JIMSON HOLCOMB. t . ruoramous . CHAS. L. TRACY, .117OSOk HOLCOMB, Editor. •' CHAS. H. ALLEN. Associate Editor. "Reasonia , lei taxi's, honest e.rpendilttres, com pel cid offieers, .and ?to :denting." Harper's Irk' Filtered la the Po%t 'Ocoee at rauandwaa SECOND CLASS' MATTER. • THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1882. gr. Charles H. Allen. for many Teats con nected with the :Reporter, enters this week into the employ of . ; the IlEruntacas office as foreman and associate editor. He needs introdhction to the people of Brad- - ford county.. - A newspaper experience of thirty ,years, and a natural capacity, for newspaper work, qualifies him for the p , erh4nauce. of the duties assigned him,- and enables us to assure our readers that the • llurt - nucAs l under his guidance will he in many respects improved. We shall endeaver to present weekly, the it( :diest and most reliable news, of the most material interest both local and general. Our paper will present, weekly, a compen -aim of current events by paragraph notes of matters of material interest. In the absence of the - editor, In chief at Washington,, we ask our patrons to remember that they are welcome visitora at the Br.- runhicaN office, the same as though he were pre:ent, and every pains will be taken to serve ; their wants in an acceptable and satis faltory manner. . . In the.line of job wor - , we cannot , be ei celled either in neeessar outfit or the char acter for eoructoess, eatness or dispatch in the execution of our Work. • • Pr u,iaes are easy to Make,..aud generally racy-to hrcak., Lshalt ?hake no promises to the readers of the4tEruiimps, but I earnestly hope that ;my 'Fern:JenaOn with the paper will make it i'hithO future e l Nen more interesting and tutertsiniug thavi at has bass been in the past—a weleenie visitor to the homes of the gontl people of Ilradfordiconnty. CSI \y. El. ALLEN. The Albony Ere advises the Democratic party ,o advertise for a leadei.. Why that is all the Demo - cratic.iparty has been fo.r some time past. < It's all 1ea410., and , no backbone. Orj. (.1. 1 - H. Bres4er, of York, Pa., is varOidate for ithe nomination. , of (!oilressinan-at•Large by the Republi (:n Con'vention. - Dr. Bressler is grongly 2 endiTsed by the Yorfc sylvan „ Large numbers of Chinese are arriv ing in British_ COlumbia, where they are employed in railroad building and in,great demand, They could haVe what We have got in welcome, if they will only get them to emigrate, Stokes; the Slayer of Jim Fiske, .is once 'more a millionaire. The whirli tvg of time does queer things, but in the sweet bye and bye ' Mr. Stokes won't take up any More room than Jim Fiske does in the quiet New - England grave-y:ird.—Elmira Ado. I , . ''!..:`This is no place for me," recently said a young man_ .who- was leaving a prayer meeting "my mother always told ma to ken; good company and here are men who have confessed that they- have committed • nearly every (and - known to the law.' --Ex: . The State Department at iugton received information on, the 3d instant from. Pery, ot• the death of Minister Hurlbut of heart 4is ease on the - - 27th ultimo. This ivill embarrass the Committee on For eign Retations of the House in pur suit, of the Shippard investigatiun: it is stated that Nir. Scoville, ~ouu sell for Guitean, has prepared a petition to the House of Representa tives asking that the bill to pay the medical experts for the - government, be amended by -adding a section authorizing the Department of Justice {ii pay the claims for legal services of the counsel for the defence. Secretary Lincoln has made a re port to the - President in the case of Sergeant Mason. He disregards the opinion of the Judge-Advocate-Gen eral, and holds that, there ' is no po'ker to set aside the trial of a court martial after it has beim ap proved. Ile 'recommends a miti, (ration of the sentence and this will he ordered. The Smithsonian Institution at Washington, - D. C., has_ received froM Professor Foerster, ;of the announcement of Vie' discovery by Palisa on the:2oth of March, 18S-.2, of a,planet• of the twelfth magnitude in twave hours fifty-two minutes right ascension, nine degree's nine minutes north declination, with a (laity motion of three minutes, • There are several bills pending • in Congress propoaing • to reduce the rates of letter postage. There ap-. pears to be a disposition 'to reduce the rate to 72 cents for each half ounce or-fraction thereof on letters . not . exceeding one half ounce. - On letters exceeding half am ounce, at the rute - rof 3 cents per ounce orfract ion thereof above half an ounce. , "It is rumored that the President has signified his desire that the Republi- can State Convention of 'New l ' York sheald nominate Secretary Folger as compromise candidate for Governor. The Half-Brtvd Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress say that they be licve such a selectiQn would harmonize the party in . .the State. It is under stood that Secretary Folger would ac-. cept." ,The arguments on the motions to quash the indictments in the -Star route cases were resumed before .Judge Wylie in the Criminal Court at Washington on Saturday. Mr. Totten, of counsel for the defence, exhibited a digest of the laws of Maryland containing the act of 1722, which 'act it is claimed was ignored in the finding of Abe indictments. Arguments were made tier, Of, Philadelphia; for the -government, Who was followed on the saran- side hyllessrs. Merrick and Bliss. Judge Shellaharger closed for the defenee, and Judge -Wylie then . said ho would ilmsider the arguMents acid decide upon them, hereafter, giving counsel"two or three days' notice of the time at which he w ould render his decision. • - A - Saint Joseph, Missouri, tele gram of the 3d inst., contains infor mation Id the shooting and death of Jesse James, the noted train 'robber and outlaw at tha place on that day. He was shot by Robert Ford one ot Lis own gang,- and instantly Charles and Robert Ford, brothers were living in- a Shanty in the outskirts of the town with James. Robert Ford on the morning of the 3d instant while the three were pre paring i their weapons for a ,raiding expedition, stepped behind James and without warning sent a bullet, crashing through his brain. The Ford brothers gave themselves up to the authorities and were locked tip in jail, They claim to be detect ives and allege that they have been watching for an opportunity to kill James. Be that as it may, Ford did a good job when he put an , end to the notorious outlaw. Last week we published' in item taken from a Philadelphia daily paper, to the effect that Schuyler Colfax- was a eanlidate for re-election to Congress. :We clip the followitig from the- Daily Tribune, published at South . Bend, Ind., Mr. Colfax's home,_ and the article. -can be relied upon as eniiphatierilly true "(lath" writes ire Ty interesting ters to the Cincinnati Enquirer, when South Bender read '!Seli Colfax, who is nowin New York, to run for Congress too, brit his aSSii: ciate i Studebaker, iS on wheo4 , to ,get the nomination," they begin to wonder why Ananias was nyt permitted to live. Nothing would . ifiduee My. Colfax to be a candidate, and . Mr. Studebaker, who knows his own mind, is. emphatic in his declaration that he is not a cani 'didate. L'Grath" must have` imlnhed from Eli Perkins' jug. The Chinese Bill. Our latest advices from Washing ton up to Tuesday indiCate a .forth coming veto by the President Of the ,Chinese bill. Attorney-General 13rewster, bas ghetr - an_ elaborate statement of his reasons why the bill should not be approved, whictb was read at the Cabinet meeting oii 11.1.on day. ; The motives tint inspired the pas sage of this bill forbining tliCI immi gration of Chinese fhr twenty I years are unworthy the 'American I Con gress. The appeals of Dennis Kearney, and his f'saind lots" Hoo dlums to the baser piiBsioes 'of the j mph elements of California,' while they have a certain political Signifi- I cance in that State, do not aired the. 1 country generally. Both parties in Congress appear to have been struck with the importance of appeasing the pas.sions.of the Hoodlum elenients of the Pacific States in the hoe that Isome . advantage May be gained in future elections. The fear that one party Might gain an i!advan tage over • the other, impelled • both to vote for the bill. ft smacks strongly of politics at the. sacrifice of the most sacred early. traclitions_ and preced ents of the Republic. . It is in • conflict with the genius and spirit . of American institutions, and if it shall become a law, may come back to torment the class of people who have 'inspired its pas sage. • • The 1* will establish a precedent unWorthY .the American people. _flow - can, it' be expected that ttet pa gan Chinese will -.assimilate with AmeriCan habits and practices and become christianised, while the only Method employed in Califhrhia to christianise them is through the- ap- plication of brick bats and rotten errs•' Ob Since the above was set in type, our Wednesdays news gives the Net° • of the President of the ` 'Act to ex. ecute certain treaty stipulations re lating message is Chinese:'. The is elaborate, and forcibly . . states the objections to the approval jof the bill. The -main points of the message are:Aimed at the features of the bill whiCh rePudiate • existing treaty l stipulations with China, and , they are•forcibl:y expressed. He indicates a willingness to approve la : bill limit ing the 'Suspension of' 'iniinigrWion to ten yea'Fs. Twenty years, as pro vided in the bill, he urges with sound logic, strongly emphasized, is prac tically prohibition, and. in violation of -the terms of the existing .:treaty. Congress will hardly attempt to paSs the bill over the veto. Cornelius ,Vanderbilt, a son of the ruillionare, Comwadore yanderhilt, and only brother of William H. Valuderbilt, the great railroad king, committed suicide by shooting him self at the Glenham Hotel, No. .319 Fifth Avenue New York on Saturday afternoon last: By an erratic -and wayward course of life lie alienated the confidence and love of his father, who upon his death • bequeathed to him but a small portion of his. vast ( 1 estate. This he placed in rust . with ' William H. his only broth r, for his benefit. He contested the . will, arid s by a compromise with h/ 1 brother I obtained one million' dollars. He apppars to hare lii a wa y..l ward life, which has ,ermi...ftl stedi in the above described tragic manner. Had he chosen a different career he 'could have enjoyed an ample for tune and might have led useful_ anti t profitable life. REPUBLICAN COUN I cQ.A-- • ... • Pursuant - 4o the call of the dimir- Mau;uf.the.Reptiblictin Cotinty:e,lo` • mitt e, theitnpublicanCotint.Con• veution assanbled. at ,tho Court 'House on Tue'sday- lit#, at !one . o'clock, p. in , had was called to order by W. J. Young,' Esq., Cutdr . num of the Cottutv Committee.). A • list of, the election Districts waslread and the following nittntA gentlemew presented credentials add took i.i'eats in the Convention as delegates: Alba- 1 Albany-;!I B Osborn, It S Hakea. Armenia- . • - Asylum-B Laporte, t Ennis. Athens BoroLAst d.-F K Hariis,pr.Rishel. 2d d.-D W Tripp. J• 11 Ely. Athena tp.-lst d.-W A Pltunmeti. Wright Dunham. 25. d.-- 3d d.-C A Blood, B F Conlbanh. 'Barclay-4obn Diebburn, Dr. Johnson. Burlington tp.-Geo Moscrip. N W Lane. Burlington boro- Burlington W-J B 'atcKeau, AC _Blackwell. Canton, boro-A B Bowman, Id Griffin. - Canton tp.-Andrew Crandall.' i- Columbia-Daniel Bradford, C E Wadding. Franklin-Nelson Gilbert. 1 ' - Granville-John Vroman, Chas Kenyon. Herrick-J W Hurst, C H Crawford. ' Leßaymille-J P Bosworth: G W think. Leßoy- Litchtiel&-A D Munn, John St ruble. - Monroe ho-D 3-Sweet. J.B M MUman. Monroe tp-Freeman Sweetilliraro Sweet. New Albany-8 S Orrnsby,'A ileverly. • Orwell -A C Friable, W B Pickering. Overton-E F McCann, Russell Ileve.rly. Pike-J H Marsh, L ABosworth. • Ridgbury-E M Tntou; • ; . Rome tp-W W Moody, Jacob Stalker. '• ' Bowe boro—E E Spalding, A C Malattlin. ; Sbeithequiu-W S Vabrce. J H Child. South Creek- South Waverlv • • • • Springfield-B'D flarknere.F N Hubbard.- Standing Stone-John 0 Huff,.l3Yrim Vanness Sylvania--Jos Card, L Greggory. Terry-John F Dodge, N - Ilhineheart. , Towanda tp- .1 " North-W H Smith, G B Mills. • " Ist w.-i 3 N Williams. M V Brownl - 2d w.-W J Young. L B Coburn. " 3d w.-Frank Watts, Win Jennings. Troy boro-B B Mitchell; J T McCollum. • .. tp.-Ezra Loomis, M W Pierce. ,• Tuscarora-Levi Wells. B Coggswell. plater -J Mather,. C 15...R0ck well. Warren-Abram Whittaker, 1.1. Howell. Wells- - • Windbaut-Elery P Cheeny, A Broadhead. Wiltubt- Wyaluaing lat'D -Andrew Fee, N J d. " 2,1 D-Lewis Bilea, L Hewitt. Wysox Ist D-fl E WhitneE-1: Myer, "2d D=l;G Oweu, E C'Bull. • • Alter theicall of the' roll Hon. E. Myur uominateTH N. Willixwi, as Chairman. ot the I"Jonvoittion, who • was unanimously elkteted. Oh taking the chair Mr. Williams. made a brief speech thiinliing the Convention for the honor conterred OE but Nier ‘-ants Vetoed. TENTION: upon hint - On motion,J. M. Ely and E. M - , . Tuton were cleeted -secretaries. W. J. Young,. Esq., offered- the - • following rekolutious, which were unanimously adopted :• . INHEUEAS, We. the Re; UhiiCAUS of Bradford county assembled in Coors titian agreaahle to the call of the County 'Committee, desire to preneiat for the counidetatien of the Repulili;• can State Convention, soon to assemble, and to the pe , !ple of the State,-'one of our must worthy citizens lot the position of Lieutear ! ant Governor, Thereforet. ' . • i . Besotted, That Hon. E. Overton', Dr. J. K. Newell and Capt. B. B. Mitchell be and are het eby appointed delegates to represent 'Bradford county in the ' Republican State Convention, to meet at Harrisburg on thelOth' of May. next, to maculate candidates for State offices, and" are hereby instructed to . support the Hon. Wm. T.-Davies ror the poni, tion of Lieutenant Governor, ant hereby dc dare that his nemination will be hailed with gratification by the people oflto: ttoirn Penn s.)lvania and tiling to the snit; or't of the , ticket as united party. _ Remitred. That we concur in the nomina tion of W . II &wetland for Senatorial delegate, presented by Wyoming county. . . ‘t • • i -Mr. Mver moved that a committee of three be appointed to wait upon Mr. Davies and request his - pres ence in the C , ,nvention, whereupon • i the Chair appointed Hon. E. E. Myei-,.C. E. Gladding, and B. Laporte such Committee. The Committee I waited upon Mr. Davies, and report-. ed to - the Convention that Mr.. D., waS unable to appear 1.)-for, the Convention but returned the : body his sincere thankSlor . the great lion or conferred uponim.. Mr. Loomis pres ntetl the - follow ing resolution, wli ch after - being discussed by Messr and Young, Was de sated by a vote of GI nays to ;10 ye , . I s . ! WITEILEAS, Rotation i office is a pi incip' le and part of the policy? of our Republican term of government; T 1 -*fore be it • . Resolved, Th at it 1 ' ense of this Convert -1 tibn that:the best into st of the Republican party in Bradford cod ty requires that in cumbents of all county offices .and of such legislative Oleos 118 are filled by the votes of the people cif Bradford onnty alone, should `rot be candidates for a econd term, or :be ! put in nomination the efor by the Conven tient; of sod county. . On motion the journed,_ - ine die - Theßepublican -minty Convention for the election of delegates to the 10th of Ilay' State - Convention, • held at the Court. House on ,T4sday afternoon last,, passed off with good feeling and harmony. A resolutiOn was tinani mously adopted endorsing lion. W.'T. Davits for Lieutenant Governor. Hon. I:dward Overton, of Towanda, Dr. NeWel4 ot,Wyaltising, and . Capt. B B. Mitchell of Troy were sele..ted dele gates. The selection . of 'ilelegates is Wisely made : and satisfact ory. We •shall hope that our • State Convention may conclude its hibors io la manner so satisfactory, as" to win the confidence and support of all ele ments of the.party. ,If such shall be the case we cannot fail of success. _ While history giveS it as a fact that it was . . ati indiscretion on the part of the children of Israel that caused the original Moses ,to hreak all of-the Commandments, recent investigations prove that it was linate Ascality that eansud his'out.';'.l,Ciirolitia sake to do the smile: thing while Governor of that.staite - The settleMeift of the unoccupied lands of the northwc4 the coming sea— son promises . to greatly exceed that of any previous Year in the history of the country; 41readythe number Of emi— grants passing through St. Paul, Minn., reaches an average of nearly cne thou sand s day: : • According to one of the latest; bits of political gossip, ,Secretary of the Treasury Fo}ger is being pressed in „high yuartersi.as -an eligible pacul to place on the Republican ticket in New york when the day arrives fOr the ; election of Goyernor Cornell's sue- Eugene 144 4 oughlin, charg,ed with robbing the Post- . ofßce at Oval:l'44w ing, was eornmitttd to iail,'at Easton, *nday, in default of $,OOO. 1, 1 The Court at liarrisburg, held a:con ference. with ,the, attorneyi on both . fldts in the Sondard Oil suit Monday. iscrePenciesi in the facts_ werehar tuoniied, and it is expeeted An opinion mill be proinalgateci-to-day. Datinie :wed was found in an alleyint 'Lebanon,, Sunday morning Apitple — xi Is.' believed , to havelbeeri thecause.•7. - life .is. 'sured for $.30,90.0 in speculative corn: roles. CONDENSED NEIVS. Senator .sogan is affected with rheumatism Haverly,:the,great.showrami, is said - . • o have failckl.. The Tennessee Legislaturehas heen called to meet in special session on the ('•tli of Aril: - .1 . Boston has already donated $12;000 for fire-Veorks'for next:fourth of 'July. Quite pu triotie. The President has approved of, the net penSioning Mrs. :Garfield,- Polk and Mrs. Tyler. Wst Virginia had a bail-storm on the 27th of March that done damage td the..amount of $25, 000. ' 1 , 1 The new five per cent. postage stamp withlibe portrait of President Garfield, will be issued on April 19th. POSttnester-Genertil Howe, it is said,' has a way of putting his feet up on the centre-table during an interview in such' a manner es to tliilow a home like air upon the whole scene. . • New: York is to haVe a 'tiew 'opera house that will CoSt. one million dol lars, did will be built, on a magnificent it will probably follow Booths' house, and be a mag,M. Scent failure about the time-they have it finished.' 4.: Two, large British steamships, loaded with Chinese passengers, have sailed from Hong Kong for Vietoria, B. C. About' four thousand more are condi* this season, all of whom hra wanted On . railwai works. Labor of all kinds continues high, and is steadily advane ing.,l ''Men are scarce,, and the work 7 shops are declining orders. • It isn't safe to ',sass" in court. John a-desperate tramp, who fired at an Erie brakeman near Binghamton a few 'weeks ago, was sentenced the other day, by .Tudge Follett to eight years in Auburn prison, and declared by the court can habitual criminal.. While the judge. *as explaining the nature of the proceeding the prisoner declared he would live to dance on the judge's grave. Judge Follett then , added two years • to hiS sentence, making it ten AN APPALLING CALAMITY Burning .of a Mississippi Iliver FI:031 THIRTY TO FIFTY LIVES LOST. ' 31.. E wills, March 30.—The Cincin nati and New Orleans packet Golden City, en route from. New Orleans to Cincinnati, burned at the wink .this toorning at 4:40 o'clock, thirtyand fifty liVes were lost,.princi- pally women and children DETAILS 011 TEE DISASTER.. The Golden City-, when approaching wharf, was discovered on fire by the *mid engineer, who - notified the pilot. te boat's bow Was at once headed for the, shore, and in four minutes she t • touched the wharf,' where a coal fleet were moored. A lino 'vas Made fast to a coal barge, but the current being sWift it soon parted. The ~ § tearder floated down the Fiver, A MAS. 3 OF ILA3M4, with many of her passengers and crew aboard. The steamer left New 9r learni on Saturday en route . to. Cincin nati.- She carried a - crew of about sixty r ankbad fOrty cabin passengers, fifteen of whom were ladies and child. ren. i The cargo consisted of three hundred tons, among which was a -lot of jute, in which it is said the fire originated. • The books of the steamer were lc,ist; so it is impossible to gather a complete list of the lost and saved. The officers . escaped, except; the second engineer, Robert tKelly, Who, first discovered the fire and remained at hie post until cut oft - by this Convention - ad- Steamer. A C111(;t78 BUENED Stowe's eiretis,was taken aboard at Vidalia and SNetwes of animals and , . .77 , • birds, with the ticket and hand wagon, tents laid horseS were lost. !' OnJ of the pilots, when the .alarm. 'was sounded rushed through the eahin bursting in the - , stateroom . doors d a\Vat:ening the passengers.. •Within five minutes after the discovery of ihe fire, which broke out amidships, the aft part of the steamer, was all ablaze. The people saved had to flee in their night clothes. When the. steamer touched the wharf the fire communicated to the coal fleet and lug Oriole, which , was I also burned. : . TIIIRTT•PIVE LIVES LOST: MEMPAV, March W.—As near us can be ascertained there were twenty three ladies aboard the steamer, only three of whom were saved as far as known. J. H.' Cronk, connected with the circus, is supposed lost. John Devouse, wife and three children; were saved and are at the hOspital, ; also Simon Black. Devouse was slightly , burned. - The steamer was five years old ' and cost $54,000. She was owned by Captain Hegler, W. F. and S. C 'Mcln tyre, She lies sunk three miles below in a chute. , It is' estimated that thirty-five lives were lost. The fire was caused by the bottom of the watchman's lantern drop ping into some jute. ' — Wash Smith, Colored, captain of the watch, has been jailed on the ekarge of murder, through pareles,snesb itl 'posing. the fire. SKINEY ,MEN "Nyelle Health Renewer" restorNt hesith aril vigor,. cares ! Dyspepsia, Impotence, Bernal Debility. $l. ; , LegaLT: ICL'NSES.,N te.lB, - hereby. ; : 'veil L- - , that aPplicitiaa rlatels, eating houses, null merdisstAaileritAirie :been-: died in - this ofllite, end.tent belrolioutod ' oh lionday; May 1„ 1882. f..r the cotudde, lailhri - ettlitCOurt:, ' ..2."'',:.: , .01*,'.., , .... 1 `..L G. L. Bull, hiaiikilligurigli, Morris Kellogg, jiliiNillisuy Borough • P. D- Wlicex.-, , 4.7. , ..- ..“. _ _ Township ....." _ - James J. li smiarii _ o2 %titirt Toviship. - lilsi tin Crowley , .Warerly Borough. . P. C..Laudinassecifilimidltig Stque,TourosliA u ., . 04 11 1 • James A. Elliott.-: bilry,Torrislitp: ' - ' D. B. Hearted) :: Township.. - -;- James it donallosis.- Baystille Borough.- J. Morgan Brown ; , using Township. John B. Wright; w TowootdP. J. ci- Doughortlc-l i tifjow.sithip: . • . . = George Z. Blotry. - 'Township. Elizabeth Carr, Rid ury Township. • WM. Henry.'.„ ", .,Towanda Boroub.ist Ward Charles H. SoeleY, -4 :: do - - - do Asai.W. Dlizmilelr. .--.,'; do , • do liedinoud Caten,- 4 1.- do ' . -' do . • ' - - - anuteitiarr twat u, 4alacaeninlubikeY. i'otraudi Borough, lit W. GED. ,.. E W. BLKIIIIAX, Clerk. 'Towanda, Pa., uurlkt 4 lBB2. .. REGISTEItik NOTICE. -- - Notiu u is _hereby give it„ Unit there have'been Sled intthe (Alice of the Beglaterr-for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the County .ot Bradford; State of Penn sylvania, accounts orrdminiattation upon the following estates, viz ' - . The Anal account offß. K. Luther, Administra tor of the estate . of Petty ' , Luther, late of Bur lington township deetuteL - The final account of,' Allen White and Alice J. 'Mints, now BurlingtOuti - Xzesintora . of the last will and testainent efLX:Alints, !ate of Herrick township, decease& The Anal Account ef .Thonnur E. Quick, de. ceased, Guardian of . Viola Winslowow Hun singer) minor child of Allen Winslow. late of the township of Wilmot, deceased, by his Adminis trators. J. B,..and The first and filial account of George C. Shoe maker and Ileylpt UZVanDyke, Administrators of William bite of Leßoy Township de ceased. • The flail account of U. if. Tozer and Ralph To - ear. Executors of the hist will and testament of Guy Tozer, late of Athens township, deceased. The final account at J; F. and Effie Whalen, Executors of the last Will and testament of John Whalen, late of Warren. deceased.: - The Anal .account of Witham H. Rankin, Ad ministrator of the estate of B. S. Halstead, late of flidgboxy TOwnship, deceased. The gnat account ' of E., T.' Fox and George Stevens, Administrators can lestaisento annexe of the estate of Joseph p. Montanye, late of the borough Of Towanda; in. Bradford county. Pa. The second andAnsi account of E T. Pox, Ex ecutor of the !sat will and testament of Nathaniel. Bennett, late of North Towanda, deceased.. ; The drat and dual account of Sophronia Smith, Administratrlx of the estate of George Smith, late of the township of Monroe, deceased. The first and- partial account of E. L. Manley, Executor of the last will and testament of Byron W. Clark, late of Canton borough. deceased. The final account of A. B. Christian, Executer of the last will and testament of John N. Christ- Dm, late of Tuscarora township, deceased. The final account of Chandler W. Brink, Ad ministrator of the ! estate of. Benjamin Brink; late of the townshizof Pike, deceased.- The final account of Dennis O'Brien, Adminis trator of the estate of Timothy O'Brien, late of the township of Athens, deceased. - • The first and final account of Richard Bedford, Executor of the. last will and testament of the estate of Joel Barnes, late of the' township of Overton, decested. The nhal account of T. B.: Coburn. Executor of the last will and testament of Wilmot Coburn, late of the township.of Tnicarora, deceased. - The Out and finataccount of E.T.Yoz. Ezeen• tor of the last. will and testament of James Quigley, late ol the township - of Towanda, deceaaed. The lint and final account of Joseph Marsh, aamtal.ustor of tho estate of A. J. Lloyd, late of Wyalusing. deceased. • , , • The final icconnf .4 W. e. Webnoie. Adminis;• trator of the estate .of Jeremiah itarnee, late of the toimahlp of Herrick. deceased. - . The final account of W. A. Wetmore. ea... 1.1.. trator of the estate Of Luke Dolan, late of the township of Herripk, deceased' The final account of W. A. Wetmore, Adminis trator of the estate of , Mary A. Reinhart, late of the township of Merrick, aeceased. The final account of W. A. Wetmore Adminis traWr of the estate of David Reinhart, late of the township of Herrick, deceased 1 • The partial account Of Catharine R. Williston, one of the administrators .'f the esti te of Horace Williston, late of Athens borough. deceased. And the same will be presented to the Or plums' Court of Bradford county, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Towanda for said county, on 'Thursday. the tth flay of day, A. 1). 1862., at 2 o'clock p. m., for confirmation and allowance. JAMES H.-WE 1313, Register. Register's_Office, Towanda:, April AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacbb DeWitt, late of Towanda bor., ough, deceased.* In the Orphan's - Court of Brad ford county. The undersigned. an Auditor appniuted by said Court to disposo of. exceptions to the final ac count of the Administrators of said estate, Will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda borough, in said county, on TUESDAY. APRIL 25th, 1882, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where alt persons interested in said exceptions may attend it they think proper. J. It KEENEY, Auditor.: Towanda, Pa., March 22., 1882. 4w , INCORPORATION NOTICE Notice ii hereby even that an application will ho made under the Act of the. Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regula• tion of certain corporations," approved April Tith, 1874. and,the supplements . thereto; for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Independent ire Company, No. 1, of Canton, Pa.' C. E. BULLOCK, Between Canton, Pa., March 22. 1882 ECEIPT4 AND EXPENDITURES R OF GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP for the year ending March 13, 1882. Dr. D. L. SAXTOS. To balance in - Treasury as per Auditors. April 13. Mil .. $362 l 3 To town tax put in hands of Winfield S. Packard for collection To delinquent road tax put in tho hands of W. S. Packard for colleition, D. L. SAXTON. By orders returned ' By Treasurer's percentage By delinquent road tax exonerated - by -Coinnoissioners By balance in Treasury March 13; 1592,... Sylvester Putnam, Oscar Saxton, op Audit0r5;.... ....... H. H. Heald, Assessor, Books and stationary J. L. Woodin, l ..... J. W. Dnart, Commisers Asa Andrews, Town Clerk, . Constable . .. Collector Elections,... Legal Medical... Keeping of Poor Clothing for P00r........... ......... House Rent Roads and Damages, Plank and Bridges Commissioners from other towns, By Treasurer's percentage,.... :._ By delinquedt road„ tax exonerated by . Commissioners 7 82 By balance in Treasury March 12, 1882,. . 274 17 PUTNAM.. 11. 11.11ES.Lp.1 Auditors . O. SAXTON, Attest : FEED TAYLOR, Clerk. I a " BETTM TO;.. LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD MAXIM., BUT NOT ALWAYS TRUE. H. JACOB The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready -Made . Clothinw' From his old stand. (No. 2, Patton's Blook,) to his NEW-LOCATION inibe large and commodins store, No. 123, Main Sfreet, formerly Oeenpied M E. Sollomon & BM (one door. north ot Felch & C 0.,) where he is now open with . a fall and Complete Stook of Falb ionsble I SPIUNIt AND SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING, • HATS AND CAPS, - • GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, . InnittLLAS, CANER, &C. MEN'S, B Y'S 'YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S .fall and complete suits; of ill grades and prices. • While he aims to lead the trade, be asks his old friends and everybody else to follow bin to his new location. where . he will fit them: oat in . the highest style of art at the lowest prices. • Come JACOaB. Towanda, Pa., 4.pril 6,18 a. ETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, ,LJ Non Imps, Ate. Pstett<! the best style of ;be art e 4 the Reivetorcuut _ ; ~~~'=rttse~e~~s J. 0. VIIIITMAN, • .p.. 1. RONAN; • Committee ..; 1 R 9 37 :70 • 27 sa • 39 50 ... 4L 75 6 18 ... 27 15 ... 16 00 ... 16 00 • 4 50 It is better to follow Olet . Advertizettldritz,:. (*I-n.1;01).41. El STA L- Will make the season 0t,531, at, fle4 (Arra ninteriber ono tnito,:wilstpr or East Smithield.:: • • • ' .. . • Both. Sire and Pitta itrworto I, bred by W/13. Crozier, Northport, - b.ttitt , 14410. As we give brotylent ttatn'o sod ailiress CAU assura patron 4 that we are not:ht . Tering the services of a grads. ttorse THA EA37 aminriELD, PA.. - EUREKA . MARBLE' ORKS —AT 1,, 11111 . - 4 - . IV XSA - PA.' • GEORGE OTT' Has Marble Work& located at Depot near of Plollot's Brick Store. Ind la prepared to .fur.- nigh as good quality of Marble as there is in the country. /Fri manufacture MONUMENTS &TOMBSTONES Grave Yard Peru, Railings, 4fe. And I sell fifteen per cent. cheaper than travel-. ing agents' do. Good satisfaction guaranteed, and all jobs put up properly. I can furniih all kinds of American and foreign marble. I am enabled to sell very much cheap er than any other firm because i da my own work. Those wishing anything in my lino are invited to call indigo for themselves. • GEOIt,GE OTT. Feb. 16, ma. Back Ache POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Ream:MX*lly they arc P eterred to All iltherPorons Plasters or External, Remedies: ' . • • Because they possess all the merit• of the 1 strengthening porous plaster, and contain in ad dition thereto the newly discovered powerful and nywyesretable combhaation which acts with in creawd ruoenicreut, and counter irritant effects. Second. - Because they arongenuine pharmaceutical prep. oration, and so recognized' by the profession. Third. - • Because they are the only plasters, that relieve pain at once. Foltrth. Because they will positively cure diseaics which other remedies will net even relieve. Fifth. • • • Because over SOOO physicians and druggists have, voluntarily testified that they are superior to all other plasters or medicines for external use, . Siia ih. Because the manufacturers haveleceived the only medals ever given for porous Plasters. -I Bensn's Capcifie Porots Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Mannfactunng Chemists. 14.e0a York MA SURE REMEDY AT LAST. _Price 25ete. MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. THE POPULAR 'CORNER • GEO. L. ROSS • Has tilled up the old MONTAhIE STOVE with a full and complete stock of FRESH 'GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Call here for yoite Groceries. After you get prices at Ross' it will be of no use to try else. whero'for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers can got the tip-top of the market a Geo. L. Ross'. All kinds 01 Produce taken in ex change for goods o.• for cash. . 1 . . I c agons c arriages • Cheaper than ever at the OLD.ESTABLZSZIMENT. 546 00 ET] $932 39 JAMES BRYANT, Cr. $534 54 15 St: would call the atten tion of FARMERS and others to his large and'eomplete -7 82 271 17 $932 39 assortment of 10 90 9 25 9.26 ()pen Sr. Top Buggies PLATFORM WAGONS all of his own AUNITFACTURE and war ranted iu every-par ticular - • 641 23 1053 . 168 56 . 130 02 . 730 Bryant 's Flexible Springs used in all Platform Wagons. - The easiest and best in use. NOW IS "YOUR TIME TO 'BUY! $514 54 Look at these figures Two Heated Oarnages trots Phastons. ono:seated Top Buggies Open Buggies Democrat Wagons 15 SG $9 / 32 39 Remember that the above are all filly warrant ed. fivst-class or no pay. Repairing promptly atttended to at 25 per cent below last years prices; 951ceand FactorY , c3r. Usin and Elizabeth Ste. 2{lebB:• BESTbusiness no a, You can then m a s: ea anything n f g as e t i e s s is a . Cw Vitt Capitol e n u o s t needed. We will start port. $l2 day and up wardsmada at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted Yon to work for us. Now is the time. Yon can work - in spare time only or give your wholo time to the business. Yon can live at bome and do tie work No other business will pay yon - nearly as well No.one an fall to make enormous pay by en, galling at, once. Costly_ Outfit and terms free.— Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address. Tuna A Co,; Augusta, Maine. Dee 15-Iyr DR. JOYES'CREADICANLPHOR Is THE NAME OF the popular . Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. pain in the Face, Head or Spine. Chapped bands, Ernises,Splains, Burns. Mosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in- sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc.. for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable iolor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold. by 511 drug gists. Price 2b cents. • • Linitneat received a Prize Medal a the State Fair.lB2o. . May 20 11 tivot fational fault, T 01 1 411% titA A. ,CAPITAL PAID Di . ' $125,000 SURPLUS FUND • 80.000 This Dank offers unusual facilities for 1 the transaction of a' general . • banking business. N. N. BETTS, Caithitdi TEL•.FOR SALE.--1 offer th e American Hotel property for sale at a great bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corbei of Bridge and Water streets, in Towanda Borough. It is one of the best and most Central . locations in the place. There is a goal " barn conziectild with the property. The bridge and new depot near to it make this otel desitable for any one wishing to engage in the htesinesti. ' A good active man with* solaU espial can pay fool the property. t 'bort time from the pronto. It WU pwred andpainted 'new hat spring slid is now in excellent condition. JOSEPH G. PATTOri, Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22. 1881-tt. , . . . . . ...11v Ad 4 erili l ;.ments.._ - .:.: : . . . TREASURER'S "S:-1,,t1i 'OF`'' lIN-' .. , , ENdEATIII): LANDS.-4ul prirsuince 'Of the:: acts OAR/I=W/ having reference to the assess- , Mont of Uses- upon unseated lands in thlaCom. .reenwealth, and ' the sale et e same foe non payment, there will be expos to public War at the Commissioner's Office in he borough of To wandi, on the SECOND MO. DAY OH JUNE, A. I t s II.: 1182. being the 12th day. f said mond', ski o'clock pLzu.. the tractsof rid assessed under the following 'warrantee n es. unless prior payment of hires end costs be made: . - Acres. Warantee Names. Taxes. 98 Beiclay—Clanningbiun. D. N. $l2 56 ] 170 - - Naga. George -_- . la 19 153 . Illitzimmer. Jacob ' 20 28 890 ' Lally. Andrew ' 89 15 400 : - - Lidly. Peter ' ' . 104 40 330 • ' - Eadly. Joseph _ - 43 07 212 Stuart, Wilier_' 27 68 limirt, TON LOIID:OLYDEA - AV.. A. - ,AVOOD I ' Apr;l 6-boa.* EU $l5O to $175 .125 to 150 ... 125 to 150 ... 80 to 100 190,t0 110 SOS.' T OWELL, President l'eb. I.'7R. 2115 - 9i et 200 Leßoy—Beck. Henry . 19.35 202 " . 8r5160, Frederick ,19 58 'l9l Monroe— Anderson, Jacob • ' . 129 361 • . Benner, Jacob' 30 35 390 Benner. Jacob, Jr .32 75 "let' • _'"red 656 Ciatatir, Fre.. • Castater,,• Harman 308 Cunningham.. D. H.' 3 0 8 Gray William ' •. 810 -Hampton, Peter - I 14 95 Hampton. Thomas 34 79 Hoplins, Robert 4 20 Hags, Peter 6 37 Badly, Samuel 17 03 ' adiy, Hugh • 14 45 McAdams, Ephriant 36 29 ~ NOrth." , Peter 33 60 ) North. James 33 CO Stewart, Walter -, _ 12 10 Wallace, Nancy , 73 52 . - - • ' Wallace, Samuel • 15 52 .5 ' • Rote, David 633 .37 Bigger. Robert . 36 68 ' 343 Overton—Bets, Henry ' 42 24 343 • - Betz, John • 42 24 313 . Betz. Joseph • 42:24 .343 - - Betz, James ' 42 ( 21 400 -.1-. Dyson . Henry 49 20 563 ' .' Cantatas. Hannan , 44 70 400 Coale., Joshua. • . 49 20 400 . Cutater, - Joseph 49 20 343 Edge, Peter ' 42 24 343 - , Fritz, Samuel. ' 42 24 300 Bags. George • s 6 90 400 • Liege, Nathan , 49 20 336 - Hags. Peter_ 41 33 400 Hardy, Samuel - ' 49 20 375 • i Hardy, James 46 09 22.1 • . • . Hardy. Henry " 27 . 73 226 , Ann .. • 47 98 400 . Hollin Harris gsWdeth, Stephen 49 20 228 Ladly. Hugh 28 05 100 Dully, Andrew -(' !, 12 30 375 - Moore. George ' 46 09 400 Healey. Peter 49 20 100 Palmer. Thtanas 12 30 400 • Seeley. Henry - , 49 20 375 ' Seeley. Jonathan 46 14 OA Siddens, Andreir ~ 49 20 400 Riddezia. ileorge 49 20 400 Seeley. Joseph - •49 90 . 1 93 . Temple, Peter 36 66 .400 - Temple, Samuel ' 49 20 56 Tuscarora—Field. Henry 521 100 Hunt, Job 9 30 35 , Porter, James - 323 50 -Wilmot—Allen, John 690 73 , Butler. Polly 9 56 75 Hollenbath, John 9 28 97 • • Marsh, Samuel 11.96 - 200 StoweU, C. S.. 24 CO 250 - ~ • Stowell, D. IL , 30 71 231 Terry—Ross. Elizabeth 24 31' 401 Morris, Israel 22 27 28 Leahy. John - ' . 151 80 Morris, Benjamin . 4 44 37 192 -497 2 (X 1 1 72 4 32 4.00 400 1 44 2 ta) 1 85 AUG—There Will be exposed to public 'Aleut the same time and place, the following lots, pieces or parcels of improved or seated lands, situate as hereafter sot 'forth, for non-payment of sundry taus assessed in the years - It7'9 and .1380, as the same have been duly returned to the County Commissioners by the Colioctors of the savers' districts: 1-- .. L . -- . - ---,--- ' • , • M.. , . 1 Er r; . i •! TO WHOM ASSESSED. '1 1 1 r a l . • i 1 , • r • s • o. m• !--- Sig George Ompa I " G. F. Mason .• Mary Ann McAllister PEW ALBANY NO F. Mason 79 L. A. Cue estate ..... • H. C. Muhleuburg. ' Churchill Strait—. • Wm. Hinch W..P. Cue : • W. P. Caso. ...... '" Raleigh WllHams. 1 11. D . 3lnhlenburg 479 ISaiah A. Dorsey a Henry Halleck 3 Henry-Benjamin iCharles Perri Stephen Taylor... Charles Perry..... Stephen Taylor... Robert Stewart Reuben lleClellan George Bemminger......, HERRICK, 3 polamar Tayler. PIKE . • Athens Building and Loan Association... Henry Pepper estate .... Jonathan Dimond Luke Dolan estate 18130 Patrick IL Quinn Micas W.Terry • , .‘ Mrs. J. L. Johnson Michael Ilannahan mArtin Mack.. ' .. • I,' - • TOWANDA 8080 :79.. flames Jr Kirby . • lA. 8. McDonald William Henry George W. Heath 'George E. titedge J. J. Kavananah 4 . W W. Browning W. W. DroWning : 4 9 James Doyle D. N. Newton • Nettie McGill Patrick Sullivan... ,• Satterleo k Russell -Dunes Harp....... Isaac Lamorecix... - PS O.E. Barite.-- • Isaac Lamoreux... •• - George Emery..:. Wilson k Baker John Owens • ,11. F. Rugg Gershon Manning !Norris k Ed Fargo Oershen.Manning Im. F. Rugg 4 . John Owens 1 Waltman k Weir.... •• :M. H. Limning , Edward Hornet.—.. 'Owens & Lantz JOells Whalen (John Willie • ! Wm. Hewitt 'Gale k Lewis Sarsh A. Keene.... • ;Thos. Waltman, Jr. N. B.—Notice is hereby given that an amount sufficient to iiay taxes and costa will be required in every cue when land is sold at thotimo of sale, and unless these terms are - complied • with the land will be again exposed for sale. . „ , Treasurer's Mice. April Q, 1882 A NEW SYSTEM. ATTENTION DEALERS BUY DIRECT `FROM HEADQUARTERS, YOUR Candies, Fruits, Cigars, Cigarettes, Fancy (Groceries, .TobaecoS, Wines and Liquors.. ' We employ no traveling salesmen. All goods sold through price : currents ' WE KNOW WE CAN SAVE YOU 140 PER CENT. By this system. Write ts)r Price List and - compare with present prices don't save you moneydotet order. A. -14; ROTHSCHILIY:& CO., Importers, Manufacrrs & Commission Merchants, • 507 Sixth Ave spr6-3m DR. JOHN CORR'S VEGETABLE. MEDICINES • FOR MAN AND BEAST. , • I . . ‘. • _ FOB MANEIND—Dr. John Cores Liniment of OH , price 50 cents a bottle; Healing Vegetable Gum and 011 Balsam, 50 cents a bottle; Vegetable Healing Salve and Sticking Plaster, 121 i cants a roll; Speedy Belief or Pain Remedy, price l 4o ctn. FOR ANIMALS-- Horses, Cattle, Sheep, l3wine, She Poultry. Dr. John Can's Veterinary Oil Liniment. Each bottle contains one-half pint. Price, one dollar a bottle. 'Prepared by John Corr, Doctor of 'Pbarmacy, Towanda, 'a. Dr. Corr will attend to or take barge ,of pa tients., especially chronic apes, when requested to do so. Vegetable remedies only need. ifbls : 3m • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 )state of Antis, Bill. deceased. late of the towu• ship of Bugthlield, Bradford county. Pa. • Letters of administration having been; famed out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county to the undersigned upon the estate of the above named decedent, 'notice is therefore'. hereby given tkat all persons Indebted to tbe estate above named must mane' immediate paymeht. and ill persons haling L .claims against ;he mita must present them !luly authenticated. for set tlement.to me. • ,• :_ l'i• P. UICKS. A4oliPilli Teti's:ride, FA.. Feb; 2 1), /682. t retnr: , _ 8 ' ' am=the, 4 ofdbirri inns,: wanshig ty marettoaso Indamisationg, is zneiM. Inns addl. r ble, cow no; heels the and restores I *me of taste tell. Beset. results are \ by s few ;atlas,. A gh treatment mn Oiterrb, Wrer,Ac. 17m. ed for colds in teed. Agreeable Into the nos. true. -4 aseelpt - .bold b_y 0. Porter t Bon, Dro - 44 11 tig re• . .] ELY, BALM CO., Owego, N. AplllB. r ANNUAL STATEMENT AB THE EXPINDITINIES AND .RECEIPTS OF BARCLAY TOWNSHIP, YOB TES YEAR ING MARCH Ism. len. . . , Support of Poor 5113 32 • Support of Insane • 153 40- Mullion ' - 'l2 00 Repairing Roads and Bridges.. 479 a 9 1: - Eilltig new road up Schrader .1_ creek G2O 00 Justices 4 80 Printing t . eau ' • Legal expenses IMO & 1881 I - 553 00 Election. ,•, 41 80 Pay of Commissioners ' 150 00 • k -. /E, Pay of Town cler.k ....... ..:..t 40 00 • i Pay of Collector .. ..... ........ I 80 91 • ' , Pay of Treasurer . . -.....; 68 79 _ Paid oldorder of 1880 '. 250 Total Esperulltarea $1,820 11 1 ficsins. . Cuili on hand from last year... 101 C.l Atuount of Duplicate. $1.898 . 94 . , • Exonerated by Co. Com.'s.' 2254 - GO Exonerated by . Town Com.'s 2G 17 280 - 771.G18 17 Tetalittioeipta • 1,719 80 Orders outstanding.... $162 91 Less cub on band 56 60 Leaving to - Washtub' debt.-- 101 31 $10326 U • Attest: O. W. TIDD. Town We the undersigned Auditors bays examined the above accounts, and and Men to be correct. Signed. DEN2IIIIO•DONNAVAN. GEO. W. BLAKESLEE, Auditors. GOLD,Great • chance to make money.— 'Tose who always take advantage of the good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who de not improve such chances main in poverty '• We want many men, women; boys and eels to work for us right in their own loatlitfes. Any one can do the work properly from the start: The business willpay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit fur nished free. No one who engages fails to maks money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or ionly your - spare momenta: Full information and all that is needed sent free. • Address. Sussex & Co., Portland. Maine. Dec 15-Iyr . . ' . JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS dime at short notice 'and teases:able Andes the Itgrustiosx office. AIMAIRT 1 _ =! ATEIKICEI 8080, •1 ='#=Mal ASYLUM. WEST EtrILLINOTOE = E. •TANDIXO •TORS. sou= vrAvssix. Siiiiig .TOWA.WDA TNT. I=2 TUDT BOZO. I tst. •Irlak) =EI OVICZTON, I= 2 84:)i. 00•$ 500 2.2, 30, 30 ir 15 • 10 2 07 6 00 1 45' 4 20 BM = ..i6l 1 50 G 1 W I 3 75', 1 50: 6 00 1 lot 1 20 1 615 2 31 4 62 2 25i . BM 21111 1 90' 40 90 40: 3 /3 1 60 lIIM 1 40 1 2 10i 1 20 1 50 ®' asi 2 45. 7 881 1 4 50, 2 loth 2 45 1 7 881 1 40, IS lots' 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 50 1 251 1 601 6 00 1'451 4'70 1 00! 1 26 EI3 ' . O 3 501 1 02' 3 291 70: 1 051 39; 551 5.01; 7 / 51 39; 551 177: 1 10 • 774 1 10 29; 41. 391 5 5 1 6 4i 7 301 30 ' 30' 33 os 221 I lot 1 lot 1 lot 4 lots 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots 1 lot xi t 98 1 100 85 ; 120 2 65' .2 00; .1 50 1 051 1 26 88i 120 • 84 14 56 1 1 14 80 t 14 50 3 0 . 31 00' t 300 2 761 2 13, 2 761 .1 60.•.•. ..' 1 24? 00 ''•••• - 86 1 1 00, i 80 180;" 360, 1 601 6 (W 1...-. 4 80 oo', 200 1!! 1001 . 100 400 EIiEN LILLEY; Treasurer. me, New York. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. Mails i arrive and depart at the Towanda Poet office se follows: FITM "' M, Phil. N. Y., and Eastern States .. ... .. 4:00 a. at Dushore, Laporte, he... L. V. way mail from the North . .... 'dal _ Sheshequin he • 11:00 New Era, he., Tuesday, Thursday and ' Saturday ' li :ou Asylum. &0., Monday, Wednesday sips Friday Troy, Burlington. AC— ... 1:00. P. is Lellaysville, Borne, he' ' 100 - Closed pouch from Erie and NC B Its - 2:30 ' L. V. way mail front the South 4:36 Canton.. 49 ... 6410. Berelay... ~ 600: . . Closed pouch from larnbri and EBB 10:40 Ltjl , Canton, Monroeton, to o:take. at, Lehigh :Valley way mall Bona - ,9:15 Closed pouch Itlynirkitrle and North. . ern Central Railroad{ . 10:00. Troy, Burlington: 10910 Bheehequip, ke , ' .. 11;0 II; Ner re w Dalay Ers, Tnesda.y Thnraday and1:00 r. it, set. ' ' : tads,* • . • 1: 00 tertian, Monday, Wadi:mole; end , Blida • 1p Lidtaperille, 'tamp, to - • • 100 -.. Dnihore, ko • " - •••••::.. 2:46 Lehigh Valley way gall Bor th - - 4;ti • New Nark Phila. and Eastern >3WllO._. Itg. „ _ ' Med open from 707 a. K. to 7;161. it. Money Order oriel; open from 8:00 4.x. to 7MB 04Ire open on &map troll; 9:05 74 79410 n. P. Palau, P. El New Advertisments. k , NEVER FAILe !l e ERV/PP The only known Specific Remedy foe' , Epileptic Fite. Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, Rt. Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Hysterics, Insanity, Apo. Plan. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. and all Nervous Diseases. This imbllible remedy win positively eradicate every species of Nervous Derangement, and drive them away from 'hence they came, never to return again. It utterly de stroys the germs of disease trj neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the Messes. sad utterly destroys the cane. -. • • Cuees Feniale Weslinesi, - Goners' Debility. Len, corrhces or 'Whites, Painful. Menstruation. ceratrm of the Uterus, Internal Hest, Gravel In flamatlon of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there is no beets remedy. During the amigo of life no female should be without it ' It 'quiets the Her. loss and• gives rest, comfort, and nsture's sweet sleep. • Cures alcoholism. Dfunkennees and the habit of Apinni Eating. These degrading habits are--by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffer• lug humanity. Thousands die snnually from these notions drugs. The drunkard drinks .liquor not because he likes it, but for the ples4. 'nee of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that he Is on the tesd to ruin. Like the Opium Eater. he first uses the drug in small quantities ass harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes strong bold upon its - victim, leading him on to his own destruction.. The habits of Opt= Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentiveness; sii, over-eating first inflames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, instead of . satisfying, only adds to its fierce Ares, until it consumes the vital force and then itself. Like - the gluttonous tapeworm. it cries "Give, give, give!" but never enough until its own rapacity devours it self, lismariksh liervins gives instant relief in an such cases. It penances sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the.nervous systm; and m itoses body and mind to a healthy condition. 2: 69 7 80 1 17 2 8.5 Cuies Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis. Scrofula, Syphilis; diseases of the Kidneys. and , all diseases of the Urinary Organs. - Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscretion of youth , permanently cured by the use of this invaluable rem•dy. To you, 900 Iyoung, middle .aged, and old men, who are coy. ering, yofir sufferings as with • Mantle by silence, look ,up, you can be [lived by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels in the' crown of your maker. if you will. Do not keep this a secret longer until it saps your vitals. and destroys both body and soul. U you are thus afflicted. take Dr. Richmond§ Ss maritanNervine. It will restore your shattered nerves. Arrest premature decay, and impart tone and energy, to the whole System.- m® 2 95 2 25 2 95 2 25 1 40 1 2 10 S 49 Cured my, little girl of Ma. She',:waa also deaf and dumb, but it' cured her,' She can now talk and bear as, well as anybody. PETER Ross, Springwater, Wis. 26 1 81 1 63 EZ 2 12 Has been the means Of curing my wife of rheu matism. 3. B. Firrcznik 7 Fort Collins, Col. 4 40 1 00 1 20 4 00 1 16' 3 60 5 50 1 25 1 50 5 00 1. 45 4 70 1 00 1 05 ]tale a sure cure of • came of fits for-my son. E. B. RaLts. Mattarille.'Han I Cured moot vertigo, neuralgia and i sick bead. ache. • atm. Ww.llzanzason. Aurora, ni. 22 1 2 g 6, 22 44 44 16 22 N Was the means of curing my wife of sysmis. Itzv. J. A... Ems, Beaver. Pa, Cured me of enthral, after spending over gii,ooo with other doctors. < S. B. Ronson, New Albany, Ind. 1 87 1 81 1 88 2 08 2 71i I 90 MEI Effectually cured me of , spasms. - Miss JZWE 740 West Vau Buren St., Chicago; 11l ..... ) 14 - 3 ......, 2 Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family pi:quieten, it having over 100 in 21 hours, - • Essay MIZE, Verville, Warren Co., Tenn. . 3 2 t 3 Cored mo of scroftas after oufferiug for eight years.. Aissrr Minos, Peoria. 111. Cured my sou of eta. after spending 12,400 with other doctors. Cured me permsnectly otepileptie fits of a stub born character; Wm. 11Spam, ateebeniattown, Md. Cured my son of fas t after having had 2.5 00 In eighteen months. Mac E. Fenn, West Potsdam, N.Y. Cared . =opt epilepsy of nine years' standing. ulna. Osmium llswautz. Granby. Newton Co., 310 SAMARITAN NEUVINE Has permanently cured me - of epilepsy of man,' years standing. Jr►cos Surma, Si. Josepti, Mo. Cured ino of brxichitis, asthma. and goners' do tinny. - °LITE" Mil* Ironton, Ohio.. If we Uas cured mo of astlfma: also scrofula of many years standing. Isaac Jswats, Covington. Ky. Cured me of fltl. Have been well for over four years. \: . . . CHARLES E. CIIII:118,0sakis, - Douglics Co.. Slim'. Cured a friend of mine who had disferPala verf badly SAMARITAN NEED:DINE llu pcmniumtly cured me of epileptic Ate. Dann Tzars, Dee Moines, lowa etMD my wife of epilepsy Of 33 11131.1 ■tandlug Cured my wife of a nervous. disease of the heart, • E. asAim* North Hope, Pa. SAMATIATAN =WM. Cured roy son of Ate. Be has not bad aAt for about four years. Jcwil norm Woodburn, Iteoouyitt Co., Ut. • is for sale by druggists everywhere, or 0347 b. bad direct from us . Those who wish to obtain' further evidence of the curative- property' of Samaritan Nerving, wilt &nee enclose a 3-erat voltage stamp for a copy of our LUusnsied daullud " Health. giving hilndreds Of testimo nials Of from Warms who have used the medicine, and also their pictures photorsOod after their restoration to perfecitie. • - address DIL S. e. RICIDIOND cg, CURES AND SAMARITAN REMISE SLM&UITAN NERVIN* SAMARITAN NERVINE S4MARITAN NERVZNE SAMARITAN NERVINE liklithLUITAN NERVINE SAMARITAN .7SEBVIIIE SAMARPrAN NEEVINE SAMATtATLV NERVINE ELVMARATLN N'REMINE EikMARATAti INERVENE SAMARITAN NERVINE SAMARITAIt NEItVINE SANABSTAN NERVINE J.W. Tao=Tox, Clalborn, Miss SAMARITAN NERVINE SAIIdItITAW NEB.VINE autatnrrsx NEIIVINE. SAMARITAN NERMIN ELiMAR.TTAIti NERIrThr SAMARITAN NERYINZ SAIIABTrAN NERNMIE lArcsAre. 0•Oontoi. - RidgwaY, Ps . . SAMAIII IAN NERVINE Rama Cr u, raliteld.3llch. SAMARITAN MERNINE SAMARITAN NETITIVE World's Epileptic Institute, --qaPHY T. Josp-ig MI a