Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, March 09, 1882, Image 1

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HOLCOMB &. - TRACY, Publlshaii.
Bradford Ilepublicao
Pablkhed Every Thursday,
$1.50 Per Annum, in Adrance
idrertising Ealea—Slx cents a lino for first
::..eertinn, ant five cents per line for all sub,e
.,itlent insertbns.`Beading notice advertising
tell cents per lirke Eight lines constitute a
pare, and twelve lines an inch. Auditor'.
c-t . ..:es $2.50. Administrator's and Executor'.
tetices $2. 0 0. Yeirly advertising , Alto.oo per
rohunn, • • .
. THE REMILICAX is , published in the liacy,
More and Nobles Block, 'Lk the corner of Main
a:A line streets, over J. F. Comes Boot 'and
SL, ,). store. Its circulation Is over 2000. As an
aavertising medium it is unexcelled in its ini
TnAranda Buzinesz Direci:ry.
.Attorneisa,t-Law; ()Me
1 7, over Powell .5: Co; '
CCLIFF. J. N., Wilco in Wood's:l:dock, south
First Sational flank, up stairs.. June 12.78
LILKBREE & SON IN CrElsbree and-z, Elsbree.)
ILI :Mee iu Bercur Block. Park St. - msyl 4,78
PECKS OVERTON tßenj if Peck . and I) 4 OrAr
tont. Offlee over Bill's Market—. 40-'79
VERTON A-. SANDERSON (E Overton and Jnan
1' Sanderson.) Office in Ida= Block. julys 78
M.. °Mee over Day ton'a Store
• april 14,76
WILT, J. 'DREW. Office in Mean's Block
. apr.14,76
1-. 1 Ivfl Calodtan, it (Mee in rear
of Ward Ilon a b. Entrance on Poplar Bt. '00.2,75
MEIICITS, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents.
Particular attention paid to: business in
Orphans' Court and to the settlement of estates. in- Niontanye's Block. 4149
Air c PHERSON /4 YOUNG. (1. McPherson and
W. 1. rtn9.l Office month Nide of Slercur's
Block. feb 1.78
tDILL ts KINNEY, Cate corner Main and
Pino aL Noble•s block. second floor front.
Collections promptly attended to. feb 178
VV E J Angle and E D Buffington).
uffice west aids of Main street, two doors north
et Argus office! All Maine's entrustod to their
k-sr, will recede prompt attention. oct
al neys and Connsellors-at-Law.. Office In the
4,rear Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store.
July 3, 'BO tf.
TT EENTY, J. P. Attorney-at-Law.. Office in
1.1.- Mental:lye's Block, Main Street.
_And E. A.., Attorneys -at
Law, Towanda, Pa. Office in Mercur 4 Block,
er C. T. Kirby's 'Drug Store, entrance on Main
,treet i first stairway north of Post-ottice, Ui
buAness promptly attended to. Special anon.
n , .0 given to claims i-againit the Unitedßtates
PensioLs, Bounties. Patents, etc., and to
Alectious and settlement of decedent's es:etes.
April 91. ly •
YIENRY B. mama,
ilicllor of Patents. Government claims at
eiled to. I,l6fettti2
TOWNSON. 'T. B.; 3I:D. Office .over Dr. H. C
u Porters's Drug Store. f5b12.7.8
NEWTON, Drs. D. N. k Mee stThrelling
orrltiver Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77
Tl D. C. K.. 11. D. Office Ist door above old
.I—i bank building, on Main street. Special at
ration giveln 'to diseases of the throat and
WuoDsuss, S. M.D.. 1 Office and reel
deuce. Main street, north of ALE.Chureli.
Medical Examiner for _Pension Ecrartment.
. Feb 22,78
P —_ NYSE, E. D.. D. Office ' over M•mtanye .
Store. office hours from 10. to 12 A. If. 1112
from 2 to 4 P. Y. Special attention given t
Diseases of the -Eye, and Disesses of the Es .
tict 20 a .17
• sw
„lis, or auy other light miMbigery. It i; of
inplo constructiou. durable and easily
staged. Manufactured by Charles Perrigo
Co., Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y.
. General Agent. -
ri,ter, Pa., July 21-w
kit the magazines, daily and weekly pipers
Crosze. - Mr 2.
:Mother b(ed of Salt
J. W, 2i4.lams, Newark, Ohio, says: "Cud
a :: Remedies are the greatest medicines on
a-th. .11.1 tho worst case Salt Rheum in
c,,,inty. My mother had it twenty,years.
11 in fact died from it. I believe Cuticura •
,uld have saved her life. My arms, breast
..1 h, ail were covered for three years, which
acrance 12,041. Benefits $3.00 per ecsd. 41.,
age annual cost, 5 yeari experience. $ll.
- J. B. KITTRIDGE, Reporter,
ICJpIDELL, Jo., Dictator. feb 22.78
BRADFORD LODGE. N0.16T, I. 0. 0. F. Meet
in Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening
at ; o'clock. Waimea LULL, Noble Grand.
June 1%75
PORT, F. E. No. 32 Second street An orders
will receive prompt attention. June 12.75
kJ The Second Winter Terra will begin Monday,
lanuary. tn, ISS2. For catalogue or other infor
,llll.loll, address or call on the Principal.
Towanda. Pa.
July 19,78
WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Place of business in Mer
cur Llock next door to Journal ofilce opposite
leublic Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, RePair
ro.: Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of Gearing
romptly attended to. All wanting work in his
ne should give him a call. July 27,77
RUSSELL, 0. 8, General Insurance Agency,
Towanda, P. Mu, in Whitcomb's Book
t3re. July 12,76,
4 -!
Head Quarter's
• &C.
' CASH PAID for Desitable Pro
duce. Fine . BUTTER and EGGS
April 29 ly
(Successor to Mr. McKean,/
The patronage - of toy old fr iends sad the public
giaerslly is solicited. 9sep:ll 0
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10 iiii STATIONS. i 3 , 9 .-
Way 'Ace' t . i . • i Ace' Way
Mail. tloni • ' ition.l Mall
- A. 1 0— .., :t ! 1 iA.11.11 1 . la
9.20 , Ai: ' -... Towanda ... Dep. ; 0.17 1 3.15
3.05 DeP. •.. Monroe.... Ar..; .6.35 3.30
9. 0 4' , Ar. - .Monroe—. Dep.! 6.41 3.31
8.591 " .. Masontown... f' i ! 6.47 . 3.35
8.54' " .. Greenwood ..
. I '. 6.52 i
8.461 " ....Westons.... T . , -7.00 i 3.47
, e 8.3 51 -" . Lamoks.... ';" 1*7.15i*3.38
: . :flitZp. i i. IglithiTltre.P I i;:! 7 T.Ii VI
*5.35 1
53 11
. 0 ! Indicates that trains do not atop.
P. P.Li.YON,
Sup't and Eng i ri, Barclay, Pa
I ' -
. . .
. r . • -
STATIONS.; . vs .1 917 1 3
• -1 !
•1,.... 1 ...........,-.
P.51. 1 .4.314.31.1P.M.
51141w/tr . 's nap : 2:05 , 7.201 - - I 7.15
'Buffalo ..-1 • - ! ! 2.50101.23.-- 9.20
liocheater'.l .... : ...... .. - ....1 5.1110.05'
~ 1.....
Lyons - , 6.491.051 .... .. ..
Geneva - .1: 6.55111.3(q . 1 . -
Ithaca 1 8.331' 1.00 '
Auburn .. .. 1 5.1111.05' ...,:.
Owego - • ' 8.5 W 1.351 ..
Elmira • '1 9.10 1.451 9.00 .
; 3:45
Waverly 9.44 '2.10 9.40; 4.15
Sayre 110.10 .2.30:10.00 1 4.30
Athens 10.15 2.3410.05 4.34
Milan ,10.15
Mater .
1 10.25;
raivanda 'lO 46 3.00,1043' 505:
Wyaanking 1.....1 10.51 1 5.13
Standing Stone • : •
Itunimerlield 1 1., ... 11.101 5.26
Frenchtown - -11 .... 11.19',1 - .
Wyalneing 1" . 1 ..111.30t ..s.ii
Laceyvine !MU' 3.67111.50116.03
Skinner's Eddy 1 '111.53 .6.07
Blesboppen - 1 1 4.12'12.10 6.23
Stehoopany 1,.... * -.42.16 6.25
Tankhannock 12.23 4.35; 1.00 7.10
LaGrange ; 1 1 1.10 7.20
Fails I 1 1.21‘ '7.35
t. 5; B Junction .. ......... 1.01 - 5.10 j 1.45 8.05
Wt:k •s-Barre..- 1.95' 5.301 2.20 8.35
Kamen Chunk ; 3.451 7.35; 4.10 11.00
Allentown , 1 4:44! 8.29' 5.33 12.00
Bethlehem 5.00,.8.45 6.05 12.15 *
Easton . 5.33 9.00 1 C.40'12 55
Philadelphia.. J 4.55 ; 10.10, 8.401 9.20
New York - 1 8.05; 1 9.15 3.35
!jaw York.
allentown -.-
Stanch Chunk
L & 13 Junction
Falls ... ..
Skinner's - Eddy..
Wyalusing- ...1
Rummbrfield ' ;
Standing Stortis.... .
Ulster ......... 4
Owego .
Geneva' '
Buffalo .............
Niagara Fa 115.... ..
1 julyll,7B
No. 32 leaves Wyalusing at 6:00, A. M.. French.
town 6.14, Ilummerfield G. 23, Standing Stone 6.31
Wvaanking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, , Ulster 7.0t7,
Milan 7:16. Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:40, Waver
ly 7:55. arriving at Eimiia 8:50.,.A. M.
No. 31ileaves Elmira 5:15 P. 3.1., Waverly 6:00,
Sayre 6;15, Athens 6:20, Milan 6:30. Ulster 6:40,
Towanda 6:55, Wysanking 7:05. Standing Stone
7.14, IlummerSeld Frenchtown 7:32, arriv,
Ing at Wyalusing at 7:15., I'. sf.
'lrains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on
sins 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila.
Telphia and between Lyons and New York with
ut changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9
theetween Niagara Falls and Philadelphia aith
rout change. and through coach to and from
Rochester via Lyons.
is i
W5l. STEVENSON, Supt. -
of I_ &TILE. Pa.:Jan. 2, 1882. Pa., tc. N. Y. E. It.
i lliscellaneotis Advertisements.
Towanda 5 ci. Store
ITAIN SPX 1?....E.E:
Is prepared to offer a complete assort
Croakery, Glassware,
For the coming Spring Trade, we
adlwre as heretofoie to our established
principle—that a quick sale with a small
profit is better than a slow one with a
large profit—and therefore our prices
in any line of goods will compare
fp:s!orable with the prices of any other
lielf - Wre endeavor to sell the best
article for the'least possible' money.
Hat filled up the old MOSTA:WE STORE with
a full and completes rof FRESR
Can. here for your Groceries. After you get
prices at noes' it will be of no use to try else-
where for his pricesnre down to rock bottom,
Farmers can get the tip-top of the market s;
Geo. L. Boss'. All kinds of Produce taken In ex
change for goods or for cub.
HORSE ' Send 25 cts. In stamp
or currency for the as
VISZD =mos of "A Treatise on the Horse and
his Diseases." It gives the treatment for
all , diseases. has 60 fine engravings showing
B 0 OK Er i t s u es ons ;r e a r m:mi n b y
n s i t /
taught in any other way, a table showing doses
of all the , principal medicines used for the horse
as well as their effects and antidotes when a
25 et_ poison, •a large collection of
HIS yam/Ariz macs:rem, rules for
telling the age of a horse, with an engraving
showing teeth of each year and a large =Aunt
of other valuable horse information. Hurdreds
of horsemen have pronounced it worth more
than books costing $5 and slo.' The fact that
260.000 sold in about one year before it was re.
vised shows how popular the book Is. The re•
lilted edition is sues atom nerzasenra Rxico
rola a cmcntra. AGENTS WANTED. %Dr. J. 13.
Kendall k Co., Emosburgh - Falls, Vermont.
Afar 11-17 r.
dons at abort milks and reasonable rates
113urnmscas Oka.
Railroad Time. Tables.
4 ) .1fi'A.31. 1 A.111.`P.*
6.30 7.40; 3.40
• 8.00 ....; 9.00; 4,15
10.151 5.50
• 9.50:10.45j 6.15
• 10.6.51 10.54 6.24
1.1.05!..11.55; 7.25
..I 1.081 7.t10. 2.03! 9.45
1;35 8.01 2.25 10.10
8.27 -10.32
8.45.. 30.46
H;65! 3.000.52
.9.20 ... 31.22
9.27' 3.27411.29
9.50: : . 1,16:11.50
.10.14, 4.03 12,07
10.27 ,
10.37. 1
~• .•12.24
,10.44 2,1 10
30.54 12.37
1 1;0:1 43 12.46
11.17 '4.55112.57
1 :1.30 11.3.11 5.101 Ll 5
4.40'11.41 5.20 1.23
4.45 31.50:, 5.301 1.30
5.25 1 12.40'.6.151 2.15
5.30! .... 6.25 ....
8.50: 9.35 i ....
6.101 6.40;
7.411 8.141 ...
; 8.40; ' "
8.50 , ....
1 9.501 109.401 .. -
11.40, 8.10 12.05 8.00
11.03 i 9.251 1.081 9,40
1..3.1.4'.31. A. 31. A. 31
, 2.1 d
1 -1
meat of
Latest designs and patterns of
GEO. L . .10SS, - . :.
CU _ ipepsicf, Liver
i r iBM, Dropsy, Disease, BU.
town:eas t - Nervous debuts/, etc.
rho But MEM ;EMT to Man'.
11,000,000 Bottles
This Syrup possessei Varied Properties.
It Stimulates the Ptyalin's la the
Saliva, which converts the Starch and
Sugar of the fined into gismo,. A dell.
cleney in Ptyalin° :causes Wind and
Souring of the food in the stomach. 111
the medicine is taken immediately after
eating the fermentation of Mod Ia pm.
Tented. • .
It sets upon the "deer.
It acts upon Me Ridnetsi. -
It Regulates the Boatels. •
It Purifies the Blood. •
p . Wets the Nervosa Sasm •
In sotm.
It Yourtsfies. Snal Znelparahs.
It carries th Older and snakes nese
opeas_perm of the akin and induces
Ifealthy Peraption.
It neutralizes the hereditary taint,lor poison
In the blood, which generate - Borofula, Ery
sipelas L and all manner of skin diseases and
internal humors. ' -
••• There are no spirits employed in its mann.
facture, and it can betaken by the most dell.
cate babe, or by the aged and feeble, careen!'
being regutredin attention to direction".
Laboratory, 77 t'West 3d f3t.,
barer fails to Care. '
Ashland, fichuykill co., Pa.
Dear Bir:—Thia is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has benefited me more, after a
short trial, than all the medicine I have used
for 15 years. -
Ashland. Scluiykill co., Pa.
Deitr Sir:—l have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and
it has proved to be a valuable medicfte.
30 2 i 9
Nervous Debility.
Turtle Point, Neiman co., Pa.
Dear Bir:—l was troubled with Nervous De
bility and partial Paralysis, for a number of
years; and obtained no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial of which
restored me to health. '
'For Scrofula. ..
Turtle Point. McKean co; - , pa. .
• Dear Sir:=My little girl was cured of Lutlani
mation of the Face and Eyes, by the use of your
reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
had previously failid to afford relief and it was
thought that the child could not live. Its neck
and breast was entirely covered with 'Scrofulous
Sores, which are now entirely gone.-
Sure Care for Liver Complaint.
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP as effectually relieved me of
Liver Complaint and -Dyspepsia, after the doc
tors failed.
Remedy fur the Rheumatism
Virile Point, McKean co., Ps.
Dear have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver Co
mplaint. and have detived great relief therefrom.
- , DAums SUn'SON.
An Agent's Testimony.
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pe...
Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver
Complaint until I need. your great INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP. from which I soon obtained
permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to bee
valuable Bowel Regulator.
A Valuable Medicine.
lerlla, Somerset' Co.. Pa.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your reliable .
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the best medicine
ever used in my istally. Hoping the public will
ho benefited by this:great remedy. I take great
pleasure •in giving my testimony of its value.
JOB7.PH P.•BlLllnaglig.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Berlin, Somerset Co., P.
Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in recommending
your INDISN BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi
cine made. People who are Dyspeptic should
not fail to give it a trial: For tue Stomach it
has no equal. I have mold it and know itto be
valuable medicine.
Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was, troubled with Liver Com
plaint for a long time, and by the perausalob of
your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent
INDIAN BLOOD SYBlTP,which has grestlY twine
fited me. 1 have "never found any medicine to
°oust it, and can confidently say it la's safe and
highly valuable remedy ;
Pain in the Breast:
Berlin, Somerset Co.,
Dear was saluted with a Pain iDGlmy
Breast and Side. and when I would lie down, I
could scarcely breathe for Pain, I was also very:
weak in my Breast and Lungs. I used some of
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near.
ly. well. My Lungs are strong once more and I
am very grateful to you for such a valuable
• Dyspepsiaand indigestion.
I - Phi/10000s. Pa.
Dear Bir:—This is to certify that your valua
ble INDUS BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of
Dyspepsia and Indigestion. which I hid been
afflicted with for 3icars.
For kidney. Diseases.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was subject to severe Pains in my
Kidneys, Wealmess l and Painful Sick Headache,
for years, and haled to obtarn relief, until I was
induced to try yoiir reliable INDIAN BLOOD
SYBITP., a short trial of which restored ms to
perfect health. . '
No• 1525 Bartestit St
For ,Costiveness.
Philadelphia, pa,
Dear Sir:—l was i troutiled with Costivenes arid
Ileadaebe, and the nse of your INDIAN - BLOOD
SYRUP proved mast beneficial to me. It ls ,O.
best median* I ever used.
N 0,817 Federal St
Philadelphia. Pa.
Dear Sir: —I was afflicted with Dyspepsia and
Billiminess for years, and Baled to procure re.
lief until I began timing your INDIAN' BLOOD
SYRUP, which scion effectually relieved me. I
take great pleasure in recommending its nis to
the &filleted '
1 FltAsx T. Go =tsar,
No. 1035 Lomat Bt. - .
Disease of the Stomach and Liver.
Buslmill, Pike Co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—Thii is to certity that I have used
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for - Disease of the
Stomach and Liver, and have been much bane.
fited thereby.
Best Family Medicine.
Bushkill, Pike co.. Pa.
Dear Slr;—l consider your reliable INDIAN
BLOOD MITE' the best medicine lever used in
my family. His just as recommended.
1 • • MALAsm Comm
Dear Sir;-4 nave used - your great INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP in my family .for Worm and
Summer Complaint, and , it has 'proved effectual
in allows.
Co„; • ' Buil*U M
l. e - PL.
Dear B}r:—My daughter was in Poor Health .
and $ short trial of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP
entirely cured her.
1 Rawl Vananumi.
- , .
r the Ws
la imp wn oi *Moo, in which I b O o
no agent. Puticutolaro g iven pump:atlas.- ;
1 ,,,;Z!,,, , , r -,. r';' , i .,.',..: - . ,i. , ;,: . :' , A;47-„r.<47- , ';'.*, .. ..' , - Z ,- ,_;: . '. *.2-...:,,,- -.- -...:-. ---:-.: -' : ......-. ~., , ,
~i _ _ -. . .•,. -, . 1. - . '.
-7441ErtlAjD'It' ~- -
~ .
FOREr - ,-- -, - :*PA -4- : -- T - ItURSDAY-1-!. - -11ARCH --
_. .
. . _ .•..._
.... . . _
_ .. •_ . , . • •
. • -
ILL awn OF
SOLD BM= 1870.
Disease of the Stomach.
D. C. Vi'nqintr
F. F. Blsitop.
Ht.NaY C. 13ncoson
Ear= Kanuarsaza.
Lip er Coin
D. M. BALi.
Gronol 31. ELuor
JAL A. lisomr
For Billloasness.
Remedy for Womb's.
never Fails to &tie.
ivxmannuairr Ortat•PX(FPLZ *EOPLE AND, FOE THE.PEOPLE."
• , -
INE 7 S r mi
• ~,• 1
' .F.EaIiVARY 2r, rase.
At 1200 the!mator of the day, Hon.
Janie G. Blaine, was announced, and
his advent was the signal for another
round' of applause. , The ceremonies
were then rop'ened by the following
prayer by Chaplain. F. D. Power, of
the House:
'0 Lord, our Clod, we thank Thee for
this hour and fore this service.l We
thank Thee for a great 'life given to
this Nation; for its genius and' poten
cies; for its example and memories; for
its immortality and eternity. May this!
&lid:llia never forget its dead.
We come together this day to ;recall
the wisdoin, the integrity, the states
manship, theioyalty, the, reverence for
Thee and Thy ward, tho unselfish
love for country and for all mankind,
wherewith - Thou didst endovi Thy
servant anti fit him for the wiministra ;
tion of the affairs of the Government,.
As we meditate upon the patience, the
sweetness, the furtitude, the faith, the
quiet resignation to Thy will wher e.
with Thou didst fit him' for his sore
trial; as we remember his triumph and
our sorrol, grant 134 Thy
,gracions ben o
u. -
dietio -
We bear, during this memorial; service
our Father, before Thee, on, our hearts
his loved ones with who'll we weep.
Sustain, we beseech Thee, the -Mother
who bore Lim' May the peace of God
that passeth-all unde.standing be the
strength and tbecrown of her spirit:
Be i very merciful to the wife in her
preseueseparation from the husband of
her youth. i May , she rest in God. and
may she Sad such sympathy in her
God and Saviour that the world; cannot'
take away. Be a father to the children
now fatherless, and may they' imitate'
tee virtues of their illustrious, parent..
May the { youth of this country and of.
all lands feel the power of example
and followin his footsteps.' Nay those
who rule among us and l'Aitiong men
everywhere by the study of virtues
be incited to like patriotism and faith
fulness. • ,
, r
ow we ask .Thy ,le sing ',en this .
assembly. May the remembertioce of
this great life be a genuine help to all
those present and that greater•audience
waiting without. Clive grace' Of utter
ance to Thy servant Who shall speak to
us. Mas his words be wise And
worthy of, full honor, like appler of
gold in piclures of silver.
Remembq Thy servant before Thee.
the President of the United States.
Preserve hirri from evil influences and
evil men.! 'May truth rest " upon his
brow and upon his lips, justice in his
hands and groce in his heart. Bless
this august assembly, our magistrates
and judge's, our Army and Navy, cur
, schools and churches, our Whole land
and all.the inhabitants thereid.
May we keep alive in us the faith and
virtue of those who biie passed before.
Give peace in our land: Mike religiort
and righteon'sness; truth and justice,
knowledge and fr3edorn Alined ' every
where. May Thy name be glorified
and Thy kiogdom,rule over us from sea
to sea. j
•We asli , it all reverently. through
Jesus Christ. our Lord. Amen."
President Davis then said: "This
day' is dedicated by Congress for mem'.
oriel services.on the late President of
the United States, James A. Garfield.
I present to you the Hon. James G.
Blaine, who has been fitly chosen as
the orator. for thii3 historical occasion."
Mr. Blaine then proceeded to read his
oration as follows:
Mn. PRESIDENT: For the second: time
in this generation the great departments
of the Government of the United States
arc assembled in the Ball of Represen
latives. to do honor to the memory . of a
murdered President. Lincoln fell at
the close of a mighty struggle in whish
the passiOns of men'had been deeply
stirred. The tragical terminatioa of
his great life adlded but another to the
lengthened succession of horrors which
had marked so many lintels with the
blood of the first born. Garfield was
slain in a day of penie, when brother
bad been reconciled to brother, and
when anger and hate had been banished
from the land. "Whoever shall here
after draw the portrait of murder, if
be will show it as it bas been exhibited
where such exlmplei was last to have
been looked for, let him not, give it the
grim visage of Moloch; the brow knit
ted by revenge, the face black with set
tled bate. Let him draw, rather, a
decorous. smooth-faced, bloodless de
mon, not so much an example of human
nature in its depravity and in its parox
ysms of crime, as an ,infernel being, a
fiend in the ordinary -display and devel
opment of his OharaCter."
.From the landing of the pilgrims at
Plymoth till the uprising against Charles
First, about twenty thousand emigrants
canoe from old Eagland to New England.
As they came in pursuit of intellectual
freedom and ecclesiastical independence
rather than for worldly honor and profit
the emigralion naturally ceased when
the contest for religeouiliberty began
in earnest at home.. The man who
struck his most effective blow for free
dom of conscience by sailing for the
colonies in 1620 would ',.have been ac-
counted a deserter to leave after 1640.
The opportunity had then come on the
soil of England for that great contest
established i the auth ority of
Parliament. gave religious freedom to
the people, sent Charles to the block
and committed to the hands of Oliver
Cromwell the Supreme Executive • au
thority of England. The English emi
gration was never renewed, and from
these twenty thousand men. will, a
small emigration . - from Scotland and
France, .are descended the vast numbers
who have New England blood in their
veins. -
In 1685 the remotion of the edict .of
Nantes by Louis XIV, scattered to
other countries four hundred thous
and Protestants, who Were among the
most intelligent and enterprising of
French subjects—merchante of capital,
skilled manufacturers. and handieraftt
man, superior at the time to all othe
iu:Frrope. -A considerable r umber of
these Huguenot French came to Ameri
ca; a few lauded in New England and
became honOrably prominent in its his
tory. • Their names. have in large part
become Anglicized, or have disapOar
ed,. but their blood is traceable in r;iiittsy
of the most reputable families, and
their fame is perpetuated in honorable
memorials and useful institutions.
From these two sources, the English : .
Puritan' and the French-Huguenot,
came the late President—his father,
Abram Garfield, being descended from
the one,. and his mother, Eliza Ballot],
from the other.
It was good stock on both sides—hohe
better, none braver, none truer. There
was in it an inheritance' of courage, of
manliness, of imperishable love' of
liberty, of Undying adbEirenee to . princi•
.Garfield was proud of his blood;
and, with as much satistiction as if he
were a British nobleman reading • his
st4tely ancestral record in Burke's
reerage,Ale spoke of himself as ninth
in descent fro& those who would not
endure: the oppression of the 4-Stuarts,
and seventh in descent from the brave
French Protestants who refused to sub ,
mit to tyranny even troni the Grand ,
duarque. - 4 .
General Garfield delighted- to dwell
on : these traits, and, daring his only
visit to England, he busied Oimself in
discoverfng every trace of his fore
fathers,in parish registiies and on; an
cient areal, rolls. Sittitik , with a friend
to the gallery of. the House of Com
mons one bight after a long day's labor
in this field of researich, he said',with
evident elation that.; in every ,war in
which far three centuries patriots of
English blood had struck sturdy blows ,
for constitutional government; and ha,
man'fiberty, his family had been repre
seated.; They,werc . at Marston Moor,
at Naseby and at Preston; they were at
Banker Hill, at Saratoga, - and at Mon
month, and in his own person had bat
tled-for the satnevreat cause in the war
which preserved . the Union of the .
State. m -
Losing his father before he was two
years old, the early life of Garfield was ,
one of• privation,• but-its poverty has
been made indelicately and unjustly
,prominenti Thousands of readers have
'imagined him as the ragged, starving
child; whose reality too often greets
the eye in the squalid sectious of our
large cities. Gen. Garfield's infancy
and youth had none of their destitu
tion, none of their pitiful features . ap
pealing 'to the tender heart Nand 'to , the
open hand of charity. Ho. liras a poor
boy in the - same sense in which Henry
Clay was a poor boy; in which Andrew
Jackson :was a poor boy; in which Dan
iel Webster was a poor boy; in the
Sense in which a large majority of the
eminent men or America in all genera
tions have been poor boys. Before a
great multitude of men, in 'a public
speech, Mr. Webster bore this testi
' 'lt did pot happen to me to be born
in a log clibin, but my elder brothers
and sisters were born in a log cabin
raised timid the snow drifts of - New
Hampshire, at a period so early that
when the smoke rose first from its rude
chimney and curled over the frozen
hills there was no similar evidence of a
white man's habitation between it and
the settlements on the rivers of Canada.
Its remains still exist. I xnakel it an
annual visit. I carry my children to it
to teach them the hardships endured
by the generations which have gone be
fore them. I love to dwell on the ten
der recollections, the kindred tics, the
early affections and the touching narra
tives an 4 incidents which mingle with
all I know of this primitive family .
With the requisite change of scene
the same words would aptly portray the
early days of Garfield. The poverty
of the frontier, Where all are engaged
in a COMMOEI struggle and where a com
mon sympathy and hearty co-operation
lighten the burdens of each, is a very
different poverty, different in kinAif
ferent in iofluerce and effect from that
conbcions and humiliating indigence
which is every day forced to Contrast
itself with neighboring wealth on which
it feels a sense of t, , rinding. dependence.
The poverty of the frontier , is indeed
no poverty. It is but the beginning
of wealth; and has the boakiless pos
siltilitie.4 of 4lie future alwaYs opening
before it. No man ever grew up in the
agricultural regions of the West where
a house-raising, or even a cornihnsking,
is matter of common interest and help
fulness, with any other feeling than that
of broad-minded, generous independ
ence., This honorable independence
marked the youth of Garfield as it,
marks the youth of millions of 'the best
blood and brain now training for the
future citizenship and future govern
met, of the Republic: ,; Garfield was
born' heir to land, to the title of free
holder which 'has been the patent and
passport of self-respect with the Anglo-
Stump race ever since Hengist and
Horn landed on the shores of England.
His 'adventure on the canal—an alterna
tive lieiween that and the deck of , a
Lake Erie sohooner--was a faymer boy's
device for earning money, just the
New England lad begins -a . possibly
great career - by sailing before the 'flint
on a coasting vessel or on a merchant
man bound the farther India or to the
China seas.
No manly • man feels anything of
shame in looking back to early struggles
with adverse circumstances, and no man
feels a worthier pride than when he has
congnered_the vbstacles to his progress.
But no one of noble. mould desires - to
be looked upon es having occupied a
menial position,' as Laving ' been re
pressed by a feeling of inferiority, • or
as having suffered the evils of i poverty
until relief was found at the hand of
charity. - Gen. Garfield's youth pre
sented rio hardships which family love
and family. energy 'did not overcome,
subjected him to .no privations Which
he did not cheerfully accept, and left no
memories save those which were recalled
with delight and transmitted with pro
fit and witk pride. c-
Garfield's_ early opportunities for
securing an education were extremely
limited, and yet were sufficient to de
velop in him an intense desire to learn.
He could read at threeyesrs of age, and
each,winter he had-the advantage of
the district school. 'He read all the
books to be found within the circle Of
his acquaintance; Some of them . he: got
by &art. - While yet -in childhood he
was a constant student of the Bible, and
became familiar . with its literatu r e:' The
dignity and earnestness of his speech in
his maturer life gave -evidence ...of this
early training. . At eighteen years ,of
age he was able to teach school, and
thenceforward his ambition was to 'ob
tain a college education. To this end
ho bent all his efforts, working iu the
harvest-field, at the carpenter's bench,
and in the winter season leaching the
common schools of the neighborhood.
While thus laboriously occupied he
found time to prosecute his studies, and
,was so'successful that a ut twenty-two
years of age he w as able to enter ;the
junior class at Williams College, then
under the presidency of the venerable
and honored Mark Hopkins, who, in
the fullness of his poWers, survives the
eminent Pupil to wigint he was of - I
estimable service. •
The history of Garfield's life to this
period presents no novel features. He
had undoubtedly shown perseverance,
self-reliance, self-sacrifice and ambition
—qualities which; be it said for the
honor of our country, are everywhere
to be found among the young 'med of
America. But from his graduation at
Williams Onward, to the hour of .his
tragical death, G.arfield's career was
eininent mid exceptional. Slowly work
ing through his educational period,
ceiving, his diploma when twenty-for
years of age, he seemed -at. one bound
to spring into conspicuous and brilliant.
noses& Within six years he was sue-,
inisively president of a college, State
Senator of Ohio, major;general of I,the
Army of the UnitedStates s ,and
sentative-elect the National Co
giess. A combination of honois , so
varied, 89 elevated, within a period so
brief and'to a man so young, is without
precedent or parallel in • the history of
the _country.
-Garfield's army life was begun with
uo Other military knowledge than each
as he had hastily gained 'from books in
the few months preceding his march to
the field. _ Stepping from civil life to
the head of a regiment, the first order
he received when ready to cross! the
Ohio was_ to assume - ; command of a
brigade, and to operate as anindepen
_dent.force in Eastern Kentficky. l His
immediate duty , was' to check the ad
vance of Humphrey Ilfarshall, whO was
marching down the Big Sandy with the
intention of occopying, in connection
with other Confederate forces, the en
tire territory of Kentucky, and of pre
cipitating the State into secession. This
was at the close l of the year.lB6l. Sel
dom, if ever, has a young college pro
fessor been thrown into a More embar
rassing and discouraging position:i Ho
knew just enough of • Military science,
as he Expressed it himself, to measure
the extent of his ignorance, and With a
handful of • men he Was niarching,, in
rough winter weather, into a strange
country, among h hostile population,
to confront a largely auPerior force un
der the commanii of a distinguished
graduate of WestlPoint, who had seen
active and: important
_service in •two
preceding wars.
The result of the campaign is matter
of history. The skill, the endur
ance, the, extraordinary energy
shown by Garfield. the ) courage he
imparted to his men, raw and untried as
himself, the measures he adopted, to in
crease his force and to create itythe
enemy's ;;naiad exaggerated estimate:; of
his numbers, bore perfect fruit in the
routing of Marshall, the capture 'of 'hie
camp, the dispersion of his force, and
the emancipation of an important terri
tory from' the'fontrol of the rebellion.
Coming at the close of a long series of
disasters to the Union arms, Garfield's
victory htfd an nationally and extraneous
importance, and in the popular judg
ment elevated the young commander
to the rank of a military hero. With
less than two thousand 'men, in his en:
tire command, with a mobilized force
of only eleven hundred, without can
non,ho had met an army of five thousand
and defeated them—driving Marshall's
forces successively frourtwo strongholds
of their own selection,. fortified with
abundant artillery. Maj. Gen. Buell,
commanding the Department of the
Ohio, an experienced and able ; 'soldier
of the Regular Army, published an or
der ,of thanks and congratulation on the
brilliant result of the Big Sandy cam
paign, which would have turned the
bead ofia less cool and, 'sensible m,n
than Garfield. Baell declared that his
services' had called into,actiou the high
est qualities of a soldier; and President
Lincoln supplemented these words of
praise by the more substantial reward
of a brigadier general's commission, to
bear date froin the day of his decisive
victory over Marshall.
The subsequent military career of
Garfield fully sustained its brilliant be
ginning. With his new commission he
was assigned to the= command of a bri
gade in the Army of the Ohio, httd took
part in the second and decisive - day's
fight in the great tattle of Shiloh. The
remainder of the year 1.862 eras not
especially eventful to Garfield, as it was
not to the armies with "which was
serving. His practical sense warealled
into exercise in completing the taskiss
signed him by Gen. Buell, of recon
structing bridges and re-establishing
lines of railway communication for the
Army. - 'His occupation in this useful,
but not brilliant, field was varied by
service on courts-martial of- importance,
in 4 which department of duty be won a
valuable reputation, attracting the - no
tine and securing the approval of the
able and - eminent Judge-Advocate
?General of the Army.. That of itself
was warrant to
,houorablei fame; for
I among the great IDA n who in those try
ing dap' gave themselves, with, entire
dev,otion, to the service of their coun
try, who brought to that service the
ripest learning, the most' fervid do
quence, the most varied attainments,
who labored with modesty and shunned
applause, who iu the day of triumph sat
reserved'- and silent and grateful—as
Francis Desk in the hour of Hungary's
deliverance—was Joseph Holt, of Rae
tacky, who in his honorable retirement
enjoys the respect and veneration of all
who loy,e4he Union of \ the States.
Ea4inlB63 Garfield was assigned
to the highly important and . responsi
ble post - of chief of staff to Gen. Rose
crane, 'then at the head of
,the Army of
the.Camberland. Perhaps in a, great
military campaign no subordinate of
fiee requires sounder judgment and
quicker knowledge_ of men than the
chief of staff to :ilae'Commandiug genet:-
al. An indisernet man in such a posi
tion can sow more discord, breed more
jealousy and ilisseMinite m'cre strife
than any °Emir in the entire or
gauization. When . Gee. Garfield as
sumed his new duties he found various
troubles already, well developed and se
riously affecting the value and efficiency
of the Army of)the,Cumberland. The
energy, the impartiality and the tact
with which h& sought to allay these
dissensions and - to discharge the duties
of his new and trying position will al
ways remairione.of the,- most striking
proofs of his great versatility. His
military duties closed , on the memor l
able field of Chickamauga, a field
which, however disastrous to the Union
urine, gave toliim the oecasion of win
ning imperishable laurels.' The very
rare distinction was accorded him of a
great promotion for his bravery on a
'field that was lost. President Lincoln
apooint_si him a majoi-general in the
Army of the United States• for gallant
and meritorious conduct in the ',battle
of Chickamauga.
The Army of -the Cumberland was re
organized under.the command of Gen.
Thomas, who promptly offered Garfield
one of its divisions. He was extremely
desirous to accept the position, but was
emharrassed by the fact that t .he had, a
year before, been elected to Congress,
and the time when he mast' take his
seat was drawing near— , ,He preferred
to remain iu the 'military 'service, and
had , within his own breast the largest
confidence of success in the wider field
which his new rank ; opened to him.
Balancing the arguments on the one
side and the other, anxious to determine
what was for the best, desirous above all
things teed° his patriotic duty, h was
decisively influenced by the advice of
President Lincoln and Secretary TStan:
ton, both of whom assured him that he
could, at that tithe. be of especial value
in the Hum; of Representatives. He
resigned his_.coternission of major-gen
eral on the sth-day of December, 1863,
and took his seat in-the House of Rep
resentativgs on the 7th. He had served
two years and four month in the Army,
and had-just completed his thirty-second
The thirty-eighth Congress is pre
-eminently entitled in history to the
designation of the Wax Congress. It
was elected "while the War was flagrant
and every, member was chosen up on
the issues iniolved in the continuance
of the struggle. The Thirty-seventh
Congress hall, indeed, legislated to a
lsrge eiteut on tear measures. but it,
was chosen
_before anyone , believed
that . secession of the State would be
actually attempted. The magnitude` - of
the work which fell upon its successor
was unprecedented, both in respect to
the vast sums of money raised for the
support of the Army end Navy, and of
the new and' extraordinary powers of
legislation which it was forced to ex
ercise. Only twenty-four States were
represented, and one hundred and
eighty-two members were upon itst:roll.;.
Among those were many distinguished
Party leaders on both sides, veterans in
the public service, with established
reputations for ability' ; , and with that
skill which comes only lions-parliamen
tary eiperienee. Into this assemblage
of men Garfield entered without4ecial
preparation, and it might almost b,a
said unexpectedly; Theq uestion of
taking command of a division of troops
nutlet Gen. Thomas or taking his seat
in Ccingress was kept open tilll the last
moment, so late, indeed, that the resig
nation of his military commission and
his appearance in the Howie, were al
most contemporaneous. 114 wore the '
uniform of a major-general of the Unit
ect Statis Army on Saturday, and on
Monday, ifi.civiliam7s dress, he answer
ed to the roll as a Representative in
Congress from the State of Ohio,
He was especially fortunate in the
constituency which elected him. De
scended almost entirely from New
England stock, the men of the Ashta
bula district
- were intensely radical 'on
all questions relating to human 'rights.
Well educated. thrifty, thoroughly in
telligent in affairs, acutely discerning
of character, not quick to bestow con
fidence and slow to withdraw it, they
.were at once the most helpful and most
exacting of supporters. Their tenac
ious trust men in whom they have
once confided is illustrated by the un-
'paralleled fact that Whittlesey,
Joshua R. Giddings, and James A. Gar
field represented the district for. fifty
four years.
Ther e is no test of a man's ability in
any department of publiolr life mote
severe than, service in theli Hone° of
Representatives; there no place
where so little deference is paid to rep
utation previously acquired; or to
nence wen outside; no place where so
little consideration is shoWn, for the
feelings or the failures of beginners.
What a man gains in , the Houie be
gains by sheer force of t hi s (hen charac
ter; and if ho loses and falls back he
innat expect no . inercy, and will receive
no sympathy. It is a field in which the
Survival of the , strongest is: the recog
nized *isle, and where no pretense can
-deceive and no glanior can mislead.
The real wan is discoverefli his worth
is impartially weighed, his rank is irre
versibly decreed.
With•peelibly a single exception Gar- I
field was the youngest member in the
House When he entered, and , was but
seven years from his college graduation.
But he had not been in his• seat sixty
days Were his ability was recognized
awl his place conceded. lie stepped to
thefront with the Confidence of one
who belonged there. The House was
crowded with strong men of both par
ties; nineteen of them have _since been
transferred to t?ie Senate, and many of
them have served with distinction in .
the gubernatoral chairs - of their _respec
,tive States and on foreign missiona of
great conseqUence; but among . them all
none grew so rapidly, none so firmly as
Garfield. As is Said by Trevelyan of
his parliamentary,. hero, Garfield suc
ceeded "because . all the world in con
cert could not have kepti him in the
background, and because when once* in
the front he played his part with a
prompt intrepidity and a commanding
ease that,• were brit the outward symp:
toms of the immence reserves of energy
on which it - was in his power to draw."
Indeed, the apparently reserved farce
which It arfield possessed was one, of
his grea t characteristics. He never did
so wel(bnt that it teemed he could
easily have done better. He . riever ex
pended so much strength but that he
seemed to be helding additional power
at call. This is one of the happiest and
rarest dietinctioiis of an effective deba-
• F"
ter. and-often counts for as much 'in'
persuPling tin assembly as the eloquent
and el4ioratei augment.
The.great measure , of Garfield's fame
was filled by his serdee in the House of
Repreaentatives. His military life,
illustrated by honorable performances,
and rich in promise, was, as he himself
felt, prematurely terminated and nec
essarily. incomplete. Speculation as to
what (lie might have done in a field
wherai the great prizes aro so few can
not be profitable. It ie sufficiant to say
thatiO a soldier ho did his duty bravely;
he did it inteligently; he won an 'en
viable: faine, and he retired from the
service without blot or breath against
him.; As a lawyer, though admirably
equipped for the profession, he can
scarcely be said to have entered on its
practice. , The few efforts . he made at
the bar were distinguihed by the same
high order of talent which he exhibited
on ever* field where he' was put *to the
test, and if a man may be accepted as a
competent judge of his own - capacities
and adaptations, the_ law was the pro
fession to which Garfield should . have
devOted himself. But fate ordained
otherwise, and his reputation in history
will (rest largely upon his service in the
House of
,Representatives. That ser
vice was exceptionally long. , He was
nine times consecutively chosen to the
House, an honor enjoyed' by not - more
than,six oth Representatives cf the
more than five thousaiiii . who have been
elected from -the organ ization of the
Government to this hour.
As a parliamentary oratar, as a deba
ter on an issue squarely joined, where
the position bad been chosen and the
ground laid out, -Garfield must be as
signed a very high rank. More, per- .
haps, thaii any man with whom he was
associated , in pibiic life, he gave careful
and systematiestudy to public questions
and he came to every discussion ;in
which he took part with elaborate and
complete preparation. He was a steady
and indefatigable worker. Those who
imagine that talent or genius can sup
ply the place or achieve the , results of
labor will find •" no encc-nragement in
Garfield's life; In preliminary work he
was apt, rapid and ikillf4l. - He pos-'
sesied in a high degree the power of
readily absorbing ideas and facts, and,
like Dr.*Johnson, had the• art of get
Ling from a book all that was of value
in it by a reading apparently so quick
and cursory that it seemed like a mere
glance at the table of contents. - He
was a pm-eminently fair and candid man
in deliate, took no petty advantages;
stooped to no unworthy methods, avoid
ed personal allusions, rarely , appealed
to prejudice, did not seek to inflame
passion. He had a quicker eye for -the
strong pointlof his adveriary thin - for
his weak point,'and on his own side he
so marshaled his weighty arguments as
to-make his hearers forget any possible
lack in the' complete strength of his
position. ; He bad a habit of stating
his opponent's side with such amplitude
of fairness and such liberality of con
cession that his_followers often com
plained that he was giving - his cas e
away. - But, never in his prolonged
participation in the proceedings of the
House did - he give his case away, or
fail in the judgment of competent and
impartial listeners t o gain the mastery.
These characteristics, which marked
Garfield as a great debater, E.did not,
however, make him a great parlimpen
tary leader. A parliamentary leader, as
that terra is understood wherever free
representative government exists, is
necessarily and very strictly the organ
of his party. An ardent -American de
fined the instinctive warmth of patriot
ism when he offered the, toast: "Our
country, always right; but right or
wrong, our country." The parliamen- .
tary leader who hasa body of followers
that will do and dare and die for the
cause, is one who , believas his party
always right, but right or wrong, is for
his party.- No more important or ex
acting duty devolves upon him thin the
selection of the .field and the time for
contest. He mast know not merely
how to strike, but where to strike sod
when to strike. He often skillfully,
avoids the strength of his opponent's
positron and scatters confusion in his
ranks by attacking an exposed point
when really the righteousness of the
cause and the strength of logical in
trenchment are against-him. He con
quers often both against the right
and the heavy battalions; as when
young Charles Fox, in the days of his
toryism, carried - the Honk of Com
mons against justice, against its imme ,
monsl rights, against his own convic
tions, if indeel, at that eriod Fox had
convictions, and; in the interest of a
corrupt administration; in obedience to
a tyrannical sovereign, drove Wilkes_
.$1.410 a Year, in Advance.
from the seat to which the. electors of
Middlesex hadhosen him and installed
Luttrell in defiance, not merely of law,
but of public decency. For an achieve
ment of that kind Garfield was dia
qualified-E-disqualitled by the texture of
his zniudi by the honesty of his heart;
by his co,nacienee, and by every instinct
and aspiration of his nature. .
The three most distinguished Parlia
mentary leaders' hitherto developed .in
this - country aro Mr. - Clay, Mr.
Douglas and ' Mr. Thaddetus
Stevens. Each Was a Man of constim
mate,ability,,of greet earnestness, of in
tense personality, differing widely,
each from the others, and yet with a
signal trait in common—the power to
command. In the - give and take Of
daily discussion, in the art of control
ling and I'consolidating reluctant and
refracto4 followers; in thoskill to over
come alt forms of opposition, and to
meet withcompetency and courage the . ,
varying phases of unlooked for assault
or unsuspected defection, it would be
difficult to rank with these a. fourth
name id all our . Congressional history.
But of these Mr. Clay was the greatest.
It would, perhaps, be" impossible to
find in the parliamentary annals of the
world a parallel to. Mr. Clay, in 1841,
when at sixty-four years of age he
- the control of the Whig party from-the
President who had received their, suf-_
frages, against i the power of Websterin
the Cabinet, against the elpquence of
Choate in the Senate, agaidst the Her-
culeim efforts of Caleb Cushing and
Henry A. Wise in the House. In nn
shared, leadership, in the pride and
plentitude of power he burled, against
John Tyler; with deepest . siorn the'
mass, ok that conquering column : Which
had swept, over the land, id laid,: and
drove his Administration to ! seek shelter
behind the lines of his political foes.
Mr. Douglass achieved a victory scarce
ly less wonderful when, in 1854, against
the secret desires of • a strong Adininis
i tration, aga inst
, the wise counsel of the
older chiefs, against the conservative -
instincts and even the moral sense of
the country, he forced a reluctant Con
gress into a repeal of the Missouri com
promise. Mr. Thaddeus Stevens. in
his "coutepts from 1865 to 1868 actually
advanced his parliamentary leadership
until Congress , tied the hands of the
President and governed the country by
its own will, leaving only perfunctory
duties to be discharged by the Execu
tive. With two hundred millions of.
patronage iu his hands at the opening
of the contest, aided by the active fares
'of Seward in the Cabinet and the moral
power of Chase on the Bench, Andrew
Johnson could nut command the slip
port of one-third iu either Hihse against
,the Tarliamentary nprisiug of which
Thaddeus Stevens was the animstin g
spirit and the unquestioned leader.
From these three great men Gar fi eld
differed radically, differed in the quality
of his mind, in temperament, an the
form and phase of ambition. - He could
not do what they did, but he ; Could do
what they could not, and in that
breadth of his Congressional work he
left that which *ill longer exert a po
tential influence - among men, and which
measured by the severe test of posthu
mous criticism, will securea more en
during and , more enviable fame. •
Those unfamiliar with Garfield's in
dustry, and ignorant of the- details of
his work, may, in some degree, •meas
ure them by the . Annals of Congress.
No one of the generation of public men
to which he'belonged has contributed - so
much that will be valuable for 'attire
reference. His speeches are numerous,
many of them brilliant, all of theti welt
studied; carefully Phrased, - and exhaus
tive of the subject wader consideration.
Collected from the ;scattered pages of
ninety royal octavo, volumes of Con
gressional Record;they would present
au invalnable.compendium of the politi
cal history of the most important era_
through which the National Govern
ment has ever passed. When the his
tory of this period shall be impartially
Written, when war legislation, measures
of reconstruction, protection of human
rights, amendments to the Constitution;
maintenance of public credit, stepa
towards specie resumption, true theories
_revenue may be reviewed, unarm
_rounded, by prejudice and disconnected
from partisanism, the speeches of Gar
field will be estimated at their true ,
value, and will be found to comprise a
vast magazine of-fact and argument, of
clear analysis and sound conclusion.
Indeed, if no other authority, were. ac
cessible, his speeches in: the House of
Representatives from December 1,
1863, to June, 1880, would-give a well
connected history and complete dr.-
fense of the important legislation- of
the seventeen eventful Years that con
stitute his parliamentary life. Far
beyond that, his speeches "would be
found to forecast many great measures
yet to be completed—measureS" which
he knew were beyond the public opinicai
of the hour, but which ho confidently
believed would secure popular apprcival
within the period of Ids own lifetime
and by - the aid of his own efforts.
-Differing, as Garfield does, - from the
brilliant parliamentary leaders, it is not
.easy to find his counterpart anywhere
in the record Of American panne life.
He perhaps more nearly resembles Mr.
Seward in his supreme faith in the all-
conquering polver•of a principle. He
had the love of leirning, and the patient
industry of investigation to which John
Quincy Adams owes his Prominence
and his Prisidency. He had .some of
those ponderous elements of- mind
which distinguished Mr. Webster; and
.indeed, in all 'our public life
have left the great Massachusetts Sena
tor without an intellectual peer.
In English parliamentary history, as
'n our own, the leaders in the House of
Commons present pointi of essential
difference from Garfield. But some of
his methods irecall - the best features in
tho strong, independent course of Sir
Robert Peel, and striking resemblanOes
are discernable in 'that most promising
of modern conservatives; who died too
early for his country and his fame; the
Lord George Bentinck..: He had allot
Burke's love for the sublime and 'the
NO. 41