Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, February 16, 1882, Image 1

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    HOLCOMB & TRACT, Publishers.
Bradford Republica
• ,
l'ablisbed Every Thursdny,
-51.56' Per .4 tutu tit, in ..Idran re
,idrerthilminates—Stx cents a line for drat
I ;:tertion, atti five cents per line for all stib,O
qucnt itisertiml. Beading notice ntiv . ertikin , 4
ceuts per. line. Eight-lidos
6qusre, and twelve lines an inch. Auditor's
c,:tices $2.50. Administrator's and Executor!'
s2.(!n. ;Yearly_ advertising $llO.OO per
column. •
THE -REPO iILIC;CH is plibilBlloa in the 'liacy,
Sioere land Nobles Block, at the 'corner of Maui
el.l,Pine streets, over J. F. Corsets Boot and
store. its circulation is over 2000. As an
sivertising medium it is unexcelled in its ini
ciethate fief t.
Tnwanda Business Direciuy.
1 ,2311,111 &71SILLILS.
Z", over Powell A; Co
-IdIFF, J. N.; Mice in Wood's Block, south
Fast National 13suk, up stairs. June 12;,..8
pI; 4 I3REE A: SUS (-V C Etsbree and L Elsbree)
J.-1 office in Mercur Block. Park St. mayl.k.7B
- ,
DECK . 4 : OVERTON peof 31 Peck and D A 10tyr
f.;n1. Odlee over lIIU Market 49-'79.
• -
vcitTos fi S.kIiDERSON (E Overton ana Jr tin
Sanderson.) Wilco in Adam ii Block. July 5 . is
Ni AINV'ELL, NMI. Office over Dayton's Store
WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's lUlock
('rrnochan. L M Ha.) Office lgt rear
Ward ilouse. gntrance on Poplar St. kin 14,75
MRODSIFY A. Solicitor of Patcuts.
.131. Particular attention ;paid to business in
Orpliins' Court and to the iettlement of copies.
Other in 7dontanye's Block! /19-791
Ajr I'LLERSON IC; YOUN't3.' (1. ifera;•sovLand
INL . \ V./. Young.) Office south side abler* nes
fob 4,;78
.laBDll.* k KINNEY, Office corner Walk and
IY.L• Noble's block, second floor 4.ont.
Collectiona promptly attended to. . feb 178
VV Williams, E l Angle and E Bugngton).
axe west side of Alain street, two doors north
a Argils office. All Liminess' entrusted to their
:are will receive prompt attention. oct 26,77
l{ ttor
.3 buys and Counsellors-at-La w . Office irk the
Mvrcur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store:
July 3, 'BCI tf.
IKEENEY. .1. P. Attorne)-at-Latr. 0111c5 in
Motaanye's Block, Main Street.
sopt. 15, ''l-tf.
rriIIoMPSON, and E. A.,. Attorneys-at Towanda, Pa., 0111ce in Mercur Block,
oler C. T. Kirby's Drug 'Store, entrance on Main
§creet. first stairway north of post-office. All
business promptly attended to. Special atten
twa given to claims against the United States
for l'ensim.4, Bounties, Patents. etc.,. and to
,11,1imis and settlement - a decedent's es:ates.
April 21. ly •
TOII:ASOiN. T. 8.. M:). Office over Dr. It. C
Li Porters's Drug Store. feb 12,78
},TEWTO .D.N.& P. O. Office at Dwelling
/I on River Street, corner Weston St. tab' 12,77
C. K., M.D. °files lat door above old
L 1,3;11; building, on Main street. Special at.
:elatiou given to diseases of the throat and
WooDIMItS, 8. M., M.D. Office and real
dAlce. Main street, nortbeit 3i:E.Churah
Steliral Examiner ter Pension , ;Dc"srtment.
Avst. E. D.. M.D. Office over Bontankoi
store. OS:leo boars from 10 to 12 A. M. and
from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to
Vifeascs of the Eye, 'Mel Diseases of , the Ear.
Oct 20,77
r7I.IR•NEIL-11. L..
and (dice just north of Dr. Corbon's
sTain street, Athens. PE
HESILY ROUSE. Main st.. next corner south
- of Bridge street New house and new
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
spar -di neither pains o expense in making his
t mei it:at-class and Xe4peettully solicits a share
:'public Patronage. Meals at all hours. Terms
reasonable. Large - Stehle attached.
tiara 77 • WIS. HENRY.
WATKINS POST, \O. CS, G. A. R. Meets
every Saturday evening, at Military
GEO. V. MYER, Commander.
.7 R. EITDUIDGE, A(Uutent. feb 7, '79
. 57. Meets at K. of P.
Hall ,eve ry Monday evening at 7:30. In
varance .$2.000 . . Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver*
a,:e anal4.lcent, 5 yeari experience, $ll.
J. RI KLTITADOE, Reporter.
Ji::••E WAIIDEI,L.JII. , /s . ,ctator. fel) 22.78
- .
BRADFORD LODOki l O r . 167, I. 0. O.E. Meet
It: Odd Foll'ow's 1, every Monday evening
If 7 o'clock., ' W sf But., Noble Grand.
. ,
lune 12,75' I , .
p 0557, F. E. I.Zo. 32 Second street A ll orders
will receive prompt attention. june112,75
The Second Winter Term will begin ondac,
zailuary, 23, ins2.'For !catalogue or othe infor
mation, address or call on the Principal.'
Towanda, Pa.
u: 19,;1
VITII.I.IAMS, EDWARD. Practical. Plumber
v v end Gas Fitter:: Place of business in Mer
• zur next door to Journal office 'opposite
Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair
tuz Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
romptly attended to; 'All wanting work in his
11P should give him a call. July 27,77
RU-, ELL, C. S. Gineral Insurance Agency,
Towanda, Ps. Office in Whitcomb's Book
Store. July 12,76
Read Quarters
&c., 45.-. c.
CASH PAID for 'Desiztible Pro
(lave. Fine BUTTER and EGGS
sptei Hy.
April 29 ly
(Successor to Mr. Mdllesn,)
The pstronerte of n old friends said the public/
gtLerally is solicited. I , oserp: 80
done et abort notice and reasonable rites
it the ltrrroucas office. ' • -
, . .
- .
- -
. ,
. . .
‘ - -
' ' ' ' '•:•"- : -' - "-•,_: -,.:',.. „ , -, '
• , .
, A
_ •
: ~• •
, .
Railroad Time.Tablea.
higara Falls
Buffalo •
Rochester -
Standing Stone.„ ......
Runimerlield .......
LaceYvillo r"
Skinner's Eddy ~ .
Tunkkannock ......
I. & B Juncuou
Ilaticn Chunk
Bethlehem • -
Easton...6 -
New York;
6.3041.05 •
•' •5511.33 -
8.33 1.00.
• 5.1541.05
..•I 8.501 1.351
• 9.101 1.451. 9.00
9.45 1 2.101 9.40
• ..... 1.. . : 110.15,
.. ._.;10.231
46 3:001043 1
• 1 10
• . 110.54
.. ...
1 3.36'11.301
...'11.421 n. 53
1 3.011.50:
• - 4.12,12.10,
-••1 12.11,
...A.2.23' 4.35' 1.00
• .. . . 1.24
...I 1:05' 5.10,.1.45
...1 1:35 5.30, 2.20 j
• 3.45; 7.35: 4.301
4.44' 8.29' 5.33,
• 3,00; 8.45 6.05
• 5.30 9.00: 6.40
.., 6.5510.40: 8.40
! 9.15
A.M. P.M. P.M.
5 30 2112
6.30' 7.40; 3.40
8.00! ....1 9.00. 4.15
9.2 C; ....110.151 5.50
9.50; ...'10.45 , 0.15
..110.65; 10.54 0.24
41.051 11.55 7.25
1.081 7.30 2.03! 9.45
• /.35! 3.01' 2.2510.10
8.43 10.46
14.55; 3.01;10.52
New York
Easton .
Mauch Chunk.....
L k B Junction...
Falls ......
Skinner's Eddy..
Standing Stone...
Tovianda .
oleter . ..
Athenq •
Waverly .....
Owego ......
Anbur o
\ Buffalo-
'Niagara Falls
..:.1 ....! 9.20; .... 1 11.22
... 9.27 3.27111.29
0.43. ....;11.45
3.02 0110; 3.40111.50
...1 4.03:12.07
'10.27: ....:12,17
110.37; —.112.24
. . ..:.10.44,
;10.54' . ;12.37,
.' 3.5911105; 4 43 12.46
• • • ••1 ....'11.17' 4.55 12.57
• ....,11.26' 1.06
• 4:30 11.3 5.1 v 1.15
....; 4A0:11.41; 5.20; 1.23
1.45;11.50' 5.30: 1.30
....1 5.25 1 12.40 e. 161 2.15
....1 5.30, .... 6.251 ....
• 8.30, ....; 0.35! ....
. ..1 6.10. 0.401 ....
• 7.411 .... 8.14,
8.40, 8.50 1
....1 0.50, 6.10 ; 0.401 ....
....!i1.40 8.10 12.0518:00
• 1.0:1 9.25; ' 4.051 9.40
P.M. P.M. A.M. A.ll
No. 32 leaves Wyalusing at 5:00, A. 51., Frencb
town 6.11, Rummerileld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.51
Wvsauking 6.40. Towanda - 6.53, Ulster 7.371,
Milan 7 . :16, Athens '7:25, Sayre '7:40, Waver
ly 7:55. arriving at Elmira 6:50.. A. :sr. •
No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00,
Sayre 6:15. Athens 6:20. Milan' 6:30. Ulster 6:40,
Towanda 6:55, Wysauking 7 . :05. Standing Stone.
7.11, Rtimmerlield 7:22, Frenchtown 7:32, arrfv,
lug at Wyalusing at 7;15., P. M.
Inane 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on
trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila
delphia and between Lyons and New York
out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9
between Niagara Falls - and Philadelphia with
out change, and 'through coach to and from
Rochester via Lyons.
SATRE, PA...Tan. 2, 1882. •!?a:ez N. Y. R. R.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
T . 1 2 1 FII
owanda 5 cl. Store
srr EIErF.
offer a complete assort
mEnt of
Crockery, Glassware,
•, .;
- -
~atez;t dpAgns and patterns of •
For the coming Spring Trade, we
adhere as heretofore to our established
principle—that'a quick sale with a small
profit is better than a slow one with a
large profit—and therefore :our.prices
'in any line q goods . will , compare
favorable with the prices of I any other
say-We endeavor to sell the best
article for the least possible money.:
The place to save money D onylng cheap is at
Sarno! Mita and'Praaklin Streets
Tney tespeetitilly announce to the public that
thlry have • large stock of
FORE. and PROVLSIONS generally. _
Wo have also added to our stock s vsrLetiot
Jost received a ; large stock of Sugars, Teas,
Coffees. Spices, 4pOITLBOI4II PURE SOAP, the
best in the market,, and other makes of soap
Syrup and Molasses; which they offer at low
prices for Oath. Oct 26 77
B _ bLoesnowbefor
ing cthehleTouz ma i enoyerst l o ioru s than any a
se. Capitol not
needed. We will start you. $l2 4 day and up
wards Inane at home by the industrious, Men,
women. boys and girls wanted everywhere to
work for 111. Now is the time. You can work in
spare time only or give your whole time to the
business, You can live at home and do the work
No other business will pry you nearly as 'Well --
No one can fall to make enormous tay by en
gaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. -. : .
Money made bat, easily and honorably.
Address, Tnue a Co., Augusta, Maine.
Deo 15-Iyr . ,
1.4 NOTE HEADS, dm printed in the best style
of the art at the REPUBLICA/I otbee.
1519 11
2.051 7.20.
2.50 8.25 1 .
5.15;10.05! *
4 16
CUR. psia, Liver
gyms, Fever
ue, Blieunsa-
Nein, Drepsy, — Heart Disease,
tousness Wervaus debility, etc .
rho Bost imam ICOWN to Man;
11,000,000 Bottles
It , Stimulates the Pt:panne:la the
Saliva, which converts tho Starch and
Sugar of thc food into glucose. A den.
ciepcy in Ptyalipe causes Wind and
Souring of the food in tho stomach. II
thetmedieline is taken immediately after
eating the-fermentation of tbod 1s pre.
vented.' ; '
It aetiepon the v eer .
It nets! tsp'en the
It Regulates the Detects. •
It Purifies the Blood.
It Quiets the Nervous System.
It Qu iets
Digestion. .
it Nourishes. Strew/thousand Theiyera tea
It carries off the Old Blood and snakes sett
It opens the pores of the skin and Woos
Ifeaithy - Perspiration.
It neutralizes the hereditary taint,er politer
In the blood, which generates Scrofula. Ery
sipelakand all manner of skin diseases and
internal humors.
There are no spirits employed in its mans
facture, and it can be taken by the most deli
cute babe, or by the agedand feeble, earwax
being requircdin a ttention to directions. •
Laboratory. 77 West Sid bt c
RD. \
. . 2.15
Aallaud. Schuykill co.. Pa.
Dear Sir:—Thls is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has benefited' me more. after a
short trial. than all the medicine I have uped
for 15 years. *
' Ashland. Schnykill co.,Pa.
Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent IDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and
it has proved to be'n valuable medicine.
Turtle Poiut, !dolman co:. Pa.
Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous De
bility and partial Paralysis, for a number of
years, and obtalned no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a short trial of which
restored me to health. : .
Dear sir:—My little girt was eared of Intim
ruation of the Taco and Eyes, by the use of your
reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician
had previously failed -to afford relief and it was
thought that the child could not live. Its neck
and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulous
Sores, which are now entirely gone.
Dear Siii—Thia is-to certify thatyoUr INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved mo of
Liver. Complaint and Dyspepsia. sifter the doe.
tors failed. a 4
Remeg, for the Rheumatism. ~- , •
• Thrue Paint. MCKeill CO., PO,
Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent IiSOLAN
BLOOD SYRUP foritheumatiam and Liver Coln
plaint. nod have derived great relief therefrom.
. . . • Daunts SimPahn.
Dear was a Ltd-long sufferer from Liver
Complaint until I used your great. INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP. from which I -*loon obtained
permanent relief. I alto find the Syrup to bel
valuable Bowel Regulator.•-
C. Brmrscin.
Dear Sir:—This is to ,certify that your.reliable
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the best medicine
ever used in- my iamily. Roping thopublic will
be benefited by. this great remedy, I take kreit
pleasure in giving my testimony of its value.
Joszeu I'. BienAnsui.
Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l wasl troubled with Liver Com
plaint for a long time, and b y the persuasion of
your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP,which has greatly bane
flied me. 1 have never found any medicine to
ecual, it, and can.cOnfidently say it is a safe and
'highly valuable r emedy.
This Syrup possesses, Varied Properties.
Never__ fails to Cure.
Disease or the Stomach.
Nervous Debility
For ScrotuM.
L • •
Turtle Poittt, McKean co}; ra
Wetturic Smart
.• • .
Sure Cure fur Liver ColOplaint.
Turtle Poifi r t, Illckean co., Pa
An Agent's Testimony.
Tljrtlo,Point, McKean co., Pa
- 4 --
A' Valuable Medicine. -
Somerset Co., Pa
• . Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Berlin, Somerset Co„-Pa.'
Dear Sir:-1 take I.pleasure in recommending
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the hest niedi
clue made. ,reoplel who are "Dyspeptic should
nOt fail to give it a trial. For tne Stomach it
his no equal. I have used it and know it to bo
a — valnahle medicine.
Hems Smserg. ogn.
Liver Complaint.
Pain In the Breast
Berlin, Somerset Co.. Ps
Dear was gilded with a Pain in my
Breast and Side. and when I would lie down, I
could scarcely breathe for Pain, I was alsoivery
weak in my Breast and Lungs. I used some of
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and as now near
ly well. My Lungs, are strong once more and I
am very grateful to you for such a valuable
remedy.. •
Dystwpsia and indigestion.
Dear Slr:—This is to certify that your valua
ble- INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP- has, cured me of
Dyipeps4 and liidigestion.rwhich I had, beet'
afflicted with be years. •
Gaonoa Id. Eraser.
For Kidney': Diseases.
, Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sii:—l Irks I subjeOt to severe Pains in ray
Kidneys, AVeairnesS and Painted Sick Headache,
for years, and failed to obtain relicknntil I was
induced to .try yOnr reliable -INDIAN BLOOD
SYBUP.a short trial of which restored me to
perfect health.
\o• 1425 Bartratit St
. For Costiveness.
. :; Philadelphia, Pa
. Dear Sir :—I was troubled with Costivenes and
Headache, and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD
symyp proved most,benencial to me. It is the
beet medicine I aver used.
No. §I7 Federal St
For Blillousness.
Philadelphia. Ps.
Dear Sir: —I alllictedjwith Dyspepsia and
Billionsfiess for years, and failed to procure re l ..
lief until I began. using ypur INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP, which soon effectually relieved me, I
take great pleasure in recommending its me to
the afflicted.
No. 1035 Locust St
Disease 'of the Stomach -and Liver.,
Breda - 111, Pike Co., Pa.
Dear Slr:—Thts Is to certify that I have used
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease or the
Stomach and Liver, and have been much bene.
filed thereby:
Best Family Medicine.
Dear Sir;—pl consider. your reliable , INDI&N
BLOOD_ SYIItIP the best medicine I stet. used in
my family. It is just as recommended.
MALAEL Camaro.
Remedy for Worms.
Dear Sir:—T have used your great , INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP in my family for Worm and
Suminer Complaint, and it has proved effectual
in all cues.
Tnomas ConTuonff
• '
Pierer Falls to Cure.
your INDIkli
. Bushkin. Pike o
entirely cared her, ant a short trial oBLOD SYRUP
ass in . Pobioll-
AGENTS W ANTED for the sale
SYRUP in every town or village, In which I have
no agent. Partionbui given onapplication.
'Cousin John, this is my eldert
daughter eithrrine,' my father said,
and the strang, sed-looking gentleman
arose, walked screw+ the room, and took
both my hands in his; then, looking me
steadily in the face and putting his
hund upon my head, he kissed me as if
I had been a little child, and, turning
to my father, renewed the conversation
bat I bad interrupted by my entrance.
I Was nineteen , then; filled with can.
osity end I went to find my
`Why he?' I said.
'Your Cousin John,' she answered as
if that settled the matter.
.Bht - it did not, gradually I found that
my mother knew but litth3 more eon- ,+
corning him than myself. A distant
coushrof my father's whom he had I not
seen for over twenty years living id
Missouri, where he had made a fortune
in iron mines and long since retired
from business; a bachelor, viith•no 'tapir
kin—none nearer than 'my fattier; that
Install. Why he was in D—, where.
be was going. and how long , he waR
likely to btay, no one knew bat him
t;elf. ,
I rent back into the parlor, and nn
dtr the pretense of reading a novel took
a good long look at him. He woe
apparently about fifty, year old; tall,
but with an, almost painful stoop in. his
shoulders; his face a picture of stony
sadness:; deep gray eyes, long, faultless
nose, and a mouth 'that ;seemed to
guard more bitter thoughts than any I
have ever seen. A strange looking
man! that was my conclusion . . Finish
ing the inspection, I dropped iny eyes
upon the book was soon absorbed
in its contents; so much indeed, that
when my father arose arid' excused hin3
self for a few 03monts, I.lcnew nothing
of it. •
B. B. Buzau):
How longit was after his absence be
ore t= I bee conscions of it I cannot
tell. lonly•know that pausing for a
moment to turn the next page, I rai,ed
my eyes and found Cousin John steadily
regarding me. I,tbought that he had
the most unwavering eyes I ever saw.
.When I loOked up he left his seat and
took another near me, making' at the
same time ,aome ciltinur remark, his
voice waare,eep, and he' talkettslowly,
but all thetime as if hits thoughts were
absent froM his tongue: We bilked of
matters in general and I was very much
interested—more perhaps an himihan
in the conversation. -
Sine. J. AVYAN
My father came to the door, i itnt'see
ng tis so well occupied, did not enter.
While we woo talking .night came on,
and CousiirJolm, saying that be bad
some unpacking to do, arose to go to
his room I offered my services, if the,
could be.of any use to him 'and some
what to my suprise he said: -L '
•Tbsantr yon, Cuthenueigiris are good
hands at unpacking, I sho l uld like to
have your help.? ,
So I wrint with into his room,
and then; unlocking a big hunk, be
deliberately -sat down by the, fire and
asked me to partially unpack it. Of
course I fell to work, I had taken out .a
few articles.and laid them on the floor
around Me; then, coining to a small
black box marked on the top "strictly
private,'' I turned to ask him that
should be done with it; but seeing a
faraway look in his eyes as they gazed
upon the fire, I would not disturb him.
The box, however was in my *ay, and
so I took it out carefully and attempted
to place in the table near me; but in
rising I st e)ped upon my dress. and
after a vain effort to regain my balance
dame tumbling to the floor. The box
fiew'from my hand, ' and striking the
wall.opposite broke completely open.
He started up hurriedly at the fall,
and after raising -me from the floor,
looked to see what wascinjered. When
he saw the broken box a look of vexa
tion swept over his face, and ho com
menced to take up - carefully the broken
pieces. The contents of the box were
letters and yellow looking papers; he
put them all upon the table, then com
menced searching for something that
was evidently wanting to make up the
Original contents.
I was still frightened, but I crept
nearer and began to search too. Almost
bidden under the rug. I disnoyered a
small morocco case that I knew at once
was meant for a ring. I placed it in this
hand without u word. ,-He took it, stood
for a moment, with 'every trace of anger
vanished from his fade then began to
walk nervously up and down the room.
Tatood wonderingly by the fire, riot
no t•knoning what else to do. At last
he ceased walking assuddenty as he had
begun, and asked in a voice that start
led me by its intensity:
'Do you know what that is?' •
I shook my head.' He touched a
spring, the lid flew open, and the fire-
light glinted on a solitaire diamond
ring—nothing else.
I raised my eyes to his in mute in
quiry, and for an answer he drew an
other chair to the fire, and motioning
me to it, said:
'I will tell you why the eight of that
ring stings me like _a eerpant's bite.
All my life, Catherine, I have been a
lonely man, - having no kith nor kin
nearer than your father, and making
'but few friends around me in the world.
There Was but one human - being for
whom I cared more than for. ; myself,
and that was Robert 13,tra ff ord. There
fore when he. with his young wife, died
of yellow fever in Memphis and left
their only child, a boy:eif ten, hoMelese,
, with the dying prOer that I would take
,him to my care, radeepted the trust
thankfully, and took the orphan child,
clothed with the memory and the like
ness of his dead father, to My desolate
D. 31. UALL
Philadelphia, Pa
dsitss Ans.r
JAB. A. Bnowx
FB►NS T. Gomm =
Dual:AID, Pike Co., Pa
HALM VA:tom:Ex
'Henry Strafford and, myself lived 4)-
gether as father and son. He learned
to love me, and every hope lay in him.
Years strengthened the mutual affection.
and brought Henry to manhood—my
self to the age of forty, a silent _ and—
except to him—nsorose man. I was
wealthy by that time; my Wanness had
been my only are snd had prospered
accordingly. Iwa looked upon by
virtue of my wealth 'as a tiremitteat
"one day I was called upon by .thei
cashier of the bank, of which I was a
rector. He told me <that his aeconrds
were in a fearful condition; he had used]
the!bank money to speak:de with, an,d
illquiccesihad involved him to a large
ex tint. Why the man should come fo
me !'pr help I cannot, never could, un
derstand. At aiiy rate. convinced that
be had been unfortunate rather tbau
intentionally fraudulent, I - made the
defleit,gnod myself. He was grateful—
I thought at first troub l esomely grateful.
He insisted that
.I should meet his fam
ily—the family, as he expressed it, that
I had saved from absolute ruin.
"Telford; the cashier, was a mane of
806 4 prominence, so, rhor,e for the Wake
of my adopted son--fur ! culled him
ithat, 'although he had hover taken my
name—than for myself, - I l ciecepted the
i •
nvitation.:aud met his daughter, • krity
Telford! How tic name still seems
music in my earl And 180 it sltowld
seem, for I loved her. .es, until On
I bad .urver dreamed of other happinCas
than to live and die in comfort. •lint
from that night I commenca to grow
'I called agaiti and again at Telford'?
house, until _'l began to think-----fuol,
blind fool that I was!--that Mary loved
me but little lees ' than I •-loved - her.'
She received every advance kindly, she
spoke to me always with regard. I
never thought until afterward that she
could not do otherwise to the man who
had preserved-her father's good name.
Neither did I think that Henry went
quite 2,3 of I to see 'Miss Telford,'
as he always called her in my presence.
tWhen I asked Telford for his dough
ter's hand, his delight would scarcely
allow him to give me an intelligent an
swer:and then, fortified with that an
swer, I. went to May for hers, and re
ceived as .I remembered when it was to
late, a cool but ready assent, I thought
I was the happiest man olive. •
'The next day went to St. Louis,
and while ostensibly On business, spent
the Whole day , at , the jeweler's. Then it
was t bought that ring, and had en
graved upon the inside as you see here,
my initials and hem With this accom
plished, I returned home immediately.
When I reached them it was lato 'at
night, and the rain poured down in
torrents; hut little I minded that. I
had ta:pass by Talford's and my heart
beat high With exaltation :as I . neared
the home of my. future bride. I took
the ring from my pocket and stopped
under the street lamp, to see if it was
safely in its case. I was childish in my
loveozien at that age often are.
'While standing under the limp just
across' the street from Telford's, the
front door of his house was thrown
open.- I raised my
. oyes, and there was
May betzelfi th e qa,ajiibt rroni tile ball
shot a broad band of light into tho
street and framed; her 'form in gold.
Oh, hoW she, held possession of my
heart at that moment! She was show
lug a taller down the steps, - and tri
umphantly..T.,ato'cid and 'watched him
linger, as if loth to leave. I felt a kind
of condeqceroling pity for the poor fel
low, suppo , ing that he was some old
"What! not gone yet? . Still standing
there? Poor fellow?. I thought. Then
I felt myheart leap wildly and stand
still-4the blood freezing in my veins. I
saw May Telford in . another man's
arand—saW him;rain kiss after kiss up
on herupturned face, and then I could
see that she haifainted.
'He bore her gently into .
,the house,
and then came out.. As the "door open
ed I 'saw his face, it was whlte as mar
ble, and it was the face of Henry Straf
'He passed on down the street, and I
stood there in the pouting rain, stunned
and almost bereft of My senses: I reel
ed against the wall and a passing police
man took me by the shoulder, suppos
ing me to be intoxicated; but I turned
on hitn awl laughed iu‘his face with
such a jarring, fearful.hingh that he re
treated over the curbstFne..,. and went
on his way muttering'; of mad-houses
and dangerous .lunaties's
.Presently• the
stunned sensation left the, and then:Jay
blood leaped fleicely toiTmy heart, my
passion turned to a wild desire for:re
venge,;and I started alinest at a run
down the street- in the diabetion that
Henry had taken. Henry Strafford!
My path crossed by him! Every feel
iug of love that I had entertained for
him only made me haterhim more.
tore'into the :place I had called
home and .went directly to his room. I
found him sitting at his table, with his
head hurried between his hands. He
arose to meet me. but seeing the look
upon ray face, stopped short. J raved
at him; I raised my hand to strike him;
but his white calm face daunted me; he
spoke 'ino 'word. I raved on. They
little by little he learned the truth, HO
when exausted, I stopped for, bre3th he
advanced one step toward me, nwl,
almost without opening his mouth,
"'Your eyes , did not deceive yon; it
was •
'Glaring at' him, I stood before the
appealing face, crushing compassion
down in my anger, and pointing, with
my finger to the door, cried:—
He stood with hie band up.m the
mantel, and when I said 'that word I
'saw the fingers grasp it spaimodically;
be quivered from bead to foot. Slowly
he moved back step by step, and I fol-
lowed him; the unite appeil in his eyes
ras useless; on, on, • until be reached
the &KU.; thin, turning mechanically to
undo the fastening, he went out into
-the night withont another look, out in
the pitiless Sin, and I was cold as
'I watched him walk off ' - slowly into
the darkniss. I
_strained my _ eyes to
catch the last glimpse, and when the
gloom enveloped him. I fainted.
'How long I lay there I do not know.
When I eamie to my senses the rain had
ceased, and the stars were shining
csmly. A distant church clock began
4:i-strike—one, two, three.
'All.night.loug I'sit in my chamber,
I did not move, I did not thlek. I felt
av if it hot iron had reared my, heart
and brain. The gray moraine - broke
and found_ me sitting there. The sun
rose and_ danced c apon my nervelesr.
fingers, but I moved them not. To
have looked at . Me, one would have
though! that I was dead.
• 'At last I staggered to my feet, and,
passing out into the now = busy street,
Walked mecanically, without the exer
cise of and reasoning -faculty, toward
the residence of Telford. I asked for
May, and was shown into the parlor. I
was so unobservant of sound or , sight
that. I did not. know she was in the
room until, touchinff me on the arm,
she asked me in a strange, cold voice
what the matter was. I started at the
sight of her face;
_lt was haggard as that
of a ghost.
"May,.';' I managed to say,
'But she stopped me: • •
"Last night, Mr.• you
need not tell; I know it all.' ; . i
, •
"Yes, she answered, 'I! I, May
Talford, know it ull. Awl listen to me.
John Hardin!' Her eyes gleamed
'wildly and I, who had come to speak,
remained to hear. 'Listen to me, John
Hardin!' she repeated. 'I-love Henry
Stisfford-ihe loves me.' Even at that
I did not move. She continue 1, 'List
'inight he came to tell me .farewell fur
ever--' • 4
'Wait! TeS, forever! lie could not
help loving • me, nor I him; but we
could do our duty, and if you had, not
been passing last night, that farewell
would have sealed the marriage tie of
John Hardin . to Mary Telford. That
is all. As you told him last night I tell
you now—go! We owe you much, and
"if the debt has not been paid you have
yourself to blama t . Once more, my last
to yon is—go!'
'She came toward me with that mild
gleam in. her face, and before her, slow
ly iretrea!ing, I passed out at the• door.
I belie never seen, her since.
'I knew much these two
hail intended sacrificing for me. I felt
how :I had repaid their devotion; and
sadly, with'bowed head, untieedful of
the crowd,Ll went to my onely home,
more lonely now than ev .
'Since that day my remorse-has driv
-en me from one place to another in the
search for henry Strafford. Vain'
search! And my.. heart is ash: s, my
biain is: ice! I have. never seen or
heard 'of him since that night when I.
watched him pass away, ladened with
my - curse, pass away forev..r from my .
sight With that appealing look upon
face.. - A bitter, bitter world, my dear,
when remorseful Memories haunt the
vacant chambers of the heart!".
4 Tour
The fire had burned low;, my Cousin
John sat with head bowed' down' upon
his breast, and the diamond in his hand,
clutched tightly, shone like thc'eye of,a
basilisk.' The Shadows danced fantas
tically on the wall. ~I bent down-qiiiet
ly to stir the wandering fire, , and that
due I rose to go; but something'
,in the,
attitude of the recumbent figure caused
me to pause. I crept reverently up to
him and tonch'ed his arm; ub move
ment. A wild fetr leaped to my . heart;
I raised his bead, ..but the gr.ty'. eyes
opened not; he slept—btit it wins the
sleep of death - . The story •of the
diamond ring was ended; my ceusiu
was daid . ,
Beans for Dinner.
'They tell a pod stcry about one
Wyman, -a diminutive drummar well
known'bere and en the Comstock. - ,He
stopped one night at Deming, New
Mexico, a favorite resort of the cow
'Madame,' said ho• to the landlady,
'give me some
. dinner and be quick
about it. I have not dined since yes
. The, lady brought him some bean
'Madame, take the soup away. I
never eat soup. Bring me the roasts
right away."
The lady brought him a large plate of
pork and beans.
'Madame, take that away. I never
eat those things.'
In vain the lady explained that pork
and beans - was the beat the house • af
forded. He was obdurate, and wanted
roast beef, rare. • A mild mannered
blue-eyed cow-boy -at the table then
chipped in 'lleggiu' pardon, strangi-r,
but you marl excuse the lady. .
`Who are you, sir 2 . retorted the
diumuier. know my business.-1
'Yon don't tell me ?' , said the festive
cow-boy, drawing his navy. 'Now, you
eat them beans. Pm going to sit here
an' see you feed. Light into 'em,
quick,' or l'lropen you sure, an' put 'em
in. • This is bizness with me, an' I'm
shouting in yer ear.'
The unfortunate drummer saw blood
in' the air:, and was forced choke fonr
plates ofthe unwelcome food down be
fore the cowboy was satisfied with hi l l
apology to 'the landlady.—Reno Grizetto.
A HUMAN BELLoNs.—There is ii man
in the hospital at Salt Lake, named Jso.
Dwyer, who has three bullet poles in
his chest, ue of which is still unheeded.
Through he last mentioned (wound,
which is a, 'tile below the left armpit,
he expels it from his lungs. A repor
ter visited (him and be heul no hesitation
in exhibitihg his peculiarity and when
requested to . strip, removed his shirt
and showed fonr holes iu his chest and
back where two bullets had entered and
another where a ball bad struck his
shoulder and came out under
There was also a bole in his FrOm
the wound under the 'armpit he.breathed
so loudly that the sound of air escaping
through the orifice could he beard the
length of the room. The reporter held
his hand before the hole and feltlthe
air rushing 'Ott: •
Good wotk, like the opting buds;
needs only to be seen; rio praise of it
can approach , the privileged vision.
I traveled a forbidden road,
Which first-appeared so-flowery fair
That onward eagerly I strode
Till—to my horror and despair!—
' Ail buds l and blossoms blooming there, - •
Alt tendiir bough:land twigs of green
Stood changed to burrs and nettles keen,
- %Mum angry points my garinents tore,
And pricked my hinds till they were sore. 4
Bewildered at the wondrous change,
That should have warned me from the place,
I kept my course With swifter pace.
And saw , a marvel still more strange;
For cruel flints sprang through the ground
To meet my feet at every bound,
With girth on gash they made them bleed,
Then time it was that I shoull heed!
Just at that moment my need,
A shining man stood at my side—
' incite lustre fell on all around.
bad spread a glory far and wide !
"And who art thou?" I trembling cried.
"Give ear," said he, "to what I say;!
I. am the guide of elf that stay,
To point the buck to eirtue's path;
The guardian of thy erring way;
And step by.step—in love, not wrath—
Th i een angry flints and briars I strew,
warn thy feet from Wandering
I knelt and kissed his garment'ailiem,
And cried: .":oh, Angel sent for Heaven!
Make sharper yet each thorny eteni!
Increase the flints to seven times seven!
I will endure and not complain!"
He fled; and I with deep remorse
Dirtied back from my forbidden course—
tat, 0, how marry wears hours
I traveled o'er those blighted bowers
Rebloomed with alt their former flowers.
—Theodore Tilton.
selecting the time fOr marriage Cere
mony precautions .of 'eirery kind have
generally been taken to avoid an un
lucky month and day for - the knot to
be tied. Indeed, the old,, Roman notion
that May marriages are; unlucky
vives to this day itrEngiand. June is
a highly popular month, Friday, on ac
couut (of its being regarded as an in
auspicious and evil •day for the coin-
Mencement of any kind of enterprise,
is generally avoided, few brides being
found bo!d enough to run the risk of
.incurring bad luck from being married
on a day of ill•omen. In days gone by
Sunday appears to have been a popular
day for marriages. It is above all things
necessary that the sun should shine on
I the Lride and it is deemed absolutely
necessary by very many that she should
a eep on her weddiu day, if it lie only
it few teers, the omission of such an
act being considered ominous of her
future happmes. toe, the height
bf ill-luck for either the bride o'c the
bridegroom : ts meet a funeral on going
to or coming from church, is death
to one of them. In Sussex a bride on
her return home from church is often
robbed of all the pins about her, dress
by the single women present, from a
belief that *hoover possesses one of
them will be married in the course of a
year mid evil fortune will sooner or
later inevitably overtake the bride ,who
keeps even one pin used in the .rnar
iige toilet. 'Flinging the stocking"
was an objmarriageenStom in England.
The yonSg men took the bride's stock
ings and the girls those of the bride
groom, each of whom, sitting at the
foot of the bed, threw the stocking over
their heads, endeavoring to make it fall
upon that of the bride or her spouse;
if the bridegroom's : stocking, thrown
by the girls, fell upon the bridegroom's
head it was a sign that they themselves
would soon be married., and similar luck
V.:13 derived . from the falling of the
bride's stockings, - thrown by the young
men. There . is a superstitions notion
in some places that when the bride re
tn.( s to rtst on her wedding night her
tridestuaids ,should lay her stockings
across the bed, as this act is supposed
to gnarantee,her Jtiture prosperity in
the married state.
• The Razor-Bach Hog:
To the traveler through Texas one of
the strangest and most peculiar features
of the landscape is the razor-back hogs
He is of the Swiss cottage style of arch
iteciure. His physical outline isangu
tail to a degree unknown outside of a
text book on the science of geometry.
His ears—or the few rags and tatters of
them that the dogs have left—are curl
ed back with a knowing vagabondish
air. His tail has no curl in it—but it
hangs qt, limp as a wet dish-rag bang
out of a buck window to dry. The
highest peak of his corrugated back is
six inches above the level of the root
of his tail. He does not walk with the
slow and stately step of the patrician
but usually goes on a lively
trat. He leaves the impression that, be
was late starting in the morning and-is
making up for lost time, or that he is iu
doubt about the payment of that check,
and is hurrying to get it cashed bef ore
the bank closes. ,
The country razor-hack prowls around
in the woods and lives on acorns., pecan
nuts and roots; when he can spare time
hoclimbs under his; wner's fence and
assists in harvesting the corn crop. In
this: respect he is neighborly to a fault,
and when his duty ter his owner's crop
ill allow, he will' readily turn lin and
assist the neighbors, even working at
night rather than see, the crop spoil for
want of attention.
He dpw not know the luxury' of p.
sty. He never nets fet, and from the
day of his birth, sometimes two years
roll into eternity before he is big enough
- to kill.
Crossing the razor-back with blue
blooded stock makes btt little impOve
merit. The only effeciive way tuj im•
prOve him is to cross him With a rail
road train. He then becpmes an im
ported Berkshire or Poland China hog,
and if he dois uos knock the train cif
the track the railroad company pays
for him , at about the rate of one dollar
a pound,, for which they are allowed
the Mournful privilege of shoveling the
remains orate track.
The ham of a country razor-back is
'more juicy than the fund leg of an iron
firedog, but; not quite so - fat as a pine
The beat portion of man's life is tba
deviated to little, nameless, unremerh
bored nets of kindness and love.
One-third of: 'Franco °gaol in
large creates and one-third in estntes of
modern :dzs an only. one•thirit by the
peasants. . - •
A man appi-ared in a San Francisco
court the other day with a motion to
quash the proceedingti whereby du
executor bad been appointed over his
estate. He denied that he was dead.
Iu London there is a trade of news
piiiper cutting. ; The members of the
guild cut out criticisms from r metropo
litan and provincial papers,. ass* them
for sixpence apiece to persons most
A carpenter at Birninghak, Eng.,
died recently from overjoy". lie- had
been out of work for fourteen,. motths,
and having obtained employment, went
home .in great glee, but while packing
up his tools he suddenly fell down and
Mr- Scholl; a photographer of Phila
delphia, has succeeded in taking -excel
lent negatives with the use of the elec
tric light. The time occupied is but
forty seconds, and with better effect
than by daylight, as it briiigs out the
details of the 'picture much more com
After nine pupils in one di the Buf
falo public schools had died at scarlet
fever- the authorities concluded to in
vestigate, and found ,that ' the wooden
bora in the lowest part of the building
were so rotted by water !underneath
that the damp and musty odors arising
were almostAintearable. _
An -out-of-town druggist entered a
Boston apothecary shop and had a sim
ple perscription put up. The charge
was $1.50. He remarked that_ it was
rather dear, because, as he lies a drug
gist himself, he knew the price of the
ingredients. 'That alters the case,' was
he response; 'seventeen cents, please.'
, William H. Vanderbilt new rim
dencl on Fifth avenue, New York, is at
last ready for occupancy. The sump
tuous mansion cost the opulent owner
three millions of dollars.- ti ix hundred
and fifty, artists and skilled workmen
were employed on the interior decora
tions for eighteen months.
The Lexington (Va.) Gazette tells of a
bullock killed recently that had in its
stomach a variety of 'hard tack,' which
had not been digested.. There were
shingle nails, barrel nails, pieces of.iron
ore, a pegging -awl, and other things of
the,saine nature. -It is accounted for
from the fact that the beef was fed on
the sweepings of a mill.
The superiority of one race over
another is shown in a remarkable man
ner in India. ;---From Parliamentary.
return it appears . ' that the average
strength of the British army in India
during 1879 was a little over 50,000,' of
whichinimber about one-sixth was in
service in Afghanistan. With this
small force the British is held in sub
jection over 60,000,000 of people. -
During the year 187940 there were
exported from New Orleans 60,000,000
gallons of 'Pure olive:oil,' extracted
from cotton seed, of which 88 per cent.
was sent to Mediterranean ports. Half
of this amount went to Italy, the home
of the genuine 'olive: Not more than
one half of the cotton seed was utilized.,
&lit it was allowed to .go to waste by
the careless planters.
Almost any sunshiny day the passer
by may see, at No. 107 Bay street, a
quiet, unobtrusive invalid, semeWhat
aboie the medium size,- neatly drel•sed
in a suit of gray, with a frank, pleasant
face and kind, blue eyes, sitting, with a
woolen scarf closely muffled around his
throat, usually in some spot where the
soft, warm sunshine can play all over
him. The hands. so quietly , folded on
his knees, are unusually small and
white. . -
Yon would hardly think that those
thin, white hand once belonged to the
most terrific 'hitter' on the continent.
The man behind them is Juhn J.
Dwyer, ex-ebampion pugilist of Ameri
ca, who, ill his fisty career, was never
vanquished by his upponent. This dis
tinction was enjoyed by no other pugi
list, save the gigantic and invincible.
Tom Hyer, the greatest fighter that has
ever' worn the belt. - •
And, as •little as .they look it, those
very hands of Dwyer's have dealt some
of the •most tremendous shoulder lifts
ever levelled against the brawn of qa
pugilist. Wonderfully clever they were;
cinick aka tiget-cat's claws and us lithe;
and WheneVeriihey were planted against
an adversary's front they went straight
and true'and terrible, and mate their
mark. These hands never threw up the
It is scarcely probable that the great
prize fighter will ever fight again. Un
less he finds, Lei we hope he will,, relief
for his bronchial affection .in the heal
ing balm of Florida air,d'his life battles
even are numbered. 'A 'child might
match him now.—Jacksonrille, Fla.,
President Ga-field had a ‘ great curi
osity to know the history of things
about the White House, and as there
was no tradition about an alabaster
clock surmounted by a statuette of the
muse of history, a, clock , which has
ticked in the White House time out of
mind, he set Secretary Blaine to rum
maging through the ancient documents
of the White House. The search was
amply rewarded, disclosing as it did
that the timepiece, one of the most
beautiful in Washington, was a present
froia Bonaparte to Lafayette, who gave
in turn to Washington, who deter
mined that it should be handed down
to his successors in the Presidential
- Best expressed on •tonabstones—gi•ave
sentiments. "
-Flowers on dinner tables grow more
and more in fashion, but fresh beet is
still preferred by some.
Fortunes made in no tithe are like
shirts made in no time; it's ten to one
it they bang longOgether.
$1.60 a Year, in /drain*.
The difference between a lid and . a
pill is that the hill is hard tpiget np and
the pill is hard to get down. J 7
A devil-Ni with arms tbirty•t_w4
feet long has been caught on the hulks
of Newfoundland. . What a cashier he
would - have made. •
A Vermont couple have married after
a courtship of twelve years, during
which the bride's father has put Seven
sets of hinges on the front gate.
Snow is useful Jo the small boy for
shoveling purposes. He will dig half
a block's length of path for ten cents,
Whereas a man would coolly ask
seventy-fiye cents for the bathe job.
A Boston bank puts forth the story
that it has sixteen tons of gold stored in
its vaults. The abject seems to be to
make profe3sional burglars go to bed
with n.headache.
If we had more statesmen like James
G. Blaine, and fewer -of the milk-and
water. kind, the English lion would
cease his blatant roaring. curl his tail
between his emaciated limbs, and at
tend. strictly to his his own affairs.
Oil City Derrick.
In.a rec e nt suit before a justice, a' l
lady relactantly testified that , she
thought another Newark lady might be •
a good"pnOugh neighbor if - gibe lived in
a locality where the houses were twenty
five mile - slapart, and she was so -crip
pled that she couldn't come over to gos
sip or burrow. . ,
'You May say 'what you' please,"
solemnly remarked a'red nosed listener
to a temperance lecturer, 44 but whisky.
once saved my life.' How was that ?'
'Why, I wanted a drink so bad . that I
got up once in the middle of the night
and went out to , hunt for a saloon..
While I was gone the house aught fire
and burned , up my ivife.! •
Kansas physicianis help the droughty
ones to get around the prohibitory ;law ,
by prescribing liquor for all the ills that
flesh is heir to.- Fora boil' on the arm
one patient was ordered to take, in
eleven days, ten pints of 'apiritus fru-.
menti' and thirty bottles of beer. - It is
needless to say that boils are very
fashionable in Kansas just now.
would 'sacrifice their pew
in church for a chance to say something
mean. The other day a man entered
the corner grocery. looked around for
five minutes, and wheia the grocer play
fully .murmured,,.`lf you don't see what
you want, ask for it,' he answered,
'Well, I am looking 'for a grocer - who
will give twelve eggs for a dozen, but I
- don't sea him.'
- When Farmer Budge read that a ball
painted by-Losa Bonheut sold for $5,000
he remarked to his wife that 'he didn't
see how a coat of paint could so greatly
enhance the vane of the animal, but if
Rosa wouldn't charge him more than
ten doliars he would get her to paint his
bull in the-spring. And his economical
wife replied that she thought he might
painHt himself and sive his ten dollars.
The indications are now that the bull
will be
YesterdaY a colored drayman had con 7
siderable trouble with his mule. The
old man was standing on , the sidewalk,
engaged in a religious discussion with
preacher. • The mule: kicked at a boy.
'Whoa, d4r,' yelled the owner; - ‘ain't
yer got no mo' sense den to pick a fuss
wi'd a chile ? Dat mule is awful brig
gerty ob late.' Trip:ling, and taking
up the thread of disdourse, he ivas again
disturbed by the-animal. .'Keep on,'
he yelled,' 'time I add off two years ob
coin from yer feed yer won't be so
One of . the novelties at a 'coming out'
party the other evening was 'a pound
cake make' by the hands of the -fashion-.
able and fair debUtante. When a
brntal male guest—evidently a humorist
—remarked that it was very- heaVy for
its age, and ought tobe called a twenty
seven pound cake, and another suggest
ed that it be loaned to a- college football
club, the author of it didn't smile pleas
antly and eay, •'O, thank you.' The
jokers thought the soggy object of their
remarks was 'purchased at a bakery
down town.
Ia good - hands: He was ia: country
young fellow, - a little awkward and
bashful, but of sterling worth , of char
acter. :Ate was a Cincinnati belle and
had reuse enough to .appre:iate his
worth, despite his awkwardness and
bashfulness, and was his fiancee. On a
gloomy 'Sunday evening last - winter
they were standing in front of the win
dow in the parlor 'of home, on East.
Walnut Hills. watching the snowflakes
rapidly falling outside. He was not pp
in society -small talk and, being' hard
up for something to say, remarked ai
he 'watched the 8110 W falling: 'This will
lid hard ou the old man's calves and
_mind, dear,' said-she,
slipping lier arm around him, 'I will
take care of One of them.' ;
FEnuErs.—The full-grown ferret is
about fourteen inches long, and is no
led for its great strength' and boldness.
Ferrets are bred quite extensively in
Europe for hutiting rabbits, rats and
mice. Though regarded 'as a domesti
cated animal the ferret is :far from do
cile, and never shows an 'affection fOr
those who care for it. - The,natural in
stinct of the animal is so - strong that it
does not need to be trained to attack its
prey, though practice improves - the
animal in its work, the chief, gain be
ing in , allowing themselves to be caught.
The ferret is always muzzled to preveit
it from killing its prey; if this precau•
tion is not taken, it will suck the blood
of its victim and fall into a sleep from
which it will not arouse until the food
is digested. When sent out muzzled,
the ferret will return after the • hunt to
receive food. It runs into-the burrows
of the. rabbits, for which animal the
ferret seems to have a natural enmity,
and drives the timid creature out, where
they are caught in nets and snares set
for them. A ferret will soon rid a house
of rats and mice, and it is for thisreason
principally that the animal is now bred
and oared for by man.
NO. 38