I 1 . . . _ 1 - 1 . 110LCORB is, TRACY, Publishers. • .• - - . . r -, • • -- • .s._ . . . . • ' . . . . . . , . . . . i., 1 ,. 1 •. . i ' VOL': VII: :, . . , ,- _ . . _TEE- ,- I- r bitroad Tite.tables. .' - . . . a , Brattinr . d Repliblican BARCLAI R..R; 11,ME-TABLE. TAKES EFFECT ',JAN. 1 , • 1884. U I Li • ____i_ - . • ' TRAV:IB, • - - . . ' - • NORTH.; t , SOUTH. -Is Published Every Thursday, : 1 - 6 --- 1 4 - - STATION'S: 1 1 3 , g Way 'Ace' i • 1 . ' : • Aeo' :Way Ma ATJOWANDA, PA., BY . -11.1 Oen. ' - 1 ;:tion , Mail . . • . . . ' I • A.M..P. M HOLCOMB , Br, TRACY, 6,21 9.20' Ar.. ...:Towanda.... Dep.' 6.17, 3.15 _ 6.0.3. 9.05 Dep. .... Monsoe:'.... As.; 6.35: 3.30 . , 0.02. 9.t•4•Ar. ....Monroe.- Dep., 6.41. 3.31 $1.51) Per Annum , in A.divenec. . 5.58', 8.50 " .. Masontown ... -•• • 6.471 3.35 5.531 8.541 " .. Greenwood - . " i 6.521 9.40 - 5.461 8.46; ••-• ....Weston.... •• , 7.00; 3.47 • - ..' *5 39'*8.38' " .Idrertising Raten-SI: cents a line for first . 5 : 35 1., 4.35 ! „ • - „.' ra nim mok . .7.. `: 1 :7 . .1 1 5 1 :g . .1 5 1: .I, , ertion, au 1 five cents per line for all Sub...). 5 311 8.31; •• LorigValleyJ nc •. 1 7.19! 4.02 ,;cent insertims. Reading notleq,Lidvertiting 1, :>.A., 8.151Dep.. Foot of Plane. Sr.: 7.37 4,46 . t.il cents per line. Eight lines cot - : - 1111,nte a . * In.. _l. dicates that trains do not stop. !pare, and twelve lines an inch. Auditor's : 1 F. I.'. LYON, • 11 ,, lice8 $2.50. Administrator's and Executor's •21;nr82 Supt andllng . r. Barclay. Pa. !latices $2.6 0 . -Yearly advertising 8150.00 per - , , i .., ...loran. 7.- EHIGH VALLEY , 45 PENNA. AND THE Itsrustacor is published, in • tlie Macy, /-* 4 NEW YORK RAILROADS. , Moore and-Nobles Block. at the corner of Main A ntict Pine streets; ever J. F. Corser'sßoot and ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ' .Lou store. 'Rs circulation is over 2000. _As en T 0 TAKE EFFECT JAN. Ist, 1882. 1 xdvertislug madling it is unexcelled In its im- 1 - . ; ' mediate .-.-'Sell. , . . . -, EASTWARD. i , ) ':wands linsiness Dir,ciory. . , STATIONS. I I . , .__ i_ , ATTOR. t NEYS-AT-L.4 W.. . • •..lf . , _ ...-_-_-_.„..--- . 1 -1-. -. --1 1;p.11.i.A.M. A.M. P.M. oll'l'll .1: HILLIS. Attorneys-at-Law; Odic Niagara ABB . 'i 2.05; 7.20. 7.15 .. over Powell 5... Co. Buffalo ... • 2.501 . 8.25' 9.20 _- - - Roches ter ; 5 13 1 10 05' ( - INUIT, J. N.. 'Wilco in Wood's Block, south. 1•7 0 7 111 0.20 11.05 ... V First National Bank. up stairs. June 12,'• 8 Geneva 116,36111.301 ; .. _ ___ - 16.33 1 ,T 4.1. . L11.41111.F.,E k SON (-V C Etsbree and L Elsbree.) Auburn . 5 15 , 11 , I J=J °Mee in Mercur Block. Park St. may 14,78 OWO6O--,......” ,8.501. 1.35 , ; I _ Elmira 1:9.10; 1.45 9.001 3.45 DECK & OVERTON Be(rk' N Peck and D A Over . Waverly l i 9.451 2.10 9.40; 4.15 1. :ant.. Office over Hill's Market 49-'79 .Sayre ' 10.10 2.300.00 1 - 4.30 • ON'EP.TON k SANDERSON (E Ovaries and John Ma I in !Leal), P:Sanderson.) Mice ln Adams Block. julys l 7B Mater • • t - 10.251 • - rewinds 1 10 461 3.0010431 5 05 mAX.WELL. WIL Office_ over Dayton's Store Wysauking ' - i..... 1 110.511; 6.13 . aprilll.76 Standing Stone 1 1..... ,11.031..... • -- (- - -111.101 5:26 WILT, J. ANDREW. Office In Mean's Block. Freuchtown 1 - rl. -111.19:.... apr 14,76 . 1 • Wyalusing . 1.. , •1 0 - .30 , 11.30' 543 • •:•• • • .. , • Skinner's Eddy lES, CARNOCHXN & HALL. (W 2' Dneies• Laceyville 1 1 11.53! 6.07 11.42 3.57 , 11.50 , 0.03 TIAT L.f. W H Carabchart. Llf Hail.) Office in ; t ,rear et Ward House, Entrance on Poplar St. (Je12.75 "'esb°PPen ' 4.12 1 12.101 6.23 Mehoopany t 112.16 6.23 M.ERCUR, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents . Tunkhannock .. r. 12.231 4.35. 1.00 7.10 Particular attention paid to business, in LaGrange 1 1.10 7.20 I inthans' Court and to the settlement of estates: Palle • - t - 1 1.24 7.35 tillice in Montanye's_Block . 49_79 L.& B Junction .. ..........1.05 5.19; 1.45 8.05 Wiik..e-Barre 1 1.351 5.30, 2.20 '8.35 Mc PHERSON & YOUNG. (I. McPherson and Manes Chunk - 1 3.45 7.35 , 4.50 11.00 W. 1. Young.) •Office south side cif Mercur's Allentown 1•4.44 i 8.29; 5.53 1 12.00 Block. ' • ' . , 1 ; , febl.7B Bethlehem - . '5.00i 8.55 , 6.05 1 12.15 Easton 5.30, 9.00, 6.40112.55 Philadelphia... ' 6.55;10.40; 8.401 2.20 New York 8.0 5 1, 1 9.151 3.35 l A.M. P.M. P.M . P.M. IiTADILL Sor—Ntir, office corner - 2datn and . I :CL Pine at. Noble's block. second door front. Cellections,proniptly attended to. febl 78 . -- WILLIAMS. ANGLE & BUFFINGTON. (El 2v WilliaWrE J Angle and E D TEuffington). uflico west side of Main street, two doors north Jt Argus office. All tnsiness entrusted to their care will receive prompkattention. , oct 26,77 TANtES. 11. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Attor r) nays and Counsellors-st-Law. OMee in the Nl,reur Block. over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. - . jutys , ao tf. TrEENEY. J, P. Attorney-at-Law. Office An Nlontanye's Block, Main Street: svp t. 15, 'Bl.-tf. . . ry111011M)N, W. 11. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law, Towanda, Pa. Office in Mercur Block, ..‘er C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Slain ,-treet, drat stairway north of Post-oflice.• All business promptly attended to.. Special atten -13011 given' to claim* against the United States for PooeloLs, Bounties, Patents, etc., and to oollections and seitlement of decedent's estates.. April2l. IS • • HENRY B. DI'ICEAN,:' ATIORY-AT-LANN Solicitor of Pitents. (eovernment claims at tHaded to: - ilidebB2 PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS JOUNSON. T. 8.. M.D. Office over Dr. U. C Porters's Drug Store. ,feb 12,75 NEWTON, Dn. D. N. A: F. O. O ffi ce at Dwelling on River Strpet, corner Weston St. feb 12.77. - -r- - T .kbll, C.. K.. 1141). - Office let door above old .. .If, bank building, on Main street. Special at txufiou given to, disease. of the throat and Inugs. , : , ju1y19,78 TIrrOODDE;RN; B. M., M.D. Office and - rest- VV deuce. Main street, north of .M.E.Churdt. Mtdical Ersminer for Pension Drpartinent. _ fib 22.78 pNE; E. D.. 2.1. D. Office over Pdontanye's Office hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and I ri.1.1.1 2 to 4 P. if. Special attention given to Ingrasies OI L the Eye r and Diseasos of the Ear. oet 20,77 TOWNER:H. 11. D.. 110MGCCIPATHIC PAITSICiAN k Surtosos. Residence and office just north of Dr. Corbon's rosin street, Athena. Ps. • HOTELS HENRY HOUSE.. Main st . ., next corner south of Bridge street. New house and new furniture throughout. . The proprietor has spared neither pains or expense in making his hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share pi public patronage.. Meals at all hours. Terms reasonablo. Large Stable attached. mar 8 77 WM. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES WATKINS POST, O. GS,. G. A. R. Meets eatery Fabulist E evening. R, st Milita arylin. GO. V. MYE Comnr. .1. R. KITTRIDOE, Adjutant, - feb 7, 79 riIIYSTAL LODGE. NO. It 7. Meets at. K. of P w Hall every Monday evening at 1 7:30. In sciatica $2.000. Benefits $3.00 per week. ' Aier age annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. J. B. KITTEIDGE, Reporter. .1 t Wannr.xx, Ja.. Dictator. feb 22.78 BRADFORDLODGE. N 0.167, LO.O. F. Meet in Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening It 7 o'clock. WAIIEEX Hizs., Noble Grand. jute 12.75 zroust AND SIGN I?-4INTING POST, F. E. No. (i 2 Second street All orders will receive prompt attention. juue 12.75 E DUCA NONA L Ust4ITEHANNA COLLEGIATE -INSTITUTE. The Second Winter Term will begin Monday , ;annarp,23,lMti2. For catalogue or other infor. [nation. address or' all on the Principal. ' EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. . Towands..Pa. July 14,74 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER WiI.LUMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mer :ur Block neat door to Journal once opposite :'ublic square.. Plumbing. Gas Fitting, Repair tic Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing rk , reptly attended to. All wanting work in his ue should give him a call. July 27,77 INSURANCE D USSELI., 0.8, General Insurance Agency, •LAP Towanda, I's. Office in Whitcocub's Book . July 12.76 SPEOLN,L ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES McCAIIR BAN REMOVED lIIS GROCERY BUSINESS 0 - HIE 'SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF ]LAIN ~ A ND BRIDGE ,STREETS, WHERE lIE lIAS ESTUILISHED Read Quarters FoIVEVERITLIDIG IN THE LOTH OF DROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C., &:c. (ASH PAID for Desh able Pro .dace. Fine' BUTTKR and EGGS a specialty NATHAN TIDD, tSuccessor to Mr. liclieen;) DEALER IN PITTSTO / N, WILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK C FOO T or PINE STREET. NEAR otiuß i i . ROUE. - • . TOWANDA, I , PA: 41 LOWEST PRICES FOR CA NI. r The patronage of my old friends' nd the *ohne . enerally is solicited. • i Oserlt 0 • ....::;- .. -,. -•'•'!.. - 2 t ' • ' - ''!! ! ~ , • . . --I'• • -,, -:-. , . ..', 1, - ! -- : - , •', y•-•,•.:•,'. . _, . . ... ... . , . . • '- - , . . . . - . , . _ . „ . ...... . .. . , . . 1 F • . ~ .....,::,.....1. Immx:fAx., ..... .. (7.302, 4/10 .. :..,,,.....,,,,,......•, :,..<4laiiii..*._;,....orvi. A I,k .6 - 411= 1 '..., - 1 •4:17;:x-' , -, :; - ' --'' .. . .• . , .-...-• ._ . • . . _ • - . - :. L I ' •• , . _ . . , .. . . . . . . . ! . . . . .: . . . . . . . _ I ~. - . - I . . • - • ~1• . - - .. . . . . . - . . . . - • • • . - . . New York Philadelphia,— Easton' Bethlehem .... Allentown ..... Mauch Chunk.. Wilkes• Barre... L B Junction Falls LaGrangei Tankhantlock Alehoopany.... Meshoppon Skinner'stEddy Lseeyvillei . Wyalusing FrenclitoWn Rummerffeld Standing Stone Wysauking Towanda U15ter......... Milan ...... Athens .. ..... Sayre.. .. .. Waverly Elmira Owego . ' . Auburn, ToWANDA, PA Ithaca . .... aeneca Lyons ..... Rochester Buffalo ... .' . Niagara Falls... No. 32 leaves Wyaltuiing at 6:00, A. M.. French town 6.14, Rummerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6,31 Wysauking 6.40, Towanda 6.53. Ulster 7.06, Milan 7:16. Athens 7:25. Sayre 1:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving a&Elmira 6:50., A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20, Milan 6:30, Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysauking 7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Rummertield Frehchtown 7;32, arriv: ing it Wyiinsing at 7:45., P. M. Trains 8-and 15 run' daily. Sleeping cars'on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls, and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor. cars on Train! 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia %M -out change, and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyona. Ws[. STEVENSON, Supt. B►ins, Ps., Jan. 2, 1882. Pa, & N.Y. It. U. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Towanda 5 di Store STREET, s preparcd to offer a complete assort DRY AND FANCY 0001D8, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and D I ECORATED Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, _ 'BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS &C . For the coming Spring Trple, we adhere as heretofore to 'our established principle—that a quick sale with "a smlll profit is better than a slow"one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. , Ite - We endeavor to sell the best article for the least possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. myG•tf r THE POPULAR CORNER GEO. L. ROSS, Has filled up the old AIONTANYE - .STORE with a full and comildete stock' of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Call here for your Groceries. After you got prices at Rosa' it will be of -no use to try else where for his prices are dotrn to rock bottom. Farmers can get the tip-top of the markets' Geo. L. Rose.- All kinds of Produce taken in ex change for goods or for cash. • HORSEBend- 23 eta. to fitamp or currency for the as Immo imrrios of "A; Treatise on the Horse and his Diiesses." It gives the • best 'treatment for an diseases. has 60 fine engravings showing BOOK rpnmerultsellrumtiell n s ick taught in any other way, a table showing doses of all the principal medicines used for the horse as well as thbir effects and antidotes when a 25 popton. a large collection of Mb YAW/ILLS imerrers, rules for telling the age of a horse, with an entreating' showing teeth of each year and a large =sant of other valuable horse information. Hurdreds of horsemen have, pronounced it worth more than books costing $5 and $lO. The fact that 200,000 mold in about one year before it was re. vised shows how popular the book is. The re. vised edition is =ea goat riarneermo 9.mar FOR a mammas. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. X. B. Kendall & Co.. ilnosburgh Falls. Vermont, . War 11.1 yr. Apri! 29 17 JOB PRINTING OP -ALL RINDS &neat short nolke and reasonable rates the lisrulamtm calm' WESTWARD. 0 0a a 4 • STATIONS. .1 i - I I p : lff:A.M.!A,ll. P.M 6.30 ..40; 3.40 h.OO .... 9.00 4.15 ; 9.2 C ....110.151 5.50 9.50;....'10.45' 0 .15 10.45, 10.54! 0.24 11.05' 7.25 1.08 7.30 -2.03 9.45 1,35; 8.01 . 2.20:10.10 ..• • C 8.27; ....,10.32 8.45: 2.15 8,55 3.0 1 10.52 ....1 9.20 —.11.22 ....I 9.'27' 9.43 ....a1;45 9.50-3.401,11.50 3.02 10.14 4.03:12.07 10.27 ....112.17 10.37 ;12.24 10.44 .'. „: . • 10,54 , „-.....12.37 ~ 3 4,9;1105, 443:12.46 • ....'11.17 4.'55;12.57 . •11.26 1.06 . 1- 1.30 11.3 i' 5.10 1.15 . 1 4.40 , 11.41 5;20 1.23 4.45:11.50 5.301 1.30 • .1 5.40' 6.151 .15 • 5.391 12 .... 2 6.251.... .! 6.10 6.401 .... .* 8.40', .4.. 5 .8.50; • 9.50 6110 9.401.... . 11.40 B'.lo 12.0518.00 .1 1.03; 9.23' 1.061 9.40 F.M. A. 31 I= THF. (NEXT DOOR TO FELCU & CO ment of CURES .DTSPEPPI, MU COMPUM'S, 'TART DISEI CURESPFIFEer.e. Nom, Dropsy, Heart disease, Bid lowness - Nerveus debility, etc. The Best 8=157 =OWN to Maii! 11,0001000 Bottles SOLD *NCR 1870. • • This Syrup possesses Varied Properties. It Stimulates , the Ptyaline in the Saliva, which converts the Maras and Sugar of the ANA into glucose. A de& clency in Ptyalin. causes -Wind and Souring of the fbod in the Amsach. the medicindu st taken immediately atter eating the entntion of food pro• vented. 1 It acts upon the Liver. It acts upon the Kidneys. It Regulates the Bowels. It QPurif iuietser the Blood. Itlt the /Ferrous Sgsbnis. Promotes Digestion. • ~/t Nowrialies. Strengthens end lii R =ftaiel4 carries off the Old Blood and new Heal It op thyens the porets tim. of the skin awl induces Perspira It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poisar In the blood, which generates Scrofula, Err sipelas t and all 'rummer of skin diseases and internal humors. There are no spirits empktyed In its maim facture. and It can be taken by the most delt cate babe. or by the aged and feeble, eareonlo being requiredits attention to directions. ' DIUYGGISTS SELL , IT. I,:alboratory"._, 77 West - Bd. St. NEW YORK CITY. never falls to Cure. Ashlaitd, Behuyldll co., Pa.. Dear Bir:—Thil WM certify that'your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP hatibeneAted me more, atter a short trial,-than all the medicine I have need t0r.15 years. • Diiease of the Stomach. ' Ashland. Schiykill-co.. Pa. Dear have used your excelledt INDIAN BLOOD SIRUP for Disease of the StOMach, and it has proved to be a valuable medicine. Nervous Debility Turtle Point, hlckean co., Ps. Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous. De bility and partial Paralysis, for a number' 91 years, and obtained no relief until I used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. a short trial 'of - which restored me to health. For Scrofula. Turtle Point. McKesn co.. Ps Dear Sir:—My little girl wad cured of Inflam mation of the Face and Eyea, by the use of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician had previo usly failed to afford relief and It was thought at the child could not live. Its neck and breas was entirely covered with Scrofulous Sores, which are now entirely gone. • WAIMEN &MTH, ~fl Sore Care for liver Complaint. Turtle Point, McKean eo., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that you/ INDIAN BLOOD SYRUPY has effectually relieved me of Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, after the doc tors failed. Remedy ter the Rheuivatism Turtle Point, 31cRean Co., Pa. Dear Sir:-1 have need your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver Com plaint. and have detived great relief therefroin. DAIIITIR SIMPSON An Agent's Testimony. • Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa: Dear Sir:—l vas a Ilfe-long sufferer from Liver Complaint until I need your great • INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. from which I soon obtained permanent : relief. ralsolnd the Syrup to be a valuable Bowel Regulator. A Valuable . Medicine. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the best medicine 'ever used In my family. Hoping the public will be benefited by this great remedy, I take great pleasupe in giving my testimony of its value. JOSEPH P. Barnum= Dyspepsia and Indigestion. - • Berlin, Somerset Co., Dear Sir:—l take ; pleasure in recommending your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the beet media made. People who are Dyspeptic should not fail to give it a trial. For tne Stomach it has no equal. I have used it and know it tci be a valuable medicine. ' Liver. Complaint Dear 81r:—I was ttoubled with Liver Com plaint for a long time. and by the persuasion of your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent INDIAN BLOOD BYRUP,which has greatly bene fited me. 1 have never found guy medicine to eotial it, and can confidently say it is a safe and highly valuable remedy. ED,AAItD ZOUZI. • • Pain_ in the Breast. • • Berlin, Someriet Co.. Pa.' • Dear Sir:—l wis afdeted with a Pain in my Breast and Side. and when I would lie down, I could scarcely breathe for Pain, I*. also very weak it my Breast and. Lungs. I used some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near, ly well. My Lungs ire strong once' more and I am very grateful to yon for Buell a valuable remedy. . D. M. BALL. Dyspepsia and indigestion. Philadelphia, Pa. Dear 81r:—This is to certify that pour valua ble INDIAN BLOOD , STRIIP has cured me of Dyspepa , a and Indigestion, which I had been afflicted with for years. ° For Kidney Diseases:. Philadelphia ; Ps. Dear Sir:—l was subject to severe Pains in my Kidneys, Weakness and Painful Sick Headache, for years - . and failed to obtain relief. until Isms induced to try your, reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. a short trial of which restored) me to perfect health. No• 1525 Bartnim St. for Costiveness: I , • Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Bir: 4 4 was troubled with C'oativenles and Headache, and the use olyotir INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP proved most beneficial to me. It is the beet medicine I ever luseo. , N 0.817 Federal St For Billionsness. Dear Sir:=l was afflicted with . Dyspepsia and Bithorniness for years, and failed to procure re lief until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, which', soon effectually relieved me. I take great pleasure in recommending its use to the afflicted.- I. No. 1033 Lbenst St Disease . of the Stomach and Liver. Pintail'. Pike Co., Pa Dear filr:—This is to eertify that I have used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the stomach and Liver, and have been much beno. Sited thereby. - . FIRANIUMI VARAMEN. Best Famny Medicine. , ragman, Pike Co.. Ps. Deer Sir ;—I consider your reliable ?miss BLOOD STRAP the iiest medicine I ever used in my fsmily. It is Just as recommended. Nur= Corrsszo. \ Remedy for Worms. Dear have used your great ANDLtai BLOOD SYRUP in my family for Wcirm - and Summer Complaint, and it has proved 'offecttal in all cases. - • Never Falls to Care. • swam% Pike Co.. Ps. Dear sir:-My daughter was in Poor. Health and s short trial of your 'NOLO BLOOD'SYRUP entirely cured her. AGENTS W ANTED for the isle of theINDIAN BLOOD SYRUP in even town or village, in which I have no scout. Particulars given onapolication. TOWANDA.. BRADFORD cou - siritirA..; kTHURSDAYi,-MARGH 16, 1882. CURES 111.0ISUSES 01 THE STIHUCH, EIDHETS, SU, & B r LOOD. BILLYAN Mu. J. Atrium D. C. WINSHIP 7. F. BISHOP HiesnT C.-SIMPSON Berlin. SoinersettCo.. Pa HATTLi KRIBBINGEILt BerLtu. Somerset Co.. Ps. Ggoigii. M. ELLIOT Amu RILEY Jae. A. Bimini Philadelphia. Pa FRANK T. Cloamr..zy TnciiAs Cozrnuour, ; lIIRAI VAxAsKess. ..ackvzirourr OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR. TEE PEOPLE." rpoir mr - WOILD lissosurr Ern - 119E In Harper'{r Magazine for March.] • . Her hair was black, "but black," she sighed, ?li - very.much to cold;" • And then .be bleached,er locks until They looked almost like gold; . A pimple satin robe she wore. Which closely to her clung ' - (In fact it was extremely Scant.) And from - her belt a lilly pale, - - And Dior sunflowers hung,- Four big sunflowers bung. I - She would not touch a bit or meal, But oft she'd sit and weep,: To think the broiled chops werecinee Part of a baby sheep. "And oh l" she'd war - lan, So foliar gravy now," • iThie is a"light mistake, I- think,) "Once wandered o'er the fields aid meads, Attached to a cow A gentle browsing cow. i• • She was the most poetic thing; Shewoulihet harin a fly; "It's life is short at best," she'd say-L - "Oh, pray don't make it die!" The very cat for Catching mice In tearful voice she chide, And then at last idie married (And seemed quite glad to get, him, too,) A butcher, yes, she did— Upon my word she did ! • FAREWELL. The following impromptCline' were com posedby Fanny Crosby, the Street aong-writer . of New York, upon the occasion of the fare well' reception tendere'd to , Mr. and • Mrs. Clark Willson on board itieCity of Brussels," Feb. llth. on the eve of their departure for England: Feat not, for He who rules the storm Will guide you o'er the deep; His voice will hush the raging winds, • • And bid the large@ sleep. Fear not, for you are in His hands. Dear children of His love; 1, - 'And o'er the ship that bears ;von hence, Will rest the heavenly doff): • Our hearts- willthroh, sad te a rs will tell How bard to say adieu; And yet,wo feel 'tis God's gyre work That yoti are calledito dot. A glorloni work for dying souls. - - Beyond the rolling . sea— i t 4 , A harvest gathering; not f 4 T6(3 • But for Eternity. , . •••1 And so with many an earnest wish, And many a fervent prayer, • - We 113 W Icemmend you, dearest,ones, To dui Redeemer's care. • , Good-bye ! good byel once more gdod-byel • For-you, our sot& will Yearn; • M.ty God permit us 'all to !ire 1 And hail your glad retain. FAN:4v CEomv. NEW Yonii, Feb. 11th, 1882. - The Scout's Carelessness. t • Chris. Gilson, the famous scout, who was at one time known as the best plainsman from the Montana line to the Southern boundary of 4.rizona, wander, ed into Bismarck, D. T . , iu the fall of 1876 to take a look at civilization. The town was run that week by a gm, blcr from' the - Black Hills, who Lau cleaned out a great . many of the local fraternity at 'horse' poker, . and who, consequently, put ,on 'a great many frills. Gilson heard of him, and diAing the afternoon managed' to meet him casually in the 0. P. 4.). saloon. 'Who mont you be, stranger?' asked the Hills man. 'I been drivin' mules for Dan Steven son.' replied Chris., with an innocent air. 'Jack Flynn, of Balls' Bluff said he might give me a job, a•cboppin, when the river melted, and I came over from Miles City to see what was goin' oul in the way of drop and pick.' I.nyways heeled? asked the stranger pleasantly. 'Decently,' replied Chris. 'A roll of double buck in the boot and a haul in the bank. I beam there war a chap from the tip Gulch what was gunnin' fer suckers,• and -it seemed like I'd like to learn his racket to catch the squaw men in the bend when choppin' war skuree.' • 'What's yer best sling ?' asked the Deadwood man, with glistening eyes. 'What does the beards whisper as to yer halt ?' 'The Yellerstonb kentry looks up to me in dominoes,'ieplied;Chris. simply, 'or if yer want to shin dowiin ember for a half a dollar, I'm said fer ter be there. But what I ready want to lam is 'horse.' Et I could find a feller on to 'horse,' I'd like to reach fey him.' This was right] in the Hill's man's hand and he began to lay his pipe. seen itiplayed, stranger,' said he. 'I ain't peculiarly adapted to it, but I am ready to impart.' The cards were were called for, and the two sat down to play. .F A big crowd gathered around, :but they stood so that there was no one behind either of the players. The gambler wan the deal, and hay lag laid the first card to each face downward, he turned over the other four apiece upward, according to the rile of the game. As they lay. Chris, had a king, jack, seven and six of '4ifferent suits. The gambler had two tes faced and; a deuce and seven. What the turned down card of either was the other didn't know. 'Ever played poker ?' asked the stranger. 'Just aleetle,' replied Chris. - Thee') a dollar thar oc the come in. Et them tens is much good Ter might sling a chip or so.' This challenge was readily responded to) and the bet rose. The gambler played high and Chris, stayed with him. " As the pile on . the table rose the crowd moved fuilher end further back.' Suddenly Chrikcipaized hia pile of chips and most f them fell on the floor He stoopid as if to pick theni up, but changed his mind, and bobbed in time to catch the gambler exchang in&hia hidden card for one in the pack. 'Three tens,' said Chris, quickly rak ing in the pot. "pwo dealt fair and---' The next instant a revolver barrel was stuck under his nose. • - . Chris, sbnffled the cash toward the centre of the table, and leaning forward looked his antagonist in.the eyes. 'Pick it up, stranger,' said--he. 'Ef yer think there's been anything foul, take that pot. Bnt ef yo tech it, ef ye put a hand out toward it, yell wish that yed died, or my name is not Chris Gilson.' - _ There lies silence for a moment. and the Hills man got up quietly. 'My money, stranger ?' asked Chris. There was-no response. The Hills man had gone. 'Wby didn't you draw on him, Chris ?' asked Mr. Hare, '.the local magistrate. 'Why didn't you draw He had a bead on you,' . 'lt was carelessness,' replied ()brio, quietly.-''The fact is I had no weapon.' =Brooklyn . Sale. steaks. =rx: .Whereabonts 'unknown: Postman: 'Say, sis, where's Mrs. Malley O'Dea?. mont ?' Id' Uor. She died , last week anti didn't leave any directions.' Suggestive wit: . l Diner (to waiter): 'This chop is very dry.' . • Waiter (to diner) :. 'Perhaps, then, y l oa' had bet ter order something to drink with Paris advertisement:l Ter sale—a monkey, a cat and two. parrots. Ad- dress Mine. Rue;—. As the lady is about to get married she has no fnither use for these animals.' Pathetic parent (to scapegrace son)— 'Do ' you want to bring. !down your father'S gray hairs in sorrow to the grave?' Scapegrace son—'No danger of that, dtid; you haven't got the hairs, you know.' •What is the difference_ between a reddish horse and horse radish ?' asked Brown, intending to puzzle Patrick; but but Patrick replied at o4e: 'A red- dish horse is a horse that is a little red. but a horse radiSh is a horse of • another color.' She jumped the hurdle: In a %peril enee meetin" ;liar here one of , the sis ten said she /lid been to hebben Another asked 'if she seed any Diggers dar ?' `Lor', sister, you don't s'pose I went in de kitchen, does- you ?' When Fogg.heard that Skinflint was - threatened with enlargement of the , heart he remarked that be didn't know any one who war better fitted for the operation. He 'thought the enlarging process might go on for some fifty 3 ears without detriment to skinflint's' health. Au important matter: Jimmy Tuff boy . is deliberating. , The teacher has appointed ~him monitor of the slate pencils, and whether he,. shall _thus be shelved 'retired' from active raising the 'old Harry' witethe Test of boyEi or not is a question. Present indications are that he,will accept. A correspondent of the New England Farmer writes about 'My Experience in Bee Keeping.' But as he Says nothing about jumping into a well to drown the pesky critters out of his trousers, we don't believe he has made a truthful statement. Why. will men dissemble about such matters ? . 00 one occasion he was preaching for a public charity, when a note was hand ed up to him inquiring if it would be right fOr a bankrupt to e.ontribute. He noticed the matter iu the course of his sermon, - and pronounced decidedly that such a person could not" do so iu honesty. 'But, my friends,' he added, would advise you who are not insol ventnot to piiss the plate this evening, as the people - will be sure to say, 'There goes the bankrupt." A gentleman who is at present in at tendance at- the stock convention is so bow-legged from • riding on horseback that his lower limbs attract. attention .when he walks ou the street. Yester day a perfect stranger stopped him on Austin avenue and said;: • 'My friend you ought to belong to the army.' I don't think so,' • responded the other party, good-humoredly; 'I couldn't run very fast wi s h them lege.' i‘You wouldn't never need to run from artil lery. The cannon balls would all go between your legs. There is no other place for them to go.' • - . 'There's too much horse-racing at your agficulturat fairs,' 'remarked son Jones to the secretary of the county, society; 'I shtild like to know, sir, what horse-raci g has to do with agri culture.'parson; replied the secretary; with a pleasant smile, 'noth ing, perhaps; pr,, at least, no more than church lotteries have to do with the spreading of the gospel.' Parson Jones satv t 1 point and'changed the conver sation .immediately.,- ; known Anstm ;family, ramify returned home- after a Protracted absence. A friend met him shortly after his return and asked Win: 'Where have you been this' long time ? I haven't seen you for more than a year.' I haven't been nOwares, exceptint- to a grammar school' 'What else did you learn there except . good •grammar ?"Perlitenees, . pin darned, no -account whelp. That's what else 4 learned, you IoW-down 1 miss.' Moaning at the White House: 'Anything taken place to-day ?' asked Mr. Prelinghuysen, as he walked in and elevated ' his boots to the top of the Cabinet table. "Nothing,' replied Mr. Arthur, without. looking up from: the tantalizing pages of the Patent Office report. 'There were lots of fellows here whO wanted to take one, however.' Thus loth the oasis of innocent mirth lighten up the . barren waste of official life. I• '. - r In the 'city of Halifax there dwelt a lawyer, crafty,- subtle and cute as a fox. An Indian of the Miami tribe, named Simon, Owed him some money. The poor red man brought the Money to his creditor And-Waited, expecting the lawyer' to write a receipt. • 'What are you waiting for ?' said the ' lawyer.. 'Receipt,' said-the Indian.: 'A receipt,' exclaimed the lawyer, 'receipt. What do you know about a receipt ?' The Indian looked at • him a moment and then said: "Spose maybe die; I'me go to heben; me find tate locked; me see the 'Postle Peter; he say, 'Simon, what do you want ?' . Me want to get in. He say: 'you pay Mr. J. dot money?' i What me do ? I hab no receipt hab to , hunt all over hell to find you.' SELECTED HUMOR. A young- man, the eon of n. we' MR. BONFIG'S PROTEGE. Ebenezer Bonflg was a widower, be- wean fifty and , sixty lyears of age. fresh- 'colored and alert, exceedingly . dapper and natty in his appearance, very well to do, and a member of oae or two something more than respeatable clubs. It had been long ago forgotten that Bonfig's father had ,made • his fortune by the discovery and extensive sale of an esoteric compound known by the title'of 'Luncheon Pickle;' and the son had never been taunted on account of his sire's connection with trade since he lad left college, where of course the nickname of "Pickles" liad .been affixed ()him. But Ebenezer was no tuft- hunter; not in tho least !ambitions or desiroas to pass himself !MI for what-ho was not, and' took the thing with great and undisturbed good humor, till the tern lost all trace of contemptuous .ex pression, and became ,transformed into a kindly jocular epithet, used by his particular chums in moments of endear ing expansion. Atter leaving college, . Bonfig married, led in even, childless existence, mated to a lady Of a tempera ment as calm'and equable as his own, until death dissolved this stormless partnership, and left him to - nurse in solitude a orowd of sweet and concord- an memories. Yet Ebenezer had one rnling passion; if indeed a sober, worthy crochet de- serves to be dignified by such a name. He doted on music and musicians. He was a ateadfaat subscriber, to the 1 talian opera, attended every philharmonic, sacred and classic concert, where good musical fare was . a certainty, and was generally tolerably well' posted up in. Operatic gossip. The storehouse of his recollections was rich with anecdotes of singers of world-wide fame, many of "whom he bad knoin personally in -his younger days; and to get Bonfig on to his pet subj ect was , a - common trick, practiced with considerable unction by his friends at the club and elsewhere. "Sir," Ebenezer would say, his pleasant rubicund face glowing with modest triumph, 'I bad the honor of being on speaking terms with the -great Malibran•L---the great Maria Malibran herself. We shall never see her like again. Patti, Nilsson, Tietjeas , don't talk toine of any of them, sir; great artists in their way no doubt, who command our gratitude for the pleasure they . give us, bat lilt one of . them a touch upon : Malibran. That .woman sir, wasn't a•Womaii at ull when on the stage; she was au angel and a fury by turns, as the occasiein required. Won derful! wonderful! And do you. know what she used, to keep her up to the t. mark? Porter, sir—good honest porter; she would drink a whole bottipful just before going on the boards; and,. by gad, yot should have seen the ,world of good it did her! What a poweri" it gave her! I have handed her the' Oass she drank out of scores of times. • That was a singer if yon like, or I'm Dutch man!' ' I A host of the best singers - kvere all familiar personages to him. He bad either known them from his stall at the opera house; or, What was even better, made their acquaintance at somß : of those celebrated garden parties, , IgiVen by a still well-remembered impresario of former days. Bonfig had, coutrived to make himself extremely pcipnlar in their society, and got to be received with a genuineeAmile - of , welcome, where men of high rank and •title were only more or less tolerated on aceonnq of - their social influence and standing. Indeed, on one or two delicate occas ions, his gocl, offices had tram solicited to shako the unbending obduracy of some recalbitrant prima donna; and it was mainly due to his persuasive good humor and plausible serenity, _that a storm in a tea-cup, which might have proved serious to managerial interests, was averted. Artists knew they . , had an enthusiastic, sincere little friend in him: ready to exult with them in their suc cess, and to console them with graceful tact in their failure. His bouquets, flung with a superb flourish, and with Unerring aim, were things to I..3remem hered; and his honest face, beaming with undisguised rapture, was looked for as a sympathettc stimulus, a useful antidote to fahhionable British frost.. It must not be supposed, however, that Bonfig was a master of the craft himself. He could not have deciphered a single bar of mubic to save his life; and was only known.to have attempted to sing once, he was so frightened by the hideouely fent sounds which came from him, that he retired quite disconcerted and upset. He simply had an unlimited capacity for apprecia tion; a reverend admiration for any thing Like a decent voice and the power of Using it. He would have have risen from a sick bed, rather than miss-a performance of artistic consequence, and postponed his most pressing en gagement to put himself at the diaposal of a singer. The - grasp of a peer's hand would not have afforded - him a tithe of the gratification which a passing , nod Lablache gave'him, and as for'ione of Blxilibran's smiles, he would , ndt have bartered it for a kingdom. If was a mystery, too, whence he derived his extraordinary' predilection. Boufig senior's soul had never soared for an instant above pickles, and the account at his banker's, but then to be sure, problems of greater intricacy remain to this moment, unsolved. After the death of his gentle compan ion, who, far from checking Ebenezer, bad done her very best to share :his enthusiasin, he still continued to inter est himself in musical matters; but his interest grew less active, and found', its vent rather more in the retrospective than in the present or:prospective. The impresario, who bad looked upon Bon fig in a measure as a counsellor and `staunch any, had 'found 'a succeisor i ; new artists had taken the place of the old, and Ebenezer—a Rip Van Winkle, in an old world becime new, without his even• been asleep—with fain to con tent himself with makinghis appearance as usual in his stall, and indulging in regrets of a glorious past, *believer ,ho got the chance of doing so. - The modern school of song had, of coarse, degenerated in his opinion; and with it, the niodern school of lyrical compo sition. was a bitter anti-Wagnerite, and for the life' of him could not see what the public found to applaud in the music of 'that confounded German,' which to him was all noise and no melody." But he was shortly to be roused from this comparative state of apathy. :One day helealled upon an old oollegefriend- home from India, and staying at a boarding-house situated iu. one of the squares of the West-Central distriet. While tho two were talking amicably in the somewhat dingy drawing-room Bonfig.became suddenly disgracefully inattentive to the' conversation, and strangely absorbed in listening to the s'omid of a voice which seemed to , shoot up from somewhere about the basement of the house It was, however:a voice well worthy of attention. .A man's voice ; of pro nounced tenor quality, rich. strong, agreeable and of 4treme purity; one of those voices *bit* in ordinati sized rooms, sba l o the chandelier glasses and cause a sense of vibration in the diaphragm 0' the listener; but which', in a- large 411, lucky in its acoustics, swell intio harmoniously regulated waves of sound. as fall and majestic as-the notes of a church. organ. Bonfig's oyes twinkled , with - excite ment. 'Hark!' he said; 'some erne t is'ainging; you didn't tell me you had azi artist in ; the house.' '4. - I. 'Pooh, it'sno artist! it's only Louis, the seivant, or Waiter . . or whatever :you may call hira,' hnswered Ebenezer's friend contemptuously. The voice was clearly neither a novelty nor a pleasure to' him. 'A waiter!' exclaimed Bonfig indig nantly. 'A man witli a ‘oice like tha waiter! Do be 'quiet for a moMen Jones, I want to glisten.' The musician went on, serenely un conscious of an audience. 'He ; Was singing one of those Italian dittieii so greatly in vogue at the time when the youth of Italy shouldered vim and marched out to fight and die for free dom and unity. Addio:mia bella addio, L'Arinata se, ne va; Se non partial &nett' in Ssrebbe una vilta. It ivas evident,tiki, that the perkirm er was •doing something else besides merely singing; and, judging from. the occasional jerkiness of his notes, it might be shrewdly surmised that - he was cleaning knives, or boots, or at- all events throwing his arms about with some energy. I .4l*Guiglini a Tamberlik! a Negrini!' rourmered honest, easily-moved ._ Mr. Bonfiggetting up from his seat ex citedly and pacing the room.' 'There isn't a 'than who can boast of a - vi. - iice like that on the stage at the present moment. I say, zones, I should like to see this wonder;'l must see' ring for him to come up here at:once. there's a good fellow.' 'You want to see Louis?' asked Ebe nezer's friend, not a' little aghast at this sudden unexpected freak. •Yes,.why note' said Bonfig almost fiercely. 'Nothing, only that—do you really mean it?' 'Mean it! of course I do!' said Ebe- nezer,. emphatically. 'You hate• no objection, I suppose?' "Oh, no, not the slightest objection,' replied Jones, rising and toughing the bell. The singing ceased, and after a brief intervatthere was a knock at the door. 'Come in,' said Jones, whO had bare ly recovered from his surprise. A young 'fellow entered, dressed in the ordinary-garb of a servant to a 'genteel' household. His not over-clean shirt-front frayed at the edges, and his . dress-coat, disfigured by shiny patches showed that he was kept 'a great deal more for use than for ornament; and that small wages and eOreme hard work evidently allowed him but a scanty margin, both of tiia4e and money for personal decoration. Bonfig, however, woe not ill-pleased by the appearance of the man, apart from his clothes. He was above the av erage height,strongly built, with a deep full chest,and broad shoulderis to match; a substantial • well-shaped neck: , sur mounted by a dark-complexion face, set off by a well-cared for black moustache; and the whole topped by is mop of thickly-fibred hair, render6ci as luxuri ant and glossy as cheap grease could make it. The expression of the face was 'genial and good-tenipered, and the eyes were bright and by no means lack ing in intelligence. He was a foreign er, and obviously an Italian, to the trained eye. , 'You did ring?' he asked looking at /ones. 'Yes; ahem! There you are, Bonfig, there your.man.' • 311. Boufig smiled pleasantly. "'My friend,' he said; 'was that you singing below just now?' I . The servant appeared a Wile sheepish and disconcerted. Wh‘n people -rang for him in this way, it was generally "to order a bottle of beer, or a brandy - and soda, not to ask him whether he"- bad been singing. The amiable widow , lady who owned and managed the boarding house, objectedlo his making a noise, and liad told him so plainly on different occasions. His interrogator, however, did not-look angry; but on the contrary smiled i most genially.. - 'Yea, he answered,' bashfully. 'You have a fine voice, a very fine voice,' said Mr. Bonfig; 'lour singing gave me great .; pleasure, extreme pleas ure. t • The unfortunate waiter scarcely kneW what to do under this running of _fire of praise. He shifted his body about uneasily; and his fee broke out into a foolish smile. 'A man with such a ,voice as yours ought to do something better than what yo 4 are doing,' remarked Mr. Bonfig t senteatiouhly; 'you are wasting a prec• ions gift, my friend.' !Efil what earl i do, air?' replied the poor fellow, feoing that he was expeet ed to say something. ,1 : have been a eameriere all my life; I must work for my living.' . - 'Such is the irony of fate,' mused Mr. Bonflg in silence , contemplattvely rub ging his nose. 'Herois a man with a Priceless jewel, and be is too ! poor and too friendless to turn it to its f roper account. How many village ltdbinis and mate inglorious tionzellis have been lost to art in this way!' An awkward and ridiculous silence threatenei the interview. The restless Joiies, who did not in the least enter into his friend Ebenezer's feelings, came however, to the rescue. Toillll drink something, /3onfig, won't You? Here, Louis, you can bring up a couple of bottles of Bass and some glasses. ,Bass is the beat thing they've got here; I can't recommend the wines.' A quick transformation _took place; and the nervous musician magically altered into the brisk attentive waiter. 'Yes, sir; two bottles of Bass,' he said, moving to.the door; very glad no doubt o escape. Ebenezer began, to nurse a project in his brain, till hie meditations were in terrupted l,y the re-appearance of Louis with the beer. 'Louis?'Bonfig asked, 'is that your name?, `Yes, sir; Luigi Caffarelli, I am called Louis, because madam, she give , me that name.' 'Well, Luigi, here is my, card,' said Ebenezer,-taking out his case; 'do you think you could spare the time to give - me h call one evening this week? I want to have a talk with you.' 'Yes, sir;' answered the Italian, not a little surprised. 'Let me see, to-day. is Tuesday; well; • say on Thursday—would that day suit you?' _ Luigi scratched his head thoughtfully 'lf Madama will give me tluC permis sion, yes, air.' don't suppose she will refuse; Thursday then. We will have •a little serious conversation. That voice of yours ought certainly to have fair play.' Jones by this time had got to look upon his friend as a sort of, harmless monomaniac. - He listened with a shrug of his shoulders; and a deprecatory shake of the head. Luigi,. after he had drawn the corks and poured out the beer, waited to see if anything more was wanted, and then , prepared to leave the room. • 'Thursday, then, don't forget!' cried Bonfig to him, as he went out; shall wait for you all the evening.' !Yes, sir,' replied Luigi, bowing - at the door. He clearly 'did note know . what to make - of it all, but there could be no harm In saying 'Yes, sir,' to everything; besides, it was thi only answer that suggested itself to him. - After bidding his friend good-by, and on his way home, Ebenezer developed still further, the project he had con: ceived. Here was he, a man of;• means, of ample ;means, possessed of ',money that was lying fallow and of no 'earthly benefit to anyone; and there was a poor devil of an Italian with a remarkably fine voice, only, needing culture and training to make the fortune of its own er. Why should not he, Bonfig, inter est himself and expend some of his superfluous capital in giving the fellow a chance? There- was the' material in the shape of a voice to work upon; the than was good-looking— z the picture of an Elvin° —and he seemed intelligent. Supposing he did thrownwaT a couple of hundre l ds? Connt Puoke had done more for ,Tenny Lind; and , what would Christine Ndssoa, the Sweedish night ingale, have been but for .M. Torn crhielm2—a street musician,- a peripat etio songstress, wasting her sweetness on boors in village pot-houses, instead of charming the most highly civilized, and difficult audiences in Europe! Sweden had given a.-good example in two cases; England should d 6 the same. He, Bonfig, would do something sub stantial for art. He settled : in his mind who should be Luigi's 'first in structor, and very firmly decided - upon giving his scheine a good • trial. He hadn't a living relative; was free to (Hs" pose of his money as he pleased, and if his project failed he could compensate Luigi in some way for loss of time, and procnre him another situation. The Italian waiter was true to his word. Permission to leave . his work fer an hour or two had been grudgingly granted to him; and having substituted' a frock-coat, sadly needing repairs, for the shabby waiter's swallow-tailed gar ment, he sallied forth to Mr. Bonfig's chambers, near Piccadilly. _ 'Sit down, my friend,' said Ebenezer, eyeing himbenevolently, 'and take- a glass of wino! You needn't be afraid of it; it is yonr own Italian Chianati. I got it out expressly for yon.' Cheerelby the mild beam of Mr. Bonfig's glance, Luigi eat down on the edge of a chair, and sipped, with the air of a timid connoisseur, the.wine which had been poured outfor hope you find it good,' said Mr. Bonfig; 'it is generally considered pret ty fair tipple; I have had it in bottle these four years.' • The Italian not knowing- how to thank hislost, took refuge in his native language, and murmured , something about the signore-being troppo buono. ,And now, - my good friend,' said Ebenezer, 'I want to talk to you serious ly. You were 'singing very nicely the other day: I need scarcely amk whether you are fund of music?' 'I am Italian,' Raid Luigi simply. 'A fitting answ e r, a' most fitting ans wer, to be sure.' remarked Mr. Bonfig, smiling. 'You are Italian, ono of a race which has produced the greatest sing ers and Mtlfil i CiatlS in the world. You are Italian, land I like the tone of pride, the very natural tone of pride, in which yori have answered. Now what mopld—phat would you say to becoming a singer?' he added abruptly,. throwing back his head, and 'looking Luigi full in the face. The waiter, taken by surprise - at this J unexpected question, was at a loss for words. He eoatented himself with gazing vacantly on Mr. Bonflg. 'Of course, don't misunderstand me,' , continued Ebenezer: 'I don't mean that - you should go and sing on the itaee at once. mean that you should put - yourself nnder the care of a properly qualified teacher, and.devote four time to study, fora year, two years, three years: in short, until culture and train ing shalt have rendered you sufficiently .perfect to take the place, which I con sider your natural advantages entitle you to.' - Luigi smiled; he actually smiled. 'How can Ido all - that, sir?' he said; j 'I am very poor.' . 'I know, . I know,' replied Ilonfig, almost impatiently, as though . desirous' of touching as little as possibt3 on. the subject of the young fellows means; 'but we musn't let that stand in the way of a gain to the stage. I: am very interested matter of art; your voice ' struck me as far too good to be lost for want of a little help. Listen, ,I am going to speak plainly—take another glass of ifine while lam talking, - lAM - in a position to do /what you ' can't, -- without the least inconvenience to my- self.' Leave your present state of life, - study with a good master, and Iventnre. to.prophesy a brilliant career for you. The mere question of expense need not trouble yon; I charge myself- with that, and you-won't be under the slightest obligation to me; on the contrary, I shall be the obliged, as' every success you achieve in the injure will reflect an honor - upon me. Singers are mr - hobby, you know,' he added by way of I apology. - EEL ,$1.50 a Year, in Advance.. Luigi didn't understand what a hobby was, bat what he clearly- understood was. that a benevolent, tidy-looking old gentleman was offering _to release him from the drudgery of waiting • day and night upon a crowd of exacting, diffl cultly pleased and often extremely quarrelsome and inconsiderate men and wOmen. Visiona of a happy existence, each as he had sometimes secretly dreamed of, came before him. Singing all day, well fed,. well clothed and decently lodged. Could- it all be real? 'You would do that for me, air?' he said, looking 'up with moistened IND Mr. Bonfig repeated ,his statement - emphatically. It was by no means an easy task to persuade the simple Italian that there was indeed a person to be found in the world rich enough' and 'I willing to saddle himself with another man, and put km in the way of 1. ! entering upon a new life. But Ebe nezia7 argued' with such skill and tact; quoted so many , examples of artists, in almost identical positions, having ac cepted' the same friendly - aid, and turned out a blessing and credit; put the thing so - carelessly in the light of a mere trifling service, utterly unworthy . of even' a thank-you, that Luigi was convinced at last into uttering a grate- . fat consent. It was agreed. that he should, quit his place with all possible speed, take a lodging. and put himself - at Mr. Bonfig's disposal. At the end of the interview, a five-pound note filled theL waiter's soul-cup to overflowing. In his wildest dreams he never realized the posession of so much money. He became positively - speechless through gratitude. • f By and by 31r. Bonlig was able to congratulate himself 'upon his deed. Luigi proved to be the steadiest and best of fellows, and did his utmost to justify the confidence placed in him. Hewas a Lombard, from the hilly dis tricts of Como,) and had Much of the mountaineer's Simplicity and rugged honesty of thought, coupled with in domitabie industry and a fair amount , of intelligence. His singing master greiv rapturous s on the subject of-his , voice, and announced that it would be a matter of no great difficulty to make an artist of a man endowed with a quick and true musical ear, and an earnest de sire to make progress. The ex-waiter applied the whole force of his intellect to mastering the intricacies of crochets and quavers, breves and semi breves ; and learned in a few months, by sheer dint of application, to read the black notes of a vocal score very fairly at first sight. Time and tune cane nat urally to him, like prose to the Baur. geois GentiThomme; and ho 'displayed an unexpected readiness in acquiring _the subtle grace and &dab, the faculty of imparting light and shade to singing, ; which make good artists.% It was rather too late, of course, to mould him into a profonud musician, but he would, with time and experience, know ae much as most operitio singers are expected to know, and,his splendid voice would make up for the rest. 1/4 Mr." Bonfig was in ecsticies. lie oaten sat in the room whilst - - his protege was taking his lesson, arid listened with open mouth, his bosom inflating with secret pride and joy. " Spirto gentil' moved him beyond expression, and Luigi's singing of, 'Una furtivalagrimai did, in fact, bring a bidden tear to good old Bonfig's eyes. Mario and Bubini seemed to him eclipsed. On one or two occasions. Ebenezer linked his &Tin in that of the Ita li an, and introduOd him boldly into society. The ex-waiter, clean, well-nourished. and_ well-dressed, looked a very differ-; eat personage, and his singing made him extremely welcome , in . a drawing room. Besides, there was a quiet nat ural dignity' about the man which sue -cessfully fought against early habits and early training. Like'an old cavalry horse, harneastd to a cab, and rearing at, the sound of a street band, he might turn his bead too suddenly when-a call for refreshnients was made, but he quickly remembered himself again, and checked his impulse. He was also, it might . be thought, a little kit"' obsequi ous in his politeness—but then, what won't modern ladies and gentlemen for-' give in a man. who is a "signor," and who singe, [CONCTIVDET) o FOURTH PA07.1 9. II N 0.42