Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, March 30, 1882, Image 3

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,--;-11-0---TOOUR, SUBS IBMS !
. . 110 ,1 4 . you the mouth and year up to
subseription is paid. If your
I ,
. 0 0a to expire, please send us
rs conesld. once, that we may
T h e paper right along. Bend iD
4 ..5r In • Mo a t delay.
ICoeiter is our getteral agent.
, Nile:tor, for the southern ant west.
',mon or the County. = ,
• • •,
TroNr. •
anat. reigned, publishers and propels,-
*„ cr o f Me Bradford Reporter, Towanda
Oral:11'0BD REFIT/MICAH and Brad
two, published in Towanda Pa.. hair
yee loss in the publication of
o.pect ed
ive papers from the heretofore
low price per annum, hereby mute
to make the subscription price of
oa papers respectively, on and after
first of January,4lB B 2. One Dollar and
; : r ciuts per annum. And we hereby
Ind pledge otirselves to each {other,
,- our our honor as business men, that we
grimly and .invariably adhere to the
of this understatidihg. To make this
-.l:ement legally binding, we have entered
.Nuds, with penalty and forfeiture for
:, t i, l3 of the terms o: this agreement,
...beriptions.paid prior to January Ist
sill be taken at the former rate. lits;ea
~ratiaing in all cases to be indipendwit
Goadercit k HITCHCOCK, Reporter.
p. 34:TrisEn, Journal.
E. Mosul; ?ansoits, Argus.
Nut be deceived but buy the Waite
cucMachine of , M. C. WEIL&
LLti • gthlds of many kiods for sale a
-altar prices at Prot's' store. Mil •
-freak lake 1114 h and salt water flab a
9. gy, , ri market, Bryltre streo.
May 19—tf
yt WALL 7 PAPERS at Cros4' Store
tdeeigua at most reasonable priced.
- Mr 2.
_o to C. IL 31yees market, Bridge street,
:Ix best ems of fresh meat. May 19-tf
- 1 B. itogerki has a large stock of Sash
and Blinds, also Moldings, and is
_:•,g cheaper than any other establishment
Removal. '
L. Boss, will. , scou have two fine
stry stores .ono on Bridge St , opposite J.
s.,4clotliing store arid the other on
opposite 11. C. Porter's drug store.
tlo stores will be connected by Tole•
I:SDOW SHADES of beautifal designs at
-.,'Store. • bir2.
L. ROBS can sell Groceries very cheap'
314 e his expenses are very light. His
4aitra shall have the benefit by buying at
• Past Ward Store. -
Easter Cards.
bow beautiritil is the the exclamation
!Ave seen those handsome Easter
itt the wiudow of Whitcomb's book
Clover - and Timothy Seed.
and Long hare ou hand a large
Clover and Timothy Seed selected,
tbe;best new -crops and warranted true
-They. have also a full Stock of Gar.'-,
:seetla in "Bulk" and in packages, selecC
'fmn the crop of 1891. , Together with
. an
:tment always complete of all goods in
'tee," all of which are offered at the
.t market prices and Warrahted to'give
Mr 23-tf.
T:11 make the season of 1332, at hik owners
• it•.t,- ill Milan, Bradford Co., Pa.
~ :Ens—sls to Dom: e mat t e with foal; iusur-
L,,n,t•y due April Ist, 1883.
tent of the qualities of heavy ,herves
in N. Y. City, in Ang. 1881, the sal I
repielt of the western breeders be
. - the following named committee, the
11,:tain French horse far excelled the Clydes
-4 or any other large horse, On act of feet,
r M
endurance, ease of keeping; &, &c.,
• •
brit; tu the marked from SY) to $lOO
than the Clyde. Farmers were advised.
tteed nothing but Normans. "Signed by"
A. Dahlman, A. M. Stier], N. Y. City; H.
clan ' S " Brooklyn, N. Y; P. J.
47, J. D. Decker, M. Newalass, Jas. Lamb,
q.:.!.t0, •
_ - jimbettal is a dapple gray eight years
lt; hinds high and weighs 1150 lbs., with
r 0:: and action. His colts are in good
icaniir at big prices. :He is owned by
Milan, Pa.
• ' Coraer's.
E rile our job lot or shoes that we aro sell
tt about lug the regular price, we are re
..tlag a large and very fine line of bcots and
:ti for spring and snron4r trade, which we
tfferiug at very low priges.—Marl6 4w
A Trarder's Story.
ilter @pending months it European and
2:,ricsn watering places and thousands of
...Ira looking for health, ;I ,returned home
, I.cateued an I bad consulted
:uest physicians and traveled far and nese
.:lout benefit, and expected to dio. A
nd urged a trial of Parker's Ginger Tonic.
Ltt-e battles and careful diet have worked
anJ brought me excellent health
,pirits, and you may publish my e
fur the benefit of similar sufferers—A
L , inilati lady. Mrl4-lw.
itis s eoi »mei, ne.
the first symptoina of this disease when aching and Ifiving painful sensations
limba upon iistntr trom bed in the
- nieg, a stiffuescin the joints accompa
;at times by swelling and redness, all
I,atians recommend the' application of an
',? . 11u remedy, something penetrating and
%um:: an article that will act as a curs
- azecit to the parts affected. Dr. Bowan
, ltLeumatic Cure gives instant relief up
:belirst applidttion. N lame back, pains
.:mini it is an inyaluat :a household reme
• kek year druggist for it. Price 75 cents.
anfactared by :The Bosauko Medicine
•=pariv. Piqua, 0. For sale by Clark B.
ctcr, S. Emi Ward House Block. _
lane 2-Iyr.
-Nu charge fur delivering, and! done
- ,ziptly from C. M. !dyer's market, Bridge
. - Et.;
, ,
Mai! 19-tt
Y4jur STATIONARY at Cross' Store, in
formerly occupied by Post Office. •
31r2. •
steam power mounted on wheels is
''+t , le and may be easily hauled waifs
Li to any desired point. It is adapted to.
propulsion of Trin,Ezurio MACHINES,
sawing, feed 'cotters, portable saw
or any other light machinery. It is of
eonstructiem, durable and easily
Ltge:l. Manufactured by Charles Perrigo
'-',Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y.
General Agent
Atr, Pa., July 21—w
Lnl - READ Tuis.—Having purchased
ovum Saw Mill of J. o.•Naxtou, located
sec Albany Borough on the Sullivan and
•1- Line Railroad,' I am prepared to furnish
.16. t of erery description on short notice.
.. guff a specialty Bates reasonable. Or
% m>lisited.
441 eso proprietor of the New Albany Ele)-
. l!bere all persinis desiring secommoda
can find them at reasonable rates. Good
I J.W.WiLcom.
Nor Albany, Jan. I 30. 1882--Gm
Elea are frequently preceded by a sense of
!?:Atitt-th e back, loins Ind lower part of
itdbuien, causing the patient to suppose
6431:110 affection of the kidneys or
zlll,oring organs. At tines symptoms of
;cation are present as flatulency, utteasi
rn cattle stomach. eta. A moisture like
'.. 4 Pulttion, producing a very disagreeable
' l, ng, particularly at night after getting
in bed , is a very common attenthintt
` l erntl. External and Itching Piles yield a.
on the application of tor. Bosanko's Pile
v° edy, Which acts directly upon the Puts
absorbing the Tumors, allaying the
''txse Itching, - and affecting a permanent
! -4 ' there. all other remedies have failed.
rot delay until the drain on the system
+a .15(Inees Pri ce disability, but try it
area. , 50, cents. Lek your
' , lpat for it, and when you Cannot obtain
4 41 . 1 /ta, we will send prepaid. an recipt
N .Prl n c.e. Address The Dr: Domini Medicine
r/21 Ohio Sold by Clark B. Porter,
of Ward H o us m oo k;
• '44 2-jyr.
Lent Ia dralOng to s clo
Delegate 'eleeMoni
Asp you saw to move.? is tho popular
A "sing" was held at "Broskville Coi"
Saturday. - -
A. D..1.4te #Ca have just received a Large
stock of new goods.
Go hear the Burlington Bawkige man, for
miss a rani treat if you don't. •
Itim. J. M. M ,
eg of Grover rfeont* puri
chased s livadsOmeteitin of blacks.
A. 4. Nobles has I rental the , '"Adaust.
Rome!' at Troy for soother- year.
The County Convention next wink pmmieett
to be a lively one. - •
Welgester, of Troy, ern bete this
week s mompleting arrangement■ for opening
a amble yard in Canton:—Canton' Sentinel.
H. Jabobs will remove to the stied former
ly occupied by Decier Bros. oil or about
Mr. W. K. gill leased his residence
with furniture to Miss Woodford, and idcpsolf
and wife will boud.
An Elmira boy has been jailed twenty days
for striking a lady in the eye with a stone.
Mr. Eli:of:leder,. a. former iettident of To
wanda, was recently elected overseer of the
poor in Elmira.
The Canton rentinei has put id a new power
press and 'its editor ii much elated there
over. We'll take cigars.
Go to "Hazel Kirke." It is one' l 'of the
finest ;Wee* ever put upon the American
Mr. McKinney was quite badly burl in L.
B. Bodge& plaining mill on Friday last. It
is hoped the accident may not prove serious.
Mr: .B. Rodgers has taken his
Ben. 'l4 . Hale, Esq., into partnership in his
pitting and saw mill business.
The Athens Gazelle of last 'week contained
a very interesting sketch of the late A. H.
Spalding, written by C. F. Hall.
Bead Bob Burdette's (Burliri glon Hatekeye
man) Press notices Elsewhere in. this week's
Mr. D. W. Scott will remove hie family to
the house lately occupied by Mr. Matlock on
Pine St.. •
C. P. Relies, Esq., is having a hiindsome
picket taboo' put around his !residence. Mr.
J. Doll is doing the work.
Mr. Wm. Braze° will occupy the home on
the west side of Second Bt. two doors south
o the corner of Second and Main Sta.
For sale cheap. one seeon4 hand buggy .and
one • set o a t double harness. Enquire ati
Felch's dry goods store.
Bash the clothier, is now "fixed" in his
handsome double store of Bridge street; and
has received a ,very lamp ',stock of spring
Dr. C. Manville Pratt, having received his
diploma from 014 Medical College of Peonsyl . -
vania University, will *active medicine with
his father, Dr. ( D. S. Pratt.
Rev. C. T. Hallowell, addremd the mita
at the Graded School on "The Letisona to be
derived from 'the life and character of the
poet Longfellow; at 9 a. m., on Monday brit.
Dr. D. Leonard Pratt, a successful practi
tioner in Miuneapolisjilinn.,was lately award
ed $2OOO in a snit for li gel against the,
Pioneer Press of that city. ,
his said that Mr. J. T. Jennings of Me.
hoopany, Wyoming county, cleared MO
from his rope ferry last year, besides having
Ibis own crossing, which iss big item.
' The Third Annual Prize Contest Declama
tion will be held in •Mercer Hall on Monday
evening next, at 8 o'clock. Admitt n ance free.
The Judges will bo Prof. B.W. Owen. Supt.
Ryan and Principal Albert.
We have upon our desk the initial number
of the Berwick Gazelle;a neat and handsome
seven column folio. just started at Berwick.
Columbia county, Ps. it is a weekly and is
politically infleicodent.
A regular meeting of the Bradford euttnty
Medical Society will be heti at the (ace of
Dr. D. N. Newton in Tourauda on Wednesday •
April sth at 1:30 P. m. 1
Warren Centre has caught the " booming"
fever. Mr. 33h0 Caoper and „John D.
Kinney are going to erect two - large
and commodious stoves -during the corn
ing spring and summer, and a number of
other dwellings are also to 10 erected.
O. D. Goodnough, of the! Journal went to
housekeeping in Towanda again last week
after an absence of several years.' Mr. Good
nough is an old resident of Towanda, a good
citizen and all feel glad thathe ii now aper
mauent resident.
The Knights of Pythias: are having their
hall in the third story of the Montanye's block
thoroughly renovated with new paint, paper
_and calcimine. Win. LaMent is doing the
work and that is as if one were to' 'say it will
be well done.
Capt. W. A. Benedict, one of the oldest
citizens of Wysox, died, on Friday last, at hts
residence near Myersburg,% aged 75 years.
The funeral was held on Sunday and attend
by a large number, of neighbors tr.nd fri ends,
by whom the' deceased was regarded with
great respect. -
A criminal seldom sttß down to talie arrest
tlometim6s they do and oftener they don't..
If they •'nits" down it Is generally in a fast
railroad train, but bften they run lor the
woods and the officers of the law "sits" down
and offer a reward for somebody to catch
D. V. Sledge, oar enterprising barber, has
moved his establiehinent to the rooms for
merly occupied by Cross' book store and here
opened in connected with his barber shop,
bathing rooms. ' His now rooms are arrang,d
in a handsome and very convenient manner,
the bathing rooms could not be better, and it
now remains with oar citizens to show their
appreciation of Mr. Btedge in hie laudable
The BurlingtorvHatokeye man will lecture
in Blercur Hill on Tuesday evening April 4.
He needs no ,recommends.tiou from ns, to as
sure him a good house, who is one of the
best humorists and lecturers in the land.. No
man of the present age has his wntiug!yind
sayings more extensively copied 4hronghout
the country by the newspapers. Beats at
Dr. Taylor preached his faiewelt sarluon in
the Church of the messiah on Sunda; la4t..
The Doctor's congregation will part with him
regretfully. but they have too genuine a. re
gard for hiM not to rejoice that he his tietird
the call to "come up higher." Ms efforts
have been actively put forth for what ho be
lieved to be the right
. and the prosperity of
the Church under his Charge has attested to
his fidelity and efficiency as a pastor.
List a letters remaining 'ln the Post-office
for the week ending March 1882:
Bennett, Eton ,_ - Friable. Lulu E
Burritt,Lydia M. (}actin, Henrietta .
Baker, Emma Heainan. Patrick •
Bowman, Jlf • Mee k s.
Biles, Sszah . Meeks. Mary E - •
Connolly. Jas - . Boss. E blorhog (2)
Docket, T E , thintb, James
Ennis, Mrs Lizzie Young, U K.
Persons cal li ng for any of the above will
. Please say "Advertised," giving date of list.
Relief in live minotes in every easez. gratify
ing. :wholesome relief beyond a money value.
Care begins from first application, and is
ripid, radical and permanent. • Ask for lian
ford's Ssalicsi Care. Complete for $l.
' - - 1 141111frife" — st Meratt - ti - 74 . ITiji
,iisi,:l:llstn!iki4 ii***itig. -,-
,' , I :.-'; ;
_, , i -:-.:.;. ,
TOIll • out to -ilia 'Delegate - Eleotlcms
qool.rair.. , • •
The Burlington Hawkey/ man draw• im•
ElifllllM house in Philadelphia and New York.
The' diagram of mats for "The Bur/iv/on
Hatrkeyetnan" opens at Kirby', on Saturday
morning. ,Be an,. to be on. hand sat there is
surd a pig' rush for seats. _
Dewey S. /twig has opened ; store in Ler
Ray. , Itanceireiently got a, wife. and now.
new itcire,,and must necessarily be a very
bavpy min..., We wiekbial success.
Et-TiCe Piesiderit - Colfax Lectured to a small
audience Friday evening:—.Argos; last week.
Thai's not true, Mr. Argus, and yon know it. .
Although it was not 'crowded. there was
fair sized audience in • Stereo. Hall, to hear
Ez•Vice President Oolfix lecture.
Hun. C. C. Jadwiu was detained at home
fur a week prior to Friday lii in conse
quence of ilium. He returned to - hie seat
in the house on Pudgy. much improved in
Mrs. Eliza Sullivan, aged about 65 Oars,
died finite suddenly on Friday last at her
residence on Lombard St. The fitnefirtook
place at Dasbore on Sunday and the remains
were interred in the Catholic Cemetery at
that place. • _
r .
' A. N. Welles building, one door :touth of
the First National Beek-, is putting on a new
dreis this spring, a 4 it were. In other words
it is receiving. a new C. at of paint,l at -the
hands of Bean the painter.. .
Rev. Gilbert tleLallartyr, of Ohio, Lectur
ed in the Owe Rouse on Friday evening last
ou "Moneir and Monopolies." Mr. _DeLa-
Martyr is one of theablest advoeates of green
backism, and is a courteous gentleman as
well as pleasing speaker. :
A foot-rano between a man named Steele,
Of Morris Rim; and anis!) named Harmichael,.
ifor $4OO, at Canton, on Saturday
last. Phe distance was five mile+. '' h ere
were probably 5000 people present. Steele,
won, Karmichael failing on the fourth mile.
"?ilv LS ife" 4;imbination did nt.t have a good
audience on' Moudav night at Mercur Hall,
but it was better than the merit+ of the Com
pany or play deserved. The entire piece con
tained very row good points. It was, iu felt,
"too utterly thin," and some of the language
used rather strained decency.
Mr. C. D. Camp—ex-editor .$f the Tank:
hannock Republican, has takon his Md.
deuce in Minneapolis. Minn—where both Mrs.
Canal) and himself have' receive , ' benefit from
the change of climate. Mr. C., was in
town this week, visiting friends, and seems
to be much pleased with Minnesota.
Cala rrh 4
Mr. Michael Maisie who was Injured in
the face and head by being caught between
twa eani at Waverly, about the first or Janu
ary last, has so far recovered as tote able to
come to town on Mouth& last, though far
from well yet. Maisie biro steady and indus
trious, young man and bas much sympathy in
his affliaion. , •
Decker Brothers removed to Mean's Block,
formerly occupied by Powell at Co., last - week,
and .have received s tremendous stock of
ready 'made clothing, bais, caps. and other
new goOds. Tiley have the large and com
modious double•stoire room handsomely re
papered and otherwise improved, and they
now have one of the best places of hu4ne*.a
in town. .
Mr. John E. Wilber will leave Towanda the
Ist of April, to engage iu business ehiewhere.
We, are very glad to know that Mr. Wilber has
bad Several flattering offers from capitalists
to engage in the manufacture of the celebrat
ed Wilber di'rect-draft mowing machine, for
which he lately enured patents for valuable
imppivemetits. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilber have
endeared theniselves to a large circle of
friends, who will be sorry to lose them and
will yet reinice in their presperity, Wherever
their lot may be east. -
Bitten by a Dog
We learn that O. F. Horton, (a son of Mr.
H. t. Horton theLNew York broker,) who 'is
boarding at L. J.`Cniver's in Sheshequin, was
badly bitten by a' dog S aiday morning. It
appears the animal was standing by the
stove in the kitchen when the young man
entered the room, and speaking kindly to
him placed his hand on the dog's head. A
moment afterward, without warning, the dog
sprang at Horton, fastening his teeth in the
cheek,: lacerating it fearfully. A surgeon
was called and the. wound dressed, but' the
young' man will probably always carry a re
minder of the unpleasant encounter. The
dog, which.was owned by Clinton Ithiiiehold,
was shot.—lteciew.
Our highly esteemed friend Hr. Philip
Hipp, better known as "Uncle Phil" 'was In
town last Saturday. He honored us by bring
ing us a bunch of supericir horse-radish roots,
for. which we paid him enough to buy two or
three more drinks. Uncle Phil's horse-radish
is strong, very; and so is tils breath for that
matter. When it is too strong—his breath we
mean—he will make munificent promises of
saner kraut, pickles and other greens, but
alas he forgets to bring them.
C. L. S. C.
The next meeting of the C. L. S. C. will be
at the residence of Mrs. L. B. Coburn et, Sec
ond Bt. Friday evening Brarch 31, at 7
o'clock. The work of the evening wilt be a
review of the "XIX Century," chsiters first,
second and third of book third. issays will
be read as usual.. A full attendaacb:of mem
bers is. cordially invited. . 1!
A. D.. DYE tt CO. Ag'
?Wain Healing Apparpt
' There seems to be a demand just now for
some more economical, healthful and cleanly
mekhod - of heating our dwellings, stores and
shops than by the direct heat of a stove or
furnace. A. D. Dye & Co. have resolirod: - to
Meet this, demand by sapplying i the tigst
steam4iesting apparatus to 'their cnstomera.
With Commendable enterprise, Mr. A. D. Dye
- visited 'New York and Philadelphia—as we
announced last week—in order to :examine
'and compare the work of the different-manu
facturers who make steam-heating appustua
a specislti. He vistited the already
Vanderbilt mansion and carefully noted the
minutest details, of the admirable arrange
ments for heating that mag6ifleent 'palace
with steam. . •
A. D. Dye & Co. are now prepared to fur
nish the most approved low-pressure steam
heaters, an; arranged with automatic dampers
as to be self-regulating and perfectly free
from any danger oflxplosimi. The pipes are
of wrought iron a'n& - ,the radiators of the best
patteras. Therejsbne advantage in the rise
of steam over dry airiheat that can hardly be
over-estimated. The steam Ohms heat the
fresh air which comes directl3l from the pure
source of supply outside, while )1 furnace
Benito up a current of hot air; deprived of i
large share of its life-giving oicirgen and com
, ingTfrom the basement, where the air ie
-ofteneat foul and i laden with health-destroyirig
vapor. A. D. Dye & Co. have secured the
sersices of an ,eiperienced plumber and gas
titter, so that any orders entrusted to them,
whether for putting in'gas, water or steam,
wilt be done iu a workmanlike manner.
"The Urfrrest of Death."
Three crell-kriown residents of Elmira pass
ed away on Monday last. Daniel F. Picker
ing. died after a long illness, aged 66 years.
He bad held Many Places of trust, been twice
appointed postmaster and was an active Be
publican politician and a good citizen.
Frank E. Dorn a young business man of 21
years of age. passed away after a brief illness.
Mrs. Nellie Paz Brown was a bride only three
months since. She and her young husband
were both ill at tho same time with a fever
and during her laid hours he Was forced to
be absent from her bedside. We remember
how josoiisly the wedding bells rang at the
beginning of the NeiiYear and feel how pecu
liarly sad it is when Death claims as his own
one "so young. lovely and beloved."
'•Wilei! I publicly testified that I had been
mired of a ierrible skin brunet by. die Cali-,
cum Remedies, i did so that othdhrought be
clued, and' do not regret the time "given 'to
answering: in quiries."-lion. Win.
805t0n.16304w: _
—Hiss Helen Hari IS visiting mends
= —Yrs. Imes Id. Shinthas gone toNlehots:
N. T. to attend the VtOdillg of a friend:
—Editor Keeler of the'Onein Recoil lila,
in town on Tuesday. • - "'
--Mr& D. D.:Joneir'orWiikes-Ilarre - for-'
mer resident of :Ulie pliCe ir is ipeniUng a few,
diva tn town. - ,
—Mr. and Ifirs. Wirtenburg of Virynanktai
have, returned from their wedding to
Easton and New 'fork., ,
' —Miss 1,4111 an Angle has retained friiin her
visit fo T4iiiarida and rt..wened her millinfey.
ittablieblikent. --`7lmiook Demirel, "'
- ifir. Vt. W. Kingstinry.'wha has been.slok
fOr several weeks, is.uow convalescing, as his
friends will be glad to . hear. ~... 12. • .._
—Prof. Wm. Baxter Owen of Lafayette col..
lege is spending a few days at bialathees'
home in Wysox. . 1
. , ,
:.—Mr. Henry Powell. of. East Towanda - has
been seriously ill, but was able to come to
town on Monday of this.week. : , •
—Mr. W. H. Brown of Rome, bas jasive
turned from Colorado, where he has a laces.%
Live position i lia engineer. Mr. Brown 'will
Anon remove his family to Denver. Colorado:
• Mr. L. P. Patch, who has resided . here
for upwards of twenty years, has.gone tti
Corning to the with his daughter, Mrs:
Saunders. • ,
—Mrs. Grab Ilidefarlane and children
have returns from West Virginia, where
they have spent the winter, and are stopping
at the Ward House. It ,
—O. D. Kinney, Esq., went to Minneapolis,
Minn. -Monday hat. If he is anited4Oli
the location ho will probably take up hia resi
dence there sometime , this year.
--Mrs. Sullivan and son of New York came
tOattend the timer:Ll of Mrs. Eliva Sulitvan„a
aiater-in-law, an Snoday last. They returned
on Monday.
—Mr. and - ilre. A. Packer have return
ed to their home in' BaYre: , Mr. • Packer!ii
health is greatly improved . by his ,winter's
residence in Florida.
—Jerre Kingsbury and Obarley.ficott, two
young men of our place, who have been em
ployed in the LaFrance Engine. shops, , El
mira, for sometime past, go to Elyria, Ohici,
this week to take situations in a largo tool
manufactory, at an increase of wages.
I " —K. H. Patch removed his family to Sayre
on Tuesday. Mr. Patch is doing an excellent
business in a largo store there, and while *43
regret to lose good citizens, we are al
ways glad for know of their prosperity else
where. !-.
-3.lrd. Thos. Ryan, who has been visiting
her sister, Mis.' Nobles in East Towanda,
returned 'to Washington' on Wednesday of
this week, where her husband is serving for
the second time as a representative from To
peka" District, liansiut;
—Mrs. Frank A. Lewis, nee Miss. Sarah
Moody, started for. Topeka, Kansas, where
she will hereafter reside. Mr. Leiria has . .a.
lucrative position as express agent for thee.
P. RAIL and has also been admitted to prac
tice' law at the Topeka bar.
Arrived of Mrs. Willson.
We clip the following paragraph fiom the
Chrisyan Herald, a paper published in LOn-'
don by Church of England clergyinen, and
having a weekly circulation of 250,000'copies.
The great event of the week in connection
with Murph 's crusade at Manchester (re
marks the hristion) has been the arrival
from Ameri a, per City of Brussels, of Mr. and
Mrs. Clark illson, who slug this Gospel, of
deliverance Co the captive almost as power
inly as Mr. Murphy preaches it. Mrs. Will
son is sister tq the illustriocis P. P. Bliss. and
is largely dowered \sit!' the same eurpaising
gifts of song that in her brother were 83 'sadly
and so suddenly quenched in the Ashtabula
catastrophe. The lion. Tharlow Weed, of
New York, has described Mrs. Wilson as "the
Jenny Lind of sacred melody." Never having
. the "Sweedish Nightingale," we, are
still prepared to accept Mr. Weed's high esti
mation of our sister's capacity. , , Of most
goodly and graceful presence, Mrs. Willson
has a voice of remarkable range and culture,
of singular purity, and • marked by all those
sympathetic qualities, allied Ao clearness of
enunciation that have made Mr. Sankey, Mr.
McGranahan, and other Mewls froui America
who have visited our shores, such potent
factors, in the evangelistic world. 'Mr. Will-
Son . accompanies his wife yrith genuine and
pleasing effect; and if our .own experiences on
several occ.isions may be accepted as indica
tive of the future; the singing of these two
friends will prove a tower of litrength in sup
plementing sod enhancing
, the effects pro
duced by that subtler music bf tbo soul with
which Mr. Francis Murphy's pathetic voice is
so abundantly charged. ~ • -
“Betty and the Baby.”
Last Sunday's Press gave a pleseant4os
sipy description of a reporter's visit to the
home of 'Mrs. Mason, the wife of Guitean's
would-be extinguisher. It seems that "Betty
and the Baby" live between Fredericksburg
and Orange Court House, Virginia, at a place
called Locust Grove. "A more desolate and
drossy spot cannot be imagined." The cor
respondent describes her as about twenty
seven years old, tall and spare, with si' form
that no man would - call graceful. Her shout-,
dere are high, her ;arms long and her hand'
and feet ate large. She has fine, light brown
hair, a rather large mouth with rosy lips and
an attractive smile. Hee l face is mobile, and
'expressive of the kindness and gentleness
that are said to be her characteristics: She
gems too delicate for, her surroundings, and
shows -marks of - .refinement and intelligence
• ,
not common with the female inhabitants of
the' wildernese.- Mrs. Mason is devotedly at- .
tached to her husband and baby. The Press
man carried to her $l2B given in 10 cent contri
potions in Philadelphia; and while; deeply
grateful for the , pecuniary aid she 'so greatly
needs, she seemed much more anxious to
hear that there was a prospect of her hus
band's speedy release. "The baby's name is
Charley. He is a blue-eyed, tow-headed,
,tardy, mischievona little acamp, fifteen
months old. Mother and child were plainly
but neatly attired in home-cut calico dresses."
The fivetinths tpno, winter school, closed
March 25, h quite' interesting exercises.
The . llnion 8,8., at the Baptist church
held, a concert on. Sunday evening last. It
was well attended. Supt. announced that
"this is only a preface of what the next
will be," therefore it is expected, " t tioore to
follow." '•
Mr. Allen Wooden. leaves herii td; day for
Tyrone, where he expects to be employed for
several months. His family remain here.
Charley Smith and Earnest Rock well, who
are empl4ed at the toy factory Monreeton,
find that W. Franklin, still has "attractions"
more especially for Charley.,
The M. E. S. 8. was reorganized, last Sab
bath with a very good attendance. Mi. J. L.
Wooden was elected Supt. and Wm. B. 'Rock
well assistant.•
The friends of Mi. and Mrs. C. Taylor gave
them quite a pl easant surprise one evening
last week. It so happened that two separate
companies, met there on .thei , same ()lifting.
We believe no one was hurt by the collision.
The ladies of this vicinity t are fortunate in
having a fashioruiblemillineriand dressmaker
—the Misses Fairchllds and Draham. They
expect soon to l o have
, a new assortment of
goods, - and patterns. which can be' seen,
either, at their former rooms at B. M. Wal
ters, or, at D. Me/leans.
The !merchants and other businesa men
aro doing a good business, this spring for this.
Mr. A. C. Fairchild one of our young men
is dealing. quite extensively in buyitig and
selling neatly all kiids of country prodice.
lie has lately, shipped - from Towanda,', several
car loads of potatoes.
March 28, 1882.
The worn look and miserable feelings of
those closely confined in mills, or at desks or
work-bibles, are caused _ by weak Stomach,
Kidneys or Bowels, and shows the necessity
for some mild tonic to Bond them up. No
one need sneer thus who will use Parker's
Ginger . Tonic; for without intoxicating it has
such a beneficient action ' on these sluggish_
organs =dim cleanses the poisonous mat
from the fist em, that rosy cheaki and
good health and spirits are soon brought back
maim—Express. See, adv. - Mrl4 , -fisr. ,
A Beisejleigd Aetton.
. . . - 7- .---
• . Robert 4-Bu.rdette,itie-faiaena loOrMin'.
of the, liarl*Pli.liii4i . j": thie - CittiatiOrtat
vettiatation. ' fie staitils flriskimeetHOeliM. l:
of journalists who otlatit yeaull4taiiif Bu da
siknowir lit ;lie AuterMati-,earnipa
per press as "Paragraphire , Hitilti.V of...the
Illanbury News. put the. whole -COntiOnt in a
'par. of laughter.. several. - yeari....,140,::: "11,
;Quad," en the Dotro4 .Five Prefiicialittine of
. ... _ . . . ... d ; • '
ho' mosti , Sirturitsieg efl,hlildetie i.iratP
-laughed 14 ferhaV, hei:Mild Hil ittitleave milled
l' ! ..lOwnvihairNdieetul, jriiiiii.iielliii6A, n ice
1 :man iiinotheiona. , His Indicrentietlittorials
' - have uiaile:._ hint LI fairsine,.% The• BeilMstown
'Ser a ld scribe - by bialbrtgbkiirit Itiairilieri
dull cafe away" Manyittititefitr many, people.
The BrOciklyri Eagle man 'is ,anothOr one.
-"Fanny men" are an outgrowth of the news
partor pros 4:v4 r mew -while
dolng.humanitiktaid*eatisiite titeris4Plor
get for the time being the "slings and arrows
'of - outrageous fortune" in a good, wliole
souls& hearty laugh, have :made their own
names household words and conferred a pos
itive boon on their fellows. , "Bob B urdette'
is the acknowledged genius of American news
paper wit. He has made people, from Maine -
tp Oregon,. laugh till they could laugh no
longer, and bas carried the. Hawkey into
thousands of hordes where it would never
have 'Otte, 00'H not: - 100 f9k . :loni:';'itiliiil' ,
is kemi,' iiiiiek,atid-telling—bet idiviyiliitidly
and never vulgar. His peragraphiq and
sketches will point a moral ' in I sound and
wholesome fashion, while at the same time
they bring from you a hearty, burst of, laugh - -
ter, and some of hie, b'est- "dashes" ar e full 'of
. _.
sound, genuine common sense,: in w hich a
whole sermon of truth and good . advice will,
he packed into one short sentence. .
_ Any one who has read much of him will be
*Orem want to hear hint. His subject when
i he lectures here will be the "Him aull Fall of
the Mustache." The following area few press
I notices of the lecinie :
"I can carry the State of New York with it
every time."—NoacoeCenkling. •
"Aa for. me, give me Ibis lecture or give
me death; I ain't, very particular rhiou."—
Patrick henry. ' ' '•
"Big as a prairie."- T Deneer 711bune. .
"Beats everything.". —.Kansas City Times.;
"Beats, a bass drnm."—Louisoille Cour&r
Journal; 1
"This lecture is three uses larger than stip
show I ever handled."—P. T. Barnum..
A Jealous Wife Commits Suicide.
Mrs. Jennie (freely, - residing with 104
hnsband.and mother-in-law at No. 6 Trow
bridge street, Rochester, N. Y., 'committed
snicide on Sunday morning last- by delibera
tely shooting herself through the head.
Mrs. Greeley's maiden name was - Jennie
Clark. She was . twenty-seven years of i sge
and Was born in Rome, Bradford county,
where her father and sister still reside. She
went to Rochester in IMO and was married to
Mr. (freely about a year afterward. Mr. Ol—
and his,mother say that the deceased woman
had "adted queer" for some nionthi and had
threatened to make way with herself several
times.- He further states-that she had nor-
Chased,opium at lime* and be had notified
druggists in the vicinity not to sell her any.
The primary cause of • lire. Greeley's death
was jealousy. Sh e had told her story to the
foreman in a factory where she had worked.
It was to the effect, that her husband had
been intimate with a woman named Mrs. Hol
land from Geneva.. He had hired a room, for
this woman in a black near" their home.
Disguising herself, Mrs. Greeley had followed
him to the rendizoons. She then' went to.
the agent of the property; and upon her
statement of the caae, hid ordered Groely
and the woman ont. ,In the same way she
had several times been the means 'of getting
her husband and Mrs. Holland turned out of
the rooms he had rented for 'their accommo
dation.. Mrs. (freely also stated that she
was afraid of her husband because she had
so often thwarted his plans in regard to the
Holland woman; and had therefore armed
herself with a revolver to be used in self-de
fence. 'The foreman said that the deceased
had worked in another factory . and had told
the same story to a female employe.
The Baptist Sunday School will give an en
ertainment nest Tuesday evening, consist
ng of tableanz, recitations. nansiE. etc.
Rev. J. Eneill will exhibit on Tuesday eve
ning, pictures representing scenes in the life
of the late President. The pictures are said
to be fine ones.
On the 17th of this month' . Air. and Nis. 0.
K. Bird. together with relatives of the fajnily,
celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary of their
marriage. • •
Several of our citizens aro stalking with
Pneumonia: This month . is 'a trying period
for lung difficulties. People should , he very
careful about exposures.
Miss Nellie Tompkinson, a young lady of
this town, .whose symptoms have been ,Fivitch
ward for a long time past, rode to Athens yes
terday, and with the aid of a Justice of t the
Peace, made a, contract agreeing hereafter to
be no other than a legal French lady.
Charlie is the favored fellow. '
March 27, 1882. _
. Enrrou Itsrunrackr:—As there is a good
number of the ItErvinAcau taken hero, and
no one seems to think that . Laddsbarg is
worth writing about, I will try. •
-Our place is in mourning at she present
thin. for that terrible disease. Diphtheria, is
doing - its work. I hear some of the bldest
settlers say there has not been so much sick-,
ness here for eighteen years. When the die
case first broke out at the house of H. P.
Jones; the question' was asked, where did it
come from? His children had not been away
from home this winter. It then went to E.
B. Jones—and the angel of death came and
took the only child of E. and Eunice Unde
rwood, on the 16th instant. `Little Fannie was
buried on SatUrday, mi l d, on Eilinday morning
at 6:30 o'clock Arthur. second. son of H. P.
and E. J. Jones, aged 5 years 6 monthCand 11
days, was called to leave this earth and go to
meet his cousin; and on Abe 20th instant;
()bailey. son of Johu and Hannah Grant. was
taken away.
We see the precicius buds that was 'tended
with such care, , taken from your bosom,
mother—but thole precious buds shall bloom
in, that Eternal City. Weeri not for them;
look up—they are shining Stars fur You to
follow. God doeth alt things well; it is for
your good, father and mother. Submit to
ills will. - X. X.
Mrs. Rebecca Clark,
Died at the residence of her daughter Mrs.
Nelson, in /kwlington, on the 25th day o
March 1882. Aged 81 years and
Months. She bed been.a folkitier of th
Saviour for 50 years and on het'. deathr
bed felt hie presence near, and invited her
friends to meet her in heaven where ho had
so many friends to go to. ' '
Lyman C. Se trick,
aged 26 years, died at his reeidenco
Litchfield, on Sunday, the 12th, lost of
"typhoid pnerhionia. lie was taken sick j net
a week previous to his dkth and suffered
much daring his short illness, being delirokis
mach of the time. He was a member of
Litchfield Lodge No. 438 LO. of 0. F., and
his funeral, which occurred on Tuesday after
his death,was attended ;, in a bodt - tiy . the
above aimed order. He leaves a widow and
two small children to mourn his untimely
death.—Athena Gazette.
•d $90.00 Bibtient ItegainvG
The pnblisheni of Melledget iloOdy offer
ten valuable rewards in their ifor#l,T, for
April, among which is 'the faciirine :
We will givel2o.oo io gold 'to the person
telling us which is the middle verse in the
New Testament Scriptures by April 10114 1882.
Should two or more correct answers be ro
calved the reward Will be divided. The mou
,ey will be forwarded to the winner April 15th,
1882. Persons trying' for the reward mush
send 20 cents (no postage stamps taken) with
their answer, for which they will receive the
May litonfhly, inirhich the name and address
of the winner of the reward and the correct
answer will be published. This may,be wortt
$20.00 to' you; cut it out: Address—NM
male Pairassima Comma, &atm, Pa..
All the inagazinps,4la4rand weekly papers
at Piing'. - •
41thert _s( eta wradged JArather. --
I ,4ths. Fold ',Wow ki ofOreivitht„ an 4 eged
ir l ithetLaid WtdoitOlves itlittlie hots**
hereelrjuldwiy between' her:;tWonons;;JOhn
and Wtilitim,4not_beicaoao 4 8 I chin o,
for •heildei Owen Atm! tons, 4o ban Pal
daughters living this town, and YAM limy
one of them ebe could have en ever welcome
home; but she prefers to live alone, so her
obildrenlet her kid() So—they caring for an
her : wants. On rhursdaY lasts MaWsh 2811,1 b
e her 84th birthday, they concluded to hate
eirne,,thing 1 11# 0 ,..!!" 1, 14 , her. "W r e n *
0 11 4 • 140.044 4311 4 1440 , and
fileaditionurlorty In all,"duet at heihritise
With presents for their mother;-bad an ex
'cellent dinner, eCgoed4isit, and but °fall, it
pleased, atiengthened and cheered the heart
of Mother Vrontan greatly. Mrs. 'Protean's
husband, Peter Woman. who bas been dead
• for many years, was a soldier in the war of
1812, and we oppose she is justly entitled to
a pension, but has never received it, in con
sequence of the mismanagement* treichery
of the man who has bad the ,matterin charge.
A Mum).
March.2sth, 1882.
gotri and niedicincaor young and old, Pre,
pared without fermentation; from Canadian
Barley Malt, Hops. Quinine, Bark, etc. Malt
Bitters are' warranted more Nourishing,
Strengthening, Vitalizing and Purifying. by
reason of their richness in Bone and Muscle
.Producing Material than all other , forms of
malt or medicine, while free.from the objec
tions urged against malt liquOis. 111r3144.
and take your choice of Easter sad Birthday
Cards. Some of them are artiet t io and elegant
in_ design.
Bottling could be more appropriate u a
loft to a friend than one of these exult/WWI.?
decorated German. Cards. or one of Prang'
aesthetic designs for Easter mementoes.
HOWELL —WILBUR.--Iti Alba, March 23d,
1882, by Hey. C. H. Crowl. Mr. Bobs T.
Howell and Aire. Hirnorva Wilbur both of
Union, Tioga Co., Pa.
LYON—DODGE . .--10 , tbo rosideuco' , of tbo
bride's pronto in Franklin, Pa.. March 21,
1882, by H. K Mott, Esq., Dr. Randolph
Lyon, and Miss Stella 0. Dodge. 'both of
KITCHEN—SNELL—At !the Troy Maim,
Troy, Pa.. March 8, 1882. tip Rev. J. Barton
French, John B. Kitchen. of Eaat Waverly,
N. Y., and Mary J. Snell, of Sayre, Pa.
Notices of death inserted free but when ac
companied by remark 4 beyond six lines, either
in prose or poetry, said addition will be charg
ed for at the rate irif,eijlit cents per line. Eight
words make a line. . -
N. B. Persians sending obituary notices for,
publication will please accompany the same
with the pay at the rate of one cent for each
word in mass affortu-eight words.
TERRY.—La Tarrytown, March 9, 1882,Sarah
Terry, aged flve years daughter of Dr. M.
T. and Maria Sweeney Terry.
• .Clasp her pale fingers 1
Ab4vo her white breast,
Lay her,down softly
And leave her to vest.
'PoioN for Tonneau& Ord.
Go to Whitooisb'sl
Sweetly ate slumbers,
For sickness is o'er.
Love and caresses
She needth no more
Press on hert.forhead,
The last' kil) of love.
Angela have welcomed
Oar darling above.
Jesua has called her .
Pare, undefiled,
Take comfort sad weeper,
'Tis well with the child. at.
Frank A. nuts, Attornepat-Law, Lock Box, 356
Washington, D.O
. Ten
I make SO ca•nos for my services =len a
patent be granted. Preliminary examination in
the Patent Ofilce as to the patentability of an in
vention nsgs.. Send *ketch or model of the de
vice and a report will be made as to the proba
bility of obtaining a patent.
Special attention given to rejected applica
tions in the hands of others.
- hgrEnurcrs
U. S. Senators.: Hon. Geo. P. Edmunds, of
Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and Gen. John A.
Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor,
Os; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, of Hiss; Hon. 8. H.
Cullom, Gov. of ; the Hon. Conimissioner
of Patents and Corps of Eaminera and the pro
prietor of-this paper.
Write for circular and instructions.
BESTbusiness now before the public, -You
can make moray fester at work for us
than at anything else. Capitol not
n e eded. We will start you. $l2 a day and up
wards made at home by the industrious. Men,
women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to
work for us; Now is the time. You an work in
spare time only or give your whole time to th e
business, Ton can live at hameAnd do the work
No other business will ply you nearly as well.—
No one can fail to make enormous pay by en
gaging at • once.
,Costly Outfit and terms free.—
Money made fast, easily and honorably.
Address, Time Br. to., Augusta, Maine.
Dee 15—ly r •
. .
Wagon' a
Cheaper than ever st the
call the atten
tion of FARMERS and
others to his large and-complete
assortment of
Open &19r,0p Buggies
, • , all of his •
own MAi 4 TUFACTURE and war
ranted in every par
Bryant's Flexible Springs used In ell Platform
Wilma. The easiest and best in use.
Look at these figures
Two Seated Carnage. from $l5O to $175
Photons. one seated 125 to 150
Top Buggies.
........ 125 to 150
Open 3118000 • 80 tO; 100 .
Democrat Wagons 90 to 110
Remember that the above am all folly warrant
ed, first-class or no pay.
- ,
Repairing promptly untended to at 25 per cent
below last years prices.
Office and Factory car. Math and Elisabeth Sta.
8001. BINDER, ,
Alfred J. Purvis,
N0..131 - Genessee street,
r •
MI work in his UIIII dons well and promptly at
lowest price.
Parties having volumes incomplete will be fur
nishedr with any missing numbers at cost price.
All "0 4 1vul .iftTan to J. J. Scanlan. Agentftfr
Bradford County will be promptly executed so.
cording to directions.
HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from an parts of
the world have been cured of this much dreaded
disease Mid are now living witnesses that they
have been rescued from a terrible and untimely
death. Doctors; Ministers and the . Poor treated
Free. Write for a Circular ming tulips:Minus.
Address Drs. UEO. OVA= h RUSH BROWN
Addison; N.Y. Sept2o.lyr.OPßaeo.
sew azsAirr.
Etnvon Itsnmucant—For the` latil few
week 'I have been staying in and about New
Albany and *ere it not for a
_few unpleasant
- features would be glad to make it my perma
nent_ home.
There is no lank of business, 'everything
amnia Jobe booming. The stores: especially
that °firma Corcoran, are lib* withehoice
goods which are sold way down. "
*, The hotels ar"e thronged - with stranger:l- by
day, and: by night :tosuch an extent that
fenny ire obliged to seek lodging at the
sPar.ious rooms of oar hospitable .friend,..lllr.
Shoemaker. - -.
The steam saw mill of J. W. Wilcox is be
ing 'Fn. to : . its fullest •thipagliy in order to
keep lip . tilth tho orders which are being
received` daily.
- Were it'rsot for the one Implesiant feature
spoken ef.we should consider it second to no
place of Ifs sine in tir State. , But alas
King Alcohol and Hine Cider halve looked
On the7iiier memorable 21st of Feb., 1882,
the contending forces mot at about 7 o'ciciplt
a. m., when the skirmish lines were throw
out and the fight brought :on. The fight
continued with varying results until about 6
o'clock p. m, when King Alcohol massed his
forces, made ono desperate charge upon the
enemy's centre, cutting him completely '
two. Just at this time Ring Cider misheard
to exclaim. like Richard of old, "A kingdom'
for a horse." but, alas, to late, the rout was
complete. and the King himself was left a
mangled, lifeless mass Of• human flesh noon
be fated field, a prey for the stork and the
=yard. Our advice to those who imrviired
that terrible conflict is, learn to war !rio
more. Make rea,onable concessions to the
victors and we trust all will bo won,
Philo Finch we r Wudorstand, his sold his
property in this place. and will go ta \ Bur
lington about the first of April.
8. D. Bterigere is about completing one of
the finest houses to be" found in tho county.
The material we understand was all import
ed, the labor we know was and how the peo
ple rejoice.
Oar new Burgess is now working upon the
last page of hie long promised prockmitkin
and will present it to the public, in manu
script form in *bent ten day. Agents wanted.
single coots 10c each. PETER PARR&
March 27,1882.
THE maRKErs.
Clorrected every Wednesday.
Corner of Main and Pine Streets.
Flour per barrel
Flour per sack •
Buckwheat Flour, _V 100..
Corn Meal
Chop Feed
Wheat, V bushel
! .1 2.5®1 30
Rye, " 104
Corn, • " 7 5 0
Buckwheat... • 60®
Oats. 45007
Beans, 3 00®3 25
Potatoes, 4 .
Apples Green, V bushel.. 1 00®1 15 -
Apples Dried, IA Its ' 5
Peaches 4. • 12015
Raspberries Dried V lb.. • ®2O
Blackberries " " ... 10
Pork. V barrel
Hams, V lb
Lard. 4 4
Butter, in Tubs • Firkins.- 32 ®36
Butter, in Rolls 3E435
Clover Seed V bushel lt®
Timothy seed V bushel..
Beeswax, .a lb
Syracuse Salt V barrel...
Michigan Salt "
Ashton Salt "
Onions. V bushel.
, •
0 South Third St. Philadelphia.
Stock bought & sold either for Cash or on Margin
Pima., /107/DAY. Mar. 27. 1882.
U. B. 6%1881, Eat 101% 101%
" Currency, 6's 129 ,
1881. new. Fat 103%
'•4%, new 114% 1144
I. 4.5 . 66 - 119% • •
Pennsylvania R. It eals, 6y,
Philadelphia and Reading R. 30% . 30%
Lehigh Valley R. E • • 603 Z 61'
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.... 41 '41%
United 14 J 11 It and Canal Co .. ... 184 .184%
Northern Central R B Co 50 50%
Hestonvilla Pass It II CO 17f6 17
Buff, pittaburgh, II Welt RR CO 17% 1 18
Central Transportation C 0.....;... 34 38
Northern Paine. Com 35% 33%
" Prerd 76% 76%
rorthern:Pennsylvania R 61 64%
Philadelphia & Erie 811 ' 16% 16%
Silver. iTrades) 99% 99%
Li etillio be found at the OLD STAND
Next doci-to Dr.R.C. Porter's Drug &ore
• ,
J.E.W. - E c L.RT
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired
by an experienced and Competent workman.
- • ," EUREKA
) 0 1 E . ' MARBLE WORKS
. •
Has Marble Works -located at Depot near of
Mallet's Brick Store, and is prepared to far- 1
Wall u . good quality of Marble . as there
is in the country. - /Err-manufacture
Grave Yard Posts, Railings; &c.
And I sell queen per cent. Cheaper th an travel
ing agents do. - Good satisfaction guaranteed,
and all jobs pit up properly.
I can furnish allkirida of American and forejgn
marble. I ant enabled to sell very mnch•cheap.
er than any other Arm because I do my own
work. Those wishing anything in my line are
invited to call and see for themselves.
Feb. 16, 1882
001 1 The Polishers of the Iticrusucan bare
arranged so that they u •
s able to offer
the popubir IhniU7 Mgr — The arAz
mouth Basest—tor one - year to rimy new
subscriber to the Assasucan who par ffl.Bl.
The BAIN= is a splendid home paper. Specimens
may be seen at this office, or will be sent by ad.
dressing. BANNER, Hinsdale. N. R.
We will furnish the Runtime= sith gni of
the 'following named publicstions, from and
after /annoy 1,188?, at the rates named be
low, whielliinaludekthe lienunucan with the
Palm 1 40 0 4 1 :
Nei ;cork Weekly ...... . ; 45
EkunieWeekly Times, 885
PathAlelphis Weekly Press, 2 50
Philadelphia. Weekly Times, ' 280
Harper's Magazine,i .... 4 GO
ilarimes Week1y,........ 4 . 75
'Harper's Bazar; 4 75 .
The Century Magazine (13c'ribiter) . 4
. 75
St. Nichols", 400
Dmtdar 130 -. fence - Monthly, 5 50
North American Review, 5'50
American Agriculturist, . 2 . 60
Atlantic) 'Monthly,.. 4 75 .
ConntryGentlemen, 35
Rural New Yorker,:.. . 385 .
Toledo Blade; 2'75 ;
Wido Awake, ' 3GO
Paniey ' 200
Babyland, 1 90
Little Folks' Header— r ......... 210
Demorest Monthly - 3 10
Goders Lady's - Book 9 10
Peterson's Xagaaine,.... 3 10
Scientific American,.... 4 29
Burlington Hawkey0,....,..
The Nursery,
The Farm and Garden
Yonth's Companion '
And had One of His
A farm of liftyscres, located in.the Wpm: val
ley. Ave ;Mutual drive from Itome borough.
For Ain particulars. address
21ifebiwe r Towanda. Pa.
=115(9 CO
1 65@1 75
1 75
65, week . in your own town. $5 Outfit
free Mo risk. Everything new. Cap
ital net required. We win flings!'
you, everything. Many are making
fondues. Ladies make as much .as
men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader,
if you want a business at which you can make
great pay all the time you work, write for partic
ulars to B. Hair= & Co., Portland, Maine,
Dee Is—lyr
20 00022 00
- 15
5 7506 25
3 00@
1 7303 00
90P1 00. ' 1
Public Sales
Advertise ,
C ~~
1 I
Reasonable sßates,
ROTE IfEADS7Iio. printed In.tbe best style
of the art at the Rit.PCRILICAS COCO.
rUse Lawrenee & Martin's
illt o
. .
owavy\ V
Bm Tniu Ku always been one of the CALL A ImPortant
weapons wielded by the MEDICAL FCULTY
against the encroachments of COUGHS .COLHS,
CO. 8 At (O\ in its in!lfilent and Nwmced Stages, of lie TIMA T T7IiEST
and LUNGS. but it has never been so advmdageonsly compounded as In the TOW. DOCK and
111/P. Its soothing Balsamie properties affotd a diffusive stimulant and tonic to build up the
system alter tue cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles. Price SLOO
CAyTI9N I l l ; p :A ctt bed e: t e l l r ve l d o bljtefltzrzl Viy)
elfil l itz n l o s e i c h l e a SN ß lll
MEDICA zutic e—tho nutlet= &Pinto Die TOLD , ROCK
Stamp on each bottle. rblch
permits It to be Sold by ts. grocers De alers Everywhere.
The_ TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicago, 111.
_e-4. -- , WELLES,
WhOlesale :and Retail Desk's. ,
T WA . N D A,:-P A .
Unexcelled and unequaled for thorough prams
tion of all plowed ground far crops. They will
cover broadcast grain nearly as well as a drill
will put it in. and should-precede the grain drill
in preparation of the soil: It should be used, by
all means upon fall plowed ground. They are
remarkably adapted to rough and stony, as well
as for smooth soils. Send for Circulars. ?own
ship agents wanted. •
These are • the very best chilled plows in the
market for general purposes. and upon all kinds
of ground. .
2 ta
2 CO
2 00
2 75
I ask for , fair and thorough test-trtals . for
these plows in competition with the other lead.
chilled plows. The Wiard Plows are warranted.
to be decidedly the best; and greatly superior to
all other plows for bard and stony ground. I
believe nearly every farmer will buy thesei plows
when he becomes acquainted with their real
Farmers' Favorite., Champion, and , other
Grain Dellis. If you want the beseand cheapest
Drill, give me a chance.
With either thimble skeins and wood axles, or
best whole-piece •• Anchor Brand" iron axles.
well proportioned, well Anished and painted,
easy running, beat in quality, 'cheapest good
wagons in the market, best brake, and warranted
in every respect. Call and see them. •
'Enterprise Adjustable Track and Other
If yon wants Ars t.classChtirn Poiter adapted to
Yclir wants lan arilptdy it. Powers delivered at
any railroad station.
These cultivators are unrivaled for c.4110e11-
ience.and utility. Are of my manufacture: -Tor •
sale iwholeule and retail. • Buy the r Best."
Bat "The Bt is the Cheapest."
Thomas Smoothing-Harrows. ; Achme
• Harrows.
These are valuable imple.mehts and.chesP.
XX Star Hydraulic CoMent,
, By the barrel or ear-load. Good and cheap.
Imported Imperial Portland Cement.
This Is stronger than the best American ce- .1
menu by three to eight times'. For sale in any .
desired quantity. -
Side-hill and IMproved Reversible
Plows, Clipper Chilled, West On
couta, and other first-class
Reversible. Plows.
The attention of- farmers Is cnlled to this
superior Barbed Wire. It is efficient, yet not
dAngerois. It recommends Hadn't eight. Bend
for specimens end prices,
BUGGIES, of best - atylea and make. All
GY TOPS. Good and very cheap. .
Good and cheap.. Easily set. Send for, prices.
MIXED PAINTN First, quality, .chap, war
any quantity wholesale and. retail, good and
Palliam's Wagon, Bolster . Springs
very desirable.
Of best and leading kinds. Monitor Traction
Road Steamers, Miller's New - Model Vibrating
Threshers and Cleaners, Harder's, Wheeler's
and Gray's Horse Powers, Threshers and Clean
ers. I would call - the attention - of threshermen
to 0 ray's .machines. .
For either one or two horses and interchange
able. These rakes , have no superior, and are
adapted to a' greater variety of work than any
other. They aro well made, durable; easily band
led, and good in every particular. Warranted to
give satisfaction.
14. B.—Will deliver free of freighUthe most of
my goods at any railroad station.
Call and see my machinery, or eend for circu
lars and prices. .
Towandkildarch 22, 1882
CAFLIZA3E. 13 I.cocrir.
Main Stret., First
o s more convenient location, and established
himself in the Carroll Block, opposite 13eely's
Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with
I . . DOKESTIO FRUTF, &c.. a
-- I
_yarBOLOGNA SAUSAGE s specialty.? All or.
dere promptly delivered.. tt
( Esmzutrngp, 7186 5,
l• 1
, _ Solicitor of . •
) _
• i - -
Pt .IL lt" Ei 11T ilr' S ..
(Successor to Gilmore, Smith A• Co., at... -•
Chipman, Hosmer ft Co) -- . - '
_______ • . 1 .
- - i
- -
Patents procured upon the same plan which
was originated and successfully practiced by the
above-named firm.
Pamphlet of sixty pages seat upon race ip t o
stamp. t 1 . • InovB 1
HORSE. B ; nd 25 cts.
for s th tam e p
currencyWEED =mon of ..A Treatise ozi the Horse and
his Diseases." It-gives the best - treatment for
all diseases, has 60 gne - engravings showing
8 positioassmthan ed by
cur lr 4
horses b ette r
taught in any other way, s table showing doses
of an the principal medicine, need for the horse
as well as their effects and antidotes when a
25 cts poison, a large canteen= of
VALUABLE itscrivrs, rules for
telling the age of a horse, with an engraving
showing teeth of each year and a large mount
of other valuable horse information. Hundreds
of horsemen have pronounced it worth more
than books costing $5 and $lO. The tact that
2410,000 sold in about ono year. before It was re.
vised shows how popular the book is. The re
vised edition is twat Nous wrzsastiwn. fitima
rot A cracrien. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. J. B.
Kendall k. Co., iLnosburgh Fans, Vermont.
Mar 11-Iyr.
Best Churn Powers.