I 3 1 110LCOMB k TRACY, Publisher% i r , . _ 1 - - - " - NT ()L. VII , I . . . .a. • 'L. -------- --.---THE---- Railroad 'Time.Tablea. . , _---_____ Bradford Repu b lican BARCTIAY ARES E R T . F R. T T: A IM N. E:IA L BLE. , la TRAINS ;TR I -, • AINS I NORT/1.1 f SOUTH.. IS Published Every Thursday, -- , AO 4 i • STAT/ONB. 13 i W 57 An' f Aoo'lWay AT TOWANDA, PA., BY Mail. Mel' 1 ;tion i ?dail -_ _- ----1.-. -...._-...._.1 't P.M. A is ' , . - ROLCOIAB & TRACY ; 6.20 • •1 t ' " ,A. 11.1 1 1.111 9.20 Ar. ... Towanda ... Dop.l 6.17 3.15 - 0.03 o.oslDep. .... Monroe-. Ar, 6.35 3.30 1 3.02 %Agar. -.M0nr0e.... Dep.l 6.41 3.31 $1.30 Per Alumna, dm ..isfeesace. 3.58 8.59 " .. Masontown .. 0 1 347 3.33 ° 5.53 8.54 ,• .. Greenwood .. ,• j 6.6 21 3.40 .46 8.46 " ....Westons ... " 1 7.00 3.47 *5.39 Summit Advertising Etates--S ix cents a line for first vs as es i , - - -..• • " 4 7.111 0 3.54 • - 3 5 f ' 2 ... Lalitakt.... " 17.15 *3.58 insertion, an i live cents per line for all ants,e- 531 8.311 " LongVa ll ey3uno " 7.191 4.02 ntinsertions. Rea di ng notice advertising line ...., 5 . 20 8.13 Dep. . Foot of Plane. A r.l 7.37 •4 15 1 . hi' cents per lino. Eight lines constitutes * Indicates that train; do not stop. square, and twelve lines , an inch. Auditor's _ notices $2.50. Administrator's and Executor'. 2mrs2 F. F. LYON, • Burt and Eng'r, Barclay, Pa. notices $2.00. Yearly advertising $150.00 pee column. Tnx Rrro aural( Li published in raise 1 iscy, • LEHIGH VALLEY .A, PENNA. AND Mooro and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main NEW YORK RAILROADS. - Ind Pine streets. over J. E. Career's Boot sod &UJUNG/MOST OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Sluie store. Its circulation is over 2000. At as To TAKE EFFECT y gyi Ist Ign advertising meditun it is unexcelled in iris la- . . , . 1 m . ediate field. Tclivanda Business Direciory. ..._ ATTORAEPS-AT.LAW. 0111T11 1c HILLIS, Attorney's - At-Law ; Odia 0 over Powell at CO, 4 I C 4 CCLIFF, J. N., Office in Wood's Block, south First National Bank. up stairs. June 12,78 riLsBREE A- SON IN C. Marva and I. Elabree.) Ja Office in Meteor Block. Park St. may 14,78 'DECK 4: OVERTON (Bent M Peck and D 4 Goer. 4. tone. Mee over Hill's Market 49-19 lIVERTON & SANDERSON (S Overton and Jolts ‘../ F Sander:cm.) Office in Adams Block.inlys'7B mASWELL. WM. Office over Dayton's Store 5pri114,76 WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block. _ apr 14,76 nAVIES, CARNOCHAN & HALL, (W T Danes. -1.1 WII Carnochan, L X Hall.) Office In rear it Ward House. Entrance on, Poplar St. (je12,75 MERCUR, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention paid to business in Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. Office in Montanye's Block 49.79 Rif c PIIERSON it YOUNG. (I, McPherson and AiLL IV. I. Young.) Office south side ofiderenr's Block. feb 1,78 LKADILL & RINNEY, Office corder Main and in . pine at. Noble's block, second floor front. Collections promptly attended to. feb 1 78 WTUILLIANS. ANtatia k BUFFING ON. (a n 7 WESTWARD. mutants, E J Angie and E D Bughsgslion). Office west aide of Main street, two doors north 1 of Argus office. AU business entrusted to their i STATIONS. I c 13 n &i l2 care will receive prompt attention. oct 2E07 TkMES , 11. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Att a r- ~- P.M. A.M.A.M.11 4 .11. J net's and Connsellomst-Law. Office in the New York. 6.30 1 .... 7 .401 3.40 liercur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drng Store. Philadelphia 8.00 .... 9.00 4.15 . _ • , July 3, 'BO tf. 1 Easton s 9.2c i ....lo.is 5.50 , , Bethlehem 9.50 • _ 1 10.45 6.15 IirEENEY, J. P. Attortter)..st-Law. Office in Allentown .. .. 10.65 .. 10.51 6.24 1111 Montanye's Block, Main Street. I ' Mauch Chunk 11.051 ...... '11.55 7.25 Sept., 15. 'isl-tf. b Willtesairre. , 1.081 7.30 2.03 9.45 rri s-at L &, IIOMPSON, W. H. and E. A., Attorney Fail B Junction 1,35 8.01 2.25 Falls ....1 8.27 ... .110.10 10.32 .t. Law, Towanda, Pa. Office in Mercur Block, LaGrange. .1 8.45 . '10.46 over Cr. T. Sirbyli s Drug Store, entrance on Main Tunkhannock ...... 2 .151 5,55 ;.616.52 street. lint stairway north of Post-office. All stebeepeny 9.201..-.111.22 business promptly attended to. Special &nen- Sfeshopnen .. p 271 3.27111.29 Lion given to claims against the - United States Skinnerl. Eddy.. . 1 , . 0.43 1 . ALL-, or Pensiot.s, Bounties, Patents. etc., and to LaceTvine 3.021 9.50 .ir,!11.50 olloctions and settlement of decedent's es stes. w ya i na i ng t 1 10.14 ;4 03 1 0 07 April 21. ly Prenchtown .; 110.2. ... . 1 12.17 Rummertield • 10.37, .... 1 12.24 HENRY B. DI'KEAN, . Standing Stone . '. Wysanking ;10.54 12.37 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Towanda .t. -, 3.59 1105' 443112.46 Ulster 1 !i /X 4 . 5512.57 - , TOWANDA, PA. Milan i . ;11.26 1.06 Athens 4.3 . 0 11.3. 1 5.10 1.15 Solicitor of Patents. Government claims at. Sayre 1 440111.41 5.20 1.23 tended to. 116feb82 Waverly , 4.45'11.50' 5.30 1.30 Elmira t • 5.23 12.40' 6.15 2.15 PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS. Owego , 5.39 .... 6.25 .... JOHNSON. T. 8., M.D. Mee over Dr. H. C. m üburn acs, • 6. . 3 10 0 . ...... 10 6. .... Porten's Drug Store. feb 12,78 Geneva 7.41 ..• : 8.14 . N ... , 1 8.50 .... Lyons 8.40 . NEWTON, Dm .D.N.& F. G. Office at Dwelling Rochester ' 9.50 6.101 9.40 ..- on River Street, corner Weston St. fob 12,77 Guffawll.4o, 8.10,12.05 8.•• Niagara Falls 1 1.031 9.25: 1.08 9.40 P.M. P.M. A.M, A.M T _ADD, C. K., M.D. Oillcs lot door , above old .1-1 bank building, on Blain street. Special at tention given to diseases of the throat and lungs. jcilyl9.7lll WOODBURN, S. M., M.D. Office and resi dence. Main street, north of-31.E.Church. Medical Examiner for Pension Department. tab 22.78 PAYSE,' E. D.. M.D. Office • over Mlntinye'S Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20,77 TOWNER, H. L., 11._ .D. HONGLOPATELIC PRTRICIAN & 8:PROROIC. /If-eidetic° and once Just north of Dr. Corbon's /thin street, Athens. Ps. - HOTELS IOFESBY HOUSE. Main st.; next corner south AA. of Bridge street. New house and new furniture throughout. The proprietor has .spa red neither pains or expense in making his nu tel first-class and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage; • Meals at all hours. Terms reasonable. Large Stable attacked. : :mar B 77 Wkr. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES. ATKINS POST, NO. 6S, G. A. B. Meets W every Saturday evening. at MiLitary Ralf. GEO. V. MYEll,lorausasder. J. R. Farrawas. Adjutant. • 4 feb 7, 79 CltliiiTAL LODGE, NO. 57. „Meets at K. of P Hall every Monday evening at 7:30. In eurance $2,000. Benefits 83.00 per week. Aver age annual coat, 5 years experience. in. J. IL SITTBIDOE, Reporter, 41E+, E WARDELL, JR., Dictator. feb 22.78 - ,70 RAIWORD LODGE. N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet +.4.) in odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening It 7 o'clock. WARREN Wiz, Noble Grand. June 12,75 • • HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. ' DOST, F. E. No. 32 Second •treat All orders 4 . • will receive prompt attention. Jane 12,75 EDUCATIONAL SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INS 'n u The SPRING TERM will begin . Monday, April 3, 1482. For catalogue or other infor. tion. address . or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN. A. M. Towanda. Pa. July 19,78 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. Flu:oaf business in Mar• cur flock next door to Journal office opposite Public square. Plumbing, Gas Pitting. Repair. tg, Pumps of all lands, and all kinds of Gearing romptly attended to. All 'wanting work in his no should give him a call. • July 27.77 INSURANCE I43BELL, O. B,' General Info:trance Agency, . Towanda, P. (Mice In Whitcomb's Book Store, July 12,74 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT _ JAMES McCAtE „As BEHOVED HIS GROCERY BUSEMIS 0 THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF MAIN • AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE lIE HAS ESTABLISHED liead Quarters FOR EVERYTHING ECTHE LINE OF 81110ERIES1111 Pllll3llls, &c., &c. CASH PAID for Desirable Pro - F. duce.' Fine — BUTTER and EGGS a specialty. I " April 29 1? NATHAN TIDD, 18necossor to Mr. McKean,) ; • DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKESBAURE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, / 1 )0!i'' or PINE STREET. NEAR AZIIIRT ROUSE. TOWANDA, PA. Sir LORTsi PSICES, FOS CASE.., elifrThe pa y ir-or/me of zu old ;rinds sad ties public , • all is solicited. 010 P: 0 0 , . . - .. . . 1 , . . ... . . • • . . t . . . , . • . . • . , ."" l lllr : B .. • Nit .-, - i4 . - ''. _i • . ~. ,-_ - ; fr- ... .-. 4....... - , . . . , _. - . A •_ \-• _ .d 1116... • - - .)FiatlYE .. lIIKM7 -----'-',..,, ....,.-4,,,....,-..-- • '' ..,,',....'....'i• - •: , - r •-..--: - '..., , 5,.. ..',7, I: ' - . ',II me.. 14 1t , f i:- ' ,1, and . . ~ '.: . dam ' vs - 14.7•7, ::helie jos : :.' 4'7 hi bti t i - r ' - e.Use - ors o) 'tole -I had Itti ~': .lr Alit. gni , . . din' iituteae * 1141- , • • STATIONS. .! 1 5 0 7 3 . 9 • • P.N. A.N.A.N. .1i; Bails tics Palls • 2.05 7.20 y.... 7.15 9.50 8.251 • 9.20 RochMtsr ......... '........1 5.15 30.06 1 Lyons , • 1 6.46q11.051 1 Gcmoix. 6.5511.30 Ithaca 1 8.33 1.001..... Auburn... . 5.15 11.051 Oweg o 8.50 1 1.35 . 9.10 1.451 9.00 3.45 Waverly ' 9.45 2.10, 9.40 4.15 Sayre 10.10 2.30110.00 4.30 Athens • 10.15 2.3440.05 4.34 Itilan . • • ••.. . .. 110.15 ..... Mater ',10.2.5 ..„ • rowanda 1 1/46 3.003043 5 05 Wysanking . 110.54 5.13 - Standing Stone • . • 11.03 ilionmerlield .....,11.10, 5.26 franchtown 1 111.19' Wyalusing 1 3.36,11.30 6.43 Laceyville 11.42 3.57 11.50 6.03 Skinner's 11.63 .6.07 Neshoppen 4.12 19.10 6.23 AlehOOpany ' 12.16 6.23 Tunkhannocii ' 12.23 4.35 1 1.00 7.10 LaGrange ' ', • ..... 1.10 7.20 Falls , 1.24 7.35 1. & B Junction .. .... ..... 1.05 5.10 1.45 8.05 Wilk , m•Barre - - 1.35 3.30 2.20 835 Nanen Chunk ' 3.45 7.351 4.60 11.00 Allentown 4.44 8.29 i 533 12.00 Bethlehem 5.00 8.45: 6.0512.15 Easton 5.30 9.001 6.40 12.55 Philadelphia 6.5510.401 8.40 2.20 New York 8.0 I 9.16 3.36 A.M. D.M. P.M. r.lll. No. 32 leaves Wyalnoing at 6:00 town G. 14, Rummertield 6.29, Sta Wreanking 6.40. Towanda 6.53. Ulster 7.06, Milan 7:16 Athena 7:25. Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 8:50., A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 0:15, Athens 6:20, Milan R:3O. meter 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysanking 7:05; Standing Stone 7.14, Rummerileld 7:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arriv ing at Wyalusing at 7:45.,.P. M. Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping ears on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 • and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with out change, and through coach to and from Rocheater.via Lyons.. WM. STEVENSON, Supt. Urns, PA., Jan. 2.1882. Pa. fir, N. Y. IL. R. Miscellaneous Advertisements QUEEN &CO. THE .GREAT OPTICIANS, 924 CHESTNUT STREET: , -Pmixx..A.mmx.a.mti.e... • . SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE, SUPERIOR SKILL, SUPERIOR LENSES and • SUPERIOR. FACILITIES For marmfactortur, an combine togireour SPECTA- CLES and ETE•GLASSES a national reputatio n. LOST SIONT NEVER RETURNS. Do not trii!o with your eyes by taking trICSIIEE ABLE GLASSES. - • Chlatogues as follows sent on appltrefinn Putt— Mathematical Instrinenta, Imam Part_ Lan Instruments, UR gee. Part a— Magic Lanterns. 11.2 Mtge& Parts—P phical Inatnuuents,l6oPailpa Towanda 5 cf. Store MAIN STREET, I t s preparod to offer a complete assort DRY AND FANCY GOOK Crockery, ;Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA. MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C. For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. SirWe endeavor to sell the best article for the least possible money: my64f - ^ A. , N. NELSON IP: DEALER Di . 10 - WAT CHES, CLOCKS, 'INS GOLD AND PLATED JEWELER of wart watlotf, and Spectacles. dam Particulu Mention lopairfax. Shop In Thinker & Vonibra Btbaat7 atom. Waln Streak Towanda, Penna. 80940 HE (NEXT DOOR TO FELCH k CO ment of Latest designs and patterns .of LOEWIIB & FREIMUTN. America's Dead Poet. NEM WADMITE LoNarnsow, The poet's true memorial is his own song 'in the heart.of a friend.' To no poet have so many invisible but durable monuments been reared in so many hearts and homes as to Henry Wads worth Longfellow. Next to the< word 'bidden in the heart and hies/aiming in the life is the printed word, sowing it self thus in other hearts and homes, there to hide, there to blossom. Never was more fruitful <seed carried by bird of more beauteous plumage than the songs of Longfellow. The work of the artists has been a lakor,s4 gemune-OMMIUMIIM pas. rent gentirs the 'Pencil and patience to the burin; and the result is the finest .illustrated edition of a classic which either England or America has ever produced; acineerly worthy in appgret to the poet l Soul _which it clothes as the combined art of the most skillful press-work, the most con scientious engraving, rind the most spa pathetic artists can furnisl. Blood tells. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow descended by. his mother from John Alden of colonial fame; his father, Hon. Stephen Longfellow, a leader of _the' Maine bar and Wernher qt the National 'Congress, went by the title of the .'honest; lawyer,' a' :Art:pinata:ice which_ indicates that honest` lawyers were rare—threeqaarters of if ! century ago. The Longfellow house, Where the poet was born;—February 27; 1807, is one Of the memorable old 'mansions of the city of r Portland, Maine. Cnl leges were then few, academie's numer ous; of. there New England academies, of Which those at Easitharapieu, tin doves, and, Exeter survive to' witness what we have lost, a deserSedly promi nent on was that at Portland; and here young Longfellow prepared for college. His principal instructors were a Mr. Cushman, head-master, whO subse quently became an editor of the 'New York Evening .Posi,' and furnished to its columns European letters of travel, then as distinguishing a, feature of a metropolitan journal us tbeiri absence would be to-chiy; and Mr. Jacob Ab bott, usher, and at that time apprentice iu the art of sehool-teaching. Under these two the lipy made such 'p-ogres4 that ho entered Bowdoin College at the age of fourteen,„--uot unprecedent ed, brit early even for that time when collegPs were less exacting and boys more precocious than nolw.. A more remarkable class never gath ered under Anierican college roof-tree than the Bowdoin class of 1825; John S. C. AbbOtt, the future. popular his torian; Jonathan Cilley, whose reputa tion as a ready debater in Congress was over-shadowed by his tragic &oath in the memorable 'duel With Graves; J. W. Bradley, eminent in law and politics; Geo. B. Cheever; the Gideon of the anti-slavery climp`aign; and Niithauielii Hawthorn, the genius of American romance, were ainong Longfellow's classmates. His pen had alrdady begun to write in rhymes, l which was nothing extraordinary; but it was extraordinary that-the rhymes found ready admission to the Poet's Corner 'of the Portland papers and many rustlers and a . looal reputation. His college life was un eventful; his quiet humor never.ran into wild hilarity; his - gentle nature never into lawless scrapes. He was genial, social, equable, then as always; ready to do a good tore to any student whowant ed help; steady and studious, treasur ing his time; and therefore popular with both classmates and faculty. Before Commencement day arrived his reputa tion as a poet ran beyond the bounds of both college and State. Theophilus Parsons, then poet and litteivleur, sub sequently eminent in Massachusetts jurisprudence, hail essayed the public taste with a hazardous literary venture, 'The United States Literary Gazette,' 'a quarto of sixteen page . ;, devoted to book reviews and literary miscellany, and furnished to subscribers in fort nightly umbels at the exceedingly low price of five dollars a year. - Think of it, ye who grumble at paying three dol lars for' the deristion -Union,' or four dollars for 'Harper's' or 'The Atlantic.' In this long since extinct periodical I find a number of poems by 'H. W. L.,' among them his now famous "Woods in Winter,' An April Day . ,' Hymii of the Moravian Nun,' and 'Sunrise on the Hills; among them, also, some which he has not chosen to rescue from the oblivion, in which they therefore un happily remain buried. W. L.,' protably did not add much to his pocket-money by these, poems. One of the chief attractions of the 'Gazette' was W. C. Bryant, then jest miming to his early fame; the editor invited his contributions and offered generously to pay the young poet his own 'price; Mr. Bryant, after some hesitation, fixed upon two dollars a poem as a fair com pensation. It is to assume that the un known collegian was no better paid. Growing success evidently did not tarn Longfellow's head or divert him from his steady purpose; he graduated in his eighteenth year, second in - Mit class of thirty-seven —though there thitre seems to have been two seconds Of about equal standing. More striking testimony to his scholarship, however, was the call extended to him six months after graduating to become Professor of Modern Languages and. Literature at his Afiria Mater,—and he but a boy of nineteen studying law in his father's of fice. :While yet a college student he• had written a metrical translation of one of Horace's Odes. , The; reading of this translation, or a part of it, 'at a general 'examination had attracted the attention of the examiners by its rare beauty of expression, and when the pro posal was made in the Board of Trustees to establish a chair of Modern Lan guages, Hon. I3enjamin Orr, a distin guished, lawyer of Maine, and a lover of Horace, nominated' .Mr. Longfelioir and referred to this translation as ad- A. M.', French ding Stone 6.31 !ii.owAp.i.'...._il*ApFp4p, , _:oo. AND HIS WORK. itt LYMAN ABBOTT. "GOVERNMENT WM-ME ficent proof of his fitness for the pool- Lion. The . 11Orsek. itself, with the autographs of Longfellow, Calvin Stowe, and John. A. Andrew, is in the collection of Prof. Egbert C. Smyth of Andover. to whom I am infiebted for this incident.' The invitation to young Longfellow was the more extraordinary since_ the chair was created that he might fill it; for iu 1851 Ameridan colleges bad not yet learned that France and Ger many have , a literature as well as Greece and Romp; that Italy and Spain have theirs is hardly,known even now. The boy of nineteen wits asked not to carry on a department alrea ly organized but to create. one. Studious and steady I called him a moment ago; tile event proves it; he would not spring une quipped into the work; patienttwaiting is no loss, a proverb he and his Alma Miter verified; he maid abroad 'mai Out three Years and a half in studying French, German, Italian, and Spanish on their native soil; and the - College waited for him, another rare compli ment., In 1829, then, we see Mr. Longfellow fairly entered, upon his life-work, a young man Of twenty-two. with a repu tation already won by his 'April Day' and his 'Woodii in Winter;' with that peculiar urbanity of manner, born of a true kindliness of heart and human sympathy, which makes him still the inosc courtly and eourieoui of men; with all the culture of college education and residence abroad, superadned.to a nature peculiarly , fine-grained; straight as an arrrow, a manly carnage, which he preserves even now at seventy-four. His reputation proved at the very out set , a capital for his Alma Mater. 'When I entered Bowdoin College in 1830,' writes Peesideut Hamlin of Mid dlebury College - to me, 'Professor Longfellow had occupied the chair but one year. Our class numbena &lvo,- sue largest freshman class that had up to that time entered ;college, and many of its members were attracted - by Lougfcllow's reputation. His inter course!, with the studenis was perfectly simple, frank. and gentlemanly. He neither flattered nor repelled; • he neithei sought popularity nor avoided it. He was a close and ardent student in all Spanish arc French literature. He had no. time to fritter away. But . he always And evidently enjoyed having students Come to him with any reason able question about languages, authors, literature mediaeval or — modern history, more especially the former. They al ways left him not only with admiration, but guided and helped and inspired.' Nor was his influence confined to his college classes. He. pulAshed a suc cessful text-book for their uses, oceas sioeal articles on literary subjects iu what was then almost the sole avenue to the American public for the small but increasing coterie of American 'authors, the 'North American Review,' and one or two translations. Bat ;his work as an author can hardly be ,said to•have commenced till iu 1835, he was invited to become Professor of Modern Lan guages and Literature at Harvard, oc 7 eupying the chair made vacant by'the resignation of Professor Ticknor.. His passion for preparatiou hid not for saken him, and he seized the occasion for another year of foreign travel. Bat the preparation proved to be profounder than , he had planned; the first great sorrow of his life - overtook him in the of his young wife aeßotterdam. Sorrow knocks at the heart that Christ may enter, The poet . opened the door to the Divine Guest, and his subsequent life has been Paul's benediction set to music:. 'Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who comforteth us in all our tribulation,, that we may be able to com fort them which are in any trouble by the contort wherewith we ourselves are comforted. of God.' His most sacred office has been that of the' world's con soler. No man has wiped away' so many cruel tears; no one has made ,so many sweet tears to flow; no other light has shone in so many darkened hearel. tO"this hour his life had been = one of preparation; henceforth it "was one of production. His return home was im mediately followed by the production of 'Ontre-Iller,' and two year's later by 'Hyperion.' English literature affords no specimen of greater beauty of sim plicity in expression than these prose poems, the second of which Barry Cornwall was accustomed to read through once a year for the sake of its style. Other works followed in rapid succession during the twenty years of his Cambridge professorship,--Voices of the Night,' ,'The Spanish Student,' 'Evangeline,' Kavanagh.' ,'The Golden Legend,' besides several 'Volumes of poems. an edition of 'Poets and Poetry of Europe,' and not infrequent contri butions to the periodicals of the day, the 'North Anierican,' the 'Knicker bocker,' and •Putnam's.'l Nor was his professorship meanwhile a sinecure, or its duties and labors lightly regarded by either himself or others. 'How fully. he occupied his 'chair,' and to what pur pose, let the, reader judge from the , following letter, ;to the by one of his pupils, and which is so graphic that I venture to give it to the public, though not originally written for them:— 80%11E1E134 MASS., Feb. 5. 1881. was so fortunate as to be in the first 'section' which Mr. Longfellow instruct ed personally when he 'came to Cam bridge in 1836. Perhaps . l I best illus trate the method of his instruction when lug that I think, every man in that section would now say that he was on intimate terms with Mr. Longfellow. We are all near sixty now, but .I think that every one of the section would expect to have Mr. Longfellow recog nize him, and would enter into familiar talk with him if they met. From the first, he chose to take with us the rela tion of a personal friend a few years older than we were. Ls it happened, the regular recitation rooms of the -college were all in. use, and indeed. I think he was hardly ex. peoted to teach any language at all. Ho was to oversee the department and to lecture. -But_ he `'-to teach us it; I know I German forlher thought be did, i now, it has never occarred to whether it were a part of his duty. Any way, we did not i in one of the rather dingyr! rooms,' but', in a sort of parlor hung with pictures, Ariel, fur- nished, which Anne, called 'The Oorporati4 We sat round a mahogany _ ; was reported to be meant fox if the tris. tees, and the wht , the aspect of a friendly gin in . 111 private house,' in which the 'of German was the amusement le occasion. .These accidental igs of the place characterize enough the whole proceeding. - - . Ile began wiittiiit ballads, read' theta to iik -i iiit rein! them to him. Of -coarse ewe.,' them to memory'-44 - t meaning to, and I think this wan ' ' . IY. part of his theory. At the , ;d ate we were I + 4 learning the paradigantiny -rote. lint we never studied thigiiiitinni except to learn them, nor do I kroitilo this hour what are the contents eilibalf the pages in the regular Genaangreinmars. This was quite - too good to last. For his regular duty wag tim oversight of five or more instruotorn into were teach- ing French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portugese, to two oz three hundred undergraduates. All *fee gentlemen were of European birth;; and you know how undergraduates 'are -apt to fare with each Men. Mr.oLongfellow had a real administration of the whOle department. His title was 'Smith! Prqfessor of Mo dern Literature,' but - 2 always called him 'The Head,' becananfie was head of the department. We_neer knew when he might look in on a !recitation and virtually conduct it. We were delight ea La nave him come. .4Any slipshod work ii i t Bette poor wretch from France, who was tormented by Wild-cat soph omores, would be madn. straight and decorous and all right. We all knew he was a poet and were proud, to have him in the college, but at theaame timo we respected him as a man of affairs. - , Besides this he lectured on authors, or more general, subjeot%,. I think at tendance was voluntary, bit I know we never tnilsed. a - lecture. 1 . I have. full notes of his lectures on Dante's 'Divine Commedia,' which confirm - my recol' lectionki; namely, that he read the whole to us in English, and explained what ever he thought needed comtnent. I have often referred to these notes since. And though I suppope that he included all that he thought worth while id his notes . to his ;translation of Dante,,l know that until that was published I could find no such reservoir of - comment on the ixtem. Very_truly yzutre,.. F. EDWARD E. HALM About half a mile or so from Harvard College, a little back from the elm-shad ed avenue which leads to Mount Auburn, stands an old-fashioned square house with a broad piaz;a looking out upon its garden, and its front windows commanding a view of. the quiet and unostentatious Charles River. This is the Craigie mansion, and it has been Mr. Longfellow's home ever since 1836. It was then in the possession of the widow Craigie, a gentlewoman who had seen bettordaya and was humbly proud of tile fact. Mr. Longfellow's first ap• plication for lodging at her door was re pulsed with the remark, 'I do not take students,' but when the old lady learned that the youth of twenty-eight was a college professor she relaxed her dignity a trifle, and consented to let him a cham ber in the second story. which to thiii day serves as a sort of second library whither his volumes depart when placed on the retired list. There are traditions lingering in the minds of old-time com panions of delightful gatherings in this upper chatiber, in which literary con verse was helped by delicate suppers, so refined in their ministrations to the body that they might:be called the poatry of gastronomy. When. by and by, the old gentlewoman died, Mr. Longfellow becamb purchaser of the place and moved his study from the southeast chamber to the room under neath. It is a quaint old house with a rare history, and . house ,and history are sacredly preserved unharmed by modern innovations. It was built, probably, not , far from the ' middle of the last.century; an iron In the back of one of the ~chimneys, bearing the date 1759, serve's as a kind of birthmark. At the beginning of the Revolution it was purchased by the colonial govern ment,, and became Washington's head quartra attei the battle of Bunker Hill. The poet's present study was Washing ton's :room; the - parlor opposite was Lady Washington's parlor; the large room in the rear, now converted into a family library,' was appropriated to the , aides-de-camp. After the Revolution Mr. Craigie bought it with its two hun dred acres; but . the grandeur of the establishment was too niinoli for his purse. When he left it, to his widow the estate was reduced to eight acres, and the widow to the necessity of tak ing lodgers to eke ont her twenty in come. The houae, with its great fire places, its generously proportioned rooms, its hospitable hall and broad staircase, its quaint carvings and tiles, is itself an historic poem. Thestudy is a busy literary man's workshop; the table is piled with painphleta and pa pers in orderly confusion; a high desk in one corner suggests practice 'of stand while writing, and gives a hint of one secret of the Doet's singularly erect form at an age when the body generally begins to: stoop- and the shoulders to grim round; an orange-tree stands in one. Window; near it a stuffed stork keeps watch; by the' side ef the open fire is the • 'children's chair; on- the table I. Cideridge's ink-stand; upoli the walls are crayon - likenesses of Emer son. Hawthorne, and Sumner; • and in one of the book-cases, which fill all the spare - Intl-space and occupies even one of the windows, are, rarest treasure of all, the poet's own works in their origi nal manuscript, carefully preserved in handsome and substantial bindings. The whole houseis eloquent with the lioll PEOPLE." , PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1882. speech with which'the poet's pen has endowed it. As one enters he fancies be hears from out the silence:— "Once, ah, once, within these walls, One whom memory oft recalls, The Father of his Country dwelt. Erp and down these echoing stairs, Item with the weight of cares; Bonnded his majestic tread." He looks wonderingly, reverentially, up the broad, old-fashioned, easy stair- Case, and there he- sees the quaint clock:— - nor way up the stairs it stands, And points and beckons with its hands, From its cue of massive oak, Like *nook, who; under his olak, Crosses himself, and sighs, alas ! ' With sorrowful voice to all who pass, : Never—forever !" • He, enters the study from which have gone forth such inspiration as in 'Ex celsior' and the 'Psalm of Life,' such consolation as in 'Resignation,' sne'h heart impulses as in 'The Children's Honr,' such elevation of toil as.in 'The Villsge Blacksmith,' such.deep devoted ness of love as in Elsie's 'prayer, and the _sacred rush of feeling -blinds the eyes that look but dimly through strug gling tears at the poet so loved - for sacred service at every point of life's sorest need, He sits down in the carved chair made from the 'spreadingchestnut tree,' and presented to the poet by the schocl-children of Cambridge, and for the moment he too becomes a poet, and "Sees again, one in a vision sees, • The blossomsland the bees,. And hears the children's voices shout anl call, And the brown chestnuts fall," He listens to a double voice: . that 5f the poet who is. welcoming him most cor dially to this sacred spot; that of ,the poet whose voice has made, the before unmeaning flame eloquent with . the' in spiration of his own enthusiasm; and in Longfellow's' flre.place, as in no other in all this wide world,— "Every quivering longue of flame Seems to murmur some great "name, Seems to say to me, - 'Aspire.• " He looks out on the broad porch where the poet takes his winter exercise, and across it to the now , leafless garden, en cased in snow, but suddenly every tree iS in leaf and every rose in bloom, and he - sees the child eager at his, , • "Now shouting to the apples an the tile, With cheeks as round and red as they;l, AUd now among the yellow stalks, Aniong the flowering shrubs anti pisuti, As restlees as the bee." He turns and looks through the other windows` across the front garden, across the snoW'and ice that now shroud "river and (meadow in indistinguishable. death that levels and hears the voice again:— 'ltiver that in silence windoat, Through ttie meadows. ; bright,and free. Till at length thy rest thou flndest In the bosom of the seal" Here are mementoes, which the poet has allowed' the world to share with him; Here is the pen presented by "beautiful Helen of Maine,' with 'its 'iron link from the chain of Bonnivard,' its 'wood from the frigate's mast,' that wrote 'on the sky the snag of the sea and the blast,' and its jewels three from the mountains of Maine, the snows of Sibe ris, and the sands of Ceylon; here is the old DaniSlr Song Book, 'yellow as the -insect, rain-molested leaves of autumn,'- into which the poet has written . memo ries of home's,— "Where thrsongs of love and friendship - • Made the gloomy northern winter Bright aS: sum mgr; I here is taantique pitcher with its "Old Silenus, bloated, drunken, Led by his inebriate Satyrs," out of which the magician poured that fairest of temperance songs:— "Now to rivulets from the mountains Point the rods of fortune-tellers; 'loath perpetual dwells in fountains; Not in Basks, and easks,.and cellars;" here is the famous group of Mr. Long fellow's daughters, painted by Buchan an Read for the father, painted by the father for nll the world:— . "Grave Alice and laughing Allegra. And Edith with golden hair. "They climb up into my turret O'er the arms and back of my chair; If I try to escape they surround me; They seem to be everywhere. "They almost devour Me with idesba, Their arms about me entwine, Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen In hie Monso•Tower on the Rhino." 0 sweet and sacred home I There is no speech; its voice is not heard;. but its sound has gone out into all lands and its words unto the ends of the world. • Other memories "whieh are not ours make this home sacred as only life and love and death can sabotify. Here have been born to the poet his two sons and three daughters; here' in this study his wife sat for many an honr,—he was married a second tithe -in 1843,—her presence an ipepiration to the -poet's pen, her rare grace as a hostess mingling with his to Make his home sought .by strangers and loved by friends. Her sudden and tragic death was the world's lament when it occurred; for innumer able mounieM whom the poet had com forted longed in vain ,to comfort him: The-sorrow has left its deep sacredness in his later Writings. : Twice the conse crating touch of sorrow has been laid upon him; the 'crown of his glory has been made of thorns. This we -know; and this is all we have a right to know. Crape on the door closes it to- all but the most - intimate friends. The:Craigie Inman is still his home, and probably will be till he4iites 'The End.' With him live two.of his dabghters, unmar ried; with him, also, one of his sons, when at home; nearly opposite, his other son, the well-known and hobored artist, !Ernest Longfellow; 'and an around him friends, for the world holds not his enemy, and there is not a school= boy' in all Cambridge that looks not ,ten derly up the garden walk as. he passes the poet's gate. To appreciate aright Mr. LOnsfellow's literary service to ibis country, it_ is necessary to go back in imagination to the epoch when he began his literary career-1825. American literature was not then born. The very %Petite for it had to be evoked; the very means of giving it to the public to be created. The only one of the- great publishing houses of to-day then eilating was that of Harper & Brothers,, which-was then almost wholly devoted to furnishing readers with English reprinto.. Not one of our present' 'magazines or literary periodicals existed: The few religtons weeklies were narrow, intolerant, and controversal; the dailies were intensely partisian and bitterly personal; Charles Dickens's carieatures in 'Martin Chttz zlewit,' published in 1843, would not have been so hateful if they had not been so true.. Companionflhip in letters hardly existed for the Americans. Bry ant had indeed published his 'Thane topsis,' and Washington Irving his 'Knickerbocker's History ofNew York,' a few[years previous; but Poe had not. yet issued' his first book;- Motley was trying his pen unsuccesfully at fiction, and was yet to learn that he was an historian. Whittier was just leaving the farm and the shoeruaker's bench to become editor of a short-lived . tariff newspaper. Cooper bad yet in the Orncible his unformedetories of Indian and pioneer life. Hawthorne had hard ly touched pen to paper- except in col lege exercises; and Prescott was un kaowp save as a brilliant essayist, and only to the limited circle of readers of the "North American Review." Ameri can life was prosaic; and before it could fed the glow` of its own poetry. it must know something of the poetry of the past. This was Mr. Longfellow's first siervice ,to his countrymen; he was a mediator between the old and the new; he translated the romance of the past into the language of universal life. Out . of - the closed volume 'he gathered the flowers that lay there pressed and dead and odorless;'he breathed into them the ,kfreath of life; . and they bloomed and were fragrant again., He came.! to the past its the south winds come to the woodi in spring; and the trees put out their leaves and the 'earth its mosses and the dell its wild Sewers to greet him. Each of his large poems is thin' the revification of a buried past'. For each he made patient prepanitiOn in most careful and painstaking- study, 'The Golden Legend' was a fruit of that . three years and a half .of study _in Eu ropean life and literature. For the New England tragedies he collected a library of over a hundred volumes, • in cluding some rare and obsolete tomes giving the Quakers' account of those brave but cruel times.. But perhaps the best illustration of both his methods and its value is offered by his 'Hiawatha.' Schoolcraft had patiently exhumed the Indian legands, but to bury them anew in books.to ,which only the curious in ancient lore over turned. These, le .gende • Longfellow studied long and deeply; - not only in Schoolcraft, Catlin, and Heckewelder, but in forgotten peri odicals and obsolete reports;be dwelt in • these legends, absorbed them, possessed I them. He bad already caught the rhythmidal language of wild and ancient legends in the measures of the Flemish and ( the Spanish poets. When at length be gave the stories of .the American aberigines set to the music of the an cient European singers, all America and all England began to sing them: With in four weeks from its publication • ten thousand copies of 'Hiawatha' had been sold in this country; and within a year and a half, fifty . thousand. The work was instantly reprinted in England in several 'editions; within a few months it had appeared in Germany in two translations. `Minnehaha' and 'Hia watha' became popular - catchwords. 'Minnehaha' Falls, in many a stream East and West, sang of his 'work. • The beautiful three-dicked ship Minnehciha, launched froni a Boston ship-yard, served as a peripatetic monument. Critics waged hot warfare over the book; its metre was.'as tiresome as the time of a barrel organ;' its metre was the most 'exqualte music.' Caricaturists sailed into a cheap and short-lived popularity in its wake.. A selection from Punch's genuinely humorous parody is worth reviving here as indicative of the power of the poet to mediate betweent„the common peo ple and th 3 roman& of before unknown whet!, "Should you ask me, What's its nature? Ask mco what's the kind of poem ? Ask me in respectful language, Touching your respectful beaver. Kicking back your manly hind-le . g, Like . to one who sees his betters; I should answer, I should toll you; • ' is a poem in, this metre,. And emb . alming the traditions, - 'Fables, rites. and sisperatitions. Uganda, charms, and ceremonials Of the various tribes of Indiana, From the land of the Ojibways, .• • From the land of the Bimetal's, From the mountains; moors, and fenlands Where the heron, the Shah-shuh•gir, Finds its sugar in the rushes: From the fast-decaying nationa, Which our gentle Uncle t3amuel Is improving very smartly, From the face of all creation, Qff the face of all creation. "Should you ask me, By what story, Torever—coverl `Evangeline,' the 'Masque of Pan dora,' the translations from the Span ish, the'•Dante,' are in different phases, illustrations of the same potver and the • same service. There is no writer's° worth studying as Longfellow by any one who wishes to bzing into his own life the poetry of other lives and lands and times. How elaborate and painstaking, ave been his studies Arcadian, Indian, and Mediaeval ro mance, -before he has assumed the office of interpreter, the notes in the latest edition of his works abpdantly testify; still better testimony 'is that of - bia library of rare old books in his Cam bridge home. Such a man need be both a versatile and a profound seholar,—and Mr. Longfellow is both. He is thoroughly familiar with all European languages except the Russian, familiar riot only with the language. but equally with the literatures. He is stall a laborious stu dent. He never writes on any theme By what action, plot, or fiction, All these natters are .connected ? I should answer, I should tell you, Go to Bogue and buy the poem, Published, neatly, at one shilling, Published, sweetly, at five shillings." till patient study has made him its mas ter.. How he finds time, :how he has ever found time, for his studies is a mystery which his intimate friends On not solve. He writes rapidly but revises aloily. He often leaves a poem in his portfolio for weeks and months before he per mits it to go out to the' • public;' before be will even permit himself to read it to his intimate friends. He never writes to order, ; never writes till expression becomes a necesity or at _least an ..im pulse. The moral may read. who runs read. But some of his'best poems have the. utterances of an instant inspiration. 'Excelsior' \ writen one evening on the back 'of a letter received from Charles Sumter the theme suggested by the, word 'excelsior' which caught his eye in an evening paper. One evening he and Prfessor Felton sat be fore the study fire; the queer antique pitcher with its Bacchanalian forms and faces gas brought in to furnish them a drink of water, and the famous 'Drink ! ing Song,' was born and written, I be lieve, that very night. • , Greater than any service to literature has been Air. Longfellow's service to life. The key to his own mission—was. it conscious or unconscious, or pertly both—is furnished by a paragraph in 'Hyperion:' Perhaps, - Gentle Reader, thou art-one of those who think the days of romance gone forever. Believe it not! Oh, believe it not! Thou halt at this moment in thy heart as sweet a romance as was ever written. Thou-art not leas a woman because thou dost not sit aloft in a tower. with a tassel-gentle on thiwrist. Thou - art not less a man, because thou wearest no Hauberk, nor mailsark, and goest not on horseback after foolish adventurers. .Every one has a romance in his own heart.' This is the romance Longfellow has written, rather let us, say revealed. Thousands of 'philosophers have ministered cold. comfort to the sorrowing heart in tha declaration. Death and sorrow are uni versal and inexorable; but cold comfort •no heart ever sound in the lines,— "There is no fireside. hOwso'ei do:doodad, • But has one 'vacant chair;' or, in those other "Thy fate is the common fate of all; Into each life some rain Must fall, - Some daps ; must be dark and dreary." This 'must be' is the very essence - .of Calvinism; so great difference does it make in what accent submission to "tli inevitable decrees is commended or commanded. Critics have denied to to Mr. Longfellow the sift Of. imagina tion. I confeis myself unable to com prehend the denial. To invent new flowers is not art, but to interpret the flowers which nature produces. Mr. Longfellow hoe given beauty to the commonest objects and inspiration to. the mast prosaic lives: His song ha s been like the sunshine which make a its pictures , on the white-washed walls. and sanded floor of the .poorest cottage. This has been his mission, and this his genius; the desert and barren life he has made to bloom and blossom as the rose. SO it is that all about him, the commonest things touched by his wand, -have become golden, as the dreary hills when the setting sun breaks through the clouds and shines upon them: The Fire Drift-wood is the fire as ho saw it on the hearth-atone of the old Devereux mansion near Marblehead. The Way side Inn is the old Red House at Sad bury, Mass; the story-tellers are guests that used to gather there.. The , pfd house still stands; the old names still live in the , memory of the living, Luigi Monti, the Sicilian; Henry • Wales, the student; Ole Ball, the inusilian; Theo philus Parsons, the Poet; Edrelei, a Boston oriental dealer, the merchant; Professor Treadweß, an amateur doctor of theology, the theologian; Lyman Howe, the innkeeper. Every day, in going bet Teen his college and his home, the yont)g professor passed the village smithy, under the spreading chestnut. tree; thousands had passed that way, but no eye had seen, no heart clearly felt, the romance of the sineiy hands and brawny arms till Longfellow's verse disclosed it hi them, Longfellow 'stood on the bridge _at midnight' and' sang its song. , "How many. thousands o,cm-encumbered men, - Each bearing his burden of sorrow, Have crossed the bridge:since then," and heard the song which the singer found there and which sings there ever since:- These are but local voices; but he has made the dumb to Bp* in every common life. The April Day; the Rainy Day; the Child Sleeping; the Child at Play; the Gleam of Sunshine; the Driving Cloud; the Dying ( Day; the Old Clock;,the Ship-a-bedding; the Village Chnich-yaid; the Wind over the Chimney; the Weiktbei•-cock on, , the Steeple; the Windmill; the Tide; the Pines;—in whose life come not these prophet's, whose life is "not sweeter, stronger, nobler, that they have been endowed with speech divine? Our conimon life is of clay, the poet breathes into it the breath of life aid it become§ a living spirit.— Who can - estimate the tall valne of the ministry of him who has breathed the breath of life into the innumerable hearts and homes where Longfellow is a loved and honored in mate. " . - There are many persons who regard Christianity as a new form or a new philosophy, and one might 'read Long- fellow's songs 'from beginning to end' and not guess with what form ho wor shiped or of what philosophy he is a disciple. But if the Master knew aright his own miniion He came that we might havelife, and hive it more Ann= dantly; and if Paid comprehended the tenor of that life aright its fruits are 'love, joy, peace, longsnffering, gentle 'fess, goodness, faith, meekness, tem perance.' This life pulsates ,throngh all Longfeilow's Words; of these fruits the orchard of his song is full indeed. Ido not recall a single hymn of his which has become a favorite voice of 'worship in =Ann:lk but worship has gone up from - thousands of hearts, lowlierand holier for his singing, dote' not swing the censer, but he tllla it with its aromatic . incense Divine love for man MEI sl,r4 a Tear, in Advance. had never found more beautiful expres sion than in some portions of the 'New - England Tragediesf submission never sang a sweeter sons in the' night than:, 'Resignation;' devout love to God never breathed,a more Christly, petition than in Elsie's prayer; never morennaffeeted reverence bowed its head than in , Thristus,' The Christianity of Longfellow is as simple asihat of the New Testament, and as catholic; his creed, his worship, and his life are love. • "My work is finished; I are strong • In faith and hope and charity; For I have written the things Iles. The things that have been and shall be. Concious of right, nor feaiing wrong; - Because I am in love with Love, And the sole thing I hate is Hite; r'r, For Hate is death; and Lave is life, A neace, a splendor from above; ", - 'And Hato a never ending strife, A smoke; a blaelmeas from the abyss Where unclean serpents coil and hiss ! Love is the Holy Ghost within; Hato the unpardonable sin! • Who preaches otherwise than this - Betrays his master with a kiss." The Abbot Joachim's creed might well .be the poet J.,ongiellosea epitaph. —Christian Union, , Jan. 1882. A luMber dealer in Michigan has for the pOt three years been supplying' a dealer in Albany. For the first -year ; everything went well, but•at length the' Albany man. began to' complain. He found shortage and culls in every car load sent - him, and demanded discounts there for, and this spring it was imporr Bible to please► him. No matter how carefully lumber and shingles' were culled and billed, he was sure-to write back that they were not up to the stan dard. Some time ago a load of. 'star' shingles were sent him. _ The 'star' shingles beat anything made iu the country, and they know it in• Albany ,as well as Michigan, but as soon as the Car arrived the dealer replied that he really must protest. 'The shinnies were hardly 'clear butts,' and he could- not unload the car until assured of a dis count of twenty-five cents per thous and.' The Michigander had suffered long, but the end was near. He had inspect ed every bunch . of shingles on',.that car, and he made up his paind.to go to Albany and inspect them over again. The dealer there hid never *vela him', and he walked into his office as a would be purchaser of some extra fine gles; - 'I have got exactly •what you want,' promptly replied the Albanian. 'l've got a car load of Michigan 'stars' out here,, which lay over any shingle yol over saw.' - _ 'Are they all perfect ?' 'Every r one of them.' 'No nulls in th center of the bunches ?' 'l'll eat every cul , you find. I got them from a Mich' ander, who is as straight as the Ten Commandments. and' he has never yet 'sent rue a stick of second class stuff. Come and see them.' The Wolverine quietly pulled out his busineis card and laid it on. the desk The dealer took it up,' read the name and eat down On a stool with a _queer feeling in his knees. - • There was an awful silence us they stared at each . ether, and it was a full minute before•the victim extended his hand and hoarsely whispered: 'Din yon ever see a man make such an infernal ass of himself ? - Shake!' Air Aussssis 'TM:W.—Down in an extremely rural district of Arkansas, an old man was arrested for stealing a hog. The proof was positive, and the court was surprised when the plea of not guilty wakcintroduced. The lawyer for the defence, and a man well known for WS trickery rather than his4bility, seemed particularly desirous oi select ing a jury that would not show- par tiality' in decision. The prosecuting attorney, a young and inexperienced man, agreed to every juryman selected bylthe defence, and , the judge, although he might -have thought though the defence stepped over his bounds of judicial eon test', said nothing. - • The arguments were concluded, leaving in the minds of the people no doubt as to the verdict, for one of the witnesses, 'a man whose word no one could doubt, swore that he law the defendant when he stole the - animal. The jury retired, and, 'after a few mo menta, a verdict of not guilty was re turned, in exact opposition - to - the charge of 'the court.-. When the court adjorned, the judge approached the lawyer for the defence, and remarked; 7 'Look herb, my friend, I never heard of such a verdict. cannot, as an im partial disseminator of justice, allow such an outrage to be peipetrated on this community. That minis as guilty as Judas, but if you will tell me the secret of the acquittal, I'll allow the verdict to pass.' 'Yos„see, judge. some of the jury men were rather old and some. rather young.'. i 'Yes; but what does that signify?', 'lt signifies that 'I run in 3the old =l.'s twelve sons on the jury.'' Min The 13kin of the hedgehog was! used by theltomatts for hacking hemp. ' • It is supposed that the rubber tree grows wild in all tropical climates. Londcl i n cream is said Lobe sometimes thickened with calves'brains. The natives. of India says that the bays bird lights up her nest with fire flies. The flower of the dandelion lives two two and . a-half days , • The mackerel buries itself in mud during the winter. The pattern of the Dutch - Crying dolls awls `originally from Japan. - The tomato plant is avoided by cater pillars, 'aphides, slugs and snails. - . The Baltimore chief of police is en forcing a law which forbids minors en tering a theater unless accompanied by their parents or guardians. The &fiat ekes een to keep the galleries almost mptby. I NO. 45 wzo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers