Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, March 02, 1882, Image 3

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RSDAY. , MARCH 2.1882
yon the month and year up to
„othseription is paid. If yonrsnEk.
13 3 n. to einire, view send na
renewal , (nice, that we may
q the paper right along. s e nd in
v.ithotit. dAttst. '
Woosteris onr general agent.' !elle
collector, far the southern and west
i Jll Cif the County. .•
rihzned, publishers and pieiprie•
tt,e Thadford I?eporier, Towanda
linxitroitu REPUBLICAN and Brad
i„s, published in Totranda, bav
t ,:were loss in thit publication of
peetive papers from the heretofore
tv low price per annum, hereby mutu
:, to mike the subscription price of
our papers respectively, on and after
t of Jtatuary,.lB.32, Oue Dollar and
uh , per annum. And we t trerebv
ti,t pledge ourselves to each other,
,r our honor as business men, that we
ictiv and invariably adhere to the
underitantling. To make this
!new legally binding, we have entered
Os: with penalty and forfeiture for
n C , f the terms of this agreement,
iPtions .paid prior to. January Ist
is he taken at the former rate. Bates
oi , inq in all cases to be independent
eript ton.
(room:tot k lirrencoms, &porter.
n. TURNER., Journal:
E. ii:113IVII P.ABsONS, .Arqus.
g..ots of malty kitoli for sale .at
I,ly ;.rice s at Croth' store. Mrs.
.11 lake ti li and salt water fish ; at
lyer's market, Bridge street.
. . , . May 19-4(
WALL PAPERS Itt Cross' Store
11.104 t ro.asdnabie prices.
Mr 2.
hArge for delivering, and clone
In .. M. Myer'e market; Bridge
May 19-tf
11. is has a large stock of Sash
av i HISO Mn:clings, ' and is
he a per than at other vatablishment
..t it alli.t
1 0S SIADE - V4 f Ueititiful de4igna at
Mr 2.
11. )As can tell Groceries very cheap
• ide expenies are very light. His
~ra shall Iye the benefit by buying at
Ward St /tre.
G u to Wit Iteamb'n
ti r choice of Basler and Birthday
Some of ilium arc artistic and
Take Notice
on, and cvyrybody . will take notice,
have purchased the goods in store for
owned and occnpied by -M. L. Schnee
:n(3;m as the Beaton Clothitig House,
.I;.' Block, Main street, Towanda, Pa.,
to realize the money to settle up
I elian sacrifice the entire stock
Bents and Shoes, at almost any
f,r PAO weeks only. Now call at once.
en:, the greatect bargains in that line
11. JACOBSON, Prop
0,;11,1 be more appropriate as a
.t 'rieml - tlian one of those evinisitely
I German Cards, or one of Prang's
,:e-:gns for Eisler mementoes.
Ith eit mill . ;
;lie first symptoms of this disease when
• aehing and having painful sensations
e 'nobs upon" rising trout bed in the
dug, a stiftness in the jcints accoinpa
-3: times by swelling and redness, all
l~ tans re.:4aamend the application of an
us! relred, something penetrating and
litig; an article that will act as a ciara
s:zent to the parts affected.' Dr. Bonn
111“;nniatic Cure gives instant relief ups
is first application. 11 lame back, pains
rums it is an invaluat ta bonsehohi rem°.
Ask your druggist for it. Price 75 cents.
•:tsciured by The Bosaiako Medicine, Piqua 0. For, sale by. Clark B.
er. S. End W ard House Block.
tie 2-I,yr.
plt. STATIONARY at Cross' Store, in
krmerly occupied by Po=t Office.
Mr 2.
Is steam power mounted on wheels is
I , :e and mat' be easily hauled with a
twat*: desired point. It is adapted to
; , repulsion Of TIIIIESUING
caning, feed cutters, portable saw
r atiother light machinery. It is of
eonatruction, durable and easily
Manufactured by Charles Perrigo
f;odon, Tompkins County, N. Y.
General Agent
4 r, Pa., July 21-w
t I.t• magazines, daily and wealy papers
• Mr 2.
Tins.--Slaving purchased
•tAat Saw Mill of
.J. G. Saxton, loilated
A AiUIIIIV Borough' on the Sullivan and
Line Railroad, I am prepared to furnish
i of every description on short notice.
nilla specialty. Ratea reasonable. Or-
~ , :icitc.l.
,u'ulso proprietor or the New Albany Ho
no rc all persons desiringaccommoda
c..n rind them at reasonable rates. Good
;m.z. J. W. Wit.cox.
J&u. 30, 1532.-Gm
Easter Cards
beautiful! is the the exclamation
“ho have Meer those handsome Easter
1 , la the whitlow of Whitcomb's book
arrivo and depary at tbo Tonahnds - Post-
T as follows:
1., N. V. and Eastern states
Laporte, Sc
v. way mail from the north
4uiu .te
w F:ra„k4c.. Tueeslay, Thursday and
Saturday...—. ...... ......
lulu, &c., Monday, Wednesday iud
Y. Burlington, .17. c 1:00 P.
layhville, Rome, .t c • llOO
-4:hi vouch from Erie and NCIt Es 2:30
V. way mail from the South-- 4:3S
nt , n, ... 5:003
Lr _
1 pouch from Ell Ors and E B 8 10-:40
'•:,.. ~ r., ".lonroeton, .s:e 0:00 a. ir
h. , .,gh Valley way mail south 0:15 -
lea pouch Elmira. Erie and North-
eru ectltral Itlalroad.• ..... ....... 10:00 .
y. Barliwgton; Sc ' 1000 -
,- Ahe , .. juin. ace:..... 12:00 ff.
r.lay ... ....... „, 1:00 P. $
Et . a. Tucsda,y Thnpulay and Sat.
'Monday. Wedzeaisy and
Fr lay 1:00
.I..a).;ville, Ronie, kc 1:00
u~L• - re. tc ..................-....2: 45
1, 4 :11 Valley way.mail North 3:45
Phila. and astern States. .1:45
"Me. , open trona 7:00 A.. N. to 7:45 v. at. Money office open from 8:00 a. N. to 7:00,e. u.
open on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:00 A. at.
P. Powra.t., P. M.
W e lila furnish the ItErnutacAti with any of
I.!imsing named publications, from and
•i:.i:uary 1, 1882, at the rates nulled' be
hich includes the Ittrinsmoo; With the
cr named:-
-sew York Weekly Times, $2 45
`-m:-Weekly Times, 3 85
l'iniadelphia Weekly Press,
l'idloielphis Weekly Times,..
llarl r'e Magazine,.
iit r'e Weekly,
.1 (2,-ntury Magazine (Scribner).. 475
St. Nicholas, 4 00
Pc;pular Science Monthly, ...... ..... 5 59
..Norili American Review. 510
&al( tient Agriculturist, • 262
, --
Atlantic Monthly, 4 75
Country Gentleman, /3 35
haral New Yorker,: „ . ' .2
Toledo Blade, - .2 75
IVlde Awake, 3 60
l'ancey - - 1 200
Er•byland, . . 190
Lath Folks' Reader 2 10
Detnoreat, Monthly ' :... SlO
iieltfo: Lady's Book . 3
Peterien's Magazine s .... 3 10
Scu-ntifie American, - 425
Burlington Ilawkeye, • • - 2 15
The Nursery, 260
71,, F.xrm and Garden ....... ....., • • 2 1 1
I ,utt'a Companion . ' 2 7-
• 4otricteittneetings errs bet) held at Lime
A birch distillery is to be vTeeted ;In Bnl4
livsn. - - • '
Reserved sestsat Rirby's for the •'Wjdoa
Bedott." -
At East Troy the revival meetings still
Band concert at Academy
. Hall, Hiya
on Fliday 'et ening, March 3d
Kendall's Borne . ' Book a t pretntum
toaubseribera. . ,
Mr. James Wriiley of Budingion, died very
suddenly on Sunday last,of apoplexy.
S. B. Mild has had his dining, Lilliaid and
bar rooms re-papered .yith a lighter and ,
handsome new wall-paper.
. ,
Mike Welch. of Waverly.: N. Y.. paid $lO
fine for kissing 'Mies Busier Clouniti 'against
her free will. - -
Church Of the Messiah. Rev. 0. D. Ashen
leiter, of Jersey City, will preach next &la
thy, rooming and evening.
Glycerine - has nearly doubled in prim Stip
p )se it is because chaps are .so numerous
this winter, as will be noticed by the number
of weddings that have taken, place in town.
Chi heat. Collar. lecture en the "Martyred
Preaidtnta." Next . to Blaine. there la no man
in tho'country alio can better do justice to
the Bubject. At Mere= Hall, March 16.
We publish this week , and in every • is
sue hereafter the time table of the Barclay
Railroad. It will be a convenience to all
desiring at any time to travel over that rbad,
Torn Kennedy
alley and had the ,
saloon. Tom is vel
and will no doubt'
Said the Chicago girl, as she Bati Bun•
thorne after the desertion of Patiendo sink
down crushei: "What did he give up that
way for? _ Why didn't the dratted tool sue
her for breaCit of promise?" Chicago girls
take a deep interest in a play.
"Kitty," a valuable blooded mare. owned
by . C. 14. Tracy, Esq., died suddenly on Satur
day last. - Slac was a chestnut, and very hand
E. E. Buffington also lost a good driv
ing mare last Saturday night.
Our friend Coburn. who is in the empiciy of
Dye & Co.; hardware dealers, Towanda, wade
us a friendly call on Monday last, looking
after the un-ttnaccau)dabies. and telephone
route. Call again Cobe, and try our chewing
tobacco. —Le Plys c ille• Adrerliser.
If you, can treat to anything better than
chewing tobacco, Cobe will stay at home, for
he can get free lunch and fresh water with a
little lemon in it here:'
Mr. Burgess has established himself as a
comedian of rare power, and tabu; raolt
henceforth with the very drat characier ac
tors of the American stage.—Democrat,
We would call the attention of our readers
to, the advertisement of M. E. Rosetifield,
announcing his Spring Stock of Clothing.
Mr. Rosenfield always keeps' a first-class
stock tir goods on hand and if yOu are going
to it:I L- clothing or any kind you should not
fail to examine his stock.
Chas. Cross hairhis store removed from his
old, stand on Park street to the: rooms for
merly occupied by the Post Office. in Mercur
Block. Ile has put in new go - i.ds, a large
stock, and has them tastily arranged, and-is
now prepared to see hi 3 friends.
Lellay . nrille hai a temperance orgardiatim. -
It was recently formed anti Li old zerel by the
following pectoris: , ' .
President-- - -Rev. L. Peck. • .1
VieePresidents—G. W. Brink, Thou. (.cart-:j
Correkpoudiog Sec's—Alex. MoUree
ltt cording See'y—P. E. Woodruff. .
Tretisurer—Mrs. P. Woodruff.
The work lof tearing down ibe Humphrey
Brod. a Tracy building was commenced on
Monday last: It will probably be a month
befure they . can commence en the Inunda
tions of the new building* The building was
put up by Capt. Bryant for a carrirge•manu
factory about 13 years ago • . •
A. large dry goods firm of 'BostOn proposes
to its employes that each shall contribute $lO,
in weekly a's , 4esstnent of fifty cents, toward
treating onef out of (very twenty-five of their
number to a trig to Europa next summer,
luck to decide who shall go.—Elmira Adver
What a capital idea! Now let the printers
of Towanda each pay a weekly ass'epsnient, of_
five cents for two weeks (if they can stand
the pressure) and take a trip to Waverly on.
the Fourth of-July. Oh, there's nothing like
going abroad. • I
r ,
Ralph Bingham, the boy orator that'attract
ea so much attention a. short time ago irtien
ho made his first appearance in Towanda,•
will give,a6entertainment in Mercur Hall on
next Tuesday evening. The sale of scats will
begin at Kirby's, Friday morning at 9 o'clock.
Admission, 35 cis. No extra charge for re
served seats. Children under.l2 years 25 cts.
admision. , ,
On Tuesday evening doors sill open at 7
and the entertainment begins at 7:30 o'clock.
The Gorham . Church Choir Co. gave a very
fair presentation of "Patience" at MerEtir
Hall on Monday evening, and tbey•-were re
ceived by 'a crowded house. -There were
several vcry.fine voices in the company.
The opera is in the style 'of "Pinafors," and
has become very popular during the aesthetic
graze.—We do not think it as good as Pina
fore, but the Gorham Co. brought out all th e
line points in the very best manner. -
. 4.00.. at
. 1,1.00
Ex-Sheriff Van Fleet, accompanied by J. P .
Keeney and Geo. Fairchild as deputies, took
the four Prisoners sentenced to the State
Penitentiary at the last term . of Court to
that institution • on Wednesday night last, on
the 10:45 train going with.. The, prisoners;
were Ire . Mann, Jadscin BfeCa nick, Sherman
Bradley and Wm. Brown.
lkfrs. Mann was deeply affected and wept
from the time she left Towanda until their
arrival in Philadelphia, with 6nt little inter
mission. . -
cCarrick x•emed to realize his position
- sadly. Bradley took it easy, and Brown-ins
the moat contented person of the four, as
did not care for anything but the lunch, of
‘shich he got the main share
List of letters remaining in the Post-office
for the week ending Feb. 23, .1S82: •
Anderson, Leonard Hankenson, Mary
Antisdel, CC Harris, E B
Bella:Ilia, Clark Hager, Cola
Benjamin, Cora ; Kerrick, J B
Callahan, Bridget , Lynch, Thos
Crandall, Geo • Moe, Mort
Conley, Mary Jane Moore, Chai A -
Corson, Beny Fennel, Carrie
Cunningham, John Robins, G E
Ely, Mary Sehomover, Dennis
Fox, J A Sweet,,.Fred '
Filmer, G W . 1314 w, 3osepti
Persons calling for any of !lie above will
please say "Advertised," giving date of list.
P. POWELL, P.-31,1
Ex-Vice-President Colfax I will lectare in
Morcur Ha'•l on "Our Martyred Presidents"
March, 16tli. As Mr. Colfax was in a position
,to knoll• much of the subject, upon which he
will speak. and as be is an orator of rare
ability, it will no doubt be, a rare treat. He
should be greeted with a hill house. •
2 50
2 80
4 CO
4 . 75
4 75
The high School Literary Society.
The Literary Society of the Graded school
elected the•following officers for the ensuing
term on Monday , evenink; - •
President—Martin Bennie.
Vice President --Bury 1 4 ; Berns.
Secretary—Benj. Koykendall. • . •
Treaanrer--Ony Peek. - • -
The Society meets Monday evenings,,
••• 'Tzar. Wroovr Brurrr."—line matinee,
yesterday, was very largely attended, s and at
plata the opera house awes crowded-not ,
even standing room after Ole curtain rose.
At both - entertainmenti theartdieneeWas i
lighted beyond measure. 'Neil tininess and.
his emnpany will be sure to halt at , Talsile'
on their retire from the Pacific coast, ad a
Ma) reception will await tbem.--Ibtedo Own
mereka Way *S.
—Choice his st C. ilyees saarket.
Bridgo Street. Mayl9-tt.
11:1 torn out his ton pin
om rommleted into a tasty
popular with .the boys
do a '•booming" btoinese.
- !testi the Press notices of the "Widow Be.
dots" elsewheto.".
Adiiai 13teinbiux has pi hued "lbn
land," just opposite the freight d ep o t.
. -
. , .
Will pittrieb is - the trappy" 4 , piulent "of
ten pound girl. . Quite too 106,', liu't it. Will?
l'he newly . appointed poittnuuttar at Wysott,
is Mr. E. G. Owen. Ile,miteeeeda Mr. Whita
ker. -1,
Buck's Road Laws for .sale at this taco
Alt township officers should home . a copy.
Price 60 cents, ' - -
Judge McCollum occupied .tlio bench to
the Court ream, last week, while Judge Mor
row tried cases in the jury room.
received a charming aid
highly prig 4 Valentine, in the shape . id'
nine-poundliaby kirk • •
The Tunkbannock Repellents bag donned a
new drtasL-or a partial one at kast —and is
greatly improve(' in appearance. ' ,
Mr. Thome Outside of Loltaysville,
soon remove to Horne Neville, N.l. He gave l
s banquet to a number of trienda at his
deuce on Friday, Feb. 17. ,
Neil Burgess Widow iledott, like Rip Van
Winkle and Uncle Josh Whitcomb, draws full
houses and &site everybody. Tournai,
Indianapolis, &qt. 17. - • .
Tho .douation for the Bev, Ales MaeGowen.
pastor of the Baptist churol4Thuraday night
of last week, at the •residence of Mr. Eaten,
was quite an elaborate astir.• About $lOO
was received.—Confou Sentin4
• - Ono of the Hoagland boys, - quarantined in
the pest house, died a week si cb.' rhe other
has entirely- recovered. No .n isr cues of
small-pnx in town, I
N. C. Damen and Col. Overton Own a
'hundred acres of cranberry swamp On Barclay
mountain, and propose putting it under mil.:
tivation. -
"Laxly Jane," a leading character In "Pa
tience" is a Miss. Dow of New York, and is
the high-ailaried_ a)pfatia of a choir iu je
fashionable church. •
In-the prosecution or the L. VAL'R. Co.
agaitwt Hackman Miller, charged .with ille
gally 'selling tickets, the accused Tuesday
wsiveti a hearing before a justice
, end gave
bail , for app carance'at court. -
The many friends of B. A. Packer ate -it
.foiced to learn that there was no -truth
th rumor of his alarming illness. On the
contrary lie is having a good time in the
liud of sunshine and alligators.: h.
Lewis 11. Hall Et3q.. delivered; the last of
the Monroe coarse of lectures eti !Wednesday
evening, F e b. 21 His subject was 'Me
French Revolution" and the, audience was de
lighted with the able and eldiluent manner in
which ho treated au interesting theme.
Mrs. Phillips, the revered mother of Mrs.
D. T. Evans, died at her daughter's residence
on Second , street, Feb. 23, after a painfulill
itess of nearly two years. The deceased was
an Exemplary christian lady, -and during a
re4dence or severaryears in Towanda had
enteared herself to a large circle of Mends.
During Lent (until Holy Week,) Services
will be held at Christ Church as follows:
Sundays, (eicept the.drat Sundays. of the
months, y Holy Communion at 9 a. m.,
services as usual; Monday*, Tuesdays. and
Saturdays, Evening . Prayer at 4 p. m.;
Wednesdays , Matins and Lenten Readings at
11 a. m.; Fridays, Litany and Lenten Read
ings at 7 p.m.
Tho return a Widow Beihitt to this place
nne . of the events ,of the ;spawn, , in the
impersonation, kr. Ncil Burgess certainly
has ne equal. The sallies:pf laughter which
nearly every moment break from the audience
•at the ezpression of features, or of epee° ti by
the Widdw, fully attest the great pleasure af
forded by the performance. Mr. Burgess is
support3d by his own 'company. Mr.
dart deserves a goodly share of honor -for his
ery •artistic impersonatiou.=Boston Post,
Dec. 21. - •
The members of Watkins Post,. G. A. 8.,
, oelebrated Washington's Birthday, on Wed
nesday evening last, by a re-anion m Military
_Hall. Capt. Wilt presided, and Prof. Albert
:deliveted an appropnato address, which was
folio:tired by brier Rod fitting, remarks :from
; Senator Davies and Col. H. B. McKean.
Camp-fire songs were sang, and Stories
Baked beans, hard tack and crffee were
iserved in camp style, and " the boys " did
justice to the fare.
Mr. Wm. R. ,Sutton, son-in-law of Dr.
Horton, of Terrytown, - died at his residence
near Lyons, N. Y„ Siinday, Feb. 12,, aged 31
yi ars. The Lyons. Republican says of him :
lie was a young man of sterlirig worth—con
scientious, Upright, and held in high esteem_
by aU who knew him. His death is s grovi
was blow to his young wife, who has watched .
by his bedside during his long illness with
untiring devotion, to his 1 widowed mother,
and to his sisters, who fire assured of the
sympathy - of our entire community in their
affliction. - •
We understand the 2d annual meeting and
banquet of the North Branch Alumni Asso
ciation of Lafayette College, held ; at the Wy
oming Valley Hotel, in Wilkes-Barre; Feb.
22d, was a very enjoyable affair. The literary
exercises which consisted of the " History,"a
poem and an address, werU•of a high order.
After the collation had been served, a num- I
ber of Sentiments were. proposed, which
called. forth suitable responSes from the gen
tlemen named to speak for them. President
Cattell responded tor:,Otir I Alma Miter; j
Welles Hollenback for the Board of , Trustees;
Judge Bice, a graduate of Hamilton College,
for Sister Colleges; Rev. Andrew • Brydie ; of
the. University of Edinburp for our Foreign.
Universities; Hon,' E. L. • Hillis
. for the law
yers, and Bev. David Craft for. the old gratin ,
Docto: Wien, 'Who his .recently returned
from Europe, where be .bas been spending
some time for his health, was warmly greeted
by the alumni and other fribruhf of the college
pre:sent, who hold their belayed 'President in
the highOst. estonn.
• -
1 .
Sheriff Deegan', or Liporta, passed through
town on Monday with Edward Reminsnider
arias Henry Gallen, who escaped from the
Laporte jail in NoxeMbdi 'last. H 0 was
- caught in Perth Amboy city, N. J. He is
charged with highway robbery. The Sheriff
has exhibited_ great great skill and enter
prise in capturing the aforesaid jail 'mailer.
—2otearula Argus. ;
ti Hon. F. C. Bunnell and James W. Platt,
EA.. took the night line early Monday morn
ing for Harrisburg. where they made appli
cation on Monday for 4 Charter for the Wyom
ing County On find Oil Compariy.--Tunk
hannock Republican.. •
MI B. Delos Rockwell of troy - is plaiting at
W. A. Chamberlin's, while Dr. Payne is treat
ing her for lir offectioni of the eyes. Dr.
payne's skill as- an °calla. is givtug him a
wido reputation throughout Northern Penn
Mr. D. - J. Allen and wife of Horseheads are
paying a short visit in town-l-they • were for
merly residents' of this place.
Rcv N. J. Mitchell of Centre Co., is supply
ing the pulpit tt the Distiiple church during
,sbeence of Mr. Encell the pastor. . .
The funeral •of William Phelys. an aged
citizen takes place to:Asp at twelve o'clock,
the gervice to be held et the Baptist church.
He ties lately _ buried his two youngest chil
dren 'Mice antl Alton who were living at
home and cain# for the parenbrin their: old
age. Mr. Bbelpgbas reiret:l a large family of
childroci halrOg ki4 four song in the . scmy
service dating tbe war. .fturavaiutP4 4 4 is
felt fOr the. entire family particularly, the
aged matte/ end widow; also, for Alton)! Wife
l',and two little children.
The election was very, well attended 00n ,
tsitlprink the
.1414 weather. There wits sortie
:strife over a few of the minor ,offutellnic the
grEatlltil L et was constable. the sneceiefil eau•
. didate roteWog the kip inajority of tour.
It ht-gcnerally lbelleved, that the supply of
- Liquiir on -the igerind. wait equal ',to the de-
Feb. 27.1882. ,
I pEssozraii,.
Hattio M. Cowlea isvisiting Mends
44 116 4 Ne r
Hall of Eaton, Wyoming countnis
visiting beibrother, Louis lif. Hall Eaq.
o:24lscLirlisui has retapied front
her visit'in
Woi. Stevenson of Sayre; 800. of the
Pa. it 14. , Y S2i was la town ou'ltieedsi;
—Mrs. Biontmyer 'of Brooklyn is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Lynch on Second Bt. •
—C. H. Keeler of the Owego Record grim in
town over Elntidtiv.
—nobt.43. Mitchell of La _ ware`cooutv,,ic
visiting friends in town.
Libbie Brink' is -the guest- ollier
sister, Mrs. parental Powell. . • :
„.—Miss ilia Willcox Is slating at Plainsville.
Luzerne county.
—Harry Taylor gradoehxl at Colombns,-
Ohio. Medical College and returled to To.
wands On,Wednesday of this week.
—Miss ,
Angie 'of Herrick - visiting
her sister, Mrs.. J. J. Spalding and :her
brothes. Harry' and P.: J. Angle. ,
—Mrs. Moe of Little,Meadoirs ati Mrs. Dr.
Claggett of - Standing . Stone, rs, have
been visiting friendi.and relatives in town.
• —Mr. Jame H: Moe - of Monte s Territory
bas been spenning a few days in Towanda,
the guest of his cousin. Mr. L. D. Coburn.
—Mrs. M.J. 4 Llog his gone to , Waterbitry.
Conn. to spend a ry weeks with relatives
and friends.
—E. B. Byington. the popular Igenentl pas
senger agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad
. •
was in town on Tuesday.
Chubbuck Esq., attended and ad
dressed a prohibition convention in Altoona,
last week. - j
—Dr. Wm. Taylor has gone' to libilsaehu
setts sod expects to be a`meot 'a couple of
weeks. . 4
—Edward Walker. ,Br., has jest returned
from a prospecting tour through the timber
regions of western Tennessee.
—Mr. J. D. Wilber is in Ehniti l -on businels
connected with his new patents 'on the Ea
' !eke. Hower. He wilt also Visit Binghamton.
—The "City of Bnisser on which Mr..and
Mn.o Willson sailed for England on the 11th
init.. reached Liverpool on Wednesday, Feb.
rtlary 22.
' —Mr. Frank Deegab, formerly with Powell
& Co. but / now with; L. D. Pardee & Co. of
Hazleton, i was visiting ,his many friends in
Towanda, list week. t
—Mrs. John Jones,, Jr., and 'daughter,- of
Owego, came to this place to attend tho
funeral of their aunt, Mrs.,, _ Wright, and are
spending a few days with frietidsbere;
—Dr. Tewkesbury of Wilkea-Harre, spentrt
day or two with his brother-in-law, Sheriff
Horton, last week and reinrned home Satur
day evening. "".
Bev. C. H. Wright while to Bernice on
Tuesdayllast to spend a few day/ for the
benefit of his health. lie is- afflicted with
—Mrs. E. B. Beardsleo and 'two children of
Little Meadows, Was the guest of Mr. and .
Mrs. L. M. Coburn bat week. Mrs. B. was
accompanied by her father-in-law, Mr. Silas
Beardalee. ,
—Miss Belle Pratt goes to 'Philadelphia
this week and will remain until after the
commencement of : the Medical College of
Pennsylvania University; when, her brother
C. Manville Pratt Will take the degree of
M. D. -
The next meeting of the C. L.E. C. will be
at the residence of Mrs.. J. E. Hitchcock, on
Pine St., Friday, March 13,
.at 7
_p. m. The
work of the ereidni will be a review of the
first two chapter of Mackenzie's "XIX Cent
ury," also questions and answers on the "XIX
Century" from No.. I c. to No. 25, inclusive,
Essays will be read as ustiaL All who are
interested in the C. L. 8. C. '.work are° cot..
dially invited_ to attend..
Prot. Edwin C. Eldridge Protector of fine
arts in Elmira Female College, will deliver a
lectnre ,on art at'; the Collegiate Institute,
- Tuesday evening larch 7th. ,prot. Eldridge
is a graduate of the American Academy et
Design, and has spent several years •in
rope; studying under the best masterw,r
both Rome and Paris. His lectures are illus
trated by magnificent stereoptican views.
As Thomas Whitney, a brakeman bn the
8.- L. A: 8. IL was setting a brake on
Saturday morning list, the chain broke throw
ing him, to the ground. He , struck against
the bank and rolled under the wheel, where
one leg was terribly mangled and his body
severely bruised. The accident happened at
"the summit; this' side of Dushore; but young
Whitney was not missed by his fellow brake
men until near Near Albany. From the lat
ter, place, Conductor Lull telegraphed back
to the Dushore agent, Mr. Blair, Who imme
diately started down the track in search of
him.' Nearly an hOur elapsed from the time .
of the accident before the wounded man was .
found. He was at :onCe removed to a. hotel
in Dushore and hle parents,., who reside In
TOwanda, immediately hastened to him, Sept.
Blight promptly placing an engine at their
service. The young man never lost con
sciousness and was able to fully, explain the
cause of the accident. He was mercifully re
lieved by death before reaction had taken
place, so that he suffered no pshlwhile his
mind' continued clear. He comforted his
sorrowing parents by expressing his perfect
trust in God and the earnest hoim that it
would be well with' him. His death was
_peaceful and happy. Thomas was an only
child of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Whitney and had
always been a kind and affectionate son. Hie
afflicted parents have, the sympathi, of the
community in their great sorrow.
The remains'were brought to Foivanda, by
special train, on Sunday. The funeral took
place at 1 p. m., on Tuesday at the residence
of the residence of the parents of the deceas
ed, corner Locust Avenue and Cherry streets.
The burial took place In Wysox.
Burley Chilean, son of Hiram Chilean, the 1
tenant on H. M. Welles' farm on the fiats
near Towanda Creek, met with a fright fel
accident Saturday morning. The yohng man
was assisting his father in t anting corn stalks
with a borse-poWer cutter, and in feedinz,
his gloved hand was caught between the
"teed tells," and before : the machine could
be stopped his band and arm half way to the
61bow were cut into small pieces,
nately.the machine broke or the whole arm
'might have been sacrificed. Dr. - Pratt was
summoned and dressed the wound. As the
knives were sharp the cut was- smooth and
clean; and the Doctor thinks that six inches
of tbelore-armcan be saved.' •
Young Chilean is about 20 years of -age, an
indnetrious, exemblary young man, and will
receive the- sympathy and attention nf Vs
many friends. He endured the rain with
Among the patents inned last week was
one to our toWnsmsn, J. rD. Wilber, for vain:
able improvements on the Minsk& Mower,
which was one a his first inventions. We
understand that the addition of these: new
improvements will enable him to builds ma
chlie, vastly superior. to his _original one.
Several parties, we are inforinekare already
desirous of negotiating for the manufacturo
of the new invention. We congratulate Mr
Wilber on' this litest achievement of his in
ventive genius, and bespeak.for him abright
future. With his thorough knoiledge of
mowing tnaehines,= and long experiance II a
I manufacturer, any oompany fartunsto encintlt
tosecure an interest in the perfeoted Eureka
and business firpoida l tion with Mr. Wilber.
cannot fail of succees.—Beciine.
c.' z.- s.' C.
Lecture on Art.
Fatal Accident.
Shocking Accident.
ing*voirement coot the Eureka.
50/41elei Grave stews.
The United States governmeiit is now pre
pared to furnish neat marble grave stones
. fres of charge, for all soldiers of
~ the late war
who died VW . to Feb . 4879, cad Who"
rawer are not streauyinitably marked.. The
WSW Of SO 100 Whose gravel gra focatpd at
Towanda or surrounding kunsdlipo, abos4
be sent to Capt. Cleo. V. ll*, Of this Stoo l
immediately, with the following information&
Soldier's full name, age -wben killed or died,
data of death, rank, company and regime:A lf
name and location- of cemetery in which
baled. . 113
'j=7,.-o*l. - a;as*..' . • - • ., , 11 ; ? :: -
The death of this WO seePeeted teal
tionOred citizen, siblidt took Ph* reb,lBth,
is worthy of special note. b orn in
18111, - In Twiy, toiwithip. :whin this 'part of
the State]..waa coMparatively -new, - though
eettlieti With - people rapidly, mostly from the
RuteruStatest. Hewit developed an fa
ipitation r , aspiration for , book s k : and
knowledge; and 'mid eru'*- - discovered =by his
parents that his mimidid not take to the pro- Session of alarmer. - :He was very:studious,
fond of reading, int made the most - of his
tine to gain abet knowledge be .could with
the iiPportanities afforded him in the atheists
at that time in this put of the State; abed a
little past fifteen , years old. his father seeing
the bent of his -mind advised him -to 'learn
the printing business and procured for him
a.situation, in the office of J. P. Bull. pub
lisher at that time' of the paperricalled the
Bradford Sealer, at Towanda. Be remained
here a year or more and thenretunred home
and was nest employed , in Troy, connected
with a publishing office there. He left Troy
-soon after heves 21 years of age, and remov-
ed again to Towanda, and became one of -the
firm of Utter, Kinney k Liffey, publishers of
1 the Bradford Argus, but soon became l sole
' proprietor. Ho remained till 1849, editing
the paper with marked ability and taking 'a
lively interest in the settlement of the county
and in all its improvements and public inter
eats. After this ho sold his interest in the
Paper.and - printing business, to recruit his
health and purchased a firm in Canton.
. He held the office of county Commissioner,
Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds, and
'was twice cleated to. the State Legislature.
In all these posts of honor and trust he never '
disappointed his friends who hid 'given hint
their confidence and votes, but he. sustained
hil public position as s man• Of good execu
live ability; sound judgment and decision
for the right and good of all. those he repre
sented in the various offices be held.
He took an active interest in sustaining
the administration and the army in the gieat
rebeltiJn. and obtaining bounties for the
soldiers. '
. .
He removed from, Canton and, bas been "a
isar 4
highly respected, slid good c ' .en of Colum
bia, for a number of years. ois always
spoken of as a kind obliiing eighbor, as
affectionate husband and father, and main
taining a conscious awl manly dignity. Ho,
had religious "sentiments and was a good
man, but he was not forward and olamorous
to impose his belief on. others, or disposed to
quarrel with, any as to their religious views.
His case was thatof blood consumptiOn, and
he was weak and ;flailing for some months.
He has gone to - his eternal rest, honored and
rh • •
1 Icived by his family and frende. S. 0. 0.
Columbia - Grange. a
At a regular meeting of Columbia Madge
held Feb. 22d,1882, the f. lowing resolutions
were-adopted. - - 1
MMUS, death lias invaded oar ranks and
removed one of our most highly esteemed
and useful Brothers and whereas- we as a
Grange desire to place on record some token
of, our regard for the dereaed brother.
Resolved, That ,in the death of Brother
Dimmer I.llley, who departed this life on the
18th of Feb., we realize' that Colurnbis
Grange has suffered an irreparable loss and
that one who added so largely to the enjoy
ment and profit of our meetings has been
called from his sphere of usefulness hero, to
the reward which the Great Blaster above
bestows urain those who faithfully discharge
their dutiee'rn this life.
Regofeed, That while we mourn the loss of
our deceased Brother oi4r 'torrents are allevi
ated by our faith that our loss is his-,inesti
mable gain, that having performed his aabors
'faithfully, be is now permitted to enjoy that
blissful rest which i his active chrisuan life
prepared him fir. .
Resoloed. That we ca best show our vene
ration tir oar Brother's memory by striving
to emulate his many vi tees and by a closer
devotion to the precepts of our Order which
were ezemplifled in his daily walk• and were
so dear to his heart.
Resolved, That as .a Orange we -tender to
the bereaved widow and children oar heart
felt condotence in this time of their great
sorrow and Affliction and point them for cell
solation to the only sure range of the afflict
ed, Him who)hath said that he doth not wil-
tingly afflict or grieve the children gmen.
Besofeed, That the family of our deceased
Brother, shall ever be objects of oar deepest
solicitude and we commit them to Elm who
tempers:the wind to the shorn lamb.
Resolved, That as a mark of respect the
Charter of this Grange be draped in mourn
ing and memberawear the mourning badges
'dining sessions for thirty daysr•and these
resolutions be spread on the minutes and
published in the /fusbarednian- and county
- • ' Z. Coneigit., ) Co ln.
J. B. Ensau.,
This word is 'derived from the Anglo-Saxon
lenclen, spring, audio applied to the spring
tide fast of4o days before Easter. This sea
son oftfasting and prayer was set apart before
the 4th century, beginning with the ilist
Sunday of Lent and terminating on 110ly
Thursday. 1n..715 Pope Gregory II ordained
Ash Wednesday as the beginning of the fast.'
The Council of Clermont (1095) enjoined
under pain of excommunication that the uni
versal peace called "the truce of God' should
be observed from Ash Weduesdly until Whit
In the early ages the foist of Leos was kept
with the greatest yigor. In the present dis‘'
'cipline of the Catholic church only ono mean'
is allowid. and- at this the use of flesh mea
is prohibited. Custom allows a alight refec
tion in the morning and a_ collation in the
evening. This general; rate ia m codified to
snit the necessities of climate ' s and+ occupa
tion. In the United States the use of flesh
meat is allowed several times lo week. ip ac—
cordance with the demands made by 'each
bishop for his diocesce.
In crarly all the Protestant church es of
continental Europe. iartictairly the Luther;,
an church, Lent is a penitential season, The
church of England still keeps the Lenten fast
on her extender with appropriate services, as
does the Protestant Episcopal church.
A carious old English custom was that of
putting a puppet called Jacic o'Lent, 'the
origin of which is not explained. In an
anbient manuscript occur the following
'Then Jack &Lent comps iustynge b!,
With the hedpeece of a herynge,
And asythe, repent yowof }rower syci,
For shame, syrs, love yowor aweryno'
And to Palma Sonday doethe he avde,
With sprats and herryngea by bye ayde,
And miles an end of Lenton tyde."
EDITOR REennucax:—l think the e liter
and his iasiotants . of the Bradford 104 , 110LICAS
must be a very scalable class'of genttemen.
I should' like to see them, and thank `them
personally for their kindness to their town
ship welters. I know of none, in the count y,
except the REPDRDICAX, which has grented
so great a bean and privilege to township
correspondence, and
. I say, please write,
often, ladies and gentleman, for your efforts,
howevecomall may do much gocKI .to cheer
some lonely hien! ? We .kipe the `llxerner.l:
cart, will still come from week to 'week,
month to'month, and from.year to year the
time interesting paper and the writer knows
of nc other editor, in the county which has
theNprivilege of being in Washingtok where
he can hear the Lords of Creation &muss the
Nation". .affairs, and then convey what'• he
hears aid BOON to the columns of hie valuable
paper f fer itimany readers.
• "Variety's the spice of life;
That gives it half its savor." .
The w tether is fine.
Willie Moody, our entetpriitig young
- townsman, takes the Golden Rule; it is a
high 'toned religions journal, published in
Boston. Twenty clergymen contributes to its
columlis. Who knows but whet.Williim will be
one to contribute to that paper. some day
The Gottivn HWY Min. IrPerla gather a rich
harvest of knowledge . by reading, but
thought s the winnowing machine,
Roam Osagevue.
Feb. 27,1887. ' -
Mothe!; Died of did, Bliewas
Adams, Newark, Ohio; says: "Cali=
our" jlemsclies are the grqttest medicines on
Birth. Hut the wont - esie fish Rheum in
this pounty. T ymother had It treaty Tpsrs.
Illtd ill hot died from it. believe ciliiellfa
VQIO(9I4YB i&Ye¢ het' UM AV ann. ; fitelA
;q4 bllO were COTefO4 fPr three Foam whlph
nothing relieved or *used until uped the
Outlaws Remedies:: maam.
—Go to O.X. Mye r%market, Bridge street,
tot the beet eats of fresh meat. 'May 19-11
The ((Mowing ire the alma eleeted.ot,
the election held on Febreary 21st, in the
savend=Townships; Boroughs and election
districts of the county:, -
mdErru Twr.
Judge of S W
ection: - Thamoldi
Speetors, D. - Ay, Bundall, C. D. Domed;
School Directors, I. D: Becker, Bext
ford; Justice of-Peace, Walter Bullard; Con
stable; 'Mishit Smith; Bold Commissioner;
Addis Biddle; Assessor L a VinSicei
ditor, Covett,; Covert,
Town Clerk, G. L.' Coireit. " • "
Judge of Electiorc - , ht Kellum . ; hi
specters, 0. A. Gilbert; ,Guy Benjamin;
School Directors, F. N. Dixon, Thos. Kings
ley;:Constable, Mahlon' flicks; Bqad Com
missioner,: E. H. Deicing; &Senor, B. C.
Chilson; Auditor;Hussell Hiller; Treasurer,
H. L Haight; Town Cleile, Henry West-
AssesS4, F. A. Allen; &astable, Charles
Fitzgerald; Auditors, F. L. Kilmer, 3 years,
I. Leo Marsh, 2 years, F t . M. Wales, t year;
Justice of Peace, John'S. Willisioni School
Directors, Charles tell*, 3 years, T. T.
Page, 3years, H. F. Maynard, 2 years; High
Constable,E. F. Jones;Eurgess,A. A. Prince;
Council, C. E. Spading, M. E. Heath, Geo.
Vail, M. P. Murray, Mark Thikapson, F. A..
Gillett; Overseers of Poor, F. T. Page, D. F.
First Ward—Judge 'orElection, F. A.
Allen; Inspectors, C. W. Clapp, George
Second -ikard--Jurke of Eleetion, W
Tripp; . ' LisPeetors; ..JJ; E. Merritt, H. F
May nand.
. .
Assessor, Frank S. Morley; AMlitor, Rob
ert M. Hovey; Seiko! Directors, N. V. Well
er, Asahel Knapp, Joseph H. Harris (to fill
vacancy;) Road Coinn&ihmers,Thomas
W. K. Green; ,Constable, J. G. Pratt; Treas
urer, Seeley Kumar; Town dirk, N. F.
Walker; Justice of Peace, George Campbell;
Township Trustee in Academy, etc., Man
son Elsbree.
District .2y . 0.'1 7 -Judge of EleOtin, Chas,
Porter; Inspectors, • John "Moriei, Frank
Lincoln; District AAsessor,. Authur L. Wil
liams. . ,
District No. 2—Judge of; Election; John
Dailey; Inspectors, Levi W. McElwaine,
T. H. Randall; District Assessor, - Leßoy
District No. 3L-Judge of Election, B. F.
Coolbangh; Inspectors, B. F. McKinney;
John Bosworth; District Assessor, - H. W.
Judge of Election, R. H. Richards ; In-_
vectors, Wm. E. Vandyke, Geo: W. Eng
glish ; School Directors, C. A. Brown, J.
T. Hosted ; Constable, Jno. M. Jones; Road
Commissioner, H. R.. Vanloon; Assessor,
Unmes Terry ; Auditor, E. A. Benjamin ;
hYbasurcr, J. F. }Jested; Town Clerk, A.
Spear. -
Judge of Election, George' . Evans; In
pectors, D. M. °Reynolds; C. S. Wilson;
School Directors, William Goff, Charles D.
Creiiihill; Congtable,.J. S. Reynolds; Assess
or i Charles D. Crandall; Auditor, Ge9rge
Dewey and M. L. , Packard, (each receiiing
the same number ofi votes;) J r:Simms; 0.
Montgomery; Councilmen, George W. Car
mon, C. C. -- Hooker, Jame§ H.i Fellows, M.
L. Packard, William Reynolds:
JUdge of Election, George l Albene; In
spectors, William Dayton, : • Thurston;
School Direciors, Martin L ch, Michael
Cox, Jeremiah O'Keefe; Constille, Patrick
Tienery; Road Com Missioner,
Andrew; Assessor, J. . .. M. Carroll, William
V. Duggan,(each .
urer, G. W. Binkesle
I. Muneey.
Judge• of Electicu , C. B. Wheeler; in
spectors, H. 0. B Omera Nichols; School
Directors, P. P. Burns, W. P. Lane; Con
stable, G. S. Travis; Road Voteitnissionce,
D. S. Lenox; Assessor, H. if? Allen; Audit
or, B. -K. GustinCTreasure4 R. S. Lane:
Toivn Clerk, A.' Melville.
Judge of Election, W. D. Gamage;
ppeccors,- D. Ballard, Isaac Perry; School
Etirectors, 0. W. Rockwell; James Darrow;
Justice of Peace,Arthur B. McKean; Con
stable, J. A. Philips; Road Commissioner,
B. L. Rockwell; Assessor; C. T. Swain; Au
ditor, John Blackwell; Treasurer, I. J. Mc-
Kean. ' Town Clerk, Homer Rockwell.
Judge of Election, Harmon Kingsley; In
spectors, J. H. Wnrner, S. L. Nichols; School
Directors, R. R. Hurl:inch, S. M. Dickerman;
Constable, W. M. Lake; Assessor, J:R. - M
Keeby; Auditor, C. A. Ford; Burgess, Job.
Morley; Couneilnien, B. M. Clark, 'George
Essenwine,Milton 'Rundall, IL Hill,
Lumen Parkhtmit, William S. Wright;
Judge of Election, A. Bassett; Inspectors,
Ezra Williams; R. M. Foster; School Direc
tors, C. B. Taylor, E. R. Hickok; Constable,
Alfred Smith; Road Commissioner, Shadrach
Williams; Assessor, Henry Matson; Auditor,
Charles Warren; Town Clerk, J. N. Beards
ley; Treasurer, B. G. Brown.
Judge of Election, F. H. Warrener; In
spectors, C. W. Hooper, 0. S. SaCkett;
Schotil Directors, F. A. Owen, W.'S. Lewis;
Justice of Peace, John Meredith; Constable,
It M. Manlei: High Constable. E. J. O'Dc'on
ald; Assessor, W. W. Smith; Auditor,G. F
Krise; Treasurer, C. E. Bullock; Town Clerk,
J. M. Mitchell; Councilmen, John Van Dyke,
H. B.' Parstins, J.'W. Stone, A. D.:Williams,
0. W. Griffin, F. A. Owen. . .
- •
C0411131A. TWP.'
Judge of Flee on, W. P. Wilson; InsPec
tors, Frank Siloper, John Bowen; School pi..
rectors, Lewis Edsall, Hosea Wolfe; Road
Cornipissioner, Abe. • Buchunan; Assessor,
John Morgan; Constable, qtephen
Auditor, Lewis Soper, G. L. Gates, (each
receiving 97 votes;) Treasurer, W. W:
•Young; Town Clerk, H. L. Blood.
Judge of Election, J. L Roff; Inspectors,
Asa Stevens, A. B. Crandall; School Direc
tors, Peter Compton, J. D. Johnson; Justice
of Peace,Perry o.Dodge; Constable, T. F,
Jennings; Road Commissioners, S. Williams,
'y. (Brayton;,. Assessor, Nelson Gilbert;
Auditor, C. 11. Smith; Treasurer, Ira Var
ney; Town Clerk; torah Rockwell.
Judge of Elect' l s:in, William 'Woman; In
spectors, F. G. Miller, Patrick Money; &Imo'
Directors,A. Salim, A. M. Titus; Constable,
W. S. Packard; Road Commissioner, IL H.
Foster; Assessor, Henry W. .jennings; An
4itor, Sybretiter Pat!!!m; Treasurer, S.M.
*4 3 4 1. eY; ' . .ct l ll l Ciark, Fred Sayles.
IgacK TWl't
.iudge aßleakm,J, 8, eamp; inspectiiirs,
M. A. Overpeok, George Blocher; Scliod
Director; John S. Angle, G. S.• Overpack;
Road Commissioner, Ethel Fuller; Justices
of Pimoo, - W. .Wetcooret,JohnlkfoPitersani
A. Hi lis' Assam., G. W.
AuditOr; Zmnos Foyle; piorer,
3. a r Apiforsoni Townelork, W4hulind.
Judges of Elektion, R. Crum and English
Munn; (each receiving e!:.i votes); inspectors,
W. 0. Merrill; William O'ought; Constable,
W. H. otriier,iJireetong, .J.
Campbell, r. J.Madlock A
, A. E. Catlin, (Had =
lock and Ilt4lin 'each - receiving 88.,votes;)
'Road Conurdeormer 0. F. Wolcott; Assess
or, J. If:, filtrable; AUdiSr,Charles Vanduzer;
Trfennner, O. C. Everson; Town Clerk, Levi
*Judge of Election, B. O. Codding; Inspec
tors, 8. D. Williams, Lelloy Coleman; School
Directors, G. N. Johnson, C. S. Dusenberry;
Justice of Peace, L. L. Bosworth; Constable,.
J. M. Benham; High Constable, If. B. May
kw; Assesww, George W. Bailey; Auditor,
George W. Brink; Councilmen, James H.
Johnson, 0. G. Canlleld, G. H. Little.
Judge of Election, L D. Kelly; Inspectors,
Persons Bailey, L. D; Robert; School Direc
tors,-E. W. Wilcox, C. T. Hone; Constable,
L A. Wooster; Road Commissioner, . E. W.
Wilcox; Assessor, S. McCraney; Auditor,
J. V. Riggs; Treasurer, .H. M. Holcomb;
Town Clerk, J. •N. Holcomb.
Judge of Election, Samuel Irvine; Inspec
tors, B. R. Benedict, .F. l P. Bull; School Di
rectors, T. L. VsurGorder, R. M. Irvine;
Constable, J. G. Griggs; Road Commissiener,
C. N. Irvine; Afressor, - Charles Scott; Au
ditori George Irvine; Treasnrer,lW: Scott;
Town Clerk, E. W. Stevens.
" Judge of Election, it C. Tracy; Inspectors,
Charles, Siuith, William S. Hollon; School
Directors, L L. Lyon, 0. H. Rockwbll;
Constable, John Dougherty; High Constable,
U. J. Chubbuck; Assessor, HAI. Ingham;
Auditor, E. B. Young; Buigess, E. L. Fow
ler; Boro Council, D. J. Sweet, F. L.llliggE,
J. 11. SuMmers, 0. F. Mingos, James Dun-
I fee, U. L. McClure.
Judge of Election, Joseph Campbell; In
spectors, J. C. Fowler, H. A. Smith; Con
stable, C. C. WoOd; High.Constable,' C. H.
PlPnck; Assesiar, S. S. Ormsby; Auditor,
B. W. Wilcox; School Directors, L. Heverly,
William Bahr; Overseers of. the Poor, F. P.
Corcoran,. D; S. Brown; Burgess, G. W.
Nichols and Philip Mann, (each receiving 29
votes;) Boro Council; H. A. Smith, William
Bahr, J. M. Wilcox, R. S. Sabin, A. M. Es
te'', A. L. Smith..
Jad6 of.EleCtion, M. A. Hill; Inspectors,
A. M. Beardsley, George Welch; School Di
rectors, Owen E. Hill, George Allis; Road
Commissioner, William E. Pickering; Con
stable, Haiiow J. Battles; Assessors Hamp
ton Champlin; Auditor, L. Si Chnbbuck;
Treasurer,- H. L. Case; Town `Clerk, . J. P.
r -Judge of Election, James Purcell ; In
spectors, James Fleming, Daniel Heverly;
I'. School Directors, Patrick Frawley, Thomas
Mullen ; Justice of the Peace, .Jlunes Moly
nen= ;, Constable, John Shudy; Road Com
missioner, Edward Streevey; Assessor, Pa
trick Cusick ; Auditor, C. M. Williams ;
Treasurer, Fred. Moichemer ; .Town Clerk,
Edward McCann.'
ving 102votea;) . Trans
; Town qlerk, William
Judge of Election, Morgan Thomas; In
ipectors, Milton Tyrsell, S. M.
.Stevens ;
School Directors, A. G. Stevens, S. W.
Buck; Road Commissioner, Ransforii Brink;
Justice of the Peace, C. W. Reynolds; Con=
stable M. E. Bucher; Assessor, D 2 G. Nor
thrup.; Auditor, S. B. Tupper ; Treasurer,
Silas Hine; Town Clerk, W. C. Buck.
Judgeof Election, Merton Baldwin; In
spectors, George Rightmire, Thos. Aliens
School Directors, Eugene Allen, Corneliu;
Collins; Boad Commissioner, B. H. Doty;
Constable, Persa Brown; Assesvr, David
Lartiam; Auditor, A. R. Burnham; Treas
urer, G. W. Mead; .Town Clerk, G. R.
'Judge of Election, L. D, Prince Inspec
tors, F. A. Bradley, H. D. Rockwell; SchOol
Directors, W. W. Moody, E. F. Lent; Road
Commissioner, Richard McCabe ; Constable,
- C. 31. Van Winkle; Assessot, P. 31. Towner;
'Auditor, Charles Dougherty ; Treasurer, S.
F. Weller; Team Clerk, W. S. Murphey.
Judge of Election, E.E. Spalding ; vectors, G. S. King, A. M. Wattles; Schoo
*, B. L Smith, C. H. Stone; Con
Stable, B. G. Wihnarth; Assesssor,
Barnes; Auditor, W. L. Ody; Burgess, C
Hiney; Councilmen, .Y. W. Whitaker, W
S. Kinney, A. C. .McCaslin, D. Chaffee, M
P. Carey.
Judge of Election, Benjamin M. Smith ;
InSpectoM, T. R. McAfee, LeLand Griffin;
Justice of the Peace; WM. Snyder; Constai,
ble, George Childs ; Road Commissiongr,
W. Horton ; School Directors, H. B. Lent
I. - IL VOught ; Assessor; W. H. H. Gore ;
Auditor. J. H. Chaffee ; Treasurer, B. C c i
Elsbree; Town Clerk, D. W. Chaffee. ;
• Judge of Election,James-Fivee l ; Inspectors,
P. IL'Elbree, H.. M. Moody; Shool Direc r
tors; A. S. Newman; Jesse Sumner, (to fill
vacancy) T. Adam's and C. B. -Riggs;
Constable, .A. 'E. Blakeslee; Rasa -Commis
sioner, Fagan Kingsley; Assep'3or, S. J.
Thomas; Auditor, A. K. -Dutton; Treasurer,
Samuel Hamilton; Town Clerk, E. G. Dtir
Judge of Election, Sherman A. Genung
Inspectors, John Thompson, Sila Van Cor
der; School Dirtrters, Alvin Strange, Wm.
R. Plumb, Jamei McArdle; Constable, Geo.
Edminstir ; High Constable, Alexander
Harrigan; Assessor, Wm. T. Clarke; Audi
tor, Thomas J. Moore; Twain Clerk, Lee
Northrup; , Overseers of . the-FoOr, NEkthin
Ednrinster, Jcsepb R, Horton; Bingen, Gee.
Barrett; Borough Council, - Jelin M. •INist,
John W. Stevens, Miphs •1 McCUrty, D. L.
F. Clarke. "
Judge, of Election, Hiram SaTriple; Inspec
tors, Jud, Mason, J. C. McMullen; School
Directors, *alter Mason, G. H. Berry; Con
stable, Jabe. S. Dean; Road Commissioner,
T. A. :Andrus; Assessor, David Chase; Au
ditor, J. M. Berry;.Treasurer, , G. 0. Turk;
Town Clerk, 0, Pitt, .
Judge of Election, A. NV. Fuller; Inspec
tors, A. Trask, Austin Leaning; School Di
rectors, A. , li. Grace,. Samuel Harknessi
Constedge, A. G. 13ailey ;Road ConUnislo9*;
L. Allen; Assessor, A. IL Bailey; Auditor,
E. .M. Merritt; Treasurer, H, NV. Gat4s;
Town Clerk, F. O. Bergen.
ST4NAPTC - 1 STMsii? tit
Judgsof E!setiOOl.GoCulis N*nessi
speeEor Ass Eno* George g. Values;
School Wintery, T, J, Moot, it .11, Rost•
wick; dinttien 14 pew*, Jared Harty Con
stables Plullp E. Omee; Road Commissioner,
Achatina Steve
,Amessor, Jonathan Ste
vens; Auditor, Charles Stevens; Treasurer,
Hiram \Tallness; Town Clerk, Jared Hart.
Judge of Electip, A. L. Tinkhain; in
spectors, T: D. Gray, -1). C: Strait; School
Directors, - C. E. Waldo, W. I.: Dchoutcal;
Constable; D. P. Wheelr; Aisessor, :James
Kenyon; Atulitor, laswis.s. GrElgoryi-Over
searsof the . Pan.,,l6lin H. Eillgore, AdeDm - Art
Ballard; DurgesS,Lestorlliplcy; Councilmen,
Adelbert Dollard, Peck, C. L.
you, W. 11. : . :Sttisher. James 'Williams, W,
L. Schouton.
Assessor; Allen McKean; -Constable, Wil.
liatn Keyser; High Constable, • John Orcutt:
School Directors, John F. Sanderson, J. Ail
drew.Wilt; Auditors, C. M. Myer,(fullterm,)
13. S. Smith, (short terrn.) • .
Firs! Ward—Ccnincilmen, M. E. Rosen
field, J. Bull, (short term;) 4ufige of Elec._
aqu i J. P. Keeney; Inspectors, Frid.
Htingerfora,lifichael Ronan; Ward A.c;.,•se, - .mor,
John Laughlin.
• Section/ Ward—Councilmen, R.
Porter, (full rm), Edward , Walker, Sr.,
(short term) Judge'of Election, D. W: Scott;
Inspectors,Morgan Waters, Jesse L. Schoon
over; Ward Amemor, Eugene A. Thonipson.
' Ward—Councilman, W. , (3-.
Judge of Electian, Isaac Smalley; Inspec
tors, John Mclntyre, 'Joseph. Onan; Ward
Assessor, James H. Nevins. , '
Judge of= Election, 0. R. Bowman; . In;
spectorsi P. L. Ward, WilliaM Welch, Jr. (
Road Commissioners, John Bowmanfl L. A.
Mingos, (each receiving• 49 votes;) School
Directors, H. Scott, 'Francis Gregg, B.
F. Bowman, (for one, year;) Constable, Le-
Roy M. Bowman; Assessor, B. F. Bowman;
Auditors, G. H. Fox, E. A. Hale, : (for two
years:) Town Clerk, E. A. Thompson.
Judge of Election; J. A. Hicks; Inspee
tors, John Taylor, Henry Lafler; School Di
iectors, J. M. Ayres, F. M. Granger; Con
stable, G. C. Hollon; Assessor, Samuel Haw
kips; Auditor; John W. Lane; Treasurer
S. A. Mills; Town Clerk, Thomas. Hawley
D. C. Foster, (each. receiving 54 votes.)
Judge - of Election, Albert Morgan;. In-
fil)ectors, F. W. Hovey, Edward F. Ballard;
School Directors, E. G. Tracy, Thomas Mc-
Cabe; Justice of the P eace, B. A. Long;
Constable, A. A. POMEV;y; High Constable,
J. N. Hickok; Assessor, R. C. Kendall; Au
ditoi: Albert Morgan; Burgem, A. K. Lin
derman; Bore Council, H.? S. Leonard, E.
Vandine,. H. M. SpauldingL B. H. Hobart,
L. H. Oliver, Isaac CleaVOr; Overseers of
Poor, Charles N. Grohs, tiel C. Porter. •
Judge of Election, George Dillon; Inspec
tors, Theodore Manley, :Simon Stanton;
School Directors, George Fl Taylor, Charles
Manley; Road Commissioneg, Azor Rock
well; Constable, H. N. Eish!; Assessor, Luths
er T. aoniis: Auditor, Harrison Greeno:
Treasurer, Myron McDowell; Town Clerk;
N. A. Maynard,
Judge of . Election, 31. S. Browning:Li
vectors, A. J. Taykir, S. J. Smith: School
Directors, S. S. James, H. Shumway; Jus
tice of the Peace, I. N. Lake; . Constable,
John Clapper; Road Commi&sirner, 'John 31.
Taylor; Assessor, Alfred . Ackley; Auditor.
E. L. Tailor; Treasurer, 8.. K. Bosworth;
Town Clerk, P. W. Learn.
Juilg i e Of Election, E. Se Thotpson: In
spectors, John Frisbie, J. )f.,Corson; School
Directors; James Warren, J. H. Schbonover;
Constable, Shnbel Bowman; Assessor, J. A.
Biener, Jr.; Road Cotimiissskiner,.4 H.
Audit;w, Charles Thompson; Treas
urer, H. Yetter; Town Clerk, J. K—Schoon-
Judge of Election, James McMortui and
James Van Dyke, (each receiving 100 votes;)
Inspectors, E. F. Mercerean, A. 0. Snell;
School Directors, H. 0. 'Shaw, James D.
Barbour; Justice of Peace, John D. Anthony;
Constable, Wio;nm . H. Van Dyke; Road
Commissioner, Henry Dixon; Assessor, G.
Rockweti; Auditor, Huston !McKinney;
TreaSurer, William Mather; Town Clerk,
Judge of Election, S. S. Brainard; Inspec
tors, H. SA Vanorman, W.' P.' Chaffee:
School-Directors, Abel Prince, H. E. Bow-,
en; Justcie of Peace, Nathan Young: Con
stable,Willis P. Brown; Road Coamdssioner,
N. C. Wheaton; Assessor,Samuel G. Chaffee;
Auditor, H. P. Taylor; Treasurer, H. Whit
aker; Town Clerk, S. L. Rowe.
• Judge of Election; John Courtright; In
spectors, Edward Swayne, H. F. Swayze;
Justice of Peatle, G. W. Noble; Road Com
missioner, Sherman Tanner; School Direc
tors,-Eminitt Miller; Alfred Farringer; Con
stable, R. R. Wickham; Assessor, John W.
Pellett; Auditor, Asa Wilcox; Treasurer,
William Miller; Town Clerk, C. H. Titus.
Judge of Election, John -Bowman;lnspec
tors, 4. P. Doughis3, j. J. - Messersmith;
School Directors, J. A. Wilcox ; H. Bii-ney;
Road Commissioners, Samuel Eley, Jacob
Stroud; Cons:table, D. D. .Dieffenbauch;
Assessor, John Schock; Auditor, H. Page:
Treasurer, H. S. Gamble: Town Clerk, L.
T. Gamble. •-•
Judie of Election, Tristam White; Inspec
tors; M. V. Rodgers, Willard Cook; School
Directors, A. D. Babcock, Abel Boardmam
Justice of Peace,. W. H. Clark: . Jr., Rata
Commissioner, Wilsey Rogers: Constable,
0.0, Hill; Assessor, J.E. Weller; Auditor,
J. - Jacki:ray; Treasurer, G. S. Smith; Town
Clerk, C.R. Bixby.
Armor, John B. Hinds; Con stable, -E,
R.Bishop; -justice of Peace, William A.
'Pierce; DRo/d Commissioner,'William H.
King;'School Directors, Robert H. nning,
J.N,Orshall; Auditor, Stephen Strickland;
Treasurer, Albert Lent; Town Clerk, Chas.
E.Bartlett .
District No. I.—Judge of Election, 'Win
Charles C. Whitney
District No .I'2;—Judge of Election, Ed
lj!ecker; Inspectors, G.S.Peck, , J. V. Gei
Om %1111Z' AT LAILOS. , ..
Assessor, C. it.a. Stone; Auditor, L. D,
Chamberlain; School Directors, J. F.
Blocher,, George W. Lyng; Boad Commis
sioner,. J„ Howard; T re asurer, James
Beaumont; Justice of Peace, 14 B. _Camp;
Town Clerk, E. L. Dunkle.
I,:liiseriet No ]—Judge of Ejection,. .L
Brown; Inspectors, A,. W. Eißvage, }I..J
Pinff(ct Ng..2-.hltir of Election, Renard
ratnltall; huiPectns, Edward C. Ingham,
Ilirtun lliatt,
,* , .
Death,. to rata, mice, roaches Sad aunts;
Parsons' Exterminator. Buns - , granaries
and honseholdtcimired in a IMIAL. No
fear of bad smells. Beat -MA Cike*Peal " 4.
miu k dice in the Iffirld. Sold everywhere
- NT2--10),.
I i)I (i ')• t
.1410,i,0. Rebecca C. Wright
Was born its Bbriipshire, England, Hay, 1800,
and died at the revilenee of- her niece on
Korth Main St., Feb. 21,.' 0 7 20 nearly 92
Mn.e Wright's family. and =medicine in
England wet c emir - Malty respectable and her
gentle courtesy of manner was indicative of
smod breeding as well as kindness of lidirt.
In 1851,1 e ''irav married to James Wright
and after his death, st."Vt twenty years ago,
she came to America suck 161. i nen resided
with her brother. the late Mn; Jate.4, a Cooper
and her niece. Mrs. Lizzie Spindler hi To
wanda. tire. Wright was an exemplary mem
ber of the: SI. E. Church, and a woman of
tenderest Christian charity And saintly
piety. Her bst days were serene and her
passing away as peaceful 'as the "falling on
sleep" of the tired child, leaning .on its par
ent's- breast. "lie giveth His beloved sleep'
-It is uselPes to deny that the brighteit and
fairest fall easy. victims to consumption, and
equally fruitless to Ignore the fact that de
cline basins origin. in many cases In Leglect
ed catarrh. Sanford's Radical Cure is a pure;
sweet, balsamic specific. Ilr2-Im.
WILCOX—LEWI4--At the residence of the,
brido'• parents, at Troy, l'a., 15; by
Rev. IL C. Moyer, Mr. Leo Wilcox, of Can
ton, and Mimi Sadie Lewis, of Troy. .
PIPER:—LEONARD-At the residence of the
toide'a tiarents, in East Troy, - Feb.' go, by
Itev. 11. Payne. Mr. Benison Pijwr, of
Grand itoida, Mich., and. Mias Pantile
Leonard. of Eva Troy.
SHERMAN—CLEVELAND - At the residence
of Mr. Sylvester Sherman, in Troy, Pa.
. Feb. 11, by Bev. H. C. Moyer, Mr. John E.
' Sherwin and Miss Nellie Cleveland, both
of oichmond, Tioga county, Pa.
PETTES—PORTEII-00 Feb., 2t, st Troy, by
Rev. 0. P. Sewall, Mr. Joint F. Petted to
Miss Frankie A. Porter. ,
RANDALL—CASE-la' Troy; Feb. 21st, by .
Elder,: J. L. Pbuinix, - Daniel Randall awl
Mks Mande Case. - -
MORSE—HARKINS—In Leßoy, Feb. 21st, by
H. K. Mott, Eaq , Raney. K. Morse and Hiss
Charlotte Harkins.
CAIN—SULLIVAN—In" Ridgebnry,' Feb. 8,.
by Rev. Father Costello, Jas. P. Cain and
bliss 3Liry
22d, by Rev. J. R: French, Del. Lad:ling ton
and IBM Elda Johnson.
WEED—CAMPBELL—In Darlington, Pa.,
Jau. 25, 1882, by 11ev. D. Garrison, Mr.
Gw.rge Need -and Hies Jeone
Eat is a Smithfield.
Notices :of death inserted free; but when aq-.
aonipanied bilreniarks beyond six lines,: either
in prose or poetry, mud addition will be charg
ed for al the rate of eight cents per Übe. Eight
words make a line. .
N. B. l'ersans sending obituary notices for
pubtication please- accompany the . -same
with the pay at the rate of tow cent for each
word-in eteess or forty-eight words:
FELLON—In Union, Feb, 9th, Timothy Fel
19n, aged 00 years. •
SASH/ELS—In Canton, Feb. 11th, Sammy;
- eon of Geo. Samuels, aged 3 years. •
GRIFFIN—In Canton ; Feb. 10:b,' "Mrs. Mar-•
• g,aret (it itlin, aged 71 years:
WOLCOTT—In Springfield, Feb. lath. Login;
daughter of F. P. Wolcott, aged 18 yeats.
LEOI4ARD—In Leona, Feb. 21st, of cancer
Mrs, Cynthia Sargaant Leonard, wife of Al
bert Leonard, aged 70 years. .
- Corrected over Wed eltday. '
Corner of !Lain and Pine Streets,
Flour per barrel
Flour per sack..
Buckisheat Flour, Ifrl.. 2 ':242 90
Corn Meal C 165011 15
Chop Feed 111
Wheat, :f bushel I 25(44 19
Rye, - "
Apples Green, V bushel.
Apples Dried..?
Raspberries Dtied ? lb.
Blackberries - ••
Pork.? barre 1..... .....
Hams, V lb
Lard. ........
Butter, in_Tubs a Firkins. 2843.1
Butter, in Bolls 284:4d
• ' 22 •
Clover Seed V bushel....
Timothy seed ? bushel.
Beeswax,' lb
Syracuse Salt V birrel_
Weldon Salt .•
Ashton Salt
Onions. ' V bushel.....
2To. 40 South Third St. Philadelphia. '
Stock bought k sold either for Cash or on Margin
PHILA.; MONDAY Feb. 26. 1382.
U.S. 1'8.1581, Est 100 U 101
- Currency, Ws 123 120
.0 Ws; 1881, new, Est ' 102 . 10p;
.. - 45;, new 1 t3N 1113:
. . Vs. " It 6; 118.4
Pennsylvania It. B. , Goy; GO!;
Philadelphia and Reading U. 8.... 29'; - 29 7 i
Lehigh Valley R. It • My,' ' 62
Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0.... 41 . ._ 41!.:
United 2.1 Rand Coat Co.—. ..• 14. 185
Northern Central RB Co 49,..; ,49.. i
Restonville Pass RR CO 16 •' 11
Buff, Pittsburgh, k West RRCo .. 16. 3 .; ' - 1:
Central transportation Co 31 36
Northern Pacific, Coin 33!, 33 , i
.. .‘ =', Prerd 70; :1.;
Northern rentaulvania IL it' ' 64 64';
Philadelphia. & Erie It R 13 :1 • 13!:
Silver. ITrsdes) 99,4 ~• :19.4:
Wagons oiCarijages
call the atten
tion of FARMERS au(&
others to his large and eGmplete
aasortment of
Open Sr, Top Buggies
-all. of his
own 'MANUFACTURE and war
ranted in every par-
Bryant's Flexible Spans* used in all Platforms
Wagons. The snidest and best in use.
Look at these figures
Two nested Corsages trom 1150 to 11175
Plustons. one seated 125 to 150
Top. Buggies 12540 150
OD= Buggies , so-so 1011
Democrat Wagons 90 to 110
Remember that the above are in fully' rrant
ed. Bret-alses or no peg.
Repairing prompt/y attended to at 25 per nest
below last years price*.
Odic' and Factory car. Main and Ilizabeth Its.
21feb82 1 .
HORSESend 25 ors. in stamp
or currency for the as
ruse *corm. of !.• Treatise on the Horse and
his Diseases." It give, the best treatment for
all diseases, has S) one. engravings sh6wirin
B 0 OK positions assumed by sick
horses better than eta ho
in any other way a table Shorting
of all the principal Medicines used (or the horse
as well ati their effects and antidotes whin a
25 m a,. poALU iso AD n, a large collection - Of
I'LX asoittrrs, rules for
lentos the age of a horse, with an engraving
showing teeth of each year and a large aisennt
of other valuable horse information. Husdreds
of horsemen have pronounced it worth more
than hnnka costing SS and $lO. The Stet that
200.000 'oldie about one yew before it was as.
vised showi bow poplilar the book Is. The re
vised edition is iwon YOU 111.111WT111111. Sawa
won • oracmin. AGENTS WANTED. Va. 7. IP.
Kendall k Co., Enosbnrgh Falls. Ferniest.
Her 11-17 r.
$6 es week in ions own tau. fi Outfit
rm. Ito flak. Everything new, Cap
ital not required. W. wilt !torah!
you everything. Ilany are making
fortunes, Ladies mate as lunch as
men, Ind, boys and girls make great pay. Reeder.
if you- want a boatmen at which you am make
great Poen the time you work, write for panic..
uhrs to U.'llauxrr k Co., Port/and, Maine.
Peq W.-Iyr
0)0,8 GO
175®2 13
756, - Ik
03 00
1 WO
:S@l 00
23 0002/ 00
• 15
t:Joar. 50
3 254,
`s . ICO
2 7sa3 00
'JO 1 09 "