1 - • . . • HOLCOMS -8i • TRACT, Publlsltem ... ' . • , - . 1 . .;., • . _ . . . -i • - . , VOL.' VII. . ; _ - . , f .. ~ • • i k . . , . • . - -_ • .'...-,...= ---THE---- - ii - Railroad . Time.bles. .•ora . . • . , , _ _ • • 7 .EHIGH VALLEY &PENNA. - AND [ i fai ll on i R epu bl ican ... NEW YORK RAILROAD S . , , A,I3IIANGEMENT OF PAREIENGER TRAIN& ' TO TARE EFFECT JAIL lst,, 1882. " !•, • • r. Pillegitiiled Every Thursday,:, . AT TOWANDA. PA, BY . ROL/ 00 M B & -TR A 0,7% it $1.50 Per ~4matsnas ix Adranee.'l .. 1 ' • l! ~ , • _ldeerlislng Bates-Six cents a line fotfirst iceertion, an I five coats per line for all Ohs°. :-..nt ir3serti ans. Reading notice advertli-ing t,l , cents pc r line. Eight lines 'constitute a .i.Are, and twelve lines ,an luck. Anatoe's a ,t l ces $2.53. Administrator's and Execor's in notices fo. Yearly advertising 4150. 0, per eolniun. - . TUE liEmstacas is published . in the 1 zacy. ),I.one and Nobles Block, at the corner of Slain ant line streets, over J. F. Corser's Boot an , l shoo store. Its circulation is over 2000. As an idrertining medium it .is unexcelled in its Mi med:tie debt. i - - er • n , vanda Business Directory. _ .; ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. --- OMITIT & lIILLIS, Attofheys-st-Law; Offic 3 tA et Powell & Co. __. ri3,1.11 , F, J. N.. Oelee in Wood's Block, south V rtrS t 'illtiOnal Sank, up stairs. June 12.'.8 --- giI.M.MEE & SUN (Y C.Elsbrre and L Bltbree.) -I (Vice in Mercar Block', Park St. may 14,78 ._ . DICE . 4 .: OVERTON (Benj X Peek a nd D A Orr. : WESTWARD. .. t.,n 1. Office over 11111's Market • 40-'79 - - - -- -,.: I olT i lit . LOl r t jo S n ANDE o ( E ) Oitce inSAdabi°4lllock.4lyl-78. STATIONS. $l3O 2 112 mAXWELL, WII. Office over Dayton's Store - . , - -. 1 .. -,-. - P.M.A.11-4/11. 1 1 1 .11 aprit 14,76' New York.- ...... 6.3 0 1, .... 7.40 3.40 --- Philadelphia . 8.001 .... 9.00 4.15 wiLy, J. ANDREW. ()Mae in . Mean's Bloc k. Eason . , 9.201 :.. 10.15 5.50 aPv l L l re Bethlehem • - 9.50 , •.,, 10.45 6.15 _.._: Allentown .. . .. .. 10.05 -7.110.51 6.24 nAviEs, CARNOCHAN .it HALL. (W 21 Dersvo- Mauch Chunk . 11.05 ....11.55 7.25 1.1 w H.-earnochaw. L .31 'Hall.) Office in rear wakne 1.0 7.90 263 .45 f Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. Ge 12.75 L& B Junction 135 8.01 2.25 10.10 -- . Palls . -...-... 8.27 .... 10.32 LIiCCR, RODNEY A. Solicitor of 'Patents. Gaug e ga. Particular attention paid to business in Tunkhannock 8.45..... 10.46 Orphans' Court and to the settlement of es t at es . .aa 2.151 8.55 3.01 10.52 Office in Montanyo'-s Block l' iffehoopany. '-'" , linshoppen ... 9.20 .... 11.22 .... 9.27 9.27 11.29 Skinner's Eddy iuT n101E9.0014 & YOUNG, (f. l l/cPriirrow and ' ... 1 9.41' . 11.45 ..,.Dayville ivx W. I. Young.) Office south side of Mercur'n ..,..._, • - 3.02' 9.501 i. 46 11.50 , Block. feb 1,78 wjimUling 1034 i 4.0312.07 Frenchtown • - ....10.271 .... 12.17 )ILL k NINNEY, Office corner Main and aummertteld .... 10.371 .... 12.24 - Pine et. Noble's block, second floor front. Standing Stone. . .... 10.44, .... 12.30 Collections promptly attended to. . feb 178 WYeankfag . 10.541 12.37 Towanda i. 16 11043 4;12. n'TILLI.iIIS, ANGLE & BUFFTNGTON. (II N Ulster • • . ' 11. 17 1 4.55'12.E VV iriiiiams. E J Angle and B 1) Buffington). Milan - - • ....111.261 1. office wastiside of Main street, two doors north Athens 4.3011.3. 5.10 1.15 cf Nrgus tipee. All business entrusted to their Sayre 4.40111.411 5,20 1.23 cute will receive prompt - attention. oct 26,77 Waverly; - ' 4.45 11.60 5.30 1.30. - -1. . Elmira 5.25112.40 6.15 2.15, TAMES i k i.. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Atter- Owego 5.30, ... 6.25 .... q net's a IA ColuisellorsAt-Law. Off Auburn ice in the ' I 8.301 .... 9.35 ..... Mcrcur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. ithsca 6.101 ....1 6.40 ' .... July 3, 'BO tf. Geneva " 7.411 .... 8.14 ....: - , Lyons i 8.401 ~..,1 8.50 .... • trEENEY.. J. P. Attorrie)-at.Law. Office in Rochester 9.501 6.10 i 9.40 ...I L. Montanye's Block, Main Street. Buffalo , 111.40 1. 8.00 '•-pt. ri. '5l-tf. Niagara Palls • 1 1.031 9.251 1.05 9.40 P.M. P.ll. A.M. A.M 11. and E. A., Attorneys-at Law. Towiuds. Pa. Office in :demur Block, :ler C. T. Ktrby's Drug Store, entrance on Ulan strvet. first stairway north Of Post-office. All business promptly attended. to. Special itten nai given to claims against the United States Bounties, Patents, etc., and to llrctions and settlement of decedent's estes, April 2.1. iy PRY - SWANS AND SURG DAIMON. T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. H. C Porters'i Drug Store. feb 12,78 EwTON. Drs. D. N. kF. G. Office at Dwelling va (liver Street, corner Weston St. feb 12,77 C. S., M.D. Ogles lst door above old Li bank building. on Blain street. Special at tuition given to diseases of the throat and :ono. ju1y19,78 TX7OuDBURN, S. M.. M.D. Office and reel WV donee. Main street, north of M.E.Cburob Ezsminer for Pension ps roirtment. ' -13 b 22,:8 AYNE, E. D.. M.D. Office over Wmtanye's P Store. Office hours m 10 to 12 a. m. and tnn - `2 to 4 P. M. Specie attention given to Wiusses of _the Eye, and Incases of the Ear. oct 20:17 • TOWNER, H..D. flomcsopaTnic ParraicLui k SIIINIZON. Ltlidence and office just forth of Dr. Corbon's Yon street, Athens. Pa. 007E4 ESltr HOUSE. Main it., next corner south lA' of Bridge street. New house and new I:rniture throughout. The proprietor ; has :Tare.' neither pain( or expense, in making his tel trat-(lass and respectfully solicits a shire •.:rublie patronage. Meals at all hours. (Terms usonalle: Large Stable attached MEE SECRET soViEriss, ITTATRINS POST. Gs, G. A. R. Meets TV efery Saturday everting, at Military Hall. GEO. V. lIYER. Commander. • It. &arra'DoE, A tntanfi feb 7. 79 CIIIsTAL LODGE , NO. 57. Meets at K. of 'P. flail every Monday', evening at, 7:30. In raraace $2,000. Benefits 43.00 per wdelt. Av e r. tp. uual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. J. R. S t ITTRIDGE. Reporter. WARDELL, JIL, iPiCRILOT. V fob 2248 11 DFORD LODGE, N 0.167, I. 0. 0. F. Meet A- 0 in Odd Follow'• Hall, every 31oaday eventag it 7 o'clock. We..IIII,EN Hun., Noble Greed. lone 12,75 ' • HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. p'JSTi F. E. 'No. 32 Second ■treat All orders aill receive prompt attention. june.12.73 EDucArroNA L P.I'SQL , Eff ANNA. COLLEGIATE IN sr tE. The second Winter Term will begin Monday, ,lanary, 1 , ISo2. For catalogue or other infor tzttoc, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, Pa. . .1:,7 1 ;.7,; PLU.VBSR .AND GAS FITTER ITTILLIA3I9. EDWARD. "Practical Plumber rar and Gas Fitter. Files of business in Mer ^.: Mock nest door to Journal once opposite izinic Square. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repair. Lg rumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing r..mpuy attended to. All wanting work in his .te should give him a call. July 27.77 INSURANCE aussELL, 0. B. General Insurance Agency. Towanda, Ps. ,Onice In Whitcomb's Book I•4t'e. ,1n1y12,74 ^iTli YEAR The original and only, the • favorite national family ps ;tr- The STLU SPASOLID Hamm begins its Toth zcsr, January, 1882, Established 1843, The liar 'lt Is the oldest and Most popular paper of its tua. Every number contains 8 large pagei, 40 .=cg columns, with many Comic, Humorous and attractive Engravings. It is crowded fnU of the telt stories, Poetry. Wit, Humor, Pun,—making a mei. to amuse and Instruct old and young. It etp- see Frauds, Swindlers and Chests and every ce is amusing, instructvo or entertsinicg. Ev a)7budy needs it: 50,000 now reed it, and at only ai ei.pts a year, it is by far the best, cheapest, r. -4z popular paper printed. -For 75 cents els tte sliver teaspoons aresuperb sent with the alarm Fy ether remiums. Send 'Az ctota for ift zn 3 cnths trW trip, p with full pros icttz, or 50 cents for Basta a whole year.— a'etvizoizza FREE. Send sow. address, fiiSNFlt PUBLISHING' CO., Hinsdale. N. FL KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE -I sure In its effe - ete, mild in its action salt does t bhlter, yet is penetrating and powerful to Neck every deep seated pain or to remove any kir.lc growth or other enlargements, such as ( ;evize, splints curbs, callous. sprang, swell . ilgesnd any lameness and all enlargements of -e joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man takl fu' any purpose for which a liniment is used i.rman or beast. It is now known to be the tut liniment for man ever used, acting mild and ?et certain in Its effects. Semi address for Illustrated Circular which se Mink gives positive proof of its virtues. No 'medy has ever met with such unqualified uc t.t.e to our knowledge, for beast as wells man. rg* $1 per bottle, or six bottles Tar Ali. All -'rtgflets have it or can get it for you, or it will Sera to any address on reoeipt of price by the P cz prietors,lni. B. J. K R ICDALti - 41 Co" En°ll. :crgh Falls. Vt. sold by all 'Druggists. RORSE os'ar 25 e Ty-foinr, . tra p 1 : 41 :0 tznios of Treatise on the Horse mid 1 44 1 40 mei." It gives the best treatment for in &lessee, has GO line engravings showing 80 0Kr ition :et a ttiru ni t;i2n by sick In any other way. table showing doses ~ an the Principal medicines nevi for the horse " tea as their effects - and antidotes when me poison,a large collection of 0 2 1 C aa- vmmarta anczyrrm rules for the age of a horse , with an,lettgrat l ''.'"rinf teeth of esch year and a large fng %Cale, valuable horse information. Hurdredli tf horsemen have pronounced it worth more !! I .u t t boom costing ssan d $lO. The fact that 8 ..).-o) sold in about yews before it wait re. labdw, bow point's'. the book is. The re. , 0 ;4 edition is tercet nom tsvcassimni. 'am i:2:cfncrt.sit. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. ;1. D. ,41 1 k Co.. Fmosburgh Falls, Vermont. stir -r • _ - • - - • e , - _ • - ••••-. _. ; • _ . , "ikt r- . 49 ',• -- ,40 . 114; - . EASTWARD. • 1 . STATIONS. , 1 15 . 1 9 7 ••••=•••• ••••••• ••••••00. ••••••••1 ' -- Ip.m. A.M. A.M. Pal. Niagara Falls 2.05 7. 7.15 Buffalo • • 2.60 8.25 9.20 Rochester 5.15 10.05, . Lyons'. 640 , 11.05 1 .... ..... Geneva - 8.5611.301 Ithaca 8.83 1.00 Auburn • 5.151L05i ..... Owego.•,• • . 8.50 1.35 .„,„. Elmira 4.10 1.43 9.00.3 ,45 Waverly ' 9.45 2.10 9.40 4 15 Sayre ' 10.10 2.3010.00 4.30. Athena 10.15 2.3410.05 4.36 tilan 10.15 . Mater 10.25 . rowanda 10 46 3.001043 51 1 1 Wyaanking . 10.54 6.13 Standing Stone... ........ ... ~... :.... 11.03 Bumnierneld ..... 11.10 5.26 Prenchtown . . 11.19 . Wyalusing ~.... . i:i ,11.30 6.43 Laceyville 11.42 ,3.57111.60 6.03 Skinner's Eddy t 11.611 6.07 Eesboppen. 4.1212.1 6.23 . ilehoopany 12.16 6.28 Tunkhannock 12.23 1 4.35 1.00 7.10 LaGrange. 1.10 .7.20 Falls ' 1.24 7.35 s.. k, B Junction .. ....,:•• .• 1.05 6.10 1.45 8.06 Wa 4, ya• Barre .... ........ .. 1.35 5.30 *2.20 8:35 *men Chunk .... ............ 3.45' 7.35 4.6011.00 Allentown • 14.44 8.29 5.33 12.00 m Bethlehe . .... ........... .. .6.00 ; 8.45 6.05 12.15 Easton 5.30, 9.00 6.40112.55 Philadelphia 8.6310.4 0 8.40 2.20 New York 8.05 1 9.16 3.35 A.M. P.M. P.M. P.N. No. 32 leaves Wyilusing at 6:00, A. M., French town 6.14. Riunmerffeld 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Wvaanking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, 'Ulster 7.06, Milan 7:16, Athens 7:25 , Sarre 7 : 40 . Waver" ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 8:50., A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athena' 6:20, Milan 6:30. Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysanking 7:05, Standing Stone 7.14, Renumertleld 7:24, Frenchtown 7:32, arriv ing at Wyalnaing at 7:46., P. M. Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with. out change. and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyons. WM. STEVENSON, Supt.- Baum, PA.. JanA, 1882. na. & N. Y. E. N. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Towanda sd. Store MAIN STREET, s preparcd to offer a complete aisort, =M DRY AND FANCY 100D8, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CIIJ.M. MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD. CAGES, SATCHELS,' &C. For the coming Spring Trade, we adhetie as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit is better than a slow.one with a large profitand therefore Our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prides of any other house. • ierWe endeavor to sell the best article for the least possible money. my6.tf LOEWUS I .& FREIMUTH. T. INIUIR&•CO.'S GROCERIES „The Awe to on snow b baying clop Is at Omits Yeti sad Issaldta Iltmott. TOWAIDA. PA. Tney respectih➢y =norm* to tln, public that they have a large stock of FLOM. PEED. Midi., OWN; - SALT, PIStI POHL and PROVISIONS generally. We hare also added to our stook • •srlsty of WOODEN WA= cacti as 117=1 TVE. TI £U CH17858. =O. Just recehnd a large stoat of Bogue, Tow Coffees, Spices. YOULBO2III PORE 8021 0 . the .best In the market, and other makes of soap amp and molasses. vadat they offer et low prices for crib. oot 26 IT BEsren cen. 7 ..srmybeff:gethestir Psorilica t et needed. We will start you. $l2 a day endow. nude:Dads at home by the indnetrioils. Nan. ROOM. boys and Aldo wanted everywhere to work for us. Now la the time. Yon can work in. spare time only or give your whole time to the business. Von can live at home and do the work. No other business wilt nearly se well NO one can tell to snake armee.; pay by en. =at once. Costly Ots t and terms tree.— made tat . easily and honorably. Address. Tax% a Co.. Augusta. Maine. Dec 25-Iyr LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, of tbs N art at ths ItzOM IMAM prts as. °Moets4 ths best style etrass. 'X' II V. (NEXT DOOll TO FELCH & CO. ment of Latest designs and patterns of STOP. AT FOR AND PROVISIONS. TOWAND , A . BRA.1)FORI).00 k - • . , _ IMAV .ILRY - 9- 1 -4- 8 2.. CMS RUEFUL urn CONRAN MT 4ervowl_,Plia_2 Liver L ==. len a se irgy, • c =ie s ti r !ho scat imam =meth moil 11,000•000 Bottles SOLD 1113 CM 11176, This Syrup possesies Varied Properties. ' ' It Stimulates the Pt rattan to the Saliva, whirls eneverts the Stank Saga, eras that tate encase. A de& eteney la IPtyallaa camas Whet ARA ihntetag et the tbed in the steams& IJI the ateffelsets takes hiuweWUtft attar 'atlas the terseatattea et deed la pre- It acts wpm the it arts WPOM the Didttellis• it Mat Itegniates the e /d Bere eeed. lik It the Prevents dgehan ft Digestion._ 2rofortoes, ,issresethe_ as and It canto tiff the Old Breed ensd i = iih ne /1 the pores of the Oda sad (edam Zr g Pnettiratioan It neutralises the hereditary dr Pdisor in the blood, which generates =and all manner of skin, diseases PAT and humors. There are no spirits employed In Its Mains facture, and lt can be taken by the most deli cats babe, or by tbe agedand feeble, eareosag king regemis attention to directions. 5 IDAVIIOISTII SELL. Laboratory,' 77 West 3d• St, NEW YOILIC CITY. never falls to Cure. • Ashland. Eichilykill eo.. Ps. Mar Sfr:—Thin is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has benefited me more, after a short trial. than aU the medicine I have need for 15 years. Disease of the Stomach. Ashland. Schuyklli co.. Ps. Deer43lr:-1 have used your excellent IbIDL&N BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and it has proved to be a valuable medicine. • MC J. AMU, Nervous Debility. • Turtle Point, Mclean co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was troubled with Nervous De bility and partial Paralysis, for a number of year*, and obtained no relief until I used your INDIAN BLOOD- SYRUP, a short trial of which restored me to health. For Seco&la. Turtle Point. McKean co.. Pa. Dar Sir:—My little girl was cured of Inflam mation of the Face and Eyes, by the 9118 of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A physician bad previously failed to afford relief and it was thought that the child could not live, lie neck and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulous Sores, which are now entirely gone. • Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. . Turtle Point, McKean co:, Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved me of Liver Complaint and Dysiiepats, after the doe. tors failed.- •- Remedy for the . Rheumatism. Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa: Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD BTBUP for Ilbetunathun and Liver Com plaint, and have derived great relief therefrom. 1 _ Maros finceson. An Agent's-Testlmony. • Turtle Point, McKean co., Ps. Dear Slr:—l was a lifelong sufferer from Liver Complaint until I used your gnat 'INDIAN BLOOD. SYRUP. from . width I soon obtained permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to , be a valuable Bowel ilegulator. A Valuable Medicine. Berlin. Somerset Co Ps. Dear - Sir:—This is to eertitr that your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYBDP is the best medicine ever used in my tangly. Hoping the public will be benefited by this great remedy. I take great pleasure in giving my testimony of its value. Jos=s P. Bummers. • DispeNa and Indigestion: Berlin. Somerset 00.. Pa, Dear Sir:—l talc; pleasure in' recommending your INDIsN BLOOD SYRUP as the best media eine made. People who are Dyspeptic should not fall to give it a trial. For tne Stomach it has no equal. I have used it and know it to be a valuable medicine. Liver Complaint. bledmerse Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was trwith Liver Com plaint fora long time, and b the persuasion of your Agent, I commenced ta king your excellent INDIAN BLOOD illfEDP,which has greatly bens died me. 1 bare never found any medicine to clonal it, and can confidently any It Is a site and highly valuable remedy. Pain in the Breit& Berlin, Somerset Co.. Pa. 'Dear was Meted with a Pain in my Breast and Side. and when I would' He down,. could scarcely breathe for Pain. I was also very weak in my Brealt and Lunge.: I used some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near. ly well. My Lungs are strong ours more and I am very grateful to you for such a valuable remedy. • • IS. M. Bari.. Dyspepsia and llndigestlon. Philadelphia. Pa. Dear filr:—This is ,to certify that your rains. bib niDimi BLOOD SYRUP has cured nte of afflicted Dyspepsia and In digestion. which I had been with for years. Far Olney Diseases. ' Philadelphia, Pa. Deer - Sir:-1 wee subject to severs Pains in my Kidneys, Weakness and Painful Sick Headache, for years, and dined, to obtain relief, until I was induced to try , your reliable MUM BLOOD SYRUP, a short Anal of which restored me to perfect health. No• 1525 Barb= St. For Costiveness. - Philadelphia. pa. Dear was troubled with Costivaues and Headache. and the use of your BL9OD SYBUP proved mast beneficial to me. •It is•the beat medicine I over used. No. 817 Federal St: For Blllloosaess. PhUsdeiphis, Ps. Dear Sir:—l was afflicted with Dyspepsia and Billionsnesi for ruin, and - Wed to prorate re lief until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD MUT. which soon effectually relieved me. I take greet plasm* in recommending its use to the afflicted. • FLUME T. Goomizir No. 1035 Loos - ISt. Disease of the Stoma& and ILlter. Buotaal. Pea Co., Pa. Dear BM:—This Is to certify that I tam mod' your INDLIN BLOOD sitßup for Disease of the Stomach and Limn sad ham been much Drew AMA theren. Muslims Vasa= .111. Feud Beg Feud=!time. . Pike Co.. Pa; Dear air ;LI couidder your reliable INDLIN BLOOD SYRUP the beet medicine I ever need M my family. It is Justus recommended. • litazars. Cuanum 3 Remedy for Worms. - • • Deis bars used -our great INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP in my dually for Worm Ind summer Complaint. And it Las proved eifeotifil in glosses. Never Falls to Can. Dear Ear;—lty daughter was la Riot Malta sad a alakt trial °ryas's ViDiall 111.0011 SYRUP *stink, eared her. .• , t Imam Vaaasatztat. AGENTSaraaW for the vele of theIRDLIN WOOD MVP is .v. to or Mess, to which I lore so spat, Pertirolios olvoreamaratieL EMI CHM &MU 01 THE MIA _IMES, la BLOOD. 11. B. llnsmaar. D. C. Wlxszip Long a g o I bad decided just how and when. I Should fall in love; and had plainly seen, in. my mind's eye, the lady Who alone could fill my . . heart. She should be,tall, brilliant and, stately, with glorious black hair and eyes. Her mind should he'stored with knowledge, .and her heart ;should be filled with—wek with me, of course. As to time, I had resolved nos to even look for , my para. gon until I was twenty-seven. On my twenty-second birthday I left the parental roof and proceeded to New York to earn a fortune for the future Mrs. Smith and myself. And in less that a month fell desperately, irretriev ably in love with a sweet young blonde, tiny and fragile, who bated the very sight of a book, and looked with sub lime indifference upoi my unhappy self. ' • Oh how (loved her .S'Asiunir Burnt F. F. BISHOP. ELM C. entpsoi. She Was; a second-floor boarder in the house ishih I had selected us a tem porary abiding place—an orphan, under the protection of a maiden aunt. There weio four 'other lady boarders in the 7 house, but Julia Darley, my Julia, was the floater of them all. Mrs. Green, the keeper of the board-, ing house , was the mother of a 'maiden who, conaPared,' with my unattainable was!as rock is to crystal, as dark ness is to light; and yet ,this, maiden, even while my heart throbbed for another, dared lilt , her eyes admiringly to mine I Call it not conceit—the thing was plain.; - , _ Imagine my feelings then, when, one day sauntering into the parlor, and find ing Miss Green there alone, I was ac costed with !Urns Ilatunrogs. Emma° Zoarr. •Mr. Smith, I feel I ought to com municate my intentions to yon—unless, indeed. through the gossip of the house, you know them already.' Shuddering at the innovations of modern novelists; and intending to abash her into silence; - ' I replied: *I am acquainted with them, Miss Green and I must say, once for'all, that both circumstances and inclination pre vent, me from being willing in any way to—to—" ° Gimes Y. ELLIOT. Jaw Rizzi Jas. A. Ilsowir. Tamura Coirrazoas aiahbl 1. Pllt9 Co.. Pa. • 'ftaorzionain OF TEN PEOPLE BY TiFiItOPZEI AND NM THE PEOPLE." astir Mita MEL To bear, to mum; to rear. To watch and then to lose; - To me my bright ones disappear —Drawn-up like morning dews. To . bear, to nurse, to rear ' To watch and then to km; This have I done when God drew near Among his own to choose. To hear, to beed,,to wed, • And with my lord depart In tears that he. as soon as shed, Will, let no longer smart. Totem, •to heed, to wed, This while thou tildst I smiled. For now it was not God who said: "Mother, give tee thy child.' o feud, 0 tool, and blind, To Goa I gave with tears; - Boit when a man like grace would dad, KG soul put by her fears— -0 fond. 0 fool, and blind. God goads - in happier spheres; • , That man will guard where he did bind- Is hope for unknown years. To hear, to heed. to wed, Bair lot that maidens choose. Thy mother's tenderest, words are said. Thy face no more she views; Thy mother's to!, my dear. _ She diab in might accuse, Her lot to bear. to nurse, to rear. . To love-and then s° lose. THZ DIFFERENCE Only a few more notes, Only a finer tone: . Aral 10l the world bows down Before tho singer's throne. Only the samo old . thoughts Clothed with s sweeter. sound; And lo I it poet's brow With lannitl leaves is crowned. Only a finer ear, Only a swift er And lo! the artist playa • On human hearts at will. Only a dot or line, Only& subtler grace: And lo 1 the world goes mad Over a womaa's face. Yet though so slight the mane For which me, call ns great, _This shade the more or less • May tit an 'earthly fate. For few may wield the• power Wit'else spells ophft or thrill; ' The barrier fixed . y et tine, • We may;not Pawl st will. Grace S.,Welle. HAPPENED. ' r 'ph, as for that,' interrupted, Miss Green, loftily, '.41. shall not press the matter; though [with a 001 I am' very sorry to lose you, and mamma I know will be keenly disappointed. iffy up stains rival is too powerful, I find.' Ilia Green !' I gasped, 4 prarexplain yourself—l do not comprehend—your rival ?' , 'Yes, my rival,' responded Miss G.. without a blush; 'for as you have re fused in advance the offer I iris about to make to you, I must certainly infer that you have promised yourself to Miss Darley.' Bewildered, and yet • determined not to appear behind the age, I managi t sl to say, with a ghastly smile: 'I am sorry, my dear lady, that you feel compelled to drat,' such an infer ence: but how do you know that Miss Daley wants me?' '1 ' 'Oh ! that is no secret,' returned-Miss Green, with rather a toss of the head. 'She has had her eye on you ever since you came to the house, and only . yes terday told Mrs. Scott on the fourth floor that she only wished she could secure you. %kw Darly said this ?' I exclainied, horror-stricken * get not utterly wretch. ed. idePteluly she did; it's her way. But you're not bound, of course, to follow her fortunes unless you choose; or if you do not like • i. 'Like her 1' I echoed, liasslonately; I was toingito way, love rat I idolize het l' when the landlady came in the room, just in time to save dignity from litter wreck. Seizing the opportunity and my hat, at the same time,' boned batik, to both and left'ibe siortment. Ia ths.solitude of ley wit Tama att- down- to iteditate on the remarkable interview through mhich I` had- just Rama. - or lasi Green an& bei cm' womanly offer I simply entertained feel ing' of contempt; But whit meant , than, itudnuationsconecining ray 704? Dear, den Gm it be that she loves'me in secret 4 - Bat those horrible words, 'Meant to secure me if she could P. No, no—l will never believe she said them: At moat she may', is the inno cence of her heart, have Confided her feelings to a false friend. 4 will.neir belieVe it. And yet Miss Green called her' her 'rival.' Women can deteCt each other's feelings more quickly than wo men can. Ob, what if Jae loves me, after an I All that night, sleeping and waking, my heart kept echoing these words. That next day's work cant! not drive them away. What if she loves me ! What it she love me ! How the thought !Hap the dull baok-Offlce. ,and gilded the very edges of the 'blotter!' How I scribbled 'Love' and 'Julia' on bites of waste ,paper, and then wrote 'Cash' and lietimpkins' over the words so that nobody could read them ! Well. - when I returned to my room that afternoon .I concluded to relieve myself then and forever. To say that Ispoiled.s. quire of 'cream-laid' is to make a moderate estimate; finally I pio &iced a missive which I flatter myself would have done credit to any young man of twenty-twounder similar cir camstances.i It was an epistle to Julia, telling=her of my deep, my abiding love, of my prospects in life, of my resolve to win fOrtune and renOwn. far her sake. In short, I told her- all my hopes and fears; begged her in case she could at all reciprocate my emotions, not to di vulge to mortal soul what had passed between us; and concluding by implor• ing her to pen me a line . in reply. Carefully folding my letter.. and directing the envelope / in my besthand to Miss Julia Darley, I watched an op portunity,,slipped it tinder her door, and flew up four steps at a time. Jean Inqelow Unluckily for me, I rim into a nor- Tons hoarder, named Hopkins;; at the first lanifing-place. As I appeared Bashed and confused, be at once regard ed me with suspicion. 'Halloa,.timith what on earth is the matter with you ?' ?' I panted, pursuing furious ly past him—'nothing.' He caught me by the arms. - 'Smith,' said he, 'you are ill I' Fearing that Julia would hear the commotion, and drive to desperation...l Weed into his ear. . . 11 'Yes, small-pox—let me gol' . , He needed no Emend hint, but hur ried dawn stairs, muttering something about sending up help as he went. Seating myself by my open window . (for it, was suMmer,) Ives soon lost in conjectures concerning the reception of my note. - By this time , Julia had . cer: Willy read it: nay, ie all probability she was already bending her blushing face over the asked for reply— Why, there was Julia herself on, the opposite sidewalk 1 She = ladtederossed the street—rang the bell—the door opened and closed. Now she was surely on the. stair ! I rushed to the ball and leaped ever the Lasater. She'entered 'her room.. Now, she would read the letter ! Now I should learn my fate ! Before my bead was raised from the interesting survey I heard a shrill voice, from the ball above, exclaim. 'oh mercy I There be is I Don't stand there in the ball, Mr. Smith ! Go into your room for Heaven's sake!' This was pleasant, to" say the least. However, I obeyed orders, and resumed my seat at the window. - Presently the very air seemed thrill ed by a' rustling in the hall. Tinning, I saw something white thnist nervously under my door. It was 'a,ifolded piece of paper. With a beating heart I picked it from the carpet, and read: 'Mn. Bicrrn,--4 implored yon to leave this house at once, if you are able to walk. Never mind paying your bill. • can Wait. : Your room shall notbe en tered until you return - to it. The new family come to-morrow. As there are nine children I do not wonder at your refusing my offer of taking a dollar per week less than formerly 'from all the old boarders who would remain with us. Yours in deep sympathy. M. Clitaim.' Just then another slight rustling oc curred in the ball, and in an instant the tiniest letter in the world _twitched it self in under the door. It contained these words, traned in a fair, feminine hanr4l:- 'MT Dam Mn. Smag.—The sweet words have filled me with surprise, and awakened 'emotions which I believe were dead within me. You are young. but there is pramis' cot a_fine charicter there. Brief .as has been our inter views. I 'have detected your powers of mind. and they are worthy of my heart's purest and best love. If you really feel Ithat you can be happy with me. I can offer you the 'ray of hope' to which you allude so beautifully. Yours (in all probability,) The first perusal made me half wild with bliss; the second exalted &sense of mystery, and thei third convinced me that joy at my proposal had driven the poor girl deranged. That' allusion to my youth—what could it mean ? 'Promise Of Character.' too—what! - in me?-in:me, who 'felt myself to be already a care-worn, thoughtful ,man, older in experienee and wisdom than Methuselah 'himself ? What could in mean, indeed, blit thatrilie writer was demerded ? • / She loved me, though—that was evi dect. Meanwhile how could I see my, enchanticss; heir enjoy 'an interview with her away from that horrid, over drew:Nl aunt who always at her elbow ? Ah I a thought struck me: I would see her at once—l would test her love 1 Wigan; calculating the cone queues@ I , hastily wrote the following Tun Miss .Tutzt,—l am confined to iny room. The landlady will tell you whoa. is the matter. If Ton love um, hasten to' my side. lam alone , in a large city—eloneand triage's. ' Yours fawn: _ Mum.' Witinilanother enemata in the ball =I - M MEE I crumpled uputy note d cad attaching it to the end of a thread cautiously let it_down from my - window, trusting that no observing eyes would mirk asefrom the street. It Tall seen, hOwever, fiooi iho win dow below—a hand - wanstretobed forth, the thread baldly broken, and the note drawn in. Boon - I heard .a light step ascending the stair—then down again-4hen it re turned-it passed along the hall—it halted at my door 1 The knob tu=ned, _, and Julia's maiden Mutt rushed into the vomit:" ehemied. . 'I have come to you—' and fell fainting at my feet. •Hallos 1' thought as I dashed. a tumblerfurof water into her face, 'what fines all this mean ?' Her eyes . opened; lames,' she mur mured, stretching forth her hand, 1 basin° fear of Living, or dying I lm thine _ 'The deuoeyou are l' I muttered, sotto voce: Then aloud, while bowing at a respectful distance, 'Really, Win°, there. is some mistake here. Leave nie, Pray Yoe •Heavims aria the maiden aunt. 'Ho does not know me. It has gone to his brain already 1' 'But I do know you;' I insisted; and I repeat, you are laboring under some fatal errror, Miss Darley.' Miss Darley l—oh no, call me Julia. Do not drive me away—let me sooth that poor, distrae—' 'Julia !' 1 inteirnpted, forcing her away from me, 'is year name Julia, too, Madam ?' rI ~!. The sharp k /yes of the maiden aunt lost their tender expression in an in, scant 'ls my name Julia too-00. What do yen mean, air 71 , ' 'Why, I mean,' I replied, recoiling, 'I mean'—in short—that--in other words—l didn't know yolir memo was d 'And your letters ?' she gasped, get ting ready. I felt.- sure, to faint again. 'They were addressed to your niece, of course, my dear Madam.' 'Of course:' screeched the aunt. now too angry to think of swooning. 'And you dared address yourself to that child —that school-girl ?' - 'But really, Madam, 'Silence, bir. Don't Madam I me. Oh that I should, have risked the her - rots of contagion for such a wreck 1* And clapping her hand to . het mouth, she started pell-mell for , the dam% In vain_l asked her pardon, and shouted that I bad not the small-pox. 7 She was down stairs before the wo were spoken. Her door closed with a bang. 'Now for a denoument,' thought %he whet - house 'must have heard this racket.' I listened; all was still as death.. I. dial not: know that my land lady and her daughter were locked in their garret room, not daring to des cend until they. were certain I bad left the 4ouse. The sound of what they believe to.be my; raving had alarmed them only the more. Leaving a hasty note on. . my table f r ontaining an unconditional surrender Of my apartments, and, as nearly as I could, estimate, the amontit due for board, I picked my valise and peeped into the hall. The' way was clear; not a human being was to be seen. In another, moment the,street-door of that 'mansion closed behind me foreverr At the o.3rner who should I meet but Julia--the Julia, looking lovelier than ever. Scarce, conaciona of what I was doing, I halted before her and exclaim ed, • 'Why, Mies Darley, how came you here'? I thought you were in your own 'So I was a few moments ago.' she reintned, with a frank smile. have only been !ironed the corner to 'see the doctor.' 'The doctor 1' , I echoed, with some anxiety. , 'Yon surely are not ill, Miss Darley ?' 'Oh no ! but the fact is,-I am anxious concerning aunty.'. It ' is, perhaps, wrong to tell you; and yet—' Of course I protested that she was do ing exactly the right thing; thatl would be only too happy, etc., etc. Mean while we found ourselves walking slowly up the avenue. 'lt is very strange,' she continued, as we moved on tegether. 'Aunt hail never shoirn symptoms of any thing of this kind before, though ? perhaps, I notice it more now that I am about to leave her 4 Did you not know it ?' observing my startled look. 'I am going next week to live - with anothor relative in Twenty-third street. Aunt has been so absorbed of late in her plan of hiring a house; and taking boaiders that it may have been too much eieitement for her. She acts ivery, very strangely. I really fear that she is becoming deranged.' 'lndeed I' ( Yes. When I returned home this morning after my drawing 'Timm I !mind her in the most singular state of mind imlgineble. She is nearly forty, you know, yet she declared that she felt herself to be too yohng to keep a boarding-house, and must give up the idea entirely. Then she asked me how many bridemaids I liked at a -wedding, and hinted something about the iron bands of secrecy, and that there was no time, no age with love, and ever so , many other strange ;things.. Next she; wrote a letter; and when I' offered to post it for her she declared she would not trust it even in an angel's hanthi and flew out of the room with it, • beg ging me, for Heaven's sake, to stay where I was. After she came in again she seated herself by the Window and sighed, - then looked up at the sky and smiled—oh, so strangely l' Tear me C I ejaculated, feeling that I must my something. lea, but that isn't half. In a few moments a piece of a bogy's kite,- or something of that kind, fluttered down by the window, and would you believe ? she actually snatched it from the string, looked at it an instant, preend •it to her /fps, and then rap up to the land lady's room. Soon she came down again, lociking just as—as any thing. Then she dispel her hands and ex . 1111 chimed, 'I hesee'dectikdr (*isn't ihat queer ?) and Mend me, and ran, Out of the room, begging me on no account to move until her return.' roci r • I exobiimed again. for want of owned:dog better ,to say. - ; 'Well, do you know, in a little while slie come back; oh, in such a rage 1 13,3 mad, too; because I had been named after luii; ,and when I implored her to tell me what was the matter she shbok her headtercely at me, and said 'All the scoundrels were not dead yet.' Oh, I'm sure she's crazy, added the poor girl in a distressed tone. _ • • 'Undoubtedly,' said I, sidemnly. 'The doctor can't go to . her for two hours yet. What shall I do, Mr. Smith ? Oh. it's dreadful l' Thin appealed.to, I decided to make a clean breast of the whole'affair. For getting my bashfulness, forgetting the heavy valise bangles from. my -left haParl told hale * :int my ate brings. my day's adventures, my pre sent hope. ; _ • It was better there—there in the crowded avenue—for her veil bid her blushes and our faltering tones did not disturb the passersby. Once she laughed—bnoe she sighed 'poor aunty and at last, when we were nearly up to Fiftieth Street, she said ,in reply to a delicate hint, 'Oh yes, Ima sore Aunt Emily will be most happy to have you. oil. It is No. 40.! •'I shall he very grateful to Aunt Emily.' I persisted; 'bat her niece— will she be glad to see me ?' Oh how beautiful a blush is through a black dotted veil, and bow plainly one can see when a little band trembles, even when it is ateadied by a parasol 'Certainly, Mr. Smith. lam always happy to see my friends.' It was non-committal to be sure; but I am naturally sanguine, and a young lady isn'a apt to say-'144.4-n-d-s' as though abe•could scarcely speak, un less ebe means more than she is willing to express -at least I found it to be so in Julia's case. Soyou see. reader. I oOnld not fall in love at twenty-seven, tie I had intended, or with that tall, stately, dark•haired girl, because I met Julia in. the mean time. Her eyes seem to grow bluer and her hair more golden every day; Still I am. satisfied, and very, very glad that things 'happened' as they did. Aunt Julia and I are pretty good friends now.- She,--too, is married. It was a - short courtship; but the Doctor makes♦ her a capital husband, in spite of Mies Green's malicious remark that 'a widower with four children wasn't i much of a bargain.' \IN MY ENEMYPS HOUSE. A RIISSUN STORY. -Traveling once near Moscow I chanc ed to meet N. Petrovich, an old college chum.. After some merry talk over oar scrapes and adventures of former days ho entreatd me to accompany him to the house* his friend, Baron Staloff, at a place about ten miles distant, ad ding by way of persuasiOn: 'Staloff is a fine, open-hearted, generous, hospit able felloW, just such a. man as., you would likOo meet;' he told me to bring with me as many friends as possible. Come' we *ill be - there about a week. I can promise you a very agreeable visit.' Although a stranger to the 881201, as 1 then thought, I yielded to my friend's request, and we took the afternoon arriving at Staloff late in the , day. The• Baroness. received us graciously, regrettinOhat the Baron was unavoid ably absent until dinne.. ' PniiituaAy at seven o'clock my friend and I entered the magnificent dining room. There was just time for a hasty introductien to the host - before we took our seats; Are were about twenty at table. 'What it the matter with you,' wills& pered PetrOvitch, 'you look so frighten-. ed; -have You seen a ghost r 'Frightened ! I may well look s i p in deed ! I gin frightened. Your fine, generoue, iopen , hPszted Baron is my deadly enemy,' than whom I would rather enc?untor a thousand ghosts. I will tell yen all about it after dinner.' After aniimcomfortable diner I suc ceeded finding an opportunity to speak to Petrovitchin private; 'That man and I were once friends,' said I, 'but the old story. we both ad mired the iame girl. That made the first breach between us. He proposed to settle the matter by the sword. • -I easily disarmed' him. She jilted both of us for it and married Pavlovski, of the dragoons. Two years later the same thing 'happened. We fought again. I wounded him severely, and he swore _ fearful , vengeance upon me. But she married him, i4kd is his present wife. * * * But how has he become 'Baron Staloff ?' When I know him be was merely Gregorei Altoff.! uncle left him this. property last year with his name. Ile wisely took both.' `. 'lf I had only known The man hates me and sees me present myself at his dintier,tahle. now soon can I get away . . a 'Not to-night, lam Sure. It you fear any treachery come spend the night in my room. Bat, really, the common rules of hospitality * * *.' 'Oh, I don'!, belieNie in hospitality when it comes to a man of his nature. Be has beard 'Macbeth,' and may, is al tate bim—not for ambition, but', to satisfy his cherished revenge.' 'Well, I will speak to the servant and have your bags removed to my room before bed•time.' 'Thanks, old fellow:' The evening passed pleasantly by means of music and cards. The Baro ness was charming. the Baron did not appear. Late in the evening my friend left on receiving a message from,..the Baron to join him. Half an hour later a lackey maden_sign - to me , from the door. I timed to him. ' . am dome, air, to band you this key.' 'I am to spend the night in my friend's room.' 'Yes, de, but slave room Las, been prepued for you two gentlemen when ever you are ready. Sir, I am at your servkle to show you the way to it.' am ready now; go on, I ,will fol- low.' I followed him, as !an* in hand he went ups long winding staircase and along a narrow corridor until we reach ed, what seemed to be a sort of tower. Herein . a broad space, where we sev eral doors. he stoppCd. suppose this part of , the house is not occupied.' 6 0h, yes, sir, it is all occupied. Your room is one of the best. This is it.' Se. openo the door of a hirge bare appartment. On ono side•nbar a large, old-fashioned bed I saw ray traveling bag. 'Your friend is here, sir, probab ly,' and he left me. With the key iu one hand and the lamp in the other, I advanced to the fire-place., There was no are, but one single candle stood on the mantel. This! lighted, but . the darkness and slooni'seemed' fiainViandge: — Tack is not here,' thouiht I, as I thew myself into an immense arm-chair to wait for him. 'What can delay him ?' I sat there until midnight. < Still he did not come. Rousing myself then, 'I thought I heard the rattling of a,chain. 'The fellow is somewhere here. Who else could make a noise ?' Then I dis tinctly heard a regular breathing. 'He must havii fallen asleep somewhere:" ' I will look for hlm.' So lamp in hand I proceeded' to explore the room. I reached further away than I bad thought. * * * I heard the chain again. * * * What was my honor to behold, stretched at full length, fast asleep, besides his open cage. a splendid tiger. The chain attached to his collar bung loosely to the ground; he was free ! I rushed to the door. It was locked on the outside I to the windows, they were enormously high from the ground! There was no escape for me. There was the treachery I feared. ThLs mast be the trap of the generous, hospit able Baron To caller make a noise mightbe useless, and would certainly arouse the animal. I had no pistols with me._ I carefully and without any noise piled the chairs in one corner to serve an ambush, reserving a stout little one as a weapon of defense. Then I sat down, keeping my eyes on ibim. He ray cat like, opened occasionally his drowsy eyes, sometimes giving his_ enormous haul shake. By' de grees his sleepiness seemed to pass away, and with a frightful yawn he raised 'himself up and advanced towards me. He paused for a moment and raising his head, he snuffed the air as if suspic ions of the presence, of - an intruder. With a growl he continued to advance cautiously, as if on his guard against a foe whose strength he was igivirant of. A few steps discovered me.to him and. with a growl of rage, he crouched as if for the fatal Spring. While I awaited in terror the fearful fate, which would be on me in a few seconds, I could not help admiring the excessive beauty of the animal, whose splendid stripes of, black on his brown and orange skin and glaring-eyeballs, as he lashed his sides with his tail, made him a perfect study. The quivering movement of his body told me that in a moment I' would be torn to - pieces without ,a chance of de fense or escape. I closed my eyes for a second, and as I opened them be sud denly raised himself and stood with his bead turned. towards the lloor. Was anyone coming to save me ? I listened in vain fora footstep. Suddenly the soft music of a guitar broke - upon the stillness. My that impression was that it meant another trick of the witty Baron, but to my intense relief the tiger with =a pun of satisfaction laid himielf down against the door in an, at titude of attentive and delighted listen ing. 'Hour after hour passed away as 'the music continued without a_ mo mertt's caseation and his highness - the tiger remained subdued and quiet in his evident enjoyment 'of the sounds. This lasted until daylight, when the door was suddenly opened and a man entered armed with a heavy and a carbine. This was theliger's keeper. At eight of 'him it crept lazily into its The maul; surprise at seeing me was very great. - 'The garret of this door,' said he, - 'is known to the BaropneEs and mvself alone.' I lost no time in escaping froth my prison and seen reached the ethei part of the house. I found Petrovitch wan dering about in search of me. I told him what had happened: must leave this house at once,' said L 'Stay to bffidthuit. , Let the Baron see that you are alive and well. I shall so enjoy his anrprise. l _ I did stay blp breakfast. The Bison's yellow face turned green at the sight of me. The Baroness did not appear. After a month I beard of the Baron's sudden death. I called" on the Bare ness. She had knows of the horrible design on my life. It was by her in fluence that the servant who confided his suspicions to her • was induced to spend the night playing on the guitUr, she having -known that' wild animals are tamed by musical sounds. She is now my wife. The tiler has been plac ed in a menagerie. I hope - they, will be as good to him as he was to me, and will feed him well, as / escape doing SCHOOL. BOY ritovvzss The witches get inlay books, I know, Or else it's fairy elves; • For when I study, they plague ;ass° I feel like one of themseins. Often they whinier, "Come and play, The sun is shinin bright!" And• when I fling the book away Theytntter with delight. They dance among the stupid words, And twist the 'take awry; And dy across the page like birds, Though I mull see them Sy. They twitch my feet, they blur my eyes, • They make me drowsy, too; In fact, the more a fellows tries To study, the 1101)1111 they do. They can't be heard, they can't be seen— I know not bow they look— And yet they always but briween The leaves of a leamahook. Whatever they are I cannot tell. - But this is plain sudsy; I never 'll be able to @lndy web, As long as the bodoelses stay. lrichelasfor Mom mv. $1.50 a Year, la Adis**. SE3 WINTER PAR2IMRII; SOW YOUNG:FOLKS MAY WM= AWAY TVX LONG EVENDICIfi 'The Spanish Nobleman,' is a game mach enjoyed by the - young folks' in England when they meet on winter evenings. Aicording to the descpption prepared recently by a writer in that country the game is played as foilows: All the company except one perscaa should arrange themselves in a straight line at one end of the room. The per son excepted, taking his vises at the other end, sings: I am a nobleman from avail), Gaming to court your daughter Jane. To that the other's sing: Our daughter Jane Ii yet too young, She has not *rat her souther's . tongue. Then thew the nobleman replies: • Be ahe Young or be die obis' - - Rye ha bess4absiplit be , e*: ir) fin yoo irta.l4 kavioin • Mica again another day. The company then advance, singing: Turn back, turn back, you noble might, And brush your boots and spurs so bright. Whereupon the nobleinan sings, gaudily: My boots and spurs gave you no thought, For In this land they _were not botight, Neither for silver nor for gold. do fare you will, my ladies gay, I'll call again another day. All then advance, singing: Turn back, turn back, yowmble Wight, And choose the faireayeyottr sight. Joyfully' then the Sp6.iard sings: I The faircst.ono that I can see Is preitty Katie. Come. to me. The play is then repeated, two no blemen singing the second time, three the third,'and so on until in the all have been won to the opposite side. CONSTAIkiTMOPLE. - A good deal of fan may be had .by a party of young folks oat of the word Con stantinople.. Let some one who doesn't-.! understand the catch try - to spell it. " He will begin': 'C-o-n, con; s-t-a-n, stair, Constan; t i, ti, constants,' and at that moment all the company must shout, 'No! No!' The speller Will think that the company-wan that he has made a mistake and very likely he will try again or give it up. If he gives it up . he ought to be-made pay a forfeit, such as kissing his own shadow. But • then if he is bright he will see his shadow falls upon the face of the prettiest girl and then the paying of the forfeit might cause additional merriment ;SELECTED H117211.0R., If it tekes ten mill to make one cent,' where are the profits on ri barrel of flour? 1' Bronson *cot says: 'the blonde type is nearest tP the . divine likeness." 'Very few newspipers use the blonde type. Somebody heard a Boston girl say: think he looked like a perfect raving angel in his uniform! He was awful heavenly!' 'Money Oakes my tun go,' said little Skeesicks When his mother, armed with a $2O greenback, left for a down-town shopping tour." -1 Lawyer to' witness 'You've brass enough to make a forty-gallon kettle.' .Witness to lawyer—'And you've sap enough in your bead to fill it.' Twenty-two colonels cohatitute . the staff of Clovcirner Long, of Massachu setts. Be _ must be contemplating a war with Rhode Island. -'The drummers cf Chicago have a club.' The drummers of Towanda have.atiqs; they would deafen us if they were to use clubs. It is all humbug about tramps being lazy and nok willing to exert themselves. One of them, near :3larshall, chased a farmer it mile and a half with a club, .'So your daughter has married a rich husband?' .. ;Well,' slowly replied the father, 'I believe she has married a rich man, but I understand he is a very poor husband.' 'Man and wife are all one,, ire they?' said she. 'Yee; what of it?' said he suspiciously. ' Why, in that .. case, said his wife, came home awfully tipsy last night and feel terribly asham ed of myself this morning.' He' naves said a word. A wicked. man has been getting a dot ' lar apiece from simple-minded humeri by sending, them by mail, for one dol lar, a "receipt" to prevent pumps from' freezing on cold , nights. The answer to ihe farmers' letter was: "Take them. in dobrs over night.' - A hotel proprietor in Canada, in u business letter to this office. invites the editor to make his home at the bona& free of charge, at any time, as Jong as he wants. - That hotel man has got him self into terrible scrape 'in case there ihoull be another war - in this country; Two "loafers": in ,the Jardin des Plantes are staring at a boa constrictor, which, after.the fashion of boa nonstric tors, has curled its tail up at the tip. "Hello!" gays one loafer. "Wh3 has he tied himself in a knot?' The .other Man reflects for a moment and then re plier: 'Oh, that's because there was something he wanted to remember." And they both went' on staring. "A man out in New Jersey' attempt ed to vaccinate a bulldog the other day, just fOr an'esperiment," said a man in a cafe the other evening. . "It took, I presume," replied his companion. 'Took! Well, I should say it did; the - bulldog crouched like a ball, and," let ting himself suddenly out, tosoka couple of fingers off the man, who took to his heels. It was one of the supremest 'cases - oltook - on record.' . 'Rufus, wha' come o' yo' brudder?. -- ' Wha' brudder yo' mean mammy?' 'Wha' bradawl Now, Rufus, v ia yo' groan intermate dat days beau a freshet .o' boys in you famblv?' 'No, mammy, I paint interioatin', but yo' knows d'olo man tuk &ben ob' em off on a' clam hunt die mornin", an nine ob de res' hu'n't come-bum fo'm las' night's coon rumpus, an' free ob de balance _is , doin wid de luelizles, in lea' yo' means Clem, _die kermittee can't gilk no re- PAT WI NO: 37