Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, March 02, 1882, Image 2

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JUDSON rtoLcoun. t pnorsnro ss
01-I.i.S. L. TRACY,
"Paso'tattle azes,honest expenilitiires, com
petent dicyrs, and no cleating." harper
Wctkl y.
tor,. Entered In the
_Poet Ofßee at rowanda at
Headquarters of the Republican kitand.
imp Committee for the Coutsty of
Bradford, Towanda, Pa., Mar. lst.
- The members of the Republican
Standing Committee for the County
of Bradford are requested to meet at
the Court House in Towanda borough
on Tueiday the 14th day . of March,
at one o'clock P; M. to fix the time
and place for fielding a County' Con
.ventiontoelect delegates to repro--
sent the Republicans of the County
of Bradford in the Republican State
Convention to be held at - Harrisburg
on the 10th day of May nest, and to
take such other; action for conduc
ting the ensuing Ginipaign as may
be deemed necessary. •
A. full attendance of the members
of the Committee is desirable.
The following named gentlemen
comprise the CoMmittee.
-Alba—George H. Webb.
Albany—O. W. Fawcett.
Armenia—D. D. Alexander.
Asylum—A. L. Thoinas.
Athens' Boro, let Ward—Dr. Bischel. i
" 2nd Ward—Geo:E. Davis,
Athena Twp.,lst District—Frank S,Morley,
2ad District—Hiram • Bailey.
3rd Diatrict—Clarence' Blood
Barclay—C. H. Johnson.
Burlington Twp—Y. L. Morgan.
Burlington Boro—C. A. Ford.
Burlington, West—lsaac McKean.
Canton Twp—Daniel lnnes.
• Canton Boro—F. A. Owen. •
Columbia—James H. Strong.
Franklin—H. B. Kilborn.
Granville—Samue! Manley.
. Herrick—Henry Blocher.,
Lellaysville—Geo. W. Brink. • -
Leßoy—Leßoy Holcomb.
Litchfield—Chester McKinney.
3lonroo Boro—H. W. Rockwell,
" Twp—J. D. Cummings.
New Albany—Daniel Brown.
Orwell—Win. 'Pickering,
-- Overton—A. Strevey.
Pike—M. E. Warner.
RidgebuilLE. A. Cooper.
Borne Boro—Alexander Keefe.
Twp—Charles Dougherty.
Sheshequin — U. Er Horton. •
, Smithfield—E. E. Chainberlin.
South Creek-8. B. Pettengill.
South Waverly—John Thompson.'
Springfield—Finley Hubbard.
Standing Stone —Ged. E. Vanness.
Sylvania—W. L. ficoutin
Terry—J. H. Schoonover.
—Towanda Boro., Ist Ward—l. McPherson.
6. 2nd Ward—C. H. -Allec.
It 3rd Ward—L. Elabree.
Towanda Twp—Geo. H. Fox.
Towanda, North—D. T. Foster.
Tmyßoro-0. P. Adams.
TwplWilliam Verbeck.
Tuscarora—William Shumway.
"Ulster—G. B. Rockwell.'
Warren—Howell HowelL -
Welles—G.' H. Grinnell.
Wilmot—Geo. F. Ingham.
_ Windham—T. E. Weller.
Wyalusing, Ist District—T. E. Myer.
" 2nd District—James Donahoe.
- Wyeex Ist Dist.—Col. B. E. Whitney.
21d Dist.—S. J. Boss.
y. J. YOUNG,
Tile Citizens Reform candidates'
were, a majority of them, successful
in lust Tuesday's municipal election
in Philadelphia, against ' the ring
candidates of both parties. The
most . prominent Republicans as well
'as Democrat - joined hands with the
Committee of One Hundred in their
efforts to take -the city government
out of the hands of a corrupt ring,
in which is included both Republi
cans and Democrats, which has cor
ruptly ruled the city for mi.ny years,
and their efforts were successful.
The result is significant as a warning
to political manipulators and bosses,
that the rights of the people can no
- longer be trampled upon with im
punity. The temper of the people
has become aroused, and they will
not tolerate unjust usurpation' of
' their rights. While there are no
great political issues upon which,
parties are divided, to agitate the ,
public mind and rallithe masses to
the support of party nominations,
they are turning their attention more
especially to the . subject of reform,
both in party methods and in official
character. A convention that Wes
not fairly-reflect the sentiment of I . ; a
majority of the party, but is conduct
ed under the personal direction ,of
party bosses to make nominations
that do not meet the approval of the
masses of the party, will only invite
certain defeat at-the polls, while, if a
spirit of fairness - is manifest, and the
_- rank and file of the party can be
made satisfied that their rights are
respected in the action of the con-
Nention, thete will be no trouble in
rallying t h eir to the support of the
ticket. In this view it is important
that every effort be made to so con
duct the) primary councils of the
party as to promote harmony and
unity in - the party action.
Chairman W. J. Young has called
a meeting of the Republican Stand
ing 'Committee, to be held on Tues
day, March 14th, at the Court House
in Towanda, Pa, The object of the
meeting is to fix the time and place
for a County Convention. - The
Convention will be held for the pur
pose of electing delegates - to the
State Convention, to be held at Har
risburg on the 10th of May. The
calling of a County Convention is Ta
very proper move, considering the
party differences that have existed,
and it is the imperative duty of every
Committeman to he present at the
It is said that over a thousand lives
have been lost and one hundred and
fifty million francs sunk already in
the Panama canal project, with noth
ing W thaw for the sacrifice.
Fiiffar.karox LET'rElt.
Edieosia; Correspondence.
WAIIIIINGTOII, D. C. Fob. rib. 1E82•
This being the day set apart in pur
suance of a rconcurrent resolution of
Congress for the memorial services on
the death of the lamented late Presi
dent;James A. Garfie d, , a brilliant
audience composed of Senators and
Representatives in Coivress, the Presi
dent, Vice-President and members of
the Cabinet, ex-Senators, eX-Represen
tative.s, the Chaplains of the Senate and
House, the Diplomatic corps, Judges
Of the Supreme Court and of the
Court of Claims, the General'and other
prOminent officers of the Army, the
Admiral and other :t.prominent officers
of the Navy, their ladies . and other
invited guests asseipbled in the Hall of
Representatives at 12 o'clock, to-day.
The seating capacity of the floor and
galleries of the House is about fifteen
hundred. Therefore the Committee of
amngements were compelled to limit
the number of admission tickets to that
number. No person was admitted
inside of the Capitol to-day -except
those holding tickets of admission. _
The officers and employes of both the
,Senite and House were given tickets
of admission' inside the -building, but
these were taken up at the . door when
they entered, and they were compelled'
to run their chances of getting within
ear-shot of the 'orator of the occasion.
By, the courtesy of the gentlemanly
Sergeant-at-Arms of the House,
Gea. W. Hooker, who had 'charge of
- carrying out the arrangements, the
officers and employes were given stand - -
ing room_on the floor of the Hour in
the rear of the seats. Your corres
pondent took advantage of this Privi
lege to listen to the address. No ladies .
were admitted to the floor of the House,
but the galleries presented a grand
galaxy of- female beauty and refine
It was eminently befitting the `occa
sion that the Committee of arrange
ments made choice of the greai Pre
mier of the Garfield Cabinet to deliver
the,memorial address. The House was
called `to order by the Speaker at 12
o'clock, noon. Aftar the.lapse of five
minutes the President of the Senate,
Senators and Chaplin came in and
' were conducted to the seats assigned
The President of the Senate occu
pied the Speaker's Chair and;presided
during the exercises, while the Speaker
of the House sat at his lett. The
entire endience had now become seated.
The orator of the occasion, ex-Secre
tary of State James G. Blaine, occur-
pied an elevated seat on the platform
in front of the Speaker's desk. Presi
dent Arthur occupied a front seat' in
the centre of the circle immediately in
front of Mr. Blaine. - While the au
dience was assembling the Marine
Band, the members of which were
seated in the House reception room in
the rear of the Hall, the_ doors commu
nicating being thrown open, discoirsed
funeral dirges. All being in readiness,
and the audience seated, the doors of
the galleries and of • the House were
closed, and perfect silence prevailed._
The Chaplain of the House, Rev.
F. D. Power stepped into the desk. of
the'Speaker. and offered a most solemn
and impressive prayer. The presiding
officer then presented the orator of the
day. Mr. Blaine rose, while all eyes
were turnetrupon him, and in a grace
ful and impressive manner began his
address. At first he seemed slightly
embarrassed by . the trying ordeal which
he was passing before the Aniericiin
people. This soon wore off and he
spoke with his usual fluency and ease.
Though his hair has become somewhat
frosted, those who heard him on this
great occasion will testify that he has
lost none of his intellectual or physical
vigor. The address, an outline of
which it is impoSsible to give here, was
a grand and truthful tribute to the
memory of the lamented martyr Presi
dent. He gave in detail the incidents
of his busy and useful life, in which
fully rounded, was presented the high- ,
est type of American manhood. The
rapidly changing events of the past
two years within which the American
`people had called to the. highest office
Vhthin their gift one of the most
trusted of her eminent citizens, a man
who in a life of fifty years had risen
from the humblest condition and by
his own inherent manhood and grand
personal qualities had become the trust
ed one of the Nation, were eloqiiently
presented. Such a life had been
ruthlessly taken by the hand of an as
sassin in whose forty years of life was
presented a record of infamy unequalled
in history. About one hour and a
half was occupied in the delivery of the
address, to which the profoundest
attention was 'given. Those who
anticipated any sentiment by the great
orator that could be distorted into an
expression of personal, party or
,politi- .
cal malice were . disappointed.. Mr.
Blaine is too astute to do violence to
the proprieties of the occasion by in
dulging in any utterances of such a
nature. At the close of the , addreis
the Marine Band played a dirge, when
the : audience was dismissed with a bene
diction pronounced by the Rev. J. J.
Bullock, Chaplain of the 'Senate. We
heard nothing but praise of the orator
and the address. From many a lip
came the expression: "James G. Blaine
is.thl grandest public :inan of the pres
ent age 1" "It will leabe its impression
on the minds of the Axiieriean people I"
1 -The memorial irddrelii will be pub
lished by Congreas for distribution by
members, and will go into the archivis
of Congress there to be preiented as
one of the memorable historical events
of the present century._
President Arthur took the country
by surprise on Friday last by sending
to the Senate the 'nomination of Elora;
RoScoe Conkling to be a Justee of the
SuPreme Court of the United States.
Not one of the Senators, it is said, had
an intimation of the. President's in
tentions. In this cis e • President
Arthur-has departed from his usual
caution exercised in regard to appoint
ments. His method of consultingspub
lie opinion prior to conferring appoint
ments, by waiting for a response from
the people in reference to the applicant
before ; ticting upon his. 'case, was: de
parted from in the case of Mr. Conk
ling. The speculations of politicians
here as to, the motives oi the President
in conferring this appointment upon
the New York ex-Senator, are various
and quite amusing. -An objection
under the rile, by Senator Hoar ' sent
the nomination to the Judicary Com
mittfe, and it will not be acted:upon
before to-morrow. While there are
several Senators Opposed to the ap
pointment, there is no doubt expressed
of his confirmation when the qiiistion
come: up in Executive session. The
appointment is looked upon with favor ,
by anti-Conkling Republicans, lor the
reason, as they express it, that it-"re
tires him frank politics," and will tend to
harmoniie the party in New York. Yet
they aver that his appointment; so soon
after his pronouned rejection by the
- Legislature and people of New York
for re-election to - the Senate, is is an
insult to the prevailing sentiniemt of
opposition in his own State. But the
question: , Will he accept ? still' remains
unsettled. , The preponderence of pub
tic opinion here appeals to be l'; that he
will not. I There is no doubt expressed
of his integrity or his Capacity to ' fill
the position with credit. There can be
no sufficient reasons urged against his
confirmation. We , hope he j will be
confirmed and accept.
The demand upon the piesent Con
gress facWislate upon the subject _of'
railroati-transportation is more press
ing than at any preyious session. Me
morials from State legislatuies and
petitions numerously signed lby the
people come to members from sec
tions of the country demanding, restric
tive legislation for the protection of
individual rights against the ,exorbitant
exactions of railroad corporations in
the matter of traffic and travel. The
Committes on Commerce haVe heard
arguments during the past week, pro
and con upon this subject. The im
portant railrcad companies have been
represented by theia paid attorneys
who have made able arguments against_
-the right of Congress to legislate upon
the subject. Hon. Wayne MacVeag
of.Pennsylvanin, as the attorney of the
Nnusylvania Central, and Emery 4.
Storrs of Chicago, as attorney for the
Illinois Central made lengthy and
labored arguments against the constitu
tional right of Congress to pass. restric
tive legislation: The people have not.
as yet been-represented by attorneys in
defence of their rights. It is said
however that during the present week,
Judge Black will be heard on their
side of the case before the Committee.
The Reagan bill is the measure upon
which the efforts of the anti-inonopolists
is concentrated in favor - of its passage.
A majority. of the' committee are
thought to be in favor of reporting the
bill favorably to the House. Should
the bill be so reported a warm contest
may be looked f6r in the debates upon
it. The monopolists will not surrender
without a desperate struggle.
The ipiestion has assnmed so much
importance, and the demands of the
people so pressing that the.stibject may
become an important political issue.
The party that arrays ieself on ' the
side of corporations and
,agarrist the
people in the fight will commit. 'a grave
mistake. J. H:
• .
The House Committee 'on Elections
has decided to report that; neither the
Utah contestant nor the contestee are
entitled to a seat and declaring the
same vacant. -
The House Committee on Invalid
Pensions on Friday received a petition
asking that the widow of President
Polk be put on the pensi(M rolls. The
petition states that the;applicant is in
very needy circumstauces.
The ,advocateS in Congi.eis of liberal
appropriations for the. Mississippi
improvement, intend to make capital of
the fact that Congress voted $lOO,OOO
for the relief of those whOm the im
provements would protect. - They
claim that it is impossible—for-4e
inhabitants ,in the exposed ,sectioris i
unaided, to build the necessary works.
The Amount Allowed.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.—The state
ment published of the amounts allowed
by the committee to audit the expenses
of the sickness and burial, of President
Garfield to the attending surgeons, is
pronounced incorrect by , a member. of
the committee. The amounts allowed
are: Dr.. Bliss, $25,000;' Drs. Agnew
and Hamilton, $15,000 each; Drs.
Reyburn and Boynton, $10,000; Mrs.
Edson, $5,000; Crump, the steward,
$3,000; the , other employes of the • Ex
ecutive Mansion two months extra pay:
The committee agreed to grant Mrs.
Garfield the remainder of her husband - 7s
salary teethe current Year., Messrs.
Blackburn and Springer will submit a
minority report, opposing - most of the
items allowed.
Signs are not , wanting 'in that part • of
the political sky which overhangs rVir
ginia to shOw that Mahone's power is
on the wane;And that= he organization
or party of which he is the author and
representatife isin a fair way to fall to
pieces. Thy circumstance is not sur
prising. It would be, rather wonderful
than otherwise if a party which was con
ceived in dishonesty ~aiud is founded
upon repudiation should attain to • any
mcrumre of stability oi; prominetme. 7 :-
North American.
Opiniotur of the Press.-
- ,
i ' itiiiatuumrata -rum;
PHILADIMM, Feb. 24.--Tbe Press
says: if 11dr. Conlding aekepts, it may
prove the , happiest solution k of several
Nor Yong, Feb: 24.—Ttio' Tribune
declares that the nominat*n VAmk
ling is grossly unfit, beeaase it is a
"flagrant abuse of the! sppointing
power to use , the Supreme Court beneh
to pension a broken-down public map;
who made himself, to the I last .iegree,
odious to the people." The 2yibune
' begins its article thus; ( . '4uiteau heti
made a Supreme , Judge as
,well as a
President, and he is not bung yet."
Naw Irons, Feb.
, 24. -:-The Herald
says:- If it were consistent with Mr.
Conkling's character to . be - warped by
merely personal concliderations, from
that disinclination to aceMit judicial
duti.-s, which he signiffed ' , Right years
ago ; the "proceenings of , Senator Hoar
yesterday might have some influence-in
determining his choice when- Grant
nominated Senator 'Hoar's brother to
the place of Associate Justice, Mr.
Conkling opposed his confirmation, and
it was rejected. This allusion to the
motives for the course of Senator Hoar,
is . a sufficient explaniticn of it; but we
regard Mi.. Conkling's sense of profes
sional honor to the, bench, far superior
to such considerations.
The "turky gobbler strut" Nvill be
lost beneath the silk of the Supreme
Court.— Springfield Republican.
The Boston Herald (bid. )says: I
Mr. Conking was ever a, fit man for the
bench, of the Supreme Court he is
none the less so by reason' of hiP recent
mistakes and follies as a politician. It
is not a cardinal crime to differ, or even
to quarrels with a - Prisident. The
nomination is to be i judged- upon its
merits; outside so - far as may he of
political considerations, he is, it is need
less to say, a man of a great intellect
ual ability and force. His - character,
in all that relates to the dignity. -,and'
purity of the bench, is above reproach.
The Balthhore S'un (Ind.) says:' 'lt
must be said in his behalf that although'
not possessed of a judicial -temper or
the wide legal lore of some of his pre
decessors, his reputation for honesty
and, a certain frankness of purposes in
public matters has never been impugn
ed. WlXonkling's career in Congress
extended' through that shameful period
when the hands of almost every promi
nent man of the, dominent party were'
stained with public plunder, yet no
participation in it has ever been
charged upon him.'
The Buffalo, Cotnier says: • "The
nomination was - a surprise, but Mr.
Arthur would not haire made. it with.
out fir 4 ascertaining: that it would be
accepted. Times have changed and,
Mr. Conkling with them. Excluded,
irO - m the Senate pCilitical prizes, • but
unwilling to content , himself with a
minor position, he may have concluded.
that a .place on the Supreme Bench will
suit him best. Mr. Conkling's great
ability is Conceded by all. He is capa
ble-- of rising above partizanship, and
will make an upright -and dignified
The Washing en Republican (Rep.):'
says: "The no. ination 'of . Mr. Conk
ling to the Supreme Reach will call
forth friends and from all respectable
toes only words •of approval. His
spotless ksitegrity, his uneurPtissed
natural gifts, his gieat learning, his
capacity for work, his dignity of char
, acter;_and his national fame make his
appointment one which the country
will unanimously pronounce eminently
fit. It is probnble that he will be con:.
firmed by the Senate unanimously." .f
- The Cleveland Herald begins' its
editorial under the he,ading of "A Dis
astrous Step," With-a sentence charac
terising Preiiidgnt Arthur `s nomination
of Conkling as a "surprise and morti
fication to those Republicans who had
placed confidence in his good sense,"
and concluded a severe series of stmt.
ure(with the words: "We know we
speak fcir the Republicans . of Ohio, and
we believe we do for the whole Repub.
lican party." -
The Boston Post says: The nomi
nation is almost grotesque in its appro
priateness and not following, even
afar off, the standard President Arthur
seemed to set in the appointmt
Judge Gray, And yet President
Arthur might' have done worse. In
fact, it was rumored for a day or two,
with a show of authority, that he was
about to do worse by the appointment
of Snatch. Edmunds. •
Stonewall Jackson has brothor
trampiniaround in Missouri; Eiplorer
Divingstoae has a brother begging in
the streets of Troy, N. Y.,` and almost
every dead man Of fame is thus affect•,
ionately'disgraced by pauper kinsmen._
Sifting the case of the alleged Jackson,
however, it le found that he is a fraud;
the case of Livingstone. that he also is
an impostori, and so the lance of truth
pierces the mask of iMpositiol.
Hon. Robert H. Prayn, Minister to
Japan under. President Lincoln, and. a
candidate for Lieutenant Governor in
1865: died suddenly at one o'clock Sun
day aftermoOn, at Abany, li t ,Y. He
was president of the National Commer
cial Bank of that city nod of the Dudley
Observatory, besides being trustee and
director in several other institntioni,
Bradstreet's reports shows that • the
general trade hasaufferedSevere inroads
during the paid week by the floods in
the south-west. Outside the'flooded
territory, however, the general business
has improved. The failures numbered
115, a decrease of 37.
•President:-.6h7lei is '-said
t f; biby
o b e in Flr-7:' •
g at4rL ' • _
A colorad erne eitited Conn
oils in .Vtra lieliburg,,Gre ,. .ne county, on
Ttiesday last.
'lt is laid that Tour-Nast is aboat to
retire from business with the Harpers,
having made enough money to support
hiinOlf in comfort
The pay of General is $13,500 a
year, and as General , the retired
list Grant will be entitled to two-thirds
of that sum.
The Bo ton Journal hears :.a rumor
that , General Butler is looking toward
the Republican party again, and pithily
remarks: "The Church is full."
Mrs. Hayes is gratified to learn that
her $3,000 dinner set was .used at a
recent State dinner in the White House
but she may he shocked when she finds
that seven wine glasses served as
tenders to each plate.
A great Pedestrian match began it
Madison Square Garden, New York
city on Monday morning at 5 minutes
past 12 o'clock.- There were present
10,000 people to see the start. There
are 18 walkers.
Ex-Senator-Blaine has agtwd to de
liver ad address at the banquet of the
Knights of St. Patrick in St. Louis.
He re , i,eives many invitations to speak,
the impression being that he. has lots of
leisure, but they generally are declined
with thanks.
Ex-Postmaster James, in his speech
at the Saturday Night
,Club, said:
"The happiest mament of the last ten
months was , when I hadiesigned from
the Cabinet and sat icy t car bound
for New York." t -
The Olio Grangers are petitioning
the Legislature for a law that will
make railroads liable ter all damages
from 'fires - starting from locomotive
sparks. The law should pass, and the
Grangers of Pennsylvania should go
and do likewise. '
Ssys the Huntingdon Journal: "Let
the money asked for to pension Grant
be.given to the blind, legless, Armless
and otherwise disabled soldiers who
helped to win the glor'y that has been
given to him, and who are now in
many instances suffering for . the com
mon necessaries of life'
When General Gartield's nomination
was talked of Mrs. Garfield asked
Glovernor.Jewell if it would pay to
leave the . pleasant home- irk' Menter,
and received in reply: "Yes; in a year
your husband will be President of this
country and hold the highest. office on
the whole glohe." On thC funeral
train Mrs. Grarfield sent for Governor
Jewell and asked him: "Governor, has
it paid?" Again he replied: "Yes;
for that man is the hest loved man on
the globe."
Attorney-General Brewster's little
boy Benny takes a particular
in the Sbar Route matters.. When the
child was ill not long ago, the doctor
brought him some.,lozenges, on one of
which the little fellow Saw a '.star.
"There's a Star Router," he exclaimed.
"Gilie him to me quick, and I'll munch
his bcnes." -
Simon Cameron is in Florida.
The Chicago Inter 7 Ocearg suggests
Arthur and Lincoln si.the Republican
ticket for 1884.
A New York map bought 810,500
worth of land at Tampa, Florida, the
whole sum to be paid in whisky.
Congressman Allen, of Missouri, who
is thought to be dying, is estimated to
be worth 815',000,000.
Capt. George Pickett, who rescued
eight persona. from drowning at Port
Schnyles, N. Y., last fall, is dead.
likhuylkilt county farinCia complain
that foxes are very plenty , and destruc
tive to hennerica. . -
The Seaboard Oil Company build
lugs were burned at Chester :111 Thurs
day last. Los', $lOO,OOO
The Mississippi Legislature appro
priated $15,000 for the sufferers by the
The Mayor of Chicago has ordered
all the" gambling houses closed. Ot
course they will close. • , They always
Nebraska votes nextlfail upon a con- -
stitutional iimendinent giving women
the ballot, and there is a good prospect
that it.will be carried.
The Democratic State mimmitte3 is
called to meet at Harrisburg March 22.
Fixing the date of the : State Conven
tion will be the prinaide tusinesi of
the session.
About one year ago a speculator
bought the famous : Natural Bridge in
Virginia for $lB,OOO. 'He sold it, to
another party for $20,000 and it has
'net been sold - agiin for $55,000.,
Vanderbilt's recent ball coat $20,000•
This fact reminds a correspondent that
the host had not money enough to pay
$5OO a year for a watchman at Spuyten
Duyrel curve
Senator Basler one day this month
asked his young daughters to try tbeir
hands at cooking himn dinner. They
prepared such a nice -meal that; he! gave
each a check for $25,000• -
The proprietor of a traveling show
made 'a ' liberal' offer to Policeman
Kearney, of Washington, who arrested
Guiteau after he shot Garfield. but it
was deolinCd.
Senator Miller, of New York, first
beard of hie father being killed by a
locomotive from a morning
whist he was reading at bin breakfast
table in Washington.
Large anti-polygamy meetings were
held on Wednesday might, Feb. .22, at
Norwieb, Ct., Sacramento, Keokuk.
Minneapolis and Chimp. At' Chicago
Joseph finitb, ton of the late proPhit il
mita en itddrer;
The iionnuittee of citizens of Erie,
that, recently - visited WitSbington to
urge the piasage of a law to emits', a
soldiers' home in that city report that
favorable regret's hat been made with
the enterprise. . , •
A North earolina colored MSlei eyes
sparkled the other day when - Um/14z
ten dollar gold pieces rolled from the
heart of a log which, he had been Split.
tins. The money had beep concealed
in an angnr hole in the tree.
Captain !ao Hitchcock, a member
of the Troy Invincible.s in the war of
1812, died in Troy, N. Y., Friday !ask
He was qnartermastrni of West Troy
during the administration of . Presidents
Polk, Pierce and Buchanan.
President Arthur has, made William
E. Tucker, Jr., major 'an* paymaster'
over the heads of 120 captains of cavalry.
00 captain* of artillery, and 250 captains
of intantrY. Mr. Tucker reached exe
cutive notice by becoming Senator
Logan's sou-is-law.
General Francis A.Valker, late super
intendent of the , United ,Btates Census,
Was brought into the Boston police
court on Tuesday and fined elrfor neg
lecting to cause the snow to be removed
trod' the sidewalk in front of the Mass
achusetts Institute of Technology, of
which ho is president.
.The provision ot . the famous Kansas
laW making' drunkenness a crime, has
ben declared unconstitutional because
the title to the bill dsd • not cover it;
only the manufacture and sale were
mentioned; the "use" is lawful, and. so
anybody having the necessary rum can
legally get drunk.
James Swain left Lee's . army after
Appomattox without a penny in his
pocket. He got a place as clerk in .a
, grocery store in Atlanta, went to • New
:fork as a clerk for a cotton firm be
came a partner in the firm, made, a mil
lion or two and now retires to build a
fine residence on the site of the Atlantp
The Gkarkk says: 'Another South I
American scheme .hus been disclosed.
A syndate, with a capital of $75,000,000
was'to be formed to obtain title to the
silver district of Bolivia. . Bolivia was
to receive a royalty from the mines, and
the protection of the United States
against Chili, under cover of preserving
the rights of American citizens.—Thn
attempt to enlist prominent public mm
in favor of . the scheme failed.'
At Waverly, Neb., on Tuesday night,
Feb. 21st, James Cook was called upon
to decide the correct spelling of a word.
He decided against It. Raiven, who
called Cook altar. Cook struck flai
yen, who shot Cook through the lieart.
The crowd captured Raiven and Put a
rope around Abe murderer's neck, but
he was rescued by the sheriff, who
brought him here. '
()Emmett Bennett, of Point Pleasant,
New Jersey, purchased a lot of second
'hand school books in New YoFk a few
weeks alio. Pour members of hie fam
ily are,now siak of small-po; and a
child of Walter Bruce, of the same
village, is dying of thee disease. The
contagion is attributed to the school
boOks, and, they have been used - by
a number of children, much .uneasiness
prevails.—Phila. Public Ledger.
New Advertisments.
1 1 - 4 ce EITATIONSt,
A.M.! le.m.lP.Ait
9.20;Ar. -... Towanda ... Dep.l 6.171 3.15
9.05 pep. •:... Monroe.... Ar.t 6.35 3.30
9.04!Ar., ;....M0nr0e.... Dep.' 6.41' i 3.31
8.50' " .. Masontown...
•, 10.47. 3.35
8.51 " . .. Greenwood ..l 6.521 3.40
' 8.46 " —.Weston' ~.. •' 7.00, 3.47
' 0 818: I' .'... Summit .... " 1•7.11:•3.54.
*8.351 " ... Lamoltw: , ... " ; 00 7.15: 4 1.58
8.31 " ItOngValleyJnne " I 7.19,1 4.02
8.15 Dep. . Foot of Plane. a r. l 7.37! 4.15
• 5.58
• Indlisten that trodtis do 'not atop ' . • -
"F• F. LYON;
Supt and Eng'r. Barclay. Pa
A farm of Mysore*, located in the Wpm: vat
ley, Ave minutes drive from Rome borough
For full particulars, address
23feb4w* • Towanda, Pa.
Estate of Anna Hill, decessed.late of the town
ship of Smithfield, Bradford county, Pa..
Letter, of administration having been issued
out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county to
the undersigned upon the estate of the above
named decedent, notice is therefore hereby
given that all persons indebted to the estate
above named must mate immediate payment.
and all parsons having claims against the same
must present them duly authenticated 'for set=
dement to me,
Feb.N. P. HICKS, Administrator.
Towanda, Pa., . 22, 1882.
• • EUREKA •
Has Marble - Works iodated• at Depot near of
Pioltet'BriclOtore, and Is prepared to. far
. nisb good quality of Marble as there
Is In the country. sirl manufacture
Grave Yard Posts, Railings, &c
And I me fifteen per :cent. cheaper than travel
lag agents do. Good autisfaction guaranteed,
and all jobs pat up - propgrly.
I can farnisl44lll4nds of American and foreign
marble. lam enabled to sell very cheap
er than any other' Arm .because I do m's own
work.- Those wishing anything, in my line are
invited to call and see for themselves.
. • .
Feb. 0, 1882.
KLINE'S `itmuirr.
cAiEtn.c)t. st..coc.K.
Maier street, Pint Ward.
a a more convenient location. and esteblisluid
himself la the Carron Mock. opposite Seely%
Hotel. is prepared to supply his patrons with
THE cilioteart e oP wskra.
RAH. manias ii THEIR dILABON.
DOSE:ITU! YRCIT, 40.. • o
/0/410L0GIA SAUSAGE a specialty. AU or.
dev.k,protopUr delivered. ' - U
• 1 zurebtf. - -
a specialty at the acreaucaii cake. -
4. 0 _
LO ant---=filit-tiwi
While maintaining the uniform standard of quality in excellence of work and
material hy- - -
and : SMALL MARGINS. (with which lam content,) I have •
triamPAT__ TEA T
E.i. . _ . ,
C . l
. - . t 0
Geo. W. Brown, 48 Marshall St., , Providence.
R. 1., cured by Cuticurs Resolvent (blood purl
der) and Catlett?* and Cuticurs Soap (the great
skin cures) of s . Ringworm Humor got at the
barber's, which spread all over his ears. neck
and Ikea, and for six years _ resisted all kinds of
treatment. _ ..
. •
ff. Drag Esq.. Agent for Harper & Bros .
Detroit, Michigan. gives an astohishing account
of his case (eczema rodent), which had bean
traits:l'lg a consultation of physicians without
benefit, and which speedily yielded to the Cut'.
ours Resolvent (blood purifier) internally, Cut!.
cUrs and Cullen!: Soap (the great skin cures)
U. A. Raymond. Auditor R. W., J.-& S.
Jackaing, Mtch., was cured of Scald Read of nine
years :duration by the Ceticura Remedies.
Ewa. Wm. Taylor, Byston, Kam, permanently
cured of s humor of a humor of the face and
scalp, (eczema] that had been treated unsuccess
fully spr twelve years by many of_ Boston's best
physicians and most noted specialists, as wallas
Europeau authorities.
MGR . CRUST. • '
Mrs. Bowers 143 Clinton St.,Cincinnati,
speaks of her sister's child. who ors cured of
milk cruet which resisted all t emedies for twO
years. Now a fine healthy boy, with a beautlful
head of hair. ' -
Frank A. Bess. Steam Fire Engine (), Boston,
was cured of Mopeds, or falling of the ,hair, by
1 the Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally
and Cdticura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin
cu'rei):externally, which completely restored his
hair when all said he would loose it,
TheCntionra treatment consists in the inter
nal:tine of the Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood
vilifier, and the external use of Cuticurs and
Cuticura Soap, the great skin cures. -
Remedies are for sale by all druggists. Price
of Cuticurs, a Medicinal Jelly. small boxes, 50c.;
large boxes. $l. Cutworm REsoLvirsr, the new
Blood Partner, $1 per bottle. Cy/Icons Soar,
(the queen of medicinal and toilet soaps), Mc.
Cirricuit 51znictimi. Runvino Saar, 15c. Princi
pal depot.
WEF & POTTER. Boston, Miss.
Sanford's' Radical Ciird.
Clear head and _voice, easy breathing, sweet
breath, . perfect smell, taste and • hearing, no
cough, no distress, by using SANFOUD'S RADICAL
Sneeze until your head is ready to fly off,. eyes
and nose running water, throat parched , sad
tilooil feverish or take SANFORD'II,EADICIAL C 17117.
for Catarrh and be cured.
' Witch Huai, AniericaW Pine, Canada Fir, Mari
gold and Clover Blossoms are what Sanford's
Radical Cure is made of. Ogg, bottle Radical
Cure, one bqz Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's
Inhaler, in one package for $l. Sold every
A3ce 9+7
!tion.l Mail
[ t ot I 6 ‘,ELFAyrracrry
. Gentle, yet effective, united
• with healing Balsani. ren
• '' ) • - ELECTRIC PLASTERS one
hundred times sup erior
. to
all other plasters ior every
Pain, Wesloiesi and Inflani
Ai„. egS =non. Price 25 cents. I
ASTs. Sold everywhere.
, •
. -41 111 1 r FINE GOLD AND PLATED
Of every variety, and Spectacle,. Er Particular
attention paid to repairing.;. Shop in Decker , &
Vonght's Grocery Store, Main Street, Towanda,
Penna. - 209430
Stylish and Reliable Spring Garments
In. this vicinity is now being sold foi the least money by
TOW.AND - 2k,
WEEKS icI , OTTEB. Boston.
And had One of His
ri-10a-44eh1")40° - !:T:
tint fatioual ad,
This Bank offers unusual facilities for
the transaction of a general
bariking business.
N. N. 8E'7113,_
OTELI FOR • SALE.—I offer the
Aineridits Hotel property for, sale at a great
bargain. The Hotel may be sean en the corner
of Bridge and Water etreetkin Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and mast central locations
in the place. There is a good barn tconnected
with the property. The tree bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for
any one wishing to engage in the brisizess. A
good active man with a small captal can pay for
the property in a short time from the profits.
It was papered and painted new lasttsprnl g and
is now in excellent condition. .r
Towanda, Ps., Sept. 22. 11313V4f..
ERTNDItIiDS OP PiaIBOREI from all parte' of
the world have been mired of this much dreaded
discos, end are sow living witnesses "that they
hove been rescued from a terriMe aid- untimely
death. Doctors. Minlatere end tho Poor tasted
Wiwi. Write forst:dream giving fallpertleulms.
Addison. N. To Seyt.3o.l7c.OPlisco.
Heating Stoves
They are too well known to require
any commendationl,-
New Hecla,
We also have a line of CHEAP BASE
BURNERS; the - best of ti l ieir etas, in
the market, and 'well adapted for. sup
plying a demand for an efficient lint in-
exppii§ive becitY4 itove.
. 4 STOVES in
great variety. - _
''~ •
013 a a,
Sold in Towanda and, Vicinity by
Wood Cook Stoves
Towanda, Oct. 31st, 1881
le atilt to be found at the 'OLD STAND
Next doar to Dr. II C. Porter's Drug Store
rob. 1.•78.
Clocks. Wa tales and Jewelry promptly - repaired
by an experienced and competent workman.
11 Din Ai ;1 FotA Di N
FOR llnallClND—Dr. John Cores Liniment of
Oils,ls price 60 cents a bottle; Heeling Vegetable
Oum and 011atalsem. 60 cents $ bottle; Vegetable
Healing Salve and Sticking plater, 12% onto a
roll; Speedy HMO or Pain Remedy. Pelee acts.
FOR ANIMALS— Horses. Cattle, Sheepp. Swine.
silo , Poultry: Dr. John Cores Veterinary Oil
Liniment. Bach bottle contains one-balf 1144.
Price, one dollar a bottle. Prezreil by John
Con. Doctor of Pharmacy. Tomlin Pa.
Dr. Corr will - attend to or take charge of pa
tients, especially chronic ems., when requested
to do so. Vegetable remedies only mod. Elbl6-3na
Crown Jewel.
, roceedings—Continued,
court - P
Wednesday, Feb. 22. ^
- •
Peter Brady vs. E. Lockwood, et al
—Ejectment. 'Verdict for defendants.
Reasons filed far a new trial.
Bat Golden vs. L. 8. Gates—
Evans & Maynard for plaintiff,' Peck k
Overton for defenastit. Verdict for
defendant.- Reasons lilac) for new trig!.
David Warner .vs. Charles Coyken:
dall—Clpias, Evans k Maynard and
R. A..gscni, Esq., for plaintiff, Peck
& Overton and Arthur Head, Eq., for
defendants. Verdict for defendants.
Richard Brietin vs.. W. F. Squires,
et al—Scire faciaa. J.' N. Calif and N.
C. Elsbree Esp., for plaintiff, H. J.
Madill, Esq., for defendant. Verdict
for plaintiff $111.75.
Wright Dimehatn vs. Ellsworth Os
born. et al—Trespass. Case-settled.
•B. M. Lane vs. J. J. Griffith, et
&ire Facia.%) Rodney A. Mercur.
Esq., for plaintiff, James Wool an I J.
It Hale, Esqs., for defendant, _Verdict
for plaintiff $1250.48..
Citizens Nat. Rank of Towaeila vs.
A. Conklin—Assumpsit. Peck S: Over
ton for plaintiff, Gridley a: Payne and
Overton & Sanderson for defendant:
Verdict for, plaintiff $164.92.
First National Bank of Towanda vs.
Conklin- 7 Asantapsit. - L. M. Hill
and R. A. Mercur, Esqs., for plaintiff,
Gridley & Payne and Overton. S.: San- -
erison for defendant. Verdict for de-
Pearson & Co. vs. Atwood Jakw..y_
Appeal, New trial refused.
& 'Stern vs. 3i. Hendleman.
Rule• for a new trial.
In the matter of alleged lunacy
of Watson'T i ripp. - The jury find him a
lunatic without lucid...intervals, and
court appoint W. IL Russell committee
of person and estate of said lunatic:.
Wesleyan Church of Towanda
Samuel Powell; New trial iefused.
M. W. Wheelocks 7. ri; Willi Awl's
admes. E. D. Buffington,'Esq., ap
pointed Au anditer to distribute fund.
IL B. Ingham vs. Cyrus Avery. Rule
-for a rehearing of this case refused.
Hiram Scott vs. Mary L. Scott: ettsi,
referred to L. Elsbree, Master in
divorce cases..
Anther. K. ComstoCk vs. 31ary It.
Comstock.' Divorce granted:
Myers Armstrong vs. Polly_ Arm- -
strong. , Subpoena in divor4e diroete
td be issued.
The following deeds were ackuowi
edged Saturday, Feb. 25, by William T.
Horton„ Sheriff ;
To John J. Webb, for house and lot
in North Towanda; sold Feb. 10 os
property of Michael Darmody; consi,l
To J. Webb, for lot, in North To:
wanda, sold Feb. 10,' 18S2, as - the prop
erfy •of Patrick Ryan; consideration,
I $2O.
To Mahlon C. Gerould, for house and
lot in Towanda boro., sold Feb. 10,
IsB2,"a.s,ihe property of J.M. Mitchell;
consideration, $lllO.
To the Citizens Nat.l3:iiik of Towanda.
for a house and lot and coal-yarl, al :
so a house and lot, all in Towanda bor.,.
'sold Feb. 10, 1882, as the property of J..
H. Phinney; consideration, $11;10.
To 'Henry Streeter, for a hou s e an.t
lot in Towandaboro., sold Feb. 2 as the
property of Jas. 11. aad C. 31.. Phidney;
consideration, $3050.
To Karlin H. Cowles. for a hoibe auk
lot in Towanda - boro., sul.l- Feb. 10 as
Ithe property of D. V. Swage; consider
ation, MOO,
To Morgan & Moody's adm'rs, for
2 lots in East Towanda, sold-Feb. 10 as
the property of John S. and Margaret
Kennedy; consideration, $125.
To Ella J. Herrick, for lot in Athens
bore., Foid"Feb..lo`as the property of
Edward Herrick; consideration, $lOO.
To- E. T. Fox, ndm'r., and N. C.
Elsbree, for a farm in Standing Stone
twp., sold Feb. 10 as the property of S.
T. and Sarah E. BishoPi consideration.
- To E. Overton, Jr., for l lot in Neu.
Albiny boro., sold Feb. 10 as the
erty of S,_W. - Chapman; consideration,
.310.. " - . . •
To' Augustus Kelly, for a farm in
Leßoy twp.; sold Feb. 10 as the_ prop
erty of Thos. A. McCraney; con-idera
tion, $1.50.
a To J. M. Pike and C. M. Cinfichl,
for a lot in Athens twp., sold Feb. 10 as
the property of A. Mimicker; contil.•
eration, $l2OO.
l'oyary T. Long, for 3 lots in rfro
boro. and ,twp.; sold Feb. 'lO as ti. ,
property .. 4. Fred A. Long; ecw , i , ler.L- ..
tion, $10680.00 •
To. .William T. Davies, for a bone
and lot in Towanda bore., sold, Feb. 10
as the property of C. C. Wood; consid
eration, $416.50.
To Edith C. Bullock, for 2 lots in
Springfield twp., sold' Feb. 2, as the
property of Win. A. an 3 J. F. Bullocks
mimes; consideration, $BO.
To . Denton G. Lindley, for 11ot in
Canton-twp., sold Feb. 10,., as the'prop
erty of David and Soloinsn Lindley;
consideration, $7O.
• To Edward Overton, for blot in New
Albany bore., said Feb. 10 as the prop
erty of P. W. McDonald; consideration,
To Jesse Sumner, for 112 acres is
Smithfield twp., epld . Feb. 2 as the
property of John Bird; consideritiou ,
- •
To Morgan k Moody's adm'is, for'.
lots in Era Towanda, sold Feb. 10 a±
the property of J. P. CummiskeY; con
"adoration, $75. • -
To Howard Elmer, for 1 lot in South
:Waverly b0r0.,. sold Feb. 10 as the
'property. of. C. W. Farley; considak
- Hon, $7O.
To Geo. C. Atwood, for' 1 lot in Wil
mot twp., sold Feb. 10 as the property
of M. P. Fmtchey; consideration ,
$80.50. - -
To Stephen F. Robinson, for 1 lot in
Ridgbnry twp.', sold. Ft-1). 10 as the
property of Milton E. Cooper; eJn-'il
oration, $lOO. ; -
To Isaac N I . .liessinger, for 1 lot in
Leßor i twp., bola Feb. 10 as the_prop-,
erty of Edward Folk; consideration;
To James Foster, for I acre in To
wands bow. and twp.,
1881, as the property of Ransoni Ben
nett; consideration, $283.
To Cleo. Edminister, for house 30
lot in South Waverly boro., sold
1, 1881, as the property of N. Edminis
ter; consideration, $lOO.
To. Francis A. Dimmick, for s'2a - res .
in Orwell twp., sold Dec. 1, 1881, as the
property of S. G. Rockwell; .considerr, •
tion; $BOO.
donee at s lN or T t lN t G ice O
t the Itartnitioan office. '