The Head of Lake Superior. Duerxw, Minn., Jan. 1882. EDrroa BacPutterCats:—l ‘ n 1679 Cap tain John Duluth, an dicier of the French marine corps, visited the north shore of Lake Superior. To this fact is - due the name of the flourishing town situated at the head of the lake. _ Da lath lies upon the extreme northwest coast of Superior. The site is a gentle hillside. No spot more picturesque could have been chosen for the location of a city. Directly in the foreground, and eztending seven miles in an even narrowing crescent, is Minnesota Point. The light hOuse at its extremity is hardly' to ha discerned by the unaided vision; but the canal,-s mile from the mainland, and the accompanying break water are in dear view. West and inside of Minnesota Point is the Bay of Duluth, above a mile in width and reachir' .g seven or eight miles in a south easterly direction to the Wisconsin shore. This is the harbor. 'No where on the chain of great lakes is there another harbor poseesing so great natural advantages. 'Vessele inside of Minnesota Point are abaolutely secure from all marine dangers, while the di mensions of the bay are such as afford anchoragejor thousands. Next west comes Rice's Point, a short pardell to the larger Minnestda. Beyond Rice's Point is Saonis Bay, the outlet of the St. Lo4iarriver. At the left of Minnesota *Taint and reaching to the eastern horizon is Lake Superior. On the southeast the visible arm of the lake is bounded for many miles by the low lying Wisconsin coast; while, oppo site, the north shore rises, abrupt and, precipitous. Duluth is the county seatof St. Louis County, Minnesota. For above a quar ter of a century there have been white people settled in this locality,_ but it was not until .1868.9 that the popula tion ceased to be sparse. In 1869 the St. Paul and Duluth railroad was com pleted. Oue year later Northern Pacalc trains began running. As this latter enterprise .was pushed Duluth grew, so that in 1873 her population was 5,000. Thee came the panic. Work on the Northern Pacific stopped, and it seemed that the "Zenith City" had received a death blow. In 1878, • at the end of five-years of -extreme de pression, Dulath again started, to work out her destiny as the Mistress -of Su perior. Nearly four years have since gone by, frought with marvellous chan ges. It is my purpose briefly to de-, scribe Duluth-as she now is, and to add some aceounta of the industries gathered at the head of the lake. The population, within the corpo rate limits, cannot be stated with exact ness. No estimate, however, makes the number less than 6,000. Two thirds of this total are native born. Of the one third remaining by far the greater part is Scandinavian. Then come the derma° and Canadian French elements. Ireland and its wrongs have but few representatives. Duluth is pre-eminently a business town. Almost withoht exception the plain object of its 'citizens is, not to adorn the street corners and pass hours in profitless talk. but to work. In all ordinary branches of business the de mend exceeds the supply. Hence, work is sure to reap a reward and, that to, instantly. During the year just closed $500,000 have been expended in building, yet the demand is ever grow ing. The erection of new buildings is not stopped by winter. It is steadily ping on. The "Clark House" burned its November last. A $lOO,OOO hotel is tO take its place next summer. ' The sales and commercial transactions of •1181, as shown by the bank olear atic es, k canted to V 25,186,033.32. This sum represents simply the receipts. Besides the ordinary mercantile business ! the lumber and gran trade are chief em ployers of capital. There are ten lumber mills. Last season they sawed 45,000,000 feet of -lumber, 17.000,000 shingles and 5,000,000 bath. The great er part of this produce is shipped down the lakes. The present demand much exceeds the capacity of the mills and, by 'consequence, new and larger mills are building. The prospective- log cat this winter, for next seasons sawing is 150,000,000 feet. These figures may seem large and some may infer that the lumber supply must soon be exhausted. Here, there is no such anticipation The quantity of accessable pinetimber is 'retitle:ly calculated at from 3,000,- 000,000, to 5,000,000,000 feet. In ad dition there are large quantities. of other woods. The Elevator statistics show a total of I 3.C84,889 bushels i wleeat shipped in 1881. This is a gain of 75 per cent: on the wheat shipments of 1880. A third elevator is in process of constructien. Thil will increase the storage capacity to - 2,600,000 bushels. Duluth is much nearer than any other - point on the lakes to the wheat-lands',- of Northern Minnesota, Dakota and Manitoba. In yield and quality of crop- this section surpasses all others in North . America. Lake freights are not halt the normal railroad charges for transportation! This traffic belongs to . Duluth and is coming, as surely as the yiars are bound to succeed one another. Thus _ far the Northern Pacific has carried the wheat. In less than two years we: shall have another feeder—the Dahath and Winnipeg. This to run north of the former, striking the Bed River near - Crookston, Minn., and thence continu ing about due north to Winnipeg. A large force has began work '; at this end of 'the line and is rapidly pushing on toward the Mississippi. The road is controlled by Boston capiteligts, seeking a short route to the sea-board. but feeling no obligation to go via . Chicago. 251,762 acres of land were conveied, thro l ugh the Land Office, last y&ir. Custom house teeeipts were something in excess of $12,000. The post-office business averaged nearly $l,OOO per . month. the receipts of the , closing months being almost double those of the early part of the year. Many other kinds of business might be specifically mentioned. As I have intimated before, the dealers in the necessiti of life, i. e. the merchants, the grain Men and lumber manufacturers, are unquestion ably making enormous profits. The magnitude of the mercantile ttansac , lions may be inferred from the Lusiness of two well known firms. One of these reports - aka of groceries and clothing aggregating sloo,ooo;theother $BO,OOO. These are not exceptional instances. The lake traffics is constantly increase ing. 666 American and foreign vessels arrived last season, a gain of 151 as compared with the season of 1880. The three railroads. the N4rthern Pacific, the Minneapol4 end St. Louie; end the St. Paul and D nth, brought to Daz Lath 862,0000 II lbs. of freight, and forwarded . 497,.1 11,000 - lb*. to points south and west.! Statistics are wearisome and I have sdready*iven you an unusual amount. Let me 'add in closing that the coming 'two years, ,in — sO far as human judgment can determine. are' laden with still greater material blessings for the little city at "the head of the lake." Two years will witness an extensive develop ment of the wheat country of the Northwest, now but just began; will open short routes t to that section; sod finally will sate completed ithe third great Mad beltmg the continent. That road leads to Duluth "the western. most port of the Atlantic." A future more prosperous than any yet conceived e, awaits the "Z i nith City.". Wurrkm R . - —Never go to bed. with cold, d .. p feet; always roast . them . i l i toast them by fire ten or fifteen min utes before going to bed. • When goin fromTa warm atmosphere into a colder o e. keep the mutith closed so that the air may be wirMed by its passage throe h the nose ere it reaches the lungs. Never stand still in cold weather, especially after having taken a slight degree of exercise, and always avoid standing upon ice or snow, or, where the person is exposed to a cold wind. After exercise of-any kind, never ride in an open carriage nor near the win dow of a car for a moment. It is dan gerous to health and even life. Never take warm - thinks and.then ko out immediately in the'cold iiii. Merely warm tie back by a fire,' and never continue keeping the back expos ed to heat after it has become comfort ably warm. To do otherwise is debili tating. 1 ~- When hoarse, speak as little as pos sible until it is recovered. from, else the voice may be permanently lost, or difficulties of the throat be produced. Never begin a journey until - the break fast has been eaten. -Keep the back—,especialty between he shonlder-blades—well covered; also he chest well, protected. Never learn with the back upon any : ping that is told. A correspondent in the Turf, Field and Farm, writing from North Carolina, says: I hear there are a goodly number of Democratic darkeys in the South, bat have not yet found any. .They aro Re publican to a man, and the darkey who has the courage to - vote the , s•raight Democratic ticket at a regular election must have considerable back-bone. I heard a good story illustrating the feel ing, among them toward what they tall a "traitor." In one of the villages they have two darkey churches, a Methodist and a Baptist, and there had been a strong contest athong.them as to which church should have the strongest mem bership. They , had taken about All the colored people within a radius of sev eral niiles, and in their rivalry had: not been very particular as to the character of some of the new members. At last one Jack Skinner, a desperate hard case, proclaimed his intentions of join ing the Baptist Church. He had vio lated-all the Commandments several times. but some of the leaders of the church decided that 'they could pray off all his sins, and concluded to let him in on his promise to acknowl - edge all .his numerous transgressions. ft took several nights to draw them all out, and a heap of hard praying to wash them off: Some of his confessions caus ed scandal, involving more or less the character of the 'sistering' of the flock. But the elders were bouid to have his whole record. At last he said he had "lessed" all his sins but one, and ho feared that was an unpardonable sin that- they would n ever forgive. • The elders 'told him. must come out, and assured him that they would - pr4y it off. He was ' very reluctant. and after laboring over him several hours,' the old boss elder got impatient, and gave Jack a cuff beside the head, and said: "See heah, yer, we can't:fool wid you all night. Out wid it! out wid it!" At last poor Jack faltered out that in the late election he had voted ;the Democratic ticket. This was too much. They could pray off all . of his sins bat that. As _soon as he made his confession there yeas general yell of execration and a rush forlim from all quarters, and Jack had to mike a break for the woods to save his carcass, said has never been seen in that part of - tike country since.- THE OLDEST WO/ , ‘leli IN Waimea.= Taman Brooks, whia visited the Cot* Exposition the other day, is possibly the oldest colored woman, if not thA oldest person, in _America, having reached the remarkable age of 128 years. She was born in Roanoke county, Vir ginia. in 1758, as is showri in the Bible record of the family of Thomas Yancey. She was the property of William Yancey, and at the time of his death was given to his S3ll, Thomas Yancey, for a house servet. At the death of Thomas Yancey she was transferred to one of the legatees of the estate. Aria Tamah is the wither of seventeen chil dren, all of whom reached maturity. Her baby Pon, who attends her, is an old white-haired man, 69 years old.-- 21t/anta Constitution.' THE GREAT CURE PO/1. R!!EUMATISM Le it is for diseases cf the %IDIOM. LOVE R AND COWELL o:escsee Cho eyttom of thennid poison eta: ci,.tace the. drxit:L.ll sheering ittdi only tl..c victims cf sh. =atria Clll runts. THOUSANDS Or—OASES a! tl groat forsu cf this terrible diocese 4c ,42, bwa quickly relieved, in a short time PERFECTLY CURED. . - 10DNEY-WORT hzs fuolwoladertidstioaeas, and in I=lloll4o pert of the Cer.nn4,7. In ban dr.l..,l.:ctr,ll.'3,tnas. beucit.'o3l7 7 `ellEt7All 1.. i AS ACTION, bat harnalesi - s manatees. r_ntele,sases, atvenctintas ana oteeelfeer - :LA the important organs of the body. „; action of theZieuryalercetered. is eleansedef ail disease, and the freehand healibtani•Uhl IRON BITTERS are highly reomunended for all diseases quiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Drpepsitt, Ate. eiatent leenme, Want of Appetite:, I,Afte o Styregth,Laekof Znerpy, , etc. FAuiches the blood,strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves.' They act like a charm on the digestive organs, rengo ton d u d 3 lviu _dmeptic trymktpms, such as Tasting the Food, Bekking, Heat is the .gem.= . de. The only . Iron Preparation that will not b n the teeth or give headsiehe. Sold by , all druggists, Witte for who AB 0 Book, 82 pp. of useful and amusing reading—sent free. BROWN. 431111fficAla' CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS G. W. K. M. E. ROSENFIELD.' THE LARGEST AND BEST SELBOTRO STOCK OF WINTER :CLOTHING to be found in Bradford County is at : the oldest `established CLOTHING HOUSE in Towanda, E. itosEnTiriEtairs, COMPRISING MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S' SUITS AND iorcr3ametaimdLwissi IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND ..BEST MATERIALS. • ALSO A FULL LINE OF , Goats* Furnishbig Goods; HATS AND CAPS',.TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, EIC., ETC, Which will be sold at 5 to 10 per cent. cheaper than any other dealt n• dare sell them. Give me a call and judge for yourself. ' , - Ma :E. ROSENFIELD • Towanda, Pa., Ontober 188 L MPORTAN THE It.*G FORTUNE-MAKER, CO ONE A New Process fOr - Preserving%ll Perishable Articles Animal and Vegetable; from Feimentation and Putrefaction, . • retaining their Odor and Flavor. . • 46. 020..Y.E.Parified air, active state or oxygen:"--WEssrzu. This Preservative is not a liquid, pickle, or any of the old and exploded prciemues, but is simply and purely OZONE. es produced and applied be an entirely a new process. Ozone is them tiseptie principle of every stbstance. and _possesses the power to preserve animal and vegetable structures - from decay. There is nothing on the face of the earth liable to decay or mar hi:h OZONE, the new Preservative, win net preserve for all tine in a perfecUy fresh and parateete . The value' of OZONE as a natural preserver has been known ; to our abler chemists for years. that until now no means of producing it in &practical, inexpensive, nd simple manner have been discovered. ' Microscopic observations rove that decay is due to septic matter, or minute germs that develop and feed upon animal and vegetable structures. OZONE, applied by the Prentiumethod. seizes and destroys these goring at once, and thus preserves krone Gillen in OinCiithati can be seen almost every article that can be thought of preserved by this prOcess and every visitor is wel come to come in, taste, smell, take army with him, and Pet in every way the merits of ,OZONE as o preservative. We will also preserve; free of charge, any article bat is brought (meant prepaid to us, and return it to the sender, foe him to keep and test , Kan can treated a d m at a . 7 m t o o r t m less ore tlm o e i r Agyllaprmas t e h rv oin de te d y o o r tl i t a ke a k t i d il ) Tt k s e rfo u° " l co d n r ri: non, anti the egg, as fresh and perfect as on the day they were treated, and will sell as strictly *.ehoice.". The advantage in preserving eggs is readily seen; there are seasons when they oan be bought stir 8 or 10 cents a dozen, and by holding them can be sold for an advance of from one hun dred to three hundred per cent. One man with this method can preserve 5,000 dozen a day. FRUITS.?; of . 1 1 pa— ... e e world Thel e alcrelpiei r tsedlLmt , "d blliriTf t o ra ran "P in r dtl i t t iL li p il l • Hod without fermentattep--bener the great value of this process for producing a temperance beverage. Milk and cider can be held perfectly sweet any length of , time. VICIITILBLES ran be kept for an indefinite period in their na•bral condition, retaining their odor and flavor, treated in theiroriginal packages, at a - small expense. All grain, dour meal;etc., are held in mutto n , rmalkonditin. . FRESH iikAT3 rach as beet, veal. pork, poultry, game, fish, Tit o. , preserved by * Ma- method, can be shipped to _Europe. subjected; to_stmospheric changes, and return to this country ins state of perfect preservation. BUTTZII IPRZIII333.9IIaNIP47.IIVIAINDS. Dead human bodies, treated before decomposition sets in, can be held in a natural condition for weeks. without puncturing _the skin or mutilating the body in any Way. Hence the great value of Ozone to undertakers. • . • 71 - There is no change in the slightest particular in the appearance of any article thus preserved, and no trace of any foreign or unnatural odor or . , taste. The process la so simple that a child can operate it u well and agAriccessfolly as a man. There l te no expensive apparatus or machinery required. - A room filled with different articles, such as eggs, meat, .fish, etc.,hcan be treated at one tine, with out additional trouble or expense. aris"lo fact, there is netting that Ozone will not preserve. Think of everything yon can that is liable to sour, decay, or, spoil, and then remember that we , guarantee that Ozone will preserve , it in exactly thecondition, you want it for , ny leeitth . of tibia. If you will remember this , it w il l save a sking wreathing as to whether Ozone will preserve this or that article—lt will preserve any thing and every thing yon can think of. There is not a township In the United States in which a live man cannot make any amount of money. from $l,OOO to $lO,OOO spar. that he pleases ., We desire to pet a dee was l,derested in aid esustylin Ms (Tatted !Water, in meow lands we can place Pis Preservative. and through kin secure Me bassitsess which every county ought to produce: A FOIITUNE w Z O a i N t sE any a n u i y a T n o v o h s o h is s e c p cormeolenotnytrol of A. C. Bowen, Marion, Ohio. , cleared $2,000 in two months. $2 for s test package was his Bret in vestment. Woods Brothers, Lebanon, Warren ()aunty, Ohio. made $4.000 on 'eggs purchased in July and sold November lat. $2 fora test package was their first investment. P. IL Raymond. Morristown, Belmont County, Ohio, is clearing $2,000 a month in handling and selling Ozone. s2 . for $ test package was his nest invest meat. - D. F. Webber, Charlotte, Faton County, Michigan, has cleared $l.OOO a month since August. $2 for a test package was his first investment. J. B. Gaylord, 80 LaSalle Street, Chicago, is preserving eggs, fruit, etc., for thecomniission men of Chicago, charging IXo. per dozen for eggs, - and other articles in pioportlon. Be We preserving 5,000 dozen eggs a day. and on his trainees is making $3,000 a month clear. $2 for a test pack age was his first Investment. The Cincinnati Feed Of i n l pany, 499 West Seventh Street, is,qtaking $5.000 a month in handling b•ewers' malt - ress g and shipping it as feed to all parts of the country. Malt unpreierved . sours in twenfour ours. Preserved by OZONE it keeps perfectly sweet for months: • These are Instances which we have asked the privilege of publishing. There are morel of others. • Write to sny of the above pestles and get the evidence direct. ' Now, to prove the absolute truth of every thing we have said in this paper, we propose to place in year bands-the meanie proving for yourself that we - have not; claimed half enough. To any pew son.who doubts any 'of these statements, and who is interested andfciently to make the trip, we 'will; pay all traveling and hotel expenses for a visit to this city, if we fail to prove any statement that we have made' 11 , . _ •• ow, EirOonTSETINCT 4 E I EtwEiTiIA OZONE. A test package of Ozone, containing a sufficient quantity to preserve one thousand dozen eggs, or other articles in proportion, will be sent to my applicant on receipt of $2, Phil package will enable the applicant to pursue any line of tests and experiments he dashes, and thus satisfy himself as to the extraordinary Merits of Ozone as a.Preservative. After_ having thus satisfied himself, and hal time to took the field over to determine what he wishes to do in the future— whether to sell the article to others, or to confine it to his own Use, or any other line of policy which best suited to him and to tits township or county—We will enter into an arrangement witll him that will make a fortune for him and give us good profit'. We will give exclusive town ship or county privileges - to the first responsible applicant who (idler, a Met package ant desires to control the biminess in his locality. THE iIAN 0110 -ECURI24 CONTROL 0 F FOR ANT !SPECIAL TkalliTOUT WILL ENJ -T. A HO OPO. T WHICH WILL %EMELT ENRICH NIL Don't let a day pass until you have ordered a Test Package, and If you desire to secure an exclus ive privilege, we assure you that delay may deprive you of it, for the applicati•ma come in to us by scores every mill—many by telegrapb. "First come first served" is our role If you do not care to send money In advance for th test package, We will send it C. O. D.; but this will put you to the expense of charges for return of money. Oar correspondence is very dirge; we have all we can do to attend to the shipping of orders and giving attention to out working agents. Therefore we.cannot give attention - tcrietters which do not order OzsneS. If you think of any article nuityoli are doubtful atient Oxon. preserving, remember we guarantee that will Preserve no natter what 4. • a - • REFERENCES' • We desire to call your attention to a class Of referent:sees which • no enterprise or firm based on any thing but the soundest business success and highestcommercial merit aould secure. ;We refer, br PermitstoS. as to o ur Ante/Mitt and to the value of the Prentiss Preservative, to the , following genital:fen; Edward C. Boyce, Member flofird of Public Works; If. 0. Eshelby, City Comptroller; Amor Smith,_ Jr., Collector Internal Revenue; Willein & Worthington, Attorneys; Mstis Harrell atit- F. Hopkins, County Commissioners; W. 8. (Impeller, imunty.Auditor; allot Cincinnati, Hamilton county, Ohio. These gentlemen are each familiar with the merits of our Preservative, and know from imolai observation that we have without question • TILE MOST VALUABLE - ARTICLE IN THE WORLD. The $2 you investid a test package will surely lead you to secures township or county, and then your way is absolutely clear to make from $2,000 to $lO,OOO a year.: • • Give your full address in every letter, and send your letter to ; ! • DecB--3ra HUMIREY - -OROS. 4 -TRACY,- DEN'S, BOYS,WOMEN'S. /KISSESI, 2 , AND CHILDREN'S , Bo.oti•atiOps:l.Rdbbets: l . &C..; t CORNER PLAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, To Grocers, Packers; Huck sters, and the General Public PRENTISS PRESERVING CO., Limited, S. Corner Race and Matti Stii.; ancinnati„ O. Ma ndaeturernand Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of TOWANDA., PA THE VERY LATEST . ,BOYS';AND "- - - ‘IIILDOStiIr SUITS, trArtx 'Oa% OVERCOATS. HAT% OAPS, OVEBCOATI3, Tultleuallo GOOD& etc., - finalneßMG GOODS, etc., 'Axe arriving daily In -.Ursa:ease qniukti ties at H. JACOB'S REUABLE CLOTHING MOUSE (Established 1865) where the largest, finest and "toniest" line of Suits and Overcoats can be found at lower figures than any Cloth• ing Douse in town. Remember Ido. not sell you Shoddy and Cotton for All Woolt No 2, Patton's flick. TOWA*DA, PA. X JICOBS. Feb. 26, lab ONE MORE ICTURE GALLERY IN TO WANDL G. H. WOOD &. CO. will open' their New Gallery in Patton's Block, • oil the first Monday of April. Having fitted up entirely nest, with the best 'of • instruments, we sro pre%* to make • Tintypes, 4 at mile sitting, all for 50 ets. In nest env.% ea, 10 for sl.4u. Copying of all kinds of Photographs t and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Give us a call and we will try mid satisfy you in price and quality. - mar VS Turn Towanda kt. Store MA.IN--STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO FT.Lag & Co. Istprr e' and to offer complete assort ment of : • DRY AND . FANCY GOODS, rockery, Glassware, *HITE and DECORATED CHINA. . Latest designs and patterns of ! I MAJOLICA WARE, • BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, &C. For the coming. Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small ;prpfit is better than a slow one with a late profit—and therefore our prices any line of goOda will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. SliiTWe - endeavor to sell the best article for the least possible money. ptt mr LOEWUS FREINIUTH. • SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES WCABE HAS REMOVED MS GROCERY 81781E128 0 THE som-EAST mama or MAIN min swoon STREETS, WHERE HE HAS EST&BLIEGIED Head Quarters Nnt xviargffew IN THE LINE OF 11111E11Es • FliVlBlBllll &c. CASH PAID foi Desirable Pro f duce. Fine KEMPER and EGOS a specialty. WV 29 1y !I WIS MAR E CAIL.H.CIL. 13 LOCI Mein Street, First Ward. JOHN W. KLINE, UtVING,IIEMOVFX) MEAT VEGETABLE MARKET r • o a more convenient location. and established hhnsell in • the CarrciU Slott. opposite Seely's Hotel. Is prepared to supply his patrons with THE CHOICEST or stexrs. NEIL OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON, FRESH VEGETABLES, HOKUM FRUIT, Eta.- sar BOLOGNA SAUSAGE • specialty. AU or d....promptly deUvoi*l. -MB S. D. V. El TEDG E, ilanyfacturer of and Dealer to HUMAN HAIR 00 pos. - _ UCH As WlOl3, BANDEAUX the popes • Chittelitthe - Braid, atrERYTHIxa .111:1011611l0 sinus DAMMAM ildrepeelstAtienUow 'lien to cold SINUS Roots aU turned OD* as y. • . 1314=11213 from $1 upwards. .Also Agent for Banter's Invisible PeeePouder, Madan: ffissiOnCieinetv, awl libogibleillitee Bestial: . , sirPsrneass attinUtOtPiddiO dresebig hake balrat tlik4r berme or at my place of business. ovi r Evans IlUdretb's Items, norlB4al ' Iran. 'D. V. BTEDoE.' • - • A. N. NELSON DEALER pit • (44 WATOI4EB, czocura, • - NM aoLD Alm PIT JIMMIE Of 04 17 auktf.aadlimiseles. ea. Particular attestion psid to tepaziaa. als* fa Dean 111 Ttraiare enema Om* Stallak Tallaada. FURNITURE-STORE FURNITURE _, , , `We 'are ` conitiuitl* ieeetitig': the ' - - n e we st and lateficlattepitt it PARLOR . suit! Everything niture Undo aki ng We make a specialty of this branch and shall give it our personal attention. We have a full line of . • COVPINA, ' CASKETS. - ROBES, &c. and will not be undersold. Give us a . call before purchosing elsewhere. N. E.—J. S. Allyn has no connec tion with, our business. L B. PIERCE. TOWANDA. JAN. 26 Stevens AL Long General Dealers in Gnocznizs, PROITSIONS I =I COUNTRY' PRODUCE WIVE REMOVED COX MAIN Mho old stand of ros..Statons &Menne.) They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock , of Choice New Goode, which they have s4wayv -on bind. ESPECIAL: ATTENTION GIVEN PRODUCE TRAD=S And Caab Paid tot Desirable Hinds. K. J. LnNO. TNR. JON ' ES CHEM CAMPHOR, IS TEE .L.P HAWS of the plar Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened . Joints. Frost Bites. Pain in the Face, Read or Chopped - Hands, Braises, Sprains, Burns , Mosquito Bites. Sting . or. Bite of an insect, Poison. Vines, etc.. for Man or Beast Allisys reliable, and . almost instantan. sow, in lta relief Havilig an agreeable odor it Is pleasant to apply. Sold by all druggists. Pries 25 eta. N. ft-Thu Linhnent received Prise Medal at the State Fair. 1979. AM JONES, Prorr. 819 N. 3d St., Phlls.. Ps. • JUL M. 6-121. DR. ZONEWCREADICARPHOR IS THE NAME OP thepopular Liniment that cures Rheumatism . lnuralsia. Swollen or Stiffened Joints, frost Bites, pain in the Pecs, Bead or Spine Chapped hands, Bruises,BPralee. Burns Mosguloto Bites. Sting or Bite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines. etc., for man or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Basilian agreeable odor. Ilia pleasant to apply. So ld .by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. N. 8.--This Liniment received s Prise Bedal a the State Fals.M79. .21arch17-U EDIPLOVIENT FOR ALL. TO matt.' llollsEllain The poor silvan as the rich; the old as well as the young. tbswifet. as wall as the husband, the young upsides as well as the rnind 111424 the girl sa won as the boy. may Just as well earn a Pew dollsem bolllllllt OfilDbalnealk as to als around the flonimend wait toe others to earn it for them. We an lite you.employment, aU the time, or dining your spare hours only; travel ing, or in your own neighborhood, among "your Mends sad acquatntances. If you do not cast far employment, we can impart valuable_ rotor. "nation to you fees of coat. It will coat you °WY pee ant foes Postal and to Writs for our .Pros, pintos, and it may be the melts of windup you a good many dealers. •Do not neglect this opportunity. You dolma bare to invest a large sum of manor, end run a prat risk of lostegit." You will smelly see that it will be an easg anti • r to wake' Dom - alt. to aIM). a week, sisd establish& tocrative, and inda pendent business, honomble, stsaighttc.ward and profitable. - &Used to this matter NOM, there Is WORRY IN IT for all who sagest with us. We will surprise you and o n win mantes why you never wrote to U. blare. Mtn ma n sussatairscasnue inn. Address • - 11111111 Mei* Ws papas.! limo; Ohm, _ apt.x 11- Doc OISI UTI3, AREROBES, n the , 'Fur• Linio.. ' - r to N.. P. Ricks CM El Uan27-t OEI DIE To thetraew store,: PINE STS i To the 080: STEVENS:. STOP AT T.M.UIR-& - _ - CO;'S eon GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. niplimo to um mow obtaP et ClOralo IRdn sao - itooldts' Stmts. TOWANDA, PA Tlay ifsepeotftilly aaaasnee . to Um public $bM they bare e UN, sleek at MOB, 1172. D. IlEitL. QUIN, BALT, NSEI PORK. soil PROVISIONS generally. WI hap also added, to our stook a saris* of WOOD= snob as 131:11•128 TUBB. SIR • UN% =WM, IITO. lust received a lasi* stock of Sugars. Teak Coffees. Sykes. KOMBON•11 MBE SOAP. the beat in the market, sad...other mates of soap Byrujoiad Molasses. which they offer at low prices for Cash. • f , cot 26 77 wagons &Car!aiages OLD Earezizxszimstir; JAMES BRYANT, would , call the atten- tion of FARMERS and others to his large and complete assortment of . , Cypeti4kr, 'Top Eluggie's PLA.TFORM WAGONS all of his-, own MAISITFACTIMI. an war- ranted in every par - tienlar • . . . Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all Platform Wagons. The eulest and best in nee. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Look at these figures Two dented .Carnage from .. $l5O to $175 Pluetons. one seated ' 123 to 150 Top Buggies 125 to 150 Open Buggies 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons 90 to 110 Remember that the above am all fully warrant. drat class or no psi. RePairing promptly es &Mended to at 25 per cent below last years pric. ORlceand Factory cor. Main and Elizabeth Sta. JAB • BRYANT. a golf 77,1 A. BEVERLY WIRTH, BOOK BINDER AND - Dealer fn Scroll Saw 'Clods. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE,- NEATLY and CHEAPLY. -. • Fine Blank Books MY SPECIALTY. Amateur's • Supplies . . This department of my business is very com plate, and being a practical sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons.. rW OODS. SkW BLADES, - - - CLOCK MOVEMENTS, kc, constantly on band. Mt OM worth of designs for. $l. tend for price lists. " REPORTER" BINDERY, Park street, P. O. boa 151g.' I Towanda, Ps rEST.SBLIeIIED IN nos.] • . . - • TOWARD A.'SNOW, • • Solicitor of • iIIERICAN AND FOREIGN - Folk..armrirers. 631 F STREET N. W.. WASTfiIiGTON, D. C.; • (Successor to Gilmore, Smith k Co., and, • Chipman, Roamer & Co.) Patents procured upon the sante plan Which was originated and successfully practiced by the above-named Arm. - Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o stamp. inoval FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE • CLAIM AND - ' coLLEc t rioNiGENcy BRINK & BIICk, Leßaysville, Pa. Will.write Policies 'for risks in Fire and Lae Ia sumacs. Collect Claims with care and .promptness. They represent none but • , FIRSTLCLASS COMPANIES ! ihey solicit tbecontidence and patronage of those having business In their Hue. and will endeavor to merit It: Apply to or address WO U 131111S$& BllCNlLeDaysirtlle .Pa. O AI 4 1 0 kg ig ties affords a .ve stimulant, eater and tonic, _ ouild up the Bp. tem after the cough has been relieved. GIFIEEN Q. itAl73., Commissioner of Internal Revetsue, Wastkington, D. C.. Jan. leth, DM. says: " ROCK and RYE is 'aa agreeable Remedy in Pectoral complaints and le shoed as a Medicinal preparation under the V. S: Revised Statutes. and when so stamped, may be sold by DRUGGISTS. GROCERS. and Other persons, without special tax," or license. , callTion I Don't,her deceived by dealers waostry to palm on Rock and !lye Tor Larruenca ilitAnvore TOLII_,___ROCK and RYE—which is the only IitiIDICATMD ar• time male—tho genuine has their name on the Proprietary Stamp on each bottle. - Putzp in Qnart Size Bottles. Price 111.06. TOLD, IEOOB 411 r. RYE DON Prop Vi. A , . CHICAGO. tLL., Sold by DRUGGISTS arid GENERAL DEALERS Everywhers, • GEORGE OTT, 4 , 1 4 , IsaineaW Bruit Jerk f " "If • MIN 'Crices cheaper 'than the abet 21.10—tf. WTSOT. PA JEWELLER, Is still to be found •t the OLD STAND Next door to Dr. H. C. Porir's Drug Store FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS JEWELRY, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, CLOCKS, sr:ALL . OF . WHICH WILL 7E SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST• PRICES, Clo i .mka, Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired by an experienced and coupe tent workman. • M. HENDELMAN.: NATHAN TIDD, PITTSTON,.WILICESBARRf, FOOT or PINE STREET. HEAR COURT HOUSE. The Patronage of iny old friends and the public generally is solicited. • - 9sep:, 80 Chicago & North-Western Is the OLDEST I BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST. EQUIPPED I and hence the LEADING. R'AILWA'Y It le the' short Slid best route between Chicago and all points is NOIITUERN ILLINOIS, lOWA, DAKOTA. WY OMING, Nebraska, Callifornia, Oregon. Arizona, Vtab, Colorado. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and for Council Bluffs,Oznaha,Denver, LEADVILLE, BALT LAKE. San Franoisco ; Deadwood,Siotix City, Cedar' Rapids, Des Ildnes, Columbus, and all Pointe in the Tenitories. and the West. Also for Milwaukee, Green Bay. Oshkosh. Rheboi Ran, Marquette Fond du Lac, Watertown:Houghton. Neenah, Menasha. St. Paul, Minneapolis. Huron. Volga, Fargo, Bismarck Winona, LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota. Dakota, Wisc ,, nsin and the Northwest. , • At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and she U. P. 'rya depart from, arrive stand use the sane Joint Union Depot. , _ At Chicago. dose connections •are made with the Lake- Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore k Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennitylvsnia, and Chicago & Grand Trunk Wys, and tho Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. . VIM GREAT APPETIZER TONIC, COUGH COUGH CURE IC:ZI COUGHS; ... COLDS, COMMOTION, BRONCHITIS, N All Means OP VIZ. MOLT, ME HDLUNas. The BALSAM of TOLU has always hef - Assaf the mod mut weapons ted by Mailed. "acuity swans' encroachments v, about Ids , Jut HUI nev• m so advanto y tiompousd• to Lawamica wrues TOW. and RIM. Us $ Ala week l ln o. " your ovri ery town i u ltra . tr nal not required. _We will tarnish you everything. Miry are making fortunes. WWI make as much as men, and boys and girls make grestyay. header, if you want a business at width you can make great gay all the time you mark. a►rltefor putt°. Mara to . H. Hawser k Co., Portland, Xatne, Deo 16—In M. HENDELMAN M.4.1.71r STREET, WITH "A Nil& LINZ 97 WATCHES, STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED , WARE, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST: uoptlG•tt (Successor to Mr. McKein,) DEALER Di AND LOYAL SOCK 00,!8L, TOWANDA, PA. sir LOWEST PRICES. FOR -THE RAILWAY OF VIE West and Northwest ! Sir Close connections made at inaction Points It is the ONLY ME Twinning , Pullman Hotel Dining Cars -,... Chicago a nd council Bllthrs Pullman Sleepeni oirall Night Trains. Insult open Ticket Agents selling you Veleta via this road. Essar.ine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. Lflou ,wish the Best Traveling Accomnioda lions you will buy your Tickets by this route, BijcAND WILL TARE NONE OTHER. • All TitkettaNgeuta sell Tickets by this Lisa. MARVINIIEGHITT, 2d V.P. &Gen.Mang'r; apr7 'Bl-Iy. Chicago You need not Die to Win • IN THE. • MUTUAL ENDOWMENT AND . , ACCIOZNII ASSOCIATION •Of Bath,N. Y .: • . . .• • - - • You receive orte.hslf •of your insurance.,se cording to the American Lite !Table, when two !biros of your life expectancy is Anished—tor illustration. a man or. woman joining the Asso ciation at 943 years of age taking's certificate for $2,500, receives 61,275 when a little over 56 years of age, exactly the pellbd in life when a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. . BLADES 1k ROGERS, june2tf. General Agents for Penn's. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTITRER i AND BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, &c Alfred - Pu_rvi, No. 131 Cfenessee street,' UTICA, N. Y All work In lds line done well and promptly at lowest price. Parties having iolumii incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. fkankn, Agent for Bradford County, will be r promptly executed ac. cording to directions. . .a!)Pli•if HOB=Sind 25 cents in stainps or currency for a new HOWE BOOK. It treats all disesses.bas 35 flue engrav ings shOwitritions assumed by sick horses, 800 a table Odom*, &large collodion of VALDAHLE RECIPES, rules for telling the age of it horse, with an enving showing teeth of esch year, and it Larg amount of other valuable horses information . Dr. Wm. H. Hall says, have bought books that I paid $5 and $lO for which Ida not like as *ell as.l d 0 yours." Sian VOZ a ellitttnus. Aoma W• 111121• • H.J. Kendall. Al. D., ILoosburgh Palls, Vt. 11.11.0YE&N FALL AND WINTER ATTENTION IS INVITED to 0 ar itriteolatis Heating Stoves , They are too von known: to requip, any commendation— -' New Hecla, ' 'Westminster, We also have a IioeofCHEAP BASE BURNERS, the best of their class is the market, and' well adapted for silk plying a demand for an efficient brit in• expensive heating stove. Se'.WOOD HEATING STOVES in great variety. 32 21 ' lt - .Z. Iv el ao HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES s l ffoild In Towanda and Peiniti by A. D. DYE & CO, A LARGE STOCK OF Wood. CoOk Stoves CARRIAGEMAKERS AND BLACKS,IfIT_HS'',SePiLIES, AND A OPMEAL STCCI (Jr HARDWARE, MAIN ST., TOWANDA. TOwauda s Oct. 3161, 1831 THE MOST SHOCESSFUL REMEDY ever die covered. as it is certain in its- effects and (lees not' blister. Also excellent for human des.. READ PROOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER • Youngstown, Ohio, May 10th, 1r & • On: B. J. Ilmmat.t. tc Co:—I had a very rt:tu ble Hambletonian colt which I prized very tllll - he had a hive bone spavin on one joint azi a small one on the other which made him very lamiet.l had him under the chatge of two yew:. nary surgeons which faPed to cure him. Dot one day reading the advertisetient of gender§ Sporn/ Cure in the Chicago Exprees, I deter .i=- ea at once to try it, and-got curl oruggists here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; 1 tall them all and thought I would giveilt a thorough trial, I used it according to. directions an - d - thi fou•th day the colt ceased to be -Lime, and the lumps have disappeared. I used butinne bottle and the colts limbs are is free from tamps MI as smooth as any bonier in the state, lie is tr tirely cured. The cure was so r. =triable tut I let two of my neighbors have thelemainiu. two bottles, who are now using it. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. ' Fatten's Mills. Wash'ton co.. Feb.ll,'o, • Dn. B. J. KEMILLI., Dear particle*: ease on which I used yoneliendall's SFann Lui* was a malignant ankle sprain'of sixteen mcniti standing. I had tried many things,.but in lam. Your epavin Cure put the foot to the ground again; and for the, iirst time since' burr iX I natural position. For a family licitneut des. eels anything we ever used. ' Yours truly, REP.'. P. BELL, Pastor of M. E. Church, rattena N V Price $1„ per bottle.'or .sis bottles for Druggists lave it or can get it fer you, or its 4 be sent to any address ou receipt of price tos the proprietors, DR. B. J. KEN - DALL k CU., Er."' burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at Dr.'ll. C. Polices Ding Stole. .111 111 015.05 r( RE DAVIS' ii4iß RENEWER. No other Itenesner yet discovered doei , so quickly and satisf.tet•;rl:y 11.471111:7. It gray and faded hair to tt ori g inal beauty : immediately prevent t:,e failing vat (:,Ciel. l :: it cures darulruf:, cralqion4, scalp Olean ; czeuse Cie hair to 'gtz' It has Wien off and Imparts gles3 and - fr,!lize!:: it softens tiro hair when harth and dryand (= Moly free [mm all' irritating matter;; it has It' , . very beat reputation and gives universal sati!:".au tion. Do not fail to ,try it. For salo by all dragg l - 51 ;, Price, 75 eta, per bottle, Prepared by Chas. Dario, Canton, Pa. • For sale by all Druggists and Dealar. PATENTS. • (D. S. AND FO.ItgION. Brink At south. Attorneysk:Lair, Lock liso?, >• WashLugton, Kr Ten years' experieice. I mate Co QUEUE fat my serviecs auks , 6 Patent be granted. Preliminary exam liaatlun the Patent OMc4 as kr the patentability elan ic • vention rags. Solid sketch or model of the rice and a report will be made as to the prob• W Spe c ialbtag a patent. attention given to rejected arOci: Lion■ in the hands ofUttiers. laieries.=ess : li. . . g. Senators : Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds. a Vermont Hon. David Darts and Gen. Jan!. Logan, of Illinois r