Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, February 23, 1882, Image 1

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    • ,•
HOLCOMB I t:. TRACY, PublisheriL .
i •
I . ,
Rallrvid Time.Tablez.
• .
Rentibii ,,„ LEHIGH VALLEY - 11,RENNA. AND
.6itiliSited Every Thursday,
vr TowANDA, PA.,
;1 , , 7 7 ,- ( 1 Per
~.Isinermy in Adrtznee.
Itairm—Siz cents a line for lira
a:11 nve cents per line for all suhse
.. Beading notice advent-tug
c'e line. Elea. lines constitu.o
- :,111" , .. and ,relve -lines an inch. Andilor's
Administrator's and ExeCtuor's
Yearly advertising $0;0.00 per
I.,.erilticari is published in the 1 iacy,
v . .,,r0 and Nobles Block, at the corner 01 Balla
i i.treeta, over J. F. Corset's Boot and
,s: its circulation is over . 2003. As an
medium it • is unexcelled in;• its im
Business Dire:l3l'y.
t'll N Attorneys-at-Lam; OMe
C Block, south
soN C Etsbree and L Efsbree,)
12.1 !;11, zn Mercur Block. Park St. may 14,78
• i;_ AILITON IBenj 'Ai Peck and D A Over- i WESTWARD.
s.. tnlleV over Market •
SAIIDERSON (E Overton and - jolts; STATIONS. •
'Fsz , l.l , .rson.i Office in Adams Block. utys' 8 1.301 8 1 I,t
1:v4t1.1, Wlt. ()dice over Daytou's'Btore , 1P.M. 1 .A.M. 1 A al tP.M
jVi - april 14,76 ‘. 'New York ' 6.30 '....1 i. 411;) 8.40
, . .
- .r. '1 • . • Philadelphia .... 4
Wil.,. J. ANDREW'. Mice in Mean's Block. eaoon .•I 8.00 .... ' 9.00' 4.15
.0 .... 10.151 .50
-Or 1 4." Bethlehem ' .9.501..... 16.451 6.15
--- 10.65 ; ..„!10.5 5.24
rikvu:s, cAuNocli.V.: is HALL. (W' T Dacier_ . . A l l en t own
Manch Chunk... ill 05'; 111 6 7 0 _15
LI li - // Carnochan.'L .V Hall.) Office In rear Wilken-Barre. . '''''''''
71 . .oef' J .F.3 ..-. .93 615 .
f.:;,,,,i it,,,!‘e. Entrance on Poplar St. (je12,75 LSt B Junction 1.251;8.0112.25 10.10
1i Particular
RoDsix A. Solicitor of Patents. I -1;6.27 -110,32
Ili l'artkular attehtion paid to business in LaCirl'ngre ' 8.45 j ....I• 10.46
Tunkhannock ....... 2.15 - 6.55 i 3.0140.52
(7r1'„Ill.;' Court and to the settlement of estates. I t
L.:n.•:•i , . M...ntanye's Block ,,,,,.„, Mehoopany..... ............. ....I 0,20, ...:111.22
~ ''" ''' ' Meshoppen - , I 9,27 3.2 Ti 11.21
skinners Eddy.. .......... I ....1 9.431 ..,...111.45
• 1 - ,-I , lii*.!NON.', k YOUNG, (1. McPherson and
IV-L .s," •.i. Y, n 9.) Office south side of Morgues u'eeYvali° 3.021 9.50 1 3 4111.50
, ... Wyslusing • I •
1'01).1;0) .. .... , i10.14 i 4.49 12.07
;‘: ~•':. i ,
Frenchtown ...., '110.271 .4.,12.17
Tor.O)ILL .V.• KINNEif Office corner Mainland. Blammerfield 10.371 .L .;12.24
.LYI. Pine at. Noble's block, second floor fituat. Standing Stone . ... 10.441% 1.112.30
1 . ,..]• ...tiOnS prontptly attended to. feh,l,; - 7/1 WYeallkinti ; 10.54 1 1 r 112.37
..--- : , Towanda • I 3,50.1105 i 4,43112.45
TTTILLIAMS, ANGLE .k BUFFINGTON. (11 /V Ulster .... 111.17'• C 55112.57
VV tra.'ici,:is, E J Angle and E D Buffington). Milan i t 11.25:,.... 1.06
•:!: -•‘.•.,t side of' Main street, two doors north Athens '
! Ai •
, 1, ,, *011i0u. All business entiusted to their Sayre.. 1 4._
,n. ~ 11 ree- , ive prompt attention. Oct 26,77 Waverly • 4.45.
r Elmira 15.25'12.4,.
F D JOHN W. CQDDIN ,At Owego ..- 1 3.39::... 1 b..
J naellore-st-Law. - 0121 , in Auburn i 8.30, ... 9.35 1 ,
. _
' ttr o'. T. Eirby's Dims ore Ithaca - 0.401 ...
• ly , lo t Ge ons neva,,,
-+- July
-4- Ly
0.1 "- Ai torne)-at-Lo- Rochester ,
~t 3, `e k. Maio " Buffalo
• - Niagara Fella .-
Mi.: 4 U. AND JOHN W. CORDING, Attar
; and Counsellors-at-IAI% -Office In the
r .r Block, over C. T. Kirby's Mug Store. -
Inly 3, 't4) U.
j -I- --
J.l P. Ai torney-st-Law. Office In
: , I,,!.ltallye' s :s Block. Main Street.
, ):I•Sti.i. W. H..and E. A., Attorneyg-at
office in 3lercur Block,
. T. I; irq's Drug Store, entrance on Main
• ,•1 - nr: , tatrway- north of l'est•office. All
pe-n.ptly attended to. Special atten
;claims against the United States
hunnttes; Patents, etc., and to
1.+•:,4 and Fettle:nen! of decedent's es test
. •
ENRY jB, M'KEAN, ' •
itur oflrat.mts. t.,lvernment claims at
to, IlacbS2
TwaNsoN, T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. u. C
Port,rs's Drug Stnre. fob 12,55
':RTnx, Drs. D. N.& F. G. Office at Dwelling
i:ivor Street, o,.rner Weston St. feb 12,77
L. M.D. Office Ist door above old
4 - 1 L sul building. on Main street. Special at.
,riven to diseases of the' throat • and
,NTO I /1 1 1;USN, S. M., M.D. Office and resi- 1
v deuce. Main street. north of M.E.Church.
Examiner for Pension En •-irtment.
• . • 131)22,78,
p viNE. E. D.. .D. OlUce Over Dilntanye's .
• tt ,, ro. Ohice hours from 10 tO - 12.a.u. and
1r .:11 '2 to I r. 11. Special attention given to
1...t•35t, el the Ede, and Diseaica of the Ear.
oct 20;77
tn. H 3t.D.• •
auluzot , ...Tuic PUT6ICLAS k SURGICON.
L. 41,1ex:ea and ofhce j o ust north of Dr. , Oorbott's
\i.c.n street, Athens. Pa.
"p - ENRI* HOUSE. Main at.. next corner south
of Bridge street. New house and new
f irhiture throughout. The proprietor has
1 , art.,1 neither pains or expense in making his
t. t,-1 t-cLatig and respectfully solicits a share
patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
I , .tiable. Largo Stable attached. .
V V TATEINS POST,. NO. 68, G. A. It. Meets
very Saturday evening, at JtiMary:Hall.
OEO. V. MYE.ft, Commander,
J. 1:. fitrrntzun, Adjutant: • feb 7, 79
YsTAL LODGE, N0..57. Meets at K. of P.
nail every Monday evening at 7:30. 1n
i2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver
ac•• annual coat, 5 years experience, $lll •
.1. R: BITIMIDGE, Reporter..
11 1:11 - ALDELL, Ja., Dictator. fel) 22.78
to.`DFORD LODGE. 'SO. 167, I. 0. 0. F.. fleet
in Odd FOtoisis Hall, every Motday evening
at 7 „'clock. Wen vs Hui., Noble Grand.,
POST, F, E. No. 32 Second street, All orders
1 will receive prompt attention. June 12,7.5
^-) Thc Second Winter Term will begin Monday,
./rs, 2i, 1 , 0;2. For catalogue or other Juror.
address or call on the Principal.
Towanda, Pa.
,I: "1
WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber
.and Gas Fitter. Place of. business in Bier
r Block next door to Journal office opposite
square. Plumbing, Gas 'Fitting,. Repair
-1..: Pumps of all kinds, and all : kinds of Gearing
r ,, mptly attended to. All wanting work in late
.1.•• should give him a call. . july 27.77
S, General Insurance Agency,
Towanda, Pa. Oilice in Whitcomb's Book
July 12,76
/load Quarters
PA.ID for De - sliable Pro-
Aprll 2J ly
ti4ttoressor to Mr. llcHeAtly)
, -
0 A.
'rue pitronsie of my old friends and the public
ceutrally is solicited. Seep, 80
. .
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STATIONS. 1 5 }9 1 1 3
_..._.1 1 .....:„..._......
P.M. , A.M 1 4-M. P.M.
Niagara Falls 2.01 7.21 ii 7.15
Butrako - • -2.50 8.251.;... 9.29
Elocliester • 5.15410.05 ....„....
Lyons 6.4011.05; ..... .....
Itcieneva. 5.55111.301 0f
haca 3.33 1.CO• ...
Auburn 5.15 11.051
Owego 94 .
0 1.951 . ..
Elmira 9.10 1.41 9.00 Yis
Waverly 9.45 2:10 9.40 416
'Sayre ;10.10 2.31110 901 4.30
Athens - ;10.16 2.94 10.01 4.34
1 10.15
1 ,10.25
• I
lowanda 'lO 46 3.00 1043 1 505
WYsanking 1.. i. 110.54; 5.13
Standing stone.
Enicunerileld .
Prenchtown 1..... . . ... 11.10, 1.26
'111.191.. •
Wyalusing ' 1 -- .. 3.3811 . 3016 .43
Laceyville ... . 11.42 3.57;11.50 6.03
. I
Skinner's Eddy 11 .63 6.07
Mushoppon .
..-.• 4.1213.1 01 6.23
Slehoopany .
.... 112.16 6.22
tunknannor.k .. •
12.23! 4.33 1.00 7.10
LaGrange , I • 1 1.10 ;.20
Valle . .. • 1 •- I 1.24 7.35
i. k B. JIIIICI.IOII .. - . 1.051 5.10; 1.45 8.05
Wilk w•Barre 1.3515.30 '
.2.20 8.35
Haucti Chunk .., 3.45:7.35 , 4.50 11.00
Allentown • ; 4.4 e 8.29. 5.53 12.00
Sethleliem ,
5.00 8.45 6.05 12.15
Easton I 5.30 9.00 6.4012.65
Philadelphia 1 6.55 10.40 , 8.49 2.20
Kew York 1 s.ost I 9.15 3.35
A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
• - , •
No. 32 leaves Wyalusing 6:00, A. M. French
town 6 . 14 , Rummerfield 6.23, Standing Aone 6.31
Wye:inking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, Tlister" 7,06.
Mau 7:16 Athens 7:25. EhlYre 7:40, Waver
ly 7:55, arr iving at Elmira 8:50.. -A. M.
No. 31 leaves'Elmira 5:15 P 1 31., Waverly 6:00,
Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20, Milan A:3O, Ulster 6:40,
Towanda 6:55,f Wysanking 7:05, Standing Stone
7.14, Rummer/10d 7:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arriv
trig at Wyalusing at 7:41., P. M. " •
Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping care on
trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila
delphia and between Lyons and New York wadi,
out changes. Parlor cars on Trainr 2 and 9
between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with,
out 'change, and through coach to and from
Rochester via Lyons.
Santa, Pa., Jan. 2, 1882. Pa. k N. Y. R. R.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Towatida 5 ct. Store
Is prepared to offer a complete assort
1 meat of - -
Crockery, Glasswai*,
For the coming Spring Trade, we
adhere as heretofore to our established
principle—that a quick sale with a small
profit is better than a sloW one with a
laime profit- 7 -and therefore our prices
in, any line of goOds will compare
favorable with, the prices of any other
ViirlVe endeavor to sell the best
article for the least possible 'honey.
Tile place to save mine; b onying cheap is st
1 ` Oorner Main and Franklin Streets
They respectfully annotuace to the public that
. thei hive a largo .totk of
We have also added to Our stock a variety of
KEN, CIII:111Nes Ere.
Just retested s large stock of Sugars, Tesa,
Coffees, Spices, 1d01711301V8 PIIIIE' SOAP, 4 the
best tietbe market, and other mates of soap
Syrup and Molasses, which they offer at low
prices for Cub. 0ct.28 77
BESTbusiness now neforethepublle. You
can make mony faster it work for us
than at anything else. Capitol not
Deeded. We will start you. $l2 a day and up
wards msda at home by the industrious. Men,
women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to
work for us. '• NOW is the time. You can work in
spare time only ' , lir give your whole time to the
business, You can live at home and do the work
No other businesi will pay you nearly as well
No one can tall-to make enormous pay by en
gaging at once. Costly Otitflt and terms tree.—
Money made fast, easily and , honorably.-
Address. Tana a co., Auguste. 31a l u e .
" Dec-16-Iyr
NOTE BUDS, ac. printed in the best style
of the aft at the lisirtrnungs offico.
4.30:11.31! 5.101 1.15
4.40111.4 V 6.20 1.23
4.45'; L3O
5.25 1 12.40: G. 151 3.15
5.30: G. 251
;-8.30:...-: • 0.3.5.
• •
1.41! 8.14
8.4019.50 1
--9.501 G.lOl 9.40
' 11.40, 8.10 12.05,
1.031 9.25' 1.061
P.M. P.M. A.M.
Latest designs and patterns of
PORK, and PROVISIONS generally
;EMIT 01
1 "'
e 4L ' v
C L , itheu e :
!ism, Droiii,Heasat Disease, BU.
tousness, - Nervous debility, etc.
!ho Zest IMMIEN KNOWN ; to X*
11,000,000 Bottles
SOLD suicz isvo.
77tis Syrup possesses Varied Propertles.
It Stimulates Alsel Ptyalin* in the
Saliva, width converts the Starch and
Sugar of the food into; glucose. A de&
clone" , in Ptyalin. caused Wind and
Souring of the food in the stomach. It
then ietheine intakes, immediately sates
eating the fermentation of food Is pro..
It acts stpon•the Liver. • •
It aets upon the Sidney&
It Regulates the Bawds.
It Purifies the Blood:
It Quiets the Nemeses Swims.
It Promotes Digestion.
'lt Nourishes. Strengthens and 'lt
• It carries off the Old Blood 'and ssete
opens the pores of the skin and taduees
Dealtiry Perspiration.
It neutralizes the hereditary tain l ior polsoz
la the blood, which generates Sc
sigelas c and wanner of skin diseases uld, amend
internal humors.
There are no spirits employed in its mans;
facture. and it Can be taken hy the most deli.
cats babe, or by the agedand feeble. ease only
being reguiredin ottesstion to directions. -
Toaborutory, 77 W e st 8d St.,
Aerer falls to =Caro.
Ashland. Schuyldll co.. Pa.
Dear Sim--4•Thla is to sillily that your INDIAN L SYRUP has benefited me more, after a
short trial, that' all the medicine I have used
for 15 years. _
Disease .of the Stomach.
Asldited. Schnykill co., Pa.,.
Dear Sir:—l have need your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and
it has proved to be a valuable medicine. .
- Mae. J. Auxin,
Nervous Debility,
Turile Point, hickean co., Pa.
Dear Sirt—l was troubled with 'Nervous De
bility and - partial Paralysis, for a number-. of
years, and obtained no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. ,a short trial of which
restored - me to health.
, 1 1 . 3:00
1 9.40
For Scrofula.
Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—qty little girl Was cured of Infratu
naation of the Pace and Byes, by the use of your
reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
bad previously failed to afford relief and it was
thought that the child could not live. Its neck
and breast was entirely covered with Sere:Wows
Sores, which aro now entirely gone.'
Sore Care for Liver Complaint
- Turtle Point, McKean c 0.,, Pa.
Dear Sir:—Thls is to certify that yOur INDIAN
BLOOD STRUM has effectually -relleved" me ,oI
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. after the doe.
tors failed. • . •
Remedy for the Rheumatism.
,Turtle Point, McKean co:, Pa.
Dear Sirr—li have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SKIMP for Rheumatism and Liver Com
plaint. and have derived great' rlbM therefrom.
Dstr7s Birarscur.
Agent's Testimony.
• TurtlePoint,Krian so., Pa.
• Dear Slr:—l was a life•long sufferer from Liver
Complaint until I used ' your great ; INDIAN
moon SYRUP, from which I soon -obtained
permanent relief. - I also find the Syrup to bas
valuable Bowel Regulator.
• . niniEtlf O. Ifixtrirow.
- A Valuable Medicine.
Brlin, Somerset yo u r r eliable
Sir:-,This is too k certify. that your reliable
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the best medicine
ever used in my family. Hoping the public will
be benefited by this great remedy, I take great
pleasure in giving my testimony of its value.
1 Imam P. Barium,
Dyspepsia and Indigestion. ":
_Berlin, Somerset Co., Ps.
Dear Sir:--I take pleasure in recommending.
youro INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi
cine made. People who are Dyspeptic should
not fail to, give its trial. For tne Stomach it
bas no equal. I have used it and know it to be
a valuable medicine.
Liver Complaint.
13comerset Co.. Pa.
Deer Sir:-.4 was troubled with Liver Com
plaint for a long time, and by the persuasion.of
your Agent, I commenced taking your -excellent:
INDIAN BLOOD BYBUP.which has greatly bene
fited me. have never found any medicine to
eonal it, and can confidently say it is a safe and
highly valuable remedy.,
0 - Pain in the Breast.
Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa.
Dear Str:—l was atllcte4l with a Pain In my
Breast and Side. and . when I would Ile down, I
'could scarcely breathe for Pain, I was also very
:weak in my Breast and Lungs. limed some of
, your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near
ly well. My Lungs are strong once more and I
am very gratetsl to you for such a valuable
Dyspepsia and lnffliestion.
Dear Sir:--Thhi is 'to certify that your flaps
hie INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has cured me of
Dyspeps , a and Indigestion. Which I had been
afflicted withlor years.
• Groson M. &Liter.
For Kidney Dimtoles.
Philadelphia, Ps.
e Dear Sir:-LI tabs subject to severe Pains in my
Sidneye, Weakness 'and Painful Sick Headache,
for years, and failed to obtain relief, untill was
induced to try your reliable INDIAN BLON)
EratuP. a short trial of which restored me to
perfect health.
Jamas Raft:
No• 1525 Dutra= St
For Ciostiveness. -
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sir :—I was troubled with CosUvenne and
Headache, and the nee of your INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP proved most beneAcial to me. It is the
but medicine I ever used.
N 0.817 Federal St.
• For Billiousness.
Philadelphia. Ps.
Dear sir; —I was afflicted with Dyspepsia and
Billiousness for years, and !Wed to procure re
lief until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP. which soon effectually relieved me. I
take great pleasure in recommending its use to
the &Minted.
FaLNE T. bosztaT,
No. 1035 Locust St.
Disease of the Stomach and Liver.
Bustuti Pike Co.,•Ps.
Dear Sir:—This Is to certify that I have used
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP fVisesse of the
Stomach and Liver, and have much bene
fited thereby. . •
• • ' Faassurr VANINIMMS.
. Best Filially B edieine:
Pike Co.. Ps.
Dear Bir;—'l. coanddes your reliable INDUS
BLOOD SYRUP the best medicine I ever used
Loy family. It is jest as recommended.
Ider.em. - Corman. '
Remedy for Worms.
Dear Sir:—l have used yOur great INDIAN
BLOOD - EiYAUP la my Dually. for Worm and
Summer Complaint, and it has proved effectual
in encases.
Tuouss Cornuast
I -__l4
. Never ) ' Falls to Cure.
SWAM, Pike Co., Ps.
Dear Si?:—lly daughter was in Poor Health
and a short cured trial
AGENTS WANTED for the "le
. of the MUM BLOOD
SIRUP, In every town or village, in which I Data
no agent. Partlntilara even onapplication:
, , „
F— was a living specuneti of the
typical old bachelor, a personage more
often met with in the pagiic of fiction
than in real life, lean and shitrp visaged
of aspect, crusty and cynical of temper.
He was, moreover, an avoweoddity;
one of the privileged °hiss, who, by
virtue of this reputation , ca n do wits'
others dare notiwithout excitingsuprise
or giving offense; whose
are met_with it shrug oid the shoulder
and - the, t remark; ' What' else could you
expect'of an oddity like me?'
He an unpopular than, receiving
scant sympathy; yet capable, neverthe•
less, of kind and generous acts, perform:
ed . on the condition that they :Were to
be kept strictly secret end that he was
never to: be thanked for them. Woe
betide the recipient of favor to whom
it was brought home that he had men
tioned the same to'any one, or extolled
the.kindneas of his henefitetor I The
unlucky wight once detected in thus
giving vent to his gratitude had
taken the surest method of Cutting him
self off from further help. ,He never
got another chance.
`'Our old- bachelor enjoying, as we
have said, the privileges of eccentricity,
it excited no surprise when on one oc
casion, after an absence from home, Iv
wrote to inform his servants-Ain - old
couple Who bad lived with Win for
years—that be would be accompanied
by a widow lady, who was likely to
mike a long stay in his house, and for
whom: apartments were to be got ready.
'And a pretty upset she'll make I' ex
claimed the dismayed old housekeeper,.
`a fussy, middle-aged party, no doubt;
ordering and . interfering and wanting
to have everything her own way Which
she won't get, John, as long as we can
prevent her. She'll be a clever madam
if she gets her . foot inside of my store
room while there's locks and bolts to
keep her out, 1 . 6 n tell her.'
'Don't you m ale so sure,' said Jahn.
The old man could not resist now and
then, teasing his helpmate as a little set
off against sundry naggirgs on the part
of that good old lady. 'Maybe it's
mistress of Gel house and of yourself
that's coming o it. 'Then widders are
great at Wheed ing It's time, if the
master is ever to marry, that—'
%hi - stop your croaking now cried
Mrs. John: This dire suggestion was
too 9verpowering for her feelings. ,
The appointed day arrived, and When
the cab drove to the door, the two
old domestics with very sonAice . s and
their backs very much up; went to re
ceive their master and ;his unwelcome
guest. Their first glimpse of thn latter
showed. them that tbnY might.' have
spareff their fears and hostile intentions.
Out from the cab, before their aston
ished eyes, sprang a - girlish figure,
whose bright, happy face contrasted,
cariosly with her mourning 'garments.
'Mind the step, uncle I' ('Oh, his
niece, she is I') she cried, tripping np
to the hall door. 'Don't trouble,
please,' with a smile to the old house
ket'per; , 'that base is too heavy _ for you
to take; I'll carry it.' " .
N. B. Brrsaux
D. C. WiNatitr
‘seat( Bmrrn
And when the stranger came down to
breakfast next morning with a morsel
of a cap perched on the top ;of her gol
den braidi of hair ('not my' idea of a
widow's cap,' said the dame to her hus
band; 'and would you believe it, John,
;pinging away like a bird while, she was
Idiessing 1") she looked absurdly young;
more like a girl in her teens than an
experienced, 'settled' matron.
The advent of his pretty niece made
some change in the habiti of the old
gerrleman. He had friends at dinner
more frequently than of yore; and in
addition to the elderly fogies that form
ed his usual 'society, younger. gueks
were invited, suited to the years of his
~.With great amusement her
'Arleta observed the attraction her come
liness and winning ways were for these.
!Situ-ming round—like flies about a
honey-pot I Scenting, I daresay, a fat
jointure. All widows are supposed to
*le rich, and just beeauae she is a widow
and for no other reason, making up to
her, the fools S This to himself with a
eynical chuckle. Aloud: ' 'Nice little
*omen, 'sir, that niece of mine. Plenty
Of good looks, but hasn't a sixpence—
not a siipence to bless herself with.'
It was wonde-ftd how the old house
was brightened up by the presence of
its blithe young . inmate. But b.y ... no
one was its pleasant influence more:felt
tban by the domestics, who had towed
such hostility before her arrival, ITtie old
woman especially was devoted to bir;
loving her for her own sake, as :well as
for the kindly help and good offices she'
was always reciving from the deft and
willing hands of the young girl. In the
store-room—that sacred retreat which
her foot never to invade—the lat
ter was to belound on 'company days,'
busy and happy as a bee; with _sleeves
tueltdd half way up her plump arms,
her hectiy crepe skirts stowed away
under one of the old lady's capacious
holland;aprons, and lappets
, pinned
high over her' head while laughing mer
rily at the queer figure she made, of
herself, she worked away at the cakes
and sweets, taking a world of trouble
off the Ponr housekeeper's hande.
'And act thoughtful she is, • sad .gay';
bless her; his wife would tell old John.
'She'll come tripping tip to me, and
Now, do, as you're bid,' she'll say
playfully, forcing me down into my big
chair. 'Sit down and rest, there's an
old dear, and take your.tea. • I'm not
going to let you do a turn more.' And
then she'll work away, her tongue go
ing all the time as fast as her , fingers;
running on about her mother and her
home, her flowers and pets, dogs and
birds, and what not, but never a word
abOut husband or married days. And
if I touch upon them or ask a question
she'll get quite silent and strange-like
in a minute, and turn off the subject as
if it burned her. Perhaps for all she's
so merry •on the outside she's fret
ting for him that's gone, and can't a
hem to talk of him.'
Enwsni) Zonn.
D. M. Buz.
Jae. A. Baovra*
Mama VANA:gigint.
'Nothing of the sort 1' cried old John.
Don't you go to think Such stuff.
She'd take n husband to-morrow; mark
;LOR. ,
my words. And it's my opinion there's
a young gentleman comes to this house
that has a fairish chance. Re's des
perate sweet upon her'. , I haven't eyes
in my head for nothingoind I see plain
she doesn't dislike him; or bold herself
up distant from him, air slie does from
others. -
Old Jon
e ras righL- - Matters 'were
in due ti eso satisfactory settled be
tween W I young couple that en appeal
to the s vole was deemed, expedient.
The old gentleman received the an
nounce " eat with a• half pleased, baff
satirical . •)) ) “,
)1 -
'Ha, thought so I' be muttered.
But are you aware, my friend, that
were is no money in the. case? The
lady hasn't a sixpence, and—' .
'I knew it,' indignantly interrupted
the suitor. 'Yon have made 'that re
mark before. " I-want no fortune with
my wife, my own being my love—' .
`O6, spare you rapture, young sir.
Not ito fast. Don't be too sure of the
prize; for when you hear what I have
told you, there may beperhaps a change
in your views. I 'hex, notime to go
into the matter now; co ne to-morrow
and hear' what will *uprise you;' and
the old gentleman went off, nodding
hack—malevolently, the lover fancied
—dim his. shoulder, shoulder, and leaving the
poor, felloW in a state 'of
suspenBe and uncertainty.
What could this dark hint mean ? and
why was he not to make sure? Could
it be portable there was any doubt, any 1
mystery as to the demise of the beloved
one's husband ? • He' could not help
calling to mind her confused and sin- 1
gular warmer at times; a certain -want
of frankness; an evident embarrassment
at any , allusion to the past. The poe.
Ability of an obstacle made the young
man realize, as he bad not before done,
bow deeply his affections were engaged.
lie spent a - Miserable night, awaiting
in vain,cenjectures and sleepless anxiety
the tidings which the morrow might
bring forth.
~ ,
-order to explain platten it will be
necei.sary to go back some months
previone to the arrival of the young lady
at her uncle's house; as 'well as to
change the scene from it to a country "
cottage in a remote part of England—
home of the widowed sister of the ec
centric bachelor. In it we find him
peeing up and down the drawing-room
mid i listening to the •querulous com
plaints that its occupant, a couflrmed
invalid, is tittering from the seta on
which she lies. 'I think but little of
my bodily sufferings,' she is saying;
'they cannot now last long. tray day
I feet more plainly that the end is not
fir off, and my doctor tells me the same.
The distress of mind that torments me
is wbe i t is so hard. to bear.'
'And what inay this be about, if I
might ask ?''
`The future of my child when I am
gone. All I have, as you know dies
with me. She will Ise penniless, and
the thought of what is to become of her,
east on the world without a home,
'haunts 'me night and day. , It is too
dreadful 1'
'A girl—and young—and not bad
looking. Where's the fear? Some
body 'II marry her.. Men are snob
fools I"
The sick woman could not ferlieliif a
'Ab, but there are no men, no fools
here I In this ratnote corner We' see no
one, and the poor child, , taken up with
nursing me and tied to a sick room,
has made no acquaintances. It IR kill
ing me to see her young life Facrifieed
and to thing of the future.'
The mother's tears began to fiow".
Her hearer, never very , amiatly inclined
towara the weaker sex, or at ease in its
company, increased his , quarter-deck
pipings in much discomfiture as these
symptoms of 'water-works turned on'
becate apparent. His hurrid steps
soon subsided ? however, to a steady
march up and down the little drawing
room, while with frowning brow and
occasional ckuckles, be seem to be
concocting some - scheme. .After a few
minutes he came to a sudden halt, e
fore the invalid's sofa. .
'Can Magid act ?' be asked abruptly.
'Act? How do you mean ?
you needn't look frightened;
I'm not going to propose serisiing [her
to the Gaiety or the Criterion.'
. 'Well, except in the little make
believe plays and •dressings•np that
_children delight in—all children are. I
think, actors born.' ('Ay. and men
and women ! 004' growled the cynie)-.--
'except thaesort of thing abe has never
seen or had any opportunity ot Nang.
Why do yori ask'?' •
And in reply her brother unfolded
the plan be had been concocting—name=
ly, that his niece, laying aside her
'frippery and her trinkets and other
girl's n'onsenser i l---was to put on the
mourning garb and act the part of a
-widow, i n which assumed character she
was to come to stay with him in his
London , home.
'But !don't understand'-
- qui' you're not wanted to under
stand,' he snarled. 'lt's my wliim; and
it !nay be for the girl's advantage. If
she's willing. and can hold her tongue,
Pll cometbact for her when she's ready.
And I'll pay for her outfit. Crape and
weepers 1 Ho, ho, ho 1'
When her first surprise at her nacle'a
strange proposition was over, the young
girl jumped eagerly at the prospect of
a change from the dull home she never
yet ,had left. She was 'young- and
spirited; at an age when love of variety
and a longing to see the world and
plunge into its unknown delights, are
natural. The playing the :widow she
thought would be excellent fan. There
was a spice of adventure in it, and it
would be like the private theatricals and
acting charade!' she had read of and im
agined so pleasant. The old gentle'
man's reason for wishing her to do so
'was a puzzle; but then Who amid won
der at anything he did ? absurd oddity
that he was I Perhaps it was to' avoid
having to provide a chaperon ter her;
he hated ladies so, and elder ones espe
The result , of the 'deem we hive
seen; and the scheme itself was what
its originator proceeded to- divulge to
the would-be husband when that indi
vidual presented himself with ocinsider
able misgiving and agitation on the ap
pointed morning. , ,
'As the lady, hat; not. turned out to be
what yon took her for. is not. in fact, a
widow, perhaps the whole matter may
be off. A disappointment, no doubt,'
wound up the uncle with one of his
brief chuckles; 'but 'twas only right to
tell you in time. Young man, if you
can pardon the deceit, take her.'
'Well,' exclaimed the young man to
hisfiancee, when, allthinp were cleared
up and satisfactorily arranged, the en
gaged pair were bilking over the queer
circumrtance •that had brought them to
gether, alsaya knew,your uncle was
eccentric, but this surpasses anything I
could have imagined of him.'
Fear is stronger than love.
Agree for the law is costly.
Dying is as natantl as living.
Caro and diligen& bring luck.
Hatred is blind as well as love.
Children are poor men's riches.
Idleness alwas envies industry.
Heaven is worth the whole t irorld. -
A - danger foreseen is halt avoided.
By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
A good example is the best sermon.
Do good if you expect to receive it.
A good friend is my nearest relation.
It is a manly act to forsake 'an error.
He doth much that doth a thing well.
Empty vessels eive the greatest
so and.
Ignorance is the mother of ' itopp
A. quiet conscience causes a quiet
A. man is not good or bad for one
action. -
_Examples are the best lessons for
He that has no charity merits no
A . eivil denial• is better than a rude
grant. 45
He's a slave that can not command
The Duck Hunter's Story:
'Speaking of duck shooting on St.
Clair Flats,' sighed an old citizen, as he
took a seat in a gun store yesterday;
'I don't think there are as. many birds
up there as there were ten or. fifteen
years ago. Why, sir, the channels
used to be justiblack with 'em, and they
were so tame that you could knock 'em
on the head.'
Everybody sighed to think those
good old days and ducks could never
return, and the veteran hunter con
remember I was out one thy in
April. I got in among the bipeds, and
how many do you suppose I counted r
`Three hundred,' ventured one of the
audience after a long interval. •
'Three hUndred ? Why, I always
killed over a thousand every time I
went out f No; sir, I 'counted over
sixteen thousand, great,, fait, plump,
delicious ducks, and then; I had ,only
counted those on one aide of the boat l'
'How long did it take you ?'
'I don't know, sir. I had nq watch
with me. Time is nothing to a man
counting ducks. I counted aloud, and
when the ducks were small I counted
two for one. By and
. by I got tir e d
of counting and got ready foi` the
'Bo* many did you kill ?' !
'Well, now,. I suppose I could -jie
about it and say I. killed nine or ten
hundred, but I'm getting too -near the
- grave for that. No, I didn't kill a
blasted one, and that's where the
strange part of the story comes in.
When I began to lift that gun up, those
ducks knew what I was up to just as
well as a human being, and what did
they'del Why, sir, about two hun-f
aired OVem made a sudden dive, swam
under the boat, and raised up on her
port side at once and upset her ! Yes,
sir, they did, and . there I was in the
North Channel, in teu feet of water,
boat upset, night coming on,and I, in
my wet clothes.'
'Well?.', -
-Well, I climbed up on the bottom of
the boat, floated five miles; and was
picked up by two Indians. We towed
that upset boat to an island, and here
another curious thing comes in. tinder
the boat were two hundred and sixty
tour large, .plump ducks. They had
been caught there when she upset, and
all we bad to do was to haul 'em out
and rap 'em on the head.'
'Why, why didn't,' they dive • down
and get from under the boat ?' asked
an amateur duck shooter.'
•Why didn't they; sir?—why didn't
they ? Well, sir, I,s:eight hhve asked
'em why they didni; but it; was late, -a
cold winfhad.spniug up, and I didn't
feel like talking ! All I know, 18 that I
counted over riiteen thousand ducks,
was upset, captured two hundred and;
sixty-four, and have affidavits here in
my wallet to prove everything I have
stated. Does any man here want to
see the documents ?'
No roan did. They all looked Out of
•the windows and wondered if: they
could lie that way when they had passed
three score years.—Orknial anket.
A sewing machine canvasser was driv
ing leisurely alo4g i one of ofir Western
country roads recently, when he met a
farmer's boy, who AVELS whistling mer
rily, and seemed to be altogether in the
best of humor. Upon asking him what
made him feel so good, he replied. that,
he had got a new ahirt that was mide
out clan old shirt of ,bis father's, that
- was made out of an old sheet.
Au indignant drummer drops us a
postal from Melia to say that the res
son the Sifters never see any drummers is because they, the Sitters
do not go there themselves: _ There is
many a random fire at a mark that hits
the arrow it was timed at, and Able is
one of them.
oral r Goma To ram 0.431'1.
Like it bell of blossom ringing. •
Clear and childish, shrill and sweet,
Floating to the porelashadoW, • - '
With the fainter fall of feet,
Comes the answer softly backward, -
Bidding tender.watcher wait,
While the baby•queen outruns her;
"Only going to She gide."
Through the moonlight, warm and scented.
Love to beauty breathes a sigh,
Always to depart reluctant, •
Loth to speak the words good•bye;
Then the same low echo answers,
Waiting love of older date,
And the maiden whisper, softly,
"Only going to the gate." •
Oh, those gates along our pathway, • •
What they bar outside and in!
With the vague outlook beyond them, '
Over waves we have not been.
Bote,they stand before, behind tie
Toll-gateaaome, with price to pay; •
aprieg-gates some, that shut forever;
Cludegittes some, that.meitaway.
EN> 14 pus them going upward
Oti j our tourney one by one, . • .
To the distant shining wicket
"ere each traveler goes alone—
Where the friends who Journey with as
btrangely falter, stop - and wait; -
Father, mother. child or lover;
"Only going to the gate."
Hush my pretty one. Not yet.
Wait a little, Only wait,
Other blue flowers are as wet
'As your eye#, outside the gate
He has shut forever. But
Is the gate forever shut? '
Just a young man the rainn
Saying (the. last time ?) "good night!"
Should be never come again
Would the world be ended quite? •
Where would all these rosebuds go ?
All these robins? Do you know?
But he will not come? Why, then,
Is no other Within call ?
There are men, and men, and men—
.knd these men are brothers all t
Each sweet fault of his you'll iind
hit as sweet in all his kind.
None with eyes I 1 his? Oh—oh !
In diviner ones did I
Look, perhaps, an hour ago;
Wbose-? Indeed (you must not cry)
Those I thought of—are mit free
To laugh down your tears, Yoit see.
Voice like his was never ifeArd ?
4 - - No—but better ones, I i6w; 1 '
' Did yOu.etrer bear a bird
Listen, one is singing now! '
And his Omit'? His' gloves? Ab,' well,
' There are gloves like his to sell.
• At the play to-night you'll see, ,
In mcck velvet cloaks, mock Earle ;r.
With meek-jeweled swords, that he • -•'"
Were 4 clown by! Now, those curls
pride, I say?
Do not cry for them, I pray.
If no one should love yod ? Why,
Yon can love some other still;
Philip Sidney, Shalispeare, ay.
• Good King &Mir, if you will
Saphel—he was handsome too,
Love them one and all. I do.
:—.llrs. S. M. B. Platt
Tit Massachusetts and some other
6tateF, no widow-has a right of burial
by her husband's side, unless he shall
'have provided for it by his
A thirty-Az-year old. Indiana' widow
persuaded her daughtei to discard her
twenty-four-year old lover. Tfleu the
widow wooed ani won him , and the
wedding will soon be.
A "woman's rights dance" was a
novelty at Conti= Rill in Florence,
Massachusetts, on Tuesday. All paid
the same, entrance fees, 4 xtnd the women
took an equal part as fldpr managers.
President Arthur was first led to feel,
the importance of women having larger
and fairer opportunities by the sym-'
pathy be felt for a 'sister, whose health
was quite broken down through long
years, of struggling as a school teacher
for woman's pay and man's work.
A . Providence, Rhode Islanditwoman
having purchased a periodical, vies un
able ta - carry it to her muTiaget, at the
door. so, turning around, banded it to
the clerk, with the request that he
should mail it to her to Pilatka, Florida,
as she did not wish to be troubled
carz7ing it.
Mrs. Edna Dean Cheney pintures the
topical Boston woman as one of di3licate
but enduring physique, capable of great
nervous source and energy: as more
intellectual thimpassionate, and while
reserved and cold in manner, yet strong
in affection and benetolence.
Mrs. C. S. Maynard, Northampton
Township, Kan., was going after water
when ate saw a wolf run across her path
and into a hole close by. She immedi
ately got out of the wagon and proceed
ed to said' hole with axe in hand, and
reaching in, caught Mr. Wolf by the
tail, pulled him out, and split his head
with her little axe. .
Twelve female doctors in Russia are
aow 'officially , engaged in teaching
thedicine to womeni Thirty aro in the
service' of 'the Zemstvos, and forth
others servo hospitals. Twenty•fivel
female doctors who tOokt
par ID the
military operations pf '1877 have been
decorated, by order of the Emperor,
with;the order of St. Stanialans of the
third class. The number of female
students is steadily increasing.
A gaunt looking tramp went to the
residence of Engineer Davis, in Eiit
later, Mo., and demanded of Mra,
Davis, the only person at' home, hiS
supper.'.-The lady, informed him that
she had nothing cooked, but would
give kim some brOad and butter: This
he-declined and avowed that he must
have a warm supper. Mrs. Davis said
that if he would just wait a while Abe
would give him a warm supper, and she
went into the room to prepare it. In
few seconds she returned with a revol.
ver and disohrrged four chambers at the
trampaa be retirediit break-neck speed
through the darkness.
Tommy was a little rogue, whom his
mother had hard work to manage.
Their house in the country was raised a
few feet from the ground, and Tommy,
to escape a well-deserved whipping, ran
frmn his mother and crept under the
house. Presently the father came home,
land bearing where the boy had taken
refuge, crept under to bring him out.
Mhe approached on his hands and
knees, Tommy asked, Is she a ft er you,
Rod and . Gun Items.
A few - days figo a wild cit wait killed
near FrenchtoWn, Bid„ which weighed
26" pounds,. ap unusually large 'speci
men. = • „.;--
Wild beasts ate thinning float( and
herds of Montana graziers to such an
extent that -- fhe settlers offer a heavy
bounty for:, the killing of coyotes,
mountain lions and bears., ?.
Wild duels are making sad havoc
with young grain in Colusa county,
Cal. On one farm they haye nipped the
blades off from 11l the wheat sprouted
on 1000 acres.
Considering the severity of the past
winter on game of all kinds, wild tur
keys seem to have escaped remarkably
well, if the number killed iu the moan
tains of , this State within 'the past
couple of months is a criterion. One
weighing 37 pounds is reported to have
been killed by Henry. Mara, of Somer
set county, on the Allegheny mountains,
two -r three weeks ago. 1
Potter comity, Pa., contains but a
few miles of railroad across a corner of
it, and the greater portion of its surface
is covered with dense; forests, which
are still a resort bear and deer. Tho
other day a large doe and a fawn were
started close •by Coudersport, the
county seat, and they came directly in
to the village and were seen by several
person, but both the mother , and young .
escaped. . •
For two years past a large buck that
frequent the vicinity of Mix Run, Elk
county; has managed to evade the bun•
tere, although they would occasionally
see him., Last, month, three hunters
succeeded in starting him with the aid
of dogs, each, got a shot as he ran down
the Run and was found dead a mile
from where the shots were fixed. It
weighed about 225 pounds and was pro
nounced largest buck ever killed in Elk
county. •
Selene.jle Uses of the Kiss.
It is'one of the ingenious theories'of
science that all flowers were originally
yellow.. This foreaula leaves us in a
world •of conjecture as to boW.Moses
made his floral selectionO, when gather
ing the various tribes of plants for per
petuation in the ark. The resolution
of the problem involves no important
principle,: so we may pass to a more
generic phase of this interesting, theory.
All'colors in their primary condition,
science tells - us, were almost uni-hued.
Yellow seems to have been the base.
Bright hues came froM, the need of the
development of the species. All flowers
that expand into variegated and bright
colors do so by the law of their being.
That law invests them with the shades
that attract the peculiar insects upon
which the color of the flower is fed.
This is the.point that suggests ,curious
reflections and analogies. The tinebien
firm person is prone to suppose that the
insect feeds on the flower; but it seems
this is a fallacy. The nutrition is inter
The delicate red of the rose is engen
dered by the larvae left. in its petals,
•while the industrious. bee is filling his
honey reservoir. Floviers, of course,
are very interesting. A biiiich of them
on a lady's hair or bosom is a sight of
real-beanty. But why should science
devote ao much care to Mere inanimate
loveliness, when there so many more
interesting' questionii that that the
world would like resolved? If color is
fed as the Scientists tell us, 'what is the
origin of the ruby on the lips? Of
course, the theory of the cynical, that
purely human alembics proddc'elibe
delicate-carmine that poets write about
with' inch rapture, cannot be for a Mo
ment considered. How can the color
of the lips be fed? There is no insect
known to man that impregnates the
portals of pretty, months. The idea of
certain foods bringing about this , phe
nonenon must also be rejected, fOr do
we not see daily in the same family lips
ted from the very Bayne aliments as di
verse in - color as the noses on our faces,
or the shades of our
There is but one rational theory . to
accept in , this interesting dilemma.
The lip is fed by the kiss! 4 What more
natural? Any observent person may
teat this by making the effect produced
by the encounter of these organs.
Sometimes, it will be seen, the color of
the lips is not only enhanced, but the
whole face is fed npon this exquisite
nourishment Indeed, close observers
will bear witness that the roseate tinge
extends downward to the neck—prov
ing incontestably that the kiss is the
scientifiC explanation of
- the crimson so
much admired, on the lips of 'beauty.
It will not,'howr..ver, be safe - to assume
from this interesting evidence, of the
scientific office of the kiss that tlie color
wave extends to the hair , and that fre
quent, liming leaves the Titian tinge
ladies admire so much,—on their neigh
bors! It is- a curious circumstance, too,
corroborating this, theory that, until
lips are touched by monstacbes, they
never bloom into such rose-like loveli
ness as we observe in marriageable
girls or reigning belles. Girls who
have numerous brothemand cousins, it
will be 'observed generally have the
best colored lips.
These hints given, any discerning
person can take up the- subject and
find useful diversion in the speculation.
Young men will naturally take up the
study , with the.
.: greatest enthusiasm.
Beginning with their sisters, the invest
igations may be carried on among other
fellow's•sisteuruntil sufficient data tiave
been accumulated to take ' the matter
from the narrow field of speculation in
to the ground of absolote fact. 'Some
philosophers hold that the deep bine of
the eye and the empyrean comes from
the condensation of opaque. molecules.
It will undoubtedly be found tharthis,
too, is an error; that the blue of the eye
has a subtle relation to the impression
of the lips. Indeed, a man at all well
grounded iii the science 'of Colors,: re
membering thal yellow is the primary,
will be convinced that is the kiss, iike
the dew, fructifies every , appetant
beauty of face, mind and heaxt.—Phil
adelghia Press. - •
$1.60 a Irwi hi Advause.
A i' . . - -NzpEn TAZZ
I stood by her able when tho,thie came in,
Wi ita creeping kiss and its wailing mow
I held her last—was she mine to *hi?
Might I not call her, some day, my:own?
. , ,
'looked In the depth of her hazel oyes;
Close to cur feet crept the restlesises;
In the tender tones that fond hearta prize,
I told her how fair she was tome.
' .
/praised the grace of her queenly head;
The dashing waves sang low and sweet;
The bright eyes shone at the words I said,
While the light foam nestled about her feet.
I praised the sheen 'of heichestuut hair.
Never a woid she said to me,
But clostir she crept to my side down there;.
By the iistlees, tossing, moaningsea. .
'Could she be miner As I held her fast
j I faked the driver; he spoke me fair,
And said he would sell me, Brat and jut.
For a thousand dollars, that chestnut mare.
Talmage says he finds that religion is
not a groan, but a song. One would
think from his actions that be bad found
it to hi 3 a circus.
A druggi st in Belton Palle, Va., bit
been sent to prison for sixty days 'for
selling liquor as a beverage.' Wonder
whatthey would have done with him if
he had sold` it as a liver-pad or a wash
-for removing freckles ? 4
The Little Rock papers mitigate the
crime of a man who committed' suicide
there last week by saying it was his.
first offence. Very likely he had not
been long in the State, or he would
have made the attempt sooner..
- Peppery pleasure: 'Miserable!' said
. Symonds. 'Of course I'm
miserable, and I can't help looking • so.
I'm. invited and can't refuse to attend, a
party given by the girls .at the board
ing school. They're going to 'cook the
supper themselves, and I shall have to
eat some of the bread and cake, and I
shall die in awful agony befdre morn
ing. I know I shall 1'
Couldn't see tho fun: A. Bucks coun
ty man, at a church fair, thought- it
would be a -good joke to put up a leather
medal to , be toted to the .most unpopu
lar man in the Ward at - ten cents - a vote.
But he wasn't so tickled with the notion
when he was unanimously "elected to
take it. . could not see anything
funny in the result.
'Mr. Brown is not very young; bn .
Clara says he is pure gold,' remarkable
Matilda, speaking 'of Clara's matrimoni-.
choice., 'Yea,' said . Sarah, know
that old gold is finite fashioniihle,; tint I
Order to take my gold while', it is
you 34.•
A young man in Leadville eloped
with another man's wire'. Three weeks
afterward_the deserted husband met the
!destroyer of his peace,',• and shot him
dead. He said the youth looked so
dejected and submissive that he
''thought it would be an act of mercy to
put him out cf his misery.'
A Alum= Tail. PTAsl.Ltipi."—A
young lady gave 'her young maa' a
beautiful worked pair of slippers; - and
he acknowledged the present by Send
ing her his picture, enclosed in a hand
some frame. He wrote a note to send.
with it, and at the same' time replied"
angrily to an oft repeated dun for a suit
of clothes: He gave a boy teti cents to
deliver the pUckage and the notes, giv
ing explicit directions as to the destina-;
tion of each. •
It was a boy with a freckled face, and
he diseharged his errand in a manner ;
that should give him a niche in the
temple of fame.
The young lady
. reoeived a note in
her adored one's handwriting, and flew
to her r l eofli to devour its contents. She
opened the thissiye with eager fingers,
and read:
'l'm 'getting tired of your everlasting
attentions. The suit is about all worn
out already. I. never amounted to
much anyway. 'Please go to thunder l'
And the. tailor / was struck utterly
dumb when he opened the parcel and
discovered the picture of his delinquent
customer, with a note that said:
'When you gaze upon the 'features,
think how much I love 'you.' - -
When the unfortunate young - ‘izmn
called around that evening tei'--reeiii-e
the happy acknowledgementcof
sweetheart, he was very ostentatiously
shoved off the - steps by the young lady's
A Rims UNDER Gaomvp.-Mete
, Green, not long since, while out with
his cattle, made a most startling disco
' very, and one that may possibly take
its place among the grand wonders of
Idaho. He was riding along early in
the morning on the divide between In
dian 'creek and Snake river, when his
horse sprang aside, snorted and other
, wise gave evidence of having seen or
heard something unusual. The spot
was on a little knoll on the comb of the
1 1
ridge, and Mete, who had , been almost
I asleep, taking a sweep around with hie
eyes to learn„the cause of his horse's
behavior, filially rested his vision on- ,
what seemed to be - a hole in the giotand
a few paces distant. Dismounting he
was seen looking into a funnel shaped
orifice fifteen or twenty feet deep 'by
ten 'or twelve at its rim in diameter.
At the 'bottom of this funnel—the:
soil giving out there—was a rift in the
rock two or three -feet in width by four
or five in length. which seemed to open
into the very bowels of the earth.
Through this aperture •eame up from
the depths below a terrible roaring, as
of a leaping cataract, a mighty rush of
waters, tumbling over _rooks. The
ground trembled and the subterranean
noise continued uninterruptedly. Mete
remained some time and the longer he
listene4 the more convinced he became
that what be heard was running water,
but how far down to the stream he
could not even conjecture—might have
been a few feet or half way to China:
And as the tiasUre was large enough to
take him in should his foot slip or 'head
swim,' his observation was not aka*.
tended one. The principal thing he
did while there waslo listen low and
strong and- think loud—st a aide die
lance from the brink of the hole--Idaho
DeMocrat.' •
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