CATorz.—The cayote "is about two-thirds the size of a yellow dog and looks like a second-hand wolfe in strait ened circumstances. He bears about the same relation to the genuine •wolf that the buzzard does to the eagle or that a chicken thief does to a modern bank cashier,. He has a perpetual air of being ashamed of himself or'ef some thing he has done., As yon catch a glimpse,of him, trotting away from one, ; mott of timber to another, looking back over his ears, and with his tail furled aroundhis left leg, he looks as it he was aware that the police had a clew to his whereabouts and were working up his case. .No one ever . 11.1W 4. 11 fat cayote. You may catch a young one. civilize him m much as yon can, feed him on canned groceritis, and put a brass collar on him, nut hii ribs will still be his most prominent feature, and at the first favorable -opportunity he will voluntarily and ungratefully leave your hoepitable roof and. from • 'choice, be come a roving vagabond on the prairie. living on carrion and sharing his meal with the buzzard. These predatory shadows are not at all dangerous. There is no fight in them. They, ar e ~ fatal to sheep when th, cayote major:ty , is forty ,to a minority of one sick sheep, but otherwise they are quite harmless. What they lack in courage they make up in craftiness. They will twist them selves into all manner of_ grotesque postures, and tumble around in the long grass, that the rabbit or young fawns may, by cariosity, be induced to come within reach of their sharp gangs. This last playful characteristic of the cayote was described to us by a friend who was a New York newspaper report er; and acquainted pith a cayote, that resided iu a cage in Central park. His statement may, therefore, be relied'. on, even to the length of the 'grass. The cayote has a small head and fox-like ears, but the biggest end of him is his voice. The mellifluous, silver-toned euphony of one of his nocturnal pver tures would scare a monkey off a hand organ and make an Italian opera singer hang himself with envy on one of his own cords. - When' he slinks up, and seating bin - I - self in the twilight of a camp fire on theiarairie, open's up with a can ticle and runs up the scale—starting with a diminnends whine, throwing in a staccato shriek, and ending with a •crescendo howl—the sonorifio ontbnrs terrifies the' Genus of Aced Sties and makes the welkin ring until it cracks itself and has: to be: carried off and repaired.-7e.cas Siftings. A — ,,PnErrr WESTEFS— ROILINCE. —A brother and sister have met, says a Dav enport paper, after a separation of twenty. years, and-the meeting has been brought abonrin Davenport by the lit tle son of'the sister in a most peculiar way. One week ago yesterday the lit tle raft steamer Clyde went into A3av enport on her ; way North, and Captain Douglas tied up his boat for a while in order to permit some of the crew to go ashore and make purchases. Among others who went ashore was .Aaron Carter, a raftsman. The weather was very cold, with a keen, northwest wind. While going along the street Carter met a poorly-clad little boy, who was run ning along, -crying bitterly. Carter asked him what was the matter, and the ilittle lad sobbed out: "I'm cold." "Come With me," said Carter, and, tak 'ing the boy to a clothing store; he bought him a suit of clothes and a pair of mittens. He then asked the boy his name. "Aaron Dunlap," was the reply. Carter was thunderstruck. "Aaron Dunlap!" he cried. "Where are your father and mother?" "Father is dead,' the boy replied. "Well take me to your mother, then, as quickly as you can," said Carter. The boy - took him to his humble home, and when Carter entered the house the boy's mother rushed into his arms with a shriek that made all the other occupants of the tenement house rash into the hall to see what was the matter. Curter had found a sister whom he had not Ken sinca the year 1862, when he went to war with a Maine regiment. Ex.-Treasurer Spinner, 'who is now eighty years of age, perfected his famous autograph when he was a young man, working at harness-making in Herkimer, N. Y. He practiced writing it hour after hoar, and' his old partner said kyear or two ago that he had seen as much as 200 sheets of foolscap ewer ed with the attempts. His signature looks like a piece of curled up cloths line. A queer complaint, as Eastern read ers will-look at it, it appears'in a recent issue of the San'ta Fe :Yew Me.sicrot. "A man who sends'his son to one of the public schools," it says, "took occasion to remark that it was his opinion that the county commissioners could afford to furnish fuel for keeping the scholars warm while the teachers are endeavor ring to teach the yd.ung ideas to shoot. As it is now, the boys are required to pack wood on their backs to school in the morning, and those who fail to do so have to take a back seat and suffer.' An internal revenue agent telographtii from the wilds of Georgia that he has ( get away with 5000 gallons of beer and 80 gallons of whisky,' and furthermore, that to do this he, rode 'two - -hundred miles on horseback through mud, rain and darkness.' He doesn't saywhether his hat fitted him in the morning or not. 'How long would it take to go , to the moon?' asks an occasional reader`. It much depends upon the route you take. If you go by way of a rock• blast, or a dynamite upheaval, 'you would proba bly arrive in about fifteen minutes, but if you went by the Puitean trial express, youM strike in about when the twilight was setting down upon eternity. A South' nd wan calls his wife Crys tal because she is always on the watch. fOne of these daYs you'll be a card; inal,' said, a friend to a backsliding priest whose convivial habits were 4io totions. 'You flatter me,' replied the holy man, his face beaming with lsatis faCtion. 'No, I don't,' added the ether, 'you've got a cardinal nose already.' Bachelor Jones—'The State would be better: off if every Chinaman was kicked out of it to-morrow.' His married friend—'Where would you get your washing done then?' Bachelor Jones— ''Marry_ some nice girl and have it done at home.' Chorus by six eligible young ladies who happened to overhear Jones and his friend talking—'The Chinese must go l' `Roman punch' is so called because it ? is made of frozen ;lemonade and Med ford rum, things entirely unknown to the Romans. - FARM ›rorEs. Poor shelter, care and feed iill, in a ew generations, make sort& of the finest thoroughbred,. stock. Thorough bred scrubs are little better than native scrubs, and the farmer who raises either will always be poor. Breeding-the best stock and keeping it in the best possible manner pays the largest profits. When mud is permitted to dry upon a newly varnished carriage 'every • spot leaves a mark. To avoid this the new varnish should be , washed with clean water and a sponge. and dried with soft cloth and rubbed with a chamois leather. After this mud it pot ao apt to spot the Varnish. " Bat it is best to wash off the mud before it is dry. Water should never be allowed,to drynpon the varnish; it should be dried Off i'Fith a soft cloth, sponge and leather. Colts should be broken to harness a three years old, and used in light work for two years or more; when they will become'matured and fit foi full work. If they are used for hard service before their joints-become settled or surround ed by a full-grown texture of muscle and sinews to support them they are liable to become strained, baneing spavins or bime enlargements -,that will destroy their future value and usefulness. Any imbecile can break down the colt, but it requires good sense to build it up after it has been erippled by ignorant task masters. lt is not worth while to risk the experiment of converting sound colts into invalids, when they will livelonger and perfore more service if suffered to ripen into the fully matured horse be fore being put to bard work. Tan Cur oF WiszaciaTos.—When the first President selected. the site of the great city that now bears his name as that where should be laid out and built the capitol of the nation, the place was little more than a wildernss of forest and swamp. But the forbid ding appearance of things did not. ph: ventM. L'Enfant, the young French engineer, who was called in consulta tion, from conceiving a design for a city which'shonld permit such a disposition of prominent buildings r 43 to give ex tended views of and from them in many directions. To: accomplish his . idea, several points were taken as centers of radiating lines. As the triangular spa ces formed by the meeting of the lines mast be filled up, somehow, they finally had recourse to Philadelphia rec tangular system. But the avenues re mained as laid out by. the French engi neer, who, though compelled to step aside, succeeded in getting his scheme, i in some particulars, accepted by thet authorities of the day. To-day ono may see that the young Frenchman's id 4 was-as wise as it ,wis 'ingenious. From. the Capitol one commands uni rf terrnPted views of wonderfall beauty in or a dozen directions. At tLe other end of Pennsylvania avenue atiudi the ele gant building of the Treasury ,depart .meat, which in turn forms -the center of another radiating system-of attractive views. Bit the 'vistas were not always so de lightful as now. Time was', and since the place was made the seat of govern ment, that the White House was almost the only decent building in the city's limits, and when the wives of the early Presidents set forth to make their calls, their carriage Wheels went to the hubs in mud. A horribly gloomy place it was as late as 1814, -just after English sailors had set fire to the Capitol and the Nhite House, each of. which was greatly damaged. Recovering . from these wounds the city gradually acquir ed elegence, and twenty years ago, in spite of its mud, had some claims to consideration as the capital of a great nation. The war over, Washington began to grow. Improved methods Of paving and lighting were introduced, and tidy, cheerful highways took the place of dirty, gloomy roads. Not only I have the older public buildings been beautified by tasteful surroundings, but new ones have been put up. A more pronounced indication of the growing favor which the city has won has been the increase , in the number of elegant private ‘residiences, some of which are In proportiolis and apyoint mentf truly palatial. Something yet remains to be done to make Washington. entirely desirable as a permanent resi dence. When the peetilence-breeding marshes alone the banks of the Potomac shall have aj/ been reclaimed and con verted inrciparks. new - beauties will uid in attracting to the capital a- class of citizens who will 'find there are whol some and enjoyable means of txistance, except daring the-very hottest days of the heated term,' as can be furnished anywhere on the continent. It is, in fact, in the winter season become already the capital of the country, socially as aiell as politically, and year by year list approach more nearly to the re llition of such capitals as Paris, London, Berlin and St. Petersburg to their re spective counties.—Boston Trmascript. The funniest thing the Burlington Hawkey° has got .ofl of late is a pare graph calling 'attention to the 'terse' message of the Michigan Governor. This 'terse' message occupies , thirteen and a half columns of solid matter in small type.. • 'Don't sleep in a draught,' try a bed. 'Don't go to bed with cold feet,' -leave them outside. 'Don't eat when you do not need, just to save it;; but rave *hat you need just to eat it. "'Don't mand on hot air registers,' sit down, on them. Don't drink during businers hours' any thing but the best in the. land. 'Don't —you forget it.' A Card We take great pleasure in calling the atl• tention of our friends and customers to. Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to tho taste, will not nAuseate, and gives relief almost instant ly. hi:natters hot how severe your Cough may be, how many cough medicines yon have tried, or how many physician's you have cop suited, the tonic, soothin g u and healing• pro perties of this medicine will loosen it and as sist the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter, leaving them in a healthy con dition, free from irritation, and the air pas sages clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general system. Price 50 cents. For , the positive cute of Consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dry -Racking Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat, Soreness of the Chest, Pains in the Lungs, Spitting of Blood,• Croup; Influ enza, Whooping Ceugh, and Lung Fetter, we recommend this medicine above.all others. _ • Yours truly, Cut= B. POUTER, dune 2-Iy. S. End Ward House Block. STEAM THRESITEE-TEN HORSE POWER. - Tliu steani power mounted on wheels is portable and may be easily, hauled with a team to any desired pointy - It is adapted to, the propulsion of Tnnm...nitto Macirnma, wood sawing, feed cutters. portable saw mills, or any other light machinery. It it of simple construction. 'durable and easily managed. Manufactured by Charles Perrigo & Co., Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y. C. W, HOLCOMB, , General Agent. Ulster, Pa., July 21-w IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re- 1 quiring atertain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dysp.-psia,.Tatt:r mittent Fevers, Want of Appal", Lon of Strength, linej: of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives netVife to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic sympprus, such as Tasting the Food, Bdehing,licat in the SYnautch, Aar:burn, etc. The only iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists: Write for he A B C,Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading—sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, Md. RUE TOPII , A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SI BITTERS 1,1. - E. ROSENFIELD. THE LARGEST AND .BEST SELECTED STOCH. OF WINTER - CLOTHING to be found in Bradford County is at the oldest established CLOTHING HOUSE in Towanda, ME. E. ROSENFIELiiirS P COMPRISING MEN'S, .YOUTH'S, BOY'S 'AND • 'CHILDREN'S SUITS AVD fia el cr="XLlCV) l ar er IN THE VERY LATESTISTYLES AND BEST 4ATERIALS. %LSO A FULL LINE OF • " 'Gents ' - .Furnishing Goods; HATS. AND CAPS, TRUNKS; TRAVELING BAGS, ETC., ETC; Which will be sold at 5 tolo' Per cent. cheaper than any other , dealer dare sell them. Give me a call And judge for yourself. E. ROSENFIELD.. Towanda, Pa., October 1881. • - • IMPORTANT.Tteor,gGroceandrs, .7Gneacekerrasl THE KING i'O'lltUNE-MAKER, COMICON3O. A Nei Process for Pre:ail/Int all Peri:liable Article; Animal and liretable a from Fermentation and Putrefaction; 4 retaining their Odor andlavor. " OZONE—Puriiied air, mitre state of oxygen."--WEn.sTER. This Preservative is not a liquid, pielle, or 'any of the old and exploded Processes, but is simply and purely OZONE, as produced and applied by an entirely a new process. Ozone is the an tiseptie principle of every substance, and possesses the power to preserve animal and vegetable structures from decay. There is, nothing on the face of the earth liable to decay or spoil whi;h OZONE, . the neto Prcterratire, will not preserve for al/ time in a perfectly fresh and palatable conilition. ' The value of OZONE as a natural preserver has been known to our abler chemists for years. but until now no means of producing it in a practical, inexpensive, and simple manner have been discovered. ' •• • 3licropcopic observations p*ove that decay is duo to septic matter. or minute germs.ttutt develop and feed upon animal and vegetable structures. OZONE, applied by the Prentiss method. seizes and destroys these germs at once, and thus preserves. At our offices in Cincinnati can be seen almoid every article that can be thought of preserved by this process and every visitor is wel. come to come in, taste, smell, take away with him, and test in' every way the merits of OZONE as a preservative. We will also preServe, free of charge, any article hat is•brought or sent prepaid to us, and return it to the sender, for him to keep and test. 2 (Inn nary t o r t e m a s te ix d m at o a n T o t o o r f m le o ss re tb i a h n oro on o e g t y lla p r r te rv Or d an t. d dozen, and be kept in'an oral • hi 3 yolk held in its normal condi. mi ' dw t .. tion, and the eggs as fresh and perfectas on the day they were treated, and will se ll as strictly "choice.", The advantage in preserving eggs is readily seen; 'there ire seasons when they oan lie bought sor 8 or 10 cents a dozen, and by holding them can be sold for an advance of from one hun. dred to three hundred per cent.' One man with this method can preserve 5,000 dozen a'day. ' FRUITS p a rr y t of t p h e e rm t l e d wo it r_ d I h ri ejuice in ex th pr e es lr s trgr o e m cl f t ru t i a, ca an n d b at e r i l ie N3 fo tn ra n n sticj d te ei t u tc: e an g l ilodWithout fermentation-hence the great value of this process for producing a temperance beverage. • Milk ' and elder can be held perfectly sweet any length of time. i gi o el i f po natural eo co a n t d o it a ion li r e e x ta p iai o n e g . VEGETABLES cr ei b r e k o ett oo fo d r an vo in r d t e r fl os n t i o tg i terod heir o in ri All grain; flour, meal, etc., are held In their normal condition. 71123 H MEATS such as beef, mutton, veal, pork, poultry, game, fish, etc. , preserved by $ this method, can be shipped to Europe. subjected to atmospheric changes,,and return to this oouutry ins state of perfect preservation. . . BUS 4 1 1: 0 3 D e BL I T C II I I D S_ . iiiilw RI A. Dead human bodies, treated beforo decomposition sets in, can be held in a natural condition for weeks, without puncturing the skin or mutilating the' body in any way. Hence the great value of Ozone to underMkeis. • _ There is no. change in the slightest particular in.the appearance 9f any article thus preserved, and no trace of any foreign or unnatural od or , or taste. The process' Is so simple that • child can operate it as well and as successfully as 0 maii. There is no expensive'apparatzut or machinery required.l ' A room filled with differentarticles, such as eggs, meat, fish, etc., can be treated at one time, with out additional trouble or expense. Win fart, there Is nothng that Ozone will not preserve. Think of everything you can that is liable to sopr, decay, or spoil, and then remember that we guarantee that Ozone will preserve it in exactly the condition you want it for any length of time. If you will remember this, it will save asking questions as to whether Ozoue will preserve this er that article—ii . . will preserve any thing-and every thing you ran think of. There is not a township in the United States in which a live man cannot make any amount:of money, from $l,OOO to $10;003 a year. that he pleases. We desire to get a /ire man intereifed iweach county in the United States, in whose hands we can piece 018 l'reserratire, and.through him secure the business which every county ought to produce. A FORTUNE awaits any' man who secures ennti of OZONE in any-ToWnship or County: A. C. Bowen, Marion, Ohio. cleared $2.000 in two months. $2 for a teat package was his first in , vestment. Woods Brothers, Lebanon, Warren Oounty, Ohio, made $6,000 on eggs purchased in July and sold November,lst. ' $2 fors test package was their first investment. F. K. Raymond, Morristown, Belmont County, Ohio, is clearing $2,000 a month in handling and selling Ozone. $2 for a test package was his first investment. D. F. Webber, Charlotte, Paton County, Michigan, bas cleared $l,OOO a month since August. $2 for a test package was his first investment. J. B. Gaylord , 80 LaSalle Street,Chictigo, is preserving eggs, fruit, etc., for the com mission men of Chicago, charging 1-!4e. per dozen for /eggs, and other articles in proportion. llp is preserving 5,000 dozen eggs a day, and onihis business is making.s3,ooo a month clear. $2 for a test pack age was his first investment. The Cincinnati Feed CoMpsay; 498 West Seventh Street, is making $5.000 a month in handling brewers' man, preserving and shipping it as feed" to all parts of the country. Malt unpreserved sours in twenty-four hours. Preserved by OZONE it keeps perfectly sweet for months. *. These are instances which wo have asked the privilege of publishing. There scores of others. Write to any of the above parties and' get the evidencedirect. Now, to prove theabsoltito truth of every thing we have said in this paper, we propbse to place In your hands the mransof proving for yourself that we have not claimed half enough.. To any per son who doubts any of these statements, and who is interested sufficiently to make the trip, we will pay all traveling and hotet expenses for a visit to Able city, if welail to prove any statement that we have made, ROW . . . .IE - 0 1 ,0n,. ri7u -4 N .. v. iaa-z A- OZONE-. A test.packege of Ozone, containing a sufficient quantity to-preserve one thousand closet eggs, or. other articles •in proportion, will be sent to my applicant on receipt of $2. This package 'will _enable the applicant to pursue sny or 'tests and experimental ho desires, and thrill satisfy himself as to the extraordinary merits of Ozobe as a Preservative. After having thus satisfied himself, and bad tithe to look the field over to determine what he wisties to do in the future= whether tosell the article to others, or to confine. it to his own !use, or any other line of policy which is best suited to him and to his townshio or county—we Will enter into an arrangement ' with him that will make a fortune for him and give us good profits. 'We will give exclusive town. ' ship or county privileges to the first.reiponsible applicant who orders a test package and desires to control the business in his-locality. THE ;lAN WHO %ECU*); CONTROL tlr o•ZON. FOR ANY SPECIAL TERRITORY WILL-I:NV.1" A MONOPO Y WHICH WILL. SURELY ENRICH lll*.' Don't let a day pass until you have ordered a Test - Package, and:if you desire to secure an exclus ive privilege, we assure you that delay may deprive you ()tit, foe the applications come in tons by scores every mall—many by telegraph. •Tirst come first served" is our rule -1 !! - Ryon do not care to send money in advance forth, teat package, we will send It a. p. Di; but tlkis •• will put you to the expense of charges fdr return of money. Our correspondence is very large; 5 we have all ere can do to attend to the shipping of orders and giving attention to mit working _agents. Therefore we cannot give attention: to letters which do not .order Ozone. If you think , of any article that you are doubtful-about Ozon.' preserving, remember - we guarantee that. it wilt preserve U , no matter what it it. , • • REFERENCES .We deilir to call your attention to a class of referencuces which • no enterprise or firm bieed on any thing but the soundest biiiilE - eis success and highest commercial merit could secure. We: refer, - by permission, as to our integrity and to the value of the Prentiss Preservative, to the following gentlemen: Edward 0. Boyce, Member' Board of Public "Works; E. Q. Eshelby, City Comptroller; Amor Smith, !Jr.,. Collector Internal Revenue; Wallin & Worthington, Attorneys; Mrtin If. Harrell and B. P. Hopkins, Count*. Commissioners; W. 8. Cappeiler, County Auditor; . allot Cincinnati, Ifamiltoh county, Ohio. These gentlemen are each familiar with the merits of our - Preservative, and knowfrom setual - observation that we have without question • c , THE MOST • V ALUABLE ARTICLE IN THE WORLD. The s2 l you invest Ina teat package will surely lead you to secure a townsnio or county, and then your way is absolutely clear to make from $2,000 to 810,ii00 a year. - Give your lull address in every letter, and send your letter to • . PRENTISS PRESERVING CO.,.Limited, S. E. 'Corner Race and Ninth Sts., Cincinnati, 0. DecB-3m FIUMPU'REY...,BROS-& _TRACL M4nufaetnrers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of MEN'S, BOYLWOMEN'S. MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S Boots, : Shoes , Rubbers &c . , CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH, STREETS, PA NE 11111 AFTER MANY YEARS 1101 MT PEATAING, MI at No. 2. Patton's Block, H. JACOBS WILL =WOVE to .the large and eommodius store formerly ompied ,by M. E. flolemon & Son, (one il,oOr north of Fetch & C 0.,) where he will bo prepared ,ti) offer the best bar gains in . • CLOTHING, = HATS, CAPS PURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, CANiS, UMBRELLAS, ETC., inNorthern Pennsylvania. To facilitate a -removal, I wish to reduce stock. To reduce .stock, I shall Reduce Prices I Tojproie this tialteition,. "call. at the old stand, N 0.2, 'PATTON'S . . BLOCK. H. JACOBI. Towanda, Pa., J*o. 20, 1881. 1 I I : Dl PICTURE GALLERY IN TOWANDA. G. H. WOOD & COle will open their •Nfw Gallery in Patton's Block, on the kirat Monday of April. .Having fitted up entirely new, with tho beet of instruments, we ire prepared to mate Tintypes, 4 at one sitting, all for 50 ets. in neat envelones, 10 for sl.otr. Copying of all kinds of Photograpbs,and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give us a call and we will try and satisfy you in price and quality. 'ha? 28 NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Mr. McEcari,) DEALER. TS PITTSTON, WILKWARRE • 'AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR COURT HOUSE. TOWAIs.IDA, sir LOWEST PRICES FOR CASIC• The patronage of my old friends and the public Generally is 'elicited. • Deep; 80 You need not Die. to Win IN THE • MUTUAL ENDOWMENT • AND • ACCICIINT ASSOCIATION Of Bath, 11. 1. = You receive one-bait of your insurance, ac' cording to the American Lite Table, when two - thirds of your life expectancy is finished—for illustration. a man or woman joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of ago taking a certificate for $2,600, receives $1,275 when a little over 66 years of age, exactly the period in life when a lf Hie financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES & maims, General Agents for l'enn'i. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ;JAMES MCABE _ ; HAS REMOVED HIS GROCERY BUSINESS O' SOUTH-EAST, CORNER OF MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS, WHERE HE HAS ESTABLISHED Head , Quarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF GROCERIES, PROVISMIS Ace., Sce., CASH PAID for Des irable ' Pro duce. Fine BUTTEII and EGGS a specialty. April 29 ly • NATIONAL OILIBEAU OF INVENTIONS. • EVERY INVENTOR . sliouLD FNow That by the' Pules fllthe Patent (Vice to procure PATEr g NTS . _. Models are net niceszarY unless speelally called for. Bend drawing and Specification, upon receipt ,of which we will make examination It the Patent ?piste, and advise as to patentability.. FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. Send for Puma* of . Istsruncrions, freb 'to any. 'address. 11kISTEAD4 CO.. - Washington, I). C. Pabiukets of the Congrearional Reporter. January, S. 1682.—tf : • THE . .POPULAR CORNER, GEO. L. ROSS, Hu SUVA up the old ISIONTANTE STORE with afull and complete stock of FRESH • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS • PRIERS AS LOW AS VIE LOWEST. Call here for your Groceries. After you got prices at Ross' it will be of no use to try else where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Eeriness can get the tip-top of the market a Goo. L. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex change for goods or for cub. MRS. D.VAITEDGE, Mantifikturer of and Dealer is HUMAN HAIR coons. 1:Cli AS WICS, BANDEAUX, the populsr Chatelaine ilraid. EVERYTILING BELONGDIO Tur. HAIR TRADE SirSpeeialAttention given to COMBINI4 Boots an turnedone way. SWITCHES front it upwards. Also Agent for Huntin'a Foie Pimder, , Madam' Clark's Car:lists, and • houlder Brace Elastics. ilfirPiirttenisz attention paid to dressing Isaias karst their homes or at my pate of business, ore rEnns k =draft's store. - • Ms. 'D. V. SUDO& ißtn . Nl* ,- . O7 , REET.-i. /.... FURNITURE FURNITURE. We, are 'constantly receiving the newest and latest natteins is • ; PARLOR SUITS, ° =- _ BED ROOM SETS, TABLES,.:. ...........AM}......... Everything , in the Fur.. nitwits°. Line. Undertaking. We make a specialty of this branch and shall griarli our personal attentiOn. have a fact I ind of • COFFINS, J • = , CA.sit.urrs, 11..Q13!". 7 *, Ate. and will not be undersold. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.—J. S. Allyn has uo connec tion with our business. • E. B. PIERCE. Successcii to N. P. Hicks. TOWANDA. JAN. 2614, 1881. Stevens & Long General.-Pealera in GRocznirs, PROVISIONS, CEUNTRY PRODUCE HAVIREMOVED To their near score , COs• MAIN AND • I'INE STS., 17 he all *bad of Foi,Steveps & 7dekettr.) • • • • • • • e They invite‘ettention t their complete • assortment and vary large stock of Choice New Goods, which they have alvraye . on band =I ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRODUCE TRADE And Cash Paid for Desirable Kinds M. J. LONO. TNR. JONES' ()REAM CASMPFIOE. IS TEE, LP NAME of the popular Liniment tluit cafes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, Pain in the Face, Head or spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Mosquito Bites, Sting' or Bite of an - insect, Poison Vines. etc., for Man or Beast Always reliable, and almost tnstantan• eons in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to. apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 eta. N. B.—This Liniment received 5 Prize Medal at the State Pair. 1879. ASA JONES, Prarr, 319 N. Zd St., Philit., Pa. Jaw. - 13, 6-tn. DR. lONEEVOREADICANPHOR IS THE NAME OF. the popular Liniment that cures Ithemnatiam, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites, pain in the Face, Head or Spine.- Chapped hands, Bruises,Sprains, Barns. Mosquloto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in. sect, Poison from common Poison Vines, eto., for man or beast. Always ?pliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Havingan agreeable odor, It is pleasant t&,appiy: Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cents.' 7 ; N. B.—This Liniment received a Prize Medal s' the State Fair.lB79. Mav 20 ly. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. TO SELL A HOUSEHOLD. ARTICLE. The po . or is well as the rich, the old as well as the young, the wife. as well as the husband, the young maiden as well as the young man, the girl as well as the boy. may just as well earn a Pw dollars in honest employment; as to sit around the house and wait for others to earn it, for them. We can give you employment, all she time, or during your spare hours only; travel ing, or inyour own neighborhood, among your friends and acquaintances. It you do not care for employment, we can impart' valuable infor mation to you free of cost. It will cost you only one cent fora Postal card to write for our Pro spectus, and it may be the metal of malting you a-good many dollars. Do not neglect this opportunity. You do not have to invest a large sum of money, and run ;a great risk of losing it. You will readily see that it win titian clay Matter to make from to SICO. a week, and establish a lucrative, and lade pendent business, honorable, staaightfc•ward and profitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there is MONEY IN IT for all who engage with us. , We will surprise you and you will wonder why you never wrote to us before. Ws atm grtt. PawricuLana slum. Address ' _BUCKEYE WPO Co., (Name this paper.) Oslo. Sept. 22, 'Bl-Amos. • . • ME WARDROBES, Usn27-t QM EMI To the • ( GRO. STEVENS. Wagonsimages :Ohmilrr.tban ever at the OLD ZSTABLISHMENT. JAMES. BRYANT, would - inW the atten- • tion , of FARMERS and others to his Large mid complete assortment; of open &nCop Buggies Prl &WORM WAG9NS all of his . Own MANUFACTURE and war ranted in every par- '- tieniar Bryant's Flexible. Springs used in all Platte:in .Wagons. The easiest and beat in nue. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO. BUY! Look at these Ames Two Seated Carriages trout 1116010 $176 nuatons, ono aeatod 125 to 150 Top Buggies ...1.... ... . 125 to 150 _ _ Opim Ruggles 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 90 to 110 Remember th at tbo above are all tally warrant ed. glutei's, or no pay., . • Ilepaiting promptly atttimded to at 25 per cent below last years prices. Oglicsalid Factory ear: Min and Elisabeth Sta. 4.4s.Bnritzfr. 24tei.$82'! • - A. BEVERLY SMI TH, BOOK BINDER AND; .;. • Deal!er. in Stroll Stir andu BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, :NEATLY . and CHEAPLY. ritie Blank Books MY SPECIALTY. . Autateur'S - Supplies. Thin department of my business is very com plate. and being a practical sawyer myself I know tlinirants of my patrons. - : Wouris,• - BLADES,SAW CLOCK MOVEMENTS, Ac, . • • constantly on band. Sir 81.25 worth of designs for ;1. Send for price lists. " BF:POSTER"' EMERY. • Park street. .P t boa 1512. - Towanda. Pa - . . • (ESTABLISHED IN ISO.] HOWARD A. SNOW,, , • I . - Solicitor of 1 • • A3IERICAN AND FOREIGN /kir E ITT T S . 4 31 F STREET N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C., (Successor to Gilmore, Smith k Ca., and Chipman, Ilomer & Co.) • ' Patents prorired upon the same plan which .was originated "and successfully practiced by the above-named firm._ Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receip t stamp. inov6l •! FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE • • • ND r, mum A • - ,•+ , GoLLEGTIoN AGENcy BRINK & BUCK, Leßaysville, Pa. Will write Policies for risks in Fire and Life Ia anrance.• Collect Claims with care and promptness. They represent none but • FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES! They solicit theconfidenciiand patronage of those having business in their line, and will endeavor to merit it. Apply to or address ' tales tf . BRINE& DUCK, Lenarsville .Ps. 1,91 ii! 4n ' • • 2 V ( t • Id • I 121 • • The BALSAM o 1 TOLD has always been one of the most Important weapons wielded by the Med. teal Faculty against the encroachments of the abtive Dis eases, butit has nev er been so advanta• geonely compound. ed as in LAIVIIENC2 & Marrns's TOLD. ROCK and RYE. Its soothing Bat smite properties affords diffusive stimulant. appetizerand tonic. to - build tip tits Spie l test after ckmglx has been relieved. Gnn EN a. commlisloner Of interim:l Revenue, Washington. D. C.. Jan. eay.: •• TOLD, ROCK and RYE is an iv:rev:Ole Remedy la Pectoral complaints and is slassf..(l"as a 31efliclnal preparation ztnder the 11. g. Revised statutes, and when so stamped, may be sold by di It UGUISTS,DROCERB. and other penee:.s, without special, tax." or license. I A 0 CAUIIOII.I Dwrc:ttriym.todegravedottbKodelalerl Rye for Latcytmsen & MARTIN'S 'TOM ROCK and RYE—which is the only MEDICATED ar• tide made,--the genuine has their name on the Proprietary Stamp on each bottle. Pill Qtt Price $: at up iu Quart Size Bottles. rice $l.OO. TOW, BACK &. RYE CO.; Prop's& A CHICAGO, ILL. , Sold by DRUGGISTS and GENERAL - DEALERS Everywhere. B LANK BOOK MANUFACTURER BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER. &c Alfred, J. Purvis, No. 131 Gehessee street, UTICA, N. 'T AU work to his line done well and promptly at lowest price. . Parties having volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at colt price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County. will be promptly executed ac cording to directions. sep9-tf Corner Second 'and 1 atreeta ' Northwest, - near Pe'unaylvania Avenue. WASHINGTON, D. C. Booms and board from $2 to $3 per day. Reduced rates by the week or month. WILLIAM SANPERSON, Proprietor. Jan 11•tf JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS done st short notice sad ?ensemble rates at the Rcnnuc& °See. JEWELLER, .We door to Dr. H. C. .Porteee Drug Store JEWELRY, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, Sir ALL OF 'WHICH i'LLL BE BOLD AT THE Clocks. Watches and Jewelry promptly repalrt, by an experienced and competent workman. M. HENDELMAN. THE GREAT APPETIZER TONIC, A= COUGH CURE 708 COUGH9i COLDS CONSIMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ~~ All Diseases OP VIZ ;;OA CU" AND LINGS. .lE=l AND M. HENDELMAN It *0 to bo round at the OLD STAND 31:11.71 1 ` STREET, WITH A rum. LINE OF FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS I . • W'iTc)II.ES, STERLING SILVER AND FINE, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, FROM THE CERAPEBT TO THE BEST. VERY LOWEST PRICES, septlC-tf --•-=1:0--- Chicago & North-Western • ,RAILWAY Is the OLDEST BEST - CONSTRUCTED ! BEST I EQUIPPED t and hence the LEADINia RAILWAY • OF TUE West and -Northwest It is the 'short and best route between - Chicago and all points in . - NORTHERN ILLINOIS, lOWA, DAXOTA. WY OMING, Nebraska, Callifotnis, Oreggn; Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and. for • Council Bluffs, Ontaha,Denver, LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE. , San Franciaco,Deadwood, Sioux City, Cedar .liapids. Dee Moines. Columbus, and all Points in tho Territories; arid the West. Also for Milwaukee, Green Bay. Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond do Lac, Watertown, Boughton, Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Huron, Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota. Dakota, Wiscnnsin and the Northwest. - At Council Bluffs the Train, of the Chicago North•Weatern and she U. P. 'rya depart from, arrive at and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake, Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore .k Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago k Grand Trunk R'ys, and the Kankakee and Pan Dandle Routes. iarClose connections made a Edunction Poinia. It is the ONLY — LINE runnning Pullman Hotel Dining Cars 1~fr.:v~»,~ Chicago anti Council Bluffs Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. , Insist upen Ticket Agents - selling you Tickets via this road. - Examine your Tickets. and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago North-Western Railway. If you-wish• the Best Traveling Accommoda. tions - you will buy your Tickets by this route, IAND WILL TARE NONE OTHER. - • ell Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVINIIVGIIITT, 24 Y.P. Gen.klang'r. spr7 'bl -Iy. : ChiaLgo KLINE'S MARKET. BLOCK • Main Stireeti I first Ward. - • JOHN W. KLINE, Ii&VLNG REMOVED HIS MEAT&VEGETABLE imRKET, o a more convenient, location, and established lamasif . ill the. Carroll Block, opposite freely's Hotel, Y 8 prepared to supply his patrons with • THE CHOICER"' OF MEATS, FISH, OYSTERS IS THEIR SEASON.- ' 'FRESH VEGETABLES, • - DOMESTIC FRUIT, &c., o • sar BOLOGNA SAUSAGE a specialty. .All -or der.; promptly dellvsred. AGENTS. WANTED for the °lex fine largo Steel Portrait of ,G ARFI.E L Engraved in Line and Stipple from a photograph approved by 3lra. Garfield as a correct likenei e. A Dramtrl7/. worm OF ART. No competition Azzr: 18124. Send forcirculars and extra terms:, The henry Bill Poling:laq Co., = ' Norwich. Conn. Jan. 5,1,452.1 w first _f, ational auk, TOWANDA PA. CAPITAL AID IV . SURPLUS FUND.... This 'hulk offers unusual facilities for the transaction of -a general banking-bnsiness.. N. N. BETTS. Osehier:: ENVELOPES OF ALL . QUALi n ties and sizes a specialty st the REPUBLICAN Job Printing Office. The Punishers ofthe REPUBLICANIAV° _ .arranged so tbot they are able to offer , • the popular family paper =The bran BPANGLIM BAWSILIC—for one year to every new subscriber to the REPUBLICAN who pays SLR.- - Tho Bays= is alplendid home paper. Specimens may be seen at this office, or will be sent by ad- dressing, , • , BANNER, Hinsdale. N. R. ' • HOTEL FOR SilLE..— . l off4r the American Hotel property-for tale at a groat bargain. The Hotel may be seen on Ole 'corner of Bridge and Water streets,in Towanda Borough. It is one of theAieat and most central , locations in the place. There is a good barn, connected with the property. The ire° bridge and new depot near to it make thus Hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in -the business. A good adtive man with a small espial can pay for the property in a short time from the profits. It was papered and painted new last spring end is now in excellent condition. JOSEPH G. PATTON _Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22. 1881-tt. GOLDGreat chance to make mone y: Tose who always take advantage ilof the good chances for making money that are offered,generalirbecome wealthY. while those who do not =prove such chances' re main in 'poverty. We want many men, women, boys-and girls to work for us right in their own localitfes. Any. one can do the work properly from the start, The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit fur nished free. • No one who 'engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote yourwhole time to the work, or tonly your spare moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Address, Sussex k. Co., Portland, Maine. Dec 15—lyr —$ ea we ek . in your own town. $3 Outfit free No risk. Everything new, Cap, ital not . We win furnish you ere' g. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want • business at which you can make great pay all the time you work, write for pudic. mars to 'H. Ilsurrr & Co, Portland, Maine, Deo 13—lyr tillif&CO. FALL AND WINTER ATTEN fION IS INVITED to Ga r first-elms . Heating Stoves Th e y are ,too dell known 't rrquire any cummend.►tiou— • New Hecht., f Westminster, Crown Jewel.- We also Lave a• line of CHEAP BASE BURNER'S, the best of their class in the rearket,.ana well adapted ter sap• plying a demand for au efficient lint in- expensive heating_stnve. airWOOD HEATING STOVES in great variety. `Vx I°2' HAPPY THOUGHT Sold in Towanda and Vicinity by A. PDY.E & CO. WooarCook Stoves OARRIAGENAI . C.ERS 'AND HARDWARE, Towanda, Oct. 31et. 1891 KENDA' Pay:: 01 41..* 41k. S f -4 % , A - 4 ....Ct-TrOri;"' ve" etsr\ ! -----..a.hobole4F,lszarAr t ote - 17 . 2 ' 05 • /14 THE MOST: SUCCESSFUL REMEDY eNer, covered. as it - is certain in its -effects sad does not blister. Also excellent for bunian flesh. READ PD.001? EELOW. PROM COL.L.TT.-FOSTER • - Youngstown, Ohio, May Nth, Dn. B. J. KENDALL k Co:—I had a very Tilla ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very high ly, he bad a large bone spavin on one jointand' a small out on the other which made him-very lame; I bad him under the charge of two veteri nikry surgeons which failed to cure him. I wit one tray residing the advertisement of Kendatl's. Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express, I determir.• once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I toot - them all and thought I would give it a thoroggh trial, I used it according to directions and the fourth day the colt nand to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts limbs are as free from lamps Ind as smooth as any horse in the state, Ile Wen tirely cured. The cure waits° remarkable that. , I let two of my neighbors have the rennamini: • two bottles, who are now using it. Very Respectfully, . . 'L. T. FOSTILII. Kendalfs Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. - mar chl7-ti Patten's Mills. Wish'ton co.. N.Y... ret).2l.'rl Dal B. .1. KENDALL, Dear Sir:-:-The particular rase on which I used your Kendall's Spavin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen mentLe standing. • I had tried many things, but in rain: , Your bpavin Curo put the foot to the ground again, and for the tint time since hurt, in a natural position. For ,a family liniment it ex. Cele anything we ever used. Yours truly, • • REV. 3f. p. raster of M. F. Church, •Pattrin_MilL4. N. Price $l, per bottle. or Fix bottles for $ 5 . AU Druggists base it or can get it fUr you. er it sill be sent to any address on.recelpt of price by the Proprietcirs, DR. 13. J. KENDALL k. Cu„ ELIA. burgh Palls. Vt, Bold at Dr. D. C. Porter's Drug Store, ... 80.00 a 1";"..) otibl!r y (llsetn cred tl)e w.,rg ; ;LI ;‘, 1t . 17 ill graY 111:r t Pr?. vrginiidbeaury ; it v. in t 111;ig t. of the I,3 'r; ft:CUM.) i! 1 ill1:77 1:0: . !:14 erupt lor.s, antl kiep! t 1 scalp eltvan ;It will cluse the hair-to grna . it has' fallen cft and pr its gd;s.4 and fre.,hne , it softens the hair when harsh and dry - awl 9 eci tirely lee 2 fr,mt all irritating matter; it has tlii; very best reputation and gives universal • - istisfs. ,.- Con. • D. not fail to try it. ' 7 Fvr sale by all druggi-cis• Price, 75 cts. per bottle. - rcrareff by Chas.. Davis, Cassia*, For calo by all Druggjsta and 'Dealers. JOSS. rowELL, President , . • ran.. 1.•7K. PATENTS. Frank .1. Fonts. Attorneyat•Law, Lock Boy. :1;4 I toakia so CUAIWE for my services ulnas .s patent be granted: Preliminary examination In the Patent Mace. as to the patentability of au In vention MEX. Send sketch or model of the de vice and a report win be made as to the tinny of obtaining a patent. nPfeisl attention given to rejected appnm tions in the bands of others. U. S. Senator, : Hon. Geo. F. Fdaltna'• 01 Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and Gen. Joan A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. 11111, of Ceor gat Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar. of. Hiss; Hon. r 4. Cullom. Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Commissioner of Patents and Corps of Fsaminere and the pro* prietor of this paper. Write for circular and instrt i etions. 3noitt _ , KENDALL'S SPAtrIN CURE - sure to mini - Spiritus, SP ll " , ___,f 3 ' ho, It POIXIOTea atlllatana enlargements. nous Nos seturan. Su no equal for any lameness oo bleat Or man: It has cured hlp.joint larnmmeu In a person who bad se : bred 15 years. Also cured rhenium - Ulm. corns. frost-bites or and or lameneia . It has no equal " any blemish on hones. ' Send for illustrated „beff 122 ....... _Shia" roast= mos , . Price P. Xf -t . anstimmelns bare it or can gellt for you. Dr. B,.••• Kendall -11 (M.. Proprietors. ltmosporsP Vermont. IL 0. POwrzu. Agent. Tomulds , ri 1881 - Mk 0) RANGES A LARGE STOCE OF pr,ACKMITHS' SUPPLIES, AND GENERAt^STCCK OP MAIN ST., TOWANDA. K . pq i,vAi...l • ng, U'et7) . _ - "ki; , ,i'Pa RENEWER, (11. S. AND FOREIGN Washington, D.C. air Ten years' experience 7=7/RVICILS