HOLCOMB & T Y, Publishers. voL. ~~- Bradford Republican Is pal)lislwd Evry Thursday, : r • TOW.kNBA, PA., By HOLCOMB & TRACY. $1:50 Per Annum', in Adrance .Idrertisingilates — Six cents a line for first r, rtl. , n, an l live cents per line for all subse ,llt,..t IM,..rt I 3:18. Reading notice advertising rcr line. Eight lines constitute a and twelve lines an inch. Auditor's t;e,s i 2.50. Administrator's and Execu:or's 2. 00 . Yearly advertising $150.00 por MID REPUBLICA* is published in the I lacy; audN i Ales Isleck,at the corner of Main line streets, over J. F. Corset's Boot and store. Its circulation is over 2000. As an I.,:lcurtibing medium it is unexcelled in its fin :l,l:ate tiefl. , zuziness iTTORAEYS-AT-LAW. rII HILLIS. Attorneys-at-Law; Me :*1 rt k I Fl' J. N., °flick , ' in Woofre Block, south I,tst Satiunal Bank, up stairs: Juno 12,18 SoN"(X C Elitree and L Elsbree.) . ()Mk , to Merciir Block. Park St: tpayl4,7B A: )11.: RION' (Benj M Peck and D A Or-r Oillee over Market 49279 nvE:croN SV. , amisos (E Overton and .7. - . An /•'.`'..l r; Jerson . ) OfficF , in Adams Block. j ulys Ts 6:wELL. WM. Office over Daytona Store iY aprill4,7G WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block :apr D . kV :dARNOCIIAN k HALL, (W Davies. WII Cgrttocilan, Lif Hall.) Office . in rear Ward Entrancoon Poplar St. (je12,75 Air ERITIZ, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular att.mtion paid to business in Ortlans' Court and to the settlement, of estates.' montanye's Block 4949 c S: YOUNG, (I. MiPherson and LYL W. I. Young) °Mee south aide ontercuen Is!Gek.febl.7B. . . NADILL: KINNEY, Office corner' Main and Da Pine at. Noble's block, second door front. c,:li,ctionOiromptly attended to. fob 1 78 WILLIAMiI, ANGLE & DuFFINGTON. (II N trirtia,* E J Angle and E D Buifingfon). wvst side of Main street, two doors north of Arjus All tusiness entrusted to their exrt• will n!c..i.ve prompt attention. oct 26,11 piAMES 11.. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Atter . and Conuseliorsat-Law, °dice in the •r• over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. • .july.3, 'SO tf. ELNEV: J. P. Attorney-a;-Law K ll.A.ltanyo3 Klock, Main Street. frt i ;it 011': , ON; W. 11. and E. A., Attorneys-at Law. T, , wafida, Pa. 01.11ce in Mercur Block, r C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main nr,q stairway north of lost-office. All promptly attended to. Special atten 1. •t.: ..iv•Au to claims against the United Ststea ~ r Bounties, Patents, etc., and to -I:,..ctik us and settlement of decedent's es:ates. . April 21. ly . HENRY B. MiKEAN.,- • ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, :-.3:ieitor of 'Patents. Government claims at- Itifebs2 turdt. to 111 YSI CANS A Mi t.W.i JOHNSON. T. B. M.D. OillCO CAer Dr. Li. c ortrre•e Drug Store. feb 12.78 LA - Tos, Drs. D. N.& F.O. Office at Dwelling I u Itiver Street, corner Westo'n St. feb 12,77 T ki)D, C. K.. M.D. 0111 c? lst dour above old Lt I:auk building, on Main street. Special at given to diseases of the throat and ju1y19,78 OM ITC7o.I)IiURN, S. M., M.D. Office and i.resi r v dence. Main street, north of M.E.Chnrch. I.`ianiiner for Pension Drisiatment. .11'NE. L. D.. M.D. Office over M•mtanye's P (Mice hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and r. :a 2 to 4 F. at. Special. attention' given to of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. oet 20,17 Tt JWNER, I.I.MO:OPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. i:•itavlles and office just north of Dr. Corbon's Street, Athens. Pa. 110 TELS Iliat - ESBY HOUSE. Main st., next corner south et Bridge street. New house and new ~tri.iture throughout. The proprietor has avared neither pains or expense in making his hfirst-class and respectfully solicits a share 3! Vullic patronage, Meals at all hours. Terms rea , 4quable.' Large Stable attsched. Zuar WM. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES Vr ATKIN'S POST, SO.. GS, G.. A. E. Meets every Saturday evening, at Military Uall. GEO. V. MYER, Commander. -I; ErrruinuE, Adjutant. feb 7, 79 CitYSTAL LODGE, O. 57. , Meets at K. of P Hail every Monday evening at 7:30. In $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver nual cost, 5 'years experience, $ll.. • J.. 11: KITIIIIDGC. Reporter. ,is.s WALDELLTu.. Dictator. feb 22.78 Tzi:4,E. )111) LODGE, N 0.167, I. 0. 0: F. Meet to )...d Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening Wanny.s. Hitt, Noble Grand. , . 110 r SEAND SIGN PAINTING F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL Qt': 01:1IANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE LP • si'ltlNG TERM will begin Monday . For catalogue or other infor k,71, addres Fl or rail .on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, Ps. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER tT7ILLIAMS. ET:IVO-MIL PraFtical Plumber and (;3.f; Fitter. Ilaco of busineeß fn Mer- .• 1;;“,k next door to Journal office opposite sql.mre.. Plumbing, Clas Fitting, Repair- P::mps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing r..n.ptly attended to. All wanting work in his mould give him a call. July 27,77 INS URA NCE C. 8, Oeneial Insurance 'Agency, :lowan,la, Pa. Office in Whitcomb'! Book Store_ July 12,7 G SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES WCABE h.\llntOVEn me GROCERY BUSINESS o THE ' tiOCTII-EA.ST CORNER - OE MAIN .Vs;1) BRIM:E STREETS, WREP.E HE ESTABLISHED ' Read Quarters FOE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE ,OF R9CERIEB, PROVISIONS, &c., &e. CASH PAID for Deshable . PrO duce. Fin© BUTTER and EGGS a specialty. NATHAN TIDD, iSuccetsor to Mr. McKean,) DFAVPII DT • P.ITTSTON, W ILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK ©ALA FOOT c, i INE STRFET, NEAR COURT ROUSE. ToWANDA, PA Ai- LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. "Sli 'a' The patronage of my old friends an the public D enerally is solicited. 9sep:l3 . . . . ~ .. . . .• . . . .. . . _ ..- 1 . • .. . • . . .- ." ' . . . . • . . . , _ . . . • . . . ~ , . .. . . . . . • • ' . .. . , . . . ' . • , , , . . •B' .. ..:. • . . . . , • . , .. • , ~. ~.. F • .... • .. . . .. ~.,-, ._‘......... ~...., _ . ._,. ... ..•., . , ...., ... • ..... ... .. • •.,.. • .... .. _. ...... . . .• S'. : :!(;.: - ,:' .: -.... -.' ,:..7 .- ,...: . :-:..: ~_.•,. :.' Ai r cN 4 rI MMWAF - . - . - -l'. • . -.:: '''' - .''' . ..''7 .. .. • n - .. . . .•• . ..'• '. , ''..)'it: -, ~ •-s, ..,• :. :- ..- - .:_.. -,- -. - :' 4 Cinv i tr74' 4 - 1111711-1 k: -.11 : 1 -ACi r- !: 7 4. 11h1 ---- -1 . 4 :1 7- iN... , S- •-- . - ' . 1 . _ .. . - . „'• .. .. .. . . .-. " . -• .. • -,_ .! lAP: , .... - . '.- .. • „ . _ ~ • . . .. . :.. . . . , . . ... . .-. . ... : . :. . ..- • •-: :, ... . .. . : .-- . • '- - IC ' ' .. . ,-. . . , . : . , , ...A h. L . . • . . • ; . . . . • 1 . .. . , . . .. .. . . . • •• -• • . . . . . . - . . _ . . .• . . .. . . . . . . . " . • " . . 1111.11111111111111111111111.1.1=11111.11.111 • .. . _ . .... BARCLAY 0. - 11. TIME-TABLE. TRAINS ; NORTH.i 1 - 0 4 Way Ace MaU. Mon: i Efi3 6.20 t 6.20 Ar. Towanda '... Dep. 6.03' 9.05 Dep. Monroe.... Ar., 6.02 9.o4tAr. Dep.: 5.58 8.55! " .. Masontown .. 5.53 8.54 " Greenwood .. "• 5.46 8.46, ' .:..Westons *5:39 *S•3B: ," Summit.... *5.351 4 '8.351 5.31 8.31 " LongValleyJtmo " 5.201 8.15 Dep. . Foot of Plane. Ar. * Indicates that trains do not atop. • P. F. LYON, Supt and Eug'r, Barclay, Pa 2mrB2 1 EHIGH VALLEY 8& PENNA. AND A- 1 NEW YORK RAILROADS. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS TO TAKE EFFECT JAN. let, 1882. EASTWARD. • STATIONS. 1 • 15 9 -I 7 -3 • ~ . , P. M. 1P.M. 1 A.M.4.11. P.M. Niagara Falls 1.2.051 7.20, , 7.15 Buffalo • • ; 1 2.50; 8.25, 0.20 Rochester - 1 5.15 , 10.05' ....: Lyons , 13.601 mos! ..... , Geneva 1 a .5a 111. so! s Ithaca 7 i 8.33! 1:00' . ... . Auburn t 5.15111.05! .. -1- ••• 0weg0...... ...... . .......1 8.501 1.351 Elmira ; 1 9.10 t 1.451 9.601 8.45 Waverly . ..... I 9.451 2.'.10 9.40 ; 416 Sayre • I• • 110.101 2;30,10.001 4.30 Athens • ',t ' 10.151 ; 2.34;10.051 4.34 Milan • 1 ' 1...1..10.15; miter 1 1 ' ;10.25 'lranantla ' 110•46r3.0010431 505 Wysauking • 1 110.541 5.13 Standing Stone 1....: 11.03 , Rummertleld 1.•...i11.101 5.26 Frencheown .....I ....111.19 Wyalusing 1 3.36,11.301 6.43 Laceyrille .... 11.42 3.57;11.501 6.09 Skinner's Eddy I 11.53 • 6.07 , Meaboppen 4.12 12.10 6 .23 . Mehoopany . , 12.16 1 6.23 Tunkhannock 12.231 4.35! 1.00 7.10 LaGrange ' ll.lO 7.20 • • Palls 1 1.24 7.35 4. & B Junction .. . .. ..... 1.05 5.101 1.45 8.06 WI; k?a 41.arre 1.35 5.30; 2.20 8.35 Slaucn Chunk ..... .......... 3.451 7.35 4.50 11.00 Allentown.. • 4.44, 8:29' 5.63,12.00 Bethlehem 5.00; 8.45; 6.05112.15 Easton - ' 5.30; 9.00 ; 6.4112.55 Philadelphia6.6s,lo.lo; 8.40 2.20 New York ' - -• 8.05 f 1 9.15 3.35 - A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. how York Easton Bethlehem Allentown Mauch Chunk..... Wilkes-Barre L s B Junction... Falls ......... Office in Latiran_ge Tunkhandock Ilehoopany Nleshoppen Skinner's Eddy. Laceyville Wyalusing French town Rummertleld Standing Stone. Wysauking Towanda ....... Ulster.. Milan Athens iay re . Waverly ...... Elmira 'Auburn Ci 0116V1 Lyons Rochester Buffalo Niagara Falls. .. TO\VANPA, l'A No. 32 leaves' Wyalusing a t 6:00, A. M., French town 6.14, Rummerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Wysauking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.06, 5111 an 7:16, Athena 7:25, Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 8:50 A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athena 6:20, Milan 6:30, Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysauking-7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Eummerlield Frenchtown 7:32, arriv ing Wyalusing at 7:45:, P. M. Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 botiveen Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with-' out change, and through coach to and from Eocheater via Lyons. - • WM. SMXENSON, Supt. I'A., Jan. 2, 18S2. qa. & N.Y. it. B. QM Miscellaneous. Advertisements. QUEEN 44..C0. THE•GREAT,OPTICIANS, 924 CHEST.NUT STREETI srpr.Rioit ;: ;1 7,1 1 v,r, z Lt., • i t;IE. LENSES and . P;iitlCß FACILITIES . Fcrurnufat: in er.nilinctogiveourSPECTA. r..V.ti I:YE-f a,APSI:S a national reputidloa. ;. , ),!GliT NEVER RETURNS. , • • • ~• —Part 1— it : :•••1.• :Tr $1:01:t Part t—Optical : - •• P•lrt 3--Macie Lanterns. 112 ; • leal InrtrunientH.l6o pages T6'vand_s.ct.,...Store 711A.1N" STREET; Is prepared to offer a complete assort ment of DRY AND FANCYIGOODS, Crockery; Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CIIINA. MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale.with asmall profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line, of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. April 29 ly 6& We. endeavor to sell the best article for the least'possible money. myG•tf ill N. NELSON .*:: • i * 1 , 2 , -14 DEALER IN WATCHES 9 CLOCkS • . , '. ' A ' FINE GOLD AND PLATED ~1..., - - JEWELER . 1 ". 0 of every vsriets.and Spectacles. ppellarlicsuar Atention paid to resitrins. ' Shop in Decker . .ik Vought's Grocery Store. Marl Street, .Towanda, Penna. ' , sep94) Railroad ifirrie.Tables. TAKES EFFECT JAN. 2, 2852 STATION'S WESTWARD. I 8 30 1 2 12 STATIONS MMa= 6.30 ....; 7.4111 3.40 8.00: ....; 9.00; 4.15 . 1 920 , ....;10.151 5.50 . ....'10.451 6.15 ..10.65; 11).541 6.24 11.55!, 7.25 .. LOS 7.39 2.031 9.45 1,35! B.ol' 2.25;10.10 8.271 ....110.32 8.45! 110.46 1:.551 3.01,10.52 9.20! ....i11.22 9.27: 3.27;11.29 9.43 -. 1 11.45 ; 3.02 9.50! 3.4611.50 ;...:10.14 : 4.0312.07 '10.37 12.24 Ea ME ! 19.31 • 3.a.1105, 4 43 19.46 1 11.17: 4.55112.57 ....:11.26 1.06 4.30 11.3. 5.10, 1.15 4.40:11.41. 5.201 1.2.3 1 4.45,11.50 14.0 1.30 5.25 1 12.40 : . 6.15 2.15 c.as 8.30 ...., 9.35 I 1. 1 411 . .. -• 1 6 A2 I 8.401 ..::1 14.50 9.501 6.10; 9.40, 11.401 44.10,12.05 1.031 9.251 CO P.M: P.M. A.M. PI J~LPI I.&. - - • CM taking erSUIT -1;I. r. TILE (NEXT DOOR TO FELCII k CO Latest designs and patterns of SATCHELS, 4C. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. first #ittinuar - r ant,. , TRAINS souTU. ! 3 9 Ace ; ay Altf.' P. M 6.1• V 3.15 6.35, 3.30 6.411 3.31 .6.47 1 3.35 6.62 1 3.40 7.00. 3.47 *7.11 t 03.54 *7.151 , 3.68 7.19, 4.02 7.371 4.16 CAPITAL PAID IN • $125,000 SURPLUA FUND...-, .: . 80.000 Ell This Bank offers unusual facilities for the transaction of a :generil - banking business. N. N. BETTS'. i J 913.. rOWELL; Cashi6i. - Preßident , tab. 11.-'7B. THE POPULAR CORNER, GEO. ROSS, Hu Oiled pp the old MONTANYE STORE with 1 full and complete stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. • • . Call here for your Grocertesi .After you get prices at Boss' it will be of no use to try else• where for his prices aro down to rock bottom. , Farmers can get the tiptop of the ; market a Geo. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex change for goods or for cash. " BETTER TO LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A - GOOD MAXIM,. BUT -NOT H. JACOBS • The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, From his old' stand. (No. 2, Patfon's Block,) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and commodius store,' ; No. 123, Main Street, formerly' occupied by M. E. SoDemon & Son, (one door north of Felch & C 0.,) where he is now open with a full and Complete Stack of Fashionable SPRING AND S,UDIXER HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, • UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C. MEN'S, 'l3 0 Y'S' YOUTH'S and IBEI CIIILDREN'S fall and complete suits ()tall grades and prices. While he aims 'to lead the trade, he asks his old friends and everybody else to follow him to his new location, where he will fit them out in the highest style nf.ort. orowinno new. r. early. H 'JACOBS Towanda, Pa., April 6, LST.2;: 8.00 9.40 A. 311 EUREKA. vil.„ MARBLE WORKS • YSAIINING; GEORGE OTT, flag Marble. Works located at Depot bear of PioDot's Brick Store. and is prepared to•far nMb as good quality of Marble Ai there is in the country.' /girl manufacture MONUMENTS &TOMBSTONES Grave Yard Posts, Railing;,, ctc. And I gall fifteen per cent. cheaper 'than travel ing agents do. Good satisfaction guaranteed, and all jobs put up properly. I can furnish all kinds of American and foreign marble. Itm enabled to sell very much cheap or than any other ARM because i do t my own work. ! Those ',Jibing anything in my line are incited to call and see for theniseives. Feb. 16,'1884. Wago .t oso&Ca!! b iages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT, would call, the atten tion_ of FARMERS and • others to his large and complete assortment of • ()pen & Top Buggies AND PLATFORM WAGONS all of his ovm MANUFACTURE and warp ranted in every par ticular - Bryant's Flexible Springs used In all Platlbrm Wagons. The easiest and beat In ,nee. NOW IS. YOUR TIME TO BUY! , ,Look at these figures. Two Seated Carriages from .. 1150 to 1175 Photons, one seated 125 to 150 Top Buggies ..:...... .. ". .. -.. .. ... .. 125 to 150 Open Bogen 80 to 100 Democrat Wagon. 00 to., 110 Remember teat the above are all folly ivarrant ed. liret-class'or no pay belo w . Repai lut ring prompt/y attteniled to at 25 per cent years prices. Oilice and Factory cor. Main and Elisabeth Rs. 211eb82* 'AS -BRYAN?. BEglibcannsi=ientnooweaeyro re tet tb r a e t p w u o b Y c loi o ns u I than at anything Capitol not needed. We will start you. $l2 slay and up- wards made at home- by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to' work for us. Nowt, the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whirls time to the business. You can live at home and do the Work No other bullies. will ploy yon nearly as wall.— No one can fail to make enormous pay by en gaging at once. Costly - Ontilt and terms tree.— Money made fist, easily and honorably. Address; Tatra it Co.. Augurs, Natne. Dec ' 1 4 - • DR. JONEEVOREAMOADIPHOIL IS THE NAME OF the pWar Liniment thatenres Ilhematism. N o • Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost. Bites. pai n ; In the Face. Head or Spine. Chapped hands, Brnises,Sprains. Bona. Kosguloto Bites, Sting or Hite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines eta., for orbaser. Always -and almost instantaneous in iss relief. Holzman agreeable odor. it is pleasant-to apply. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. N.B.—This Liniment received's Prise Medal a the State 114.1819. Yaw 20 IF LETTER HEADS, ; BILL HEADS, icon NM*, &a pistol la the beet .ti • of the art at theltesostacest office. • TOWANDA. BRADFORD' COUNIT(- THURSDAY, APRIL 113 'lBB2 - - Nt