Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, February 16, 1882, Image 3

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TEII. 16. 1882.
It will N how you ' l the month and Year
. t .i;ll your subseription is paid:.::lf your sub
.lptioll sdon to expire, please send us
gt 5,) for 3 muesli! at Ortee, that We may
ott tile paper right along: , Bend in
.10 , ioat, delay.
A. Wooster ia our general agent, Sage.
; ; oi, sad coileeieir, for the southern antt
Crop' rtion of tbg County.-
The nn d e r,igned, publishers and proprie•
to r, of
it Ow Bradford Rrporter,
10r7tt Ba‘DFOnD RF.PIWCAN and Towanda
.J Argu s. published in Towanda, Pa. hay
in e utteied severe loss iu the publication, of
their rt .,,peotive papers from the heretofore
t , tr em,ly low price per annum, hereby mutu
,lls agr‘ t' 10 Make the subscription price of
A cti of ‘,ar paers respectively, on and atter
the First of J a nuary, .lB32. One Dollar and
F i fty Gents per annum. And we hereby
wee .and pledge ourselves to each ether,
aou our our honor as business men, that we
,<ill trtctle and invariably adhere, to the
wins d this understanding. To mike this
04 w:out:et legally binding, we have entered
:I.llKui•ls, with penalty and forfeiture for
,wlanon of the terms o! this' agreement,
All eah,,eetptioni paid prior to January Ist
it, kili be taken at the former rate. Rates
t t a dv - ertiAng in all cases to bo imiependkut
f .ubseription.
• • • Goer:mica k HITCIICOCS, Reporter.
.1). M. TT/1 u. Journal.
Iloteoma & TEAM Ittruntscas..
E. AsuMux Possess, Arvia.
TEE ar.tris.
Ws arrive and depart at tbe Towanda Post
le follows: -
~ N. y., and Eastern states ... 4.00 .i. U.
,shore: Laporte, 87C ... :/.3..1
V. way mail from tho North . .... b.v.00
:eshequiu &c11:00
.1.1.ra. !cc.. Tuesday, Thpraday and • ~
..-sturday 11 .0q
orlum. &c., Monday. Viedneadiy and ' .
Irs, Suriluitton..kc 1:00 P. V
:,,lays ville. Rome, ite I'oo
... -,, ed touch from Erie and NC 11 lie 2:30
V way malt from the 50uth...:... , t4 :25
..5 :00
, : - . - A on , &s. 1
itrclay - 6;30
„sua pouch from ' Elmira and ERR 10;40
%%vox,. llonreeton. .te 0 :00za. X.
Ltugh 'ridley way mail South 9:15
... 7 ,, k ,,i pouch Elmira, Erie and No rth
era Ceattal Railroads 10:00
7;11, Burlington. &c 10:00 '
; 12:00 at.
iirlay 1:00 P. x.
v.; Era. Tnesds.y Thursday and Sat.
r,rday 1:00
wlam, Monday. Wed,.es lay . and
Friday • 1:00
I.LaraTllle, llome, .tc 1:00
:-I.llure, &.c ----,... 2:45
L,.::.,:h Valley way mail North 3:0
‘:- I , rk Phila. and Eastern States. 'l:ts
open trom 7:00 A. X. to 7:15 P. X. Money ofAo, open from 8100 A. it. to 7:00 P. at.
.a. A up..o on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:00 a. at.
_C nice hams at C. 31. 3lyer'a market,
titseet.. • nay 19-tf.
cio to C. 31. Myer'. market, Bridge street,
cuts of fresh Meat. May 19-tf
.-Fr.:.11 lake fish and salt water fish at
tairliet, Bridge street.
May 19—tf
-No charge for deli4ering, and dottd
,mptly from C. M. !dyer's market,: Bridge
Mav 12-tf
B. has a large stock of Sash
and Blinds, also Moldings, and is
r.:ng cheaper than any other establishment
';:tatcorab keeps Prang's i Valentilie4 and
flaty cards. Ile has received a large
),,r of the latter that are evinieite. ,
L. Ross can sell Groceries very Gliesp
hie expenses' are very light. His
aa.r. shall have - the benefit by buying at
l'irZt Ward Store: i
Go to Wiltoomb's
),,ur choice ,of Valentines. Some
...I:1 si artistic !Ida elegant in design.
The Lutes! Burliens! f.•
and will not take, when oneo 'iis
not find it more.
'.t.41 , department of traffic, is this practical
!'; da at the Great English tragedian more
lity exemplified, than that over; which a
racrnice in prices of Clothing, Boot
ao despotically. presides.: M. L.
Proprietor of the Great Boston
opanorl i jMosu's Block,
- .1,4.1a1a, Pa., calls your kind at
.: tact, that on the tirg. of April
remove our quarters to No. 2.
a', , 1110.:k, second house from the cor
,Britge a•ol Main Sts., one doorliorth of
Gordon, wbiCh will be filled, with
,;4i ,, t and best stock of . Spring and Sum
alnch is already been montane
for the Towanda Branch at our Whole
;niers in Boston, Mass.., and at prices.
10 pay you to go fifty miles—and
0 . thi4 rtrooval we offer the entire
Clothing, Boots and Shoes at
.::,krit/ prices.' ♦nd ho who will not
r.aW, shall never have another such -an
7:3:lity. Remember, the goods Will be
it at any price; without delay—is
'r go in oar new location, with new
new styles. Bela. in mind this is
tin, We to %an business. Look for the
:IA! Poston Clothing House, Towanda,
P23w. •
. .
ir.A boll] iltal 1 1R the the exclamation
Live .een the hat 4sonie valeu
..J the window of S. P. 'Whitcomb's book
..yrnptoms of this disease when
n his, an 3 having painful sensations
A:llb+ 11:13n rising teem bed in the
,titte. , ss in the joints. accompa-.
av: , s by swelling and Teltress, all
r,narnena the application of an
I , rttr,cly, At)ll2Wiltitsg penetrating sad
aft arti c le that willttet.a-t -a -cars-
!:..];: to tie! n.irts affected. Dr. -Bonn
t',.:lnuic Cure give.' instant relief up
spplication. T - 1 lame back, pains
Uis an iiivaluat household reme
vu-ir druggist fur it. Price 75 cects.
Lc. Me. Bosanko Medicine
Ppiita, 0, Per sale by Clark B.
EnJ Ward litmus Bl4ck.
Tit .—hieing pat'ttlase4
'% l saw Mill of J. G. Saxton, located
, I:cant- Borough on the Sullivan and
Rolroad, I am prepared to furni+h
,v,ry description on -short notice.
Rates reasonable.
'•,, proprietor of the New Albany Ho
i:e Lg. persms desiring acoommoda
.a :4'14 them at reasonable rates. Good
J. 'W. Witcos.
.;bans, Jan. 1e82.-6m
A card.
grtatplessure in calling the U-'
tuf our friends and customers to Dr.
, Cough and Lung 'Syrup which is
harmless, pleasant to the taste, will
:.tate, and gives relief almost instant
rs wit how evere your Cough
•L TX Lusby cough' medicines vou have I
ILA- Many physicians you have con-
tonic, soothing and healing PM"
will loosen it and as.
11.mto and Lungs to expel the offend
r, Ita%Mg thenr in a healthy con
• .te from irritation, and the air pas
("r,bchiiea-e invigorating and
uR the general system. Price 50
Fr r the positive cure of-Consump
-?ths, Colds, - . a, Bronchitis, Dry
••:, Cough, Loss orr:foice, Irritation of
Surt, uss of Ilse Chest, Pains in
Smiting of Blood, Croup, Latta ..ooping Cough. and Lung Fever, we
.tcd this medicine above all others.
-41 *UniY, Clans B. Pournits
`• S. End Ward Rogge Block.
tie frolucntly preceded by a sense of
,x She back, loins. and lower part of
causing tlie'vatient to stiPPoso
'are affection of the kidneys or)
organs. At times symptoms of
:re preaent as flatulency, unclad
htutitach, etc. A moisture like
1 4, producing a very disagreeable
particularly at night after getting
ii a very common attendantt
External and Itching Piles yield a.
' te ,±iPpllcation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile
%%orb actii directly upon the parts
'l).orbing the Tumors, allaying the
'bang, rind affecting a permanent
sit oilier -remedies have failed.
''' ,4 3" trail the drain on the system
Pcrroaneut disability, but try it
:: ted. Price. 50 cents. Ask yoni
for it, and when you cannot obtain
Ire will send prepaid, on recipt
idreat The Dr. Bamako Medicine
ti Ohio. Bold by Clark B. Porter,
Ward Rouse Block.
Mr. Harry Gore has soh' his thug st
Oswego, N. Y.
Ltraoreattx Iteceptiou on Friday &ening
at Slam Hall.
Strange it le—that courting often brings
men to Court: And women:.too.
It to acid eniteaq bits a sore throat. Proi ,
bably but a premonition ur. what'i to -come.
The receipts oft the 11. E. Church supper
on Wednesday evening of last week,
about t 45.
Stedge, the barber, has put out a Large and
handi-otne new sign-in front of hie 8110 - above
the Ward Rouce.
An orchestra of seven pieces from. Bing•
aamton will furnish music for L'famoureaux's
grand hop on Friday evening next.
The entertainment given by, the Towanda
Minstrels netted the Mantua Hook and Lad
der Co. $13.47.
Col. Stead of Williamsport has tendered his
ret , ignaticia as Colonel of tho Twelfth Bea t
ment, National Guards.
Prof. M. L. Penny, late Professor of lap
gnages in the State Normal School at Mans
field, died is Lewisburg uu the 234 ult.
By. the published statement it appears
that the debt of Bradford comity oil January
2, was just $64,938.65.
- Rev. Silas Darner, who ii far advanced in
years, had his arm broken by a (all on the
ice not long since. -
The Universalist church at ?Jana&ld has
a lady for pastor—Bev, Eines Bailey—and
they have had a revival this winter,
• The receipts of the supper giveu by the
ladies of Mist church, 011 Saturday evening
arnounted to the handrotne sum of 1104.
We beard a lady recently say sbe was glad
that'she was pot "Mann." We're glad all
over that we're not; body and breeches, a,. it
The Presbytelian sociable at the hemp of
Dr. Stewmrt,lon Wednesday evening of last
week, Was largely attended and . the "tailor
amounted to the handsome auto of 152. •
Mr. L. M. Hall.- of thie place, will deliver
one oft be eeries of Iccturea in the Monroe
lecture coarse, on the evening ot the 22nd
just; subject "The French Revolution."
We state, by rtqutet, that Mr. John Mc-
Cormick boot no longer any connection with
the Owego Bader ffice, having retired from
the office last weva.— Owego Tintcs..
Mr.4: 5 Tboer, a ti”err o f ex-e( retairriol,er
Baith%in and -A. S BLltinin of U Rapville,
di. il at her home ic. Cbrirl( wont, Aare., Sun
day, Feb.s.
receivede to late for this issue .a full re
port Odle Teachers' Institute held in Dome,
commencing Feb; 10th., which we witl pub,
lish nest week. It was well attended:
Church of the Messiah, Rev. NVm.-liar
pastor, at 10:30 a. tn., sth lecture of course
on Cieneais. Subject :“Tbe Creation of Wo*-
nun, and her place to Creation." At 7p. in.
"The doctrine of Jesus,the order or Ileaven."
We believe tharvithoat an exception the
hundreds of our best and moat practioal far
mers who have bought and used the Eureka
Blower, speak ungnalidedly is its praise.
—.Montrose Democrat.
In Wyoming county there is a church that
hae an ice house in connection with the
church. la it to keep the brethren cool be
fore trio emigrate to a more torrid climate.
or is it for ice-cream?
Next Wednesday, Feb. 223, being Wash..
ington's birthday, and a legal holiday, tl.ti ,
bauk4 will be closed and paper becoming
due on• that day wits hayo to be attended to
on Tuesdny, the 21st.
Now that oil hioi struok . in Wyoming
ccuitty the inhabitauts aro building vaults
in which to deposit the government bonds
they expect to posiess. No doubt' "there'd
iu it."
The Seeley House is popular. On Menday,.
the argt day or the present term of Court, 135
persons were furni.hed with a "square
dinner." A jovial, good-hearted landlord. t a
well-set table and the h - est bAtention to his
guests, is what dots the busiiiess.
The entertainment given -by the Ladies
Society at the pleasant parlors of the Church
of the Messiah, on Tacalay evening, was as
usual an enjoyable affair. Music, recitations
atidrefreshments till:ed up a vatted and -en
tertaining progratu.-- - ,-- ,
S. W. Little Esq., Who is an efficient Run
clay School teacher in - Ilia L. E. Church. en.
tertained the young gentlemen of his bible
cliFs et his resiaence on Cherry St. Thursday
evening . last. Refreshments were served
ana - a pleasant evening spent by teacher and
The Odd Fellow meeting held at Grange
Hall, Duren, this comity last Friday evening.'
under the auspices of 'Asylum Lodge. No
488, was a grand success. .The Hall was
crorded and all could not be seated. Rev.
Dr. Taylor was the speaker of the evening,
and explained tho objectsand plans, of 'Odd
fellowship in a clear, logical manner. •
Iu referring to the statement of the
financial affair" of Susquehanna county, the this high Omplituent to A. B.
Burns, ex-Trensurcr-Of r tite , r . k uuty, who is a
consin of Chief of Chief-of-Police Burt 9 of
Toward'. "Of Treasurer A. B. Buns we
cin especially say that it gave us great pleas
ure to pernsc bis accounts, which were kept
in a very tasty manner and comet to a cent."
Mrs. Cora . Hoble, wife of 4 , lkarles P. Doble,
the well known horseman employed on Gen.
Tracy'a stock • farm, "Marshland." near
Apalaebin, N. Y , died on Sunday last of con
suinwion, aged about-23 years. Her remains
were taken to Bristol e Pa., ou 'Tuesday last,
for interinenL "
The Institute Course of Lectures,will bo re
sumed on Tuesday evening, Fekruary 21st•
Ilev. - ,Davii Craft will then lectukon the sub
ject, "Use Your Eyes." The arldreill will
zo=twenco at 7:30. Mr. Craft's ability as a
spcaker l as so well known, that ire have no
doubt but that a large audience, will greet
tt.e ewer.
There have boen,two new cases of error,
pox since our last isine, and they have been
promptly quarantined in the house that cow;
tained the first cases, back on the hill, about
three-quarters of a mile from Main Street,
and the placa,ia still guarded night; and day
by special watchmen, ro that there is no daft'
ger of the infection spreading in town, or to
persons coming in to do business.
The drama of "Florinol," in which the truly
remarkable young actress, Julia A. Hant s took
the title role, was one the best playa liver
put upon the stage at Mercur Hall. A better
pleased andienee•lvould be hard to find, sad
It seemed to be &t times completely carried
away, and undeelhe control of Mils Hunt.
She was superb, and will hereafter be one of
Towanda's favorites. The. Hall was but com
fortably filled on Monday evening, but should
the company return, which from present pros
pects they are likely to do, they will be
greeted most royally. Their costumes were
very fine. sr .
List of letters remaining in the Post Office
or the week ending Feb. 9. 1882:
Brooks, Frank Jackson, Wm .0
Emend, Mary -. Lackey. Mary
Bailey, Andrew Mills, Fred A
Carron, Mrs James Powers, Dan'l
Corcoran. Hate Post, Marion ,
Clair, C H Lundell. W 8 •
Castle, C if llactiford. Ella
Cronin, Wm • Reece. Thos
Dayton, E A • Rice, Emma L
Grollman, Simon Simmons,W II _
Gilbeit, Sam'l Sniff van,Dall
Goff, Ellen Schultz, Wit - •
Goodin, Rachel 'Siegle„ Herman
Harington, Wm Tallsda, Mrs D
Hayes, Henrietta • VanSlyke, El)
Hayes, Libio: Wilson, Rollie:1.
Persons calling 'for any of tho above ail
*tie say "Advertised," giving date of list
P. Ponta., P. 31.
Painter—tool enough
Puffs the folks so Amy;
He does all the puff
They get all the trioney !
140 r. E. D.: Pa*ne. bee gone to
phi* and Baltiniorit.
—Bliss Cilia Vincent of Wys - oX
friends at Milan.
—Mies Grace , D. Bayles, of Troy, it the
guest of Miss Helen Bogen, on Chestnut St.
—Miss Van Buskirk, of Netetield,' ,. N. Y., is
visiting Mra. /Benet thliplace.
—E. B. McKee returned to his school 'at
Oswego, N. Y., on Tuesday.
—Monroe Smith Esq., is in lilacs receiving
medical treatment.
—C. M, Eishpangb, the wide-aw eke e ()Met
or-Veliee of Tunkhanneek, was in team on
—Mrs. O. A. Bsldirin has returned from
New York, "wharhe spent s week with the
Willsons before their dePartore for p.iglani.
—D. W. Scott Will rem)ve his family table,
Mullock's house on Pine -Street, the first o
—Mr. Theodore Multi:toll will soon remove
hie family to Athens.: where be is engaged in
business. Onr kiss is Athens gain. 4 ,
—Miss Lillie Mosher, of Milan, ia viattiog
her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Ryan, on South Main
Street. ,
—Mr. L. U. Coburn, of Towanda; Pa., has
beet' milting ilia brother, Mr. Ed. Cohnin,
near Apalachin, N. Y.—Owego Times. -
-Mrs.'George Best and daughter. Miss .
Flora, hare returned from a visit to their
former home at Qui . ncey,
—Mr. Charles Miller, of Scranton, has been
(pending a few daye in town as t!.e guest: of
his friend, Mr. Joe Parrott.
—F. P. DrakeNEsq., of 'Floy, the able coun
sel for the defendants in the Mann murder
"trial, insole us a pleasant call on Saturday last
—Mrs. A. I. Eaa t abrooka, who has been con
fined to the basin by illness for nearly four
months, is able to be out 4gain, much to the
gratification of ha many friends,
—Mrs. Jt nnings of Ehnint. Wait in town for
a few da.ts this week. She had beet) to New
York to Lid farewell to her sister, Ws. ; Clark
'Willson, on her departure for Ettgiand..
—Mt. D. Q. Holton of North Tuwaud*bati
n--- -,,
got.e to TeunesNee to take a vie of the
muntry mid learn - something of its skiitiii
total :proems.
' - '1
—Miss May Ward, aim lige been spending
several months with her grandfat4r; Mr.
Samuel Owen in , Wysox, returned to het•
home in Brooklyn a few days since...
—Sohn 'O. Ward has recovered - from his
It 1?g illness; end, a few dap . ' tante, was re
cutting the congratulalLong of his ft baths at
the Ward House. .. • I
—Capt, James 31. Darling, a former tow llb
' n'is ti cf 31 Garde, and now a reinlant of Salt
Lute City, has been spending seci•tati days
in ton ti, I euesit.g Old acquaintanceshiPa. . .
. .
—lll lid.•• r t rattliog, of Wi;ntington, 111.,
is tisintg his 'mele e Mr. Peter Brewer, 14
this place. He is a
. biother of bliss :Mary
Pbsrlin, she has been at Hr. Brewer?. for
the fast two . years and over,
• —II. R. Wilson, who Was in twin last Weelq
reporting the Mann , murder trial for ttie El
mira Tidings, goes to Topeka, Hansas,, in li
few days to establish a Sunday paper in that
thriving Vitpital city. .Mr. Wilson is a Cour.:
teons, enterprising Young gentleman and will.
he pretty sure to succeed in anything he 'may
undertake. He nay our most cordial good
wishei for his prospidlty, . • -
The Alakonic reception given by E4rgreen
Lo•ige, No. 163, A. Y. M.. at Mouroepu. on
Friday evening last, was a very suecesqui and
btillisnt affair. About one hundred 4opplee
were present at the' ; ball and banqueti given
in fiummera' Hotel. An orchestra under the
leadership of the accomplished
Henri Stulen, furnished the music for those
who tripped the light fantastic toe. : A Glee
Club from Carbon Rau fuinished some fine
vocal music. Quite a number were present
from is'arzlay, Disstiore; Carbon Ran and Teti
Wanda. Itionroetu - .• szd vicinity were wel
represented. The pretty gicis a:4 handsome
matrons, in their elegant dresses, gave tio
hail room and attractive appearance. The
names of the gentlemen on 'the committees
of arrangement and reception, which , appear
ed in the 114tinues8 two weeks - since, were
/ a * , ntlicient gitaranty. that everything possible
would be dine far thet pleasure and comfort
of the invited' gnosis. Olotrla Dininrek and
John 8. Hinman, as floor managers, were t h e
right men in 'the right plebe. Long may the
Masonic Lodge at Mouroeton."Bourith like a
tgreen bay tree."
The following were present from Towanda :
Q, 4. p urns twi t wife, M. Hendlemati and wife,
W. E. Jones alai 'Wee, M. H.. Scott and wife,
G. M. Clark and true, Jf J. kipaAns and wife,
3. F.. Slyer and . wife, M. E. atosendeld an
wife, W. L. Dimmock and wife, Asa Dialmoeta
and wife, Myron Smith' and wife, ;11. Jacobs
and wife, Misses Stella Jones,Fannie VauFleet,
May Scott, Edith Woodriiff, Julia Powell, Ella
Caton, Etta Bowman, Millie Rehm. , Amelia
'Jacobs, Charles Dimmock, C. S. Fitch, Joe
Parrott; G. C. Wright, ,Clayton Friable, Ed.
linkith, Joseph Feil. C. I'. Kirby, Will Cham
berlain, Fred. S. Felton. ' , •
AciljourAed Tina oreoprt
An Adjourned Term of Coat -will iv. held
on Monday, March 6th, when Constable s
fro all parts of the county will be °hart to
appear and be sworn. , Constables in the
vicinity of Troy will talmespecial _
. • -
At a regular meeting . of Austinville Lo3ge
No. 32Cp; LO. 0. F. Lehi Feb. 4th, 1882; the
following reeolotiocia • wero unanimously
adopted. •
• WIIEUEAS. Almighty God has, in Ins in ` t
dnite wisdom, been pleased to repioye from
our midst our beloved brother, Put Grand
IL 31. Ferguson. We his insulates actu
ated by a deep sense of gratitude to the
departed for his valuable services to tide
Lodge deem it fitting to testify to the fra- -
ternal esteem in which :we have ever held
him, by offering some slight expression of
respect to his memory. Wherefore, ue it
Resolved, That in the death of P. 0.,1L 31.
Ferguson this Lodge can' keenly reaize the .
loss of ono of its moat active, earnest and
useful members always lahorOg to promote
and protect its best interest and whose wise
counsel arse eagerly sought in our Lodgio
and always appreciated. •
Resolved, That the unblemirdied integrity
and many virtues of the deceased justly en
deared him to all who Knew him in this com
munity as a worthy citizen in every respect,
while his purity of character and benevolent
disposition ever towards , relieving
hia fellow men proved him
,a true Odd Fel-
Resolved, That in this hour of their most
paiuful affliction, we tender the family of the
departed, our sincere condolence hopingthat
they may find cousolatioa to the, conviction
that their bereivevent may he his gain'
"that an all wise Providence doth all Vamp
well and that the affectionate husband has
!Quad eternal peace and4appiness in the en,
joyment of a bleased immortality.
ICesotrai That the, !Ongoing be entered
upOn the rziinutes and as a further mark. of
respect that .a copy of tbe, Same be sent to
the family of the deceased and also published
in the county papers.
Jas. W. Emaish, } COM.
E. S. }II3BL44NDEIt.
Dr. McOarty's lecture on "Homes" was en
thusiastically received here on the Bth. inst.
His fame had preceded him; our expecta
tions wore high; and they were folly realised.
Some who have listened to, the leading lec
turers of the Say said, they have not heard
anything more instructive; practical and
entertaining. Lave as the inspiration of
`home, was the central thouirbt'of the lecture
emitting its rays through till its circumfer
ence. 'The Dr. had eseellenktitet in spicing
the food, fur it seems to bona essential part
of the provision, oar homes were good before,
but we have promised to mike them better.
L. M. Hall, Esq., of Towanda will lecture
on Wediesday, evSning Feb. 22d.
Subject—"The.Yrench Restitution." He has
addeissed this people before with great ac
ceptitbHity. His subject' is full of interest.
Come and hear him. ' loan EMI.
ATTENTION 00111:11D118.
In commemoration of the event of Waal).
legion's birth-day, there will be a meeting 'of
Watkins Post N. 68, G. A. al, held at post
rooms, Military Ball, FebniarY 42, 182% at 7
P. x. i An addreet will be delivered by com
rade A. D. Albert. Befreshmefits: Army ra
tions, bud-tick, coffee, baked beau, soup.
etc. •Lti ex-cold:ere, sailors, and Wends are
invitedte attend. By order Post. -
EDWARD A. Tnowsoir,
Bum D. licr,
C. D. laoN, Committee.
The trial of Mrs. Mann, iccued of the mur
der of her loiter daughter, Dora, near Troy,
Pa., and of Andrew Mann and Alice Barr, u
i►ceessories, began on last Wednesday morn
ing* !be Grand Jury Analog a tree bid
against the three.
Mown W. Leonard was. the prosecutor in
ialf of the Commoawealth.
A. O. Fanning,_ district attorney, and Delos
RoCkwell, Esq., were the prosecuting atter&
The . attorneys for the defense were Albert
Morgan and Frank E. Drake, Escp., of rroy.
Court !au called at nine o'clock and em•
panneling of a jury commenced. After the
challenging of a number,
composed of the following gentlemen was
Charles Cain, Thomas B. Young. Marlin
Sax, Henry Fassett, Juba O. Brown; Wan.
Campbell. Jelin • Chambers, John McKee
Charles Smith. Wm- L. Halstead, David F.
&argent. John Strable.
Afters recess for dinner, court opened
again at 2 p. tn., 'and Mrs. Mary Peters,
*as called for toe prosecution. She said:
"Am the mother el Andtew Bison and w as
at his houssfierttember 20M. Dora wasigent
:for cows about sp. m. , Winte she was gone
We ate supper. After eating, as Dora did not
return, Mrs. Mann went to bunt her. 'She
came back in a abort time and said she could
not find Dara, and as the girl had quarreled
&Ararat times with _Tim 'Vaughn, a neighbor's
hired man, she feared he had killed 'hey
Soon after Mrs. M., had returned, George
Mann, my son, came along and was asked to
help bynt fora. With, Mrs. Burr we went to
search• for her. Milan Attpe they left, Mrs. M.
threw heisell on the doorstep awl said, "Bons
is dead, and I want to lay here and die too."
She acted as:. if deeply grieved. ;By her
clothes I recognized the body found' as Dora
In response to the name of Patience
Shayler, a dirty, ignorant-looking woman,
thirty-Bye or forty years of age, took the
-am the .
ILOT#ER OF DORA. 74,1,91 i,
who if alio had lived would : iff be fourteen
years old. Her father his been dead thirteen
years. When she waa one and a half years
old. ! . tiava her to Joseph' Heads,'.who lived
coat Leona, who, - writen the pbjid Was about
four years aid, gen, it to ti,p statics.
The next witness ceded was Austin
Leonard, stitisa testimony was at follows: . .
'1 asps farmer and live near Leona. Was
in Troy September A), and game by the home
of the Hanes, at about, dusk that pvfning.
Geo. Mann and Jay Guild were riding , with
me. When near'tbo Mann's Mrs. Burr met
us and climbed into the wagon. She said
Dora bud disappeared and asked Gee. Mann
to help hunt her. When we reached the
house George Hann got out with Mrs. Burr
and I and Guild drove on.
Justin Campbell was next sworn:
"I live between Leona and East Troy: On
Sept. was drilling in grain on my- term,
which pea pn 9 side. 49), 4.1 about 4:30 p. to.
I looked in the direction of the We i about
one-fourth of a mile diiitant, and saw a wo
man whom, by her size, I took to be Dora,
pear some gowns in the field, by the house,
and walking slowly down the
_hill. 4 large,
woman, whom I supposed was Mrs. Mann,
was walking rapidly towards her from the
direction of tie house. My work at that mo
ment demanded my attention. Soon after I
in the same direction. Looking around I
saw the large woman standing alone by the
stumps. She stood there a moment and then
walked rapidly down the Lill. 'On a day ap-
Polotod POltreh for farther evidence of the
murder, I went to the stlitapa *tem ! bad
seen the woman standing on the day men
tioned above. low, scrubby hemlook tree
stood near by. The branches, of this tree
were bent and broken as if to:conceal some- .
thing. Iluder the tree there was an impres
lion in the earth, about five .feet long and
one *AA one-411 feet wide, as if a body might.
I have been
Between this tree and the tree on which tho
body was found hangiiig, was a heavy growth
of Canada thistlCs. The thistle& were bent
and broken in the direction of the tree on
which the girl hung, and it looked as if a
through them. I didenot swear to these facie
as the inquest or before the justice." The
witness affirmed that he was not personally
interested, but though'the sharp cross ques
tioning or the defence made several . contra
dictory statements and admitted tent be had
to aid the defence. The witness' son -corro
borate(' his father's statement-in regard to
What was seen Sept. 20.
Hi. Almon W.-Leonard,-the proaecator for
the Common Wealth, was then called and made
the following . statement: .
"I am prosecutor in this case. The mor
ning after the girl disappeared I asked An
drew Hann if he Intended .making further
search for the girl. He said, "No, for she
was among the. Barrett's and be did not care
to hive them niaking fun of him." He said
=that after the excitement - he could Bud the
.girL He said there was no use of looking in
the ravine for that bad. been ,thoronghly
r 'efarclied. Qn the same morning with Jessie
Guild I made search for the girl and passed
'within fifteen-fest of the tree on which the
girl, was found;and could have seen the body
had it been jai:ging Ahere. I have seen am
buscade 'deficribed by Mr. Campbell. It
would have completely concealed the body
from the sight of anyone passing near. lam
thkprosecutor in this case and have done all
in my power to bring the murderers to jut- ,
tice. .-L
Almon Eaton, wae the next witnt.s3, ana
was sworn as folloWs:
"I was at Mann's the night the girl, disap
peered, helped hunt her. With Jay Guild, I
searched the creek, going north of the ravine
and then searched Mr. Reel's sugar bush
and flat. We then recrossed the creek and
went back to Mann's, staying there about , an
bait-hoar. I then started again and went
by the way of the s.chool, house, up the Mt.
Pisgah road, going as far as GeOrge •Mainea
and Barrett s. George Mani/Pined me and
we went back towards the school house. We
soon met Mrs. Mann, who asked me if we
had seen or beard anything, of Dora. She
turned back with us: At the school house
Geo. Man left as and went with horse to
Kr. BeeVe. ;- 4Prom the school house we fol
lowed a path to the creek and found- Mann's
horse in, the field. Mrs. M. wanted me to
catch it, which I did, and we kept on our
way towards the house. When near the top
of the hill Mrs. 11. complained of being tired 1
and sat down near some Hemlock stumps.
(These were the stumps described by Mr.
parapbelL) I passed sin with the horse and
placed him in the barn. Airs. Burr came out.
and asked me if I bad seen her mother. Just
then she came around the c rner of the
house. I stayed into the house a little while
and then hitched up the horse and in vim
piny with Mrs. Burr for her father's Andrew
Mann. We found him at Gay McDowell's,
near EMS Troy. We got back about two
o'clock in the morning. I stayed at Mann's
all night.' Afterwards I-helped hunt for the
girl. The place where La. Mann-sat down
was where our paths natural divided.
The court then adjourned for the day.
SEC.. 1) Dn OF Tim rant.,
At nine Thursday morning J. A. Campbell
was re-called. He.. did not give any new
evidence of importance, bat was led by the
com Mel for the defense into making a con•
tradichiry statement and cutting rather a
sorry figure oa the witness stand.
Charge Manna broth** of Andrew Kann,
and Jay Guild, a young man living near the
Mann's. described the patt which they took
in thl search for Dora the night she was
cussing. As their evidence differed but lit.
tie from that of Almon Baton, which is given
in fall, we will pass it by without 'farther
Clarendon Leonard. eon of the prosecutor,
nest took the stand. He testified to the fol.
A Mr
"kbOut nine o'clock. on the evening of
Sept. 20, Mrs. Peters came to oar , house and
mud that DOTS was knit and requested 'me to
help hunt her. In company with my sister,
Mose, I went at once to the:Mann's ho, nso.
' e found Mrs. Burr. Mrs. Mann and George
Mann. wore there. I Joined in the search,
and ea it was ► dark night, took a 'lantern.
Later in the evening, while standing by the
schoolhouse, which. stands at the crossing of
the Mt. Piigth and But Troy. we law Mrs.
Mann pus by up th e mountain road. We
'accoatedber but she did not stop nor speak.
She was barefooted and Imo headed, looked
and was :walking very test. We; searched
about . ll.ol's Bat for a short time And then
went back to Mantis. Jr/ Onlid' was with
me. Soon after we reached the house Mrs.
Mann returned in company with. Almon
Eaton. --
Miss Bose Leonard, a daughter. of the
prceectitor, testified totting at the Mann's
the night the girl disappeared and gave the
following account or a conversation with Mrs.
Burr, which took place the morning atter
the girl disappeared:
"I was at the Loma for a few moments the
neat morning. Mrs. Darr who , was alone
said her mother had gone down into the field.
Mrs. Illiun did not come in while I was there,
Mrs. Barr said that when ahe ;ud Almon
Eaton were coming back from going for Ant ,
drew Mann, that they hoard Dora .say; 1
"PffAE4 int,"
twice. She wanted her companion to- get a
lantern lad took for her. But as it was near
the house, he said that if she had got thus
far, alto would 'get into the housa wit bout
any assistauce and it was heat not in egette
her any further.
B. P. Leonard, , Melvin Fanning, Jessie
Guild, G. EL #eynolds and David tanning,
swore to statements. male to-there by thp•
accused before the body was found. These
statements placed the whereabouts of the
missing girl in different localittei and con
flicted slightly.
Charlie Reed, a boy of 11., and the person'
who found the body, was the. neat witness.
In a clear, pleasauttiroice he gave the follow
ing account of finding the dud_ girl:
"On the Ilth'of.o.2toher last, / was on my
way to school at Troy. In order to save a
longer walk, I was accustomed to take a path
which led me thro ugh the fields and within
tift Len feet of the'lree on which the girl was
found hanging., For some two weeks I had
smelt a horrible stench, when passing near
tree. On the morning in question, I
determined to discover the cause of this
steneb. passing nearer the tree I gaw the
7).CepSP Boltz
banging to the tree. I kept on my way to .
school,. and 'en returning 'at night told. my
what I had seen. Jlv bcr clothes I
suppp,sed the b pd, to be thp of Dot a Mann.
J. C: ticed.kbe f4thertbc LIP/ was
_ •
theti calledawl•giere the following account of
what, was done during the night the body was
It was aborkt si"; o'cloak in the eyening when
my eon told 'me he hail ;owl the body. I
aroused the neighbors and 4 party of eight or
ten proceeded to the tree and confirmed the
boy's statement. Leaving a guard over the
body, we proceeded towards the house.
was agreed that Mr. LaNtont, should act as
spokesman of the party. We found Mrs: Mann,
Mrs. Burr and Almon Eaton at the howls.
Mrs. Mann said: "Tbia is quite a surprise
Mr. LaMent said; "Yes, j presume ft Is,
but you are not more hurPrisod than we are.
Wp have found the lost '
Mrs. Mann threw up her bands and said:
"all GOD \MULE?
"Down in the woods,' was the reply,
t's4e rieVer 40110 it herself. 4uMehody
her and dragged her there," was Mrs. Hillas
Sbe soon left the house, but was . persaaded
to return. At times Ile appeared calm, and
then would grow excited and wring her hands
and cry. She did not talk much. She made
a second attempt to escape, but
,waa again
brought back. Several timee during the night
she manifected a desire, to go And see the
dead body, but was persuaded not toi - When
Pcnstabl? Smith arrived bath Mrs: Mane and
Mrs. Burr were Marled under arrast., •
William La ant and H. Griffith con
firmed Mr. Beers statement. H. N. Fish
swore to the same facts and alio t arresting
Mrs. Barr. Mrs. Mann and Andrew Mann.
Charles Hooker swore to being at Mann's
the night the body was found, andlo a state
ment that Mrs. Mann made - to Ilia, in regard
toltow the giri disappeared. Tho testimony
Of A. B. Fanning was substantially the same
as Mr. Hooker's. -
J. P. Doane, a juror at the inquest, de
scribed the condition of the body and position
on the the tree. He also testified •to what
Mrs. Mann told him regarding the girl's die
aeaeararme and whit traces of her where
aboute she poasesaed.-
br. G. W. Gregory, the 'examining surgeon
at the inquest, was next called: _
'I was at the Mann's the night the 'body
was found, and saw it hanging to the tree.
- The next morning I acted al attending pity
sitian at the inquest. The girl watt dressed
~ :ir!„,a dress, Waist, skirt and white underskirt,.
With a handkerchief about her neck. 'The
underskirt - had been dragged off and was free
from the body excepting min foot, Tha out-
Bide skirt ivaa in phiee'and had fractured the
kkia where it was fastened- around the body.
She had on neither shoes nor bat. She was
hanging from the tree, the body - leaning
slightly forward.. One hand bad rested on a
limb of the tree: and dropped off, leaving a
part of the skin still on the limb. The bead
bad dropped back. The knot was tied under
the chin. The enda of tho handkerchief were
tied in the rope. The body had decayed so
that the knot was above the chin. I held the
body while it was out down. First examined
the body—found no bones- broke!). The pro
cess- of decay was too far advanced to tell
whether the body had been .violated or not,
On the back of the head wail a contusion
which had been caused by a heavy blow-from
game dull instrument. The blood hail settled
under the scalp. Such a blow might have
caused death. The blow might or might not
thaw caused death. .There was nothing that
(convinced me that death resulted from this
'blow alone. The girl bad been
~ dead at least
a month. The skull was not fractured. The,
body bad been on ,the tree for a long Gem, as
the skin of the knee had /fallen off on the
Dr. Gregory was recalled several times, but
gave no evidence of sufficient interest to de
,mand,a recital.
F. H. Hoffman, the gentlemen who acted
as coroner at the inquest, was called and a
number of measurements, concerning the
Position of the body on the tree were sworn
to. The witness' evidence was of too techni
cal a character for an extended notice. '
The remainder of the afternoon we,s spent
in proving by the prosecution that the body
on the tree was that of Dora Mann. Under
the searching crossqueittioning of Mr. Drake,
several of the witnesses became quite con
fused and were led into making very amusing
was present during the entire day, and every,
inch of standing room in the court house was
At 6 P. sr. the court 'dimmed for tho day
At nine o:clock Yriday. morning the coat
opened again and a large crowd at once tille.
the court room. The forenoon was spent by
the prosecution in attempting to prove Mrs.
Mann's brutal conduct toward the girl, The
first witness sworn was Morris Levering. By
this witness no - evidmice was gained that
would make Mrs. Mann a more severe parent
than thousands of others. 'Meek. Kennedy,
Was the neat witness sworn, and gave no evi
dence whatever of Mrs. Mann being a brutal
Mrs. Alvira Barrett was sworn and gave
several instances of Mrs. Burr acting very
brutal toward the girl; but as it was proven
that the witness possessed a strong dislike for
the. accused, her evidenCe would probably
have no undtte weight with the jury. James
Barrett, Alice Cole Ind Mrs. Bars Cole
also gave evidence of 3lre. i Mann's severity
toward the dead girl. In ;itch instande, hoW..
ever, it was proven that the witnets had feel
ings of dislike and ill.wii toward Mrs. Mann.
At the noon the counsel for the common
wealth rested the case and Mr. Albert Mor
gan, in an sole and affective way
omit= 108 Tar. mow=
At two r. x., Mr. James Gamin, the first
wit. for the defence, was called. Be die"
played /earth from underneath the tree on
which the girl was found; banging, Which was
saturated With blood' and refine, decomposed
matter, plainly shriving 'that the body bid
been there' for. s witch longer - period than
maintained by the prosecution. hark from
the tree, with considerablb human hairl u
it, and also a limb from the tree, having_ on
a piece of skin, were Shown
Dr. If. K. Hatcli was sworn, and his evi
dence, if scientificallY actuate; goes to show
that the examination made by Dr. Gregory
was hasty and incorrect. - -
Dr. Thomas Gamble. who followed, con
firmed 'the several particulars of the state
ments of Dr. listen.
, The testimony of Almon Eaton, the num
witness sworn; was of no value and Oast no
new light on the O&M -
. The counsel for the defence then rested the
Messrs. Fanning and Morgan made their
pleas on Beds) , evening.
Oa Saturday rooming V. P. Drate,Et.q., and
Dero - s - Rockwell closed for the .defence and
Prosecution, in two able and ingenious argu
ments for the prisoners and the common
wealth. respectively.
At 1:30 r, sr. con rt convened tq' hear Judge
3iorrow7a charge to the jury, wbibli 'was made
in his Homed usual clear and lucid manner.
Ito very orrefully explained the law relating
ditYcient degrees of murder,mon-slaughter,
etc, Then followed an impartial summing up
of the evi deuce on both sides. At 2:34 the
jury retired for consultation. •
4ftcr being out about two hoar% the luny
brought in a verdict or guilty of toardcr in
the second degree Jo the case off{tutari Mann,
sod acquitted Alide Burr and L Mann.
4n•argument for i t new trial was male be
fore dodge Morrois op litzednespoy zooming,
but was rotund,
• Munn.
We. Maim- was then sentenced to . A four
years an one . month imprisonmeht in the
Th - o subject of this sltetch was! berm in
Granville, P.a., Jan, 19th. °MR, auii diad at
•the residenso of her f a ther—Lowell 'A. Woos
tcr—in'Lefloy, on Wednesday, Feb. 8th,1882,
13 years, 20 days of age.
Nellie was. a dutiful child, itihscioncions
and trustworthy; although slte Clever exhibit
ed marks of exceptional religious enthusiasm,
yet there was a deep undercurrent of true
genuine honesty _ in, her 'character and an
abiding faithfulness in all things con:matt&
to her charge,' -Tionosty peented to t. 3 her
crowning virtue.
She ryas of that ;ie. to begin to appreciate
the gitti had bestowed tipple' her' and . _
had shoyr.i that devotion to her studies that .
her teactier took Ocda81?11 to.nlakd gpecyat
mention of
In" . 14 thitiday Scheel lieliiu ,u_..ts one of
most faithful... We could always depend upon
ber presence and good, beliav four, and Ulna
in her young life ahe an exautple .it b
hoped will be followed l i y her - ass ociatea.
It iris upon Thnreday evening Feb. 2d, thal,t.
FOVATii Ddlt.
Neliic F. Wooster, r
she comphiined of headatibe," while'spendim:i
the night with her aunt. • Before morning
_dangerous symptoms of typhoid fever pre-i,
souted theuiselves. l The Dietor was saninioni
ed and thought she might go through the fever
safely, but iu a short time heart dlfflaulty eat
in and on the following Wednesday morning,
at about 8 o'clock she 'pafsedtiWav, l‘riv.tu4
many friends heart:ht•olren ::,tid
The funeral took placeitlie day following--
and ,althOugh it was a rainy day the Church
was well filled with a aw'rowing and a weeping
The i4pralierd of the tiqu44y b t ullobl vroto
tidg'eii of mourning and the Maas of which
she was a member at as special mourners.
The undersigned fiseoursed from John
11125, and at about 3 O'clock p. m., we laid
her body away in theiileui tomb to 6.w.lit the
morn of the Demure tion Day..
Oar Nelllnitas gone . .
"Where the (sled flower shall freshen.
Freshen nove"r more to fade; .
Where the shaded sky shall brighten,
Brighten never-more to . shade;
Where the lun-blaze never scorches,
Whe.r;; #t4t-beame maws° to °hilt;
Wherc DO ynpeet stir§ the eohoe4
Of the wood, or wive, or bill;
Where no shadow shall bewilder,
Where life's rain parade is o'er;
Where the'sleep of sin is broken,
And the dreamer dreams no more;
Whore the bond is never severed,
. Partingi, clasp!ngs, syb and morn,
Midnight waking; twilight weeping,
Heavy noontide, all are done.
* • * • • * -
Where the hidden wound is healed,
Where the blighted life re-blooms,
Where'pe amitcesi heart, the freshness
(Hits buoyani-youth resumed;
Where we find the joy of loving, ,
As we never loved before—
on unchilled, "unhindered—
Loving once, forever-more."
C. E. IVELL.4.
Lao*, Ps., Feb. 13, 1832.
Mrs. Lettio Kendall Lane, the beloved wife
of Dr. 4. W. Lam; siad second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L awrence Kendall, died at her
father's home in Burlington, Monday, reb.
LI, aged 2G years and 11 months. Mrs. Lane
hal been sick with consumption for two
years, and had received the tenderest Care
from husband, parents, relatives and friends.
With so much to Make life pleasant, she yet
feared . not the sumrn6ns ' which called her
sweet spirit from its frail earthly, tenement
to a•home in the heavenly mansiorig. •
The funeral outlaw, were hold at lauther'u-
Mills, Feb. 15, 10. kA, Rev. A.. W. Hood of
Athena preached an appropriate aermon.;
num% Itirrsucerc—Orwell has had its
usual round of winter amusements," Mite
sties, lectures for the benefit of the Orwell
Library, being one of the good things intenii
ed to benefit old and young.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. Church
have been making efforts to raise $lOO or more
to pay the debt pn their house of worship.
Mr. Fayette PendleltOn kindly offered to fur
nish oysters and himeo room, to aid them in
their efforts, only stipulating that hirhouse ,
(which is.a conituodions one,):shonld be filled'
He did not want to set a table with good
things and not have them appreciated. *, Suf
fice it to say, his house was i filled, and the
ninth table was filled before the inner man of
all was satisfied—only eight ga.Uons.of oysters
and 'tatter goodies being necessary to Supply'
the demand. , Pair. Pendleton expressed him
self well pleased. Everything Passed off very
pleaeantly 7 -all had a good Lead, and a good
sum was raiend to assist the ladiei in their
gcul Work. Nearly the whole amount is
Sleighin gis gotio. *ills are stocked
with logs. Lads ;and lassies bait) bad their
sleigh rides, and now. sugar malting has corn
Chauncey Friable has been Si:dined to
thi) hOuse for some dais with lungdill:lenity.
Mr& Lyon, an old lady, of Ur.
Ezra Lyon, Was buried last Sunday. ate bed
been a sufferer for several yearaat the time
of her death, being both blind and deaf,
Feb. It, 1882.
&won, IturcuLtc:—lt will no *doubt be of
Wince, to sour readers to leant through the
columns of the BH:PUELICAN, that there has
been it "ahaking'imoug the dry- bcdtes" at
Windham Centre.
Cruder the labors of Rev. Mr. Abby, of New
York; and theyastor, Rev. Green, the Baptist
Church has had a refreshing season. We were
told by the pastor that over thirty had pro.
leased faith in Christ, and still the work goes
The sick in the Peck Hill school district are
improving. Several pupils have died, and,the
school is small compared with its ,
number. .
J. B. Brown has bought the Wheelhouse
farm on the font cornet*, and intends, by tho
appearance of things, to make needed im
provements the 'coming summer.
$ 5 week
. in your own town. $8 Outfit
free No risk. Everything new, Cap
ital not required. We will b u rnish
you ereryMing. Many are making
fortunes. Ladies make as much as
men, and boys and girls make grestpay. iteillet.
if you want a business et 'blob you can make
great gay all the time yin Work, write for gamic-
Idars to Matazarrr k Co., Portland, Maine,
Dee 16-Iyr -
BilUOl.l 6.lloodr e We ' d in:Chane,Oltle county§
January 18,.1882, in the 87th year of
Linage.: ;
• He Imo burn in Shesbegniti, Bradford coun
ty, I's., in Msr, 1793. - Kip parents, N. P.
oody and wife, came from Massachusetts
soine;three months previous to his birth. In
1783 the drat white settlers' pitched their
tent in, the beautiful valley of Shoshequin,
and among them was den. Simon Spaulding,
who was much respected and esteemed by
his neighbors, and Mr. Moody named the
child Simon Spaulding..
A few Earths later ilia family moved over I
the hills, aided in . their course. by marked
trees,.to the valley of the
_wyaim, - some ten
miles. diatant;' where the':villsge of Rome is
now located. Hero Simon retrained at the I
parental fireside until be obtained hi a major-
ity. and then wont to Decker's Ferry, - since
known as Hyatt's Feiry . ,-atiout four miles be- '
low Owego,l. Y. He married Laving Hicks,
of Chcmtmg, - N. 174 :and sub seqnently moved' ,
to the western frontier, and settled in Vigo •
county, Indiana. •
About the time of the . busking - outer the
-gold excitement of California; he" joined a
wagim train{ and offer months of untold hard
_Link!! and Welly arrived a t t the
fancied Eldorado: While passing through
Utali he wrote to Mewls that the Mormons
were_the meanest people he ever saw. For
tunately he was not at the- Mountain Meadow
massacre or he would have Lien left toppers
an opinion regarding that peculiar peoßie.
In the wring of 101 ho came baCk to Ogle
county, Illinois-, where -ho was tenderly cared
fur by - tt sou and a daughter, who spared no
pains to make his few - remain‘ng days as conk:
fortabie as ppasible. Mo rc.tainEl in a re.
lmarkible degree both his physical aid men
tal faculties up to the hour of lila death. -
.On the evening 00 - Januarylith, ho -retired
to his town and In a few momments the fam
ily beard an untinial noise; and entering
fouiid him dying. J. A. M.
January 27, in Eureka. California, Dr. D.
C. Scott died of,apoplely, after a few hours
illness, aged 54liars. Dr. Scidt wail's, native
or Towanda aEld 4g rather :if Urs. Burton
Eingsbury, lion. IL. L, Luther M. and '
Scott. He is_the third member of the
family who has died of apoplexy. Dr. Scott
took up- his residence in California many'
years ago, but has oeetsionally visited his
relatives here, wha,are deeply pained to hear
of his sudden death.-
The Eureka (CaL) Telephone pays him this
eloqu4ut tribute;
"Dr. Scott wasa cordial, candid gentleman;
firm in his friendships, and lone who would
not advance lila own nacres:a to the detri
ment otitis felloci man. I Daring a 15 years'
acquaintanceship wo - have never 'had occa.
stun to hold him in ether than the highest
esteem, and trio have 'esson to believe that
the am° mvgd Of praise was generally award
ed him iu this 'community. We write this,
with regretful feelings, and trust that Be
who "tempers the wind to the str.rti lamb"
will be with the morning family in their
great trial,"'
Frank Coffee has the bakerY fornierly oc
cupied by 3lr. Smalley who has returned, to
Bloomsburg. _
- The young ladies hare a enccessful reading
circle the nteMbere:of Which:are people of
much talent.
Thirteen persons -have nuite4 'with the
itethodist chntich renoi*lty: •
The singing school will continue another
term. the last terra having hem), very ; suc
Everett- Vandine makes • yory ettleVrit
s3cretary of tto freshvterian Sabbath school.
Mims Clara Madmen Of liarlilagton is visit
ing in town,. -
. ,
The I':'11. C. A. gave us a good lecture
Wednew.lay evening Feb. 8, the fourth one — of
their course. .
The. Spring term of Trot Graded School
begins Fehruary 27. . The) school has been
lat.& large and prosperous during the sear
and the eases are doing finely.
The Sissonic lodge hereis doing well and
having plenty of work on good material this
The Mann house near Ceona has - .been re
moved b Mi. Reel who citrus the premise 4.
Charles Coiner has return.ed from Kansas
and will . remain at home till spring.
Hon. Re!MO/I:inkwell gage an excellent talk
ouTexas before the Aartner's Club on Saturi
dui by invitation of President l A. U. Thoraas.l ,
gave an interesting description of the
Lone Star State and one containing ranch
valuable information.
Mr. ', s eater has arraagements nearly con}-
pletett for tbc ereaniety.
Mies Alice Hobart is bottle from Ingham
UniverFity where she has been attend - 41g to
her studies ilurindthe year.
' 1 ";. Rev. 8.1. Conde of Tunkliannook 44Z - ended
the funeral of Itra. Es B. Parsons. X.
' • . eI'EII6REEN.
1 ,
• . I - -
too tale for last week's issite.l
Our new merchant, S. 3f. White. Begins to
be well patronized. . • ,
0. Westbrook and family have jtist returned
from Missouri. .1'
Jas. Terry, Esq., is one' of the most popular
J u=.tieec tin, this section of Bradford county.
The briniest man in 'this town is Stephen
Albro, the; sound of Whose hammer is heard
early and late. "The hand of the diligent'
'maketh rich." .
Mrs. "Tupper" says that Era cider "has a
tendencY , to bulge; the glass." Don't 1111 it so
full, madam, in your endeavor to _get a ten
cent drink'for a five cent piece.
The February election causes some excite
meet among those filo are a ixioiis to save
their country by serving in the capacity' of
Several Ilona North Street played a
lovely (rick on their girls the other, evening.
After puratiading the fair ones to accompany
them to a donation party'ova at West Terry
thefellowed them to return home on foot,
the .bops keepingthen] company. Girls,
how did. Tons enjoy that aleigh-ridel
We might Ineuttort a law more iteUis but as
Oranpoy "Tupper" is abroad with the pen . i
is unnecessary. •
The obi lady's mind is thoroughly aroused
now, and of coarse sho" racl and agitate
her brain for items until every _observation
worthy of noto that can_Vossibly be made,
has found its way into the ItEctinmeri.N. May
the good old soul live long, grow fit, and
prosper, is the wish of EBENEZER.
Feb. 6 . tSB2. . •
ED. IttrimucaN:—Orir principal store so
successfuliF carried
.on by Geo, Smith for
some years will be closed about April tint,
Mr. Smith's business at Wilkes-Barre requir
ing, all his attention.
Our town has been divided' into two elec
tion districts, mach to disadvantage and die
satistaction'orthe majority : - of our ci Untie,
one polling place will be tikalyelaburg.
have not ;learned where Willey will - do his
voting. ;
Mud—mud—mud—will it never cease 2 Onr
thaws seem to come only.', to increase the
depth Of Mud.
The L. V. R. R. double track is now com
plete to WS' station-awiLnecessitates the
keeping of a night and day watchman hare.
Oar Postmaster will soon resign as lie; is
about to remove to Apalachin, N. Y.
Town meetings neat Tuesday, and A good
deal of interest is manifested there in which
we are glad to note.
Conductor Bob Drake, spent S un day s /with
friends in Wysox. ' s.° -
Dick Myer of lowa, is spenaing Math
with his family at Myeraburg;
F.D. Allen of the Elmira Free Press, in our
opinion drives ono of the finosimares in the
county.. Frank had often boasted this to ue
and the other day we were parauided to get ,
in and try her and can fully coincide with
tiim; She is of the Hembletonin stock,
eight pima old, dark bay and is Certainly a
die animal. She has been awar4od a pre
mlurifat the N.Y. State Far for her driving
going to Florida in
a few day s.
We hay° just learned that one of oar stal
warts is to be appointed Postmaster.
Of all the county papers taken here the
Rzeimucart takes the load this is as it should
Pickerel fishing on the Lake at Pond hill,
is indulged in to some extent. Yours
Feb. 18, 1882.. /t. B. C.
a ova:laity at the Itzetromut office.
If you want the host and cheap() young
folks' paper in the United States, subscribe
for "27w Young Follea,Circle," an eight page
illuatrated pawn., publiihhed at Cleveland, 0.;
only $5 cents a year, and yon get a pre:sent of
two pictures, info of which is worth _more
than the price of the paper for a year. The
paper is published hy , en old and reliable
Cleveland firm and yuu aro suru - to fairly
dealt with. If you send them the names and
addressee of 10 children under 13 yeLrs of
ago they will seed you a fine picture of Presi
dent Garfield awl family:, the house' where
he was born and hems at Mentor. Sample
Copy Free. Address •
THE YousWFomas
• Clausal yO.
Flour per barrel
Flour per each •
Buckwheat Flour, .V 10u,
Corn Meal
Chop Peed
Wheat, Übruiliel.. .. I WI,
.. . 7Fi,
Corn, .. 750,
Buckwheat, " 7 3 es
Oats, •" .......... 4 el
Beans, " 43 03
Pntsloes, 1, . .. . • 1 100
Apples Green, V bushel ,.• Ta§9o - '-,
Apples Dried, Vlb ~ •.5
Poaches , " " -- 1,213 -,-
Raspberries Dried It ' lb . . 442 0 •
Blackberries ... .
Pork. lit barrel
Rams, Vlb '
Lard, ~ .• •
Butter, In Tutes'a 'Firkins 2.5@32
Butter, in Bolls' ' rWe'3o
Eggs ' '-' 25(
' 01
Clover Seed V bushel •
Timothy seed V bur,bsl..
Beesentz, "ii lt,
Etyrac;qc Salt il barel: 1 60
Itlichlg salt , - ... ,
.: 1 GO
Althton S alt -" ... "": . 2 ;g43 OW
Onions, IA bushel.. ..... .. 00&1 00-" :v
:No. la South. Third St. Philadolphio,i
Stock bought Sit old tither for Cash or on Margin
• , • ,
U.S. 6%1881, E xt ' ' 101 1014
Currency, n'e 126 127
. s'B, 1881, new, Eat .... ' 4 ltd ? ; 1013;.
'. '.: . 441, now 113,i 114
1,--. 4's, 6. 1183 i 118" i
Pennsylvania U. P 61, , .,; 613;
PlinadelPhia and Reading 1t..11..... 311. i alf'i
Lehigh Valley N. R • • 62 62U
Lehigh Coal and Navigation C 0.... 433; 43',U
United NJ It Rand Coal Co .. 186 , 1803 i
Northern .oentral It U Co.-- - 50 50u
Hestonville Pass It U Co 17 17U
Buff. Pittsburgh, k West R R Co .. , 183.',; 19 •
Central Transportation Co ...... —.' 35 ' 30
Northern Pacific. Cora 35N 3534
Pref'd -74 70.;
Northern Pennsylvania R R ' 63.fh: 54
Philadelphia tz Erie V. 1t.... 17 1734
Silver. (Trades) -03)4 093
Roils and Girls.
t'orroctea every Wcdnothlsy
Corner of Main and Pine Streets,
1 80072 20
7:4. 2 00
r1i111,..; 1410 ; siDAT, 18n
We will furniAh the REPUBLICAN' with any of
the_ foliowik named publication:, from and
after January'l, 188.2, it the rated named be
low, which includes the REPUBLICAN' with the
paper named:
New York Weekly Time!,
Semi-Weekly Times,
Pniladelphia Weekly Press,
Philadelphia Weekly Times,
Harper's Magazine,. . ...
Harper's Weekly, .'....
Harper's Bazar,
The Century Magazine (Scribner) .. 4 75
St. Nicholas, - ,4 00
Popubpi Science Monthly. ' 550
North:American Review,' _ 550
American Agrieultprist,....... - -2 60
Atlantic Monthly, ' 4 75
Country Ontlomen, . 335
Rural Nett Yorker, - .3 35
Toledo Bliide, ' '2 75
Wide Awake, ,3 60
, Pausey2 00
ißabyland, • ' ' • 1 90
Little Folks' Reader • f - 10
tDemorest Monthly * • - . • • 310
Godey's Lady's Book, ' ; 31(
Peterson's Magazine, 3 1(
• &deli - tide American,.... —•4 2:
Burlington Hawkeye, '2 Si
The Nursery,
, 2 61
The Farm and Garden 2 01
Youth's Companion 2 7
Mid bad One .ot
fistate'of John Sullivan. deceased, late of *ails
township, Bradford Co., Ps.
Letters testamentary under the last will and
testament of the above named decedent having
been issued out the Orphan's Court of Bradford
county to the undersighed upon the estate
above named, notice is therefore hereby given
that all persons indebted to said estate, must
make immediate payment, and all persons hav
ing claims against the same, must present them
duly authenticated for settlement to us.
• ;* .T. J. SULLIVAN.) Executors
W. J. ROY.
wells Pa., Jan. 6, 1882.4w* ,
HOTEL FOR SALE.—I offer the
American Hotel property for sale at a great
bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner.
of Bridge and Water s treets, in Towanda Borough.
It is bne of the best and most central locations
in the place. There is a good barn connected
with the property. The irew bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desirable for
any one wishing to engage in the business. A
good active man with a small captal can pay for
the property in a short time from the profits.
It was papered and painted now last spring and
is now in excellent condition.
JOSEPH G. rxrros,
Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22.1881- tf.
tine largo SW; Portrait of
Engraved in Line and Stipple from a pboiograph
approved by Mrs. Garfield as Icorrectlikeness.
BizzaBl2l. Sand for circulars and extra terms.
The Ilenry Bill Publishing Co..
Norwich. Conn.
• - A. N: NELSON
.14 WATCHES,' -
Of emery variety. and SPOetaeles. /NT Particular
attention pelt to repairing. Shop in Decker k
Vonglit's Grocery Store, thin Street, Towanda,
Penns. ' 50p9.80-
Of Alrett a cj i. 'f lu or s thear
mato curnowof tee Treatise on the none and
his Diseases.'. It gives the best treatment for
all diseases, has fa • tine engravings • showing
taught in any other wsJ. a table showing doses
of ell the principal medicines used tor the horse
as,well as their effects and antidotes when a
25 at
...poison. a large collection of
IMF vsznerus, aummrs, rules for
toning the age of • horse. with an engraving
showing teen/ Of each year and a large amount
of other valuable horse Information. nurdreds_
of horsemen have pronounced it worth more
than books costing VS and $lO. no fact that
200.000 sold in about one you' before It was re."
vised shows how popular the book is. The re.
vised edition is scats max ummternat.
FOS • 012001•11.16 •ACiElliZi WAISTED. Dr. a. P.
Kendall k Co.. Kaasburgh Fans, Vermont.
Mar 11.1 yr. •
rrwE CL7TICLTILI TREATMENT, 'for the cure of
I. Skin, Scalp and Blood Diseasevcoulaste in
the- internal uao of Cancun& llitsuiviaa. the_
new;block" faultier, spa the external use of COT.
ICURA. and CUTICOSIA SOAP, the edit sift moo.
Will McDonald, 2342 Dearborn street. Chicago.
gratefully acknowledges,a cure of Halt Rheum on
head, neck, face; arms and legs for intrentesu
yeani; not able to walk except on hands . and
knees for one year; not able to help himself for
eight years; tried tnindredifof retnedlel;dectere
pronounced ids case hopeless; permanently cured _
by Cullman Resorrent (blood purifier) internally,
and Cuticura and euticura Soap (the great skin
cares). externally,
U. E. darpen Or, Esq., Henderson, X, cured
of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' stand
ing, by the Ctrricvna Haseismer (blood purifier,)
internally. and Currcune. and Cirrictrae Soap Ithe
great skin cure's.) eaternally. The most wonder
ful case on record. Cure certified to before a
Juitice' of the peace and prominent-citizens.
Ail afflicted with itching and scaly diseases
should send to us for this tebtimonial in full.
F. R. Drake, Esq., Detroit, Michigan, suffered
beyond all description from a akin disease which
appeared on his hands, head and lice, and nearly
destroyed his eyes.. The moat careful doctoring
faded to help him, and alter all had failed' ho
used the Cuticrtra Resolvent (blood purifier) in
ternally, Cuticurs and Caliente Soap (the greet
akin' cures) externally, and was cured, and Us
remained perfectly well to this day.
1 rzoi 15
1 15
Mfrs. S. E. Whipple.-Decatur. Michigan, writes
that her ace, head and some parts of her body
were almost raw. Head covered with scabs and
sores, suffered fearfully and triad ev
Permanently cured by Cut:tears Itesolve=i
PuTiffer), and Cutler...wand Cutienre Soap (en,
great skin extras.)
20 00623 00
• 1.4
Remedies are for salo by al/ druggists. Price
of Cutleries, a bledicinal Jelly. small boxes,,soc.;
large bOicti. $l. - .Cructu Itzsotxmcr, the new
Blood Purifier, $1 per bottle. CDrICvaAYsDIC
INaL Tonsi Sou.; 25 cents; Ctrrienrak Mimicraar.
Smiviso SOAP. 15 cents; in bars for barbers and
large consumers. GOc. Principal depot.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Head Colds, Watery. Discharges frail the Nose
and Eyes, Hinging Noises In the Head, ?Savour,
Headache and Chills and Fever inibultly relieved.
Choking, putrid mucus is dislodipid,membrane •
cleansed, disinfected and healed, breath sweet..
erica, smell. taste and hearing !veered, and con. -
Istitutional ravages cheokeit.
Cough. Bronchitis, Droppings into the Throat.
Pains In the Cheat, HYsPePels. Wasting of
Strength and,Flesh, Loss of Sleep. etc., cured. •
Cue bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal
Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, in one
package, of all druggists, for fl. Asir for
Is not quicker than COL
s✓TEBJ3 in relieving lain and
Weakness of the Kidneys.
Liver and Lungs, Rheuxus
.,- • tism.Nettralglictllysteris,
a „, ' " Ferrule WeaknesiLllslaris.
f•I eWO and Fever and Ague. Prico
CASTER :Sets, Sold everywhere.-
$2 45
3 85
2 50
4 60
4 75
4. 75
Steel-Plate and
for the oinir
WEEKS POTTER, gostcul.
High Colored
. - r „
-,,, ' toLDING
Beautiful. Designs !
For Programmes Ball!
Invitations !'.,
- Business "Circulars !
Call and Examine.
Reasonable Rates
Job Printing Office
Towanda, Pa.