THE REPUBLICAN. JUDSON HOLCOMB., rsonutran - s. CHAS. L. TRACY, - - - _ J tiPSON ROLCOMB • *ton "Reasonable taxes, honest expenditures, com petent officers, and no stealing.„!— Harper Weekly. =I a. Di Bred 11.11i1Pcat _oll.lee at Towsstds as Oc0:19 cLASS' xh.rits. THITPHPAY, FEB. 9. 1882. BEP UDL/CA U 371: COMMITTEE "rO7l 1882. Cu.twt..vs--W. J . ...Y0n:0, Towanda. Alba—George H. Webb. Albany— Armenia— Asykui—A. L.-Magmas. Athens Boro,lit Ward—Dr. RiclielL " 2nd Ward--Geo. E. Davi& Athens Twp.,lst District—Frank S Morley 2ad District— -; 3rd District--Clarence Blood Barclay—C. H. Johns On. Burlington Twp—T. L. Morgan. Burlington Boro—C. A. Ford. Burlington, West—lsaac McKean. Canton Twp—Daniel lance Canton Boro—F z . A. Owen. Cohambii—James H. Strong. • Franklin—H. B. Kilborn. Granville— Herrick—Henry Blocher. ' Lellaysville—Geo. W. Brink. Leßoy—Leßoy Holcomb. Litchfield--Chester McKinney. 2 Monroe Boro—H. W. Rockwell, " Tap--J. D. Cummings. New Albany—Daniel Brown. Orwell—Wm. Pickering. Overton—A. Strevey. - Pike—M. F. Warner. Ridgebury—E. A. Cooper. Rome Boro—Llexabder Keefe. Twp— Sheshequin—U. E. Horton. Smithfield—E. E. Chamberlin. South Creek—S. B. Pettengill, • • Santh Waverly -7 - I • Springfield—Finlc c Hubbard. Standing Stone— . lvania— - Terry-4. H. Schoonover. Towanda Bora., Jet Ward—l. AcPherson. - • 1 2nd Ward—C. H. Allen. " • 3rd Ward-L. Elsbree. Towanda Turn—Geo. 11. Fox. Towanda, Noith—D. T. Foster. ' Troy Boro-0. P. -Adams. " Verbeck. Tuscarora—William Shumway. Ulster—G. B. Rockwell. .Warren—Howell Howell. - H. Grinnell. •, Wilmot—Geo. F. Ingham. Windham-4T. E. Weller. Wyalusing7James Donahoe. Wysox-84 J. Boss. The names for several,distriets have not yet been handed to the chairman by the dele gates. They are requested to do so at- their . earliest leonvenience. .*. PENNSYLVANIA ItEPUBLI- CANIS-V. While the battle' has been fierce between the advocates and defenders of popular tights on the one hand and the promoters of personal po lit- ical rule on: the other, in the Repub- 'heart party of Penrisylvauia, the signs of the time are auspicious of good results. The advocates of cer- tain reforms within the organization, having relation especially to the pm- tection of the masses of the party in the assertion of their judgment, pri marily, in respect tp the choice of candidates for nomination ) , have made their influence felt for good, as is already manifest in the action of several of the county 'committees o the - party in various sectias of the State. In respon§er:to the demand of ~ t he reform element that the people sh'ould be heard in the choice of del- egates to the coming State Conven tion, the committees, instead ofas suming to name a side-pocket ;dele gation who could be used there as a machine in the interest of personal rule, have uniforMly, thus far, called delegate conventions in their re spective counties for the election of delegates to the State :Convention. So much, then, has been accom plished by the reform movement in the interest of popular rights. But the work shoal not stop here. The delegates to the Slate Convention should be chosen from the best and most 'worthy men; who will exert _their influence in carrying forward the work of party reform. They should be instructed to support the adoption of a rule for the govern ment of the State Committee in call ing future State Conventions, pro- thibitinn fixing of an earlier time o than the first of August, except in ' the year of Presidential nomination. The convention of. the party should also, by resolution! ? formally accept the ruling of the last National Con vention, in respect to the right of representation` by Congression i al dis tricts; as the rule of the party in Pennsylvania. The right, of the State Convention to elect and in stinct the Senatorial delegates is Un questioned, brit its right to name the repreientative delegates and bind themlto vote as a unit is sternly. re slated —and denied. The National Convention at Chicago 'practically . settled the latter by the adoption of a resolution asserting the principle :. of district representa- I tion as' the rule of the party. - The friends of popular rights in our ap proaching State Convention should, in furtherance of their reform move ment, see to it that our State Con— vention formally accepts the rule adopted at Chicago as the rule of the party in Pennsylvania. The newspapers of Washington of both parties; all sing, the Es= tune. The come and vindictive -at tacks fulminated through their col umns upon every departmental offi cer who attempt to administer his executive duties in • the interest of publiothonesty and economy is a (*- pace to American journalism. They ,defend the combinations of ring thieves, and attempt to blacken the personal character of every public officer who interposes his official power to put a stop to their ergot- ized methods of plunder. No honest official escapes their vile attacks ; and their praise luzs come to be regarded as a reflection upon the integrity of, men in public position. WASIII - xGroy LETTER. , Editorial Corresjiondenee.. SNOW TEN MOM DEEP, , covers the ground here and at points south as far as Richmond; - It- com menced falling at abOut four o'clock on Saturday morning last and eontiu ed throughout the day until late in the evening, closing up with a strong gale of wind and drifting the snow in heaps in exposed places. A , more seyere storm is seldom known in northern • I Pennsylvania than that which prevail ed here on Saturday. The street cars were for a time completely blockaded. We saw on Saturday, the snow plows used tiy the street ,railway company for cleaning their tracks,' at work'drawn by teams of eight horses each—four pairs. Each plow threw off the snow to the full width of the track. They pas.sed twice over the two tracks in opposite 'directions, leaving them. com paratively clean, so that on Sunday the cars ran as usual. A SLEIGMNG CAIINTCAL. The sleighing yesterday was excel lent. All Washington seemed to be enjoying it. Grand old Pennsylvania Avenue on Sunday afternoon present ed a perfect sleighing carnival. - The broad -avenues and streets of Washing ton afford a fine opportunity for show ing off style in grand turnouts. ;'Yes terday's fine sleighing was an inviting opportunity for pleasure. The young fellows each with his best girl were ou:, with the finest rigs to be had in the city. The way they drove and flew along the broad thoroughfare regard less of safety, to themselves or others, showed that they regarded the bliss ful enjoyment of present moment as all the 'world to them. , A . SERIOUSFME. The Jefferson School building; _ tee} at Sixth Street and Virginia Avenue one of the largest, if not the largest school brilding in the city was burned early on Saturday morning last. It was a graded public school, and the building, was capable of accommodating nearly 2,ooo_Fholars. The average attendance was about 1500. The building cost $125,000, and itsdestruc tion is a severe loss to . the and especially to the educational interest. rortunately the fire did not occur while the schools were in session. Had it done so great loss of life would prob. ably ensued. • THE SHIMAILIS FUNDDIG BILL passed the Senate on Friday afternoon, by the decisive vote of yeas 38 nays 20. The struggle over this bill, known as "Sherman's 3 per cent. ' funding bill" has occupied the attention of the &m -ete for six weeks. It has been so much changed in many important, featvres, but still retaining the three per cent. clause ‘ that, as passed, it would hardly _ - know its own father. TflE 0401 FIELD 31.E3IORIAL SERVICES. The Formal Arrangements for the Ceremonies at the Capitol on the 27th will be as follows: The Capitol will be closed on the morning of the 27th instant io all ex l dept the members and officers of Con gress. At 10 o'clock the doors leading to the rotunda will be opened to , those to whom" invitations have been - extended, under the joint resolution of Congress, by the presiding officers of the two Houses, and to those holding tickets of admission to the galleries, issued by the chairman of the joint committee of arrangements. - The doorkeepers will have impera tive orders to admit no one •before 10 o'clock, except Members of Congress, and no one after that hour who does not exhibit either a letter of invitation or a ticket of admission. The hall of the House of Represenu tatives - will be Opened, for the ~admis, sion of Representatives and t,,1 those who have invitations extended to them, who will be Conducted to the seats assigned to them, as follows: The President and ,ex-Presidents of the United States will be seattd in front of the Speaker's table. I 1 • The. [Chief justice and 'associate justices of the Supreme Court oc cupy seats next to the Presid nt and ex-Presidents, on the right of the Speaker's table. The Cabinet officem.with the diplo matic corps, will occupy seats ,next to the President and ex presidents, on the left of the Speaker's. ttable. The General of the Army and Ad— miral of the Navy, and such officers of the Army and Navy"' who, by name, have received the thanks of Congress, will occupy seats next to the Supreme Courn the right of -the Speaker's The chief justice and judge of _the Court of Claims and the chief justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia will occupxleats directly in the rear of the Supreme - court. Ex-Vice-Presidents, and- Senators will occupy seats in the secOnd, third fourth and : fifth rows, on east side of main aiSle. Representatives will occupy seats on west side of !main aisle and rear of Senators on east side. Assistant heads of deriartments, Governors of States and Territories and invited guests will occupy seats in rear of Representatives. _ The Executife gallery will be re served exclusively for the invited guests of the President and families of the Cabinet.. Tickets thereto will be delivered to the private secretary of the President. The diplomatic gallery will be re served exclueively for - the families of the members of the 4iplomatic corps, who will be provided with tickets of admission by the Secretary of State... The reporters' gallery wiU be reserv ed exclusively for the use of the report era of the press. Tickets thereto will be delivered to the press committee for distribution. The officers of the Senate and of the House wilioce4y the - reporters' desk • in front of the` clerk's table, The galleries on 'either side Of the • hall will be reserved for ladies and 47 7; E A" A 2 f:tl 4l4l F saLri 0441. gentlemen. accompanying them, pro- 302 - - arig: ° , 2 nr D A N . I r lf il4V vided with tickets, until 11:30 o'clock. w4 B 4 ll satoi r • -• • Theother galleries -will be thrown( open at 10:30 . a. u.,to ticket holders, who will enter.the'Capitol by - the. east door . of • tbe House wing. The House of Representatives will be called to order -by the Speaker at 12 o'clock. The Marine band will . be' in- atten , dance and perform appropriate MusiC l The Senate will.assemble at 12 o'clock, and soon thereafter will proceed to the hall of the House of Representa tives and take the seats reserved for them. . ' • The - diplomatic corps will meet at_ 11:30 in members' Hall, 'and, be con ducted by the sergeant-at-arms of the Horse to the seats assigned 'them. The President pro teinpord will oc cupy the Speaker's chair. • The Speaker of the 'House will oc cupy a seat at his left. The chaplains of the - Senaie and the House will occupy seats on ithe right and left of the presiding officers of their respective Houses. The orator of the day will occupy a seat at the table of the clerk of the House. The chairman of the Joint Commit tee of Arrangements will occupy seats at the right and left , of the orator, and next to them will be,seated the secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House. The other officers of the 'Senate and of the House will occupy seats on the floor at the right and the left of the Speaker's platform. „! Alh being in readiness; - the Hon. David Davis, President of the Senate pro tam pore, will call the two Houses of C o ngress to order. - Prayer will be offered by the, Rev. F: D. Power ; ;chaplain of the House of Representatives.' The presiding officer will then pre sent the Hen. James G. Blaine, who will deliver the memorial, address. _ The benediction will be pronounced by the Rev. J. J. Bullock, chaplain of the Senate. - On the conclusion of the benediction, the Senate will return to the Senate chamber. - The architect of the Capitol and the sergeant-at-arms of the Senate and sergeant-at-arms of the, House are charged with the execution of these loca arrangements. OUITEAV SU:FENCED. . Arguments on the motion -of the defence for a new trial were heard by Judge Cox on Friday last. The Court reserved its ruling until i Saturday mor ning. At ten o'clock on Saturday morning the court was again called and' the piisoner brought in, when Judge' Cox overruled the motion. The prose cution then moved for the sentence of. the ,prisoner; and the. Judge passed the centence that he be hanged by the neck on Friday the 30th day of - June next until dead. - J. H. The following is the gall for the, re lief of Noble N. BettS, tleazer T. Fox, and Charles M.. Manville, sureties of Stephen W; A.Word. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repmentat: ves of the United States of America in Congress: assembled, That, the proper accounting officer of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and, required to, al low in the settlement of the accounts of Stephen W. Alvoni, late postmaster at Towanda, Pennsylvania, the sum, of two hundred and fifty•seven dollars and eighty cents, for the benefit of his sureties; the same being money dis bursed by said Alvord or the Post- Office Department, and which was not credited to hii account by reason of his failure to file-in time proper vouchers therefor. Ina recent interview ,hy a P.hila Pres;l reporter, Hon. GalushaH A Grow is reported - as having said " don't know who will be nominated - for Governor or any other office. I'm not in politics, and when I'm not in politics I can't think about: lam too busy with my business to give any to party affairs. - I came down' here - on a purely business errand, and my presence in the city has no political significance whatever. I have nothing to say to you.! Say ing which the ex-Speaker brushed away two or three more imaginary tbumble-bees; and beat hasty retreat to the elevator.'- The we.scern people seem thoroughly aroused on the subject of , the abolition of polygamy, and ire calling upon Congress to take such action as the exigency of the situation requires. If there is --less visible excitement in, the east the feeling, 'as regards this, , question is no less earnest. Here, as elsewhere 'public - opinion is strongly opposed to any kurdier tempdrizing with this question, and demands that thd government-of the United States should enforeei the laws which have, much to our discredit, so long been a dead letter onlh e statue-hooks. We say down withlt. The New York monopolists have seen seized with a fresh fit of the mint fever, and want the national Mint re- moved from Philadelphia to New York, to be followed as a matter of course by the abolition. of , all the other branch mints ;and assay offices. It is a won der that these monopOlists do' - not try to abolish the Custoni-house at Balti more, Philadelphia 'and Boston, and concentrate all their, business at New York, as being the only port fit for the transaction of foreign commerce.-- Phila. North AmeriCan. A Springfield 111, man has sent $l,OOO to the &ate Journal; as the foundation of a fund to reinnniate the Guiteau jury for their, loss of time, and as a recognition of their righteous verdict. And an enterprising tailor in Atehinson, Kan., advertises his husitiess by mak ing a suit of clothes for each of the I dozen. . MEE :Wes wren. FebruarY4 At a momentigiait . ,teu.o'elockthe prisoner ace; broughtin ' . and took: be seat at tbe cennsel table,and the court was then formally opened.' ` , • Mr. - Seri vitt!) stated that het,had,received reliable tufotinatiothet Cartis was not. one of the. Willits in' ahargs'ol the 'jury at the time the Evening Critic was taken from the room by Snyder, but a man named Sheir was in charge; that hekpew about the paper, and that he communicated 'With a Peng:44 whom he. (Scoville) could . aaq asn witness, that the fact us to that paper came out ho would hive to lump the town." . Mr. Scoville raid that he [nerdy men tioned this to show the - importance', of the court entering into some 'examiner lion. ' The; District Attorney protested against the case being 'postponed on ea' count of any anonymous letter which• Mr. Scoville might receive. It would be highly improper for the Court to go into any examination of the matter, Curtis had sworn that he was the bailiff and the jurora had sworn to the same fact. It would not be proper' to 'put them on , trial. itTDOE COSTS DECISION. ' JudgriCox then, proceeded to render his decisiOn, which was listened to at- tentively from beginning to end. He , said that the motion to set aside the verdict and- grant a new trial had been based on various grounds, may two of which were made the subjects Hof discus sion and need to be cousidered. by the Court._ !the first groundi in substance was that certain newspaPer Matter calcu,- 1 lated; to prejudice the min I of the jury against the prisoner was founfpi one of the - rooms assigned to the jury and passed' under their - examination and in spection. The first testimoui relied upon in support ot this alleged ground was the affidavit of Snyder to.the 'effect that a certain paper was found by him in one of the rooms occupied by the jury. To the mere fact that _in the lib-. seuce - of the jury a paper, of whatever character, was found in the vacant room, the Court could , attach no signifi cance or weight, for the reason that it was -within the power of anybody to place the paper there. It was within the power of any friend of the prisoner to do 80. It was in the power of the affiant himself - to ; do so: He might have placed it there and. afterward folind it, and that fact would not be inconsistent with the truth of the affidavit. As for the handwriting there were circumstan ces that made it, improbable that the jurors w -etc their names on the paper. The jurors swore that -they did not do so and that -no such paper was in the room at all. They -swore that they bad not read any paper. Be had not the slightest ground for suppecting the in tegrity or veracity of these gentlemen; who made this statement. SO far as the db-covery of new evidence is concerned, the evidence to be introduced is as to the prisoner's manner and appearance i prior to the assassination. , If there had been no evidence introduced upon this Subject, there might :be some force in the request; bat a dozen or more , wit nesses testified on the trial es to his manner ;and appearance covering the period of time from March until the commission of the act. The evidence now sought. Or be introduced would be merely cumulative and would not affect the verdict.' It was further alleged that the &duke might be able to piove that one of the expert witnesses had admitted since the trial that his opinion vao dif lerent from-that which he had Oven at the trial. It was a general rule that 'newly-discovered evidence going to im peach a witness was not a ground for a new trial under any circumstances, but least of all when it went to adinissimis of a witness tlfter the couelusien of ,the trial. That would place it in the po..ver of any witness to ' set aide a ver iict founded upon his own testimony after the trial was over ; ; No evidence of 'Hut kiiKkeonld be considered by the Court in regard to a new trial. He had' con sidered all tee matters which had been prefiented and was compelled to overrule the motion for a new trial. Mi.L. Scoville noted an 'exception to the ruling of the. Court. Mr. Scoville then stated that he un derstoed, under section 845 of the ed statutes, that he-had until the next term to - file - his bill of exceptions. The Court.' No, not exactly that. There, is no particular time fixed 'for prepariug the exceptions. The term will be kept open. - _ " Mr. Scoville. - How tong will I have? The Court. The term will he kept open is long ua you desire. The _Prt-over. I don't desire any advantage shall be taken of me. I' ex- pest' to have my lawyers pioeured in ten days and they will conic and take hold and pull me through in the court in • • bane. '..-- Alr.:l3e . ovine. I have till the first- o March to MR my bill of exceptibus? The Court. • Yes. COUNSEL AND PRISONEB, C4,LSII. Mr. Scoville. can do it in a week I (To the prisoner,). Keep quiet. The prisoner (violently). I am going . to talk, too, and I don't propose to leave this matter, to you. I have, my opinion' of you as a lawyer. You have been do ing well, but your theory is wrong. lour theory is too small. You convict-. ed me with your jackass theories and consummate nonsense. - I don't propose to have your theory , prevail. (To' the bailiffs, who were endeavoring to 124)- 1 puss him). I will not be still for you nor for anybody else. Mr. Scoville. I move to postpone the find execution of lodgment in this case to a reasonable time beyond the next term of court, not exceeding thirty days after the end of atria term. The prisoner. Do I underatend that it is necessary to pass sentence until ,the matter is passed upon by the Court of bane? The Court: Yes, soutanes is , passed; but the execution is deferrad. The prisoner. Within what timo . will yoritHouor pass sentence? , Mr. Scoville (angrily). Keep quiet.. The prisoner (wildly). You keep your mouth still, I am doing this Mat ter myself. You eonvictAid me by your wild theory and , '" ednisithamate asinine ehoec4ar all through: Xt the ease had been kept entirely !May from you I would have had two of the best lawyers in America, and there would have been 110 000,i0i1011. I have letters from them msd could have had them last Ckstober. • "1:•_:"! trare nOthiiii4bottt one . 10 ohm" 'want brains: not - , ace. Xonr intentions-irere'bityoware elect in brain* acid - theory. - Let ins alone and .I oat of this. Yon got nhe into this trotible. The pistriets,,Aom ia?" Thof4otY - is now imposed Ilion* to asi.the.Cloart tO 'piss sentence in iccor4ande with the ' verdict.- . • • The prisoner4--komti 'Yopr notOr to defer that aslong as rop*4-: Theltocit (to;the prisoner j. Stand I* (The , prisoner trose.l- Bave you anything to say why sentem should not be i pronounced? •amtrisau's immicv i3P22CIEL The prisoner/ Ism not guilty Of the charge set forth in tbe indictment. ,It was God's act dot' mine. and God will take cskire of it.'and.don't let the Ameri can people forget it: ',He will take care Of it and every officer' of this govern ment, tromp the Executive down to that Marshal, in every man on that jury antevery member of this bench, will fay for it, and the Ameriern nation will roll in i blood if my body goes into the gronna and tam hung. The Jews put the *despised Galilean into the grave. For the time. tbey triumphed; but at the destruction of Jerusalem, forty years afterwards, the Almighty got even with them. lam net afraid of death. lam here as God's man. Kill me to-morrow if you want; Im God's man, and I have been from the start. • Guitean began this speech in a rink voice. bit after he had delivered him self of two or three Bente aces his man ner became more agitated. When he came to his prediction that the Ameri can 'nation would roll in blood lie raised his '''voiete to its highest pitch and brought his clinched hand down' - with nervous force to emphasize his , declara tion. When he referred to the death of Christ he gave his voice that declaim'," tory roll which throughout the trial has ctiarantesizedi his allusions to riligiou matters:, SENTENCED TO D7LATB. Judge &ix then :procaseeed to - pass sentence, addressing the prisoner as follows: You have been convicted of a crime so terrible in its circrimstancea and so far reaching its results that it has drawn upon you the horror of the whole civil ized world and.tho eexcratioas of your countrymen. The excitement produc ed by such an offense made it no easy task to secure for you a fair and Jasper - tied trial, but you had the power of the United - States Treasury and 'of the gov ernment in your =vice to pt;otect your -person from violence and to procure evident:Ns from all parts of the couniry. You have bad. es fair and impartial a jury us every assembled in a court of justice. You have been defended by contuse' with zeal and devotion that merit the highest encomium, and I cer tainly have done my best to secure a lair_ presentation of the defense. Not withstanding ,all this you have beeu found guilty. It would htriPt been a comfort to many people if . the verdict of the jury had established the fact that your act was that of an irrespon•. sible marl. It would have left the peo piarthe satisfying belief that , the crime of political assassination was eomethiog entirely foreign to. the iinaitutious and civilization of any country; but the result has denied them that com fort. The country ;Will accept it as a fact that that crime can be commit ted, and the Court will ;have to deal with it the highest penalty known to the crimi nalcode to serve as an exam ple to others. Your career has been so extraordinary that people might well at times have doubted your sanity. But one cannot but believe` that when the -crime was' committed you thoroughly understood , the nature of the crime and its ponsequences--fGai teau. I was acting as ,Ped's and that you bad moral sense and con science enough to recognize the mord iniquity of such an act. Prisoner. That's a matter of opinion. Your own testimony shows that you recoiled 'with horror from the idea.. You stay that you prayed ;against it. : You say that you thought it might be prevented. This shows that your con science_ warne3 you Realist it, but by the wretched sophistry . of yen _own mind you worked yourself up against the protest of your own conscience. What motive could have induced you to this act must be a matter of - con jecture. Probably men will think that some fanaticism or a morbid desire for self-exaltaion wash the real inspiration for the act. " Your own testimony : seems to controvert the theories of year_ counsel. They have maintained, and throught honestly, I believe, that you were driven against your will by an insane impulse to commit the act, but your testimony' showed that you de liberately resolved to do it, and ` that a deliberate and Misguided will .was the sole impulse. This may seem ins'anity to some _persons, but the law , looks upon it as a wilful crime. . You will have due opportunity of having any error I may have committed , during the course of the trial passed .n ?on the Court in bane, but meanwhile it is necessary for me to pronounce the sen tence of the law that i you be taken to the common jail of thie District, from whence you came, raid there be kept in confinement, anti on. Friday, the 30th of June, 1882, you bp taken to the place place prepared for the execution, .with in ,the walls of said jail, and there, he 'tween the. hours of 12 M. and 2P. M., yon be hanged by the neck 'until yen are dead. And may the Lord have mercy on your soul.. unman CALLING DOWN mans. As the lost solemn words fell frAm I the Jadg'a 'lips the prisoner echoed them, but in a far &Mina tone of voice, for it was in a voice of passionate hatred that be cried out: "And may God have mercy. on your soul. I had rather stilled where I am than where , that kiryl does or where your Honor. does.. lam not afraid to die. Con found you," ho cried, ' violently strug gling with the Deputy Marshals, who were endearoring to repress him, 'leave Me - alone. I know where I stand on this business. lam here as God's man, and don't you forget it. God Almighty will muse every man who has , had any to do with this act. Nothing but good has come of General Garfield'o removal and that will be poaterity•p• idea of it. Everybody is. happy bete except a few . cranks. Nothing but good has cometo this nation from bi removal. That is the reason the Lord wantectliiin removed." . ..., Mr: ScOille took an exception -to 1 t e jadgtnent and sentence ' ilf the boilitantythile this wits beino noted the prisoner sat tapping nervously with : Gut - tips upon the r iiiiilmk! ) roke out again "I'd ratter-a illons.sud 61330 `be tn . my position.thou be With Ib o wi devils who have hounded me to death,. I will hive a flight. to glory, and I am not afraid to lox 'But Corkbill and, the others -are: . - ..There is no let up a4 ' ' Corkhill; 'ttioscoundrell: Be has a per , maned job down I will :go to glory - whenever the Lent wants = me to 1 ,311,t :T114". probably stay -49 1 n 1 - here a good many years " sod . : .get-: . into; the 'White lime. iinow"-bow I :stand on this bueness, Cud so doesihe Lord, and.he will pull me throngb with the help of two or three good limier* itni all tlyt devils in hell can't hurt me." The Court then at 1A:45 adjourned. Ililill CONDENSED NEWS. deneral B. F. Batter says that he btu no notion of trying to help Onitean. General Caster's widow; who gets , ' no pension, paints plagnea for a living. - The President will will give a State dinner to the membersof the Cabinet on the 11th inst. - Gallant Phil Sheridan is now in his fiftieth year i a sedate married man, and the father of four, very wideawako little Ohicagoan& A vessel arrived at London yesterday with twin baby elephants; born on ship board. They have been purchased for America. - A company] which aims to,restore to its natural and prestine beatity, the territory around Niagara rap, is seek ing incorporation in the province of „.. Toronto. The widow of Ezekiel Webrter, brother of the great statesman -arid as even more promising lawyer when they were both young, is still living at C , on cord, N IL, having survived her hus band fifty-four years.• It is said there is not , much doubt about the House Committee on Ways and Means, reporting in favor - at the repeal of the laci. requiriiig stamps on bank checks. Senator Windom consid ers the law unnecessary at this time. The case of the State ofPennsylvania against the; Standard Oil Company, to recover $3,000,000 tax •;.on it capital stock, comes up on the 20th. The ;round of action is that foreign corpor ations, doing businessiii- Pennsylvania, ere boUnd to pay a tax on all dividends earned in the State or out of the State. There is now in the United States Treasury $72,500,000 in silrer,dollars, an inorease of $4,400,000 daring. January. "TwO well-known phyicians" of 'Louisville Stole a woman's . heart while making is post-mortem examination of her body, and her friends;. propose to sue ihem for daMages if they . ruin find -any 14w to *need under. A fire broke out- in the Commercial Elevator at Buffalo, N. Y., on Friday afternoon 4st, incuring a loss of .6175,- 000; insurance, $115,000. Cause un known. •The fire'extendeci to the ma rine block of three story brick, build ings, and caused a farther (Linage of G 20,000; The propellor Cuba was partly destroyed, being frozen in. - The elevator. moutained 6,000 bushels of rye, 1,500 bushels of "wheat and 7.- 200 bushels of oats, $lO,OOO, and also 6,000 barrels of cament. , _ Senator Sherman's ability as a- &lan cier is recognized by men, of al politics. As chairman, for some . years, of the Senate financer committee, and sub sequently as Secretary of the Treasury, he has had an, experience in thp field of rational finance which no other man now living has enjoyed. , His opinions and suggestions with regard to finan cial legislation are therefcire entitled to much weight. In his speech in the Senate. last Thursday he declared. in view of,his experience as Secretary of the Treasury, that. numerous changes ought to be made in the tariff,—reduct tions as well as simplications. He thought the annual surplus revenue of the goveinment ought to be cut down by $60,000,000, thrOugh redaction of taxation. He would abolish all internal taxation except that on spirits, beer and tobacco, thus cutting off from $15,- 000,000 to $18.000,000, and would take from $40,00,000 to $50,000,000 off from the customs. - He believed in lightening the burden 'of taxation wherever and whenever it could be safely 'done:— Star. We consider the Philadelphia Ameri n, as among the best Of our ex- changes. Senator Hill's frlends are pained by the report that he will have to under go another operation for the cancer on the tongue, and some of them feu. lie will never recover. Some people will never' get through asking foolish questions. A New York paper. asks: "Was Grant surprised at Shiloh?" -We don't know how it was at Shiloh, but Grant was very_ much surprised at Chicago. He was more than surprised. He was shocked, Texas Siftings. , TOWANDA MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. STEVENS & LONG. • General Dealers In GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, Corner of lWn and Pine Streets, TOWANDA. PA. Flopr per banal Flour per sack Buckwheat Flour, - * 100.. Corn Kest -h Chop Feed .. Wheat, *bushel 13061 Corn, 750 ' . Buckwheat, " ' 1 5 6 Oats. S. - 44506 48 . Beans, " ! 1 6003 00 potatoes.' " L 1 106 Apples Green, VI bushel.. 15630 Apples Dried, it 1b....". 5 • • PeacheL " 0 ".. B ... 11416 - - Rasp lackb b eerri e rries Dri s " ed * ... 10 620; ... 1 Pork. C # ba I rrel • '2O 00®1200 ams. * b_• 14 ..Lard. - Butter, in Tubs • Firkins. 25632 15_ Butter, in Rolls • 25630 Eggs Clover Seed *256 bushel - 63006 60 Timothy seed 'ft bushel.. - 3 256 Begawan,* lb 20622 Syracuse Balt * barrel... Michigan Balt 0 - . ... Asbton,balt 0 ... Onions.'ll bushel .... _ .. i.:- - L N. NELSON. DEALER nt 14 WATCHES, ilf .1- - CLOoKS. rum GOLD AND PLATED or every vertetnand Spectacles. Wr Pattlealar atteutlon yild to reyelrinc Shop In Decker 6 Penna Weald's Grocery atom Min Street, Unma aepthen de. .. ' . THE ifARKSTS. Corrected every Wednesday. PM ING. SELLING. $7 O) 875 1800990 @3O - • 1 GO 160 2 75@309 906)1 00 / &ui is LOCALS. ;p a --tnolerhaito 'at b.- - Apes market; Badge Street. • May 19-M toe. lialyer'e market, Bridge street. for the beet outs of fresh meat. • May 194 f - - -;-Fresti . lake tiAL and salt water flab at 0 Id Myers Inarkui, Bridge streel4.7 --No eliirge lor delivering, and - done Protunny-Irons (3.:111. ;11101 marital, Bridge Street - . MAY 19-tf - ;=.14. - -IL - Bottert has - tstock Of -Bash Doors and Blinds, also 'Moldings. and is selling cheaper than any,otherestablishrnent in Pennsylvania. - T WhilePsub Ilgtiroli Prices Veentffie , and, birthday aim* Be hie received -a large' unsubeent•the latter that are emaisite. 14 Biles Casa sell Grocerka vary cheap because his - mentos , are- very His scustonvirs shali have th e bomb, b 7 la th° Find. Ward-Skyre;. - • 'do to WAttemnies, • and hike 3nnr choice of Valentine,. Some of them ate.ar9edo and elegant in design. ' The Zateal Buiktibe I . Who seeks, and will not take, when once 'di offered. shall Wet nod tf more. -- , Shczkespe6re. In no..depoitment of traffic, to tits - Prictical wisdom'et 'AIM Great English tragedian more ,fidehty exemplified, than that over, which a genuine nientice' in prices of Clothingi. Biacit Ind Mines, so despotically presides.:.' 111. L. Schneeberg, Propnetor of the Great Boston Clothing Borne, just op seed iu Mein's Block, Main St.. Towandai Pa., nails your kind- at tention to the fact, that on the first of April 1882, we will remove our quarter!' to No. 2. Patrol& Died, second house from the - cor ner. Bridge and Main Eits., one dOor north of Swartz at Gordon. which will be flilod, with the !armed and best stock of Spring and Sum- Mer.gticitl. which is already ,been manatee- Anred for the Towanda Branch at onr Whole ssle Qgerters in Boston, MINS.. and at prices . Wwhich:la 3 ply you to `go 'tiny milei—and owing to this -- removal we offer the entire stock ofClothing, ,Boots and Shoes sieughteeing prices. And he' who will not\ Trade now, shall never have another such 6 opportunity. Remember the goods will be closed not at any price, without delay 7 —in order to go in oar new location, with new goods mid new styles. Bear in mind this is solid fact; we mean buiiinetia. Look for the sign of the Boston Clothing House, Towanda, Pa. P23w. :Oh, how bestitifal 1 re the the exclamation of all Who hsve seen those handsome valen tines in the tvindov► of S. P. Whitcomb's book store. Rheumatism. In the tirstsymptoms of this disease when you are aching and having painful sensations in the limbs noon rising from bed in the morning, a stiffness in the joints accompa nied at times by swelling and redness, all physicians reoammend the application of an external reitedy, something penetrating and soothing;. an article that will act as - a cura tive agent to the parts affected. Dr. Bosan- Ws Rheumatic Cure givegl instant relief up- On the first application. I Utile back, pains or strains it is an invaluat!'pS household rem" dv. Ask your druggist MO. .Price 75 cents': Manufactured by The Bosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, 0. For sate by Clark B. Porter, S. End Ward Rouse Block. Jane 2-Iyr. • :ft.; I. t a TeIIE-CUTICURA TREATMENT, for the core of . akin, Ralp and Blood Diseases, consists in internal use of 'CITTICIYHA 'AI:SOLVENT, the new blood ;sturdier. and the external we of Cur io:ma and 01321C1711,A SOAP, the great skin cures. SALT RHEUM Will lioDonald, 2542,Dearborn street. Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a cure of Salt Rheum on heed, neck; face, arms and legs for seventeen years; not able to walk except on bands and knees for one year; not able to help himself for eight years; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors pronounced his case hopeless; permanently cured by Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures), externally. • - • PSORIASIS. ii. E. Carpenter. Esq., Henderson, N. Y., cured of PROTII3III or LeProsy, of twenty years' stand ing, by the Cerricuax flitocumnrr (blood purifier,) internally. and Cerncerat and anima Seep(the graft skin cures,) externally. The most wonder ful case on record. Cure ,certified to before a Justice. of the peace and prominent citizens. All afflicted with itching and scaly diseases should send to us for this testimonial in full. SKIN DISEASE. . F. H. Drake, F.sq.elietroit, Michigan. suffered beyond all description from • skin disease which appeared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes. The most careful dochiring faded to help him, and after , all had failed he used the Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) Cuticura and -Cuticara Soap (the great skin cures) ezternalli, and was cured, and has remilned perfectly well to this day. SKIN RUMORS. .. Mrs. S. E. Whipple, Decatur. Michigan, writes that her face, head and some parts of her body were almost raw. Head covered with scabs and ,sores, suffered fearfully and tried everything. Permanently cured by Cuticula Resolvent (blood purifier); and Cuticurs and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cares.) CUTIOURA: Remedies are - for sale by all dr uggista Price of Cuticura, a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, 50c.; large boles. U. Cuncunii ResoLvEirr, the new Blood Purifier, $1 per bottle. Cusionas MEDIC INAL Town' Boer, 23 cents; Ctrncusa bluncrusr. 811svnio Boni, 13 cents• in bars for barbers and large consumers, 50e. Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER. Boston, -Mass'. 9•i. _ . *::„. • • Sanford's Radical Cure: Head Colds, Watery Discharges from the Nose and Eyes, Ringing Noises in the Heat, Demons Headache and Chills and Fever instantly relieved. Choking, putrid mucus is dislodged, membrane cleansed, disinfected and healed, breath sweet ened, smell. taste and hearing restsred, iind con lititutional ravages checked, Congh: Bronchitis, Droppings into the Throat, Paine in the Chest. Dyspepsia, Wasting of Strang h and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, etc., cured. One bo ttle Radical Cure. one box Catarrhal &Wen and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, in one pacltag ,of all druggists, for 31. Ask for &a vow's DICAL Cusue. . :11 14, !I I 10, C ail ...IMIs tour s' LIGHTNING Is not quicker than COL --\ LIMP VOLTAIC - PLAS. 4 ....." tti .i , " THUS in relieving pain and ,i'l 1 --___- -Weakness of the Kidneys, 4. ' , >. !. -Z.... Liver and Lungs. Rheum -` Siam. Neuralgia, Hysteria, ,„, Female Weakness, Malaria, PS . ...eV and Fever and Ague. Price 4 AST gm- 25cta. Bold everywhere. • 'xii.KI:JDN'EY::':WOR THE GREAT CURE .as it it for all diseases of the SIDNEY LIVER AND BOWELS. eloanaoi the wrote= of tho o=l4 polio; Mat eataats that straadfol wararirut which_ only the violtras of alr:tunattorl agal =WM% THOUSANDS 'OF CASES of the Worst fortis of this terrible peas* have beau quialAy relloved. law short thus 1 65@1 75 175 .ofca it has cored where4l elm had f-.."!•.: I. It Is stald,'bct cfazlont, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but haroalcaa is all caeca, : rfflt eleassos,Slroagtheas as siveoNew y 4 flrg e.t.a li=r?ortazit °nano of the body. o.:ttlan ottu Moine:pa Is restored. The IZrer Sa olezczed of all dim , and the t:4 -taurrvii cures tONSTIP4IO I_.a; rail TA 1 1 1 DISMIONI. 15 tp laity-3re= table Fem. intim cam one lor v..,...: , ...4.14aucs quart.' medicine. L:euld rotas. Teel Caeaeattatellfail Via eflaver.:l4-4 - ., Cwt.-. yam moot many pew , pam Lt. V 043 tvgaviddl elickacy to eitaerform G. IT 07 'VOL% PRICE, *Lei' • WELL*. RICHADDSON A; Co, Prop's. (Will lead the dry .poittokid.) 'Timms, TT. KIDNEY-WORT ES • . WEEKS & POTTER. Boston FOIL RHEUMATISM in oga SHERIFF'S SALES. -By virtue of runiry trrits Jutted oat of the Court of Common Pleas of Biadford County, arid to mo directed, I. trill expose to public sale; at the Court House in rowauda Borough, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10,'1881, a t. 1' /*kick, r. at,othe fed:owing described property, to wit : No. 1: One lot, piece 'or'pareel of land; situ ate is wysog township (lota Nos. 5 and Bof Block No. 8 of Mercer, Morgan et Moodra rub-division of Keit Towanda.) bounded north by lots Nos. - 4 and 9of Meek No. 8, east by Pennsylvania avenue, south by lots Nos. 8 aud ,7 of Block 8, and west by Bradford street; all improved, no braidings. Seized and -taken into execution at the suit of Morgan rat Moody's adininistratnra va. J.Jhn S. Kennedy and Mar garet Kennedy, • 2. ALSO--One other lot of land, situate ,-in Leßoy township, bounded north by hands For Hobert Mason, east by lands of Mary Kel logg, south by Towanda creek, and west by E lands of Clarence Minard; zontaine7s acres,. [more or less; 65 improved, with 1 framed barn and. 1 orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized andjaken into execution at the lull of John Wbestly vs. Thomas A. McCraney. , No. 3. ALSO—One other lot of land, vita -1 ate to Piro and Herrick townshlns, bounded berth by lands of Joseph Lee, Horace Porter and Archibald Coleman; east by land of said Archibald Coleman. Holiett Titus and others; south by lands of Hellen Titus, Gurdon Stan-' ton and Thomas Peet; west by landa of said Phomas Peet, Eliza Thomas, Asher Bolles and !Joseph Lee; contains 58 acres, more or• less, .sitiont, 25 itnproved with a framed dwelling 'house, framed barii,:a saw mill with machine .rir and fixtures, Water privilegAind right of way thereto belonging to the Teame. Seized end taken into execution at the suit of Zophar - Plitt vs. Jason Fused. • .- No. 4.—ALSO—One other lot of land, situ , ate dn Canton township, bounded north be lands of Ilorace Webster, east by land of 8.1 H. Lindley, south by Towanda creek, and west by lands of the estate of Roswell Rogers,-de- ceased. and Warren Cook; contains 100 acres, more or less, all improved, with 1 framed house, 2 framed barns, 1 tobacco house and orchard of . fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Pomeroy Brothers vs. David Lindley and Solomon Lindley. No. 5. ALSO—Oneother lot. of land, situate 1 , in Towanda Borongb,'bounded north by lands , of Mr. Cooper's estate, east by William street: I south by lands of James McCabe. and west by . , Main street; with 1 framed house and other outbuildings thereqa." Seized and taken into execution at the stilt of L. L. Moody's admin. iatratorand William , H. Morgan's adminis trator vi. J. 51. Mitchell. No. 6. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in South Waverly Borough, bounded as fol lows: Being lot No. 11.2 according to plot and survey made for D. L. F. Snyder'by •Rnatan -Smith; contains 43 4-10 perches, and being 66 feet on a street on the north side, 170 feet on the west wide, 179 7-10 feet on the east side, and 66 feet on the'eouth side; all improved. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of The Bradford:Loan and Building Association of Athens township vs. C. W. Farley. N 0.7. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in Wysok township. being lots Nos. 4-and 5 of Block .No. 14 of Mercur. Morgan a Moody's sub-division of East Towanda, bounded north by Coleman's Block and lots No 3. 1,2, and 3 of Block No 14, east by Bradford street, south by Lemuel street, and west by-Towanda ave nue and lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Block No: 11; all improved, no buildings. Seized and taken into execution at ,the suit of Morgan k Moo.. dy's administrator vs. J. P. Cunimiskey. - No. 8. ALSO—One other lot, of hind, situate in Wells - township, bounded north by lands of D. Rockwell, east by lands of Harriet Spencer, south and west by lands of Hubert Johnson; contains 1 acre all improved, with -an orchard of fruit trees thereon. No. 9. A-LSO—Ono other lot of land, situ ate in Wells township, bounded north. by lands of William Canfield, Wade Beardalee, J. Up dyke and H. Johnson; east by lands of H. Johnson; south by lands of D. llockwell,ll. Johnson. Michael Bennettand the public high way, and west by lands of G.-A. Goff; contains 118 acres, more, or less, about 123 improved, with 1 framed house, 1 framed horse barn and au orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Delos Rockwell, guardian, cot., vs. Michael Smith. No. 10. ALSO—One o her lot of land, situ ate in Towanda Borough, bounded as follows: Beginning at the east side- of Mein Street at - a corner 25 feet south of the steam planing mill hit; thence southerly along street - 150 feet; thence south 81 deg 45 .min east about ISt feet to Barclay Coal Companye land ; thence north 2 deg 3G min east 150 f, et to the southeast corner of G. F. flasnus's lot; thence along south line Mason lot &hint ;128 feet to the piece of beginning, with 1 double framed house, 1 framed barn, 1 del office and coal sheds. ..trerseliog and railroid track thereon. - No. 11. ALSO—Oc e other lot of land, situ ate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by lauds of 0. 1). Bartlett, east by Charles street, south by an 2alley, and west by the Henry Weston lot; being 46 feet front on Charles iireet and 98 feet deep, With 1 framed house ~rid other ontbnildiuge thereon. NIL' 12. - ALsO — One 'other lot of land,sit nate in Towauda Buro., bounded north by Bridge street, east by Third street, south by lands of Perrin PennyOricker and Orrin 'Wickham. and west by Charles Scott; about 89 feet front on Third street and about 250 deett,with 1 framed house and other,outbuildiuge thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Tho Citizens National Bank of Towanis 'vs. James 11. Phinnev. , ' No. 13. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Ridgbury township, bounded north and west by - lands of D. H. Burnham. east by public highway, and south by lands ot Thomas. Buck; contains an acre, more or less, all improved, with 1 fram ed house, I framed shop, and 1 framed shingle mill thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Sylvanus Vanbustirk's adminietra tors vs. Milton E. Cooper. • . No. 14. ALSO—Ono 'other lot of land, situate in New Albany borough, bounded north by lands known as the Mary 31pAlister lot.least by Suitt tan & State Line Railroad, south by lot this day (April 20, 1877,) conveyed by E. Overton, Jr.; to James Saxe, and west by a 16-feet alley; being lot No. Sof Block No. 7 on E. Overton, Jr., plot of the village of New Albany, with' a partly finished -framed dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of E. Over ton, it., vs. S. W. Chapman. No. 15.- ALSO-Defendant's interest in a lot of land situate in /alien. borough, bounded north by lands of R. A. Smith and Thomas Grantham, east by Main street, south by lands of W. G. Stephens, and west by the Susquehanna river. with a twn-story framed dwelling house. out houses, and a few fruit trees thereon. No. 16. ALSO—Defendant's interest in one other lot of land, situate in Athens borough. being the undivided I; part of that certain lot bounded north by lands of Anna Fearon,.east by lands of C. W. Clapp, south by lands of John M. Pike, and-west by. Main street; no improve. ments. N 0.17. ALSO—AII of defendant's interest in the lots numbered 94, 122, 152; 162, 182, 222; 262, 273, 250;"290; 301, 311, 321. 331, 261, 371. 381, 391, 401 and 404 in the plot of lands situate in the northern part of Athens borough, made for the late Judge Edward Herrick by Orson Rickey; no improvements. Seized and taken into execu Hon at the suit of Edward P Herrick, trustee vs. Edward Herrick. No. 18. ALSO—One other lot - of land, sitnite in Standing Stone township, bounded north by lands of Luke Dolan, east by the public hightray, south by lands of Richard Jennings, shd west by lands of William Grace; contains about GO acres, about 50 improved, 'with • framed berme, framed bun, and an orchard of fruit trees there on.- Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. C. Elsbree and E. T. Fox. administrators of L. L. Moody, deceased, va. S, T. Bishop and . Sarah E. Bishop. • - - No. 19. ALSO—One other lotf of land, situate in Ntarth Towanda township, bounded and de-1 scribed as follows: Beginning at the nqrtheast corner of a lot now or lately in possession of Frederick Leavenworth; thence along lino of game southeasterly 21 G-10 perches to a corner on line of lands now or late of .1. F. Means; thence along line of same a northeasterly direc tion 3 7-10 perches to a corner; thence a north- . westerly direction 21 6-10 porches. to a corner; thence south 61 dogs welt.') 7-10 perches to the place of beginning; reserving to a former owner 15 feet in width from - the north end of Said lot for public use as a street; contains )4 an acre, 'more or less, all improved, with 1 framed` hone, outbuildings, and a few fruit trees 'thereon. Seized and taken into execution at - the suit of John J. Webb vs. Michael Dermedy. No. 20. ALSO—One other lot of laud, situate in Leßoy township, bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a post the southwest corner of lot No 11, formerly owned by Patrick Greene; running thence east along south line of said No. 11 120 8-10 rods to a postthe northwest corner of lot No. 9, now owned by Adam Innes; thence south along the' west line of lot No. 9 and lot No. 4 133 9-10 rods to a post; thence west 110 8.10 rods to a poet on east line of, lot No. 6; thence north along cut line of lot Nos. 6 and I 138 9-10 rods to place of beginning; contains 109 acres and 69 perches, more or less. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Isaac N. Mts. singer vs. Edward Folk. - No, 21. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in Towanda, borough. bounded north by Poplar street, east by Izt of Mrs. Mary E. Stodge. south by lands of J. F. Means. and west by lands of Jas. Griswold, with .1 two-story dwelling house, outhouse slid fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of E. W. Hale vs D. V. Stodge. N0..22. A.1.130-"-One other lot of land, situate In Albany borough. bounded and described as fol , lows; Beginning; atthe northeast corner et Main and May streets; thence north 4 degs 30 min east 80 feet to a corner; thence south 85 deg" 30 min east ,beat 160 feet to the switch on - Sullivan and State, Line Railroad; thence along said railroad switch SO feet toe corner on. May street; thence along said Main street west about 170 feet to the place of beginning; being, lot No. 7 of Block No 7 on E. Overton, Jr., map 'of the village bf New Albany. Seized sad taken into execution at the snit of E. Overton, Jr., vs: P. W. McDonnell. No. 23. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In -Worth Towanda township, bounded and decribed as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of Austin Lanard's int; thence • along line of Name south 24% dogs east 21 6-10 perches to , the north line of a lot lately owned by Win. H. 'Mos -gan ; thence along line of same south 61 degs west a 1-10 perches; ; thence northwesterly 21 13. 10 perches to a corner; thence north 61 dogs east 6 640 perches to the place of beginning; contains 135 perches, mere or less; 15 feet aFo - ng front of said lot resorted for a publics road by a former owner. as now open upon the ground; all improved. with a few fruit trees thereon, Seized And taken into execution at the suit o John J. Webb vs. Patrick Ryan. -N0.24. ALSC4---The Wilmot town s hip in • lot of land situate In Wilmot township, bounded sad described*" follows; Beginning at a small white oak of Mrs. Ellen. J. Wells* (Terry lot); Donee south. degs east 03140 perches to a stake and stones of lot No. It thence south IPA dogs west 36 perches to a stake tad stones; thence north 68 deers west SO perches to • atone corner; thence north 64 digs west 84 perches to an ironwood corner; thenee t ArlrthAg deg east 148' perches to theplace of Inning; contains Leg -v 57 acres. more or leas. about 35 Unplowed, with 'framed hosts', I old house, f framed barn. and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into amoution at the sultof Zdvnird Provost re m.p . No. 25, ALSO—One other lot of land /Huai, ' in Athens township. bcfueded north by lands of , Bowman and Splan, east ,by lands of H. Whit,. ton's estate and Abram finneicker, south by' " lands of Smith and °HMO and the par* of the first part, and west by kinds of James HcArdle; contains 280 acres, more or less, about:2oo mt .:- proved, with 1 framed house, 2 barns and sheds attached, 1 hog house, I. milk house, and a felt • fruit trees thereon. seized and taken into tab. cation at the snit of Wm. Oarlock vs, C. m u . sicker. No. 2". ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in Wysox township, bounded north, by land of Muykeedall east by the' public highway. leading from J. Z. !;toilet's to Pond Hill, south by- land of Charles Wurtembeirg_and E. G. Owen; con. fain 21 acres, more or kis, about 10 improved,; with 1 large framed house, 1 framed barn with 3 framed sheds attached. I framed elder milt ' building with the fixtures, 1 framed • granary building, other out building/, and an orchard of fruit trees therebn. No e 27. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate in Wysox township, bounded.north and east by land now or late of V, E. and J. E. Monet, south by land now or late of Pawls J. Albin and V.E. - and J. E.. Piollet. and wont by land of Francis J. Allen and the public higbwayleading from J. E. Plollet's to Pond Hill; contains 30 acres, more • or less, all improved, with I framed barn, i-pear orchard, 1 grape orchard,J, apple orchard. peach orchard. and other_truit trees ,hereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. K. Lent vs, J. .1. Webb, administrator of K Is. Owen (deceased) and P. H. Owen. g; No. 2d. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Towanda borough, bounded and described sa follows: Beginning at. a post corner 6TCentre street:4nd Packer avenue; thence by Centre street north 20 degs west DSO feet to a stake: thence by lot deeded to Mrs. )1, Moody north 7n degs east 50 feet to a stake; thence bylot con tracted to Patrick Costello south 10 delta east 150 feet to SIM* on Packer Avenue; thence by Packer Avenue south 104egs west 50 feet to the place of beginning; contains 7,500 square feet, and being lot No. 1 of Block No 6 of Sayre k Company's addition to Towanda, 'with 1 framed house, other out buildings, and a few fruit trees thereon:' Seized and taken into execution at the - suit of Overton k-Elsbreeva. C. C. Wood. WILLIAM T. HOILTON, Sheriff. • ShcriTs Office, Towanda, Jan. 18,1882. A:4 *Pi Its) : 1 1:4 dill VAIJ A Estate of John Sußina, deceased, late of Wells township, Bradford Co., Ps. Letters testamentary under the last will and testament of the above named decedent having been issued out the Orphan's Court of Bradford county .to the tindersighed upon the eetata above named, notice is therefore hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate, must make immediite payment, and all persons har ing claims Against the same, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to us. - T. J. SULLIV.M I • W. J..1101f, f 1 - T • ecu t"*. Wells P. 0.. Pa., Jan. 6, 1882 -6wo OUR CLUBBING TBRItS FOR DM We wifl furnish the Essunuctiv 'With any of following named publications, from and after January 1,1882_, at the rates named IA- • IoW, which includes he REPUBLICAN with the paper named: . New York Weekly Times, $2 45 Semi-Weekly Times, 3 Philadelphia Weekly Press, ..... 350 Philadelphia Weekly Times, 2 60 -Harper's magazine, .. _ 4GO Harper's Weekly, 475 . Harper's Bazar, 4 73 Tho Century. Magazine (Sciibner)...4 St. Nicholas, 4 00 Populai• Science Monthly, - 550 ' North' American Review. . 550 • American Agridulturist, - 2 GO Atlantic' Monthly, 4 75 Country Gentlemen, ; 335 Rural New Yorker,. , 335 Toledo Blade„ • 273 Wide Awake, 360. Pansey - 2 00 1 Babyland, 1 90 Little Folks' Readel 210 - -- Demorest-Monthly ' 3 10 Godey's Lady's Book 3.10 Peterson's Magazine,.... 3 10. Scientific American, 4 25 Burlington ilawkeye, ' 285 • The :Nartery, 2 GO The Farm and Gardeb 2 00 •uth's Companion 2 75 i, And had One of Ais 25 CENT DINNERS, fetr26-Gm CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S CANCER INFIR- MARY, ADDISON,. N. I HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all parts of the world have been cured of this much dreaded disease and'are now living witneues that they have been rescued from a terrible and untimely death. Doctors. Ministers and the Poor treated Free. Write for • Circular giving tall particulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE & _RUSH BROWS Addison, N. Y. Sept.3o.lyr.OPEeee• a week in your own town. $5 Outllt free. No risk. Everything new. Cap ll9Pital not required. We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladles leek° as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a business at which you en make great pay all the time you work, write for partic ulars to If. Ila=mak Co., Portland, Adria. Dec 15—lyr NEW FIRM 1 NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! Ed. Mouillesseaux, (Formerly with Ilendelnpinj HAS OPENED A Jewelry Store or no OWN IN PA T TON'S BLOCK, With Swarts & Gorden's Store, Makin Street, Towanda, Pa., Where he keeps t FULL ASSAUF.,:•IIENT or Gold & Silver Watches SWISS AND AME'RIC,'AN; CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, ETC. sir Ilia Stock la all NEW and of tho •FINYiT QUALITY. Call sad Bea for yourself. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY• ENGBANTNO A SPECIALTY. d&l6. MORSEHan or c d urren c o t i ,• fo in rlir mum imrnoarof "A Treatise on the Horse sod his Diseases." It gives the best treatment for all diseases. has 60 nn gravings show i ' sr BOOKWantonassumed by sea honest better than cm " taught in any other way. a table 'hewing dole' of all the principal medicines used for thehorse as well as their effects and antidotes .erhen 25 cts poison. a large eene c .„ l ti L lt VALVABLE ascurre. ter t el = the age of a hone. with an edgrstilili sh teeth of each yr and a brge of other g valuable horse i a nformation. ilswer• — • of horsemen have pronounced it worth wor e than books costing $5 and $lO. The tics this 200.000 sold in about one Tetrare it wss re. • Mead shows how 'opular the The o.verr s. 'wised edition is accost moss nermusnite. sou • maccurn.• AGENTS .11 , ANTIED. Kendall h Co.. Enoliburgh Falls, VeritOntr Will! 11 MU - EWELO,