt trees amens.
Also the right of- Ivey frourthe highway to tile
storehouse, as otaktithea is-deal or James B.
Webb to D. Bullock in April 1877 and being
the same property conveyed iy al l Webb to
said Bullock by the aforesaid deed... Seised and
taken into, execution at the suit of James 11,
Webb's wee es.'hforahall Bullock.
No. 17. • ALSO—One other lot of Md. alto.
ate in Standing Moho township. bounded and
described se follows: Beginning in the can.'
tre of the Dahlia road leading , from Towanda,
to Wyelnying on the Hoe of Henry Fisbir;
south 76% deo. west 15 anis oa said road to
a rent.; thane° !moth 2% dge. west 10 06.100
rod.; al &lint lauds of,Myra n INlogsley;
'thence north 70% deign. est 16 roils by the
same; thence north 2% dss. east 10 00-too rods
along the line of . Henry Faber to the plum of
begiuning; 03ntains 1 Sae r lariat aleisttrO.
Seigel and taken intO•egiention' at the salt
oflonathan Stovall, vs. laved Hart. • .
Sherifre Mee, Towanda ; Apill 12,1882.
1800{ 80
- .
By . virtue of sundity writs Issued out Pf the
Court of Common Pleascof Bradford County
and to me directed, t rill expose to public sale,
at the Court Nouse M ir Towanda Borough, on
THORSDAY-,'APRIL 2.76, 1882,
at 1 o'clock, p. in" the followiitg described prop.
erty.• to wit.
No. 1. One lot of land, situate in Wyspz town.
ship, bounded and described as follows: Being
lots Nos. I and 2 Of Morgan & Moody's sub: -
division of East Towanda, as will more fully sp •
pear on • map made by Wm. 11. Montilla, and re
corded in tho oflice ,tor recording deeds in and
for said county, in Deed Book No. 110, page 13:
bounded north by lot No. 3 in the name
of John Mills. '.east by Penn Avenue,
south by Wysanking-street. sod west by
!soda of John C. Geiger; being same lots con.
tracted - to Zoo. H. Orcutt .on the 28th day of
July. 1815. Seised and taken into execution at
the snit of Richard Dustin vs. Warren F. and
Mary A. Squires. •
No. 2. ALSO-Ons other lot of land, situate in
Ulster township. bounded north by Hawes' lands
east by the WM. Gibson zwroperty, south by lands
of Bridget Menai. and Richard Mollale„and west
by lands of Vanilla and Rowe; contains 33
acres strict measure. Being land described in
deed record in Bradford County deed book No.
113. page 50, ko. Beizedand taken into execution
at the snit of J. O. Frost's Ikons vs. Niched
1 40
No. 3. ALSO—Oni other lot ofland, situate in
Leßoy township, bounded as follows: Begin. 1
Mug at a corner in line of land of Edbriam
Amble; thence north 79 dells. east along lands
of G. C. Shomnaka 133 perches to a .corner;
thence south 15degs.-east 48 perches to a corner;
thence south 31 dogs. west 53 perches to a stake
and stones for a corner thence north 87;; degs.
west along lends of E Ulley and Reuben stone
115 perches to a steak and stones foi a corner;
thence north 1 degs. east 58 perches to place of
beginning; contain...GO acres, more or less, with
2 framed houses, barn, outhouses, and fruit
trees thereon. Being the same land as describ
ed in deed recorded in _Bradford County deed
book No. 133, page 575, &q. Seized and taken into
execution at the suit of B. O. Bullock's use vs.
PaYne Slemaker. .
No. 4. ALSO—One other lot of land, - situate in
Athens township, bounded and described as
follows: Being lot No. 52 on the east side of
Mier street in the village of Sayre, as described
on a map made by Z. r. Walk•r, January 23, 1873,
which saw map is recorded in the office for re
cording deeds, kc.. In and for said county, and
is known as the Thomas and Pierce allotment.
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of.
Milton C Chapman vs. F. O. Toth#l and Anna
Toth'''. T. T.
No. 5: ALSO—One other lot of land. Situate in
Albany. township. bounded and described as'
follows; Beginning at the southwest corner of
an original lot conveyed to Daniel Burdick by,
Cathrtne W. Morris; thence by lands of James
Dltchburn and B. Ayers north 29% degs wait 142
*itches to a steak the corner of lands of Charles
Schmeekenbecker; thence by the tame south 79%
deg,. east - 121 perches to a post; thence by the
same north RN dews. east 20 perches to a post
the southeast corner of lands of the said Bch•
reeckenbecker• thence by laium of Thomas, Dee.
gm and Richard Cummiskey south 29)4 deg'.
west 103 perches to: Mrs. Bentley's corner;
thence by lands of Mrs. Bentley, Thomas _Bent.
ley and Russell Miller west. 162 perches to the
place of beginning; contains 101 acres and 75
perches of land, more or leis'. Seized and taken
into execution at the suit of S. D. Sterigere, ad•
ministrator of Daniel Burdick, deceased, vs
Ralph Stevens.
No. 6, ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in
Burlington borough, bounded and described - as
follows: dleginning at the Berwick Turnpike and
running in an easterly 0 rune 10 perches to a
post; thence in a southerly course 4 perches
and 12 feet to a stake; thence in a westerly
course In porches to said Turnpike; thence in a
northerly coarse 4 perches and 12 feet to the
place of beginning-bounded - north by lands of
k .1. Morley, east and south by lands of Mrs.
Minerva Hill, and west by the Berwick TurnpUps.
Being the same lot deeded by Charles D. Ross
and wife to W. H. D. Green Sept. 21, 1830; all
improved, with 1 framed house, I framed barn,
end • few fruit trees thereon. Seized end taken
into execution at the suit of S. H. Dickerman's
use vs. Geo. C. Hill. ' '
No. 7. ALSO-One other lot of land known as.
lot No. 40 accordieg to a map and survey made
by Z. F. Walker, Juno 23, 1873; said lot being
situated on the douth - side. of Sayre avenue,
between Thomas avenue and River street; said
lot lying between a lot of the same size sold to
Elmer Huble and one sold to Geo. H. Burrows;
said lot being Bo feet front on Sayre, avenue, and
running back at right angles with said avenue
150 feet, and being of the same width in the rear
as in front; Contains 7,500 square feet of land.
lilalitalandtaken-toto• the suit of
No. 8. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate" '
Ridgbury township, bounded north by lands of
Patriot Cain, east by lands .. of Timothy Catkin.
south by lands of Michael Driscoll, and sweet by
other lands of Daniel Driscoll; contains 55 sem,
more or less, about 40 iMproved. The above de. .
scribed land being the ..est half of lot No. 29 of
the Corkin land as surveyed by Orson Rickey
for H. W. Patrick, and being land described in
deed recorded ia Bradford county deed book No.
84. page 114.
No. 9. ALSO-One other lot of land. titled. in
Bidgbury township, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a `white oak tree formerly
it being the southeast corner of J. H. Evans'
farm; themes west along the line of said farm 93
perches to the centre of a highway- and I cor
ner of Mlles Carr's farm; thence south along
the centre of said highway to a lot of land known
the Stringer lot to a trait and stones; thence
east 93 rods to a post and stones; thence north
to the place or begginning; contains 45 acres,
more or less, about 401mproved, with 1 framed
barn and a small orchard Of fruit trees thereon.
It being the north half of lot No. 8 of the David
Bull tract, and described in deed recorded in
Bradford couty deed book No. 137. page 249, hc.
Seized Ind taken into ex ecution at the suit of
Thomas Driscoll's use vs. Daniel Driscoll.
No. 10. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in
Athens Borough, - bounded 'north by lands of
Mrs. Ssltmsrsh, east by Main street, south by a
street leading from Main street to Chemung
river bridge. and west by lands ofJustin Morley;
having about 73 feet front on Main • street by
about 85 feet deep, with • two-story framed
dwelling house ands few fruit trees thereon,
with the right to use the alley on the north side
of said lokin common with - any other parties,
their heirs or assigni, who may have or acquire
an-interest therein. Seized and taken into eze
cution at the suit of Win. Moore 2d vs. G. M.
No. 11. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate
in Canton township, bounded north by lands of
0. F.. ding. east by lands of It. B. =ley,
south by lands of Murray Watts and Worthing.
ton Wright' and west by lands of C. Landon
estate; contains 72 acres. more or lees, about
70 improved, with 1 framed house, armed barn
sedan orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken executionit the suit of L. H. Fitch's
use vs. John Burritt.
No; 12. ALSO--One other lot of land, situate in
Athens borough; bounded north by lot No. 4.
east by lot No. 10 and land of the Pa. & N. Y.
Canal is FL It. Co.. south by said Company's land
and lot No. 6, and west 'oy Main street; being
lot No. son a phit or survey made by Z. F.
Walker, April 11, 1872 (known es the Smith & Ely
plot), and recorded in Bradford county deed
book No. 117, page I, and being 225 feet on the
north, bout 57 feet on the Met, 199 feet on the
smith. and 43 feet on the west, with I framed
house, outbuildings, and fruit trees thereon.
Salted and taken Into. execution at the suit of
The Bradford Loan and Buildiag Association of
Athens Township, Penna., vs. Frank Ca• e and
lAurettaCase. ,
No. 13. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate
in Wysoz township. boUnded north by lands of
H. Coyket.dall, • east' by the public highway
leading from J. E. Nolen; to Pond
.11111, - south
by lands of Chas. J. R. Merlin, ant west by lands
'of Chas, Wurtemburg and E. 0, Owen; contains
22 acres, more or less about 20 acres im
proved, with 1 large frame dwelling house, I
framed barn with 3 foamed sheds attached, 1
frame cider mill building with the fixtures 1
frame granery building, other outbuildings, and
an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
No. 14. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate
in Wysox township, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a corner In the centre of
the publics highway leading from Motet's to
Pond Hill; thence south 213; dogs. west 45
perch.. to a corner; thence north 353 degs. east
Ti perches to a hickory tree in highway; thence
along said highway north 76 dep. east 51 perch
es to a corner; thence' north 283 degs. west
334-10 perches to a pine stump corner of V. E.
k J. E. Piollet; thence. south e 3 deg', west 394.-
10 perches to.the place of beginning; °cabins
14 acres and 26 perches, more or less, nearly ell
improved, with 1 pear and apple orchard, •1
peach orchard, and other fruit trees thereon.
No. 15. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in
Wyse: township, bounded north by the public
highway leading from the farm of Benjamin
EnykendaU westerly past the residence of E. G.
Owen, east by lauds now or Late of V. E A J. E.
Pietist, south by lands now or late ofPrancie J.
Allen and V. R. It J. E. PioUet, and west by
land now or lste of Francis J. Allen and , the
public highway leading from J. Z. Piollet's to.
Pond Hill; Contains 15g acres, more or less, aU
improved. with 1 framed barn 1 grape orchard,
1 pear and apple orchard, and other fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken into execution at
the snit of Lent vs J. I Webb, adminis
trator of M. B. Owen, deceased{ and F. H. Owen.
No. 16.-ALSO-One other land, situate
in Athens , borough„bounded north by lands now
or late In:possession of N. P. Chaffee, east by.
Main street, south by lands now or late in
possession of Isaiah Potter, and west by Elmira
street; haying a front ofso feet, more or less,
on Main street, and running back. to Hindrust,l
with a large framed double store and ontbuild-
Inge thereon. Seized and taken into execution
at the snit of The Bradford Loan and Building
Association of Athena Township vs. Patrick
No. 17. ALSO-Ores other lot of land, situate
in Windham township bounded north by lands
of 8 , Kirby estate, east by lands of lot Shoe
maker. smith by lands of gamnel Shoemaker,
and west by lands odd: 8. Madden, with 4 dwell
ing houses, I framed be= with sheds attached,
1 wagon house. granary. and a few fruit trees
thereon; contains 210 acres, moraor less, about
170 Improved.
No. 113. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate
Windham township, bounded north and west
by lands of Charles Johnson. east by lands of
S. litaftdell. and South by lands of Milton
ohmic; contains 15 acres, mare or less,
Seised and taken into execution at the suit of
James H. Codding, assignee. and s Pornaroy Bros.
VI. 8. D. Madden and J. S.,..llladden.
eberirs Mice, Towanda, April 6 0 III&
41. •- K
Is now open in his MaMmoth Double Store with a full, fresh
and complete stock of fashionable
Buits of -all Grades for Met
'Boys,Y6uths aind Children
Our rents having been obtained on the most favorable terms, and
our current expenses reduced to the lowest.possible minimum, Ise
propose to give our customers the benefit of these REDucTio;ss by
putting our prices at LOWER FIGURES than any other -Clothing Howe
in Towanda. We invite, a careful examination of our stock a;
prices, whether wishing to buy' or not. We can satisfy the close,
buyer of
Call and we will satisfy you.
0. Remember, Nos. I. and 2,"Bri d ge Street.
Towanda, Pa., April 10, . 188. yi
New Advert! ements.
LICENSES.—Notice. is hereby given
14 that, applications for Hotels, eating houses,
and,merehant dealers lain been filed in this
office, and will be presented on Monday, May 1.
1822, for the consulers=f the Court:
0. L. Bull. Monroe Borough,
Morris Kellogg, 'New Altimsy Borough
P. D. Wiicor, , o 3 TownshlD.
James J. , MULIIIIII, Overton Torriahip. •
Mar tin Crowley, South Waverly Borough.
F. C. Landmesser, Standing Stone Township.
James A. Elliott. Ridgbrii y Township.
8: Kennedy. Wysoz. Township.
James H. Jonnson, Leßsysville Borough.
J. Morgan Brown, Wyalusing Township.
John R. , Wright. Wells Township.
J. G. Daugherty.- Wysoz Township.
George Z. Slotry, Monroe Township.
Elisabeth Carr, Itidgbury Township.
Wm. Henry, Towanda Borough. Ist Ward:
Chirles H. Seeley; do do I
Ass W. Dinunick. - do ;do
Redmond Osten, do ' do
D. 8. Redfield, South Creek.
J. P. Rogers, Sheshequits.
Chas. Rice, Athens Borough, lit Ward.
A. J. Noble. Troy Borough.
J. P. Strong. Columbia Township.
Thomas B. Jordan. Towanda Boro.. 2nd Ward.
J. 8. Thomson, Wyslusing Twp., (Camptown.)
Ornell Kellogg, Towanda Boro., 2nd Wird.
0. H. P. Disbrow, do lst Ward.
S. B. Tidd, - do 2nd Ward.
B. W. Ennis, 00 • do .
Daniel Brown, Ulster Township, (Milan.)
-Henry Barrett, Towanda Boro.. Ist Ward
John N. Wolfe, Cantin Borough.
Warren Smith... Columbia Twp., (Austinville.)
Wm. Barrett; Towanda Boro., Ist Ward.
John Lines, • do• do
James' Pinata), Canton Borough.
A. J. Beers, do do
John N. Wolfe, do do
B. B. Myer. Bartley Township.
Washington Pitcher, Athens Township.
James Cummiskey, Towand► Borough. lst W
C. W. Beardsley, Canton Borough.
H. W. Noble, Tciwands Boro., 2nd Ward.
John Griffin. do lat Ward,
• GEO. W. BLACKMAN, Clerk.
Towanda. Pa., At ril 4, laBll.
• - • _ .
Mill make the season °5.1884. at the farm
of the subscriber one mile west of the village
of East Smithdeld.
Both Sire and Dam imported, bred by Wm.
Crozier, Northport, Ling Wand. As we give
breeders nano and address wo can assure
patrons that weare not offering the services
of a grade horse. TE11303:-$l5.
EAST 133ITITIPIELtr. PA.. • April 6-Gm.*
Relate of Jacob DeWitt, -late of-Towanda' bor
ough, deceased.. In the Orphan's Court of Brad
ford county."
The undersigned; an Auditor appointed by said
Court to dispose of exceptions to the Anal ac
count of tho Administrators of said estate, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his
once in Towanda . borough, In said county, on
TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1882, at 10 o'clock a. in..
when and where all persons interested in said
exceptions may attend if they think proper.
J. P. KEENEY, Auditor.•
Towanda, Pa., March 22, 1882. 4w
Notice is hereby given that an aptilleation will
be made under the Act of the Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An
Act to provide for the Incorporation and regula
tion of certain corporations," approved April.
29th, lint and the supplements thereto, ;for
the charter of an intended corporation to be
called "The Independent Flee Company, No. I, of
Canton, Pa. C. E. BULLOCK,
- P. J. RONAN. •
Canton, Pa., March 22. 1862.
Support of Poor .
Support of insane..... ..
Auditors - - - -
Repairing Roads and Bridges
Building new road up Schrader
creek ..
Legal expenses ISBO Ai 1851....
Pay olCommlnsioners
Pay of I Town vier.k
Pay of Collector ' •i
Pay of Treasurer
Paid old order of ltitto
Total Ezp‘nditr.rea
Call on hand from last year. _
Amountoof Duplicate. $1,898 14
Co. Com.'s. $264 GO _
Exonerated by -
Town Com.'s 2G 17 280 771.618 17
Total Receipts—. 1,719 80
Ofders outatatiding.... $162 9
Lees cub on handf..... 66 ,
Leaving ,townaltip in debt 106 31 11,826 11
Atiest:! 0. W. T 1 , Town Cloth.
We the , undersigned Audit° bate ermined
the above account., and End am to be correct,
NAME of the popular Liniment that cures
matism, Neuralgia.. Swollen or Stiffened
Joints, Frost Bites. Pain in the Face, Head or
Spine. Chopped Hands, Bruises. Sprains, Burps.
Vin Bites. Sting mr . Bite of an insect.
Poison . es, e, an or Beast
•Alirays reliable. ta. for
and alm os t instantan•
eons In its roller •Ilivingan agreeable odor it
lPerice pleasant to apply. lipid by all druggists.
23 ets. • • w
N. 11.:—.This Liniment received a Prise Medal
at the State 1air.1879.
. A9A JONES. Proyr. 319 N. 3d St., Phila.. Pa.
• • Jrn. 13. 6-in.
VIOTEt FOR SALE.--I offer the
American Soul property for sale at • great
bargain. ne Hotel may be seen on the corner
Of liridge and War streets,in Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and most central locations
in the place. There is a good barn connected
with the property. The free bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for
soy one wishing to engage in the trashiest. A
good active man with a anuill espial can pay for
the property in a short time from the profits.
It was paered and painted new last spring and
it now in" excellent condition.'- . •
Toyama* Pa., Sept, n. test-tt, •
Nos. 1 and pp Bridge Street
UNSEATED LANDS.—Id pursuance of the
Acts of Assembly having reference to the asses.-
input of taxes upon unseated lands in this Com
monwealth. and the sale of the same for - non:
payment, there will be exposed to public sale at
-the Commissioner's Omce in the borough of To
wanda, oli.the SECOND MONDAY OP JUNE, A.
D., 1582. being the 12th day of said month. at 1
o'clock p. in.. the tracts of land assessed under
the following warrantee - names. unless prior
payment of taxes and costs be made: -
'9O Bercley--(innlngbam. D. U. $l2 34
170 - Hem George ' 32 19
133 Hiltzimmer, Jacob ' 20 28
390dlLey c Andrew
. _ _ . 39 45
•ni ie
400 - LIMY, Peter ' 104 to
330 Ladly, Joseph: 43 07,'
212 - Stuart, Waller 27 C&
255 - Stuart. Deborah 34 63
200 'Leßoy-- - -Beck, Henry ' . 19 35
?Al • Bates, Frederick 19 58
191 Monroe—Anderson. Jacob . .16 29
861 . 1 Benner, 33
390 Benner, acob, Jr 92 30 73
78 . ' Castater, Fred 656
37 . Castater.Harman 3 08
37 . , Cunningham: D. H. 1 308
92 ! • Gray William 810
i• , Hampton, Peter - 14 93
437 •... Hampton, Thomas 36 79
50 ~-.. , . Hopkins,-Robert 420
64 4 - Haga, Peter 537
203 !' Ladly, Samuel . 17 03
172 Lilly, Hugh - , . 14 45
432 ' McAdams, Ephiiara ' 36"29
4 00 North, Peter 33 CO
4 00., ' North. James 33 GO
1 44 . Stewart, Walter 12 10
280 . Wallace, Nancy 23 - 59.
1 85- Wallace', Samuel - 15 52
75 Rote, David ' 6 33
437, Bigger. Robert 36 68
343 Overton—Bete, Henry. , 42 24
343 Betz, John - 42 24
343 :Betz, Joseph, . - 42 24
1 a4:l Dot., denies ' , _ ILI Z.
400 4.q ^0
l' ..•••• -- . ' 8ra1er."1147.4. - .44 i 0
.. $ll3 32
.. 153 00
.. 12 00
.. 479,39
..... 620 00
53 00
41 80
150 00
40 00
MO 91
$l,tl2G 11
101 63 -
Warattee 'Nunes
OW TooMv.JmWm.
Edge, Peter
343. Fritz, Samuel - 42 24
300 ' 1
Hags. George 36 90
400 Hags, Nathan • . ' ' , 49'20
336 , Mills. Peter 41.33
400 • - Hardy, Samuel ' , 49 10
375 . Hardy, Janice . 46 09
225 ' H_STBY. Henry 1 27 73
396 1 Harris, Ann . , '47 98 ,
400 i Hollingsworth, Stephen 49 20
228 - ' Ladly, Hugh ' 28 05
100 - Emily, Andrew 12 30
375 Moore. George . 46 09
400 - . Seeley, Peter 49 20
100 . Palmer. 'Thomas 12 30
400 ' Seeley. Henry ' 49 20
375 -! Seeley, Jonathan 46 14
400 Siddens, Andrew ' 49 20
400 Ridden,. George 49 20
400 Seeley. Joseph 49 20
298 ' Temple, Teter 16 66
400 - Temple, Samuel 49 210
56 Tuacsrors—Field. Henry . 521
100 ' • Runt, Job • 930
35 ' Porter, James ' 3.23
56 Wilmot—Allen, John 6 90
78 Butler. PoUy , 9 56
75 Hollenback, John 9 28
97 - 'Distal'. Samuel I- 11 96
200 ' Stowell, C. S. 24 CA
250 - Stowell, D. B. _ - 30 74
231 ' Terry—Ross, Elizabeth ' .24 31
401 _. Morris, Israel • 211 27
Leah.T. John '
Morris, Benjamin
ALSO—There will be exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the followin
piouss or parcels of improved or seated lands, situate as hereafter set forth, for nou•'T
of sundry taxes assessed 'in the years 1879 and MO, 141 the same have been duly return."
County Commissioners by the Collectors of the_ several distr lets:
W,. • I Zir. .4
1 14 ,•.• 0 P.• 0 0
0 ,I
0 .0
. • • • 2 0 4 : K. A
..rsg ,r 1 a r 0 c
• . . o
g V I M : ' 1; 1 ' PI
. - I •-•t. .0
.1 l •
• i• e , . • . •
- .
• • • • . °‘. !....... I —....,. : •
•••••• - , ---•• . ---.
ALULNT. - i . I
1879 " George l - omo • -• 4280 $ 4 00;1 500 _ .
• " iki. F. Mason •
•• • • 211 30 1 3 ° .......
" Mary Ann McAllister ' :.... ' 11 15 - 15'.........
1880 . G. F. Mason • " 1 , ,! , :1; .. ..... .• •
ArtXZ A. . : .
1 8 1 0 L. A. Caae estate - '
' :1, 45 207 : 2 I'9 -..,• •• •••
H. C. Muhlenbut g .... • r .
...... 4 24, 601 ; 71.01
• cburchillStrait . - .
" ! ..; 9O 1 17L. .....
" 1 Wm. HineS i
.. ; .
....-: 2 19• 2 9:1 ......
" 'W. P. Case '1
- 35 •; 4) , • , •„-• .••
_l Bo ' o W. P. Case • _,- 4:, 45 ; 5.,.. .... ...
" Raleigh Williams ' 1 2(, 154 2 25 1 -- ....
'". R. 0. Mnhlenburg - . , .
1819 Eisralo A. Dorsey ,
' Henry Ealleck ' ....,, 10. 1 20 . . ..... :......
1 8 80 Henry Bedjamin 2 31 a 1 111-_•-• ...'... .•
1879 Charles Ferry 90 4.1;2 A 63 2 951 ....... .••
" Stephen Taylor . _ . .
40 -9'25 160 2 25' ...... . -
18 8 0 Charles Perry.. .... .. t •... ! , _
.„ . 90 • 2 95....... . •
" Stephen Taylor
. pi/Ariz:tax.
1 879 Robert Stewart -,-.• - . 57
i v, - 51 415' ..•••• •- •
, LP.
Reuben McClellan - ' BAT
24 140 12 1 1 Jil . : .... ..•
" George Hemmlnger .. .. •
lITISICIE. ILO 2 ' lo 1602 10 ... .... ••-
188 0 Delamar Tyler . ,
443 349 ....- •-•
18/9 Athens Building and Loan Assodglion.... .......
..... 2 lots 3:
.. 2 .. --2-1,-.. 2t ., . .
Henry Pepper estate.; • ' 24t 2 451 181. :. .... .•••
Jonathan Dimond ' -
1880 Luke Dolin estate - .
4 50 .....- ............ ....
' . 110 U_TH WAVICALT. ' - _, .
.. Patrick R. Quinn - ' ,
Phltiess W.'reccy ; , : - .
.. Mrs. J. 1.. Johnson.
r . „1,..i it
.. Michael Hannahan 78
.. Martin Mack 0.. , - 2 , 140 -. 212 ..... •• ---
• - • • TOWANDA DOMO. 1... I ' l •
1879 Holmes k Kirby • 3 lots 385 550 5 501 446....
.. A. S. MeDonald 4 ' 1 lot . 1e• ,1 25 1 251 2 92 - -
.. William Henry - ' 1 lot 106 ' 150 150' 1 2( ••••
.. George W. Heath! 1 lot 950 ; 50 0 5 601 . 4 .?°:,--
.. George R. Sledge" • -
... ,
' = 1 lot 102 145., 1 43L• ,
/ •••,•• •
.. J. J. Kavaneugh 329 470 ' 4 70 , 3. 0( ''....
.. W W. Browning.-
...... • • ..... ••• •• -. 1 lot ~ 70 100 I 001 t. 6 ---
1899 • W. W. Browning
41 ' e l lot • 1 oa 10 6 1 1 :k . ./ 1:' '
, 1
1829 James Boyle ' • . ,
- 1 lot 53 ' ... '..
D. N. Newton 4 lots 501 715 12 8 0 ••••:- ••••
.. KettieMc o lll 1 lot 3C 3 ! 22 ,: .... •-.
Patrick Sullivan 1 lot 7'. liv 44, .. • ... •,..
.... Eletterlee & Russell 2 lots 77 110 441•••.: 1: - .
.. Jamessitarp... - : .
Isaac Lamoreux 1
..... ... 1 lot -2: 4 1 16 1% .... 1 ' '
1880 G. E. Harris -- "•1• .1 lots • 30 55 29i ...... '-.
..-• Isaac Lam:irons • '
.. George Emery
Doso. . . ' ,
.. 12 1 1o lo is t -
3, 11 ....
a t ....
i2 2 i i , i
.. ......
..... !:,........
..' i
1879 Wilion ik Balier . I 34 9t. 1.24 1 e‘i .... - . 1 .--
TFacosicosA. - 1
•.. John Owens I,'
- - of 96 1 84 1 •••••••• -
‘.. .R. F. Rugg - . , ... 1 97 100 1 81....,-1 -1
.. Gershon Manning 1 • 65 120 2OS ..... ....
1880 Norris it Rd Fargo...
1 265 200 271 ...... ....
.. 13ersheo Manning : , . , • 160 105 .190 .. ..... 1....
.. R. F. Rugg • 125 81. 75! .... ,•'....
.. John Owens...::.' ' 1 ••
111. 1. •............ •. .., •.•...••••• • • • • • • • 1 * 12°
S 4
• "1.."'
WI M O T . 1
Waltman & Welt
• .•••••••
• •' . ''''
... '. • " .... !•••••• 14 50, 14 50 11 50'.... - .. 1 4
.. M. H. Limning '
.. lEdward Hornet `
.• • 1* •a • 4 .
OVSZTOIt. . - • ° ll i
i ! 3 2
°° 7s 2 3 t 1 ............ 1 . .1 32 :
! Owens & Lents'' ..
.. °ells Whalen
.. John Willie -
" Wra. • Hewl•t ..... ... ... 5 2:
.. Gale & Lewis .
.. Sarah A. Keene , 400 a ot, - ..... 4 Kl• . • ... '''.:
.. . Thos. Waltman. Jr ' - ..:
• 1 1 1:60 00 2 111 '54 :
::•.......... ••.:•• - ; 2et'Su 6 l : ....... .... .... ... 1:t i l :4 1
...... 101 2 001: ..... 1_••
N. 8.-Notice is hereby Wan that an amount 'ancient •
la every ease when land is sold at thethne of "ale. sad unless
land win be again exposed for sale.
Trraruerrr Office, April C. 1882
i s h a re 7 given, that there have bout!'
In the office of the Register for the Prole:
Wills and n tang Letters of Administrati ,
g :
and for the Comity, of Bradford. State of]
Sylvania...mounts of administration Tipp,
following estates. riz : 7
The final account of B.E. Luther, .
tor of estate of Polly . Luther. Lt
ungtdn township deieasid.
The Anal account of Allen White and
Mints, now Burlington, Executors of
will and testament of E. B. Mints, late of
township, deceased.
' The Anal account of Thomas E. , (1 . 1
cameo, Guardian of. Viola Winslow
anger/ Minor child of Allen ISlnsio
township of Wilmot, deceased, by
trators..l: S. and P. A. Quick.
The first and final account of _George C.
maker and Mejlot M. Van Dyke, Adaunfitn
of William Rigby, late of Leßoy Townslay
The anal account ofG. M. Tozer 1041241 A
zee. Executors of the last will and teitimezi
Guy Tozer, late of Athens township. decease
The Anal account of J. F. and Effie Wb
Executors of the last will and testament of
Whalen, late of Warren, deceased.
.The anal account of William H. Earl
ministrator of the estate of S. 8. Halst
of Bidgbury Township. deceased.
The flnal account of E. T. Fox and
Stevens. Administrators cum tea:twat°
of the, estate of Joseph D. Montanye, late
borough of Towanda. in Bradford county.
The second and Anal account of E T. Fs
ecutor of tLe last will and testament of Sat
Bennett, late of North Towanda, deceased.
The first and final account of Sophrom ,
•Admiuistzstrix of the estate of 6eori
late of the- township i of Monroe, decease
The firs% and partial account of E. L.
Executor Of the last will and testament
W. Crl. late of Canton borough_ decant
The Anal acCount of A.B. Christian. E
of the last will and testament of John N.
lan, late of Tuscarora township. dei•esat
The Anal account of Chandler W. Bn
ministrstor of the estate of Benjamin
krw amble art /VW; asves...l.
The Anal account of Eidnuis O'Brien.
trator of the estate of Timothy O'Brien,
the township of Athens, deceased.
The drat and Anal account of Richard
Executor of the last will and testament ~
estate of Joel Barnes. late of the tovutl;
Overton. deceased.
The Anal account of B.Coburn,Exec
49 20
49 10
the lsat will and testament of Wilmot C,
Nate of the township of Twicarnra, de.
The first and final account of E. T. Fi
tor of the last will and testament
Quigley ed. , -late of the township of
The first and final account of Jose]
Administrator of the'ealate of A. J.
of Wyslusing. deceased. •
The final account of W, A: Wetmore,
trator of the estate of Jeremiah Barnes.
the township of Herrick, deceased.
The Anal iccount of V. A. Wetmore.
baton of the estate of Luke Don, Li
township of Herrick; l a deceased. -
The final account of W. "A. Wetmore,'
tratos of the estate of Sissy A. Re!**
the township of Herrick, deceased.
The Anal iccount of W. A. Wetmore
trator of -the estate of Darid 'Reinhart,
the township of - Herrick, deceased •
The pirtial account of Catharine B. Wilt
one of the administrators of the estate of 1
Williston, late of Atheas borough. deetssi
And the same will be presented to
phana' Court of Bradford county. at an C
Court to be held.sitTowanda for said too.
Thursday, the 4th day of fay, A.• D.
o'clock p. m., for confirmation and allow=
Register's Office, Towanda, Pa., Aprll3.l.
1 61 -
4 44
Pskr tales and coati Will be rt!ic
these tsrms u• .40MapIto.1 Irlo
EOM lUl 4 $l, Tressuret