• . • • I - , - , T. -- - - '. • '-'- . . --7-----------. 7 . . L • • i , . . 1 . ‘. HOLCOMB' <RACY,TRACY,r." •II Publishers. , • ~ ~. - : - . - ~• "--"' , • . . i ,-!...•_.-------- t . - • 1.-- f-,- • . , i I ' . I . • . . • -At() T-44 yr'. . - : - . . . _ . , „.. . .1- . . . , ; . . . . no• , . _ , . -TUE- , Railroad I r ime.:rablea., - . . . fi_ ra df or ti_ ppublicaa.LEl4,lw : lotit . i a lA i l l L P ß E CT:t a li. API D IL I U " I. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ..,- ' *. . TO TAM: EFFECT JAN. Ist, 1882. ' , I.; Pablished Every Thursd a y, EASTWARD. •:- - • • ... AT TOWANDA., PA., BY L I STATIONS. 15 9 , 1 1 : ' I. .HOLCOMB & TRACY. , . , . . _.......,....._. ..4,.....••• i . - • P.M. A.M. A.M. .01. ' $(..70 Per Annum, in Adrance. - , =sza Vane ' 2.05 7.'20 7.15 o • 2.50 8. 9.20 Rochester ' ' .... 5.15 10;05 ' ' • . Lyons 640 11.05 ..... i'.... .I,trertisiliff Rates-Six cents a line for. first Geneve 6.55 11.301 ..... ..:'.. . o .,•rtion., , an 1 five cents per line for all subse- Ithaca. 8.33 1.00. ~u,..n t insertions. Reading notice advertising Auburn 5.1511.05 , cents per line. Eight lines constitute a 4eue .. Owea.... • ........... ..•• a5O 1.35 t :z 9.10 1.45 9.00 345 ..,,,,,,re. and twelve lines an inch. , Auditor 's Waverly I 9.45 2.1 9.40 416 E A•eiv $2.5e. Administrator's and Executor's Sayre llO.l 2.3010.00 4.30 ;;obese $2. 0 •). Yearly advertising $1,7100 per Athens . 120.1 10.05 4.34 • 10.15 o.laum. • Meter ' 10.25 .. Tot:ltxruntac.e6 is published in the 'lacy, goweed,.... 1046 3.00 1 1043 505 .I,, o 'is and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main 14. 7 7 4anh1ng 10.54 5.13 ~.,..1 Pine streets, over J. F. Corser's Boot and Psi/ding Mane _ e.. 11.03 ' , numnterfield • ..... U.lO 5.26 ..1,,,e store. Its circulation le over 2000.. Assn p renc h town - 11.19 ' ,dc,rtislng medium it IS unexcelled in its ha- Wyaltising • ' 3.3811.30 6.43 ;nralste fielli 1 Sayville ...c' ' '.. 11.42 3.5711.50 6.03 -- - iltnners -may 111.53 6.07 - -,--- - ~- - - - Koshoppen ' 4.1212.10 6.23 7:7:anda',llsinest Direci:r-y-.. blehoopany.. • ' .•:_fdL2.l6 6.28 -4 Funkhannock . , 12.23, 4.35 1.00 7.10 • - 1 LaGrange 1 , 1 1,10 7.20 A TTORA RI'S-AI-LAW. Falls 4 1 1.24 7.35 , I. & B Junction .... '....... 1.051 3.101 1. 45 8.05 ~ N ttril ~ , F. HICLIS. -Attorneys-at-Law; Odic Wilt et-Barre.... ... . : ..... 1.35: 5.30, 2.20 8.35 n ~,,,,,lu,t ra i s-. (to. ; . . Mauch Chunk 3.451 7.35 1 4.60 11.00 ..,• _----- - 4.44 1 , 8.29: 5.33 12.00 14- . • rIAUFF. IPS:, Office In Wood's Block, south Bethlehem 5.00 i 8.45' 6.0512.15 V - First c: . tional Bank, u p stairs . June 12,18 Easton 5.30: 9.00 1 8.40 1 12.55- . . , 8.051 1 9.16 3.35 r-,-;Bitili & SON (N C Elsbree and L. Elsbree.) New York FJ suffix.. in :',POrcur Mock. Park St. may 14.78 Arld. P.M. PM . p.u.l 1 P - ---- ECI: k tATIVTON (Benj .V Peck and D A Over- WESTWARD. •-•• f--.n. Office over Rill's Market 49.'79 '` ---- ,'•-_ .(111...1tT0N k SANDERSON (E Overton and Jan NJ FSe.rulerson.) Office in Adams Block.,j ulys' 78 S T ATIONS. 1 8 130 2 1 -19 . - - -- '6'. AA AXWELL, 11'.11. Office over Dayton's Store ------.- -=-- 31-, - 1P.M.?4..4.M.1P.M . .0/.. -.' april-14,76 New York 0.301.... 1.40 3.40 --- Tryit T, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block. Philadelphia 8.(H) ; .... 9.00 4.15 - • • Easton - - 9.2C' .... 10.16 5.50 l''' . ape 14 ; 78 . . Bethlenem . 9,50 .. 10.45, 6.15 -- Allentown...,. 1 - NAVIES, CARNOCHAN & BALL. ( W r Darin.... .. t0.05...:;!10.54 6.24 LI ir ll carneelan. L M fla/L) Office in rear lifnuch Chunk •. 11 - 05 , -'• • •11 1 - 5 5 7.25 .-f Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. (je12,75 Wilkes-Barre • I.oB' 7:30; 2.03 9.45 I. & B Junction 1,35 8.01 1 it,TEP.Crit, RODNEY _A. Solicitor of Patents. Falls . . • ..• 8.27 ....10.32 ILL Particular attention paid to business in LaGrange . .... 8.45 .... 1 10.48 nri , lins' Court and to the settlement of estates. Funkhannock 2.15' 8,551 3.01 10.52 ,441, , ,;1u Montanye's Block 49.79 liehoopany .............t... .... 9.201 ....111.22 ' Meshoppen ;9.27i 3 . 2 111.29 - Tiff c PHERSON A: YOUNG, (L McPherson and 'Skinner's:Eddy ' .... .9.431 - . - ..,111.45 .1.1%i w. I. Young.) Office south side of Mercur's Lachyville ..,. 3, 1 •02 9 50' 3• 46 1 11• 50 D'.,n.t. . feb 1,78 Wyalusing ' ~.. ....10.14_.4.03112.07 - - 7,II•ADILL :: KINNEY. Office corner Main and Rummertleld ; 10.371 .•. ( 112.24 -.IYI pine et. Noblks block, second door front. Standing Stone . ..-10.441 - ... 12.30 Collections promptly attended to. feb 178 Wysanking 10.54 1 1 1 112.37 Towanda 3.59110 L, 443,12.46 -ry, it..LIA)IB, ANGLE d: BUFFINGTON. (11 N m i t er 11.17 1 4.55 . 12.57 VII iraliams. E J Angle and E.D Bugngton). Kit = , . ....111.261..... 1.06 ie.. o west side of Main street, two doors north Athens 4.3011.311 5,10 1.15 ,I Argus cites. All business entrusted to their sayre,, 4.40, 1 11.411 5.20 1.23 care will rective prompt Attention. ' oct 28,77 Waverly - 4.45 1 11.501 5.30 1.30 f . Elmira • 5.25112.40' 6.15 .2.15 y 111 Li 11. AND JOIIN I W. CODDING,'Attor- Owego ....-...... 5.3'1 ....I 6.25 .... e) Drys and Counsellors•at-Law. Office in .the Auburn XI- rcur Block, over C. T. Kirby Drug Store. Ithaca • - -.:. 6.10 t ....I 6.40 .... , July3,' 'BO U. Geneva 7.411 ....I 8.14 ..'.. EENEY. J. P. Attorney-at -Law.- Office. in Lyeas 8.401 .... 8.50 .... Reichester 9.501 8.10, 9.40 .... 11. Moutanye's Block, 'Slain Street. S, pt. :5. 'sl-tf. '' .. Buffalo ...., ........ ... -. 1 11.40, 6.10'12.05, 8.00 1 Niagara Falls 1.031 9.251 1.061 9.40 , P.M. P.M. A.M. A. 31 _ mil4iMP:ioN, W. a.Land E. A., Attoruc)lß-at Law. Thwanda, Pa. Office to Mercur Block, r c."r. Kirby's Drug Store, entranen on Main •tr., , t. first stairway north of Post.dffiee. All hu.m..ss promptly attended to. Special atten u,.o given to clailns against the United States r Pcusioi.s, Bounties, Patents, etc., - and to :•.11,tious and settlement of decedent's es tea. April 21, ly lIENRY B. MIKEAN; ATTORNEYAT-LANI 1 • sa:ioltor of :Patents. Government claims . at , t,l:dtcl to. 11t1eb82 r--- PHISICANS AND SURGEONS. ToIINSON. T. 8., M.D. Witco over Dr. H. C 41 Porters's Drug Stoie. _ fob 12,0 ON, Drs .1). N. &F. G. Office st Dwelling L' 4 on River Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77 T ki.ll, C. R.. M.D. Oaks Ist door above old bank building. on Main street. Special at ttatiou given to diseases of the throat and Ju1y19,78 oDBUTtN, S. M., M.D. Office and rest W ,fence. Main street, north of M.E.Church lit.dical Examiner for Pension Dcrartment. fab 110.11 - NE, E. b.. 11. D. Office over 31 , mtanyo's : , tore. Office boars from 10 to 11 3.4. and fr , :a to 4P. Y. Special attention given to I.l,ases of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20,77 rpowNElt, H. L., M.D.. Ho' aOPATIIIC PUYSICLOT k StrSOWN.. -1 , 1 , /eIICII and °Mee just north of Dr. Corbon's street. Athens. Ps. HOTELS. - DIEN itY LiOLTSE. main it..' next coiner isonta f Bridge- street'. New house anfpinew tarfitture throughout. • The proprietor. has spared neither pains or expense in makikkg his k,:acl first-class and respectfully solicits a'ahare ruhhe patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms n•a4eLable. Large Stable attached. . carWM. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES. WATKINS POST. NO. GB, O. A. B. Meets .Nery Saturday eveniutt. at Military Hall. OEO. r:MYER„ Commander. 4. It. ErmcIDGE, Adjutant. ' feb 7, 79 CLODGE. NO. 57. Meets at S. of P Hall. every Monday evening at 7:30. In wane, s2.ouu. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver age annual coat, 5 years experience, $ll.l -. J. R. KITTBIDGE, Reporter. JE,I. WARDELL, JR, Dictator. feb 22.78 BRADFOGD LODGE, N 0.167, I. O. O.F. Meet ft: odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening L:' f,Moek. WARREN Rum, Noble Grand. jUlle 11,75 110L - SE AND SIGN PAINTING POST. F. E. No. 32 Second street AU order§ sill receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL czn4yrEil ANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE The Second Winter Term will begin Monday iaLuary, •,!J. 15.12. For catalogue or other infor matlou, address or call on the Principal.: EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER 1171LLIAM3, EDWARD. Practical Plumber v and Gte Fitter. Place of business in /der zgr I'd Eck next door to , Journal office opposite lUblic sputre. Plumbing: Gas Fitting, Repair . 44 Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing roraptly attended to. All wanting work in his Le 6:Iola& give him a call. - July 27.77 IXSURANCI. R - C. S. General Insurance Agency. /% 0 TowauSs. P. Oalco in Whitcomb's Book store. July SPECIA L ANNOIIINEXENT JAMES McCABE 11,1 ,MOVED INS GROCERY BUSINESS 0 c4)l TR }AST CORNER or item STREETS', WHERE ILL 11.13 EsT BUSHED Read Quarters FOR EN' runic) IN THE LINE OF UREfIIEB • PlB'llBlBl3, &c., CASH PAID for Desirable Pro -34( Fine BUTTER acid EGGS a Bpi cillt3 Aptil 24 17 NATHAN TIDD, tSuccesitor to Mr. McKean,/ DEAL= IN PITTSTON WILICESBATME AND LOYAL SOCK 0 A LI -IDOT or PDTE STREET, NEAR cOIIRT HOUSE. - TOWANDA, PA, 1 . LO WEST MUM roie eAsa. CentrTha Patronage of ray aid Meads n4d rano ally la solicited. We • 80 • , , t tZ A - Yr.• • . _ ,c fir 14 4 ., / • )1, t l l %. s erSli A Ar - • No. 32 leaves Wysluaing at6:oo, A. M., French. Man 6.14, Ruzinnerfteld 6423, Standing Stone 6.31 Wrsanking 6.40. Toasiida 6.53, Mater 7.06, Milan 7:16, Athena 7:25, 1 , Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira-8:50., A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15' Waverly 6:GO, Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20, Milia - 6 30,ftllsteir 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wyaauktng 7:05, Standing Stone 7.14, Ilummertield 1:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arriv ing at Wyaltuling at 735., P. M. ~. Trams 8 and 15 r , il , . daily. -:Sleeping cars on ir t . z trains 8 and 15 between .N agars Falls and Phila delphia and betwien Lyo s and New York with out changes. Parlor ca ou Traine 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls d Philadelphia with out change, and throe h coach to and from Rochester via Lyns. , WM ; ' EVERSON, Supt. Suns, Pa.. Jan. 2, 11162 Pa, & N. Y. R. li.l TOWANDA, P4A. Mtscellaneks Advertisement:. Towanda - s:t_ Store s prepared to offer a complete assort ment of " - DRY AND FANCY GOOK Crockery, Glassware, • MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, - SATCHELS, &C. For the coming timing Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale witiva small profit is better than a slow one , With'a large profit—and therefoie our prices in- any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. Dom" We endeavor to "sell the best article for the least possible money. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. my64f T. MUIR . & C6.'S GROCERIES The place to SIM Morley b onying cheap la at Oorater Mats and Elsalin =lriaate. They roopoottally announce so the' poblio that they 14!" a Isrie stock of FLOUR. FEED. 'MEAL. .01141121. BALT. FISII PORK. and `PROVIIIONS generally. We have also added to our utak a isiiet7 of WOODEN WARZ, andrair WM= . 7tlllll. FIB Just rewired a large stock of Ousts. Teas, Coffees, Spices, MOIMAION'S PURE SOAP, the best In the market, and other :sakes of soap Syrup and Molasses. :which they offer at low prices for Cash. .- - oct 26 77 BESTbusinem now Wore the public. Ton ant make mony lister at work tor us than at anything else. Capitol not needed. We will start you. si2 a day and up. wards needs at borne by the industrioni. Kan. women. boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time.:. You can•work in spare time only or give your, whole time to the troainses. Ton am- live st hoineand do the work No oilier business will pry you nearly as well one eau fell to maks enormous gay by en• qat oum costly Outfit and terms tree.— i i 11 11 2 ,111010 fest.= %at o ll o .. = mune ; Dec° Thl3s-- UMA:MENTAL JOB PRINTING sweat/ at the Ilmatacat ofilbe. 'r El E. 4 MAIN STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO FELCH Zr. CO., WHITE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs and pat terns of STOP AT toOR .F„ AND PROVISIONS. TowaiDA: PA.. ZIR can s% m. CUBESD~aliepsia Lives !ism, Drcipgy, Heart ;lease, lowness - Nervous debility, etc. rho 8324 EDT =TOW. taloa! 1.1,000;000 Beatles SOLD MICE 1870. This Syrup possesses Varied . Properties It Stimulates the Ptyalin* In .the Saliva, which converts the • Starch and Sugar of the limed into glucose. A dell. cien:gi e s PtyaUne causes Wind and Sou of the food in the stomach. It the m edicine 'stallion immediately alter eating the fermentation of Auld is pro. . - It vented acts upon the Veer. - It acts upon thelCidnegs. . eypdat Rowed& • It R Purifies the es the Blood. It Quiets the Nervous System. , It fteissota Digestion. INmeriedies, t "ell = a nen carrion off the e i Ta t ireed end te4 It oeppeenas the pores of, the skin and (shwa II g Prrepiration.' It neutralizes the hereditary tain orpoisez in the blood, which generates -Err to and all mauler of skin diseases and internal humors. 'There are no spirits emplbyed to its manw facture. and ft can be taken by the most dell cite babe. or by the agedend feeble, care onIS being micleits attention to directions. DRUGGISTS SELL IT., Laboratory, 77 West Bdri3t g NEW .TORKI CITY. Never falls 10-Care. Ashland. Bchnykill co., 1%. Dear Bir:—Thin is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has benefited me more, after • short trial, than all the medicine I have used for DS years Disease of the Stomach. Ashland. Schuykill co.. Pa. Dear have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and it has proved to be a valuable medicine. NAL J. Armin. NerTous Debility Turtle Point, Mckesu co., Pa. Dear 81r:—I was troubled' with Nervous Do. bility and 'partial Paraiysis,i for • number of years, and obtained no relief milli I used your INDIAN BLOOD ; SYRUP, a short trial of which .restored me to health. • , For Scrofula. Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa. Dear little girl was cured of Indent. oration of the Face aced Eyes by the use of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician had previously failed to afford relief and it was thought that the child could not live. • Its neck and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulous Sores, which are tiow entirely gone. Sere Care for Liver Coniplaint Turtle Point, McKean co., Ps. Dear Bir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has• effectually relieved mo of Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia,. after the doc tors failed. -.- Remedy for the Rheumatism: . " Turtle Point, McKean co. Ps. Dea . r Sir:—l have used your excellent DTDIAN BLOOD SYRUP fOr Rheumatism and Liver Com plaint, and have derived great relief therefrom. s - . Damns Sntrson. An Agent's TeStimony. Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver Complaint until I used your great INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. from which I soon obtained permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to be a valuable Bowel Regulator. HZIFIT O. SIMPSON. • A '.Valuable Medicine. • . - Berlin Somerset Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the beat medieine ever used in my family. • Hoping the publiewill be benefited by this great remedy. I Ulm area pleasure it giving my testimony of its value. JOSEPH Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Berlin. Somerset Co.. Pa. Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in recommending your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi• cine made...P,eople who are Dyspeptic, should not fail to give it a trial. For tae Stomach it his no eqUal. I have used it and know it to be a valuable medicine. • Liver Complaint.: • Berlin. Somerset Co.. Pa. Deal Sir was troubled with Liver Com• plaint for a long time, and by the persuasion of your Agent; I commenced taking your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYBDP,which has greatly bane. flied me. 1 have never found any medicine to coma it. and can confidently say it is a safe and highly valuable remedy. i • 1 Enwastro Pain in the Breast. Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was &Meted with a Pain in my Breast and Side. and when I would lie down, I could scarcely breathe for. Pain, I was also very weak in my Breast and Lungs. I used some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near ly well. My Lungs are strong ow.* more and I am very' grateful to ycin for inch a valuatde remedy... Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Philadelphia, Pa. Dear 81r:—Thli is to certify that your valua ble INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which I had been afflicted with for years. ' For kidney Diseases. Philadelphia, Pa. Rear Sir :—I tiffs subject to severe Pains in my Kidneys, Weakness and Painful Kick Headache, loryears, and failed to obtain relief, until I was induced to try your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. a short trial of ;which restored me to perfect health. - ;Ames Bur. No 1525 Butts= Bt. For Costiveness. Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir:—l was troubLed with Costivenes and Headache. and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD SMUT, proved Moat beneficial to me. It Is the hest medicine Fever used. • ,I L as. A. Blown. f 10.1317 Federal St. For BMlOnstieso. Philadelphia. Pa. • Dear Sir: —I was &filleted with - Dyspepsia snd Billiousness for years, and Ailed to procure re. Uef until I began using your INDIAN • BLOOD anon.. which soon effectually relieved me. I take great pleasure in recommending its use to the afflicted. Fail' T. Uommunr, No. 1035 Locust Bt.' Disease of the Stomach and. Liver. lined:milt, Pike Co., Pa. Dear kr:This is to certify that I bay. used your INDIAN BLOOD STROP for Disease of the Stomach and Liver, and ban been much bene fited thereby. liest Fuilli nhk iedlei nt se. .-. Pike Oo.: Pa. Dear Sir ;—I consider your , reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP the beat medicine I eve need in my huskily. It is just as recommended. MALarn Corium ttemedy for Worms.;;' Dear Mr:—l hare MA your great INDIAN BLOOD STROP in soy „gamily for Worm and Stumm? Complaint, end it las proved effectual in all eases. Never Falls to Care. Dear fOr:—lty daughter vac la Poor Railth and s Sheet Mal of your INDIAN BLOOD BYBIIP entirety cored low. AGENT= . .of km Bala rur of thONDIAN BLOOD BIM la_taws-or Tiny's, Wilde% ban so pa. ftlegs oupplhattaa. • -- TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., THITRSDAYs- *ARCH 2, LBB2. :THE THE. T,OF THE STAYS. krosen good story.' It was little Ituddlesten, the ensign; *he spoke. • There was about ball a dozen of not sitting, together . on the deck of thetroop ship Leviticus. • We were returning honiefrom tIK Cape, and us ed to collect here in the cool of the evening,' with pipes and glasses mid amuse each other by telling stories. giant many . Moriea were, told during that pleasant voyage hotne, we being idle and will:watt:toes, and the circum stances and Conditions of our blight symposium Stimulating to the nveri _five faculties. It followed, as 'an inci dent, if not, necessary , result,' that many of the stories, were legendary, the element of truth being, I regret to say, less highly prized than that of' Inge unity in the matte of a racy plot and a satisfactory f Anti]. The story • which follows has no plot to speak of; and it is for the reader to say whether the final is satisfactory Or the reverse, but good or bad, it forms au - exception to '-the majority - of those which were related on the deck,of theLevitiens, in that it has a foundation in fact. Sal knows - a' good story,' said little Buddlestone, commonly. called Buddy, as he squatted oil the deck, with his comical stumpy figure and comical big head, puffing tremendously at a short clay pipe. : • 'What's it.uliont?' said .the captain, who fingered his cigarette in a delicate manner. 'lre about stays, isn't Lit, Hal?' said Buddy. diou't Buddy; now don't,'. pleaded Harold, Lieutenant Harold, who was handsome and shy, and never liked to bdealled on l'Or a story. 'Not that story;' I'll. tell you: another quite as good.' It; B. Bn.z.w►i 'Stays, or,notbing, old man,' persist ed. Buddy; tind'a peremptory ehorus'J of 'Stays or nothing, old man!' rose on, the still night air. 'Bat it would, distress me to tell that story,' again peged Harold. 'I wouldn't have it repefited for the' world; the lady is ''my sister's great friend. She is married now; Bho mightn't like it.' , D. C. Wo:filar 'MI good men and true, here,' put in the captain. !Change the names, and there'a no harM done.' We will' he mute, ,we swear!' Said Buddy, and the chorus went np: 'We will be :mute, we swear!' 'Well, th i n; began the lieutenant, sadly but resignedly, 'to commence With, the widow was the sweetest widow that ever lived.' • An inartictilitte hum of content rose . from the group . of listeners, and Buddy filled his pipe, -. closed . his eyes with an air of pleased 9pectancy, and murmur ed, in a soft, piarenthetic manner, as- he ,stretched his inconsiderable length up 'on the deck: widows are jam.' 'I knew her intimately,' pursued Harold. of WAILan: /barn F. F. BISHOP. Buddy took the _ebbnized clay from between his li'ps, winked at it solemnly; and replaced it. 'I visited her frequently at her house; she gave the pleasantest little partieti in the world—bachelors' parties mostly, but sometimes they were of "both sexes and very oftefi,' continued Harold hur riedly, for thettaPtain was' shaking his forefinger at thh" whisky bottle, 'and very often men took their wiveS with them. There were :little meetings for, supper lifter, the theatre, when we-amok= ed cigarettes, and played quiet rubbers, and sang quiet songs, and told quiet stories, and were all very pleasant, • and —and—and _ . Harr= Kawamra. 'And quiet,! said Buddy, in a sooth ing tone to his ettddy, "they were pleasant and quiet.' 'She lived in the west end of town— it might have, been in Bayswater; it might have , been in Lensington, it might have been in Belgravia. That 'doesn't ,matter to you fellows—in is small exquisitively furnished, ,house, with nice books and dainty pictures; and she was the sweetest widOw that ever livel.' 'Give a name to' this widow,' said Buddy, 'that we may breathe it tenderly 'when night falls gently on the silver D. M. U. u.. 12ffl I will give to the lady,' said Harold, 'the name of Cronin. One day,' he went on, "I called at her house to arrange somqetails connected with a Subscription she was getting up in aid of a poor chorus singed at, the opera. litre, Cronin was not at hothe, but the maid said, she would return shortly, if I liked to step in and wait. The maid knew me well, Of course.' 'She knew him said Buddy, sotto race. ; • .Gsozas Itimar went in - and way shown up into the little - drawing-room on the first floor. How well I remember that room! What ' s snuggery it Was! Flowers everywhere, and the light falling pleasantly through the Indian curtains; ana an alcove, behind which yott heard the cool drip of a minature foun tain; and the newest magazine 'and the last book of poems on the little table by thellreplace. I waited, but she did outcome. rang. the bell, and - the . servant (what neat sgrvanta she idways had) aseured i me that her mistress must return in a moment. I waited, but sbe came not,. and I must go. I looked about for pette and paper to write a line. crossing the room to the escritoire that stood besides the sofa. Something peeping out from the pillow of the sofa caught my eye.'_l looked at it curiously and retreated a 'step. I looked at it eagerly and , went two _Mega; Could it be? No, it (Nina not; and yet it must bel It ahould b., end it:shotdd not be; It is no! It ie! rcattelt at the i silken string that hung over the edge of sofa; I gave it I twitch, and held - dangliug in my band a pair of stayer - ' 'Go slow, Hal; go slow, if yois love me!' said Buddy, in anexcited tone. Tammuz 17Amarzszer Tama' Common% Bushkin. Pike Co.. Pa. Vi amr . "GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOpLE 'AND POE TEE PEOPLE," tell you; said pieritenint. his feelings also thing. ,tell you. that I held in my hand a pair of stays. How shall I describe them, for I bad emit no Such thing before? Buddy put his hand to his month ME and eenibtd; and EWA: the - other elk 84tnaniped end sendkiired his intake. cannot adequately describe theni, yet I see them now. --Have you fellows ever—seen any slays/ '; : You never saw stays like, those; ! thea43 ,is not such another, pair .in the world: _Divine thipgs, I se . Wyoui Ova Satin stays of heaven's own hue, - *lobed heie and there with knots of d darkeri,shade. I am not naturally eloquent but I said some eloquent thifigs while I held those stays. , fingers - .trembled as I held the curved . sides, which had been anonlded to a form:;that Hebe would have envied. I took them- gently, I caressed them, I believe touched them with may; lips.. Cientlemen.,l was nineteen, and=she was my first love; it was a moment of soretamptation.' .4, of sore temptation!' said Buddy sympathetiely.- - 'I don't know how - fong I stood theie with these dear things in my , hand, but the striking of the clock reminded me that I _was too late tit keep an ap pointment that I. had elsewhere: Scarcely knowing what I did I secreted nak prize under my coat, and leaving ta,message, and dreading to meet. the *Aid on the stairain the Pessege, I ran down quickly, caught up hat and stick, let myself out ut the door and bolts2d -for my chambers. I bad the little sky blue treasure tinder my cost, and I presged it closely tome as I ran rather than walked throngli the street to my rooms in the neighborhood of Picea•; l dilly.. Arrived there, I locked the door and took ont the stays. As I looked at them I felt more like a poet than I bad overdone since. They wotalkhave in 'spired &hermit or a ‘ director of a rail way company; and they inspired me, though not to verse. A mad suggestion came to me.' to measure that precious girdle. I know that though the widowt i a form was of an enchanting fulness,, waist was as slender as a girl's; bat something tempted me to know its size in inches. I laid a tape measure across the, satin, placing my finger at the centre to hold it. Hal what is thiti? A tiny oil skin bag fastened on' the , in ner side, just at the spot where Hetes tender heart,. should throb, and some thing inclosed in Another mad ling , gestion, a panknife; a hasty slit in the oil skin;. and out dropped ti. _Bank' of England, note for £2o.' The bells sounded for a change in the watch. It was summer's night of de liltclans "coolness. The still waters of She sea shone with a soft and soothing itidiiii - C — e;and behind na was a phos phorescent glow. Although we were sailing many knots.au hour, we Anew not the motion of the vessel; wo might belying at anchor in some still bas. ;kiddy replenished his own and :Abe other glassea,,and suggested that -the break Which the lieutenant had invol untary made in his story offered a favor able opportunity for a moment's medi tation 04 the 'extravagance of yonth. After a pause the lieutenant proceed ed with his story. 'For a few momenta' said Harold. 'my mind seemed to cease working.' I. did not know in the least , where I was' or what'l bad done; I had no power of thought. Then I roused myself, and the first distinct notion that crossed my mind was that 1 I was an idiot. My rashness bad placed me in a fix ,' from which for 4 moment I did not under : stand how L should escape. It was clear that I had stolen. Mrs. Cronin's stays, and equally clear that in stealing the stays i had stolen also a bank Mote of £2O. Then the comical elemei4, in the situation "!iserted and I wanted to laugh.' But I checked my self, for I csemed on a sudden ' toi see the merry, mocking face of the widow, and my own merriment was converted into shame, - aa I heard in fancy. • the ringing laugh of Mrs. Cronin. I should have to carry those _stays right back again. and confess my sentimental folly to the lady„ and she would laugh at me for the rest of my dais.' Even then. as he told the story, the Lieutenant was overcome by the mem ory of iris humiliation; and Buddy, ob serving his downcast and sorrowful looks, pushed the bottle toward hini r in mute sympathy. • 'lt needed time' to summon courage,' he went on again, 'and I could not go at once. I placed . the stays, which seemed now to be mocking me, as I felt sure their mistress would, tenderly away in the cupboird, and locked the door, threwlhe note into my desk, and, went ont and took my horse for a gal lop in the park. 'ln an hour I returned, a trifle easier in my mind, having determined to send lack the stays and bank note, with some verses for Mrs. Cronin on the danger of leaving her corsets on the drawing-room sofa. But I was not to escape thus. The play was not yet played out. On the table of my room I found a note to this -effect from -my fellows know him—the Honorable Tom: 'Hal; old man, I have promised Mrs. Cronin £2O for her subieription I a list. Must give it to her this afternoon. Have nothing to bless mvaelf with but the bad half-sov, with a hole in it, that Potty Dingle gave, me. Came to borrow of you; found the very thing in your desk; pay you to-morrow or next day. ' ' Tom.' 'Panic ? I never knew what panic meant before. Doha yOu see what has happened ? My confounded brother, dear old Tom, was going to give to Mrs. Cronin the very infernal note of Which I had robbed her. __Probably bx this time the theft was discovered; the people at the bank communicated with; some innocent creature—perhaps little Mari, her honeemaid, the honestest girl alive —might be suspected, even accused, for Mrs. Cronin would never imagine the idiotic truth of the matter; and there ' was that Tom making off to ter with the very note as cool as you please; and she would, of course, recognize it at One. Bat he must- be stopped. - Per haps he had not yet started. No cal horse . ever went like the beast that carried me to Tonal' chambers that day, The cab man said he was an old hunter, and I should suppose be wondeted_what new sort of a hunt, he was in then, for the Man screeched at him from Lie perch and I bellowed from sittkin, and we did not wait to ask after any of the peoplv we knocked ovey on the road. Bu tq •wax too late. Yon may be very.eare of bat:: The hand ; otiate was in it. I wee not going to be let off cheaply in that way. I had got,' to go sight through with this business. and smart for my idiocy. Tom had gon; out just ten minutes ago. and be bad gone to Mrs. Cronin's. Ot course bead; where else should be go `.l There was but une place - in all the world to which he could- have gone with the £26 note—to Mra. Cronin'e. And that was the place that t .l- must go. • Why did nott go at once ? Because I was a kind of tniserable coward. and stood there wondering whether I had not better go and sink my stupid body in the Serpen- -tine.:'t I had been bold, and started °lrv. onee,`l "might even' then, on ths supposition that Torn would walk, have been Pat at Mrs. Cronit . I% and stopped him at the door. I looked at the horse that had brought me tc• Tom's and saw that O 3 would do -no more galloping that day. Then a horrid basemess 'dame Aver me and I thought I would leave Toni to explain as best he might to Mrs. Crimp and I would sneak in when the breeze had settled. tI took , the longest possible 'way to her .house; I went down blind alleys and pretended that I- was f3tll• prised when I came to a blank wall, and had to go back again.- I stayed to watch every stupid performance on the streets' and emptied my pocket of small cash on all the lame, blind, and deaf impostors whom I could prevail on to tell ma the entire ,history of their misfortunes. The day was waning when I got to the square in which Mrs. Cronin resided. 'Yon may think •that. once arrived, I should have moral dottrage enough to carry me straight to the widow's pres ence, and face the matter out with a good heart. Yon are wrong; I had not - any kind of courage, moral or physical, about me. I stood for five minutes on the door step before I pulled the bell, and . repulled it - with a miserable unlit: .cision that gave me a "m ' oment's hope there would be tip effect on the who, when I would hav4 - lied to myself that the house was empty, and crawled home again. But there was a step in the pas sage and the door was opened. Was Mrs.' Cronin at home ? Yes, she was. But she . was engaged, no doubt? It was an inconvenient hour; would call again; I bad in - reality nothing of importance to say; I would leave a card. Did I think I was going so escape that way.? Mot. Cronin was sot . engaged—that was to say, there was no one with her but my _brother; and the cook; between whom and myself - this interview -was taking place, believed that-Mrs. Cronin was particularly an xious , to see - me. Would I be so good as to step up stairs to the drawing-room ? Up thosiistairs, down which my madness had carried me head-long not six heirs before, I now walked with the cheerfulness of one who expects to meet the headsman on -the landing. 'No sound issued from the . - drawing-room: but I knew that there were persons there. There were no voices within as the cook opened the door and introduced me. An oppressive calm seeme'd to have settled on the as sembly,; 1 I had sußpected a noise, but this was worsc-. Mrs. Cronin stood be tide the fire -place and looked confused. Tom faced her and looked puzzled. Mary i the housemaik stood beside thein, and looked stupid. I came in and look ed corpse-like.' The bank notelcir .£2O was in the hand of Mrs. Cronin. 'The very note—the note itself,' she said., 'The identical note which Mary came crying to say she bad lost four years ago—lost, along ;with a pair of stairs, into the lining of, which she had stitched it.' ".'Mary I' I gasped inwardly, 'Mary lost, that note t Mary 'stitched it into the starli 1 What new horror is this ? `'"Here is the note back again, which is 'the main thine said Mrs. Cronin; *but the odd part of the business is that I get it from Tom, and odder still. Tom tells 'me that he gets it from Hal, or at least, from. Hal's chambers, where he• went to-get such a sum from him: . Why, we have just put the police on the track of an innocent piano -tuner, who , waa here ten minutes Wore Hal came thiS morning. Bat surely we need have no more, mystery . now. Here is Hal, ho will explain.' • "'Yes, Mrs. Cronin,' I said, 'I think I can' explain;', and I looked at Mary, for I Could not tell my wretched story while, she stood 'there to help in. the laughing. "Mrs. Cronin, with true womanly tact, turned to Iloly kind told her She might run to the police station, and tell them to take no' further steps in the nutter for the present. "'Now, Hal,' she said, when' Mary had reluctantly closed the door behind her, 'where are those stays ?' "'Mrs. Cronin,' I said, 'the stays are locked in a cupboard in my room.' " *Good gracious, child, what are they doing there r i - "And then in weak and faltering tones I began my confession. "Began, I say; for I had scarcely hint ed, how, on discovering the stays, I had, in an instant loved themlor their mis tress's sake, and borne them.away not knowing what I did, before the blue eyes of Mrs. Cronin commenced to sparkle, and the corners of her sweet mouth to quiver, and 'the whole of her dainty form to tremble in an effort to keep down the ktughter that was coming. And then it came.. She laughed. It Was not her face only that laughed; she laughed all over. "'Go away, both of you,' she said; 'I shall break in pieces. Hal, you will kill me I Make me stop laughing, or I shall be dead is fire minutes.' "And then.s4hen she had gained a moment's tielf-control, she said: "'But, Hal, Stem were not my stays at all l' "And then abe beganagain, and Tom, after her. I never saw anybody laugh until then. 'Not yours. Mrs. . Cronin r I gasped; 'not your stays?' 'Not mine a bit, Hat , They were IdarY!... I gave them to her. I never wore them one Ob. Tom, don't t can not . 'yon atop ? Did you kiss them, Hal? Forgive me, Hal, lam very sorry; but I must laugh; it is too _funny. What did yon say was the color of those stays, Hall, Poor Hal rhapsodizing over Mary's stays 1' "I thought Mrs: Cronin would haiv done herself an injury. In fietween the fits she went on again: • "'Mary was stitching in' the thing this morning in this room where she had no btudness to be--the piano mart came —she hid . them hurriedly under thesofa and in here, where you found them— Tom, there is my vinaigrette behind you.' " And. Hal said no more; and we all eat silent end felt for him. Hy-and:by Buddy said: - la that widow still a widow?' 'No,' said Hal, sadly; she married the Hnnorable Tom six months afterward}' wi t h e ga d sighed; and we all aighel 'The day, is -breaking,' presently said the captain, and we went below. A Western Drover's Story. My name is Anthony Hunt. - I am . a drover, and live miles and miles away upon the Western prairie. There won't a house within, sight when I moved there, my wife and I, and now we haven't many neighbors, though thoge ye have are good ones. t'One day, about ten years ago, •Lwent x away from,home to sell so me fifty head of cattle—fine creature as I: ever Ow. I was to bay some groceries and dry goods before' I came back, and, above all, a doll for our youngest Dolly; she never had a doll of her Own—only the rag babies her mother hitd made her. Dolly-could talk of nothing else, and went down to the very gate to call after me to buy her a big one. Nobody :but a parent can understand how fall 'ixiy mind was of : that toy, and how, when the cattle were sold, the first thing I harried ell: to buy Doll's doll. I found a large one, with- eyes that would open and shut when you pull a wire, and had it wrapped up is a paper, and . tucked it under my arm, while I had the pa r eels of calico and delaiue and a and sugar put - up. Thep, late us it was, I started for home. 'lt 'might ha, e been more prudent 'to stay until morning, but I felt aiiaions to get back, and eager to hetir Dolly's praises about - her doll. .. I was mounted on a steady-going old horse of mine, and pretty well loaded. Night set ire - before I was a mile from town, and settled down as dark as pitch while I, was in the middle of the wildest bit of road I knew of. I could' have felt my way, though, I remembered it so well; and when the storm that had been breWing broke and; pelted the rain in torrents I was five miles, or may be six from home yet-too. I rode as fast as I could, but all of a sudden I-lieard a little cry like a child's voice ! I stopped short and listened— I heard it again. I called and it an swered tue. I_Oouldn't see a thing; all Yu dark as pitch. I got down and felt around in the giass—called again, and again was answered. Then I began to yonder. I'm not timid, but I lwaa known to be a drover and to have money l aborit me. It might be a trap to -catch 3 me unawares and rob and murder e. I am not euPerstitiouit—not • ery; but how could a real child be out in the 'Prairies in such a might, at such au ,taiiir : ? It might be more than human: The bit of acoward that hides itself in most men showed itself to me then, but once more I heard the cry, and said I: 'lt any mane child is hereabouts, An thony Hunt is not the man to let it die.' I searched again: Atha I bethought me of a hollow under the hill, and grop ed that way. Bare enough I found a little dripping thing. that moaned add sobbed es I took it in my arms. I call ed iny horse, and the beast came tome, andi mounted and tucked and tucked the Jittle soaking thing under my coat as well as I could, promising' to take it home to mammy. Ix seemed tired to death, and pretty soon cried itself to sleep against my bosom. i It had slept there over an hour when I saw my own windows. There were lights in them, and I supposed my wife had lit them for my sake; bat when I got into the door yard I saw something was the:matter, and stood still with a dread fear of heart five minutes b efore I could lift the latch. At last I `did it, and saw the room full of neighbors, and my' wife amid them !seeping. When she saw me shetid her face. 'Oh, don't tell him,' she said. will kill him.' . 'What is it,neighbors ?' I cried. 'Nothing now; I hope—what's tha in your arms•?'„7 'A poor, loaCchild, said L 'I found it on the road. And I lifted the sleep ing thirg and saw the face of my own child, my Dolly. It was my darling, and tone other, that I - had picked up on the drenched road. f " My little child had wandered out to meet 'daddy' and the doll, while the mother was at work, and whom they were lamenting as one dead. I thanked heaven on my knees before thim all. It is not much of a story, neighbors, but I think of it oftenin the tights, and won der how .I could bear to live i if I had not stopped when 'I beard the cry for help upon the road, the little baby, hardly louder than a squirrel's chirp. • • That's Dolly, yonder with her mother in the meadow, a girl worth saving—l think—(but' then I'm her father and partial maybe) the prettiest and sweet est thing - this side of the, Mississippi. , —Detroit Free Press. Indianapolis has a girl 20 years old who "claims the ability to handle and - count 01000 in small bills in four min utes. ,That's nothing. We've got girls ,Towanda, that Would pay out ,that sum in small bills in two minutes, and make their fathers feel awful downhearted. f MEE TITS SHADOWED epos iv a wedded love oil/ lives , had twined One year—one earelesa, golden year— And then he died, my darling-died; And, for the joy that harbored there,. My heart was filled with dark aespair. I traced the haunts he loved the best •In dear, lost daysilss, so brief! Aid"memity's breathings, once so sweet, But fanned the furnace of my grief; They brought no tears to my relief, At batty dawn I sought his grave,. 'Mid quaint:•earved stones, o'ergrown with rms, And lo ! upon the hallowed mound— In seeming emblem of my - There fell the shadow of a cross. And kneeling, there in tearless woe, Methought Zhou(' my darling say: "Oh love thy grief a Shadow is, Whlch,:as a dream, shall pass stray, Where shadows melt in clondiess day l" then 'found iny anguish vent in tears, • Strands tears of heav'n-born peso*, that shod Around my soul a holy calm; And when I rose, thus comforted. The shadow from_the grave bad tied —Good Words. . , DR. BEAL AirCTL PORTRAIT OF' 1118 FATIIER. . I • If-I shall trier win the home in heaven, Ear whose sweet rest I hum by hope and Pray, ' - In the great company of the forgiven I ehall figure to Lind old Daniel Gray. I know him well, in truth, few knew him bettir; For my young eyes oft read for him the word, And saw how meekly from the crystal letter: He drank the life of his beloved .Lord. T7:l Old Daniol Gray was not a man who lifted On ready . , words his freight of gratitude; Nor was he called among the gifted' In the tarter meetings of his neighborhood. He hadis few old-fashioned words and phrases, Linked iU with sacred text and Sunday And I suppose that in his prayers and grave, I've heard them at least a thousand times: I see htm now—his form, his face, his mo. bons. - • His homespun hshit and his 'silver hair And'hear the language of his trite devotions Basing beyond the straight-backed kitchen - chair. • I can remember how the sentence sounded, • "Help us, oh, Lord, to pray, and not to faint!" And bow the "conquering , and' to conquett' • - rounded - The loftier aspirations of the allot. He had some notions that did not improve him; • He never kissed his children—so they say; And finesescenes of rarest flowers would move him - Less than a c horseshoe picked up in the way He had tt, hearty hatred of oiipressiou, And righteous word for iiin.ot every kind; Ala that the transgressor and transgression Were linked ao-closely in his honest mind ! Ho could see naught but vanity in beauty, And naught bat weakness M a fond caress, And pitied men whose views of Christian duty Allowed indulgence in such foolishness. Yet there were love and tenderness within him; Andq aT told that when his Charley died, Not nature's need nor gentle word could win hiin Froin hiii fond vigils at the sleeper's side And when they came to bury little (Marley, They fouridfresh dewdrops sprinkled in his ' hair, ; And on his breast a rosebud gather ‘ eif oarly, And guessed, but did not know, who placed thore. - • Honest and faithfal, constant in his culling, Strictly attendant on the means of grace, Instant in prayer, and fearful most of falling, Old Daniel Gray was always in his place. A practical old man, and yet a dreamer; . He thought that in some strange, ' unlooked for way , His mighty friend in heaven, the great Re deemer, Would honor him with wealth some golden day. This dream ho carried in a hopeful spirit Until in - :death his patient eyes grew dim, And hi4ltedeemer called him to inherit The heaven oUwealth long garneivid up for him.. 80, if ever I win the home is heaven, For whose sweet rest I humbly hope and pray, In the great company of the forgiven I shall be sure to find old Daniel Gray. FORTHE GENTLE SEX. She may dress in sillt or may dress, in satin,. May , know the language's Greek and Latin, May know fine art, may love and sigh— But she ain't no good if ahe can't make pie. It isn't because a woman is .exactly afraillotu cow that , she runs away and screams.. It is because gored. are not fashionable. A Vermont couple have monied after a courtship of twelve years, daring which the bride's father has pat, seven sets of hinges on the front, gate. r;T 'Think I'd hie in that building ?' ex claimed the lady who ran a boarding- house 'Not a bit of it. ' Why, all the doors fastened with bolts.' There isn't a key-hole in the building.' 'lf I lave , ever used, 'any unkind words Hannah,' said Mr.. Smiley, re flectively,' 'I take them all back. ' 'Yes, I suppose you want to use them over again,' was the not very soothing reply: Clara Louise Kellogg knows how to make bash. This fact is of interest in' view of her approaching marriage. It is especially interesting to the man'arlio will have to eat the hash. Tbeifair wearers of the fashionable flaming red kid glove must continually feel with Lady Macbeth 'that their bands, like hers, would 'the multitudin ous seas incarnadine, making the green —one red.' At a young ladies' seminary recently, during an examination in history,, one of the pupils was interrogated thus: 'Mary, did'Martin Luther die a natural death ?' 'No,' Was the reply; 'he was excommunicated by a bull.' George Smalley telegraphs from Loif.' don that Mrs. Langtry's 'ankles are slender.' Let us thank heaven that we have the Atlantic cable so we can have this fact telegraphed to us and not have ,to wait for it to come by mail. A Providenea woman went . no fur ther towards murdering an enemy than to get a false advertisement of her death into the papers.with the age set down as thirty-eight yesttv, and the 'Miss" inserted . to remind the lady that she was still unmarried. II OEM i DANIEL GRAY. ga.bu a Year, in AdTSUIOI-• ,SBLECtED HUMOR. Penurious yOung men 'who go off sleigh•ri4ing alone shonlci remember that there is a jaw against sleighing , "without belles. Men never like to be told they are turning to a brute. Thari the reason they don't like to look in a looking glass,' for fear they will see their heads getting to be a little bare. 'Can't you trust me, darling ?' mnr mured Spilkins to the daughter of old Moneylender. 'Not without real estate• security,' relied Isabella, absent mindedly. The two friends were talking about theatres. 'How wide is the stage open ing at Music Hall r asked one. 'Well, - I don't know exactly,' said, the. other, 'but it l is just the width of a Gainabor °ugh hat on the seat in front.' A. Syracuse man made a bet of ''ss6- that ho could find six women in that city who 'would marry him, and ho won it. Now he's ready to give the 859 to. anybody who will show him a way to get out of six engagements. - ' Papa, is it nice to make remarks about people'adress?"Why, certain ly 'not, darling' what did you ask that for ?' 'Nothing, papa, oully mamma said my dress was awfully shabby, and wondered why papa bairn noticed it long ego.' ; • - Some years ago an _Austin mem:haat Whom we will call Smith, beCarise that was, and is, the naMe painted on his :ign-board, sent auOrder for goods at a New york firm. - Smith belonged to the old school. He kept a very exten; sive general store, had plenty pf Money. kept all his accounts in pocket meinorandum-book, and didn't know the difference, between double entry bookkeeping and the science of correla tive hydrostatics. Among other things. be nrdered were twelve gross assorted clothes-pins, twelve ditto grindstones. - When he ordered the grindstones he. meant to order an assortment of twelve _ grindstones. The shipping clerk of the New York firm was astonished when he read the order. - He went to the manager and -said: 'For hekveh's: sake l• what do they want with twelve gross—l72B—grindstones in Texas r The manager Said it must be a mis-_ • take, and telegraphed 'Smith, it a mistake ordering so many grind stones ?' Old mau Smith • prided him self on never making a mistake. He • had no copy of his order to refer - to, and if he had he would not have re ferred to it, becanse he. knew he had only ordered twelve grindstones. - So he wrote back: Probably you thitik yon-know my business better than I do. I always order what I want, and I want what I order: Send' on the grind stoties.'_ The. New York firm knew , Smith was a little eccentric, but that he always paid cash on receipt of invoice, and was able to buy a dozen quarries full of grindstones if he cared to indulge in such luxuries, so they filled his order as written, and chartered ' a schooner, filled-her full of grindstones, and cleared her for Galveston.. They wrote to Smith and said that they hop ed the Consignment of 'grindstones by schooner would keep them going until - they could charter another vessel. Smith sold grindstones at wholesale, and at_ low figures on long time, • for some three years afterward.—Texan _ - Sif•lin - 'qs. - 'One evening, above Lewisburg, : on the liiraissippi,‘ began Capt. ,Paul Boynton, was on the lookout for = some place where I could stop, Or for some person Irina whom I could obtain information, when, near the bank of the river, I discovered smoke issuing from the chimney of a small cabin. I - hauled , to and blew my bugle.- For some time the smoke issuingfrom the chimney was the only sign of life. Finally a man, an easy kind of individ- r ' ual, came walking down leisurely, re garding "me curiously. 'powlar is it to Lewisberg V I asked. 'lts a party good distance.' 'But how far do yon call it V. 'I doan't call it.' •Confoundl, it, man; is it . two, three or four thousand miles ?‘ 'I reckon its one of the numbers.' 'Then I realized that I had met a kin& man of the Arkansaw Traieler. irritation, which had at first been ex hibited, subsided, and desiring to get as much information as possible,. I naked, pointing to a bar: 'Which side of the channel [shall I take ?' ' - . 'Either side you please.' _ • 'Which do you consider the better ?' 'I am not attendin' to other people's b,uainess.' 'Which side do the steamboats take?'- 'lt is owin' to what capfain is aboard.' 'Well, bringing. the thing dOwn to &- point, how long will it take me to get to Lewisburg ?' 'lt is owin' ter how fast yon travel' 'My friend, I think yon,;,are the foolinlonises." .4n., stranger, I < think you are the dovil come up to cool off. Go home.' Captain Boynton will stark for Pine Bluff Friday morning. - I know that the world—that the great, big world— From the peasant up to the king, Hsi a different tale from the tale I tell.. And a different way to Ring. Bat for me--and I wit not a single flg If they say lam wrong or right— - I shall *Away go for the weaker dog, Feel the under dog in the fight. I know that the world—that the great, big world Will never a moment stop To see which dog may be in the fault, • - • But will shout for the dog on top, 1 But for me—l ; never shall panes to ask Which dog may be in the right— • For my heart will but, while it bests at all, For the under dog in the fight. Perchance what I've said I had better not said, Or %were better! bad said In incog., - Batirith heiit and with esti' filled chock to the brina— ' Here lain& to the bottom dog! —Dam Remit. NO. 40