Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, February 09, 1882, Image 3

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FERI 9, 1882
It m u show von the month and year up to
e th your sahseription is paid.. If your sub
-1 b o.) to expire, please send no
1 1 1;i1 for a renewal
at (met.. that we may
„.„,, you the paper right along. Send in
' - ' e without delay.
A. Woadter is onr general agent, Imho
f* ,w 1 ei•!:eetor, for the southern and west
the County.
jprANCE IN PRICE OF susscitrP.
. •
uodcfu rAigned, üblishers and proptie•
to: of tbe Bradford Reporter, Towanda
j;orrall, SULADFORD ,RErtraucAN and Brad
;,d Arius, published in Towanda, Pa., hay
v nattered oevere less in the publication of
It:1r re 47ective papers froui the heretofore
ts.,,,arly low price per annum, hereby mute
agree to make the subscription price of
o r
of our papers' respectively, on and after
the Fag of January, Oue Dollar and
yjny tAnta per annum. And wo hereby
wee and pledge ourselves to each other,
plat our our houcir as business men,
to that we
nctir and invariably adhere the
1 .;2s (A thiA understanding. To m a k e t hi s
t i T , D genieut legally binding, we have entered
1 :11 boudg, with penalty and forfeiture foe
m ,:,t i on of the terms of this agreement,
A lnabreriptiontt paid prior to January let
~t . „ will be taken at the former rate. Ra;es
t in all cases to bo independent
Goorancu Hrrcncocg, Reporter.
D. M. Trains, Jountql.
yuls arrive sad depart at the Towsada Post
s' follows:
~ S. V_ ~ and Elate= States ... 4.0 0 a. at.
ore, Laporte, ko I .„. 1 430
. way mail from the North . .... Io.UO
yhequin kc...11:00
• .
!sr Era, &c.. Tuesday. Thursday and
isturday ~..._ . . ..........
.... 11.00
ilium, &c., Monday, Wedneadiy add
-, Burlington. &c 1:00 P. it.
:sville. Rome, ko 1.00
~.a pouch froth Erie and XCR Rs 2:30
any mail from the South . 4:35
on, &c ... 5:00
:clay 6;30
l ea pouch from Elmira and E 11 11:10:40
ton, 11 onroeton, kc .. 9:00 a. at.
uh . Valley way mail South 9:15.
114 pouch Elmira, Erie and North
ern central Railroads... ..... .... 10:00
r, Burlington, kc 10:00
throat, sc... 12:00 N.
cItY..- ' 1:00 P. M.
ty Era, Tuesday Thursday and Sat.
crazy ,
Thai/. Monday. Wednesday ands
Fridar ' 1:00
gaysTille, Rome, ko 1:00
dolt, .C.c' • •.. 2:45 .
-1.., gh Valley way mail North 3:45 ,
ea' kirk Phila. and Eastern States. 7:45
:IL , open trona 7:00 •. at. to 7:45 P. M. Money
~ 1- o r office open from 8:00 a. at. tO 7:00 P. M.
Offer open on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:90 a. at. •
,-• P. Posits, P. 3!. '
,e regular monthly meeting of the Town
ZOO: Wad held Monday evening, February
Frestut But geos Alger in the chair and
Garton, Keeler, lithm, and
ott mown of Mr. Spirlding . the minutes of
apt tgular and-ipecial_ meetings held
:ring the month aPantutry, were approved
rtt..urded by the at cretary.
Thu, Burgetie appiinted Mr. Gordon on the
auee Cominitteean place of Mr. Holcomb.
Mr. Spalding prelocited a petition tor
!Ante to be placed at or near the east
e.!lofWatta' Ltia3.
I:t.ftrred to the Gas Committee. •
:6-;•svriditig also preseuten a petition . fOr
.aik en the east side of Sieond street
Olive to Grant streets.
fttlerred to Street Committee.
i'aefEngineer Coolhaugh. laid beforeihe
acti;rnatt samples - of hose and recent
,ule4 the purolisso of 500 feet. anew hose
the ground .that much of the old hose
not he relletf.upou to be effective ie
q , 11:: pi oputV in case of tire.
Oa tro:Diti, the Council autine ized thri pur
:..,e of stlt) feet of new node.
was presented by Jalues S. O'Brien
: damages reaching front a fall while
• :octi,; the .treet front the horth-west cur
:ref Toird sreet and Ward avenue, and it
: 4; evident that the downfall was caused
rtipping on the ice it was moved and car
,t.tiptt Mr. O'Brien's claiti be laid ou the
141. s atuuoutiug to $460.79 were approved
17 we Einanee Committee mud ordered paid,
G,g,,r month of January,
" .
µfilet!. at email-ph% Ittispital '199.00
Lxkueed etmuy.cted with •.' " 31.05
C Icr Lock-up,
LlKlals for street's,
ef Cattle Poniad,
rit seary,
Pelice report f,.r the mouth of Jaunary,
irrerded and tried before Burgess Alger,
',a. 10, John Dickinson, arrested by Burnk;
::ask and fighting; tine and cost $4.70. Paid;
Warrier, by Burns; drunk and die
. 7 I' 1 . 1; due and cost $2.70. Paid.
Tried before Justice Codding, JanudrY 17,
Wrl..rce V. Pool, arrested by Britton; drunk;"
and costs, $2.70. Paid.: .
.Iz, 23. Michael McCarty, by . Burns;
.1 , 1*,; due and costs, $2.70. Paid 11,93.
L.upi, V. Pdbl, by Burns; fightini; 4 tine
ui .sts, 52.70. Committed.
I.t Laublin, by Burns; Fighting; tine
$240. Committed. '
tildd and on motion the Council
• • •
itceived by the Methodist
.n.ed,er and his wife at the Methodist Par
6-=age f.est Wednesday eve, reached th., -
Asea.ies.uni of 1111. And at Weak Frank
i•-.1 Friday eve, at the residence. of Mr.
rain ;ace, $37. We are requested to re'. nrd
sAinest thanks to the kind Meath who
LA! so p,eut-ronsc given these tokens
to.e.-in and respect. .
lay. J.T. Brownell or 'U. to stleld, I'a.. will
...tro t Isere on Wednesday eve. Feb. 15. alib
0, “E%ery Man is Twine." Great curiosity
awakenedin the minds of many
I, , quing this subject. A largo audience
will ttn dOubtedly greet the speaker.
''Y. GRaEo WEN."
moribersOf the C. LS. C. who would
:.kt.• to read the ancient Greek Classics. in
c . .r.4;Juemon with their studiez' in Ancient
Laratute, wei would;say that •Whitcoinb has
Lr vle Pope's trinil.ttiou •of Homer's Iliad
&la 01y,lay, also Drydeu's Vie girt Zooid:
ri^ - 3 - V.EAD Haviug purchased
sliw Mill of J. 0. Saxton, loeathd
Sew Albanv Borough on the Sullivan and
Slate Line Ilsilroad, I am prepared to furnish
Llult r of eEery 'description on short notice.
a specialty. Bates reasonable. Or-
I 4 , 11-41s0 proprietor of the lievAlbany ilo-
Male all persons desiring secommoda
rxn find them at reasonable rates; Good
t:ablinlz. • J. W. WiLcox
Stu' Albany, Jan. 30.1882.-6ra
r .
tii•Asaudians need not pay $2 for *ticket to
utcia lecturo on "English Bernier-,
t , r'Whiteomb has it for safe, as well
to tLi oung . aesthete's poetry.
hilt are frequently preceded by a sense of
weight in the back, loins and lower part of
;;,t• "Women. causing the patient to "Pe el°
bas some affection of " the kidneys or
Leiziabnriug organs. At times symptoms of.
vadigeetinn are present as flatulency, nneasi
:ess of the stomach. eta. A moisture like
;emanation, producing a very disagreeable'
It 't mg, particularly at %tight -after gotta=
n.'m in bed, is a very common attendant%
Intrust, External and Itching Piles yield a.
(tee on the application of Dr. Bosariko's Pile
Ltniedy, which acts directly upon the parts
ateted, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the
aittase Itching, and affecting a permanent
r7.te atere all other remedies have failed.
114 er , e delay until the drain on the system
permanent disability, but try ft
sod be cured. Price,_ 50 cent.. Ask your
ttrazgiet for it. and. when you .cantiot obtain
of Lim, we will send it, prepaid, on recipt
,°`Priee. Address The Dr. itealto Medicine
`A. Piqna, Ohio. • Sold by Clark B. Porter.
11 - Rod of Ward House Block. -
JUJU 2-Ivr.
The bear saw his shal:re.
"Big time at Itionrindon Friday evening.
, .
Vent►or are J ,we going to have =6Utad
Anna Diektufon loots bantbome in—the
The boys took advantige of the good sieight
ng hod Sunday. 8o the girls flay.
Masonic Reception. Friday evening), at .
Canton will have a reception by Prot. Bry.
ant's &urine chit on the 10th. •
Chas. F. Bayles has been confirmed by the
U. 8. Senate as pOstmuter of Troy, this
The Men& of Rev. 0:11. Croat, of Alba,
are making ag the price of a now horse tore
place the one that died recently. •
Who will quarrel with the LeßayavilleAd
eertlier editor, now that All,n is off the Re
porter. - -
, .
Asa Dionnick has taken cbarge of the'
American fleue. He will .make popular
Fourteen Verso's* joined the M. E. Church
in 'Fro), on probation Sunday. Jan: 29. The
Units of, the revival meetings held. '
Helen Potter at Mercur Hall, next Wed
nesday evening. If yon want to enjoy a really
good show, bo sure to attend.
Strawbenies at $4 porinart iu New York.
Were going to send for a stem when we re
ceive our inheritance.
George Mottit is a candidate tor re-election
to the, office of High Constable of this bor
Rev. C. FL Wright and Rev. C. T. Hallowell
have been drawn
, to serve as jurors during
the third week of the present terra of Court.
Editor Morgan of the Troy Register ia,at
t.ndiug Court this week, being a member o
the bar.
ltev. David Craft of Wylusing is assisting
in the care of his brother-in , 4aw l Sheriff Hor•
ton; daring the , illness of the latter.
While skating on Smith's mill pond, 'below
Cantina, a few days since, a couple lads broke
through the ice and,came near drowning. .A
man at work near by rescued them both
PaFilengers that left Philadelphia on the 4
p. m. train for Towanda last Sattirday, were
nineteen boons on the.way. on account of
being delayed by the heavy fall of snow.
Three persons were baptized by immersion
on Friday evening last in the Baptist church
at this place, viz: *ids Ettio Prothera, Miss
Eliza Darner and Mrs. Simmers.
The Elmira Stind;zy Titling, has ano v en
graved heading. . It is handsome and at
tractive. The gent-tai make-up of the paper
is good.
Tho Towanda Minstrels had a crowded
horde at Barclay last Thursday evening.
They say they were well entertained and had a
nice trip. .
GG 80
The ladies or Christ church will give a
'nipper in the room lately occupied by the
Post Office, on Saturday eveßing nest, F.-b.
11, commencing at 5 o'clock. Price 50 cents.
you have any friends in jail, you will have
to call on them either ou Tuesday, Thursday
or Saturday hereafter, from 2 to 3 pr tn., as
Sheriff Horton has recently issued orders to
that effect.
H. W. Miller, a Towands turginan, was sr
rtsted on Friday of last4week for illegal deal
ing in Lehigh' Valley Hat,silroti tickets a prac
tice known as "ticketsealping." . -He had a
['Paring before Justice Codling and was held
under f3OO bail for appearanco nt court.
At the meeting of the National Agricultural
Society itt New York, last week. Co!. Victor
E. Piollet was appointed one of a committee
of ftfteeu to make arrangements for a National
A4rierdsural Fsir.
W. G. Tracy, produce dealer. IRill 1111Ve to
tote now occapt>d by Geo Boss, known as
the old MontanyOorner, about April lit.
Rundell, hatcher, wilt remove to the store
rooms now occupied by W. G. Tracy.
'Church of the Messiah, Ray.. Wm- Taylor
Pastor, at 10:30 a. m., 4th, lecture of course,
Subject, "The Garden of Elea awl itlTreeta."
At 7 p. m., "Publicans and Harlots getting
Invitations are out tor the wedding of our
young friend and..Attorney-at-Law, Benjamin
Taylor Hale Esq., swon:l sOll of Haj. E. W.
Hale, and Miss Helen Buffington 'Rodgers,
tecond dangbter of our well known. towns
man, L. B. Bodgere, Esq.
A social will be held at. the parlors of the
Church of *be Messiah, (Universalist) on .
Tuesday evening Feb. 14th, under the au
spices of the Ladies Society. The entertain
ment will consist of esitations 'and Music.
Refreshnients will be seivod conimiincing at
&o'clock. All are invited to attend'.
With the last isane of the Reporter. Mr.
C. H. Allen seyeredlhis editorial connections
with that paper. Charley has been a faith
ful worker for the interests" of the Reporter
and has fiiled the 'position he occupied with
ability. We wish him success in whatever
he may hereafter undertake.
Mrs. Mallory, the first victim of the :runll
poz, was arrested last week on a . warrant
charging her with maintaining a disreptir
table house. At the hearing Before Justice
Colding on Monday. shd pad guilty and
gave ball for her app_earanci-3t Court.
Sheriff Horton, had near? recovered from
illness that confined b, m ta his. room fur
more t Lan two weeks, when he suffered au
attack of sciatic rhenmattinu, which is a very
painful, through not dangerous disease. Dr.
Newton is the physician in attendance and
the Sheriff has the best of care, so we Lope
soon to see him well again. ,
Mr. Wilbur Russell, a popular citizen of
Wyoming county, was instantly killed by a
log rolling over him at Big Shanty St;stion ou
a branch of the Erie railroad in Mcliuiii•
county'. Mr. Russell has beet, ,a resident of
that county 'for ten -yeSris had been
fiery successful in extensive lumpering opera
tions. His finieial was silo:lCAby Hon. F
C. Bunbell Tunkbannoak, Conductor
"Billy" Woodward and wife and other fried
front Wyoming tortnty.
Oa Wednesday of last Week a train of empty
coal cars ran off the track at lffehoopany.
The track was broken up and the cats smash
ed, bat no one was burl. No. "9 going down
and No. 2, coming up, met at the wreck,
when the passengers, baggage,- wail and, tz
press were transferred from one to the other.
Each train backed op , to the nearest turn
'table, the engines were reversed each re
sumed the trip'of the other, thus saving four
4 -
or five hours delay.
Harry Ward EST, has been - appointed by
the Guon Memorial Association on th 3 cint
mtttee to collect funds for the„ mouument to
the late Dr. Gunn, who taught school in To
wanda, some twenty-five or thirty years ago
Be was the original of 'the =Dr. Bird, who
taught a school for boys at the "Bird's Neat,"
in Dr. Uolland's "Arthur BonnicasUe.7 The
death of Dr. Holland, soon after that of
his beloved friend and teacher,bas awakened
a new interest in his. novel of "Arthur Bowl
castle." It can he Mend at Whitcomb's book
store, where all of Dr._ Holland's Works arc
ke .t for sale.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
found that Deputy Collector Mercnee district
was two largo, and relieved him of Wyoming
and Susquehanna - counties. Capt. J. C. Kint
ner of Illeboopany has been appointed Deputy
Collector dittos° two counties. Capt.Kintner
was a brave, soldier and will doubtlees make
an efficient, officer in his new position.
The next Quarterly Meeting of the Disciples
of Christ of, will be hell with
the Church at Leßoy', Pa., comnienciUg on
Friday. March Sri, 1832. and continue over
Lord's day followingi Amnia orepiratiosis
will be made to accommodate all who come
and a hmarty Welcome is extended" to every
body. Preachers from a distance aro expect
ed to be present.
/alto:, PA., Feb. 6,188 t
T i puirsio 81111isd a big house
. . . „ .
'l3tulen's orchestra► at . Iklottrbeton ?award°
Reception-. `.. • '' ,
i. B.Oroatt is a cattails% fur High Pl,tudi
blo of this borough.
_ The friends alley. I. H. We.stou will mike
him 'visit at this DI. E. ntranuage in !Was.
ing. Thnraday afternoon. Feb. 9.
The ladles of the Presbyterian church made
over $52, at their capper on Wednesday even
ing last week. They always - give excellent
suppers and are; therefore. well patxonhted.
There are rumors-abroad ,in 'the land that
"Het! has certainly been struck in Wyoming
county, and the pockets of, many stock hol
ders been made glad by anticipations of the
shekeia yet to be. • -
Clara Louise Kellogg boasts that she knows
"how to make :the loveliest bash yon'.ever
ate." There is a sound of approschiug wed•
ding bells in this jo3ons exclsmatlo:r. Lucky
man! • '
Mr. W. O. 'Loveland started far Maryland
yesterday. where be bas a call to superintend
the erection of a large woolen factory. and
'to take chine -of same when coroploted- 1 -
Troy Register.
Hon. Delos Rockwell delivered an address
before the Troy Par . mers' Club last Saturday
afternoon, on "Texas and Southern Farming.'
He was followed by Hr. I. A. Piero., who
spoke on the same subjeSt.
. The Loan Exhibition at Tunkhanneek.
which continues all through the week,f, °Sera
the attraction of a double headed ealf—etnff
ed. of einnac e and a wonderful c lock' Made by
Mr. Medlyin. a minor.
Wm. Mathewson and family of Sayre, Pa.
left on Monday last for Kansas, their future
home. Daniel Gore of .Bheshequiu 'accom
panied them. He visits his brother. Clinton
Gme, of Southern lianaai fo: a few weeks."'
There is a, printer in Towandi who has
six times to sea. and there is still another
who goes every night W See—his dear Celia.
Aud there is soother wino ROC . I itllf-404i
over every Saturday unlit. Take?
First Assistant PostmaiterGenecal
who ran the Burlington Hawke lieloug ehough,
to find out how the thing`works;.has issued a
sensible order, saying that it willlue +consider
ed fit cause for removal if • a postmaster de
livers a subscriber's newspaper to a nos.
subscriber and allows him to read it and puts
it back into the box.
Mr. A. T. Dunbar of Albs, has been con
ducting a singing school in the Church of
the Disciples at Leßoy. He has about 35
pupils who give evidence of having received
thorough and ; valuable'; instruction in the
i ll
science and ae, of vocal music. • ' ,
The term of ls schoolb closes' Wed esday
evening Feb. 15th, : with a Couven,ti n
Concert. The convention colia — mencibii Tues
day, continues Monday and closes ,With the,
Concert Monday evening. -The Cminet band,
from Alba are expected to ber preseuL: at the
Concert to add to the interest of thc*Lsion.
A email admittance fee bo chluged . at
the Concert.
All loi•ers of mash, aro requeited to be
present and patticitiate in the singing.
It. Las been develOpca that among the last
regnesits made in writing by the late *Hew
drick B. Wright of Wilkes-Barre, was one
that his body be kept at least 72 hours and
be not interred until decomposition begun;
that he be buried between his father and
wife; tharno display nor funeral sermon be
made at h is futital; nor any silver plating
adorn hi 4 boffin. Finally, - "My children may
go into mourning - rf they weer it; but Ido
not: It ii'au empty, idle custom, and is dis
gmeul bviits observance; an outside demon
stration suggested. by faShi mi. I will die in
the faith of my aucfstors —the creed of the
Society of Friend .I. In this faith died my
,great grandfathefi fmy grandfather and my
father, and inthatifaith I will the, also. It
teaches the doctri4e that the app , ircl does
not reflect the emotions Of the heart."
List of letters teniaitting in the Post 03ice
or tho weoli ending Feb. 2. 1882:
Butvtuao, Mann) , Kinnely, Kato •
Bennett, Juo 1' Larkin, [Ludt
Bros°. Geo , ' Lester Bros.
.I.3tirke, Mrs . • Mack, Cornelius
Cowles, FC, • . ' McCue, Mary •
Conley, Nellie 1 Mclnt.,.sh, Gtaco ..,
Cole, Horace L Nichols, Locretta
Conan, Mary ' Itehnoutl, C-(2)
Cow n. E A , Riwage, EM'
Ditto, Jessie ' Ryder, Mrs 11-
Dority, Alice Robinson Mrs Wl3
Edwards, Jim -' Rinebold, Mary •
Fi7z gentkl, Jim, - Smith, Edith as L.
Gamed, T W . ; Shaw, Geo. .
Hughes, Annie E - Shores, Ada E
Hendershot, Anna : Sickles, James
Johnson, Cornelius .Scott, Mrs Mark E
Solomon, Mrall 814ter, Maryll
- _ . Warner, Harvey. '• -
Personsnalling for any of the above will
please say "Advertised;" giving date of list.
P. PowELL, P. M.
The attention of memhers is called to the
article on "Phidian Age of Scalptar'e ,"
Febrasry No. of Century Magazine. - -
The officers of Watkiha 'Post, No. G 3, G. A.
R. for the ensuing year are: • -
Post Commander—A. A. St:. John. -
S. V. Commander—R. A. Thompson. '
V. Commander--H. IL McKean.
Surgeon—J. Cortez Rockwell. , .
0. D.-0. D. Lyon.
Adjotant—J. M. Edison.
Q. M.-Geo. V. Myer.
O.o.—win. E. Stevenson. " •
D:t Albert.
Sargt. Maijor—E. Campbell. •
Q. M. Surgt.- r Eli Gail. .
qouneel of Administration.:—E. A. Thump
t:ou, E. Camploill, Geo. V. Myer. meeting of the C. L. S.C. will to
at the resideric of Mrs. D. W. Scott, Friday
evening, Febrfary 10th, at 7 o'clock. The
work of the evening will be a review of Quack _
cubes' Ancient; Literature from page 262
302; also quesi l ions and answers on Ancient
Lit..rature from No. 25 to Na.: 50 inclusive.
Several essays will be read ou subjects con
nected with the lesson,
'Members of the C. L. S. C. who may wish to
read some of the ancient classics in connec
tion with their studies l in ancient literature,
can find Homer's Iliad land Odyssey, also Fir
i giro ,lucid at Whitcomb - s Book store.
•• - .
One dsy last wees as a little , child, ; about
one year, old, of Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Cramner
of bmithdeld, was playing with some beans,
it swallowed one, which lodged somewhere in
the throat. Physicians were called but they
were unable to render any assistance to the
little sofferer. It Wired only a short tune after
tile accident. The bereaved parents have
tha ay ropathy of their friends.
John Reid, a tasclay miner, met with a
serious accident from premature explosion
cif a cartiiige containing a quarter of a pound
of powder. on Monday last. He was severely
burned about the face and hands . Another
miner, Robert Cameron, the same day „ran a
sharp iron into one orhis legs, inflicting an
ugly wound. The iron struck the bone and
double4l)lp, lacerating the flesh terribly when
it was extracted.
who died at the residence of her' on L. IL 1
Rodgers, on Saturday I last, was born iu Litch
field, Conn., , 0.7. t. 8, 1791. In 18/5 she was I
married to Hezekish Bridgers and moved to
Oneida Co., N. Y., which was then the "tar
wee." In 1812 the flimily removed to this
State, since which time she has resided- in
Bradford county: , 1
She was converted at 1.5" years of age and
united with theProteateut Methodist church;
1 and was all through a long life, a devoted
Christian and a loving mother. During the
I past sus years she has lived with her soup L.
1 . 13. sqlS W. Rodgers in this place. Though
1 Mrs. Badgers lived far beyond the allotted
three score years and ten of ordinary human
life, she was uniforMely 'cheerful and her
passing away_ was as the gathiiing of a shock
of corafally ripe. Her faneral - took place at
the ieddence *flier son L. B. Rodgers, *On:
day afternoon; at 3 o'clock. .
0. E. Walls.
C. L. S. C.
0. A. R.
c. L: 8. c.
A. Sad , Amidesit
AcCldents of Barclay.
Mrs. Lois 0. Rodgers,
•••11riii41, 1 1. Pierce or Illinois is ,visiting
bei fa th er 11 ;L. D. Bi?W01113,
41isaTinnis Loma; of Burlington was iit
H. O. Porter and Wally returned
bome on Vi,Peduee4sy of last Weelu
itartini 8toire11: of *valuing, is
visiting bet. son
D.H.Biosn' of New Albany -was a
welcome caller at the Ibmtmucsir- Office s , a
few ilayis since. --
-Hrs. Horace Burns of Harlington, goes
to Philadelphia-this spOnd some time
fin-.visiting relatives and Meade.
-Mr and Mrs. L. B. C o burn have "
from a two weeks` visit to Mends and Ma
tives at Alslachin, N. Y.
—Mr: and Mrs.V. hi. Santee of Hazleton,
spent ilstniday and Sunday with Mrs. Elantee's
mother. Hrs. Goodrich. at the' Ward House.
—Miss Amyx DAM, who has spent a
couple of Months in'Towatida returned to her
.home in Philadelphia a few days since.
—Mrs. A. J., Noble and her sister Mrn.
Goodrich from Colorado are visiting Mrs. N's
daughter, Mrs. Reed Bratind in this place.
—Mrs. Overdek3 of Black Walnut, . Wyoming
anoy, is the guest of her sister -Mrs.
Cliabbuck, on Bowen street.
,--8.8. Wilson. the-wide awake agent of
the Elmira Vdings is spending a few flays in
—Editor Keeler of the Owego Record, and:
Editor McCormick of the Owego Madermade
a pleasant call at the REPllnuola office teat
Tuesday morning. -
7 -111 r. F. A. Lewhi, who ti - ra eon spin ling
ten days with , his 'bride, ) nee :Miss 'Sarah
Moody. retcrned to his home in Kansas on
Monday last. Mrs Lewis' will remain with
her mother several weeks longer and:then re-,
join her husband - at their future home in
Commissioner Ransom reached his 65th
birthday on Wednesday last. and entertain
ed a large party or friends at his hospttable
home in Smithfield township. -
Willie Tattle, tho little stin of Mr. and Mrs.
David Tuttle iD East Towanda; died of scarlet.
fever on Friday last.
1102CD.tY, FEB. G.
Court convened at 10 a. in., Judge Morrow
presiding. There were some motions made
and preliminary business transactediin the
forenoon, and at 2p. m., the, following were
called and sworn as •
canons. "
Austin Leonard, foreman, Springfield; Mar
tin Bennett, Standing Stone; W. IL Carpen
ter, Towanda; Alexander Ennis, Asylum;-
John Hagerty, Troy Borough; JOB. A. Homet,
Asylum; Elwell Hnil, Standing Stone; Henry
McKatitia,Herrick; John - O'Connell, Overton;
George W. Potter, Springfield; Wm. H.
Plum, South Waverly; Frank Prince,
Athens Bore; Wm. ll.' Russell, Jr., Wind
ham; Abram Spencer. West Burlington;
ClaMin- J. Sleeper, Warren; Moses Seeley,
South Creek; John Splann, Monroe Township;
Alfred Smith, Wilmot; Smith Tuttle, Wil
mot; Geo. Woodward, Springfield; Addison
Wilson, - Alba Toro. -
The follovqg licenses were grouted.
J. W . Wilcox, , New Albany Boro. •
Michael F. Sullivan, Towanda Boni. Ist ward.
Samuel Walbridge, . ** " •• **
Ira H. Smith. Alba ,*
Chas• H. McGonegai; Troy - '. , '
11. F. Pitts. Sylvania •* . '
Joseph Causer, . Springfield Twp. _
11. S. Farnsworth, Smithfield •• .
David C. Keeney. Pike ** •
Deorge W. Wanck, Monies Boro.
M. A. Forrest, Ulster Twp. '
'John A. Briggs, ' Sayre •• of Athens
Orrin'L. Jordan, Athens Boro. Ist ward.
Leonard Morris: Burlington Boro.
C. E. Bartlett. Wysox Twp.
S. B..Xidd, Towanda Boro. 2d ward.
James F. Fox. Canton
3. W..Wlllcox. New Albany Boro.
James Nestor Jr, Towanda Eon. 2d ward.
• Win. Bolan. let
J. P. -Barman, • • .*
A. J. Beers. . Canton • •
Geo. O'Donnell,
. C. D-Holcomb, LeLoy Twp.
S. B. i ldd, Towanda Boro. 2.41 Ward.
C. W. Beardalee, Canton Boro. •
.John Sullivan. Towanda .` 2d ward.
Thu Graral Jury Di.po 03,1 of the f.oll , )ifing
canes: .
Com Yt§ Samnef VanDerpool—Larceny.,
Com vs Wm. Sliilios awl Joliii w
Corn vs Judion MeC,riniek—Lireeny.
. Cuni'vs tl illiam Brown—Larceriy. -
Com vs Alma -Mallory—Keeping a bawdy
Cora v.§ William Johnson, Henry ?001, Clark.
Pool, Jonathan Pool and Ciao; Moster--Riot.
Com vs Sherman Bradley—nurse stealing.
Com vs Adam Snyder—Three cases. Set
ling, liquor to minors, to persons of known
intemperate habits and without license. The
:prosecutor, Wm Power, did not appear and
was charged with costs: •
Com vs Henry Campbell —Assault and
battery. D. C. Campbell prosecutor, for
costs. . _
, Corn vs Aden Maits-Cutting timber trees.
Deft. pleads not guilty,' Dist. e Atty. Farming
and E. L. Hillis Esq., for Com., Gridley d
Payne for, the deft. Verdict 'not
_guilty and
the prosecutor, Lyman Mattson for costs.
Com vs Sherman Bradley—Horse stealing.
Deft. pleads not guilty, Dist. Atty. Finning
for Com., I. McPherson and.J. T. Hale Esqs.,
for deft. 'On trial.
John Brainard's use vs A. D. Hiuklek.
E. Thurston's use vs Orange Schrader.
Wm. Irving Jr.. vs Corns. of Bradford
M. E. 'Aver; vs A. 11. Brosin et al. •
flutes Made absolute in each of the above
L. F. Giltollind vdWm. Gardner.
H. \Visored Sara. va V. C. tat:Dna:A.
Rules discharged in each case
E. W. Halo 'vs J. - Wood el a/. Rule made
absolute and judgmeut - agaiust the Parnishea
on big answers.
; 13. may s; co., vs Wm. Henry. •
Kirby vs J. H. & C. W. Planney. •
Rule to open judgirient in each case.
I S. C. Seymour va,S. J. Hickock. I. Mener
scin, Esq., appointed an Auditor to distribute
money in Skeriffs hands.
, Julia A. Lenox vs Geo. Lenox. Divorce
W. Sill vs Ann Sill. Referred to L
Elsbiee, *sq., Master in divorce cases.
MITI* tenem on vs L. D. Venomon.
.Aropet e Van Winkle vs 41. 11.•VanViriakle.
Cyrus Fsber vs Susan A..Fsber.,
Alias subpoena in divorce issued iu each
case. 4
February 22d of this year will be the Zemi-
Centennial Anniversary of the organization of
the Presbyterian Church of Wells and Colum
bia at Aspinwall. This event will be duly cel
ebrated. Surviving Pastors, members and
friends who have moved away are ear neatly
requested to come back to old Wells on this
occasion, with their children and their chil
dren's children. The former Pastors now
living are Bev. Joel Jewell; of Troy, in this
county; Bev. ,Stephen Califf, of Mclntyre,
Lycoming county; Bev. Timisthy B. Jervis, of
Elmira; N. Y., and Bev. Elias S. Schenck, of
Arcot, Tioga conicity. Pa.
The first session will be hell on Tuesday
evening, February 2lst, conducted by ono or
more of the former Pastors. Oa Wednesday.
February 22d, at o'clock a. X., Rev. Joel
Jewell will deliver a historical discourse. Mr
Jewel was Pastor' of tho church for nearly
twenty years; This will be followed by a pie
nic dinner in the Odd Fellow's Hall. After
this there will be a re-Anion, visiting, inform
al speaking, 'eta. There will proSably be ex
ercises in the evening also. Without further
invitation, come, and yon will find that old
Wells is still a • land "flowing with milk and
honey." HALLOW. akalLSl2ollo. -
This steam power =anted on wheels is
portable and may be easily hauled with a
teu to any desired point. It is adapted to
the -"propulsion of THILESS33O_ Blade:imp,
wood sawing, feed cutters, portable saw
mills, or any other light machinery. It is of
simple construction. durable and easily .
managed. Nanufacturedly Charles Perrigo
& Co., Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y.
General Agent.
Miter. July 21-w
1111LIDIEVIDANDAVIAW:l*P 0 1 1021 4 -
(145r-alf; xv 'aft
The regular Quarts*: Meelli go Po.
mon& linage met pursuant-to ea {lie :
Goat Boise; Towanda,: Thursdat afternoon.
February 2nd, ; ;;11392 - . ' Fourteen eutiirdinate
Granges were repieseuw. At 2:15, Worthy
' , Liter, W. El:Smith, took ihdattittr. and After
soaking.the *tat appointments, the Grange
wasSegbierly Lope . After which Ilijok
W. Hale, - of -4'owarsda Grange, made an elo
quent, able and appropriate **learning ad
dress, which was responded to Wit few Attlng
words by lb*: B.Laporte,otAsyMm.
• The following efileits ileeted ai ltat
tug, IIrOtO thoi installed by Brother 4.11. Cam.
acting - Petal* .Master. assisted - by Brother
Muter.—W. R. Smith. Oscalnwa.
Overieer.-0. W. Alger. North Ohre%
Lecturer. _-
Steward.—Asa S. blevene, Towanda Valley.
Assistant Stewart.
Ohaplain.—B. F. "lowborn, 'Towanda.
Treasorer;—M. Kingaly. Standing Stow,
Ilecretary.LB. W. Alverd. Oscalcips..
Gate Keeper.-0. A. Gilbert; Asylum..
A. 11.—Miga Asykuit.
Brother E. E. Quinlan then madeS very in-
Wresting paper on Fertillaera, which watt lie
tencd to with close alttntion and evident
profit. On motion titßrother Laporte, a vote
of thanks was tendered the Brother, and a
copy or Ida valuable paper soticited f o r pribh.
canoe. -
Reports were listened to from the Visting
tog Committees, and Others: The Order in the
county apveare to be in a healthy and pros
Master aptiointed the following members
Executive Committge for the onrrent year:
J. E. Fiolett, Wysex; R. W. Dialing, Weat
Windham; E. H. Critytori, Toninda Valley.
The Visiting CoMmiftee of last year were
continued. •
The Financial Committee made their report
which was adopted. The amount of funds in
Treasury is 119.50. ' •
The following named . Brothers were lap"
.pointed Finance Committee for present year:
A. P. Young, Rome, Mike Horton, Central.
Alm S. Stevens, Towanda Valley. -
Committee' oa Resolutions: Ron. ,B. A.
porte, J. E. Piolett, and W. Chamberlin.
On motion the selection of a ;dace for next
meeting was referred to &aster and ExecntiVe
'At 5 o'clock p. m: the Grange allot:well to
meet at 9 o'clook a. m. Friday Morning. -
At 7:30 a large number of members and
citizens assembled in the Court House and
listened to livery able address from Hon. W.
A. Armstrong, Master New York State Grange.
His theme wts the railroad monopolies and
how to con eat .the abuses which operate to
the great detriment of the producing classes.
The remarks' were attentively listened to and
heartily applauded.
At the clotie of the address Hiss Rowena
Stevens recited very acceptably, "The Wed
ding Foe," and ?Mei • Dora Holton followed
with "Rock of Ages," which was rendered
with good effect. Both. efforts were enthusi
astically applauded. Brothers J. E. Piolctt
and B. Laporte also made' short speeches en
dorsing the , remarks . of Brother Armstrong.
By invitation Mr. J. .8., Boviogdon recited
"Philip the Hermit," in a faultless manner,
evidencing rare oratorical gifts on the part of
the speaker. Oscar Bowman then responded
to a call, and declaimed' "Pat and the Pig," a
hunierotitt selection, iu a very pleasant man;
tier, which concluded the exercises of the
Gra:nge was called to order at 9:30. Only a
few tnembers were present but the session
was an interesting one.
• :Entertaining remarks were inadeby Worthy
aster Smith, Brothers Cass,to.porte, KellOins
Porter, and Dix ter.
TllO Committee appointed yesterday rqport
ed the following resolutions, which after die
cossion were adopted: .
Resotced, That the necessity of vigorous
and united effort on the part of the producing
classes in referencia to thergreat abuses prac
ticed ey'Rsil Road Companies, in unconstitu
tional, unjust and unequal charges for trans
portation, and in giving free .passes to our
public - officials, is now more apparent than.
ever. In regard 'to free passes, we think the
railroad companies in thus violating our State
ponstitetion are not' more culvapble than our
public servants, who receive this bounty and
spend at of the time of the
legi!atm session in the railroad oars, and
swa t from their public business.
1: solred , chat the elements of the science
of 4h:tutor° should b I taught by tat books
or ifl nal lesums in our rural common schools
and that the school laws should be so amend
ted as to require teaches expecting to teach in
farniing communities tb be examined' in the
1 above science.
2. Since education is one of the prominent
features of the Orange, that it is the duty of
each eubordinate Grange to interest itself in
the character, qualifications and experience
of the teacher employed to teach in its Vicin
ity, to the end that our children be educated
to be good and loyal . cittzens, efficient men
and influential and succesiffil farmers.
3. Tnat,the Worthy 3lastei appoint at least,
two persons to open discussions on some agri:
cultural subject- at each meeting; that after
each opening address on the subject chosen,
the discussion to be thrown open to the
and that the name of the persons ap
pointed, together with the subject, be :adyer
tised in the call for the meeting.
Resolved, That the dairymen or Bradford
County should co-operate in the maaufacture
of butter, and in the sale thereof.
At 11:30 Grange.adjo,iriied.
AthollD, Secretary.
EDITOII RervaticAN—We begs little space
in your valuable colunhis once more to in
form the world that !dp' i titill exist as a goo d,
kind, community frierly and,sweeable each
to the other save low exceptious.
Rev. Mr. Adams thtf, *lthodist minister is
holding a seriO of meetings and his sermons
are much appreciated: by the throng who
come to hear him. May his work he bleat.
There is some talk of building a new church
here;: a project tliatiWill undoubtedly be car=
Tied into effect. ;, J - t * - '
Oar merchants all seem to be doing a good
trade and people coin° far and near to do their
trading as they have learned that a general
variety of goada.aadbe found' in oar -stores
for sale as cheap as can tio bought elsewhere.
John Dyer's mill yard is enormously stock
ed with toga. Umber of all kinds and we
think that Johnney .wdl have to step lively in
order to aecoatOdate all his customers, .-
We have 'it daily mail from Towanda and
New Albany and the wirvices -od Uncle
Samuels faithful agent, Mr. 'D. A. Crandie.
who has been acting as carrier a number of
years are Highly appreciated by aU. Likewise
Iwo boast of as neat a Post Office as is in the
coantrs and an obliging P. M. _ -
Au attempt at suicide last night by a yohog
man whose name is Brack by taking a table
spcsnful of what Dr. Jones , called saturated
laudanum. but by strenuous and persevering
efforts his life was saved and says that he has
changed his mind regarding the effect of
The community sympathize heartily with'
their esteemed friend and tkeighbor George'
Itiehards . Esq., in 01911 loss of biEs little
daughter this morning, by Largagitie we are
informed. ,:, -
Connor Barrett has been despoi l ing the
famous old "shingle -house" on the corner,
having completed his splendid new one and
when we saw the boy tearing off. the 'old time
worn shingles it reminded us of , •
-) •\ • Woodman epee that tree ~ .
• Touch neta single bough -
In youth it sheltered me . •
And I'll protect it now.
. .
• But Con. is strong. Mons Arum
The meeting' yesterday afternoon in the
lecture room of the 31. E. Church. to organize
an auxiliary Constitutional Amendment So
cietr, was not lapel, attended, bat the re
tinas by Mrs. Wittenmyet and others were
spirited and stirring. In the evening Mrs.
W. addressed a large meeting in the Presby
terian church and an"organization was effect
ed, with the following officers:
President—Hon. B. S. Dartt.
Corresponding tieciretary.-0. J. Chubbuck.
Bee. Ser.—S.lP. Warner.
Treasurer—H'¢ my D. Gaylord.—Review.
Mn. WittenOeyer was the guest f or Mrs.
Dr. Pratt while in Towanda. Wednesday
evening she spoke in the HornbroOk IE. E.
Church. .
Present, Pastor
Our Vlnverly eforrespondent writes: "Mr.
Timothy Hireete has small-pox -in its mildest
form. nevertheless a great many people have
been exposed who visited him- during his ill
ness and before the doctors pronounced , it
varioloid. The board of health ' should Teave
nothing undone to prevent the spread. of the
ducat , As yet. it is confined to-South
Want .—Adeertiser. •
Friday; Febrnaay 3, 1832.
TimAy Hireex's CenifilUon.
iourn zircanasza. ,
No.'lLiponmax:—lleautlint eleightag - for
the last two weeksand lop are being piled
into - the mills brae - -
Re are having a good sehoot'again, taught
by MI Thompson: He is a swing teacher
and a good ono. AbiOei singing school of a
high order. Prot. 0.., In Warner. is caPtairt
And abetter one is hard to link .This is his
*lid winter here;:" • ;
Mtpa.Eliza Vendetta and her brother , Alva
have retuined beim, from their visit-•to Now
York Mali., • - .
• ,
Miller tindozer spridned, his shoulder
severely by slall ou Tuesday lut.
Miss Stella Cooper, who hie been • slok so
loig, is able to. sit up three or tour hours
Daring the lust week death Mut made fear
ful ravage, in our town such as 'perhaps wan
never bolero 4nOwn. On the Ildinst., John
atrable lost a habe about three months
old with scarlet fever,—siok only a few days.
On the 2311,glamtielli. Wolcott, aged about
70, harnessed hie
. borse to . go :to - Albans..
went in the house, and sat down and ` in the
not of eating an apple,.spolie to the boy liv
ing with him, to call his son who was 'in the
Other vootn, who 'owns immediately to 'big
assistance but he'
. diod within ten minutes.
He had been down to Athens on Saturday and
was'ipparently in his usnalhealth. - An epi
lepiic fit is supposed to be the cause of death.
George McAffee's wife died on the 26th,
only sick ablut a week—pneumonia of . the
lungs. •
Also same day Carrie, daughter of Thos. B.
Randolph, aged 14 years, 5 months and 20
days, sick a little over one week—abcess in
the bead. Mr. Randolph is deserving of
much iymi.athy iu this sad bereavemept, for
within the last 10 -months they have lost a
babe 3or .4 months old, and an older daugh
ter.. Hattie lay at the point of death for 7 or
.8 months. She is oat of danger now bat is
left a clippie, Perhaps for life. It is with
the greatest difficulty she can get about the
house on crutches. '
Elias Warner an old veteran of Co. H. ID&
N. Y. Cavl. Vols. lays very law and beyond
all possible hopes of ' recovery. He served
over 4years in the late war. Ile came home
with the rheumatism, and has:beau getting
worse froni that time until now. For 3 or 4
years past he haspeen perfectly hapless and
has not been able to feed himself for 2 years,
but has one of the most devoted wife's; who
by her.own industry and hard labor support
ed herself and him too. If eve,' - a Man deserv
ed a pension it is Elias Warner, bat he does
not get it, because he has not been able io
see to it.himself. • .
I promised in my last to give the figures pr
cost of building the two school houses in this
district. The one built last summer
. 24z84,
and was burned down in December cost SAO
contract. It was biillt by James Campbell ':d;
Fred cooper it was in ail respoOts a first-cites
house and filled the contract. This one Was
built by the day, Bowen Munn, School Direc
tor. overseeing the same; he employed Ellphus
Gleason, who is a capital workman and we
think has put up a good house. But as there
is some, dispute with regard to which hens;
waii the Best, and as we have the cost of the
last ono only from hearsay. we will say noth
ing about it, but' we do know that $llO built
us mood a house for the size of it as any
school district back in the country could ask
for. Squis.
Jan.3l, 1882.
Much snow and prospects of more soon
Bien and teams aro scarce—gone to the lnm
her ;Minds. Indeed the Ithubermen are reap
intea rich harvest.
Altra. L. E. Barnum was stirprisel with a
party upolk the eve of her birthday, Friday
night last. . - Quite a;-number of friends were
present until:tad aJtA)leasarit time, visiting,
amble—supper was the order of the occasion.
The preacher received a severe potiuding .
on, Saturday evening fro:li the citizens j ilt
Grange flail. The evening was stormy but
notwithstanding gaits a large company Af.a
in attendance. Au oyster supper was
significant part of the entertainment, bat the.
Pounding—consisting of almost every variety
—of domestic' stuff was a very important •
• ~••
! Sickuest , prevails to an al.3.rtniug, extent)n
our place; Mr. Frank Bailey's oldest (laugh--
ter—Dess— . has been very trek with ypb . oi.l,
fever, is recovering now. ! !Mr..1..
ters . ilang,liter—Nellie-4s also very dos with
typhoid fever-and heart diniculty: It is
rumored that 'diphtherht has appeared in_
one family, their .childreu having been nt-;.
tacked. • Many are 'Sick with c olds, -cramps::
&c. Our place has put. su&red 'mach .
(rum any very- violent 'attacks of disease.
, heretofore and we trust we shall not becom
polled to befiror niuch.uoty. •• CAI:L..
Feb. 6 1.882.
11. Ferguson
It is with a sad heart and a censeiousnees
of my inability to justice to the memory
of our departed Brother. that I otTei this
Jumble tribute to his many virtues. I propose
speak of Brother FerguJou lib as 0.11 Fel-
tow leaving it for ethers more able-to write
his early life and his standing l •with the world
at large. BrotliorlFergusoil united himself
with-the order at an early ago and T 02.13 at
once to the highest? post of honor his lodge
could confer on , him, flepresenLing his
Lodge in the Grand Lodge with credit to his
lodge and honor to himself, and whoa Zion
Ehcampment 235, was instituted at 'Troy,
Feb. 16, 1873, he was one Of the charter mem
bers working "with it as long as it esie,ted at
that place and again joining with stew mem
ber, in restoilng and removing it to Sylvania,
where by his has become a prosper
Encampment and where he was one of
the first to pass the chairs -without a disssnt
tug voice. When any work was to be done
for the good of the order he was ever ready
to assist with his presence; council and aid. 4
have ever found him a hind friend and true
Odd Fellow in the , fullest Sense of the word
and his loss has created a void which' it will
be diflionit to fill without him. . Odd Fellow-
Ghip wag 'not a mere. sentiment but a princi
ple in the duties of every - day life us we it as
in the lodge-room and from his first connec
tion with the order he was a constant attend
cut at the weekly meetings of his lo Igo and
was always ready to perform any duties which
the interests of order required of him. As a
citizen few men eni , )yed inure of the esteem
and respect of the entiro'counnunity than he - . -
With him passed away the useful citizen the
kind indulgtrit husband and the zealous Old
Fellow. Thirty-six years was inscribed upon
his casket. It scents a short life but in God's
wisdom it was long enough to do: that for
which ho had been sent and surely our
Brother, has not lived in vain, but he is gone,
his chair is forever yacautt Let us Brotheis
cherish Ins Memory and stfive to imitate his
many virtues. '= Z. COILSELI..
Conuanna A ROADS.
A $20,00 Bibicat Rimard
The publishers of Butledge's Monthly ib the
prize puzzle department of their Monthly for
February :infer the following easy way for
someone to Make $20.00:
To the person telling us which is the'sliort
est verse' in the Old Testament Scriptures by
February 10, 1882, we wlil give $20.00 in gold
as a prize. The money will bo forwarded to
the winner Febeuary 15, 1882. Those who.try
, or the prize must aend . 2o cents in silver . (no
postage stamps taken) for their answer, for
which they will receive the March number of
the Monthly, in which will be published the
name and address of the winner of the prize,
with the correct,answer thereto. Cut this
out ; it may be worth $20.00 to you. Address
Rutledge Publisiiing Company, Easton, Pa:
Lafayette Nouse,
Corner Second and 11 streets 'Northwest,
near Pennsylvania Avenue.
Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pass
near the door to all parts ores city. Conven.
lent to the depots. This is just the hotel for
Pennsylvanians visiting the National Capital.
,Rooms well furnished, and the cleanest and
' best beds in the city. Table first class.
,Rooms and board from Id to 13' per - day.-
Reduced rates by th 4 week'or month. ,
Late of tho Congriaatonaknotel, Caihtol Lint.
Jan li m it, ,
ZatADFORD COIMICT 4011legre*
ruitiAtr, Boat:arr.
Vtie annual meetingof thetraitordOonnty
Agriccdttwal Society was held at goreurflall
on Idcaday, Febnuay 6th.,
The President called the meet ng o order,
and called fq the reports of the Beerbtary
and Treasurer; - -
The Secretary, if. A. Wilt, thei read the
following thisncild report*t the society.
life membership certificates 831 d. 19 $l9O 00
Annual embete, 127. - ' - 127 00
Admiasio m n tic ka e01k0,0013 1,502 00
Pernaltagranted-4 • _
- 4 A. O. Haverty • , 150 - 50
O. B. Fitch... , • 15 00
A. P. Haverty. O. A. B. Encamp.
latent -
From male of forage... _
From Bradford confity..
Total receipts;-...
Paid for poke service $ 46 50
" IVork and labor.. 167 63
" (late keeper. mutt
assistants 47 50
" Ribbons and •ro•
*cites . .. - 12 97
- " Ilay,grain 'tidier- •
, age 93 58
. Printing, station
- ,ory.diplomas and '
postage 106 40
•i Material and mer•
chandise 72 22
Bent for part of _
ground to Stock
. Company • 80 00
" Wysox , 25.00
4 00
•" Miscellarreons,riot
classified 40 GO
"• Services of See'y. ?5.00
"" 111 13
Premiums.: .
On horses $122 00
Oa cattle; • ' 122 50.
On sbeep ' 39 00
On swine 42 00 -
On wintry ' 16 75
On dairy products.. 83 00
On farm products... 34.50
Oa vegetables 29 00
On fruits 24 50
On, flour add meal... 100
On cannea•and dried 7
fruits and berries. 21'50
On farm-implements 5 00
On manufactured ar
Oa leather
Oa merchandise and
On painting and fan
cy work 17 00
On needlework, etc'.' 53 25
On millinery 3 50
On flowers and
' Blackimithing • .
To t a j eipendi-
10 00
5 00 '
10 Q 0
22 00
3U 50
1 0-$651 50
Net profit on year's business
Paid .on real estate'
Last year the accoants . or the
• Treaaurer were overdrawn.slsl 61
De'duct balance on this year's
Provided all orders were pre
sented and paid. the Society
would be indebted to the
There remains in the hands of the Society
Orders for preininirpi not called tor as follows:
1 60
72 29-$79 79
For 1879...
For 1880...
For 1881: ..
H. B. Morgan reported that his accounts
corresponded with the report of the Secretary
and resolution was adopted that all orders
not called for on or before April Ist, 1882,
would be cancelled and c revert to the Society,
and that hereafter Inle l 2l as ptiblished in
premiam list would be rigidly enforced—said
rule being that "premiums not called for
within three months will be considered as
reverting to the Society for its Use."
The following officers - were elected for the
ensuing sesr:
Pres—J. E. Piollet; Vico Pres—l. A. Park,
B. Laporte, Joseph Townei, M. F. Ransom,
D. Bradford; Secy—Y. Andrew Wilt;- Cor..
Secy—J. H. Codding; Tress—H. B. Morgan;
3lanagers —Geo. 'II. Vandyke, E. J. Easta
breoks, IL D. Morse, Hugh. McCabe, C. L.
Ws:wait, ia.o. li. FOx, Geo. B. Mills, L. J.
Cnlver, A. J.,
On motion it was decided to hold a meeting
in the first week (Allay, 1882.
C4ANDALL —MERRICK—At the Methodis tr.
Epis•Jonal Par:sou:um lliiroutou, Pa., Jan.
, 26, - 1832, by lire. J. Lloyd Jones, Mr. Chas:
L.,Crando.ll, of Tarrytown, and Miss Lucy
J. Sherrick, of Albany; all of Umftford coon
ty,! Pa.
.(Voticks . of deathinseiled free; but when ac
ompaned bit remarks beyond sir lines, either
iii pros El or poetry, say/ addition will be charg
eillar like rale Of-eight cents per tine.' Eight
trordsi - uthe a flue.
N. B. Persons lending obitnaky notices for
publication will please accompany the same
with the pay at the rate of one cent for each
word in excess of forty-eight words.
JONES.-Iu Smithfield; 414.11. 26th, 1832, of
pneumonia, J. L. Jones, aged 65 , years.'
11011IWELL la celeur.bia X Rods,lati.'3o,
ISS2, - of Paeumoda, Pollen P.atlitvell, aged
53 years. r , -
WHEELER—In Blossbnrg, Jan. 14th, after
long illness, Alfred H. Wheeler, aged 53
STRAIT-/u Builingame, Kansas, Jan. 25th,
Satterlee S. Strait formerly of Minnequa,
aged 63 years. -
I.7ition, Jan. 27th of. Diph
theria, Fanny, eldest daughter of Ira and
Esuma Williatn. aged 13 years.
Steel-Plato, and
High Colored
Beautiful Desigiisli
For Ball Programmes !
Invitations L
llusiness Circulitrs !
Call anti Examine.
Reasonable 'Rates.
Job Printing Office,
Reoeipts.and ExpencliO:res of`. Bradford.
' " 7 Expenditures. - " __
. • .
To amount fdid Auditor' • $2ll. 00 I Auditing accounts Prot's and Reg's .
Bridge cantrakte ' 5,050 64 ofdoes ',.. . - $99 00
Bridge repairs ; ' ' ' 2,654 19 Copying Judgment docket. Protle oMee 12 00 • s.'
Bridge views • 127 00 } Newlin k Armstrong, attorneys for i
Bradford Carroty Agricultural Society • 100 00',Bradford co. in two suits for. Brad. •
Constables formaking returns to Cone: • i. - feet Co. for the roduction of the State • .
and attending at elections 801 44 . tai ,- 1,0r.9 54
Assessorss 2,533 97 ' Expenses of Towanda Bridge—plank,
Costs in Conunonwesith suits 4.728.54 i watchmen. lights and repairs . .—.
Counsel to Commissioners :-.. ... ....... . 50 09 Elliott & Watrons, attorneys for Brad.
Crier and Tipster(' of Court • 679 00 . - ford Co, In the suits.of the Towanda
District Attorney ' . - " 400 CO ; Bridge Co, vs. Bradford co. In two
Election expenses ; • • 7,711 4 0 ; • cases at We115b0r0...... ...... .........
Fuel and lights •• -; 1,010 01 i Witnesses' costs and expenses for
Grand jurors -'' ' . K 50 ' 31 f Bradford Co. ar dell in 2 -cases et
Traverse jurors - ; 7,342 92 i w e n s boro 1 4.
i-s - 1.267 G'2
Insurance on public buildings ' 75 00 ; Court costa — ses cost
witns for plain.
Repel rs,hirniture, fixtures and labor OP . ' i, ti ff in 2 cases at Wellabora, Towanda
• public , buildings and grodirds... . 960 70 i Bridge Co. vs:Bradford C 0 ' 2/G6 51
Coroner and Justices bolding inquests _ 2:1 24 i Judgment and-interest from date that
Jury Commissioners and Clerk - 219 481 County took possession of the bridge 21,000 00
!Bankbooks in county °dices t 663 94 ' Davies k Otrnochan„attorneys for
Postage and stationery - -
...4..:.... - 140 G' • Bradford Ce. in 2 snits in Supreme
Public printing
,i'' 7 , 028 6 0 Court andAwa atWellsboro, - Towande
Prisoners'. support In Jail 9 . 764 87 Bridge
Prisoners' support in Penitentiary 7, 344 40 Interest on-judgment from March 24 to -
Sheriff convoying prisoners to peniten'y 671 41 i December 19,1881, at which time the
Prothopotary,Quarters Sessions - fees... • 4 a7 60 i debt and interest was paid
Bent of room —.Troy Court. ' i 110 001 Davies 4 Clrnochan and Davieisk Hall,
Sheriff for summoning Jury..,- . . .... 167 00 i 0 from 1876 to 1881, attorneys fees in
Sheriff fees in Commonwcalthanfts..., 144 98 1 f Bradford county Court
Tax refunded ., , - 138 411 Dividing townships arid boroughs into _
Wild cat certiihiates • .
13 75 election districts 147'00
Making` duplicates, etc.., - 75 00 ! Dr. C. K. Ladd, jail physician - 50 00
Stenographer of Court • - ; 1,217 82' Sheriffa' proclamations 00 00 '
Bounty for return of stolen h0r5e5....58 80 Daniel Bradford, County Commisioner 590 00
Insurance on Towanda Bridge I • 7 8 0 0 0 J. W. Hurst, County Commissioner... OM 00
Damages for loss of sheep by dogs WPM) , 842 41 i M. F. Ransom, County Commissioner. 596 00
State Lunatic Asylum ~ 102 91 ' Witham Lewis, Clerk ' 1,100 00
Copying indexes, Register's Office.... 224 Op ;
; i Total _ - -
. -15 OD
5 00
t 100 00
To amount paid for completing the
Poor Howie and constructing Insane
Hospital ' $13,603 36
Stock an I labor... - . H
..... 1,470 19
Fixtures and furnishing Insane ospl
tal • 1,519 42
Maintenance 7.540 66
Outdoor relief • 1,260,20
Support of , poor insane in•lunatic hos
, pitals
TransportatiOn of poor .. r
Transportation of poor insane, fro m
narrhiburg.'Danville and Warren lu
natic hospitals to County House
Dr. C. W. Carper, Poor-House physi
A. Cornell, Superintendent.'
Tax on loans, Poor. House bonds
0.483 43 61;433.43
$ 621 07
. 500 00
121 07
.. 121 07
$ 33 57
, . .
AND i . OF - -
• . T 1 1-
: . . . ..g • t -5
. .
•• . . •. Y ..
=: 5 =
174 301 158 15 713
Armenia T D.D.Alexander ~ 740 , 20 624 co . 275
Asylum 'T F. D. &erect .. ~,,,,,, 76 1 on 00 114 23
Athens B ••C. W. Canfield.. r 42 G o 1774 12 55 17
Athens T
Dunham -• • 1 ,5 8 1 367 o; 10 00
Albany T ...... .. W. 1,. Kenyon:. ••••
180 57; 04 28 1 :g1
Albs B S. Miller.... 20 .2, 2
0 ,,,, 2 o , 05, 0 53
Barclay .T
'' r. " 671 81 627,39 14 40
Purlington T... 0. S. Travis 5 . 2 s 34. 4,7 C' 4
.0 .
Burlington W.. J. A. Phillips..; .„„ 0 . 2
, „ 2 25 2 82
Burlington 8...']1. S. Douglass. ''''''
1173 L,i 1093 45 21 24
Canton T ..... ..,S. Ayers-- •• • • 5 . 22 ssi, 607 9 211
Canton B CiT.C. Sechrist..,
1251 43; 1186 12 289
Columbia T L. MeClnre ••• • • 410 97; 348 91 359
Franklin T .8. McKee ....... 77 1' 22 - 731 27, •5 46
Granville T 'W. S. Packard .. 535 „ 6 607 421 2 2 5 1
lle lck T .•B. F. Rogers... 82 „ 68: 778 79. 30 00 ,
u - hileld T ...: W. H. Carmer.. ~0 0 0 - C 59 44 6 12'
1 Le oy T
L. A. Wooster.. 2,, '... 1 '.
,„, 4 60, 4 421
f i e ysville 8... E. H. Codding.. , 7 , 24 51. 682 20 5 381
Monroe T........;-"r* A. Kellogg 176 22' 166 40' 581
Monroe 9 ..... .. D. B. Monett.. '.. 4 g, 45 43 15 1 014
New Albanyl3,... Geo. Wi1c0x...., (0‘ . 4 90 960 50 4a3
Orvvell T ..A. A. Allyn ..•• •1 ..,15 80 20' 93 46 16 . 1 . ;
...( I
Overton T .1 ,W. Sick
112'2 51; 1061 .i, .. .8.
Pike T... -' 51. E. Beecher .. g o 22 2 91, 30j
Rome 'T CPebn .31. B
Irn•Winkle; ry T...•' .C. r0wn...., 725 77 259 7 22 1
27 94
92 51 55;
Rome 8..._ B. G. 'Wilmot ~ .1
' 1 4 28 o'2' 1164 74 ; 1 081
Stteshequi T..- , Geo. Childs
141v,i17, 1332 69, 35 4,,
Smithfield 8..• • il. Phelps 463 70 419 051 22 64
80. Waverly 8... 5.1 Westbrook... 686 7 ,4 , 573 70: 2 83 1
South Creek T.. 'Geo. Jenkins... 3 2 4 8 86 1179 40 1 8 41!
Springfield T. lA. G. Ballyl
559 87'; 523 00 5 loi
Stand. Stone T.. 'IF. J. Kingsley..
111 31; 105 51 22.1
Sylvania B ;M. R.' &oaten.. 3024 5074,m1 924 57 04
Towanda B ..... ,A. Wickham ...• 3 .._ 26' 1 309 82 3 631
Towanda Nor. T. C. Clancy 41
661 51
4101 40 1 28 44, 1
Towanda T.. - ...;F. W• Fisher.. •
Troy B N 1 J. Stewart.— 1129 01 , 1058.30 14 01!
5319 95: 1216 1 2 S 5 971
Troy T... 1 11. N. Elsh .... • • i •;25 034 5 , 2 17 52 -
Tuscarora T.... 3. Clapper '',
479 - 52 , 445 501 10 58 ,
Terry T.. 'B. Bowman 714 07{ 075 1 .52 3 20 i
Ulster T G. Bartholomew -
1061 92 1005 421 6 5 4 ,
Warren T..... : . 1W.,,P-, 8 8 4 07 .8. _ext-• • • 902 794 8:.'.2 481 3 - 451
Weak T
859 99 812 33 4 91 1
Wi1in0tT........0 D .. Toneterracinb...• 530 551 491) 301 34 451
Winakem T 'O. G. Hill ..... .., 007 7.6.: 876 44 15 141
Wyse:. T —E. B. Bisho p . '" 1067 951 006 01 18 541
wy&kus jug r....,J.W.Chamberlini__,_,
To amount balance. in Treaeuri from : By amount exonerated to Collectors
last report • 522,597 18 for year 1881..
Duplicates for 1861, including re-as- • ' .1 Percentage of Collectors for year 18SI
sesaments 37,353 56. Bapt. Ryan, Teachers' Institute •
Received from late'lleaaurer William 1 Interest on County loan
Bunyan / ' . 2,147 001 Orders redeemed during year 1881...
County tax received on returned lands 6400 k Treaeurer's commission 1 per cent.
Incidental receivals ' - 122 001 on 836.95266
Fine received from George Young.... 25 00, Treasurer's commission 2 per cent ,
County loan ... ' : 10.000 001 on $73.803 76
Overdraft at Citizens National Bank.: 6,000 00. Balance in Treasury Jan. 2. 1882
1178,308 821 Total
TO amount balance in Treasury from
last report •
Duplicates for'year 1881
Poor• tax received on returned lands.
Cub received froni.Bupt. Poor•Honso
Cash received from Asa Forrest....
Cash received on Poor District bond
We the undersigned; Commissioners of said County. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true find correet statement of the receivals and expenditures of the said County. and of the Poor
District which it composes, from the first day of ! January. A. D., 1881, to the thirty.drst day of
December, A. D. 1881, both days inclusive.
Witten, our hands and official seal at Towanda, Penna., this . lBth day of January, A. D. 1882. .
MYRON KINGSLEY. ) Cammissioneri.
da, Pa
Annual Statement
From January 1 to Deceniber. 3.1,:18$1.
1 a
a s ~ e
~„L < <
I! John 11. Grant, Treasurer, in Account With the County of Bradford.
John B. Grant; Treasurer in Le - count With Bradford County Poor District.
Total ,
Attest: WILLIAII LEWIS, Clerk.
, We. the undersigned, Auditors of said :County, do hereby certify that we hail, examined the
foregoing statement and the vouchers for the items therein - contained, and fins them to be
correct. ...
C. P. WELLES. s.
JOS. T. BE3TED,I Auditors.
Couuniasioner's °Mee, January 18, 1882
statement of Indebtedness of Bradford County and el Bradford
County Poor. District as of January 2, 18101 _
County Loan for 1881
Overdraft for 1881....
Less cash in Trhsanrianuary 2,1882
Bonds issued for 1880.
Bonds issued for 'lBBl.
LO3l cash' in Treaspxy January 2.188`2
Total Actual Itidebtedaess as of Janiary 3, 1882
Poor District • ,
Attest: 'WILLIAM LEFIS. Clerk.
Great chanco to e money .-! THE POPULAR CORNER
Tose who always advantage
liof the good chances • for making) - .
money that are offered, generally become wealthy, GEO. L;ROSS •
witlinthose who do not improve such chances re- . 9
main in poverty..,..-We want many men, women,
boys and girls to work for us -right in their own : nu tiliel up tho old MONTAHrE STORE With
localities. Any one can do the work-properly' a tall and complete stock of PRESII -
from the start. 'The business will pay more than '
ten times ordinary wages. 'Expensive outfit fur- 1 GROCERIES-AND PROVISIONS
wished tree. lio one ,who engages falls to make s
money rapidly. • You can devote your whole Was PRICES AS LOWAS SHE LOWEST•
to the work, or iOnly your spare moments. Full •
information and all that is needed sent free.
Address, El*mos & Co., Portland, Maine,
Dec 15-Iyr
ORNAMENTAL JOB P,'RINTING 1 Ge V o s .T.T.r. rifki i "nd u s P irrrod ot tial th ataksalgiattl i ebel,
s gp ecialty at the Esl , vaijeAs e w e . • change for goods or for cuh.
- -
Or THZ---"-----
By amount of farming Ampleinents. %stock,
Quin and provisions on hand on tho let of Jan.
nary, 1882
2 setts double harness, $4O; 1 platform • -
wagon, $7O; 4 manure lorits, $230; 3
setts whiMetrees, $6; 2 grails-scythes,
$3 ; 1 bulb-acythe, $2.25;2 cultivators.
$1.4; 1 corn plow, $3: picks, post-walk
and oz.yoke, $4.50; five hogs, $4O; 2
lumber wagons, $95; 40 bulbs!. tur- •
nips, $lO, 20 of beets It 20 of onions
$ 'X, 400 of potatoes $400;1 churn and
power $35; i platform scales, $l3; 2
hbls. corned beef $3O; 3 of pork $63, e'! 7
of cider, $18; 1 wheelrake, $25; 200
bush. wheat $280; 600 of corn. $200; -
25 of buckwheat, $25; 150 of oats, $75;
1 Eureka Mower, $75; 500 feet , fenci,
boards, 150 posts; $12.50; 1 fanning 4
mill, $3O; 1 corn-sheller. *6; 0 hoes—
handrakes, pitchforks, etc.,; 1
keg wrought nails, $6; 3 grain cra
dies, $7.50; 3 ploys. $18; 1 single har
ness, $10; 2 drags; $35; 1 grain -drill,
$eZ; 1 field-roller, $28;1 oz-cart, $10;
2 pairs bobsleds. $5O; 2 cues men's
and boys' boots, $6O 9 pairsiwomen's
shoes, $13.50; 9 coat s,-7 parrs pants
ands vests, $65.25; 20 cows. $600; 5
two-year-old steers. $150; 3 carves, •
$30.4 horses. $700: 65 tons hay, $650;
cornstalks, $5O; 2501b5. of butter,s7s;
300 of tobacco, $36; medicine in the
pharmacy, $2OO $4,523 40
135 LA
'4lO 43
a3O 00
600 00
160 00
$23,0,8 841
Total valuation....
State and Poor Tax. l I
. .7_._
• Count Fon viz YEAR ISSI. I rot: TREYtAz PAL -
• • '1 : - i -
37353 5 , 31594 50 033 32
By amount exonerated to Collectors
, tor year 1881...
Percentage of Collectors for. year 1881
Interest on bonds
Orders redeemed during year 1881....
:17 41' Tressurer's commission, 1 per cent on
13 0O $20.547 73
10.000 00 Tressurer'ecommission,2per cant on
83(023 s 4
Balance in Treasury Jan. 2, 1882
$959 - 30_ ,
21,802 48;
1 51
$33,035 c: Total
Call bare for your Groceries. After Ton get
.1 prices at Goss' it will be of no use to try elec
t where for his prices are down to rock bottoms.
7 L
• r
. 0
1 , • 4.
;:s 1 t • • 1 .e..
a t
- •
. , 0 • 0
i -
32;' 103 70 94 09 $t 35, S 4 93
36 331 434 511 407.29 5..78 j ` 21 44 -
42 8.! 586 36' 4 6 7 32' 91 44 24 Co •
93 37j 1136 77. 1036 3 , 3 21 79 5 5 69
19 37' 235 28. 231 86 171 11 Ga
t9l I 56 '361 53 51 282
•30 6. 538 46 1 312.25 176 213 56 - 01
:13 398 32, 372 36- 6 19 rAI
2cl 1 9 , ; :115 .53. 1 1 3 1 17' 15 73
•491 , 3510 1 .. 5235 , 375 -
37"86 1 ces cll'ts4 . P3 - 34 43
2638;,31771' 360 63 1 2 1- 15 82
62 42 ; '741 751 709 Ti .1 62 37 ;91
' 20 40 I 240 92 1 22733. 163 11 9 ,1
38 4*, 451 54: 423 22' 289 2 . 1 4 3
26 GRA qp fe , 294 42r3 1 (10 15 47
40.98.49:1 78", 462 25 - , 721 ni 32
34 711 I 417 13' 393 2 4#.5j 20
I 1253'1. 132 46: 123 73 -11 i s 62
i 35 91 427 31' 403 OG ` 364 21 21
i • 8 'DC 100 9.0 i 95 53 34. 03
227'.,' 27 343 25 40 "54 734 •
.47 39 351 05. 530 70 2 42' 27 93
10 94'1 158 53' 124 41 27 •u 9, 6 65.
55 83 , I 653 3Q 620 97, 172 22 GB _
43 31 1 .1 516 72 488 35 266 23 7 0
!. 35 92: 432 80" 403 79 5&; 21 35
487 I 57 43" 54 27 31 283
I 61. 30 , 1 731 CZ 594 15 97 3 ,7 53
70 11; 817 08; '768 78. 7 2.14' 4 ,, 47
1 - 22 06 • 2 6 7 09: 241 48, 975 1. 1 0 , 7
30 . 19, 359 8.5`, 341 10' —79 1 7 , 5 •
62 02: ! 746 13 ' 703 250 37 It.i .
1 27 60-, 332 31: 312 80 1 a l6 41
55.i' 91' eo 11!..!. J... 320
151 67,, 5766 08 1615 63' 33.83. SG-6 0
16 31:: 7 -196 55 1 18456 27 47
,9 72
31 373 61 339 94; :1 6 53 . 17
55.70,] 362 11 333 06', - 8 40 27 CA
35 60:: 787 73' 744 611 35 2 31 20
31 03 372 54; • 349 33' 3 13. 18 34"
2:1 43' 279 021 239 18' 620 13 64 •
35 55;i 419 46: 397 30, 123
. 23 91
52 S 2 1:31 66 597 50 272 31 44
41 f5;535 47. 505 721 313 26 62
25 80, 314 80' 291 93. 7 48, 15 37
42 71r; 493 45 468 17j 264 54
46 13': 345 00. 511 0 1 / 1 6 16. 2,7 94
52 47i r 605 3.3 564 81. 10 84 29 73
1820 61; %11802 48 20223 17 , 515 00 $lO5l 31
~ ~ 4
1,215 00
4:l''/ 15
81 013
.112,663 16
1"a rued at
. SIAN 40
, to
$934 32
1,820 C 4;
200 CO
230 00
2.023 70
1,480 C
.. $78,0-2
$515 00
I,OGS 31
2;2.10 GO
214,GeN 3.1
203 47
MG 57
> 3 75 46
$33,095 65
. 6,000 00
683 89
$15,314 11
$40,000 00
10,000 00
350,000 00
375 4G
$15,314 11
... 49.624 54
$64,933 6•